#*•.¸♡  Musing: Emma Swan: ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!  ❝
faeryworlds · 8 months
Closed Starter | @rawbutprecious
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They all went to the Underworld because Emma wanted to rescue Hook, it was her fault that he was there in the first place. After she had became the Dark One and then made Hook one to save his life. She barely got any sleep and even refused to get some sleep. Everyone sort of went their own way when arriving in the Underworld as did Emma, although she had no idea where to go at this point, or where to look, her head was a mess and all she could think about was finding Hook and hoping he's okay. She never wanted this to happen, this wasn't supposed to end this way, look where it brought her. The blonde went her own way when she suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm s-" She didn't even finished her sentence when she looked up and saw who she bumped into.
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"N-Neal?" From all the people she did not expected to see him here. Taking a step backwards to see if she wasn't going crazy with seeing him here. Her first love, the first one she loved here in the Underworld while she was looking for her current love. God, this hasn't been too difficult right. "Wait, if you're here. Does that mean you have unfinished business. What is it?" Emma then asked, as she was curious about it. Then again, this must not be a coincidence that she ran into Neal like that.
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faeryworlds · 8 months
Closed starter | Swanfire | @rawbutprecious
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Everyone probably noticed how she and Neal acted around each other and that they still had that chemistry and love for one another. Henry the other hand was throwing in subtle hints that he wanted his parents back together and knowing Emma and pushing people away when they are getting too close. This was different, she was more scared to be heartbroken again by Neal. Did they share some intimate moments together, yes they did. Emma wouldn't be Emma if she wasn't pushing someone away that was getting to close. There was a leak coming out of the apartment only she and David couldn't really know where it was coming from. Henry took matters in his own hand and without asking anyone he called for backup to help out.
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The woman was upstairs to check there to see if the leak was somewhere there when she heard the door open and then close, a frown appeared when Emma walked downstairs and spotted Neal there. "What are you doing here?" She had a feeling why he was here and also a feeling who had called him, looking at Henry who right away pretended he was helping David. "We got it all under control here." The tension went up 100% since Neal walked into the apartment. Mary-Margret right away told David and Henry to go to Grannies, once they left the apartment. Emma kept on looking around. "I don't know what Henry told you, we got it all under control here." They found a few places the leak was just hadn't found the main source to fix it.
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faeryworlds · 1 year
@rawbutprecious | Emma & Neal | Closed starter
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Emma sitting on a chair by her desk at the police station, she had a few files to go through as she even forgot what time it was as she was just buried into the files on her desk. As she sighed while leaning back, she was just done with all of this paper work and all she wanted was just to go home and do absolutely nothing. Then again she's the boss who was going to stop her... Okay no she was almost done and the moment she heard the door and footsteps as she looked up and saw Neal as she frowned. "Oh hey, something going on?" The blonde asked as Neal never really came down to the station.
Putting the last file on the rest of the files that were done as she leaned more back onto her chair as she was looking at Neal. "Where's Henry?"
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faeryworlds · 6 months
@snowbellsxquiver | Emma & Snow | Closed starter.
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Emma was sitting on her bed, legs crossed over each other while she was looking down at a pregnancy test she was holding in her hands. It took her back to the time she found out she was pregnant with Henry, only things that are different now is, she isn't in prison, she's not eighteen years old anymore. And this time she has a support system with it. Not needing to do this all by herself this time around. Killian wasn't home at the moment, she wasn't feeling well so Killian insisted of Emma to stay home and that he and David will manage being sheriffs of the town. They weren't actively trying but also not trying. Needless to say that it was sort of planned and she doesn't know how to tell Killian about this.
The blonde stood up from the couch, grabbing her red leather jacket and put it on and her shoes. Before heading out of the house to her Yellow bug and got in and drove to her parents place. Was she really about to tell her mother she's pregnant, she hasn't told anyone so she will be the first. Once arriving she got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Opening the door and walked inside. "Mom?" Closing the door behind her as she then spotted her in the kitchen, how in the world was she so nervous about this.
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Should she just blur it out and get it over with, she did took the pregnancy test with her, without even a second thought of even thinking at all she was blurring it out. "I'm pregnant." As she then put the positive pregnancy test onto the table.
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faeryworlds · 7 months
@bchemianrhapscdy | CaptainSwan | closed starter
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Ever since she found out she was pregnant Kilian wanted her to rest as much a possible. Emma wouldn't be Emma if she wasn't stubborn and didn't listen. She didn't had an easy first trimester or second trimester for that matter, she was close to her third and last trimester of being pregnant and god she was hoping the last months will be a bit easier. She never expected to be pregnant again, yes it was planned this time. The day they found out the gender of the baby, she saw how happy Killian was. Their daughter will 100% be a daddy's girl there is no doubt about that. Emma hadn't been feeling well the whole week and yet she was in the nursery finishing it off so it was all done. Even the first letter of their daughter was above the crib as she was happy with how they thought of the name.
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It wouldn't be her if she left the house and went to the station, knowing her father took over together with Killian. She got bored at home and wanted to do something. Getting out of the car as she walked into the station. Right away seeing eyes on her from her father and Killian. "Don't give me that look, I got bored at home and wanted to do something." Not showing that she wasn't feeling well, no way that she was going home and lay in bed. "I just came here to see how you guys were doing and if maybe you needed help."
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faeryworlds · 1 year
Tag Drop (part 1)
#*•.¸♡  Musing: Gwen Stacy: ❝Fight for what matters to you no matter what. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Peter Parker: ❝I made a choice. This is my path❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Yelena Belova: ❝The truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Kate Bishop: ❝Some people have actually called the world’s greatest archer ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Harley Quinn: ❝ Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Mia Queen: ❝ I'm a warrior I fight for my life❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katniss Everdeen: ❝ fire burns brighter in the dark ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Malia Tate: ❝I won’t judge❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Allison Argent: ❝I was born with silver between my teeth.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Emma Swan: ❝ you want people to look at you differently make them!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hope Swan-Jones: ❝I am really bad at words I hope you’re good at reading eyes❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katherine Pierce: ❝ Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Caroline Forbes: ❝If you want something done right you have to do it yourself❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Luna Mikaelson: ❝I can take care of myself ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Davina Claire ❝I can give you a list of people who've underestimated me: ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Rebekah Mikaelson: ❝ Kill the demon today face the Devil tomorrow. Count me in. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lizzie Saltzman: ❝ I am getting back to me. I am who I am ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Hermione Granger: ❝I’m hoping to do some good in the world!❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Ginny Weasley: ❝Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Lily Merchant: ❝All I want to do is make him proud.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Victoire Weasley: ❝As beautiful as the bright moon.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Alison DiLaurentis: ❝Sometimes lies are more interesting than the truth❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Aria Montgomery: ❝When you love someone it’s worth fighting for no matter what the odds ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Max Mayfield: ❝Be running up that hill❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Nancy Wheeler: ❝Ask for forgiveness not permission❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Callie Adams Foster: ❝You don’t know what it’s like to not have enough to not be wanted❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Arya Stark: ❝Fear cuts deeper than swords.❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Elle Evans: ❝You can either follow the rules or follow your heart. ❝#*•.¸♡  Musing: Katie Matlin: ❝The way has become clearer I’m finally free❝#tag drop
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faeryworlds · 1 year
❛  do you trust me?  ❜ (for Emma?)
Emma frowned when she was looking at Henry when he was asking her that. "Of course I trust you, Henry." Not even sure why he was asking her that, why wouldn't she be trusting him. "Why do you ask?" Knowing her son there was a reason for it. Emma wasn't really questioning it, only curious of to why. She ran her hand through her hair.
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faeryworlds · 8 months
Open starter | Emma Swan | mutuals only
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It wasn't an easy pregnancy or well it was but also wasn't. It had its ups and downs and the morning sickness was not helping either. Of course Killian and her parents wanted her to rest, and she wouldn't be Emma if she was stubborn and didn't wanted to listen to any of them. Still working, even tho it was just one of those days that she felt miserable and not wanting to do anything. Then again, she'd like to stay busy. The fact she couldn't keep things in and had to throw up every five minute orso or at least it felt like that. The blonde was at the station looking through some files, running her hand through her hair. It was such a tiring day and it wasn't even noon yet.
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When she heard someone come in, the blonde right away made sure no one will see that she feels like crap and actually should be in bed resting. "I'm not hungry." Which was new, as since she found out she is pregnant she was eating non stop until the nausea started and she kept throwing up after she ate something. Leaning back onto her chair as she took a deep breath.
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faeryworlds · 3 years
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Emma pulled up and stopped the engine and got out of the car as she walked into the house as she looked around. “Hook?” She asked while she walked to the kitchen. “Wait, am I seeing this correctly you’re making dinner?” The blonde teasingly said to him as she tilted her head to a side as she then sat down while she looked at him. “What’s on the menu? It does smell good.” Cracking her neck a little bit as it was just a boring day at work and all she did was paperwork nothing else really happened. 
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faeryworlds · 2 years
😘 ( from killian to emma )
It’s international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse.
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she didn’t expected it as suddenly killian kissed her. Not that she was opposing to him doing that as the blonde kissed him back. Once she pulled back she looked at him. “What was that for?” Maybe a stupid question to ask since he doesn’t even need to have a reason and yet here she was asking him that. “Not that I mind.”
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faeryworlds · 2 years
❛ it’s okay. i’ve got you. ❜ / killian to emma
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She knows she can count on him, the way it was still so unreal to the blonde that she had found her true love with the pirate. "I know." She softly said, as a soft sigh escaped her lips while she was looking at Killian. Was it okay tho? Being well aware that he would do anything for her no matter what. Yet she wasn't really someone who would sit back and let others handle things. She wanted to do things and as far as she knows she's still pretty much the savior right. Running her hand through her hair while looking at the pirate. "I can't just sit back here and do nothing."
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faeryworlds · 3 years
“  i thought you were gone.  for good. ” { For Emma }
A frown appeared as she shook her head. "I'm here. And I am not going anywhere." Folding her arms over each other as the blonde was looking at the dark-haired woman. There was no way that she would be gone for good. No matter what was going to happen. But then again she was surprised to her Regina say something like that, yes they get along better compared to the first time she arrived in Storybrooke. They even co-parent pretty well when it comes down to Henry. "If I didn't know any better it sounded like you were worried there for a second."
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