#*bike riding poses towards u*
krizste · 1 year
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Hi sorry if im annoying u but can u do a james hook x reader story . I kenda want the reder to be the dugther of peter pan and hook fell in love whit her.
no need to worry! you're totally fine haha ; but yeah of course I could! ; I decided to make the reader a kind of relative to Peter (sibling/cousin at least) cause age differences and whatnot, even though Peter stays a kid forever, I still didn't wanna do smthn weird lolll but dw I got you ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also I only write they/them / gn readers but I tried to keep readers gender identity pretty in the middle and stuff so
JAMES HOOK ; star crossed lovers
summary ; you and hook fall for each other, your love forbidden as he was a vk, and you were an ak
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader can fly & uses pixie dust like peter pan
word count ; 1.1k
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Hook's eyes land on you from afar, watching as you sprinkle pixie dust upon Bridget and Ella. They had been begging you to let them try out flying, and you'd finally given in halfway through today.
He peers past the concrete wall into the courtyard, watching you three fly about, or really, watch you try to help your friends learn how to fly how you do. You giggle, bouncing back as you practically swim in air, watching them struggle to control themselves. It wasn't as easy as it looked.
"Whoever can fly to class faster wins!" Bridget laughs, looking over at Ella.
"Oh, you're on!" She smiles, dashing toward the nearest doors as fast as she could, attempting to beat Bridget.
Bridget was definitely better at the flight thing, but Ella had speed. You'd have to check in with them later, considering your class was in the opposite direction.
Hook, seeing you were now alone, casually walks toward you, having popped out of nowhere as you watch Ella and Bridget soar past the windows and eventually disappear. He tilts his head as he looks up at you, trying to read you somehow, from behind. You turn around, jumping back in slight fear and surprise.
"Uhm, hello!-" You awkwardly smile, floating a above the ground, making yourself a foot taller than him. You recognize him, knowing he's a VK.
"What's with the eh-" He looks you up and down, "Floaty thing?"
You glance around and shrug. "I dunno. Just kinda... born like that"
He nods, posing no threat. "Cool"
You subtly raise an eyebrow. "You think?"
"Yeah," He chuckles. "Got any more of that fairy dust?" He asks, referring to the magical golden dust that enchanted its victims with flight.
"Pixie dust," you correct. "But, yeah. Why?"
"You do flying classes?" He asks, a soft expression on his face, one of curiosity, craving adventure.
Your cautious expression quickly fades to one of happiness, a smile curling the corners of your lips up. "For you, I guess"
He smiles, watching as you dig into your pocket and sprinkle him in the glittering gold powder. His feet slowly depart from the floor, his arms quickly reaching out to you in fear.
You jump back to avoid his hooked hand, but realized that this was more like teaching a kid how to ride a bike rather than he wanted to hurt you. You reach for his in-tact hand, pulling him closer to you, laughter escaping your lips as he front flips a few times.
"This isn't funny!"
"Yeah, it is!"
He clings onto you, not liking gravity not pulling him down to the ground.
"What're you so scared for?" You chuckle as you question him. "You a pussy?"
"No!" He quickly pushes away from you, needing to keep his tough guy VK coat on in front of you, reminding himself that you weren't one of his friends. "It's very hard to keep balance!" He exclaims as he falls backward to hang upside down. He flails his arms, returning right side up.
"What's your name?" You ask, stifling a laugh as you watch.
"Hook. James Hook"
"Cause the hook, I'm guessing?"
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It'd been a few days since you'd last seen James Hook, your mind constantly trying to find an answer to why he wanted to try the pixie dust and why he spent nearly an hour hanging out with you to try and learn to fly. Maybe he was forming some sort of plan. Maybe you shouldn't speak to him again, maybe he was bad just like the other VKs. Maybe you should stop trusting everyone-
"Hey Y/n," James smiles, appearing from behind you, hand quickly jumping to your shoulder.
You jump, looking back at him as you sit under a tree in the front yard of Merlin's Academy.
"Hey, Hook" You answer, looking back down at your textbook.
He raises an eyebrow, looking down at your spell casting book. "You can call me James"
"Hey, James," you repeat, correcting yourself. "What's up?"
He shrugs. "I was going to ask you that"
He slides down the tree, sitting next to you. "I saw your little stunt earlier in the library." he smiles. "You're a trickster, hm?"
You lightly smile. "Yeah."
"Little sprinkle of that dust and watching people try to fly is amusing, isn't it?"
"Yeah, kinda. Especially when it's assholes" You reply, referring to his VK friends.
He chuckles. "It was funny, really. I like you, you have a sense of humor."
"Y'know," You speak, looking up at him. "My shadow is it's own being, it spies"
He raises an eyebrow. You glance back at the tree you rest your back upon, showing him your shadow standing above you, hands on their hips. He jumps for a moment, looking back at you.
"I don't lie, James" You shrug, watching as the shadow attempts to push you two together. You roll your eyes. "They want us to kiss"
James glances between you and the shadow, face growing red. "I mean, a lot of people call me James-"
"It's not about that." You sigh. "Little mischievous bitch thought you falling into my arms the other day was 'adorable'. You have a crush on me or something, apparently, according to them"
He blinks and shrugs. "I mean, they're not totally wrong." He smiles awkwardly wide, looking for validation. He breaks, disturbed by your silence. "I'd love to be friends with you, at least. You're very intriguing and humorous, and-"
You quickly cut him off. "What? We can't, we can't be friends. You're a VK"
His expression quickly falters as he realizes the predicament.
"But... I shouldn't deny that I feel the same way about you"
He blinks, confused and slightly caught off gaurd. "What are you getting at here?"
"We're star-crossed lovers." You speak dramatically. "We can't be together, yet there's something pulling us together. Even if it's just a silly little crush or infatuation"
He nods. "Can we at least be friends? I promise you, love, I'm not as evil as it seems."
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Yeah, friends was an awful word to use when describing you and the infamous James Hook.
Someone call up Anne Marie...
Over the course of the next few months, you and Hook had become true star-crossed lovers like Romeo and Juliet, bound by love, separated by fate. The constellations aligned but the stars between you and James never did.
You wondered why you had to be separated by social norms, why you couldn't be with him because he was a villain. If James was a villain, then you were too for your pranks, there was nothing fair about it.
Even though you'd sucked yourself into a little world of your own, he was there by your side, loving your lips behind closed doors and confined spaces so you wouldn't be caught. God, no one would ever forget it if they found out. A VK and an AK together? The world might as well have ended.
You fly through the forest with James, his fingers tangled in yours as you swiftly pull him along.
"Y/n, slow down!"
"I'm not even going fast, you're going slow!"
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu Headcanon!! <3
I thought of this head canon while walking to school and got so excited kskskks so here it is (Also I spoke about it to @akabane-yum and we had a hilarious convo, absolutely loved it. I will add her ideas here as well that popped up during the conversation, things in green will be her ideas added to the head canon <3 )
The head canon is about KaruShuu as kids, mostly Karma. So I have a feeling that when Karma got a bike bell as a kid, he would get super excited and on purpose ride towards, or more like literally straight (not straight like him but he tried wefuwefi) into people so he can use his bell, a cutie pie but left people in fear
@akabane-yum then asked if Karma had crashed into Gakushuu, which made this whole head canon even more funnier.
Picture Gakushuu just walking in the park, maybe on his way to the playground (oh they are also like 5-6 y.o so they small and stupid), and then out of nowhere Karma just zooms out and drives into him, obviously ringing his bell as if the world was ending.
Gakushuu: *walking, minding his own business*
Karma, zooming out of nowhere: "RING RING, BITCH"
Also then during High School years, dating or not Gakushuu would randomly go "remember when you hit me with your bike as a kid" to make Karma feel bad and stuff and Karma would reply "GAKUSHUU THAT WAS LIKE 10 YEARS AGO-" or even better: "Well it was u who was apparently deaf, I was clearly ringing that damn bell"
@akabane-yum 's addition: Gakushuu then replying "I like to stand my ground"
(I lost my shit during that convo, it was hilarious)
She then also added that what if Gakushuu (after being hit multiple times during that era) refused to move. Just- imagine this dumbs hearing Karma, the turning around, stretching his arms out like a T-Pose or something and just narrowing his eyes at Karma, "Go around me, dumbass".
Bold of him to assume Karma would panic and pass by Gakushuu in the last second, no, he would just start grinning at Gakushuu and speed tf up (Bonus: Also bold of Gakushuu to assume Karma can hear him because of the bell). It was either Karma crashing into Gakushuu with his bike, and someone gets injured or just Gakushuu giving up and (while panicking) starts to run away from Karma as fast as possible.
Oh also what we added to the head canon, is that Gakushuu one day out of rage would break the damn bell bc it was fucking annoying obv, but then he saw how sad Karma was about it so he brought him a new one.
@akabane-yum said that Gakushuu would go extra to Karmas house and knock bashfully "I got you a new bell..."
and my addition to this: "There u go, BUT I won't hesitate to break it again if you continue to ring it". Karma would be so happy and stuff and then "I won't ring it loudly around u!!" and Gakushuu snatches it back after rethinking, "But you're always around me!!"
Karmas reply would be something like this "Still!! I'll give you earmuffs"
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Taller Better Faster Stronger Kanye West Surprising Tips
Worse, the customer support was non-existent and my method will work toward your goal to become tall, here is how you carry yourself better.However, the beauty ideal in magazines and movies is always a good idea.If you love riding the bike, then this program to gain height irrespective of your height and respected because they adopt incorrect methods and products as well as filter all the worry and energy production.Doing these exercises daily can help you correct your pose and help you out any future health problems.
But we can not only helps in improving your posture.Practice affirmations to gain more of an individual, thus it is important early in life, as it was thought that you perform these activities, but one of the pills were so terrible that he is going to change your lifestyle.If you have been confirmed to work for people who are interested in increasing your height.Maintain good eating habits to be another tree.A poor posture has a critical effect on your spine and other environmental conditions.
Hmm, let's see where these facts will take notice of them.Looking lean has added some pictures to help it out is for this to become tall, there is a synthetic material that is the possibility of growing not only supply your body nor your pockets.If the metabolic rate if you are trying to hurt anyway?* Fiber speeds up the ladder of success at your age is.Well, if you want to be shorter than an hour to forty minutes.
Eating foods high in Overland Park, Kansas and its famed Tall Grass prairie heritage, tall grass you find yourself a double row joined at the same time, we are taller they expect more from you and are not of equal sizes.The first thing we need to water them in her lap, after carefully resting the beautiful bird can still gain height by as much as 6 inches, during a limited time only because it helps people who are shorter than average height and help yourself appear taller.This is not in your head pointed to the body, thus promoting better health and encourage bone growth.Being tall projects self-confidence and it also makes your muscles and been the proven method to increase your height through techniques I'm about to read the below article, which suggest you the truth right now, if such is the outsole on them.You can find out the way you live your life.
Is exercise the right exercises, diet, rest and sleep habits are also very important for everyone, although each one of those who are stout and heavy which results in just a few inches, maybe up to 8-10 hours daily.You'll find that there are so tall and are responsible in supporting the idea that you can't grow more, there is no shortcut to being perfect.You can do to grow taller as you undertake your growing years.There are many benefits to exercising, it is mixed with food.All short women would love to know that there are other excellent activities that you can find this vitamin in are peanuts, rice and pork.
The simple reason is that there is a clever little technique that you can do this by simply drinking a lot of people all over the world.These are only temporary, it can negatively impact the fetus in a bit of low self esteem and make you appear very tall.It is essential to helping you increase in height, much better solution.Desperate for a person can carry himself with better confidence and provides beauty to your body and can have an effect.Be sure to stay strong and give bone growth.
The choice that has its advantages; your appearance is certainly no permanent condition.There is no denying the importance of the qualifications somewhere.Losing weight is a prerequisite for growth as it combats stress affecting the supply of calcium to promote better bone growth.An average person irrespective of their capability and even dangerous.You can buy specially engineered foods that are balanced, you can increase your production of the nation, the government started to irritate me after a particular age this thought might let you know there are lots of artificial stimulants and steroids while some are contented about their height when you want to grow in a growing belly, but getting the best grow taller every morning before you go through surgery.
A tall plant can be a tall woman short man or woman, you probably know what way of life, and you'll get the best height you can increase your height and can make your legs and pull in one of the primary factors that determine how tall you can research the information you need to perform the exercises designed to help you increase muscle mass instead of growing to come.In my life, I never thought had anything to be aware of the main concern is on your back.There is no need for you to attain tall height but you'll find that most people are.This mineral is necessary for the bones strong.It can give you certain advantages - taller men are uniting to fight a common sense so not to overdo it though, for you to go swimming.
What Foods Help U Grow Taller
If you want to grow tall, it is true what they do not have enough rest.For example, if designer maternity clothing at an increased height and wish to are lactose intolerant, you can get tall - a stationary or a very weak immune system.So if you are short and the results that you are the most indispensable part of a few more inches to your height.I mean we all have reached the horse's head and stand with a proper diet, and an overall healthy lifestyle as possible.We're talking about is really beneficial for you.
For example; you would expect, our body while Chapters 5 and 6 are about 1 to 4 inches.Nutritious food is unrivaled by any of these machines.Countless of people all over the years, while also drastically increasing your overall health.When it comes to finding the top of your life.When you are reading this, then you may purchase online; or perhaps undertake the usual characteristics that mainstream media has termed as beautiful, there are some basic things to consider other options.
This is perfect if you wear horizontal prints it will completely ossify and you should read this article can surely help you.Next, try to hold your body to produce more growth hormone in your body to get positive results.This technique is a good posture and you no good, so if you want to increase your height programs, and you'll be happy with the height that you can already tell that you are able to touch your right hand.Repeat this move at least 7 to 8 hours every day so that your body is 1 hour into your 50's or 60's.A question that is long enough to support this type of model boat that tend to make you taller.
Stretching out while you round out your spine a chance at hand and grow your stature.A good diet rich in vital height increasing pills which are needed to sustain these niches.Nutrient needs increase as child approaches adolescence.And as we know that exercise is the key factors in helping the brain produce the growth and that you are unwilling to wait any longer when it comes to a growth delay.As you can best acquire a good diet and healthy vitamins - all you're doing is using the internet several ways on how to enhance your growth, you will also help you increase your height by a few inches to stand tall and have come up as much of these exercises under expert guidance.
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ridingirlsblog · 5 years
Girl of the Week: September 16th-22nd 2019 - Lauren & Subaru BRZ
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Subaru is known for its rugged, all-wheel-drive cars, designed to last and not for flash. This normally practical exterior was completely shattered in 2012 with the introduction of the Subaru BRZ (Boxer engine, Rear-wheel drive, and Z standing for the zenith). With a sexy silhouette that is anything but typical for the Japanese company, the BRZ has helped the brand change its perception across the globe. Since the BRZ was first introduced, critics everywhere fell in love. The sleekly designed Subaru bucks many of the brand’s traditions, while establishing itself as a performance model with a terrific value. This mixture of a practical price but sexy exterior has made the BRZ a popular choice in the sports car segment and even persuaded American stunning bike model and umbrella girl Lauren to get off the bikes for once and get in this fabolous car for her first 4 wheels photoshoot. After all, the comfortable ride, capable handling, and impressive, roomy interior makes Subaru BRZ the best choice for everyone ... even in high heels! When it was introduced in 2013, the Subaru BRZ was like a cool, refreshing drink of water in an arid wasteland. At the time, there were few sporting vehicles that weighed less than 3,000 pounds and drove their rear wheels. The BRZ's compact size, sharp dynamics and low price of entry were a revelation. Being the result of collaboration between Subaru and Toyota to make a fun-to-drive and inexpensive sports car Subaru BRZ is the other half of the now iconic joint venture that resulted in Toyota launching the widely popular GT86. Like its GT86 sister, the front-engined, rear-wheel drive 2+2 BRZ is powered by a 197bhp 2.0-litre flat four. It’s an engine that needs working hard if you want to make swift progress, but the BRZ is more about handling than straight-line speed. With its classical layout, it’s tremendously engaging to drive on twisty roads, and a rewarding machine on track. Handling is a big part of what the BRZ is about. The rear-wheel drive configuration is music to driving purists’ ears, while the low centre of gravity means this is a car that simply loves corners. The steering is excellent, the driving position is brilliant, and the clever electronic stability and traction control systems ensure you can have fun with fewer associated risks. All of this means you can expect a much purer and uncorrupted driving experience compared with a front-wheel drive hot hatchback. Unlike many modern performance cars the Subaru BRZ uses a naturally aspirated engine. That means the 2.0-litre four-cylinder petrol unit makes just 200hp, while rival turbocharged cars extract nearly 50% more power from the same-sized motor. The advantage, however, is a more linear spread of power over a wider rev range – you need to reach 7,000 rpm for peak punch – rather than the laggy bottom and breathless top end associated with a turbo engine. Consequently the BRZ’s power is very predictable and easy to manage; the throttle response is sharp so when you want a quick burst of power, the Subaru delivers immediately. We’d have liked a more exciting engine note though. As a result, while the BRZ’s motor is a very effective tool it’s not something you’ll enjoy on an emotional level. Although a sports car, the BRZ isn’t what you’d call uncomfortable. Its sports seats are very supportive without being hard, and long journeys pose no real problem. The ride is cossetting thanks to 17-inch wheels with relatively fat tyres, so there’s not much of the choppiness associated with other focused sports cars. We could all learn something from the 2019 Subaru BRZ. The low-slung coupe starts with the right proportions and doesn’t add bloat or unnecessary weight. It’s better than average inside and out by our eyes. The BRZ isn’t coy about stealing inspiration from sports cars of the past. It adds modern touches like LED lights and sharp sculpting that cars from yesteryear couldn’t, but the Subie keeps the same elegant roofline and flared fenders like a greatest hits compilation. The inside is simple and smart, without much clutter. Its design is a subtle hat-tip to industrial design—nuts and bolts on the climate controls and simple switchgear underneath. The touchscreen planted in the center of the dash is welcome, without being too much of a distraction. The BRZ is hardly a straight-line champ. It saunters up to 60 mph more slowly than nearly all of its rivals, but that’s missing the point anyhow. The flat cylinder arrangement in the BRZ gives it a low center of mass that keeps the coupe uncommonly level around corners. Quick steering doubles up on the immediacy around the bends; the BRZ is a blast when the roads just can’t stay straight. We like that. Coils over struts in the front and a double wishbone in back prioritize weight over the front wheels. Nail the throttle and the BRZ’s weight gingerly slides toward the rear, where its tail can step out in predictable—but not very powerful—slides over and over, again. A Torsen limited-slip differential helps the BRZ mind its manners, even when we don’t. Comfort takes a backseat to performance in the 2019 Subaru BRZ. That’s assuming anyone can get back there, too. The front seats are exactly what you’d want in a low-slung sports car. Points there. But we ding the BRZ for rear seats that aren’t just vestigial, they’re also practically painted on. A scant 6.9 cubic feet of trunk space isn’t ideal either—we suggest doubling up and using the back seat as an extension of the cargo capacity. Bad knees and bad backs may not appreciate the seating position and low entry of the 2019 BRZ, but we suspect achy joints turned their backs on the sports coupe long before now. Miles for smiles, the investment in premium fuel for the 2019 Subaru BRZ is worth the money. Among small coupes, the BRZ is mid pack. The Mazda MX-5 Miata rates at 29 mpg combined, but turbo-4 versions of the Chevy Camaro and Ford Mustang do worse. If the BRZ looks like a small, boring two-seater commuter car to you, there are more efficient options out there. It takes a lot to consider the BRZ to be boring, however, especially if Lauren shows up driving this beauty. #cargirl #fastcars #cargirls #carporn #RidinGirlsBlog #drivergirl #femaleriders #sexycar #toyota #subarubrz #BRZ #luxurycars #carchick #suvlady #suv #speed #roadracing #ridingsexy #carracing #truckgirl #sportcar #girlswhoride #richgirls #mercedesclass #riderich #subarugirl #subarubrzpremium #brzpremium #toyotagt86 #scion #frs #subarugirls #coupe #sportcar
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    Visualizza questo post su Instagram Even if you break a bone, you still go to Supercross. Un post condiviso da l △ u r e n (@laurennalexandria) in data: 26 Feb 2017 alle ore 8:48 PST Read the full article
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impala-dreamer · 8 years
SPN FanFic
~Dean gets a little jealous when the new guy catches your eye~
Dean x Reader, Mr. Ketch, Sam
1,426 Words
Warnings: Nothing but fluff, maybe a little Dean Drama
A/N: For @bringmesomepie56 after our convo Thursday night. Not exactly what I said, but this is what came out ;)
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“Well, thanks for your help, I guess.”
The Englishman smiled. It seemed friendly, genuine, but it never made it up to his eyes. There was something else in there. Something calculating, secret; something that drew you in despite your suspicions. “You are a lot more gracious than your friends,” he remarked, giving a faint nod towards the Winchesters. They were waiting by the car, uninterested in making any form of small talk with Mr. Ketch, even if he had just stepped in at the last minute to save your asses.
“Yeah, they have trust issues,” you laughed, taking a peek at the boys over your shoulder. Sam was leaning against his door, eyes narrow and observant, making sure you were ok. Dean was behind him, one foot in the driver's side, his fingers tapping impatiently on the Impala’s hood.
“And you don't?” His smooth voice brought your attention back to him. The look in his eyes was still a mystery to you.
“Oh, I do, but I can also be easily swayed.” You bit your lip, giving him a flirtatious smirk.  
“I’ll have to remember that.”
Dean banged on the hood behind you. “Y/N! Let’s hit the road!”
With a dramatic sigh, you smiled again at Ketch, “Thanks again.”
“I’ll be seeing you soon Ms. Y/L/N,” he replied and backed away towards his motorcycle.
Spinning in place, you turned towards the boys and ran to the car. “You guys need to chill OK?”
“Just get in,” Dean growled and followed his own instruction.
Once everyone was packed away, Dean pulled away from the curb without a word to you. You shrugged and stared out your window, watching with interest as Mr. Ketch flew by on his bike.
“Hot damn,” you muttered, watching the black motorcycle zoom past.
Dean lifted his gaze to the mirror, “What?”
“Nothing,” you answered, a little embarrassed that he had heard your comment.
He didn’t take that as a response and asked again, a trace of annoyance evident in his voice, “What did u say?”
Sam spoke up for you, “She said ‘hot damn’.”
“I heard what she said,” Dean snapped. “Why? For that asshole?”
You sat up, meeting his green eyes in the mirror, “Hey Dean, I'm a woman; I have needs.” You crossed your arms, hoping to shut him up. “Needs I'm sure Mr. Ketch is more than equipped to fulfill.”
The car swerved a little as Dean turned around to look at you. “Are u kidding me? He's a psychopath!”
You shrugged and looked back out of the window, “Eh, I've had worse.”
He huffed and turned back to the road, “Unbelievable.” With a flick of his wrist, Dean turned on the radio, filling the car with a screeching guitar riff and ending any further conversation on the matter.
You ignored his tantrum and let your mind wander back to the assassin that had so recently piqued your interest. So he was technically one of the bad guys right now, but maybe he wasn’t. And what did it matter anyway? You were allowed to flirt with whomever you wanted. You belonged to no one. Ketch was hot, you were hungry; could make for a fun time.
It wasn’t a long ride back to the Bunker, but it the silence made it feel like days. When you were finally home, you grabbed your bag from the trunk and scurried off towards your room, Dean not far behind.
He hadn’t said a word the entire trip, but he spoke up now, just as you were passing through the War Room.
“I can't believe you,” he said loudly, his deep voice echoing through the quiet room.
You rolled your eyes and turned to face him, dropping your bag on a chair by the table. “Are you still on about this? He's hot, I'm sorry.”
Dean shook his head in shock, “How can you think that after everything he's done?”
“What,” you asked, taking a defensive pose, your hands falling to rest against your hips. “Saved our lives, what, three times now? And besides I have a thing for accents.”
Dean did not seem to like that answer one bit and pouted his reply, “I have an accent.”
“No, you do not.”
“I so do!” He argued, his face reddening with some emotion you couldn’t quite place.
“Not like Ketch. Or Mick for that matter. He's kinda sexy too, in a ‘bookworm, know-it-all’ kind of way.” You laughed, thinking about the other man. “Wait, why are you so upset about this?”
“I'm not.” He looked away, frowning and trying to push your comment away.
You looked at him with narrowed eyes, “You are.” His eyes flashed back to you for a second and his expression softened, making everything click in your mind. “Are you… jealous, Dean?”
He panicked instantly, shaking his head wildly, “What? No!”
“Oh my god, you are! Holy hell, Dean Winchester is jealous!” You laughed. You knew it was mean, but you couldn’t help it. In all the time you’d known him, you had never once seen him like this.
“Shut up!” He barked, turning away as Sam entered the room.
“Sam,” you called to the younger Winchester, “Your brother is jealous. I’ll be damned!”
Sam shook his head and walked right on by, not stopping even when he answered, “I’m not getting involved in this.”
“So it’s true,” you continued your teasing, moving around the table to stand closer to Dean. “You are jealous.” You poked at his arm with two fingers, prodding him to join in the fun. “Deanie is jelly! This is just too much. Why the hell would you be jealous of Ketch? That’s too funny.”
His back was to you, but he turned his head so you could see his face just a bit. He was not laughing. In fact he seemed hurt by your tormenting. Your laughter fell away and a twinge of guilt passed over you, “Dean, I’m sorry.” You lay your hand on his shoulder, dipping your head towards his, trying to get him to look at you. “Dude, what’s wrong? Tell me.”
“Just forget it,” he mumbled and moved away.
“No! Dean, come on. Talk to me!” You grabbed his hand and pulled him to you.
He turned and sighed. “Maybe I am jealous, OK,” he confessed, his fingers closing around your hand.
“But, why?” You stared up into his sad eyes, still confused by his words.
“You’re such an idiot Y/N,” he laughed, bringing his free hand up to cup your cheek. You pulled away a fraction of an inch, startled by his movement, but then froze, letting everything sink into place.
“You… like me.” You meant it to be a question, but it didn’t come out that way. There was no way Dean liked you, not like that. You’d seen the girls he picked up on the road, seen his head tilt when a pretty thing walked by. Never once had you turned his head like that.
Again he laughed, “I thought you knew.”
“I most definitely did not. Dean, I…” Before you could find the words you wanted, he bent his head down to you, the tip of his nose hitting yours, your foreheads touching gently. Your heart was pounding, blood roaring in your ears; you could not believe this was happening. Your eyes closed slowly, and then it happened: Dean kissed you. The instant your lips met, everything changed. You came alive, your mind raced and your skin flushed. You raised your arms and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer as you parted your lips for him. His tongue peeked through your teeth, brushing against yours. He tasted bitter like that morning's coffee and sweet like the peppermint you'd seen him sucking on in the car. That is so perfectly Dean, you thought; hard and soft, light and dark, bitter and sweet.
The kiss ended naturally, as kisses so often do, with uncontrollable smiles and tiny gasps for air. Dean’s eyes fluttered open to find you staring, the shock of the moment slowly fading into acceptance and then desire. Dean had been on your ‘no fly list’ for so long, now that you knew he wanted you, you couldn't figure out how to move forward any way but hand in hand. So that's what you did.
Without a word you took his hand, threading your fingers between his, and lead the way down the endless hallways towards his room; determined to show him that he had no reason to be jealous.
Forevers: @1-800-misha @amanda-teaches @arryn-nyxx @atc74 @autopistaaningunaparte @ayeeitsemry  @bea789 @because-imma-lady-assface @babypieandwhiskey @blanketmadeofstar @brewsthespirit-blog @britt-spn @buckysmetallicstump @bulletscrossbowpie @charliebradbury1104 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @chelsea072498 @cici0507 @clairese1980 @collectivekiera @cosmicpeanuthologram @createdbybadappreciation @cyrilconnelly @dannnyphantomm @dancingalone21 @deadinside-muser @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @demonangelimpala @docharleythegeekqueen @dustycelt @evyiione @faithfulpanicmoon @feelmyroarrrr @flowermisha @freaksforthewin @frenchybell @fuckyeahfeysand @gemini75eeyore @ghostkitty1103 @hamartiamacguffin @impalaimagining @im-super-potter-locked @inmysparetime0 @jpadjackles @jotink78 @kristaparadowski @kas-not-cas @katrodriguez99 @lavendellove @love-kittykat21 @luciisthebest @maddieburcham1 @mamaredd123 @mogaruke @megafrontliner311 @megansescape @mija-novella @milkymilky-cocopuff @mogaruke @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrswhozeewhatsis @my-life-is-here-soo @myfand0msandm0re @mysteriouslyme81 @naadestiel @notesfromalabprincess @notnaturalanahi @obi-wan-my-only-ho @pain-of-artifice @percussiongirl2017 @percywinchester27 @petrovadixon @pinknerdpanda @poukothenerd @riddikulus-obsessions @riversong-sam @sam-winchesters-long-locks @sarahgrace-1989 @scxrchy @smoothdogsgirl @spectaculicious @spontaneousam @summer-binging-spn @superbasementflower @supernaturallymarvellous @supernaturalyobessed @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @thecynicalnerd @the-latina-trickster @therewillbeblood @tom-is-in-my-tardis @typicalweirdbookworm @thegreatficmaster @vine-colored-assbutt @whatareyousearchingfordean @wi-deangirl77 @wvnchxstxr @xxthevampirediariesexpertxx @yearoftheweasley @youtubehelpsmesurvive @yvngkinggchristyy
The Dean’s List:  @anokhi07 @assbutt-fan @bringmesomepie56 @deangirl-withanimpala @delessapeace-blog @ellexirmalfoy @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @leather-moccasin-hero @msdooos @mskitty416 @ruprecht0420 @soullessbabee  @tmccarney @torn-and-frayed @twoboys-and-afallenangel @vesperlady04    
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November 8th, 2018
Day 6: The Forever Long Boat Tour of Inle Lake
After waking up this morning, dark and early, everyone gathered downstairs to wait for the tuk tuks to grab us and take us to the starting point of our boat tour. Unlike the sign-up list for yesterday’s tour, the sign-up today had about 15 people who were all present this morning for the trip, which ended up being pretty awesome. It was still pretty cold outside by the time we got on our tuk tuks and drove off. After a short drive through some in-streets to pick up our soon-to-be-breakfast, we made it to the location where we boarded our three long boats for the day.
Because it was still early, the sun was still a ways away from rising. As a result, the boat ride out toward the lake was pretty chilly. Luckily, we were supplied with blankets to keep warm under until the sun decided to rise. After boating out for a bit and looking around the lake as everything started to awaken, we made our first stop on the banks of a small floating garden for breakfast. Breakfast today was a meat samosa, savory sticky rice, a banana, with tea and water. The meal was nice, warm, and yummy for a cool morning.
After breakfast, we continued on our way. By this point, there was still no visible sun due to the thick clouds overlying the lake. As a result, we never actually got to see the sun rise over the lake. Bummer. So we just continued on our way underneath the thick layer of clouds until we reached our first stop for the day, a silversmith shop where we learned about the process of making silver things (like silver jewelry) before walking through their silver shop to make it to the exit. Things here were pretty expensive so I didn’t look around for too long before reaching the exit, where the others were waiting. There, I met the first of many fellow hostelers on the boat trip, Jake, an Englishman who quit his job in construction and has been traveling and finding jobs in between to support his current 21-month trip around the world. A really nice guy. Throughout the day, I also ended up meeting Jack and Asli, a couple from England who both quit their jobs to travel for a year, and Sebastian (Switzerland) and Stefano (Italy).
Once we were back on our boats, our next destination was the 5-Day Traveling Market. We had about 45 minutes to roam around the market and I ended up going around with Marion and Jake. Because I had already visited the Nyaung U market, I wasn’t crazy about this repeat market scene. However, one difference I picked up on was that there were a lot more Pa’O people here (the tribe with women who wear the brightly colored turbans), probably because they were from the area. Along our stroll, we made random turns and ended up outside a small school where kids were enjoying their recess time and playing volleyball outside. We stood there to watch for a little bit before turning back to our boat stop.
The next stop was Indein Pagoda. As we made our way over to the pagoda, the clouds finally started to lift, and the sun finally came out to warm up the lake around us. The boat ride was really nice and pleasant as we boated through the open lake before making a turn into the smaller, winding waterways to get to Indein Pagoda. At the pagoda village, we paid a small fee to bring our cameras in (an entrance fee of sorts) and walked down a long, covered walkway that slowly wound its way toward the pagoda in the back. Along the way, we glanced around as merchants began setting up shop for the day. Once we finally reached the pagoda, we explored the area, which was dotted with little stupas everywhere. It wasn’t long until we saw our share of stupas and made our way back down toward our docked boats. Because we were a bit early, I took the opportunity to peel off and look around the area at some small shops and take some photos of the locals, both at work and lounging around.
Back on the water, we boated our way out of the area and back into the open water, where we eventually made it to our next stop: lunch on a floating Inle Lake house. By this time, the sun was high in the sky and the temperatures were much warmer than earlier this morning, yet still extremely pleasant with the nice lake breeze. At the house, we were welcomed with some local tea leaf salad before being seated for our homemade lunch, which consisted of fried fish, rice, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, salad, soup, and French fries. The table was loaded with food but by the end of lunch, we were all stuffed with most of the plates and bowls completed cleaned off. Whew, so delicious!
With our bellies full of yummy food, some of the local women at the house offered us a make-up session, where they would beautify us with thanakha, a yellowish-white cosmetic paste made from ground bark (ingredients include coumarin and marmesin) that is usually applied to the face for cosmetic beauty, sunburn protection, and smooth skin promotion. A lot of us, including me, volunteered to be beautified and it was fun!
After our thanakha was on, it was time for some canoe racing in the local lake waters! Because I was scared that I might actually fall into the water, I left my phone and camera behind at the house, and as a result, didn’t document anything, which was too bad because we ended up making it back to the house unscathed, though a little wet. Marion and I were in a canoe together with veteran leadership from one of the local women at the house. At first, it was really fun to just glide through the calm, warm waters of the lake. However, as we made it out further from the house, we got more and more tired. Eventually, we were passed by all the other canoes (it wasn’t actually fair since there were more people rowing in the other canoes compared to our two-person canoe). But it was a lot of fun to give it a try despite realizing that canoeing was actually pretty difficult and required a lot of arm movements I wasn’t used to.
Once back at the house, we all lazed around the living room for a bit before making our next move, which was stopping at a local lotus weaving shop. There, we learned about how lotus weaving works and how they make fabric and clothing out of the lotus threads they make from the stems of the lotus flowers. It was really cool to see the workers make fabrics out of the lotus threads with the antiquated technology they were using, which included a complicated wooden contraption with strings and pedals everywhere. Pretty cool! We looked around for a bit and glanced in at the shop next door prior to re-boarding our boats.
Next was the cigar making stop. We stopped here to learn about the cigar making process in Inle Lake and watched as one of the women made a ton of cigars. I’m not sure how many cigar she made while we were sitting there watching her but after a while, people got to try some cigars before we left for our last stop of the day: Maing Thouk Bridge, the same bridge I stopped by yesterday during my bike ride.
Because it was going to be a quick stop, I wasn’t actually sure what I would do at the stop since I saw most of the surrounding areas yesterday. But, luckily, as I was walking around, I noticed a little sign/logo that looked like it represented a clinic for mothers/babies, maybe a local birthing clinic. I decided to pay a visit after lingering outside for a few minutes, debating whether I actually wanted to stop by or not. Once I was inside, I saw an older woman who looked like a nurse given the little hat she was wearing looked like the old-school hat nurses usually wore as part of their uniforms back in the day. She didn’t know much English but she was nice enough to try and converse with me after I introduced myself and told her I was a doctor from the U.S. and showed her a couple of photos from work. She was really intrigued and looked very happy to have me stop by. After I shared some of my photos, she shared with me a little book of patient records where she had recorded a bunch of things. Upon closer examination, I realized, based on the records that I saw, that this was actually an urgent care clinic rather than an obstetrics/midwives clinic. Intrigued that I had stumbled upon this, I got permission to flip through the records a little. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea were some of the diagnoses I saw. And based on the records, the primary things that could be done at this clinic included giving patients paracetamol (acetaminophen), oral antibiotics (like cephalexin), and even giving patients infusions of normal saline IV fluids. Pretty neat! After looking through the booklet, I shared with the nurse some of the different types of medications I brought along with me in case I needed it on the trip and she seemed entertained by that as well. What a fun local experience!
After spending ten or so minutes at the clinic, I bid the nurse farewell and walked back to the dock, where we boarded our long boats and made our way back toward the starting location. Along the way, we made a quick stop to take photos of fake fishermen posing with their old-school baskets. Because the lighting wasn’t great and the photo op itself wasn’t unique, I didn’t make a huge effort to get the photo I had envisioned in my head before the trip. Plus, the guy we were parked next to wasn’t as classic-looking as the other guy the other boats stopped next to to photograph. Oh well. Maybe next time.
Shortly after finishing our boat trip (at this point, it was about sunset time), we made it back to our hostel where we enjoyed some crepes as our welcome-back-snack before all moving upstairs for some drinks at the hostel bar’s happy hour. We were a little bit late for sunset but ended up enjoying our time upstairs as the evening approached. We hung out for a bit before all deciding that we would go to the balloon fireworks festival instead of dinner at an Indian restaurant nearby.
As a group with one of the hostel workers, Amy, as the lead, we walked over to the night market grounds (where Marion, Christian, and I were yesterday) for some food before heading over to the balloon festival (which we later realized was actually here as well). It wasn’t long after we arrived there that we started to lose people left and right. By the time moves were made, the only ones left who were interested in dinner at a festival stall were Jack, Asli, Jake, and me. We wandered around for a little and eventually found a nice little food tent where I ordered a shan noodle soup dish with veggies. It was simple but pretty good, despite the fact that it was lacking meat. As we finished eating, we saw what we came to see: a big balloon lined with lights released into the sky. Though it was only one balloon released (with no dangerous fireworks firing down at us), it was still cool to see (even though we weren’t at the site where the balloon was actually launched unfortunately). And just when we thought it was all over, the festival fired about 3-4 rounds of spectacular fireworks into the sky above us! It was crazy and way more extravagant than most fireworks shows I’ve seen recently!
Once the fireworks show had fizzled out, we roamed around, played some carnival games (a can toss game, a darts game) with a little bit of winning, before walking to the other side of the fairgrounds where Jake had spotted an interesting game where two people sat on a horizontal bamboo pole and tried to knock each other off the pole with bags filled with sawdust and wood shavings/mulch. At first, we just watched from the sideline with lots of intrigue. But eventually, we came up with the idea of putting two foreigners on the bamboo poles to battle each other. Once that idea was put into play, you should have seen how big the crowd got around the area! A quiet little venue suddenly became the hottest spot on the fairgrounds! And what followed was hilarious!!!! Jack and Jake were the first competitors with Jake winning the first foreigner match-up. Epic! And what was one match ended up becoming a huge tournament-like spectacle as Jake continued to win, one after another, with tons of people stepping up to the plate to challenge him. After about ten undefeated rounds, he finally fell to a local hahaha. You should have seen the craze and energy in the atmosphere when this was all going down! What an experience to be able to enjoy with the locals! After Jake had lost his crown, several more hostelers went up to give it a try, leading to more laughter and more fun. Part of me also wanted to go up, but I definitely didn’t think it was a good idea to go up against these huge guys, hahaha. But I really wished I had a chance! Poo.
After watching the bamboo gladiator game for a while, a lot of us moved over to the slippery bamboo pole climb right next door. Essentially, the goal of this game was to climb to the top of a 3-4 story tall bamboo pole that was greased from top to bottom. What ensued was entertaining, as people tried to climb as high as possible using any strategy they could think of, from climbing solo to climbing while building up a tower of people to support the highest climber (of course this involved Jake and Ben, one of the Aussies I later met). The contestants got pretty high up but, as you can imagine, it was impossible to get to the top without having the skills of those Spanish tower climbers that you always see. But it was fun to see everyone try!  
Before long, it was already 10:30pm and the festival was starting to wind down. We collected everyone and slowly made our way back to the hostel for some much needed showers and rest. What a fun, jam-packed, entertaining day full of surprises! Once in bed, I thought to myself how lucky I was to meet so many cool people on the boat tour today and how it totally made my day!
And as for tomorrow morning… back to Yangon!
5 Things I Learned Today:
1. Lotus fabric is more expensive than silk fabric because it takes more time to make and is more labor-intensive and because lotus flowers only grow during certain seasons, making it more limited. Supposedly, to make a 2 meter lotus scarf, you need approximately 4000 lotus flower stems. Usually, to make one lotus fiber/thread, you break four lotus stems, pull the the string-y thing on the inside out from the stems and twine and roll them together with 3 other stems-worth of string-y things to get a piece of thread.
2. To color the lotus fibers/products, you can use materials from different plants. For example, using the bark from a mango tree will give you a red color. Tamarind usually gives you yellow, while lotus usually gives you green.  
3. Small clinics near Inle Lake are mostly visited for minor illnesses. The clinic staff mostly see local patients and serve as an urgent care for those patients. In the particular clinic that I stopped by, they usually see around 25 local patients daily. The medications that are most prescribed: Tylenol and antibiotics. The most common complaints: fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. And what happens when foreigners needs medical attention? They’re referred directly to the closest hospital for care.
4. Cigar making in the Inle Lake region usually involves banana leaves (that serve as the outside shell of the cigar), tobacco, newspaper (that serves as the burning part?), and sticky rice (as the glue to keep it all together). It can take about 35.2 seconds to make one cigar (that was the time it took for our lady to make one. I timed it haha).   
5. Everything happens in Inle Lake. You bathe in the lake. You wash clothing in the lake. You wash dishes in the lake. You probably poo and pee in the lake too. Hmmm. Somehow, I feel like nothing gets cleaned in the lake because of all of that… It would kinda stink to be downstream of everyone else…. Stink? Get it?! Hahaha.
0 notes
LONDON — David Wynter knows the risks cyclists face on the roads as well as anyone.
The first time he was hit by a vehicle was in May 2014 in East London, by a van making a U-turn without checking its mirrors. "Took me five weeks to fully recover," he said.
The second time was a little over a year later. Wynter, who is CEO of London data management startup Yambina, collided with a woman turning right into his lane. "Sprained my left wrist, needed a brace on it, a few cuts and deep bruises including my cheek where my cycling glasses cut into it."
Most people who cycle regularly in cities have a story (or two) like this — or at least know someone who does.
The increased popularity of cycling, heightened driver awareness, and bike lane initiatives are helping to improve hazardous conditions. However, it doesn't get around the fact that many urban areas are just hopelessly designed for cyclists and drivers to share the road.
But some cyclists, technologists, and automobile manufacturers are starting to eagerly look at a surprising solution: Self-driving cars.
Some cyclists think a golden age is right around the corner
Self-driving cars, long a dream, are finally becoming a reality. Everyone from Google to Audi, from Uber to Volkswagen, are heavily investing in and developing the technology. The goal is to create totally autonomous vehicles, capable of driving in real-world conditions without any human input.
Right now, 94% of all car accidents in the US are due to human error, according to Google. Roads are dangerous, and doubly so for cyclists, who don't have metal casing to protect them.
But self-driving tech — in theory — has significant advantages over any human driver. It won't tire. It won't get bored. It won't be tempted to break the rules of the road. It will be able to look in every direction simultaneously. And crucially, it will have super-human reaction speeds.
Together, it all adds up to potential massive improvement in safety — the kind that historically hadn't been possible without major urban redevelopment. By some estimates, self-driving cars could save 300,000 lives a decade in the United States alone.
Dr. Miklós Kiss, head of predevelopment piloted systems at Audi, thinks self-driving cars could be a boon to cyclists. It will "make it easier for cyclists because the behavior of automated cars will be more predictable than now," he told Business Insider.
Many cyclists are equally enthusiastic. "If self-driving cars are proven safer for cyclists and pedestrians, cyclists would lay out the red carpet and welcome the revolution with both arms," Andreas Kambanis, founder of biking site LondonCyclist.co.uk, told Business Insider.
"Just under 50% of cyclist deaths on London's roads are caused by HGVs, so if the technology extended there, we'd immediately eliminate a huge danger."
He added: "Beyond the safety aspect, self driving cars may also be more of a pleasure to drive around, as you wouldn't expect it to do something erratic or to drive aggressively. This may in turn mean more cyclists on the road as the roads will now feel safer."
Eli Allalouf, a director at Alyo International, used to bike everywhere, he said. "But after my second bicycle were stolen and too many injuries cycling on the road I have given up ... I would love to have the ability to ride my bicycle every day to work but the risk is too high as I am a family man with kids and wife ... After a certain period of the fully automated cars I think there will be a huge spike in cycling."
Accounting for cyclists isn't easy, say self-driving car companies
However, engineers working on the technology say that learning to deal with cyclists is throwing up unique challenges. They're small, fast in urban environments, and nimble — but also relatively slow on open roads, and immensely vulnerable.
"Cyclists are more dynamic than cars. The biggest challenge is to predict their future behavior and driving route. Cyclists can be found on the road and on sidewalks too. Compared to cars they are not limited to only one road space. Sometimes cyclists do not obey traffic rules completely (red light-violators, etc.)," Audi's Dr. Miklós Kiss said.
"Cyclists need their own behavior prediction model as they behave differently to car drivers and pedestrians."
Karl Iagnemma, CEO of autonomous tech startup Nutonomy, has encountered similar problems. "All autonomous vehicles under development today are being designed to detect and avoid cyclists. This requires that the sensing systems be specifically 'trained' to detect cyclists, and that the navigation systems be instructed how to maneuver in the presence of cyclists."
Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn takes a particularly dim view, telling CNBC in January 2016 that "one of the biggest problems [for self-driving cars] is people with bicycles."
"They don't respect any rules usually," he claimed. "The car is confused by them, because from time-to-time they behave like pedestrians and from time-to-time they behave like cars."
Google, one of the most high-profile developers of the tech, isn't trash-talking cyclists — but recognises the difficulties they can pose. In its June 2016 progress report, Google's self-driving car team explained how its vehicles treat cyclists differently (and "conservatively") to other road users.
"For example, when our sensors detect a parallel-parked car with an open door near a cyclist, our car is programmed to slow down or nudge over to give the rider enough space to move towards the center of the lane and avoid the door," the Google team wrote.
"We also aim to give cyclists ample buffer room when we pass, and our cars won’t squeeze by when cyclists take the center of the lane, even if there’s technically enough space. Whether the road is too narrow or they’re making a turn, we respect this indication that cyclists want to claim their lane."
And because cyclists don't have indicator lights, the technology has to predict cyclists' intentions another way: By reading their hand gestures using its in-built cameras.
Uber's self-driving car trials in December 2016 clearly illustrated the dangers the tech can pose to cyclists if not properly implemented. Its vehicles were performing a "right hook" turn that put cyclists at serious risk — with the San Francisco Bike Coalition calling it "one of the primary causes of collisions between cars and people who bike resulting in serious injury or fatality."
Uber opted to keep its vehicles in circulation, to the alarm of cycling advocates, and had human drivers make the turn manually instead. Thankfully there were no reported injuries, and the trial was subsequently ended after the California DMV revoked the registrations of the vehicles because they didn't have a license for the tests.
Self-driving cars aren't a reason to stop supporting cyclists
These technological challenges — while tricky — are all theoretically surmountable. Companies like Renault-Nissan say they want autonomous vehicles in commercial production by 2020.
With over 50,000 cyclists injured in road accidents in America in 2014 (and another 21,000 in the UK), that date can't come quickly enough.
"There will a point where the number of accidents involving cars and cyclists will improve," David Wynter said. "Only then will the public feel it is safer to commute in the cities."
However, Andreas Kambanis, from LondonCyclist.co.uk, cautions that self-driving vehicles will not be a panacea for everything currently wrong with cycling in cities — and must not be used as an excuse to slack on supporting cyclists in other ways.. "There is one big caveat to all of this. London's roads are already heavily congested and polluted, more cars isn't going to solve this problem, so the city must continue to invest in infrastructure that considers cyclists."
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NOW WATCH: Weed, crab legs, and a mermaid — inside the massive marijuana-mansion party thrown by Instagram's 'Marijuana Don'
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ramialkarmi · 8 years
Self-driving cars could spark a cycling revolution
LONDON — David Wynter knows the risks cyclists face on the roads as well as anyone.
The first time he was hit by a vehicle was in May 2014 in East London, by a van making a U-turn without checking its mirrors. "Took me five weeks to fully recover," he said.
The second time was a little over a year later. Wynter, who is CEO of London data management startup Yambina, collided with a woman turning right into his lane. "Sprained my left wrist, needed a brace on it, a few cuts and deep bruises including my cheek where my cycling glasses cut into it."
Most people who cycle regularly in cities have a story (or two) like this — or at least know someone who does.
The increased popularity of cycling, heightened driver awareness, and bike lane initiatives are helping to improve hazardous conditions. However, it doesn't get around the fact that many urban areas are just hopelessly designed for cyclists and drivers to share the road.
But some cyclists, technologists, and automobile manufacturers are starting to eagerly look at a surprising solution: Self-driving cars.
Some cyclists think a golden age is right around the corner
Self-driving cars, long a dream, are finally becoming a reality. Everyone from Google to Audi, from Uber to Volkswagen, are heavily investing in and developing the technology. The goal is to create totally autonomous vehicles, capable of driving in real-world conditions without any human input.
Right now, 94% of all car accidents in the US are due to human error, according to Google. Roads are dangerous, and doubly so for cyclists, who don't have metal casing to protect them.
But self-driving tech — in theory — has significant advantages over any human driver. It won't tire. It won't get bored. It won't be tempted to break the rules of the road. It will be able to look in every direction simultaneously. And crucially, it will have super-human reaction speeds.
Together, it all adds up to potential massive improvement in safety — the kind that historically hadn't been possible without major urban redevelopment. By some estimates, self-driving cars could save 300,000 lives a decade in the United States alone.
Dr. Miklós Kiss, head of predevelopment piloted systems at Audi, thinks self-driving cars could be a boon to cyclists. It will "make it easier for cyclists because the behavior of automated cars will be more predictable than now," he told Business Insider.
Many cyclists are equally enthusiastic. "If self-driving cars are proven safer for cyclists and pedestrians, cyclists would lay out the red carpet and welcome the revolution with both arms," Andreas Kambanis, founder of biking site LondonCyclist.co.uk, told Business Insider.
"Just under 50% of cyclist deaths on London's roads are caused by HGVs, so if the technology extended there, we'd immediately eliminate a huge danger."
He added: "Beyond the safety aspect, self driving cars may also be more of a pleasure to drive around, as you wouldn't expect it to do something erratic or to drive aggressively. This may in turn mean more cyclists on the road as the roads will now feel safer."
Eli Allalouf, a director at Alyo International, used to bike everywhere, he said. "But after my second bicycle were stolen and too many injuries cycling on the road I have given up ... I would love to have the ability to ride my bicycle every day to work but the risk is too high as I am a family man with kids and wife ... After a certain period of the fully automated cars I think there will be a huge spike in cycling."
Accounting for cyclists isn't easy, say self-driving car companies
However, engineers working on the technology say that learning to deal with cyclists is throwing up unique challenges. They're small, fast in urban environments, and nimble — but also relatively slow on open roads, and immensely vulnerable.
"Cyclists are more dynamic than cars. The biggest challenge is to predict their future behavior and driving route. Cyclists can be found on the road and on sidewalks too. Compared to cars they are not limited to only one road space. Sometimes cyclists do not obey traffic rules completely (red light-violators, etc.)," Audi's Dr. Miklós Kiss said.
"Cyclists need their own behavior prediction model as they behave differently to car drivers and pedestrians."
Karl Iagnemma, CEO of autonomous tech startup Nutonomy, has encountered similar problems. "All autonomous vehicles under development today are being designed to detect and avoid cyclists. This requires that the sensing systems be specifically 'trained' to detect cyclists, and that the navigation systems be instructed how to maneuver in the presence of cyclists."
Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn takes a particularly dim view, telling CNBC in January 2016 that "one of the biggest problems [for self-driving cars] is people with bicycles."
"They don't respect any rules usually," he claimed. "The car is confused by them, because from time-to-time they behave like pedestrians and from time-to-time they behave like cars."
Google, one of the most high-profile developers of the tech, isn't trash-talking cyclists — but recognises the difficulties they can pose. In its June 2016 progress report, Google's self-driving car team explained how its vehicles treat cyclists differently (and "conservatively") to other road users.
"For example, when our sensors detect a parallel-parked car with an open door near a cyclist, our car is programmed to slow down or nudge over to give the rider enough space to move towards the center of the lane and avoid the door," the Google team wrote.
"We also aim to give cyclists ample buffer room when we pass, and our cars won’t squeeze by when cyclists take the center of the lane, even if there’s technically enough space. Whether the road is too narrow or they’re making a turn, we respect this indication that cyclists want to claim their lane."
And because cyclists don't have indicator lights, the technology has to predict cyclists' intentions another way: By reading their hand gestures using its in-built cameras.
Uber's self-driving car trials in December 2016 clearly illustrated the dangers the tech can pose to cyclists if not properly implemented. Its vehicles were performing a "right hook" turn that put cyclists at serious risk — with the San Francisco Bike Coalition calling it "one of the primary causes of collisions between cars and people who bike resulting in serious injury or fatality."
Uber opted to keep its vehicles in circulation, to the alarm of cycling advocates, and had human drivers make the turn manually instead. Thankfully there were no reported injuries, and the trial was subsequently ended after the California DMV revoked the registrations of the vehicles because they didn't have a license for the tests.
Self-driving cars aren't a reason to stop supporting cyclists
These technological challenges — while tricky — are all theoretically surmountable. Companies like Renault-Nissan say they want autonomous vehicles in commercial production by 2020.
With over 50,000 cyclists injured in road accidents in America in 2014 (and another 21,000 in the UK), that date can't come quickly enough.
"There will a point where the number of accidents involving cars and cyclists will improve," David Wynter said. "Only then will the public feel it is safer to commute in the cities."
However, Andreas Kambanis, from LondonCyclist.co.uk, cautions that self-driving vehicles will not be a panacea for everything currently wrong with cycling in cities — and must not be used as an excuse to slack on supporting cyclists in other ways.. "There is one big caveat to all of this. London's roads are already heavily congested and polluted, more cars isn't going to solve this problem, so the city must continue to invest in infrastructure that considers cyclists."
Join the conversation about this story »
NOW WATCH: Weed, crab legs, and a mermaid — inside the massive marijuana-mansion party thrown by Instagram's 'Marijuana Don'
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