#*gripping harrison's shoulders* you're not the first or last person to feel this way your emotions are human and extraordinary and sad BUT
I’m unwell about the fact that I originally thought this Andrew McMillan poem was harrisoncore & now that I’m looking at it a different way it’s ALSO jeremiahcore MY HEART HURT:
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Text transcript here.
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charliedawn · 3 years
How would they react to the new arrival ?
" Hi everybody. My name is Y/N and I am the head nurse around here. If you have any questions, you can ask them to me. I see here that two of you are transfers from St John's, so you'll be assigned to miss Harrison's department..However, I see here that mister Wendell Crumb has just been released from prison ? Who is mister Wendell Crumb ?"
A close cut man raises his hand with a slight smile.
" That would be me."
You smile back before checking something on your file.
" Fine. You'll be transferred to my department. However, I see here that you've got many names..May I ask who I am talking to ?"
Wendell Crumb suddely straightens up and stares right at you with a very unsettling smile.
" I'm Barry. Nice to meet you.."
You raise an eyebrow suspiciously before looking down at his file. Creepy smile. Judgy stare. Feminine stand..Yeah, definitely not Barry..
" I'm sorry, but in order for us to get along, honesty is the key..Now, could you please tell me who you really are ?"
The man's smile only widens as he congratulates you.
" Clever girl. I'm Patricia. Nice to meet you."
He then claps with both hands and you narrow your eyes, trying to figure the new patient out. He seems harmless enough, even though his file seems to suggest the contrary. A great pretender. After all the effort you had put in getting the patients to trust you, this one would surely bring chaos. You could already tell by just looking at him in the eyes: he wasn't here to get better.
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You sigh before closing the file and signaling to the patient to follow you as Harrison enters. Wendell Crumb is almost too eager to follow you. You can feel his stare on you, as if he was sizing you up and down.
" The patients are eating, I suppose it is a good time to get acquainted with them and make some new friends. What do you think ?"
You smile and try to be nice to him, but he doesn't answer. He only huffs before looking away. You open the door to the cafeteria and feel the stare of all the slashers on you and the new arrival. Patricia seems to be doing a quick assessment of each slasher before finally landing on you.
" By what I heard, I thought I would be meeting fearless and bloodthirsty demons..But all I can see is a bunch of old-timers."
Your eyes widen in shock at his words and you can see some of the slashers tense. However, far from being intimidated, Kevin widely grins and seems to slouch slightly, taking another personality you guess.
" Hi guys ! I'm Hedwig ! I'm soooo excited to meet all of you ! Patricia said you were like us ! That's like, totally cool !"
To that, Freddy is the first to answer with a mocking smirk.
" Great. Another kid..Me who thought we would finally be enough to play poker. What a disappointment..Can he at least change his own grown-up diapers ?"
Suddenly, Hedwig's joyful expression shifts to a much serious one that glares daggers at Freddy.
" What did you say, steak face ?"
Oh oh. Freddy's expression darkens and he stands up to face Kevin that only arks an eyebrow at him, a silent challenge. One that Freddy is eager to respond to.
" What did you call me, baldie ?"
But, far from feeling intimidated, Kevin only stares down at him with a little smirk.
" You heard me, midget.."
You can feel the tension rising and put yourself between the two of them promptly.
" Hey ! That's enough ! Be nice ! And you.."
You turn towards Freddy with furrowed eyebrows, clearly displeased.
"..I told you to hold your tongue with them."
Freddy only humphs unhappily before getting out of your grip and glaring at Kevin that only grins defiantly at him.
" What ? That's it ? This is the infamous Freddy Krueger ? The bringer of nightmares and slayer of children ? I must admit that I am deeply disappointed.."
Patricia, she wants to rile him up. You quickly get another nurse to get Freddy to sit back down before he gives in to his violent impulses. You then glare at Kevin before taking him by the arm for him to follow you outside of the room.
" What are you trying to do exactly ?! Get killed ?!"
But, far from feeling guilty, Kevin's grin only widens as he stares directly back at you for several seconds, as if looking deep inside your soul..At the end, he pretends to be apologetic by raising his hands in surrender and finally giving some kind of explanation for his behavior.
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" I'm sorry. I'm just feeling overwhelmed, garden variety issue..You understand. We mustn't let the bad seeds take roots, or we may end up with bad weed issues.."
At this, Pennywise that had followed you discreetly gets out of his hiding spot to growl menacingly at Kevin.
" Bad weed ?! Who are you calling bad weed, pal ?! I'll show you bad weed."
But one stern look from you, and Pennywise reconsiders. But, he is still glaring daggers at Kevin that only giggles maniacally while you get him back inside. However, he doesn't miss the way you instinctively hold on to the pendent hanging around your neck..What a strange necklace..? He turns his head towards the slashers that all seem on edge now, like a pack of wolves ready to attack. However, it's even worse when he suddenly takes you by the shoulders to smell you behind your ear, his gaze still fixed on the gang that seems ready to jump into action at any moment..Even Pennywise doesn't notice that he is munching on his spoon instead 9f his actual food. You try to get out of his grip, but he only tightens his grip on you as a response.
" What ? Are you all her lapdogs now ? I see the appeal..But still, to think she managed to have you all around her little finger..The strongest men on Earth, all submitting to that small bite."
As if to prove his point, he starts nibbling on the top of your ear, waiting for a reaction. However, before anyone could do anything, Kevin feels something piercing his skin and turns around to see a smirking Five with a needle in his hand.
" Nighty night."
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Kevin collapses and you quickly kneel by his side to take his pulse. Thankfully, he's alive and you ask some nurses to bring him back to his room. You had agreed with the hospital not to use the collars unless it was a case of extreme emergency, looks like this could be one..
" Thank you, Five. But, dont use medical supplies without my permission again, okay ?"
He doesn't lose his smile before replying casually, hands in his pockets.
" Can't promise anything.."
The slashers are still staring at Kevin that is dragged out of the room. It takes you a while to reassure them that you're fine, even longer to convince yourself. However, Five seems even more suspicious than usual, he seems to be eager to return to his bedroom, and he was late for lunch..But, you don't have the time to worry about him. You finally manage to get them all to return to their bedrooms and walk inside your own. There, you let the mask fall and collapse on your bed, burying your face in a nearby pillow in order to muffle your tears and screams. Each time, you try to contain your own fear for the safety of the patients and yourself, but just with one touch, this new individual had made all of your walls crumble. However, you have to get it together, you couldn't let the other patients see you like this..You get up and cough a bit before cleaning yourself up. You then open the door, not expecting all the patients tumbling inside as they were listening in..You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose.
" What did I say about listening on doors ?"
They all stand up and look at everything but your face or simply try to justify themselves.
" Look, hon..We were only worried..Kinda ?"
Freddy tries to explain, but you take a big inspiration before stepping out. This is just what you needed: serial killers worrying about you.
" It's the hour of your medication. How about Michael and Five come to help me in the kitchen while you wait in the your rooms ?"
You finally decide to ignore Freddy and are surprised when Arthur takes you gently by the arm so you can look up at them.
"Hey, don't shut us down. Freddy is right, we were only worried."
You eyes soften at their genuine concern, but you quickly shake the feeling away. You had faced far worse, but this patient scared you the most..because he had attacked you as if he already knew, as if he knew who you were before you even introduced yourself. You will have to keep a close eye on that one, that's for sure. Fortunately, the patients hadn't reacted too extremely, or it would have turned bad, very very bad..You don't know why the hospital had suddenly decided to add another patient, but one thing is for sure, this new patient wasn't transferred here, he was sent here with a purpose. Now, your goal is to discover whatever purpose that is. You are on your way to his room when you realize something..You hadn't seen Jason all morning. He wasn't there for lunch either. You feel cold sweat running down your back when you suddenly hear some fighting noises. You run in the direction of the sounds and are shocked to see Jason, Five and, surprisingly, Klaus in Kevin's room. You don't have the time to ask what the last one is here that Jason takes Kevin by his shirt and throws him through the window.
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You look at Five for an explanation, but he doesn't look at you and looks at the broken window instead.
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" Did he just..?"
" Yup. He just did.."
Klaus confirms before turning towards you with a small awkward smile.
" Can someone please explain to me why a civilian is here and why Jason just threw Kevin out of the damn window ?!"
You exclaim and for once, Five is speechless and it's his brother that decides to step up to explain the situation to you.
" Hi. I'm Klaus, Five's older brother and I was about to help him escape until we heard noises of a fight outside. We got out and saw a bold man talking and fighting our dear sweet Jason that threw said man flying through the window. Literally."
Your eyes widen at the news of his planned escape and then look at Five with a confused frown. The idea of escaping wasn't what surprised you the most, but why would he want to leave now ? However, before you could ask, Jason, who is clearly upset, pushes right past you with angry groans and an uneven breathing. You give a stern look at Five, clearly signifying that this discussion isn't over before running after Jason before he could murder Kevin. When you get out, you see that all of the slashers had encircled Kevin that seems angrier than ever.
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" I'll kill you all !"
He shouts, but Freddy only cackles while leaning against the wall, with the sunglasses you had given him sitting on his nose, and Pennywise that has a bowl of popcorn in his hands.
" Come on, Jason ! We'll enjoy the massacre..There are no witnesses. Just show that clown who's the boss ! No offense.."
He quickly adds at the end to Pennywise that only smirks before fist-bumping him.
" None taken."
You run to stand between the two huge men that don't seem to even notice you. You look at Michael for help, but he only crosses his arms, clearly implying that he wouldn't interfere. Great..You think before turning towards the devil you know, your hands outstretched towards him.
" Stop, Jason. Please. This is not you. Whatever he told you, it is not worth this. You will be punished, severely. They will maybe not kill you, but they will lock you away, somewhere nobody will ever find you again.."
Jason seems to finally snap out of it and you smile when he takes your hand and yanks you forward with his supernatural strength. You chuckle, relieved while he hugs you. But then, you hear a loud sound behind you and turn around swiftly to see..Brahms ?! Brahms just took Kevin by the throat to crash the back of his head against the concrete and his hands are now around his throat, squeezing painfully tight. You run towards them and try to get Brahms to let go, but he only tightens his grip on him as you yell.
" Let go, Brahms ! What are you doing ?! I said let go !"
But he doesn't listen to you, even worse, he gives you a hard blow to the stomach with his elbow that knocks all air out of your lungs. However, you still find the strength to get up and this is when Brahms finally shouts furiously.
" He took my doll !"
You are surprised how he managed to form a whole sentence without stammering and also horrified by the news. Brahms' doll is Brahms' most precious possession, no wonder he wants to kill Kevin. But then, Kevin laughs and spits blood on Brahms' mask.
" Idiot. You kill me, you won't get the doll and they'll throw you in the darkest deepest hole they can find.."
You know that he is telling the truth and look at Brahms that doesn't seem to be willing to stop. You take a big breath before finally taking out the pendent they had offered you. You hold it tightly in your hand before ordering Brahms to stop.
" Stop, Brahms ! Let him go ! Now !"
Suddenly, as if under some kind of transe, Brahms straightens up and finally releases Kevin. Brahms then slowly turns towards you and walks to you until he is barely a few inches away from you and leans in so close you can hear his hectic breathing. You almost fear for your life and hold on to the pendent even tighter.
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However, he only humphs and walks away. You look up and, for once, see the disappointment in the different slashers' eyes. They all saw what happened, what you used to control Brahms.
" I..I didn't want to.."
But it's too late, the damage is done. The Joker, that had stayed silent so far, suddenly bursts our laughing, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes as he tells you bitterly.
" You know why Jason attacked Kevin ? Because he said that you were using us..Looks like he wasn't so wrong after all.."
He walks past you, not even giving you a second glance. You turn towards the rest of the slashers that seem either angry or even fearful of you.
" P..Penny..?"
You try to extend your hand towards Penny that is eyeing you warily and who growls warningly at you when your hand is too close. Suddenly, a hand snatches yours to yank you backwards.
" Back off, lady !"
Pennywise cautions you, his eyes glowing yellow in the dark. However, suddenly, some armed forces enter the yard and get out tazers to restrain the patients. You see one of the guards tackle Pennywise to the ground. To your horror, Penny bites the guard's shoulder that screams loudly in pain. Before you could say anything, another guard shoots some tranquilizers at the Penny that collapses.
" No..No !"
You run towards Penny and cradle his face with tears in your eyes. It wasn't supposed to go this way. What had gone wrong ? You look up at Pennywise that is now restrained and muzzled. He tries to break free to reach Penny, but the guards won't let him.
" Pennywise..I'm..I'm so s.."
But he glares at you and cuts you off harshly.
" Nah. Save your breath, princess.."
Pennywise says while eyeing you up and down with new-found disdain, even Freddy is not smiling anymore. The slashers are brought back inside with shackles and you feel your lower lip quivering. You didn't want to use the pendent, but he was going to kill Kevin and..You look back to see that Kevin is smiling. He even dares giggles when some guards come to take him away.
" Rejoice ! You are of the worthy ! You are broken !"
You don't understand and frown in confusion, but he doesn't add anything. You sigh deeply before getting back inside as well, you had to make it up to them..somehow.
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" You really think it's a good idea ? We aren't even sure that Kevin will be able to accomplish his mission."
But the woman, far from being worried, only puffs out a cloud of smoke and replies with a confident smile.
" Believe me, John. It will work..Soon, we'll have the slashers at our mercy. They'll be our little tin soldiers. And nothing will be able to stop us, brother.."
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fromheroestodust · 6 years
Rose Killer: Pt.6; Vampire-ish Gala and a Posing Couple
Summary: You're the leader of the strongest mafia in London. What will happen when you're forced to team up with your worst enemy?
Warnings: violence, language
Word count: 2542
A/N: taglist is open!
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"Hey Haz!" Tom's voice says from nearly in front of the door in the hall. Panic grips at both of you as Harrison jumps to his feet and helps you up, you quickly running to the bedside table to pretend you were cleaning up a game.
"Haz do you-" Tom starts, walking into the room before stopping. "Oh, hey Y/n...?"
“Hi.” you reply, a blush spreading across your cheeks as you put the lid on the box before walking towards the two, awkwardness and confusion already thickening the air as you bite your lip out of nerves.
“Well, anyway we have an event to go to." He says, giving a what are you doing here stare. “All of us.”
“Okay. When?” Harrison asks whilst scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit you've seen him do before many times before.
A surge of panic runs through you and definitely shows on your facial features. “What?! Seriously you asshole!” You yell, rushing to your room down the hall to get dressed and to get a new rose, still cursing at Tom as you walk through the doorway and into your own closet.
"Why the fuck was she in here so early?" Tom asks Harrison from the front of the bathroom as he gets ready for god knows what kind of event, the energy of the moment wearing off and tiredness setting in.
"I accidentally grabbed a few of her papers from yesterday." He quickly fibs, turning away from the mirror. "By the way, what type of event is this?"
"It's sort of a party." Tom states, a mischievous grin on his face as he runs a hand through his hair.
"Okay...? And the theme?" Harrison asks slowly, suspicion creeping into his thoughts as he turns away from the mirror and towards his friend.
"Uh... It's like a vampire style I guess." Tom shrugs. "By the way, we're not actually leaving for another two hours. See you in the car."
"You're suck an asshole." He smiles as the brunette walks out of the room to get ready himself, Harrison picking up his phone off the desk.
Haz: you have two hours. The theme is vampire-ish.
You: thanks!
You rummage through your closet, having added a few or more items before landing upon perfect dress, a smile splitting your face. Black fabric with a deep v-neck, floral lace sleeves and a long, flowy bottom that drags on the floor. You style your hair in a high pony with all your baby and shorter than other hairs out, perfectly framing your face in a messy but put together style. After putting on blood moon lipstick with black eyeshadow you walk out of your room, a black baccara rose tucked behind your ear.
"Oh, wow." You state as you see Harrison walk out of his room. "Snazzy Hazzy."
"Oh shut up." He grins, taking in your features sending butterflies through his stomach and a smile to form on his face. "You look absolutely stunning."
"As do you." You say, giving him a toothy smile while taking his hand in yours. "So what exactly are we supposed to be doing at this vampire party? Rather than drinking blood of course."
"Using my words, aye?" Harrison says after catching up with you and stepping into the ground floor.
"I've no clue. Tom's keeping most of the details discreet." He sighs, eyes still searching you up and down as he takes in the details of your dress. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." You smirk before walking around him and down the stairs, leaving him behind slightly shocked.
"Last time I checked you didn't come up with that saying." You smirk. "Anyway, who's all coming with us?"
"It's us, Tom, Harry, and Sam." He answers, leading the way into the living room.
"Oh, Y/n!" Tom's mum says as she steps into the room. "You look wonderful! So do you Harrison!"
"Thank you." You both smile, turning to face her with your shoulders pressed against each others.
"The other three are in the car. You can go ahead out." She informs you, a hand on your shoulder with a warm smile.
"Okay. We'll see you later." Harrison says before leading you out the door and into the waiting car.
"Finally." Harry breathes as you both sit down in the back, you in between Tom and Harrison as you drape the seat belt across your waist.
"Blame Tom for not telling us we have a party today and telling me two fucking hours beforehand." You hiss, glaring at Tom who sits with a smug grin.
"I could've made it one hour."
"Then we would've been late."
"Okay, okay." Sam intervenes, hands in your direction. "Let's try to be mature."
"Rich coming from you." Tom says under his breath before talking at an average volume, "We're going to be taking Luke Shmidt back with us. He owes stuff to both of us. Oh, and you and Haz'll be posing as a couple."
"What?!" You both exclaim, turning to face him with the blood draining from your own face leaving your skin as pale as a ghost.
"Yeah." He confirms nonchalantly. "It'd look weird if it was just a five person group walking around looking over the crowd."
"Won't people know who we are?" You groan, having to grab both of your hands to stop yourself from punching Tom in the face or throwing him out of the car. Or both.
"It's mostly Americans coming. And they're lower ranked so they most likely won't be to concerned with international high ranked mafias." He explains ignoring Harrison's still stunned expression.
"What makes you think you get to boss me around on these missions? We're teamed up, not like my mafia is all yours." You quip, your jaw clenched and your hands curled into fists.
"I'm the one who found out where he was and that he was going to this gala. So I'm taking charge." He states simply, ending the argument much to your displeasure.
"You'll pay Holland." You hiss before putting your back against the seat with your arms crossed over your chest.
"Oi, Haz, you finally have a girlfriend." Sam grins.
"Shut up." Harrison sighs while sticking up his middle finger at the younger boy, snickers running through the car as you're driven to who knows where in a situation you didn't imagine possible.
Your group walks into the dimly lit hall, you walking closely to Harrison as two men with dark glasses and suits open the large doors for you. There's a lot of loud talking going between men in highly detailed black suits, all with American accents.
As you step into the room, you notice many of their gazes scan you up and down, most with hunger but some with surprise. Harrison's hand protectively goes to sit on your shoulder as he sees their gazes, signalling for them to back off.
"Don't forget," Tom whispers, leaning his head in between you and Harrison causing his hand to jump away. "You're supposed to be a couple."
"I'm going to kill you." You hiss as he backs away with a satisfied smirk.
Your body tenses slightly when a hand is placed on your shoulder blade as your small group makes its way through the crowds and to the bar, grins finding themselves on all the Holland's faces.
You feel very out of place posing as a couple. instead of being able to hunt for your target and lure them away with your looks, you have to stay tagging along with Harrison the whole time, not being able to make any moves or it'll be to suspicious. While this whole thing is going against your natures, you oblige to your circumstance. Maybe because you're actually dating Harrison, or maybe it's because you're taking it on as a challenge. Whatever the reason, you take it with only a small fuss.
"Would you like a drink?" The bartender asks as you take a seat on one of the stools and turn it to face him, menu in hand.
"Blue Hawaii please." You request, the man behind the counter nodding before walking away to make the cocktail.
"Hello there." A man with long, jet black hair smirks from beside you causing you to turn the chair again to look at him.
"Hi." You reply, analyzing his features to try to find out if he's important or not and whether it's worth the effort to talk.
"You look stunning." He continues, a hand reaching out onto your thigh through the slit of your dress sending an uncomfortable chill up your spine. "Why don't we get out of here and go back to my car."
"Not unless you're wanting to come back to ours." Harrison says as he comes up next to you with a stern look on his face, placing his hand on the small of your back extinguishing the chills running through you and replacing it with warmth.
"Why do I need your permission to get my own pleasure?" The man hisses, fingers digging into your skin enough for you to know there will be a bruise later.
Harrison moves to make a response but you place a hand on his chest. "No, why does he? His pleasure is my pleasure, right?" You say before turning to the waiting man, leaving a hurt and confused Haz. You ignore the blondes expression and take the the black haired mans hand in your own, a shit eating smirk on his face. That is until you twist his arm and pin it behind his back, your lips just barely grazing his ear. "I'm not your toy. And I'd suggest you don't talk that way to my boyfriend." You push him away allowing him to run away without a look back while cradling his arm like it was his first born.
"I can handle myself." You smile, turning to face Harrison whos face was painted with surprise. "What, were you getting jealous?"
"Course not." He instantly replies, an arm snaking around your waist to pull you closer to him, "I just don't like seeing people have their hands on you when you obviously don't like it."
"Well I have bad news for you." You sigh, one of your hands finding itself on his chest. "Your hand is on me."
Harrison gives a small sigh of relief, a grin taking over his features, "Well you seem okay with it."
"Fortunate for you." You smile. "Also fortunate for us, we're posing for a couple."
"Lucky us." Repeats Harrison as you pull away from him, him plants a chaste kiss to your temple before walking towards Tom, Sam, and Harry with your drinks in hand, an arm lightly placed around your waist.
"You two are fitting into your role nicely." Tom comments as you stop in front of the group.
"Fuck yourself." You hiss with an unimpressed tone. "If it's to look more natural in this situation then 'm all for it. I already get looks being the only woman here."
"Noticed that. Speaking of looks, we've got an eye on the target. He's near the back right corner of the room." Harry informs everyone, straining his neck to look over the crowds in the dim room.
"What's our plan?" You ask whilst adjusting your dress and stealing a glance at the corner to see the man.
"We're going to wait til he's alone then lead him outside and bring him back with us." Tom answers. "Now, he's heading to the bathroom."
Everyone nods as if to confirm their next moves before Harry and Sam go to the left, Tom going straight, and you and Harrison going to the right. After making it to the entrance you use the back door while the other four make their way into the men's room. Another few minutes later they walk out with a man with an obvious beer belly and light brown hair, black eyes stricken with fear as you move to the waiting car.
"I don't care if you're on a low," you hiss, pacing back and forth in front of the bloodied man, your knuckles dusted in blue. "I want my money."
"I have it I just-" he starts before you stop him with a solid punch to the throat, cutting off his voice and causing him to go into another fit of coughs.
"There's no excuses. You borrowed Holland's and I money, you didn't give us money back." You continue, picking up your knife off of a small table. "So, your choice now is to either give me my money, or get the shit beaten out of you."
"I... Okay." He wheezes, head hanging low. "I'll give it back. Just let me go."
"That's not exactly how it goes, but I'm glad you obliged." You smirk before making the last stride to the chair, the warehouse filled with the mans screams of pain for the rest of the day.
"Hi." You smile as you walk into the nearly empty living room only containing Harrison, your hair wet from getting out of the shower that rid you of Leo's blood.
"Hi." He replies, pausing the television and turning to face you. "Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure." You walk to the couch and quickly find your spot in his lap, his arms instantly wrapping around you to hold you against him. "What movie are we watching?"
"Unfriended." He answers, logging into Netflix and going to the search icon, peering over your shoulder to see the screen.
"Horror movie." You state. "By the way, where's everyone else?"
"Some family reunion." Harrison answers. "Left bout an hour ago."
"So we have the house to ourselves?"
"In that case..." You trail off before laying down, bringing Harrison with you so you're both laying on your sides, him behind you.
"What, are you scared?" Harrison laughs, arms tightening around you sending butterflies through your stomach and causing a smile to spread on your face.
"Course not." You say quickly. "You're just really warm and it's really cold."
"Yeah, okay."
He clicks the play button on the TV, the movie starting in a college classroom as you snuggle into Harrison ready to spend the next couple hours in comfort and peace.
You let out a small squeak and jump as a girl pops up on the screen, pushing your back into Harrison's front and burying your face into his arm.
"Not scared, huh?" He laughs.
"Shut up." You grumble, pulling his arms tighter around you with your fingers laced in his, goosebumps spreading up your own arms.
As the movie progresses, Harrison falls asleep shortly followed by you. But what neither of you realized is the Hollands walking in the door and the shit storm you were about to cause
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fromheroestodust · 6 years
Rose Killer: Pt.5; Calm Before the Storm
Summary: you're the leader of the strongest mafia in London. What will happen when you're forced to team up with your worst enemy?
Warnings: Hostage-ish situation, language, mentions of death
Word count: 3384
A/N: taglist is open!
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Slowly you open your eyes, light peeking through the curtains and lighting up a patch of the room, dust dancing in the brightness while Harrison still sleeps in front of you. "Haz." You whisper, gently shaking him. "Haz." He let's out a small groan and turns on to his back, eyes squinting in the light of the morning.
"Good morning." He says, his voice still groggy from sleep as be turns his head to look at you with a small grin grazing his chapped lips.
"Do you have anything planned for today?" You ask, a sudden idea crossing your mind causing excitement to sprout in you.
"Nope. Tom's busy all day though." He answers, twirling a piece of your hair between two of his fingers, his focus on the spinning strands.
"Good." You grin with a bite of your lip, sitting up causing Harrison's arms to fall off of your waist.
"You really hate Tom." He yawns, sitting up in front of you with a tired smile of his own.
"It wasn't supposed to come out that way." You grumble before continuing your thoughts. "We should have a picnic or something in the back yard."
"Sounds good considering this is probably going to be the last nice day of the year." Harrison agrees. "Won't it raise suspicions though? I don't think it's really good to have everyone know about us yet, yeah?"
"Yeah, we can just say we're eating outside. As friends." You say, a troublesome grin on your face.
"As friends." He repeats with a smile of his own. "But it's a little too early to go out now." His eyes glance to the window, the sun waking behind the curtains in the sky.
"Thank you Captain obvious." You sigh with the corners of your mouth raising more into a toothy smile. "So what're we gonna do?"
"Well it's like," he stops to look at the clock, "Another half hour until they normally wake up."
"What're we supposed to do in this extra half hour?" You yawn, suddenly finding it very chilly and pulling the plush duvet around your body to get warmer and conserve your remaining body heat.
"Boardgame?" Harrison suggests, motioning to the multiple boxes that sat in a neat stack on the bedside table.
You both climb off of the bed and to the table, finally landing on Candy Land before sitting on the floor.
"Nooo!" You exclaim as you draw the cupcake card while you were three spaces away form winning. Harrison laughs as you place your piece nearly back to the start, a pout on your face. "Shit, it's been like an hour! 'm starving!"
The two of you pack away the game and then step into the hallway, confusion setting into the mood around your duo. "Why's it entirely dark...?"
"I don't know." You mumble, fear clutching at your stomach and squeezing it as you cling to Harrison's arm, your mind telling you someone is going to jump out and take you back to that shitty excuse of a warehouse. You grab the gun attached to a holder around your waist and pull it out, holding it tightly at your side.
"We would've heard something if someone broke in." Haz assures you, though uncertainty laces his words. "Let's go downstairs." You both make your way down the flight of stairs, your grip now on Harrison's hand. Your breathing slows to make it silent just at the chance of attackers as you stop just where the wall stops halfway down the flight. You and Harrison point your guns down, hearing voices from the ground floor-
"Paddy, can you put these on the table?" A woman's voice says, a sigh of relief falling from Harrison's and yours lips before you release his hand from your grasp and finally step in to the kitchen.
"Ah Y/n there you are!" Nikki says giving you a quick smile. "Morning Harrison."
"Mornin." He replies, taking his seat next to you at the table across from Sam while you sit across from Harry. Paddy sets a large plate of waffles in the middle of the table, everyone else reaching for one like a pack of wolves while you wait for the others to get their own.
"By the way, why's it so dark? And cold." Haz asks, a bite of food in his mouth as he looks around at the dark ground floor.
"Power went out." Harry answers. "They've no clue what happened so it'll probably be like this all day."
"That's just lovely." You sigh in a voice barely above a whisper. While you find it easy to talk around Harrison and Tom, everyone else you can hardly talk to them at full volume half the time, only adding a comment in every now and then. You're getting better, but it's still a struggle to hold a five minute conversation.
"Can't be too bad." Sam shrugs before taking another bite.
"Guess." You sigh, cutting your own waffle into bite sized pieces.
"Haz!" You exclaim as he takes the fedora off of your head, placing it on his own with a wide grin. Staring up at him, you reach for the hat but Harrison gently grabs your wrist and moves your hand down with a chuckle.
*You reach up to punch your attacker but he roughly grabs your wrist, forces it down, and ties it before continuing to beat you.
You pull your wrist away and hold your hand in the opposite one, fear coursing through your eyes and veins as your empty gaze is set on the wall opposite you.
"Y/n?" Haz asks, the smile fading from his features and instead is replaced with worry as he searches your face for an answer.
"'m sorry..." You mumble, looking down in embarrassment. Why did you keep doing this?
"It's fine darling," he assures you, a light pink dusting your cheeks and ears at the pet name, "Just tell me if something's wrong."
"Okay." You agree, looking up again. He places a chaste kiss to your forehead before placing your fedora on your hair sideways and continuing down the hallway, you running after him after fixing the hat.
You're watching the news on your phone, still finding it a necessity to see what's happening while you're on a small break so you know what's happening. "This morning twenty two year old Aniya Roxian was found dead in her apartment. The authorities are still-" your mind freezes and your blood runs cold. No. No, Aniya can't be dead. She can't be. You start anxiously scrolling through the article hoping against hope that you heard wrong, but it says it clear as day. Aniya Roxian.
A suffocated sob comes from your throat and out your mouth as the tears immediately start pouring in streams down your face as you burry your face in your pulled up knees, hugging your legs tight to your chest.
"Y/n?" Harrison's voice asks with worry as he climbs up the bed to you from his spot in the desk chair. "Y/n what's wrong?" You don't respond, only hand him your phone with an incredibly shaky hand before going back to weeping for your friend.
It's your fault she's dead you tell yourself, although you know it's not true. Her father had run a smaller mafia and she was for sure a target of at least one person or mob, but you couldn't help but blame yourself.
Harrison immediately knew who the article was about; your friend had been in your files that'd he'd studied with Tom before you moved in. "Come here." He says, holding his arms open which you immediately fall into, not finding any strength to even sit up by yourself.
You're numb. You feel as if you've caused another death of someone you love. First Tyson. Then your parents. Now Aniya. Everyone you love is slowly disappearing due to this fucking business. How will you be able to survive another major loss like this one? You're in pain but your numb, your body turning to ice with a raging fire trapped underneath it.
"It's all my fault." You sob, burying your face in the crook of Harrison's neck, the stream of tears from your face continuing down his shoulder in a river of grief.
"No. Don't say that. Don't you dare blame yourself. She was part of a mafia too. It's not your fault, don't think that." He says sternly, running his fingers through your hair and working away the knots with gentle tugs.
"W-what if you you... What if you d-die too...?" You whimper, your sobs stopping but the waterfall from your eyes staying strong.
"I know what I signed up for when I joined this business. So did you. We both know there's a risk one of us will die, but we're both strong." He replies instead of giving a straight answer, but you can't and won't ponder over that now, to focused on your emotions in the heat of the moment.
"Thank you." You sniff, pulling away slightly so your faces are not even an inch away from each others. "Like I said. I'll always help you." Harrison says with an ever so slight smile. You look into his bright blue eyes, the iris's seeming to gently wave like a body of water. You find an odd calm in staring into his beautiful orbs, watching the blue waves lap up onto an invisible beach. Slowly, you lean forward until your lips are on his, electricity erupting in your face then through the rest of your body sending your mind into a peaceful bliss, all of your attention focused on the feeling of his lips on yours. He nearly immediately returns the kiss, arms going around your waist and pulling you closer as you cup his face with one hand. The kiss is slightly needy as if both of you have been waiting for another chance to kiss the other, but also soft and slow, not to rough to intend anything sexual, it's just right. The small interaction clears the grief, disbelief, and sadness from your thoughts and replace them with a peaceful emptiness, your head empty of all thoughts, your body taking control of your actions.
You only break the kiss when your lungs can no longer suppress the need for air. The two of you stare at each other, lips slightly swollen and eyes filled with adoration as you study each other's features. His perfect lips that seemed to be perfectly made for yours, his crystal blue eyes, his sharp jaw line, the scar running from where his cheekbone meets his nose to the center of his cheek. Your hand goes up to again craddle his cheek, this time your thumb running down the mark. An emotion you're not able to read consumes his eyes as he stares at you, your brows furrowed in concentration. He gently nudges his face more into your hand, a warm feeling filling you and kicking out the guilt that once occupied your stomach from this boy you love having a scar because of you.
Harrison's hand rests on your calf, the other fiddling with a group of strands of your hair while you went back and forth between tracing the scar and rubbing small circles into his cheek. How you got here it doesn't really matter - and to be fair you're entirely fine with forgetting it - but both of you felt strangely calm with the other randomly drawing shapes or tracing lines or playing with their hair. As odd as it sounds, though, it works for both of you so you weren't going to say anything about it.
"How is everyone here's hair curly?" You ask, hand moving from Harrisons cheek to one of his curls that sit atop his head. A light chuckle falls from his mouth, causing a microscoptic smile to form on your face.
Harrison's hand drops your hair from his hand and moves to your face to wipe off your dried tears, warmth sprouting from the spot where his palm cradles your cheek. You copy him and gently push your face more into his hand as if that were possible. Bringing your hands down to your sides, your eyes flutter shut for you're suddenly drastically tired - probably from fighting your own mind to push out the overwhelming sadness of the death of Aniya.
"Tired?" Harrison asks, and even though you can't see you can tell he has a smile painted on his face, the smile that brought light to your darkest days. "Maybe..." You mumble, lips barely parting with your words as if you were just breathing instead of having a conversation. He doesn't say anything more but hands slip under your arms and then lifts your figure up earning a small squeak from you before they lay you onto the mattress, they themselves laying down, pulling the duvet over you both.
"Thanks." You say quietly, shrugging into the warmth of the blanket, for the room was freezing due too there being no heat except that from your bodies. "No problem." Harrison replies, sleepiness evident in his mashed together words and heavy eyes.
You scoot closer to him and wrap your arms around his middle, a tired grin splitting across both of your faces before He drapes an arm over your waist then up your back, pushing gently to move you against him. You oblige without question, your forehead now against his chest while the rest of your face is angled away.
Again you feel protected, like Harrison's embrace can shield you from everything dangerous and horrible thing in the world. Only one other time had you been this close to someone. Tyson
And he feels like he's your guardian with your much smaller body nearly surrounded by his own, your breath lightly fanning onto his skin. His head rests with his chin on top of yours, and after sensing your breathing pattern change he follows, still in disbelief at this unlikely relationship.
"Y/n." A voice says pulling you out of a nightmare filled with dead loved ones. You blink your eyes open, fresh tears shedding from your hardly awaken eyes. A sigh of relief falls from the other person's mouth. "You were having a nightmare."
"Y...yeah..." You reply quietly, not knowing how to respond guilt and more embarrassment coursing through you.
"You okay?" They ask, neither of you moving to look at the other, fine with just feeling of the others heart. "... Yeah." You say, ignoring the soundless tears falling onto the bedsheet and instead focusing on Harrison's breathing. A small shudder falls from your quivering lip as you place a feathery kiss to the bottom of his chest before pressing your forehead against the spot and letting your eyes fall shut again.
"Night." You mumble, half asleep but managing to mutter the word. "Good night darling." Haz yawns, his chin pressing into the top of your head before his jaw closes. You sigh in contentment before allowing sleep to take you into it's grasp and hopefully not into another night terror.
You wake up into the dimmed room with the sunlight shinning in slightly through the part in the blinds, the golden rays being the only light. Great. You think. The powers still out.
Your eyes go to the figure in front of you, the sound of Harrison's soft and even breathing filling your ears. You press another soft kiss to his skin, him almost immediately waking up at your touch.
"That's a lovely way to wake up." He mumbles, arm moving off of your waist to stretch taking most of his warmth with it. You turn on your back and scooch upwards into a half sitting position so you're head is at the very back of the pillow, Harrison's head next to your chest. "I'll be right back." He sighs before getting up and walking towards the bathroom, a hand running through his hair.
Your eyes again flutter shut, causing you to fall half asleep though your attention is brought back to the world by the sound of something slipping off of the table. Immediately, you sit up and see a hand slowly grabbing your knife, a mouse stealing cheese from a trap. Rage boils through your veins as you snatch it out of the small figures hand and spin them around so their back is pressed against your front with your arms secure around the small shoulders, the side of your knife on their neck but not to hard to draw blood - Yet.
"M'kay do you wanna-" Harrison starts before seeing the situation. "Y/n...? What're you doing with Paddy?"
"He was trying to steal my knife." You hiss, venom drenching your words as you look down at the head of red, his hands holding your forearms to try to pull them down.
"Let's put the knife down..." Harrison says slowly, his hands up as he walks cautiously towards you. "And then let Paddy go."
Slowly, you ease down the knife so you're holding it at your side, but your arm remains around the frightened teen. Harrison makes it to you and, with great difficulty, removes Paddy from your grasp. He nods to him to go, him quickly running out of the room, a gazelle running from lions he narrowly escaped.
"What was that all about?" Haz asks after Paddy's out of earshot.
"He was trying to steal my knife!" You exclaim in defense, setting the blade down and grabbing your rose from the previous day, tucking it neatly behind your ear. "It's kind of my instinct to attack if someone tries to steal my stuff."
"That doesn't seem like something he'd do..." He mumbles, brows furrowing together in thought as he ponders over the actions.
"It's his fault he was attacked." You state with your hands on your hips, pacing back and forth in front of your boyfriend with a pissed off look clear as the fact that the power is out.
"We can figure this out later." He sighs, running a hand through his disheveled curls again. "The power is driving me insane."
"How much longer will we be in the dark?" You ask, brushing through your hair with your fingers and watching your motions in a tall, thin, mirror in his room.
"Who knows. They still haven't figured out what's wrong." He says softly, coming up behind you while wrapping his arms around your waist and setting his chin on your shoulder that doesn't have your hair flung over it. You smile softly and continue to detangle the knots, letting out a small squeak when he pulls you closer to him. The slight smile grows as you reach up, mess up his already messy hair, and go back to your own.
"Hey!" He exclaims, removing one of his hands from your waist to brush his curls out of his eyes. You grin, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. "You'll regret that." Harrison hands reach to your sides and start tickling, causing you to yell out and fold into him, both of your laughter ringing through the air like music to your ears.
"Harrison!" You giggle, the two of you falling onto the floor in a tangle of limbs. His fingers stop moving to make you laugh, instead both of your laughter fades as you stare at each other. Harrison had landed on top of you after you fell and now has one hand on either side of your head to prop himself up. You cradle his face with both of your hands before pulling it down to yours, lips meeting in the middle and moving in sync.
"Hey Haz!" A voice calls out.
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