#(which sucks)
ruubesz-draws · 2 months
Sorry for being inactive for a while. Life has been hectic to the point where I just haven't had the energy and time to draw things. But I have a few WIPs that I want to finish and hopefully show you guys soon.
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Yes, the last two are gijinkas (and I have more)
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gregorgregor · 6 days
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It's my first time getting COVID 🙃
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itslilacokay · 19 days
oh fuck
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unopenablebox · 1 month
i may have posted about this before but on my way home from work i often walk down a quiet mixed residential/commercial street in a very residential area. & there's one block that's all small local businesses. like, a florist, a barber shop, the glasses place where the owner found out i lost my vision insurance since the last time i was there & took $100 off the price of my glasses, that kind of thing
and one kind of recessed dark storefront that i didn't register at all the first few years i lived here, but recently suddenly seemed to be some kind of nightclub? and one which, based on the people who normally stand outside in line and/or vaping, caters principally to transgender goths in their 30s
ive now been walking past this place for months but was finally prompted to look them up online by my delight at their sign out front advertising a children's goth dance party featuring a full chocolate milk bar
anyway, it turns out it's a nightclub for transgender goths.
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fbfh · 2 years
no but like-
you made me feel alright about being short?? bestie that's a crime
but thank you <3
no fr but more roddy x short!reader bc I said so. if there's one thing rodrick loves to do, it's to loom over you affectionately. he loves how cute you look when you look up at him or stretch up to get closer to him. he loves when you're both sitting down and you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head on his chest with zero effort. you really do fit together like puzzle pieces. you're the cutest goddamn height difference couple on earth. one of my favorite tropes has to be loser boyfriend gets boyfriend material scent on him from you, and now the girls that used to ignore him or make fun of him are trying to get with him and switch up almost comedically fast. following that, the amount of pick me girls who try to cozy up to your roddy and be like "omg I'm so short and small" expecting him to agree, but he just looks at them for a second, places his hand flat on the top of their head, and lines it up with him. "not really." their look of horror only increases when he goes "yeah it sucks, I really like short girls." rodrick calls you one day informing you he can't go on the date you had planned together because he got grounded. you ask why this time. rodrick mentally flashes back to greg asking why rodrick is dating you, and saying "they're basically my height." it doesn't matter if it's hyperbole or not, all the matters is that rodrick kicked his ass and concequently got grounded. "you know my mom, same old bullshit. it doesn't matter though, I'll just sneak out tonight. leave your window unlocked." god if you could kiss him through the phone you would.
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tau1tvec · 2 months
Keep forgetting they filmed parts of Practical Magic twenty or so minutes from where I live, so I get rlly confused sometimes when I pop into a local shop and find dvd’s of only Practical Magic on sale, and remember “oh yeah…”. 😂
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not-5-rats · 3 days
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change!-"
Eughhh I'm bored so I'm gonna ramble -
(Mentions of blood, injury, violence, death also shitty writting)
The escape was ongoing. There'd been a couple of hiccups but they had finally gotten back on track! Everyone was happy to be getting out of there...but they were frightened, I mean they were at constant risk of being caught and atp it would probably be decided that they were all too much hassle....they'd probably just kill them right there at that very moment.
So everyone was quiet as they shuffled through the many dark passages which filled the arena. Marco was leading the front, since he knew the way, as Rolden marked the end of their group, the tension was thick but one person seemed more effected by it than anyone else...Bug. They hated being here, it was disturbing, in every cage they passed there was a half-blood either curled on the floor, blood staining their entire being...tears staining their face, or they were snarling, growling at the bars as the group passed...savages...maybe it was for the best thag they were locked away.
Wait...what the fuck were they thinking! This isn't good! This is bad!! These poor creatures, they're being mistreated, they're being abused!! But...look at them...they're vicious...how could creatures like that ever be let back into society!! No, no they couldn't genuinly be having these thoight! After everything the boys had done for them! Half-bloods are not monsters...no...they're not!...right?
As Bug got lost in their own head they didn't notice as the group neared their way out of the arena, they remained unaware until an odd voice snapped them out of their trance
"Well...what have we got here then?"
Shit. A small group of Hunters stood infront of them, there weren't many of them but there was probably too many for them to fight off. They were frozen, both groups silently staring at one another until the 'leader' of the Hunters began to speak, taking large steps towards them
"Listen you're lucky we found you and not anyone else. We'll let you off, nobody gets hurt, if you turn around and let us put you back in your cells...or assign you a cell given the new faces"
Bodie spoke for the group, he refused, they had gotten so far they wouldn't dare turn around that easily. The Hunters laughed, the leader went to speak, but they suddenly stopped as they spotted somebody in the group that seemed out of place
"*Bug*, well what a lovely surprise. What on earth are you doing wandering round with a bunch of escaped monsters hm?"
Bug stepped forward, their gaze seemed fixed on the floor as they passed the others, soon they stood just infront of the rest of them, face to work with their old colleagues. Bodie attempted to place a hand on their shoulder but Bug quickly shifted out of his grasp
"Ah, Edwin I was just...I, we.."
They fell silent for a second, their eyes slowly rising from the floor to the eyes of the Hunter at the front. As their eyes met an odd feeling overcame Bug and they spoke once more, louder, more confident this time
"I found them, trying to escape with the help of their...odd friend, I knew I couldn't take them in alone so brought em round here...knew somebody would be here"
They stepped forward once more, the eyes of their frien- their captures behind them burning into the back of their skull. They never meant to do this...but after the kind of creatures they'd seen in here...it's safer for them to be locked up in here rather than be out there where they could hurt innocent people.
The Hunter smiled at them, the group of half-bloods began to ask questions, to demand answers, to yell at Bug for what they were doing...but Bug didn't answer them, they didn't even acknowledge their cries. The group went to turn but more Hunters had appeared around them...they were trapped.
Suddenly it escalated, the Hunters quickly realised the group wouldn't go willingly just as the group realised their friend was a traitor. The Hunters made the first strike, Edwin strolled past Bug and went to apprehend Bodie, but he didn't let them take him...so Edwin attacked and ordered the others to do the same.
It quickly resulted in everyone being involved in the commotion, blood splattered the walls, the sound of claws digging into flesh and daggers piercing the skin. Bones snapping, metal clashing against scaled...the sound echoed in the hall. Soon there were...bodies on the floor, none dead yet, but a couple Hunters were knocked out and Timmy seemed to have had his ankles severely damaged in the scuffle. Bug rushed over to the trapped gator, unable to lfit himself from the floor. They stood over him...they never meant for it to get this far...they didn't think anyone would be hurt this badly...they just thought they'd be taken away, locked up. Yet they saw the damage to his legs...if they left him here, the Hunters would force him to fight on this stumps...he didn't deserve that. They lifted a foot...to put the poor soul out of his misery
But before they could do so they found themself om the floor having been thrown to the side by a larger figure. As they tried to figure out what had happened they felt a harsh hand grab their face, their head was tugged off the floor, their eyes were met by a familiar face.
Bodie...he was so angry, they'd never seen him like this, they knew his face yet...he seemed so different. The resentful look he gave them, the hatred in his eyes...it was painful so look at. Yet Bug could see the other feelings he had hidden beneath the rage...the hurt, the confusion, the betrayal...those hurt them more than the anger ever could. They were snapped back into the moment as they were violently shaken
"What is wrong with you! You had no idea where we were going, you had no idea who would be here, what was all that nonsense!"
Bug didn't answer they just stared at him
"I should have known, I should have understood that you Hunters never change! Was this your big plan? Or was this just a game to see how far you could get before running back to your little friends"
He shook them again...still they said nothing
"Answer me *Bug*!"
Marco suddenly appeared behind him, tapping his shoulder. The Hunters were all out or had retreated, but they'd soon be back. They had to go now, or else they'd never get out. Bodie didn't take his eyes of Bug even as Marco spoke...and Bug didn't move their gaze either.
Bodie hesitated...but he knew he had to get the other out of here...they were more important than this...thing. He let go of their face, their head fell and hit roughly against the floor. As blood began to stram from the back of their head Bodie stood, Timmy was over Roldens shoulder but apart from his ankles none of them seemed to have any major injuries. The group left the arena that day, they never looked back...and as they left Bug lay on the ground...they remained unable to believe what they had done.
They betrayed everyone, they left their colleagues to live with the boys...then betrayed the boys to return. Yet now they lay without anybody. Nobody to comfort them, nobody to hold their hand as they slowly bled out. They had fought to keep the boys locked away, to keep them from hurting anyone else...yet here Bug was...and the half-bloods walked free. They hadn't hurt them...not on purpose...they never killed them. They lay on the floor, they wouldn't survive and it was their fault...they had let these thoughts overcome them...even though they knew these people, they knew Bodie...they knew his family...they still doubted them. They saw them as killers when really...the killers were still in the building
With their last breaths Bug remembered their time with the half-bloods. They remembered how much they cared...and they thought about how quickly they turned on their family...just because it was what they were taught to do.
How fucking pathetic are they...
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musubiki · 6 months
I forgot if you talked abt this, but does the whole "being on the same level as mochi" thing ever come up in honest conversation between them? Seems like an entire...thing that really influences lime's choices when it comes to the main conflict. I would think either some time after mochi's over her initial jealousy, or heck wayyy after they stop the witch king
oooo youre right i dont think ive talked much about it or at all.,... but YEAH a very key part of limes character is his need to be on the same level as her...partly a pride thing, partly a "i dont feel like i have the right to stand beside her unless i can compete with her" thing
(sorry for the long post rambles, apparently i have a lot more thoughts on this than i thought it did)
but actually this comes up WAY sooner, its WAY too big of an elephant in the room post-timeskip to go un-talked about. pre-timeskip lime could kind of quietly work away at trying to be better, but post-timeskip the m-34th thing is too obvious of a flag for mochi to think everything is okay with him
i think the issues really starts to be hashed out when mochi, at some point (relatively quickly after they reunite), brings up the notion of him quitting the m-34th. to an extent she understood why he joined, he gave her a bunch of reasons why he joined the regiment in the first place (jumping around a bunch of excuses like "They have good benefits" / "I was bored" / etc before finally telling her the truth that "I wanted to find you"), but what she didnt understand is why he stays in
she gave it a bit of time, they went through the whole "well you left me" vs "you joined the organization that exists to kill us" -> "call it even, water under the bridge" thing, and she thought that after a few weeks (months?) he would quit and just be part of her guild again, but he doesnt.
and when she asks him about it, he dodges the question, gives shit answers, dismisses it, a bunch of different things with the underlying message being "I'm not leaving you, but I'm not gonna quit working for them."
and she doesnt want to give him the "choose me or them" ultimatum either (even though pom seems all for it), because 1.) it feels like a shitty thing to do to him, if hes fighting this hard to stay in she doesnt want him to be unhappy, and 2.) shes afraid he might actually choose them
she starts to think a lot of things, that maybe he harbors some bitterness towards her, maybe he doesnt want to put all his eggs in one basket, maybe hes secretly feeding them information on her behind her back, ALL kinds of things.
eventually (and upsettingly) she gets the truth from clarinette. it takes fucking clarinette babbling her mouth away for mochi to get something that she hasnt gotten from lime himself. clarinette (in her delulu) wants to brag a little in the vein of "Haha he confided in me and not in you haha," and mentioned that when she asked him why he stays, he told her "The m-34th makes me stronger" or something along those lines.
and mochis first thought is "I can make him stronger too, he doesnt need to go to them."
and when she CONFRONTS him and tells him this, he gives her a flat "No, you can't." and it FEELS very cold when he says it. she can see the bitterness (bitterness???) behind his eyes when he says it. and its not a bitterness TOWARDS HER, its more of a "I spent 2 years before you left trying everything I could to make myself worthy of you this, and it did nothing. I would take 1 step forward and you would take 5. I'm not going back to that."
so this confrontation became one of those make it or break it conversations for lime, because his only two options were 1) tell mochi the actually pretty embarrassing and pathetic truth, or 2) risk losing her because shes already doubting him enough as it is
i think he probably tries route 2 first though. and whatever it is he tells her, he can see something in her eyes (mistrust? failing faith? fear?) which tells him "Oh no, oh shit, oh god, backtrack you idiot, BACKTRACK!!!" because if he lets this narrative go on for even a few minutes more, hes not going to be able to come back from it.
so he eventually actually does tell her the truth!! and he hates doing it. he really does feel pathetic. its so petty and stupid, he thinks. he shouldnt be trying to compete with the cat witch, hes supposed to be supportive. but he fucking hates being ONLY supportive. he wants to add something, contribute something meaningful, not just be a little accessory/sidekick to mochi.
and (as already mentioned) he cant do that without the m-34th. pre-timeskip he felt useless. and relative to mochi, he was. she wont say it, but she didnt need him. she would reassure him and tell him "You're amazing Lime!" but deep down she knew that after Amanita was dealt with and she was the full-fledged cat witch, she could do all of it on her own (and proves it when she leaves and takes none of them with her). she liked having him there (obviously), but anything he could do she could do better.
he felt like he just took up space, and when she left without telling him or taking him with her, it essentially proved his point. it was not even just a "I dont need you" thing anymore, it was now a "I don't need you, and I also know you don't have the means or ability to change that" and that fucking HURT.
the m-34th though....those guys really honed the shit out of his strengths. on an insane level. they gave him so many skills and tools as a black canvas to do SO MANY THINGS and SO WELL, and maybe this does bring up some resentment to the guild and magic?? that he had so much untapped potential that mochi could just not bring out in an effective way, it essentially bottlenecked him (not her fault, its hard to build the talents of an anti-magic person by using magic).
but these guys...as "bad" as they are (so the witches say), they gave him (and still give him) the power to change that which he hated about himself the most. so that "I don't need you, and I also know you don't have the means or ability to change that" thing can finally FINALLY be met with "Yeah you do, and yeah I fucking can."
so all these feelings manifest as "I won't leave the m-34th because they make me strong enough to stand by your side and not at your feet." AND THEY DO!!!!!! and he probably doesnt say those words directly but everything he DOES say communicates it enough for mochi to see it
(and he probably tells her all of this. she just listens)
so mochi, eventually, understands this. it took the whole pre-timeskip period and some of the post-timeskip period to get there, but she understands him a little more now (and a side of him she didnt know was there). i dont think theres anything she can do to change this aspect of him, but she at least understands his reasons and respects his freedom to pursue that which gives him peace, even if it conflicts with her uh.....occupation (nature?) as a witch. she also can tell him, without any lies or nice little reassurances that "You really are amazing, Lime." in a way she could never be, and he got there on his own, without her. i think shes happy just to know the truth, and know that hes not like betraying her or something. also she probably finds it kinda sweet that he works so hard to stand by her, but tries not to let it go to her head (or her heart) because at least half of it is a lime pride thing and not a mochi love thing
he also throws in a very lime-esq ending on it like "There I said it happy now??? Never make me talk about this again." while completely red-faced. he really does hate this side of himself but he cant help it.
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afro-elf · 5 months
Who do you think are some of the best horrorcore artists today?
current artists? clipping. and backxwash and some danny brown. honorary mentions because they aren't hip-hop but they scratch that hip-hop itch: debby friday, lotic, and dreamcrusher
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colacorvus · 2 months
not only do i have to fight the frustration of people just not reblogging my art i also have to deal with this site deciding at random to just not show my damn art to the people that follow me how wonderful
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cellsshapedlikestars · 10 months
every time i see ai fandom art on my dash, i get annoyed all over again and have to remind myself the person reblogging it probably has no idea it's ai bc they reblogged it from someone else who didn't tag it as such. but still
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So… Demon Terry Jr. when??? 👀
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mekanikaltrifle · 7 months
stop making fantasy dwarves scottish 2024 challenge [impossible]
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albatris · 18 days
should I start volunteering (?) for my local not-nanowrimo-anymore group
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cosmictap · 4 months
Save me Joker out save me
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Michael Afton is a comfort character to me because I know I could tell him all my darkest secrets and he would be like "I mean I've done soooo much worse, so like....eh"
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