#*Grace Williams
luvsbitca · 4 months
Something something blond one
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Something something brunet one
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Something something amazing kid
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Something something ‘bromance’ writing, acting, editing, directing CHOICES
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Something something blond one
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Something something brunet one
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Something something amazing kid
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Something something ‘bromance’ writing, acting, editing, directing CHOICES
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I feel like I’ve been here before but the air is different.
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crowleying · 4 months
Danny: Yesterday, I overheard Grace saying, “Are you sure this is a good idea?” and Steve replying “Trust me,” and I have never moved from one room to another so quickly in my life.
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sunnoah · 9 months
"they are so insane" and it's a man with his nonbiological child
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ellena-asg · 11 months
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Daddies to the rescue!
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There was no Steve & Danny & Gracie family hug (alas! also: crime!) BUT Danny gave Steve a hug and a kiss and he said "I love you both, most in the world" and "We saved her, we saved our Monkey" and "Thank you for always being there for us, we adore you and need you so much". How? With his eyes.
"Steve, it is you. I want to share Gracie with you".
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appleciders · 1 year
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ghostlyfanparadise · 4 days
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alea-says · 2 months
Okay... I just watched the ep with Grace's accident in s9 and I have *so many feelings!*
So many.
So so many.
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canadian-pug-cartel · 1 month
Grace: do you love my dad the way my mom loves my dad?
Steve: your mom loves your dad?
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fairweathermyth · 2 years
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BAD SISTERS 1.09 Going Rogue
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queenclaudiabrown · 3 months
thinking about the juxtaposition of the garvey girls. eva, who raised her sisters like a mother, can’t have children of her own. ursula, the nurse- a career dedicated to helping and healing-, has an affair that could ruin her family and supplies poison to her sisters. becka, the baby of the family whose innocence they all want to protect, ends up accidentally killing an innocent woman. bibi, arguably the most aggressive and vengeful of them all, views herself and her parenting poorly and shows severe guilt and remorse when she accidentally shoots a man’s eye out. and grace. grace, the pr!ck’s defender and apologist who views him through rose-colored glasses and is frequently depicted as weak, immediately calls him out on his sins and calls him a monster and ends up killing him in a physically and emotionally challenging act.
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theoriginofcarrots · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Danno!
Danny's office walls are decorated with pictures of the people he loves the most (he doesn’t know about Charlie yet so no pictures of him).
The beautiful frames were a lovely birthday gift from Grace last year. Her gifts are absolutely perfect. He proudly chose and hung the pictures up on his office walls to comfort and cheer him up when work is just too much.
He also got another elegant frame from Grace but this one is proudly displayed on his bedroom (the same bedroom he shares with a certain person he loves -and loves him back).
Danny really gets the best birthday presents.
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Charcoal pencils drawing on paper + a few digital touches
-Happy birthday Scott-
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queenofthegayships · 2 months
So I listen to country music. And my station has a habit of keeping the good ones away from the radio for awhile. The lady was all, this song is one the top hits and it's a song I've never heard like bitch? ANYWAY. It's a song that is 1000% Gracie and danno. It's called she's somebody's daughter (apparently reimagined dunno what that means of if it's just part of the name) by Drew Baldridge
Edit: apparently it was written as a daddy daughter wedding dance. According to my echo dot so. No wonder
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ellena-asg · 1 year
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Babe, you asked about Danny's suicidal thoughts/attempt so here it is.
In 1x18 there is a moment when Danny and Steve have a talk with FBI guys and later, when boys are alone, Danny is devastated by the news about Matt's financial crimes and Steve's "what if Matt is really guilty?". Danny wants Steve to have faith in Matt (or: Danny tries to still believe in his own brother, he wants to be loyal) and there's his confession.
Very dark and painful confession: once Danny thought about suicide (and I guess/interpret that he TRIED to kill himself - and that's why Matt was always there, was there almost 24/7).
Why? Because of damn Rachel. No, it wasn't because of the divorce (he could live without her, he would be happier without her and his mental health would be much better when she's away from him). It was because of Rachel's plays. GRACIE. She used Grace against Danny, she wanted to ruin his fatherhood. She took Grace away from him and was like "You'll lose her, Daniel. I swear" ("I'll punish you, Daniel"). Once she and her mother behaved in toxic and abusive way towards Danny and then, after divorce, Rach ruined Danny's mind again. She knew well what would hurt him, what would really hurt him. She knew well that Grace was Danny's everything. Danny's forever-love. Rach knew where to hit so she hit.
So in 1x18 we can see all Danny's pain. All painful memories. It's a double pain cause it's about Gracie and now also about Matty. Matty saved him. We can say about Matt many things but yeah, he saved Danny's life. He helped Danny to be strong again. He helped him to fight for Gracie. Danny almost lost Grace, almost lost his life (literally and metaphorically) and in this moment he fears that he will lose his brother - a brother who helped him so much.
Gosh, Steve's face. He's shocked. He's terrified. He tries to stay calm but he can't - he's shaking inside. His Danny, his beloved Danny, his angel, best friend, his best human ever, sunshine of his life... Danny almost died. Almost killed himself. Danny. Suicide, fuck. Yes, Steve understands Danny's loyalty and love for Matthew BUT THIS. SUICIDE. Steve can't think about Matt now. He is focused on Danny. On Danny's old pain. He can't believe that his boy tried, thought... His strong, "there's always hope" boy... Fuck. No. God, why? Why Danny had to suffer? Why Danny has to suffer? Oh, Steve knows well that part of the pain is still there - cause Rachel still wants war. She is still mean to Danny. Her smile can't hide it. Steve knows her. He observes. He listens to Danny and believes Danny, not her.
Steve is pissed off. He was pissed off earlier when he saw Rachel's games. When he heard Danny's bitter words, Danny's fears. But now Steve has such a face like... It's the face "I wanna go back to the restaurant and...". Shout at Rachel. Tell her that she's the worst. Gosh, Steve looks here like he wants to punch her. He can't do this, he knows (plus: he doesn't want to ruin Danny's fatherhood). But in his mind he is punching her. He is shouting at her (well, maybe one day he will tell her, one day he will punch her with his bitter words, one day when Danny and Grace are safe).
Steve is here (and always will be) for Danny. He touches him. This touch is like a touch of guardian angel. And in the end he is looking at Danny and there's so much love and concern in Steve's eyes. Rachel can't hurt Danno anymore, no fucking way, he thinks.
It's such a strong scene. Danny opens his heart. Oh yes, Steve is the only one - Danny lets only him to know. To know about the darkest moment in Danny's life. Danny knows that Steve will understand. That Steve will treat this seriously. Steve is like him. And Steve is the opposite of Rachel. There's no shame, Danny. Steve loves you. Your pain is his pain. All what is yours is his.
I love that they're together SO MUCH. They're together so it will be all right. They're strong together. So strong.
I'm not a fan of Matt but it's so good that Danny had him around. Matt saved Danny and all what he did for him as a brother... It's touching. It's beautiful. All that beer, all those talks, all this time... Thank you, Matthew Williams. You saved an angel.
But... I can't believe that this Matt, this Matt that saw his brother's pain, deepest depression, that witnessed Danny's suicidal attempt... Why the hell Matt still tries to be nice (SO nice) to Rachel? Why the hell he wants her around Danny? (and Grace) Why the hell he invited Rachel for his family dinner with Danny and Grace? Why the hell he told Danny "You love Rachel, I see this"?! Why the hell he behaves like he wants to see Danny and Rachel together again (knowing well about Danny's pain and seeing well how much Steve means to Danny)? Why sometimes he behaves like HE is in love with Rach? (well, sometimes she looks at him like "I chose the wrong brother" so... hmm...).
And Rachel, geez. Why show's plot is on her side? Why no one sued her for what she did? She's guilty. She (and her mother) ruined Danny's mental health. After divorce she ruined Danny's mental health even more. Her toxic/destructive behaviour (and using Grace in her war against Danny) was the cause. Her behaviour and toxic deeds, her "I'll take Grace" pushed Danny to suicide attempt. Why didn't she face any consequences? Why are people still kind to her? Why the hell Grace lives with her? Where's "I'm sorry, Danny?" (oh, okay, there's no apology cause Hollanders are never sorry, right?).
Six months. SIX MONTHS! Six months full of deepest anxiety and depression. Six months WHOLE of that. Six months without light. Six months, for six months Matt tried to change Danny's mind. For six months there was a danger - that Danny would do it. I can imagine Matt's fear when he went to work and for those few hours per day Danny was there alone... Six months with darkest thoughts. And before and after that? Still dark. She made/makes Danny's life dark (and Steve's too, by the way).
Where's the law? Where's the justice for Danny? What an irony - he fights for other victims' justice but he as a victim got no justice.
Yeah, I know. Writers hated Danny. And Lenkov wanted Danny/Rachel so badly...
"I would not have gotten through that"
It hurts. It's blood-curdling. Danny, our bamf!Danny said that. It's generally scary to hear such words. To see other person's pain and feeling of total loss. Gosh, I can't 😭 This line kills me. It kills my heart.
(Thank you, Matthew for saving the life. Thank you, Steve for saving this life again. For giving Danny a real good life, safer and colourful. Life full of love).
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appleciders · 1 year
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BAD SISTERS + necklaces
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unwillingwriter · 5 months
Tornado Grace Williams
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Summary: Grace Catches Wind that a certain woman is staying over at Steve’s house and isn’t happy about it. No one’s in Danno corner but Danno. But so is Grace. And Grace isn’t gonna allow her dad to get hurt cause her other dad wants to play stupid.
Steve was in the middle of eating breakfast when Grace walked into his kitchen sitting across from him at the table throwing down her school bag on top, her arms crossed and without having to look under he knows she has one leg over the other .
She pins Steve with the ‘Danny look’ her nose scrunched and flared, a raging storm in her brown eyes, her tan cheeks a soft red. Steve has a sneaky feeling that he’s in trouble with the little one he watched grow up. The longer the silence stretched the more Grace looked as if she was losing patience, and the more she looked like her father when he’s gonna blow a fuse.
Steve opens his mouth but Grace cuts her off, just like her dad.
“What’s the matter with you?” Is the first thing that comes out her mouth.
What?. Steve puts his spoon down into his bowl of cereal looking at her with confusion.
“Have you learned nothing?, are you seriously that stupid!?” Now she was raising her voice
“Cause if you hurt my Danno By taking her back I swear to you Steven McGarrett I’m telling my aunty— I may not be a rat— but I am if my dads feelings are involved!”
“Grace wait—“
“I know you’re letting her stay here—“
“And Danno said it was fine because you two are friends still but I don’t care, she could’ve stayed at a hotel, Hawaii has a lot !!”
“Grace Breathe—“
“Don’t leave my dad for her!” She snaps her hands slamming on the table as she shoots up from her chair knocking it back glaring at Steve, leaving Steve shocked. Grace had tears in her eyes, a light tremble happening through her body.
Steve stays quiet.
“Don’t leave him like mom did… don’t throw him away like grandma did when she found out he was bi, don’t do that! My dad is worth more than some hussy who just uses you and abandons you when she finishes with you! When she takes everything again! My dad is worth the love and time! So please, please don’t let her steal you from him. Please…”
And now she was crying, body trembling as she kept her stare firm.
“Gracie” Steve starts off soft, as if She was eleven again. And not eighteen
“Don’t hurt him, ‘cause if you do I will never forgive you. Danno puts his all when it comes to love. And he loves you Dad, he loves you so much that he’s allowing you to let Catherine stay here even though it bothers him.”
Steve opens and closes his mouth. Then opens again.
“Sweetheart, no one. And I promise you this. No one can replace your dad.”
“Yeah?, prove it by making her leave. This is yours and Dads house, not just yours anymore. So the decisions you make, you also have to make with him. Not just a one man choice”
“No one is ever in Danno’s corner but Danno. He forgets that I’m in his corner too and I’m not going anywhere, so I’m telling you to pull your head out your ass and clean the crap out your eyes and see what you’re doing, what she’s doing”
Grace snatches up her bag, picking up the chair and pushing in her chair leaving.
Steve flinches when he hears the door slam. Grace looked like her mother.
But had Daniels Spirit through and through. Stick up for the little man spirit.
And at this moment Danny was the little man and Grace was his biggest defender.
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sincerely-wyvern · 6 months
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As he watched the reunion between Danny and Grace, realization struck Steve. 
He wanted that. 
He wanted them.
He wanted Danny and Grace Williams all to himself.
He wanted to come home to Danny and Grace every day, and he wanted to take Danny to bed every night.
“Steve, get over her,” Danny called, looking over at his partner and motioning for the man to join them.
As he walked over, Steve knew he would everything in his power to make Danny and Grace his.
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