crimsondinnerparty · 3 days
*Alana Bloom: The Misunderstood Character of Hannibal*
It’s a common sentiment among *Hannibal* fans to see Alana Bloom as bland or disinteresting compared to the show’s more dramatic figures. However, this perception doesn’t quite capture the complexity and depth of her character.
**Season 1: Introduction and Relationship Dynamics**
In Season 1, Alana Bloom is introduced as a promising forensic psychologist and a key player in the investigation of the Chesapeake Ripper. Her relationship with Will Graham is central, showcasing her professional dedication and personal warmth. She’s compassionate, intelligent, and genuinely invested in helping Will. However, she’s also placed in a challenging position: balancing her professional role with her personal feelings for Will.
Her growing affection for Will complicates things further when Hannibal Lecter manipulates the situation. Hannibal’s subtle interference places Alana in a precarious position, especially as she remains unaware of the full extent of his deceptions.
**Season 2: Betrayal and Manipulation**
In Season 2, Alana’s character undergoes a significant shift. Her relationship with Will becomes strained as she starts dating Hannibal, unaware of his true nature. This decision is driven by her genuine affection for Hannibal and her desire to support Will, who is increasingly isolated and erratic. Alana’s choice to be with Hannibal reflects her vulnerability and misplaced trust, which ultimately results in a heartbreaking betrayal.
Throughout Season 2, Alana’s character grapples with the consequences of her actions. She’s a victim of Hannibal’s manipulation, struggling with the fallout of her choices and the realization of Hannibal’s true nature. Her character arc becomes a poignant exploration of trust, betrayal, and the personal cost of being entangled with Hannibal.
**Season 3: Redemption and Resilience**
By Season 3, Alana’s journey reaches a turning point. After surviving the traumatic events of Season 2, she begins to reclaim her sense of self. Alana’s involvement in the unfolding drama of Hannibal’s final acts is a testament to her resilience. She takes on a more assertive role, driven by a desire to protect those she cares about and to confront the darkness she once was a part of.
In Episode 7, "Digestivo," Alana’s role is particularly pivotal. Her actions and decisions set the stage for the dramatic confrontation between Hannibal and his adversaries. Her confrontation with Hannibal reveals her growth and the emotional toll of her past relationship with him. She faces him with courage and determination, underscoring her transformation from a manipulated pawn to a decisive player in the series' climax. Her protective instincts and quest for closure highlight her character’s evolution.
In "Digestivo," Alana’s primary concern is the safety of those around her. Her determination to protect her loved ones, including Will Graham
Alana Bloom may initially seem like a secondary character in the grand scheme of *Hannibal*, but her arc is far from ordinary. Her journey from a dedicated professional to a victim of betrayal and finally to a figure of resilience showcases the depth and complexity that might be overlooked at first glance. Far from bland, Alana’s character is a testament to the series’ intricate storytelling and the challenges faced by those caught in the web of Hannibal Lecter’s manipulations.
Her story deserves recognition for the emotional depth and the personal struggle it represents, highlighting the nuanced and often tragic consequences of being entangled with one of television’s most enigmatic villains.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
Actually I’ve come to the conclusion that Cynthia would like Kingdom Hearts for the exact same reason she likes Graces f (the homoerotic tension,,,,,,)
#Also she’s just an action girlie in general! (sorry dism you have Inigo to enjoy turn-based games with instead 💔)#just pav things#She likes graces better though because it has multiplayer :) So she gets to ramble to Inigo as they both play!#In her mind this is basically forcing Minty to pay active attention to said homoerotic tension rather than passively watching 😎#But also she assumes that with Inigo’s demeanour he doesn’t want to be there :(#So also in her mind she is trapping Inigo into socialising more actively with her. Gaming is a cover for her desire to connect with him#After all it’s easy to say ‘heeey you promised you were gonna do a full playthrough with me >:(‘ and not ‘I really miss you’#Classic You Have No Name Poor CommunicationTM ✨✨✨✨#Inigo DOES want to be there wholeheartedly and sincerely derives enjoyment out of neurodivergent people monologuing about their interests#He loves his creachurs very much and that’s why he gets along so well with Dism and Cynthia! Inigo enjoys interesting people :)#Buuuuuuut he’s driven to suppress his feelings for Cynthia in particular because he’s trying to prevent having an attachment to her#Attachments lead him to get careless and hurt people :) Murder them even :) And then it hurts reeeaally bad :3#Of course this is where you can see the flaw in his logic#Why would he be trying to protect Cynthia from himself. If he didn’t already have an attachment to her in the first place <3#He doesn’t want Cynthy to ‘die’ bc he loves her. Inigo tries so hard to deny this fact in his head bc it defies his faulty belief system#he wants to keep indulging in the Lie born from his emotional Wound :3#In truth though feigning detachment makes him incredibly lonely and dissatisfied and ultimately hurts them both 💔#Cynthia doesn’t help in this either with her own ambitions to heal him hurt/comfort fanfic style for her own loneliness’s sake#So in conclusion fuck yeah codependent relationships ✨ truly a concoction of bottled up feelings#We love the drama hehehe. On some days I even prefer this over Dism and Archie’s mess just because of how natural and realistic it is#There’s no spiriters adding fuel to the fire and facilitating corruption this is just 100% flawed people doing flawed things!#…..Can you tell I was thinking of the moment where Cynthia and Inigo mend their relationship today 😭❤️
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universestreasures · 6 months
Release: Future Force! (Drabble)
(Note: This drabble is a 'canon' event for my Mokuba (both anime and manga wise, though it is written in the context of the manga for this drabble) as well as Tasuku and Gao's Yu-Gi-Oh! verses. What that means is this event might be referred by all three of them during interactions they have in these verses. This, though, as with my other headcanons or elements involving Mokuba and his friend group, can be discussed on the individual level if it is something my writing partner is not comfortable with having occurred for whatever reason)
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Man, he didn't expect to be so busy. While Mokuba expected the disputes between Battle City competitors to be a moderate occurrence, mainly due to the ante rule his brother imposed, he wasn't prepared for just how many he'd have to do back-to-back not too long after the event started. It seemed like left and right he was running into issue upon issue. Did these duelists have no honor?
Regardless of his slight irritation, he does his job well. His elder brother trusted him with this position, and he wasn't about to let him down. Not only that, he felt a sense a pride being able to have such an important part in the tournament despite not being a competitor himself. He was helping make sure his brother's hard work wasn't going to be ruined by some sore losers or cheaters.
Mokuba now finds himself in one of the many alleyways of Domino City, places that he had quickly noticed became somewhat popular dueling spots for duelists looking to cause trouble. After all, being away from the central areas of the city meant there were fewer eyes on them. Well, as far as they knew, anyway. Kaiba Corporation had security cameras placed all throughout the city, something not just for the tournament but also so they could monitor anything in the future since his brother was now the city's official owner.
It doesn't take him long to find more duelists, or rather, a group of them. Weirdly enough, all of them were dressed in what appeared to be black robes, the group giving off a pretty creepy vibe if you asked the kid. That's when it hit him though, the realization that he might have just found who his brother had intended to lure with this tournament in the first place: The Ghouls.
They certainly matched the vibe of what had been reported about them through the media, and looking at their faces, Mokuba didn't recognize any of them from the registration list. He personally reviewed each and every duelist they invited to ensure he could recognize them while in the field. These guys didn't match up at all with anyone he reviewed, and yet, they had duel disks on their arms anyway. Seems like he hit the jackpot.
Mokuba moves then to take out his phone, fully intending to contact his brother that he found who he was looking for. Sadly, his idea is interrupted as soon as the group finally turns around and spots him. Seeing their creepy eyes made the pre-teen groan in disgust, all his instincts telling him it was time to get out of there now.
"Hey isn't that Seto Kaiba's bratty little brother?"
"What's he doing alone out here?"
"Who cares!? That kid's our ticket to one of our biggest targets! We can use him to lure about his brother!"
"Get him boys!!!"
Without delay, the group of five immediately begin to charge forward towards the younger Kaiba, who then starts to give chase himself. As he is running, he attempts to call out for help through Kaiba Corp's security team, knowing even with his recently taught self-defense skills, he wouldn't be able to fight back effectively, especially with a group this big.
Sadly almost before he can exit the alley and go back into the open streets of the city, a few of the men manage to block his view, having managed to pass him. In the shock of being stopped in his tracks, his cell phone drops his hands. Mokuba quickly tries to grab it before the effort is in vain as one of the Ghouls crushes it under his foot. This meant his location could no longer be tracked and he had no way of calling backup.
Oh, he really was in hot water now...or so he thought.
"Hey! Isn't five against one just a little unfair, guys?"
The group, along with Mokuba, then look over in the direction of the voice. The new individual on the scene was seemingly being framed by the harsh sunlight overhead, its light almost overpowering their sight. However, it didn't take the youngest Kaiba long to figure out who it was, for the voice and that silhouette he'd know anywhere by now.
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"Whose this bratt? One of your little friends trying to play hero, huh?"
"Keh...Not quite..."
The confidence brimming off of his friend's voice and his sharp grin was striking, one that reminded the younger kid of his big brother. That confidence of Gao's was soon followed by him starting to remove his jacket, an action that seemed to cause a slight gasp of joy to escape his lips before it turned into a grin of his own. For he knew exactly what was about to go down.
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"Eclipsing the darkness with flames...and brightening the hearts of the mistreated..."
"Oh, you guys are so in it for now..."
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"The Mighty Sun Fighter is here...!!!"
"Now then, why don't I even things up a bit? After all, it wouldn't be fair to expect my pal to fight a whole mess of thugs at once, right?"
Mokuba could see the Ghouls getting no doubt annoyed by his friend's speech and 'theatrics', certainly underestimating him. Well, they were going to be in for a surprise for their foolishness, then. Since it was clear they did not know they were dealing with a martial arts national champion who had competed and won against adults countless times. If they did, they surely would have run off by now.
"Alright, you're asking for it, tough guy!"
That's when two of the five members then carelessly charged forward, preparing to grab Gao and no doubt subdue him. This, of course, the Mighty Fun Sighter saw coming, for he caught both of the men's arms, one in each hand, before flipping them both to the hard concrete ground.
"Nice one, Gao!" Mokuba exclaims as the rest of the creeps looked on in absolute shock. The younger Kaiba decides to take this chance to make his move, setting his sights on the two card hunters in front of him. He remembers what Gao's mother, one of his self-defense senseis, told him about dealing with guys like this. That one must be smart with what they use to attack with and where and when they wish to strike.
He then rushes forward towards one of the two thugs, lashing out his leg to kick him in the most sensitive spot he can think of: the crouch. His hit was hard, so hard that it caused the one Ghoul to stumble and crash into the other one, both falling to the ground. Mokuba smirks a bit in victory before heading over to join his friend, the two standing back to back.
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"Keh. Guess you Ghouls ain't so tough, after all! If you think we're bad, just wait til my big brother finds you guys! He's going to eliminate all of you with his new power!" He then turns his head back towards his friend. "Come on, Gao! Let's get out of here!"
"Don't think you've won so easily, bratts!"
That's when, out of nowhere, a whole horde of Ghouls appeared on the rooftops, causing both kids' eyes to widen in shock. They quickly slide down the walls and surround the gaming duo, the entire group seeming to have tripled in size. Seems like during the commotion the two kids caused, the leader called for backup. Guess they really did speak too soon and should have just made a run for it the second they cleared the way forward.
"Got any bright ideas, Gao?"
"N-Not yet...but don't worry, Mokuba. We just gotta keep our cool and figure out how we can beat these guys!"
As the horde of hunters starts to take steps forward, both boys start to sweat. Mokuba tried to think of a way out of this, but he just couldn't. Not with this many people! Maybe he should have taken his brother's advice to have a bodyguard or two with him.
Suddenly though, as if answering the two kids prayers, the entire alley is cast in an orange barrier, one that seemingly blocked the only exit out of there. The forcefield not only seemingly trapped them all, but also caused all the security cameras to go temporarily offline, so what happened next could not be recorded. Everyone, including the two kids, looked to the sky, confused as to what was going on. Though, it didn't take a certain Buddyfighter too long piece it together.
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"Hey...I know what this is. This is a Buddy Police Barrier!"
"A Buddy Police...Barrier? Then...does that mean-"
"Mind if I step in?"
That's when, as quick as the wind, Tasuku Ryuenji descends from the sky on the green rings from Jack's Buddy Skill, the sight causing the two boys to grin and the Ghouls to grit their teeth in anger. The Buddy Police had been the leading organization investigating the Ghoul's activities for some time now. So, it's only natural they'd show up at some point during the tournament. Mokuba was just surprised it was so soon. He certainly didn't leak his brother's plan to his friend. Did someone on the staff did, or did they figure it out from their own intel?
Speculation on that would have to wait as they had some creeps to deal with. The officer landed in front of the two boys, the Star Pulsar floating near him as well. Mokuba looked at the device with some curiosity, it seemingly having been upgraded since the last time he saw it. Was it because of the collaboration between the Amanosuzu Group and Kaiba Corporation? More questions he'd have to save for later.
"Tasuku Ryuenji...The Buddy Police Boy Wonder...Should have figured you'd show your face around here and use this cheap trick of yours..."
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"My Buddy Police Barrier is no trick. You criminals can't run now." As the foes try and fail to escape the area, he then glances over his shoulder to his friends. He provides them a reassuring nod before looking back at the group's current leader. "As I see it, you Ghouls have two options before you. Surrender yourselves or else...accept my gaming challenge! I'll fight each and every single one of you if I have to!"
The Buddy Cop's words, accompanied by the serious glare of his ruby hues, are met with laughter by the group of Ghouls. Mokuba and Gao, in contrast, could only look at the other in admiration. The youngest Kaiba could feel the raw power of Tasuku's strength in the air, similar to how he could feel his big brother's. It made him wonder what would happen if the two of them clashed in the gaming area.
"You sure are bold Buddy Cop. I'll give you that...but...I think I got another option that's much...much more fun..."
Without any warning, that is when both Mokuba and Gao are grabbed by two pairs of hunters, strong-armed with guns pointed at their heads. Both of them attempted to break free, but the other's grip was just too tight. They made sure especially to be tight on both Gao's arms and Mokuba's legs, the two body parts they used in the earlier fight.
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"Gao!!! Mokuba!!!" Tasuku shouts as he turns around and notices his friends' current conditions, his eyes widening as soon as he sees the weapons in their hands. "You...You bastards! Leave them out of this! Your battle is with me!"
"One of the first rules of gaming is that you should never play by your opponent's rules. Even if you'd stand no chance, we don't have time for you to battle every single one of us! So, be a good little boy and lower that barrier and hand over your Jackknife Dragon, or else these bratt's blood will spill!"
The sound of the gun's trigger being slightly pulled, but not enough to fire, causes Mokuba's heart to race in his ears, his breath increases, and his palms to start to sweat. He remembers that sound, it was the sound Pegasus' men had when he was kidnapped. Being restrained like this by the enemy reminds him of that instance too. It was happening again, he had allowed himself to get foolishly caught off guard and held hostage, but this time...he had no key, no 'saving grace' to prevent him from being kept alive.
He was...in true danger, at gunpoint with no Seto in sight or way to contact him. He was...He was going to...
"I..won't forgive you..."
The youngest Kaiba looks up then, the voice of his friend seemingly overlapping with the voice of his elder brother. It wasn't just his voice that was off. Mokuba can visualize it...visualize Seto's image overlayed with his friend's. Was his mind playing tricks on him because he was so stressed, or was it that Tasuku's strength was truly similar of that to his elder brothers, akin to that of a mighty dragon?
The boy's contemplation, along with the criminal's movements, was paused soon as a strange light noise began emitting from the Star Pulsar. The sounds were akin to that of locks being released, the clicking sharp. Then everyone in the area bore witness to the device slowly changing its appearance, with its inner machinery being revealed.
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"What the..?" Mokuba thought to himself as he watched. "His Core Deck Case...is transforming?"
The green and blue electronic panels that were once hidden beneath the yellow exterior of the Star Pulsar soon began to cast a golden light. The glow not only blinded everyone around them, but also began radiating from Tasuku as well. With squinted eyes, both Gao and Mokuba see what happens next, a sight that seemed...impossible. For Tasuku's hair began to grow long, and his Buddyfight cards turned into light and were now floating around him on their own, similar to how they were in Lady Suzuha's live demonstration of the Core Deck Cases' holographic technology not too long ago. The cards then went back into his deck, as if they had just been shuffled for battle.
Though, as they would all soon find out, this wasn't a mere light show. Instead it was a miraculous power Tasuku has had dormant inside of him, a power hailing from the potential and strength of his future self. He just wasn't ready to awaken it until this moment, the moment he truly needed it to save those he cherished now in the present.
The blinding light begins to wane, and as it does, the Ghouls all stare in shock at the boy's power and change in appearance. They all started mumbling to themselves, wondering what this was, but they soon would have their answer. They would all bear witness to the full capacity of the power the young boy dubbed 'The Boy of Destiny' possesses: The Future Force.
"This...is..." Tasuku goes to draw one of the cards from his deck. The card soon vanishes and becomes replaced by a much larger object. A large halberd sword with a golden hilt manifests before him, along with silver armor for his arms and legs. With the Buddy Cop now equipped with protection, he grabs the blade in both his hands and picks it up with ease. Moving to swipe the sword causes the Ghouls to jump back to dodge, a massive gust of wind being felt with the huge blade's motion. The sight of this elicits shock from everyone around them, but especially Gao and Mokuba who also recognized the weapon itself.
Their friend wasn't using just a random sword. Rather, it was the Buddyfight card...Dragonblade Dragobrave, the item card Gao gave to Tasuku upon the Sun Figher's victory and as thanks for Tasuku giving him his rare and one-of-a-kind Gargantua Punisher impact card.
"Did Tasuku just..."
"Make the cards real? B-But that's impossible! Not even my big brother's Solid Vision technology could do something like this!"
"Then maybe it's not tech at all, Mokuba...Maybe it's...magic."
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That word immediately elicits a flashing image in the boy's mind, of the golden eye of Pegasus had and the blinding light he was exposed to before everything for him went blank. He never quite learned just what had happened to him in between being in the cell and waking up in that room in the castle surrounded by Yugi Muto and his friends, but whatever it was wasn't natural. The same went for when he was put into a capsule by his brother's rival after having lost to him in a game of Capsule Monsters Chess. Could there be a connection somehow?
Tasuku then points his blade at the Ghouls holding the two younger gamers hostage, his teeth gritted intensely. The fierce glare of his ruby hues sends a shiver down the thug's spine, as it should. It felt as if a dragon had descended and was ready to tear them limb from limb.
"H-Hey...! Don't forget we're the ones with the advantage! One wrong step and we pull-"
"I cast, Dragon Crush!!!"
Before the miserable Ghoul holding Mokuba can finish his sentence, Tasuku has already taken another one of the cards and seemingly activated it. A blue dragon manifests from the card and quickly bites the hands holding the guns of both Ghouls one after the other. The humans were unharmed but the same could not be said for their weapons. The guns broke and turned into scrap metal on the cold stone ground, the sight causing the two Ghouls holding the two boys to loosen their grips on them somewhat.
Quick to notice the opportunity for escape, both Gao and Mokuba land kicks on their foes that cause their grip to be fully released. They then run back towards Tasuku, all three of them standing back to back to ensure none of them would be snuck up on again. All of their hearts were racing, since they were not entirely out of the woods just yet.
"You little bratts...! Don't think we're done with you yet!" That's when the kids see all their enemies take out their guns, the size of them seemingly bigger than the small handguns the other two had. They were all pointed right at them, with the sounds indicating they were locked and loaded.
"'When you play with fire, you're gonna get burned'. Seems like it's time someone teaches you that lesson..."
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"Get down!!!"
Tasuku, dropping Dragobrave which makes it vanish into light particles, grabs the shoulders of the two boys and pulls them to the ground. The Star Pulsar flies in front of the eldest, so Tasuku can draw another card he can use here to hopefully end this little charade once and for all, since it's obvious they don't want to fight with cards anymore.
"I cast, Red Dragon Shield!!!"
Just as the bullets are fired, unrelenting in their assault, a card in Tasuku's hand manifests in the form of a giant red shield with a dragon's head on it. The shield is placed over the kids like a dome, protecting them from the blasts. However, that was not the only thing the shield did, for in the game it has another ability than just 'negating an attack'.
Once the bullets hit the shield, they reflect off of it and start heading in the direction of the Ghouls who had no type of protection. Their own dirty weapons, which they unleashed on mere children, were now being used against them, the opposite of what they intended. Some of the stray bullets hit the ground or the walls, causing minor damage. Others hit some of the Ghouls themselves in non-lethal wounds, and were starting to drop to the ground like flies. Served them right for what they did.
"Remember it well, you outlaws. This is the blade of justice that terminates evil!"
After the commotion dies down, the shield dissipates. Gao helps Mokuba stand to his feet, with the two watching over Tasuku who was now standing above their fallen enemies. They all, including the group's head, cowered before him, as if they were frightened animals. Ruby hues with nothing but contempt stared them down as he made his final statement.
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"What was it you were saying about 'playing with fire'? Seems like us 'bratts' just taught you guys that lesson." He then looks to the entire group of them, his anger-filled eyes being clear for all to see. "And just so we're clear. If you or your allies ever go after my friends again, you will regret it."
After his last words had been spoken, the Buddy Police Barrier finally dropped as several helicopters and police cars flooded the scene. The floating Core Gadget then turns off, as does Tasuku's powers, resulting in his physical appearance returning to normal. He then looks over at Gao, his expression having softened since talking to the criminals.
"Gao, get Mokuba out of here and somewhere safe. We'll take things from here."
"You got it, man." Gao nods, understanding his friend's wishes and agreeing it be for the best. "Thanks for saving our hinds."
"Yeah, thanks...We owe you one big time." Mokuba says just before the Buddy Cop starts walking off, which is when he then speaks again to interrupt that motion. "Tasuku, wait! I need to know how you did all that! How did you make the cards-
"It's better you don't know, Mokuba."
Tasuku stops and turns to face the pair again, his eyes conveying his conviction on this matter despite not being fully able to answer the other's questions. He did not exactly have the full information as to how this happened either, but he is certain Jack would be able to provide some answers. The dragon always seemed to have one at times like this.
"Gaming is supposed to be fun. I don't want that to change for the both of you. Besides, you two have been through enough for one day." He pauses then before continuing on, the two kids seemingly understanding they won't get an answer out of him. "Now, please, don't tell anyone what happened here today, and be on guard, especially you, Mokuba. I wouldn't be shocked if more of these Ghouls come after you."
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"I know. I'm going to try and find Seto as soon as possible! With him around, no one will dare try to mess with me!"
"Sounds good. Take care you two. I hope our next meeting will be under better circumstances."
With that done, the boys take their leave. Gao, as Tasuku instructed, guided the younger to the safest location he could think of: Kaiba Corp HQ. It is there that Isano greets Mokuba and his friend, with the VP introducing Gao to his brother's right-hand man for the first time. The Kaiba's broken cell phone was then the topic of conversation, with both boys making up a story of it being accidentally stepped on after having dropped it while in the street. It was enough to be convincing, and Mokuba is provided a new phone right then and there, much to Gao's shock.
Mokuba then bids farewell to his friend, saying they'll hang out sometime after the tournament is over. Gao nods and gives him a high-five before running out to make it in time for his mom's class, something he was reminded of by the woman on the phone. It isn't too long before Mokuba himself heads back out in the city, making sure to grab a snack along with a pocket tazer and pepper spray before heading out. He made sure to bring proper safety equipment this time, even if he was proud of being able to implement some of what he learned from his self-defense classes today.
What transpired that morning would be something the gamer wouldn't ever forget. How could he after how insane it was? Keeping this under wraps from his brother was going to be tough, but knowing about it would just worry him more. He had a tournament to focus on that they both worked so hard into organzizing. Who was he to ruin that right out of the gate?
However, that doesn't mean his mind isn't curious as to the nature of both Tasuku's new ability and why he saw his brother's likeness in him. They would be questions he'd eventually get the answers to, but for now, he vows to continue to do his best as the Battle City Committee Chairmen, a job his brother especially assigned for him and him alone to do.
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screeching-bunny · 9 months
Yandere! Game Show Host Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: I saw this request and was like this is such a cool request but what if we made him an evil game show host. Like one that would put contestants in deadly scenarios.
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🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host who kidnaps all of the contestants and forces them to play this twisted game that he created for money. Don’t worry though, he rigged the entire game to be in your favor. It was discreet enough for the viewers not to really care but apparent enough for you to notice the favoritism. Did you care? Hell no!! As long as you were getting paid you and survived this whole ordeal could give a rats ass about what happened next. Even when you do manage to get certain questions wrong, he will just brush it off and pretend that it was just a warm up question. The contestants are definitely seething whenever they see this happening.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host is a psychopath by nature. In each round, he presents the contestants with morally ambiguous dilemmas, enticing them with promises of grand rewards while dangling the threat of dire consequences for failure. Whether it's forcing them to choose between betraying a fellow contestant or facing a treacherous obstacle, he revels in their anguish, relishing the psychological torment he inflicts.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host is doing everything in his power to make sure that you win the game. He can’t have his poor baby feeling upset if they fail to win the grand prize. He would absolutely give out the most insane questions that practically no one knows the answer to. The punishment for getting a few questions wrong is mutilation of certain body parts and if you get too many questions wrong then you’ll end up being sent to your death. While everyone is basically being tortured in their punishments, he’d never allow that to happen to you. At most he’d probably just flick your forehead and call it a day. I imagine that most of the people watching the show are people who paid for the contestants to be kidnapped and be brought there against their wishes. Everyone who is put onto his show is a horrible person, including yourself, and have done something to be warranted to be there.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host bends all the rules of the game for you, providing subtle hints or covert assistance to ensure your safety. Although he has a strong desire to see others in pain and suffering, his love for you is stronger. At first justifies these actions as preserving the "entertainment value" of the show, but deep down, he's driven by an inexplicable desire to protect you.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host would baby you during your time there. He’d make a fuss whenever you tried to do anything remotely dangerous or touch some blood. I could totally see him using a baby voice to try to convince you to stop what you're doing. He has no shame, and everyone is looking at him with utter disbelief/confusion on their faces.
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Oh No! Please don’t go over there! You might slip from all the blood on the ground! Come here let me carry you across.”
Viewers: “…”
The contestant with their leg cut off: “…”
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host thrives on the power he wields over his contestants, reveling in their suffering as they navigate his challenges. As the game progresses, his demeanor grows more twisted, enjoying the contestants' internal conflicts and emotional turmoil. He taunts them with mocking laughter, reveling in their discomfort and manipulating their decisions to heighten the drama. God forbid that you manage to develop a crush on someone while you are there. He’d absolutely lose it and do everything in his power to crush them. You best believe that he’s going to keep them alive for as long as possible and give them the worst punishments known to man.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host has cameras everywhere and when it's time for the contestants to rest for the night he’s going to be observing you. He’s a loser who doesn’t really know how to act around you without becoming a mess. In his spare time, he likes to just watch you through the cameras and imagine himself right next to you. He’s absolutely delulu about your feelings towards him and believes that you feel the same way. Even when you do manage to win this fucked up game, he’s not letting you go. There’s no way that he’s letting you leave after you managed to steal his heart. After this is all over, he’s taking you to his house and locking you there.
🌟 Yandere! Game Show Host holds pride in knowing how many people are at the mercy of his hand. Has a minor God complex and has this skewed mindset about how everyone else is beneath him besides you. Believes that you were made just for him and that you're his one true love. Would rather die than give you up or allow anyone to “take you away from him”. He’s like an annoying roach and almost impossible to get rid of. He’s making sure to stay with you for as long as possible.
Yandere! Game Show Host strides onto the stage with a wicked gaze, his piercing gaze fixed on the contestants. His voice, a chilling blend of charm and malice, booms through the speakers as he welcomes the participants with a mocking flourish. Thom who were strapped onto a table with heavy objects over their heads.
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Alright contestant number one, what is the mass of the Sun divided by Planck's constant in nanometers.
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Unfortunately, that's not the correct answer. You’ll now be facing the consequences.” In a matter of seconds, the heavy object comes flying down with alarming speed. Upon impact, it mercilessly crushes against their skull, unleashing an overwhelming and unimaginable force that distorts bone and flesh. Yandere! Game Show Host then makes his way towards you and begins to speak.
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Alright, it's your turn now. No pressure, I know you’ll do great just take your time. Okay what’s 1 + 1?”
You: “2.”
Yandere! Game Show Host: "Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, shit on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it."
Other Contestants: “What the hell!?!? How is this fair!?!!
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5K notes · View notes
aphroditelovesu · 5 months
Yandere Spencer Reid Headcanons (General)
"I promise to keep you safe." — Spencer Reid.
❝ 🕵 — lady l: It's been a while since I wrote a general hc, so I don't know if it's good, but I did my best! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes. 🤎
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, stalking, invasion of privacy, breaking the law (?) and very implicit murder.
❝🕵pairing: yandere!spencer reid x gender neutral!reader.
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Spencer Reid is a genius, in every sense of the word. He is not only intelligent but a true genius, someone who hunts criminals with pure skill, and you, his obsession, his darling, even if you are not a criminal, will be hunted by him. He will have you in every meaning because you belong to him, just as he belongs to you.
He is known for his brilliant mind and his exceptional ability to analyze complex patterns. His eidetic memory allows him to retain vast amounts of information, making him an invaluable asset to the FBI team. Too bad for his darling, however, because he will use his skills and resources to get you at the end of it all.
Spencer is fully aware that his thoughts about you are disturbing, to say the least. But is it so wrong to love someone? He believes not. Maybe the graphic and explicit violence he thinks when someone hurts you isn't exactly healthy but he doesn't care as much as he should.
You are like an enigma that he wants more than anything to decipher, to unravel all your mysteries. If he could, Spencer would read your mind to know all of your thoughts, even the most intimate ones. His insatiable curiosity would drive him to explore every corner of your mind, seeking to understand every thought, every emotion and every facet of your personality.
Spencer is driven by his desire for curiosity and his obsession with you. He values ​​his work at the FBI and his friends but he values ​​you even more. You became an extra motivation for what he does; hunt down criminals to keep the world safe so you can live in it.
He would be disturbingly uncomfortable at the thought of losing you, and his analytical mind could lead him to investigate and monitor your activities closely, perhaps even crossing some ethical lines in the process. Spencer can and probably will become a meticulous and highly effective stalker, watching your social media, searching anyone who was/is close to you.
Spencer doesn't know the word "privacy" when it comes to you, he will look up everything he can about you. He can't bear the thought of not knowing everything about you, he hates the thought of you keeping some kind of secret from him. His willingness to cross boundaries and violate other people's privacy shows how far he is willing to go to maintain his control over you.
He would love to be able to read your mind, just to know what you're thinking and if you're thinking about him because Spencer is always thinking about you. His thoughts are always about you, about how he can make you happy, how he can make the world a better place for you to live. Everything is about you and always will be.
Spencer is extremely possessive of you and it becomes evident very quickly. He is not the master of hiding his feelings for you, including the most dangerous ones. He will stare with hatred evident in his eyes and make strange expressions when someone gets too close to you.
He doesn't want to be controlling and he isn't, but Spencer gets jealous very quickly due to the fact that he's insecure about your love for him. He won't kill someone out of jealousy, he's from the FBI and knows better than to do that, but he can become more aggressive, and bitter if you don't show that you just care about him.
Along with his possessiveness comes absolute overprotection. Spencer is suffocating and ruthless when it comes to protecting you. He will go to great lengths to take care of you, being your own armed escort or having the FBI protect you. When it comes to your safety, he doesn't mess around.
He wouldn't be the type to kidnap you that quickly, no, it would take a lot of motivation for him to take you like that. Maybe you kept rejecting him or you were in a situation where you could have died, in both situations, Spencer would know that he would have to increase your protection. And the best way would be for you to move in with him, without your prior consent however.
Spencer Reid isn't the worst yandere to have, he's just very overprotective and a determined stalker. He will never hurt you, not on purpose at least, and he will make sure you are always well taken care of. He can become very smothering when he is jealous but he means well. Just don't hide anything from him and everything will be fine because Spencer can't stand the idea of ​​not knowing everything about you.
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512 notes · View notes
moonlinos · 8 months
Invisible string (pt. III)
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♡ Pairing: Lee Minho × fem!reader
♡ Synopsis: After so many years of being closed off from the idea of love, you finally allow yourself to feel it freely with Minho.
♡ Genre: A ‘lite version’ of a soulmate AU, fluff, smut
♡ CW: Explicit sexual content (minors dni!), oral sex (female receiving), protected sex, swearing
♡ Word count: 16.4k
♡ A/N: A part of this chapter was almost shamelessly inspired by the song that inspired the plot in the first place, Invisible String by Taylor Swift. Also really inspired by my favorite Minho vlog, Lee Know Log 4 🩷
To those who have asked to be tagged in this story: would any of you be interested in being tagged in any new work I post later? Let me know! And thank you for reading and giving me such a great experience posting my writing here for the first time 🩷
← part II ♡ ⟳ part I
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You spend the entire flight home processing everything that had happened during the trip; from Minho’s words, to your kisses and touches, to you ultimately acknowledging your own romantic feelings for him. Although it all felt sudden, it had been a long time coming.
As his car stops at the front of your house, Minho steps out and walks with you, your backpack in hand.
“I know you’re scared. I understand that even more now that I know about your past relationships,” he speaks softly as the two of you stop at the front door, “And I want you to know that I’m gonna be patient.”
You nod slowly, although the desire to answer him is still so prevalent in your mind, the words lodged in your throat and yearning to spill out. But you’ve made the mistake of jumping into relationships far too often, always driven by your emotions, and every time, the outcome has been disastrous. You don’t want that to happen with Minho.
So, you settle on a question that has been eating away at you.
“Why do you like me, Minho?”
His face twists into a deep frown before ultimately softening. Carefully placing your backpack on the step leading to the front door, he sighs.
“You shouldn’t have to ask me that,” he assures you, his rough hands touching your shoulders before moving down your arms to entwine with your own. “You don’t even realize how fucking amazing you are, do you? I’d move mountains, fight anyone and do anything if it meant I’d have the privilege to see you smile.”
And, just like that, you feel your lips stretch out into a small smile at his words. He grins at you.
“Just like that. I’d do anything to see that,” he says. “And you take care of your friends simply because you love them, never asking for anything in return. You collect plushies like me, you appreciate the criminally underrated flavor of lemon cake, and you worked at the same convenience store as me, and spilled coffee all over my notebook on the day we met. That’s why I like you; because you’re you.”
Tears threaten to well up in your eyes, so you quickly avert your gaze, focusing on your shoes. With a nod, you wrap your arms around Minho, taking in his scent and reveling in the comforting warmth of his body. Little did he know, you were just as willing to do whatever it took to keep him near you. He plants a chaste kiss on your forehead as you break away from his embrace.
“I’ll call you later, okay? Thank you for the trip.”
As soon as you step inside your house, Eunha is quick to come running towards you, her hands dirty with flour as she abandons her unbaked cookies on the counter and pulls you into a hug.
“I missed you so much,” she whines, “How will I survive living without you next year?”
You chuckle, watching as her lips turn into a pout.
“I’m sure we’ll suffer equally, if that makes you feel better.”
She fakes a sob, turning on her heels and heading toward the kitchen.
“Oh, Hyunjin is in a crisis, apparently,” she tells you, wiping her hands on her apron. “He called me three times just today to ask if you were back already.”
You let out a sigh. Hyunjin was more often than not either glum or vexed due to his trials and mishaps in finding love. He once joked that you two would end up having to marry each other with how things were going. You dreaded his reaction to the news of Minho soon entering your life in a new way.
“The hotel’s Wi-Fi was a joke, but I honestly didn’t even think to check my phone,” you tell Eunha, who giggles as she cuts her cookies into heart shapes. “What? Why are you giggling like that?” You ask her with a grin, approaching the counter.
She shrugs. “Nothing. I didn’t even think to check my phone,” she playfully mimics your voice, looking up at you, “I’m guessing you had fun, then?”
“I did,” you beam, “It was everything I thought it would be and even more.”
She raises an eyebrow at you. “Even more?”
“Even more,” you reiterate. “I had so much fun with Minho. I forgot how good it feels to just let go and allow myself to feel what I want to feel.”
Eunha’s lips curl into a small smile. She hums, lowering her head in a feeble attempt at pretending to focus on the cookies in front of her. “And what did you want to feel this weekend?”
“Like maybe I can finally fall in love again.”
Your friend lifts her head, her eyes wide. “Love?” she exclaims, “You, the girl who has spent every day since I met you talking about how love isn’t important, is wanting to fall in love?”
You chuckle at her reaction, shrugging dismissively. “In my defense, I had my reasons. Plus, some things made me change my mind.”
“More like someone,” Eunha teases, and you roll your eyes at her, but a smile spreads on your lips unwittingly. “I’m happy for you,” she beams, “and I think you should definitely fall in love again — not maybe.”
You sprint across the small kitchen space, circling around the counter to wrap your arms around Eunha and squeezing her as she lightly pushes you away, warning you about flour getting all over your clothes, but you don’t mind.
Because you love her, as you’ve learned this past weekend, and you don’t mind the mess when it comes to someone you love.
It’s only as you enter your room that you check your phone, which is filled with notifications from Hyunjin, much like Eunha had said. After ten missed calls, it seems he resorted to simply texting you.
Hyune: hey I know you’re in japan but can you answer the phone? Hyune: I promise I’ll be quick. just wanna talk to you Hyune: hear your voice idk I feel really alone rn and really bad idk lol Hyune: mingyu has his girlfriend over. can you believe they’re still together? Hyune: can you believe he has a girlfriend and I can’t even find someone to give me the time of day lol Hyune: can you believe every date I go to ends with me crying lol Hyune: sorry I’m being annoying and the messages aren’t even being delivered, you’re clearly having fun sorry Hyune: sorry Hyune: guess that’s why nobody can endure me for more than two dates Hyune: have fun 🤍 I love you
You feel your heart ache as you read his messages, answering with an apology. But before you can hit send on your second message, Hyunjin has already replied. 
Hyune: it’s okay. I’m sorry I even sent those in the first place
Me: Stop apologizing Me: You know I love you and I’ll always be here for you Me: Where are you?
Hyune: at my dorm Hyune: staring at the ceiling
Me: I’m coming over
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True to his words, Hyunjin is lying on the floor of his dorm’s cramped living room once you open the door. There’s a small canvas propped up against the wall, a myriad of shades of blue forming the shape of a face. Your best friend’s talent never ceases to amaze you, and you have to fight the urge to stand still by the front door for a few seconds simply admiring his new painting.
“Look at this sulking Pisces,” you click your tongue as you approach Hyunjin, who only opens one eye to shoot you a glance.
“I’m in a fragile state and this is how you greet me,” he all but pouts before sitting up as you sit cross-legged beside him on the floor. “How was the trip?”
You shrug. “It was fun. We only had one day to explore the city, so we didn’t do much,” you say simply, tapping your fingers on your thigh.
You don’t want to sit and talk about how much fun you had during a trip when Hyunjin’s puffy, bloodshot eyes are staring directly at you. He was sad, and his sadness was palpable throughout the entire living room — his bitten lips, his painting, his hands covered in dried-up blue paint; everything was dripping in sadness. This was a constant with Hyunjin, but lately it had become even worse. He has an overwhelming desire to love and be loved, but his every attempt at fulfilling this desire is futile for reasons you cannot wrap your head around.
“I like the new painting,” you smile, focusing on the saddened blue face. Hyunjin scoffs beside you.
“It’s fucking terrible,” His hand shoves the canvas face down on the floor. You bite your lip. “Can’t even paint shit I like anymore. Every time I try, it always turns out muddy and sad.”
“What happened?”
He lets out a bitter chuckle. “Well I’m pathetic, so it’s still the same old reason. I had a date with this girl on Saturday, but she canceled at the last minute. Texted me something about me being too clingy after she agreed to go out with me, about how she knows she would feel suffocated if we dated.”
You furrow your brows together, anger bubbling up inside your chest. “What the fuck?”
“Oh, but don’t worry!” Hyunjin gave you a forced smile. “She made sure to remind me that it was her, not me, and that lots of women out there like guys like me. Whatever the fuck that means.”
Hyunjin shakes his head, turning his attention toward his hands before scratching some of the dried paint off. You sigh.
“Hyunjin, she isn’t wrong about that. You know that, right? You’re not the one at fault.”
He scoffs. “Sure seems like it when every date I’ve gone to since starting university has ended up with me being rejected for the same fucking reasons. It’s always me. Too clingy, too sentimental, too emotional,” his voice is almost a whisper as he speaks. He turns to face you again. “Remember how I would stop sleeping with you whenever I liked someone? Wanna know why I stopped doing that? ‘Cause I know it’s not gonna go anywhere anyway, so what’s the point? It never goes anywhere, and then I’m left alone again. Maybe I should just accept it, y’know? Some people are just meant to be alone, and clearly I’m one of them.”
Your anger has now morphed into sadness. You hate the way Hyunjin talks about himself, hate it even more how it seems nobody can appreciate the amazing person he is. Being caring and sentimental is not a flaw, and you pray that he never allows other people’s opinions to sway him into thinking that way. You pray he finds someone who can appreciate these qualities in him the same way you do.
“You’re not alone, Hyune,” you assure him, taking one of his hands in yours. “You’re surrounded by friends who love you so much, and while I know that’s not the type of love you yearn for, it’s still love.”
Hyunjin smiles softly at you before pulling you closer and pressing his lips to yours. It’s sudden but not entirely unexpected; the way you and Hyunjin dealt with shitty things in life and unpleasant feelings together had always been through sex, and you knew it always made him feel at least a little better afterward. And so you let him, returning the kiss even as part of you felt wrong doing it when your entire being was consumed with thoughts of only Minho.
As soon as he kisses you, he swiftly pushes you down onto the hardwood floor and hovers over you. Hyunjin’s fingers undo the buttons of your cardigan before slipping under your shirt, caressing your skin as his lips trail kisses down your neck. Soon enough, his body is pressed up against your spread thighs, and you know where this is going — but as much as you want to make your best friend feel better, you cannot bring yourself to do it.
“Hyune,” you softly call out, and he hums against your throat. “We can’t do this.”
He chuckles, squeezing your waist. “Mingyu always comes home late when he goes out with his girlfriend. Don’t worry.”
“It’s not that, Hyunjin. I just—”
“Do you not wanna fuck on the floor?” He asks, coming up to look at you. He cocks his head to the side. “We can just do it on the couch then, I really don’t wanna have sex with all those pictures of Mingyu and his friends staring at us in our room.”
“Hyunjin, no—”
“It’s not like we never did it on a couch before, stop being dramatic—”
“I’m in love with Minho.”
It comes out before you can fully comprehend what you’re saying, the word love slipping past your lips effortlessly. Hyunjin stills on top of you, his body rigid and tense. 
“Oh,” is all he offers you. You nod slowly, fingers picking at a drop of paint that stained the collar of his shirt.
You whisper, “I really am just as surprised as you are, believe me.”
Hyunjin shrugs. “I’m not surprised. I just— now you’re leaving me, too.”
You shake your head. It’s ludicrous to you that Hyunjin could imagine that you would ever even entertain the thought of leaving him. Running a hand through his messy hair, you pull him in and press a kiss to his nose. Hyunjin hides his face in the crook of your neck with a groan.
“Sorry, that was pathetic. I shouldn’t have said that,” he apologizes. “You know I don’t mean it like that. I just love you so much. I thought we would…”
You furrow your brows as he trails off his words. You thread your fingers through his long hair. “We would…?”
“End up together somehow,” he speaks slowly, his voice muffled, and your heart drops.
Hyunjin harboring these feelings about you was something you would never have imagined. You were certain he was content being your friend and having sex with you only until he found the right person. He went on several dates, after all. Your heart feels like it’s been shattered into a million tiny pieces upon learning about his hidden desire for the future he used to so often joke about: you two ending up together simply because you were each other’s only choices.
“Hyunjin,” you start carefully, “I love you, too. So much. You’re my best friend, and that’s never going to change. We don’t have to be together romantically for us to be in love, y’know? I realized that just recently.”
You feel him nod his head, his hand finding yours and intertwining your fingers.
“I’m just sad I won’t have you anymore. I’m gonna miss us so much,” he places a small kiss on your collarbone. “Whenever I felt like I was in a dark pit with no way out, every single time you were there to bring me out of it and make me feel okay again. I love you so much for that.”
And you can only softly smile at his words before your heart shatters all over again as you hear him quietly begin to sob in your skin.
“Hyunjin,” you call out, although you know he won’t reply. “You’re the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met. My love for you goes beyond us having sex — that wasn’t even important to me in our relationship. It was just something good on top of something already amazing.” With a slow nod, he lifts his head and gazes at you with red, teary eyes, causing your heart to ache even more. “I’ll never leave you. Ever. I’ll still answer your four hundred three a.m. texts, still let you hide away in my house, still happily listen to you complain about your days, and still hold you when you cry.”
Hyunjin pouts like a child, and your heart swells with fondness.
“Really?” He asks, and you chuckle with a nod.
“Really,” you assure him. “Me being with someone will never change our friendship, or my love for you. I mean, we won’t have sex anymore, of course, but I’ll still talk shit about your roommate with you so I’m sure you’ll forgive me.”
Hyunjin’s tearful expression vanishes, replaced by a small teasing grin. “I am gonna have to jerk off significantly more, so I don’t know about forgiveness,” he jokes.
You push him off you with a chuckle, sitting up as he tries to regain his balance.
“When did this whole thing with Minho even happen?” Hyunjin asks, setting his painting back against the wall. You shrug, buttoning up your cardigan. He hums. “So, are you already together?”
“Not yet,” you say, “but I’m gonna answer him after our class this week. If he fucking lets me, that is. He says he wants to be patient, but I don’t want to be patient. The only thing I wanna be is with him.”
Hyunjin’s whole body contorts as he groans. “Ew, what the fuck? When did you become such a sap?”
As you shove him back once more, you both burst into laughter while Hyunjin stumbles back and spills a mug filled with dirty paint water all over his floor.
The rest of the day goes by with you and Hyunjin painting together, a much broader array of colors and a much happier end result on the canvas: beautiful flowers painted by him standing alongside clumsily drawn hearts, stars, and other doodles painted by you. After signing your name above his elegant signature, you inform him the painting is leaving with you — it’s hanging up on your wall as soon as you arrive home.
Hyunjin is your best friend; it’s been this way for the last two years, and it’s indisputable to you that this fact will remain no matter what happens. As you watch him hunched over your painting, insisting that his flowers could be more detailed — even after you assured him a thousand times that they were perfect — you curse yourself for not realizing how beautiful this love between you two is. You hope he cherishes this love as well, in spite of his desire for the two of you to be together in the future. You know deep down this idea stemmed from his fear of solitude.
You’re not worried about him at all, though. He’s a precious soul, and anyone who fails to recognize that doesn’t deserve him. He’s simply getting rid of the wrong people in order to find the right person, someone who sees him as you do.
The love you feel for Hyunjin is unchanging, and if you had any say in it, it would be everlasting.
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Your next Japanese class with Minho comes too soon, and you find yourself unprepared. Every trace of resolve you had after returning from your trip dissipated bit by bit every time you saw or talked to him. As soon as you saw his figure step into the coffee shop on Monday to pick up his usual order, you realized that every single scenario your mind had conjured up fell flat. Minho was beautiful, amazing, breathtaking — he deserved something grand and earth-shattering, not a simple answer from a girl who wasn’t even half as good as he was.
It certainly did not help that he, always true to his words, respected your time. Not once during his coffee trips or your never-ending talks through the phone did he mention the topic. And it was slowly but surely driving you insane.
You bite your lips so much on your way to university you’re sure your lipstick is gone by the time you enter the building, and you’re surprised your poor bag isn’t riddled with holes in the cloth from your insistent picking. You shouldn’t feel this nervous — Minho is the one waiting for an answer, after all. For all he knows, you could be simply building up the courage to let him down gently. But you are nervous. You’re terrified he will listen to your clumsy words and decide he deserves someone better. Or, worse yet, will only realize how undeserving of his love you are once you’re in a relationship.
And you don’t think you can face another heartbreak where you’re left to mend your gashes all alone.
You enter the building with shaky hands, fiddling with the strap of your bag and walking toward your classroom on autopilot as your mind is too busy running over all the ways in which this could go wrong.
All faded, however, once you saw Minho waiting for you in front of your classroom. His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose as he looked down at his phone, his body wrapped in a cozy-looking black sweater and sweatpants, a keychain of a cat plushie hanging from his backpack matching his phone case. You stop a few feet away from him. He deserves the world, and that terrifies you. Still, his presence alone melts away every ugly word of doubt and every piece of worry inside your body until the only thing you can feel is the swirling of that familiar pinwheel spinning inside your chest.
You greet him with a long hug, hoping he can’t feel your heart beating through your own sweater.
After class, he walks you to work, enthusiastically telling you about the progress he, Chan and Seungmin have made on their game. You nod and hum along to his words, but you can’t, for the life of you, focus on a word he’s saying. All you want to do is tell him you like him — god, you like him so much — but every time you’re close to doing it, the ugly words return and scream that he deserves more than an underwhelming confession on a gloomy, empty street.
You stop walking as you two reach the bench located just far away enough from the hustle and bustle of students on campus, the one where no one bothered you when you sat here by yourself for three years, the one that had oddly become your favorite bench among all the other identical ones scattered throughout your university.
Because it was here that you and Minho had your first real conversation, it was here where you two laughed and gasped at all the little coincidences between your lives, and it was here where you began to build a friendship with this wonderful guy who would unknowingly change you for the better.
It was the perfect place, and you berated yourself for not realizing that sooner.
Minho’s voice calling out your name pulls you away from your thoughts, his hand wrapping around yours and pulling you gently toward his body. You hum before colliding against his chest as he chuckles.
“You just stopped walking,” he says, a lilt of confusion in his voice. “I know you hate work, but I didn’t think it was this serious.”
And when you properly turn to look at him, Minho is smiling so beautifully under the somber sky of winter, as if he is the embodiment of sunshine — always glistening and radiating such a comforting warmth no matter how glum the world around him is. And, at the sight of him, you just can’t stop your words. Never mind how gloomy this campus seems or how lackluster your words are — Minho’s presence alone makes everything become golden.
“I like you because you’re you,” you mirror his words at you, “Because you laughed in my face for spilling coffee all over your notebook when I didn’t even know you, because you love coffee just as much as I hate it, and because you believe in silly myths about riding paddle boats together,” You blurt out, words completely unbidden by your brain. Minho’s eyes widened for a beat before slowly turning into crescent moons as a smile spread across his lips. You take a deep breath before continuing, the words flowing out of you so quickly you’re worried he won’t be able to understand you, “And you opened my eyes to the love I feel for my friends, which I was so fucking stupid and blinded to. But, most importantly, you taught me that love isn’t bad. It can never be bad because you’re love, Minho. You’re full of love, and there’s not an ounce of anything bad in you. And you make me feel deserving of this love, even though I still don’t understand how I can be deserving of something so beautiful.”
Minho’s arms are pulling you into an embrace before you can process everything you said, and by the time you seem to come to your senses, you realize tears have welled up in your eyes. He holds you close to him silently for a while, his left hand delicately massaging your scalp as you clutch onto the fabric of his sweater as if he might be taken away from you if you let go.
“I like you, too,” he whispers against your hair, and you feel your lips contort into a pout.
“You already told me that,” you grumble. “I just word-vomited my feelings to you and this is all you have to say?”
He chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head. “What else is there to say? I like you so much I don’t think I can put it into words. I might just say something stupid if I talk about it too much.”
You furrow your brows, pulling away from his embrace to face him. “Something stupid like what?”
“Like saying I love you.”
Your lips part, but no words come out. Yet again, Minho has rendered you speechless. He shakes his head dismissively, a smile still etched onto his lips.
“No need to say anything. I told you it was stupid,” his eyes drift over to the bench beside you two, and his smile grows. “Guess this has to become my favorite bench too.”
You let out a laugh, but it’s cut short by your tears spilling out again. Minho quickly turns to look at you again, his expression shifting into a mixture of happiness and worry for you as he wipes your tears away with his thumbs.
And as the sun begins to set, the street lights flicker on, casting a warm, yellow glow over everything around you. You cup Minho’s face and press a chaste kiss to his lips, then to his nose, before wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into an embrace once again.
“I don’t think I’m ready to love you yet. I’m sorry,” you apologize, both to him and yourself.
Minho simply hums, kissing your cheek. “I told you I’m patient, because love is patient. I would wait an eternity for the privilege of hearing you say you love me.”
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You and Minho have officially been together for almost two months by the time winter break arrives. You’ve done everything couples do, except for two things: say I love you and go all the way. You’ve done every other possible thing — well, Minho has done every other possible thing to you, with you discovering that Minho particularly loves eating you out, often laying on your lap on your couch after work and rubbing his head against your thighs like a cat, humming and sighing until he has your attention before all but begging you to let him go down on you. Whenever you offer to do the same to him, in any way, he immediately turns the offer down, saying he’s satisfied just pleasuring you. It always leaves you with a million questions, as you notice him have to adjust himself in his pants or coincidently go to the bathroom, but you don’t question it.
The two of you also found ways to get around the whole L-word situation. I missed you becoming your go-to phrase for when you want to scream out that you love him, but are still unable to, while he usually just makes you swallow both your words and his own that are lingering inside your mouth with a kiss.
You had fallen into a routine quickly, with you visiting Minho most evenings after your shift to just lay on Chan’s stiff leather couch and watch him work. You two always hang out with his co-workers slash friends for a while before leaving for the night — Seungmin becoming like the pestering but loveable little brother you never had — and you head to your house in Minho’s car before you sneak him into your home so Mrs. Choi remains none the wiser.
Her ‘no boyfriends spending over two days at the house’ rule can’t possibly apply if she doesn’t even know Minho is there in the first place.
And so, he’s been basically living alongside you and your housemates. This outcome was almost inevitable since Minho hates his roommates while you love each other’s company.
You’re now packing your things with Hyunjin, who’s been sitting on your bed for the last half-hour rather than helping you as he’d promised. In the past month, he’s been able to come to terms with the fact that his ideal future with you was nothing but a coping mechanism after a month of sulking every time Minho was around. He deleted every shitty dating app on his phone and now focuses on finding love naturally, recently going out with a girl he met in one of his classes. The first time they met was the epitome of a meet-cute, with her accidentally bumping into him and spilling black paint all over his shirt. It brought back memories of when you first met Minho, and you had high hopes that this time things would work out differently for him. But, judging by the scowl on Hyunjin’s face and his nonstop complaining, you were wrong.
“But, be for real, why did it take her six dates to realize she doesn’t think we’ll work out?” He grumbles, spinning one of your necklaces around his finger like it’s a toy. “I paid for every meal, made sure she got at least two orgasms every time we went out, and she just suddenly decides we won’t work out? Fuck off.’’
You chuckle, closing your suitcase after triple-checking that you packed Minho’s Christmas present and walking over to where Hyunjin is sitting, snatching your necklace from his hand.
“Maybe she liked the free food and orgasms too much to let them go.”
Hyunjin scowls. “You’re saying that’s the only reason she went out with me?” He feigns offense, shaking his head. “I hope Minho’s parents hate your guts.”
“Hyunjin!” You exclaim, watching as he bursts out laughing. “Don’t even joke about that. You know how nervous I am.”
“There’s no way they won’t like you,” He assures you, “You’re fucking amazing, not to mention their son loves you. That’s more than enough reason to love you too.”
You clutch the necklace in your hand, humming before turning on your heels to check your drawers for anything you might have missed. Hyunjin using the word love makes you a bit anxious, an unwelcome reminder that you still haven’t been able to overcome this stupid emotional blockage preventing you from telling Minho you love him. The first and only time you’d ever said you loved Minho was that evening at Hyunjin’s dorm, and it hadn’t even been directed at him. Without saying a word, you both understand the love that exists between you — it’s unspoken, but deeply felt — and you’re aware of that, but the fear that one day he’ll grow tired of waiting is painfully tangible inside your mind.
When Minho invited you to spend Christmas with his family, you hesitated at first. Meeting your ex-boyfriends’ families had never been so significant. You were a teenager at the time, the implications were different and the stakes didn’t seem as high. This time, it feels as if getting Minho’s parents to like you is indispensable. How will he go on dating a woman his parents deem unfit for him? Especially with how highly he speaks of his mother, you’re sure her opinion of you will weigh on his mind.
You can only hope they love you half as much as you love their son.
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The car ride to Minho’s parents’ house was around half an hour.
Half an hour you spent picking at a loose thread on your skirt and overthinking so much your head ached by the time he parked the car. You hated how nervous you were, but Minho’s parents liking you was a non-negotiable. 
After insisting on carrying your own suitcase — just in case his parents might think you’re an overbearing girlfriend if they see Minho carrying your bag for you — the two of you walk up the stairs and into his home. The first thing you notice is how cozy-looking everything is; from the family pictures neatly placed on coffee tables and on the walls, cat furniture and toys mixed in with their actual furniture, down to the fuzzy blankets thrown over the couches.
The second thing that catches your attention is the quietude permeating throughout the house, as well as the fact that the first family member to greet you two is an orange cat.
“Oh, did you miss me this much?” Minho asks in a sweet, singsong voice, similar to how you would speak to a baby. He crouches down to pet the cat, who is now entangling himself between his legs. He introduces you by your name, because Soonie is truly just another family member to him. You chuckle, kneeling next to him and carefully extending your hand toward the orange ball of fur.
“Hello, Soonie,” you speak quietly, afraid you’ll spook him. He eyes you carefully before sniffing your fingers and, ultimately, rubbing his head on your hand. You sigh in relief, petting his fur with a smile.
Minho’s cats liking you was also a non-negotiable.
You place your suitcases in Minho’s childhood bedroom, his parents letting him know they will arrive a little late after going Christmas shopping. Looking around his small room, you smile at all the small things that scream Lee Minho. The pictures of him and his friends back in high school are the first thing you notice, glued to the wall in front of his door lopsided. His thick-rimmed glasses and bowl cut make you smile as you analyze one of the pictures, where he and four other boys hug and smile widely in a karaoke room. Then, of course, his extensive plushie collection sat against a wall to your left — all stacked on top of each other like a mountain — which he proudly shows off to you.
“Y’know, I had to basically fight a little girl at the Sanrio store for this one,” he says, a bit too smugly, while holding a plush of Kuromi dressed in a ladybug costume. “I was sixteen, though, so I think that excuses my behavior. I would never do that nowadays.”
You narrow your eyes, humming skeptically. “Sure you wouldn’t.”
Minho just chuckles, meticulously placing the doll back in its place beside the cherry on top of a rather large Pusheen pudding plushie.
“Oh! You have to see my books.” He takes your hand in his, dragging you toward the wall facing his bed. A bookshelf expanding from the floor to the ceiling makes your mouth drop. You hadn’t noticed it before, with it being hidden away in the corner of the room. The bookshelf is decorated with fairy lights — which Minho promptly switches on — and filled with beautiful books, from intricately designed hard covers to intricate sprayed edges, every single book in his collection has something special about it.
He uses a small metal ladder to reach the top of the shelves before handing you a book so thick your wrist almost bends upon grabbing it. It’s a collection of seven Jane Austen novels, all in a gorgeous blue and golden hardcover. You eye the book like it’s a precious jewel, carefully running your fingers over the details engraved on the cover. Beside you, Minho lets out a breathy laugh, stepping down from the ladder and bumping your shoulder lightly.
“You can open it,” he tells you, but you’re still too mesmerized by the book to look at him. “It’s what books are for, whether they’re pretty or not. You have to open it and read it, otherwise they lose their purpose.”
You nod slowly, but remain unmoving. Minho’s hand suddenly rests on top of yours, and he opens the book for you. The page is entirely annotated, with highlighters and thoughts jotted down on pencil in messy handwriting. Looking up at him, you are met by his smile.
“See? The book is fine, the world didn’t end. I have these special editions because I enjoy collecting pretty things, but I always read them,” he explains, “I like when books reflect the emotions I felt while reading them. I annotate, scribble, highlight — I once threw a special edition Stephen King book across the living room and into a wall. There’s an indentation on it till this day.”
You gasp. “Minho, what the fuck?”
He shrugs dismissively. “I know, I know. All book sins in the eyes of many people. But, like I said, that just reflects the emotions I felt while reading that book. I look through any of these pages and I know exactly what I felt at that time of my life.”
You nod, your lips absentmindedly curling into a smile. Minho truly is something else. You skim the page opened before you, reading some of his annotations and laughing quietly to yourself as he wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder.
As you close the book, he speaks again, “They’re a bit like people, aren’t they? Pretty and put-together on the outside, but once you really dig in, it’s all a mess and cluster of feelings and passion.”
You and Minho spend an hour lounging around the living room, with you meeting his other two cats during that time. Soonie and Doongie’s adoration toward Minho is clear, with both orange cats always rubbing against his leg or tangling themselves in his sneakers by the door as you two cuddle on the couch. Dori, however, remains laid on his cat tree, barely sparing the two of you a glance. Minho jokes that Dori hates him after he left his first mom, even showing you further proof in the form of a video where the gray cat bites his nose while he sleeps.
Upon hearing the key turn on the front door, your heart is quick to jump. Minho’s parents have arrived.
Sitting up on the couch, you gently push Minho away from you. He shoots you a questioning look.
“What? I don’t want them to think we were doing something indecent.”
“Indecent?” Minho repeats with a chuckle. “We were cuddling, not consummating a marriage on this couch.”
You grumble incoherent words under your breath, shrugging. “I know. I just want them to like me.”
“They were more than okay with seeing me cuddle my ex when I was a teen. We’re both adults, I’m pretty sure they won’t think you’re a filthy harlot.”
You gasp, hitting his chest and hissing through your teeth. “A harlot?”
Minho lets out a long, hearty laugh just as his parents walk through the door.
“Oh, there you are!” You hear his mother’s voice call out as soon as she steps inside the living room. You turn to face her and you’re greeted by the same smile you see on Minho’s face every day — they look so similar you have to hold back a gasp. “It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
You stand up from the couch and smooth down your long skirt, smiling while she walks toward you. You’re caught off guard when she pulls you into a hug as soon as she’s in front of you, her arms squeezing you as she sighs happily into your hair.
“Mom,” Minho calls out, “You’re scaring her.”
His mom pulls away with a chuckle, her left hand pinching her son’s cheek before resting on your shoulder again. “He’s the one who’s scared I’ll embarrass him,” she refutes. “And, god, you’re so pretty! Minho told me you were beautiful, but I just assumed it was the infatuation speaking.”
You feel your cheeks flush at her words, biting back a smile. Minho had talked to his mother about you — had said you were beautiful. You swear if you died tonight, you would die a happy woman.
As his mother steps away from you and into the kitchen, rambling on about how crowded the shopping mall had been, a man comes into your field of vision. He nods courtly before extending his hand, which you shake a bit awkwardly.
“I’m Minho’s dad,” he simply says. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Minho has been very happy on the phone since meeting you.”
And with that, he’s off into the kitchen, following his wife. You’re left a bit dazed. Minho truly was a perfect blend of his mother’s appearance and his father’s calm personality. 
Beside you, Minho pulls you into a side hug, his chilly hands caressing your arms. “See? It’s impossible not to love you.”
You freeze for a moment, before relaxing as you realize he’s talking about his parents loving you. You curse yourself inwardly for being so damn emotionally constipated, but let out a sigh of relief nonetheless.
You were worried for so many different reasons — that you wouldn’t measure up to Minho’s first girlfriend, that your personality would be scrutinized until your flaws finally emerged, and that this would be the catalyst for Minho to realize you’re not worth it. Not worth waiting until you can tell him you love him, not worth waiting until you feel like sex isn’t going to just ruin everything between you, not worth the hassle and the chore that is loving someone like you.
But as he walks into the kitchen with you, his arm wrapped firmly around your waist, like he’s proud to show you off to his parents, the level of reliability he radiates is enough to melt away all the annoying little worries you had inside your head.
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Christmas eve comes two days later, and you’re rudely woken up in the morning by the sound of Minho’s voice cursing under his breath as he drops something on the floor by his bed. You groan, rubbing your eyes, and he turns to face you with an apologetic look on his face.
“Sorry,” he whispers, kneeling down next to the bed and pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead. “Good morning.”
“What time is it?”
“Eight, I think.” His fingers brush your hair away from your face. “I didn’t set an alarm ‘cause I didn’t wanna wake you up, but guess my inability to be quiet did that anyway.”
You chuckle lightly, scrunching up your nose. “Why are you up so early?”
“Gotta start cooking dinner soon,” he explains.
“Already?” You ask, perplexed. You knew he cooked Christmas dinner all by himself every year for his family, but you never conceived just how much work that would be for a single person.
Minho is unyielding despite your best efforts at persuading him to stay and cuddle you for a few more hours, and watching him cook is always oddly attractive to you, so you find yourself joining him in the kitchen, wrapped up in one of his many cat print sweaters.
At first, you simply sit up at one of the counters and watch him, mesmerized and all but drooling at the way he rolls up his sleeves, the prominent veins making his arms look so sexy while doing such a mundane thing like chopping fucking vegetables. Not to mention his hands, so beautiful and big as he rubs the seasoning on something you don’t even care to identify because you’re just too busy thinking about those hands all over your body. Only now do you notice how no real sex for almost two months has really taken a toll on you, what with the way you have to cross your legs just to try and relieve some tension because your mind won’t stop thinking about Minho’s veiny arms caging you against this counter and his big hands—
Minho calls out your name, and you snap out of your fantasies, humming as you reluctantly turn your attention toward his face with a dazed expression. He seems to find it funny, as he chuckles before repeating himself, “I asked if you would like to help. I can teach you some of the easy stuff. Must be boring just sitting there and watching.”
Oh, but it isn’t boring at all.
But you’d never tell him that, so you nod before hopping off the counter and awaiting further instructions. Turns out you’re worse at cooking than you had thought, so you’re relegated to chopping duty, which you hate for two reasons — firstly, chopping vegetables is boring, and secondly, you’re now deprived of your view of Minho as you stand with your back turned to him while he cooks.
It’s around five p.m. when Minho’s mom joins you two in the kitchen, and by that time you’ve done all you could, so you’re back to your spot on the counter. She smiles at you before ruffling Minho’s hair as he closes the oven.
“My baby is such a wonderful cook, isn’t he?” she praises, and he shrugs with a smirk.
“I am very boyfriend material, aren’t I?”
You chuckle as you watch his mom carefully fixing his hair which she had messed up, Minho scrunching up his face as she then fixes his wire-frame glasses on his nose.
“I’m so glad you’re wearing your glasses again,” she comments, cupping his cheeks and squeezing before letting go. “You look so handsome.”
“You should thank her,” Minho smiles, turning to look at you, and you shoot him a puzzling look. “Remember on your birthday, when you told me I looked good wearing glasses?” He asks, and you nod slowly. “That’s why I stopped wearing contacts.”
Your mouth opens, but you can’t find the words to answer him. You can feel your cheeks dusting pink as his mom coos at the two of you, saying something about young love that has you gnawing on your lips to hold back the silly smile you want to let out.
Minho’s mom leaves the kitchen shortly after, his father calling her from the living room. He takes this as his chance to approach where you’re sitting, hands resting on your thighs before he presses his lips against yours.
“I wanted to look handsome for you. It’s kinda pathetic, isn’t it?” He chuckles against your lips, and you simply shake your head, tangling your fingers in his black hair that has now grown past his eyes.
“It’s actually fucking adorable,” you assure him, pulling him into another kiss, one much deeper than the last.
He quickly uses his hands to spread your thighs apart, pressing his body into yours as you wrap your legs around his waist. The effect this man has on you is mindboggling; the mere slide of his tongue against your lips has you shivering. It certainly doesn’t help that you are now in the exact position from your imagination earlier today.
Minho always tasted like your own personal favorite flavor, always deliciously swirling on your tongue whenever you kissed him. He always renders your mind fuzzy and silly as bliss consumes the entirety of your being. You can only imagine how sex with him will feel like, and you don’t think you can wait any longer. Your worries be damned. You needed him more than you could handle.
But just as Minho pulls you closer to his body — your core dangerously close to his crotch, and sucking on your tongue in a way that has you mewling against his lips — his mother calls out your names, and you two quickly separate, startled as if you were burned. She informs you his grandmother has arrived and you two walk to the living room to greet her. You silently thank the universe for her not walking into the kitchen; the last thing you want is for Minho’s poor grandmother to catch you two making out on the counter like two teenagers.
She is a sweet lady, certainly not as old as you expected her to be, and she always has a smile etched onto her lips stained with red lipstick. You don’t even have to ask to know she is his mother’s mom, as the three of them share the exact same smile you grew to love so much.
You find yourself even more comfortable today, as you help both women set up the table for dinner — his grandma meticulously placing a beautiful lace cloth over the table while telling you about how this was one of her late husband’s first gifts to her when they first moved in together. 
It felt as if you were part of the family.
And as you turn on your heels to grab the fancy silverware from a cabinet, your eyes meet Minho’s gaze. With a smile on his face, he stands by the kitchen door, watching you, and your heart swells with joy.
This was everything you never thought love could be.
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Christmas dinner was amazing — as you knew it would be. Minho’s cooking is always fantastic, and pure happiness is written all over his face whenever he was complimented. The way he offers to serve everyone, watching intently as each of you took the first bite before he finally allowed himself to eat as well, his lips upturned into a grin and his ears red as you all hummed and gasped at how tasty everything was. It’s his love language; from the way he carefully and methodically prepares the food, to the way he enjoys watching other people eat more than eating himself. He shows his love through his cooking, you realize, and you smile as you think back to numerous times you woke up in the morning with a beautiful table set with breakfast for you after he spent the night at your house.
You haven’t put it into words yet, but he has unquestionably been showing his love for you through his little actions.
And that’s what you want to do tonight as well.
After watching a cliche Christmas movie with his family, you two are now the only ones awake with you drying off the dishes Minho’s washing. He looks beautiful even now, with his hands clad in neon green dishwashing gloves.
“Minho,” you call out, poking his rib with the plate he just handed you. He squirms with a giggle, warning you to not tickle him. You simply hum, continuing as nonchalantly as you can. “Do you wanna have sex tonight?”
His hand stills, dropping a knife on the sink as his head turns abruptly to look at you, eyes bewildered. “What? What, and you ask me this now? While we’re doing the dishes?” He sputters, and you grin with a shrug.
“It’s not a big deal,” you say, placing the plate on top of the counter. “I just… really wanna do it. Really want you.”
Minho turns off the tap — at least five knives left ignored at the bottom of the sink — removes his gloves and lets out a heavy sigh.
“Okay, not what I expected to happen on Christmas night, but I’ll take it.”
You both stare at each other for a beat, before inexplicably bursting out laughing. Maybe it’s the sheer suddenness of your request, or the absurdity of the situation you were in when it happened, but you can’t help it.
As you both calm down, Minho pulls you into his arms and informs you that he will have to go out and buy condoms, since he truly wasn’t expecting anything to happen. You don’t fault him, the two months you’ve been together were filled with you all but running away from sex. You couldn’t help it, your brain always dragging you back to that night in Japan, and the way he avoided your gaze in the morning. Although you knew it was irrational, and that he was simply shy, your self-sabotaging skills were too great, and your mind insisted that if you had sex with Minho too soon he would think you were nothing but a slut. That’s what you were told most of your life, anyway, so you couldn’t be blamed for the way your brain was almost conditioned into assuming the same.
But Minho had proved time and time again that he was not like the awful guys before him, and that all your worrying was unwarranted and foolish. You were depriving yourself of something you wanted badly out of sheer insecurity and attachment to experiences so far in the past it was almost masochistic at this point.
You insist on joining him on his impromptu trip to the convenience store, only throwing one of his sweaters over the dress and tights you wore for Christmas dinner.
Minho holds your hand as you two walk down the empty street, Christmas lights from the houses and stores making everything seem almost like a movie. You spot the familiar logo from across the street, and Minho bumps his shoulder with you while you head toward the convenience store chain where you both once worked.
“This is actually the exact one I used to work at,” He tells you as you look through a fridge hidden away in the back of the store. “I loved working the graveyard shift. I rang up so many couples awkwardly buying condoms like they were buying hard drugs.”
You chuckle, settling for some pudding you two could share later. “Will that be us tonight?”
He shrugs. “We’re adults, it’s normal to buy these things. Unless you want me to act like I’m buying crack cocaine, then I’d be happy to indulge you.”
You stick your tongue out at him with a light shove, turning to look through the rather lacking options on the condom shelf.
“Grape flavor?” Minho makes a face as he eyes one of the boxes. “Who the fuck would want the artificial taste of grapes when fucking?”
You shrug. “Could be worse, imagine banana-flavored condoms. I think I’d throw up all over your dick.”
“That’s sexy,” He jokes, and you let out a loud chuckle, earning you a look from the only other person at the store this time of night on Christmas eve.
Among your other options are a green glow-in-the-dark condom — which would only make you think of Shrek while Minho fucks you — and a strawberry-flavored one. You decide to play it safe, grabbing a box of plain, thin condoms and placing them in the basket Minho’s carrying.
“Let’s just go for the safest option,” you tell him, “We’ll have plenty of time to play around later if you want, though I’ll go on birth control once we’re back home so we won’t even need them anyway.”
You watch as Minho’s eyes widen for a second, his eyebrows shooting up almost comically.
“Sure, yeah.”
“Don’t short-circuit now. I need you functioning to fuck me.”
“Keep saying shit like that and I’ll be broken before we even make it back to my house,” he states matter-of-factly, and you chuckle, shaking your head at his words. But Minho’s expression remains unchanged. “I mean it. It’s been over a year since I’ve had proper sex. I’m surprised I didn’t combust the second you said those words to me in the kitchen.”
With a chuckle, you pull him to your side and walk toward the cashier. It’s a poor teenage boy, no older than eighteen, clearly bored out of his mind and wishing to be anywhere but here. As he rings up your items, Minho points to his phone that’s resting on the counter.
“That’s Ahri from League of Legends, right?” He asks, and the boy looks up, his eyes sparking with interest. He nods. “I don’t play, but I’m a game programmer, so I know a little bit about it. What’s your rank?”
“Grandmaster,” the boy answers proudly, his face lighting up with a hint of joy, probably for the first time since his shift started.
“Oohh,” Minho gasps loudly, basically hyping up this random boy at the convenience store. You watch the interaction with a silly smile on your face. “And you’re still young, wouldn’t be surprised to see you at World’s someday.”
The boy shakes his head dismissively as Minho hands him his card, but smiles nonetheless. Once he hands you your things, he speaks again, “Are you from around here, hyung? Let me know when you have a game out, I’d love to try it. See if you’re any good.”
Minho raises his brows at the obvious teasing lilt in his voice, lips upturning into a grin. “How about this? I’ll give you the beta code and you can start your career of testing games for money.”
“You’ll pay me?” The cashier marvels at the words, and Minho simply nods. He jots down a code from his phone into a scrap piece of paper on the counter, the boy’s face now a complete shift from the expression he wore when you first walked in, all because of Minho and his ability to be kind and sweet no matter the person or circumstance.
As you head back to his house, only the two of walk along the shy streets as the clock hands turn past midnight. Among all the bad people in this world, you’re indescribably happy that a man as good as him is the one walking beside you down this street, firmly holding your hand.
You arrive home and quietly head straight into Minho’s room. You thank any higher power that might exist for the fact that his room is the only one on the first floor, as you would have to endure your desperate need and desire for him until you got home if it wasn’t. Any of Minho’s family members walking in or hearing you two have sex would make you want to flee the country and change your name.
He joins you after storing your puddings in the fridge, making you jump with his arms wrapped around your waist while you were blankly staring at the pictures on his wall. You sigh, the realization of what was going to happen only really dawning on you now that you stand in Minho’s bedroom, and your mind starts to wander and doubt everything all over again.
“I kind of ruined the mood by asking to have sex, didn’t I?” You ask as Minho places a chaste kiss on your cheek before resting his chin on your shoulder.
“There was really no mood in the first place,” he lets out a breathy chuckle. “We were washing the dishes.”
You roll your eyes, once again more annoyed at yourself than at him. You could only hope that your awful propensity of bringing up these irritating thoughts of yours at the worst possible moments didn’t drive Minho away from you. Could only hope you were worth it in the end.
“I know, it’s just…” You trail off with another heavy sigh. “This guy I dated hated that. Said I should just initiate it instead of asking like it was a business transaction.”
You feel Minho shake his head. “That’s stupid. Why would I think that?” He sounds incredulous, and hearing him say it makes you realize just how asinine that thought really was. “We had to buy condoms, anyway. It’s also good that you’re comfortable asking me that. It’s as it should be.”
And you can only smile, biting back a giggle because of course he thinks that. It’s as if Jane Austen came back from the dead simply to write Lee Minho.
His arms tighten around your waist, and you turn your head to look at him. “You should really stop thinking about… them,” He hesitates, “Your exes, I mean. Stop comparing, assuming everything will be the same and have the same sad ending. You need to let go of that in order to truly heal. I hate how every time I’m good to you, or do the bare fucking minimum, your mind spins it into something being your fault. I hate what they did to you so much.”
You feel your breath get caught in your throat, tears threatening to spill much like they do every time you are faced with this topic. But you hold them in. You don’t want to cry, not right now, not when everything is so perfect with Minho. So, instead, you take in his words. He’s undoubtedly right, and you must force yourself to face this uncomfortable truth.
Slowly, you promise yourself. You smile at him, a silent promise to him, and you know he understands you when he smiles back, his lips pressing a kiss to your lips.
He lets go of you and rummages through his drawers, and you look around once more. His plushie mountain, the pictures of his childhood and high school days. You scrunch up your nose.
“Will it be too weird to have sex in your childhood bedroom?”
From where you’re standing, his back turned to you, you can faintly make out the tip of his ears turning red as he runs a finger through his hair.
“Well, not really…” He trails off, “I had sex with my ex-girlfriend here all the time when we skipped school together.”
You let out a gasp. “Lee Minho skipped school?”
He chuckles, closing his drawers and immediately wrapping his arms around you. He’s a lot more touchy since you brought this whole topic up, you notice.
“My parents were always at work, though, so this is my first time doing it while they’re right upstairs,” He explains, bringing his finger up to your lips and lowering his voice to a harsh whisper. “So we’ll have to be quiet.”
You roll your eyes with a smile, nodding. You know all too well you’ll probably be too quiet. Once again your trauma playing a part in this, the words an old boyfriend harshly spilled about you being too loud and vocal have always been present in your head. Now that you think about it, all these moments and words are like post-it notes stuck to your mind, and you skim through like a student cramming for an exam every day in search of one that applies to your current situation. It was excruciating.
Hyunjin tried his best to change this about you, always assuring you he liked to hear you during sex when he noticed your pursed and bitten lips, and that you should be vocal about what you want and like. But you always settled for nods and quiet hums instead.
Minho presses a quick kiss on your forehead then. “I’m gonna shower ‘cause my hands still smell like onions and garlic after washing them a thousand times,” he tells you. “I’ll be right back.”
As you’re busying yourself looking through Minho’s extensive collection of books, a meow pulls your attention toward the door. It’s Dori, the gray cat you’ve decided is your favorite since it’s the only one you can easily recognize. He stares for a beat before approaching you, and you kneel carefully to stroke his soft fur. You soon find yourself sitting down by the bed with Dori on your lap, purring away as your mind travels to a future in which you and Minho adopt cats of your own, all while living together and making plans for the rest of your lives. It terrifies you slightly to allow yourself to have these thoughts because if things were to go wrong with Minho, this would only be another ‘what if’ that would haunt you.
Another post-it note to your already cluttered-up mind.
But his words from earlier come back to you just as you begin to panic. You have to let go of the past and stop assuming only the worst outcomes are attainable. And so you simply smile at the imagination, letting your mind run wild while Dori falls asleep on your lap, his gray fur all over your red dress.
You and Dori both jump as Minho all but slams the door when he returns, a towel in his hand drying his damp hair. He cringes at the sound, cursing under his breath. Dori leaves your lap, and you stand up with a pout. He definitely is your favorite cat among the three.
“Sorry,” Minho whispers, as if that will compensate for the loud noise. You take in his appearance; a green Christmas sweater and bright red sweatpants. You bite back a smile, because that’s so him.
“Your outfit is doing a great job of seducing me,” you jest, and he shrugs with a cocky grin.
“I know no woman can resist a Christmas sweater.”
He pulls you into him with a hand around your waist, his lips crashing into yours in a deep kiss. You notice he’s more frantic, less careful than he usually is, his fingers digging into the fabric of your dress as his hands slide up your back. He pulls away, breathless and flushed, and just looks at you for a moment. You can see the shift in his eyes, yearning swimming all over his brown orbs.
Clumsily, he shuts off the lights behind him then switches on the fairy lights adorning his bookshelf, his left hand still firmly clutching your body. Until it suddenly loosens, and you cock your head to the side.
“Okay, you gotta leave,” he says, and you follow his gaze, landing on Dori, who stares up at him almost defiantly. Minho lets out a sigh, opening his door before walking toward the cat and motioning toward the exit as if he will understand him. “Come on, I’ll give you treats later, hm? But you need to leave now, Dori.”
You fail to hold back a chuckle. “Why does the poor baby have to leave? He looks so comfortable snuggled up on the floor.”
“I can’t have sex while Dori watches,” he deadpans as if it were an obvious answer. “It’ll be weird.”
“Minho, it’s a cat. He doesn’t know what’s going on.”
“It’s still weird! And I…” He trails off, running a hand through his hair. He’s still facing the door when he blurts out, “I told you, I’m already really fucking nervous ‘cause it’s been a while since I’ve had sex. I might not be the best.”
You shake your head with a smile, crossing your arms over your chest. “Minho, that’s not possible.”
“Yes, it is!” He finally turns to face you. “Remember back in Japan? I came too fast, it was embarrassing. That’s why I never let you touch me.”
You jokingly pout at him. “Thought you just liked eating me out.”
“I fucking love eating you out, but I’m not exactly refusing that you do the same because I want to,” he explains, “I’m just scared I’ll be bad at it.”
You furrow your brows. “Bad at… getting a blowjob?”
Minho’s ears are dusted a light pink, and he throws his hands up. “Well, yes! Back in Japan I didn’t even know what to do with my hands. I don’t know what you like, and I haven’t been with anyone else to know what most people like so…” He lets out an exasperated sigh. “Fuck, I was so nervous that night, you have no idea.”
“You were nervous?” You let out a huff, recalling Minho’s clear shift in demeanor that night. “Looking into my eyes the entire time and pinning me down to the bed, that’s you being nervous?”
His entire face now flushes red, and he returns his gaze toward the door, where Dori paddles out of the room graciously. He promptly shuts the door, locking it this time.
“I was nervous,” He tells you, taking a step toward you. “I kept looking at you ‘cause I couldn’t believe that was actually happening. Felt like you were gonna disappear if I looked away,” His hands cup your face gently, and your lips unknowingly curl into a smile. “And when you looked at me in the morning, all I could think about was how awful I was the night before.”
You have to fight the strong urge to laugh because god, that’s why he was acting shy and avoiding your gaze. You berate yourself for even thinking otherwise, for ever assuming Minho could be like your ex-boyfriends. His words ring even more true than before.
You let out a groan, realizing you two have been putting off having sex for such mindless reasons. When he shoots you a questioning gaze, you simply say, “Minho, we’re both fucking idiots, d’you know that?”
And before he can say anything else or even entertain the idea of overthinking any more, you pull him into a kiss. With a surprised hum, Minho gently pushes you back, and your knees meet the softness of the mattress causing you to fall back into his bed. He climbs on top of you, pulling away from the kiss.
“You still gotta tell me what you like,” he repeats, his lips all but pouting at you. You smile up at him.
“No,” you say simply, pushing his hair back with your fingers as it fell into his eyes. “It’s better if we figure that out together, isn’t it?”
Minho chuckles, promptly pressing his lips to yours, your hand tugging at his hair gently as his tongue glides across your lips, causing a soft whine to slip from your throat before you can stop it.
“I like that,” he says between kisses, “When you make these pretty noises.”
You feel your cheeks heat up at his words and take that as your chance to take the first small step in healing, adding a post-it to your mind, reminding you not to suppress any noise that Minho coaxes out of you tonight.
The atmosphere in his room feels perfect — like heaven, as he would say. The soft yellow glow emanating from his bookshelf made everything seem dreamy; his honey skin looked stunning, and his eyes gleamed like the stars in the sky every time they met yours.
It was undoubtedly so much more intimate and passionate than any other time you had sex before, and you were both still fully clothed.
It was just like what Minho had told you many months ago.
His hands travel through your body until they rest on your back, finding the buttons of your dress, slowly opening each one as his lips trail down your neck, softly sucking on the skin. As he gingerly slides your dress down your torso, you realize that this will be the first time you two see each other naked. Yet, you don’t feel nervous. You want nothing more than to be close to him, with no barriers between you, to finally be tangled with him like the roots on the ground.
Minho unclasps your bra, his gaze unmoving from your chest as he slips the garment off of your skin and drops it on the floor. It’s almost as if you can feel his gaze burning you, your chest tightening and your breath hitching in your throat. He licks his lips, leaning down to wrap them around your nipple, his hand promptly finding your other breast and softly massaging it. You let out a choked gasp, tugging at his hair.
You feel his lips stretch into a smile before he softly bites the bud.
“So you like this,” He mumbles, pressing a wet kiss to your nipple. “Duly noted.”
You giggle at his words, your hands tangling in his hair once more. His kisses travel up again, from your chest to your neck, until he’s back to kissing your lips. Both of his hands now massage your breasts, alternating between rolling your nipples between his rough fingers and pinching them lightly, causing a rush to spread across your entire body. You feel your arousal trickle down your slit as you grow more desperate.
“Minho,” you call out between kisses, and he hums against your lips. “Do something,” you all but beg him, yearning for some release as you feel the small, unrelenting pulse between your thighs grow stronger with each stroke of his finger across your chest. Your hands now grasp at his sweater, tugging it over his head, the fabric also discarded somewhere on the floor of his room.
Your hands travel over the expanse of his chest, fingertips taking in every inch of his soft skin. Breaking away from his lips, you push him back softly so you can revel in the sight of him; his delicate collar bones, his strong arms, and soft stomach. He’s beautiful, breathtakingly so, and you don’t know what you did to be deserving of him.
“Enjoying the view?” He jokes, and you breathe out a laugh, your gaze flying up toward his face — his lips swollen, and his cheeks flushed a pretty red.
“Minho, you’re so beautiful,” you whisper absentmindedly, and he smiles at you, softly pressing his lips to yours.
“You should see how you look,” he whispers.
His left hand soon slips underneath your dress skirt, fingertips grazing your skin over your tights. You feel goosebumps trickle along your thighs following his every touch, so eager to feel his hands on your skin you’re sure you’ll rip your tights in half yourself if Minho doesn’t get rid of them soon.
He seems to grow as impatient as you, lifting your hips with a strong grip to slide down your dress, tights, and panties off of you all in one go. In no time, you are now laid bare before him, and Minho is swift to trail kisses down your stomach, sloppy and messy, painting your skin with his saliva as his mouth waters at the mere prospect of tasting you.
With a heavy sigh, he stares at your glistening wetness before promptly wrapping his lips around your clit without a warning and sucking, ardently, vulgar sounds filling his small room much like they do every time he eats you out. Always messy, always eager, humming against your pussy and sighing as his eyes glaze over with pure want.
You squirm like lighting has shocked through your entire body. No matter how often you experience the satisfaction of Minho’s lips on you, it always leaves you trembling like it’s the first time. His right hand slides up the expanse of your stomach until it reaches your breast again, his thumb lazily circling your nipple. You purse your lips as his fingers tentatively trail across your folds, spreading your wetness up to your clit before lapping at it slowly, the small bud swollen and aching.
You’re quick to remember to open your mouth, letting out the heavy sigh that had stuck to your throat as his finger enters you, Minho still licking and sucking your sensitive clit, nipping harshly and making your sigh fade into a whine. Hand tangling in his hair and tugging, you elicit a low groan from his throat, which you feel reverberate through your slick folds.
Your thighs shake as he adds a second finger, and soon a third, thrusting them inside of you and stroking your walls more vigorously than he usually does, as if he somehow also feels your pleasure and needs to lead you to your high as quickly as possible.
Minho’s hand leaves your chest, and you bite back a pout, his fingers now gripping your hips before pushing them up so he can reach deeper. It isn’t long before his fingers drag across the spot inside of you that has your muscles tensing up, a strangled moan falling from your lips at the sensations coupled with the unrelenting feeling of his tongue on your clit. You come undone around his fingers and lips with a harsh tug of his black hair, rutting your hips against his face desperately, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips as you do.
He laps up your juices as you slowly come down from your high, tongue flicking inside of you and sucking hard before he presses a long kiss to your cunt. Your entire body jerks in response to the overstimulation.
His kisses travel toward your inner thigh, your lower stomach and breasts until he reaches your neck, where his teeth nip at the soft skin, sucking harshly before his tongue soothingly licks at the spot. As Minho positions himself between your thighs again, you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Your mind goes hazy for a beat as you feel the thick outline of his cock press against your bare core.
“Minho,” you call out again, your voice significantly more whiny this time around, shaky and breathless, “Wanna taste you.”
He groans against your skin, pressing small kisses up your neck until he ultimately stops against your open lips. He breathes out a heavy sigh.
“Really want that, too,” he rasps out, voice hoarse as his dark eyes travel across your face. “But I really wanna fuck you. Shit, I need to fuck you so badly you have no idea,” He groans. You feel his length jump at his words as he presses your foreheads together and locks his gaze with you. “That’ll be hard to do if your pretty lips go anywhere near my cock.”
You breathe out a chuckle, pressing a small kiss to his lips. “Then get to it,” you simply say.
Minho’s lips curl into a grin. “Will you remember to be quiet for me this time? My baby sounded so pretty coming around my fingers.”
Your cheeks flush, just how loud you were before only now dawning on you. Fuck. Your words get stuck to your throat, your mouth opening but making no sound, so you settle for a nod.
He chuckles. “Good,” he replies with a kiss to your agape lips.
Minho sits up, detangling himself from your body briefly. He reaches for the box on his bedside table, scrambling with the cardboard before clumsily tearing it open and retrieving a condom. It’s only then you notice how his hands are trembling, from nervousness or pure lust. Either way, you find yourself smiling at the sight.
You reach out to run a hand along his arm soothingly, watching with hungry eyes as he tugs at his drawstrings before freeing his cock from the confines of his sweatpants. Minho hisses as he rolls the rubber over his length, shaky hands stroking himself one, two, three times, all while you eye him, watching greedily as if you were his own personal captive audience.
He lowers himself once again, hand now sliding across the length of your thigh before gripping the flesh, nails digging into your skin as he eyes you with an almost pleading gaze.
“Can I—”
“Please do,” you answer, almost frantically, before he even has the time to assume you might say no. You inch your thighs apart even more so Minho can slot himself perfectly between them.
Your mouth waters as you catch sight of him gripping his cock once more, tapping it against your swollen clit and eliciting a whine from your lips as your hands scramble to find purchase in his strong arms. Minho’s eyes then find yours much like they did back in Japan, and you know you are done for. His dark gaze once again felt all-consuming — desire and adoration swimming along his brown eyes, looking at you as if he were in a daze. Your grip on his arms tightens as he lazily slides his cock up and down your soaked slit, coating himself in your arousal. Minho’s lips fall open as he continues his movements, the blunt head of his cock gliding along your folds almost painfully slow.
He leans in to close the small gap between your lips, before whispering something you can’t quite understand against them.
“I fucking love you,” he repeats himself more clearly, and finally pushes forward, his girth pushing into you as you gasp, feeling as if all the air has been stolen from you.
You aren’t sure if your reaction is due to his words, or the way his cock is working you open so good, or maybe it was a delicious blend of the two. All you know at the moment is Minho, Minho, Minho, your mind foggy as his name rings inside your head like a mantra.
“Don’t gotta say anything back,” he tells you in a breathy voice, “Just want you to know I love— Fuck,” he groans as he is now fully sheathed inside of you, and you clench at both the feeling and the words spilling from his lips. Of course he would choose now to tell you he loved you. “Love you so much, so much I’d do anything for you. Would wage a war with the world if you asked me to…” He babbles, words slipping past his lips like they were the easiest thing for him to say. Like he meant it so deeply, he didn’t have to put any thought into it. His words only die as he presses an open-mouthed kiss to your lips.
Minho pulls his hips back in one swift motion, hands lifting your thighs around his body as he thrusts into you, evoking a rather loud noise from the back of your throat which is smothered by his kiss.
“You take me so well,” he growls against your lips, “We fit perfectly.” He breaks the kiss to look down at where your two bodies are connected. It felt as if you were one, melting into each other little by little the more Minho thrust his cock inside of you. You simply nod, mind even more dizzy with the way he’s already pulling out again before slamming back into you, his pace quickening as he presses you into the mattress.
Your nails dig into his skin, crescent moon shapes blooming over the expanse of his honey skin. His eyes still bore into you, hips now thrusting at an unrelenting pace, his small room filled with a cacophony of wet sounds, whines tumbling from your parted lips and curses that almost silently fell from his.
“Gonna come soon,” Minho chokes out, his eyebrows furrowing, “I’m sorry, I—”
You silence him with a press of your lips, hands now tangling in his messy hair.
“You’re always so good to me,” you tell him, feeling his cock pulse inside of your walls. “Wanna be good to you too, make you feel good.”
And he simply leans down before kissing you reverently. The sound of his skin slapping against yours mixed with the creaking of his bed likely much too loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. At least not at the moment. Not with the way his hand snakes along your hips, rough fingers now rolling delicious circles around your clit while his other palm presses down onto your abdomen, and his cock continuously hits a spot inside of you that has you all but crumbling apart underneath him.
Your mouth falls open, breaking the kiss, his cock twitching inside of you as his body stills on top of you. With furrowed brows and agape lips, Minho comes mere seconds before you reach your high as well, toes curling against his back as you melt onto his cock.
You stay that way for a while — a few seconds, maybe minutes — simply looking at each other as your labored breaths intertwine.
You finally reach up, brushing his dampened hair away from his beautiful eyes that now look at you as if you were the sole reason why the stars sparkle. Minho’s fingers soon find yours, tangling together as he brings your hands to his lips and presses a chaste kiss to your knuckles.
You smile.
You love him.
It’s not a realization but rather a confirmation of something you’ve already known all too well and for far too long. You still can’t put it into words, but somehow, you are certain that he knows just as well.
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Minho accidentally awoke you in the morning with his habit of slamming his door shut, apologizing as you grumbled at him and insisted you would only accept his apology if he let you give him a blowjob. He laughed, simply pulling you closer to him on the bed as he sat up and you finally gave the most beautiful man you had ever met the head he deserved.
Minho’s parents and grandmother had left to eat at a fancy restaurant, and after lying through his teeth and telling his very distraught mother that you were feeling too sick to leave the bed, you two stayed behind. They didn’t have to know the real reason you couldn’t leave the bed — Minho and his apparent insatiable hunger for you. It was as if something had been awoken inside him now that he had a taste of you, and he had to make up for all the lost time.
You two only leave his room late in the afternoon, the sun setting on the pale winter sky outside his bedroom window. His family would arrive soon, and you needed to get ready for their tradition of opening Christmas presents while watching bad holiday movies.
When Minho followed you when you headed toward the bathroom, you thought little of it. It was only when he began undressing alongside you that panic truly set in.
“We literally had sex, why do you sound so horrified?” Was all he offered you when you asked what he was doing before entering the steamy shower with you.
It was your first time showering with someone, and the fact that it made you so nervous felt almost pathetic. Minho was right; you had sex, and you saw each other naked and sweaty and vulnerable. This shouldn’t be any different.
Except it was.
You found yourself too awkward to wash yourself, doing a terrible job at pretending to scrub at your arms as you watched Minho shower like a normal person. He let out a chuckle after rinsing his hair, shaking his head.
“Are you seriously shy? Seriously?” He asked, turning your body around so your back faced him. “The girl who begged to suck my cock just this morning is too shy to shower in front of me?”
You opened your lips to refute him, but your words died in your mouth as you felt Minho’s hand spread shampoo all over your hair. His fingers gently massaged your scalp before placing his hand over your eyes to shield them from the foam as he rinsed your hair. He repeated the process with conditioner, then moved on to wash your body with his almost sickly sweet watermelon body wash. He did it all while humming, making you so relaxed and comfortable that all your silly insecurities dissipated in the air along with the steam from the hot water.
Suffice to say, showering without Minho would now be a sad affair.
You are now sitting on the floor before the television, his family exchanging gifts. Dori purred on your lap, and Soonie bit Minho’s socks, trying his best to remove the fabric from his feet. It’s finally time for you two to exchange gifts, and you’re a bit glad his family seemed to be so immersed in the movie because you know you would combust if you had to explain your gift to them.
“Here,” you hand him an orange box with a black bow. “It’s stupid. Now that I think about it, it’s probably such a fucking dumb gift. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and Eunha even made one for her sister. I almost stole hers ‘cause it turned out much better than mine—”
“My god,” Minho interrupts you with a hearty laugh, taking the box in his hands and inspecting it. “It’s been a while since you word vomited so much. What the hell did you get me that made you so nervous?”
He pulls on the bow, unraveling it before taking the black fabric in his hands and tying it around your head. He laughs once more, and you roll your eyes.
“Minho, just get to it before I snatch this box from you.”
With one last chuckle, he finally opens the box. He stills as he takes in the notebook, sitting on top of far too much wrapping tissue paper. The cat print cardstock paper was a pain to find, but it’s worth it now as you watch Minho’s lips curl into a smile as his fingers gingerly travel through the cover. It was crooked, a bit too small, and still reeked of bookbinding glue, but it reminds you of the day you met Minho, and that was all you thought about when you decided on this gift.
“You fucking bound me a notebook,” he says, still bewildered.
“Took me a while, but I did say I was gonna do it. I’m a woman of my word.”
Minho looks up at you, his smile reaching his eyes and turning them into the pretty crescent moons you love so much. “I love it,” he beams, hands now squeezing your cheeks as he pulls you into a small kiss. “This and that coffee stained notebook are going on my bookshelf back in my dorm, displayed in all their glory.”
Minho pulls away and reaches toward two small boxes on the coffee table. He clears his throat, handing you one box as he settles the other on his lap.
“I thought of you when I saw this on my Instagram feed,” he simply says, fingers toying with the misshaped bow on top of the box — one very similar to the one on your birthday gift many months ago. “Thought about what we talked about in Japan, y’know, about soulmates.”
You raise a brow at him, quickly undoing the bow on your box as curiosity washes over you. You pick up a bracelet made only of red thread, eyeing it curiously.
Minho retrieves the same bracelet from his own box, putting it on before asking, “Have you heard of the red string of fate?”
“That myth that a thread connects two people meant to be together?” You question.
He nods. “Exactly. I feel like that was us,” He explains, taking the red bracelet from your hands and slipping it around your wrist before gently tightening the thread. “Feel like all our little coincidences were little threads tying us together until we met.”
You feel the tears well up in your eyes, but you don’t bother trying to hide or stop them this time. Grabbing Minho’s hand that stilled around your wrist, you lace your fingers together, admiring your matching bracelets. It could only be fate. Every small detail that aligned and every road you two crossed to reach the place where you are now could only have come to be because fate wanted it to be that way.
Out of every city you could have lived in, every different university you could have chosen to attend, down to every other seat that could have been empty on the day you met Minho — everything fell into place like a puzzle piece, exactly as if a long, invisible string tied you to him and finally decided it was time to pull you together.
Minho’s gentle touch brushes against your cheek as he silently wipes your tears — no words are needed between you two at that moment as he smiles softly at you while you feel your eyes burn from the cry you had held back for so long. And, as if you’re his mirror, you feel yourself smile as his lips upturn into a grin when his gaze shifts to the open window.
“It’s snowing,” he beams. “It’s the first snow of the year, and our first snow together.”
You stand in front of Minho’s house, the light snow falling softly and covering your heads in white as he kisses you, only stopping to grumble against your lips.
“Your phone’s going crazy in my pocket,” He pouts, and you furrow your brows. You had already sent your family holiday messages, and your friends were all busy with their own Christmas celebrations, so you were clueless about who it could be.
“Can you check it for me?”
Minho nods, untangling himself from your embrace just enough to reach into his pocket and grab your phone to unlock it.
“There’s like fifty new messages from a group chat. Best Fucking Five?” He chuckles lightly at the name, his chilly breath tickling your cheek.
You, on the other hand, immediately frowned as you heard the name. It’s a long-forgotten group chat with your old friend group from high school. You had all stopped talking a little before graduation, with you especially distancing yourself from them upon realizing their toxic words and reactions to your relationships only served to make you feel worse about yourself. No one bothered to leave or delete the group since it quietly died and had stayed that way for over three years now.
Minho hands you the phone, and you click another notification that pops up as soon as you unlock the device.
The conversation began with your former friend sending a screenshot of one of your ex-boyfriend’s newest Instagram post. You skim through the caption and blanch at the words accompanied by a sonogram picture. His girlfriend is pregnant, and he’s over the moon about it.
And you, for some reason, find yourself laughing so much you have to clutch onto Minho’s shoulder as your stomach starts to hurt.
He shoots you an understandably puzzled look, but you can’t stop the giggles that spill from your lips, so you settle on showing him the screenshot. 
“I got the best Christmas gift tonight,” Minho reads from the screen. “I'm going to be a dad, and the most wonderful woman I’ve ever known is the mother,” he trails off with a questioning lilt, brows furrowing as that had only confused him more.
“It’s one of my exes,” you manage to tell him after catching your breath.
Minho hums, taking your hands and shoving them in his overcoat pocket along with your phone.
“And why did that make you lose your mind laughing?” He asks with a small smile.
“I guess it was the shock, really. It also made me realize just how little I care about him now. All of them, actually. Every time I was broken up with or had my heart broken in some way, it honestly felt like the end of the world,” you explain, “Like my heart would never recover and like I would hate them for the rest of my life. For years I had such a strong ax to grind with them, and that hatred and grudge only caused me harm. It made me hate love, and it made me blame myself.”
Minho nods, pressing his forehead to yours. Around you two, the snow got thicker, and only the distant sounds of children laughing from neighboring houses could be heard throughout the quiet street.
“But it’s different now?”
You smile up at him. “It’s different now, and I only just realized that. These people are no longer people I hate. They’re simply their words and their actions toward me, but they, as people, mean nothing to me.”
Minho smiles and wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace. This realization makes you feel lighter, like a small part of the weight of healing has been removed from the equation. It’s only you and yourself now; none of them has any power over your emotions anymore.
“Maybe we should send the baby a present,” you joke, and Minho buries his head in the crook of your neck with a chuckle, and you jump as his cold nose brushes against your skin.
“Maybe we should.”
At that moment, in the arms of this amazing man who has helped you more than he will ever know, you realize that love truly isn’t bad. People can be bad, circumstances can be catastrophic, and wrong timing can destroy nearly everything. But love is, at the core of it all, good.
“Minho,” you call out, feeling him hum against your skin before lifting his head to look at you. “I love you,” you say simply.
His smile rivals every pretty thing around you. The first snow, the gleaming Christmas decorations, and even the moon herself pale in comparison to the smile that Minho gives you.
“I love you, too,” he replies, a tangible sense of bliss in his voice, as if he has yearned for a lifetime to finally be able to say those words to you.
You wrap your arms tighter around Minho, and your fingers brush against the red thread that adorns your wrist. It truly feels as if fate had led you to Minho, leaving little clues along the way to make sure you both knew when you finally met. His journey to you had been relatively easy, while yours had been heart-wrenching, but in the end, it had brought you heaven.
If soulmates really are a thing, there is not an ounce of doubt in your being that Minho is yours. More than anything, he taught you that love is present in everything around you. Love is being kind to others like Minho is kind to his family and strangers in convenience stores at midnight. Love is staying up with your best friend while she cries on the couch, not expecting anything in return. Love is the laughter of little kids on Christmas night echoing throughout a neighborhood. Love is also going out on your own, doing something simply because it will make you happy, and being kind to yourself. All this time, you held onto the belief that love is destructive and only leads to sadness, oblivious to the fact that it has surrounded you every step of the way.
Love is everywhere and in everything.
In the end, Minho had always been right.
Love is the most amazing thing in life.
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♡ taglist: @notevenheretbh1, @malunar28replies, @jazziwritesthings, @finchyyy, @bloom-ings, @linocz, @minhochaos, @lastgreatamericandynasty1, @missminhoe, @jungkookies1002, @meanergreener
562 notes · View notes
firewasabeast · 1 month
You're a Piece of My Soul I Can't Let Go
10.5k; read below or on ao3; tags: presumed dead (no actual major character death), angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, panic, flashbacks, smut, witness protection, secret service
Buck didn't cry at the funeral.
It's not that he wasn't sad. He was heartbroken beyond repair.
The tears simply wouldn't fall.
He didn't show much emotional at all. Didn't listen to the speeches people gave. Didn't react when someone would give him a hug or a pat on the back. Didn't care about the words of encouragement by people who had no clue what it felt like to lose someone.
“Time will heal.”
“He's an angel now.”
“God needed him more.”
“Life goes on.”
“Hold yourself together for him.”
It was all bullshit.
The burial wasn't much different. He sat, unmoving, from his chair in the front row. Held out his hands when he presented with the folded flag. Heard the sniffs and cries from the people around him, but he remained stoic.
Nothing about this felt right.
There was a reception afterward at Bobby and Athena's place. Buck, wanting nothing to do with the limo that was reserved for family, had driven his Jeep to the cemetery.
He told Bobby he'd meet them at their place. Let Bobby wrap him in another hug before he left.
He didn't go to Bobby's.
Didn't want to talk to all those people. He had no desire to hear them laugh as they told stories about Tommy. They'd never know him like he did.
He went home instead. Back to the place he and Tommy shared.
It was Tommy's house, originally. Then Buck had moved in only five months into them dating. It seemed crazy at the time, but it worked. They were engaged two months later, married six months after that.
Four months of marriage. That's all they'd gotten. The ring around Buck's finger still felt new, and it was already over.
Seventeen months total. The best seventeen months of Buck's life.
And it was all gone.
Buck walked into the house that screamed Tommy, Tommy, Tommy everywhere he looked. There was the couch they had picked out together. The lamp that Tommy had knocked off the table twice, yet somehow never broke. The kitchen where they realized they were far too old to be having sex on a countertop. The clock on the wall that played obnoxious music every hour that Buck hated but Tommy loved, so it was only ever on if Buck had to work and Tommy was at home.
His houseplants he killed regularly.
The TV they splurged on because Tommy both loved watching movies and loved watching Buck watch movies.
The bedroom, two nightstands. One side almost empty because all Buck needed was a lamp and a spot for his phone at night. The other side with a lamp, charger, reading glasses, chapstick, and a glass of water that now had a thin film of dust covering the top.
Buck toed off his shoes and walked to the bed, lying down. He pulled his phone from his pocket and silenced it before setting it on his nightstand. He didn't want to be bothered. Maddie could see his location, would know he was fine. That was enough.
He curled onto his side, facing Tommy's side of the bed. He tugged at Tommy's pillow, moving it so it rested lengthwise against his body. He snuggled it tightly. Closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of Tommy's shampoo and cologne, still fresh on the pillowcase.
He fell into a dreamless sleep.
Nothing about this felt right.
“What's the matter?” Tommy asked immediately upon entering the kitchen. Buck had his eyebrows drawn tightly together as he stared at a can of coconut milk. That was never a good sign.
“I got the wrong thing,” Buck pouted. “I was supposed to get coconut cream and I picked up the milk.”
“I'm guessing they're not interchangeable?”
Buck gave him a look that asked the question, “Are you crazy?” without saying a word.
“Right.” Tommy began searching the room for his keys, “I will go get you your coconut cream.”
“No, I can get it,” Buck put the can down and headed for the stove. “I'll let Bobby know dinner will be a little late,” he said, switching off a couple of the burners, “and then-”
Buck was cut off by Tommy wrapping his arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his temple. “You keep cooking,” he insisted, “I'll get the cream.”
Buck smiled softly, leaning further into Tommy's touch. “You sure?”
“I'm sure.”
Buck turned his head for a kiss on the lips before Tommy unraveled himself from him.
“Keys?” Tommy asked.
“Coffee table.”
“Right! Thank you. Love you, Babe. Be right back.”
“Love you too.”
Three days was all the bereavement pay a city employee was allotted after the death of a family member. Bobby had managed to space out Buck's shifts enough to give him seven days before he had to dip into his vacation time.
It didn't matter anyway. He hadn't used his vacation days in a long time. Had been saving them for a long roadtrip with...
It didn't matter. He didn't need those vacation days anymore.
A part of him had thought about going back to work. He had gotten dressed and everything. Had his keys and was headed out the door. He couldn't seem to make it past the doorframe.
He typed a simple text to Bobby, taking vacation day, silenced his phone and got back into bed. Bed, bathroom, kitchen, bed, bathroom, kitchen, the same path for the next week.
People would come to the door, knock and knock and knock, but he made no effort to let them in.
When they'd text, he'd respond so they knew he was alive, but also knew to leave him alone.
I need some time, he'd text them, please let me have time to myself.
That worked for a while, until Eddie decided to screw it all and use the spare key he had to let himself in.
“Buck?” he called out as he gently opened the front door. “Buck, you here?”
He walked into the dark house, all the curtains drawn and not a single light on. After peeking into the kitchen and living room, he made his way to the bedroom. The door was cracked, so he nudged it open until he could see Buck lying on the bed, facing away from the door.
He was under the covers, cuddling a pillow close to him.
“Buck?” Eddie whispered.
He waited a few seconds and was just about to head out to the living room until Buck woke up, when he heard a, “Hm?”
“You awake?”
“I'm not a sleep talker,” Buck muttered grumpily. He turned just enough to look at Eddie. “Why're you here?”
“To check on you.”
Buck folded himself back over the pillow, closing his eyes. “Told you I'm fine.”
“Yeah... don't really believe you, bud.” Eddie walked over to the other side of the bed so he could face Buck. Sunlight peeked through the curtains enough for Eddie to see that, surprisingly, Buck didn't look like he'd been crying.
He just looked tired. Staying in bed for two weeks could do that to a person.
“Come on, Buck,” Eddie said, “let's go out to the living room. Get you something to eat.”
“Already ate,” Buck mumbled into the pillow.
Buck sighed. “What time is it?”
“Three o'clock in the afternoon.”
“What day is it?”
Reluctantly, Buck sat up in bed, sending a glare to Eddie. “I ate at one.”
Eddie crossed his arms. “On what day?”
God, Buck hated when he got all parental with him. Made him feel like a child. “Wednesday.”
“Up,” Eddie demanded, snapping his fingers. “Now.”
Buck was too tired to fight him. He knew the quicker he went along, ate whatever Eddie wanted him to eat, talked about whatever Eddie wanted him to talk about, he could get him out of his house.
He pulled the covers off of him and got out of bed, scooting his feet as he walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch.
Eddie couldn't help but noticed how much weight Buck had lost over the last couple of weeks. It made him feel awful for waiting so long to force himself into Buck's home. He was trying to be respectful. Trying to give Buck the space he kept requesting. He'd get those texts from Buck every time he knocked on the door, and he'd leave because he was asked to. That's what they'd all been doing. He knew now that was a mistake.
“I don't wanna eat much,” Buck said, staring straight ahead at the TV.
“I already ordered some wonton soup from China Wok. It'll be here in a minute.” Eddie sat on the other end of the couch. “Talk to me, Buck. Please.”
Buck's eyes scanned the living room. Dead flowers were scattered around, all sent somewhere between the day after Tommy's body was found up until a few days ago. Buck had managed to bring them into the house, just so no one called in a wellness check on him, but he didn't bother with keeping them alive.
What was the point? They'd die eventually anyway.
“I haven't dreamt since he... since they... you know.”
Eddie was thrown off guard by the admission, expecting it to be harder for Buck to confide in him. “None at all?”
He shook his head. “Nope. Used to. Used to have a lot of dreams. Not anymore.”
“Buck, I know what it's like to-”
“Don't,” Buck interrupted, looking at Eddie for the first time since they sat down. “Please, I- I've gotten so many 'I know what you're going through' texts from people and it doesn't help.”
Eddie nodded. “I understand.”
Buck turned his attention down to his hands, thumbs twiddling together nervously. “Can I- Can I tell you something really dumb?”
“Sure!” Eddie exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood a bit. “I love hearing dumb things.”
Buck managed a small smile. It faded faster than it had appeared. “I- Sometimes it doesn't feel, um, feel real to me. Like, I don't believe he's gone. That, um, that feeling that you get when someone has- when they've died. I- I don't have that.”
“Accepting it's happened is one of the hardest things to do, Buck. That's normal.”
“I haven't even cried,” Buck admitted. “Not since the day I was told he... he was gone.”
“That's normal too.”
Eddie didn't understand. Buck knew he wouldn't. “I don't know,” he breathed out, more to himself than to Eddie.
“Don't know what?”
The doorbell rang, pulling them out of their discussion. Buck was grateful. He didn't feel like talking anymore.
“Ready to eat?” Eddie asked, clapping his hands together as he got up and headed for the door.
“Mhm,” Buck lied. He leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes. He just needed to get through this meal, then Eddie would leave, and he could go back to bed.
He needed to get back to bed.
“It doesn't make any sense to me. At all.”
“You're not letting this go anytime soon, are you?”
“They didn't end up together in the end, Evan! Why'd they even say the movie was a romantic comedy? What's the point?”
Buck reached over and took Tommy's hand from where it rested on the center console. “I think they did it on purpose,” he surmised, “to spite you.”
“I agree, those bastards.”
“If it makes you feel any better,” Buck gave Tommy's hand a squeeze, “they are fictional, so you know, they didn't really mind that they weren't together in the end.”
“Hm.” Tommy thought for a moment before shaking his head. “No, that doesn't make me feel any better at all.”
Buck shrugged. “I tried.”
“They had everything planned, Evan,” Tommy said, continuing his rant. “They had their whole future planned and they threw it all away in the end? Ugh, I can't.”
“Maybe it was to show that she found herself, you know, without him. That's not a bad thing.”
“It's not a bad thing at all, if I'm properly warned that that's what the movie is going to be about. It is a bad thing when you call the movie a romantic comedy.”
“Is there someone we should be writing a strongly worded letter to?” Buck asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
Tommy shot a meaningless glare in his direction. “You joke now, but I wasn't the only one crying in the theater.”
“Who said I was joking?” Buck asked. “I- I love a strongly worded letter. We can whip out some paper and a pen the second we get home.”
Buck could feel Tommy's body start to relax. His face softened as he stole another glance at Buck before turning back to the road. “I love that you're my husband.”
Buck brought Tommy's hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “I love that you're mine.”
Buck stared down at his wedding band. It had been a month now. A month since he'd last seen Tommy. A month and five days since their last date.
“Buck... Buck?”
Buck looked up to Hen watching him from across the truck. They were on their way to a call. Some small fire in the middle of nowhere with no people around. It'd be an easy call. Buck was grateful for that. This would be his fourth shift back at work, although it was his first full 24-hour one.
“Yeah?” he asked, ignoring the fact that Chimney and Eddie were giving him side glances as well.
“You good?”
He'd be angry at the question if anyone else had asked. He knew his temper was shorter than it ever used to be. Knew even the smallest things could set him off. He often had to force himself to stay calm. Take some deep breaths and count to ten before responding to someone.
He didn't have to do that with Hen though. Her voice was soothing to him. A calm against the stormy sea that was his mind.
Buck nodded. “I'm good.”
“You want in?”
He paused, dumbfounded. He had no idea what she was talking about. “In on what?”
“We're placing bets on what caused the fire,” Chimney explained. “I said kids smoking in the woods.”
“I'm going with the sun beating down on a glass bottle.” Eddie looked proud of his choice.
“Old fashioned illegal campfire for me.” Hen smiled softly at Buck. “You?”
“Oh, um, nah. I- I'm good.”
“Oh come on,” Eddie reached over and nudged Buck's knee. “Take a guess.”
Buck took a deep breath. Thought for a moment. “Fireworks, I- yeah. Fireworks.”
“In the middle of the day?” Chimney questioned.
Hen shrugged. “Wouldn't be the first time. Okay, Cap,” she said, fiddling with her headset, “what about you?”
Buck phased back out as Bobby made his guess. He tugged at his ring, twirling it around and around on his finger. He thought about the inscription on the inside. One Four Three. Had to force himself out of that memory before he could even start to get into it.
It all felt like too much. Too overwhelming. He needed to get himself together.
He sat up straight and cleared his throat.
He could do this. He could get through this shift. Get home. Get into bed. Stay there for forty-eight hours before he'd have to pretend again.
...He didn't even care that he won the bet.
“I've tried calling him like five times,” Buck said. He was sitting on the couch, his leg bouncing nervously up and down, Bobby and Athena sitting across from him. “I- I'm sorry about dinner, guys-”
“Don't even think about it,” Athena interrupted. “Bobby, you having any luck?”
Bobby shook his head. “I've texted him a few times but they're not going through.”
“Something's wrong. He wouldn't... Something's wrong. His location isn't on anymore either.”
“Okay.” Athena pulled out her phone. “Where did you say he was going?”
“Ralph's. He was just getting me some coconut cream for my recipe. I- I said I'd go but he insisted. That was over two hours ago. I, um, I should drive there and check.” He went to get up but Athena held out a hand to stop him.
“I'll go,” she said. “You and Bobby stay. Let me know if he shows up. I've got my badge and everything out in the car, so I can ask around at the store if I can't find him. His phone probably died and they were out of the right stuff at Ralph's, so he went somewhere else.”
“Yeah. Yeah, maybe,” Buck replied, but he could see the look Athena gave Bobby out of the corner of his eye.
He knew nothing in his life was ever that simple.
He stumbled upon the video by accident. He was looking for a picture of a recipe that Maddie had asked for when his finger hit the wrong thumbnail and the video began to play.
It was one he took without Tommy knowing. A rare rainy day in Los Angeles gave them the opportunity to relax at home instead of run errands or make plans.
Buck was splayed out on the couch, head on the armrest and his legs on Tommy's lap. Tommy had a crossword over Buck's legs, staring at it with an intensity usually reserved for flying into dangerous situations.
“If twenty-one across is evergreen, then eighteen down can't be carpet.”
“I thought you said eighteen down had to be carpet?” Buck asked off camera.
“It does, Evan,” Tommy placed the pen between his teeth. “It really does.”
“Then evergreen is wrong.”
Tommy shook his head. “Nope. It's gotta be evergreen.”
“We've been going over this for almost an hour now, Tommy,” Buck said, huffing out a laugh. “Give it up.”
“I've never been this close to finishing a Sunday crossword!” Tommy whined, the smile on his face betraying the seriousness of his voice. “If I give up now, I'll never forgive myself.”
“If you give up now I'll let you blow me as a consolation prize,” Buck offered cheekily.
Tommy gasped, glancing at Buck with a look of betrayal. “Sabotage!” he exclaimed. “I have to finish this, babe, or my name isn't Thomas Andrew Kinard!”
“Your name isn't Thomas Andrew Kinard,” Buck replied, the video shaking with his laughter. “It's Buckley-Kinard.”
Tommy froze. He clicked his pen closed and tossed it, along with the paper, on the coffee table. He turned to Evan, his eyes darkening, “About that consolation prize?”
Buck found himself smiling as the video ended. He'd taken it only three weeks after their wedding. The video wasn't even old, but it felt like a lifetime ago.
Suddenly, the living room felt cold. Buck's spot on the couch now uncomfortable. The silence a stark contrast to all the life in that memory. For two months now he'd had nothing but silence in his home, besides the far too occasional visits from his friends and family. It wasn't the same though. It wasn't the same as having Tommy.
The smile on Buck's face faded. He got up and headed to the bedroom to lie down.
Maddie would have to get that recipe another day.
“We're all set to clear out here,” Bobby said over the radio. “Great work everyone.”
The call had been a big one. A four alarm fire that required the assistance of multiple stations.
“This is Firefighter Pilot Kinard of Harbor Station for Firefighter Buckley of 118, over,” Tommy's voice came over the radio. He had been providing assistance from the chopper, now hovering above them as he set to head back.
Buck glanced around at the rest of the 118, all stopping what they were doing to watch him and listen in. “Go for Buckley.”
“Looking for confirmation on a code one-four-three.”
“One-four-three confirmed and returned.”
“Excellent. Returning to Harbor Station.”
“What the hell is a one-four-three?” Chimney asked once the sounds from the chopper were off in the distance.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “It's their way of saying 'I love you' after a big call.”
Buck smiled. “We usually text it to each other,” he explained, a blush rising on his cheeks, “just to let the other know we're alright. Guess he couldn't get to his phone.”
Hen put a hand to her stomach. “That's so preciously sickening I might throw up.”
“Okay, okay, come on guys,” Bobby said, waving the group toward the truck, “give Buck a break-”
“Thank you, Cap.”
“-for now. We can make fun of him on the way back to the station.”
It was the longest, most grueling shift Buck had had since he could remember. He had only managed a couple hours of sleep, and that was often in fifteen minute increments. The worst part was the majority of calls were from people being stupid. Accidents that could have been prevented had a single person with half a brain been anywhere around.
All Buck wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep.
Which is why he was not so pleasantly surprised when he pulled up to Maddie's car in his driveway.
She greeted him at the door with a hug, and he faked a smile as he hugged back. “Why're you here?” he asked, trying to sound polite.
“Well, you've been working so hard lately, I figured I'd come over and help with the housecleaning.”
“Oh, uh, um, thanks.” The overwhelming smell of cleaning supplies made him feel a bit lightheaded as he walked further into the house, dropping his duffel on the dining room table. “It looks great in here.”
That wasn't a lie. She had made the place spotless. He wasn't a messy person himself but he couldn't deny he'd let certain things, like mopping and dusting, go over the past few months.
“It's the least I could do,” she replied. “I won't stay long, Howie texted me about how busy you guys were. Needed an excuse to see you though. It's... It's been a while.”
Two and a half weeks, to be exact. No fault of Maddie's either. She'd make plans with him, and he'd cancel last minute.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “I've been, uh, trying to get things back in order. I'm just- I'm still kind of...”
“It's okay,” she assured him. “Really. I understand.”
“Let me, um, let me go put my jacket up,” he said, tugging at it, “and we'll talk for a little bit before you go.” He didn't want to. No desire for small talk, or talk of any kind, but he couldn't kick her out of the house after all she'd done for him.
She smiled. “Okay. That sounds good.”
He headed to his bedroom, but stopped dead in his tracks when he reached the doorway.
“Did you... Did you wash my sheets?”
“I did,” Maddie replied, coming up behind him. Her voice was far too nonchalant for the blinding rage that was slowly seeping up inside him.
“All of them? Like, the pillowcases too?”
“Uh, yeah? Why would I only wash some of your sheets, Buck?”
Buck hurried over to the far side of the bed, throwing the comforter and sheets back to get to Tommy's pillow.
He didn't care if he looked like a crazy person. He brought the pillow up to his face and took a deep breath in.
It smelled like Gain.
It made him want to throw up.
“Buck, what's wrong?” She was clearly worried, standing uncomfortably in the doorway.
“I didn't ask you to do this, Maddie,” he said angrily, tossing the pillow back on the bed. “I- I didn't ask you to do any of this.”
“I know. I just wanted to help. Buck, I'm sorry if I-”
“I need you to leave.”
She stood firmly in place. “I'm not leaving until you tell me what I did wrong.”
“I- I, everyone keeps trying to help me,” he huffed, “and I don't want it! I don't want Eddie coming over for dinner! I don't want Hen taking me out for drinks! I don't want Chimney taking me to a movie! I don't want Bobby texting me every damn day! And I don't want you to be my maid!”
“We're just trying to help you, Evan-”
“Don't call me that!” He spewed.
He was breathing heavily. The stinging in his eyes surprised him. It'd been so long since he had last cried. He didn't particularly feel like crying right now, but apparently his body did. He groaned, sitting down on Tommy's side of the bed and staring out the window. He brought Tommy's pillow to his chest, and began to sob.
Maddie was by his side in seconds, wrapping her arms around him and enveloping him in a hug. 'I'm so sorry, Buck. I'm so sorry.” She was crying too. Buck could feel her tears wetting his shirt. He wasn't even sure why she was apologizing. She didn't have anything to be sorry for. If anything, he should be apologizing for snapping at her so harshly.
If he could speak, he would have told her as much. Would have told her that his head was a jumbled mess that he couldn't seem to clear. That nothing about this felt real. That he felt like Tommy was still there, somewhere, with them.
That it'd been four months since he'd had a dream. How he missed dreaming. They were always so vivid, him and Tommy, living their lives together.
Now, there was just darkness. An endless abyss of black every time he closed his eyes.
He'd tell her how his memories haunted him. The dreams may not exist, but the memories would appear out of nowhere at the worst times. They'd plague him. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape them.
He wasn't sure how much time passed before he was able to find his voice. Before he was able to bring himself out of Maddie's embrace. He kept a tight hold on the pillow, fingers messing with a pulled thread at the edge. “It s- smelled like him,” he said, his lip still trembling. “I'd... I'd wash everything else but, um, I- I couldn't wash this.”
“Oh, Buck, I'm so sorry. I didn't-”
“I know. It's okay. I- I know you were trying to help. It's okay.”
“Do you still have some of his cologne?”
Buck nodded and Maddie got up to go into the bathroom.
“Where?” she asked.
“Far sink, open the cabinet, black bottle.”
She returned a few seconds later with a bottle in hand, held out for Buck to see. “This one?”
“Want me to spray it?”
He laid the pillow out flat and Maddie sprayed it a couple of times.
“I really miss him, Maddie,” Buck admitted quietly, inhaling the scent of his cologne as it passed through the air.
“I know, Buck. I know.”
“Bobby, it's been twenty-four hours of nothing. I'm freaking out.”
Bobby hadn't left Buck since he'd arrived the day before. Athena had worked all night putting out alerts for Tommy and his vehicle, but hadn't gotten anywhere.
He and Buck had left two different times to go driving around. The rest of the 118 had gone searching as well, going to places he frequented, driving down any and every back road they could find.
Now, back at the house to rest for a minute, and make sure Tommy hadn't come back home, Buck was in a full blown panic.
“I know, Buck, but we're all doing everything we can,” Bobby replied, leading Buck to the couch. “Athena's got officers searching the whole city for his car. He'll be found.”
“But what if-”
“No,” Bobby sat on the edge of the coffee table so he could face Buck, “you're not gonna think like that, Buck.”
“Bobby,” his voice was pleading and his eyes red. “You know s- something's wrong. H- He wouldn't do this. You know that.”
Bobby sighed. He opened his mouth to speak, unsure of what he could even say, when the doorbell rang.
Buck's heart started pounding right away. Athena wouldn't ring the doorbell. She'd knock. So would anyone from the 118, except Eddie. Eddie would come right on in.
He was shaking as he got up and walked to the door, Bobby close behind him.
“Detective John Farrow,” a man introduced the second Buck opened the door. “Are you Evan Buckley-Kinard?”
Buck nodded. “I- Yes. I- I am.”
“Mr. Buckley-Kinard, I'm sorry to inform you...”
The sound of the detective's voice was replaced by a ringing in Buck's ears. He felt dizzy. His vision blurred. The last thing he remembered was Bobby catching him as he fell.
Agreeing to lunch at Maddie's with his parents was a mistake. He knew that from the moment he said yes. He'd been working on controlling his temper. Not overreacting at the small things.
There was still more work to be done.
“So,” Margaret began, everyone settled at the table. Maddie looked up to see her eyes on Buck. The look Margaret was giving him already made her want to scream. “There's really no easy way to say this, Evan-”
“Then maybe you shouldn't say it,” Maddie suggested. Chimney placed a hand on her back, rubbing gently to try and ease the tension.
Buck remained quiet, eyes directed toward his mother with an unreadable expression on his face.
“I'm simply asking,” Margaret continued, “if you've, you know, gotten back out there any?”
“Margaret,” Phillip warned under his breath. Maddie knew that if their dad wasn't even on their mom's side, this was never going to end civilly.
Maddie swore Buck's eyes went dark. “Buck-” Maddie started, but he cut her off.
“You're not seriously asking me if I'm dating six months after my husband died, are you, Mom?”
“Not dating, but getting back out into the world. I- I've heard so much about you staying holed up in your house, only leaving to go to work, and that worries me, Evan.”
“Stop calling me, Evan,” Buck demanded.
Margaret raised her hands in surrender. “I'm sorry,” she said, and she meant it. The name sometimes slipped out without her realizing it. She had been warned that the name triggered Buck in a way it never had before. Even though others had used it on occasion before, Evan had become Tommy's name for him. And with him gone, Buck didn't want to hear it from anyone. “I'm sorry, Buck. I just don't want to see you wasting away. It's hard for a mother to see her child suffer like this.”
“Were you over Daniel's death in six months?” Buck asked bitterly. “Were you back out there? Cause I seem to remember it being about thirty years before you even mentioned his name. And you only did that once Maddie told me about him.”
Tears filled Maddie's eyes. “Buck,” she spoke softly. She desperately wanted this conversation to end.
“That's not fair, Buck,” Margaret answered, her voice shaking. “Daniel was my child.”
“And Tommy was my husband!” Buck slammed his napkin on the table, rising to his feet. “We had planned a future together! We were saving up for a house, we were planning on having kids, we talked about what we'd do when we retired! Hell, we planned weekly grocery shopping trips together! All these things got ripped out from under me, and I'm supposed to just get back out there? Are you crazy?”
“Hey,” Phillip stood across from him, “that's too far. Your mother wasn't trying to be malicious.”
Buck shook his head, then began to head for the door. “This was a mistake. I- I'm gonna go.”
“Buck, wait-” Maddie went to get up, but Chimney placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Let me,” he said, walking out after Buck.
“Wait a minute, Buck!” Chimney jogged a few steps to catch up to him.
Buck stopped at his Jeep, hand on the door handle. “I'm not going back in.”
“Wasn't gonna ask you to. Just want to make sure you're okay.”
Buck let out a humorless laugh, turning back to Chimney. “Well, apparently I only stay holed up in my house except to go to work, so you tell me if I'm okay.”
“Maddie didn't say it like that to them, Buck, please don't be mad at her. She's worried about you. We all are.”
Buck scoffed. “Just leave me alone for tonight,” he said, getting into his Jeep. “I'll see you at work on Friday.”
“He flashed the ring three times today,” Eddie said, scooting back into the bench. After work they'd all met Tommy at the bar for a few drinks before heading home.
“Four,” Hen corrected.
“Nope.” Chimney took a sip of his beer. “Five.”
Tommy grinned at Buck. “Really? Five times? Can't say I blame them, I do have a hot fiancé.”
“Oh, my guy was not flirting,” Chimney stated. “Buck asked him if he liked the way the ring shimmered in the sunlight.”
“Mhm,” Hen agreed. “My girl wasn't flirting either. Buck noticed she had an ultrasonic ring cleaner in her bathroom and asked if she was happy with her purchase because, and I quote, 'I just got engaged and I want to make sure my ring stays perfect forever.'”
“Okay, guys,” Buck said with a groan, “we get it. I'm lame.”
“I don't think it's lame.” Tommy rested his hand on Buck's knee. “I think it's adorable. I love that you're excited to get married.”
A blush rose on Buck's cheeks. “I am excited,” he agreed, leaning in for a kiss. “Very excited.”
“Before this gets pg-13,” Eddie interrupted, “the two men I had were definitely flirting, but they both got the hint after the first 'fiancé' was thrown out there. Buck threw in two more for good measure. The other person- not flirting.”
“What about you?” Hen asked Tommy. “Did you get any offers you had to turn down today?”
“Well, I was thousands of feet in the air for both of the calls I went on, so any prospects would have had to look at me through some really good binoculars and then steal a radio to tell me they were into me, so no. No offers.”
“The guy in the bathroom definitely flirted with you like ten minutes ago, Dude,” Eddie said with a laugh.
“What?” Tommy asked incredulously. “No he didn't.”
“He for sure did. Man was jacked and he was asking for your workout routine.”
“He said he wanted to switch things up!” Tommy exclaimed.
Eddie snorted. “Oh, he definitely wanted to switch things up.”
“What? Who is this man?” Buck eyes darted around the bar. “Where is he?”
“Don't worry about it Buck,” Eddie reassured him. “Tommy didn't even realize it. Gave the guy a five minute rundown of how he gets the perfect squat. Your man only has eyes for you.”
Buck settled back into his seat, leaning into Tommy's side as Tommy pulled him closer and pressed a kiss to his temple. “That's true,” he whispered into Buck's ear.
Buck rested his head on Tommy's shoulder, ignoring the teasing gag sounds that came from the others around them.
If it were possible, he'd stay like this forever.
He should have expected this.
It should have happened sooner, if he were being honest.
He was lucky to go seven months without a call that hit too close to home.
There had been a hit and run. The car that was hit had flipped twice, landed right side up, and immediately burst into flames.
The man in the driver's seat never stood a chance.
Buck was okay while they hurried to get out the flames. He'd ignored the glances from the rest of the team, ignored Bobby's suggestion to stay by the engine, ignored the thoughts in the back of his head telling him to sit this one out.
It wasn't until the fire was out and he saw the man's body, burnt so severely he looked more like a halloween decoration than a human, that Buck lost it.
No matter how much he wanted to look away, his eyes were fixed on the body. His heart rate was speeding up quickly, each breath short and sharp and painful.
He hadn't even realized that tears were falling down his face. Or that he was letting out little noises similar to a dog's whine. He had his helmet in his hand, shaking so much it was vibrating against his leg.
Buck didn't even notice the bystanders watching him, some of them whispering, others pulling out their phones.
It felt like hours, but Bobby was in front of him within seconds. “We're gonna walk away, Buck,” he said calmly but firmly, planting a hand on his shoulder. “We're gonna walk away and go sit behind the engine. Come on.”
Buck let Bobby guide him to a quite spot behind the fire truck, sitting on the curb. Bobby took his helmet from him and tossed it somewhere, then sat down beside him.
“I'm sorry,” Buck breathed out, wiping over his face with his hand.
“You don't ever have to apologize for being human, Buck.”
“I don't know how to do this,” he confessed through sobs. “I don't- I don't know how to keep g- going.”
“The path through grief isn't linear,” Bobby explained. “Hell, it's not really much of a path you get through at all. More like a loop.”
“So this is... This is m- my forever?” He asked, voice rising in despair.
“No. Not exactly. You do learn how to manage it better over time, but it takes time, Buck. And it takes letting the people around you help you, instead of pushing them away.”
“I don't mean to,” Buck said as he began to calm down. “It just takes so much energy. Everything is exhausting. Talking to people is- is so exhausting.”
“I know. Buck, you've seen grief. It's been around you since you were a baby. I'm not saying there's any right or wrong way to grieve, but I think you know how dangerous it is to lose yourself in it.” Bobby put his arm around him, giving his shoulder a squeeze. “No one expects you to be exactly who you were before you lost Tommy. I'll never be the same person I was, Eddie won't be the same person he was, Chimney won't be who he was before losing his brother, I could go on and on. But we- I need you to realize you're still here, you're still breathing, and Tommy wouldn't want you to disappear.”
Buck nodded, a new wave of tears taking over him.
Bobby pulled him close and let him cry.
“How many kids do you want?”
Buck and Tommy were sat on the front porch steps watching the sunset behind the trees across the street.
“Uh,” Tommy paused, caught off guard. “I don't know. Haven't really thought about it.”
Buck shrugged. “We've talked about wanting kids, but we've never talked about how many we want.”
“Hm. Two sounds nice. Kinda close together so they can grow up with each other. You?”
“Two's good,” he agreed. “But we'd need a bigger house.”
“Oh, for sure. This one barely fits the two of us.”
“And I'd like for us to be married a while first. Settled, you know?”
Tommy raised his eyebrows. “You proposing?”
“Ha! Like this? No.” Buck took Tommy's hand in his and they settled into a comfortable silence. After a couple minutes, Buck squeezed Tommy's hand to get his attention. “I have, um, I've been thinking about it though. Um, about proposing,” he said, staring deep into Tommy's eyes to see what kind of response he'd get. When Tommy appeared surprised, Buck panicked a bit. “Is that, um, is- is that weird? To be thinking about it so soon?”
“What? Oh, God, no, Evan. I,” he laughed, “I've actually been thinking about it too. For a while now.”
Buck looked as shocked as the night Tommy first kissed him. “Really?”
“Really. I've been googling rings, looking for the perfect one. Kept trying to talk myself out of it because I wasn't sure if you'd think it was too fast but-”
Tommy's words were cut off by Buck's mouth on his, so forceful it nearly toppled them both over.
“Oh! Mmm,” Tommy moaned into the kiss, resting his hand at the base of Buck's neck.
“Yes,” Buck said, dazed as he pulled back far enough to speak.
“Bu- Evan, I didn't ask yet. Not the- I don't have a ring.”
“I don't care, Tommy. Yes. I'm saying yes. Yes?”
It took Tommy's mouth a second to catch up with his brain, but once it did he was nodding, his eyes filling with tears. “Yes. Of course, yes,” he replied, both of them laughing giddily before crashing their lips back together.
Everyone except for Hen was upstairs relaxing between calls. Bobby and Buck were at the table, planning out next week's meals. Eddie was fixing himself a cup of coffee. Chimney was on the couch, reading a book.
“We're all going out for beers after our shift,” Eddie said, glancing at Buck. “You in?”
Buck nodded. “Yeah, I'm in.”
He'd been trying lately. Trying to do things other than work and sleep. He'd gone to the zoo with Jee a couple times over the past month. He'd gone to Bobby's for dinner. Watched a game at Eddie's place. Met Maddie and Chimney for brunch. He'd even gone over to Hen's one night when she was home alone and they'd gotten hammered while discussing their various traumas.
Every one of these occasions had ended with him in his car, or a cab, sobbing uncontrollably.
But he was trying.
Hen walked up the stairs, a worried expression on her face. “What's up with you?” Chimney asked, first to notice.
“Uh... Buck?”
“There's a... a secret service agent here for you.”
All eyes were on her now.
A... a what?”
Before Hen could get in another word, a man in a suit walked up behind her.
Buck stood, recognizing the man right away. It was the same man who had come to his door to let him know about Tommy. His heart sunk. How could this possibly get worse?
“Detective Farrow?”
“Mr. Buckley-Kinard,” he greeted. “It's actually Special Agent Farrow, but you can all me John.”
“I- I don't-”
“I know this is a bit odd,” he continued, “and was not something I actually wanted to do. I was going to hold off until you were home, but he refused to wait another minute.”
“I- what are you talking about? Who?”
The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs interrupted whatever John was about to reply.
Suddenly there was a very familiar, very alive Tommy standing in front of them, smiling brightly at the sight of Buck. “Hi, Evan.”
“Holy shit.” The words escaped Chimney's mouth without him realizing.
Hen followed right after with an, “Oh my God.”
Eddie felt his coffee cup slip from his hand and shatter against the countertop. No one even noticed.
Bobby was standing right beside Buck, thankfully, because he had to quickly reach out and grab onto him before he fell to the ground. He managed to whip a chair around and get Buck seated as he stared, mouth agape, at his husband.
His alive husband.
His breathing husband.
His not-buried-in-the-cemetery husband.
“Evan,” Tommy stepped forward, but Buck held his arm out to stop him.
“What the hell is going on?”
Tommy was confused. Buck sounded angry, and scared. He looked around at all the other faces staring back at him. “Why... Why do you all look like you've seen a ghost?” he asked.
Chimney walked up to Tommy, poking him on the shoulder. “Because you're dead. At least, you're supposed to be.”
Tommy raised his eyebrows. “I'm what?” He turned to John. “Why would they think that?”
John cleared his throat, eyes gazing downward. “There's a lot we need to discuss, Mr. Buckley-Kinard.”
“Why would they think I was dead?” Tommy repeated, angry now.
“Because that's what we were told,” Hen answered.
Tommy stepped closer to John. “You told them I was dead?”
“We couldn't risk anyone knowing-”
“You told my husband I was dead?!”
“-that you were alive. It would have put everyone-”
“And you lied to me to keep me there?!”
“-in danger. It was easier this way.”
“That was not the deal!”
“Everyone shut up!” Buck's voice rang out over the station. He got out of his seat, Bobby keeping a hand near his back until he was sure Buck was steady.
Buck cautiously moved toward Tommy, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “You- You're really here?”
All of the anger Tommy had for John fell away as he looked into Buck's eyes. He nodded. “I'm here. I'm so sorry, Buck, I didn't-”
Buck shook his head, “I- I don't care right now.” He brought a hand up to Tommy's chest. Felt the thump-thump-thump of his heart. The firmness of his chest. He felt up until he reached Tommy's collarbone, poking ever so slightly out from his shirt. Felt the warmth of his skin. The slight dip that led up to his neck that Buck always loved to linger on when they were alone in bed. He felt the roughness of a two day old beard as he felt up his neck and toward his jawbone. “My God.” The words were hushed, breathed out through trembling lips and red-rimmed eyes. He pressed their lips together so quickly, so urgently, that Tommy didn't even have time to register it. He moaned into the kiss, finally reaching out and wrapping his arms around Buck's waist, finding their home at the base of his back.
“Let's give them a minute,” Bobby said, gesturing for everyone to head downstairs.
“I need to brief them,” John replied, earning him a glare from everyone else in the room.
“We're giving them a minute,” Bobby demanded.
John didn't try to protest any further. He simply followed the others downstairs, allowing Buck and Tommy time to reconnect.
“I didn't know,” Tommy began, he and Buck seated on the couch. “I was never told that you thought I was dead.”
“I am so confused, Tommy, I don't... I'm not even sure if this is real, to be honest. Am I dreaming? I haven't... I haven't had a dream since you died. Is that what this is?”
Tommy shook his head. “It's not a dream, Evan.”
“Then what the hell happened?” Buck asked, going from anxious to frustrated, “Cause I'm kinda pissed.”
Tommy scooted closer to Buck, cautiously holding out his hands for Buck to take. There was hesitation, but Buck gave in.
“The night I went to the grocery store, I saw something. I, it was a murder.”
Buck's eyes widened. “A what?”
“Yeah, I know. When I was leaving the store, I went out the back way to avoid all the traffic at the main entrance. It was getting dark, and when I passed by the dumpsters out back I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I- this guy had shot another man. I got a good look at him, and he got a good look at me too, but he ran. I got out of the car, called 911, and tried to help the other guy, but he was dead.”
“I... My brain feels like it's about to explode, Tommy. I don't understand how this leads to me planning your funeral.”
Tears came to Tommy's eyes at the thought. He continued, “The police came first, and they were asking for descriptions and any information I had. Then, the FBI shows up, and the CIA, and suddenly I'm surrounded by agents from every agency that goes by initials. This guy, whoever I saw, was apparently a hitman. A good one. Like, ties to Russia and shit. Anyway, I'm being tossed into a van and told my life's in danger because this guy saw me.”
“This sounds like a really bad cop thriller, Tommy.”
Tommy let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, I know, believe me. But these agents are telling me that I need protection, this man has killed for less before, blah blah blah. They said he'd killed an entire family because the mom had witnessed one of his hits.”
Buck scoffed. “Apparently he's not that good if he keeps getting caught.”
“Evan,” Tommy said, eyes pleading, “they showed me crime scene pictures of what this man had done. Told me he'd do the same to you if I went home. It was... It was horrific.”
“They wouldn't even let you call me? Tell me you were okay? I was- I went through hell these past eight months.”
“They took my phone, said anything electronic was a risk. Said if I declined protection, if I went home to you, I was basically signing your death certificate. But I told them- I told them that I had to let you know something and they said to write you a letter. I wrote one every week. They said they'd deliver it to you.”
“They did not deliver any letters.”
“Yeah, I'm getting that now. Evan, I swear I had no idea they were going to tell you I was dead. No idea.” Tommy clung onto Buck's hands tighter, and Buck couldn't ignore the pang in his chest at having Tommy in front of him. Alive. With him. Beside him. Holding him.
“I believe you.” He was being honest. He did believe Tommy. He knew Tommy would do anything to keep him safe. He also knew Tommy would never agree to making Buck feel the way he had felt for the last eight months. “I am just... I am so confused right now. This all sounds so crazy and over- overwhelming, Tommy. And I really wanna punch that John guy, whoever the fuck he is. And I want-” he cleared his throat, eyes red with unshed tears. “I wanna go home, Tommy.”
Unable to hold himself back any longer, he leaned into Tommy. They met each other halfway, their foreheads pressed together. Buck reached up and cupped Tommy's cheeks, brushing his thumbs against the rough stubble. They closed their eyes and breathed each other in. Buck whispered, “Can we go home?”
John wanted to sit with them and go over everything before they left, but the boiling over rage from the both of them was evident, so he made a plan to speak with them the next day.
After brief hugs and hello's, along with endless apologies to everyone at the 118, Tommy and Buck left.
The ride home was oddly, but comfortably, quiet. Neither were totally sure what to say. Tommy had basically been a prisoner in a safe house for eight months until the FBI found this hitman. Buck had been living in a prison of his own, thinking the love of his life had been burned and buried.
“Home sweet home,” Buck said as they pulled into the driveway. He let go of Tommy's hand long enough for them to get out of the car.
They were interlaced once again as soon as Tommy walked around the Jeep.
Buck needed the touch. Needed to stay connected to Tommy somehow, so he didn't wake up from whatever dream he was in. If this wasn't reality, he wanted to stay wherever it was for the rest of his life.
They walked into the house slowly, Buck a step ahead of Tommy, leading the way.
Once the door was shut behind them, Tommy began looking around.
Everything was... the same. Besides a few of his houseplants being gone, but they never stood a chance in the first place.
Tommy stepped in front of Buck, gave his hand a squeeze before letting go, and continued further into the house.
Buck's body ached at the loss of Tommy's touch, but he let him go. Knew this was overwhelming for him too.
“You kept all my stuff,” Tommy noted, moving into the living room.
“Of course I did.”
“Even though you thought I was-”
“A part of me didn't believe it. I kept telling people that something felt wrong. Everyone said I was in denial; that I'd move on when I was ready.”
“God, this is so fucked up.” Tommy turned to face Buck. The space between them felt as though they might as well be a thousand miles apart. “It's okay if you're mad,” he said. “I understand.”
“I- I am mad,” Buck admitted. He moved closer to Tommy. Everything still felt so surreal. He wasn't even sure if this was actually happening right now. “I don't think I'm mad at you though. I- I'm mad at them.”
There were so many to choose from. “Everyone who took you away from me.”
Tommy nodded. “I'm mad at them too. They wasted eight damn months of my life. Our life.”
Buck cleared any remaining distance between them. He brought his hands to Tommy's waist slowly, dragging his hands up and down his sides, feeling the defined muscles that rested just beneath his shirt.
Tommy sunk into the touch. He watched Buck as he stared at his body. Looked over every inch of him to make sure Tommy wasn't a figment of his imagination.
Tommy brought a hand to Buck's chin, gently tilting his head up until their eyes met. “Can I kiss you?” he asked softly.
Buck sucked in a breath. “Please.”
Tommy brought their lips together gently, both of their bodies shaking with the need to be closer. Feel more.
Buck fisted Tommy's shirt in his hands, pushed their bodies as close as they could go with how they were standing.
Tommy brought his hands to the nape of Buck's neck as the kiss deepened. Their tongues met with a moan, teeth clashing together before Buck pulled back just far enough speak against Tommy's lips. “I don't want to be mad right now,” he whispered like a secret.
Tommy kissed him again. “What do you want?” he asked.
Buck slowly raised Tommy's shirt, just enough to get his hands underneath. He scratched his fingernails down Tommy's abs, causing Tommy to suck in a sharp breath. Chills covered his body.
Buck kissed Tommy's lips, then his cheek, this nipped at his jawline until he reached his ear. “I wanna to fuck you,” he answered.
They clumsily stumbled into the bedroom, stripping themselves of their clothes before falling onto the bed. “You've been working out a lot,” Buck noted between kisses, hands roaming over Tommy's body.
Tommy pressed himself against Buck, their cocks rubbing together, eliciting a groan from them both.
“There was quite literally nothing else to do,” Tommy replied.
Their bodies moved together so perfectly. Just like always. Like they had never been apart at all.
Tommy sucked on Buck's bottom lip, listening to the stunted gasps that escaped him with every thrust.
“You're so fucking beautiful,” Tommy said breathlessly. He bit at a spot on Buck's neck, Buck's hands tangling in Tommy's hair and tugging firmly.
“Tom- Tommy,” he whimpered out. “You gotta. I wanna- You gotta stop,” he managed to get out.
Tommy whined, but stopped his movements. The sound earned him a laugh from Buck. He caressed Tommy's cheek until he looked at him. “Wanna fuck you, remember? Not gonna last long if- if you keep going.”
Tommy nodded. He was seconds away from coming himself. It was easy to get lost in the feeling with Buck. Easy to lose control.
With one swift movement, Buck flipped them so he was on top. He may not have been working out as much as Tommy over the last few months, but he did have a lot of sessions with a punching bag recently, and right now he felt ready to take on the world.
Buck ran his hand over Tommy's chest, let his fingernails drag over his nipple, Tommy arching into the touch. He felt over every ab, traced Tommy's scar, moved down to his stomach. It was all so torturously slow, but so fucking wonderful.
He kissed his way down Tommy's body, stopping at his cock. He stared up at Tommy with heavy lidded eyes as he spit, letting the drool drip down from his mouth onto the head of Tommy's dick. “The first time I touched myself,” Buck said, finally taking Tommy's cock in his hand, dragging his hand up and down leisurely as Tommy's eyes fluttered shut, “after... you know.”
“Mhm.” Tommy managed to open his eyes again, trying to focus on Buck and his words instead of the warm, wet hand gliding over him.
“I had to stop. I tried to- to touch myself the way you always touched me, but I- I couldn't do it.”
“Oh God, Evan.” Tommy fucked himself into Buck's tight fist. He brought their lips together sloppily. “Wanna touch you like that again.”
Buck nodded. “You will,” he promised. “But not right now. Right now I need to be in you.”
Buck let go of Tommy long enough to reach into the bedside table and grab the lube. He put some on, Tommy spreading his legs as Buck reached down and slowly began inserting his finger.
“Ah,” Tommy gasped. He reached up and pulled Buck down for another kiss as Buck slowly pumped his finger in and out.
“You're so tight,” Buck panted into Tommy's mouth.
“Been a while.” Tommy began to grind down against Buck's finger, moaning loudly when it hit the perfect spot.
“Shit,” Buck whined. “You haven't... You didn't?”
“A finger or two.” Tommy planted his feet on the bed, getting better leverage to work himself up and down on Buck. “A- Another, Evan, please.”
Buck obliged, adding another finger along the first, eliciting a string of curses from Tommy.
“Fuck, fuck, fucking shit! It was never the same,” he added quickly, going back to the conversation. “Didn't- God, didn't feel like this. Evan, more!”
Buck silenced a moan with his mouth as he added a third finger, grinding his cock against Tommy's thigh. He knew he wasn't gonna last long. Knew Tommy wouldn't either. It didn't matter though. They had plenty of time to make up for what was lost.
“I- I'm ready. Just... I need-”
“I know.” Another kiss and Buck slipped his fingers out of Tommy. Tommy grabbed the lube from the side of the bed and tossed it in Buck's direction, getting a laugh out of him.
Soon enough, Buck had Tommy's legs on his shoulders and his cock was slowly, slowly, so fucking slowly, entering Tommy.
They stared into each others eyes, Tommy slack-jawed with tiny, breathy grunts escaping him every time Buck inched closer.
After what felt like an eternity, Buck bottomed out. He stilled, breathing heavily. “I gotta. Just. I need a second.”
“S'okay.” Tommy reached out and grabbed for Buck's hands, which were currently gripping Tommy's thighs. “S'okay,” he repeated.
A few seconds later, Buck began to move.
Slowly at first, letting Tommy get used to the feeling again. Hell, letting him get used to the feeling again.
“Ev- ah- Evan?”
“I- ah- I. I need-”
“What? What do- do you need?”
“Oh shit!" Tommy yelled as Buck snapped his hips forward. "Fuck me, Evan!”
That was all Buck needed to hear. He pushed himself up slightly, to get a better position, and began moving faster, faster, faster, harder, harder, harder. Each thrust pulled a new sound out of Tommy. Low, guttural groans.
The sound of their skin slapping together, the feeling of the sweat covering their bodies, the heat between them, the desperation over all they thought they'd lost.
It was too much.
“Evan, I- I'm gonna come.” He'd never been able to come untouched before. Always needed a hand on his cock to get there. Not this time though. He came with a sound so loud, Buck was sure the neighbors at the other end of the street could hear.
Tommy's legs dropped off of Buck's shoulders, but he quickly wrapped them around his back to make sure he didn't go anywhere.
“Tommy,” Buck gasped, each movement now with far less rhythm. “Tommy, i- is this real?”
Tommy pulled Buck closer, his fingernails digging into Buck's back. He moaned as Buck drove in deeper. “It's- I'm real,” he managed to breathe out. “I'm here, Evan.”
Buck groaned loudly, mouth pressed close to Tommy's ear, coming deep inside him. After a couple lighter, gentler thrusts, Buck stopped. He practically dropped all his body weight on top of Tommy. Tommy kept his legs wrapped tightly around him. Neither could seem to let the other go just yet.
Buck hid his head into Tommy's neck. “I missed you so much,” he whimpered out, both men trying to catch their breath. Tommy could feel the wetness of Buck's tears on his neck. “God, I- I missed you.”
Tommy brought his hands to Buck's head, carding his fingers through his hair. “I missed you every damn second of every damn day,” he replied.
After they cleaned up, Buck curled back into Tommy, intertwining their bodies at every point he could manage. Tommy wrapped Buck into his arms, and Buck laid his head on Tommy's chest. They laid in silence for a while, allowing themselves to feel and be felt for the first time in so long.
Buck was the first to break the silence, letting the words fall out like a secret admission. “John came to the house the day after you went missing. They... They said your car had been in an accident. That you, um, that it had caught on fire w- with you inside.”
Tommy's body stiffened underneath him. “Baby, if... if I'd known-”
“I know,” Buck assured him. He ran his hand up and down over Tommy's chest until he relaxed again. “I know it wasn't you.”
“I'm gonna ask John if he still has my letters,” Tommy said.
“You really wrote me letters?” Buck asked, stealing a glance up at Tommy.
“Mhm. I'm sure they all thought I was an absolute idiot, especially seeing as it was all a lie, but yeah, every week.”
Buck pressed a kiss to Tommy's pec before lying back down. “I hope they exist somewhere. I'd love to read them.”
“They were really fucking depressing. Turns out I don't handle being without you very well.”
“Oh, you should've seen me.” Buck traced circle patterns along Tommy's chest. “This was the first month I started trying. Trying to get back out and do things with people... I'm glad I don't have to try anymore.”
“That's probably something we should talk about, especially with our jobs.” He snuggled further under the covers, wrapping Buck even tighter in his arms. “Not tonight though.”
“No, not tonight,” Buck agreed.
They still had a lot to talk about. A lot of things that had to be sorted. Questions that needed answers. Issues that would need to be resolved.
But, for tonight, the only thing they needed was each other.
Each other, and the first good night's sleep for them both since the day Tommy disappeared.
That night, once sleep took over, Buck dreamt.
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twistiraki · 9 months
🎀The Twisted Wonderland housewardens save you from your bullies 🎀
‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ TᗯIᔕTEᗪ ᗯOᑎᗪEᖇᒪᗩᑎᗪ Characters Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus x F!Reader Warnings bullying ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗
The cold, oppressive atmosphere of Night Raven College bore witness to the relentless cruelty inflicted upon Y/n by the three Savanaclaw students. They were a toxic trio, reveling in the sadistic pleasure of tormenting the lone soul who dared to be different.
In the shadows of the twisting corridors, the bullies cornered Y/n with malevolent grins and whispered taunts. "Look who we have here, the little misfit," sneered one of them, his words dripping with disdain.
Y/n, a stoic figure determined to withstand the onslaught, clenched her teeth, refusing to give them the satisfaction of seeing her crack. The leader of the tormentors, a sinister figure with a twisted smile, circled her like a predator closing in on its prey.
"What's the matter, Y/n? Cat got your tongue?" another jeered, causing the trio to burst into mocking laughter. The echoes of their cruelty resonated through the desolate halls, amplifying Y/n's isolation.
Their torment wasn't limited to words alone; the bullies seized every opportunity to strip Y/n of her dignity. One day, they snatched her bag, rifling through its contents like scavengers pillaging a carcass. They tossed her belongings carelessly on the cold floor, savoring the sight of her distress.
On another occasion, the trio targeted Y/n during a public event, exploiting the vulnerability of the crowded space. They humiliated her with disparaging remarks, their malicious words cutting through the air like a relentless storm. Y/n, standing alone amidst the sea of indifferent faces, fought back tears, unwilling to grant them the satisfaction of witnessing her vulnerability.
The torment escalated when the bullies, driven by an insidious desire to break her spirit, attempted to steal Y/n's clothing. The malicious intent behind their actions was clear, pushing her to the brink of despair.
In that harrowing moment, as they tugged at the fabric that shielded her from their malicious intent, Y/n's defenses crumbled. The tears she had fought so hard to contain spilled over, marking her surrender to the relentless darkness that engulfed her.
The bullies reveled in their perceived victory, their laughter echoing like a haunting melody. Y/n, now defenseless and broken, sank to her knees, a shattered reflection of the person she used to be.
Yet, as the trio reveled in their malevolence, the distant echo of approaching footsteps disrupted their sadistic revelry… 
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The cold corridors of Night Raven College seemed to intensify as the bullies' attention shifted from Y/n to the unexpected intruder, Riddle Rosehearts. The leader of the trio, emboldened by a sense of defiance, sneered, "What's the Heartslabyul housewarden doing, playing the hero? Is this your new pet project, Rosehearts?"
Riddle's stern expression remained steadfast, a protective shield against the barbs directed his way. "I'm enforcing the rules, something you three seem to have forgotten. Now, leave her alone," he retorted, his tone laced with an unyielding edge.
The bullies, undeterred by the stern warning, turned their attention to Riddle, attempting to humiliate him in the same manner they had targeted Y/n. "Maybe Rosehearts has a soft spot for misfits. Or is there something else going on here?" one of them jeered, a malicious glint in their eyes.
Riddle's gaze hardened, but he didn't allow their words to rattle him. Instead, he focused on Y/n, offering her his cape for warmth and comfort. "Ignore them," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm in the aftermath of the storm.
Y/n, still recovering from the emotional turmoil, met Riddle's eyes with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. "Why are you helping me?" she asked, her vulnerability laid bare.
Riddle hesitated for a moment, his stern exterior cracking to reveal a hint of sincerity. "No one should be treated like that. Besides, it's my duty as the housewarden of Heartslabyul to enforce the rules," he replied, though the subtle inflection in his voice hinted at a deeper, unspoken truth.
As the bullies persisted in their attempts to tarnish Riddle's reputation, he remained resolute. However, the time for words had passed. With a swift and practiced motion, Riddle invoked his unique magic, "Off with your head," causing ethereal sparks to materialize and collar the bullies as a consequence for their actions.
The trio, now restrained by red head’s signature spell, looked to Riddle with shock and fear. He addressed them with an unwavering gaze. "Learn to respect others, or face the consequences," he declared, his authority unshaken.
Turning back to Y/n, Riddle offered a reassuring smile. "You don't have to worry about them anymore. Let me help you and walk you to your dorm," he said, a subtle undertone of warmth in his voice.
Riddle thought to himself that the bullies were right. He did have a soft spot for misfits. In particular this misfit. He had always liked Y/n. As they walked to Y/n’s dorm Riddle tried to hide his face, which was now as red as his hair.  
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In the dimly lit corridor, Leona Kingscholar, the formidable housewarden of Savanaclaw, stood between Y/n and her tormentors. The atmosphere crackled with tension as the bullies, momentarily taken aback, decided to redirect their malice towards the imposing figure that stood before them.
"So, the sleepy lion decides to play the hero," one of the bullies sneered, attempting to mask their unease with false bravado.
Leona's emerald eyes narrowed, a low growl escaping his throat as he stared down the trio. "You've got a problem with how I do things?" he challenged, his voice a menacing rumble that reverberated through the corridor.
The bullies, perhaps underestimating the fierce resolve that lay beneath Leona's laid-back demeanor, stepped back. "Why are you protecting her? Got yourself a new little plaything, housewarden?" one of them jeered, a sinister grin stretching across their face.
Leona's expression darkened, his patience wearing thin. "I protect what's under my care. That's all you need to know," he replied, his words carrying an implicit warning that sent shivers down the spines of the tormentors.
Undeterred, the bullies attempted to taunt him further, their words laced with a futile attempt at intimidation. "Maybe you've got a crush on her, huh?" another one jeered.
Leona's growl intensified, his dominant aura radiating an almost tangible threat. "You're pushing your luck, buddy" he warned, his gaze flickering dangerously.
As the tension escalated, Leona stepped forward, looming over the bullies with an imposing stature that left them visibly unsettled. "Consider this your only warning. Cross me again, and you'll regret it," he asserted, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.
The bullies, realizing the gravity of their situation, hastily retreated, their bravado shattered in the face of Leona's unwavering dominance. As they fled the scene, fear etched across their faces, Leona turned his attention back to Y/n.
"You alright?" he asked, the harsh edges of his demeanor softening as he surveyed her. Y/n, still reeling from the confrontation, nodded silently.
Leona, surprising even himself with the depth of his concern, took a step closer. His hand gently cupped Y/n's cheek, his touch surprisingly tender. "I hate to see this pretty face upset," he murmured to himself, his voice a low, soothing rumble.
As the lion helped pick up Y/n’s stuff from the ground, the situation made him angrier and angrier. He’s going to make sure to teach those punks a lesson tomorrow morning during training.”Got yourself a new little plaything?” those words lingering in Leona’s head. Plaything. He scoffs at the idea. Y/n is so much more than that…
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In the dimly lit corridors of Night Raven College, the relentless torment aimed at Y/n had attracted the attention of Azul Ashengrotto. As he intervened to protect her, the bullies, recognizing the charismatic housewarden from Octavinelle, shifted their focus to the unexpected adversary.
"Looks like we've got ourselves a hero," one of the bullies scoffed, a malicious glint in his eyes. The leader, emboldened by the presence of a new target, attempted to humiliate Azul. "What's your game, Ashengrotto? Trying to play the savior for this loser?"
Azul's gaze remained unfazed, his smooth composure undeterred. "I suggest you mind your own business," he retorted, his voice carrying a subtle warning. However, the bullies, now fueled by audacity, turned their attention to Y/n once more.
In the face of the renewed onslaught, Azul stepped forward, shielding Y/n with a protective stance. "It seems you're mistaken," he said, directing his attention to Y/n. "This isn't about playing the hero. No one deserves to be treated like this."
The bullies, sensing an unexpected vulnerability in Azul's defense of Y/n, attempted to exploit it. "What's the matter, Ashengrotto? You fancy this loser here?" they sneered, hoping to provoke a reaction.
Azul's gaze flickered, a subtle hint of discomfort betraying his composed exterior. However, he quickly regained his confidence, addressing Y/n with a more reassuring tone. "Don't pay them any mind. Let me take care of this."
Turning back to the bullies, Azul's expression hardened. "You might want to reconsider your actions. I have quite a bit of dirt on both of you, and I'm not afraid to use it. And let's not forget about the Leech Twins—they're always hungry for interesting tidbits."
The mention of the Leech Twins sent a shiver down the bullies' spines, their confidence crumbling in the face of potential repercussions. Sensing their defeat, they slinked away, leaving Azul and Y/n in the now empty corridor.
Azul turned back to Y/n, his usual confidence giving way to a more genuine concern. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice softer now. "Trash like them need people like us to torment, to make themselves feel better.”
Y/n, still reeling from the emotional turmoil, nodded appreciatively. Azul continued to guide her to the Mostro lounge, knowing she will be safe there. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the commanding presence he displayed moments ago.
As they navigated the halls together, Azul couldn't help but feel a twinge of awkwardness. He was normally confident and composed, but Y/n's presence seemed to unravel his polished exterior. He knows all too well what it’s like to be treated like that. And the thought that Y/n had to endure the same thing made him want to protect her more. Like a precious pearl he can’t stand to share with anyone.
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In the dimly lit corridors of Night Raven College, Kalim Al-Asim's radiant presence cast a warm glow that contrasted with the shadows of cruelty that clung to the bullies tormenting Y/n. As Kalim approached the scene, unaware of the tension, he couldn't fathom the depths of their malicious intent.
"Hey, what's going on here?" Kalim's voice echoed with genuine curiosity, a beacon of positivity in the oppressive atmosphere.
The leader of the bullies sneered, seizing the opportunity to redirect their malevolence. "Well, well, if it isn't the Scarabian sun himself. What's it to you, Kalim? Lost your little guard dog?"
Kalim chuckled, oblivious to their attempts at humiliation. "Nah, I was just passing by. Just got back from the pop music club. What's got you so worked up?"
Unperturbed, the bullies turned around to face Kalim, attempting to exploit the vulnerability they perceived in his sunny disposition. "Oh, look, he's trying to play the hero. Say, does the housewarden of Scarabia like this little misfit?."
Y/n, still reeling from the earlier torment, looked at Kalim with a mixture of gratitude and surprise. Kalim, however, beamed back, seemingly unaffected by their insinuations.
"What? Well, who wouldn't want to be friends with someone as amazing as Y/n?" Kalim responded, his sincerity disarming in its authenticity.
The bullies persisted, their cruel words attempting to chip away at Kalim's unwavering spirit. "Heh. Do you hear that, Y/n? There’s finally someone willing to put up with your pathetic act of a personality! I guess our little otter here is too stupid to see how worthless you are."
It was when they directed their malice back at Y/n, their words a venomous assault, that Kalim's carefree demeanor faltered. His eyes narrowed, the red glow dimming as a protective instinct took hold.
"Enough is enough," Kalim asserted, his voice carrying an unexpected edge. "You don't get to treat people like this."
Undeterred, the bullies persisted, casting disparaging remarks at both Kalim and Y/n. In response, Kalim maintained his composure, shielding Y/n from the verbal onslaught with unwavering resolve.
When the bullies continued to escalate the situation, Kalim took charge. "That's it. We're done here," he declared, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. He offered a hand to Y/n, helping her to her feet with a reassuring touch.
"Let's get you out of here," Kalim suggested, handing Y/n her scattered belongings. "If you ever feel unsafe, Jamil and I are here for you."
The unease in the bullies' expressions was palpable as they realized their words didn’t affect their targets anymore. Kalim's protective stance and genuine concern for Y/n had disrupted their cruel narrative.
As the bullies slinked away, annoyed by the outcome, Kalim escorted Y/n back to Scarabia. Their walk was filled with moments of comforting silence, punctuated by Kalim's attempts to lighten the mood with his infectious laughter. When Y/n finally gave him a smile back he perked up. “It’s so nice to see you smile again!” The sight gave him new confidence to land a kiss on Y/n’s cheek. 
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Within the dark corridors of Night Raven College, the tormentors faced an unexpected obstacle in their pursuit of cruelty: Vil Schoenheit. As the charismatic figure stepped into the scene, the bullies exchanged uneasy glances, momentarily thrown off balance by the interference.
"Are you so starved for attention that you resort to tormenting others?" Vil's voice, laced with disdain, sliced through the air. His steely gaze met the bullies', challenging them to proceed.
However, their malevolence knew no bounds. Unwilling to be deterred, the bullies redirected their scorn towards Vil, attempting to humiliate him for daring to protect Y/n. "Look at this, the pretty prince thinks he can play hero. What, do you like the little misfit?" one of them jeered, the venom in his words aimed at both Vil and Y/n.
Vil, however, remained unfazed, ignoring their attempts to provoke him. Instead, he focused on Y/n, helping her up with a gentleness that contradicted the harsh reality they were facing. His fingers delicately corrected her clothing, fixed her tie, and smoothed her tousled hair. Vil's eyes met hers, a silent reassurance passing between them.
"Pay them no mind," he whispered, his breath brushing against Y/n's ear, a gesture that held an undercurrent of intimacy. "They thrive on our reactions."
The bullies, frustrated by Vil's indifference, resorted to physically assaulting Y/n, grabbing her by the shoulder. Before their cruelty could escalate further, Vil's hand shot out like a viper, gripping the offender's wrist with an intimidating strength.
"It's in your best interest to leave," Vil asserted, his voice low and threatening. "I won't tolerate such behavior. Choose wisely."
The bullies, now cowed by the unexpected turn of events, hastily retreated, leaving Vil and Y/n in the aftermath of their confrontation.
Vil escorted Y/n to his dorm, a haven away from the oppressive bullying that had sought to consume her. Inside his room, he offered her a seat and gently handed her a towel, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
"Take your time," Vil said softly, his hands meticulously tending to a small cut on Y/n's cheek. "You deserve better than the cruelty of those einzellers."
As Vil carefully cleaned the remnants of the bullying, his thoughts betrayed the secret that he harbored in the depths of his heart. He cared deeply for Y/n, and every gentle touch, every word of reassurance, echoed the silent confession he dared not speak aloud.
"You deserve to be treated with kindness," he murmured. “Just make sure to stay by my side, Y/n.”
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The dimly lit corridor was transformed into a battleground as Idia Shroud stepped forward, his normally reserved demeanor overshadowed by an unexpected fierceness. The bullies, accustomed to preying on the vulnerable, saw an opportunity to assert dominance over someone they perceived as even weaker — the introverted Idia.
"You think you can protect her?" one of the bullies taunted, a malicious smirk on his face. "What's the weakling going to do?"
Idia, his disheveled hair falling over his determined eyes, stood defiantly, shielding Y/n from the impending storm. The bullies, sensing a perceived vulnerability, closed in on the pair, their laughter echoing through the corridor.
"Why are you even bothering, Shroud? What's in it for you?" another bully jeered, the air thick with arrogance.
Y/n's heart sank, anticipating the onslaught of mockery that was about to befall them both. Idia, feeling the weight of their poisonous words, clenched his fists, his usual anxiety exacerbated by the confrontation.
"Why would someone like you bother to protect her?" another bully chimed in, his tone dripping with contempt. "She's not worth it, and you're just making yourself look like more of a loser."
The bullies, emboldened by their perceived victory, closed in on Idia and Y/n. The pressure intensified, and Y/n's distress became palpable. Idia, however, couldn't bear to see her suffer any longer.
In a moment of unexpected defiance, the blue flames in Idia's hair intensified, shifting to a fiery orange. The air crackled with newfound energy as Idia's eyes blazed with determination. He had reached his breaking point.
"What do you know about worth?" Idia snapped, his usually timid voice cutting through the tension like a samurai sword. "You think you can just waltz around, tormenting others without consequence? Well, think again."
The bullies, now faced with an Idia they hadn't anticipated, faltered as he unleashed a verbal onslaught more cutting than their own. "You want to mock me? Fine. But lay off her. You have no idea what it's like to be her, to carry the weight of your cruelty every day."
As his words hung in the air, Idia's threat escalated. "And if you don't back off right now, I'll make sure your precious devices become my playground. Hacking is my specialty, and trust me, I can make your lives a living nightmare."
The bullies, genuinely frightened by the unexpected turn of events, retreated in haste, leaving Idia and Y/n alone in the aftermath of the confrontation. As the echoes of their footsteps faded, Idia's fiery aura subsided, returning to the familiar blue and turned his attention to Y/n.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice softening as he reached out to gently wipe away the tears that still clung to her cheeks.
Y/n nodded, a mixture of gratitude and admiration in her eyes. "Thank you, Idia. I didn't expect..."
Idia cut her off with a dismissive wave. "It's not like I did it for you or anything. I just couldn't stand their stupidity."
As the tension eased, Idia reverted to his introverted self, a visible anxiety settling over him. "I... um, well, I should go. Just forget about it," he mumbled, glancing away.
But as he turned to leave, Y/n caught his hand. "Idia, wait. Thank you," she said, a gentle smile playing on her lips. "You didn't have to do that, but you did."
Idia's eyes met hers, a subtle warmth beneath the layers of his usual aloofness. "Just don't make it a habit of needing my help," he quipped, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. Even though those words escaped his blue lips, in his heart he hoped that Y/n would come to him in her days of need. 
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In the gloomy halls of Night Raven College, the three Savanaclaw bullies tried to justify their actions as mere play, their voices faltering under Malleus Draconia's piercing gaze. "We were just messing around, no harm intended," one of them stammered, attempting to downplay the cruelty they had inflicted upon Y/n.
Malleus, his patience exhausted, snapped his fingers. In an instant, the bullies were suspended above the ground. The Diasomnia housewarden wasted no time; his eyes met Y/n's, and the look on her face spoke volumes. This was not mere play; it was torment.
Outside, the atmosphere shifted, echoing Malleus's wrath. Lightning flashed, and thunder roared, a visceral manifestation of the storm brewing within him. The bullies, now terrified, were at the mercy of the fae prince's judgment.
With a graceful motion Malleus offered Y/n a hand to help her up. The warmth of his touch was a stark contrast to the chilling air of the college. "Are you hurt?" he asked, genuine concern evident in his eyes.
Y/n shook her head, grateful for Malleus's intervention. As they stood together, the fae prince surveyed the bullies with a cold, calculating gaze. "Explain yourselves," he demanded, his voice like the rumble of distant thunder.
The bullies, now realizing the gravity of their actions, stumbled over their words. Malleus's patience waned, and with another snap of his fingers, he immobilized them once more, this time freezing their levitating bodies.
Turning back to Y/n, Malleus took a step closer, his eyes softening as he surveyed the emotional toll the ordeal had taken on her. "I can make them feel the pain they inflicted upon you, Y/n," he offered, his voice low and filled with restrained fury.
Y/n, however, shook her head again, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and reluctance. "No, Malleus. I don't want that."
Respecting her wishes, Malleus released the bullies, who fell to the ground with a thud before scrambling to flee. The housewarden, however, wasn't finished. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned Y/n's scattered belongings, collecting them with a gentle sweep of his hand.
"Allow me," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers as he gathered her things. Malleus, his expression softening, lifted Y/n into his arms, carrying her bridal style.
As they navigated the corridors, Malleus's gaze remained on Y/n, a silent promise of protection and comfort. "No one should be subjected to such cruelty," he stated, his voice a low growl.
Once they reached a more secluded spot, Malleus gently set Y/n down. "If ever you need someone to shield you from the shadows, know that I am here," he confessed, his eyes revealing the depth of his emotions.
The lingering thunder outside echoed the storm within Malleus, but his gaze softened, and a hint of vulnerability appeared as he regarded Y/n. "Do you feel safe now?"
Y/n nodded “T-thank you, Malleus… You’re my savior.” Upon seeing her smile Malleus felt his worries wash away. To reflect this new found emotion the storms outside seem to lay down, making way for the sun to reveal its face once again. Malleus kneeled before her, cupping her face in his hand. “I won’t let anyone harm you ever again.”
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sadseungmin · 4 months
♡ sex with psychotic hyung-line ♡
psychotic hyung-line x reader | gender neutral | dead dove | nsfw (MDNI)
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⚠︎ Bang Chan ⚠︎
✧・゚: psychotic!chan is possessive & intensely passionate during sex *✧・゚:*
During sex, Chan's possessiveness translates into an intense, almost primal passion. He wants to mark your skin--his territory--with dark love bites and bruises, ensuring you know that you belong to him and only him. Expect a lot of eye contact, biting, and gripping hands as if he's afraid you might disappear. Chan's intensity borders on roughness, but it's all driven by a deep, obsessive love.
✧・゚: psychotic!chan is obsessively devoted & tender during sex *✧・゚:*
Chan believes sex is an act of worship. He lavishes attention on every part of your body, wanting to memorize and own every inch. His touches are gentle but possessive, his kisses long and lingering. He whispers sweet nothings and reassurances, reminding you constantly of his undying love and your irreplaceable place in his life.
✧・゚: psychotic!chan is dominating & controlling during sex *✧・゚:*
Chan craves control, and this desire extends to the bedroom. He takes on a dominant role, orchestrating the entire experience to his liking. His commands are firm but laced with a dark, seductive tone that makes obedience almost irresistible. Chan enjoys teasing, edging you until you're begging for release, savoring the power he holds. Despite the control, there's a twisted care in his action, ensuring your pleasure is paramount, albeit on his terms.
"Face down, ass up--I don't care if you're tired. I need to fuck you until your insides are in the shape of my cock. Do you understand, baby? Be good for me, yeah?"
⚠︎ Lee Minho ⚠︎
✧・゚: psychotic!minho is manipulative & teasing during sex *✧・゚:*
Minho enjoys having complete control over your pleasure, playing with you until you're pleading and crying for release. His teasing is relentless and borderline cruel, pushing you to the edge again and again without allowing you to climax until he decides. This control satisfies his darker impulses, making him feel powerful and in command. You will be left in a state of heightened desire, completely at his mercy.
✧・゚: psychotic!minho is protective & intense during sex *✧・゚:*
Minho wants to ensure you feel safe and cherished, albeit in his own intense way. His touches are both possessive and tender, a mix of roughness and gentleness. He's vocal about his need to protect you, whispering assurances and praises a he brings you pleasure. This duality of protectiveness and intensity makes the experience deeply emotional and physically overwhelming.
✧・゚: psychotic!minho aims to fulfill his dark fantasies during sex *✧・゚:*
Minho wants to explore darker fantasies with you. He enjoys pushing boundaries, indulging in role-play and scenarios that are as thrilling as they are intense. You are the center of these unconventional fantasies, and Minho ensures your experiences are as immersive as possible. This could involve sex toys, blindfolds, restraints, and detailed role-play scenarios that feed his darker desires while ensuring you are always a willing participant, fully immersed in the shared fantasy.
"Awe, my poor little kitten. Did I put the vibrator on the highest setting? Be careful, thrashing about will only make the restraints tighter! You just gotta take it like the good kitty I trained you to be. And don't you dare fucking cum."
⚠︎ Seo Changbin ⚠︎
✧・゚: psychotic!changbin is overwhelmingly dominant during sex *✧・゚:*
Changbin's psychotic tendencies amplify his need for dominance, resulting in overwhelming and commanding sexual encounters. Changbin takes full control, ensuring you know who is in charge. His dominant nature means he likes to assert his power physically, using his strength to pin you down or lift you effortlessly. His intensity is matched by his deep desire to see you submit completely, finding pleasure in your surrender and the raw power he holds over you.
✧・゚: psychotic!changbin is fiercely passionate & obsessive during sex *✧・゚:*
Changbin is intensely focused on you during sex, handling you with rough and tender touches. His passion is overwhelming, driven by an obsessive need to make you feel pleasure like never before. He's quite loud while fucking you, expressing his love and desire with a mix of growls and whispered confessions, ensuring you know just how deeply obsessed he is with you.
✧・゚: psychotic!changbin is sadistic & controlling during sex *✧・゚:*
Changbin's psychotic nature includes a sadistic streak, taking pleasure in the control he has over your pleasure and pain. He enjoys mixing pleasure with a hint of pain, such as using light bondage or impact play, always ensuring it's pleasurable. Your reactions to this mix of sensations drive him feral, and he takes careful note of what brings you to the edge, pushing boundaries to keep things exciting and intense.
"See, sweetie? I told you I'd make it fit! Doesn't it feel good to be split open on my cock like this? Oh, don't mind the blood, sweetie; it just means your hole is adjusting to become my perfect fleshlight. Fuck, I'm so in love with you!"
⚠︎ Hwang Hyunjin ⚠︎
✧・゚: psychotic!hyunjin is unpredictable & wild during sex *✧・゚:*
Sex with Hyunjin would be wild and spontaneous. Hyunjin is driven by sudden impulses and desires, making each encounter different from the last. One moment, he's gentle and sweet, and the next, he's rough and demanding. This unpredictability keeps you on edge, never quite knowing what to expect but always thrillingly intense. During sex, his actions are driven by a chaotic mix of love and obsession.
✧・゚: psychotic!hyunjin is obsessively attentive to detail during sex *✧・゚:*
Hyunjin is fixated on every reaction you make, memorizing every gasp and moan. His goal is to drive you to the brink of ecstasy and back, learning exactly what makes you tick. This can mean prolonged foreplay, where he explores every inch of your body with a meticulous, almost clinical precision, ensuring they're completely overwhelmed by pleasure.
✧・゚: psychotic!hyunjin is darkly & possessively affectionate during sex *✧・゚:*
Hyunjin's affection is dark and possessive, and during sex, this manifests in thrilling, yet terrifying way. He likes to remind you that you're his and his alone, using a mix of physical restraint and verbal affirmation. Hyunjin will bind your hands, whispering in your ear about how no else can have you, all while driving you to the heights of pleasure. His touch is a mix of rough and tender, balancing his darker impulses with genuine care.
"Your body is my favorite canvas, angel. Every inch of you is mine and mine alone. Every mark I leave on your skin, every drop of my cum that paints the inside of your walls is just a testament to that."
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wynndigogh · 9 days
When you ask AI about the guys' festishes:
Sure! Let’s take another approach by delving deeper into how each Turtle’s personality could influence their specific romantic preferences or fetishes, keeping it character-driven and respectful.
Personality: Leonardo is the disciplined, serious leader, often putting duty before his personal desires. He’s very much about control, responsibility, and being grounded.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Leo might have a preference for control and structure in a relationship. He may be attracted to dynamics where he can maintain a sense of order and responsibility. He might also enjoy the concept of protection, taking on a guardian role, which could extend into romantic preferences where he feels responsible for his partner’s well-being.
Potential Fetish: A likely fetish for Leonardo could involve elements of authority or discipline, such as uniforms or a protective dynamic in which he takes charge, reflecting his natural leadership tendencies.
Personality: The most carefree and fun-loving of the group, Michelangelo is all about enjoyment, humor, and relaxation. He’s less concerned with responsibility and more focused on living in the moment.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Mikey would likely be into playfulness and experimentation, always eager to have fun in a relationship. He’d enjoy partners who are adventurous, spontaneous, and willing to try new things. His interests would lean toward the lighthearted and sensual, where both he and his partner can feel free and unpressured.
Potential Fetish: Michelangelo might be into role-playing or costumes, reflecting his love for creativity, comic books, and fantasy. He could also have a strong interest in the playful, tactile aspects of intimacy, enjoying physical connection in a way that feels fun rather than overly serious.
Personality: The intellectual and inventor of the group, Donnie values intelligence and curiosity. He’s a deep thinker, often lost in his tech projects, and tends to be more introverted and shy about his feelings.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Donatello would probably be attracted to someone who can engage his mind, stimulating him intellectually. He’d likely appreciate partners who are curious, logical, and willing to explore new ideas with him, particularly in the realm of science and technology.
Potential Fetish: Donnie might have a fascination with technology-based intimacy or even a curiosity toward things like virtual reality or cyber-themed aesthetics. His attraction to intelligence might lead him toward cerebral forms of connection, such as finding excitement in the mind-body connection or partners who challenge his intellect.
Personality: Raphael is intense, passionate, and emotionally complex. He hides a vulnerable side behind a tough exterior and struggles with expressing his feelings, often turning to physicality or anger instead.
Romantic Preferences/Fetishes: Raph would likely be drawn to power dynamics in relationships, where there is an element of tension or challenge. He may be attracted to partners who can stand up to him or push back when necessary, enjoying the emotional and physical interplay between strength and vulnerability.
Potential Fetish: Raphael could lean toward dominance and submission dynamics, where the power struggle is part of the excitement. He might find thrill in the intensity of both control and being challenged, reflecting his internal conflict and desire for emotional release. Raph could also be drawn to partners who enjoy physicality, whether through intense intimacy or shared combat training.
Summary of Fetishes:
Leo: Likely into authority, uniforms, and possibly a protective dominance dynamic.
Mikey: Enjoys playful role-playing, costumes, and tactile, fun-loving connections.
Donnie: Could have a tech-related fetish, perhaps involving virtual elements or an intellectual connection.
Raph: Might gravitate toward power dynamics, with a focus on intensity, challenge, and dominance.
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sonics-atelier · 4 months
An Analysis of Tamlin's Portrayal in Sarah J. Maas' ACOTAR Series
Masterlist ( everyone go and thank @watcherintheweyr 💗 )
Sarah J. Maas' A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR) series is filled with complex characters and intricate dynamics. One of the most debated aspects of the series is the portrayal of Tamlin and whether his actions constitute abuse. This analysis argues that SJM's portrayal of Tamlin as an abuser lacks conviction and consistency, especially when compared to similar actions by Feyre, the protagonist.
1. Inconsistent Depiction of Power and Control :
- Tamlin's Unconscious Reactions :
Tamlin's power often reacts unconsciously to his emotions, particularly his fear and frustration. For instance, there are moments where he lashes out with his power, breaking things or creating a hostile environment.
These instances are portrayed as part of his inability to control his overwhelming emotions, often in response to situations that trigger his fear for Feyre's safety or his own insecurities.
- Feyre's Similar Reactions :
Conversely, Feyre also exhibits moments where her power lashes out unconsciously. A notable example is during the High Lord meeting, where she wounds the Lady of Autumn. Feyre's magic responds to her anger and protective instincts, similar to how Tamlin's power reacts to his fear and frustration.
Despite this, Feyre's actions are not labeled as abusive, suggesting a double standard in the characterization of similar behaviors.
2. Lack of Malicious Intent :
- Tamlin's Protective Instincts :
Tamlin's actions, though sometimes harmful, are primarily driven by a desire to protect Feyre. His overprotectiveness and controlling behavior stem from a place of fear and trauma rather than a desire to harm.
This distinction is crucial in understanding the nature of his actions. While his methods are flawed and often detrimental, they lack the malicious intent typically associated with abusive behavior.
- Feyre's Protective Rage :
When Feyre lashes out with her magic, it is also driven by protective instincts and emotional responses. Her actions are not premeditated or intended to cause harm but are a result of heightened emotions.
This parallel further undermines the portrayal of Tamlin as an abuser since Feyre's similar actions are not condemned in the same way.
3. Emotional and Psychological Complexity :
- Tamlin's Trauma and PTSD :
Tamlin's behavior can be seen as a manifestation of his trauma and PTSD. His inability to control his power and his overbearing protectiveness are indicative of deep-seated psychological issues.
The narrative does not adequately address these aspects, leading to a one-dimensional portrayal of Tamlin as an abuser rather than a complex character struggling with his own demons.
- Feyre's Struggles and Growth :
Feyre's journey is one of growth and overcoming trauma. Her moments of uncontrolled magic are seen as part of her struggle and development.
The narrative provides her with opportunities for redemption and understanding, which are not afforded to Tamlin. This disparity highlights an inconsistency in the treatment of characters facing similar issues.
Conclusion :
The portrayal of Tamlin as an abuser in the ACOTAR series lacks convincing evidence and consistency.
The moments where his power lashes out unconsciously due to fear or frustration are paralleled by Feyre's similar actions, yet only Tamlin is labeled as abusive.
Furthermore, the lack of malicious intent and the failure to address Tamlin's psychological complexity contribute to a one-dimensional depiction that does not do justice to the character's potential depth.
Sarah J. Maas' handling of these dynamics raises questions about the consistency and fairness in the portrayal of trauma and emotional responses in her characters.
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dolcettamagica · 6 months
𐙚˙⋆.˚ 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞, 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ch.5
prime rick x reader
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tags: sexually suggestive, possessive & obsessive prime rick – yandere tbh notes: minors dni, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four wc: 1.6k
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In the vast expanse of the multiverse, amidst the swirling chaos of infinite dimensions, even the most cynical and detached souls can find themselves unexpectedly entangled in the delicate threads of love. And so it was with Prime, a brilliant scientist whose heart had long been shielded by layers of cynicism and detachment.
For years, Prime had roamed the cosmos, his intellect and curiosity driving him to explore the furthest reaches of reality. He scoffed at the notion of love, dismissing it as a mere distraction from the pursuit of knowledge and power. But all of that changed when he met you—a woman whose brilliance almost matched his own, whose laughter echoed through the void like a melody, who looked at him with sparkling eyes as he ranted about his own achievements.
At first, Prime resisted the pull of emotions, clinging stubbornly to his belief that love was nothing more than a chemical reaction in the brain. But try as he might, he could not deny the warmth that blossomed within his chest whenever you were near, nor the longing that gnawed at his soul when you were apart.
Slowly but surely, Prime found himself drawn deeper into your orbit, his icy exterior melting away in the heat of your presence. He marveled at the way you challenged him, pushing him to new heights of intellect and creativity with every conversation you shared.
But love, as Prime soon discovered, was not without its challenges. Your relationship was a tumultuous whirlwind of passion and conflict, your egos clashing like titans in the arena of the mind. Yet through it all, they remained bound together by an invisible thread, unwilling—or perhaps unable—to let go.
As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Prime found himself falling deeper and deeper in love, his heart opening to a vulnerability he had long thought extinct. He reveled in the simple pleasures of companionship—the warmth of your touch, the sparkle in your eyes, the sound of your laughter ringing in his ears like music.
But even as Prime basked in the glow of newfound love, he knew that your relationship was not without its risks. He had seen firsthand the way love could tear people apart, leaving behind nothing but shattered dreams and broken hearts. And yet, despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, he could not deny the depth of his feelings—or the hope that burned within him like a beacon in the darkness.
For Prime had discovered, in the unlikeliest of places, that even the most brilliant minds were not immune to the whims of the heart. And though he may have once scoffed at the notion of love, he now knew that it was the most powerful force in the universe—a force that could transcend time and space, and bind two souls together inextricably, forever.
Another risk Prime was faced with was that you were one of a kind. Every other y/n was dead or never even existed. You were the only one. Irreplaceable .
As the flames of love burned ever brighter within Prime's heart, they also cast shadows of obsession and possessiveness that grew darker with each passing day. What had begun as a profound connection had now morphed into something far more sinister—a consuming obsession that threatened to consume him whole.
At first, Prime's devotion to his beloved was endearing, his every action driven by a desire to protect and cherish you. But as their relationship deepened, so too did his need to possess you—to control every aspect of your life, to keep you tethered to him like a puppet on a string.
He watched your every move with a vigilance bordering on paranoia, his mind consumed by irrational fears of losing you to another. He monitored your phone calls, scrutinized your social media accounts, and interrogated anyone who dared to get too close. To Prime, love was not a partnership—it was a possession, something to be owned and controlled at all costs.
As his obsession spiraled out of control, Prime's behavior grew increasingly erratic and dangerous. He became possessive to the point of suffocation, smothering his beloved with his constant presence and demands for attention. He isolated you from friends and family, convincing you that he was the only one who truly cared for you, the only one you could trust.
But beneath the facade of devotion lurked a darker truth—a truth that Prime refused to acknowledge, even to himself. His obsession was not born out of love, but out of a deep-seated fear of abandonment, a fear rooted in his own insecurities. And yet, no amount of self-awareness could stem the tide of his obsession, which threatened to consume him entirely.
In his darkest moments, Prime's possessiveness erupted into fits of rage and violence, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake. He lashed out at anyone who dared to challenge his control, leaving his beloved trapped in a prison of fear and uncertainty.
But even as Prime's obsession pushed you to the brink of despair, you found within yourself a strength you never knew you possessed. With courage born of desperation, you confronted him, demanding that he release you from his suffocating grip.
“This is crazy, Rick! I thought we were friends!”
“ Friends ? You– You thought we were friends?! That is all I–I was to you?!”
As the words pierced through the fragile bubble of delusion Prime had constructed around himself, reality came crashing down with a force that left him reeling. "Friends," the words echoed in his mind, each syllable a dagger to his already wounded ego.
Prime's anger surged like a tempest within him, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to consume him whole. How dare you diminish your connection to something as trivial as friendship? How dare you deny the depth of his feelings, the intensity of his devotion?
His fists clenched at his sides, knuckles white with rage as he struggled to contain the storm raging within him. "Friends," he spat out bitterly, the words tasting like poison on his tongue. How could you be so blind, so oblivious to the love that burned within him like a wildfire?
But as the initial wave of fury subsided, a cold, calculating calm descended upon Prime—a calm born of a mind sharpened by years of manipulation and control. If you refused to see him as anything more than a friend, then he would make you see. He would bend you to his will, break down your defenses until you had no choice but to love him back.
With a predatory glint in his eyes, Prime approached you, his demeanor oozing with false charm and confidence. "You don't mean that," he said, his voice dripping with venomous sweetness. "You can't possibly deny the connection between us, the chemistry that burns like a flame."
But his beloved remained resolute, your gaze steady as you met his eyes with a mixture of pity and sadness. "I'm sorry, Rick," you said softly, your voice a gentle caress against the storm raging within him. "But I really don’t want this."
For a moment, Prime wavered, torn between his desire to possess you and the realization that true love could never be born out of coercion. But as the flames of his anger continued to rage unabated, he made his choice.
With a chilling calmness that belied the storm raging within him, Prime made it clear that he would not be denied. He would do whatever it took to keep you by his side, even if it meant bending you to his will by force.
And so, with a heart heavy with resignation, you found yourself trapped in a prison of Prime's making—a twisted labyrinth of manipulation and control from which there seemed to be no escape. And as the darkness closed in around you, you realized with a sinking feeling that you had underestimated the depths of Prime's obsession, and the danger it posed to you both.
His affection for you burned like a fever, consuming him from the inside out, driving him to ever greater lengths to make you his own.
Every action, every word was calculated to draw you closer, to ensnare you in the web of his desire. He showered you with gifts, whispered sweet nothings in your ear, all the while plotting to deepen your connection in ways that left you feeling both captivated and unnerved.
But for Prime, love was not enough. He craved more than just your heart—he longed to possess your body, to make you his in every sense of the word. And so, with a hunger bordering on obsession, he pursued you relentlessly, his touch electric with the promise of passion and possession.
You found yourself torn between revulsion and arousal, your body betraying you with each heated glance and lingering touch. There was something intoxicating about Prime's intensity, something primal that stirred within your depths, igniting a fire that you struggled to extinguish.
And though you fought against the tide of desire that threatened to consume you, a part of you couldn't help but yearn for his touch, for the forbidden pleasure that lay just beyond your reach. In the darkness of the night, you found yourself haunted by visions of Prime's embrace, his lips tracing a path of fire across your skin.
“Do you love me?”
“…You should start before I lose every sense of self-control.”
He planted a last kiss on your shoulder before he stood up from the bed, walking towards the door.
“Tomorrow we’ll start a series of experiments. You will love me, y/n. You–You must .”
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Life With Yandere Logan Howlett
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He has to stay lowkey most of the time. He protects his darling without you even knowing. He's more of a guardian angel, he makes sure you are always safe.
He can exhibit controlling behavior and have difficulty respecting boundaries. He may engage in stalking and surveillance, monitoring your every move to ensure your safety and whereabouts. He may also be fiercely protective and territorial, making sure no one else comes close to you. Additionally, his jealousy can be extreme and can lead to outbursts of anger and violence to keep you all to himself.
But when the object of his affection is near, he transforms into a warm, caring, and gentle companion, showering them with affection and attention. He becomes dedicated and loyal, always willing to go to great lengths to make you happy. His yandere behavior is driven by intense love and devotion, and he often struggles to control his emotional swings and impulsive actions.
He may experience strong insecurities and fears of rejection, leading to his possessiveness and stalking behavior. His self-esteem can be fragile, resulting in his overprotective and controlling tendencies. Additionally, he may exhibit mood swings and outbursts of anger or jealousy. However, his love for you is genuine and deep, often stemming from past traumas or feelings of abandonment.
He displays obsessive and compulsive behaviors, such as excessive gift-giving, constantly seeking your approval, and an inability to let go. He may also become possessive of objects connected to you and seek to control your interactions with others to protect his idealized version of the relationship. Ultimately, his yandere behavior stems from deep-seated emotional issues and a desire for complete control over the relationship.
He may harbor past traumas of betrayal, abandonment, or rejection, which fuel his possessiveness and fear of losing you. His protective and controlling behaviors can stem from a desire to prevent further heartbreak. He likely struggles with trust issues due to past experiences, leading him to question your loyalty and intentions. This, in turn, fuels his intense jealousy and insecurity.
Despite his flaws and possessiveness, he can be loving and fiercely protective of you. He genuinely cares for your well-being and makes sacrifices to keep you safe. His devotion is unwavering, and his love is intense. However, he struggles to balance his love and possessive nature, often needing support to manage his emotions and maintain a healthy relationship.
He may exhibit a sense of entitlement, believing you belong to him alone and should reciprocate his feelings unconditionally. He can be unpredictable, shifting from intense anger to deep love, leaving those around him feeling both loved and anxious. Moreover, he may have a twisted notion of love, merging possessiveness with affection. Despite his flaws, he yearns for a life of love and acceptance.
His love language may be rooted in acts of service, where he goes above and beyond to show he cares. He may surprise you with thoughtful gestures, like leaving surprise notes or showing up unexpectedly to spend time with you.
He is intensely faithful and loyal, always by your side regardless of circumstance. He showers you with attention and affection, cherishing every moment together. Despite his possessive tendencies, he genuinely cares for your well-being, and his extreme protectiveness ensures your safety. He can be a comforting presence, always there to support and encourage you.
He can be a caring and compassionate partner, always willing to lend a listening ear and offer a comforting embrace when you need it. His possessive behavior often stems from a place of love and a desire to protect you from harm. Despite his jealous tendencies, he can be fiercely loyal and devoted to you, always standing by your side through thick and thin.
Additionally, his extreme protectiveness means that he will go to great lengths to ensure your safety and well-being. Underneath his possessive behavior is a deep love and devotion that can be both comforting and overwhelming.
He can be a pillar of emotional support, offering a strong shoulder to lean on during tough times. He may have an innocent and childlike side, with a knack for making you laugh and lightening the mood. His loyalty and dedication make him a reliable partner who will stand by your side through every twist and turn.
He can be exceptionally romantic, going above and beyond to demonstrate his love and affection. He may possess a sensitive and artistic side, expressing his feelings through poetry or creative endeavors. Additionally, his passion and intensity can be infectious, making you feel cherished and desired.
In short, his life is a cycle of love, obsession, and potentially dangerous and extreme behavior in the name of protecting and possessing the one he loves. His emotions are intense, and his decision-making can be impulsive and driven by his love rather than reason.
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demoniofleur10 · 1 month
Anonymous request: So I already had one person say no, because they didn't feel like they could write it in a one shot. So feel free to say no lol.
But I was thinking about how some of the demons choose to become demons, what if the reader because a hashira because her ex fiance or ex husband became a demon and maybe killed their family kids or no kids whichever. Now she's been with Sanemi for a few years and he turns back up wanting her back.
(I hope you like it!)
Between Blood and Love
Synopsis: On one fateful night, Y/n's life was shattered when her husband, once the center of her world, crossed an unforgivable line. Driven by a twisted desire for power, he chose to become a demon, ruthlessly destroying the last remnants of her happiness and the cherished life they had built together. In that moment, she vowed to never be powerless again and set her sights on becoming a Hashira. Though it took years, Y/n finally found solace and love with Sanemi Shinazugawa, the Wind Hashira. But as their bond deepens, the shadows of her past refuse to stay buried. Her husband's sinister presence is creeping back, threatening to poison the peace she's fought so hard to rebuild.
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Laughter echoed softly through the house as Sanemi's lips trailed gentle kisses along his wife’s neck. Each kiss was a silent vow, a tender promise to protect the woman cradled in his arms. He knew she was strong, more than capable of holding her own. But the instinct to shield the one who brought light to his life was something he couldn’t ignore.
Sanemi sighed contentedly, his nose grazing along the curve of her neck, while her breaths came in short, sweet gasps. The playful tickle of his touch was gradually replaced by the warmth of his breath, sending a shiver down her spine.
“Sanemi, you worry too much,” she murmured, her delicate fingers tracing the scars that marred his hand resting on her stomach. She was perched comfortably on his lap, the two of them nestled together on the engawa, where the outside world felt distant.
“I know,” he replied, his voice a low rumble against her skin. “But you’re still recovering from your last wounds. I need you to rest fully while I take care of this mission. I’ll come back to you, I promise.” His words were firm, but laced with the tender concern that made her hum in quiet agreement.
She turned slightly in his arms, her eyes meeting his, the intensity of his gaze making her heart skip a beat. “You always come back to me,” she whispered, a small smile playing on her lips. “Just as I always wait for you.”
Sanemi’s expression softened, his thumb brushing gently against her cheek. “And I’ll always protect you, even if it means worrying a little too much,” he teased, leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. The touch was soft, but it carried the weight of his emotions—love, fear, and the ever-present need to keep her safe.
After a while, Sanemi left for his mission with the ohagis that his girl made for him. She sighed, staring at the retreating figure of her beloved before she went back inside.
Y/n was preparing to head to bed, her heart heavy with the familiar ache of loneliness. She sighed deeply, the thought of another night alone, with only the cold emptiness beside her, gnawing at her. How she longed for the warmth of her husband's embrace, to be nestled safely in his arms, where the world’s troubles seemed to vanish. She sighed again, forcing herself to find comfort in the thought of his return, imagining the sweet moments they would share once he was back.
But just as she began to lose herself in these thoughts, a chill ran down her spine. Her senses, honed through countless battles, suddenly flared with alarm. A demon was nearby—she could feel it. But this time, the danger wasn’t lurking outside in the shadows; it was inside their home. Her heart pounded as she reached for her katana, the weapon she had grown so accustomed to wielding in the face of terror.
Her crow, a faithful companion, swooped in and perched on her shoulder, its presence confirming her fears. There was no mistaking it—a demon had breached their sanctuary.
With a deep breath, Y/n steeled herself, her grip on the katana tightening. Her movements were swift and silent as she made her way toward the room where she sensed the demon’s presence. Every instinct was on high alert, her body coiled like a spring, ready to strike. When she reached the door, she didn’t hesitate. With a sharp intake of breath, she flung the door open, katana poised for an attack.
But the moment her eyes landed on the figure inside, time seemed to freeze. The demon turned to face her, and what she saw made her blood run cold. Her heart clenched painfully, her grip on the katana faltering as memories she had fought so hard to bury came rushing back with brutal clarity. The screams of her family echoed in her ears, the horrors of that night replaying in vivid detail.
There, standing before her, was the man she had once loved—the man who had become the source of her deepest pain.
Her ex-husband.
Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she stared at him, unable to comprehend the twisted reality unfolding before her. The weight of the past bore down on her, crushing her resolve. The demon before her was not just any enemy—it was the embodiment of her worst nightmares, the man who had destroyed everything she held dear.
He stood there, unchanged by the years that had passed, a cruel reminder of the life she had lost. The katana trembled in her hand as conflicting emotions surged within her—hatred, sorrow, and a hollow sense of betrayal. This was the man who had once sworn to protect her, who had promised her forever, only to rip her world apart.
Her voice caught in her throat as she struggled to find the strength to speak, to confront the monster that had once been her beloved. But the words wouldn’t come. All she could do was stare, as the past she had tried so hard to escape finally caught up to her, threatening to drag her back into the darkness she had fought so desperately to leave behind.
“You haven’t changed at all, have you, my dear?” His voice was smooth, laced with a deceptive softness that might have once soothed her. But Y/n was no longer the naive girl who had fallen for those sweet words. She was a Hashira now, trained to see through the facades, to sense the true emotions lurking beneath the surface.
Even as his tone dripped with what could be mistaken for affection, she could feel the sinister edge to his words, the underlying threat that coiled like a serpent ready to strike. His eyes bore into hers, a twisted mockery of the love they once shared. The room seemed to close in on her, the air thick with tension.
Y/n bit her lip, the taste of iron grounding her in the moment. Her eyes flickered with a mix of sorrow and rage, emotions she had buried deep within her heart, now clawing their way to the surface. She could feel her resolve wavering, her memories battling against her instincts. But she couldn’t afford to falter, not now, not with him standing before her.
“I wish I could say the same about you,” she finally whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her conflicting feelings. “But you’ve changed… you’re not the man I loved.”
Her grip tightened on the katana, the familiar weight in her hand reminding her of the strength she had gained since the day he left her world in ruins. She forced herself to meet his gaze, refusing to look away, even as the tears threatened to spill over.
“You took everything from me,” she continued, her voice growing steadier, fueled by the pain that had once consumed her. “My family, my happiness, my life… and now you stand here, expecting me to forget all of that?”
His expression remained unreadable, but she could sense the shift in his demeanor—the brief flicker of something darker, more dangerous. It sent a chill down her spine, but she held her ground, her heart pounding in her chest.
“I’m not that girl anymore,” she said, her voice firm now, a hint of defiance creeping in. “I’ve become stronger because of you… and I won’t let you take anything more from me.”
“Maybe I can’t give back what I took from you,” he began, his voice carrying a twisted mix of regret and desperation. “But I’ve changed, I swear it. I can control myself now, control these desires that once consumed me. Please, my dear, come back to me. We can start anew, build a new family together. Isn’t that what you always wanted?” His words pierced her heart like a knife, reigniting a pain she thought she had buried long ago. The burning ache in her chest threatened to weaken her resolve, but she knew she couldn’t afford to waver.
Y/n’s eyes hardened as she took a steadying breath, forcing herself to push back against the wave of emotions crashing over her. “I’m married,” she declared, her voice trembling with a mix of defiance and sorrow. “I have a loving husband now, and I don’t need you back in my life. Maybe you’re too naive to see it, but I’m a Demon Slayer—a Hashira. Don’t expect any mercy from me!” Her voice cracked as she cried out, her grip tightening around the hilt of her katana as she brought it before her, taking up her fighting stance.
He tilted his head slightly, his eyes narrowing as he watched her. “Now, now,” he said with a mocking smile, “I didn’t come here to fight, my beloved. I only wanted to talk—”
“I’m not your beloved anymore!” she shouted, cutting him off with a fierceness that surprised even her. “You’re a part of my past, a nightmare I’ve left behind. Your fangs will never reach me again.” Her words were sharp, each one striking him like a blade. She forced herself to stand tall, her heart pounding in her chest as she stared him down, refusing to let him see the fear that lingered beneath her resolve.
For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air between them. His expression faltered, a flash of anger crossing his features before he quickly masked it. He lowered his head, his jaw clenched, before looking back up at her with a sinister smirk that sent a chill down her spine. The tenderness that had once been in his eyes was gone, replaced by a cold, predatory gleam.
“Is that so?” he murmured, his voice now laced with dark amusement. “You think you’ve moved on, that you’re untouchable now? We’ll see about that, Y/n. I’ve always had a way of getting what I want.”
Y/n’s heart raced, but she refused to back down. She stood her ground, katana raised, ready to face whatever twisted game he had in mind. She had come too far, endured too much, to let him drag her back into the darkness. She would fight—for her life, for her future, and for the love that had finally given her a reason to hope again.
“If that’s what you want...” he murmured, trailing off as his eyes darkened with resolve. In a flash, he launched himself at her, his movements swift and deadly. But Y/n was faster. In an instant, she vanished from his path, reappearing behind him with her katana already raised high, ready to deliver a lethal blow that would sever his head from his shoulders.But before she could strike, he suddenly collapsed to his knees, his body trembling as if the weight of his sins had finally crushed him.
“I came here to talk... to win back my beloved,” he sobbed, his voice breaking as tears streamed down his face. “I never meant to do it... I never wanted to kill our family. I loved all of you so much, but I couldn’t control it... I’m so sorry.” His words were filled with anguish, each one tugging at the remnants of her heart that still clung to the love they once shared.
Y/n hesitated, her katana faltering in mid-air as she gazed down at him. His sobs were raw, his confession heartbreaking, and despite everything he had done, the kindness she still harbored threatened to soften her resolve. Her grip on the katana loosened, her eyes reflecting the inner conflict that raged within her.
“But...” Her voice wavered as she tried to find the words, but suddenly, her danger senses flared. Panic surged through her, but it was too late. Before she could react, something cold and sharp pierced her back, sending a jolt of agony through her body. Her vision swam as the pain radiated from the wound, her knees buckling beneath her as she fell to the ground.
“You bastard—” she gasped, her voice cracking as blood spilled from her lips. Her hand instinctively went to her mouth, trying to stem the flow, but the damage was already done. She could feel her strength draining away, her legs trembling uncontrollably as she struggled to stay upright. Her vision blurred, the world around her fading into darkness.
It wasn’t just the wound—it was the poison. She could feel it coursing through her veins, causing internal bleeding and wreaking havoc on her already weakened body. Despair clawed at her as she realized how close she had come to letting her guard down, how her lingering compassion had almost been her undoing.
“I’m sorry, but you left me no choice,” he sneered, his voice devoid of the earlier sorrow. He crouched down beside her, his hand grabbing a fistful of her hair, forcing her to look up at him. His expression was twisted, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. “Violence was always going to be the answer.”
Y/n’s breath came in ragged gasps, her vision dimming as she struggled to find the strength to fight back. But just as she thought all was lost, a sudden force struck him, sending him flying across the room with a brutal kick. The impact was so powerful that it shattered doors and walls, the sheer raw force leaving the house in shambles.
He crashed into the far end of the room, the impact shaking the foundations of the house. As he lay there, dazed and disoriented, a new presence stepped forward—one that radiated fury and protective rage.Through her fading vision, Y/n recognized the figure, her heart fluttering with relief. Sanemi. He had returned.
Sanemi’s eyes were blazing with anger, his chest heaving with each breath as he glared at the demon who dared to harm his beloved. Without a word, he moved to Y/n’s side, his hands trembling as he gently cradled her. The sight of her blood, the weakness in her limbs, filled him with a cold, murderous rage.
“You’re going to pay for this,” he growled, his voice low and menacing, his gaze never leaving the demon who had once been her husband.
Sanemi wasted no time. With a swift, powerful motion, he scooped both of them up and carried them outside to the yard, the cool night air doing little to calm the storm of rage boiling within him. He gently laid Y/n down in his lap, cradling her head against his chest, his breaths ragged with the intensity of his emotions. The sight of her pale face and the blood staining her lips fueled a mix of fear and fury that threatened to consume him.
“But what about—” she tried to speak, only to be interrupted by a violent cough that brought up more blood. The sight of it sent a wave of panic crashing over Sanemi, his heart clenching painfully as he held her closer, as if his embrace alone could shield her from the horrors that had befallen her. His jaw tightened, his hand trembling as he gently tilted her head up, forcing her to meet his eyes.
“Look at me,” he urged, his voice thick with emotion, his eyes searching hers with a desperate intensity. “We’re here now. You’re safe. I won’t let anything happen to you.”His words were meant to be reassuring, but the fear in his eyes betrayed the uncertainty he felt. He was terrified—terrified of losing her, of not being able to protect the woman he loved with every fiber of his being.
Y/n’s eyes widened at his words, a flicker of hope lighting up in the depths of her gaze. She heard the distant, rapid sound of bullets cutting through the air, Genya was here. Relief washed over her, and despite the pain and exhaustion weighing down on her, she managed a small, weak smile up at Sanemi.
But before she could say anything more, her strength finally gave out. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she went limp in his arms, slipping into unconsciousness.
“No... no, stay with me,” Sanemi whispered, his voice breaking as he held her close, his hand gently brushing a strand of hair from her face. His heart pounded in his chest, a mixture of terror and fury tearing at him. He couldn’t lose her—not now, not after everything they had fought for.
With a low growl, Sanemi lifted his head, his gaze locking onto the direction where the sounds of battle were coming from. The demon that had caused her this pain, the monster that had dared to lay a hand on her, would pay dearly. His entire body tensed, the fury within him demanding retribution. But for now, his priority was her, and he would do whatever it took to keep her safe.
The battle raged on around them, but in that moment, all that mattered to Sanemi was the fragile woman in his arms. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, a silent promise that he would fight to his last breath to protect her, to ensure she woke up to a world where she was safe and loved.
Sanemi’s grip tightened, his eyes narrowing as he resolved to make sure that this nightmare would end here, tonight, with the demon’s blood staining the ground.
Once the Kakushis arrived at the estate, Sanemi carefully transferred Y/n's limp body into their hands, his eyes hard and filled with desperation. "Get her to consciousness as soon as you can," he ordered, his voice taut with urgency. He watched them leave with her, his heart aching with every step they took away from him. Only when he was certain they were on their way to treat her did he turn and ascend the engawa, his mind set on confronting the source of his torment.
Entering his house, Sanemi found Genya standing in the middle of the room, a menacing smirk on his face. Genya’s eyes gleamed with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation as he addressed his older brother. “He’s all yours, Aniki,” he said, before turning and exiting the scene. For the first time, the brothers set aside their differences, united by the deep love they shared for the one person who meant the world to them.
Sanemi's gaze narrowed as he approached the demon, his fury barely contained. “‘Violence was always going to be the answer,’ huh?” he snarled, his voice dripping with contempt. He raised his katana high, its blade gleaming ominously in the dim light. “Well, let me give you my answer.”
With that, Sanemi began his slow, deliberate method of torture, each movement a testament to the rage and anguish coursing through him. He took his time, drawing out each moment, ensuring that every second of the demon’s suffering mirrored the agony Y/n had endured. His strikes were precise, fueled by a cold, relentless determination to make the demon pay for every ounce of pain he had caused.
"I was terrified..." Sanemi’s voice faltered as he recalled the frantic moments when his crow delivered the news. The message was brief but enough to send his heart into a tailspin: his wife had been attacked. His instincts had taken over, and he had bolted without a second thought, the very air around him charged with the urgency to reach her. He knew, deep down, that she was strong—stronger than most. She had proven herself time and again, her skills as a warrior unmatched. But Sanemi, ever the protective husband, couldn't ignore the gnawing fear that gripped him.
"I wasn't worried," Y/n interrupted gently, her eyes locking with his. Her voice was steady, a quiet confidence woven into every word. "Not because I didn't understand the danger, but because I knew—you would find me. Whether it was a demon or death itself, I believed you would save me. You always do."
"And," she whispered, her voice laced with unwavering affection as she gently clasped her husband's rough, calloused hand between her own delicate fingers, "no matter how many lifetimes I live, I would choose you again and again, every single time."
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nickeverdeen · 23 days
How many rounds can TLOU 2 characters last during “it”
Abby Anderson
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Top - 5-6 rounds
Abby’s rigorous training regime gives her incredible stamina, allowing her to last for multiple rounds without tiring easily
Abby’s strength translates into a dominant, controlled performance, ensuring her partner is thoroughly satisfied
She manages her energy well, pacing herself to extend each round
Bottom - 4-5 rounds
Abby remains actively involved, responding to her partner’s moves, which enhances her endurance
Her physical conditioning allows her to recover quickly between rounds, ready for more
Abby’s passion fuels her stamina
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Top - 3-4 rounds
Dina’s creativity in intimacy keeps things exciting and dynamic, maintaining high energy
She mixes playful teasing with assertive actions, which keeps the momentum going for multiple rounds
Dina’s ability to read her partner’s needs keeps her engaged and driven to continue
Bottom - 2-3 rounds
Dina’s responsiveness and sensual engagement keep her motivated to continue for more rounds
Her verbal affirmations and encouragement boost her partner’s confidence and her own stamina
Dina’s enthusiasm and eagerness to please and get pleased contribute to her ability to go for more rounds
Ellie Williams
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Top - 4-5 rounds
Ellie’s intense focus and determination drive her to give her all in each round
Her spontaneity and passion keep the energy high and the experience intense
Ellie’s deep emotional connection with her girlfriend fuels her stamina and desire to continue
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Top - 2-3 rounds
Jesse’s steady and consistent stamina allows him to maintain several rounds
His attentiveness to his partner’s needs keeps the experience fulfilling and engaging
Jesse’s natural charm and confidence boost his endurance, making each round enjoyable
Joel Miller
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Top - 4-5 rounds
Joel’s experience and skill allow him to pace himself well and maintain multiple rounds without a problem
His protective nature translates into a passionate performance, ensuring his partner is satisfied
Joel’s physical strength and endurance enable him to last for several rounds without tiring
Tommy Miller
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Top - 3-4 rounds
Tommy’s gentle yet strong approach ensures a fulfilling experience over multiple rounds
His patience allows him to pace himself and maintain high stamina throughout
Tommy’s emotional investment in his partner enhances his endurance and drive
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ikeucity · 7 days
🐰 upcoming release & teaser 🐰 | one-shot - rabbit hybrid!sunghoon x human!reader
📅 scheduled release: september 15, 2024 @ 9pm PHT
✦ title: yours to wreck ✦ genre: smut, fluff, angst ✦ pairing: rabbit hybrid!sunghoon x human!reader ✦ word count: 37k ✦ rating: 18+ (mdni)
warnings: possessive sunghoon, explicit smut, heat cycles, hybrid instincts, lots of plot, dirty talk, tension, light angst, fluff, soft moments, sunghoon's intense desire, sunghoon being clingy and protective, raw emotions, mentions of sunghoon’s past neglect, and a whole lot of feelings. keep reading for the teaser! don't worry, i've already tagged all my sweethearts in the post, just wait for it to be posted as scheduled!
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note: ngl, i literally whipped this up in 2 hours, non-stop typing away on my keyboard like a maniac. honestly, it's pretty mid, but i just wanted to get it out there because i’ve been working on bettering my writing, and this felt like progress! so here we are, get ready for an emotional rollercoaster of tension, fluff, and some heart-fluttering moments with possessive sunghoon as he navigates his heat and his feelings for you. this is more plot driven than it is smut driven, so you have been warned.
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sorry for being mia! i've been working on moonstruck, bthb behind the scenes and am planning to have them scheduled moving forward, i've also been super busy with work since it's a pretty busy season but i'll make it up to you guys by posting surprise one-shots.
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