logan-exe · 7 months
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LOKI s2e1
this poor man.
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liies · 7 months
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a little tva au that lives in my brain so i guess this can live here too . notes under cut:
agent "blank", aka simply Agent -- a variant of my shield agent original character, a demolitions expert whose love of explosives is as vast as her patience -- that is to say, it's infinite, thanks to a quirk of her mutation. here at the time variance authority, this variant of agent primarily works in the testing field to try out new equipment developed by r+d. she's often sent out on assignments to prune branches, or sometimes simply to watch over new prisoners ( or new workers. perhaps both. ) often works with agent "sharp", but has been given work orders to keep an eye on loki here and there when he and mobius aren't busy working together. she is perhaps the only person who is endlessly patient enough to truly accept all of his antics... though she can tell there's clearly some sort of plot forming in their mind. namely, it seems like they have some sort of interest in agent sharp.
loki variant L327, "agent viathan" -- you know him. he is the loki of this blog's fame. obviously has a fair bit of similarity to the canon loki, though they're more willing to cooperate with the time variance authority in order to unravel the mysteries and secrets it holds. has agreed to take on a position as an agent / analyst for now in order to effectively schmooze his way into learning more information, especially after noticing strangely edited discrepancies when it comes to the tva's file on himself -- namely, the time he spent living in victorian london is partly missing. if the first season had been longer, i really wish it had shown us more of loki working with the tva and traveling with mobius in order to slowly learn more about sylvie / 'the variant's' plans. so here he is. his codename comes from the official loki arg that kind of went off the rails and became more or less defunct. we may never know what they were planning to do with that.
agent "sharp" -- ( a ) theo bell from loki: where mischief lies' fame. he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now he's here for all time. always. he'd said it himself before: shakespearean love tends to end in tragedy. there was no place for theo on the sacred timeline -- if he had still been there when loki went back for him, it would have changed things irrevocably. the events of the mcu would likely never have happened, so he was taken by the tva. like other variant workers, he has no memory of his life other than being an agent, but certain little things still bleed through from time to time. he's met plenty of loki variants in his day -- this person, whoever they may be, seems cosmically destined to end up here -- but L327... they seem familiar for some reason. he doesn't know loki. but he feels like he should.
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aeterna---amantes · 1 year
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sunnyjuni · 9 months
15 days of devotion with Loki - Day 1: Basic Introduction
While scrolling I came across @noctivague 's 15 days of devotion template and I loved it so much I decided to do it too. Without further ado, here is day 1 with Loki.
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Loki ᛚᛟᚲᛁ is a god shrouded in both mystery and controversy. His trickster nature often gets him and the other gods in the Norse pantheon in trouble, but he’s also the one who gets them out of it, which often leads to the gods acquiring priceless gifts.
His role within the pantheon is a contradictory one and he holds many of them. He is the son of the Jötunn (giant) Fárbauti and the Ásyunjur (goddess) Laufey, and the sworn blood brother of Óðinn. Loki is married to Sigyn, and is the also the lover of the giantess Angrboða, both of which he had childern from. But more on that later (day 2). He is also the favourite travel companion to Thor, leaning into his association with lightning (more on that later too). On the flip side, he’s also known as the doom of the gods due to his part in Ragnarok and also a key player in the death of the god Baldr.
And to conclude day 1, here is a quote from Dagulf Loptson’s Pagan Portals - Loki: Trickster and Transformer: “He is the teller of unpleasant truths, the breaker of the bonds, the fire born from lightning that changes everything it touches. He is the challenger of authority and the disrupter of stagnation.”
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shambelle97 · 1 year
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“I only ask for one thing in return; a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn!”
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norsemythologie · 2 years
welcome to norsemythologie, sub-page of my main lesdramasdumonde 🧚🏼
here, I post all about Norse and Germanic paganism, old Norse culture, the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, and witchcraft (mostly green witchcraft). I love to learn and post about all the gods and goddesses, but I mainly focus on
Hel (ᚺᛖᛚ)
as her devotee, but also:
• Freya | ᚠᚱᛖᛃᚨ
• Frigg | ᚠᚱᛁᚷᚷ
• Skadi | ᛋᚲᚨᛞᛁ
• Bragi | ᛒᚱᚨᚷᛁ
• Loki | ᛚᛟᚲᛁ
• Sigyn | ᛋᛁᚷᛃᚾ
• Odinn | ᛟᛞᛁᚾ
• Thor | ᚦᛟᚱ
• Nerþus | ᚾᛖᚱᚦᚢᛋ (Germanic fem form of Njörd)
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I’ll occasionally post gods and goddesses from other pantheons because I love to notice their similarities and differences to the Norse/Germanic pantheon. Some I feel most called to work with are:
• Eos / Aurora | Ηως
• Mnemosyne / | Μνημοσυνη
• Habondia
• Lalla | लल्ला
• Saint Jeanne d’Arc*
I’m always excited to connect with other pagans, or anyone who has an interest in Norse mythology! This page is a safe space where everyone is welcome 🤍🏳️‍🌈🧌 and where any forms of un-inclusivity, oppression, or supremacism (AFA, TERFS, homophobes, you name it) will not be tolerated—things that can run rampant in Norse paganism but are not at all in keeping with what I believe to be its ideals.
That said, I hope you enjoy my posts and reblogs :)
sidereal: ♏︎ sun ♎︎ moon ♈︎ rising
tropical: ♐︎ sun ♏︎ moon ♈︎ rising
pronouns: she/her or they/them
— ᛗ
* my admiration of Jeanne d’Arc isn’t in a Christian sense, but for her deeds and dedication to her people. I value her strength and respect her religion, but do not admire her as a saint because of her religion.
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elizatungusnakur · 2 years
Who is ᛚᛟᚲᛁ ? – Part One: Laguz / Lögr
So begins my second half of #SevenDaysOfLokabrenna.
More conceptual art and prayer focused, if that’s your thing. Daily blogs from the region of Lombardia, Italy. ✨
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Someone on twt said "they used norse writing for one part of the title sequence" and okay I was about to yell at them bc the 'norse writing' in question is a runic 'o' in between the rest of Loki's name written in latin letters. I'm on mobile and tumblr doesn't let me insert the pic but for the record, it's written like this: Lᛟki (in actual norse it would be ᛚᛟᚲᛁ).
I was pretty upset but then I realised that pushing around my degree and overall nerdness over anything scandinavian was not worth it so I didn't engage the user but then, then, I noticed one thing.
The one letter they used is ᛟ, the 'o' basically, and what's fun about runes is that they're not only an alphabet but all the symbols also have a singular standing meaning (this characteristic has a name but I have no idea how it's called in english) which is why they were also used for spells and amulets. For example, the rune that equals the latin "f" (called fe) also means 'richness' so if I found, say, an amulet with that rune carved on I know that it would have been made to wish richness upon the receiver.
Now, back to our title sequence in the Loki series.
The only rune they used is ᛟ, which equals the latin 'o'. This rune is called Othala.
Do you know what it stands for?
It means heritage.
Now, I know I'm probably just letting my brain go wild and fantasize to cope with the pain of watching that scene and crying my eyes out, but I wonder: does this mean we'll get to see Loki coming to terms with both his Jotunn and his Asgardian heritage, realizing that he is not, in fact, the monster parents tell their children about at night?
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god-of-jotunn · 2 years
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heximagines · 3 years
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ᚠᛟᚱ ᛚᛟᚲᛁ
This blog and its works are a creative offering. Please click the link for a great reference around antisemitic dog whistles and antisemitic education.
Hail Loki! No nazis in Valhalla!
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logan-exe · 3 years
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LOKI +hands 〣 1/∞
contact from Mobius towards Loki . . . s1
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liies · 7 months
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we're so back
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aeterna---amantes · 1 year
|| I Still Do Not Like This:
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hel-awaits · 3 years
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shambelle97 · 1 year
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“Your savior is here!”
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ᛚᛟᚲᛁ ᚦᛟᚱ
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