#*.       VERSE: you can call me boss  ╾  main.
reiketsui · 2 months
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good starting points for anyone unsure where to start. if anything seems interesting, shoot me an im or a discord message.
'YOU HAVE TO BE VERY DESPERATE TO COME TO ME FOR HELP' can work both ways. shady business deals, desperate contracts, all of that. when the official routes fail, you turn to the worst yet most efficient service providers.
ASSASSINATION HIRE need to get rid of someone quick? call him.
(BEGRUDGINGLY) WORKING TOGETHER FROM DIFFERENT MORAL POINTS whether it's more casual like sharing knowledge on scientific endeavors, or more serious like uniting together against a common threat. the enemy of my enemy is my (temporary) friend.
APPRENTICE-TYPE DYNAMICS can also work either way. archer is a medical doctor capable of training someone in the field or with the forensic pathology and autopsy things and is a great teacher. but he's also still young, and could get good advice from someone older and more experienced.
SPARRING/GUN CONTROL/MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING related to the previous. just study under him. it's worth the horrors.
UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIPS obviously they're great. especially if, again, it's two people from completely different moral standpoints but somehow they just get along great, and everyone around them is shocked about it.
PRE-ESTABLISHED (platonic) DYNAMICS example of two people who used to be friends a decade or more ago meeting accidentally and finding out what that kid they used to play with in the forest grew up to become.
FELLOW CRIMINALS whether they're rivals or coexisting or offering each other valuable assets to gain something in return. all good.
PRE ROCKET/PRE EXECUTIVE ERA he was a scruffy and rebellious little bastard and hates it personally when anyone reminds him of it (or in general is even aware of it).
HGSS ERA AND ESPECIALLY THE AFTERMATH this is undoubtedly the lowest point. note that replies in this verse will take longer than my regular because the mindset is a heavy one to get into.
THE ROCKET BOSS VERSE the mantle is passed down from giovanni, undoubtedly causing some growing pains at the start. very ripe for fellow villain interactions (and others).
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chaotic-nick · 1 year
note: Brought to you by a former media student [this is my way of a late graduation celebration on this app. And a gift to you guys because you saw my journey from going back to uni after a gap year and my internships] and now media/ comm practitioner 🥺
warnings: Scandals, unedited, mistakes [im doing this on my phone], toxicity
actor au - modern au
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Actor Yamamoto! would be a veteran actor that pioneered a certain genre or a specific scene that was present in all the movies he stared in when he was younger. Filming Bleach was an unexpected role. Because in his 30-year-career of action/drama/slapstick/mystery movies, he thought that his wrinkled body at an old age wouldn't land him anymore roles.
- Definitely the type who's strict and would throw acting lines in between takes at younger costars
- All of the Captain-lieutenant actors was told that the 'main captain' would be a veteran actor. None of them expected that it would be him.
- Filming was delayed by a day because every actor that walked into the room was starstruck and suddenly forgot how to act
ACTOR Jushiro! Wanted to pursue theatre studies but financial constraints said no. Still wanting to pursue a career in media, he attended an open University and studied Broadcasting Arts instead.
In his first day as an intern, he was put to test and was tasked to write articles. At the end of his first month, he was put in front of the camera.
Jushiro who was happy he was in front of the camera as an Afternoon newscaster, was called to his Boss' office three weeks later.
In front of him was the series' casting director and director, both of them agreeing that his face looked more angelic in real life than the news.
News events didn't suit a face like that anyway, he was fit for a gentle captain.
Actor Jushiro! found his way back home to his initial dream.
His background in Broadcasting helped him give articulate answers at movie premieres and red carpet events.
Always seen with his hair tied low and in a black suit, nodding along to the interviewers question.
one time the interviewer was an old classmate of his, it was then the world saw a more hyper version of himself.
Very much involved with the framing process of scenes
Actor Shunsui! Who's either gone too quiet or has the tabloids running after him. For the most normal things, too. Everything he did was a big deal. After all he came from a well known Business family.
'Kyoraku son photographed wasted and escorted out of Kyoto bar'
'Sex, Scandals, and guitar strings: Exclusive cover of what Japan's hottest actor does on his nights off'
It's funny how he accumulated a magazine tower of bizarre articles and has gotten used to the lens following him around.
Actor Shunsui would start as a child actor, starring in commercials because of his mother. His father forbidding him to pursue acting and to focus on the family business was acceptable at first.
His father divorcing his mother and telling the board of directors that actresses are good entertainers but not wives, was not.
Shunsui genuinely loved acting. All the things he did on the side, it was to spite his father.
"How serious are you with your craft?" Asked Yamamoto when Shunsui showed up hungover at filming day. It was only through Yamamoto that Shunsui felt a father's care.
Actor Shunsui who can buy his privacy, bit chooses not to and does more things that'll spite his father more. Who even goes as far as saying "He can only see me on paper. He'll have to come to my mother and I if he's genuinely asking for forgiveness"
Actor Unohana comes to me as Michelle Yeoh of the Bleach actor Au-verse
Definitely the type/ cast member whose personality is close to the character she plays. Is composed.
Very much involved in the scriptwriting process of the series and is always seen next to the director with a script rolled up, talking amongst themselves as their eyes scan actor after actor.
Has the most confusing humour on set, would say the most childish things in the sternest tone.
Starred in other big name shows such as FMaB, JJK [pls JUST UNDERSTAND THE VISION]
Is always partnered with Ukitake on red carpets because of her answers.
Actor Byakuya! a nepotism child. He's a distant relative of Unohana but listen. A nepotism child but what's more surprising is that an actor who's a tenured professor in a College of Communications in prestigious universities. It surprises people so much that they forget he's a nepo-beb
- His tone scares alot of new students, but plenty of his former students would laugh about how he just agreed to anything and doesn't seem to give harsh feedback despite trying to.
- Would specialise in Communication Research and Communication theories.
one time he was asked to teach an introduction to film subject for a semester, and took his students to the filming of the bleach episodes.
immediately after the director yelled cut, Professor Byakuya mode entered, saying, "I expect a paper on what shots were used and the importance of it to the story. That is your midterm."
Starred in a number of films and shows. His voice alone made him a host for a number of awarding events.
Has a special place for bleach, would automatically say yes and sign a contract. But with other offers he would immediately tell that he's busy for the semester.
Being an actor-professor would be annoying. Rapid taps of his fingertips on his laptop would ruin so many silent scenes, always has his laptop hidden in the scene and pulls it out just as the director is about yell cut.
Wandered into the wrong studio once after a marathon of teaching classes and was confused why everyone wore uniforms and hung on the ceilings [JJK Reference]
Definitely started wearing Haoris out of habit after many, many seasons on bleach.
Actor Aizen! Who's roots started as an idol trainee but debuted as an actor in romance films. Always the second lead that never received loved. His crying scenes broke the hearts of many and garnered fans.
He wanted to be challenged and not remain the second lead, wowed the casting directors with his monologue.
Almost backed out of the season when he read the tweets that questioned if a romance actor was fit for a show like bleach.
Another actor that received Yamamoto's wisdom. "You can't control many things, your craft is something that you can." Was all he offered when he heard Aizen's sniffle in a cubicle.
Aizen who's seemingly composed on red carpets, but breaks down to kpop idol rely dances in variety shows and is unashamed to dance to any choreo.
Actor Aizen always seen in airports, a Birkin and cardigans. "Look at him and his role" "love the duality" "I stan" "this guy can play god, but can stan harder" are the variations of tweets in everytime a new candid photo of him is released.
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thegeeksideofsr · 1 year
My Hero
Part of my Ford!Reader Verse
Warning, I know nothing about how restaurants work, or how chef-ing works, so I'm sorry. I am winging it.
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As the waiter's and waitress's, and rest the kitchen staff were getting ready for the dinner rush to start, my partner, and co-head chef called in with a family emergency. Which is understandable, but leaves me in a difficult spot. So I do the logical thing, call in the big guns.
I pull out my phone and call Eliot's number I have memorized because of the amount of times I've seen it in my contacts.
It rings once, then twice, then it clicks, and his gruff voice answers.
"Hey, darlin'. What's up? Thought you were workin' tonight?"
"I am. But I need your help. Kate had a family emergency, and couldn't make it tonight. The dinner rush is gonna start soon, and I'm short staffed as it is and now Kate's not here and I really need your help."
"Babe, take a breath. I'm on my way."
I heave a heavy sigh as relief floods my body.
"Thank you, Eliot. I owe you one."
"I'm sure I can think of a few things you can do to repay me."
"I'm sure you can. See you when you get here."
I hang up and head to the kitchen to bring the rest of the staff up to speed on the incoming reinforcement.
We start getting the kitchen prepped, making sure everything is in it's place, heated up if needed, and ready to use.
Soon enough, Eliot arrives in his red chef's shirt, bandana holding his hair back, and looking handsome and ever.
He walks into the kitchen, saying hello to people as he passes. It's not the first times he's jumped in to help, and it won't be the last.
He makes his way over to me, greeting me with a kiss.
"Hey, sweetheart." He grumbles.
"Hello, my hero," I smile back at him.
The moment is cut short with a waitress coming in to announce the first few dinners had arrived, and the rush was starting.
The night went off with out a hitch. Eliot fit right in with the rest of the crew, he was joking and laughing with everyone through out the night.
I had hoped to be able to end the night on a good note. Once the doors are locked, everything cleaned, ready for the day tomorrow, take Eliot back home and thank him thoroughly for him helping out tonight. But, it would seam that the world doesn't always work how we'd hoped.
The last table was being cleared of dishes, the rest already were washed and putt away, most of the staff had already gone home. It was just one of the waitress's, Cassie, the dish washer, Matt, Eliot and I.
Matt finished the last of the dirty dishes, while I tucked the clean ones into their spots. Eliot was cleaning up his spot by the stove. Cassie was by the kitchen doors watching the last party finish up.
"Finally," She sighs, then walks out.
She comes back a minute later, dishes stacked precariously. She walks over to Matt at the sink, hanging them off to him
"So, boss, one of the guys wants to talk to you."
"Who is it? Did he give you his name?"
"Jacob Grey. He and his friends already paid and tipped well. They look like a villains from a Bond movie."
I huff out a laugh.
"Does that make me a Bond girl?"
"If it so, does that make Eliot James Bond?" Matt asks from the sink.
Cassie and I look at Eliot, then share a look, before answering at the same time.
Eliot huffs a laugh then turns away. I know him well enough to know when he's flustered.
I turn back to Cassie, gesturing for her to lead the way.
We walk through the double doors into the main dinning room, Cassie leading the way to the last occupied table.
There are three men at the table, plus another standing it the door, hands clutched in front of his body. The four of them together gave of an eerie feeling.
I stand next to the table, hands crossed in front of me.
"Gentleman." I great with a nod and polite smile.
One of the men stood to great me, buttoning his suit coat, before offering his hand towards me.
"Jacob Grey. It's a pleasure to meet such an excellent chef." His European accent makes him off putting.
I shake his hand as I introduce myself.
"I appreciate the compliment, but I can't take all the credit. I'm part of an amazing team here."
"So modest. An excellent quality." He smiles at me in a way I would imagine a predator would smile at their prey.
"Can I ask what you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Of course. I want to offer you a job of head chef at my estate."
His creepy factor just went up.
"Sir. I am flattered by your offer, but -"
"Excellent." He claps his hands together. " I'll have my assistant bring over all the documents necessary for you to start as soon as possible-"
" Mr. Grey! I did not accept your offer." I keep my voice low and even. "As I was saying, I am flattered by your offer, but I am happy here, therefore I will not be accepting your job offer. Thank you for dining here tonight. Good night gentlemen."
I turn and walk back to the kitchen, Cassie right behind me, finding Eliot on the other side. He has a look I've seen before. He's in hitter mode now.
"What? What is it?" I ask him.
"The man by the door. He's ex military. All four of 'em are armed too."
A chill runs down my spine. I turn to Matt and Cassie, who have matching anxious looks.
"Get your stuff and head out the back. We can handle this." I tell them.
" You sure?" Matt asks.
I nod.
"We'll be fine. Get outta here. It's late." Keeping my tone light.
They both nod, then head to get their stuff.
Once they are gone I turn back to Eliot, who's still discreetly watching through the window.
"Are they still there?"
"Yeah. Grey doesn't look to happy though. What ever you said he doesn't seem to like. What happened out there?"
"The prick offered me a job on his estate. I tried to tell him I was flattered, but didn't want the job. He interrupted, and said he'd send over his assistant to sign me on. I interrupted him, and told him I would not be working for him. Then came back here."
"I don't think he's used to being told 'no'." He responds with a smile. " And the other two men at the table with him are pretty heavy hitters as well. I recognize all of 'em from some jobs a while back."
"Before you met my dad?"
He let out a hum of confirmation.
"Grey was just a small fish back then. Clearly somethin' changed-"
He cuts his sentence off, he takes my hand in his, then leads me away from the door towards the back of the kitchen.
"El, what are you-"
My sentence gets interrupted by the kitchen door bursting open, and Mr. Grey walking in like he owns the place, his goon close behind.
He scans the room, his eyes landing on me, then on Eliot, who's placed himself between Grey and I, ready to fight if he has too.
"Eliot Spencer. Now this is a surprise."
"Grey." He acknowledges.
"This doesn't concern you, Spencer. This is between Ms. Ford and I."
"Ya see, it does concern me. Considering she's my wife." His tone is low and dangerous.
"I have some business to discuss with her-"
"She has already given you her answer. You gonna respect it, or we gonna have a problem?"
I watch Eliot's arm move up, as he grips the knife at his hip. The room goes quite.
Grey's eyes watch his movement, as does his goon. Clearly they know what Eliot is capable of, and are weighing the odds of crossing him.
Grey and Eliot stare at each other, Eliot calm as can be, but Grey is try to hide the fact he's scared.
"We're good." Grey growls out, then turns and walks out of the room.
His goon stays behind another moment, gives Eliot and I a nod, then follows his employer.
Eliot follows a few steps behind to make sure they leave.
I go to watch through the window in the door my self. I watch Eliot as he locks the front door and turns out lights on his way back to the kitchen.
When he's back in the kitchen, his entire focus is on me, cupping my face in his hands.
"You ok?" He asks.
"I'm good." He breaths a sigh and rests his forehead against mine.
We stay like that for a few minutes before I break the silence.
"You know, you saved me twice tonight."
He huffs out a laugh.
"I guess I did."
"You also said I was your wife."
He lifts his head and looks me in the eye.
"That I did. You okay with that?"
I nod, then pull him in for a kiss by his collar, his hands wrapping around my waist.
"It be nice if I was official though." I pull away just enough mumble against his lips.
"I'll talk to Nate."
He murmurs.
I let out a snort as I pull away.
"Good luck with that."
He smiles at me, a loving look on his face.
"You ready to head home?" He asks.
I nod, and start to pull away, but Eliot pulls me back for one more brief kiss, the finally lets me go to get my stuff.
We then finish closing up, and walk hand in hand to his truck to head home.
Eliot Spencer Tag list:
@katbratsupernaturalwhore @fictional-hooman
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nomorefstogive · 1 month
Funfact, there us a yugioh archetype based on dark souls. Look up ashened. It would be amazing to see your reactions and analysis on it if you want to.
Hello, again I am sorry for the delay with this, I will be answering both this ask and your previous one regarding the Umbrella Academy Dance Off idea in this one reply.
First, let's start with the most humorous of the pair, that being the dance off, I am admittedly not that experienced with Umbrella Academy, but the image that post has painted in my mind left me chuckling for quite a while after reading it.
As for how such a thing would occur in a SAGAU setting...hmmm...I have two ideas for the matter, the first involves Venti's one true love and the other involves the one thing you can always expect to occur when such wildly devoted individuals over hear something and make an assumption.
The first one, as I stated, involves the one true love of the Tone-Deaf Bard; Booze. To be exact, it involves the acolytes getting drunk off their asses at a celebration and someone, perhaps even the reader themselves, inadvertently starting the dance off as a means of showing off for the reader who, along with the other sober participants, is watching with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment at the mess before them.
The second involves the acolytes being sober...well...oaky all of them but Venti who is rarely, if ever truly sober, with them misunderstanding something the reader says and trying to impress them at a ball or other such form of celebration, with the ensuing chaos being a game to try and court the readers favor...or make them die of embarrassment and laughter, they are not certain because while some of them can dance...others...well...the kindest descriptor is an epileptic chicken with a strobe light tied to its face running around with a sparkler shoved somewhere sensitive...in other words, a mess.
As for the Ashened, it does indeed remind me a great deal of the Soulsborne series, the naming schemes for the characters, along with the link to fire and a constant cycle of conflict, with their souls having been trapped within an unending cycle of battle for a nation and cause long swept under the ashes and dust of the past.
The character designs seem like they would be quite fitting in the gritty and grim setting of the Soulsborne verse as well, along with the mechanic the main boss of the deck seems to have involving consuming the souls of the fallen to enhance its own strength. which calls to mind the Lords of Cinder from DS3...a dragon Lord Of Cinders...oh that is a nightmare that will haunt me for some time.
Veidos...hmmm...why do I suddenly hear Dark Eater Midir's theme?
The idea of them being trapped in a cycle does make me wonder just how powerful each of them would be when they are taken out of their ashen city, as, assuming we are following the logic of the Souls genre, they would have been growing in power and skill with each life and death as they gained the souls of their fallen comrades to further fuel their struggle against extinction made flesh.
Which also asks just how powerful Veidos would be if he does indeed absorb all of the fallen inhabitants souls should he be pushed too far, with the surge of power likely placing him on par with, if not superior, to the Archons in terms of sheer destructive power, and that is assuming he does not also gain their memories and power to further enhance himself.
I am curious as to just what would happen should their cycle end, as it seems to be caging Veidos and preventing it from taking any actions against the rest of the world due to it appearing to be trapped with them, assuming I am reading this correctly, so I wonder if the cycles breaking would herald him being released on the world in full, or if they would have worn him down over the aeons spent battling him.
Regardless of that matter, the idea of them having been fighting for so long that not only has history forgotten their names, but it is likely their entire nation has long been swept from the maps, which would cause no small amount of chaos should it be discovered as the nations would likely try and search for whatever wealth and power is hidden in the ruins of the nation, only to be pulled into the cycle, likely being viewed as enemies by the people of Obsidim.
I feel that by the time they are able to bridge the language barrier or convince them that they are not on the side of Veidos, that iteration of the cycle would likely have reached its conclusion, with those dying being enveloped by the same power that seared the Ashened warriors souls into their city and thus joining in bein g trapped in the cycle until it is at last broken with Veidos' death.
Something that will not come easy.
That is all I have for now, sorry for the delay with this again, take care and stay safe.
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: The Game!
Hey, all! As part of an effort to further potential with my Tumblr project, I have a huge announcement to make for you all. Introducing...
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An official game adaptation of Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond!, and boy, will it be a treat to behold, huh?
The game has started development today, and you'll be able to look forward to:
Each of the stories in gameplay form
Over 20 playable characters
Plenty of cutscenes to enjoy
Interactive environments to explore
Epic boss encounters with many rogues from the Sonic multiverse
And so much more!
I really hope you're all looking forward to-!
OMT!Tails: Woah woah woah! Hang on a moment.
OMT!Tails walks into frame.
OMT!Tails: The story's barely 6 months old yet, and you're seriously pitching a game for it?
Ah, right. I forgot.
CR!Sonic and CR!Sally show up.
CR!Sonic: You okay, Tails?
OMT!Tails: You guys might want to look at this.
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CR!Sally: A video game of all our endeavours? Seriously?
CR!Sonic: Looks like it. How would it even work out, though?
OMT!Tails: I doubt it'd ever see completion, though. I mean, over 6 quests to fill out into gameplay form? That'd take AGES, and it's likely going to risk cancellation partway through the process.
CR!Sonic: Yeah, you got a good point there, kid. I mean, can't people just enjoy the stories as they are? They're not meant to be "played".
OMT!Tails: Yeah, exactly. Especially after what I've been through...
CR!Sally: I get you, Tails...
CR!Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! is meant to be a story project for free and for fun! Pico doesn't have the time or energy to dedicate part of his life to making a game. I bet those children and hate band-wagoners on Twitter would just jump at any opportunity to hate on it for petty reasons. And that's why they have so much-!
D-Sides Mighty enters.
D-Sides Mighty: What's going on here?
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OMT!Tails: Oh! Hey, Mighty.
D-Sides Mighty: A game, huh? Don't people have enough Sonic fan-games to play?
CR!Sonic: That's what I've been trying to get at, bud. I mean, the story here on Tumblr's satisfactory enough.
OMT!Tails: Wait, "Tumblr"?
CR!Sonic: Hmm?
OMT!Tails: I thought it was called "Tumblelogs".
CR!Sonic: It was! Well, used to, anyway. I'm guessing it's still called that in your dimension?
OMT!Tails: Mhm.
D-Sides Mighty: Yeah, we don't need to go for a game of this, considering the Spider-Verse IP is copyrighted.
OMT!Tails: Hmm... Give me just a moment!
OMT!Tails spins around the lower text, tweaking it a bit.
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OMT!Tails: There! Better?
CR!Sally: Much better! Well done, Tails!
D-Sides Mighty: Well, that's one situation we can finally close the book on, wouldn't you say?
CR!Sonic: Yep. Come on, Sal. Let's head back now.
CR!Sally: Good idea, Sonic.
The couple headed off.
D-Sides Mighty: Wanna go grab a bite at Burger Monarchy, Tails?
OMT!Tails: Sure thing!
They left too.
Well, that's that, then. You're NOT getting that game. In the end, it was a cleverly-veiled April Fools' gag!
Happy April Fools' Day, folks! You've got all there is so far of the story to enjoy here from the comfort of Tumblr. Plus, I've been generous enough with each post to compile links to every post for this project on a Master Post that you're more than welcome to view on my profile. Well, see you around in the next post!
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???: It's all the same for your heroic delusions. That is, until you finally meet ME. I already won because I was two steps ahead and found a way to tap into what I desire most. You think a hero of Mobius, let alone a type of Sonic, always has a chance against Dr. Eggman? HA! Don't make me laugh. I ripped that hope to pieces for my Sonic long ago. And soon, with the power of MY Chaos Emeralds, all other universes will follow... Now, you'll all see how big a man I can be. It's time to say goodbye to humanity, heroes...
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The reveal of the final main antagonist... coming soon.
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hxhhasmysoul · 6 months
Happy holiday.... What do you think that made Yuuji is so likeable as a character? I've only been in the JJK fandom for a year, and I've seen a lot of other JJK characters' stan. But one thing in common, they all love Yuuji and mostly will include him in their top 5 fav JJK charas (including me :D)...
Also, extra kudos cause your blog is anti-gojo. Most of my moots love him and can't stop talking about him. I already tell them that I don't really like him (actually I hate him), they're okay but still so into him. So I'm so happy when I found your blog.
What do you think that made gojo so famous? Is it the pretty face and bad personality (I'm still confused until now)....? I dislike gojo kinda like I dislike dazai from BSD. They're both called "The one who stole the spotlight from the protagonist" (by my animanga group)....
I hope your holidays were nice! And everything best in the new year :D Thank you for the ask.
I think Yuuji is likable because he's very relatable. There's this post about how much we learn about him in the first few chapters and it clearly shows how there are just layers to him from the very start. How it's not easy for him to make close friends he can open up to but he tries. How he deals with family issues. How he is towards strangers.
There's this very strong humanity to Yuuji, he has super powers but he's extremely normal and human about it. He's such a contrast to the jujutsu society he enters where most sorcerers are so detached from the normies. Nanami isn't as detached, neither is Miwa. And Nobara isn't fully detached either. That is probably why Yuuji connects with her so closely, closer than with Megumi who's very steeped into the whole jujutsu ideology.
And as the story progresses we see Yuuji dehumanised, insulted and targeted. We see him trying to constantly reconcile his values with his new reality, we see him try not to lose himself when everyone tries to tell him he's wrong. When actually he's the one sane, the one that hasn't instrumentalised human life.
Yeah, this is a safe space for those who aren't in the Gojou cult. I think my main problem with Gojou is the dissonance between who Gojou is and what he actually stands for or does in the manga, and what a lot of his fans think he is. Also the fact that like two times his fans came at me and actively tried to evangelise the cult of Gojou to me. And like, I've never gone to anyone and tried to convince them to love Kenjaku or Sukuna, or even Yuuji XD
I think Gojou's looks contribute a lot to his popularity, something I personally don't understand, I find the white haired blue eyed anime boy ugly. But Gojou also has very flashy powers. And he's shipped with his friend turned antagonist, and it was all very dramatic and sad.
I think in JJK not only Gojou steals not exactly the spotlight from Yuuji... I don't know how to call it. But Megumi and Yuuta do it too.
My experience with this fandom is that a lot of the fans don't get what JJK is about and what kind of story it is. And they want to squeeze JJK into a certain stereotype of what a shounen manga is supposed to be.
So in that stereotype a shounen manga is one where a very special boy fights (sometimes metaphorically because it's for example football XD) his way through progressively stronger opponents to achieve his goal. The goal can be noble and grand or very personal. The boy also accrues friends along the way who help him fight somewhat but like the boy fights against the boss of the arc. And generally the plot revolves around him and happens around him.
Which some shounen surely are, I'm not super well versed in any genre, but from what I vaguely remember from trying to watch Dragon Ball a long time ago it had that kinda vibe... I wouldn't bet money on my memory of that though. Chainsaw Man also had that vibe to me, and Demon Slayer and Blue Lock - as much as I've seem of those titles.
It's just that I don't even know how statistically relevant that stereotype is. Hunter x Hunter isn't like that, neither is Hell's Paradise. Full Metal Alchemist leans that way at times but isn't really that.
And JJK isn't like that either. It's a story driven by its antagonists - Kenjaku, elders, recently Sukuna- and not its protagonist. It actively deconstructs the myth of the strongest Gojou is as much a product and a problem of the jujutsu society as Sukuna is. People talk that loneliness is the theme in JJK because recently Sukuna's fan club was asking him to cure theirs and he did, for all of them. But what people forget that the theme of loneliness as a motivator started with Yuuji. But the loneliness isn't the only theme. There's this huge discussion of what society should be, what is the place of jujutsu in society and in the world and Kenjaku and Yuuji are at the centre of that. There's the theme of the value of human life that Yuuji is the point of view character for, Nanami, Higuruma and Megumi occasionally chip into that but it's always in the context of Yuuji. There's a huge theme of bodily autonomy in JJK that connects many characters but Yuuji is very much central to it, together with Kenjaku and Yuuji's personal foil Mahito.
Also Yuuji isn't what you'd call a stereotypical shounen protagonist, he's much closer to a stereotypical shoujo protagonist and when you realise that, when you realise what the themes of JJK are, you see that there is no other protagonist of JJK. I'm linking to the ask where I outlined that.
So I think people who talk about Yuuta or Gojou being main characters actually just like these guys and are wowed by their super hyper flashy techniques and don't give much of a shit about what most of the manga is about. With Megumi I think it's because he's a pretends he's an intellectual and says these fake deep broody things while the close up is on his lashes. I mean his technique is super strong and flashy too... when Sukuna uses it because Sukuna is a jujutsu nerd and he actually knows how to use it XD
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Aurora ~ Part One
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Pairings: Andy Barber vs Lloyd Hansen; Andy Barber x OFC Aurora "Rory" Thatcher
Summary: Rory has opened a new bakery in town. And the local mafia boss has taken an interest...
Work Count:4.6K
Warnings: Mafia! Andy Barber, assault, fluff, mentions of parental death, this is a multi-verse of mixed characters
This work is 18+ only. Please heed the warnings and walk away as this story does get violent as it goes on...
Banner by @justawriterand
Mood board and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Welcome to Newton.  A sleepy town outside of Boston.  Where kids can play with their friends and shop owners advertise with signs on the street.  It’s a quiet town.  An unassuming town.  A town where one-man rules and no one forgets it.  This town, Newton, is Andy Barber’s town. 
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Aurora Thatcher wiped the sweat from her brow as she placed the last table in her shop.  Her shop.  The bakery that Rory always dreamed about.  The Sweetest Things. It took two years, one loan from her grandparents but it was here. The décor was Parisian, black, white and pink.  The displays would be filled with her treats.  The checkerboard floor was polished, the white tables and chairs ready for customers to sit and enjoy their treats. Rory smiled. Everything was perfect. 
The bell over the door rang, startling you from your thoughts. A man with dark hair, scruff on his shin stood in the doorway. “Miss Thatcher?”
“Yes? Sorry, we are closed.”
“I know Miss Thatcher. My name is Nick, Nick Fowler. I work for Mr. Barber.” He offer what she assumed to be a gentle smile, trying not to scare her.
She froze. Mr. Andrew Barber, the notorious mob boss. He ran this town and everyone in it. She had been made aware of this early on and while Rory knew he wouldn’t hurt her, she still feared him. “Hello Mr. Fowler. How can I help you?”
Nick Fowler smiled at the pretty young thing standing in from of him. She was petite, with dark hair pulled into braids and a bun, large doe eyes that alluded to the innocence of her. She was beautiful but she also didn’t realize it.  Her shirt was tight to her body covered by an apron.  Nick licked his lips at the girl, adjusting his jeans subtly, not wanting to scare her. “I’m sure you are aware Miss Thatcher that there is a certain, let’s call it, leasing fee, that comes with owning a shop in this town.”
Rory gulped. “Yes Mr. Fowler. My landlord made me aware.” She shuffled to the register and pulled the envelope full of cash for him. “I was advised the leasing fee was two.”
Nick opened the envelope full of $20 bills. He looked up at her with a smirk. “To start Miss Thatcher. Depending on how profitable you are, that may change. Do you understand?”
Rory nodded, trying not to cry.  She watched as Nick sniffed the air. “You got any samples?” She nodded again and moved to package up some treats she had made.  A couple of croissants, some Danishes, cookies, and her signature red velvet cupcakes.  Nick pulled out his wallet to pay but Rory waved him off. 
“If you like them, you can just send customers my way.” 
“Thank you, Miss Thatcher. Have a nice evening.” 
Rory watched him leave and then sag against the counter, the tears she fought so hard to hide finally falling. 
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Nick walked back into the office, munching on one of the heavenly cookies Rory had given him.  He swallows as he saw his boss reviewing some documents, his third in command, Sam Wilson, reviewing the monitors for the casino. “Hey Boss!”
“Fowler.  How’d it go?” Andy never looked up from what he was reading. 
“Smoothly.  The owner was ready for us.”  He tossed the envelope on the desk.  “She was sweet but scared. Killer body. Amazing baker.”  He put the box of treats down carefully. 
“Good to know my tenants warn the new people.”  Andy looked up at Nick with a smirk. “You have something,” pointing to the side of Nick’s mouth, a smear of chocolate on his lip.
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“Shit, sorry boss.”  He took out a napkin to wipe his face. 
“Was that from the baker?” Andy looked at the box. 
“Yeah, Miss. Thatcher. Sweet thing.  She gave them to me.  Said that if we liked them to send her customers.  By the way, I will.  She’s that good.” 
“Hmm, red velvet. My favorite.”  Andy plucked the cupcake out of the box and took a bite.  He couldn’t help the moan that escaped his mouth.  “Fucking Christ, that’s good.” 
“Told ya. Wilson, you have to try these.” 
The men munched on the treats as Andy put the money away.  “So, Miss Thatcher was amiable?” 
“Very.  Wouldn’t mind going back and visiting with her.  Get to know her… personally.” Nick smirked at the thought.
“You will do no such thing Nick.”  Andy frowned.  He had never met the girl, but he knew Rory’s grandparents and was doing them a favor by charging such low rent. “She’s innocent.  So just do your job and that’s it.” 
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A couple of months had passed, and the bakery was a hit on the block.  The rate of growth left Rory happy but unsettled.  Nick has been back as promised, once a month to collect rent.  He could see the growth but didn’t charge her more.  Every time he stopped by Rory had a box of treats for him, especially saving a couple of red velvet cupcakes after Nick mentioned that Mr. Barber liked them. 
It was nearly closing time when the doorbell rang.  Rory looked up from her sweeping to see a gruff dark hair man enter with a lankier man.  She went to the register and smiled.  “May I help you?”
“I’ve come to collect the rent,” he replied.  She paled. 
“I’m sorry, M-Mr. Fowler already came by to pick it up.  I’m sorry.” 
The man leered at Rory.  “Stupid bitch,” he growled. “This is my block.”  He came around the counter. Rory froze as he stalked towards her. “Guess, you’ll have to pay me another way.”  He twirled a tendril that had fallen from her ponytail, the smile on his face sadistic. 
Andy was in desperate need of caffeine. After wiping the blood from his bruised knuckles and taking care of the issue with the casino behind the antique store, he heard his stomach rumble. “Work” had left him tired and hungry.  He spotted the new little bakery and decided to visit and meet the Thatcher’s granddaughter.  He walked across the street and peered in the window.  He watched as a young woman pushed Rumlow away from herself and Rumlow reach back and slap her, the force pushed her to the floor.  He raced into the shop. “The fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Brock looked up to see his boss standing in the doorway with a look of fury.  “Mr. Barber, sir, I’m just collecting…”
“I told you, I already paid Nick two days ago,” Rory whispered from the floor, holding her cheek. 
“Rumlow, she’s on Fowler’s list. Leave now and never come back here again.” 
“But sir…”
Brock scurried like the rat he is and left, taking Ward with him. 
Andy walked around the counter and kneeled beside Rory. “Are you alright?”
Rory was still holding her cheek, a single tear falling down her face.  “I’m fine.” 
Andy’s heart cracked. “No, you’re not.” He stood up and went to the back.  She heard the freezer open and close.  He returned to her with ice wrapped in a towel.  “Here,” he gently pressed the towel to her face. She winces and he brushes a strand of hair from her face. “My name is Andy.” 
She knew who he was. “Rory. Uh, Aurora,” she whispered.  He could feel the tremble through her body. 
“That’s a beautiful name.” She maintained her eyes casted down. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he reassured. He could still see the fear in her posture.  Rory refused to look at him, keeping her eyes casted down. She didn’t want to make the mobster mad, but Andy studied her.  She was beautiful, even as she was covered in flour, tear tracks and a red mark covering her face.
Rory’s voice quivered as she spoke.  “I’m sorry Mr. Barber.  I didn’t mean to talk to your man that way or shove him.”  She stood up.  “I – I can pay if you need me too.”  She went to the register, still refusing to meet his eyes. 
The buzz of the register brings Andy out of whatever trance her body had put him in. “If you say you paid Nick, then I believe you.”  She nodded. But Andy wanted to see her face. “Look at me.” She froze, her heart begins to pound. She was sure he can hear it thumping against her rib cage, wanting to escape. “I said, look at me.”  He grasped her chin and tilted her head to meet his eyes.  Their height difference was significant.  He was easily over six feet while she was just over five. Soft brown eyes meet his blue green ones, and she was lost.  Rory could see every line in his irises, like a map that she wanted to study. 
Andy tried not to lose himself in her eyes.  “You are under my protection.  No harm will come to you ever again.  Do you understand sweetheart?” Rory nodded, unable to let go of his gaze. “Good. Now, what time do you close?”
“In an hour and then I have to prep for tomorrow,” she whispered. She never took her eyes off of him. She took in the rich texture of his suit, the dark blue complimenting his eyes, his full beard accentuating his full lips.  But then she saw it.  A speck of blood on the collar of his white shirt. She locked eyes with him again and she swallowed. 
Finally breaking the stare down, Andy looks at his watch. “I’ll be by in a couple of hours to take you home.  I’ll send Nick to watch over you.” 
“You don’t have to do that Mr. Barber. I can take care of myself.”
“No, I do.” He gently caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes at his touch. “Finish up sweetheart. Go on. I’ll wait for Nick.” 
Rory offered a small smile as she went back to her cleaning and organizing.  Andy called Nick over and five minutes later the man himself strolled in.  “Hey Rory! Any cookies left?”
“Hi Nick. Yeah, in the back. Help yourself.” 
“Hey boss.” Nick nodded to Andy. “What’s going on?”
“Rumlow was here, claiming to be collecting the rent but I think he was after something more.”  His eyes moved to Rory as she wiped down the ovens. 
“Shit. Ok, what’s the plan?”
“I want protection for her at all times. Get Parker or Lang to watch her.  I need to take care of somethings with Barton but I’ll be back.  We’ll discuss how to handle Rumlow later.” 
“You got it boss.” 
“And Fowler, if anything happens to her, I’ll consider it your fault.”  Andy turned and found Rory stocking ingredients. He observes her as she straightens the boxes and bags, her curves more defined when not hidden by her apron.  He wants to run his hands over her back and down her backside to grasp the globes of her ass while he holds Rory tight to him.  He clears his throat to bring his mind back from dirty thoughts and catch her attention.  “Sweetheart, I have business to finish but I’ll be back. Please, don’t go anywhere without Nick.”  
“Yes, Mr. Barber.” Rory chewed on her lip. 
Andy took a few steps towards her.  He cupped her chin and using this thumb pulled to release her bottom lip. “What I wouldn’t give to bite that lip,” he whispered. Rory sucked in a breath and closed her eyes.  “I hope I get that chance soon,” he breathed in her ear and placed a small kiss on her cheek, the whiskers of his beard tickling her face. “Soon, beautiful.” And then he was gone. 
Rory took a moment to calm herself.  Having never met the man before today, the emotions and attractions were new.  Andrew Barber was sex walking in her eyes.  His height was perfect, allowing her to still study him when she locked eyes with him. Those eyes, the eyes that allowed you to get lost in the deepest of oceans and yet still see the sky. His face, after it let go of the fury, was kind.  He looked at Rory, not with anger, but with longing or dare she say it, lust.  Rory’s body clenched at the thought of Andy’s hands on her and she shook her head to clear her thoughts.  Rory went back to work and chatted with Nick.
“You ok cupcake?”
She tilted your head. “Cupcake?”
“Would have called your kitten but I don’t think the boss would have liked that,” Nick replied as he leaned on the door frame.  He was no slouch either, with his blue sweater bring out the blue in his eyes. 
He seemed angry earlier. Rory got on her tip toes to get a canister onto a higher shelf. Nick got behind her to help, placing the canister with ease. 
“Boss doesn’t like it when an innocent is hurt.” Nick tilted her face to see the small bruise forming on her cheek.  “Rumlow crossed a line. Did you put ice on this?”
“Andy gave me some.” Rory blush at saying his name. It felt good to say his given name. But then the thought of Rumlow entered back into her mind.  “He isn’t going to come back, is he?”
Nick clenched his jaw.  “Not if we have any say. Rory, you are on my list so your protection is my responsibility, and the boss will make sure of that.  Don’t worry cupcake. We’ll take care of you.”
Rory and Nick continue to work, she was prepping and Nick finishing the cleaning.�� As she placed the last of the doughs in the fridge, the bell tingles again, making her jump and coward behind the shelf, her breathing becoming more rapid. This little piece of metal was now making sounds that terrified her. Rory sinks down to the floor, wondering what was happening to her. 
“Sweetheart? Are you here?”
The sweetest voice calls for her. Rory stood up and peek her head around the shelf. “Hi.” 
“Rory? What’s the matter?” Andy can see her body is tense, her eyes round with fear. She shakes her head, knowing she was being ridiculous.  She headed to her office, but Andy stops her.  “Talk to me.”  
“The bell.” Rory looked down.  “I don’t like the bell anymore. It scares me,” she says in a small voice, ashamed that the offensive, non-descript piece of metal is messing with her psyche. 
Andy gathered her in his arms, holding her tights. “Won’t let anything happen to you.  Promise.”  He let go and followed her into the office.  Rory grabbed her bag and keys and walked out with Andy and Nick.  Nick cleared his throat. 
“So Rory, I have a friend who is looking for work.  Good kid, hard worker.  Maybe you should hire him to help you out?”
Andy hid his smile, knowing what Nick was doing. Planting Parker as a worker would be perfect. 
Rory smiled.  “I could use the extra help.  Send him my way.” 
Andy took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm, and he walked to the car. Nick opened the door and Andy helped her in.  “Where to?”
“I’m about ten blocks away but I can walk, really.” 
Andy cocked an eyebrow towards her, and she stopped.  Nick pulled into traffic and a few minutes later they were parked in front of her building. Andy stopped her as she climbed out of the car.  “Have dinner with me.” 
There was no point in trying to refuse.  This was Andy Barber and he always got what he wanted.  Rory nodded. “Ok.” 
“Tomorrow night.  I’ll be by.”  He kissed her hand and let her go. 
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When Rory woke up the next morning, she could have sworn that last night was a dream.  Andy Barber did not ask her out on a date, that Rumlow guy hadn’t attacked her.  She got up and got ready for the day.  She saw a dress that she had purchased on a whim.  It was white with blue flowers, empire waisted, boat neck, sleeveless.  The dress fell to her knees.  Maybe it wasn’t a dream.  She pulled the dress out along with some blue heels, just in case. Rory grabbed her bag and headed out into the crisp morning.  She missed the sedan that was following her. 
Rory got to the shop and there was a young man sitting on the stoop.  She froze and he jumped up.  “Hi, are you Miss Thatcher?”
“Yes?” She looked at him warily. 
“My name is Peter.  Peter Parker. Mr. Barber and Mr. Fowler said I should come by about a job.”
Rory swallowed hard.  Yesterday was not a dream.  She remembered everything.  Nick and Andy promised to take care of her.  Peter could see the hesitation.  “Oh sorry.  Here.”  He handed her a note. 
This is the guy I asked you about.  He’s a good kid and a hard worker.  Call me if you have any questions.  He’s also there to protect you if you need it. 
In your service, 
She looked at Peter.  She offered him a smile.  “Hi Peter.  It says here that you are a hard worker.” 
Peter smiled, his face nothing but positive. “Yes ma’am, ready to learn and help where I can.” 
“Ew, don’t call me ma’am.” Peter let out a chuckle. “Its Rory. Let me show you inside.”  She got him an apron and walked him through the store.   He was a quick learner, and his strength helped a lot.  He got all the tables set up and straightened, the heavy coffee pots moved and set without a sweat. Nick was right. Peter was strong and it helped calmer her nerves, you know, just in case someone unsavory showed back up to the shop. 
About an hour before closing, Nick strode in with a box.  “Hey cupcake!”
“I see we are sticking with the nickname.”  She rolled her eyes but smiled.  “Hi Nick.  What’s with the box?”
“Boss asked me to install a new security system for you and close the shop. But don’t worry, the only thing I’ll take are any leftovers.”  He winked at her. 
“No buts. He said, and I quote, ‘I need my sweetheart to have time to get ready.’ So out with you. Parker and I can handle this.  You’re closed tomorrow anyways so no prep.” Nick took her keys from her.  “Wilson will take you home.” 
A kind looking man was outside. He turned at the sound of his name and nodded at her. Nick handed Rory her bag and guided her outside.  “Wilson, this is Miss Rory Thatcher. Take care of her.”  He turned to you.  “Have fun cupcake.”  Sam led her to the car and started to drive. 
“How do you know where I live?”
“Mr. Barber told me.”  He pulled in front of the building just a few minutes later.  “I’ll be outside, on watch.” 
“Ok.”  The thought of someone watching her building was enough to send her in a panic. Rory locked the door after rushing in and sank to the floor.  How was this your life?  Was it wise to go on a date with Andy Barber? Her thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. She smiled as she read the caller ID.  “Hi Nana.” 
“Hello my darling! How are you?”
“I’m good Nana.  Business is booming.” 
“That’s wonderful my darling. Any plans this evening.” 
Rory hesitated.  She might as well come clean since it would probably get out sooner than later.  “I’m going to dinner with Andrew Barber.”  The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. “Nana?”
“Did he threaten you?”
“No! He helped me with a difficult… umm… customer and then he asked me to dinner.  He was a perfect gentleman.” 
Her grandmother was in a peculiar state: quiet.  She was concerned at Rory’s defense of the man. “Rory, just, make sure the man is respectful.” 
“I will Nana. I have to get ready.  I’ll call you tomorrow.” 
“Have fun my darling.” 
Rory hung up and got ready.  A shower, hair done, makeup on, she pulled on her dress, stockings and heels.  As she was sliding earrings on, the doorbell rang. 
Andy has always been a confident man.  Nothing has ever made him nervous or scared. Until he looked into her eyes.  Her big, innocent, doe eyes, the beautiful color enrapturing him to his very soul.  They were eyes that could see right through him, haunting him as he tried to sleep.  How had he not made the effort before to come and see her? No matter.  Now he was standing on Rory’s stoop, a bouquet of pink roses in his hands, waiting for her to open the door.  Andy never felt the need to have a partner in life after Laurie, a wife to make his queen. Until he saw her. 
When she opened the door, Andy was at a loss for words.  Her innocence shined through in her appearance and yet his thoughts were of nothing but how to get her naked as fast as humanly possible. “Sweetheart, wow,” he said.  Then he heard the sweetest sound...
Her giggle. 
“Thank you, Mr. Barber,” Rory’s cheeks faintly pink, eyes cast down. 
“Andy, sweetheart. Call me Andy.” He offered the flowers to her. I” thought these would match your beauty, but I can see now that only you are that beautiful.” 
Rory blushed again.  “I’m sure that’s not true but thank you.”  She kept her eyes downcast. 
Andy grasped her chin and tilted her head to force her to look at him. “If I say something, I mean it. You are gorgeous Miss Thatcher.  Do you understand?”  
“Yes,” she whispered. 
“Yes what?”
“Yes, sir.”  Her submission was surprising.  She moved to put the flowers in a vase, her mind racing.   She always considered herself independent, self-sufficient, in need of no man.  But here she was, submitting to Andy Barber without thinking twice.  How did he have a hold of her so quickly. His deep commanding voice brought her out of her thoughts.
“I thought dinner and then a stroll, my dear.  Is Chinese ok?”
“Yes, I love Chinese.”  She gave him a genuine smile and it warmed Andy’s heart.  He offered his arm after she closed her door.  He guided her to the car and once in, his driver pulled away.
Once at the restaurant, she waited for her door to be opened as Andy had gripped her hand when she went to open it. She saw Nick approach the door and open it, “Hi Rory.” 
“Hi Nick,” as she climbed out with Andy’s helps. It was dawning on Rory that this was how Andy was treated when he was out and about in his city.  He was treated like the King he is.  As he climbed out, Nick gave him a subtle nod, as if answering an unasked question.  Andy placed a hand on her back and guided her onto the restaurant.  When she looked around, the place was deserted save a man holding a bottle of wine. “Andy?”
“I don’t want people to know my business until I am ready for them to know. So I bought out the restaurant for the evening.” He had the hostess lead them to a table. It had fresh roses and little tea candles.  Rory looked around and saw that the entire restaurant was glowing from candles.  Andy pulled out a chair for her to sit. 
The waiter didn’t ask but immediately poured wine into the glasses. “Plum wine to start miss, sir. Pairs well with the moo-shi appetizer.” Another waiter brought out a plate of food. 
Rory picked up the chop stick to start eating and she notice Andy was struggling, frowning and frustrated.  “May I show you?”
Andy snapped his head up as she rose from her seat.  Rory stood behind him and placed her hand over his, her face close to his.  He was enthralled. He could smell her perfume, the scent of her shampoo. He could almost taste her skin, the creaminess entrancing him.  Her small delicate hand was soft but firm from years of kneading dough.  She softly formed his fingers into the right position.  As she withdrew, her hand grazed his knuckles ever so gently that it raised goosebumps.  “There,” she pronounced, “try it.” 
Andy tried and succeeded grasping the food.  Rory smiled and moved to sit when Andy grabbed her hand.  She gasped at the sudden movement, a tremble moving through her body, Andy could feel the fear racing through her.  He gently pulled her hand and brought it to his lips.  He placed a gentle kiss to her knuckles.  “Thank you, sweetheart.” 
She blushed at the gesture.  “You’re welcome.”  She sat back down.
“Tell me about yourself.” Andy wanted to know everything about her. 
“Well, I grew up a few blocks from the bakery.  My grandparents took me in after my parents died.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s ok. I was ten when that happened.  I started baking as a way to meet friends and it just grew from there.” 
“I do have to complement your bakery.  That red velvet cupcake is divine.” 
Rory giggled.  “That’s my specialty.  It’s my favorite flavor.” 
Andy looks at her with adoration.  “Mine too.” 
The conversation flowed for the rest of the mean with Andy asking question after question, absorbing everything he could.  Turns out, pink roses were Rory’s favorite.  She toys with her wine glass.  “So, will I get to learn more about you Mr. Barber?”  Her tone is flirty. 
The question took him back.  He signaled the waiter and paid before leading her out.  “Let’s take a stroll.”  He walked next to Rory, contemplating what to say.  He cleared his throat. “I built my standing from the ground up.  The people in this town needed protection from a devil of a man.  I did everything in my power to first, protect my neighborhood and then eventually the town.  I did have a woman, Laurie and she had my child, Jacob.” His eyes had sorrow at the mention of his son.  “But they both died in an accident many years ago when he was just a baby.  Since then, I focused on my business.  I made it strong, brutal even.  I had no reason to look at life differently.  Until I saw you. 
“You.  You were like a breath of fresh air. So beautiful, so innocent. I just… I just wanted to know you.” 
“I’m no one special Mr. Barber. Just a girl trying to make her way in the world.”  Rory stopped to look at the sky.  “It’s so pretty here.” 
Andy stood behind her, running his nose by her neck, hearing her breath hitch in surprise but noting how she closed her eyes, as if she was holding back her desire. “It’s because you are trying to make your way in the world that draws me to you.”  She looked back at him. “May I kiss you Miss. Thatcher?” She nodded and he pressed his lips to her. 
His lips are full, soft and sweet.  One would think that his beard would be harsh but it’s not.  It’s soft, brushing against her face.  He pulls back and sees her slightly swollen lips, her eyes still closed.  He smiles but kisses her again, a little harder this time but not forceful.  Her lips meld to his, heating her very core. 
Kissing Andy Barber has to be her new favorite thing in the whole wide world. 
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celestiall0tus · 1 month
Mental Health Awareness - Icon for Hire - Brittle Analysis
The first of a few of these I plan on doing. Granted I was going to cover Blitz from Helluva Boss, but I heard this song earlier and changed plans.
I'm going to break down the song lyrics and share my interpretation of them. I'll cover the three main verses, then the chorus. And a reminder that this is my interpretation of it and how you may interpret the lyrics will differ. That said, let's dive into this:
"I'm rough around the edges Mistake me for pretentious I get stuck in my head It's not personal, it's just personal I've been strong for too long Sometimes I forget why I'm trying I'm trying, I'm trying"
Rather straightforward to me. As a person with their jaded parts with some mild influence in different aspects, I can be seen as putting on an act or just trying to get attention. When it really is just barely managing to keep it all together. At times you can get a little caught up in it all that you forget the why, particularly why I'm trying.
"If I get defensive Don't say I'm oversensitive Maybe I have a tendency to snap on people telling me "You fit inside this box we built, we know you better than yourself" They're lying, they're lying, they're lying"
Oh boy! This is a big one. Right out of the gate, the defensive and being called oversensitive is on the nose. I myself have been called oversensitive when I myself get defensive and snap on people telling me the same things, thinking they know me better than myself. This is never the case. You know you better, not those around you or even society.
"I tell myself Keep breathing, don't lose focus I'm alive, I'm not a diagnosis Keep breathing, don't lose focus Keep breathing, don't lose focus You're alive, you're not a diagnosis Keep breathing, don't lose focus I'm not a diagnosis"
Another straightforward verse. Someone literally having to remind themselves that they're not just another of the "tragic failures" of society that refuse to fit in the box. That the person is a person, more than a diagnosis, and telling themselves to keep on fighting with that in mind.
"I'm just a statistic Just another tragic misfit Ship that cliché to the clinic Document my disposition Then they put me in a box Slap a label on the top Tape me up and ship me off Now I'm someone else's problem"
"They call me damaged I let them think what they like They call me difficult 'Cause I don't fit in the lines But I didn't get this far without any scars I'm not brittle Well, maybe just a little A little"
There's two different chorus for this song.
The first one listed above is just honestly how a lot of us get treated. We're just another number, another problem to not necessarily be fixed, but more observed. Basically, becoming a problem for someone else to, again, "fix."
The second one is the core of what it feels like. We are damaged, we can be difficult, we don't fit in the lines, and we certainly didn't get this far without any scars. At times, it can just easier to let people think what they want and just continue on, reminding ourselves of where we've been, what we've gone through, and strive for the best us we can without worrying about fitting in society's lines. And, despite what some may think, we aren't as brittle as most people think. We have our moments where we are brittle with the scars to show it, but we are also far from brittle.
I absolutely love this song for the overall message. We are difficult, we are guarded, it can be hard to get to know us, people do call us difficult just because we either don't want or can't fit in the lines of society. We are some of the strongest people out there because of the struggles we've had to endure, but we still have our moments where we are brittle.
We're not just another problem for society. We may not fit in the lines, but we are more than a number. We have our scars, but we're not broken. We may be damaged, we may be brittle, but we're also not. Just keep on going, keep on breathing, and always remember where you once were and where you are now.
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richieshusband · 7 months
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My name is Remy
My pronouns are he/they (I also go by ghost/ghosts and nor/mal [not in a transphobic way] but that is for non-irls.)
I am a gay man (MLM / NWLNW)
I have autism, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, hypersexuality and ADHD.
I am a theistic satanist (this means that i believe in satan as christian's feel with jesus, a real entity. i am NOT a bad person for believing in this.)
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(no particular order)
Hatchetfield!! <333
Team StarKid in general
Grease (I haven't watched the musical, only the movie)
Stanley Parable
TAWOG / The Amazing World of Gumball
Tin Can Bros
YFM / Your Favorite Martian
I'm a Sam Raimi and comics Spider-Man fan, not necessarily an Across The Spider-Verse fan.
I love Disney animatronics and the history behind them!!! :]
Sonic the Hedgehog
american physco
jekyll and hyde
Ray William Johnson
The Scream franchise
Horror movies in general (i love suggestions pls suggest movies i haven't watched a lot)
Midwest emo fashion!!! <3
Scene fashion
Emo fashion
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richieshusband_ on tiktok
If you want my Discord or anything else like that, please ask in DMS, I am not comfortable saying that in public.
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i tag all of my hey melissa posts with #hey melissa tw
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(what is ok for me and dni guide)
blue - yes!!!!
orange - okay
reddish-orange? - no.
white - will be explained
Asking for my Discord (if I know you well enough!!)
Asking to be mutuals if you - are a horror movie fan, Hatchetfield/Team StarKid fan, satanist, neurodivergent people!!! <33
Asking to call, sexualizing me as a joke (unless we know each other well :3)
Asking to be mutuals if you - are a Hazbin Hotel fan, Helluva Boss fan, or just a Vivziepop supporter in general (not the weird ones), DSMP fans...
Arguing with me about a topic you're clearly not educated on (especially about Satanism.) I refuse to argue with someone who doesn't have enough energy in their body to educate themselves and rather argue.
Asking to be mutuals if you - are racist/transphobic/homophobic/anything of that nature, proshippers/pedos/zoophiles/etc., toxic fans (of any fandom), pro-anorexia accounts/edtwt accounts.
Asking to be mutuals if
You are over 18 - It's fine if you interact ONLY in reblogs and commenting on my posts. I don't want to see you in dms unless we've known each other before you turned 18.
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peemanne · 1 month
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quick little burst of text i wanted to get out of my system. made for my super awesome backloggd whoa haha hey isn't that a cool thing where you can follow me isn't that awesome
transcript below if you need it and/or are too lazy to go to the site:
ok i'll make my big boy pants incomprehensible raving ramble review later when i stop sitting on my ass and finish all the other ones for this series. but for now i just NEED to talk about this game man.
infinite wealth to me is like another yakuza 5. yeah, there are some obvious flaws, some really weird story decisions and, hell, both even have divisive final bosses that i grew to really really like over time. but the things that ARE present are so full of heart and so genuine that i can't help but overlook those flaws. ichiban and friends are still such amazing characters who i loved to just see hang out. ichiban himself still proves to be an amazing protagonist, his cheerful and energetic demeanor feeling so refreshing. and of course star of the show himself, the dragon of dojima. maybe i was a little split on kiryu coming back after 6 and even getting a whole ass mini spinoff just to try to make having his mug on the cover art feel justified. but now that i've finally heard the final verse off of kazuma kiryu's swansong? everything in this game feels like a love letter to the LEGACY this man has left on the series. anyone who can call themselves an rgg fan will get so much out of the life links. so much out of the story's main themes of living life and not throwing yourself away. so much out of slowly, but so so surely seeing kiryu realize that the life he's living is one worth fighting for. and i know it will, because it definitely meant so much to me.
infinite wealth isn't perfect. the story is maybe a little mixed. the pacing really falters at times. but this game is worth so much more than the sum of its parts to me. maybe even worth an infinite wealth eh eh eh eh eh
(additionally, just like yakuza 5, this game's combat system is puhpuhpuh-peak and also the ost bangs. kooky has held me captive for months on end now. i would make the whole save me joke but i don't want to escape)
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applcyed · 2 months
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✖ ━━ APPLCYED is a single muse RP blog that is loosely and heavily canon-divergent off of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (not affiliated with Vivienne Medrano or Spindlehorse Toons)!
✖ ━━ There will be DARK subject matters here as well as NSFW material (so please be 18+ if you want to follow). Such things may include but are not limited to: mentions of drugs, drug use, mentions of gore, mental illness, sex, abusive relationships, abuse, mentions of non-con (will never actively write it though), unhealthy coping methods, alcohol and other potentially triggering content. If there’s anything you need me to tag lemme know ASAP because I have no issues when it comes to tagging stuff. I just ask you don't get upset with me if I forget now and then as it's not my intention to forget but I'm usually pretty good at tagging things.
✖ ━━ I'm NIHILES! You can call me just Nihil, N or X for short. I'm 34 years young, FtM (He/They) and it's nice to meet you. This is just a side blog so most follows will be from my main blog/hub blog. It’s not mandatory but please follow my main blog so that I know we’re mutuals!
✖✖✖ LINKS: HUB BLOG ✖ ABOUT ✖ MEMES ✖ VERSES ✖ PERMANENT STARTER CALL ✖ PROMO ✖✖✖ AFFILIATES: @hellcrafted, @hellshoard, @houseofasmodeus, @sinfuldxgenerates, @helleres, @jesterslut
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cosmixsoupmix · 4 months
A Deep Dive into Gorillaz's "Hallelujah Money" (repost)
I have already written this post on my main blog (@cosmixbun) but I am putting it on this one so I have it here too !! (originally written in 2022-2023)
For those who don’t know the song ‘Hallelujah Money’, it is a song released by the band, ‘Gorillaz’ on the ‘Humanz’ album on January 17, 2017. Or more known as the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration (keep this in mind, it’s very important.). The majority of the vocals were sung by Benjamin Clementine, the rest of course, was 2-D. The lyrics can be found here, if you want to read them. The music video can be found here. I suggest watching and reading both before really looking into this.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a big music person, I only find music video interest in the Gorillaz music videos. If I say something that you do not believe or have differing opinions, great. This is just what I bring to the table all these years later. There’s plenty more where I come from.
I’m going to explain as best as I can with both parts so bear with me. Again, it would help to watch the video to see the background and the emotions in the video as portrayed by Benjamin. So, in the music video upon opening, we see the only person who will be the center of the whole music video, Benjamin. We see him in a shiny, gold building. This hallway, in the building, is a reference to the Trump Tower and Benjamin is portraying Trump, or at the least his ideals. The background images that are used in the music video are disturbing and can sometimes set an uneasy feeling. I’m not going to go super in depth on each image or video because there’s a lot but you can find the breakdown somewhere. In the music video we see flashes for symbols or things that symbolize power, such as the pyramid with the eye on the back of the US dollar bill (which is said to represent God or the illuminati, so pick one), a cowboy, and even a creepy clown video (not really a ‘power’ in a societal sense, but they affected how we lived for a while.) While the videos and pictures are shown in the back, the lyrics are being said. The majority of the time, the video and pictures have somewhat no connotation to the lyrics being sung. The end of the video ends with a clip of Spongebob screaming and crying, this was taken from the episode called ‘Karate Choppers’ from season one. The clip is right after Mr.Krabs, his boss, tells him that he’s fired. “You’re fired.” is one of Donald Trump’s signature quotes.
Going into the lyrics I will also tie into the things that I had talked about in the music video. The lyrics in the beginning are more of acknowledging that the US is a growing country and that everyone is allowed here, except for `The scarecrows that come from the far east”. Benjamin then sings that to keep them away “Is by building walls, Walls like unicorns In full glory and galore” making a reference to the wall Trump had promised in his campaign that he was going to build. A lot of people in the states were looking forward to this and as it states, it was going to be a big project that would be looked at by many. Benjamin at this time in the music video is calm and collected and seems to be confident in what he is saying. He is also singing his thoughts about the American Dream, and how it is only for the starving, To me, this is saying that the people who don’t have it bad in this country don’t even have to think about the American Dream because they think they are already living it. Those who are struggling to get by everyday dream about the day where they won’t have to get up and wonder what their next meal is or even if they will see next week. Those people have their own dreams about the American Dream. He then thanks the people for trusting him, a reference to the fact that he is going to get inaugurated the next day. I’m going to skip 2-d’s parts for now and skip to the next time Benjamin starts to sing. The next verse that Benjamin sings is ‘Trump’ saying that even though this is how life is, we can’t do much about it, everyone in the world just wants power. We can’t be upset over something that is bound to repeat itself. He even says, “And the whole beasts of nations desire, Power”. In some way or another we want power. Trump definitely understood this and had taken it to a whole new level.
Now going into 2-d’s parts he sings both bridges in the song. In both parts that he sings he is singing directly to Benjamin. He’s asking these questions that we still ask today, “When the morning come, We are still human, How will we know? How will we dream? How will we love? How will we know ?” These questions are from the people and they are asking that if the world is so corrupt, how will we ever be able to love each other if all we can do is fight and argue. The first time 2-d comes to ask these questions, all Benjamin can do is listen. 2-d sits in Benjamin’s silhouette and Benjamin stays still. The second time he sings the same lyrics, Benjamin seems uneasy and  worried, scared, and fearful. Benjamin’s hands are shaking and the book he’s holding, he is weary about. The music becomes more, ‘anxiety filled’. Then not too long after 2-d is done, Benjamin goes back to normal. Symbolizing that in his campaign and unknowingly, the years to come, he was going to be questioned and under heavy watch because not only was he a public figure, but a lot of allegations and scandals came up about him. In the same moment, he starts to sing, “Hallelujah Money” and rub his hands together in a way that you would say money, with your thumb, pointer, and middle finger. This was then showing that even after all of that, he still had support and his fame, all the efforts did nothing to him. He wasn't phased by a single thing that came towards him.
So what are my thoughts on this music video? Three words.
This music video was not only amazingly made, but Benjamin did the entire music video in one take. But coming away from that, the message that this brings to the table about how the former president saw the American Dream? How he felt about power and wealth? I think it captured it perfectly. The imagery that was used in the back of the video is stunning. The way they used the analogies in this was so intricate, but it worked and fit so well. The way that they went into it and went, ‘Ya know what. Let’s give it to em’.’ My absolute favorite part of this was the lines used to describe the different sides of the American Dream. The way they also used the tree analogy in the beginning to describe the idea of western prosperity just really sold it for me.  The way this song was produced and how it sounds like a choir is singing with Benjamin to me is just the opinions of the people who agree with Trump and his ideals and them being like, ‘yeah, for the money.’ The kind of tone that song has is kind of 'rejoiceful' but having that hint of that ‘uneasiness’ that I had mentioned earlier. It just makes you think that it’s a normal Gorillaz song. The entire song is just powerful to me and after seeing it once again and hearing the song once again, and celebrating 4 years of the album...My appreciation only grows for it.
That’s pretty much it but I would like to close out with a quote from none other than Murdoc Niccals himself:
"In these dark times, we all need someone to look up to. That's why I'm giving you this new Gorillaz song, a lighting bolt of truth in a black night. You're welcome."
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dogboy-flash · 2 years
are you a "the boss hit us with a curse to only speak in song are you fucking kidding me i hope it dont last long maybe this thing can stop it dude flick that is a bong the boss has gone petrified ive seen this all before hes trapped in his own mind cant control curses no more youll have to go inside its just like challenge four god what is this now i have a big plow were getting hit with a curse storm i am the magical banana now i am just an ornana yes im back to my fursona am i that dumb bitch from persona how many times have we killed dogma guys im being pulled into the sun augh i think the storms over for now flick you gotta do something sure when i went into runes mind i used this here shrink ray it worked wonders last time so ill use it here today i just grew up thrice my size much to my dismay radmar surely you have a device to help with this i did but it got sucked up by that pc vortex biz maybe one of his curses will get us out of this i must naenae made you birthday cake its not his birthday thanks rdj i am yassified what a motherfucker gotta do for a high five hey guys my name is mindy xd still sunbound and its getting windy dodging all of these explosions your next curse is to be a fusion and just like that i found a way inside of runesters brain when youre fused together your thoughts are all the same so ive won this challenge and im farther in the game" kinda person or a "storage is back the timewarping crate youre the host with the most but you cant get a date so desperate for love you asked everyone out and then got it with somebody that you once hated youre rune but you never spit no ciphers goes to show youre nothing but a shit no lifer when people smoke weed you narc and call the cops youre tempos more jank than my fucking hitbox youre a dumbass and you suck so much i am good at gaming i love league of legends youre the worst competitor ive ever seen maybe you should go and join the dream smp i can rap even faster than a car ill end you six times call that a twelve bar got eliminated once theres no one deader html5 javascript header hold on before i start my verse i just wanna give a quick shoutout to my main mom momino mominos just a nickname her full name is mammacita g ino shes from philly she lives at 9 chickweed lane postal code g4f 9jo house is painted on blue on the outside you cant miss it love you mom alright time to start my verse were domino and were awesome turn up the mic im on the attack i got the gold medals that these bitches lack so if you wanna step in my bullion vaults youre gonna be hit with a billion volts im obelisk and im here to say i first appeared in challenge 8 i am one of runes siblings i do declare i am tall and made of stone so there extending the battle to new heights fermata how do i do it its simple i gotta marker whos the best rapper weve shown fermata makes the best rap battles owned its me firey sr i forget my line sorry rune i heard you rap faster than cars shitting on the mic i call that chocolate bars its about drive its about power we stay hungry we devour put in the work put in the hours and take whats ours dig up diamonds and craft those diamonds and make some armor get it baby go and forge that like you so mlg pro the swords made of diamonds so come at me bro huh training in your room under the torchlight hone that form to get you ready for the big fight" kinda person... be honest
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forgivenpunishment · 9 months
👄 + nico and meryl
⩥ anonymous || of course you want to know about them [OPEN]
Nico (@/full-of-mercy: wayward verse)
"Well... How do I even begin talking about Nico," Nick scratches at the side of his face, thinking, "At first it was weird, hanging around 'myself,' especially after I'd just been isolated for months in a cold cell, I honestly thought I might've been hallucinating."
He pauses, thinking about what to say, "Well, I can say that I still feel... weird... calling him Nico. It's a childhood nickname, you know? But that's what the Little Lady calls him, so I just kind of avoid saying it when I can. I have the luxury of being able to just say Nicholas or Wolfwood and act under the assumption that I'm not talking about myself. Still feels weird though. Maybe I should come up with some other name for him..."
Nick laughs to himself with a smirk, "Yeah maybe I'll just start calling him something totally out of left field. Zach... or Vincent... I dunno, fuckin' Loboleña or something. He'd probably have my ass if I started doing that though. Well, him or the Queen herself. It's a work in progress and a problem for later me."
Meryl (@/misplacedreporter: main verse)
"Ahh yes, the Boss Lady herself. What can I say that won't have her coming after me with a grudge? Or, well, that damn Cube holds more grudges than she does, yeesh. I swear, that thing sends me off to God-knows-where on my own more often than I care to admit."
"Anyway," Nick refocuses, smiling fondly as he thinks of one of the few people he's actually let in and loved, "She's always been patient with me. Too patient. Way more patient than I've ever deserved. Feels like forever ago that she finally managed to break through my defenses and get me to feel things. I didn't actually expect to fall for her, to be honest. At first we were growing as friends."
There's a slight hint of grief, just the slightest, as he continues, "She was my wingman when I fell hard for Blondie. That was embarrassing, but it all ended up working out—especially once I did fall for her too. Back then, our short time together as a... whatever we were... was probably the happiest I'd been in my life. Didn't think I'd see her again—I'm incredibly lucky to be with her again."
He sighs, "...And I really actually enjoy getting to meet all the weird-ass people she introduces me to. I'm no social butterfly, but it can be fun, traveling around like we do. I, uh, do hope we can settle down at some point though."
(His eyes shift away from you for a moment and there's a light blush on his cheeks. Seems that settling down would involve him asking a very important question that he happens to be avoiding.)
"Ahem, I hope you weren't expecting to learn any private details about my relationship with them. Let's just say that I am very satisfied with where I am right now."
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Aurora ~ Part Two
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Pairings: Andy Barber vs Lloyd Hansen; Andy Barber x OFC Aurora "Rory" Thatcher
Summary: Andy has found the girl of his dreams... and the girl of someone's psychopathic obsession as well. Family as they say, can be a bitch...
Work Count: 4K+
Warnings: Mafia! Andy Barber, Mafia! Lloyd Hansen, obsessive tendencies, stalking, assault, fluff, mentions of parental death, this is a multi-verse of mixed characters
This work is 18+ only. Please heed the warnings and walk away as this story does get violent as it goes on...
Banner by @justawriterand
Mood board and dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Rory woke to a beautiful morning.  The sunshine was brighter the birds were louder, the colors more vibrant. She stretched and smiled.  She reminded herself that it was her day off from the bakery. 
Andy woke up feeling lighter than before.  He closed his eyes to see Rory’s beautiful face and he smiled.  He reached for his phone. 
A: Good morning, Beautiful
R: Good morning handsome
A: I have some things to take care of this morning, but I will be by to visit. 
R: I’m just getting ready to clean and then I have some errands, but I’ll be back in the afternoon
Andy frowned at his phone. He didn’t want Rory out alone while Rumlow still lurked.  He made a call. 
“Diskant, I need you to be on a security detail.”
Sure boss.  Who?
“Aurora Thatcher.  She’s going to run errands, but I don’t want to frighten her.  Watch her place and escort her wherever she wants to go.” 
You got it boss. Send me the address. 
Andy ended the call feeling better.  He would protect his girl. But first, he had a stop to make.
Rory cleaned up her apartment that had been neglected for the most part.  When she went to do her laundry, she realized that she needed to go to the dry cleaners for her aprons. Andy called and she was filled with joy.  The man was so attentive and sweet that she squealed.  She spun around, twirling on her toes.  She stopped and took a deep breath.  Finish your tasks Rory so you can spend tonight with him, she told herself.  She finished up and got dressed. 
As she stepped outside, a familiar face startled her.  A face she had hoped to never see again. “Miss Thatcher.” 
Rumlow stood up from where he was leaning on the fence.  “I believe our discussion was not over.”  The smirk on his face was playful but lustful.  Like a predator stalking his next meal. 
How did you find me?  Rory took a step back towards the door, her blood running cold. 
“We know a lot about you Miss Thatcher.” He could see the terror in her eyes, and he enjoyed it.  He stepped forward but another voice interrupted. 
“Miss Thatcher!” Rory looked at the man and recognized him from dinner the night before. “I’m sorry for being late.  Mr. Barber said you wanted to run some errands.  Thank you Rumlow for watching his girl.” 
Rory looked at her savior and nodded.  “Y-yes.  Just needed to pick up some aprons.” 
Rumlow grinded his teeth in anger.  “Not a problem Diskant.”  He turned to look at her.  “I’ll be seeing you real soon.”  He stomped off. 
Rory sagged against the door frame.  “Thank you,” she whispered. 
“I’m sorry that I didn’t get here faster Miss Thatcher.  Paul Diskant.”  He offered his hand. 
Paul smiled apologetically. “Mr. Barber requested security for you.  I was in my car, and I saw Rumlow approach you.” 
“Oh ok,” she smiled softly at Andy’s thoughtfulness. “Well, I should get going.  Thank you for your help.” She moved to walk around him.  
“Let me drive you.” He stepped into Rory’s path. 
“I really don’t…”
“Mr. Barber insists. I’ll take you wherever you need to go and I’ll bring you right back.”  He offered his arm.  Rory looked at him and sighed, before taking his arm. 
Across town, Andy was being served tea.  By none other than Rory’s grandmother.  He took in the modest home, the furniture old but well kept.  He could see photos of Rory decorating the house.  “You have a beautiful home Mrs. Thatcher.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Barber.” 
“Andy, please.” 
“What can I help you with? My husband will be home soon.”  Georgia Thatcher wringed her hands nervously.
“I wanted to know more about your granddaughter, Rory,” he said nonchalantly. He took a sip of the tea. 
Georgia’s eyebrows rose in surprise. She knew he had stepped out with her granddaughter but had no idea it was serious. “My Rory?”
“Yes, I’ve taken her on a date, and she was a perfect lady.  I assume she got her good manners from you,” he said, paying the woman a compliment. 
“Well yes, but Mr. Bar-“
“Andy,” he corrected. 
“Andy, I love my granddaughter and I don’t want any harm to come to her.” 
“I understand.  I want the same thing.”  Just then the door opened, and David Thatcher walked in. 
“Sweetheart, whose car is in…Mr. Barber.” 
“Mr. Thatcher.  Apologies for the intrusion.” 
David Thatcher had known Andy Barber’s father and watch the younger man raise his family.  Shame all that Andy had gone through.  His father, a convicted murderer, then losing his girl and son.  But Andy turned that around. He was a successful “businessman” if that’s the polite way to call it.  And he was more than ok not to charge his granddaughter a higher fee when she wanted to open her bakery.  “Mr. Barber, to what do we owe the pleasure?”
“I was inquiring about Rory.  I would like to get to know her better.  Date her.” 
David hesitated slightly before saying, “That’s up to Rory to decide.” 
Andy nodded but wanted the man to realize the seriousness of his visit. “I understand.  But I wanted to make sure you understood that I have no desire to harm Rory or let any harm come to her.  She is beautiful, smart and from what I have eaten, a wonderful baker. You know my history, David, and you know I wouldn’t risk her.” 
David closed his eyes. Rory was their world after her parents died. But he couldn’t deny the opportunity of someone like Andrew Barber. “Andy, if she wants to date you, you have our blessing.  But please, her life has been hard enough.”
“I understand.  She told me about her parents.  I’m sorry to hear about the car accident.” 
“Car accident? I think you are mistaken,” Georgia replied before she could stop herself.  She clamped a hand over her mouth.
“Rory told me it was an accident.”  Andy frowned and saw the look shared by the couple.  “Tell me.” 
David sighed but gestured for the man to sit.  He swallowed hard but started to explain. “Rory’s parents were in debt.  They took out a loan from someone in exchange for Rory or payment.  When they gave the money back, he didn’t accept.  He wanted our grandbaby.  They hid her with us, and they were killed in an intentional accident.” 
Andy’s fury grew as the story was told. “Who?”
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Rory got up as she did every morning and got ready for work.  Paul has been nice the whole day before, driving her around, helping with carrying things.  She got ready for the day and made her way to the door.  She peeked out the window, nervous to see who was waiting but smiled when she saw Peter.  She grabbed her things and went out.  “Morning Peter.” 
“Morning Rory.  I came to walk you to work.  Mr. Barber insisted.” 
“Of course, he did.  Thank you.”  They chatted the whole way.  As the first set of croissants come out of the oven, the alarm buzzed.  Rory peeked her head out and saw Andy at the counter.  “Mr. Barber, what a nice surprise.” 
“Good morning sweetheart.  I wanted to apologize for not being about to see you yesterday.  Was Diskant helpful?”
“Very, perfect escort, Mr. Barber.” 
“Good, well I was passing through to make sure everything was ok and for some breakfast. And its Andy, sweetheart.”
“I know,” Rory said blushing.  “But you’re a customer.” 
“I think I’m more than just a customer, sweetheart.”  He leans over to place a sweet kiss on her lips.  “Perfect start to the morning.” 
Rory giggled.  “What can I get you?”
“Coffee, croissant and a date for tonight?” He gave her a quirk of a smile that Rory knew would not allow her to say no.
“Rory, I like you a lot. Trust me.” 
She looks at him and smiles.  “You could help me with prep.” 
“Then dinner?”
Rory nodded.  “I need to get a change of clothes.” 
“I’ll send Nick to pick something for you.”  Andy caressed her cheek.  “Don’t go anywhere without Peter, Nick, Sam or Paul, ok sweetheart?”
Rory nodded and offered him a sweet smile. “Yes Andy.” 
He kissed her sweetly.  “Good girl.  I’ll be by later.  Have a good day.” 
Andy made it to his office, enjoying the coffee and croissant, imagining Rory’s nimble fingers working the dough and he groaned, the image going straight to his groin. He shook his head of his dirty thoughts and rifled through the mail.  Letters from clients, request from the neighborhood but one got his attention. 
Andy’s hands shook as he opened the note. 
Better protect your sweetheart, Andy.  Thank you for finding her for me.  I’m coming to collect what’s mine. ~ LH
“FUCK!” Andy grabbed the glass on his desk and threw it against the wall.  “Fowler!”
Nick ran in, observing the glass on the floor. “Boss?”
“I need your best men and I need you to come up with a security plan for Rory.”  He handed the note to him.  “He can’t have her,” he mumbled to himself. 
“Who is LH? And what the fuck is his problem?”
“Someone who has been a problem for my entire life.”  Any sat and messaged his temples. 
“Ok well I’ll make some calls and get people stationed around.  Natasha and Wanda can befriend her so they can keep a closer eyes.” 
“Perfect.”  Nick moved to start working.  “Nick?”  The man turned. “Thank you.” 
“It’s no problem, Boss.  Jensen said he would have her new security system up soon.” He left the room. 
Andy closed the door and went to his safe.  He spun the dial and opened the door, pulling out an old photo album.  He thumbed through the pages until he landed on a photo of two boys.  He stared at it.  “Hello brother. Guess I’ll be seeing you soon.” 
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A man walked the streets of this town, taking in all the changes.  He sighed, seeing the old stomping grounds.  Fifteen years was a long time to be away.  He lit a cigarette and inhale.  What a sight.  Lloyd Hansen was ready to claim what was his.  He called his contact.  “Did you get the girl?”
No sir.  Barber interfered.
“Of course, he did. Head of a crime family and yet still a softie.” Lloyd laughed bitterly.  “No matter.  I’ll collect what’s mine soon enough.”  He hung up and watched over the city.  
“I’ll see you soon Andy.” 
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As promised, Andy showed up to help Rory prep.  She got him an apron and had him mixing dough while she shaped cookies.  “Rory, are you happy?”
“Of course, Andy.” She didn’t stop shaping.  “Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering baby.  You were scared the first time we met.”
“It wasn’t you.  It was just what happened.  You actually make me feel very safe.”  She didn’t sense that Andy was now right behind her.  She jumped slightly at his lips on her neck.  His kisses were gently, pulling a soft moan from her. 
“You are so precious to me, love.” Andy continued his gently assault, listening to her groan from the sensations. “I won’t push you, but you are mine.”  He spun her around and lifted her onto the counter with a giggle. Rory opened her legs to let Andy slot in between them.  He rubbed his nose against hers. 
Rory could sense his uneasiness.  “Andy, I don’t know what’s going on.  I’m nothing special. I don’t know why you would want someone like me.” 
“Don’t say that, Rory.  Don’t ever say that.”  He kissed her gently.  “Be mine. Say that you’re mine.” 
“I’m yours Andy.  Please don’t hurt me.” 
“Never my sweetheart.  Let’s finish so I can take my girl out.”  Rory smiled and they finished up.  She changed into a simple white sundress and sandals.  Andy changed out his shirt for a simple white button down and jeans.  As she emerged from her office, Andy spun around to take her in.  “Wow!”
Rory chewed her lip. “Do I look ok?”
Andy tugged her lip free. “Rory, you look beautiful.  Can’t wait to show you off.”  He took her hand and guided her out, looking around as he went. 
“Where are we going?” she asked as they climbed into his car. 
“To the carnival.  Let’s have some set fun.” 
Nick, Sam, Peter and Paul all followed the couple discreetly, allowing them some privacy.  Rory had no idea of the security measures in place, but Andy knew he needed to come clean soon.  As they approached the fun house, Rory looked at it apprehensively.  “Andy?”
“It will be fine love.” 
Rory nodded as they made their way inside.  Out of the view of the public, Andy pulled Rory against a wall and pinned her with a hot, needy kiss.  They made out for a few moments, Rory threading her fingers into Andy’s hair, Andy letting his one of hands cup the globes of her ass, the other holding the back of her neck, keeping her close to him. They finally break apart breathing hard.  “You are intoxicating sweetheart.” 
She smiled at him and moved farther into the maze. “Catch me, if you want another.”  She giggled and started to run further in. 
Andy grinned but lost sight of her.  He could hear the ghost of her giggles floating around.  He made it to the room of mirrors, trying to feel his way out. 
He could hear a whisper. 
“Come find me.” 
He smiled until he heard a laugh.  One that he hadn’t heard in a very long time. Andy’s blood ran cold.  He can still here her giggles, but it was faint.  “Rory!” Andy frantically feels his way around the room trying to exit.  “Aurora please! Where are you?”
You should keep a better eye on her Andrew, he hears. She’s more beautiful than I remember.  The voice echoes in the room. Andy turns seeing the same face in the mirrors. 
“Rory!” Andy makes it to the end. 
“Boo!” Rory pops out at him, her face bright with laughter. 
Andy pulls her and crushes her to his chest.  He buries his nose into her neck, breathing in her sweet scent, trying to calm his heart. 
“Sorry love sorry.  You just scared me by taking off like that.” 
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to have fun with you.”  Her lower lip began to wobble. 
“No, don’t cry.  Fuck, I’m sorry sweetheart.”  He kissed her softly.  “Let’s get out of here and get a drink ok?”  She nodded and they headed out.  Andy looked over his shoulder. He saw nothing except a piece of paper that he had missed earlier. 
As soon as they were out of the maze, Andy alerted Nick about what happened while Rory was getting coffee. “He was here, somewhere.” 
“Boss, I really think you should tell Rory.  We are going to be putting in security and I’m assuming assigning her a guard.  She has the right to know.” 
“She’ll be frighten.” 
“She’ll be on alert. It will allow us to protect her better. Andy,” Nick pleads, “she makes you better.  I don’t want anything to happen to her.” 
Andy sighs. “Ok, we’ll tell her tomorrow.  Call Jensen.  I want top of the line for her home and shop.” Nick nods as he types into his phone. 
Rory comes back with the coffees, a look of surprise on her face.  “Nick?  What are you doing here?”
“Needed the boss’s approval, cupcake.  Nothing to worry about.  But I will need to come by in the morning for coffee.  I’m also bring by a friend.”
“Guy friend of lady friend?”  Rory smirked up at him. 
“Cupcake, I don’t do sleepovers,” Nick replied with a laugh. “I’ll see you in the morning.  Goodnight Rory, Boss.” 
Andy and Rory headed back to her apartment, Rory chewing her lip as she can feel the tension radiating from Andy.  “Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No, of course not sweetheart.” 
“Then why are you so mad?”
“We’ll talk as soon as we get to your place.”  Andy pulled up and walked her in.  He looked around.  “You have a nice place.” 
“Thank you.” Andy checked the room quickly for any devises.  “Andy? You looking for something?”
“Ok sweetie, I have to tell you something.”  He sat her down and took her hands.  “I spoke to your grandparents.  They told me about the circumstances of your parents’ accident.” 
“The accident?  They were hit by a drunk driver.”  She looked at him questionably. “What are you saying?”
“Sweetheart, your parents had an agreement and when they didn’t pay they were, they were killed.”
“No.  No Andy that’s not true.” 
He cupped her cheek. “I’m sorry sweetheart. But the man they took a loan from is still trying to collect.” 
She shook her head. “Collect?  They didn’t have any money.  There is nothing to collect.” 
“There is one thing left that he wants.  He wants to collect you.” 
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Lloyd Hansen enjoyed the sheer look of panic on Andy’s face as he watched from the control room of the fun house.  He printed the stills from the video feed.  Aurora.  He licked his lips staring at her photo.  He thought back, 15 years ago, when her parents made the deal with an unstoppable devil.
“Mr. Hansen, we just need to help our daughter.  We will lose our home.” 
Lloyd opened his eye and stared at the couple in front of him. “Why is that my problem?”
“We understand it’s not.  But we just need the loan.  I start my new job and I’ll give the money back to you as soon as possible.” 
Lloyd stood up and looked out his window, seeing a young Aurora playing in the front.  “She’s a cute little thing.”
Mr. Thatcher smiled tightly.  “Thank you.” 
Lloyd turned back to them. “I’ll give you the loan.”  Aurora’s parents exhaled in relief. “For her.”
Lloyd sat back down at his desk. “You heard me.  I give you this money and in return I get your daughter, in let’s say, 15 years.” 
“You can’t be serious?” Her mother protested.  “She is just a little girl.” 
“I’m dead serious.  I mean I could take her in now since you won’t be able to put a roof over her head.  I’m a wealthy man.  I would still wait the years to allow her to grow up. But she is what I want in return.  I’m not that much older than her now and in 15 years it won’t really make a difference.” Lloyd laughed.  “So do we have a deal?”
What possessed Rory’s parent to accept the deal is something Lloyd would never understand.  Not that he cared. Until they tried to get out of it.  They returned the loan with interest within two months.  They tried to say that their daughter’s innocence was not for sale.  But it was too late.  Lloyd Hansen was obsessed, and he always got what he wanted.  And now he wanted Aurora. 
Orders were quick.  He sent his most trusted, efficient assassin to find and take care of the obstacle in his way.  But when the Winter Soldier came knocking, the entire family had vanished.  Took a year to track them down.  They were outside of the town he had been run out of.  They were almost to save haven.  
To the town where his twin ruled.  
He smirked at the thought.  He made Andy pay for that already. 
He thoughts now moved to Laurie.  Sweet Laurie that Andy took from him back when the brothers had been close.  Lloyd had been head-over-heels for Laurie until Andy swooped in and took her. Never mind that Laurie had been interested in Andy. Lloyd wanted her, so she was his. No matter. Running her off the road and killing her and their baby son was more than enough revenge.  No one knew it was him and he comforted his twin, helping him with the funeral. 
Of course, Lloyd wasn’t offered the same comfort when he almost killed a man for flirting with his girl.  That fucker was eyeing the pretty girl Lloyd had been chatting up. So, Lloyd made sure that no woman would ever look at him again.  Andy didn’t take too kindly on that and threw him out of town and hadn’t spoken to him since. 
Now Lloyd was in the area looking for his promised.  He hadn’t found her, but the Soldier found her parents.  Car accidents were so easy to manipulate.  But, with her parents gone, Aurora was still in the wind. 
Until the day it became news that “businessman” Andrew Barber was seen stepping out with a beautiful young lady.  And Lloyd saw an angel for the first time in 15 years.  He found her, his obsession, his beloved. 
His Aurora. 
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By the time Andy finished explaining why Lloyd Hansen was after her, Rory was a mess.  She koala herself to Andy, tears streaming down her face as Andy spoke soothing words to her.  “Sweetheart, please, try and relax.  My men and I are going to do everything we can to protect you.” 
“He killed my parents.” 
“I know baby, I know.  And we are going to make him pay for that.”  Andy moved the hair from her face and kissed her forehead.  “There is one more thing I need to tell you, ok?”  She nodded and he took a breath.  “I know Lloyd.  Personally.” 
“Yeah.” Andy paused, unsure if he was ready to admit it.  But he knew Nick was right. She needed to know. 
“He’s my twin brother.” 
Andy looked away from her in shame.  His own flesh and blood responsible for causing so much pain to his sweetheart.  But her next question took him by surprise. 
“Why don’t you talk to him?”  Rory chewed on her lip as she adjusted herself in his lap. 
Andy pondered her question for a moment.  “When I took over this town, I wanted to make it a peaceful safe place.  The men who used to run it did so out of fear and intimidation.  The people, they didn’t need that.  So, I got friendly with people like your grandparents.  I had their backing when I took over.” 
“How did you take over?”
Andy gave her a small smile at her innocence.  “I killed them sweetheart.” 
Rory’s eyes widen. But she understood; this was Andy’s life.  “That doesn’t explain Lloyd.” 
He sighed.  “Lloyd was with me up to a point.  He stood by me when I decided to take over, he helped me organize the men and whatever else I needed help with.  He was my second, my confidant, my best friend.  After I lost Laurie, he was my support system.  But, as our power grew, his ego and his temper grew with it.  And one day it boiled over. He almost killed a man for flirting with his date.  I kicked him out of the city, told him he wasn’t welcome here because I was trying to give our people peace.  He told me I was dead to him, that it was my fault my family died and that I would regret it.  I heard he set up shop in another state, but he was never a threat.  At least, not until now.” 
Rory went quiet as she absorbed his story.  Andy just cradled her, keeping her warm as she came to terms with the new information.  After a while, he heard, “Andy?”
“Yes sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry for bringing all this trouble.” 
“Don’t be.  This isn’t your fault.  But can I ask you something?”  
“Will you stay with me?”  A look crossed Rory’s face.  “I have a guest room right across from mine and a security system in place.  We can take you to work and anywhere else you want to go but I just want to protect you the best way I know how.” 
Rory cupped his bearded cheek with her small hand. He closed his eyes at the sensation, enjoying the warmth on his skin.  His eyes flew open when he felt her soft lips on his.  He quickly closed them as he surrendered to her kiss.  She pulled away with a smile.  “I guess I should pack a bag.”
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networksupported · 1 year
eyes emoji can you tell us something about 144?
actually everything is split into three categories. imagine it's all a string board bc that's how my thoughts are composed. yayye :)
so section one!! 144 themself :) consistently through every timeline, employee 144 is a 19-20 y/o. they use she/they pronouns and are in charge of constructing the powerpoints displayed in the meeting room. though actually given that windows movie maker is canon to the tsp universe i think she should get to use that too yk what i mean??
at least one side of her head is shaved, but she keeps her hair long, long enough to cover up that bit if her boss ever makes her
which he does frequently because apparently its not "professional" but like boo to that
also despite her name/title, she's very rarely actually...employed?? in the company??? you'll get me in a sec
in the og tsp universe as in The Game (which you just lost hah) i don't think she'd ever really appear?? like i think everything you'd learn about her would be through the powerpoints she left behind
one bc that's very underrated as a tsp character trope two because i want there to be a bit where the narrator just says something and the powerpoint flips to a slide that's like 'hey shut up' and the narrators like don't be silly stanley that can't be about me but the slides just keep getting more and more specific to stanley's situation I THINK IT WOULD BE FUNNY ALRIGHT
but also the last slide is just def like cut off midword at some point and you never find out what happened to her after that :)
she probably has a name in that universe but i don't think you'd ever find it out i think all you'd get is like a tagline about 'slides made by employee 144' on the title card and that's it
you also wouldn't get to know this but like i like to think she's like an intern at this point in time like she's not really getting paid for this but also it might look bad to get rid of her so they're just stuck with her ass
her boss: (head in his hands) why don't you just go uh. make some powerpoints. yeah that'll be very helpful thank you.
but in like her main verse
oh BOY her main verse where do i start
in that universe, essentially the stanley parable never happened?? the office is a Much bigger scarier corporation there that was much more involved in people's lives than just employing them
like that office contains hospitals and dorms and nurseries and laboratories and Everything
so because they have so much diction over peoples lives they have diction over their names which is why 144 is literally just named employee 144 in that universe
first name employee last name onefourfour
no that's a lie their names just 144 employee is like a title that doesn't actually quite dignify whether or not one is- well- employed
it's all very complicated
essentially employee just means you're a member of the corporation as a whole which of course a lot of the current generation (144 included) have been from birth
not that they're wandering around calling lil babies "employee" though. i think it's like 'ma'am' or 'sir' as a title like its just a mark of respect or adulthood
okay i'm getting off track here what was my point???
oh yeah the point is this means employee 427 exists BUTTT because he's not named stanley then well
there is no story about a man named stanley to be told so the stanley parable never really happens
so the office just keeps expanding and expanding and expanding and nothing disrupts it and nobody vanishes
actually nobody even so much as dies espilecially of old age :)
that just doesn't happen. its a very normal and sane thing and there's nothing behind that at all :)
so at this point in tjme 144 is beginning to bridge the gap between being taken care of as a child and put into actual Employment
she's old enough that she's being given certain jobs and work and stuff (hence the fact in this universe she's ALSO in charge of microsoft powerpoint presentations that important staple for every creepy organisation) but she's prone to acting out enough that they're hesitant to actually Give Her Important Work To Do
honestly she should be in a lot more trouble than she is but the big boss of the place (a man named zero) is willing to be lenient about a lot when it comes to her behaviour
it's not like any kind of hardcore acting out i mean
i don't even know if the whole mind control element works in the same way in this world but i feeeeel like even without it things would continue as they are doing right now
because i mean atp a lot of people there are at least third generation they've lived there they've grown up there it's their home
even if whatever residual or active mind control there was got removed i don't think they'd really notice or change their ways
so 144 isn't doing what she does in terms of fucking shit up because she's immune or knows the truth or anything she's just. yk how it be sometimes. sometimes you have to put penises in important work presentations. because why not.
i haven't quite formulated everything about this system but i think employee numbers might be like. rankings? so 0 is the highest and if you're at 999 boo everyone hates you 👎
my deepest apologies to anyone who has an oc who's #999 that was not directed at you i prommy
so anyway as it goes 144 is actually?? pretty high up the list? she's often treated with more/less (depending on the person) respect than the title deserves but i think nobody can really advocate for her to be moved any higher or any lower given she's terrible at working but zero likes her which cancels each other out somewhere in the middle
i think a similar things probably happening with the employee 432
bitches hate him but he's not TECHNICALLY doing anything wrong so
they can't move him down xP
"wait toby what happens to the number scale when babies are born" i don't know actually good question!!
i feel like you give birth to a baby and zeros like wonderful :) they shall be called 235 and the current 235 just goes 😬 because he knows this means he's probably gonna be taken out back and shot somewhere to make room for it /hj
not that zero would ever actually say he'd done that though
'isn't it wonderful we had the space of 235 free?' 'dude what happened to the last 235' 'i'm sure i have no idea what you mean :)'
man rip to 235 ive already created him and killed him off in like two minutes
he'll live forever in our hearts ❤️
so 432 is barely avoiding getting shot because he knows they need him for Experimentation And Shit (though it's probably not linked to mind control this time) and 999 is like. they're managing i think. barely.
i feel like they're definitely not the original 999 but if zero kept shooting them and replacing them then people might start to get suspicious so
they're alive for now!!
back when i said nobody died i mean i don't THINK that's actually true i think zero probably just pretends they're fine and alive and living in a special bit of the office just for people who are fine and alive
so really it would be more 'isn't it wonderful 235 decided to give up his position to our adorable little member of the next generation?' 'dude what was that gunshot i just heard' 'no more questions thank you :)'
we're getting off track again (i shake my fist at at zero) okay so back to the topic at hand!! 👍
the other point is i think that this probably means 144 has special benefits due to the person they're essentially replacing? like the original 144 was very close to zero so zeros kind of putting all this pressure on her replacement to like.
be worth having taken her out back and shot her yk???
like he only did it because he thought 144 was a very special baby (more on that at six) and he still harbours those feelings but he's getting HELLA desperate now
probably because it was a shit move dude
okay you know what it's six (it is 3:40 at the time i'm writing this) lemme tell you about 144s birth
i like to title this section 'fuck you all (not you guys though) i am allowed to spend my teenage years making mary sue ocs because if not now then when??? actually that previous statement was a lie i will now make them all the time i will be making them way into my sixties but my god shall i start now'
brief synopsis of the birth of 144: uhhh it didn't happen???
i mean presumably it did because there was a baby produced but like. there was no record or knowledge of it there was no person pregnant enough to have made a baby at the time a baby was found lying on the cold floor of a meeting room but by god was there a baby there nonetheless and by GOD was it wailing its lil heart out in that way babies do
so the poor employees who found this thing were like huh?? and they asked each other if they knew of anyone who's baby this could be and they didn't and they tried to work out how someone could very quietly give birth to a baby then keep it quiet all the time they were just leaving it and none of it made any sense
so they were like hey zero. know you're real busy rn. but quick question. there's uh there's a baby.
and zeros like what?? and they're like there's a baby. look. and they hold up the baby and sure enough it's still a baby
so now they're all as confused as each other but in the meantime there's a baby and it's still crying
me too lil buddy i feel ya
so employee 144 mark 1 is like okay well this is going nowhere lemme take this lil guy and she takes the baby and it quiets down in the way babies sometimes do
and immediately the office registers its first ever reset!!
which is. not that dramatic actually. everyone's shaken up they can feel everything Change but there's nothing cemented that anyone can pin down apart from the fact for .4 seconds Every Computer And Other Technological Device In The Building Crashes
like i'm talking flat out blackout everything just Goes albeit for a very short period of time
and then it all boots back up!!
and zeros like hm. very suspicious.
and 144 mark 1 subsection a is like hey what do you mean by that it was just a powercut or do you think i birthed the baby or whatever?
and zeros like no no!! don't be silly :)
and 144 mark 1 subsection a category i is like ah phew well i was worried there and zeros like actually i think you're the same person :)) and she's like. huh. okay well- wait huh????
and zeros like yeah i actually have this theory that every employee replacement is like the reincarnation of the employee whose number they're taking (i'm so sane btw) and then 144 mark 1 subsection a category i genus humanus has to sit down for a little bit because a) that's stupid as hell and b) she's damned if she's dying for a baby who's probably shat its nappy in this time simply because some computers crashed the moment she picked it up
and then she dies for a baby who had absolutely shat its nappy in this time simply because some computers crashed the moment she picked it up and that's the end of that which is good because i was running out of categorisation i could apply to her name.
i think that's the end of that, at least. right?
2k words you know what i shan't curse you with any more xP
there IS more i assure you!! but dear lord let me get this block out the way first
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