#——      i never miss a beat; i’m lightinin’ on my feet    ↻     ⌊   iris chekov/kirk   ⌋
starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson and Iris Kirk, guest starring potentially any other Orville muses
Business as usual on the Orville, the ship was getting ready for a major supply run for the Planetary Union and as such, most of the crew had shifted into wearing Union uniforms.
For Ed, it was a welcome, familiar sight he’d definitely missed. A crew in the same uniforms of home, for a small stint, is somewhat of a comfort. Then again, he’s dedicated his life to the fleet, he supposes it comes as no surprise.
Ed blinks out of his thoughts and looks around the bridge at the sound. “...was that James?”
“Actually, Ed, I think it might be the teenager on our window,” Kelly says, and he blinks and looks over in front of him, staring in shock.
“That’s not the weird part,” Iris says at the helm. “That teenager is decisively not dead.”
“...did Rebecca lose one?” The captain glances to the two girls at the helm. Angie and Iris both shrug and look back at him uselessly. “Great. Well, alert engineering to bring him aboard, we’ll... figure it out from there.”
“Aye, sir,” John says from his station and sending the alert to Engineering, informing them of the situation and giving his exact positioning so they can get him with the transporter.
So, like Ed had initially thought, business as usual on the Orville. “Bortus, you have the conn, Kel, with me. Alara, alert security to have a team meet us at the transporter.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Shipwrecked! [Team Docs] Starring Iris Kirk
When her pod opens, Iris forces herself to push herself up and out of it. She groans slightly. “You two don’t make eet easy, you know zat, right?”
She asks it rhetorically down at her stomach, but she makes note of her accent and tries to bring it back in check. “Dr. Finn? Dr. Tayen?”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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Anonymous said: "I newer wanted you," Pavel's shocked his voice doesn't waver as he looks at his youngest. "I wish your sister hadn't run away. She kept you contained, at least. You are too much, you are a pain."
Iris covers her mouth, feeling her eyes completely fill with tears that spill over much too easily. “Zhat-- zhat’s not true! Daddy--!”
But he clicks off, and Iris gasps as she begins to sob, struggling to breathe.
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starbcrn-kids · 2 years
it’s April Fool’s Day, so here’s your friendly reminder that Iris canonically inadvertently began a neverending prank war aboard the Polyhymnia, where her Aunt Rebecca serves, simply by telling the ship’s first officer about a musician Rebecca can’t stand.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
Tag Dump - Muses 1/2
#——      you’ve got the heart of a phoenix; let them see you rise    ↻     ⌊   addi janeway   ⌋#——      you know what they say; no guts no glory    ↻     ⌊   angie mccoy/tigan   ⌋#——      everyday a little more alive with all that i leave behind    ↻     ⌊   audrey parker   ⌋#——      like a kid playing pretend in his father’s suit    ↻     ⌊   chad dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      two steps ahead and staying on guard    ↻     ⌊   dahlia brown   ⌋#——      bring on any challenge    ↻     ⌊   dakota pike   ⌋#——      even if the whole world thinks i’m crazy    ↻     ⌊   doug karidian   ⌋#——      no matter what they tell you the future’s up for grabs    ↻     ⌊   acyi elaine   ⌋#——      woman in total control of herself    ↻     ⌊   emma mitchell   ⌋#——      i got fire in my soul    ↻     ⌊   genevieve dax rozhenko   ⌋#——      i don’t think; i’m just acting impulsively    ↻     ⌊   ginger   ⌋#——      maybe i’m just a girl on a mission but i’m ready to fly    ↻     ⌊   gwen   ⌋#——      sending my love from the other side    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai hailey   ⌋#——      i am a diamond on the inside; just add the pressure    ↻     ⌊   hannah mccoy   ⌋#——      you can’t raise hell with a saint    ↻     ⌊   holly chekov   ⌋#——      i never miss a beat; i’m lightinin’ on my feet    ↻     ⌊   iris chekov/kirk   ⌋#——      make no plans and none can be broken    ↻     ⌊   s’chn t’gai james   ⌋#——      i got a rock    ↻     ⌊   jared mccoy   ⌋#——      they say i did something bad; then why’s it feel so good?    ↻     ⌊   jesse riker troi   ⌋#——      but me i’m still a sunbeam    ↻     ⌊   kai   ⌋
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