xflashbastardx · 7 months
⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck (Aziraphale to Crowley)
Manhandling Starters
A hand clamped down on the back of Crowley's neck, and he tensed. A shudder ran down his spine, though he would be lying if he said it was an unpleasant one. This...this wasn't a side of the usually-gentle angel he was used to seeing, nor was he entirely certain what had brought it on. If there was one thing the demon couldn't resist, it was being a bit of a bastard.
Tilting his head to better look Aziraphale's way without dislodging the hand gripping him, Crowley quirked one eyebrow and smirked.
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"Well, well. What's gotten into you, angel?"
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arandomnerdsrp358 · 7 months
🌧️  (Remus to Tonks)
to  find  my  muse  in  the  rain  without  an  umbrella.
She was thrown into a panic when she had awoken and her husband wasn’t in his bed. She tried to remain calm as she searched the house, making sure that their son still remained sleeping in his crib. The sound of rain kept him sleeping peacefully.
When every place she searched didnt reveal her husband she decided to try the backyard. Thankfully she was right and she saw her husband standing out in the rain.
“Hey. What are you doing?” She called from the back porch.
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emmasaviorswan · 7 months
“This is not yours to fix alone. You act like you’re all alone out there in the world, but you’re not. You’re not alone.” (from Neal)
Emma's eyes welled up with emotion. She had always been alone. Now all of a sudden, she wasn't. And Neal knew that.
"Neal...I know but I feel like I need to do this...I mean I'm this 'savior' aren't I? Isn't that a lone man job?"
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legends-and-savages · 8 months
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@rawbutprecious sent: "does all of this mean nothing to you?" (From Robin for Alice)
angsty romance PROMPTS:| Accepting
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A frown on Alice's features. "That's not fair Robin." She said. "When have I ever given you the impression of that?"
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minaharkerdailymirror · 8 months
Send 🤝 to hold hands with my muse & Send 🥱 to lay your head on my muse’s shoulder (from Neal)
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Mina jumped at the sudden contact and quickly took account of her surroundings, "Uh hi? Have we met?"
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ofknowlcdge · 7 months
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(Crowley & Aziraphale) @rawbutprecious “I think you’re beautiful”
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Crowley was used to plenty of things, more to the point hearing Aziraphale say these words had an affect, like warmth and his cheeks heating up, the demon was certain he was blushing. "NGK," speechless, he didn't know really how you were to respond to such things. Not like this anyway. "Uh thank you?"
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downs1de · 2 months
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@rawbutprecious: "Why are you here?" (from Alvie)
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Today marks six months since they last spoke, if what House did could even be considered speaking: leaving a note on the nightstand of Alvie's hospital bed, apologizing for what happened at the abandoned warehouse. Still, the other man remains one of the few who knows House is still alive, an "honor" not bestowed upon many.
It still doesn't excuse House from breaking into the younger man's apartment, but who would have expected him to do it any other way?
Sitting in the dark on the couch, he reminisces about his old apartment, now occupied by new tenants who would never know all the crazy stuff that happened there (not that he wants to return to a place where all walls scream his dead best friend's name).
That's why he likes Alvie's apartment: it feels fresh, untainted by him.
"Hello, Alvie."
House looks over his shoulder at him, tapping his cane on the floor.
"Long time no see."
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protectxthem · 2 months
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@rawbutprecious asked: "Grasp" (Dr. Wilder to Dr. Goodwin)
Send "Grasp" to grasp my muse's jaw and force them to look your muse in the eye | Accepting
Max turns his head as he continues to talk, it wasn't done on purpose it was just that Luna had called for him and he was directing his attention toward the little girl but he was still talking to Elizabeth. He blinks a bit as she grabs his jaw and forces him to look her in the eye. "Sorry."
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' i know i can't go back. i know the world has changed. ' (from Pavel - that's so sad)
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"Mr. Checkov, I cannot imagine how difficult a position this situation has put you in." Pike sat at his desk, "I'm honestly not even sure how we can send you home. So in the mean time, we need to figure out what to do with you. Why don't you tell me about yourself and we can go from there?"
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fantasywritten · 5 months
@rawbutprecious (continued from here)
Katniss had never considered herself to be a dreamer, and going into the Hunger Games was more like a nightmare than a good dream. But standing here, wearing this BEAUTIFUL GOWN Cinna had made just for her… it was almost like a dream. Katniss had NEVER worn anything so elegant in her life. And even though she knew the horrific fate that likely awaited her, even though she was DREADING this interview more than anything, even though she knew the dress was somewhat of a desperate ploy to get sponsors… she couldn’t help feeling… BEAUTIFUL.
Her arms were around Cinna before she could process what she was doing — a rare display of affection. She NEVER thought she’d be hugging anybody from the Capitol, but Cinna deserved it. As he spoke, Katniss tightened her embrace, resting her head on his shoulder and letting out a soft sigh. “It’s PERFECT, Cinna…” She trailed off, closing her eyes, desperately trying NOT to think of the future. It was so much more than just a dress to her. “You’re… REALLY good at your job.”
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xflashbastardx · 7 months
@rawbutprecious - from [X]
Aziraphale was still working to reorganize the books. Gabriel had really made a mess of things. He had certainly invented the most unique way to sort books. Who would think to sort books by the first word of the first sentences? It was quite an unusual way to put books on a shelf. It was also very complicated. Getting things put in order was also a challenge. He found history mixed with fiction. He found poetry mixed with art. There were math books with his Shakespeare folios. It was going to take some time to figure everything out. It would take some time to put every book where it belonged. He was lost in his work. So lost that he had forgotten about his tea. However, he was brought out of his book bliss by a familiar voice. He looked over at the couch. "Crowley?" he asked, hurrying over to the couch. "Crowley? Can you hear me? Oh, bother..." Aziraphale did not want the angel to hurt himself so he cautiously grabbed the blanket and tossed it on the nearby chair so that it wouldn't tangle around the demon's legs.
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No, Crowley couldn't hear Aziraphale; he'd always been a heavy sleeper, and if the angel wished to rouse him from his slumber, it would take more than that. Somehow, he managed to roll over onto his stomach without toppling off the sofa entirely. Whatever images were playing themselves out in his sleeping mind had one hand gripping the cushion until the knuckles blanched.
For a while, that was all that happened. A few minutes passed with little else from the dreaming demon besides the gentle rise and fall of his shoulders from the breathing he didn't really need but which had become habit after so much time on Earth. But then he groaned, twisting and burying his face in the throw pillow upon which he'd been resting.
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sonofthedarkone · 8 months
"Neal? What? How? You?" Emma whispered, unable to say any full sentences (she was speechless). Her breath caught as she carefully raised her head up. She'd been walking down main street to get to Granny's when a car had took a corner and almost hit her. Right before it collided with her she'd been pushed out of the way. The blond gawked at him. A million thoughts were swirling through her head. "How are you here?"
The mere sound of Emma's voice, even if held in a low tone, was the very sound he missed the most. Being in the Underworld so long, Neal almost forgot how beautifully each word left her lips. He had been about to call out to her, finally able to track her down, right before he noticed the car racing down the road. Luckily, he got to her in time. "I think even for adults the whole look both way thing still applies," he lightly joked. He took a moment to look at her again, prior to answering. "That's kind of a long story."
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pyramultimuse · 6 months
"You know, what you did for me, nobody's ever done that for me before." (Aziraphale for Crowley)
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"Yeah yeah, angel. I know, don't go all soft and mushy on me again." The demon replied and sighed in annoyance. This happened every time he helped Aziraphale, angel calling him nice and all.
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thesearetheirstcries · 6 months
@rawbutprecious liked THIS for a starter from Emma
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"You know you're going to have to get better at sneaking around if that's the best you can do" she called out in a teasing manner as her gaze remained fixated on the water before her. This was her favorite place to come escape from the stuffiness of the castle, the one place where she could be just Emma, and not Princess Emma. As far as her parents were concerned, she was off in the forest collecting flowers for the ball that her parents were hosting in her younger brother's honor.
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tirmorheir · 6 months
@rawbutprecious continued
There was a pull to Merlin, something she just instantly felt. It was strange but it also felt somewhat familiar. Elora had grown up in Camelot for the past ten years after being forced out of her Kingdom and seeked refuge in Uther's. She had grown to be a rather beautiful young woman, porcelain skin with a rosey blush to her cheeks and blonde hair that almost resembled stardust. Upon her wavy hair lay a golden wreath, unlike the other head pieces Elora was allowed to wear something that resembled her own Kingdom of Tir-Mor. Many of the Knights and others in the castle had expressed how almost ethereal Elora had become. The banquet was boring, truth be told Elora didn't like them much anyway, she never had.
Ocean blue hues kept upon the servant giving a small raise of her brow. "No this feels different.. familiar" Elora explained and boy was it bugging her. "They got you on guard duty, I bet you can't wait for this night to be over just as much as me" The Princess admitted. She often came to Gaius for sleeping draughts, plagued by nightmares of her past, Gwen often having to comfort the young woman and sending her to Gaius for more medicine.
Of course Elora had no idea of her heritage, the true nature of it as her parents never got the chance to talk about it to their daughter. "Tell Gaius I said thank you for last night, for the sleeping draught" her mask cracked a little, that smile fading ever so slightly. "I don't know what I would do without them.." which was true, blue hues went to the crowned Prince then back to Merlin "how's he treating you? I can always knock him on his ass in training if he's not being nice" there was that rebellious side, of course it was known that Elora often participated in training with the Knights, she had become their best swordsman.
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unwaivering-archived · 7 months
❛ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ❜ (Arthur to Merlin)
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Merlin glanced up after confessing his magic to the prince. He didn't know what to say. "You wouldn't rat me out to your father?" The warlock wasn't prepared for that consequence at all. "I would owe you my life." Swallowing thickly, he wouldn't ask Arthur this if it didn't mean him going to the pyre. It was a matter of time until the royal found out anyway.
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