#*   ╰      ‹     legacies.     /     the locals think we’re a school for troubled rich kids.     ›
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“   SEVENTEEN.   i’m   practically   a   grandmother.   ”   the   flare   for   dramatics   as   if   life   was   at   its   tail   end   and   in   a   way,   it   just   might   be.   cursed   by   the   age   of   22   to   merge   as   a   single   gemini   who   leads   a   deceased   coven.   pointless.   “   we’re   having   this   big   party   to   celebrate   but   i   think   it’s   a   terrible   idea.   ”   blowing   cool   air   against   the   freshly   painted   tips,   in   complete   denial   of   the   severity   at   hand,   “   i’m   never   one   to   turn   away   from   alcohol   filled   fun,   but   with   jo   turning   all   jean   grey,   i   think   i’d   rather   be   stabbed   in   the   neck   with   a   fork.   ”   attention   shifting   back   to   physical   features,   “   this   pink   looks   boring,   doesn’t   it?   should   i   do   gel   instead?   or   add   stars?   ”     (   @roseguided​   //   plotted for jo <3   )
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despressolattes · 6 years
Side Character CHAPTER ONE | the originals/legacies
Telling people that Hope was stupid would be an understatement. I swear, I probably had the world's most stupid best friend. She was so smart, and so talented, yet so incredibly stupid at the same time, I think she needs some award for it-
"That's not nice," I heard her say, and I looked up from my diary.
She was standing behind me, peering over my shoulder. I was sitting at the desk in my dorm room at the Salvatore School. It was the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted, technically, but that name was far too long. To the locals, we were just a boarding school for troubled rich kids. I guess we were troubled, all in our own ways. Me with being a vampire, some others were witches, werewolves, and then there was Hope.
Hope Marshall to the world, Hope Mikaelson to her family and I. She was a tribrid, the daughter of an Original and a werewolf, being the first ever werewolf witch that could turn any werewolf into a hybrid with her blood. She wasn't a vampire, but somehow vampirism ran through her veins.
The school was established by Alaric Saltzman and Caroline Forbes after Damon Salvatore donated the Salvatore Boarding House to Caroline since she was his brother's widow. I met Damon once, he was pretty cool. From the stories we learn in history, he was a bad guy up until he met Elena Gilbert, and Hope's dad was a bad guy until he met... well, Hope. I guess until he met Caroline, too, in some sense.
Helping them run the school is Dorian Williams, a vampire who used to be one of Alaric's interns, and Jeremy Gilbert. He was Elena's brother, a member of one of Mystic Falls' founding families, and a supernatural vampire hunter.
The history runs deep here with everyone, it seems. Everything was entangled, everyone's paths and pasts, their futures. Somehow, it felt like everyone had a string that lead back to anyone else.
I, on the other hand? I had a pocket full of secrets, and my pockets felt like they never ended, unlike the actual pocket on girl jeans. If you can find a pair of girl jeans with actual pockets and not just a design sewn shut.
"It may not be nice, but it's the truth," I told her with a teasing tone in my voice. I put my pen in the middle of my diary, and closed it shut. I turned around in my chair to face her fully. "Did you really just do what I think you just did?"
She looked aware from me with her lips closed thinly shut, a thing she liked to do when she wanted to avoid the conversation. I kept my glare on her, so she eventually caved.
"Depends," she said with a tone that showed she knew she had been caught. She rolled her eyes slightly and sat down on my bed, and sighed. "I was trying to help him! And he said he'd be discreet."
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson," I whispered her last name quieter than the rest of the whispered yell. "Trying to help? Henry's already made fun of, do you think turning him into a hybrid will make things any better?"
"He said he was sure of it. And I needed the money!" she tried to give me reason to her actions.
I sighed, putting my head into my hands.
"You're going to be the death of me, Marshall," I said, saying her mother's last name, the one she used at school, since I wasn't talking quietly anymore.
The surname Mikaelson had to be used delicately here. With vampire superhearing, and the fact that the Mikaelson family tended to be the source of most supernatural pasts of pain, no one could know who Hope really was.
I only knew because I had always been Hope's friend. Even when she was a little seven year old. I lived in New Orleans, and even with me looking like a 16 year old back then, too, she and I would talk sometimes. Then, when she got sent to the Salvatore school, Hayley asked me to go join her. So, I did.
There was a knock on me door again later. It was Hope, looking like she had just gotten in trouble.
"Pack your bags. I just got called up to Alaric's office. Dorian said we're going home. I'm in trouble, you're not."
"Obviously," I chuckled. "I'll see you in a few."
She nodded, and walked off through the corridor.
I grabbed my duffel bag from underneath my bag, packing my favorite outfits into it. I knew Hope was probably getting suspended for the Henry thing, but suspensions don't last that long, so I wouldn't need much. Hayley had been the adult who signed me into the school, so whenever Hope needed to go home, or if something was up with me, we both left together. It was like we were siblings, or something. Maybe cousins would be the better word.
I followed after her, locking my dorm door. As I rounded the corner to Alaric and Caroline's offices, I heard voices. Hope's and a guy's. My eyes widened as I realized who it was, and I turned the corner fully to see Hope with Roman. He was another vampire, with gorgeous blonde curls, an athletic persona, and he was the bad boy type.
"Home," I heard Hope said, before stammering to finish her sentence, saying, "I, uh, I got suspended."
He laughed softly, and said, "Hope Marshall got suspended?"
He sounded impressed.
He laughed softly again, looking down and continuing on his way, which was towards me. He looked up from the ground again to see me, and he smiled.
"Hey, Desmarais," he said to me, a polite smile on his face.
"Hey," I said back.
"You going somewhere, too?" he asked.
"I go where Marshall goes," I said, pointing to Hope.
He nodded, "See you guys soon."
He continued on his way, and I had a stupid smile on my face, that vanished quickly so Hope wouldn't notice. Just add that to the list of things I'd never let Hope know about me.
chapter two
A/N: i like talking to people, so send me a message about whether y’all like the story or not??? thanks :)
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cenonyc-blog · 6 years
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Hailing from uptown DC  (14th street to be exact), The Khan has boasted an distinguished career in both the underground music world and DC’s cultural story today. From the same scene that’s delivered the likes of Yung Gleesh, Jay IDK, Goldlink and Shy Glizzy, The Khan’s undeniable influence on his local and national peers cement his place among the rest in the Chocolate City’s music legacy. The hometown hero stopped by CENO to talk about the history of his city, how he  got into music, and the people and culture that helped him get there.
“I’m the Khan from DC – from uptown DC, 14th street. It’s punk, you got the punk scene. You got a go-go scene. You got a jazz scene. Black Broadway was in DC on U street, where I grew up at,” he explained. DC didn’t get the nickname ‘Chocolate City’ for nothing, and it’s cultural significance can’t be overstated. The historically black neighborhood surrounding U street, once known as “Black Broadway,” was a regular stop and home for historic black icons like Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, Zora Neale Hurston and educator and social visionary Mary McLeod, to name a few. But as the city became desegregated and black families started attending venues that had previously been “white-only,” the economy of U Street disintegrated and the area was absorbed by rapid gentrification.
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“It’s hella music orientated, hella culture there – drill culture, street culture. Now it’s a bar culture, it’s hella shit. Hella lingo and shit like that. But then you got me and my friends. Every artist that’s famous from DC, not everyone can stack that they’re really from DC. But we’re really from DC, people know us in DC and our whole come up. Like me going out to LA and doing the shit that I’ve been doing, it’s never really been done, as far are from like, young niggas. People don’t look outside of DC. Even when I went outside of DC for the first time it was crazy as fuck. I didn’t think it was real. It’s a small city, a little life every day. Everyone’s tryna work up, finesse, do what they gotta do. Everybody.”
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DC today looks different. Like any major metropolitan in America, white people have moved in without regard to the black legacy of the city, and they’re taking over. They own neighborhoods, blocks, streets, and establishments. A white bigot who ran on racist propaganda and dog whistle language was just elected to the highest political appointment in the United States, just a few blocks from where The Khan and his friends grew up. “I didn’t go to the White House til I was ten. And that shit’s literally a five minute drive from my house. I could see it from looking down, I could look all the way down and see it two miles down. I’m from 14th so it’s two streets over on 16th, but I ain’t never been in front of that jaunt til I was like ten. Me and my friends went down on bikes and got in trouble for being too close… It’s the capital too, that’s something I learned to accept – it’s the capital, nobody can’t do nothing about that. It’s just some government ass shit. You technically can’t even own land in DC because everything is federal property.”
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While everyone’s distracted by what’s going down on Pennsylvania Avenue, The Khan is on the ground, in his own neighborhood, and with his own people. “DC is like black migo shit. Around my way we got a trap building and it’s like Latino people in it, doing they thing. And we got black people in there and we all brothers. Even white people, we like white people. We just started seeing them and was like…I dunno, we should be cool. DC is different.”
The Khan describes music as a staple in his immigrant household, and the metal and punk preferences of his parents and family are easy to track in his personal style and the wave of music he’s known for. “My mom don’t mind if we’re blasting music to the max, she does the same. My mom used to wake me up singing “Chop Suey” as a kid. Every morning. I remember my mom doing that, and I grew up with my dad too, he used to be a metal head. Had like long straight hair, tight leather pants, so my whole family, my Latino family of the side is like that too. A lot of my uncles listen to rock, they all came here during that era and that was the cool kids. The El Salvadorian side.”
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Meanwhile, his older brother helped him cultivate his passion for trap music alongside boom bat, and even a more classic New York sound. He gives a lot of credit for the what we might think of as old-school hip hop to that same New York sound (“real hip hop” as old heads would put it). “My older brother got on his trap shit. DC, especially back then was like, everything the hood. Blocks were like, hood, hood, hood. My first album I got was Get Rich or Die Tryin’. So I was on my hip hop shit too. He was putting me onto underground – mixtapes, not buying albums. And then when I started rapping I was into old school hip hop, I used to be on my rap-rap shit. To this day I will bar rap with anyone that wanna go. I’m just more into flows and stuff right now, more into sonics. And that’s just the way I want to go about it. And I feel like everyone that was rapping like that in a sense, wanted to sound like they were from New York. So when the old heads, E-bro and shit are like everyone don’t rap like this no more, it’s like bro – everyone not from New York. Everyone don’t know how to impersonate that. We can’t fake act like we on the train in New York. What the fuck?”
He’s okay with that. The impact of his local sound on the underground rap community backs up the pride he has for being from DC, and creating and perpetuating a sound specific to his his lived experience there. But something DC and NY undeniably have in common is a rapid and widespread gentrification at the expense of communities of color who have lived there and influenced the culture for generations. The Khan describes leaving DC for a few months and coming back to find parts of his city unrecognizable, and definitely not the same place he grew up in when he first met the people who would form the rest of his group, Atomos, The group met at the historic Cardozo High School, whose alumni include Marvin Gaye. “Atomos is Mahi, Red and Chachi… we started this group in Biology class. Atomos. We were like sixteen. It means individual, that’s where the word Atom came from and we were like that’s us, and we just ran with that…we became a super fucking group in DC.”
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They were confident off top – The Khan describes Atomos getting booked for their first show off one song, and literally creating the rest of the songs for their set in that same week. “I made one song that was a freestyle everyone uptown was fucking with - “Intricate Softcore Thugging”- I don’t know why. Then my friend was throwing this DIY show, that’s part of the culture in DC too, art shows and things like that. So my friend booked us for that show, it was in a week, and I’m freaking out like we only got one song! So we ended up making a bunch of tracks for that set. And that was our first show ever, at this little dance studio, mirrors and poles and shit. And our first song, we just exploded, as soon we started performing we broke four speakers. We had a big ass intermission at some point because it was like – broke one, oh fuck, grab another one; broke another one, oh fuck, boom, then it’s like this big ass intermission because we had to find another speaker. Then we had to calm them down, move them back.”
“We just kept at it. We were the young kids from DC – to this day we still making history. My man Mahi just walked Tommy Hilfiger in fucking China and shit, that’s cool as shit. No one in uptown DC really did that, even for the whole city, we kicking down doors for people. And whether or not kids know it or not - they not gonna give it to me all the way - but me and my friends showing kids how to do it and showing them the steps. Just paving the way for our whole city. That’s why it’s more about the culture to me than anything. I got a responsibility down there.”
Stream FREE JESSE: THE MIXTAPE here, and follow him here.
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“ 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬 . ” @maelindas​
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TRACING   BLOODIED   SIGILS   ACROSS   THE   PHOTOGRAPH,   ignoring   all   signs   that   are   yelling   ABORT   MISSION.   unfortunately,   when   her   mind   is   set,   there   is   no   stopping   her.   winning,   dominating,   being   the   head   bitch   in   charge,   that’s   all   that   mattered;   anyone   who   interfered   would   simply   turn   into   collateral   damage.   “   you’re   so   right.   i   should   pick   my   battles.   ”   playing   nice   wouldn’t   be   such   a   bad   thing.   exercising   forgiveness   and   mercy   is   the   mature   thing   to   do   (   but   she   wasn’t   in   the   business   for   breaking   bad   habits.   )   “   and   i   decided   that   i’m   picking   all   of   them.   instead   of   fighting   someone,   i’m   just   cursing   them.   i   like   to   call   that   progress.   ”
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@haeretik​ / canon line starter calls ( from underworld: evolution. )
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“   your exile seems a bit more comfortable than I remember.   ”   acrylic   finger   tips   drag   across   the   dusty   wood   of   the   abandoned   mill,   in-taking   the   prison   world   and   all   its   glory.   mesmerized   by   the   fact   the   saltzman   twins   concocted   this   entire   place;   an   exact   replica   of   the   world   they   live   in.   magical   aspects   the   gemini   coven   possessed   was   something   she   was   absolutely   fascinated   by   even   with   all   its   complications.   “   the   last   story   i   recall   about   you   is   the   fact   you   were   chained   to   a   chair.   ”   the   band   alone   would   make   this   existence   unbearable.   “   now   you   turned   the   mill   into   bagge   farmhouse.   what,   mystic   grill   and   spin   doctors   weren’t   your   taste?   ”
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“   look,   there’s   sleeping   beauty.   ”   intertwining   fingers   with   one   another,   excited   for   the   adventure   filled   day   the   two   were   about   to   face.   it   had   been   too   long   since   they   went   on   a   date   and   there   would   be   no   family,   friends,   or   monsters   that   would   interfere   with   their   plans.   “   i   have   the   bags   packed,   gas   tank   filled,   and   24-hour   trip   planned   for   us.   ”   pressing   a   quick   kiss   to   the   others   lips,   “   i’m   not   taking   no   for   an   answer   so   get   dressed   and   we   can   blow   this   popsicle   stand.   ”   (   @godmares​   //   cute lil fluff!!   )
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“   son   of   a   bitch.   ”   scoff,   how   unbelievable   ———   berlin   forecast   marked   with   humidity,   rain,   and   harsh   winds.   it   was   common   to   tour   european   countries   while   her   mother   was   on   the   search   for   ways   to   avoid   the   dreadful   merge.   it’s   fated,   one   twin   would   absorb   the   other   to   gain   their   power.   there   was   no   purpose   to   have   hope   when   the   result    was   inevitable.   might   as   well   live.   “   who   in   the   hell   let   the   weather   be   like   this?   i   wanna   talk!   ”   SO   DRAMATIC.   (   @flwrsrot​   //   for   evie!!!   )
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“   people   don’t   really   know   what   they   want   until   i   tell   them   what   they   want.   ”   glossy   lips   smacking   together,   wiping   away   any   excessive   cosmetics   caked   on.   moving   away   from   the   mirror,   arms   cross   over   one   another   as   she   stared   at   him,   unintentionally   annoyed   by   his   presence.   “   it’s   my   specialty.   everyone   wants   to   be   told   what   to   do   because   if   shit   hits   the   fan,   they   have   someone   to   blame   rather   than   accept   their   own   responsibility.   do   you   plan   on   throwing   yourself   a   self-pity   party   to   wallow   in?   ”   (   @magicrested​   //   canon starter!   )
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“     spin doctors, seriously?     ”     eye brows furrow as listened to the track replay itself over and over again, using whatever little restraint she had to prevent bursting out in laughs. it must really suck to be him.     “     aunt bonnie always had an interesting taste in style, i’ll give that to her.     ”     lowering the volume as she leaned against the jukebox, a smirk written across clearly across the blonde’s face,     “     wanna take a guess on who i am or should we skip to the part of where you just answer a question i have?     ”     with the merge only a few years away, the saltzman girls were running out of time. it was time to get down and dirty.     “     quicker you answer, sooner i can let you get back to the whole self-torture business!     ”     (     @haeretik​     //     ***     )
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“   because   if   i   have   to   see   that   off-brand   paris   hilton   mother   again,    i’m   going   to   jail.   ”   dana,   runner-up   to   satan   herself   (   simply   due   to   the   fact   she   never   broke   her   dear   twins   heart   )    still   interfering   even   after   death.   with   festival   season   coming   up,   it   meant   more   interactions   between   the   boarding   school   and   the   locals.   dealing   with   monsters   had   nothing   on   festival   planning.   “   would   it   be   terrible   to   use   her   as   bait   for   the   next   monster?   ”   (   @chronickled​   //   liked.   )
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“   i   didn’t   think   you’d   care.   after   all,   we   aren’t   together   anymore.   ”   they   were   no   longer   an   item,   let   alone   friends.   it   became   extremely   clear   and   solidified   after   sleeping   with   all   former   flings   that   she   could   get   her   hands   on   (    at   least   that’s   the   rumor   spreading throughout the school.   )   “   or   is   someone   just   upset   that   you   fell   for   my   charm   to   begin   with?   ”   (   @godmares​   //   liked.   )
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“     i’ll roll you a joint if you swear not to snitch on me to mom or dad.     ”     clouds of smoke filled the car, with bloodshot eyes completely glossed over. hotboxing while skipping science sessions wasn’t anything new, in fact, fairly common. it was rare to see the blonde in class, typically out causing some form of trouble whether it’s tormenting the locals or using magic in inappropriate ways. it was time to enjoy life as the years began to dwindle down rapidly; twenty-two was only a few years away, after all.     “     c’mon vicki, don’t ruin the fun.     ”     (     @valorled​     //     it was?? semi plotted lollll     )
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“     so you’re the guy who almost exposed magic in san fransisco.     ”     oh, but lizzie already knew who he was. sneaking through her fathers files, looking for prospects who would cause riots in the school in order to keep it somewhat interesting. wyatt? he had potential and it was too good not to pass on it.     “     rookie move for someone whose families magic dates back at least a few centuries. y’know what they say, football always brings out our true colors.     ”     her voice mellowed out, winking as she spoke to him. after all, it was all fun and games.     “     ———     you should try out for our team. maybe playing with people who heal quickly will help with that little temper of yours.    ”     pushing buttons, a specialty the blonde also had.     (     @magicrested​     //     ***     )
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“     truthfully? 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐭.     ”     scoff, like she even had the time to deal with the melodramatics of the human residents of mystic falls. after all the supernatural events that have happened over he course of centuries, how idiotic of them to continue sticking around.     “     i would rather listen to the hobbit have a nerdgasm than help that dead bitches mom.     ”     dana and vera lilien     ———     more like satan and satan jr.     (     they make penelope look like a saint!     )     “     when the monsters eat vera, let me know, i’ll be celebrating!     ”     (     @cupidcop​     //     ***     )
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“   this   is   all   your   fault.   ”   blood   streaking   drown   red   stained   lips,   tossing   the   deceased   body   on   the   floor.   quickly   speeding   across   the   room   to   the   brunette,   face-to-face,   wanting   so   badly   to   rip   everything   and   everyone   apart.   ready   to   destroy   everything,   ready   to   cause   chaos   and   destruction.   god   fear   everyone   in   her   wake.   “   every   person   i   kill,   everyone   i   tear   to   shreds   ———   that   blood   isn’t   only   on   my   hands.   it’s   yours   too!   you   wanted   to   have   unlimited   dark   magic   and   you   got   it.   you   just   killed   me   in   the   process.   ”   rage   consumed   her   entire   being,   “   you   can   go   to   hell   for   all   i   care.   ———   i   hate   you.   i   will   hate   you   for   the   rest   of   my   life.   ”   (   @girlignite​   //    heretic   lizzie!!   )
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“   oh   betty,   get   with   the   program.   ”   phone   tossed   aside,   slick   fingers   running   down   the   yellow   and   blue   cheer   uniform   to   smooth   out   any   crinkle.   (   colors   that   are   such   a   downgrade   from   the   original   burgundy   and   white.   )   paying   close   attention   to   the   mirror,   fixing   any   make   up   or   hair   imperfections.   can’t   attend   the   biggest   rivalry   game   looking   like   a   monster   that   has   escaped   the   pit.   that   alone   would   be   a   nightmare.   “   we’re   wearing   gems   on   our   face   with   a   dramatic   white   cut   crease.   mystic   falls   high   school   have   to   win   the   game,   but   it’s   our   job   to   look   the   best   compared   to   those   pre 2008   britney   spears   wannabes.   ”   (   @bettysbrew​   //   liked.   )
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