#au | watcher amongst the expanse ;
albaitross · 7 months
(why are all the back-alleys full of gods and stuff?) / continued! - @drolliic
it takes a while for Moppy Kid to respond. longer than what would be polite as per most humans' etiquette standards, but May has seen worse and stranger - both by human and non-human standards. so she remains relaxed in her seat, watching patiently. in fact, the dragging silence is nice, an opportunity. it's free reign to simply observe.
and she observes... that Moppy Kid is truly deserving of that moniker. gosh, that hair! so curly! so, so much like a mop! an iconic, perfect match for the descriptor of a 'mop of hair' and such! does he style it? is it natural? wow, so moppy! maybe she should have the column be about his hair routine instead...
unfortunately, the train of thought has to be aborted with his reply. not that his reply is disappointing in any sort of contrast. curry and coffee... just like on the menus of this cafe. oh, is this kid actually being trained to take over the place in the future? the mundane answer is likely no, because maybe he's just another teenage part-timer and of course, he has to learn how to make anything on the menu if he's working here -
ah, but what's life without assuming the most dramatic things about it? or rather, her own life always likes to make random dramatic turns, so she might as well take the initiative on it.
(and... if she's being a teeny bit more honest, there's this edge she's been feeling—
logically, it's probably because of the whole, well. fucking demiurges and their pointless tunnel visions for power - the one that hovered right over shibuya earlier in the week wouldn't be the first nor last of its kind. in any case, since something clearly not-normal happened recently, the strangeness in the air could be easily attributed to that event, the aftershocks and remnants.
gut instinct says she needs to prepare herself. somehow. with anything.)
"oh, is it really so secret?" May pouts and puts on her best, cringe-worthy cutesy voice. "come on, it wouldn't hurt to give a hint or two at least, right? right? there's nothing sacred in this modern era, and truth be told, no one thinks food is any more sacred either now! give into your little vices and i'll give you 5 yen?"
she punctuates the end of that absurd act with a pause, a snort, a witch's crackle of a laugh, and a return to the lazy posture of a journalist with questionable ability and unquestionable unreliability. she leans against the counter, propping her chin onto a pair of entwined hands as she smiles bemusedly at the teen barista.
"my joking aside - aren't you quite the wordsmith? very poetic of you to frame it as an exchange of secrets, mysterious yet so businesslike. you might be a good writer in the future, if you polish yourself." the woman hums a light note, a touch of something thoughtful to it. "let's see then... a deal, secrets for secrets... well, as long as i retain the unfettered right to refuse divulging whenever, then sure, what's the harm? alright Moppy Kid, you have a deal—"
she finalizes her words with a snappy clack of her teeth bared into a cheerful grin, and the barest touch of honesty - an inhuman sort, spoken but not heard, more a sensation. it's shaped like a spark and echoes like the concept of determination itself, feeling like light and the sheer innateness of all things, burning both with a soft brilliance akin to sunlight and the firm sharpness of words being etched onto a contract, a promise; a 'honesty' of the soul itself.
which, to a normal human, means nothing. too fleshy to feel such subtle, immaterial things. it's just a habit for her to ensure that her words bear weight, bear force - she's had too many encounters with the fae and the divine and the demonic and the whatnot, all with their own brands of horseshit wordplay.
"—provided you go first, that is. divulge the secrets of good coffee for poor ol' me, and i'll tell you something worth your while. like..." the woman tilts her head, thinking. "ah, yes. i can teach you a trick or two to better protect that head of yours, including your incredibly curly mop of hair. unless you're not the superstitious type? i hope you are. my tricks run on stuff like the power of love, friendship and faith, you see."
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cupsofsuga · 5 years
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{ ⚠️} WARNING - This is a yandere au, meaning the following may be triggering to some viewers.  I am not trying to discriminate the boys in any way, this is for entertainment purposes. Viewer discretion is advised!!!
{ ☕️} NOTE - i already did this ask for namjoon and jungkook! you can find that here! thank you for requesting, kitten!!
{ 💐} ANON ASKED - ❝ Ask ;How do their parents treat them / How’s their relationship? For all of them ❞
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as a young child, jin’s parents might as well sell their soul to satan to mold their child into their unrealistic idea of a perfect son
their hatred for the fragrance of summer, how they smolder with resentment to the sight of laughter
they’re pure evil, and jin is all alone
his emotions are rampant and he can’t locate any anecdote to calm the raging storm
his father, a man who scolds him for the tears that fall down his face and the curling of a dreamy smile
he forbids emotions of any kind, telling his son to “man-up” whenever he senses an inkling of emotion staining his musk
his mother, who views her son as a pet rather than a real human being
the heavy amount of control is crystal clear, but, with enough manipulation that sounds like a cunning incantation, she has the world in her dainty palms
and god, does it anger jin
how they manipulate every breath he takes, how they take advantage of every fleeting moment, how they claim to be the wind under his wings
his parents believed he is destined to dress in the facade they crafted just for him
but, jin cannot be a single expression of himself
there’s too many spaces, too many crevices, too many manifestations, too many curves, too many juts
he mustn’t fit into the tight title of perfection, and instead, spread his atoms amongst the galaxy
he must solely be himself, and then, he will find inevitable tranquility
unfortunately, this pattern stretched out into his teenage years and bloomed like a dreamy iris in the midst of summertime
how his parents still scold him as if he’s a toddler for getting a C on a quiz or for not cleaning his room the “right way,” the bitter loneliness behind the rage is insufferable
his rebellion peaks and the inevitable urge to run away swims through his veins like a drug
to only spend his day in lands unknown, the melting eyes and slipping opinions can simply fade
to only find harmony and drown in the depths of it
oh, if only someone could just take him away from here…
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spending days in the garden, yoongi's youthful imagination often got the best of him
how he’d spend his future in cloy days, presenting his piano pieces to millions and robbing the hearts of people worldwide with his poetry
how he’d find infatuation with shimmering days, the burden of his mother simmering to ash
how he’d have the galaxy in his hands and the stars at his feet
how he’d be able to live
and just how happy he’d be in adulthood
his mother, who has found comfort in being a raging alcoholic, views her son as a burden
he is unwanted, an accident, entirely useless
and yoongi must find comfort in these swollen days before the black hole swallows him whole
he’ll spend his days reading poetry and bonding with the authors, playing the dusty piano in the attic and crafting piano pieces
he’ll pretend he’s discovering the wonders of an enchanted forest within the garden, adorned with dead, faltering plants and a horrific amount of weeds
in the dead of night, when his loneliness gets the best of him, he’ll tug at his pocket watch he found buried in the garden once
he’ll find sympathy within himself
and for now, this will have to do
unfortunately, his teenage years weren’t as bright, either
yoongi wasn’t an outcast, he wasn’t popular, he was simply a watcher who blended in with the crowd
his creativity had died down and become muffled, his passion for the future had been dulled down to reality
his world is clouded, his eyes have grown gray, his isolation consumes him like an inferno
he is simply gone
and how he craves to watch the stars breathe, to feel the planets kiss against his pale skin
but as reality sets in with the awakening sun, he knows his fate is sealed
he knows his heart will always be blue
oh, if only someone could just take him away from here…
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as a young child, hoseok’s parent’s and their absence did not affect him, for he is too deceived by the whorls of his own world to pay a hint of attention to his common sense
he assumed every child experienced their youth the same as his and resumed his imagination of being luke skywalker, waltzing through the backyard, creating light-saber sound effects and befriending mythological creatures during his journey through space
and although the further relationship with his parents will not brighten, hoseok is far too preoccupied with the frenzy of his creations
he is too enhanced with the blossoms that lie underneath the frostbites
he is too infatuated with the sunbeams that lie within the tender night
he is too enamored with the friendly snowmen lurking the streets in winter’s embrace
he is deluded by the brimming light to feel any form of concern for the angel of coldness who is hot on his tail
and there’s only so much time before fate pushes him off the hill, letting him plummet to his destruction
his father, an intense workaholic who promises his son an inkling of his time to play catch and all that, but falls into the habits of a work-obsessed man, once again
he assures his son that he loves him, but, one look into all of the lies that lie underneath the thick facade, his feelings are crystal clear
his mother, who can’t seem to find herself in the midst of a white-picket fenced dream finds aid in dry wine
she’ll scold her son for muddy knees and speak faux lies to her husband to shield her dirty affair
she’s a liar who doesn’t know if this is the life she wanted to play out
and as his teenage year's blossom, his solicitude and devotion for his parents die down to where they are college roommates you avoid rather than parental figures
his hope is still held tightly to his chest, but, anyone with eyes can see that light start to dim down
anyone can see the stars in his eyes begin to fade
oh, if only someone could just take him away from here…
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from the time of his youth, there had always been a perceptible boundary between him and his father
being the child of a businessman, there is bound to be effects that stalk you like the monster under your bed
jimin had coped with this longing by seeking delight within his imagination
from being the trusty knight to a kingdom to discovering the seven seas while riding on the backs of sea turtles to swarming through the skies as he saves the city from harm, his creativity serves as a shield from the violent universe just outside his bedroom door
he is all alone in these days, and only has himself to cope with these sudden epiphany’s
these ephemeral moments fade into deluded thoughts and there's only so much freedom before the downfall reckons upon him
his father is a stranger who sleeps just two rooms down the hall from jimin
he is wealthy, lathering himself in diamonds as he calls his son by the wrong name for the umpteenth time
to this day, jimin is still uninformed of who is mother is and finds himself longing for the hypothetical solace
for the universality of his life, his father had dwelled in numerous women, all showing off plastic smiles and faux sympathy
god, does jimin hate them
and as his teenage years blossomed, his feelings only intensified
he rejected his father’s attempts at manipulations with dull gifts, instead preferring to soak in the lonely stars as they welcome him
there are only so many years before he is thrown into the footsteps of his father, accompanying the business and losing his sanity to money
poor jimin just craves the holy embrace of aphrodite
he craves the presence of the moon in all of it’s glory
and soon, as his soul blossoms, his grief can be deemed as pitiful
how many times he’s prayed for the presence of the stars, sunbeams against empty skin, for the tides to carry him to shore
how he has prayed for the luminescence of the world but ends up with grey days, once again
oh, if only someone could just take him away from here…
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taehyung breaths in the stereotypical suburban lifestyle
he has the proud houses, irritating children, and arrogant characters who cover their judgment with plastic smiles
peer in through the curtains of the estate that he attends and you’ll find a family with dull connections
even as a kid, his parents always left a tangible expanse in between them and their son
he’ll listen as adults gawk at his artwork, claiming he’d be an artist one day as his parent's nod, refusing to acknowledge the fact that they haven’t seen a single work of his
he’ll listen to people worship him for his eye in art, declaring to his parents that they had taught him well, even though voices unheard recognize the distance between their hearts
both of his parents are paper copies of each other, or maybe taehyung just doesn’t know them well enough to detect any discernible variation between these two outsiders
they’re workaholics, always claiming to have a task to patch up whenever their son nags them for even an inkling of their lionized attention
this pattern he has been thrust into is eternal; this loophole taehyung has been stuck in is inevitable, and remained this way up to his teenage years
as a teenager, taehyung and his parents could be classified as strangers living under the same roof
his attachment to his parents has weakened and there is only so much time before he is freed from their prison
he is not lonely but instead finds comfort bathing in the scent of himself as he drowns his sorrows with paint and polaroids
he is not sad but instead finds comfort in the frenzy of these melancholy, eternal nights where he’ll dance with planets till reality shakes
he is not empty but feels the touch of winter as the sun rises into the sky
oh, if only someone could just take him away from here…
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stephicness · 7 years
Astral!Ravus AU? O u O
I WILL RAISE YOU AN ASTRAL RAVUS WITH AN ASTRAL EVERYONE AU!But I’ll talk about Ravus alot because I really, really, really like Ravus. ccc:
SO HERE WE GO! Because who needs just the Six when we can have all of the gods and goddesses? c:
Divine Intervention – FFXV x Mythology Headcanons
Noctis Lucis Caelum – Protector of the Crystal; God of Night
The God of Night, son of the God of Time and the Goddess of Maternity.
A young and naive god, but one tasked with a great duty to protect the Crystal of the Astrals.
Many say he resides within the Crystal itself, but it’s only a legend since few have been able to see this strange Crystal within the Temple of Thought.
The Crystal itself is a means that regulates day and night, you see. If the Crystal isn’t able to control itself, then night will be eternal.
Or if something happens to the God who is to bring forth the daylight, then the Crystal would need to help make sure the darkness doesn’t fall.
The God of Night and the God of Sun coincide in terms of powers, both relying on one another in order to allow day and night to be balanced in the realm of humans.
The God of Night usually slumbers within the Crystal, waiting for when the God of the Sun comes along and awakens the night once again.
And once it is time for the night to slumber once again, the God of Night returns back to the crystal, put to a pleasant slumber by the Goddess of the Moon before the cycle repeats once again.
Prompto Argentum – Waker of Day and Night; God of the Sun
Bright as the sun he represents, the God of the Sun is among one of the best worshiped Astrals.
Many ask for his blessings in hope for his radiant light to shine upon them, resulting in him being a god associated with luck and fortune.
His main duties reside in bringing the sunlight to the realm of the humans, and also allowing the God of Night to bring forth the night.
He travels across the Sky every day until he meets with the Crystal where the God of Night slumbers.
And with a gentle greeting and ritual, he’s able to awaken the night, allowing the God of Night to cross the expansive sky so it may meet with the Goddess of the Moon and awaken her.
The God of the Sun holds an important duty to not only help the night, but he also serves as an icon for the humans – a blessing to them as a divine figure who directly affects them all.
He adores the humans perhaps the most out of the other Astrals, more inclined to walk amongst the humans to see how he can bless them with his light.
But nevertheless, his favorite time of the day is when he’s able to greet the night once again.
Ignis Scientia – Archivist of Thought; God of Memory
Residing in his own pantheon amongst the Astral realm, the God of Memory holds the knowledge and secrets of the Astral Realm and the Human Realm.
Perhaps his pursuit of knowledge seems overwhelming, but he continues to become the embodiment of perfection with the memories he holds to become the most intelligent Astral of the realm.
Protects the Crystal within his Temple of Thought, allowing only a rare few ever lay their eyes on the Crystal that he oversees.
At least, as much as he can see, for an accident where the God of Chaos attempted to defile the God of Night’s crystal resulted in the loss of his vision.
The God of Memory still allows himself to see VIA the dreams and memories of those he encounters, allowing them to be his gateway to the world he wishes to see once more.
But anything he can do to protect the Crystal and the God that resides in it, he will gladly do it as a devoted ally to the God of Night.
He is never seen leaving his Temple as a result of his accident, but it is no matter with the God of Strength visiting the Temple often or the God of the Sun approaching to awaken the night.
Perhaps one day, he may fight the knowledge of how to restore his eyesight again, but alas – such secrets must be sought after first.
Gladiolus Amicitia – Shield of the Gods; God of Strength
Just as the God of Metal once was, the God of Strength protects and serves those who are in need of his strength.
An unwavering shield of the weak, the God of Strength takes pride in his duty to bless people with his strength and devotion.
If someone feels doubt in their powers, he will help every last soul asking for the strength to carry on – at whatever the cost it is.
However, he cannot protect those unwanting of his strength – those who are strong without him. And it’s ultimately what caused him to fail in protecting the God of Memory.
He vows to protect his comrades as he can, but alas, he sometimes finds him own strength wavering as he’s unable to protect everyone he cares for.
But he fights, and fights, and fights. For one day, he may find the strength to truly be worthy of his status as a god.
He is noted to wander amongst the humans at times – particularly when the Astrals wish to traverse amongst human kind – and serves as their bodyguard of sorts.
He does admit, however, the humans have the best concoctions of food. Especially what he simply knows as ‘Cup Noodles.’ He asks the God of Memory to tell him more about this delicacy quite often.
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret – Keeper of the Night; Goddess of the Moon
As the night awakens after the God of the Sun performs his ritual, it is up to the Goddess of the Moon to make sure the night is safely brought to the humans.
A light amongst the dark, when the night becomes too weary to bear, she provides an aura of hope to those lost within the darkness, and to the god with a burden to carry every eve.
Without the night, there would be no moon, which is one of the reasons why the Goddess of the Moon is so reliant and enticed by the night.
However, the tragedy is knowing that without the moon, the night can still thrive.
But nevertheless, the Goddess of the Moon dedicates herself to guiding the night until the God of the Sun may return once again, allowing the God of Night to rest once more.
The moon allows travelers to fight safety in the dark, but the Goddess personifies an ideal of peace as well, for the dark can sometimes be filled with unwanted chaos and fear.
But fear not, weary traveler.
For when you gaze upon the moon’s graceful light, the Goddess will watch over you and protect you from the monsters in the darkness.
Ravus Nox Fleuret – Watcher of the Dead; God of Death
A strange fate the God of Death had faced, residing once as the God of Life and yet, meeting a fate that resulted in a tragedy for the god.
Corrupted by the God of Chaos, the God of Life was unable to do the very thing he was destined to do: give life to those he wished to grant life to.
Everything the god touched withered away, unable to fight for life – a tragedy in the eyes of a man once beloved by most, now feared by all.
He resides amongst those who attempt to pass through the Astral Realm to the afterlife, a judge to them with a new duty to make sure no one wicked or unjust can pass through to the afterlife.
Those who are unworthy of ascension must deal with him. And just as despair once filled him, he will show the wicked what true despair was with an eternity of punishment and torment.
Due to his corruption, he is unable to truly reside amongst the Astrals once again, trapped in his own realms of death, where the lost wait for their chance for atonement in the afterlife.
He is unable to see those he once cared for, fearful that his corruption and pension for death will curse those that he touches and remains by – just like the Goddess of Fertility that he unfortunately took the life from.
He can only watch from his place amongst the dead, hoping that perhaps one day, he too may know his own peace in death.
Ardyn Izunia – Wicked King of Exiles; God of Chaos
A name erased from history itself, and yet his reputation is known throughout all of legend.
Something wicked this way comes, and it comes in the form of the God of Chaos.
Once chosen to become the King of the Astrals, he was denounced in his name, for no one could trust a man of chaos and wickedness to rule over with fairness and justness.
Alas, it was something that the king of Chaos would not take lightly. For step by step, plot by plot, he hopes to be able to exact his revenge against the Astrals and their ‘Beloved’ king.
He will do what it takes to prove that he is not a threat to be taken lightly, even going so far to attempt to steal the God of Night and corrupting him, so that night will never be allowed to slumber ever again.
There are those amongst the humans that see the King of Exiles as the true king of the Astrals, many devoting themselves to the God of Chaos’s philosophies and teachings. 
So it is there that he will continue his revolt against the gods, by turning the humans against the gods they once worshiped.
Because, after all, what is a God to a non-believer?
Aranea Highwind – Goddess of the Winds. She can be as gentle as a spring breeze or as treacherous as a fall hurricane. Her temper is hard to judge.
Cindy Aurum – Goddess of Creation. Not to be confused with the God of Life, she blesses the humans with the inspiration to create, build, and shape the world around them.
Cor Leonis – God of War. Evenly-tempered and honorable, those who seek war will see for the God of War’s advice and strength, for only the honorable will prevail in war as the god watches.
Iris Amicitia – Goddess of Nature. Young and kind-spirited, she blesses with the humans with the life around them and the ability to survive in a beautiful world created by her and the other Astrals.
Nyx Ulric – God of Victory. When your will is lost and the tides of battle fall out of your favor – fear not. Call upon his blessing, and the God of Victory will aid those truly deserving of a fair victory in an unfair world.
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albaitross · 8 months
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Reminder to self to flesh out and organize my girl's Persona/SMT verse at some point lmao lmao
(also possible verse notes below bc im still trying to figure it out but also might as well put what i have down in writing Somewhere before i forget again lol)
general stuff:
20+ lady, aroace - black hair and black eyes that turn red when she drops the human act, east-asian features
usually dressed in either the scruffiest of scruffy pajamas or looks like an elegant hostess. there is no in-between in her dress sense.
works either as a journalist or an editor for a publishing company, depending
is a half-angel, half-human existence i.e. Nephilim
thusly chased across the cosmos by both Law and Chaos - the former because she contrives divine Order by existing at all and the latter because her existence technically opposes the forces of Law, their nemesis, and thus they want her on their side
personally, she thinks this is all bullshit and would just like to live peacefully but noooooooooo the universal forces at play are Fucking Idiots
primarily lives on Earth, and is both fond of and skeptical of humanity's values - she likes how they can do true good and uplift their fellows, and yet, knows all too well that every human has the potential to commit despicable acts, if they don't outright succumb to such "temptation" quickly; this endeavor of moral grappling is prevalent no matter where and when she is, as she simply cannot understand why someone would want to do something 'bad' (though whether this is from her Law heritage or just simple human uncertainty is unclear).
despite the above, her personality is that of a cheerful yet coy person, used to acting in subtle and indirect ways - she is a generally nice and helpful person, but obtaining her assistance absolutely requires one to decipher a lot of cryptic speech and roundabout manipulations. and of course, convincing her at all to help; she wants no part in the power plays of Law and Chaos, preferring to remain a neutral bystander to practically everything unless it directly concerns her.
and due to all of the above, she has a weird view of herself - of what being half-human but also half-inhuman. at times, she's quite happy to be human, as she dislikes the blue-orange morality of Law and Chaos, but at other times, she dislikes humanity, due to their avarice and cruelty, and quite strongly thinks of herself as 'apart' from most ordinary humans, with extreme cases having her tilt firmly into a "not human and thus different compared to all these disgusting humans" headspace. overall and usually though, she sees that she's just another creature/existence in the vast universe, capable of all the same things, and as such doesn't think too hard about her own moralities (for her own mental wellbeing lol)
another thing she might like talking extensively about, aside from her philosophical psychoanalysis of humans, is the nature of truth - or rather, the fact that humans seem to not like the truth, and that the ones who do embrace it or at least willing to be open-minded are "worthy". this stems from past experiences trying to get people to believe her when it comes to supernatural things but constantly being brushed off until it's likely too late - she deeply sees herself as a modern Cassandra, as such.
game-specific details:
all games:
being half-human, she's capable of manifesting a persona despite kinda being half-persona already. if her persona is capable of evolving, she starts off with Satan and evolves into Lucifer and then to Helel - otherwise, her only persona would be Helel.
she can also see and visit the Velvet Room, but she would be treated more like a passing visitor who isn't really allowed to access the room's services (though she's welcome to just chat amicably with the assistants).
regarding roaming mob shadows - there's a truly random 50-50 chance that they will or will not attack her on sight. most are generally confused about her existence, sensing the human but also not-human part of her. that said, some factors do affect this: more "intelligent" shadows will likely not attack her, while shadows that be considered under the Law alignment are more likely to be aggressive with her. regardless, she is able to communicate with all shadows.
generally, she is associated with Light/Bless, Dark/Curse, Psy and Almighty elements. more lowkey, she is also associated with Fire.
capable of walking around in the Dark Hour with or without an awakened persona. she likely will not intervene with SEES, as she doesn't particularly care if humanity dooms themselves, but is still curious to see how things will unfold regarding Nyx - if they will give up in the face of their stupidity, or be able to fight what's to come.
post-P3, she's quite impressed with the protagonist for giving themselves up to become the Seal, and sees them as one of the rare examples of humanity's truest potential and worth.
lowkey on Izanami's side tbh, but still not actively intervening bc again, it doesn't really concern her, also she's curious to see what the Humans(TM) will do. she is absolutely able to enter the Midnight Channel and clearly navigate the fog with or without an awakened persona - but because she's still partly human, she can also manifest a shadow of her own while in there.
her shadow will likely be rather misanthropic of humans, but also all kinds of people and existences, wondering how everyone can force their own views and powers over others - but simultaneously, thinking that since she understands all this, she's undoubtedly better than everyone, as a person with "better moral mores", and that if anyone should decide the Order of the universe, it ought to be her and her insight.
honestly not a fan of Mr. Igor Impersonator, and is steering extremely clear of the Velvet Room throughout the plot. this also means that she utterly avoids entering the Metaverse unless she absolutely must, and generally tries to avoid directly being in the wardens' line of sight if so - which is to say, she can directly enter the deeper levels, but this requires a lot of effort on her part + she's more astral projecting her spirit into the other side, rather taking her full, actual self there, which can be far more dangerous to herself in addition to leaving her body vulnerable in the meantime.
(if she meets Jose, she will be very fond of him, because he's so innocently simple to her. she will give him all the stamps he wants sygyusgyusuy)
Also is not intervening in the Phantom Thieves matter, though she's still closely following the developments as she likes their rebellious spirit against the norms of society
she's most probably a journalist, so she will be quite informed of anything on the news.
when Maruki(TM) happens in the third semester, she will also be affected - her delusion is that she's a normal human living with a normal family. though, the whole time, she will feel "extremely off".
should she realise she's been put under a delusion, she will feel quite annoyed at Maruki, because she already knows that as much as she wants to be normal, she simply cannot, and the experiences she's had as a "not human" existence are deeply foundational to her own beliefs - putting her in a dream of otherwise is no better than enforcing control over others, even if it's for their own benefit. that said, she also highly empathizes with his ideals of making everyone happy. so overall, she's a little conflicted with him, and ultimately pities him as a human who is simply trying his best, however foolishly.
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