tears-of-amber · 4 months
Today I honor the Vanir! And on this fourth night of Yule, I will offer my songs to Freyja. 🎶🎄❤️
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notthesomefather · 11 months
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Burned wood piece of Freyja, created by Debs Burnt Offerings on etsy.
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welldressedrat · 10 months
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Freya of the Vanir!
From- god of war/Ragnarok
Mother is Mothering
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gabbyp09 · 27 days
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
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Freya Vanadis
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broomsick · 1 year
Personal ideas for simple devotional acts to Njörðr
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Let us all praise the Lord of Ships, the Vanir King. He is the bestower of wealth and the guardian of seas, and his gifts are many! If you’re looking to start working with Njörðr, or worshipping him, these ideas make for quick and simple gestures that showcase your interest. They’re also perfect for a pagan who already maintains a close relationship with the sea, water spirits, or a sea deity. After all, spiritual practice gets hard to sustain when you’re working on a tight schedule! Which is why I hope these little personal ideas can inspire even those of you who already actively worship/work with Njörðr. 
First things first: pondering on what Njörðr stands for, what you think he can bring your life and what you think he would appreciate in return. 
Going for walks on windy days. Njörðr is said to raise winds that are favorable to sailboats! 
Cooking and eating sea products, especially if you can find them fresh! I usually keep an eye out for fishermen’s markets. It’s a good idea to buy locally if the opportunity presents itself. The most important thing is to make sure you’re buying from sustainable fish farming companies, especially if you’re at a restaurant or buying from a grocery store.
Putting the sound of waves as background music before sleep. You can visualize the sea, or the ocean, and use this image to connect with Njörðr either by simply meditating on him and his gifts, or even by praying to him.
If possible, spending time near bodies of water: water is a network which connects the land to the ocean. In the end, all rivers, no matter how small, are bound to the ocean. 
Watching documentaries on the sea, or on marine life! The simple gesture of learning about his domain, developing your understanding of it, can make you feel that much closer to the Father of Light-Bringers. 
Whenever you’re at a local beach, collecting seashells or rocks which catch your eye! They’re a way to bring a piece of the sea home with you! 
Since I cook a lot, there’s this little habit I’ve come to develop, of adding a pinch of sea salt (or fleur de sel) to every recipe. Of course, I won’t do this if I’m cooking a simple sandwich for myself: I’m talking about large pots of soup, meat pies, stews, etc. It’s a way of reminding myself that the Vanir bring about the fertility which allows us sustain ourselves. 
Learning sea shanties!!! Did you smile? That’s because sea shanties are fun, and what better way to honor a God than by having fun in their name! One of my favorite songs ever is a folk ballad about an old woman who begs her husband to leave the city and go back to the island where they used to live, where she could watch the seagulls and where he would fish their dinner. Songs such as these can make for beautiful and deeply personal offerings. Once you’ve learned a fisherman’s song, you’ll find yourself humming it in your day-to-day, and thinking of Njörðr as you’re doing so.
Making offerings of coin to him. I’ve heard that he was particularly fond of the coin-shaped chocolates that are wrapped in gold foil! Generally, anything that is made of gold or silver makes for a beautiful offering to him. You can, of course, keep such objects after offering them! The act of sharing them with Njörðr is symbolic, as are many offerings, and you are as entitled to keeping these valuables as you are to drinking offering alcohol after the ritual is done. Placing your silver/gold object on a windowsill or an altar for a day, a week or a month is enough to act as an offering.  
When it comes to the Vanir, you usually can’t go wrong with buying local products! What does your area specialize in, in terms of food? Now that summer’s at our door, we’ve reached the perfect time to look into local farmer’s markets. If, like me, you’re in the habit of offering alcohol to some or most of your deities, local draft beer is a great idea for Njörðr. In my area, grocery shops sometimes sell this one beer that’s made using salt water! It’s my go-to for Njörðr, understandably.
Acting generously, taking opportunities to share with others! It’s a way of honoring and embodying the Vanir King’s own benevolence.
As a follow-up, working on your ability to be compassionate: putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes, forgiving a wrong that has been done to you, finding compromise during a conflict with loved ones... If you are put in a position of leadership, lead others with care and attentiveness. Njörðr’s mythological son Freyr is heavily associated with peace. By protecting peace, you are honoring them both. 
Keeping a symbol of his on you as an amulet: representations of fish, anchors, lighthouses, ships, or anything else that symbolizes the sea all make for beautiful reminders of Njörðr’s presence. Especially if they are silver or gold-colored! In fact, a simple silver or gold coin, or even just a coin with special meaning in your heart, is the perfect amulet to keep in your wallet/purse in his honor. 
Learning to tie knots, or any other simple skill that is useful on a boat is fun and a great way to feel connected with the sea. This goes without saying but if you’ve got the chance to go for a boat ride, take it in his honor!
Asking him to grant you a safe journey before traveling long distances.
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Art, Njörðr statue
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kluseczki · 9 months
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Vanir and Halfdan. It looks like Halfdan is about twice as big as Vanir here, but that's mostly the perspective + Vanir being more compact in the hammock (Halfdan is still bigger than him, just not as much.)
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ajtheheathen · 2 years
"Hail the Old Gods! Hail the Old Ways!"
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byronicbrit · 1 year
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and we’re back (for now)
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libraryogre · 10 months
Asked by a co-worker, and spurred a theological question:
Which of the Aesir and Vanir would be most appropriate to ask for help with a printer?
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smythologies · 1 year
Norse Mythology Vanished
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You know what's sad? How little we know about Norse Mythology. Like, there are so many gods and goddesses and heroes and stories that used to exist, that just... don't anymore. Some scholars compare our knowledge of Norse Mythology now to if our entire knowledge of Greek Mythology consisted only of Herculean and Thesean myths. Of course, that's not exactly accurate; it's based off all the references in ancient texts to stories we can no longer find, as well as certain stories like Beowulf, which was likely originally about a Son of Thor but was altered by Christianity, but it's still pretty sad to think about.
Like, by all likelihood, there was probably a huge epic, on par with the Titanomachy in Greek Mythology, or the war over Amrit between Asuras and Devas Hindu Mythology, between the Aesir and Vanir in Norse Mythology, but now... it's gone. Lost in time. Same with so many different gods and goddesses. I mean, we really only know of like, 3 Vanir, but there were definitely wayyy more.
The reasoning for this is also pretty annoying; in the 11th century, the Church began moving to Iceland, and once Christianity had settled over Iceland, they began recording and archiving Norse myths. However, they also began throwing out a lot of it; whatever the Church thought was dangerous or unneeded was either burnt and discarded, or altered heavily to be more Christian.
Idk man, it's just so annoying for me
Anyways have a great day yall.
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milbethmorillo · 9 months
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Njord Lord of the Tides 🌊
Sneak peak of my Norse mythology coloring book ❤️ 😍 looks freaking amazing!!
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15pantheons · 11 months
Odin: Wait a minute, how did this happen? We're smarter than this!  Freyja: Apparently, we're not. 
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lords-of-the-empire · 7 months
This kind of dialogue is how I imagine people lying to, or rather deceiving, one another in the Ancient Language. A criminal lack of this kind of doublespeak in elvish politics tbh.
Explanation: Palpatine had a world bombarded from orbit to destroy a bunch of cloning facilities to replace the clone soldiers with other troops, but the ships got filmed doing it. This is him turning the tables and getting what he wants. How it'd work in the Ancient Language:
"I am deeply troubled by this recent revelation." statement of fact, he's troubled it got leaked rather than by it's existence though.
"My gratitude to Senator (however you spell it) for exposing a rogue element within our ranks." he's happy she and her allies outed themselves.
"Many lives have been lost. But I assure you, Admiral Rampart will face the consequences for his treachery. However, he did not act alone." statement of fact, statement of fact, statement of fact.
"The fact that the clones under his command so blindly follow orders, inflicting such carnage without hesitation, gives me pause." possibly why he wanted to get rid of them in the first place, and otherwise he might have just been surprised by how effective the indoctrination (and in that canon, brain-chips) was.
"Perhaps... it is time for a change." perhaps, then again, perhaps not :)
I imagine this is how Galbatorix convinced the Forsworn to side with him as well; pick out people seething over real or imagined slights and go Palpatine them. It's also what I expected from how people hyped up the elves as these masters of wordplay in book 1 and early book 2.
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
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I needed to do some art that was not work and do it traditional and not just digital to relax a bit.
So a golden Yngve-Freyr came to be.
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broomsick · 1 year
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Praise the noble Wanes and their holy names: Njörðr, Tide-Maker, Wind-Blower, Bestower of Wealth; Freyja, Lady of the Slain, of the Tears Golden, ruler of Fólvangr; Yngve-Frej, King of the fertile season, Bringer of Spring, Weaponless Lord of Peace; whose blessings are many. Today, I am grateful for all that you have given me and my loved ones. Tomorrow, I will sacrifice to you and honor these gifts, in a celebration of the fertile season upon us.
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