#——      you know what they say; no guts no glory    ↻     ⌊   angie mccoy/tigan   ⌋
starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson and Iris Kirk, guest starring potentially any other Orville muses
Business as usual on the Orville, the ship was getting ready for a major supply run for the Planetary Union and as such, most of the crew had shifted into wearing Union uniforms.
For Ed, it was a welcome, familiar sight he’d definitely missed. A crew in the same uniforms of home, for a small stint, is somewhat of a comfort. Then again, he’s dedicated his life to the fleet, he supposes it comes as no surprise.
Ed blinks out of his thoughts and looks around the bridge at the sound. “...was that James?”
“Actually, Ed, I think it might be the teenager on our window,” Kelly says, and he blinks and looks over in front of him, staring in shock.
“That’s not the weird part,” Iris says at the helm. “That teenager is decisively not dead.”
“...did Rebecca lose one?” The captain glances to the two girls at the helm. Angie and Iris both shrug and look back at him uselessly. “Great. Well, alert engineering to bring him aboard, we’ll... figure it out from there.”
“Aye, sir,” John says from his station and sending the alert to Engineering, informing them of the situation and giving his exact positioning so they can get him with the transporter.
So, like Ed had initially thought, business as usual on the Orville. “Bortus, you have the conn, Kel, with me. Alara, alert security to have a team meet us at the transporter.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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Anonymous said: "You know what I thought when that doctor told me about your emergency surgery?" Bones can't meet her eyes, but he just makes it look like he's angrier. "I just thought, 'oh god, I have to go that much further out of my way'. There was that much more I would have to deal with."
Angie blinks, trying to process that, clenching her hands into fists and not looking at her father as her anger and her grief fills her expression.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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Shipwrecked! - Team Girl Scout Starring Angie Tigan and guest starring Gordon Malloy No applicable trigger warnings. Word count: 1,399
When Angie pops out of her Kelvin pod, she’s quick to take stock of the standard supplies in the pod and gets her compass out from where she’d tucked it into her uniform today. She pops it open and angles herself for north, nodding to herself and eyeballing the path ahead of her as she reaches up to pull her hair back... stopping when she hears another pod land nearby.
Following the noise, she smiles at Gordon, laying in his pod with his eyes screwed shut. She kicks the pod lightly and he slowly opens his eyes. She reaches out a hand to help him out, which he accepts. “Angie, thank god it’s you. Have you seen anyone else?”
Angie shakes her head with a frown. She’d seen some pods getting snatched up as she’d gone plummeting to the planet’s surface, though, and that concerns her. We need to find others, she signs to him, given she’d left her text-to-speech pad behind on the Orville.
He shakes his head. “I don’t-- I don’t understand. Oh, god, what are we gonna do? How are we going to get help? We can’t even communicate.”
She huffs a sigh and grabs his arm, holding up her compass.
“Oh, a compass, fantastic-- those things are ANCIENT, Angie! What good is that going to do?!” Gordon pulls away and paces. “We’re dead. We’re dead, we’re dead, we’re dead! All we’ve got is enough rations for a few days, a couple jackets, two phasers, and a compass. We’re so dead. We’re so dead!”
Angie huffs again, stepping into his path and smacks him lightly. He cuts off and looks at her. She smiles reassuringly and pulls him down into the dirt slightly. She brushes some of dead grass out of her way and writes in the dirt. I have a plan. Just stick with me.
He sighs and gets his supplies together finally, making sure he grabs the communicator from his pod. Angie nods and finishes tying back her hair, pulling out her compass and getting a lock on north again, eyeballing their trail and motioning for him to follow her.
Gordon sighs as he follows her. Angie listens to him, breathing, calming down. He knows sign better than he thinks, he’s just panicking.
Once he’s calmed down, she signs to him, Feeling better?
He nods slowly, clearing his throat. “Yeah, yeah, I do. I do. What’s the plan?”
We move north until it gets dark, then we look for fire if we haven’t found the others, because that’ll be where James is.
"That... makes sense, yeah,” Gordon nods, sighing. “Okay. Okay. Guess the compass is useful after all, then, huh?”
Angie smirks and nods. He chuckles. “And I suppose you already knew that.”
She nods again and he sighs. “I’m not cut out for this. You’re over here with a complete plan to reunite with the crew if we shipwreck, and I’m over here forgetting sign language at the first sign of civilization vanishing.”
She shrugs a bit. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.
He sighs. “I guess so. You’re good with trails. How’d you get to this point?”
Girl scout from age five until age eighteen, when I enlisted in Starfleet. I was good to the point I was allowed to lead my troop’s hiking trips by the time I was thirteen.
Gordon chuckles. “No shit? You think you can hook me up with the cookies?”
Angie wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. I was actually the worst at cookie sales in the troop. I couldn’t even hook ME up with cookies.
He laughs at that. “Well, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Personally, I think I’d take badass woods, hiking, and camping expert over cookie salesgirl any day.”
You only say that because we crashlanded on a strange planet and needed someone who was good with hiking and camping to survive, Angie points out wryly. He nods earnestly and she smiles.
He sighs, worried. “Do you think anybody else made it? I thought I saw... I thought I saw something taking pods away.”
Angie shrugs. Only one way to find out.
He nods. Before he can come up with anything else to say, he jumps in surprise when his communicator chirps at them.
“James to Orville crew. Come in, Orville crew.”
He flips the communicator over. “James, it’s Malloy. I’ve got Mrs. Tigan with me, too.”
“Gentlemen, this is Lara Bashir,” chimes in another voice. “It’s good to hear from you.”
“I thought these weren’t working?” comes a fourth voice. “That’s what Bortus told Hannah and I. Red McCoy checking in.”
“He’s been wrong before. Dr. Finn here, I’ve got Tayen and Iris with me,” Claire chimes in.
“You-- you guys are loud. And. And also he was right. There’s surface interference blocking local communications. You’d need... a ship.” The voice is soft and Angie blinks in surprise, eyes widening. “Uh. Riker-Troi, with... with Lily and Audrey.”
Gordon shares a look with Angie before shaking his head. “Where is everybody?”
“Wait!” James interrupts. “Don’t disclose locations over this or any channel. We never know who’s listening. The kids of the former Enterprise crew will understand what I mean by this-- abandon the plan. Go for the one thing we all were told to never do. Mackenzie and I are here, it’s actually pretty secure right now.”
“James, I don’t have any of the former Enterprise crew’s kids with me,” Lara sounds exasperated. “Where am I going?”
Angie pauses and signs something to Gordon. His eyebrows furrow. “Lara, Angie’s recommending you transmit the coordinates you landed at to us. She says she’ll take us there and track you guys from there and lead you in.”
“Okay, can do,” Lara confirms.
There’s a burst of static on the line, briefly accentuated with, “Can you hear--?!” before the sound cuts out again.
Gordon pauses, confused. Then Claire asks, “Was that Ginger?”
“That’s who it sounded like to me,” Sam confirms. “Maybe it means she’s okay. Does anyone know anything about anybody else?”
“We-- we might,” Will says. “Lily spotted some kind of camp hidden near us. I-- my Borg implant let me scan the lifesigns in it. I confirmed Yaphit was there, and I think a lot of the others are, too. So far, it seems like no one’s really hurt.”
“That’s good news,” Claire says softly. “Okay. We’re on our way, James. Finn out.”
She clicks off, followed by the others, Gordon signing off last. He checks his communicator and shows Angie the coordinates Lara had managed to send him. She nods to herself and checks something on his communicator before nodding and motioning for him to follow her, clicking it off.
When they arrive, he blinks at the amount of pods, counting them off. “It looks like this might be... everyone from her class.”
He watches her visibly relax and pauses before blinking in shock. He’d forgotten about Oliver. Her son was in Lara’s class. Shaking her head as if to clear it, Angie looks over the landing sight, pausing and kneeling beside a discarded, torn up survival jacket, looking at the dirt beside it, her eyes tracing it. Something was dragged here.
He blinks, taking a double take and chuckling. “Well, I’ll be damned, you’re right.”
Angie nods, getting up and motioning for him to follow her, heading off after the kids quickly.
As they get close, Angie claps a pattern before they break through the trees. There’s a beat before there’s a response and she nods, motioning him forward. As soon as they break through the treeline, Oliver comes running to meet her, hugging her tightly.
Angie smiles and signs his name before he reaches her, hugging him tightly, kissing his face several times. He goes to talk to Lara. “How is everyone?”
“Doing about as well as can be expected, I guess. I’ve got a rattled kids who just want mom or dad,” she says softly. “But they’re all too old or too stubborn to really want to admit it.”
He nods, looking around, relaxing when he sees Victoria. His best friend’s daughter. She looks like she’s okay. That’s what matters right now, right?
Angie slowly lets go of Oliver, kissing his forehead one last time before motioning for everyone to follow her. Wynn picks up the makeshift straps of Nari’s pod to pull her along with them.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
Tag Dump - Muses 1/2
#——      you’ve got the heart of a phoenix; let them see you rise    ↻     ⌊   addi janeway   ⌋#——      you know what they say; no guts no glory    ↻     ⌊   angie mccoy/tigan   ⌋#——      everyday a little more alive with all that i leave behind    ↻     ⌊   audrey parker   ⌋#——      like a kid playing pretend in his father’s suit    ↻     ⌊   chad dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      two steps ahead and staying on guard    ↻     ⌊   dahlia brown   ⌋#——      bring on any challenge    ↻     ⌊   dakota pike   ⌋#——      even if the whole world thinks i’m crazy    ↻     ⌊   doug karidian   ⌋#——      no matter what they tell you the future’s up for grabs    ↻     ⌊   acyi elaine   ⌋#——      woman in total control of herself    ↻     ⌊   emma mitchell   ⌋#——      i got fire in my soul    ↻     ⌊   genevieve dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      i don’t think; i’m just acting impulsively    ↻     ⌊   ginger   ⌋#——      maybe i’m just a girl on a mission but i’m ready to fly    ↻     ⌊   gwen   ⌋#——      sending my love from the other side    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai hailey   ⌋#——      i am a diamond on the inside; just add the pressure    ↻     ⌊   hannah mccoy   ⌋#——      you can’t raise hell with a saint    ↻     ⌊   holly chekov   ⌋#——      i never miss a beat; i’m lightinin’ on my feet    ↻     ⌊   iris chekov/kirk   ⌋#——      make no plans and none can be broken    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai james   ⌋#——      i got a rock    ↻     ⌊   jared mccoy   ⌋#——      they say i did something bad; then why’s it feel so good?    ↻     ⌊   jesse riker troi   ⌋#——      but me i’m still a sunbeam    ↻     ⌊   kai   ⌋
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