#(with a warning that i'll be there later than agreed ofc i'm not keeping him waiting)
airenyah · 1 year
msp may not be bbs but. it sure is making me FEEL THINGS
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silentglassbreak · 5 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
!!!There is finally smut in this chapter!!!!
Warnings: Alcohol abuse, overall abuse, mild violence (ie. bar fights), smut, swearing, and altogether just a lot of fuckery.
+It goes without saying, this is a work of fiction. All of my words are my own. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess
Part 5 - Bad Decisions
Three months and three days, since I had met Noah Sebastian. Since he had walked into my group, reserved and exhausted, ready for a change. Three months and one day since I had agreed to be his sponsor. Since I had taken on the role of maintaining his sanity and sobriety with him. Three months exactly since Noah kissed me, causing me to pull back on our relationship.
I had given myself a silent rule that I never told Noah: we did not meet in person, outside of group, unless it was dire. So far, we had not gotten to that point.
He called me often, needing support. We talked on the phone, sometimes for only a few minutes while he panicked, I calmed him down, and he focused on breathing. Sometimes, we talked for a long time. I suspected he called me at times, out of pure boredom.
Two weeks after his show in Hollywood, he finally told the members of the band that he had began AA. As I suspected, they were all very supportive, most notably, Nick Ruffilo, his best friend since childhood. He even brought Nick to our last 'Loved Ones' session, where we asked everyone to bring someone in their lives who supported their recovery. Some people only brought their sponsors, but some brought their husbands, wives. Girlfriends. I always brought Laura.
I met Nick that day. He was polite, had the most charming smile, and shook my hand respectfully.
"You're the famous Leena, huh?" Noah had been talking to Syd when Nick approached me.
"Famous?" I quirked my eyebrow. He smiled brightly.
"You've kept my boy straight for a whole month."
I nodded in understanding. As fate may have it, the day Nick came to group, was the same day Noah had earned his 30-day coin. He had earned himself a large round of applause, as well as his favorite flavor of cupcakes in class. Red velvet, cream cheese frosting, graham cracker dust. I'll never forget, I asked Laura to make them.
Nick cared deeply for Noah, I could see it. I knew the other members, Folio and Jolly, did as well, but I believed Nick was his best source of support.
I broached the subject with Noah about a week later of Nick being his sponsor. I saw the look on his face while he sipped on his coffee, group having just ended.
"Oh, I didn't even think about it." He was looking at the ground, something he regularly did when he was uncomfortable.
"I mean, it was just an idea?" I tried to stay warm, comforting. Noah didn't always go for that. He had his moments where he felt patronized, and preferred I be straight with him. Usually when he was in a bad mood.
"I could ask him, I guess." He still wouldn't look at me.
I sighed, quirking my lips in a smile. "You don't have to. I'm happy to keep being your sponsor, Noah."
He looked at me finally, through his lashes. "You just know how to pull me back from the brink. He doesn't."
I nodded in understanding. "Guess you're stuck with me then." I beamed at him, earning a smile back.
Today, Noah was earning his 90-day coin, right before he leaves for tour. He got to go first in group, discussing his experience through recovery. He also got his special cupcakes, Laura turning up special to deliver them by hand. He was like a kid in a candy store, nearly hopping up and down when she handed him his special cupcake, bigger than the rest. He was ever thankful that she was a talented baker, promising to bring him and the band cupcakes during their tour dates here in LA.
The band had added 17 additional tour dates, beginning the tour in the summer instead of fall. They would have three months off from June to September, and would head to Europe in December. The success of the band was exciting, and stressful all the same for Noah. I saw the toll it took.
Two weeks ago, he finally told his girlfriend about his recovery. We didn't talk about Lily often at all, but he definitely did not want to discuss that subject. I gathered that it did not go well. All I learned was that she told him she needed space, and backed out of tagging along on the first part of the tour with them. She promised to catch up in September.
I saw how this affected Noah, and his sad days had been more frequent lately. Seeing him happy to be receiving his coin was a relief.
"Can I make a request for my 90-day?" He sat in his regular chair, directly across the circle from me, his too-dark eyes on mine.
"Within reason." I responded with a suspicious grin.
"Can you tell me one thing about you that I don't already know?" Everyone in group looked directly to me, including our two newcomers. All eyes seemed confused. As was I.
"Like what?" I crossed my legs, trying to hide my uncomfortable posture.
I blinked, my head swirling. Something he didn't know? We had learned quite a bit about each other over the last three months. In group or on the phone, we had played twenty questions more than once.
"Well," I sighed, knowing that my confession would be news to everyone, as I never talked about it. "my sponsor is my Dad."
He looked taken back, not expecting that. "Really?"
I nodded coolly. "Yep. Since I got sober three years ago." I relaxed a bit in my chair. "He's the reason I got sober."
Noah sat back and folded his arms, intent on listening to me. He gestured for me to continue.
"At 25, I was set down the worst road. I had been actively drinking since I was 16, and really struggling since 18. I dropped out of college, went through job after job, ended up in jail a few times. And that's the mild stuff. I won't bore you all with the gruesome details." I glanced around the room. The only person who knew even half of my story was Abel, and he was unfortunately not here today, so I felt vulnerable.
"My mother was an alcoholic, who died when I was very young from her addictions." I could feel tears threatening to come to the surface. My throat was forming a lump I just couldn't swallow. "My Dad, who swore to never drink again after she died, decided that once I hit rock bottom, to take me to her gravesite."
I looked down at my hands, feeling my voice shake. "He had purchased a plot for me right next to her when I turned 21, because he swore I would be with her sooner rather than later."
One traitorous tear spilled down my cheek, and I wiped it away feverishly. "So I had him drive me to a meeting. He stayed with me. Came with me to every single one."
I laughed at the thought. "He would sit in the car and listen to Country music while he waited. And every time I fell off, he drove me right back. He's my rock. He's the reason I'm alive."
I was still looking at my hands when I heard the clapping. My head snapped up to see Noah, his hands clapping together before everyone else joined. It was a liberating moment, but I was still vulnerable.
I checked my watch, noticing that we were over on our time.
"Thank you, everyone." The applause died down. "I appreciate each and every one of you. Unfortunately, we've got to get out of here before Angie comes in and rips me a new one."
At home, Angel and I were curled up on the couch, enjoying our favorite movie (it was my favorite, so it was his favorite by default), Silent Hill. I was tossing him single popcorn kernels as I ate and watched intently.
"See, baby, this is the part where all of the piece of shit cultists get what they deserve!" He looked at me with his honey brown eyes, clearly understanding every word I said.
My ringtone went off, and I almost ignored it, because we were so close to the end, and figured the call could wait until after. That is, until I realized it was Noah's ringtone. I had switched his a while ago to a song by his own band, so I knew when it needed to be answered at any cost.
I rushed over to the kitchen counter, not even bothering to pause the movie.
"I need a fucking drink, Leena." His voice was cracked, and sounded wet. Was he...crying?
"No, you don't." My immediate response anytime he said that.
"No Leena, I'm driving to a bar. I can't fucking do this."
The panic rose in my chest, threatening to spill in the form of vomit. No, not now. Not after we've worked this hard.
"Noah Sebastian, I will kick you out of group."
"Who fucking cares?" I scoffed.
"Uh, you do, apparently. You called me."
"Mostly just calling to let you know I'm a fucking failure. So, sorry to waste your time."
My mouth worked faster than I could stop it. "Come to my place."
He was quiet. "Nah, bar sounds better."
"Noah, come see me. Please. And if you still want a drink afterwards, then I won't stop you."
I could tell he was perusing this. "You don't ever see me outside of group, remember?"
"Well, fuck that for right now. Come see me."
He groaned. "Leena, it's midnight. You should be asleep."
"Yet, I'm awake. 3AM ice cream, remember?"
There was silence, only the sound of a blinker in the background.
"Where do you live?"
Without answering, I dropped him my location pin.
"Says I'm ten minutes away." I sighed a breath of relief.
"Door's unlocked."
Despite my telling him to come in, he knocked. Angel stood at attention, to which I instructed him to sit and stay. I opened the door to find a soaking wet Noah. I didn't even realize it was raining.
He looked awful. Clearly had been crying, his clothes soaked through from the storm. I grabbed his arm and hastily pulled him in to avoid any more weather getting hold of him.
"Jesus Christ, dude." He just stood in my doorway, staring at me.
A low growl left Angel, bringing our attention to him.
"Angel, come." Robotically, he came to me and I pointed to Noah. "Let him smell you. He's protection trained."
Noah raised a brow. "What kind of dog?"
"He's a mutt. Bluetick Hound and Husky. 90 pounds of death if he doesn't like you."
I saw Noah stiffen slightly as Angel sniffed his legs, shoes, and hands. Once he was satisfied that he was safe, Angel stepped back.
"Go to bed." I pointed to the room and he took off, following the command.
"Hm, good dog." Noah's tone was surprised.
"I live alone in LA, I've got to do something to protect myself."
He nodded and stepped onto the tile floor after me toward the hallway. I noticed how wet he was.
"Wait here. I'll get you some dry clothes."
He looked at me incredulously. "You think they'll fit?"
I rolled my eyes. "Wait here."
I returned two minutes later with a pair of men's sweats and a faded Disturbed t-shirt. "They're my brother's. I'm sure they'll fit."
He nodded in appreciation and I pointed to the bathroom.
He returned moments later, soaking clothes in hand. I walked over and grabbed them from him and walked further down the hall to my laundry room. Checking the many pockets on his pants, I threw his clothing in the dryer and started it.
Padding back into the living room, I waved him over to the couch. We both sat on opposite ends, me leaned back, pulling the throw over myself, him dropping his head into his hands.
"You want to talk about it?" He just shook his head. I pursed my lips. "You want to watch a movie?" He looked up at me from over his shoulder.
"Like what?"
I smiled, picking up my remote. "Well, I just finished Silent Hill, but I've got all the streaming networks, so I can get anything."
He furrowed his brows. "Silent Hill? Like, the game?"
My jaw dropped. "You've never seen the movie?"
He just shook his head. "Can't say I have."
"Well fuck, let me just restart it."
He snorted. "Didn't you just watch it?"
"It's my favorite movie, ever. I'll watch it again."
He sat up straight, then leaned his back on the couch. I reached behind me on the side table, grabbing another blanket and chucking it at him. He smiled a small, sad look at me, and unfolded it over his lap.
During the movie, Noah's demeanor loosened ever so subtly. He started with his back against the couch, arms in his lap, looking unamused. By the first call of the Darkness, he was leaning forward, paying closer attention. At the first sight of Pyramid Head, he was interested. And by the hospital scene, he was asking questions.
"I still don't understand, why does Sharon look like Alessa? And why did the little girl say she was burning?"
"Would you be patient?! We're literally getting to that part right now!" He shook his head and leaned back, crossing his legs underneath him and his body moved slightly closer to my legs that were outstretched on the area between us.
His leg bumped my foot, and he looked over, noticing I was glancing at him.
"Oh, my bad." He scooched back to his side, and I snickered.
"I'm not going to combust if you touch my foot Noah, it's no biggie."
He smirked, mischievously. "Well, in that case." He then stretched his giant self out across the couch, pulling my legs up over his legs. He nestled in, pulling the blanket up to his chest.
It was at this point that I actually noticed.
"Hold the fucking phone." I quickly paused the movie and his head snapped to me.
"You cut your fucking hair?!" His hair was easily eight inches shorter, sitting just below his ears. How it took me this long to notice is beyond me.
He laughed nervously, and ran his hand through his locks. "Yeah, after group, I went and got it cut. Felt like I needed a change."
I smiled brightly, reaching over and tousling it. "I like it. It suits you."
He leaned back, his face appreciative.
I played the movie, and he was absolutely enamored. It was always fun watching someone experience this movie for the first time.
Once the credits began to play, his eyes were much brighter. "Are you tired?"
I shook my head. "Nah, not right now."
"Want to watch another one?"
I stood up. "Sure, but I've got to pee and grab a water bottle. You want one?"
He nodded, swiping the remote and scrolling through the networks to find another movie.
I called Angel to his bed in the living room, and took care of my business. When I returned, he had 13 Ghosts pulled up on the screen.
"Can we watch my favorite now?" I smirked.
"Absolutely, it is also one of my favorites."
He pressed play, and I walked past him, my thigh catching the edge of the couch, causing me to stumble toward the coffee table.
Before I could connect with the glass, his arm was around my arm, pulling me back toward the couch. I landed square in his lap. It took me a second to process. He smiled at me nervously.
"Sorry, didn't want you getting a concussion."
I slid off his lap, but was now seated closer to him, by side nearly pressed against his chest. He turned his attention back to the TV, throwing his blanket over the both of us casually.
I pulled my bare legs up under the blanket, now very aware that all I wore was a pair of too-short gym shorts, a plain white t-shirt, and socks. I was home alone earlier, in my defense. My knee was pressing into the side of his leg, but he didn't seem to notice.
His body radiated so much heat, I instinctively sunk down further under the blanket. His gargantuan arm was draped over the back of the couch, the back of my head pressed against it.
I let myself get into the movie for a while. We made it about half an hour in before I felt him shift. He stretched his legs in front of me, now in near full laying position. His arm tugged my shoulder and I looked at him.
His eyes were honest, or so it seemed. "It's just cuddling. I haven't had anyone to cuddle with in a while."
I pondered this for a moment. My brain screamed against it, told me it was wrong and I knew where this could go. But he was so warm. He was so comfortable. I slid down, stretching my legs over his, my chest laying on his. My face had nowhere to go but on his collarbone while I tried desperately to watch the television.
Something tugged at me, which I tried to ignore for a while. I couldn't for too long before I piped up.
"How would your girlfriend feel about us 'just cuddling'?"
I felt his chest still, his breathing stopped for a beat.
"She dumped me." I snapped my head up
He sighed, not looking back at me. "Why do you think I needed a drink?"
"Oh, Noah." I moved to sit up, but his arm around my waist held me in place while he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Can we please just...not?" When he looked back at me, he had a single tear trying to escape from the corner of his eye.
"Okay." I softly responded and gently leaned back down. His arm secured me in place, while the movie continued to play.
About halfway through, I felt my eyelids getting heavy. His fingers that were holding my waist had been drawing small circles on my back for a few minutes, and I was fading quickly. The warmth, the comfort. He wasn't the only one who hadn't cuddled in a while.
"Are you asleep?"
This roused me. "Hmm? No. Just comfortable." My voice was raspy with sleep, my eyes only half open.
His chest shook with the rumble of a laugh. "You want me to head home?"
I slightly shook my head. "Warm." His hand rubbed up my arm now, coming to rest on the cap of my shoulder. I heard a low humming sound, and realized it was him, humming a tune that I couldn't place.
"It should be illegal to be able to sing that good." This made him snicker.
"Too bad, huh?" I sighed, relaxing. "Maybe if I wasn't so talented, you'd actually like me."
This made me slowly lift my head, narrowing my eyes at him. "You are an insufferable human Noah Sebastian." He smiled a goofy grin at me. "I am trying to relax, here."
His hand came up to brush my hair from my face, his eyes locked on my tired ones.
"You're really beautiful Mileena, you know that?"
I raised my eyebrows, my eyes getting wider. He didn't seem fazed, just studying my face.
"Well...thank you?"
His fingers twirled some stray bands of my hair while his eyes just would not leave mine.
"Would you hate me if I kissed you?"
My stomach bottomed out. I was awake. All the way awake, now. I sighed heavily.
"We can't do that, Noah."
He bit his bottom lip.
"Can't, or won't?"
I rolled onto my side then, slightly breaking the contact between us. He was sat with his head propped on the pillow at the end of the couch. He kept his arm on my waist, but raised himself up just enough to nearly tower over me.
"Would you tell me to stop again?"
He was testing me. I was going to fail if he didn't stop. He felt it.
"Would you make me leave?"
"Is this why you came over? Girlfriend dumps you, so you figure you'd come hook up with your sponsor?" Okay, maybe that came out a little sharper than I intended. But it needed to be said.
"I wasn't planning on coming here. I was set on the bar."
I sighed. He was right. He was on the brink, and I invited him in. Practically begged him.
"Noah, I just...we can't."
His hand reached up to cup the side of my neck, his eyes now fixated on my mouth. I caught the tip of his tongue dart out over his bottom lip.
"Would you make me leave?" He repeated his question.
I didn't answer him, I just stared. I couldn't hide the want on my face anymore. I could feel my eyes pleading with him to just do it. Just make the move, because I couldn't.
With the luckiest break I've had in a while, he read my thoughts, and dipped his face down to brush our lips together.
This was different. This wasn't hungry. It was a hot burn, slow and steady. His hand came up to brush against my face, pulling me just close enough for him to press his face closer, solidifying the kiss.
Once I had the nerve, I moved my lips against his, my body melting against him. We moved slowly, our tongues only trying to make short appearances to taste the other's lips. His kisses on my lips slowed, his hand running down the side of my body, stopping to rest on my hip. Noah's lips began to trail off of my mouth, moving down to my neck, leaving soft kisses over my throat, making my breathing stop altogether.
I'm not entirely sure how long we stayed this way, his lips leaving trails of warmth over my jaw, neck, and collarbone.
I finally reached for him, my arm searching for the hem of his shirt, slipping underneath. My fingers grazed his skin, feeling the solidity of his frame. I felt him breathe out a sigh when I began leaving kisses on his neck. I let the tip of my tongue trace his adam's apple, smiling when the grip on my hip tightened with a nip of his skin.
After he had been tormented enough, he slipped his arm around my waist, flipping to perch over me, laying me flat on my back.
The kiss that came now was burning, hungry, and wild. My fingers pulled at his shirt, lifting it until he had to sit up and pull it over his head.
He wasted no time coming back to attack my neck, nipping and biting carefully, but enough to have me whimpering. He slid one hand up my side, beneath my shirt, and grazed the side of my breast, waiting for a reaction. I arched my back, trying to beg for touch.
His fingers grabbed my entire breast with one hand, pinching my hard nipple and rolling it between his fingers. I gasped at this.
"Oh, Noah..." I heard him hum, a sign of approval.
My hands grabbed his hair, pulling him back to my face. I kissed him while he used his other hand to lift my shirt, exposing both breasts.
It took no time for him to work his way down, taking my nipple in his mouth, leaving me breathless. His tongue circled the hardened bud, driving me absolutely wild.
I could feel his excitement pressing into the inside of my thigh, so I squirmed, causing a friction I'm sure he noticed. I felt the growl more than heard it.
His hand slid up my thigh, stopping on the inside, just before the hem. I could feel myself shaking in anticipation. He hooked the edge of my shorts, and with no mercy, pulled them down viciously, exposing my plain black cotton panties.
His hand glided over my core, feeling how damp the fabric already was. I was breathing heavily, silently begging for more.
"Jesus Christ, Leena." His mouth reached down and kissed my breast again. "So fucking wet."
His words had my brain scrambling. I hadn't been intimate in so long.
His fingers traced over the wet spot, teasing me until I was sure I was going mad.
"Noah..." His eyes looked up to me, my left nipple glistening from his saliva. "Fucking please."
The smile on his face was so wicked, I swear I saw the devil behind it. And this was my one-way ticket to hell. At least it's warm there.
His fingers slipped under the fabric, running up and down over my slit, nearly hitting that one spot I needed.
"This? This is what you want?" His tone was deadly, which had me reeling even harder. I fucking needed him.
I could only nod wildly. His index finger slipped inside, curling at just the right angle, hitting the sweetest spot, I could've burst right then and there.
"That's it. Good girl." His words had me moaning softly, his fingers working me over. Noah continued this until I was nearly seeing stars, his thumb now rubbing circles over my clit. I was ready, so fucking ready, eyes shut tight, climbing the hill and about to fall over. Then it was gone.
My eyes burst open, nearly ready to complain before I felt his hands pulling my panties down, his hot breath just centimeters from my core.
"I can't tell you how many times I've thought about this, Leena. I'll bet you taste incredible." Breathing was out of the question. Air no longer existed.
And that was it, he was on me. His tongue lapping up my pussy, humming while I gripped his hair frantically.
"Holy fuck, Noah."
"That's it baby. Scream my name. Be good for me."
My brain was no longer firing on any cylinders. I was on another plane altogether.
His lips latched onto my sweet spot and sucked like his life depended on it.
"Noah, oh my god! Oh my god, I'm going to come." My back arched off the couch, and my vision went white.
"Noah, Noah, Noah!" My voice was going hoarse. My toes curled and I began to feel the overstimulation, my hips bucking against him.
His arms pinned my legs down, leaving me nowhere to go. I fought for purchase against his skin.
"Please, please I can't. I can't!" He finally released me, lapping at my inner thigh one more time, causing me to shiver.
He sat back, a satisfied grin on his face.
When I looked up at him, I could see the clear bulge in the sweats, and smiled my own wicked grin.
I saw the confusion on his face before I sat up, simultaneously pushing him back on the couch, ripping the front of the pants down. It came to my attention that he wasn't wearing any boxers, so his cock sprung free instantly.
His eyes were fixed on me while I sized up his length, trying to work out how I was going to swallow this damn thing.
I slid the tip of my tongue across the top, eliciting a hiss from his lips. He stared down at me, watching my every calculated move.
With no warning, I wrapped my lips around him, and took him as far down as my throat would allow.
"Oh, fuck..." His eyes went half-masked, his mouth falling open. "Do that again. Jesus Christ."
It didn't sound like a question, so I diligently obeyed. My throat gave out about halfway down his length, causing me to gag. His hand grabbed my hair, nails in my scalp, holding me there.
"Yeah, baby. That's it." He let my head up, saliva dripping from my lips. "You're so good, Leena. Such a good girl."
His hand pressed me back down gently until I had a good rhythm going, my head bobbing, eyes looking up at him.
"Fuck, girl, I'm not going to last like this." I hollowed my cheeks, increasing the suction, and his eyes bulged.
His head flew back, his chest heaving wildly. "Just like that, baby. Don't stop."
I obeyed, suddenly really enjoying the submissive role. His hand guided me faster until I felt him harden to nearly stone.
"I'm going to come, don't stop...fuck don't fucking stop baby."
I felt the first hot stream hit the back of my throat, and I relaxed, waiting for the rest before sucking just a second longer, listening to him hiss in response. I let him out of my mouth with a pop, smiling at him sheepishly when I sat up.
He laid there, eyes closed, hands on his chest, working to breathe.
It took a while, but he eventually opened his eyes. His smile was lazy, and he lifted an arm to pull me down, now laying on his chest again.
He reached behind me and flung the blanket over us, kicking his pants the rest of the way off, and looked down at me.
"We shouldn't have done that, huh?"
I blushed, nuzzling my nose into his neck to hide it as best as I could. "No, we shouldn't have."
He ran his hand up and down my arm, now turning his attention back to the movie that was still playing.
"We'll do better tomorrow." Was the last I heard before my eyes drifted closed.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
I just remembered this idea and needed to tell you before i forgot again
AU were Dio's mom (we need to give her a name) is fucking tired of her life with Dario and decides to run away with her son, but to were?
Then she remember's. The accident, the talk between Dario and the surviving man and a favor
So going to the Joestar manor it is
(To spice things a little, if you want, we could put a bit of Behind Cloosed Doors and Dio's mom kicking ass later)
I didn't thought much after that but i did have a little thing with Speedwagon and Dio's mom were they knew eachoter and she helped him at some point, i just think it's cute (and to be even funnier when at some point she shows him Jonathan and he goes "i'm going to marry him")
Man, i just want the moms to be more appreciated :(
~(Maybe i will come back with another AU for the victorian moms again, just a warning)~
(And for the sake of the au and so I don’t have to keep referring to her as Dio’s Mother……. Let’s say her name is Ida)
Just. Ida arriving at the Joestar mansion with a much younger Dio and requesting safety. Explaining the whole situation with Dario, maybe telling him Dario’s true intentions and even saying that he doesn’t need to take her in just as long as Dio’s safe
but whatever she does, George agrees to take her and her son. Maybe she simply becomes a resident of the mansion, maybe she's hired as Jonathan's nanny/caretaker, but yeah she ends up staying the mansion
and maybe in a bit of twisted fate from canon...... the two boys end up being close friends. Dio's still hardened from his time in the slums with Dario, but given how much younger he is and the fact his mother hadn't died, there's still a bit of childhood wonder left in him. Just enough that with his mother's encouragement, Jonathan is able to slowly worm his way into the other boy's heart no matter how much he denies it
that isn't so say Dio is nice. While he may be much kinder than canon, there's a difference between kind and nice and he's still Dio. He's still terrifyingly smart, still incredibly cunning, still silver tongued...... just now he's not trying to ruin Jonathan's life because he genuinely likes the guy
these two end up balancing each other out in many ways. Dio ground Jonathan to reality and stops him before he can get taken advantage of, and Jonathan in turn shows Dio how to be happy and that vulnerability isn't always dangerous
(and ofc I LOVE the mental image of Ida silently helping Speedwagon as he pines and Dio is debating the merits of shovel talking him)
((also also Behind Closed Doors is going to be I N S A N E in this AU, Ida is doing every possible thing in her power to make Jonathan happy but also absolutely terrified upon realising she essentially escape one lions den just to stumble into another. I'll admit, I'm torn on whether Ida Des up being brought to the castle with Jonathan, or if she ends up learning Hamon with Speedwagon and Erina))
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savemewattpad · 10 months
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Snow On the Beach Chapter One
"did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?"
Former Avenger Leila Whittaker lost everything in the snap–her chosen family, her reputation, and the love of her life. Three years later, she’s keeping a low profile in New York when Natasha, the de facto leader of the intelligence community, calls her back into the field for some undercover work. Leila finds herself paired with Scott Lang, known to the public as Ant-Man and known to Leila as some guy she met on the Raft six years ago.
This is fine. Leila is content with sticking with what remains of her team, and keeping the rest of the world at arm’s length. Most of them want to be there, now, anyway. And that’s fine. 
It’s fine, except that Scott Lang turns out to have a way of getting under her skin, in a way she can’t quite shake off. 
Chapter Summary: Scott and Leila both agree to get back in the game.
Warnings: None
Pairings: Scott Lang/OFC, past Steve Rogers/OFC
Tags: @ocappreciation @arrthurpendragon @suethor @notaboutcat (let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from this list!)
FF.Net | AO3 | Masterlist
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Out of all the recurring nightmares Leila’s had over the course of her life–and there have been many–this one might be the most versatile. 
Sometimes it starts differently, but it always leads to the same place. She's on a stage, being controlled by puppet strings, and she looks up and finds the person controlling the strings, and it's always different, but pulling from the same pool of people. Everyone who’s ever interfered with her autonomy. Thanos, David, Johnny. Iain Warner, one time. Her past self, with blank, emotionless eyes, a few times. Occasionally more than one person, even if the people in question never met in real life. 
It’s Thanos, this time. She locks eyes with him, and as always, she wakes up. 
Leila isn't a shrink, but it's not hard to figure out what the dream means. What's trickier, and what she hasn't quite figured out yet, is what to do about it. 
She sighs and drags herself out of bed, and tries to shake the nightmare off. Sometimes she can't; sometimes it haunts her all day. A few times she's woken up into a panic attack. Today, though, is one of her better days; she can already feel it slipping out of her mind like sand through her fingers. 
She’s on her third chai latte when her phone rings. “I'm on my way,” she lies. 
“Hello to you too.” Natasha sounds amused. 
“Thought you were Tony,” Leila replies, stirring her latte absently. “I'm heading up there today. It's Morgan’s birthday.”
“Be sure to enjoy it, because I need you to come in tomorrow.” 
Leila pauses. “So this isn't a social call,” she says, hiding her unease under a layer of snark. 
“'Fraid not, Princess.” Despite being out of the field for years, Leila’s nickname, derived from her codename–Snow White–lives on. Old habits die hard, she supposes. Natasha has been calling her that for…almost a decade, now. 
“I'm retired, Nat.”
“No, you're clinically depressed. There's a difference.”
“Thanks, Doctor Romanoff, I'll keep that in mind.”
“You can ponder it more tomorrow when you come in.”
“Make someone else do it.”
“We need someone with your specific skill set.”
“Make Talos do it.”
“He's busy.”
“Then make Gravik do it.”
“Also busy.”
“Then make–”
“Stop naming skrulls. Besides, we need someone with your experience with organized crime.”
“You have that experience, too.”
“I've got a lot on my plate, as I’m sure you can imagine.” 
And Leila can. The responsibility Nat took on in the aftermath of the snap is extraordinary. Sometimes Leila feels bad about rejecting her offer to be her right hand. Then she remembers why she did. 
It's funny, in a way, that the thing that's made her more trouble than she's worth is the one thing that wasn't even her fault. (It wasn't, right?)
“Organized criminals lost people, too. They're not gonna want to talk to me.”
“They won’t be talking to you. They’ll be talking to each other. Or so they think.”
“Yes, I understand how shapeshifting works.”
“Leila,” Nat says, suddenly serious in a way that makes Leila sit up straight. “It’s about the Trust. That’s why we need it to be you.”
Leila takes several moments to process this, making a point to take deep breaths. 
“Fine. I’m in.”
“Good. Meet me at the compound tomorrow at 8.”
“I’ll be there.” 
“Lei–by the way, just so you aren’t taken off guard–you’ll be working with someone.”
Leila tenses reflexively, and tries not to let that tension into her voice. “Who? Anyone I know?”
“You might remember him. His name is Scott Lang.”
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It’s early mornings like this that Scott starts to have reservations about X-Con. He comes into his office, and something about the morning light reminds him of the single office they’d inhabited years prior, lit almost entirely by fluorescents, four desks crowded into the space. Him, Kurt, Luis and Dave. It’s him, Kurt, Luis, and a small number of employees now. 
(He wonders sometimes, which office Dave would’ve taken, and if he would’ve liked it.) 
The success of the business is great, of course. It’s great to be able to help support Cassie. It’s great to be able to keep people employed that would otherwise be exactly where Scott was when he got out of prison. And it’s great to help keep people safe. 
The only problem is that the business didn’t start growing to this level until right after the snap. Scott doesn’t have, like, hard data to prove it, but he can never shake the idea that there’s a cause-and-effect there. People, now more than ever, want to feel safe. X-Con can’t protect people against genocidal aliens, unfortunately, but it can help them feel protected. Scott knows he isn’t doing anything wrong, technically–why people give him their business is their own prerogative–but sometimes it feels opportunistic, anyway. 
He’s at his desk, going over his schedule for the day, when the door to his office swings open. “You have a visitor,” Jez announces. 
“You could’ve used the phone,” Scott says without looking up. 
“But then I wouldn’t get to spend this quality time with my favorite brother,” she replies, leaning in the doorway. 
“I’ll be sure and let Matt know you said that.”
“He knows what he did.”
If Scott had more time, he’d probably take the bait, but he doesn’t. “Can you send the client in? It’s a tight schedule today.” 
Jez gives a lazy salute and heads back to the front desk. Weeks ago, their usual secretary had resigned, and Jez has been “filling in” ever since. She’s not an ex-convict, and she didn't have secretarial experience, which makes her a nepotism hire by any definition, but she needs the work, and Scott’s been watching out for her since she was nine years old. He’s not going to stop now. Besides which, she’s done enough free babysitting for him over the years to have earned it, anyway. 
He’s also pretty sure that nobody here–outside of Luis and Kurt, who knew her pre-X-Con–has figured out that she’s never been to prison. Not that it’s a secret, but still. She’s young, but even on her best behavior, she still has roughly the same personal energy as the Tasmanian Devil from Looney Toons. 
(He remembers her first visit to him in San Quentin. “It’s weird, because I always thought I’d be the first one of us to go to prison,” she’d told him.
“Sorry, first?” he’d asked. 
“Yeah. Me, then you, then Matt.”
“Why would Matt go to prison?”
“Wrong place, wrong time. I’d be locked up on drug charges, obviously.”
“Of course.”)
The door opens. He looks up and smiles. “Hi, I’m Scott, thanks for–” he pauses, and then tries not to sputter. “Hawkeye?”
Clint Barton gives him a half-smile, the kind where Scott can’t quite tell if he’s happy or not. “Scott,” he greets. “Good to see you again.”
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Leila always forgets how beautiful the sky above Tony’s home is until she’s there. It’s one of those summer nights where the twilight seems to last forever, and she knows that once the sun is finally down, the stars in the sky will be actually visible, unlike the city. She can even see a few of them now, faintly. 
It’s the lakeside that ties it all together, though. Isabella had wanted to live somewhere by water, and Tony had, as he did to any and all requests or mild whims that Isabella made, obliged.  
Isabella is some ways ahead of them, maybe ten yards, holding a toddling Morgan’s hand. Still clearly in sight, but far enough away for Leila and Tony to talk, which Leila knows is coming–otherwise they would’ve had Leila take Morgan for a walk by herself while they cleaned up the house. 
“So,” Tony says, “why’re you crashing on our couch tonight, again?”
Leila knows what he’s actually asking. Are you okay? Do you need to not be alone? Are you about to go off the deep end again? Are you trying not to relapse? She kicks a rock into the lake. 
“I’m just saying, it’s an expensive couch,” Tony continues. “I feel like I at least deserve to know. Not that you aren’t always welcome.”
“I know,” she says, and she does, both about the couch and the welcomeness. Leila could ask to move in tomorrow and Tony would have the guest bedroom decorated for her within the hour. Her friendship with him is possibly the one thing in her life that she’s never questioned. 
“I’m going to the compound tomorrow,” she says finally. “Nat wants me back in the field. It’s just easier to stay here than go home and come back up.”
Tony whistles lowly. “You sure you’re up for that?”
“No. But apparently I’m the only woman for the job.” She pauses. “It’s about the Trust.”
“The Trust? That crime ring we took down back in…” Tony runs the numbers in his head. “2012?”
“Apparently we didn’t take it down far enough. Or someone decided to reboot it.”
Tony nods. “Are you working alone? I imagine it’s hard to build trust, given…well, you know.”
“Given that half of the world hates me.” Leila can handle innuendo from anyone else, but she doesn’t like dancing around things with Tony. His straightforwardness is one of the things that first drew her to him. 
“That’s the one, yeah.”
She smiles a little despite herself and kicks another rock. “Apparently I’m going in with someone named Scott Lang. Nat said I might remember him, from the Raft back during the whole Accords thing.” Leila had only spent a few hours on the Raft, and she doesn’t remember a lot of it. Frankly, the entire debacle is somewhat blurred in her mind. “I don’t, though. Do you?”
Tony thinks. “Right. Ant-Man. He was in Munich with Cap.”
There’s that straightforwardness she loves. Tony is one of the only people who doesn’t hesitate to mention Steve around her. The good, the bad, all of–
“Sorry, did you say Ant-Man?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Why the fuck is he called Ant-Man?”
“Cause he shrinks. He can also grow, but I guess ‘Giant-Man’ didn’t have the same ring to it.”
“I dunno, I might take it over Ant-Man.”
“Because you’re the expert on code names.”
“Snow White is a perfectly respectable code name, thank you.”
“Sorry.” He gives an exaggerated bow. “Please forgive me, your highness.”
Leila laughs. “How do you even know all this?”
“I have a vested interest in knowing the names of people who may or may not hold grudges against me.”
“That’s healthy.”
“That’s precaution.” Tony takes a few quick strides and then steps in front of her to face her. “I’m serious. Are you okay with this? It’s been years.”
“It’s only been three years. Not even that, actually,” she waves a hand. “As long as this doesn’t become a recurring thing…I’m fine. I can handle it.”
Tony watches her for a long moment, looking for any sign of indecision on her face. Finally, he nods. 
“Alright. As long as you stay up long enough to watch Tangled. It’s Morgan’s favorite right now, and she wanted to watch it with you.”
Leila smiles. “Traitor,” she mutters. “But yeah. I can do that.”
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Scott clears an hour from his schedule (he makes a note to thank Kurt and Luis both for taking on his meetings that day), and makes three phone calls. 
The first one is to Hope. 
He explains the situation: Clint Barton (yes, that Clint Barton) showed up at his work asking him, on behalf of Natasha Romanoff (yes, that Natasha Romanoff) to get involved in some kind of espionage-related, superpower-related mission-type-thing. He said he wouldn’t do it without Hope (nobody can say he doesn’t learn from his mistakes.) Barton said they wanted him for his security and heist experience more than for his Ant-Man activity. Scott said he’d think about it. 
“So now I’m asking you,” Scott says. 
“Asking me what?”
That’s actually a good question. “I’m asking if you think I should agree to help,” he says, “and if you think I should do it without you.”
“I mean, you’re always better off with me there,” Hope replies easily. “But if they’re trying to keep the team small, and you trust them…I think you should at least consider it.”
If you trust them. He supposes he does. The Munich incident had involved a lot of mistakes on Scott’s part, but that hadn’t been either of their fault. Neither had the way it ended. 
“Have you told Maggie?” Hope continues. 
“That’s the next call I’m making.”
“Make it. And think about it. But if you say no, just don’t do it because of me.”
The second call is, as promised, to Maggie. 
“Hey, Scott, is this important?”
“Uhhhhh….yes. I’d say so.” He clears his throat. “I need some advice.”
“Okay, but can you make it quick? I’m on my lunch break.”
I can try? “Yeah. Totally. It’ll be quick.”
“Okay. What’s up?”
He tells her the same thing he told Hope, and then tells her what Hope said. “So now I’m asking you. Do you think I should do it?”
“No, I don’t, but that’s not the question you’re actually asking.”
“Okay, what am I asking?”
“You’re asking me if you’d be a bad person if you said no. And you’re asking me if you’d be a bad father if you said yes.”
Maggie’s ability to cut to the heart of the issue is not a quality Scott remembers her possessing during their admittedly short-lived marriage. He wonders idly if, given enough time and thought, he could pinpoint exactly when it started. 
“Okay. So what do you think?”
“I think nobody could blame you if you chose to stay out of it. And I think you’re going to do it anyway.”
Scott stays silent for a long moment, and Maggie takes it as an invitation to continue. 
“It’s who you are, Scott. Since the day I met you. You see a chance to be useful, to help someone, and you can’t resist.”
Scott sighs. “And Cassie?” he asks hesitantly. 
It’s Maggie’s turn to stay silent for a moment. Then, finally: “I can’t ask you to be someone you’re not. But Cassie’s already lost one father. If things get too dangerous, do you think you can back out?”
Scott looks at the photo on his desk. Him, Matt, Jez and Cassie. 
“Yeah. I can do that.”
The third call is to Clint Barton.
“Barton,” he answers. There’s a sort of lazy quality to his voice. 
“Hey, it’s, uh, it’s Scott. Lang. Ant-Man.” 
“Name rings a bell. Made your decision yet?”
“Yeah.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m in.”
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adoringhaikyuu · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request s/o that overworks themselves headcanons for akaashi, suna, iwa, and (if its not too much) Kuroo/Oikawa?? You can ofc switch any of them to whoever you want if you don’t wanna write for them! Thank you!!
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characters: akaashi + iwaizumi + kuroo + suna + (gn!reader)
warnings: none
notes: this is literally months old i'm so sorry sjfghs i could not find the motivation to write this–
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★ akaashi understands that sometimes you get into a certain headspace where you have to work, and feel overwhelmed when you're not working. it happens to him sometimes. but he also knows that when he gets to a point where he's stressed and not taking care of himself, you're always there to bring him back. so he does the same for you, never wanting to see you anything other than happy. he brings tea and a snack for you where you're sitting at the dining room table and sits with you, working on his own things for a little bit to keep you company. after a little while, he stands up, "think we should call it a night, hm?" he brings a hand up to cradle your cheek, his thumb soothingly caressing your skin, practically lulling you to sleep, hypnotizing you to agree. he has a soft smile on his face as he watches you try to find it in you to argue that you need to work more. but before you can say anything, he leans down and kisses you softly, whispering against your lips. "let's go to bed, angel."
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★ iwaizumi sighs when he sees you sitting in your office when gets home from work late (well into the night). he wastes no time before literally dragging you away from your desk, glaring at you if you try to complain, squeezing you tighter in his arms if you try to escape. he sets you down in the bed and stares down at you, arms crossed. he looks stern but you can tell he's just worried. "what did you eat today?" when it takes you more than a few seconds to think of a response, he raises a brow. "i guess i don't even wanna know how long you've been sitting in there." he sighs yet again and kisses your forehead, "go take a bath and meet me in the kitchen after, i'll have dinner ready by then. take your time and relax." he looks at you sternly." or else."
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★ kuroo facetimes you immediately after he reads your text saying that you'd be working overtime again. you pick up absentmindedly, propping your phone up on the side, eyes still focused on your screen as you worked. after a few seconds of silence, he clears his throat. "kitten, as much as i love looking at you, i did actually call to talk to you." you glance at him apologetically for a brief moment, telling him you just really wanted to get this work done. suddenly he says that something came up and that he'll talk to you later so you both hang up. twenty minutes later you hear a knock at your door and look up to see kuroo leaning against the doorframe, a smirk on his face. "you know you work too hard, right?" you roll your eyes but smile, trying to focus again and get as much work as you can done before he undoubtedly distracts you and/or drags you away. you see him walk towards you from the corner of your eye and subconsciously melt into his touch when he kisses your temple. he looks at his watch, "i'm giving you two minutes at most and then i'm dragging you home so you can cuddle me."
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★ suna looks at you deadpan when he walks into the bedroom to find you still working on your laptop. he stands there for a few seconds before coming over to your side. "are you almost done?" you tell him you just finished one thing but were just about to start something else and– "perfect." he closes your laptop and puts it aside before getting into bed and pulling you into his arms, despite your shock and disbelief. you look at him blankly, "i still have work to do, you know." he closes his eyes and holds you tighter, "you need to take a nap with me is what you need to do." well that's that then.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3.7k
Warnings: Smut, swearing,
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 4 Part 6
Part 5
I lived about 40 minutes away from Liam in the suburbs. I still lived in the house Andy and I had bought together, planning to have a family.
I kept thinking about the house on the way there. I remembered being so excited when we found out our offer was accepted. When we moved in a few months later, we did what I assume most young couples do, and we had sex in every room, including the laundry. I had joked that if I got pregnant from the laundry sex, we should call the kid Westinghouse.
After Andy died, I had used his life insurance from his superannuation to pay off the mortgage. I had decided against selling it and moving somewhere smaller. I couldn't do it as it felt like I was abandoning our dream.
When we got home, Liam said, "you live here? I expected you lived in an apartment or something, not a whole house by yourself."
I wasn't meant to be here by myself. I didn't say it, though. I just shrugged, opened the door and said, "You live in a huge place by yourself."
"Yeah, but I didn't pick it. A place to live close to the studio was part of the contract.".
We went in. Perrin came lumbering to the door to greet me and gave Liam a short bark. I scolded Perrin and patted him, telling him Liam was a guest. Liam was unfazed and knelt to pat him and had a chat. "You're just protecting your lady, aren't you, buddy? Well, don't worry, I'll take good care of her." Be still my beating heart.
I took Liam past the bedrooms, pointed out the main bathroom, and went to the open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. I got out food for Perrin and fed him and found Liam hadn't followed me into the room.
He was in the hallway looking at the pictures on the wall. Well, one in particular. The one of me in my wedding dress, kissing Andy. Oh shit... this was awkward.
I didn't say anything, what could I say?
"I'm sorry." He eventually said. He finally looked at me.
"It must have been awful."
Don't cry! I just nodded.
He pulled me to his chest and held me. "I know you told me what happened when we first started chatting. It didn't really register until I saw this." He pulled back a bit to look at me but still had his arms around me. "Is that why you were so upset last night?" I didn't have to say anything. It must have been written all over my face. Shit.
"Shit," Liam said, echoing my thoughts. He let me go and ran his hand through his curls. They seemed to have dried now. "I'm sorry, I should have realised..."
"No," I interrupted him. "Look, I'd be lying if I said I was over it. I don't think you can ever get over it, but I'm ready to move on. I've been trying to date for a while now. It's just taking that last step and sleeping with someone..." I trailed off. I didn't know how to say what I was thinking without him believing I didn't want him. "I want to be sure it's the right person. Does that make sense?"
"Yes, Sweetheart." Liam pulled me close again. "I'll try to control myself."
"Don't try too hard," I said. "I want you too."
Liam grinned, "You shouldn't have said that." He buried his face into my neck, kissing me and nipping at me until I started to giggle.
He let me go smiling. I said I had better go shower. His eyes widened a moment. "You ok to wait while I do?"
"Don't worry, Sweetheart. I'll have plenty of thoughts to keep me occupied while you're in the shower."
I pretended to be offended, "You're filthy."
"Yes." He said. I ran.
I showered as quickly as possible and got dressed in some leggings and a t-shirt. I went out to find Liam playing on his phone, patting Perrin. He looked up when I came in, and the smile he gave me was so dazzling I stopped for a moment. Gathering myself, I walked over to him and sat on the lounge, not quite close enough to touch him but not out of reach either.
"What should we do today? Do you feel like being lazy, or do you want to go out?" I asked.
Liam hummed a moment. "I think a lazy day would be nice. I won't get many of them soon."
"We could watch a movie?"
Liam agreed. "What do you want to watch?"
"Anything really. Except for romance or a tear-jerker."
"What? Why?"
"I hate crying, and I cry at the drop of a hat. I can't even watch Disney movies without crying. Once I watched Seven Pounds and cried for three days straight." Yeah, I really did. "Plus, I'm an ugly crier." Why, oh, why can't I keep my big mouth shut.
Liam laughed, "I find it hard to believe that you could ever be ugly." And I can't breathe. I think I need an oxygen tank. "Alright, we won't watch a romance."
"Ok, come with me and let's choose. I have a heap of Blu-rays and DVDs. I like director cuts, extended cuts, that kind of thing." I took Liam's hand and tried to pull him off the lounge. He didn't let me. Instead, he pulled me closer until I was standing in front of him.
"Not yet." Liam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap, so I was straddling his glorious thighs. "If we can't watch a romance, maybe we could..." He didn't finish the sentence, which I'm thankful for because I don't think even he could have said anything after that, which wouldn't have been cringe.
Liam's hands slid behind my hips to my bottom, and he gripped me, pulling me closer. Once again, I giggled at his strength. Sometimes I swear I want to slap myself. His hips moved upwards, and I slid further down until I could feel his hardness between my legs. Oh fuck, I don't know how long I can hold out. He put a hand on my neck and pulled my face towards his. His lips met mine. I tried, unsuccessfully, to suppress the moan that came from my throat.
"Fuck," he breathed into my mouth. "When you make noises like that, I just can't stop thinking about what other noises you can make."
I didn't respond, and I just kissed him back. I let my hands trail down his chest, savouring every curvature of his muscles. My hands reached under his shirt, and I felt my way back up his chest.
Although I was travelling blind, my fingers found the spot they were looking for. Liam hissed as my fingers trailed over his nipples. A self-satisfied smile came across my lips. As if in retaliation, he pulled his hands away and held the bottom of my shirt.
"I don't like this shirt. It covers too much." He grinned roguishly. I wasn't going to give in easily.
"But it's a Ramones t-shirt," I complained. "Don't get between Joey and me."
"Joey, huh?"
I nodded, "didn't you know I was a punk rocker?" I stuck my tongue out and did some devils horns.
"Do that again." Liam was grinning at me, so, like an idiot, I did. He whipped the shirt off over my head so quickly I couldn't stop him. I stared down at my chest. My bra was still keeping my modesty in check. I must have had a crazy look of surprise on my face because he laughed at me. "That's better." He said and started kissing the top of my breasts.
I put my hands into his hair, letting him have a small victory while I took mine. His hair was as soft as I thought it would be. Then I curled my hands into fists and pulled, so he had no choice but to pull back and look up at me.
"That was very rude," I said, trying not to smile.
"You loved it." He wasn't wrong.
"Maybe, but it's only fair if..." I trailed off and tugged at his shirt. He leaned forward instantly, and I pulled his shirt off. He was so broad in the chest I felt positively small next to him. I pushed him back against the lounge, well, he let me push him, and I leaned down to kiss his chest. His hair tickled my nose as I travelled my kisses across his chest to his nipple. I kissed it gently before flicking it with my tongue.
"Fuck me," I heard him say. That encouraged me, and I took his nipple in my mouth and gave it a little bite. His whole body jerked in response.
Liam growled, "Fuck it". Suddenly his arm was around my waist and the other under my bum, and he stood up, taking me with him. I squealed and wrapped my legs around his waist. He was stronger than I thought.
"Which one is your bedroom?" Liam asked as he started towards the hall. His eyes held mine, and his blue eyes seemed dark and hungry.
"Second on the left." I should have given my room a clean! Maybe he won't notice if I keep him occupied.
He took me to the door, and I reached behind my back and opened it. He took me in and put me down. He closed the door behind us, and I turned around, looking at my room. Embarrassment crept in.
I had a massive pile of dirty clothes hanging out of my laundry basket and a pile of clean clothes on a chair. My bed was unmade, pillows everywhere. My bedside table was piled with books and had an empty Ben and Jerry's tub on top. Ok, it's bad, but it could have been worse. Then I remembered something, and my eyes flew to the bedside's open draw.
I felt the blood leave my face. It was worse. The last thing I wanted Liam to see was my god damned vibrator. Fuck!
"So, what should we do now?" Liam stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my bare waist. He ran his hands up my side and kissed my neck, nuzzling into me. Although it felt amazing, all I could do was look at the pink silicone sticking out of the draw. I was as still as a statue.
"You're not into this." He stated, his hands dropped, "That's ok, I told you I wouldn't do anything you didn't want to do." I mumbled something, not sure what, and kept thinking about getting to the draw and hiding the vibrator without drawing attention to it.
Liam's voice came out strangled and about an octave higher. "Hide the vibrator?" His voice calmed, and he said, "Damn, Sweetheart. I would have been happy just to feel you up a bit. But if you insist."
I want to die. Liam saw it. I jumped to the draw and slammed it shut. "Umm, I didn't mean for you to see that." I still couldn't look at him.
"I didn't see anything until you said it." Oh. Well, I'm a fucking idiot.
I slowly turned and looked at him. I could see Liam's bloody lip twitching as he tried to hide a shit-eating grin. I wanted to hit him.
"Don't be embarrassed." His voice was deep again, his accent making each word soothing, "I'm not." He came closer to me, his head. He spoke softly in my ear, "I think it's hot as fuck."
I moaned, partly turned on, partly wanting to die. I could feel the heat between my legs grow, and a pleasant tingle radiated through me as I shivered. "No, it's not," I said. Why was I such a prude sometimes? I hid my face in my hands.
Liam didn't attempt to hide his grin. He took my chin in his hand and lifted my face to his. "My rock hard cock disagrees." Oh, Lord, help me.
"Really?" I asked. I hadn't always been like this. Ten years ago, I would have pulled the vibrator out of the draw and put on a show. I knew lots of guys liked to watch a girl orgasm. Just picturing myself doing it now was cringe-inducing.
"Fuck, yes." Liam took my hand. He was gentle and moved slowly as if I were his prey, and any sudden movement would make me bolt. Liam placed my hand on his jeans between his legs. He groaned, and his forehead leaned against mine. "That's what you do to me."
A thrill flowed through me. I wanted to touch him so much. I cupped my fingers around Liam's balls and pressed my palm against him. I moved my palm slowly up, trying to find the end, fuck it was big.
Liam put his hands in my hair and kissed me roughly. I kept moving my palm up and down slowly and firmly against him, my own excitement growing. I was getting so turned on, I lost control for a moment and bit on Liam's lip. Liam growled.
I couldn't stand it anymore; the desire to feel him was too much. I undid his belt. Not wanting to take the time to undo each button, I pulled his jeans apart, each button popping as they came undone. Liam looked down and watched as I slid his jeans down his thighs. I gripped him through his underwear and explored his length. Liam stood there still, watching as my hand moved over the fabric.
It felt so good, but I wanted more. I wanted to hold in my hand what I had glimpsed the night before. I put a hand into his trunks, but before I could touch anything, Liam grabbed my wrist and removed it from his underwear.
"As much as I want this and believe me, I fucking want this. I need to make sure this is what you want." Liam's voice was strained. I looked at his face and could see the effort it took for him to have stopped me. His desire was plain.
"I want it." Liam closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened his eyes, they seemed on fire.
"Tell me exactly what you want."
Please don't make me say it. The shyness was back, or shame, I can't tell. I tried to swallow, but my throat was dry. "I want to touch you," I whispered.
"Tell me where." His voice was hoarse. It was such a fucking turn on.
"I want to touch your cock." I felt his pants move at my words. I looked down and saw the tip almost peeking out of his underwear. I put my hand in and held his shaft gently, and his skin felt soft and velvety. Liam shuddered against me. At that moment, I felt powerful watching this huge man tremble at my touch. I moved my hand.
Liam bucked his hips against my hand, moving slowly at first, but his rhythm increased as did mine. I couldn't stop watching his body move, the muscles in his abs contracting with each thrust, his chest heaving with each ragged breath. It was so fucking erotic.
I felt Liam's hand move over my face, and I looked up and realised he had been watching my face. His thumb moved over my lips. I parted them, and he put his thumb in my mouth. I let my tongue rub over the pad of his thumb and sucked. His eyes went wide, and his hips stuttered. I kept sucking and jerking him, syncing them into the same rhythm.
"Fuck, Lana, stop." I released him slowly and took my hand out of his pants. I let him withdraw his thumb, but I still sucked. It made a slight pop as it left. He leaned into me, catching his breath a moment. I think I nearly made him orgasm. I tried to keep the triumphant smile from my face. I didn't try very hard.
"You're..." Liam was shaking his head. He didn't finish the sentence.
"Terrible Muriel?" I suggested. Way to kill the fucking moment, Lana.
Liam laughed, thank god! "Not what I was going to say." He flopped onto the bed and laid on his back. "Fucking good at that is what I was thinking." He pulled his jeans and shoes off and closed his eyes, his breath slowly returning to normal. I wanted to jump his bones.
Instead, I laid down next to him on my tummy, leaning on my elbows.
Part 6
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Behind The Fence
- 11 - Tequila y ojos azules
Summary: You leave the family dinner for good and give your best friend a ring. It's time to blow off some steam with your bestie!
Pairing: Female!OFC x Craig Cody
Content warnings: Alcohol, language
A/N: I'm probably going to update this fic not as frequent as I used to, because uni starts next week and I'm working on a few projects rn. I enlisted myself in a class about ancient Greek agriculture... let's hope this turns out as hilarious as it sounds!
You can read Part 10 here!
Check out my Masterlist!
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(Moodboard by @oddsnendsfanfics!)
*vuelvo a casa perdida otra vez
porque no sé dejar de adorarte*
*I return home again, lost,
because I don't know how to stop adoring you*
"Where are you going?" Craig asked, after watching me grabbing my purse and stepping into a pair of heels.
"Out, with Arkadi." I responded and turned myself to go, but he reached out to softly tug at the seam of my dress.
"Huh?" I turned back around to face Craig, who had taken a rather clumsy seat at the edge of his messy bed.
"Don't you think we should talk about a few things?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Listen...after that shitshow out there I really don't need to argue with you about whatever on top of that. Honestly, I'm already pissed enough."
Craig sighed, almost as if he'd already given up, yet he tightened the grip at my dress, crumpling the fabric between his fingers. I had to admit that he was looking really let down and fairly exhausted, which wasn't exactly surprising after what his shitbag of a nephew had thrown at him. Somewhere not so deep down it made me feel sorry for him, because he might be a lot of things, but downright dumb, as J had put it, wasn't one of them. An impulsive idiot with some serious issues at times? Yes, absolutely! But surely not a dumb one.
"With talking I mean talking, no arguing or fighting.", he let his free hand ran through his hair to get some strands out of his face "Look, I'm sorry. I acted like a total dick this morning, I get it, but can you please stop giving me the silent-treatment?"
Taking his eyes off of the floor Craig gazed right into mine. They were upright pleading at me to take his words for real. The way these eyes were sparkling at me really made me want to brush it all under the rug. They were his most deadly weapon to any kind of grudge I tried to hold against him.
To keep my walls up high, impenetrable at least for the moment, I answered: "We'll talk about this later, okay? I gotta go now."
"You gonna come back here after?"
"Do you want me to pick you up?"
"I'll give you a call, okay?"
Craig nodded and refrained his hand from my dress.
"Take care...please."
Entering the bar Arkadi and I had agreed upon meeting at I pulled my sunglasses from my face and looked around the cozy lit terrace. It didn't take me long to spot his bright blue hair at a table in the far back, especially with him raising and waving a hand at my appearance. I made my way towards him and smirked at the discovery that Arkadi had already ordered some drinks for the two of us.
"Prepared I see, huh?" I nodded towards two shot glasses each, presumably filled with Tequila, and two servings of beer.
"I'm always prepared, my dear. More so because you sounded as if the world was about to end as you called me."
He rose from his chair to give me what should have been a tight hug, but felt more like a giant squeezing the air out of my lungs.
"Oh, don't worry.", I pressed with the last hint of breath left inside of me "I just need to talk to someone with more than one braincell that resides between a pair of legs."
Arkadi let out a hearty laugh as he released me from this action of physical assault and lowered himself back onto his seat.
"May I take a guess?"
"Sure, go ahead." I gasped, as I took the seat opposite to him.
"Did your current fuckboy ruin the day?"
We exchanged looks as he rose his eyebrows, hinting at the fact to know me long enough to see things at first glance.
"Well...uh kinda... it's complic-"
Arkadi ran over my mouth while raising a shot glass: "It's complicated? When are things ever simple with you, Lilly, honestly?"
We toasted to one another and downed the shot. I haven't had Tequila in so long that the taste was almost overwhelming, exploding all over my tongue. An earthy flavour followed by a trace of fruity sweetness to be finished with the blunt taste of alcohol. To help myself I screened the table for a slice of lime or salt, but non of those to be seen.
"Downing this pure?", I mumbled under my breath "Geez, you're so hardcore."
I gave in to the shiver that took a hold on my body and quivered with the aftertaste slowly fading. Entirely unimpressed by that Arkadi leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"So... who's that dude? Do we know him?"
"Uh...uhm...", I tip-toed around and took a swig of the beer in front of me to get rid of that dull alcohol flavour "Maybe..".
"Oh, c'mon." Arkadi poked with a wide grin.
"You're not gonna like that.."
"Uhm... did I ever got behind your choice in men? No, certainly not! But do I still wanna hear about it? Yes, very much."
He winked an eye at me, reassuring me that whatever I might utter won't be a crime. I responded with a soft smile.
I knew very well that his way of handling things was the sole reason I phoned him up in the first place, but yet I felt somewhat stupid to bring up the Cody's and especially Craig after a decade.
"Uhm...... 'member Craig?" I carefully mumbled inbetween another sip of beer.
Arkadi leaned forward, taking a gulp of his own serving.
"Oh sure...how come he's back in the picture?"
"Ooof, long story.", I sighed "He broke into my apartment and crashed on the couch a couple of weeks ago and that just pretty much did the job."
Leaning onto his elbows, Arkadi rose his brows an let out a soft laugh.
"Oh my...Craig's still quite a caliber, huh? Sounds just like I remember him."
I nodded at that and gently shrug my shoulders. Thinking about it that way made me feel a little dumb. All it took was him showing up out of nowhere and now I found myself increasingly woven in with this man and his crooked family. To be quite frank, I gladly obliged to it, because the taste of excitement, that Craig's aura was oozing, had me on my knees at the spot. I had a terrible sweet tooth for guys like him, because they were the safest promise for something new each and every day.... an adrenaline rush that didn't seem to ever stop, giving me what I longed for to cut through the thick veil of deafening immortality.
"Don't get me started on that....he got kicked out of Deran's bar, because he caught Craig doing blow in the bathroom stall. He's still the very same Craig I dumped 12 years ago."
"Good lord...is there even any bar left he didn't get his ass thrown out of? So Deran's made it out of the family after all? Good on him, really. I always liked that fella. If I may say so, you'd be better of with him."
With that Arkadi elicited a sudden grin out of me that had him gasping in amusement.
"Girl...you're not really telling me that you are messing with two Cody's at the same time, are you?"
Grinning even wider I took a hefty swig of my beer and leaned my head from one side to the other.
"Well, actually I'm just working with Deran and it only happened once. I was pissed at Craig, D and I got royally trashed and yeah...I kinda feel guilty for that."
"Hol' up... your working with him?" Arkadi looked throughly confused over that.
"You haven't been to the Black Jack in a hot minute, huh? Craig and my uncle dearest Wes throwing a scene got me fired for good."
"Oh.", Arkadi responded while scratching his forehead "That's.... a thing and it explains why Wes is acting as if someone pissed in his coffee every morning for the past few weeks."
"He just wants to protect me, I get it. I mean, we're talking the Cody's here. I know that I'm playing with fire and he just wants to make sure I don't burn my fingers."
Arkadi locked his eyes with mine and threw me an unexpectedly serious expression.
"But you already did, didn't you? You didn't call me to an emergency meeting for nothing, hun."
I shrugged my shoulders once more, with that grin of mine fading out of existence.
"It's just....it's kind of a mess right now. He told me that he loves me...in a sober state of mind and so did I. Next thing I know is him getting in my face for having a moment with Deran. After that Baz takes me for a ride, sets me up up to nick a fucking car and now the whole bunch is after my ass. Shit just escalated real quick, you know?"
Without waiting on Arkadi I grabbed the second shot glas and tried to flush down the rising tension inside of myself with a good mouthful of Tequila.
Exhaling a deep sigh while placing the glass back onto the table, I uttered: "Gosh, I need more of that."
Obviously taken aback with that much information Arkadi equally emptied his shot and licked his lips. A moment of silence followed, before he got his head around all of what I just had been rambling out off my system.
"So....", Arkadi mumbled "Are you? In love with him, I mean."
"Asking the real questions here, huh?", I tried to lift the mood "Well...somehow, yeah. He's a ride, you know? Being with him feels good."
He tapped his chin, nodding towards me.
"Would you like him to be here right now?"
Remembering the way I'd left him, tracing the way he'd looked at me, pleading me to take care, woke a feeling of regret and longing.
"Uhm... maybe?"
Arkadi shrugged his shoulders as if he'd come to a solid conclusion.
"Then take your phone...", he hinted towards my purse "Give him a ring and tell him that you want him to have a blast with the two of us."
Utterly confused by that much positive reinforcement I gave Arkadi a stern, proving look.
"Are you actually giving me some solid relationships advice here?"
"Darling, if you'd wanted someone to lecture you, you'd called your dad or Wes for that matter. I'm smart enough to know that I don't argue with you about Craig, but I can, at least, try to raise the spirit."
Here, have some Arkadi 💕 (Drawn by me, but I over painted the signature, 'cus it contains my name)
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Okay, but I can definitely imagine Barb/Dia doing that. It seems like quite a possibility. But wasn't dying mc's own fault though? Like,, Barbatos did warn,,, unless he knew this was gonna happen and mc was DUMB AND STUPID enough to show up to everyone like: "hi." and possibly be dumb enough to get killed. Idk lol I forgot this part.
But what you said about Beel, I really like that. I think you even mentioned belphie guilt tripping you in your yandere hcs, and trying to make you completely depend on him?? I like those possibilities. Mammon though,, too soft. Like you said, they've robbed him a lot. He could have had so much potential to be a dark character. Similarly Levi omg.
The brothers are the embodiments of the 7 deadly sins, yet, tbh, I haven't seen too much of this side of them. At least, not like how'd I expect. Leviathan, for eg. Envy. I don't recall seeing his sin playing out anywhere except in the TSL Quiz thingy. I mean, it's been toned down a lot for someone who's the literal embodiment is envy. Idk I just don't feel he's like that? As from what I found: Envy (Latin: invidia), like greed and lust, is characterized by an insatiable desire. It can be described as a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of someone else. The struggle aroused by envy has three stages: during the first stage, the envious person attempts to lower another's reputation; in the middle stage, the envious person receives either "joy at another's misfortune"(if he succeeds in defaming the other person) or "grief at another's prosperity" (if he fails); the third stage is hatred because "sorrow causes hatred".[38]
Envy is said to be the motivation behind Cain murdering his brother, Abel, as Cain envied Abel because God favored Abel's sacrifice over Cain's.
They toned him down a little too much?? If this game has actually been inspired by demons and the 7 deadly sins, they could at least make them similar to the demons, at least in some way. I'm not that far into the game yet, but so far that I've played, I haven't seen much. As for a demon who is the embodiment of envy... I wish to see more. Levi is capable of A LOT.
Similarly, Satan. I sometimes wonder why is he even called the Avatar of Wrath when we hardly see it?? The only time I remember is him losing his calm during the whole body swap event. The fact Satan got mad at us refusing a pact actually made me think that he was the sin "wrath", but idk now. And the way it was said that "every smile is an act", I really like that concept too. But I don't think I've paid much attention to see where it played out. Sigh now Satan simps for cats like,,, please show me your dark/evil side sir.
The way you said Barb and Dia took part in a torture dungeon, I want to see more of that too. If they're demons, wouldn't they have caused SOME sort of bloodshed in a way? Especially if they're the strongest demons. Killing humans, eating them, or I even like to think doing the same to their own race. Torturing... Seems like something that every demon's blood would contain lmao, I'm not answering questions bye.
And I believe so too. The human seems like a pawn... I feel the demons would use humans for entertainment and their own purposes, while keeping up the facade of loving them. It's easy, since demons are manipulative. In that case, losing the human whether by their own hands or not would go like: "Oh well, that's unfortunate. Time for another human."
But if they REALLY did love you, I feel they'd still be manipulative. Like you said. Corrupting/spoiling the human so much to the point that they'd just HAVE to depend on them. I feel they'd also have yandere tendencies, or be "protective". Like, then I feel they really wouldn't want to let you go, despite knowing how much it can ruin your innocence.
I also don't like how everyone is after mc like "uwuwu master". The human is still a weakling despite having pacts, plus, the pacts aren't even demanding the human's soul or anything. I don't get why they let mc walk over them when they are CLEARLY much stronger? If I were a demon I'd do the opposite lmao. Making the human seem as if they are controlling me, but it's the opposite. I don't think a mere pact can change the fact that the demon's stronger,,, esp if the pact didn't demand the human's soul/life/whatever.
Also, thank you! Things got better for me :)) and also,
💫✨💕send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going 💕✨
Ofc you don't have to do this, but I got this, and it really made me happy, so here ^^
Oh btw in lesson...56 I think?? Just gonna tag this as a spoiler, but where for whatever reason Satan was "Sully" and the angel Lucifer asked him whether he liked books, let me just say I haven't even played it that far yet, but Satan going, "...Every book here is precious."
It's been a while since I've thought in-depth about the whole time traveling thing tbh, but couldn't Barbatos generally see the outcomes of the world?
We went back because they wanted to know who opened it, but considering Diavolo's the ruler of hell who turned Lilith human and Barbatos is basically the ruler of time & practically the universe I believe they already knew Lilith did it since it had to be "blood related" basically.
Barbatos also knows he can stitch together timelines and get of "extra" MCs essentially, so I believe he'd take that into account. I'm not saying MC getting killed was 100% part of the plan, but that they didn't care of MC was traumatized because they knew they could bring them back if necessary.
Imo the real goal wasn't to find out who did it, but to avoid breaking the family's bonds and devotion to Diavolo. The way it worked out was incredibly convenient and "coincidentally" a huge upgrade for Diavolo that kept the status quo and made him look good (or at least better) to Belphie and Beel without making Lucifer choose.
We see that kind of repeat later when Diavolo withdraws from the play because he was worried Lucifer wouldn't be as loyal. That's also why Lucifer gets that warning from Barbatos.
I think a huge part of why Levi's characterization is like that is because not enough people like him enough to tolerate it tbh. Even Mammon and Lucifer stans complain about the other characters hogging screen time and a lot of them admit to feeling bad for other fans. Levi is pretty much always second to last popularity wise.
I think he'd actually be more liked if they focused more on the jealously instead of making almost every interaction otaku/Ruri-chan related, but it's a bit too late now. I really, really hate how they just pretend otaku culture always existed and that's all Levi ever was. Like at least make him have an obsessive personality and be hyperfixated on novels instead of talking manga in an era before Japan even existed. It's so unbelievably lazy and really takes me out of the story.
Another problem is we only really see him interact with family or people that could enact severe consequences like Diavolo & Barbatos or people protected by the exchange program. He never gets a chance to shine or be cunning. The closest we get is things like him purposefully trying to ruin Christmas for random people online in his Christmas card. I think if he genuinely got jealous of MC and some random demon he would summon lotan almost instantly.
It's especially painful knowing what we had & being so excited to get more only for all of that to get dropped.
In an early devilgram, Be You, Satan gets jealous and feels bad about not having much unique to him and Lucifer comforts him in his own way when the others make it worse. Mammon is the most empathetic though ofc. They also talk about horror movies and Mammon says he doesn't find them scary (& the way it's framed sounds honest, idk if it's a retcon or a lie,) and Satan says "I'm sure we've all witnessed plenty of real-life horrors worse than anything in the movies."
Then when Lucifer asks for a time when he was really angry Satan first casually then gleefully talks about torturing a family to death because a kid set him up to get scolded by their parents. Meanwhile the brothers act wary of him and worry about him getting out of control while Lucifer tells everyone to take cover for their own safety with a smile. Satan happily talks about them begging for their lives and says he wishes they saw it too.
Levi also says he hates hearing about people being happy, but likes hearing about the negative things. While Asmo and Mammon are freaking out he also calls Satan cool. Which shows at least a little bit of his envy for once. Satan also says just the aura of his rage is usually too much for humans which is also interesting.
But back to Diavolo and Barbatos, I don't hate how the whole torture thing isn't super open, it makes sense imo, but I would like to see hints of them hiding it. Especially if Satan or even attic Belphie was the one you could go to to learn more about it. If anyone would defy Diavolo for that it'd be them trying to bring Lucifer down with them, or even just Satan rewarding the hunt for knowledge and not understanding the human psyche fully.
Imagine if instead of a paper thin lie about being human we got a Belphie manipulating us by pretending he was locked up because he was against hurting humans and the whole exchange program was a scam? Or at least if he told us things no one else would about Diavolo that were true so we wouldn't trust him and etc. That's the angle I'm going with in my fanfiction at least, the original story is just so lazy and boring imo.
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of how they handled pacts either, especially considering they don't even get MC's soul. It's way too one-sided to the point where I don't believe someone like Satan would ever offer it, even if the first offer was a trick and he'd get your soul or something. I agree on the whole manipulation thing too, like how is it partnership if one side has complete control over the other?
Even just making it so that demons can fight against if they really don't want to do something like harming each other and having it corrupt MC would make it a million times better.
And that's so sweet, thank you! You've made my days a lot brighter too. Not much makes me happier than infodumping and complaining about Obey Me rn lol.
I really liked Satan's line there too, although I did wish he had more a reaction to everything tbh. That whole section felt a bit too easy imo though, like I kept waiting for it to all go to shit or something. I am glad they went back into more story-based chapters too. I hope they keep that trend and expand on it.
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
A Kiss Upon Your Shoulder
Pairing: Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Trouble Lacroix (OFC)
Warnings: 18 + only: kissing, humping M/F, intercourse, cursing, mention of addiction, angst
A/N: For @saxxxology #saxxxology vol.1 writing challenge
SONG PROMPT: Off My Mind-my favorite on the album
A/N: Set season 14 during Dean Winchester's possession by Apocalypse World's Micheal. Timeline extended and some events altered from series. I borrowed title from song lyrics.
*no beta- all mistakes are mine.
*GIF not mine
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The sound of the bunker door closing reverberates through the room.
Several of the hunters around the map table stop what they're doing to watch an unusually tall Omega with long, smoky pink hair braided in a loose plait and wearing hunters garb descend the metal staircase halting at its bottom.
Sam Winchester is sitting at the far end of the table alternating between his phone receiving updates from hunters out in the field and the laptop looking for clues in the search for Dean while strategizing with Mary and Bobby their next move froze disbelieving his eyes.
“Sammy,” the Omega hesitantly says, her lightly accented voice startles him out of his stupor.
Batten down the hatches Sammy boy, Trouble just done walked back into my life… Dean used those exact words years ago introducing him to this Omega, never knowing how true they would turn out to be.
But not for him.
Sam's eyes shift into a fiery glow as his inner Alphas outrage surfaces at this imposter trying to pass itself as his long gone Omega.
“What fucking game are you playing at?” Sam gets up growling, stalking towards her pulling his demon blade.
“Sam wait!” Mary hollers at her youngest son knowing all too well the damage Sam can inflict under normal circumstances but in the state of extreme stress he’s currently under doesn’t want him to do anything he’ll regret.
The Apocalypse World hunters glance at each other perplexed having never before seeing an enraged Alpha, unsure what they should do.
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After their arrival to this reality Sam gave them a crash course on life here, including the multiple genders of humans, Alpha/Beta/Omega, their confusing hierarchies and how they relate to each other.
The Alpha/Omega intricacies and nuances were still hard for them to comprehend since all of them were Betas.
The Omega cast her eyes down in deference to the large Alpha. “I'm here abo...” she doesn't finish speaking as he wraps his hand around her throat, slamming her back against a support column. She seizes his wrist as her eyes snap up meeting his glaring back before tilting her head as far as she can to the right exposing more of her throat.
Sam cautiously leans in, running his nose along her neck. The unique scent of winter, perceptible only to the Alpha under the scent blockers she’s used triggers memories he’s diligently repressed to keep this Omega off his mind come flooding back. The blade clatters loudly on the floor in the now silent room.
Wrapping his arms around her nuzzling into the curve of her neck he sucks on that spot he knows drives her crazy. Biting her lip she tangles her fingers in his long hair drawing him back up, running her tongue over his lips seeking entrance that he grants swirling his tongue around hers.
Someone's wolf whistling snaps them out of acting couple newly presented teens caught by their parents being very naughty.
“Hmm, not sorry,” she whispers nibbling on Sam’s ear making him quiver.
“Behave,” Sam mutters back taking a deep breath and subtlety adjusting himself before turning around to deal with everyone's reactions, not really ready to answer the inevitable questions.
Scenting his anxiety she twines their hands together offering a reassuring squeeze.
They’ve drawn quite a large audience from the library and adjoining hallways. People are elbowing each other grinning, whispering among themselves about their Chiefs and strange woman's reactions to each other then necking in front of everyone.
Mary stands there, arms crossed with the patented mom’s not amused look.
Sam huffs out an embarrassed laugh. “Everyone this is Trouble Lacroix, she’s my...she's an old friend.”
“I’m just an old friend after everything I went through for you?” Trouble snaps and Sam growls a warning at her tone but fuck it, she was right.
When Dean introduced them they were both junkies. Sam drugs of choice were demon blood and the power it gave him. Trouble’s was whatever made her forget her hunter fathers dominance over her as an Omega.
By the time they both got clean Sam found he could love again and she had learned to trust the Alpha in him wouldn't hurt her like others had. Sam swore during his next rut he would claim her as his Omega.
A week before he said yes to Lucifer and the subsequent showdown at Stull Cemetery he went into rut.
At their secret rendezvous, an old hunters cabin in Arkansas with his rut over Sam hadn’t claimed her, saying he couldn’t damn her, that this was his last chance to, unlike Jess, save her from certain death.
Trouble stood at the cabins window overlooking a small lake silently crying, unable to respond. The Alpha scented her sadness wanted nothing more than to comfort his Omega but all he could do was to kiss her shoulder, as he’d always done before leaving that last time.
Almost a decade later Sam can see the damage his refusals done in her sorrowful eyes.
“You kiss all your old friends like that?” Bobby quipped sarcastically eliciting a few laughs and breaking some of the tension.
“You look like Bobby Singer but you...resonate all wrong,” Trouble remarks as her light colored eyes surveys the others in the room finally coming to rest on Jack. “A Nephilim without Grace?”
“Yes, he is,” Mary answers crossing over to stand next to Jack, “how can you know that?”
Trouble shrugs “I’ve always been able to perceive things that are outside the normal spectrum.”
“You can what?” Maggie asks confused.
“The Omega can see that you’re out of tune with this reality,” Castiel states tipping his head to the side studying her, “she also possess other abilities.”
“I don’t need them to see your a dick.”
“Trouble,” Sam warns knowing she’d picked that up from Dean.
“Sorry, Angel of the Lord.” She half ass apologizes.
“And you suddenly show up here out of nowhere because?” Mary tersely inquires in her Alpha voice. Sam bristles unhappy that another Alpha, even his own mother, thinks they can question the Omega.
Releasing Sam’s hand she steps closer to Mary taking the same stance staring her straight in the eye. “I’ve seen Dean.”
Trouble tells them everything about her encounter with Dean in Nova Scotia, where she’s been the last two months.
They question is why he let her live when he’s killed others he has had contact with, another piece in a puzzle not making sense.
Sam asks her to stay but she turns him down, telling him it's safer for her to keep moving. He counters what better place is there for protection than in the heavily warded bunker?
She reluctantly agrees but only until Dean returns.
Mary makes it vehemently clear it’s problematic having an unclaimed Omega stay.
Sam reminds his mother that he is a mature Alpha, been making his own decisions without her input his whole life and with the daily suppressants he’s taken for years can control his instincts.
That got Mary’s back up, ready to argue with her youngest son, reminding him the Omegas already made the unmated Alpha act out. Bobby pulls her to the side and somehow he convinces her that the Omegas will be an assist in finding Dean. She doesn’t like but relents. Trouble is to stay in Dean's room, his Beta scent will help cover hers more to mollify Sam and a physical space between them for Mary.
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Sam's frustrations over having not found Dean yet and his personal anxieties were intermittently fluctuating. The stresses he’s under, hardly eating, barely sleeping a couple hours a day while keeping track of people out on cases and figuring out how to help Jack adapt to not having his powers. Then there’s Nick, the mere mention of his name makes Sam shudder, let alone the traumatic physical and emotional memories dredged up by their face to face interactions.
Thankfully, there hadn’t been any real drama between Mary and Trouble. They’ve avoided each other as much as possible in the bunker.
It was really late or early, depending on how one looked at it, and Sam was still setting in the quiet library, waiting for the last couple of hunters to check in. “Sam, you’ve been here for hours, go to bed.” Trouble softly remarks as she walks up behind him gently running her fingers through his hair.
Sam closes his eyes enjoying her touch. “Just waiting on Maggie and Sharon to check in then I'll go.”
She snorts snagging his phone when it sounds, “Who you lying to? OK, their at the one star for the night. Everyone's accounted for.” Sam reaches for his phone and she dodges typing before handing it back and walking off.
“Cas is what...the hell that’s happening!” Sam gets up going after her.
“Bobby’s idea so go bitch to him mister ‘cause technically your off duty for the next twenty-four hours.” Trouble says unintimidated with him following her fuming, “Your exhausted Sam, you need a break so quit fighting and let us help.”
She stops at the shower-room door. “First, go bathe, you reek Alpha, then meet me in your room.” Sam goes from pissed off to aroused in three seconds. Trouble scents him, “Yeah right, it’s Netflix and chill...” She remarks them gives him a mischievous grin sashaying off.
Sam had been making courting overtures towards her, even though they were on a time limit, hoping he'd be awake long enough to make the most of this opportunity.
After the much needed shower Sam heads to his room in nothing but a low slung towel tosses it with his clothes into the dirty laundry hamper. Trouble came in carrying a tray of food locking the door behind her stops, inhaling sharply at the view of a completely naked Sam. He shivers as her eyes rove over him.
Sam’s not as bulked up as he was a decade ago, a leaner version still possessing a well defined upper body leading down to his flat stomach, the sharp v of his hips and those long legs. And between those legs...Swallowing hard and flushed Trouble moves setting the tray down on his bedside table as he hastily pulls on sweats and a grey t-shirt.
“Your three episodes behind in that series, figured you might want to watch it.” Trouble says grabbing his laptop and crawling onto his bed pulling up what he had been watching. “Have you seen it?” He asks sitting next to her.
“No, first your gonna eat,’ she gestures towards the tray with tomato rice soup, crackers and fruit, “then you can catch me up.”
By episode three Sam had eaten everything on the tray, brushed his teeth and was sacked out. Trouble shut the laptop down and placed it on the desk.
Turning out all the lights but a bedside one she slips back in next to Sam picking up the book she brought from the library. She’d been reading for awhile when Sam rolls over in his sleep, one leg landing between hers, arm draped across her waist and his head on her shoulder nuzzling into her neck murmuring, “back in my bed.”
As consciousness slowly filtered through the haze of extended sleep two things simultaneously get Sam’s attention, the cool scent of the Omega he’s spooning and his morning wood trapped between them.
“Must’a been a good dream,” Trouble yawns rolling onto her stomach, the sheet sliding down reliving her long legs and lower cheeks peeking out under her oversized T-shirt burying her head in the pillow mumbling “I was gonna leave after you fell asleep.”
Running a hand up the back of her thighs he pushes till she parts her legs far enough for him to touch her outer folds feeling how wet she already is before slipping two fingers into her tight channel. Trouble moans as he them slides deeper, making her wriggle against the mattress seeking friction against her clit. Sam crawls over wedging a knee between hers.
Pulling his fingers out Sam moves straddling her legs, pinning them closed as he sits on her thighs stroking himself, using her slick as lubricant. Grasping her hips he starts rutting his cock between her ass cheeks.
Grunting, Sam shifts picks up momentum and with her under him, even like this, knows he’s not gonna last long. “Fuc..fuck Trouble..gonna cum…” Sam jerks back fisting his cock rapidly, cumming on her before falling forward and catches himself with one hand next to her, breathing hard. With his other hand Sam runs his fingers through his spending's rubbing it across her back.
Trouble pushes up onto her elbows looking back at him, “Dude, are you scent marking me?”
“Maybe.” Sam replies with a smug smile.
“So gross, Alpha.”
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Sam was beyond frustrated and feeling sick on his drive back from Atlanta. The rumored sighting of Dean end up being a bust, another one of those crazies he’s sick of wasting his time chasing. Switching off the radio that's making his headache pound harder making him wish he was home already.
Trouble, utilizing her abilities, was able to help eliminate some of bogus reports. Unfortunately, when any of them got to close, Dean disappeared.
The last time she had him, he created some kind of feedback knocking her unconscious. Cas checked her over, telling Sam she would be fine.
When she woke up Trouble tells them she’s seeing Dean doing strange experimentation on different types of monsters using Archangel Grace and it scares the hell out of her.
That was Sam’s breaking point. He stormed through the bunker in full Alpha mode from the infirmary to Deans room, packed her duffel and hauled it to his room. Even Mary knew better than to get in his way this time.
Sam couldn’t get her off his mind anymore now he had her back in his bed. She allowed him hold her whenever they slept together but wouldn’t permit anything else since that morning.
The Lebanon City Limits sign was a welcome sight. Sam was sweating, shaky and just wanting to get home.
He arrived at the bunker wondering what the hell he had caught. Mary greeted him with a hug and frowned catching his scent. Sam played it off, saying the Beta who had one too many hits of the brown acid was ill and he must have caught it.
Another hunter handed him a bowl of soup and bad news about some gypsy vamps attaching truckers. He had them set up checkpoints and sat down to hack the traffic cams. Mary gripped his arm concerned as he’s typing but he says he‘s good. She didn't believe him but doesn’t push knowing he wasn't gonna stop.
Six hours later as he left Nicks room he felt a massive surge go through him, no longer able to ignore what was wrong and it was his own damn fault.
Sam had forgotten his suppressants and for the first time in years was going into rut. He made it to the end of the hall before passing out.
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Cas had been by his friends bedside since Sam was found unconscious in one of the hallways days ago. He had been able to temporarily bring Sam's fever down and gave him sedatives to help him rest but with his age not being mated and having gone years without a rut his biology was demanding only cure, his chosen Omega.
Cas had called the Omega only getting her voicemail, left a message and began sending multiple texts.
He explained to Bobby that Mary had to leave the bunker, not only for her safety but the Betas also living there, unsure of how Sam will react to having another Alpha present when his Omega returned. Bobby found a case in Oregon that would occupy them for at least a week.
So Cas continued to do the only thing he could and watches over his friend.
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Sam woke groggy from the sedatives to the strong scent of an Omega in heat pulling him to full consciousness.
Rolling onto his side he finds Trouble lying next to him naked, covered in a light sheen of sweat fitfully sleeping.
Moving to spoon her from behind he grips one leg hooking it over his rocking his hips sliding his engorged cock through her dripping folds, Half asleep she whimpers pulling out of his grip, drawing both legs to her chest. Rumbling in discontent Sam scoots behind her again, lines up and buries himself in her tight heat making her moan with pleasure, her cunt stretching around him.
Sam pulls out and hauls Trouble onto her hands and knees spreading her legs wide and sinks back in till his hips are flush against her ass. Feeling her relax around him Sam grasps her waist so tight bruises already forming and growling at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her slick cunt he starts pounding his hips rapidly.
Trouble reaches out grabbing the headboard to stop Sam from shoving her into it since he has six inches and nearly seventy pounds on her and is running on his instinct to mate.
Sam's knot starts to swell he continues thrusting wildly wrenches her hips up, forcing her to arch her back more as he grunts ramming the now fully engorged knot into her cunt locking them together and falls over her back, rolling his hips as she clenches him cumming.
Sam pushes himself back upright pulling her with him, flush against chest seizes a fistful of her thick hair bends to bite deeply into her neck making Trouble cry out loudly and cum again.
As they counterbalance each other Sam runs his tongue over his mark cleaning off the seeping blood helping the wound seal up faster before shifting to lay them down on the mattress.
Feeling the tug of his knot Trouble clenches tightly around him again, sending another orgasm rippling through Sam, releasing more of his seed into her.
Sam wraps his arms around Trouble, their bodies trembling from the exertion and a feeling of immense peace he’s never had before settles within him. He places a kiss upon her shoulder as it dawns on him he’s finally being to call her his omega.
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“It's just every time I think about ya know its a..its like a nightmare. I can't eat, can't sleep, it’s always just there watching.” Dean bitched as they’re walking through the hallways.
“Dean, it’s just a beard, I’ve been a little busy lately” Sam remarks back exasperated and relived to have his brother back giving him a hard time.
“Yeah well, that’s not an excuse ya know, ‘cause a.. Duck Dynasty called and they just they want it all back.”
“Some people say I look good.” Sam proudly states almost telling him why he’s really kept it.
“No..no Sam, no people say that.” Dean shakes his head.
“Duck Dynasty is a step up from Dr. Sexy in some peoples opinions,” Dean turns to counter that insult disbelieving his eyes like Sam did weeks ago.
Trouble’s leaning against the wall now sporting titian tresses that rival Rowena's.
“Good to have you back Dean,” She says giving him a hug, “and I like the beard.” Walking over to Sam she pushes him against the wall wantonly kissing in front of Dean.
Breathless, Sam touches his forehead against hers running his fingers along the flannels front, “I was looking for this shirt the other day ‘mega.”
“Hmm, my bad, suppose I need to be punished Alpha.” She teasingly remakes biting her lip as Sam purrs low in his chest sliding the shirt off her shoulders.
“You’re back together?” Dean blurts out in disbelief interrupting them.
Sam turns pulling Trouble with him, her back flush against his chest reaches up moving her hair revealing his mark.
Dean looks between them, “fucking took you long enough Sammy,” he barks before continuing down the hallway grumbling, “there better not be any more surprises.”
Sam nuzzled into her neck breathing in the new honey-vanilla scent mixing with her naturally cooler one reaches down placing his large hands protectively over her womb where their surprise is resting tenderly kissing her shoulder.
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I'm Not a Bad Person- Chapter 6
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SUMMARY: Troy Otto does have feelings you know. He's in the process of figuring them out; especially when it comes to his childhood friend, Jaymie. Whatever they are, they're rooted deep, and they're growing.
WARNINGS: Language, Warped thoughts, Violence.
WORD COUNT: Fuck if I know.
PAIRING: Troy Otto x OFC
AUTHOR'S NOTE: My plan is to follow along with the events of season 3, but with my OFC involved. I'll veer off plenty of times and probably switch shit up completely. Not sure yet. We'll be exploring different characters' perspectives throughout the series. I'm not great at this writing thing but I try my best. Hope you like it enough. All characters except my OFC don't belong to me.
Chapter 6
(Jaymie's POV)
The next day, a memorial service was held to honor Charlene- Jeremiah's goddaughter. She was the pilot of the helicopter that Jake, Alicia, Luciana, and Travis were on. She survived the crash, but the dead got her on the way back to the ranch.
To be honest, I didn't like Charlie. She was such a bitch to me. It was because her dad had an affair with my mom, and her parents split up. So she took her anger out on me.
One particular day she was talking shit; telling our mutuals I'd end up a whore just like my mother. That was stupid of her, mostly because Troy happened to be walking by. He turned and made a beeline straight to Charlene and decked her; no questions asked. I laughed my ass off when I found out. Wish I could have seen it first hand.
Naturally, Troy got in sooo much trouble. Mainly because he hit a girl. Pretty hypocritical of Jeremiah, but he was a "Do as I say, not as I do," type of parent. So, Troy was grounded for a month. That didn't stop me from sneaking in to the Otto's house every single night though. I'd take him desert and we'd stay up till 3 or 4 in the morning playing cards and board games.
Anyway, after Charlie's service, it was lunch time. I worked the line with my friend Gretchen, scooping globs of mac and cheese onto everyones' trays. Madison and Alicia were approaching, and I heard a community resident giving them a hard time. I felt bad for them, until Alicia said that people should be harassing Troy instead of them. Madison responded, 'I think they would be if they knew what he had done.' I know what Troy did was fucked up. That won't stop me from defending him though. Nothing will. I guess that makes me fucked up too; and I'm fine with that.
Both Madison and Alicia stopped abruptly, making eye contact with me. They realized I was serving, and that I most likely heard what they said. I tried not to let it show that it bothered me, but I know my eyes looked sad.
Gretchen broke the awkward silence with her subtle humor and kind words. Then she invited Alicia to attend one of her "Bible studies" (which was actually just a handful of our friends getting together to drink and smoke pot). There was no hiding Alicia's reluctance, but Madison practically made the decision for her to go. I'm grateful for it, because I need to figure Alicia out. Is she trustworthy? Could I see myself becoming friends with her?
About 2 hours later...
(Jake's POV)
How am I going to convince Troy that he needs to stay away from the Clarks? Ever since T.E. began he's been harder to control. I need Jaymie's help on this. She's the only person who has more influence on him than I do.
I find the two of them working together on mending one of the crops' fences. Both their faces are plastered with smiles. They kneel, preparing to wrap extra barbed wire around the bottom of a post. I can't make out what they're saying, but Jaymie throws her head back with a vivacious laugh. She nudges Troy with her shoulder, and he retaliates with a playful shove, causing her to topple over. She counterattacks by throwing a handful of dirt at him. They're honestly adorable.
It's a heartwarming sight to watch my brother in normal-human-being mode; and genuinely happy. Jaymie's good for him. Except on occasion she tends to enable his psychotic side. Though I'll admit that many times his semi-sociopathic behavior has been in her defense. He saw nothing wrong with it when he ki- ...never mind. I don't want to think about that. Anyway, the pros still outweigh the cons by a long shot, and they really are a good match. I kind of thought they'd have gotten together by now.
Troy offers Jaymie a hand and pulls her back to a kneeling position. She tries to wipe the dirt off that she threw at him, but she's actually making it worse since her hands are covered in soil. They're still laughing when I reach them.
Troy notices my presence and his smile falters slightly. "The boar's back. Keeps digging up the fence posts to get to the cabbage. Could use an extra pair of hands tracking it tonight."
May as well cut to the chase. "Stay away from Madison and her family."
"They're my friends."
"They came here under my invite. They trust me."
"They came here not to get eaten. I wouldn't flatter yourself."
Jaymie snickers at Troy's response, then looks at me with a grin she tries to suppress.
"Yeah, but they're staying cause I said I'd protect them- from you.
"And how are you going to do that?"
I knew this would be difficult. "Please don't do this, Troy. Please. I'm the one who still believes in you."
"Well I don't need you to anymore."
"Yeah, you do. If the ranch knew what you really are-"
"And what am I Jake?"
I look to Jaymie for an assist, but she's clearly upset with me. She stands and stalks toward me, grabbing my arm to pull me away from the scene. "What the hell would you say that for?!" She scolds me quietly.
"You know he broke in to Madison's cabin and threatened Nick?"
"And you're dumb enough to believe she's not over exaggerating?"
"Do you have any idea what he was doing at the depot? Do you?" Her expression is unreadable. "He was murdering people, Jaymie; timing how long it took them to change."
She sighs. "Yeah, yeah I know."
"Then why are you standing here upset with me?" I don't understand. She's acting like it was no big deal.
There's venom in her response. "Because of what you said to him back there, about what he is. You act like he's some kind of monster, Jake. He's your brother! Why would you say that?!"
I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now. So much for getting Jaymie on my side. I walk passed her and reapproach Troy. "Do you really think you were helping those people out at the depot?"
"I think I was helping all of us."
Alright. This is going nowhere. Let's try a different angle: "Troy, when Dad's gone, this is all on us. We have to take care of this place. We have to lead."
"Together." His tone sounds incredulous.
"Yeah. But I need you to do something for me. I need you to stay away from the Clarks. Do you hear me?"
"Yep. I hear you."
"Do you mean it?"
"I always mean it, Jake."
There's nothing more I can say. I turn to leave, and as I pass Jaymie, I beg her in a commanding tone, "Please help me with this. I need you on my side. Troy needs you on my side. He just doesn't realize it." She narrows her eyes at me with annoyed inquisitivity. "Just, think about it, alright?"
(Troy's POV)
Jaymie's so pissed off at Jake. She's always got my back. It doesn't matter who it is or what it's about. I know she doesn't agree with everything I've done. She does try and steer me in a different direction sometimes. I don't listen to her as much as I probably should, but whatever I end up doing, she never ever judges me. She's the only one. God, I love that girl... Wait, what?
"You alright?"
"Huh?" I didn't even notice she was by my side again.
"Forget what Jake said."
"Wasn't even thinking about it."
"Good." She gets back to helping me with the barbed wires, in silence, until, "Maybe we should both avoid Nick and Madison. Just for now?"
"Nah, I'm gonna have Nick help out with the boar tonight." I feel her looking at me. "It'll be fine, Jayms."
She considers my words for a moment then nods. "Alright. Well, I gotta get ready for Gretchen's Bible study. I'm gonna try and get to know Alicia; see what I think of her."
I give her a half-hearted smirk. "Have fun with that." I'm just bummed out she's leaving.
"I'll see you later?"
"Yeah. Later, Jayms." I watch her walk away, lost in the thought I had just a minute ago.
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wonderlandmind4 · 6 years
Delicate Stages Chp 49
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Pairings: Bucky Barnes x OFC Ana Rios
Summary: Bucky Barnes agrees to participate in Deprogramming Sessions. What he gets is not anything like he expected.
Warnings: Language. Violence. Blood. Fighting.
Words: 3.5k+ @justreadingfics @nerdyandproud9 @buffy-morgendorffer-01​
He slams her against the wall, knocking the gun out of her hand. Ana kicks his knee cap with her left foot, Erik shouting out in pain. She breaks away from his hold, taking the chance to go for the gun. 
She stops short. The metal of the gun gleams against the crimson light, barrel pointing straight at her held by Bucky. There's a split moment where time stands still as they stare at each other.
Then, the Winter Soldier pulls the trigger.
Gun fire echoes loudly throughout the room, ringing in Ana's ears. Time freezes for one long moment. She exhales. When no pain comes, Ana slowly turns around. Erik Woods is on the ground, clutching at his bleeding chest. The wound looks fatal, but she isn’t sure that’s enough to keep him down.
Footsteps behind Ana draws her attention back to Bucky. He’s inches away from her, holding the gun at an angle, still pointing at her. He flicks his thumb and the chamber of bullets fall to the ground, quickly followed by the gun itself. Bucky reaches his hand out, cupping the back of Ana’s head and drags her forward, searing their lips together.
She gasps into his mouth, practically melting into his arms. "You scared the fucking hell out of me!"
"I'm so fucking sorry." Bucky mumbles against her lips. He gently pushes stray hairs back from her face, damp from sweat.
"You came back to me, Bucky." She whispers, tears welling up in her eyes. She kisses his lips harder, ignoring the stinging cut on her own.
Bucky pulls back and the soft, relieved smile only last two seconds. He frowns, moving his thumb to the left corner of her mouth. Ana does the same to his, wiping away a smear of blood. It should be gross, and completely unsanitary, but she doesn't give a damn at this moment. She’s just happy to have her Bucky in her arms.
“Gotta get you out of here.” He tells her urgently, dragging his hands down her face, to her tender neck and down her arms; tracing the developing bruises. "Give me one second."
Ana watches as Bucky steps on the chair, ripping one of the guns from the machine. He hands it to Ana to hold. Then he bends down, gently hooking the back of her knees over his left arm and wrapping his right around her back. Ana secures her arm over his neck, awkwardly holding the large gun against her body as he picks her up and hurries out of the room.
“What about dickless over there?” Ana questions darkly, glancing over Bucky’s shoulder. Erik is motionless.
“I’ll deal with him later.” He growls, his voice low; malicious. “Need to get you to safety first.”
Ana turns her gaze to Bucky. She can sense unadulterated loathing radiating off him, can nearly see it tainting is aura. His expression is murderous, and she briefly wonders if he isn’t fully broken out of his Winter Soldier mode. The blue of his eyes are darkened with ferocity, the muscle at his jaw twitching, his mouth set into a firm line.
Bucky is enraged. She has never seen him this angry before. It should frighten her, but not once has she been scared of him since he came into her life. Ana knows, believe with every ounce of her heart, that she is the safest with him no matter what.
“Bucky.” She murmurs, bringing her right hand up to his face, brushing her fingers against his bearded jaw. “I’m alright.”
His nostrils flare, his mouth twitches, his forehead glistens with sweat. He tightens his arms around her, practically running down the hall. "I will make him pay for ever fucking touching you. For everything they’ve done to you."
Ana kisses the joint of his jaw, hair soft beneath her lips. She tightly cradles the gun against her torso, and places her hand gently on his chest. His heart is flying. Though she can't figure out if it’s because he's anxious to get out of the building, is still feeling the affects of being triggered, or has to do with Ana herself.
"Are you okay?" She inquires, rubbing her thumb over his shirt.
"I'm fine, love." Bucky answers softly, so unlike the tone he just used. He pauses as he picks up on voices. He presses a quick kiss to her temple. "You're safe now."
He makes a decision and turns down another path, quickly checking around the corner before jogging down the hallway. Ana winces as the movement jolts her knee. She glances at it, a dark spot that trails down her ripped jeans, soaked with her own blood. She removes her hand from Bucky's chest, gingerly pressing her fingers on the out side of her knee. She hisses in pain.
"Will you be able to run if need be?" Bucky checks, slowing his pace.
"Not sure." Ana exhales, resting her head against his shoulder for a moment. 
She’s beginning to feel every aching pain throughout her body; her throat sill sore, her lips and cheeks stinging, her knee throbbing. Exhaustion seeps heavily in her bones. Her eyes flutter shut. 
"Adrenaline is slowing down." Ana barely murmurs.
Bucky is saying something, but she hardly pays attention, yearning to sleep. She thinks she may have blacked out briefly, for the next moment loud voices echo up ahead, causing Ana to jerk to awareness. Her burst of powers she used earlier has caught up to her. Bucky stops at an intersection of four hallways. 
"I have to put you down, darlin’. Wait here."
He carefully lowers her. His hands are tight on her hips as Ana steadies herself, keeping the majority of her weight on her left leg. Bucky takes the gun, cocking it and pulling the lever, adjusting it in her hands. He glances over his shoulder as the voices grow closer. He turns back, hooking his finger under her chin, tenderly pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Keep it poised, and the second you see it's anyone but me, you shoot." He instructs firmly, his blue eyes burning with protectiveness. "Do not hesitate."
"You're hurt and exhausted, Ana. I need you to protect yourself. Shoot first, ask questions later." Bucky pecks her forehead, gripping her shoulders. "Promise?"
Ana nods.
"I'll be right back."
"Be careful." She rasps, as he lets her go and runs quietly down the hall.
Ana stares after his retreating back, leaning against the wall next to her. She takes a moment to just breathe, to revel the fact that her and Bucky had escaped that room, despite knowing it might be premature. It takes several seconds, but suddenly the voices get louder, someone is shouting. 
She hears a quick scuffle, loud thuds, and a few gun shots. She tries to keep her heart calm, knows that Bucky is highly capable of handling more than one person at a time. It doesn't stop her worry though.
Running footsteps race towards her. Ana locks her arms, placing her index finger on the trigger. She pushes herself off the wall, shifting her weight on her left leg. The footsteps grow closer and closer, then Bucky rounds the corner, holding another semi-automatic rifle, and a Glock. A knife gleams in the lights, tucked into the belt of his jeans. Ana lowers her gun with relief. He reaches her, an intrigued smirk pulling up the corner of his mouth. He pulls the knife from his belt, tucking it carefully into her own.
"Ya know," Bucky begins, a hint of mirth in his voice. "You look hot holding that gun."
"Are you honestly flirting with me right now, after we've been kidnapped, nearly tortured and mind wiped, and probably going to be fighting for our lives?"
He pauses. "Yes."
"Well, okay then." Ana smiles at him.
"C'mere." Bucky pulls her closer to his body, being careful of her injured knee. He kisses the uninjured corner of her mouth. "I love you, Annie."
Ana leans against him, inhaling his scent. The fading smell of woods, sweat and something a little metallic- given that some of the blood from her knee has stained his shirt- oddly comforts her. She loves every bit of him. She kisses the center of his chest, over his beating heart.
"Love you too." She mutters.
"Lets go." He pulls back, makes to carry her again.
"I can walk. Promise." Ana tells him, but she grabs onto the hem of his shirt anyway.
Bucky seems like he's going to protest, but they don't have any more time to waste before Erik decides to find them again, if he hasn't died yet. He nods, then leads the way down the hallway to their right.
Ana is limping, each step sending a sharp jolt of pain through her knee. She grinds her teeth a few times, forcing steady breaths through her nose. Several times, Bucky stops to check around corners, to scan hallways for any doors or exits. Each time he does, he checks on Ana, raising his eyebrows in a silent question. Each time, Ana nods, masking her pain.
After walking for a few minutes, they hear sounds of fighting several yards ahead. A door opens and two men run out of a room. They spot Ana and Bucky, quickly pulling out their guns. Bucky already had his gun up, taking aim and fires, hitting the men in the stomachs and legs. They fall to the ground shouting in pain, blood spirting from the wounds.
"You only nicked their arteries." Ana notes, staying behind Bucky as he approaches the men.
"A quick death is too good for them. They’ll likely bleed out." Bucky responds with a dangerously low tone. He kicks their guns out of reach. Abruptly, his cold gaze morphs into a grin. 
"Would you like to do the honors, babe?"
His smile looks just a tad off. Ana doesn’t blame him, in fact, she’d rather leave the men as they are in the hallway. She places a comforting hand on his cheek for a moment, Bucky’s eyes fluttering. He kisses her palm before she drops her hand.
Ana turns her attention to the men. She recognizes one of the them as the guard she fought in the Lab. Erik’s confession of Hydra having a hand in her parents death repeats in her mind. Anger surges up her spine, radiates from her body causing the overhead lights to spark and pop. The section of the hallway darkens, dimly light by an emergency light. Instead of knocking them out, she aims the gun at them.
Her finger teases the trigger. A delicate loving touch brushes her elbow, a silent reminder that Bucky is right behind her. Comforting, supporting, understanding, all conveyed through his energy.
“I understand your anger, sweetheart,” Bucky speaks kindly. “But you aren’t a killer, Ana. I am, but you aren’t.”
Swallowing thickly, Ana turns the gun around, thrusting the blunt end against the side of his head, hard, knocking him out. She does the same for the other agent. She spots another knife, and pulls it off the man, twirling it expertly between her fingers before sliding it into her left boot.
Bucky has the decency to roll his eyes before beckoning her along. Ana stops him, grabbing his had, squeezing as hard as she can.
“You aren’t a killer,” Ana reprimands. “Not to me.”
They’re aware they don't have time to argue this topic, so Bucky just lifts her hand to his mouth, kissing her knuckles. “Let’s go.”
They hear more fighting, more shouting. Bucky holds his arm out before they reach a set of metal doors, checking back at her once more. Ana nods, determine to fucking leave this place. Guns at the ready, Bucky kicks the doors open. They come face to face with Hawkeye.
There's a moment of relieved surprise washing over Ana, before Clint pulls his bow back and releases. The arrow flies over her shoulder, hitting someone behind her. When she turns to look, another guard had been sneaking up behind them. Bucky turns, slamming the doors shut, then roughly kicks off the handle.
"Sorry it took so long." Clint quips, jerking his head for them to follow him. "That GPS in your arm was on the level of Map Quest."
"Tony's going to kill you for that." Ana responds, smiling despite the situation. She surveys around the room, a large open area that looks more like a hanger for planes than anything else.
Bucky inform Clint of what happened, or at least the shortened version of it. Up ahead, Ana spots more guards fighting, and it suddenly dawns on her that this is a unknown Hydra facility. A flash of red and gold whizzes through the air, Ana's heart soaring in her chest; Tony. Next she watches as Natasha takes down four Hydra agents without breaking a sweat.
"Is everyone here?" Ana questions, her heart swelling with the notion. She stumbles reaching out to the nearest thing, which happens to be Clint's forearm.
"Of course." He scoffs, gripping her elbow. “Did us think we wouldn’t all come for you both?” His expression morphs into concern. "You alright? How injured are you?"
"Woods shoved a fucking five pronged disk in her knee. Disabled the rods.” Bucky tells him, his tone murderous again. "We need to get her out of here, now."
Clint helps Ana straighten up, only to pass her over to Bucky. "The Quin-jet is hovering just above the roof access there. We'll clear a path as much as we can." He presses two fingers to his ear. "Do guys copy that?"
Ana grips Bucky's arm. "I want to help."
He shoots her a hard look, his blue eyes blazing. "Abso-fucking-lutely not!”
He tucks one of the guns under his arm, placing his hand on her face. "Ana, please. For once, just protect yourself. I'm getting you out of here."
His point is made when bullets suddenly fly towards the three of them. Bucky drops the one gun, shielding Ana away with his left arm. They tinker off his arm as they hurry behind a stack of metal crates. Once they're out of the way and the bullets stop, both of them pop out from behind their cover, firing their weapons.
Ana quickly runs out of ammo, cursing the stupid guard who was too lazy to put in a new magazine. Clint fires an arrow across the room, exploding into a small group of Hydra agents. Ana feels her skin prickling, can feel the surge of energy racing up her spine. It's everywhere. Kinetic, negative and positive, charged and burning, radiating off of people and their weapons. Her fingertips tingle with it, so palpable she can almost grab it.
Inhaling through her nose, she gathers the energy around her, until she can feel it burning in her hands. The agents found their hiding spot, ten of them quickly advancing. Ana smirks, then channels the kinetic energy into the metal creates. Three of them go flying ahead, taking out all ten guards.
"I did not know you could do that." Clint sounds impressed, shooting another arrow without looking. It lands in a guards shoulder, taking him down.
Bucky looks curious, yet proud of her. Ana shrugs, it's a new discovery herself. Something heavy lands onto of the top remaining creates. When Ana looks up she waves at Steve, dressed in his Captain's uniform, his shield hooked on his arm. He gives her an exasperated look, before he waves back, his gaze shifting over to Bucky.
"Causing trouble, pal?" He teases.
"Was starting to get bored, I guess." Bucky quips back, shrugging.
Steve chuckles, then jumps down, landing light on his feet. He places his free hand on Ana's shoulder, blue eyes filled with worry. He quickly does a scan of her body. From her busted lip, to her cheek where a bruise is probably beginning to form, as well as her neck, to her knee, and frowns. There's the same fire of anger sparking in his eyes, though no where near as murderous as Bucky's.
“Okay?” Steve checks quietly.
The sincerity in his voice, the angry set of his jaw, the comforting hand squeezing her shoulder, nearly overwhelms Ana. Her bottom lips trembles for a moment, before she regains her emotions. She nods shakily. Steve sees right through her but returns her nod after a short pause. He lifts his eyes to meet with Bucky, who responds with a slight tilt of his head forward; their own silent communication.
"Vision and Wanda are clearing path right now." Steve informs them. "Just fifty yards ahead and up the stairs. There's a ladder leading to the roof access where the jet is. Sharon and Agent Hill are there. But you need to go now."
Bucky doesn't hesitate as he tugs Ana along. She tries to run at full sped, but she hisses when something in her knee snaps. She grips Bucky's shirt as he shoots a stray guard down. He turns to help her, when something flies past them.
"Sam!" He shouts, wrapping his metal arm around her waist. He hoists her up a bit, so all her weight is off her right leg. Sam circles back around, landing next to them. He quickly goes to her other side grabbing her arm to place around his neck.
"Take her to the second level close to the roof." Bucky instructs. To Ana he says, "I'll meet you up there."
"Be careful." Ana tells him. Sam carefully picks her up as Bucky did earlier.
Bucky smiles and nods, then takes off. He turns for a moment. "Wilson!"
"I've got her!" Sam yells back. "Hold on tight, honey."
Ana tightens her arm around his neck, gripping his shirt. The wings of his pack shoot open then Sam is taking off into the air. The sensation of flying Ana will never get used to. She yelps when Sam has to twirl and maneuver out of the way of gunfire. It only takes thirty seconds before he lands again, gently setting her down.
"Take this." He instructs, pulling a small gun from his holster and shoving it in her hands. "He's right behind you. I'll see you later."
"Thanks Sam." Ana sighs out, readying the gun.
He points a finger at her. "Don't you scare me like that again, Ana. I mean it." Then he takes off.
Ana spots Bucky running up the stairs, a Hydra guard following after him. She aims the gun and shoots, hitting the guard in the leg twice. He goes down hard, as Bucky takes the rest of the stairs two at a time. He reaches her, quickly wrapping his arm around her lower back and helping her along. The majority of the fighting is now several yards behind them. She tucks the gun away.
When they reach the ladder, Bucky carefully shift his hold to her hips as Ana wraps her hands around the thin bars. He gently pushes her up as far as he can. She painfully makes it up seven steps, before gunfire rings out. Ana yelps, slipping down the steps. 
She falls backwards but Bucky catches her, cursing loudly. A new pain blooms in her left shoulder, and when she looks, a bleeding bullet hole is the cause. Bucky blocks her from of the line of fire with his left arm, when abruptly the firing ceases.
When they look below, Erik Woods is there, gun in hand. Unfortunately, it's not the only weapon he has. His right arm is shoved into a device that looks like a blaster of some kind. A malicious grin spreads across his mouth as the weapon makes a winding noise, the end of it glowing yellow. Ana realizes with horror it's an energy laser gun, aimed directly at them both.
"I don't need you alive, Rios!" Erik yells, a manic look on his face.
Ana yanks Bucky aside, the blast missing him by a foot. He grabs the gun from his belt, shooting at Erik, but he dodges the bullets. Ignoring her throbbing, bleeding shoulder, Ana takes out Sam's gun and fires, blood swirling down her arm. 
She's able to nick Erik's leg, the size of the blaster blocking his chest. Bucky aims for his hand, hitting dead on, the hand gun falls to the ground. Bucky shoots again, hitting his shoulder, leg, and stomach before Erik dives behind a create. Briefly, Ana wonders how Erik hasn’t died yet, if there's a possibly he has his own form of knock off serum.
Ana drops the gun once it's out of bullets. Instead, she quickly pulls the kinetic energy from the air. As she does so, Erik pops out from the other side of the crate. He aims the blaster, shooting it directly at Ana. Bucky lunges to protect her.
There's a flash of light, a crunching sound and they're both sent flying to the floor from the force of the attack. Shaking her head to clear her vision, Ana sits up the as Bucky pushes himself up. She gasps in horror, a shaky hand flies over her mouth, the sight of in font of her nearly makes her vomit.
Bucky's metal arm has been completely shot off. Nothing left but a stump of broken, glowing red scorched wires, chords and scrapped metal. He is slow to get to his knees, wobbles dangerously. He glances to his side, just to see nothing there. His expression is one of absolute anguish. He looks like he's going into shock, like his body is shutting down from the trauma. Then he passes out, falling heavily to the ground.
"Bucky!" Ana screams. 
All her senses come back to her, but the only thing she feels is the utter terror in her heart. She crawls over to him, bleeding and dizzy and panicked, just as another blast is sent her way.
Ana spins, catching the energy beam in her hands. The force shoves her back, slams her against a metal pillar. Slowly she stands, but doesn't feel any pain, just a white hot sensation in her hands. It surges throughout her body, ignites very vein, every fiber of her being down to her core. She concentrates on the glowing light, keeps it contained between her palms as the beam comes to an end. She vaguely hears another gunshot as something pierces her stomach. All she focuses on is the blazing energy in her hands, conforming it to her will.
She inhales slowly, shuts her eyes, inches her hands closer and closer until the light begins to fade. She clenches her fist, lowering her arms. Ana adsorbs the energy, containing it in her body, her arms trembling. When her eyes snap open, she feels them burning. Her skin on fire, her blood boiling, her fingertips sizzling. Through the searing white light of her eyes, stands a dark silhouette.
Raising her hands, Ana thrusts them forward. The watts of energy leaves her body, rushes out like water breaking open a dam, sent directly towards the silhouette. She wraps it around the figure, clenching her hands and tugs. A new sensation crashes over her body, tugging and pulling until the other source of energy starts to fade away. She continues to pull and pull, until she begins to feel every drop drain from her body, a slow weakness left behind. She refuses to stop, yearns to drain the figures force of energy to nothing.
There's a soft graze to her calf, the gentlest of touches. Abruptly, the energy halts. All bright lights dissipates. Ana can hardly see through distorted vision, smoke and electrical currents racing along the ceiling. Her heart pumps weakly in her chest before she crumples to the ground. Something touches her lips, tender and trembling, but when she cracks her eyes open, she can't see anything other than blurred shapes.
"Stay with me..."
The words are a whispered panic; a begging request. She can't place the voice, barely registers the words. Her heart flutters once more then stops. The world goes black.
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: swearing, mild smuttiness
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 9 Part 11
Part 10
We eventually got up. We showered and dressed. I fed Perrin, and we ate breakfast. I asked Liam what his plans were for the day.
"Not much. I thought I would stay with you until you kick me out." He winked. "What are your plans?"
"Well, I have to kick this guy out..." I said with mock agitation. Liam feigned a look of hurt. "Not much until tonight. I'm going to Dave's house for dinner. I'll see my nephews and niece, which will be good. My Mum too, I suppose."
"Dave's your brother, right?" I nodded. "You haven't told me much about your mother. I think this is the first time you've mentioned her."
"We don't always get along. Mum's mellowed as she's gotten older, but she was a bit of a tyrant when I was growing up. She didn't like Andy. Well, she didn't like any of my boyfriends. She always judged them based on their jobs like she wanted me to end up with a doctor or lawyer or something like that. It's like she thought she'd wasted her money sending me to a private school because I found myself attracted to tradies."
"What's a tradie?
"A tradesman."
I laughed at a memory. "I used to tell my friends that if a guys hands weren't calloused enough to cause a run in my stockings, then he has no business touching my legs."
Liam burst out laughing. "Are you serious?"
"What can I say? I like a man who is good with his hands." I shrugged before continuing, "anyway, that's one reason why my mum and I didn't get along."
"What about your Dad?"
"He passed away three years ago."
"I'm sorry."
I didn't say anything for a while. I played with the crusts of my toast, breaking it into little crumbs. I think Liam sensed my mood and changed the subject. "You went to a private school?"
"Yeah," I said. "An all-girls, Catholic one at that."
"Well, that explains a lot." Liam quipped, his tone very serious, but his twitchy lip gave him away.
I narrowed my eyes and frowned. "I hate you."
Liam ignored me and cupped my face with his hands. "Kiss me." He ordered. And I did.
We spent most of the morning sitting together and talking. We spoke about the books we were reading. We found that we had similar taste in books when we talked before we met. Liam had recommended a book to me, and I had finished it a few days ago. I showed him my bookshelves, and we compared which ones we had read. He asked to borrow a couple.
Later we just sat on the lounge. We talked, held hands, cuddled, kissed, had coffee, and then some tea. We took turns patting Perrin, who had taken to Liam really well.
It got close to lunchtime, and it seemed like we were both trying to work out a way to avoid the inevitable parting. Neither of us had brought it up since breakfast. Eventually, Liam asked, "when can I see you again?"
Liam was sitting up, and I was laying on my back with my head in his lap. Liam was stroking my hair, sometimes taking a curl and twisting it around his finger. I smiled when I saw him do that since I had done the same to him earlier.
"As soon as possible," I replied. "I'm going to miss your pretty face." I reached up and patted his cheek patronisingly.
He gave me a small smile but didn't say anything. Then his god damned lip twitched.
"What are you thinking?" I asked. "I can tell when your lip twitches that you're thinking something naughty or you know something I don't know."
"My mother tells me the same thing." His lips stretched into a full grin, revealing his Hollywood white teeth.
"Well, I'm not your bloody mother, so tell me."
"I was just thinking about all the parts of you that I'm going to miss."
"You're very cheeky."
"Unfortunately for you, my mother tells me that too."
"You're a fuck knuckle," I said, smirking. "I'll bet your mother doesn't tell you that."
Liam's eyes went wide. "Bloody hell, Sweetheart. Anyone would think you didn't like me." He was smiling though.
"It's because I like you that I insult you. I'm very polite to people I don't like." I said, putting a sickly sweet smile on my face and batted my eyelashes at him.
"You're lucky you're cute." Liam leaned down and kissed me. "You haven't answered my question. When can I see you again?"
"Well, we both work all week. I guess that means we will have to wait until Friday night."
"Do you want to come to my place on Friday after work? Spend the weekend with me?"
"Ok. I'll ask Dave when I see him tonight if he will have Perrin for me. But it shouldn't be an issue."
Liam's face was unreadable for a moment. Then he smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm already looking forward to it." He sat back and said, "well, I suppose I had better call an Uber."
I sat up and waited for Liam to book his ride. When he had finished, I said, "Call me tomorrow night. After work?"
Liam nodded. He scooped me up and sat me on his lap. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. You won't get rid of me easily." He smiled and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. "Now, kiss me."
I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him hard.
Liam kissed me back, his arms wrapped around my waist, and he crushed my body into his. Our kisses became ardent, and I squirmed on his lap. I didn't want to let him go. Not ever.
I wanted him again now, and I cursed myself for letting him call for an Uber. I felt like he was part of my life like I had already given let him into my heart when I let him in this house. This sacred place. Mine and Andy's place. It seemed as though he had just blended into my life and any thoughts of the future now included him.
But I also knew enough to hold back, to remember I didn't really know him. The weekend wasn't real life. It was an illusion. It wasn't the daily grind of work, come home, sleep, do it all again. To make it worse, Liam's life wasn't normal. Would I adjust? Could I adjust? Did I even want to try?
I knew I did want to try, at least. Liam seemed worth it. Worth the risk of another broken heart, another love snatched from my grasp. If I didn't try with Liam, then who would I try with? And if I never tried, then love would be gone from my life forever.
Liam pulled away. "I had better go now, or I think I'll never leave." We got up just as his phone alerted him the driver was less than a minute away. He grabbed his bag, and I walked him to the door, and he followed behind me up the hallway.
We got to the door, and before I could open it, he turned me around and pinned me to it with his whole body. His forehead pushed against mine. He kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He ground his body against me. "Lana," he breathed. "Lana, I..." He stopped talking, kissed me again softly then pulled away.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want Liam to stop. "I'll call you tonight," I said despite our plans to call tomorrow night. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait until then. I opened the door for him.
As he walked out the door, Liam put his hand on the back of my head. He brought me to his face, and he kissed the top of my head. "As you wish." He winked and pulled the door closed behind him.
The rest of my day felt lonely. I moped around for a bit. I threw Perrin the ball for a while. He was too old these days for more than a few runs, but he still loved it. I did some washing, cleaned my bathroom and put my Ben and Jerry's tub in the bin. I painted my nails.
When the afternoon wound down, I called Riza.
"Hey, Slut!" She said when she picked up.
"Piss off," I said back.
"Well, don't keep me in suspense. What the fuck happened?"
"I don't even know where to begin."
"Well, did you fuck him?" I shook my head. If Liam thought I was direct, he should talk to Riza. I didn't say anything. She knew me well enough to know what the answer was by my silence. "'Bout fucking time." She said, and I laughed. "So tell me about him. What's his name? What does he do for work? Where does he live? Boxers or briefs?"
"Uh, his name is Liam. Liam Cross."
"Like the actor? Man, that's weird. I knew a girl once whose name was Indiana Jones. I couldn't do it cause I kept thinking about Harrison Ford."
"No, Riz. Not like the actor, he is the actor."
Stunned silence. Then, "you're shitting me."
"Serious as a heart attack."
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I didn't know who he was," I told Riza about the Will/Liam thing.
"You're really not joking. Send me a pic."
"I didn't take any."
I swear I could hear Riza roll her eyes. "Of course, you didn't. You never do!" Then she shouted, "Hey Jen! Lana..."
"Riza! No, no, no!" I shouted.
"Fucked Liam Cross," she finished.
I hung my head. Fuck. I could trust Riza, but Jen, I wasn't sure of. She spent all day on Instagram and Snapchat. I didn't know if she could keep quiet.
"You there, Lansey?" I heard Jen talking in the background. "Hang on a sec, what's that, babe?" More Jen talking. "Oh shit, you looked good on Friday night Lans, no wonder you got fucked."
"How do you know what I wore Friday night?"
"Jen found pics."
"That quickly?"
"Yeah, they're everywhere. Some of you guys at a shop too. Hey, that's the shop near Mike the Butcher, right?"
This was news to me. I knew they took pictures, but I didn't think they were posted. I should have though. Why wouldn't they be? "Fuck."
"Did you just meet him? On Friday?"
"Yeah, why?"
"There's this one picture of you two, and he's touching your cheek. You two look like you're in love," she teased, making love sound like llllooooouuuuv. "Ha! There's Perrin!"
"Is my name mentioned? Do they know who I am?"
"Doesn't look like it. You two look perfect together."
"Tell Jen not to say anything. Please?"
"Yeah, yeah, no worries."
She kept talking, but I'd had enough. "I've gotta get going," I said.
"Lans, you ok?" She knows me too bloody well.
"Yeah," I bit my lip and took some deep breaths. "It's a lot to take in, you know. He's bloody famous, it's like, I don't want that shit in my life."
"Is he worth it?"
"I think so. I mean, he's a sweet, kinda daggy guy who happens to be built like Hercules and sexy as fuck. What's not to like?"
"I always thought he was gay."
Before I could stop myself, I said, "He's definitely not gay. I'd never believe a gay guy could growl a girl out like he does." I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut.
Riza yelled, "yas girl! You got a keeper!"
I laughed. "Fucking hell. Alright, Riz, I've really got to go. Say hi to Jen. Don't say anything!" Riz agreed, and we hung up.
Dinner at Dave and Lucy's was mostly uneventful. I jumped with the kids on the trampoline and played some wrestling on the PlayStation. My mum wasn't too much of a bitch. I forgot about the pictures and didn't think about Liam for a while. I needed that. I felt like the weekend was such a whirlwind and so much happened I needed some time to get back to normality, something familiar.
After dinner, Mum went home, and the kids wanted to watch a movie. I got on the lounge with the two older ones, Charlie and Harry and went through Netflix. Lucy had taken Lilly to bed. I saw Liam's face in one of the movies thumbnails, and I groaned. It was the one where he was a superhero. It was nearly ten years old. Though it didn't seem possible, he was even more handsome now. I quickly flicked past it.
"No, Aunty Lanny, I want to watch that one," Harry said.
"Isn't it too scary?"
Dave called out from the kitchen, "it's their new favourite. They've been watching it all week."
"Then we can watch something else," I said.
Both boys protested. I half relented. "Have you seen the sequel?" It had much less screen time for Liam since he had teamed up with a couple of other superheroes in that one.
"There's a sequel?" Charlie was excited.
So we watched the sequel. I'd seen it before, but it was weird watching it now. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Although it was obvious that Liam was the actor, it was surprisingly easy to forget him and believe he was really the character.
He looked different to the Liam I knew. His hair was lighter, he was clean-shaven, and even the way he held his face was different. The way he moved and mannerisms weren't Liam's either. His voice was different too. The most apparent change there was the accent. Those harsh American tones seemed so strange after hearing his soft Queens English ones. Although, scenes with his shirt off still made me think of Liam.
After the movie I said goodbye to the kids, and they went to bed. I asked Dave if he would watch Perrin next weekend. I tried to sound casual about it, but Dave knew me better than that.
"Girls weekend?" He asked. I tried to say yeah, but I blushed, and he knew it wasn't a girls weekend.
Dave was eight years older than me, the same as Liam. I adored Dave. I remember following him around as a kid, wanting to do everything he did. As we got older, I watched the same movies he did, read the same books he did and listened to the same music, which is probably why I prefer 90s music to 2000s music.
He was sweet about it for the most part. He even got me alcohol a few times when I was 17 and took me to the pub with his mates when I was 18. He was protective though. Not one of his mates was allowed to touch me. It had made me mad at the time, especially when I had the hots for his best mate Chris since I was 12. So when he worked out that I was probably going to be spending the weekend with a guy, I expected him to freak out. He didn't.
"Is he a good bloke?" Dave asked. "Treating you well?"
"Yeah, he is." I couldn't help but smile.
Dave grunted, "I can tell by the look on your face, you are smitten. Alright then, Perrin can stay."
"Thanks, Dave. Don't tell mum."
"Yeah, Nah. I'm not stupid."
I went home and got ready for bed straight away. I was mentally exhausted, but I still called Liam. Not only because I said I would. I did miss him in my bed already. I felt lonely again. Of all the things about being married I missed, sleeping with somebody else in the bed was high on the list.
When I went to call, I was confused for a minute because I couldn't find his number. Then I remembered he was in my contacts as Will. I changed the name and called him. I hoped I wasn't calling too late.
"Hello, Sweetheart." Liam's voice sent a ripple of excitement through me.
"Hey," I said. "How was the rest of your day?"
"Good. Do you want to FaceTime?"
"I'm in bed."
"Me too." He said, and I heard the ring of FaceTime come through the phone.
I answered. Liam's face appeared. So did his naked shoulders. Sweet Jesus, he couldn't fit in the frame.
"Much better," he said, smiling. "How was your day?"
"Ok, I just hung around at home then saw the fam. Dave said he would have Perrin next weekend," I got flustered thinking about it. I cleared my throat. "So yeah, that's sorted."
"Excellent. I'm really looking forward to it. How was the family? Was your mum ok?"
"Yeah, she was good. The kids are fans of yours, by the way."
He gave a short laugh at this. "Really? Did you tell your family about me?"
I said I didn't and told him about the kids and the movie. "They loved it. I liked it too." I told him about how it was strange to watch him act after actually knowing him, and for a lot of the time, I had forgotten it was him. I just believed the character and enjoyed the story.
"Thank you." Liam seemed genuinely pleased. "That is the aim of what I do."
"I did tell Riza about you. Her wife, Jen, found pictures of us almost immediately."
"Did you see the ones from yesterday?"
"She told me about them, but I've not seen them."
"You ok?"
I shrugged, "it is what it is. I asked them not to say anything about us."
Liam changed the subject and showed me he had started one of the books he had borrowed. Once again, I was grateful that he seemed to know my mood and not push me.
We talked for about ten minutes before I started yawning.
"I better let you go. You're tired, Sweetheart."
"Yeah," I said as a yawn overtook me. "I think you're right." I blinked several times, my eyes watering from the yawns. "Call me tomorrow night?"
"I definitely will. Goodnight, Sweetheart."
"Night, Liam." I fell straight asleep.
Part 11
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