#*Enderman noises*
arimwe-fr · 2 years
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*Vwoop vwoop*
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creaturemoment · 9 months
What sound does your kintype make, if any? ouo
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skull-brained · 9 months
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Minecraft Sona!!! This is Bones, my ender themed character inspired by the Origins mod!! They are just a lil creeture who minds his own business but is happy to lend a helping hand :3
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aierie--dragonslayer · 2 months
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maddisandy · 11 months
am i going insane or are those different enderman sounds than usual. like maybe im grasping at straws but i swear to god one of the screams sounded like "martyn" and i'm 99.9% sure that is not a regular enderman scream sound
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going-to-superhell · 11 months
Bro I just burped and sounded like a fucking enderman
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inksolate · 1 year
(While Jaiden, Cellbit, BBH, and Foolish were in the Ordo Theoritas meeting room)
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
thinking of Miles being super powerful and not realizing just how powerful that means again!
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pyxscythe · 1 year
I always pictured the enderians with like- the tanks with tufts at the end, claws in a way?? And fangs
Also I picture them sometimes hissing or making ender noises as like a verbal reaction that isn't words
This is so based and real
I've thought about pushing the Enderians With Tails agenda just a bit giving them tails like this cause I think it's cute
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^finger drawing laying in bed
k!lincu also canonically has little fangs :] And Linc mentioned how it was actually an idea brought up of like what if he and Maddy could have some kind of enderman noise button to push to make sounds at each other (I think it was prompted by a Tumblr ask Maddy got either that or a post she saw)
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 years
It is. So unfair. That I was born a human instead of like, a cat or a bird or at least some sort of critter. I want to make random funny and inhuman noises, dangit >:|
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Cat 😸
(I've decided that they use cat emojis now. Bc it's silly.)
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⬆️ certified Ranboo moment 😌
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micha-lapin · 7 months
I feel kinda enderman coded.
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moonsoupstar-ao3 · 1 year
My cat does some freaking weird noises I swear
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malexthesecond · 2 years
i apologise for the absolutely horrendous music, but this is funny
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rassotheraccon · 2 months
If the SK were based off of the nether mobs and how would change their characters.
Gene being a wither skellie- his sword would do poison damage. He would be a bit taller than normal. Instead of having red outer marking it would be black and grey, but still those red eyes.
Sasha ghast- her voice can bring fear with a simple breath, she is very very pale, she can throw fire balls but has a long cool down, she is very light. Sasha sometimes seem more like a ghost
Vylad enderman- dude is tall, and lanky, just tall and lanky, he doesn't really talk much but he does make these vibration noises, can teleport, doesnt like eye contact
Zenix magma cube- his shadow knight armor is black with the under part being red. He can get very hot. His shadow knight form can be both big and small. Hes got lava stuff. He kinda glows like lava in his shadow knight form.
Laurance blaze- he has orange hair. He has orange hair, he has orange hair. And he can shoot fire with a less cooling time than Sasha. He pulls the fire from fire that floats around him when in his shadow knight form (blaze rods). When in his shadow knight form it looks like he is part fire. Don't touch him he will burn you.
I'm debating letting Sasha and laurance float bc their mob counter parts can but like only in the nether and full anger.
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talon-dragonbeast · 1 month
yesterday i went to a concert with some friends. thankfully it was a small one, so there werent many people there. but my god, i dont understand how people can enjoy these. not only from a neurodivergent/nonhuman perspective, but, just, generally. why do people go to concerts? why do they like them? theres so much noise that hurts your ears, so many flashing lights blinding you, so many people bumping on you from every direction. you cant talk with anyone, because it would be impossible to hear them. you cant have a break from the noise or even sit down when youre tired, because its... just something you dont do at a concert. why? i dont know.
eventually (after 5 songs or so) i had enough and just put on my noise-cancelling earphones. all my friends gave me weird looks at first, but i told them i had a headache (i didnt, but "my had hurts" is easier for neurotypicals to understand than "loud noises make me want to rip my ears off") so they seemed to understand. i havent told them im autistic as i dont have a diagnosis yet, but lets be honest they probably already know bc im not very good at masking, despite my best efforts.
i had a tail phantom shift the whole time, probably an enderman one because although i couldnt feel the tuft of hair at the end, the tail itself felt thin and flexible and i was able to wrap it around my leg, which would be impossible if it were my dragon one. its pretty easy to tell which tail is which because my dragon tail is strong and rigid (like a dinosaur tail! :D), while my enderman tail is long, thin and very moveable, and im able to swish it around and curl it around my leg and even around my wrist sometimes (curling the tail around ones limb is enderman body language for 'im extremely stressed out but i dont want to show it', so as you can tell i was pretty tense the whole time lol).
i also had on-and-off phantom teeth shifts immediately followed by enderman mouth/lips shifts, which felt incredibly weird. like, one moment i had fangs fused with hardened lips like an enderman, the other i had sharp canines inside my mouth like a dragon. endermen's mouths dont have teeth as far as i could tell, so suddenly having them felt very out of place. it was probably the stress, but huh.
anyway, that was a lot of words to say that I went out with friends and had some stressful (but also fun) times :D
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