#* ✦ drolliic
greedbent · 8 days
"I know it's your whole thing to never smile, but you look like you've swallowed a lemon. Maybe try to frown a little less at least?" [ who else other than Star lmao, bc of this post ]
@drolliic || star is 5ever the pest we love to see <3 <3
“I smile.”
He doesn't present it as an argument, but as a statement. A truth. A whole reality of which this particular thorn in his side so happened to be unaware for a multitude of reasons. In fact, Kaz could prove it right now, if he so wished. He could turn to them, sarcasm tainting not just the edges, but the whole of a tight-lipped grin simply to play this game right along with them.
But, well, he's never been one to show interest in any game where he gains nothing.
“If you aren't around to ever see it,” he says, only then at the absolute least allowing his gaze to slide and meet theirs, “then maybe you ought to consider a common denominator.”
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iudiex · 1 year
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ask the graphic maker! ( accepting ) // @drolliic
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6. A graphic you’re proud of
hmmm. i am proud of many of my graphics, especially lately! but these three come to mind:
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my neuvillette pinned post graphic, my lyney icon border, and my fu xuan icon border. the last two especially were labors of love. lyney in particular!
17. Name something you would like to improve on/learn
in keeping with the spirit of my last post - apart from cutting shit out, i'd like to get a bit better at utilizing brushes? i find them to be immensely tedious and feel like i don't... use them as well or as much as i should.
18. How long do your graphics usually take?
too long. to those who have commissioned me, your patience is loved and appreciated. but honestly it really depends on the graphic. i am slowest with icon borders / post dividers because there are a lot of little elements. a full set honestly takes me about 4 - 6 hours maybe just depending. but in typical finch fashion, i am either fast as lightning or slow as molasses, really depending on the assets i have available and the complexity of said graphic.
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fxck-with-eli · 1 year
Can you make drooling lips gif(s) or pic(s)? Would be hot to see!
maybe, maybe not (>3< )
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I still have to figure out how to do it, if at all, but I will remember it <3
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gemkun · 7 months
@drolliic said : ✔ + our Persona beans! :0 ↬ a quick and easy plotting guide
My muse(s): akira
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
i am a lover of shuake but its completely up to you !
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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sansgout · 2 months
A gremlin sits in his restaurant. They haven't done anything yet, but there's a distinct air about them. Perhaps, for one, their seemingly endless appetite and goal to try everything at least once. [ Star! bc they gotta bother everybody at least once lmao ]
@drolliic || star is always encouraged to bother ;)
“You can order the appetizer as many times as you want; it's never going to different.” Because this particular customer has been one of the most peculiar to show up at his restaurant: not only ordering the typical four-course experience, but going back to indulge in seconds for some of those courses. Vincent isn't keen on complaining about the extra money, but his suspicions have risen since they arrived—that really, truly, they must not understand how this works . . .
Or are they actually just a bottomless pit?
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Though his tone brandished a hint of sharpness to it, his expression remains calm and friendly; he folds his hands neatly in front of himself, cocks his head. “I'll take the compliment, but if you'd like more of a variety, I recommend you come back on another day,” he explains. “Our menu changes regularly.”
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sylvctica · 1 year
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      ... is this how Neuvilette and Zhongli feel about having paperwork ... they didn't expect that many friendship bingo applications would come in all at the same time.
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@drolliic said: "Uh... I guess we are a pretty good friend match considering I almost ticked off all boxes?" honestly did not expect that. [ Aether! ]
      A laugh follows from Sylvie, head dipping in a nod. Yep, Aether is friend shaped after all; all the stars are aligned!
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@starlitwishes said: The meme for Decarabian? :'D
      "... friend to other gods isn't ticked off? Though again, you already hit a friend bingo anyway ..." A stamp of approval, regardless.
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@viigilant said: He appears defeated by this result.. does this mean Sylvie won't accept him?
      They take the paper and checkmark everything before showing it to Xiao. "You are son shaped, thus you automatically tick everything cause you are my son."
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@icicle-dragon said: “LOOK LOOK! TREE PARENT I COLORED IT IN AND MADE A SMILEY FACE!!!” He misunderstood the assignment and thought it was a coloring thing.
      A soft 'pfft' leaves the god, looking at the paper with a stupidly wide smile. "Well, I think you did a wonderful job at it, you got every little square covered."
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@the-wayward-snowflake said: Isolde likes dressing nice, but she just needs pointers LOL
      "Really? I would've very much marked fashionable on here, but she's already got quite a few of these covered ..."
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albaitross · 7 months
(why are all the back-alleys full of gods and stuff?) / continued! - @drolliic
it takes a while for Moppy Kid to respond. longer than what would be polite as per most humans' etiquette standards, but May has seen worse and stranger - both by human and non-human standards. so she remains relaxed in her seat, watching patiently. in fact, the dragging silence is nice, an opportunity. it's free reign to simply observe.
and she observes... that Moppy Kid is truly deserving of that moniker. gosh, that hair! so curly! so, so much like a mop! an iconic, perfect match for the descriptor of a 'mop of hair' and such! does he style it? is it natural? wow, so moppy! maybe she should have the column be about his hair routine instead...
unfortunately, the train of thought has to be aborted with his reply. not that his reply is disappointing in any sort of contrast. curry and coffee... just like on the menus of this cafe. oh, is this kid actually being trained to take over the place in the future? the mundane answer is likely no, because maybe he's just another teenage part-timer and of course, he has to learn how to make anything on the menu if he's working here -
ah, but what's life without assuming the most dramatic things about it? or rather, her own life always likes to make random dramatic turns, so she might as well take the initiative on it.
(and... if she's being a teeny bit more honest, there's this edge she's been feeling—
logically, it's probably because of the whole, well. fucking demiurges and their pointless tunnel visions for power - the one that hovered right over shibuya earlier in the week wouldn't be the first nor last of its kind. in any case, since something clearly not-normal happened recently, the strangeness in the air could be easily attributed to that event, the aftershocks and remnants.
gut instinct says she needs to prepare herself. somehow. with anything.)
"oh, is it really so secret?" May pouts and puts on her best, cringe-worthy cutesy voice. "come on, it wouldn't hurt to give a hint or two at least, right? right? there's nothing sacred in this modern era, and truth be told, no one thinks food is any more sacred either now! give into your little vices and i'll give you 5 yen?"
she punctuates the end of that absurd act with a pause, a snort, a witch's crackle of a laugh, and a return to the lazy posture of a journalist with questionable ability and unquestionable unreliability. she leans against the counter, propping her chin onto a pair of entwined hands as she smiles bemusedly at the teen barista.
"my joking aside - aren't you quite the wordsmith? very poetic of you to frame it as an exchange of secrets, mysterious yet so businesslike. you might be a good writer in the future, if you polish yourself." the woman hums a light note, a touch of something thoughtful to it. "let's see then... a deal, secrets for secrets... well, as long as i retain the unfettered right to refuse divulging whenever, then sure, what's the harm? alright Moppy Kid, you have a deal—"
she finalizes her words with a snappy clack of her teeth bared into a cheerful grin, and the barest touch of honesty - an inhuman sort, spoken but not heard, more a sensation. it's shaped like a spark and echoes like the concept of determination itself, feeling like light and the sheer innateness of all things, burning both with a soft brilliance akin to sunlight and the firm sharpness of words being etched onto a contract, a promise; a 'honesty' of the soul itself.
which, to a normal human, means nothing. too fleshy to feel such subtle, immaterial things. it's just a habit for her to ensure that her words bear weight, bear force - she's had too many encounters with the fae and the divine and the demonic and the whatnot, all with their own brands of horseshit wordplay.
"—provided you go first, that is. divulge the secrets of good coffee for poor ol' me, and i'll tell you something worth your while. like..." the woman tilts her head, thinking. "ah, yes. i can teach you a trick or two to better protect that head of yours, including your incredibly curly mop of hair. unless you're not the superstitious type? i hope you are. my tricks run on stuff like the power of love, friendship and faith, you see."
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fantomevoleur · 4 months
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“Good god, what was I thinking there?! You’re right, other me, if I’m going to smell the colors I have to taste the colors too!”
Sound advice from a fellow alternate. He’ll be breaking out the color flavoring for this special occasion.
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tvstarkuma · 4 months
Stares at him. Stares at him some more. Her readings say Shadow, but... it doesn't seem quite right. Instead, Sophie decides to raise a hand and wave. He seems friendly enough. [ HENLO!! o/ here be a friendship I didn't know I needed, but now I'm here for 👀 ]
Ears and nose twitched instinctively. Teddie could feel it. There was a new person in this world. He couldn’t tell anything about them besides them not being a shadow. While his senses won’t tell him this, he assumed another Persona-user.
With his only slight head start, he peers at Sophia from a distant corner. She looked like a young girl. Her outfit was a bit strange, though. It kind of looked like something from an anime that took place in the future with giant robots. There were also some hearts floating near her head that he didn’t realize were part of her. All in all, she looked cute. With his newfound relief that she wasn’t anyone dangerous, she was far too cute for that, Teddie stepped out into the open.
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And she was friendly, too! Teddie waved back with a welcoming smile. As a teddy bear, Teddie needed to make sure he put his sweetest foot forward. For cuteness, not eating!
“Hello! Can you see me?” An obvious question that was testing hearing more than sight, “My beary own nose smelled you coming so I came over here.”
He walked towards the girl with slow steps just in case. Even if they were both friendly, they were still strangers in a dangerous world.
“My name’s Teddie. Have you been in here before?”
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stellatenuem · 5 months
Morgana doesn't say much or anything, really, when Ren almost squishes him by restlessly rolling over. He makes some annoyed noises under his breath and begins reaching a clawed paw over only to freeze abruptly when they themselves seem to echo a whine or two just as quietly before trying to curl into themselves. It's... not the first time he's witness to such and, with a heavy heart, he also knows it's not the last one. Instead of giving them a rude awakening for nearly flattening him, Morgana decides to wiggle his way into Ren's arms and let a soft purring noise rumble through him before closing his eyes. They have a long day ahead of them -- rest is of utmost importance.
Morgana first put their human on record as being a restless sleeper by nature. He wasn't aware that it was the visits to the Velvet Room during their days in Tokyo that would have Ren tossing and turning in the night, sometimes even moreso than the nightmares.
The cat-shaped being learns when Ren's journey as trickster is over, that Ren is actually someone who typically sleeps like a rock.
Even their nightmares are often silent... only evident to have occurred after they have ended, when Ren would come to suddenly, thrashing or shouting. But Morgana is always there to catch them when they aren't, as Ren starts to twitch or cry.
When Morgana nudges his way under Ren's arm and against his chest, Ren once again stirs, his arm tucking the cat closer as if he were a stuffed animal. (Ren now cuddles with Morgana even more than his star doll from childhood.) Morgana will tolerate being squished, with having his fur tussled beyond what his tongue can mend... because it's Ren — his best friend.
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With the warmth of another body close to them, and Morgana's diligent purring, Ren's small sounds gradually quiet until they stop altogether. Soon, Ren starts resembling a person again instead of a ball of knives. If they continue to have bad dreams, Morgana is none the wiser... as the human has settled down.
Tomorrow, they'll take care of Alice. Morning will come soon... but at least for now, for tonight, there's peace.
At least for tonight.
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iudiex · 1 year
🎲 ― random choice ( type @ and a letter and shout out whoever appears first )
🎲 ― random choice ( type @ and a letter and shout out whoever appears first )
@raikuro - HI YES HELLO. val's tomo is such a fucking TREAT to read. not only are they, as a mun, one of the most hilarious individuals i have ever come across - but as someone who deeply enjoys the inazuma lore surrounding the kamisatos, kazuha, tomo, and shogun, it's really wonderful to see another character with so little to work with being made into something whole and fascinating. keep up the good work val ily.
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erabundus · 8 months
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@drolliic &&. said... Kind of stiffly and awkwardly wraps its arms around Ren. The nameless puppet isn't sure what prompted it to do such, but it's seen many people do it and how happy it made them. Surely Ren will also be happy and frown a little less.
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the  wanderer  freezes  as  he's  wrapped  in  the  embrace  —  going  stiff  as  a  (  lifeless  )  puppet  crafted  from  conventional  wood.  it  isn't  anything  PERSONAL;  he's  simply  not  accustomed  to  such  affectionate  gestures.  centuries  of  combat  and  experimentation  alike  have  led  him  to  associate  physical  contact  with  wholly  negative  feelings  —  danger,  the  hissing  inhale  that  oft  prefaces  agonizing  pain,  belongings  gone  missing  at  the  behest  of  sly  hands.  while  there  are  a  handful  of  individuals  he's  learned  how  to  ACCEPT  TOUCH  from,  ren's  reactions  usually  tend  to  veer  awkward  regardless  of  the  source.  it's  as  if  he  needs  to  painstakingly  unravel  the  tangled  web  of  impulses  that  bid  him  to  reject  the  gesture  before  he  can  properly  respond  in  turn.
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❝  ...  ❞  a  soft  exhale,  and  his  shoulders  gradually  fall  in  turn.  if  nothing  else,  the  wanderer  supposes  he  can  take  COMFORT  in  knowing  that  they  are  both  equally  awkward  about  this.  he  isn't  entirely  sure  where  the  puppet  came  across  the  concept  of  hugging  to  begin  with  —  for  it  surely  wasn't  by  observing  ren.  yet  he  knows  from  personal  experience  that  it  is  akin  to  a  blank  slate,  a  piece  of  unmolded  clay,  and  thus  always  tries  to  keep  his  reactions  in  mind.  he  does  not  want  to  become  an  echo  of  his  mother  —  burdening  it  with  the  sense  that  its  mere  existence  is  in  some  way  INSUBSTANTIAL.  that  such  innocent  (  well  intentioned  )  actions  are  a  MISTAKE.  it  should  be  allowed  to  explore  the  world  at  its  leisure,  organically  accumulating  greater  understanding.  idly,  he  wonders  if  this  is  the  first  time  it  has  ever  given  a  hug.  ❝  ... thank  you.  ❞  the  wanderer  finally  says  —  trying  to  convey  through  the  words  of  gratitude  that  its  actions  are  a  POSITIVE THING.
with  stiffness  that  seemingly  mirrors  that  of  the  nameless  puppet,  ren  raises  his  own  arms  and  pats  it  on  the  back.  once,  twice,  three  times.  perhaps  they  could  both  do  with  a  bit  more  practice  with  this  kind  of  thing.  (  ... that's  a  bit  EMBARRASSING.  )
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katokosmos · 6 months
closed starter for @drolliic. ( akira. )
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it hadn't been long since this roadtrip had started. sendai was supposed to be a quick rest stop, yet the jail had kept them there. akechi supposed he didn't mind, it was a way to get a break from the tense atmosphere of the van since his joining, and some space to himself. they say to never go on a road trip with people you don't trust... and well, he arguably only trusts one person here.
he couldn't understand why akira was so insistent he came with them on this road trip, not even trying to use the metaverse or the new threat of jails as an excuse. akechi was very well prepared to simply wait until akira had come back for a proper reunion between the two, but now? he had to try and navigate not only the awkwardness between the two of them but also the rightful hatred his friends had toward him. these thoughts keep him hostage, staring up at the night sky as he tries his best to ignore loki trying to egg him on into doing something he'd... not exactly regret, but knows is a bad idea.
"oh, kurusu." he comments, once he notices akira walking up to stand beside him, "what brings you out here at such a late hour?" his tone isn't mocking... but he sure is teasing him.
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gemkun · 7 months
@drolliic said : ❛  have you prepared a speech, is that it?  ❜ in such a flat voice it practically overflows with sarcasm "The cool and aloof yet dependable leader has yet again the perfect words and pick-me-ups in a pinch. Colour me surprised." a pause "Not." [ Akechi @ Akira! ] ↬ (     *     BLACK MIRROR PROMPTS   !
      ⸻       well   ,   akira   would   hardly   call   it   perfect.
  sure   ,   he’s   spun   some   sentences   that   happened   to   mesh   together   with   coherency   and   coincidentally   suited   the   moment   ,   but   he’d   never   perceived   it   as   flawless.   if   anything   ,   the   execution   and   the   confidence   behind   his   uttered   words   were   the   factor   that   led   to   his   success   in   motivating   his   team.   instilling   them   with   the   idea   that   they   could   overcome   all   adversities   facing   their   way.
  but   no   ,   he   hasn’t   deliberately   prepared   anything.
  which   he   conveys   in   a   half   —   hearted   chuckle   and   a   wave   dismissing   the   notion   entirely.   ❝   no   ,   no   ,   not   at   all.   i   just   say   what   comes   to   mind   and   hope   for   the   best.   you're   the   one   with   the   public   speaking   skills.   in   fact   ,   with   all   the   time   we’ve   spent   together   ,   i   think   you’ve   rubbed   off   on   me   which   added   to   my   speeches   as   you   call   them.   ❞   tying   it   off   neatly   ,   he   presents   a   cordial   smile   ,   securing   the   bow.
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  ❝   you’re   giving   me   far   too   much   credit   ,   akechi.   maybe   i'll   dedicate   my   next   one   to   you   ,   how   does   that   sound   ?   ❞   and   a   playful   smirk   creeps   along   his   visage   ,   plunging   the   rivals   back   into   their   typical   sphere.
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albaitross · 5 months
Leaves May an hour ( plus ) long message that includes at one point ( specifically 43:18 ) the answer to her question: a very short and to the point 'no'. [ Akechi! ]
the bible is a lie (May) [15:13]: oh my
the bible is a lie (May) [15:13]: well
the bible is a lie (May) [15:13]: that's quite a long voice note. fascinating. hm
the bible is a lie (May) [18:06]: ah yes i see now, what a very enlightening one-sided conversation that was Mr Tiny Little Detective (edited)
the bible is a lie (May) [18:08]: that said i still appreciate getting an answer to my question! even if it was buried in quite a deep and so very philosophical speech
the bible is a lie (May) [18:08]: because that was a speech. as long as a typical one at any rate. have you considered a career in politics?
the bible is a lie (May) [18:09]: actually, on a side note, it reminds me a lot about cartoon villains and how they monologue forever and ever for some reason. perhaps you should consider a side job in voice acting?
the bible is a lie (May) [18:10]: i do mean that a touch sincerely. i think, as someone well-versed in crime, you know the correlation between criminals and the economy. we poor commoners all need a second job just to keep up with inflation!
the bible is a lie (May) [18:11]: perhaps you already have some side gig to being a detective. that would be genuinely impressive on top of being a studious student
the bible is a lie (May) [18:11]: well, my own lengthy rambling aside, i appreciate your cooperation. knowing the gossip mills, i will likely be reaching out to you again later for another inquiry - journalism never really ends after all.
the bible is a lie (May) [18:34]: also: you can just say no next time.
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electric-ecclectic · 7 months
@drolliic :
Aether pretends he's leaving the Fontinalia Mousse he's just made unattended by looking away from it for far longer than he should. He definitely made it to share ( or let her have it entirely ), but he doesn't mind playing along.
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Hmm. How convenient.
Signe will steal the mousse… but she leaves a plate of tea break pancakes in exchange. It’s no fun if she can’t see their reaction.
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