#worst nightmare come true fr
I’m unwell about the fact that I originally thought this Andrew McMillan poem was harrisoncore & now that I’m looking at it a different way it’s ALSO jeremiahcore MY HEART HURT:
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Text transcript here.
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imagine-to-be-a-pike · 2 months
Friendship i need in celestial monsters
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zezran · 1 year
i have a triangular symbol tattooed on my wrist and i woke up in a sweat last night remembering when someone at a party cheerfully asked me "is that a harry potter tattoo?"
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🦋Better late than never !🦋
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Pairing: Lance Stroll X Cherrie!
Word count: 8k
Summary: in which they’re best friends. They’re in love . And it’s better late than never to finally admit their feelings. A plan secretly made by a mischievous three year old too.
Lance walked into his best friends home casually, not bothering to ring the doorbell as he let himself in with the key he had. Humming a song underneath his breath as he kicked off his shoes , making a point to place them neatly by the door with the other hundred pair of shoes that she had there . Not taking any chances this time around .
Having leaned his lesson the hard way about keeping his shoes on while walking around her home , which had either marble flooring or bright white fluffy carpet everywhere. Just asking to be ruined with the dirt and mud from the bottom of his shoes.
He had thought that Cherrie was about to actually strangle him when he had accidentally gotten mud on her brand new carpet, days after she had it fitted, after stupidly forgetting to take off his shoes at the door . The number one rule in her home.
Let's just say that he wasn't forgetting to do that again anytime soon.
She was scary as fuck when she was pissed off, absolutely beautiful but deadly. She Had a tongue like a razor blade and her words like a switch blade knife. He wasn't risking getting his ass handed to him again.
Not on such a beautiful , sunny day.
He was just happy to be home and able to see his best friend and her little mini me again. He had missed them while he was away racing and the FaceTime calls and endless texts just weren't enough for him. It wasn't the same as them being there in front of him in person , he missed seeing cherries stunning smile up close and he had missed her little toddlers sass as well . He really had.
When Cherrie had found out that she was pregnant in what felt like so long ago now , you would have thought that it was the end of the world judging by her reaction to the sudden news .
She had arrived at his doorstep while sobbing hysterically as she cried loudly about how she was never going to be able to be a supermodel now , that her life was ruined and that she was never going to be able to live her life and have fun again. She had been a real bad mess, hysterical of the thought of not being able to party and drink till she passed out again anymore.
She was always the life of the party, the fun one. The one that would try anything at least once, the one that Lance had to run around after to make sure that she didn't end up in too much trouble again . to make sure that she got home safely after one too many times of finding her passed out in somebody's garden or bathtub.
Lance had kind of already been used to looking after a child seeing as Cherrie behaved like one half of the time herself , so he wasn't too worried at all. Well, maybe a little bit but not as much as she was.
He had been there for her , always , and that wasn't going to stop just because she had made a dumb mistake and gotten herself knocked up by some random Italian guy while they were on holiday together.
He was just a little bit upset that her first experience of having a child was going to be like this. He knew that she had always wanted to be get married and fall in love before she had a baby. She had told him once that she didn't want her baby to come from a broken family , that she didn't want to have to raise a child alone.
He was certain that was the reason why she had been so hysterical that night that she found out that she was pregnant , like all of her worst nightmares had come true.
Which was why Lance had promised her that she wasn't going to have to do this alone, she had him and he wasn't going anywhere , anytime soon.
How could he? He was in love with her and planned to, sometimes in the future when he grew some balls, tell her how he felt and hope that she felt the same.
Just- not yet. He was still too scared to ruin what they had right now. Their friendship was perfect to him, easy and comfortable , and the thought of losing her if she didn't feel the same way made him want to be physically sick.
So instead he waited and just continued to show her that he would be there for her. Determined to show her that not every man was going to let her down, hoping that maybe along the way that she would notice that he loved her from the way he treated her.
That she would see that he was a fool in love just from the way he couldn't go a day without even hearing her voice , he couldn't sleep without calling to say goodnight. Her voice was the first thing he heard in the morning and the last thing he heard at night and he wanted to keep it that way forever .
Only it might have been more than wishful thinking on his part because as much as Lance loved her, Cherrie wasn't the brightest spark around. Not that she was dumb , she really wasn't. She was just...oblivious. Completely oblivious to people's feelings and how she could affect them by just being herself . She was magnetic.
Lance had once watched her pat a guy on the back after he told her that he loved her at a party, smiling at him kindly and telling him 'thank you! That's so sweet!' Before casually walking away to get herself another drink. Leaving the poor guy crushed while Lance had awkwardly patted his shoulder and told him to join the club. There was a long list of guys that she had accidentally broken the hearts of with her obliviousness. Including him.
Because honestly , he had been more than crushed when she had told him that she was pregnant with some Italian guy that she couldn't even remember the name of. Never mind what he looked like.
But overtime that pain had faded away because he had been there with her through her whole pregnancy. He had held her hair back through all the morning sickness. Bought her all the mint and ginger in the world to help. He had went to every single appointment with her and had his own copy of her ultrasound in his Wallet, he had cried his heart out when they were told that she was going to have a little girl . The thought of Cherrie having a mini Cherrie was too much for him to take in.
He had been there when Luna was born at two o'clock on the morning , getting to cut her cord and pass her to a exhausted Cherrie with tears of joy in his eyes. He had fell in love all over again that night. Little Luna was a exact replica of her mother , same bright eyes and button nose , same pouty lips and a thick head of hair. She had been the most cutest baby that he had ever seen and he proudly let anyone who would listen to him know that they had the best baby in the world.
He had been there through it all with her and along the way it had become their new normal , Lance secretly thought of them as his own little family. He had been right there beside Cherrie , always , watching as Luna grew up from this whiny little baby and into this sassy little three year old , nearly four now too.
He treated her like she was his own daughter , silently taking the roll of a father without them even discussing it. It just all fell so easily into place for them, it felt natural. At least to him it did.
Luna of course knew that he wasn't her biological father but she didn't care, she loved him just as much and every time he came back home he was bombarded with a screaming toddler excitedly screeching his name.
Now was no different . He laughed as he heard her little feet sprinting down the stairs to reach him, dropping his bag carelessly to the side as he walked over to the bottom of the staircase to catch her.
"What have we told you about running on the stairs Luna?!" He exclaimed in worry as she threw herself into his arms without any hesitation. Little arms squeezed tightly around his neck as she giggled happily, beaming at him brightly.
"Lance! I saw you on the tv! You were soooooo fast!" She gushed to him excitedly, she was his biggest fan.
Lance chuckled as he moved her so that she was comfortable in his arms , smiling at the sight of the three year old wearing a glittery princess dress, the tiara sat crookedly on her little head. He had bought her that costume and every other single one she owned too.
"Yeah? You had fun this week with mommy?" He asked her as he took her into the ridiculously large front room and carefully dropped her onto the velvet couch . Putting on the tv and switching to put on spongebob for her, knowing that it was her favourite thing to watch right now.
A few weeks ago she had been obsessed with watching frozen none stop. Lance was just happy that he didn't have to listen to that shit anymore, he was certain that he could speak fluent frozen now. He knew every line and every lyric to the songs because Luna had forced him to watch it with her almost every night , it had been driving him more than a little insane.
Ironically enough , Cherrie always happened to be busy at that time she put it on . Leaving him alone with her daughter with a apologetic grin while he glared after her in Annoyance.
She was so lucky that he loved her because if he was forced to hear that movie one more fucking time... he was going to scream.
But thankfully for him Luna had seen him watching sponge-bob one morning after breakfast and decided to watch it with him too. She loved Lance and she was determined to copy everything he did. If he said he liked something then suddenly she did too.
It was adorable and worked in their favour when they needed her to do something that she normally wouldn't like. Like eating her vegetables. All it took was for Lance to have a plate full of them and the next thing they knew she would demand a plate of them too. Top tier parenting if he said so.
The three year old hummed as she tapped her little fake heels that she was wearing together happily , looking at him with a big grin on her chubby face.
"Yes, but mommy wouldn't let me get another princess dress." She complained to him, looking at him with big puppy eyes, knowing for a fact that he would buy her whatever she wanted with a bat of her big bambi eyes .
She always went running to him whenever she didn't get her own way, knowing fully well that Lance could never say no to her. Despite Cherrie scolding him for spoiling her all the time, he would just counter back that he spoiled Cherrie just as much and that would shut her up quickly . Because it was true.
He was a sucker for the both of them.
Lance had more money than sense and he enjoyed spending it on them. Liked to see them smile with joy and excitement whenever he brought home a new gift or surprise. Cherrie liked diamonds and her toddler liked anything princess related. He never came home without something for them, it was his version of flowers he supposed.
He used to always buy Cherrie a boutique of flowers but then she had Luna who apparently had hay fever now and couldn't even sniff a flower without sneezing. So he got her expensive jewellery instead. It made her just as happy , that was all that mattered to him.
And if he secretly swapped little luna’s plastic jewellery with read gold and silver , well , it was nobody’s business really. He just didn’t want her delicate skin to turn green. He wanted the both of them in diamonds and gold . Was that so bad?
He wanted to give them both the world. But diamonds and princess gowns would have to do for now.
"Maybe it's because your closet is full of them." He told the unhappy toddler matter of factly. They were going to have to turn one of the spare rooms into her own walk in closet soon at this rate.
Luna huffed at him, holding out her hand with a expectant look on her face. "Pocket money." She said impatiently .
Lance laughed loudly at that , looking at the toddler in pure amusement . He hadn't even been there for five minutes and she was already trying to mug him.
"Were you good for mommy while I was gone?" That was the deal. If she behaves herself and wasn't naughty , he would give her pocket money to spend at the mall.
He knew that he would give her it whether she had been good or not but still, it was good for him to try and act parental. As though the three year old didn't have him wrapped tightly around her tiny finger. Just like her mother.
Luna nodded her head rapidly , making a gimme motion with her fingers impatiently. "Yes I was! Promise!" She shouted with a toothy grin.
Lance just sighed and dug his hand into his pocket to pull out his Wallet. "Where is mommy anyways?" He asked her as he pulled out a twenty and handed it to her.
She giggled and hugged the money to her chest happily. "She's in the kitchen eating with her headphones on. She told me not to bother her until she's finished." She repeated her mother's instructions to him quickly. Already losing interest in him as her eyes went back to the tv, giggling loudly at something spongebob did on the screen.
His eyebrow rose in amusement at how Cherrie behaved. She always did this. She told him that she liked to eat her food while listening to music, that it gave her a whole different experience when dining in.
He just thought that she was antisocial and dramatic , having a baby hadn't changed her at all. She was still the same drama queen that she had always been, and he loved it.
She was so out of his league and he knew it. She was beyond beautiful and had been brought up with the finer things in life. A beautiful , rich and confident girl that wasn't afraid of anyone or anything. She walked around with her head held high, long hair always perfectly curled and nails always painted a different colour each week.
She could talk to anyone without any anxiety , another reason why he had always taken her as his plus one to events. He wasn't the social type, he preferred to stay in and not have to talk to people that he didn't know. When she was by his side he knew that could relax and let her do the talking, she had a big mouth and could speak enough for the both of them, and also knowing that she could easily control a conversation and get him out of one just as quick.
They were complete opposites that way. She was a social butterfly who loved partying and meeting new people . He was anti social and only talked to his small circle of friends and he absolutely hated parties , he only ever went to them just to make Cherrie happy.
He was quiet. She was a loudmouth without any filter. He was there by her side to slap his hand over her mouth whenever she was about to get herself into trouble by saying something that she really shouldn't. While she was there to make sure that he got out of his shell a little , making sure that he enjoyed himself even if it wasn't his scene.
She was rash and careless. Lance was an over thinker who planned everything down to a single letter. He kept them safe and Alive, while Cherrie kept him entertained. Their holidays were only ever planned by him now because he knew that if he let her take over, they would end up lost in the middle of nowhere with no way to get back home.
They were opposites but they balanced eachother out. It worked so well between them and Lance wanted this chaotic , dramatic , sarcastic and beautiful woman for the rest of his life.
"Taylor swift?" Was the first thing he said to her as he walked into the kitchen to check in on her, smiling to himself at the sight of her sat ontop of the dining table with her legs crossed. Large sonny headphones over her head as she chewed on a burrito happily.
She gasped and quickly pulled her headphones down from her ears. Beaming at him happily as she held out her arms for a hug.
"Lance! You're home! I've missed you a fuck ton!" She exclaimed loudly as he stepped into her arms and hugged her right.
Burying his face into her neck with a content sigh, letting his eyes fall shut for a moment as he sunk into her embrace . Inhaling her sweet perfume and relaxing against her , having missed her more than she would ever know know.
"God that was too long without you guys." He complained to her. Pulling away to see her face but still keeping his arms wrapped around her waist, admiring her perfectly styled hair and glowing skin.
"You need to come with me next time. Luna would love being there." He muttered to her, squeezing her waist gently as he smiled at her.
Cherrie laughed a little, running her fingers through his hair to fix it for him. Making him sigh in pleasure as she lightly scratched her nails against his scalp the way she knew he liked it.
"Maybe. I'm just scared that as soon as she sees you in that car she's going to tell me that she wants to be a driver too." She told him seriously , admiring his pretty face with a small smile. She then hugged him again just because she could.
He laughed , grinning down at her in amusement.
“Is that so bad?" He wondered.
Cherrie looked at him like he was insane , pulling a face at him. "My heart can only take so much Lance! I'm already going grey every time I see you on the track. I couldn't cope if I had to worry about her too!" She exclaimed . Frowning at him.
Lances face softened at her words , his heart squeezing in his chest. He knew that she wasn't the most emotional of people so to hear her verbally express that she worried for him was nice to hear.
She was always so blunt and acted like she didn't care but he knew that she did. Maybe not about anybody else but she did for him and Luna , they were the only people in the world that she would literally die for.
She liked to laugh off her feelings with jokes instead , hating being vulnerable with anybody , and rarely could they ever have a serious conversation without her getting uncomfortable and making up some stupid joke just to change the subject.
That was just the way she was and Lance had learned to see her love for him through other ways instead.
Like how she always hugged him whenever he was close, not letting go until she was ready to, no matter who they were around .
He felt it in the way she made him his favourite meals without him even asking her to. It was the way that she always kept her fridge stocked up with his favourited drinks and food .
It was the way she filled up his car with gas whenever she knew that he had a long journey ahead of him. Making sure that he had everything he needed while he was asleep.
It was the way she set up a simulator in her spare room for him. The way she constantly praised him even when a race hadn't gone the way he hoped, she was always there to tell him how proud of him she was.
It was the way she made sure to let Luna FaceTime him every night to talk to him, knowing how much he missed the there year old when he was gone . So used to having her attached to him like a baby koala that he could barely cope without her sass and without her nonsense ramblings .
It was The way that she squeezed his hand three times in the back of a taxi . The way she smiled at him without even saying a thing.
He could read between the lines and Cherrie didn't have to tell him that she loved him because he just knew that she did. He could feel it and that was everything.
"You don't have to worry about me Cher." He muttered to her with flushed cheeks. A shy smile tugging at his lips, unable to look away from her. She was just so beautiful and Lance was just grateful to be there with her then.
She was everything to him.
Cherrie scoffed lowly , narrowing her eyes at him "er- yes I do. I could literally not live without you lance. If anything ever happened to you... I'd go mad. You're my best friend." She stated matter of factly. Unashamed.
He looked at her in amazement , touched . "Trust me I know how you feel." He told her simply "if anything ever happened to you or to Luna then I wouldn't be able to cope with it. So we're gonna have to make sure that nothing ever happens to any of us alright?"
She nodded in agreement , smiling as she jumped off the counter top to land on her feet.
"Exactly. Ride or die am I right?" She teased him while holding out her fist to him happily.
He laughed as he fist bumped her, ruffling her hair just to annoy her . Giggling to himself as she kicked him in his ass in retaliation as he walked past her.
"What have I said about touching my hair!" She complained. Quickly following him back into the living room. Leaning down to kiss the top of Luna’s head, her daughters focus never leaving the tv.
Lance threw himself down on the loveseat and got comfortable. Watching her lazily as she pulled out her phone and started typing , absentmindedly picking up a few toys that were scattered around the floor as well.
He looked at her curiously, wondering who she was texting . "do anything fun while i was gone?" He asked her. Yawning.
Cherrie just shook her head no , eyes still down to her phone distracted.
“Not really. Just the usual." She muttered not really paying attention .
Luna's giggle got his attention as he looked over to see the three year old mischievously looking at her
He rose a brow at her in amusement, wondering what she was giggling like that for. As though she knew something that he didn’t.
"what's that look for?" He whispered to her.
Luna giggled again, grinning naughtily "mommy has a boyfriend." She said casually as though it didn't completely ruin his mood right there and then.
Cherries head snapped up from her phone as soon as she heard her daughters words, eyes widening in embarrassment as she looked at her scoldingly.
"Luna! I already told you-" she started to speak only for Lance to cut her off.
He looked at her in disbelief , heart dropping to the bottom of his stomach at the thought of her with somebody else.
Oh my god. He had only been gone two weeks. Was that long enough for her to fall in love with someone who wasn't him?!
"Boyfriend? You didn't mention a new boyfriend to Me." He stated with a frown, trying not to lose his shit right there and then , crossing his arms over his chest as he sat tensely in the chair. No longer relaxed.
Cherrie rolled her eyes , shaking her head at the both of them. "I don't. It wasn't serious. Just a blind date that Miranda set me up with." She told him quietly , fiddling with her fingers as she waited for his reaction.
He scoffed "Miranda? Oh yeah cause she knows all about good guys doesn't she? How many times has her fiancé cheated on her now? Six?!" He exclaimed moodily. All of his earlier happiness gone , just like that.
She looked at him with a frown , hands on her hips as she tried to not shout at him. Then she looked over to her mischievous daughter and pointed over to the stairs sternly .
"Go play with your dolls Luna please." She instructed her firmly . Not wanting to argue with Lance in front of her.
Luckily Luna knew when to listen to her and quickly scurried off up the stairs to her playroom without any fuss. Still giggling to herself like shit stirrer she was. Cherrie waited to hear her door slam shut before speaking up again.
"I don't know why you're so upset. You're the one that was joking around about me turning into a Virgin again!" She reminded him in annoyance.
He looked at her in disbelief "yeah! As a joke! I wasn't telling you to go out with some random guy Cherrie! Who even was he?!" His voice rose as he felt his heart break in two.
Though he knew that he should have expected this to happen sooner of later he supposed. Was this his karma for not telling her how he felt for all these years? Cause it sucked and he honestly felt a little sick at the thought of her finding someone new to love. That was supposed to be his job! Not some random , stupid guy!
Cherrie looked down at him with a scowl , not happy to hear the judgmental tone in his voice.
"He's called Jake and actually he wasn't that bad-"
He laughed humourlessly "oh I bet. You like him so much that Luna apparently knows about him too?" He gritted his teeth. Not knowing who to be more pissed off at. Cherrie for letting Luna see this guy or himself for never telling her how he felt .
She glared at him , shifting uncomfortably on her heels. Regretting putting them on now. She had been hoping that maybe they could go out for a nice dinner to celebrate him being back home. But apparently not.
"That was an accident. She saw him dropping me off at my parents because my car broke down. That's all." She told him, annoyed .
Lance wanted to scream . He looked at her blanky and shook his head .
“You're forgetting that I know you Cherrie. Why didn't you tell me? We speak every night and not once did you mention some guy. Or going out on a date." He snapped at her. Hating being caught so off guard like this .
He wasn't prepared for this and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. God. This was a nightmare. All of his worst ones coming true.
She groaned loudly at him "because I knew you would react like this! You never like the guys I hook up with! Even when we were younger!" She accused him, getting just as pissed off as he was.
He felt his face pale, stomach sinking. He swallowed thickly . "You slept with him?" It came out weaker than he intended . But he truly felt sick at the thought of her with somebody else. Trying not to burst into tears right there and then.
She froze for a moment . Her hesitation was enough of a answer for him making him bury his face into his hands with a loud groan of misery. Grimacing deeply like he was in physical pain.
"Fucking hell." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly "I can't believe this." He breathed out shakily , no longer able to look at her .
Cherrie felt her chest tighten , clutching at the necklace around her neck as she felt guilt weigh heavily down on her even though she had every right to do what she did.
He wasn't her boyfriend . She was aloud to hookup with other people. So why did she feel so bad?
She inhaled deeply and tried to stay calm, reminding herself that she hasn't done anything wrong. Lance didn't like her like that. He had never once even showed a interest in her romantically . She was allowed to move on. She had to.
She couldn't just be in love with her best friend forever . That wasn't healthy. Especially when he didn't feel the same way.
Because if he did he would have told her by now. They had been friends for years and spent almost everyday together . He had helped her raise her baby for nearly four years. There was no way that he would ever return her feelings , he never said a single thing.
"I don't know why you're acting like this. I'm allowed To have sex Lance. It's completely natural! And I was safe if that's what you're worried about!" She scoffed defensively "I'm on the pill and I used condoms-"
He frowned even louder , shoving a pillow over his face in misery. "Fucking hell! That's not- that's not the point! These guys only want to use you Cherrie-"
She rolled her eyes at him , irritated , huffing moodily . "I know. I wanted them to use me. I was using them too! It's no strings attached. We match , we meet up. Have a few drinks and a good fuck . That's all. It's not serious-"
He threw the pillow off of his face and sat up quickly , narrowing his eyes at her , getting more upset by the minute .
"Are you telling me that this has been a regular thing? You've been meeting up with strange men and hooking up with them? And you never once told me?! When did you even have the time to do this?!" He shouted at her . Getting up to his feet and running his shaking fingers through his hair in pure frustration .
Blinking back his tears as he realised then that this was all his fault . If he had just manned up and told her how he felt. Maybe then she wouldn't have had to run off and sleep with strangers to be satisfied.
He felt sick.
Cherrie looked at him with a frown, clutching her hands by her sides as she noticed how upset he was getting. His eyes were glossy and he couldn't even look her in her eyes anymore , his lips were pursed tightly and cheeks flushed a angry red .
"I- not that often . Only on Saturdays." She muttered. Regret filling her body quickly , wishing then that she hadn't even entertained those men at all. It wasn’t worth this reaction from Lance.
But she was just so tired of pining after a man that had never made a single move on her. Sick of feeling like shit as she wondered why Lance couldn't see her in the same way she had always saw him.
And she missed him when he was away. And she also missed the way that things used to be when she was younger. She used to love partying , drinking and hooking up with strangers who she didn't even know the name of. She had felt so confident and free back then. She just wanted to feel that way again.
And honestly.. she had been sexually frustrated for a long time now . She had went two years without sex and suddenly she was snapping at her friends and colleagues for no reason, constantly tense and wound up tight over everything.
Miranda had recognised the signs and told her to hop onto tinder to 'de-stress for a night.'
So horny , tired and fed up with pining over her best friend, she did just that.
When Lance was away she met up with a cute guy and had a amazing , long night of sex. And if they were lucky , some morning sex too. It was casual and it was easy and after it was done she finally felt relaxed again , knowing that she hadn't changed.
Men still wanted her. Lance might not have but they did. She was still hot. Still had all the right moves and guys still lusted over her . It helped boost her declining confidence and it became a quick (bad) habit .
A Saturday night fuckfest that no one needed to know about as far as she was concerned.
She should have known that Lance would find out in the end . She just wasn't expecting him to react so badly , looking as though he was going to cry.
What the hell was going on?!
"Every Saturday?! So when I'm qualifying , you're out there sucking some random guys dick?!" He couldn't believe it. Looking at her in betrayal.
Fed up with his judgmental attitude , she simply shrugged her shoulders and snapped back. "Yes I am. I'm having fun. Something that I'm allowed to do." She then stomped her way out of the room and to the downstairs guest room instead.
Lance quickly followed her and slammed the door shut behind him, glaring at her angrily. Heart racing in his chest.
"It's not just you anymore though is it?! You have Luna to think about now . You can't just bring some random guys in and out of her life. She needs stability." He snapped at her, furious with his own frustration too .
He felt so stupid . Knowing that all of this could have been avoided if he had just told the truth.
Cherrie glared back at him furiously “I know what I'm doing! I don't bring them back here Lance! I’m not stupid!"
He let out a cold laugh "well it feels like you are! You really can't be this dense Cherrie! There's no way they you don't know." He spat , clutching at his hair desperately .
She looked at him, offended. "Don't know what?! That you're a dickhead who's jealous of me fucking other guys?!" She shouted back at him. Fed up with arguing with him now. She had always hated it when they fought. It only ever left her feeling sick afterwords.
He took a step closer to her and shook his head in disbelief , eyes never leaving her own.
“And why the hell do you think I get so jealous Cherrie?" His heart raced in his chest in both panic and understanding knowing that he couldn't keep lying to her any longer like this .
For his own hearts sake , he had to tell her. This was a horrifying wake up call if he had ever seen one.
She paused at that. Eyeing him warily while he impatiently waited for her to catch on.
She inhaled Shakily , chewing on the inside of her cheek nervously as he continued to glare down at her Unhappily .
"I don't- what?" She didn't know what he was going on about. Not wanting to get her own hopes up anymore. Her heart could only take so much.
Lance let out a long and hard sigh , his shoulders sagging in defeat as he swallowed thickly and told her bluntly "I love you Cherrie. That's why it hurts so much to know that you've been seeking out guys that aren't me." His words weren't any higher than a whisper .
But he might as well have shouted them at her with the way that she froze up, eyes widening in disbelief.
"What?" She breathed out shakily , eyes flickering between his own quickly. Trying to find a lie. All she could see was the truth .
“Oh my god. But you-you never said anything!" She cried out suddenly , feeling sick with guilt and anger. So many years wasted when they could have been together , a perfect little family.
Lance sniffled , guilt crossing his own face as he watched tears fill her own eyes. Looking back at him like she had seen a ghost.
He took another step closer to her and gently took ahold of her arms, pulling her closer to him desperately .
"I know . I was scared. I was going to tell you but each time I tried to- I always chickened out. I mean -" he shook his head to himself "you're way out of my league Cherrie! I don't want to mess up our friendship if you didn't feel the same way!"
She slapped his chest, hard, at that. Making him wince at the sting , looking down at her in shock as she let out a loud, frustrated shriek .
"But I did Lance! I loved you! Always! I only went to those other guys because I was sick and tired of waiting around for something to happen between us when it never did!" She cried . More than Upset now.
Lance could only look down at her in astonishment , stomach sinking quickly .
“You did? You loved me too?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
She just looked at him in disbelief , heart pounding in her chest as she realised that the both of them had been so wrong for so long.
Both of them in love with each other and both of them assuming that the other one just didn't return those feelings.
Idiots! They were both idiots!
"Of course I did! How could I not?!" She shouted at him, running her hands through her hair in frustration as she began to pace back and forth across the room angrily .
"You were the only person who ever stayed. You were my best friend! You stayed with me through my pregnancy! You stayed with me through all my Hormonal tantrums and stupid crying fits when we couldn't find my favourite ice cream!" She sniffled, roughly wiping away the tears from her eyes, bottom lip trembling .
Lance stood in front of her with a pale face , his lips parted in pure shock. Unable to believe what an idiot he had been .
"Then when- then when Luna was born you…you stayed. You always fucking stayed! You woke up during the night to feed her when I was too tired. You treated her like she was your own and her first word-" she hiccuped , crying heavily now as she finally raised her head and looked him straight in his eyes.
"Her first word was 'Love!' Because you always used to tell her how much you loved her over and over again. And I was so fucking pathetic for being jealous of my own baby because all I wanted-" she inhaled deeply as she tried to stop crying, needing him to know that he wasn't the only one that fell in love too.
"-All I wanted was for you to tell me the same thing. I just wanted to hear you say that you loved me too." It came out more like a trembling whisper , finally coming to a stand still in front of the man that she so desperately loved.
For a long moment Lance didn't know what to say, his throat running dry and the lump in his throat becoming painful as he looked at her silently, filled with nothing but a sour mixture of regret, guilt and hope.
He inhaled deeply and slowly walked over to her till they were toe to toe, licking his dry lips as he wondered how the hell he could fix this mess that he had created .
He gently pushed her hair away from her tear stained cheeks and sighed, cupping her face in the palm of his hands as he wiped away her tears with a quiet sniffle.
"I am so sorry. I should have told you that I loved you the very moment that I knew..you're all that I've ever wanted." He whispered to her , swallowing. "I was just a coward. So blinded by my own fear to realise that you - that you loved me too." He said still unable to believe that she returned his feelings too .
All these years he had wasted by being so afraid...
Cherrie clutched at his wrists as he ran soothing circles over her cheekbones softly , his teary eyes never leaving her own as their hearts raced against each other as though it was a race.
And as she looked into his eyes , felt the trembling of his fingers against her skin and the guilt that covered his face. She felt her anger fade away. Just like that.
Because she knew Lance. He was her best friend for a reason After all . And she knew that he would never have tried to lead her on deliberately, he would never have any ill intentions towards anybody .
This was the same guy that had cried during toy story , the same guy that had made them have a little funeral in her garden after he had accidentally stepped on an moth that Luna had called ‘pretty’. He couldn't even hurt a fly.
All he had ever done was make her life easier for her. He had done everything that he could to make sure that she and Luna had the best life possible. He spoiled the both of them rotten and would proudly show off photos of the three of them to his friends. So proud of his little family even if she didn't know it then.
She knew then that he hadn't meant to hurt her. Hadn't meant to make her cry. All he had ever done was love her in silence . That was his only mistake, not telling her sooner.
He loved her. He was in love with her. He was her best friend . That was never going to change and who better to fall in love with than the man that knew her life no other?
The man that had immediately stepped up to be a father figure to her baby without her even needing to say a thing. He had just automatically done it because he loved the both of them, they were clearly meant to be. Their family and friends were right after all.
She realised that now. And what did her friend always say ... better late than never right?
So she let her tears dry and she let a smile arise on her lips , lances eyes never leaving her own as he patiently waited for her to tell him what she was thinking about . What she was feeling.
She just whispered the truth "I'm so in love with you." Slowly wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him closer to her, till they were breathing in each other's love. Heart beats in sync. Always.
Lance felt the weight slowly lift from his shoulders , his eyebrow raising as he shyly smiled back at her, hope  lighting up his once saddened features. Gently placing his hands on her hips , their noses gently nudging together.
"Yeah?" He breathed out , swallowing. "You-can we give this a try? Start over?" He almost pleaded.
Cherrie just laughed softly and shook her head fondly. "We don't need to start over Lance. I've loved you for half of my life. I'll love you till the end of it too." She promised him. Smiling affectionately as she washed his face flush red at her words, a flustered giggle escaping him as he squeezed her to him with a happy sigh escaping his lips.
"The first day that I met you I told myself that I was going to marry you someday." He confessed to her shyly . Falling into her embrace with ease.
"Still feel that way about me now?" She teased , gently tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck, watching him sag against her with a content sigh.
Instead of answering the obvious 'I do' he just closed the gap between them and kissed her instead.
Tilting her back gently till her head rested in the crook of his arm as he kissed he like should have kissed her all those years ago. A soft moan escaping her lips as she pulled him closer by his neck and deepened the kiss, slowly patting his lips with her tongue as they held onto each other tightly . Neither one wanting to let go.
So lost in each other that neither one of them heard the little mischievous giggle of a three year old as she peeked into the room with a smug, toothy grin on her chubby face. Eyes lighting up in joy as she watched her two favourite people in the entire world kiss each other like the prince and princess did in her favourite movies.
She squealed to herself in excitement , bouncing on the balls of her feet in joy as she hissed a happy "yesssssss!" Before quickly running away again to tell the rest of her stuffed animals that her plan had worked.
Even the toddler had seen that they were in love and Luna had been determined to make her mommy marry Lance so that they could be a proper family together now. Just like the movies.
And she could be a perfect princess at their wedding. She couldn't wait to demand Lance to buy her a new, big sparkly gown to wear and a new tiara too.
She squeezed her unicorn to her chest tightly with a beam of happiness on her face "daddy loves mommy!" She told the stuffed animal in delight. Having been calling Lance her daddy to her all of her nursery friends and teddy bears for a long time now.
And Luna couldn't wait to call him daddy to his face too now . They could be a perfect family.
The three year old smiled brightly to herself and wondered out loud 'I wonder if he will take us to Disneyland now.' Because priority's .
Knowing fully well that the toddler always got what she wanted . She wanted Lance and her mommy to be together. She got it.
She wanted to go to Disneyland with them, she would get it.
She had never been happier.
And neither had the best friends turned lovers in the other room, still lost in each other’s love as they stumbled to the bed after Lance had locked the door behind them. Their home filling with nothing but love and hope for the future now that she knew.
She and Luna were his home. He wanted this forever.
It was better late than never right?
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
also hi pookie bear i'm about to get super cheesy fr but i really wanted to say that in the short amount of time i've been on tumblr i feel like the only way i have learned to understand my faves and to characterize them in a way that Feels So Real to me is all from you dude. ALL YOU. like when i say 'oh ari's just like me so he gets me' I REALLY DO MEAN IT because the way you talk about characters i like seriously resonates with me in a way i can't describe LIKE I FEEL SICK. its like I LOVE THEM MORE LOL in a very specific way. because AGAIN IT'S SO REAL TO ME??? in the 3 ish + years i've known you it always just hits me man. like i genuinely learn SOOOO much from you like SOOO much when it comes to such peak characterization. i will struggle to understand a character or like. tbh genuinely whenever i feel like i'm about to enjoy a character or wtv i go thru your #a.*character* tag to see what you had to say about them and then suddenly it all makes sense to me lol. ik many ppl have prolly said this to u BUT ITS SO TRUE LMAO like woah. and i feel like i can't love a character so much if i don't see your viewpoint on them because it makes sense to me more than the canon interpretation of a character LMAOOO. you've helped me learn to characterize when writing so much and ig thats one of the main reasons why i look up to u beloved bc ig it just means a lot to me that You Get It. yk? ANYWAYDSJHF i love you bro you're the most peak ever i adore u. THANK U FOR EXISTING ON THIS APP what the freak i would be soooo lost on fic if it weren't for ur thots <3
it makes me happy to hear that people find realism in my characterization and stuff i guess just in general because i really do think its the one facet of my writing im completely comfortable in and i put in a lot of effort to sort of humanize them and make them feel more idk tangible.... SO IN GENERAL I GUESS IT MAKES ME HAPPY WHEN IT STICKS BC I DO FREQUENTLY JUST YAP ITS GOOD TO KNOW IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE
also while i think canon is a good lens fanfiction usually requires another lens entirely u have to pull from it and a lot of specific characterization and how it translates to action can be subtextual and difficult to navigate. NOT THAT IM VERY GOOD AT WRITING SUBTEXT ITS ACTUALLY MY WORST NIGHTMARE.... but either way MY POINT IS THAT IM HAPPY TO DO THAT FOR YOU AND ILY!!!!!!
im holding u so gently and cradling you in my arms like a cat we are so locked in.... lets continue to be insane together 🫂🫂🫂
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priestessofspiders · 6 months
Dreams can come true
It’s different for everyone. Some of us figure it out when we’re in elementary school, others realize only very late into our lives. Me though? I’ve always known. Some of us interpret it as a very literal transformation; “I used to be a girl, now I’m a boy”. Others feel like we were always our “chosen” gender, simply forced by fate into a body we never asked for. I fall, very strongly, into the latter category. As long as I can remember, I dreamed of being a man, and I mean that very literally.
When I fell asleep, my dream self was quite different from my physical body, with broader shoulders, a square jaw, larger hands and feet, and a deep voice that fills any room I am in like an upright bass. It wasn’t always such a pronounced change of course. When I was very young, the differences were subtler, the unwanted waking nightmare of sexual dimorphism not yet wholly foisted upon me, but changes were still there. I always felt like something was wrong when I woke up to find myself with the long hair my mother insisted I couldn’t cut to the short length I desired. I remember once, after a birthday party, looking at myself in the mirror, wearing a nice, expensive dress I’d received as a gift, and thinking to myself how much happier I’d be wearing the suit I had on in my dreams the night before.
I didn’t have a word for it until high school though. My family was somewhat strict about my access to the internet and what sorts of films I was allowed to watch, so the first time I heard the word “transgender” was when I met someone else like me.
His name was Timothy, and in all truth we weren’t friends. Nobody was friends with Timothy, nobody wanted to hang out with the freak. There were many comments like “So if you’re a man, am I allowed to hit you?”, whispered slurs, and exaggerated caricatures drawn on scrap paper and surreptitiously passed around to a chorus of barely contained snickers. I’d like to say I never joined in, but peer pressure is a powerful force, especially when it comes to those of us who desperately want to fit in. I think part of me resented him too, for so flagrantly living the life I wanted to have. He wore a binder to flatten his chest, his hair was short and slicked back with gel, and he always dressed like someone out of a prior age, a holdover from an era of leather jackets, fast cars, and switchblades. I was jealous.
Eventually the bullying got bad enough that one of his bolder tormentors broke his arm. Nobody confessed to the act, and the school’s administration was less than cooperative in trying to find out who did it. Timothy’s parents wound up pulling him from school, and I never saw him again. My own parents saw it as a relief, saying that he was “a dangerous influence” and that his family should have sent him off to a psychologist rather than “indulging her delusions”. It was the first time I had ever heard them talk about someone like me, and the memory of my own mother and father describing with such vitriol how much they hated Timothy was permanently burned into my developing mind, a scar which I don’t think will ever heal.
I knew there was never any chance of being accepted by my family. At best, they’d see me as a victim of some perverted campaign to corrupt innocent young women into hating their bodies, at worst they’d treat me like a delusional freak. Either way, they would still see me as their daughter, and I very much doubt there is anything I could do to change that.
After so many years of being forced to hide who I am, I finally have the good fortune of living alone, far away from my parents and their bigotry. It was almost unbearable during the final few months of my living with them, when people like me became a political wedge and the hate spewing talking heads on the idiot box began telling horror stories of “groomers” and “radical gender ideology”. But I managed to get out and find a job. I was finally free to be myself. Well, more or less. I was out publicly to friends and coworkers, I bound my breasts, people called me Victor rather than the stupid name on my driver’s license, but in terms of actual medical treatment I was still stuck at square one.
The thing that they don’t tell you is it’s actually rather difficult to get on hormones, at least if you’re a transgender man. Estradiol and the like aren’t controlled substances, if worst comes to worst an uninsured trans woman can get her hands on some hormones via the gray market, and the process of getting a prescription is far quicker. Testosterone, however, is a Schedule III controlled substance, the same tier as anabolic steroids or ketamine. Getting a prescription is a bit more of an involved process, and going through unofficial channels could result in a felony if you get caught.
So, finally liberated from my family, I now had to deal with the frustration of the medical system. My crummy job working at a movie theater didn’t exactly have the best insurance plan, and by the time I did manage to get in touch with a doctor about getting an appointment set up, I was informed the soonest I could see someone would be several months at least. Without going into too much detail, certain conservative politicians in my state had made it rather difficult to get gender affirming care via telehealth, out of a fear that it would be too easy for “impressionable adolescents to permanently alter their bodies”. So I simply had to sit around and twiddle my thumbs, waiting for my turn at one of the rapidly dwindling number of clinics that offered consultations for getting on hormone replacement therapy.
Of course, I knew that hormones aren’t mandatory for being a “real man”, and I knew that even if I did manage to get on testosterone it wouldn’t make the bigots any more convinced of my masculinity, but I still couldn’t help but feel a twinge of sadness whenever I looked in the mirror. The reflection that stared back at me didn’t feel right, it didn’t feel like me. Do you have any idea how terrible it is to feel trapped in a body which is utterly wrong? To have your own flesh and blood betray you every second of every day?
I coped as best as I could, and spending time with supportive friends helped. But really, the most comforting thing throughout this ordeal was my dreams. Even if I couldn’t pass as male in the waking world, even if I had to deal with the “thank you miss”s and “howdy ma’am”s from the customers at work, when I slept it was as though my mind and body were in perfect alignment. It sometimes felt like my own mind was comforting me, covering me with a blanket of fantasy to soothe the pain. Even in my darkest nightmares, I always had a body that felt like it belonged to me.
Though my dreams are especially vivid while they last, I do find they tend to fade quite quickly upon awakening, something which has only seemed to get worse as I get older. To cope with this, I began to write down records of my nocturnal visions, first in a notebook, then later on a blog under the pseudonym of “DysphoricDreamer98”. I found it easier to reach for my phone to jot down a quick post while the memory was freshest than having to fiddle about with pen and paper. Besides, while my little blog wasn’t especially popular or anything, seeing people comment on my posts, especially other trans men, made me happy. It brought me a little joy to know I’m not alone.
Now, obviously I didn’t put out any sort of personal information on my blog. No photos, no mention of where I work, not my real name, Hell, not even which state I live in. This is why it was so odd when I found the package on my doorstep one morning, all wrapped up in brown paper and twine, addressed to DysphoricDreamer98. There was no return address, so I had no idea who could have sent it.
In a panic, I simply shut the door and left the package outside, running over to my computer to search the web to see if I’d been doxxed or something like that. I didn’t think I’d ever said anything particularly controversial, and it wasn’t as though I had any sort of wide audience. I wrote a digital dream journal with a follower count in the double digits for goodness sake, it’s not like I was a celebrity.
Once I was satisfied that I hadn’t had my personal information posted publicly or stolen in a leak of some sort, I opened my front door again and peaked out at the package, feeling oddly nervous, as if worried it was going to sprout teeth and bite me. After I was satisfied that it wasn’t going blow up or catch fire or anything like that, I brought it inside and set it down on my desk, cutting off the twine with my pocket knife and unwrapping it. I was greeted with an old wooden box, of the sort that would be used to hold expensive jewelry. It was covered all over with elaborate ornamentation, a combination of floral and geometric designs. There was something oddly hypnotic about the patterns formed by the embossed flowers and curving lines, and I spent about a minute simply admiring the craftsmanship of the thing before I actually set about opening it.
The contents of the box were a small glass vial filled with liquid, a metal syringe that looked as though it were fashioned in the Victorian era, and a note, written on very old parchment in elegant looking cursive. This is what it said:
Dear Sir,
You’ve spent every night dreaming of who you truly are. It is time to make those dreams into reality. Inject intramuscularly once per week, one milliliter. Expect results in 3-4 weeks.
A friend
Now, I’m not stupid. Obviously I didn’t immediately start injecting myself with mysterious fluid I found in a box left on my front door by an anonymous stranger. As a matter of fact, my first thought was that someone was trying to poison me. I didn’t know who would want me dead, but given the circumstances I thought a little bit of paranoia was the healthiest approach to take. Part of me wondered if my family had somehow been informed of my blog, and were trying to discreetly assassinate me in order to ensure I’d never be able to medically or legally transition. I didn’t have any evidence of this, but it seemed far more logical than there being some hormone gifting Good Samaritan wandering about leaving vials of testosterone on the doors of disadvantaged trans men. Besides, whatever was contained within the vial didn’t look like testosterone, at least not in any form I was familiar with. It was tinged slightly purple, and seemed to sparkle when I held it up to the light.
I did consider calling the police, but I decided against it. Realistically all they’d do is confiscate the box, and I was worried that I could get in trouble if the contents of the vial did end up being some kind of poison or illicit substance. Besides, I couldn’t bring myself to throw it away.
And so, I tried to do my best to forget about the box and its contents. I didn’t tell anyone about it, not even my friends, though I’m not entirely sure why that is. I suppose I may have rationalized it as trying to keep myself safe from being reported to the police, but that’s not really true. Something about it just felt private to me, inherently it was a subject that necessitated secrecy. Its presence kept nagging at me, however, and it never felt like I’d ever be fully able to erase it from my mind. Sometimes, I’d open up the box and just stare at the vial for a while, considering it silently, before shutting the lid and pushing it back under the bed.
Regardless, I managed to more or less successfully ignore the box for around a month. It was a combination of many discrete factors that led to me giving in, and even after what I’ve experienced and even though I know it was a stupid decision, I’m unable to bring myself to feel any sort of regret for it.
The day I gave in started off terribly, with my period having decided to start a day earlier than usual. I don’t feel very positively about my reproductive system at the best of times, and my distaste only grows deeper when it decides to punish me for not getting pregnant with a torrent of blood. After dealing with that unfortunate surprise, I was then faced with my biweekly phone call with my mother, during which I had to play the unfortunate role of dutiful daughter, gritting my teeth whenever she referred to me by the name she gave me instead of my real one, and clenching my hand into a fist as I expressed in the politest tones that I could muster that no, I did not have a boyfriend yet. When she started to go on a rant about the latest news story she’d seen about “woke indoctrination” in schools, I made up some excuse about poor connection and ended the call. Then it was time for work.
The gendered politeness of the South is truly a tailor made Hell for people like me, and that day saw a constant stream of “ma’am”s and “miss”s that culminated in an elderly gentleman remarking “If you don’t mind me sayin’ miss, you are quite the beautiful young woman” while I tried very hard not to strangle him. But really, truly, I think that the deciding factor that made me open up that box and try my luck with my anonymous benefactor’s vial of mystery fluid was the text message I received as I walked through my front door, informing me that my consultation had been postponed again.
I’ll be honest, when I readied that first injection, part of me hoped it was poison. It wasn’t a large part of me, but that urge to just give up, embrace the call of the void and descend into a peaceful oblivion, it was there. “To sleep, perchance to dream”, as Shakespeare put it. When nonexistence no longer frightens you, it is far easier to take risks.
I didn’t use the syringe that came with the box. While it seemed to be in pristine condition, I didn’t trust something that looked that old, and I certainly had no desire to contract tetanus or something. I walked down to the farm supply store across from my apartment building and purchased some sterile syringes and needles there instead. When I got back to the apartment I spent a few minutes looking up where was best to inject, how to make sure I avoided pricking any veins and arteries, etc., until I finally felt fairly confident that I could actually do it successfully. There was no stalling after that, I didn’t want to give myself a chance to change my mind. I popped the cork on the vial, got a milliliter of that strange purple fluid into the syringe, and plunged the needle into my thigh.
It hurt far less than I thought it would, if I’m being honest. If you’d asked me before that day if I would have been able to perform injections myself, I’d have told you no. I’ve always felt slightly uncomfortable whenever I had to get a vaccine or have a blood test done, something about needles just made me deeply nervous. But this felt right, and outside of a slight pinch and some pressure as I pushed down the plunger, it was largely painless.
I pulled out the needle and applied a small bandage to the tiny puncture mark, though the needle was so thin no blood actually welled up at all. Then I went to bed early, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.
I woke up the next morning, writing down my latest dream on my blog in the haze of half-consciousness, and then got out of bed, pleasantly noting that I was not, in fact, dead. Whatever the liquid in the vial was, it at the very least wasn’t toxic. There wasn’t even so much as a raised bump at the injection site. Thus began my routine of injecting the purplish mystery fluid into my thigh every Friday before bed.
Just as the note said, it was around the 4 week mark when I started to actually see results. I was washing my face as part of my morning routine when I noticed something faint on my upper lip. I looked closer to see it was a few dark hairs, sprouting out from the previously smooth skin of my face. Excitedly, I looked closer, seeing with delight that all over my jaw, here and there, little hairs were poking up from my flesh. I was beginning to grow facial hair. As a matter of fact, on closer inspection of the rest of my me, I was beginning to grow more hair all over my body. It wasn’t as though I’d awoken looking like Bigfoot, but it was a noticeable change from my appearance the night before. I was ecstatic.
Now, I have to be honest here, I didn’t actually know exactly how quickly testosterone was supposed to work, nor what the exact effects were. It may seem lazy but I never really had sat down to read out how long it would take, what specific results I could expect to see, etc. I think a part of me always saw it as a borderline unachievable fantasy, so there was no reason for me to ever look up the details. However, even I should have known better than to think what happened was normal.
For one thing, the injections worked fast. Once the four week mark was hit and the changes began, it was like a dam had broken. By 5 weeks my voice was already starting to deepen. 6 weeks in and I was able to grow a faint mustache. 7 weeks and I had chest hair. Looking back on it now, it should have been obvious to me that this was too fast. These sorts of things take months and years to accomplish, not weeks. There was a faint tinge of nervousness during the 12th week as I looked at myself in the mirror and realized I was taller than I was before. It was the first hint that something was wrong. Testosterone can do a lot of things, but it can’t change your bone structure.
That wasn’t the only sign that something was off. I began to get these feelings of deja vu on occasion, about once a week, and I could never place exactly what it was. I didn’t keep track of every time it happened, obviously, but I do remember a few of the most noteworthy examples.
The first time was when I was doing a bit of shopping downtown and saw a street performer, a clown riding atop a penny farthing bicycle. He wasn’t frightening at all, I’ve never been afraid of clowns, but there was something unsettling about him. He didn’t seem to fit in with his surroundings as he glided through the crowd, occasionally honking his horn and taking his hands off the handlebars to juggle some balls. Nobody else seemed to pay him any mind though, they just kept on walking past him. He seemed so familiar, and I struggled to try and remember if I’d seen him in some viral video or something.
Another incident I remember was at work. I was selling tickets, when a pair of customers walked up to the booth in lockstep. They were identical twins, each the spitting image of the other, and wore the exact same style of formal black suit.
“We’re here-” started the one on the left.
“-to purchase some tickets-” continued the twin on the right.
“-for the 2 o’ clock show” finished the first twin.
The pair of them frankly freaked me out, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I did as they asked and got them their tickets. They paid in cash, using only 2 dollar bills. They bowed in unison after I handed them their tickets, and then marched in time to the theater I had indicated. I actually checked the purchase logs later to make sure I hadn’t imagined it all, as well as looking in the register to see if their 2 dollar bills were still there, and everything was still there. Like with the clown, the oddest part was that they seemed so familiar, as if their names were right on the tip of my tongue.
I had another encounter at a thrift store. I was shopping for some new clothes (my increased height was making some of my older outfits not fit particularly well) when I was approached by a short gentleman with white hair, who asked me “Can I help you to find anything sir?”
I turned to respond that I was fine, when I noticed that his eyes were two different colors, one blue, one brown. Something about this made my mind scream at me to remember, that this was someone who I had met before, but I just couldn’t place my finger on why. I stuttered out some noncommittal grunt and he nodded before walking away. I stumbled out of the thrift store without buying anything and went straight home.
The most recent incident is what made me put all the pieces together. I was taking a nighttime walk, something I felt more comfortable doing now due to my increased bulk and deeper voice. I felt safer knowing that any creeps would be less likely to see me as a potential target, plus I’d been hitting the gym so I felt confident in my ability to fight off anyone who’d try. I was thinking about how much my life had improved since I’d gotten the package, and wondering about what I’d do once the vial had run out. There were only a couple doses left, but my HRT consultation was only a few days away. Should I try and get more of what I was already taking, or should I switch over to a more legitimate source? It wasn’t as though I had any method through which to contact my anonymous benefactor. As I pondered this, I heard a faint hissing noise from a nearby alley, a “pssst” like someone was trying to beckon me inside.
I peered down the alleyway cautiously, trying to get a good look at whoever was trying to attract my attention. I could see the faint outline of a figure hidden partially by the shadows, but I couldn’t make out any details. I gently touched my pocket knife, just to remind myself it was still there, and then stepped into the alley.
I know it sounds like a stupid decision, and it was, but at that moment I thought that they may have been the mysterious “friend” who’d given me the vial in the first place. I figured they may have wanted to deliver the next supply in person, and frankly I wanted to thank them for changing my life. I was still nervous, of course I was, but after all that had happened I didn’t want to seem ungrateful.
I stepped into the alley, cautiously, and made my way over to the figure. They hissed at me again, beckoning for me to come closer with a gloved hand. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw that they were a thin man in a long overcoat, wearing a wide brimmed hat and, despite the night, a pair of dark sunglasses. They looked like some sort of secret agent stock character. His mouth was stretched wide in a toothy grin. When I was about 10 feet from him, I stopped, and asked “Hello? Are you the person who gave me the package? With the vial?”
Without moving a muscle on his face, he hissed at me again, and then held up his hand in front of his face. Using his other hand, he began to slowly pull off the glove. It was hard to tell at first, in the darkness of the alley, what exactly I was seeing, besides the simple fact that the human brain has difficulty recognizing that which ought not to be. His fingers shone slightly as they moved sinuously in the pale reflected light of the far away streetlamps, glittering like stars. Then he began to walk towards me with shaky steps, and I realized with a sudden shock what I was looking at.
The man’s fingers were snakes.
I tried to back away, but he lunged for me, hissing erupting from his writhing fingers as they latched onto my shoulder, extending out several feet from his arm. I didn’t feel them break skin, however, fortunately my denim jacket seemed to take the brunt of it. I slashed at the wriggling serpents with my pocket knife and ran when they retreated from the flashing blade. I kept running all the way home, and didn’t stop running until I was safely in my apartment with the door firmly locked and bolted.
Despite the completely surreal and impossible nature of what had just happened, it all felt so familiar, and finally the gears in my brain started to move, and I realized what it was that linked all of the strange interactions I had. I turned on my computer, and went to check my blog, searching up keywords and reading through my recorded dreams with a sense of dawning horror.
September 12th, 2023
Dreamed I was a lion tamer in some sort of circus. The lions were full of stuffing, one accidentally got caught on some fencing and was ripped open, the audience loved it. They were still heavy though, I lifted one up and everyone cheered. I guess I was a strongman as well as a lion tamer. Dream ended with a clown on an old fashioned bicycle riding across a tightrope over a big pool of water. The ringmaster said the pool was full of piranhas, but all I saw were what looked like eels or big worms. I woke up when the clown fell off his bike.
October 24th, 2023
I was a knight, going to save a princess who was trapped in a big floating tower. Accompanied by a sloth for some reason. On the way there, encountered a very polite two headed ogre. Each head would finish the other’s sentences, and it would bow at me frequently. Eventually reached the tower, but the princess was happy there, and told me to go away. Woke up soon after.
November 17th, 2023
In an old library, trying to do some research for something, can’t remember what. Went to go get help from a librarian, but he was a husky with two different colored eyes, one blue, one brown*. Got distracted by this and we got to talking for the rest of the dream, my research forgotten. It was very philosophical, but I can’t actually really remember what we talked about much. He did call me a “handsome young man” though.*
January 2nd, 2023
Nightmare. Man made of snakes. Don’t want to think about it.
I sat back in my chair, one hand over my mouth. I felt sick. This wasn’t possible, this wasn’t something that could be real. I told myself that I must be hallucinating, that it couldn’t possibly be real life, but then I looked over at the shoulder of my jacket and noticed the bite marks in the rough fabric. There was even a broken off fang sticking out. I thought about the strange twins and their 2 dollar bills in the register. Besides, it wasn’t as though I was the only person who had noticed the changes to my body. My friends and coworkers had commented on it, customers addressed me as “sir”, I had to buy new clothes to fit my changed physique. This was real. Whatever it was I had been taking, it was making my dreams into reality.
There was a knock on my front door. I got up and checked the peephole, but nobody was there. Opening the door, I saw a new package, wrapped up in brown paper and tied up with string. It was addressed to DysphoricDreamer98.
I don’t know what to do from here. I’ve spent the past day just going through all the posts on my blog tagged “nightmare”, weighing the pros and cons of continuing my treatment. The package lies unopened on my kitchen table, for now. You’ve got to understand, this substance, whatever it is, has made me happier than I’ve ever been before, but I’m worried for my safety. I got lucky this time, I managed to get away, but what about the next time? And the time after that? Do I risk acting out my nightmares in the waking world to live the life that makes me happy?
To make matters worse, I got a text message. My consultation has once again been pushed back another 3 weeks. I don’t even have the luxury of a third option. I have to choose between going cold turkey or sticking with whatever my “friend” has sent me.
I hope I make the right decision.
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sereignity · 1 year
describing every taylor swift album based on what they made me feel everytime i listen to them:
taylor swift - young, innocent, new to the world, has finally escape her comfort zone. i feel so raw with this one like country vibe ofc and minding my own life in provice. probably this is me as a 14-15 years old.
favorite song of hers from this album: OUR SONG
fearless - this one makes me feel really nostalgic like i keep on smelling old books with a coffee in hand while the rain is pouring so hard. like i can't let go of my 15 year old. it's soo making me feel like im also in a puppy love that u experience in middle school.
favorite song of hers from this album: THE WAY I LOVED YOU
speak now - this one is my top favorite album of hers. as u can see, im a hopeless romantic at heart so this really speaks to me almost like taylor made it for me lmao. this album is the one that romanticize your feelings for someone — like butterflies on the stomach and so on. it's such a beautiful fairytale storytelling for me. like im the main character in a movie who has a crush on a boy at the age of 16. immature girl feels.
favorite song of hers from this album: ENCHANTED
red - well, i can't really described exactly this album made me feel but most of the time it's more like a good time phase. like im 17-18 and im feeling the go with the flow energy with this one. a party girl kinda thing? well except those sad songs of hers on this one. but definitely a feel good vibe.
favorite song of hers from this album: ALL TOO WELL
1989 - GOSH THIS IS PEAK POP. it's soo not taylor but it's also her. the poppiest album of hers that i also love. this one is a mood setter fr! like a coming out of age movie and im the main character in an exciting journey with my friends in a sports car along an empty highway to travel the world. peak girly feels.
favorite song of hers from this album: STYLE
reputation - PEAK REBELLIOUS PHASE. this was the one that made me feel like a girl boss, women empowerment and all that can take any person i want lmao. oh definitely a revenge, im your worst nightmare feels. this was the one that i wanted to see in books and movies where the weak or bullied one finally fights back and gets that sweet revenge.
lover - THIS IS ROMANTIC, INTIMATE AND THAT ALBUM U CAN DEDICATE ON YOUR FIRST/ TRUE LOVE KINDA THING. i swear dude everytime i hear any songs on this album it just slaps me real hard that im single and i can't resonate with this album. i wish someone could dedicate this to me lolol i will marry them fr.
favorite song of hers from this album: DAYLIGHT
folklore - this is that one album u have to hear when u are feeling melancholic, nostalgia and homesickness. i don't know, it's like it's making me feel sad and lost ???
favorite song of hers from this album: CARDIGAN
willow - i keep on associating this album as trees, the smell of cottage and fireplaces like comfort!! it's my least favorite album though, it's just didn't hit me where it hurts but willow is such a bop i literally play it because i feel comforted by the song.
favorite song of hers from this album: WILLOW
midnights - 80s? 90s? i don't knooow it gives me a sad drive in your car at midnight when no one else is there and there are lights and such. like you're outside in a city or town with no one but yourself who wanted to drive at 3 am.
favorite song of hers from this album: YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, KID
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katsutora · 2 years
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ME WHEN I READ UR TAGS ON MY ISAGI FIC LZJSBSBDNXKC 🥺🫶 i live in my notifs i see everything … LMAO PLS i shall stop being ominous now <33 ur the sweetest i beg of you always ramble away in the tags i love it it keeps me sustained like a lil houseplant i live off of reading them i think about them all the time ur a GEM!! 🥰🥰🥰 wishing you a wonderful new year!!✨✨
!! STOP GET OUT OF HERE THERES NO WAY the chance of my tags being read is low but never zero🤏
the universe really said what if your worst nightmare (you seeing my tags) come true but it’s also simultaneously the best thing that’s ever happened to you (the lil houseplant person who wrote my fave fic is here !! holy shit you can’t be serious)  ok calm and composed calm and composed just smile and wave oh god
anyway on a serious note thank you for writing that masterpiece bc it’s one of the first fics that got me falling for isagi fr (reading it isnt enough i need to ashdkjashdkj yk what i mean no nobody does good grief) + becoming my serotonin boost so early in the year aghh you’re so precious luv ya!
happy new year and have a great year ahead to you too !!
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mangoposts · 5 months
SAME ive been into girls for like two years now maybe??but now its just when i see a man i think about jumping on him and women are not doing it anymore??mascs kinda are but still i would rather jump on that dick CRAZY
Oh maybe im lesbian Fr bc i never feel this way about a man unless its a celebrity but i feel like this with every woman i meet LMFAOOAOOO
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krizaland · 1 year
The Sleeping Princess Chapter 11
First Previous
Be warned: this chapter contains suicidal thoughts, negative thoughts, self hate and swearing.
“Here we are!” Emma sang as she got up and gestured for The Sleeping Princess to follow.
The Sleeping Princess scooped up the Tim and followed Emma off the train.
After a few minutes of walking, the group came across a whimsical meadow.
“Huh. I gotta admit, this place is a lot nicer than Lance’s room.” The Sleeping Princess giggled as she set the Tim down.
The Tim let out a happy squeak and bounced away.
“Hey! Where are you going?! Come back here!” The Sleeping Princess whined as she chased after the Tim.
“Hey! Wait for me!” Emma yelped as she followed suit.
The Sleeping Princess and Emma chased the Tim throughout the meadow, charging by trees and running over flowers.
It wasn’t long before the Tim screeched to a stop.
“Gotcha!” The Sleeping Princess cheered as she scooped up the Tim.
“You can’t just run off like that, little guy. You could’ve gotten hurt…”
The Sleeping Princess trailed off as she came face to face with The Hat Man once more.
However, instead of his usual grin, his expression was a mix of horrified and heartbroken.
“Oh my darling! My worst fear has come true! Lance has already started corrupting you.”
“Seriously?! You again?! Argh! I don’t have time for your shit! I need to find Balan so he can turn me back to normal!” The Sleeping Princess whined as she held the Tim protectively.
“But Sleeping Princess, this is Balan!” Emma insisted as she gestured to The Hat Man.
The Sleeping Princess nearly tripped on her own feet.
“What?! You’re Balan?!”
“That’s what I had been trying to say before you went and pushed me away.” Balan grumbled as he folded his arms.
“Oh….You’re really Balan huh?”
The Sleeping Princess fell onto her rump, dropping the poor Tim on the way down.
Emma let out a gasp and tried to help but Balan stopped her.
Balan knelt down next to The Sleeping Princess and spoke softly.
“I know you’re alarmed but please understand I mean you no harm. All I want to do is bring your heart back to light. I’m not looking for a fight…”
The Sleeping Princess said nothing but scooted away from Balan.
Balan let out a frustrated sigh as he got closer and sat down beside her.
He turned her head to face his and gazed into her eyes.
“My love please stop running away from me. Can’t you see? I’m not your enemy.”
The Sleeping Princess tried to protest but her body refused to move.
All she could do was gaze back into Balan’s golden eyes.
“Please just try to remember! Give me one last chance! Please don’t tell me I’ve lost you to Lance!”
The Sleeping Princess felt her heart flutter a bit.
Despite the tears forming in them, there was still so much sincerity behind those golden eyes.
“Lia, please!”
“Eh Lia?”
The Sleeping Princess let out gasp.
“Wait! Lia! That’s my name! My real name!”
In that moment, more memories came crashing down on her like a tsunami.
After that phone call with her parents, Lia had tried to sleep away the pain.
Unfortunately, for once, she couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried.
All she had were nightmares and foul thoughts.
“Great! I can’t even sleep! It’s the one thing I was actually good at and now I can’t even do that right!”
Letting out a scream of rage, Lia jumped out of her bed and stormed outside.
She didn’t care that she was barefoot nor that she was in her nightgown.
All she wanted to do was run as far away as possible.
She ran and ran until her legs gave out.
As she paused to catch her breath, she noticed that she was standing at the edge of a large bridge.
Lia looked over the bridge’s short silver railing and gazed into the ocean below.
She let out a somber sigh.
No matter how hard she tried she was always treated like a joke.
Well, joke wasn't quite the right word.
After all, even a joke has a purpose.
What purpose did a lazy crybaby like her serve?
No one would read her childish drivel.
Every job she applied to had fired her.
And every friend she ever had abandoned her.
Perhaps her parents were right:
Maybe she was useless.
Lia looked at her reflection in the water.
The bridge’s railing sure seemed easy to climb over.
No one would care if she was gone right?
Suddenly, Lia’s thoughts were interrupted by a bright light glowing behind her.
She turned around to find the glow coming from a nearby alleyway.
She didn’t know why but the glow beckoned her to follow it.
It wasn’t long before Lia came across a beautiful yet decrepit theater.
The flickering neon sign above it read:
Balan Theater.
Odd. She had never seen this theater before, yet it looked like it had always been there.
Despite her growing reservations, Lia felt compelled to go inside.
The floorboards creaked as she walked inside.
The smell of old wood and dust filled the air as Lia continued to explore.
She walked past a few shattered mirrors, completely unaware of her constantly changing reflections.
Lia couldn’t help but feel like someone was watching her.
She shuddered as she continued deeper, slowly approaching a large stage.
By the stage was a large grand piano, lit aglow with the gentle lights of the nearby candelabras.
Lia let out a gasp but quickly covered her mouth.
There, sitting in front of the piano was none other than Balan with his back turned.
Lia ran off and tried to hide behind a pillar but it was too late.
Balan had already noticed her presence in the reflection of the drop he was holding.
His signature grin cracked across his face as he let out a chuckle.
Lia struggled to steady her breathing as her heart pounded in her ears.
Who the hell was that guy?!
Whoever it was, Lia didn’t want to find out!
After a few moments of silence, Lia carefully peeked out from behind the pillar.
What luck! The mysterious man seemed to have disappeared.
Lia let out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off her brow.
She decided it was best to leave while she had the chance.
Lia turned back around and was about to make her escape when-
“Hello there!”
Lia found herself face to face with Balan.
Letting out a panicked shriek, Lia bolted in the opposite direction.
“Whoops. That could’ve gone better. It seems I’ve accidentally frightened her.” Balan chuckled as he watched Lia run away.
Lia ran as fast as her legs could take her!
She darted through the endless halls and ran up countless flights of stairs.
It wasn’t long before an open door caught her attention.
Wasting no time, Lia zipped inside and locked the door behind her.
She panted as she pressed her back against the door.
“Here you go.” A voice offered as Lia was handed a handkerchief.
“Oh thanks.” Lia muttered as she took the handkerchief and dried the sweat off of her face.
“It was no trouble, you know.”
It was then Lia realized something wasn’t quite right.
She looked back and sure enough, there was Balan again, staring at her with his signature grin.
Lia let out another terrified scream and practically broke down the door as she made her escape.
Balan let out a hum and shook his head.
“Well isn’t this a bummer. This one’s a runner.”
Lia took off once again, running through more halls and more flights of stairs.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before Lia had reached a dead end.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”
Lia frantically looked around for hiding spot.
She immediately spotted a window with long red curtains.
Wasting no time, Lia zoomed behind the curtains and stood as still as she could.
Sure enough, the sound of Balan’s boots clicking against the floor drew closer and closer.
“Oh darling~ Where are you hiding?”
Lia held her breath as she heard Balan draw closer and closer.
Just when she thought she had been caught, Balan sighed.
“Oh dear, it looks like I’ve lost you. Oh whatever shall I do?”
Soon the sound of Balan’s boots clicking slowly faded away.
Lia carefully peeked out from behind the curtains.
There didn’t seem to be any signs of Balan.
She carefully looked behind her.
Nothing there either.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Lia carefully crept down the halls and down the stairs.
After what felt like forever, Lia finally found where she came in from.
She let out a happy cheer as she ran as fast as her legs could take her.
Just as she was about to make it outside, she felt a hand grab her wrist.
She screamed once more as she was dragged backwards and face to face with Balan again.
“Well that was fun but I’ve got a show to run!”
Before Lia could process what was happening, Balan scooped her up and flew her back to the stage.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
Holds my hands out for some Iida headcanons abt Literally Anything and Everything (I personally HC that he likes grapefuit w a tiny sprinkle of sugar as his breakfast in tha morning and can benchpress a motorcycle 🥺👉👈
Honestly, I love the grapefruit breakfast headcanon!!! Literally so true, and you know he’s a master at eating it without making a mess, too… like, that’s how long he’s been having it for breakfast LOL
And yes about his benchpress strength, too!
I think it goes unrecognized for the most part, but Iida is actually huge gym-buff, and extremely strict w/ himself about it
Gets overshadowed by Bakugo and Kirishima all the time, but he’s in there just as often, if not more… and not only doing weights and aerobics, but cardio, too
Given his armor, it’s hard to tell… but take it off and it’s simply incredible how ripped and beefy he is. Pure insanity. Built like quarterback FR
(And in terms of raw strength, too, as in: without the usage of quirks, I feel like he’d be on par with Kiri and above Deku, even)
I also see him as doing a great job of separating work and home life
Not that he’s not a hero and pretty much always on duty… nor that he bottles up his emotions… but when you’re not distinctly talking about how things are going (which is regularly, because he tries to be an emotionally healthy KING), he makes sure his work is hardly your concern
He just… really prioritizes being with you when he can be… even if all you’re doing together is your nighttime routines, or watching a show in bed… cooking…
That’s where his focus goes completely, and it’s relieving because people probably ask you all the time if he’s overbearing or hard to be with… and literally the answer is ALWAYS no
Very chilllax dude at home… outside of acting like a khakis dad sometimes
Honestly though, it probably makes your friends jealous how polite and kind he is LOL. Most people just know him as like… the hero Ingenium, who’s uptight and extremely anal…
But then you’re going on double dates and he’s just the sweetest, calmest thing ever. Pulls your chair out for you, doesn’t overshadow the conversation, helps with all the food, pays for you AND gives you a ride home…
Like… okayyyyyyyy😙
It’s surprising cuz people usually assume he’d be the most likely to try and restrict you from doing certain things or whatever… but as long as you’re clear about your own limits and boundaries, he doesn’t really mind what you do. Just wants to be there for you in case something happens
And idk what to call this truly… but he spoils you A LOT. And in ways that don’t just revolve are material items or letting you get your way
Like… if there’s a movie you want to see, he’s buying tickets for the night it comes out, two weeks in advance so that you can have the best seats in the house
If there’s a dream vacation of yours, he’s planning it as your trip for the year…
Or even when you reach some kind of long term goal, he’s having some kind of celebration for you
Really big, long term things that he pays attention to
And he covers like… every single aspect too. You never have to worry about if your own friends are invited, or if you’ve packed everything… where you’re gonna get dinner on X night.
It’s like he’s psychic. Plans everything to a T and knows exactly how you’d want it, too
And lmao. Unrelated to everything above but… he gets the worst bedhead/bedface imaginable. Literally it’s a nightmare how he’ll wake up with his hair sticking straight up and his eyes all puffy and crinkly from being closed all night.
Maybe it’s just cuz he always tries to get A LOT of sleep… but he’s an old man until he gets up and washes his face
And he’s definitely the type of guy to… make you fruit and veggie bowls or fancy desserts in between meals
Bring them to you in the midst of whatever you’re doing too
Charcuterie board connoisseur
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emarli-the-doodler · 2 years
Idea 4: Vanny comes back
I'm gonna be honest, this one is my personal favorite, and I am quite surprised that it hasn't been done yet.* Think of the angst potential!
*This is no longer true
Imagine it's been a few weeks since the 3 star ending and the 3 goobers are getting more acclimated to living with each other. Gregory is getting used to the fact that he has 2 adult figures that actually care about him. Vanessa’s nightmares are starting to become less severe. Freddy’s head was reattached to his body, and he now remotely controls a child-size bear doll (like a Lonely Freddy but not evil) so he can still easily be with Gregory when he isn't at the pizzaplex.
The day would start like any other: everyone wakes up, goes through their morning routines, and eats some breakfast. Gregory finishes first and gets up to go and wash off his plate in the sink. That is when it happens, Vanessa starts to feel a little off, like she is moving slower than normal. At first, she brushes it off as her still waking up. Then she hears a voice… a voice she only hears in her worst nightmares… VANNYS voice. Vanessa would then discover that she could no longer move or speak. She could only watch as she felt herself get up from her chair, and pick up a knife from off of the counter. The reason that she still has any knives at all is for Gregory to use to spread various condiments on his school sandwiches when he makes them.
Meanwhile, Gregory and Freddy are near the sink, having a conversation about Freddy's obsession with dad jokes or something (You are the Morbest superstar!) They turn around, preparing to return to Gregory's room to get ready for school, and they see Vanessa, holding a knife. Gregory would feel a sharp twinge of betrayal before looking at Vanessa's face to see that her calm green eyes, ones that had reassured him after many a nightmare, were now glowing a sickly purple. Freddy and Gregory would realize that the person in front of them was no longer Vanessa, but Vanny.
Vanny raises her arm, Gregory is looking for a way out. He is also preparing for the possibility of being killed, and he doesn't want to give Vanny the satisfaction of being scared if that happens. Through all this, Vanessa is trying desperately to retake control, all the while Vanny mocks her efforts, making sure that Vanessa won't be able to mentally look away from her worst fear, the death of her savior by her own hands. Freddy is preparing to try and jump in front of Gregory at the last second to try and cushion the blow of the knife using his plush form.
Just before Vanny is able to deliver the killing blow, she disappears. No warning at all, like a true glitch, Freddy and Gregory watch as Vanessa's eyes flicker from purple back to green, drops the knife and collapses to the floor, hugs herself and sits in complete silence for a few seconds before bursting into hysterical tears.
That is where I will leave it, what happens next is for y'all to decide!
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caramelcal · 3 years
her favorite protector
summary: its been weeks since Luke and Bambi last spoke after their argument at the club, and everything seems bleak. things take a turn for the worst for bambi, but it seems only luke can save her from this one. 
word count: 3.25k
requests: Anonymous asked:Hope your doing well and Omg you cannot leave us like that with his favorite club :( my heart is breaking. We need more!! We need cute fluffiness where Luke can change some of those controlling ways. Maybe a kidnapping or something? His worst nightmare coming true that his rivalry is using Bambi to hurt him?
Anonymous asked:For the next part of bambi and Luke, maybe while bambi is at Anna’s, a rival of Luke finds her and she’s really scared and even though they aren’t on the best terms Luke somehow finds her and rescue her
this gif...wow. he’s so pretty <3
ᴅ��sᴄʟᴀɪ��ᴇʀ- ɪ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ғɪᴄs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ɪ ᴏʙᴠɪᴏᴜsʟʏ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ʟᴜᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏ ᴅɪsʀᴇsᴘᴇxᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ғɪᴄs, ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ғᴏʀ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋʏᴏᴜ <3
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Bambi hadn’t had a particularly great few weeks. She needed space, she knew that, and she knew that time away from Luke would do her the world of good. Anna had been nothing but kind to her, hospitable, not asking too many questions about why she was there and why Luke hadn’t shown up. Anna knew of Luke’s more controlling ways, so it baffled her that he hadn’t even acknowledged the girl being away for so long.
From what Anna had observed previously, Luke could barely breathe without the girl by his side; couldn’t rest easy. Neither could his girlfriend...if they could even call each other that anymore.
Anna, in all honestly, just wanted to know what the hell happened. She knew her best friend well, and she hadn’t stopped looking like you had kicked a puppy right in front of her. Hardly even speaking, barely going out, a very small and almost unnoticeable frown on her face.
It was a miracle that Anna had managed to get her out to the club last night. Sure, the smaller girl didn’t have the best time, but it was far better than any plans that she had at the weekend. All she planned on doing was sitting around and moping, the girl was miserable.
Maybe it was selfish, but she really wanted Luke to text her. She wanted some sort of proof that he still cared for her, and compared to his normal overprotective nature, this was so...different. It was almost as if he didn’t care for her anymore, maybe he moved on. Bambi didn’t know. What she did know of, however, was that Luke had a history of sleeping around. What if he didn’t bother coming back for her and just went back to his old ways instead?
It made her feel sick.
Maybe that’s why she barely got through the first round of shots before she was telling Anna she was going to head home, not wanting to be too much of a damper on her best friend’s night.
It seemed that the plan had worked. By the next morning, Anna was nursing an awful migraine due to her hangover and was sporting many new bruises that she didn’t know where they were from. At some point during the night, she had broken a heel off of her shoes, the discarded heel nowhere to be seen.
Anna still demanded they were going out to run errands the day after, dismissing her hangover but demanding that the smaller girl drove her. Surprisingly, she had gotten used to driving after so long of not even having her hands on a steering wheel. It wasn’t her fault that Luke had always preferred that he or Jacob drove her.
Granted, the girl didn’t have a car yet, but Anna was chill about her using hers.
“Anna,” The girl called out from the room, putting her converse on and tying them up, awaiting her friend to reply to her shout.
However, her reply never came, making the girl sigh. Maybe the girl had fallen asleep or just didn’t want to shout back due to her headache. She quickly picked up her purse and walked into the hallway leading into the main front room, “When are we leaving for-”
The smaller girl cut herself off, looking up towards where Anna should have been by herself but instead was pulled against a man’s chest, tears streaming from her eyes, absolutely horrified. A gun was pointed at Anna’s head, making Bambi still in fear.
“One bad move and this bullet goes into her brain, kid,” One of the men’s gruff voices warned, making fear hit the small girl like a wave. She didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t exactly prepared for it.
Bambi stilled, eyes traveling up to meet the older man in front of her, he looked powerful, must have been their leader. He was older than her, but couldn’t have been much older than 30. Small pieces of stubble decorating his jawline and a black shirt covering his muscles, stretching across his wide chest.
“Good move, princess. You’re coming with us,” The next thing the small girl knew was that the gun was no longer pointed towards Anna, instead, it was directly facing her. One pulling of the trigger and a bullet was going to lodge its way between her eyes.
Bambi didn’t have any time to react or notice the person behind her before their cloth-covered hand was covering her mouth. She was pulled against their body, restricted, unable to scream. Her mouth was dry with fear, the strong smell of chemicals hitting her nostrils as she breathed in. Chloroform.
Bambi’s eyes meet Anna’s tear-filled ones, her figure shaking lightly with terror. Anna was pressed down against the counter now, cheek against the marble, hands behind her back, and gun pressing against her temple. She could only watch, helpless, as her best friend was being manhandled out of the house.
Bambi couldn’t do anything either -weaponless- defenseless against these guys but she knew exactly why they were there. They were there to get her, to use her as a bargaining chip against Luke, just about the biggest cliché in the book. The small girl couldn’t help but wonder what they would do to her once they found out that she was useless, and no longer affiliated with the tall Australian. Would they put a bullet in her brain? Send her in a bag to the bottom of a lake?
However, the girl didn’t get much time to question or worry about this as the chloroform from the cloth weakened her as she was about the be thrown in the car, slumping against the man behind her, eyes closed, legs collapsing from beneath her, her consciousness slowly ebbing away into nothingness.
  By the time that the girl had woken up, her vision was blurry, and she was tied to a chair, her arms behind her, legs tied to an individual leg of said chair. She was in a warehouse that looked to be completely abandoned, a hole in the roof allowing cold air to waft about. It was freezing.
“Looks like sleeping beauty had woken up,” A scratchy masculine voice taunted at the small girl, standing tall in front of her, blocking her from seeing anything.
“What do you want from me?” Her voice was also scratchy, maybe from the chloroform, she wasn’t entirely sure. She still felt disorientated, barely keeping herself from staying upright as she looked at the man who stood above her, a sinister grin on his face.
“We don’t want anything from you, kid. We want your boyfriend’s head blown off his body.”
“I don’t,” Bambi cut herself off for a moment, coughing, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
The man above her scoffed, rolling his eyes as he looked back down at the girl again, “Don’t act like I’m stupid, princess. All you gotta do is phone him, and Hemmings will come rushing to save his little girlfriend.”
Tears gather in the girl’s eyes as the reality of the situation kicks in. It isn’t a dream, this was her real life. She didn’t want to be trapped like this, in this chair or this life. Luke didn’t care for her anymore, he hadn’t talked to her in weeks, why would he come and save her?
“He won’t come.”
“Don’t play me, princess. I’ve never seen Hemmings ever with a girl twice until you,” He pointed towards the girl, sneering ever so slightly, “You are the key to us getting his gang wiped off of the map. starting with Hemmings, then Clifford, then Hood and Irwin.”
Tears choked up the girl’s throat, her mouth opening as she thought of the fight that she had with him, then the weeks of not talking. The loneliness, the discord. Luke hadn’t bothered to reach out to her, to check that she was ok. Her head shook slightly as the strong emotions continued to arise, “He doesn’t love me anymore, it’s useless.”
The man’s hand gripped the edge of Bambi’s shirt lightly, his jaw clenching as he spoke harshly, spit flying out of his mouth as he threatened the young girl. The gun, which had loosely been held in the man’s hand was now pointed at her once more, “Didn’t ask for your fucking sob story, kid. Open your fucking phone and call him.”
Bambi was frozen in fear, it felt like ice was going through her veins as her phone was thrashed harshly into her shaking hand. At her hesitance to call him, the gun was pressed harshly into the skin of her ribcage as the man ordered again, this time with his words even more clipped, “Now.”
She knew the man wasn’t asking, it wasn’t even an order, it was a threat. This man was dangerous, and she was defenseless against him, if she even wanted a chance of survival she had to comply and hope that he prayed mercy on her and let her go when she realizes she isn’t of use. Shakily, the girl found Luke’s contact, swallowing back her tears, she pressed the call button.
It was silent in the big room in the warehouse other than the few rings the phone made out as the man made her put the phone on speaker. Surprisingly, only a few moments of the phone ringing, it stopped, connecting onto the call with the tall Australian himself.
“Hello?” Luke’s voice sounded out and the girl felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks at the sound of his voice. It was familiar, it felt like home but at the same time, she felt her stomach clench. His voice was surprisingly soft, the only indication that Luke knew that it was his Bambi calling.
She knew that he had been expecting her to call most likely. She just wished it hadn’t happened like this. She opened her mouth to talk, but the words didn’t form as the tears fell harder, his voice sounding through once more, this time sounding more concerned, “Bambi? What is it?”
“Luke I-” She cut herself off, forcing her sobs to stay silent as she felt the man press the gun against her in annoyance, rolling his eyes before stealing the phone out of the girl’s hand.
“Hemmings, you know when I found out you had a new girlfriend I didn’t think she’d be quite as soft as this,” The man taunted as he stared down at the girl in front of him, “She’s not your usual type, is she? Where’d you find this one?”
“What do you want, Andrews?”
“I want you to meet me at the warehouse, you know the one I’m sure,” The man had rolled his eyes, not that Luke could have seen and a smirk rose to his face, “I’d tell you to come alone without any weapons but I won’t. Bring Hood, Clifford, Irwin, I don’t care. I can just wipe out you all at the same time.”
It was silent for a moment, “What makes you think I will?”
“Because if you don’t I’ll make sure the next time you see your little love she’ll have a bullet in her head. Wouldn’t want me to mess up her pretty little face, would you?” He looked back at the smaller girl again, sending her a malicious smile that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up, “You have an hour, Hemmings.”
With that, the man hung up, tossing the girl’s phone to the floor and crushing it swiftly with the heel of his shoe.
The next hour was taunting for the small girl. The man didn’t leave her side, almost as if he was afraid that she would escape. At that time, she tried to distract herself with anything, but the cold warehouse was bare apart from the chair she was stuck to and the clock that stood high on the wall in front of her, taunting her almost.
The time slowly went by, and the girl lost hope. Luke wasn’t coming for her. Soon enough, the clock struck the time that would have been an hour past the phone call. Then another ten minutes passed. Another five.
“He isn’t coming,” The girl had spoken up to the man, which most definitely wasn’t the smartest thing.
The man continued to look straight forward, scoffing, “Shut up girl. He will.”
He seemed so assured of himself, of Luke. For a man that hated Luke so much, he seemed to have a lot of faith in him. The silence, which had yet again filled up the room was broken by the sound of someone talking through the radio, yet it was too broken up to hear.
The man took the radio off of the side of his pants, holding it up to his face, “Jason? Tyson? Can anyone hear me?”
Only more crackling sounds were heard until it faded off into silence. The man’s face twisted into a scowl as he cursed under his breath, getting his gun out and marching towards the door. He wasn’t very smart, clearly, leaving the girl unguarded and alone; she was all of the leverage he had against Luke.
The sound of gunshots made the girl flinch, eyes screwing shut as she began to shake. She didn’t want to be here. She just wanted to be home, in her bed. Not Anna’s guest bedroom, but her own. She couldn’t deal with this anymore.
The fighting got louder and louder until she heard someone battering right against the walls of the room she was in. The door heaved open, but she couldn’t find it in herself to open her eyes, too petrified of who could be there if she did. Hands pressed against her skin as she jumped, trying to fight them away but to no avail as they untied her bound legs.
“Bambi,” The man breathed out, and suddenly the smell of a familiar cologne clung to Bambi’s nostrils, her tears going thicker.
Her eyes opened to find Luke in front of her, crouched down, throwing the rope away that she had been tied to. She threw herself into his arms, hands going around his neck, one hand in his curls. He held onto her like he was scared she was going to evaporate right between his arms, holding her close against his body.
“It’s alright dove, I’ve got you,” He whispered, trying his best to comfort the sobbing girl in his arms. His eyes were closed, thankful to have the girl back in his embrace, and had no plan to let go of her anytime soon, “I got you.”
Calum, Ashton, and Michael had covered his back, successfully eliminating all of the threats as he had raced to get his girl, to have her safe with him once more. They had entered the room to see their best friend crouched down, practically encasing the smaller girl in his arms as she cried, him comforting her. They deserved their privacy, even after everything that had gone on, but they knew they needed to get out of here soon.
The girl’s tears subsided for a moment as she pulled away from the man, eyes darting around and voice panicky, “You need to find Anna, she was-”
“I know, she called me. She’s safe. We’ve been trying to figure out a plan to get you back for three hours now baby,” After his reassurance, he used the hand that was on the back of her head to push her towards him slightly, kissing her forehead as he played with her hair.
Soon enough, he has his leather jacket off, leaving him in only his black button-up, splaying the jacket across her shoulders to keep her warm. The drive back to their condo is silent, but that’s exactly how it should be. Luke doesn’t take his hand away from Bambi for the entire ride, despite how dangerous it could be. He just wants to remind himself that she’s there; back in his arms.
Luke had to admit, the condo felt warmer now that she was back in it. She sat on the counter in the bathroom, hand holding onto Luke’s as if it was her lifeline as he ran them both a bath, helping her strip down and get into the bath before sliding in behind her, pulling her against him.
Bambi basked in the warmth that both the water and the person behind her gave her. They barely talked for the first ten minutes, enjoying the comfort that the silence brings with it.
“I love you,” Luke murmured, pressing a kiss against her shoulder, stubbly beard itching her shoulder.
“I love you too, Lu,” The girl twisted around to face the man, pressing her lips against his, bubble-covered hand getting bubbles on his face. She doesn’t mention the beard, far too tired to make unnecessary conversation. She, however, noticed the guilty and solemn expression on her boyfriend’s face, quietly stating, “It’s not your fault, you know.”
“I should’ve protected you,” He whispered, hand reaching up to cradle her cheek, softly tracing patterns on her cheek with his thumb.
“No, you were giving me space, as I wanted. You were being respectful of my boundaries, and I love you for that.”
“It put you in danger, Bambi,” His hand that was around her waist pulled her closer when he said that, “I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll protect you.”
“No, Lu. You can’t protect me forever,” The girl said, kissing him on the cheek before speaking again, eyes never moving from the gaze that she held with the blue-eyed man, “I wanna drive, go out by myself without Jacob. I wanna go to the club-”
“Absolutely not,” Luke scoffed, shaking his head, his protective side of the smaller girl coming out.
She looked up at him, head tilted slightly to the side with an eyebrow raised. He stared down at her, holding his ground before he looked away, letting out a slightly exasperated and breathy laugh, “Fine. But you only go to the club with me and you never leave my side. And you’re taking boxing classes. MMA, whatever. I’m teaching you how to fight. You need to tell me where you’re going at all times and sometimes let Jacob drive you but you still need to leave when low-level gang members are here-”
“Fine. But you need to keep your distance from them, ok?”
The girl smiled beamingly, kissing him on the lips. She knew that from a protective boyfriend like Luke, that was the best that she was going to get, “Thanks babe, love you!”
Luke grumbled something lightly that sounded like ‘yeah, love you too’ as he rolled his eyes, the girl starting to clamber out of the bath. Her hands were starting to wrinkle due to the water, showing her that she needed to get out. However, she nearly slipped, thankfully being held back by her boyfriend, who helped her get out safely.
Slipping a towel over her body, she sent her boyfriend a sheepish smile, “How’re you expected to defend yourself at the club if you can’t even get out the bath, Bambi?”
“Oh shut it, Lu,” The girl laughed, making the blond’s face crack out into a small smile, “You coming or what?”
“Yeah yeah, give me a minute,” With that, the girl left, leaving the man to shake his head with a smile on his face. They were both back, with each other, where they belonged.
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yoonguurt · 4 years
And What Would You Like?
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Pairing: Jooheon x reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: thigh riding, penetrative sex, protected sex (this is the right way)
You glance at your glass self staring back at you from the mirror, looking as pleased as you felt. Your eyes scan over your reflection in all its ridiculous glory, and you let out a scoff. The woman in front of you is clad in, in your opinion, the most hideous outfit known to man. Your torso is covered in a darker green shirt with oversized golden buttons, the sleeves sliced in a way that reminds you of shark teeth, and that thought kind of makes you feel slightly better. Your leggings are probably the most comfortable leggings you’ve ever worn, but the red and white stripes printed on them make you feel like a walking candy cane. You hate candy canes. You think the shoes might actually be the worst part of this outfit, they fit fine but look far too big for your feet and the same ugly green as your shirt. They have little bells on them that jingle every time you move and the sound of bells haunts your nightmares now. Then there’s the hat. That fucking hat. No, that is definitely the worst part. It’s floppy and red and just pure uncomfortable. It itches and has a weird smell no matter how many times you wash it, and in true Christmas spirit, another damn bell.
You don’t hate your job, but you aren’t sure why you came back. The pay is ok at best, the customers can be a bit assy,  but you do have your coworkers. You say coworkers, but you know you’re only thinking of one in particular. Your mind flashes an image of the cutest dimples and you know that’s the main reason you came back for a second season as one of Santa’s elves. You sigh and grab your keys and trudge out the door. Pulling into your usual spot in the mall parking lot, you feel the urge to turn your car back on and head right back home. The urge only double as you look into the mirror in your sun visor and see that stupid hat again. Your hand flies to your keys that are still in the ignition, ready to turn it and speed out of there. Your hand only has to move just a small amount and your car is ready to go, but before you make that move, you were the sweetest laugh from somewhere in your memory. You hate that just the phantom laugh has the power to make your heart flip and causes your hand to move from the keys. 
Walking through the mall doors immediately makes you want to turn around. Despite the early hour, the speakers are blaring Christmas music, and though you know why, it annoys you. The murmur of constant talking adds to your already forming headache. You can see the line already beginning to form and you already know that you won’t be getting out of here till late. You weave through the small crowd gathering near the corner of the mall where everything had been set up, rounding the corner only to pause in a bit of surprise. Everything is vastly different this year. Last year had been the first year this particular company had set up a Santa area in a mall so everything was pretty, for lack of a better word, crappy. You remember the short, raggedy green carpet that had been set up for people to line up on. It had definitely seen better days, the edges had long started to fray. The carpet let up to a single chair, that always looked like it was one ass away from collapsing. 
The difference today is striking. The green carpet had been replaced, it was still kind of stiff as if this was the first time it was being used. The shitty chair had been replaced by, well many things. The flashy new carpet led to a very large platform with stairs on either side of it. On top sat a very different chair than before. This one looked like no one had ever sat in it, it was very ornate with carvings painted in gold on the top and sides. Directly in front of the chair was a slide. You thought that part was pretty neat, a little bit of an extra reward for having to wait in such long lines.  You walk forward, slightly turning your body every now and then to keep from running into people. You greet the twins, Ella and Emma, as you pass, assuming they’re going to be the second group of partners with you this year. They each give you a wave as they stay in place at the bottom of each set of stairs, which means you’ll be at the top. As soon as you reach the top of the platform, you’re met with the sound of jingling bells. You immediately turn your back to the direction of sound, biting back a smile that really wants your face to split in a wide grin. You do your best to seem like you’re busy doing something as the sound of bells continues behind you. It doesn’t take long for the noise to stop, a whiney sound replacing the jingles. You slowly turn around to see the cutest pout you have ever seen. “ Aw come on. You know I hate when you ignore me!” The sentence was drawn out as the man before had let it out in a whine. “I know you do, Jooheon. That’s why I do it.” You laughed as you replied, knowing it would only cause him to pout at you more even though you meant nothing by it. He gives you a playful shove, pout intensifying before his face shifts into mock anger. Your playful session with Jooheon comes to an abrupt halt as a man dressed in a Santa suit walks up from a third set of stairs hidden behind the platform. You give your partner a quick huff of a laugh and shake your head as you make your way to the right side staircase and motion for the first child in line to start climbing the stairs. 
You can’t even count how many children you had ushered from the stairs to Santa. Your shift was longer than you remembered and your stomach has been reminding you that you needed food for hours no. It had been a very busy opening day and there just hadn’t been enough time for you to grab something to eat on your almost nonexistent break. You had just enough time to rush to the restroom on the other side of the mall and then rush back. You really can’t wait to get home and take a shower and get some sleep before you have to do it all again the next. Grabbing a broom, you help sweep and clean up the village area, all four of you working together to get it done quickly. Finishing your part of cleaning didn’t take long at all so you put your supplies away and wished everyone a quick goodnight and head to the mall entrance. Just as you push through the doors of the mall, you hear someone calling your name from behind you. You turn to see Jooheon jogging to catch up with you and you chuckle a little as you pause and wait for him. Your chuckle turns into more of a giggle when he stops in front you, hands on his knees. You can tell that he is only slightly out of breath and his posture is just an exaggeration. He jerks his head up quickly, flashing you that gorgeous smile and you will your cheeks not to blush. “Hey you wanna go get some food from the place up the street? I know we didn’t get much of a break so I thought you might be hungry and I’m already going. Wanna keep me company?” You feel your stomach do a little flip and your mind immediately tells your body to shut up and that he’s just being nice. Realizing you’ve been silent for a moment, you nod your head and start to tell him that you’re totally down for some food, but a rumble from your stomach beats you to it. Jooheon laughs and your demanding hunger grumble and nods his head toward the parking lot. “Come on then, I’ll drive.”
This was very new. You had never spent time with Jooheon outside of work. What do you even talk about? You weren’t the kind of person to get nervous easily, but you were starting to get that nervous feeling. The two of you walked to his car in silence, shoulders just barely brushing. You took a step to the side, not wanting to crowd Jooheon too much, but almost immediately you were brushing his shoulder again. Jooheon sped up slightly to make it to his car before you did, grabbing his passenger door just in time for you to step up to the car. He flashed you that boyish smile as he held the door for you and bowed slightly and made a swiping motion toward his car. The action caused you to let out a loud laugh as you sat in the seat. Once he had closed the door, you watched as he jogged around the front of the car and planted himself in the driver’s seat. He gave you another quick smile as he turned the key and buckled his seatbelt, casting you a glance to make sure you had done the same. “Safety first.” You giggled at his words, rolling your eyes slightly even though you appreciated the gesture. 
“You good with the chicken place up here?” His eyes never left the road as he spoke, voice calm. Once you gave him an affirmative answer, he nodded his head with a quick ‘cool’ as he switched lanes. The car went silent, but it was in no way an uncomfortable silence. To you, it felt like two people that had lived together for a while, two people enjoying each other’s company while still doing their own thing. You let out a small sigh of content, just enjoying the ride. “Everything ok?” This time Jooheon turned his head in your direction briefly, a look of concern on his face. You gave him a small and a nod, telling him that it wasn’t a bad sigh and he smiled back at you. As he turned into the drive, you realized that though you had passed the restaurant, you had never actually stopped here. A flash of panic shot through you, worrying that there wouldn’t like anything here. You quickly talk yourself down, telling yourself that it’s a chicken place and of course chicken tenders are an option. After your almost panic, you feel the car come to a stop as Jooheon pulls into a parking spot. 
“Pick a table, any table.” Jooheon says in his best over the top magician voice. You give him a playful shove, which he returns. His shove is a tad bit harder than you expected and you start to tip backwards. You close your eyes, preparing yourself for a fall, only to feel a pull on your arm. You feel warm breath on your cheeks and you open your eyes to find Jooheon’s face directly in front of yours. You take a moment to admire his lips up close, your breath hitching as you realize that all you had to do was lean slightly and you’d be kissing him. It feels like forever that you two stand in silence before Jooheon finally speaks. “Sorry. I guess I used a little too much force.” His voice is barely above a whisper and you could feel your cheeks starting to burn, glancing up to see that his are tinted pink too. You take a quick step back and quickly place a smile on your face. “Just check your strength next time, Muscles.” You punctuate your sentence with a small huff of a laugh. He quickly follows your laugh with one of his own and a nod as he follows you toward one of the outdoor patio tables. 
After ordering your food, there is a little bit of awkward silence between the two of you and you do your best to think of something to talk about to ease the awkwardness. “So, why a mall elf? Is it the costume?” You have a bit of a smirk playing on your lips as you wait for his answer. “I just really like kids. I know some of them can be a pain, but most of them are pretty well behaved and I really like seeing the way their eyes light up when they finally get to Santa. What about you?” That was in no way what you were expecting and there was no way you could answer that question honestly. There was no way you could tell him that the only reason you came back was because of him.  You didn’t think about the possibility of him asking you the same question. You really should have thought a little longer. “I just really like Christmas is all.” You mentally scold yourself for such a lame answer. It wasn’t like it was a lie, you really did love Christmas time, it was just a ridiculous answer. You watch as he smirks briefly before giving you a nod. “So what do you do during the rest of the year?” His eyes were focused on yours, almost burning through you. It took you a moment to answer, too focused on his chocolate globes. “Something very similar.” You pause to let out a laugh. “I work in my family’s convenience store. You? What does the cheeriest elf around do on a normal day?” He straightens his back a little and his face turns a bit serious. He’s quiet for a moment, letting his professional aura sink in a little more. “Bakery cashier Jooheon at your service.” His straight face immediately breaks, a giant smile plastered across his face. “A friend of mine owns a bakery and I work for him. He lets me off on the days I work at the mall.” Before you could respond, your food was being sat on the table. You quickly grabbed your chicken tenders, not really realizing how hungry you were until food was right in front of you. You heard a chuckle as you began to dig into your food and you suddenly felt embarrassed for shoveling food in your mouth. Your eating slowed as the two of you continued to make small talk, slowly learning more about each other.
The conversation continued well after the both of you were done eating. Jooheon checked his watch and quirked his eyebrows. “We should probably get you back to your car before it gets too late.” He motioned to sever and told her that you were ready to pay. You watched her walk back into the building quickly coming back at and setting a single ticket on the table. “How much do I owe?” Your focus was on your wallet as you flipped through it to get your cash. “Nope. I got it.” You lifted your head, eyes slightly widening to find Jooheon already handing the server her his card. He turns to face you, smile wide and eyes crinkling slightly. You’re slightly in awe at just how beautiful yet boyish he looks. You get an overwhelming feeling of wanting to pinch his cheeks but wanting to kiss him at the same time. You open your mouth to protest, only to be cut off by the server bringing Jooheon’s card back. He thanks her and she grabs the tray of trash and tells the both of you to have a good night. 
The drive back to your car is filled with soft music. The volume isn’t high, straining slightly you do your best to make out the voice. It’s not one you’ve heard before but it somehow sounds familiar. It's a smooth and honeyed sound, every now and then a growling texture making an appearance. The transition from soft vocals to the graveled rapping is seamless, you almost don’t notice the change. It leaves you feeling warm and calm and it’s very easy to get lost in the sound of the voice. You can feel yourself zoning out, trying to focus on the lyrics. You can make out enough to know that  it’s a song about wanting to confess to someone and it resonates with you. You can feel  how desperately the artist wants the object of his affection to know about  his feelings. The song is nearing its end when you finally realize you’re pulling up to your car and you really want to know who the artist is so you can look them up, but you can’t seem to make yourself ask. You both sit silently for a moment before Jooheon’s voice rings out in the air. “Thanks for coming with. See you tomorrow for the ole shift work? You give him a nod. “Thanks for the invite,I had fun.” You reach for the handle, trying not to swing the door too hard. You give him a smile and a small wave as you step out of the car and move to close the door. You hear Jooheon call your name and you pause and lean down a little to look at him. “Get home safe, yeah?” You laugh and agree, telling him to do the same as you close the door. 
You’re beyond grateful at the feeling of the hot water that falls from the shower head. Showers have always been your favorite part of the day, even to the extent of taking more than one on occasion. Most of your showers where the run of the mill get clean showers, but sometimes you would take far longer than you needed. You really liked being able to take your time, sitting down in the bottom of the tub and letting the water just run over your body. You could almost feel the weight of the day being purged from your body. Showers were your way of relaxing, and though this one was no different, you didn’t let it drag on. You were more tired than usual, which probably had something to do with the slight mental strain of being nervous about the hangout/date with Jooheon. Was it a date? You wanted to entertain that thought but you couldn’t allow yourself. Jooheon was just being nice since you two hadn’t had lunch, nothing more. Even though your brain spent energy telling yourself that was all it was, your heart still felt a small flip at the possibility of a date. 
Feeling a slight chill as you step out of the shower, you rush to grab your favorite of black sweats and plain black shirt that is just a tad too big. You quickly dress yourself and rush to put your work clothes in the dryer, flicking your heat on as you pass the thermostat. Your nightly routine didn’t consist of anything too intensive. You washed your face with a simple face wash, followed by an equally simple moisturizer and a brush of your teeth. Due to the cold, you made sure to dry your hair, not wanting to possibly get sick, which was the final piece of your routine. Your apartment has started to warm up slightly, but you still bury yourself in your bed, dragging the blanket all the way up to your chin. 
Your alarm snaps you out of sleep and you already feel your mood dip. The fog of your dreams lifts enough for you to not fully remember what it was about, but your heart is swelling with feelings of Jooeheon, which leads you to believe he played an important part in your mind's nightly escapades. It isn’t the first time you’ve dreamt of the dimpled man, and you can feel that it probably won’t be the last. Your thought drifts to the day you met Jooheon and a smile immediately graces your lips without you even realizing it. You laugh slightly at the memory, feeling so long ago even though it’s only just been a year. 
You had been sitting in a bland room waiting for your interview to start, eyes panning the room. It was just a small room with dull gray walls, the paint was slightly peeling and there was no wall art anywhere in the room. The only sign of movement was the man on the other side of the room, bouncing his leg. You could practically see the sweat starting to bead up on his forehead and you felt a little bad for him. This was obviously something he wanted and anyone could see how nervous he was about this interview. You noticed as he glanced at you, leg still bouncing only faster. You quickly react by flashing him a smile and giving him a thumbs up as a lady in slacks calls his name. He hadn’t been behind the white door for long before he came back out, this time with a large smile on his face. You had been struck by how boyish his smile had been, not expecting it. Immediately after you were struck by just how attractive the man was and how his smile seemed to fit him perfectly, even though you had never talked to him. After getting the job, you were shocked that Jooheon had been assigned as your elf partner. The company had wanted every employee to have a partner. The partners would work every shift together, the company felt that it would bring some sort of consistency in the village. As soon as you had arrived, he gave you that dazzling smile and you knew that you were going to be hooked. 
You got ready much like you had the day before, mirror mental meltdown included. You hold out hope that today will be a good day, the day before hadn’t been awful despite not getting a lunch. Your hope was very swiftly smashed as you looked at the line already forming. It was twice as long as the day before and from the looks of it, most of the kids were in no way well behaved. Your shift went by in a slow wave of crying kids and impatient mothers. While today you were given a break, Santa really needed to get a way for a few minutes, it felt like there hadn’t been a point. You did your best to maintain your cheery elf persona, and you had done a very good job of it. When it came time to leave, you moved straight toward the door. Staying and cleaning wasn’t really part of your job, but you liked to help out the mall staff, but you just couldn’t bear to be here a minute longer. You gave everyone a quick goodbye and a small wave of your hand.
Your hand is reaching for the door handle when you hear your name being called and you almost groan out loud, the only thing stopping you is the recognition of Jooheon’s voice. You stop and turn to face him, giving him a tired smile. “Hey, think you might wanna get some food again? You know, try to have some fun and get rid of this shitty mood?” You can feel yourself deflate a bit. You would absolutely love to hang out with him again, but you’re drained. You peek up at him and his face has the softest expression on it and you feel your stomach flutter and your mood soften slightly. You realize as you look at him that there is absolutely no way that you can say no to his adorable face. You finally smile a little bigger and give him a small nod. He flashes you a giant smile and grabs your hand and pulls you into the parking lot. 
You look at Jooheon in confusion as he makes no move to turn into the chicken place you went to the night before. He lets out an airy chuckle before looking at you and flashing a smile. “I thought we might check out the 24 hour diner down here.” You give him a nod and tell him that you’ve been wanting to try it for a while, just haven’t gotten the chance. He opens the diner door for you and you smile and thank him as a bell rings out from above the door. You hear someone call out a welcome to you and you nod in their direction and mutter a thank you as Jooheon leads you to a booth in the back corner of the diner. The two of you sit and almost immediately an older woman stops at your table with some menus and a question of what you would like to drink. 
The table is silent as you both study the menu, deciding what your stomach is in the mood for. You end up choosing a cheeseburger, Jooheon choosing the same. “You know, we’ve never swapped numbers.” Jooheon’s voice is a slightly higher pitch than normal, but you’re certain you would be the only one that would notice something like that. You nod and emit a small laugh when he slides his phone across the table, the new contact screen already showing. You slide him your phone before adding yourself into his contacts. The conversation is more small talk, talking about how awful the shift was and singling out the kids whose behavior made them hard to forget. You can certainly feel the weight and bad vibe of the day slowly melt away throughout the dinner. The waitress comes back once you finish your food, taking your plates and asking if you would like any dessert. You quickly order a small bowl of ice cream, Jooheon deciding that he’s fine without dessert. 
Your ice cream doesn’t take long to make it back to the table, and a smile lights up your face as the waitress sets it down for you. Everything is silent as you enjoy your dessert until Jooheon’s voice grabs your attention. “Hey, hold still.” His arm reaches across the table and you feel his finger swipe at the corner of your lip. You can feel your breath hitch and it honestly feels like time has slowed. You watch as his eyes find yours and his arm retracts to his side of the table, his finger making its way to his mouth. You hold your breath as you watch him suck the ice cream off of his finger. You can feel your mouth dry at the action and while you clench your thighs together. Your eyes stay focused on each other for what feels like an eternity, before the waitress interrupts by asking if you needed anything else. Jooheon licks his lips before turning his attention to the older woman, flashing her a smile and asking for the check. It’s silent between you two as you wait to pay. You move to get your wallet, Jooheon only shaking his head when you try to hand him your share. 
Jooheon holds the diner door open for you, walking slightly faster than you to open the door of his car. You smile as you make your way to the car door. “Thank you for such a great date I didn’t even know I was having.” Your voice is light and you laugh at your joke and you see Jooheon’s cheeks turn slightly pink. As he moves to shut the door, you glance over his form, breath catching as you see the slight strain of his pants. You take a moment to take a deep breath as you clench your thighs with more force than the last time. Jooheon makes his way around the car, his pants clinging to his thighs in a way that has you clenching around nothing and you almost let out a moan. The car ride back is silent and not the comfortable kind, it’s full of tension and it is taking all of your control to drive back the want to grip his thighs at every stop. After what feels like forever, Jooheon finally pulls up beside your car. You know you should thank him and open the car door, but you can’t seem to make yourself move. You sit in silence for a few more minutes before Jooehon speaks. “Has it really not been obvious that I like you?” 
Your head snaps to face him, his expression serious. You stare at him for a moment before you realize that you should probably answer him, but your voice seems to not work so you settle for a shake of your head. He doesn’t say anything and you finally muster up the will to make yourself speak. “I-I really had no idea.” Your voice trails off into a whisper at the end as you struggle to keep eye contact. “After interview day, I had hoped I would see you again and when we found out we were partners, I was freaking out inside. I was excited to get to know you and by the end of last season, I was chin deep in feelings for you. I kicked myself for not getting your number last year and I hoped you would be back this year.” You’re barely breathing as you take in his words. He liked you. Jooheon. Jooheon liked you for as long as you liked him. Your mind was spinning, going back and forth between shock and happiness. It took you a few moments to realize that Jooheon had gone quite and you hadn’t responded. You rushed to let him know that you felt the same, your words coming out in a jumble. “Ireallylikeyoutoolikealot.” You mentally kicked yourself, knowing there was almost no way that he understood that. It’s clear by the way he looks at you, beaming smile, that lets you know that he understood. 
There is a period of nothing but staring, neither of you really knowing what to do. Over time, you both start slowly leaning towards each other, not moving at a hasty pace. Your lips finally touch and it almost takes your breath away. It’s very sweet as Jooheon brings his hand to rest on your cheek, thumb rubbing your cheek slowly. It quickly escalates from soft and sweet to heated as his tongue swipes your bottom lip in a silent plea for entrance, which you grant without hesitation. Your makeout session takes another turn as Jooheon places his hand on your waist, squeezing slightly. When you two finally break apart, your chests are heaving as you try to catch your breath. It’s silent for another beat before Jooheon asks if you want to come back to his apartment, which you quickly agree to. He gives you another slow kiss before starting his car and pulling out of the parking lot.
You can’t give an accurate estimate at how far away Jooheon’s apartment is. It feels like days since you left the mall parking lot and Jooheon’s hand rubbing your thigh isn’t making it go any faster. His slow movement and the fact that his hand occasionally dips closer to your needy core seems to make it only drag on. The slow and sensual music on the radio making it even worse, though it does remind you to ask Jooheon about the artist. Jooheon finally pulls the car into a parking spot in front of his apartment building, not hesitating to immediately make his way out and around the car to open your door. His hand finds yours immediately and he tugs you along behind him. 
As soon as you’re in his apartment and his door is closed, your back is pushed up against it, Jooheon’s lips on yours. His hands find purchase on your waist as yours rest on his abdomen. You can feel the muscle underneath your hands and you let out a moan as you run your fingers over his defined abs. You can feel his body tense and shiver as you move your hands over his stomach. His lips make their way down your jaw and onto your neck, finding your sensitive spot almost immediately. When you let out a gasp, you feel him smirk against your neck as he continues to suckle on your neck and you just know you’ll have a mark the next day. His hands slide down to rest on your ass, squeezing and placing a small smack, causing you to let out another moan. He pulls back, lips pink and pupils blown. You’re trying to catch your breath when he takes your hand again and leads you to his bedroom. 
Neither of you bother shutting the bedroom door, making your way straight to his bed. He pulls you around in front of him, kissing you slowly as he leans you back to lay on the bed. When your back meets the bed, he climbs over you making sure to rest most of his weight on his arm while the other hand makes its way to cup your face. His lips slowly make their way down your neck before he leaves a little bite and the junction of your neck and shoulder and his tongue darts out to swipe over the spot. He leans back, resting on his knees as his hands make their way to the hem of your shirt. He looks at you with a quirked eyebrow and you nod, giving him permission. He teases as he slowly removes your shirt, bending down to litter your stomach with kisses. He moves up your body as your shirt moves higher, making sure not to leave a single spot untouched. His hands move to unclasp your bra as soon as the shirt is tossed on the floor. His mouth finds your hardened bud, tongue swirling as his other hand moves to the other breast. You let out a whimper as he begins to roll your other nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
He brings his mouth back to your lips, placing a quick peck on your lips as his hands make their way to the waistband of your leggings. You hold your breath as his hands move slowly down your body, his eyes fixed on your face. He grips your leggings and slowly pulls them down your body, lips ghosting over the newly exposed skin. After kissing his way back up your legs, making sure to pay special attention to the inside of your thighs, he sits back up and moves to set up against his headboard. You whine at his absence, his teasing and attention to your body having your underwear soaked. “I noticed you looking at my thighs in the car, baby. Why don’t you come up here and have a seat for me.” His voice is dripping with lust and though you didn’t think you could get wetter, you feel your juices running down your thighs. You slowly roll yourself onto your stomach, making sure to stick your ass in the air as you crawl over to his leg. You make sure to maintain eye contact as you straddle his thigh, slowly lowering yourself down. You immediately get a rush of pleasure as soon as your core makes contact with this cloth clad thigh. He lets out a groan, letting you know he can feel how wet you are. He moves his hands to your ass, giving you a slight push causing you to glide across his thigh. You let out a loud moan at the friction, hands immediately coming up to grab your breast. You open your eyes to find Jooheon’s eyes fixated on you, teeth sinking into his lower lip. 
You move your hips slowly, dragging out your pleasure. Jooheon watches you with black pupils as he gives you a push every now and then. You can feel your orgasm slowly building and your increase your pace slightly, making no move to hide the moans falling from your mouth. All at once your feel the tightening of your climax speedily increasing and your grip Jooheon’s shoulders as you lose yourself in the feeling of his thigh on your clit. When the band finally snaps, your nails dig into his shoulders and you let out a loud whine. You feel Jooheon tense underneath you as his nails dig into your ass.
He quickly lifts you off of his thigh, placing you softly on the bed beside him.He quickly removes his clothes and you’re struck by just how gorgeous he is. You let your eyes scan his form as he removes his underwear, dick slightly slapping his stomach and you feel your mouth water at the sight. You get rid of your underwear, tossing them somewhere on the floor as you start to crawl toward him. You reach for his cock, wrapping your hand around him and giving him a slow tug. He moans a higher pitched moan and you can feel yourself clench around nothing at the sound. You move to slide your hand again before his hand wraps around yours. “Normally I would spend hours getting each other worked up, but I’ve thought about this for a while. Baby, I need you right now.” You chuckle a little bit as his flustered honesty, moving yourself to lie back down, legs spread for Jooheon to see your dripping pussy. He groans as he reaches to the drawer beside his bed and grabs a condom, ripping into the foil immediately and rolling it on himself. He looks at you with a questioning look and you know he’s giving you a chance to stop this. You response is a hand sliding down your body and dipping your finger into your entrance. You give him a come hither motion and he whines and moves forward and lines himself up with your hole. You bring your finger up, still glistening with your juices and tap his lips lightly. He eagerly opens, taking your finger into his mouth without hesitation and lets out a deep groan of appreciation at your taste.
He thrusts into you without warning, causing you to let out a gasp as you cling to his shoulders. He leans forward to bury his face in your neck, biting a little harder than before. You reach down and dig your nails into his ass, letting him know to move. He leans up from your neck, giving you a deep kiss as he pulls almost completely out of you before thrusting himself back into your core. His thrusts are soft but hit deep and you can’t help the guttural moan you let out as he quickly finds the spot inside of you that has your vision fuzzy. He realizes he’s found your sweet spot and he makes sure to hit it with every thrust. He moves his hand to play with your clit, thrusts speeding up. His fingers seem to work magic as you feel your second climax quickly approaching. Jooheon’s thrusts get sloppy as he increases pressure on your clit and within seconds you're letting go for the second time, quickly followed by a whine from Jooheon as his hips still. 
His body slumps on yours for a few moments before he leans up and gives you a soft kiss, pulling his length out of you before removing the latex from himself and tying a knot throwing it in the small can in the bathroom. He returns with a warm washcloth and he gently wipes you down, ridding you of all the dried fluid. He throws on a pair of sweatpants on himself and tugs open a drawer and pulls out a large tee and hands it to you along with placing a kiss on your temple. Out of nowhere the thought of the music from the car pops into her mind. “Oh hey. Who were you listening to in the car?” He turns to you, tips of his ears red. “Oh. Um. That was me. I play around with music in my free time.” It hits you why the voice felt comfortable and you smile wide. “It’s really good. I like it alot.” You let out a giggle as his gives you an embarrassed thanks, cheeks heating up with pink. “Do you maybe wanna stay the night and watch a movie? I can run you to get your car so it’s not in the lot all night.” You give a smile and nod your head. “I do have one condition though.” He looks at you with a confused look. “We are absolutely not watching anything that evolves elves.” He laughs and nods as he crawls into his bed and wrapping his arms around you. “No elves. You got it.”
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cosmicbug379 · 4 years
Today, Life is Good
It is 12:26 am, but here I am posting this fic anyway because I’m impatient. Here we go, another Boromir fic but this one is happy! YAY! I did not proofread this, because that is who I am as a person and I should probably get a beta reader or someone to edit these, but here we are. I like this fic. It’s a bit longer, and I have a lot of feelings, but I liked writing this! I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope it’s not too long or too weird or something.
Fandom: Lord of the Rings 
Pairing: Boromir x reader
Words: 2560
Rating: T 
Warnings: mentions of injuries, pretty large portion takes place in the Houses of Healing, but nothing is too crazy graphic, suggestive language, mentions of sex (but no actual smut)
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There was a long night ahead of you after the battle that had raged on Pelennor Fields and through the city of Minas Tirith. As a healer, you hadn’t fought in the battle, but now the wounded were coming into the Houses of Healing in droves and you weren’t sure how you would keep up. 
You helped everyone you could, but there were so many wounded, you knew that it would be impossible to save everyone. You worked your way through the soldiers, beginning with the worst of the injuries. There were many you recognized, men of Gondor who had fought for their home. But there were many you didn’t recognize as well. The people of Rohan had arrived to help it seemed, and you were sure you would have lost the battle without them.
You were helping one man with a head injury who told you that an army of the dead had arrived from the river, cutting down all the orcs in their path and even swarming and killing the Mûmakil with ease. You told him that perhaps he hit his head harder than originally thought, but then one of the Riders of Rohan who was close by confirmed the man’s story. He said that a man named Aragorn had left them at Dunharrow and taken the paths of the dead, later arriving at the battle with the Oathbreakers behind him. Part of you had never believed the legends of the army that Isildur had cursed, but if they had won the battle for Minas Tirith, you were glad the legends were true.
You kept working through the night, barely stopping in an effort to help as many people as possible. You heard someone shouting for you and you hurried over to find a man cradling an injured woman. She was hurt badly, she was barely breathing. You learned she was the princess of Rohan and the man cradling her was her older brother. You managed to pry Éomer away from his sister far enough to examine her. You weren’t sure that Éowyn would survive.
“This is beyond my skill to heal,” you said sadly, looking at Éomer. “We need athelas to even begin the healing. This looks like the Black Breath.”
Éomer wailed in anguish and you felt terrible, you had seen similar wounds on men who had come too close to the Nazgûl in the battle at Osgiliath a few days ago when the orcs had taken the city on the river. Those men hadn’t survived.
“I can heal her,” you heard a voice say behind you. 
Turning, you looked up at the man. He didn’t look like much, but you heard Éomer speak to him and say his name. This was Aragorn, the ranger from the north, raised among elves for a time and apparently Isildur’s heir. 
You stood aside and let him take over, rushing off to find some athelas to aid him in healing the woman. When you returned to Aragorn with the needed herb, there was another man standing nearby. You dropped the athelas and stared at him. It couldn’t be.
Boromir was there, standing right in front of you, very much alive despite what you had been told. When you didn’t hand the athelas to Aragorn, all three men looked your way. Aragorn just grabbed the needed plant and kept working, Éomer didn’t seem interested in anything other than his sister, but Boromir looked at you and your world stopped. He was here, standing in front of you. This was all too much. A combination of little sleep or food and the shock of seeing your apparently not dead husband standing in front of you caused you to faint right there in the middle of the Houses of Healing.
It wasn’t long before you woke up, and you hadn’t been moved far. Boromir had caught you before you could hit the floor and injure yourself. You sat up, looking around before spotting Boromir speaking to Aragorn next to you.
“This can’t be real,” you whispered.
Boromir looked at you and smiled, “It is real, my love. I promise you that.”
“You’re dead… They found your horn washed up on the banks of the river. Faramir was sure of it, so was your father. We thought we would never see you again.” 
“I am sorry you thought I didn’t survive, but I am very much alive and I would very much like to steal a kiss from my beautiful wife,” his smile grew, and you couldn’t help smiling yourself.
You kissed him then, trying to show him how much you loved him through that kiss. He responded in kind and held you close to him. You felt at home in his arms, you thought you would never feel this way again, thought you would never see him, but he was here and he was holding you.
“I should get back to work,” you whispered. 
“You need to rest. I spoke to Ioreth, she said you haven’t taken a break in far too long. You’re no use if you can’t even stand on your feet,” he said. 
You hesitated, but eventually agreed with him. You were exhausted, there were so many wounded and you had been working nonstop for hours. A small break would be alright. 
You held Boromir's hand tightly, like you were afraid he would disappear if you let go. He led you to a corner of the Houses of Healing that had been set aside for the healers to rest, guiding you to lay on one of the cots. 
"Don't leave," you said, maintaining your death grip on his hand. 
"I'm not going anywhere," he said with a gentle smile. "But I'm afraid if you hold my hand any tighter you may crush it, my love." 
You eased your grip on his hand and laughed quietly.
"I'm sorry, Boromir. I'm just afraid that if I let go of you all those nightmares will be true and you'll be gone. Pippin didn't even tell me that you were alive, I'll have to have some very stern words with him. Though, we barely had a moment to speak, and he's been following Faramir around every moment he got. I did hear him tell your brother that he admired you very much, so it seems both sons of Denethor are good at making friends with Hobbits," you said with a smile. 
"I am very fond of the little ones," he agreed. "I'm surprised Pippin didn't talk to you more, I spoke of you often." 
"I've been here most of the time. I was here when he and Gandalf arrived, but we didn't get a chance to speak. Ever since Faramir came back with the horn… I've been here, avoiding anything that reminded me of you," you squeezed his hand gently. 
"I'm sorry I worried you. The battle at Amon Hen was only 17 days ago, everything happened so quickly I didn't have time to write to you. And I didn't realize my horn would wash up on the shore for Faramir to find." 
“Only 17 days ago? So much has happened since then,” you trailed off then sat up quickly. “Faramir! He was hurt when your father sent him to Osgiliath, I couldn’t help him. It was the Black Breath, just like Éowyn! You must tell your friend to help him!”
Boromir hushed you and pushed you gently until you were laying down again.
“I will tell Aragorn, I promise. Our new king will not let my brother die if he can save him. Now you need to rest, my love.”
You had many questions, but your eyes were so heavy. You drifted off to sleep with Boromir beside you, promising he would explain everything soon.
Three days after the Battle of Pelennor Fields you had to watch your husband leave again for Mordor, and you were afraid none of the Host led by Aragorn would return, but they did return, twenty days later and they brought two more Hobbits back with them.
You spent most of your time in the Houses of Healing once again, but this time you watched over Éowyn and Faramir more than anyone else. Aragorn had taught you how to help them, using the athelas and changing their bandages often. They were both almost back to normal, and you found them together more often than not. You were happy for them, they deserved to be happy; they deserved to be in love.
When you heard the horn announcing the arrival of those who had gone to the Black Gates you ran out of the Houses of Healing, sprinting through the city to get to the Citadel before they did. They beat you there, and you stood, searching for Boromir among the many weary faces before you. When you finally did see his face, you called for him before running into his arms.
Boromir caught you with ease, taking a step back to steady himself. He smiled at you and kissed you the moment you were still long enough. You were out of breath from running to find him, but you kissed him back with as much passion as you could muster.
“You’re here,” you sighed. “You came back to me again.”
“I will always come back to you my love,” he whispered into your hair.
You stood together for a long time, holding each other tightly until finally you followed Aragorn and the rest of the Fellowship into the Citadel. There were two new Hobbits with the company, you learned they were Frodo and Sam. Both of them were injured and on the brink of death, you worked alongside Aragorn to nurse them back to health.
Sam was the first to wake, his injuries were not quite so severe and he had not been carrying the Ring for months as Frodo had. Frodo returned to consciousness only a few days after Sam, and you found you very much enjoyed the company of all the Hobbits.
Boromir finally got the chance to apologize to Frodo for trying to take the Ring, and everyone was given the chance to recover from the long journeys they had been a part of. 
You learned many things from Aragorn, and became a better healer. Aragorn was very skilled, and the prophecies of the Heir of Isildur having the hands of a healer were correct. 
When you weren’t in the Houses of Healing you were with Boromir and your new friends. You liked the entirety of the Fellowship, but the Halflings were your favorites. They were wonderful company and Merry and Pippin were always energetic and happy to entertain you. Frodo and Sam were more reserved, but you found their company calming, and you enjoyed having tea with them every day. 
Gimli and Legolas were the strangest pair; an elf and a dwarf who were good friends was unheard of, but you loved them just as dearly as the others. The elf was calm and calculating, but he was also warm and kind and fiercely loyal. The dwarf was much like the few other dwarves you had met; loud and daring, and protective of his friends. 
Gandalf you already knew, and you were glad to see him again and spend time with him. When he would come to Minas Tirith while you were still a child, he spent most of his time with Faramir, who was always eager to learn from him. He was a wise and powerful wizard, even more so now than before.
Most of your time, though, was spent with Boromir. You had missed your husband dearly, and you barely let him out of your sight. He seemed happy enough to spend time with you, never denying you the opportunity and smiling at you every time you asked. Sleeping next to Boromir was a relief; you hadn’t slept so well in months. You felt safe and secure in his arms and that first night he was home you slept the whole night through for the first time since he had left nearly a year ago. 
You opened your eyes slowly, it was early and you were still tired; Boromir hadn’t let you get much sleep the night before. You felt his arm resting across your stomach and you turned to smile and watch him sleep a little longer. He had a slight smile on his lips, and you wondered what he was dreaming about. 
“I can feel you staring, my love,” he mumbled, his smile growing.
“I can’t help it,” you replied. “You’re very handsome, you know.”
“So you tell me,” he said, opening his blue eyes. 
“I’m right. I wouldn’t lie about that.”
“I believe you.”
You smiled at him and kissed him deeply, pressing yourself closer to him. 
“Must we get out of bed today?” you asked sadly.
“I’m afraid that today it is very important we get out of bed, and soon. Aragorn’s coronation is today and it would reflect poorly on us if we were not in attendance,” he said, kissing your forehead.
You sighed heavily; you knew he was right, but you would much rather stay in bed with him all day. 
“Tomorrow we can stay in bed all day, I promise,” he said, as if he had been reading your mind.
“I suppose I can wait until tomorrow then,” you sighed. 
The coronation was a lovely affair; Aragorn was reunited with his love, Arwen, and all your new friends were there. Faramir announced his intention to marry Éowyn and they looked like they couldn’t be happier, in fact, Faramir looked happier than you had ever seen him. 
“Did we look so sickeningly happy when we announced our engagement?” Boromir whispered in your ear so his brother did not hear him.
“I’m sure we did,” you told him with a smile.
“Well I’m happy for them. I’m surprised it took so long if they were as close as you say in the Houses of Healing. We returned from the Black Gates over a month ago.”
“Well it probably took that long to convince her brother to allow it,” you said with a laugh. “Éomer still doesn’t look like he wants this to happen.”
“I suppose you’re right. It took nearly a year for me to convince your father to allow me to marry you,” he recalled.
“I remember,” you teased. “You asked him every day and when I finally found out you were asking I begged him to say yes. Finally he got so sick of both of us asking every day he agreed to allow it. I’m so happy he did; I’m so happy I’m married to you”
“I’m happy too, my love,” he smiled, pulling you closer. “And I’m even happier to be home with you. The world is finally going to know some peace, and we can be happy.” You nodded and pulled him into a corner to kiss him deeply. Boromir complied happily and pressed himself closer to you. 
“Perhaps, we could retire to our chambers early,” he whispered. “We could start trying to have children like we talked about before I left?”
“I don’t think Aragorn and Arwen will mind,” you smiled, taking his hand. 
The two of you laughed together, racing towards your rooms like two newlyweds; so in love with each other that no one else seemed to matter. 
Tags: @rzrcrst​ @opheliaelysia​ @rae-gar-targaryen​ @hdlynn​ if anyone else wants to be tagged in any future LotR fics message me or send me an ask or something, I will happily add you! Or if you don’t want to be tagged let me know that too! 
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baepsaets · 5 years
The Call
(a/n: thank you all for 4k, and happy birthday jk! to celebrate, here’s a oneshot i’ve had typed out for a bit but didn’t want to post just yet. i’m working on a collection of oneshots that will all loosely be connected, all of them frat!jungkook related. they are all stand-alone, although they exist in the same universe).
summary: the only time you take the obnoxious frat boy from your chemistry class seriously is when he calls to tell you your close friend is having a bad trip at a party.
warnings: drug use mention (but not jk or the reader - and yes, this drabble is inspired by a true story. party safe lovelies!), enemies to friends to lovers (but just the friends part in this fic) (although jk is jealous lmao)
Frat Drabble: 4.3k
Your bare feet pounded on concrete as you ran down the block, glancing at your phone to check the time. It had been three minutes since Jeon Jungkook had called you from your friend’s phone.
It was a Friday night, which meant you’d had a hot date with your couch and Netflix, enjoying the time you got the spend alone while your roommate went out. When your friend had called you half-past midnight while you were in the middle of your latest binge, you’d been surprised, but answered anyway. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Uh, (Y/N)?”
Your blood went sluggish. The voice on the other end of the phone was male, and definitely didn’t belong to your friend. “Who is this?”
“It’s Jungkook. From Chem 201?”
Jeon Jungkook. The current bane of your existence—or at least, the bane of your chemistry class. He was seated next to you, and with an assigned seating chart, there was no way to avoid him.
The two of you had admittedly started off on the wrong foot. He’d caught you in a bad mood, but then had matched that mood with his own. But it wasn’t your fault that he was completely intolerable. Just a stupid, smug frat guy. He was probably going to school on his dad’s paycheck and didn’t care about failing. He certainly didn’t care about passing, from what you’d seen of his test results before he’d shoved them into his cluttered backpack.
It had all happened because he’d sat in your seat. From then on, it was like the guy had developed a special grudge against you. And you, who was a good student—you, who had to work hard to maintain a scholarship. You—who was sarcastic and could come off as a little bitchy—yes, you—were all too willing to respond in kind.
First, it had been the man-spreading. Jeon Jungkook sat like he had the biggest elephant nuts of the century. He sat with one leg pressed against you, the other stretched out lax in front of him. It was the touching that bothered you. Jungkook created heat like a furnace, and you didn’t like being touching by people you didn’t know or like. So, you scrunched away from him, curling around the other armrest until your other seat neighbor glared at the both of you. Your row already had such limited space. It was a lecture hall, for God’s sake.
Not to mention all the women that flocked to his seat. You’d had to ask more than one girl to move after coming into class and finding them surrounding him, like he was God’s gift to women. As if. Sure, the guy was nice to look at, but he knew it, and his confidence bordered on an arrogance that made your blood boil. It only got worse when he watched you shoo them away—smirking, knowing it annoyed you. A type of smirk that said, “Don’t you wish you were them?”
No, you self-assured motherfucker. Quit looking at me like that.
Then, it had been the pen clicking—fuck, the pen clicking. Murder was imminent. By the second week, Jungkook had figured out that you hated pen clicking, so that’s exactly what he did.
After that came the Hydroflask Incident. Namely, Jungkook had spilled almost his entire hydroflask on your backpack. That was the worst one. All of your surrounding seatmates had gasped in horror and let you used their desks to air out your papers, which were almost soaked. Luckily, you hadn’t had any textbooks in your backpack at the time. Jungkook had apologized for that one, even looked a little guilty, but it didn’t matter—Jeon Jungkook was obviously the scum of the universe, and you would never accept any apology from him even if he begged you on his knees. He was trash, and that was that. You didn’t waste time on trash.
His face flashed in your mind—wide-eyed, soft-lipped. Why was he calling you from your friend’s phone? They weren’t hooking up, were they? The thought filled you with unexpected horror. “Where’s (Y/Fr/N)?”
There was a deep sigh. It really wasn’t fair that he sounded so good over the phone—everyone sounded ugly over the phone. It was the law! “Listen—she’s in pretty bad shape right now. She came to a party at my frat house and she ended up—maybe taking something?”
You sat up straight on the couch. (Y/Fr/N)? Yeah, she did some wild shit, but she’d never been a drug user. Hell, she’d tried pot back in high school and hadn’t even liked it.
“Taking something? Like what?”
You jaw dropped. Whatever Netflix show you’d been watching turned into static background noise. “What?”
“It was an accident! She was drunk and I think some guy offered her some, and she ate them without realizing it. I’ve got her cornered in my bedroom, but she’s having a really bad trip.”
That was all it took to get you scrambling to your feet. You were wearing a loose shirt and panties, but you tugged on a useless pair of sleep shorts while keeping the phone pressed to your ear with your shoulder.
“Do we need to call 911? Does she need a hospital—?”
“It’s not that bad—,”
“Not that bad? How do you know that? What if it was laced with something and she dies?”
This was so fucking typical. Jeon Jungkook, frat guy extraordinaire, not caring about a girl getting drugged in his own house. Why even call if he was going to act like it wasn’t a big deal?
“It’s not—,”
“This is your frat house, Jungkook! You’re responsible for what happens in it!”
“I fucking know that!” he finally snapped. You went silent in shock. “I know that, okay? We’re all freaking out right now and we already shut down the party! Jesus, Jimin broke that guy’s nose once we found out! I’m calling you because while I was looking through her phone to find someone to come help us, your name was the only one I recognized.”
You bit your lip, chastened. “What’s the address?”
“I’ll text it to you right now. Just—get here soon, okay? I’m afraid she’ll hurt herself.”
This was your worst nightmare, you realized. Something bad like this happening to someone you loved. You didn’t open up easy, so the people you did care about, you cared about hard.
“Has she thrown up?”
“I thought about making her, but I’ll be honest, I don’t know how to handle a situation like this. Alcohol and weed are the only stuff we allow on our property, so whoever this guy was, he snuck in.”
You slipped on your flipflops and dashed out the door. You were surprised to see Jungkook’s frat house was only several blocks away. Perfect, because you didn’t want to wait for an Uber, if you were even lucky enough to find one at this hour. You ran a hand through your hair and tried to shape it into something presentable. Had you showered today? No, you hadn’t. But that didn’t matter.
“Just—sit with her until I get there. Please.”
“I already have been,” he said, surprisingly gentle. “I got her some water and tried to get her to eat, but she wouldn’t take anything from me. She can’t recognize any of us, and she’s scared to death. That’s why I decided to call a friend in her phone. I don’t know anything about her family and didn’t want to immediately call the police and get us all busted. The guy swore up and down it was just shrooms before we kicked him out.”
“Maybe the police are what that guy deserves,” you huffed, pressing the button for the elevator. You lived on the seventh floor and planned to sprint the entire way there, so you might as well conserve your energy.
His silence was telling, until, “If she wants to contact the police after this, we’ll help her.”
Your jaw dropped. You knew damn well that half the people that went to his frat’s parties were underaged, drunk and maybe worse. Calling the police would get everyone in a lot of shit. Some of them might even get expelled, arrested.
Frankly, you had expected him to beg you not to let that happen. His easy compliance shocked you.
Along with his easy compliance, his compassion shocked you as well. He said he’d been trying to care for your friend before calling you, which was more than you expected from some random frat guy who didn’t know her from Eve. A surprisingly kind gesture, from someone who had only shown you distain.
“Well,” you grunted, after collecting yourself. “We’ll see what she says. I’ll be there in five minutes.”
You hung up without another word. The elevator was approaching the first floor, and when it opened, you sprinted out of the lobby and down the street, following the path Google Maps had given you.
You were completely out of breath by the time you found his frat. You’d lost your flipflops somewhere after the first block. It was an old, big house—almost mansion-like. Beer bottles and plastic cups were littered across the lawn, signs of a party ended too quickly. You bounded to the front door and knocked loudly.
No reply. You knocked again, longer. Nothing. You were ready to try the door handle when it turned, and the door was pulled back.
A hard-faced and intimidating boy opened the door an inch. He looked young, but still a little older than Jungkook. He stared at you in frustrated annoyance.
“We said the party’s over.”
“I’m (Y/Fr/N)’s friend,” you panted. “Jungkook called me.”
Immediately, the boy’s face morphed into one of relief. He swung open the door, and you realized he had bright blue hair. “Thank God. I’m sorry. I thought you were here for the party.”
Your lip curled in disgust at the though. “Well, I’m not. Excuse me.”
You shouldered him out of the way a bit, taking in the space. It was definitely a frat house. It smelled like an aging brewery. There were several other men in the room who openly stared at you. For a moment, you were embarrassed by your attire, but the moment passed quickly.
“Where’s Jungkook?” you asked the room. Several of them pointed to a staircase in the corner. “Thank you.”
You took the stairs two at a time before almost running into someone at the top. He must have been waiting for you. For the first time, the sight of Jeon Jungkook filled you with complete joy and relief. His face, in comparison, was more shocked and horrified.
“Jesus, (Y/N)—where are your shoes?”
“Where is she?”
“You’re barely dressed—,”
He sighed, accepting defeat. “She’s in my room, this way.”
Jungkook led you down the dark and empty hallway until you came to a door. It had several posters hanging on it, but you didn’t know of what. He pressed his ear to the door for a moment to listen before finally opening it, sensing your worried impatience.
The light was off. You got a sense of a modest-sized space, painted a dark color. There was a desk with a wicked gaming center set up on it, a dresser, and—there, a bed. You could see a shapeless lump on it that turned into a person the harder you stared.
“Hey, (Y/Fr/N),” you said, soothingly. She was curled up in a ball at the foot of the bed, head buried in the blanket. You turned to Jungkook. “Could you give us some privacy?”
His face creased. “She might get violent.”
“That’s okay, I’ll be fine.”
Your friend looked up when she started to register your voice, and said, “(Y/N)!”
She scrambled off the bed and threw herself at you. Jungkook tensed, and moved almost as if to defend you, but all your friend did was collapse in your embrace and begin to sob. She blubbered something, but you couldn’t make out what she was saying. You were certain it had something to do with whatever hallucinations her bad trip was producing.
Jungkook looked at her guiltily. “Has she ever taken anything like this?”
“She’s smoked some weed, but nothing more serious.”
You led your friend to the bed and helped her lie down, still shaking and sobbing. You held her hand and she gripped you tightly, like she was afraid you would let go.
“It’s okay,” you reassured her, keeping your voice calm and steady without being too sappy. “I know it’s bad right now, but you’re safe. I’m here with you, and this will be over soon.”
You laid down until you were across from her, watching her rock back and forth. You used your thumb to wipe her wet face. “Jungkook—could you bring me some tissues?”
You didn’t look as he left, or when he came back. He handed you a roll of toilet paper.
“Sorry,” he muttered. “It’s all we have.”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, voice still soft. You didn’t see it, but Jungkook’s gaze lingered on you, suddenly struck by your kindness. In class, you were often so cold and reserved. It was startling for him to see you so suddenly and painfully human.
He felt guilty for thinking that. He wasn’t going to lie and pretend he liked you, but he didn’t not like you, which you seemed to assume.
It was like you purposefully made yourself hard to get along with. Jungkook was an easygoing guy—maybe a little introverted, but friendly, at least. At first, he’d thought you were that way too. Until he very quickly realized you were just stuck-up and mean.
Well, that was harsh. You weren’t mean, and if you were, it was because he messed with you. To be honest, he couldn't actually pinpoint exactly why he liked doing that. Sometimes, it was just nice to get underneath your skin. To see your perfect composure crack, with just the clicking of his pen.
He just wished you didn’t look at him like he was a bug to be squished underneath your shoe.
Jungkook didn’t consider himself a frat guy, whatever that was. He was a guy, and he was in a frat. Why did putting those two together suddenly erase every other part of his personality? Before, he was Jeon Jungkook—kind, honest, handsome, talented, funny. But now, he’s Jeon Jungkook—frat guy.
That was the only part you seemed to care about. Why should he be compelled to think any kinder about you? To him, you were just a judgmental, possibly even cold-hearted classmate.
But that was before—before he saw you like this. Before he watched you wipe snot from your friend’s nose with your sleeve when the toilet paper wasn’t doing the job. He sank to the floor, mollified with the knowledge that your friend probably wasn't going to attack you at any given moment.
You wiped the snot from your friend’s nose, and the drool from her mouth. You tried to wipe off her smudged and running makeup as best as you could. She was still sniffling, eyes shut tight like she was afraid to open them.
After what must have been at least an hour, her trembling stopped. Her hand was lax in your own, and her breathing evened out. She had finally, finally fallen asleep, while you murmured reassurances into the still space between her face and your own.
You observed her, making sure she didn’t look sick or sallow. Making sure she was still breathing. Your own eyes were dry and stinging, but you weren’t tired enough to sleep. Another half-hour went by like this, until you felt confident enough to extract her hand from your own and carefully climb off the bed.
Your body was slightly sore, and you turned to stretch—and saw Jungkook asleep by the door, body slumped forward.
You stopped. He looked softer in his sleep. His face was suddenly round and painfully young. His mouth was open slightly, air whistling between his lips. His hair was stuck up in front from constantly running his hand through it, and his skin was paler—too pale. His dark circles stood out. He was still wearing jeans and a t-shirt, which you assumed he’d been wearing at the party.
A glance at your phone confirmed that it was only three in the morning. You walked back around the bed and covered your friend with the blanket, making sure she was comfortable. You gently removed her shoes. She snuggled deeper into the pillow, still clinging to sleep.
You moved back toward the door. You crouched down until you were close to Jungkook’s face.
“Hey,” you whispered, reaching out to poke his shoulder gently. He jumped suddenly, whacking his head against the door.
He gasped in pain while you cringed for him. Reaching up, you cradled the back of his head and rubbed gently to help with the pain. It was a sudden, intimate gesture, but you were still in mothering mode. He allowed it, staring sleepily into the dark. You glanced back at your friend to make sure she hadn’t been woken by the thud.
“Can we step outside?” you asked, voice still low. He winced and nodded, climbing unsteadily to his feet. The two of you slipped outside, leaving your friend comfortable and still asleep in the bed.
The hallway was pitch black, but you could see light coming from the bottom of the staircase. Jungkook slipped his hand in your own and led you in that direction. His hand was warm and slightly rough, and you squeezed it subconsciously. He squeezed back. In the darkness of the hallway, so late at night, and after dealing with such a scary and pressing situation, almost nothing felt real—it was almost like a strange dream.
He let go of your hand at the bottom of the staircase. You let him.
A lamp glowed dimly in the corner. In the living room was another boy. You recognized him as the one who had answered the door. He was lounging on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He jerked up when he saw you.
“Is she okay?” he asked, speaking in a whisper. Like it was too late at night and the room was too empty to use a regular speaking voice.
“I think she’ll be fine,” you replied. “She’s gotten past the worst of it, and now she’s asleep. I wanted to grab her a glass of water for when she wakes up.”
You turned toward Jungkook. “Where’s your kitchen?”
The other boy jumped off the couch before he could reply. “I’ll show you.”
“Taehyung,” Jungkook said, lowly. Almost gruffly. His morning voice? “I’ve got it.”
Taehyung stopped and raised an eyebrow. He eyed Jungkook, suspiciously. Something passed between the two of them, but you were too tired and mentally occupied to focus on it.
You tugged on the sleeve of Jungkook’s shirt and demanded, “Kitchen.”
The weird eye contact between Jungkook and Taehyung was broken, and he turned to you. “Yeah, it’s this way.”
He led you, but Taehyung followed anyway. The kitchen was modest and much cleaner than you expected. As if sensing your surprise, Jungkook snorted.
“You really think we’re animals, don’t you?” he asked. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a glass, while you flushed.
“I don’t,” you defended. You were feeling a bit ashamed. You’d thought some harsh things about Jungkook, and even if you hadn’t said them out loud, they still influenced how you’d treated him. Tonight, you’d gotten an opportunity to see a different side of him—one that you hadn’t allowed yourself to see before.
Suddenly, everything he’d ever done to you felt petty. So, what, he clicked his pen? He spilled water on your backpack? What did stuff like that matter? Why had you let it affect you so much?
“Yes, you do,” he replied. “You’re always so quick to think the worst of us.”
“Bold statement to make from a boy whose frat hosted the party my friend was drugged at.”
He and Taehyung winced, but then so did you. You could recognize a low blow, even if you were the one that had delivered it. There must be something wrong with you. Hadn’t you just been thinking you were being a huge bitch?
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, immediately. “I know that’s not the whole picture. I didn’t mean for it to sound that judgmental.”
Jungkook stared, and you flushed. “I mean—I know I can do that. Be more judgmental than I realize. And it’s true that sometimes I’m more inclined to think badly of you. But I know that’s just me being a bitch about it.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Taehyung butted in, drawing your attention and Jungkook’s ire. “This is our frat, and it’s our fault something like this happened. We should be more careful about who we invite and who we let in.”
Taehyung moved until he was standing next to you and continued. “It’s easy to have a negative opinion on frat life. I’m sorry that we had to prove you right tonight.”
Your flush deepened, but this time because of attention instead of embarrassment. Christ, where had Jungkook been hiding such a handsome and well-spoken frat brother? If you’d met him first instead of Jeon, maybe your opinion on frat life wouldn’t be so negative.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at the interaction. It made his skin tingle and his chest burn. He filled the glass he’d gotten with water and thrusted it toward you. “Here. We should go back up.”
Taehyung looked at him in confusion as you took the glass. “Just stay down here and sleep on the couch with me, man. I was gonna stay to get an early start on cleaning tomorrow morning.” He looked at you suddenly. “What did you say your name was again?”
“She didn’t,” Jungkook said, at the same time you replied, “(Y/N).”
Taehyung smiled. It was boxy. Adorable. “(Y/N) and (Y/Fr/N) can sleep in your bed, and you can sleep down here with me. Right?”
Jungkook frowned. “I’m fine on the floor. I want to be there if something happens.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but Jungkook shot you such a sudden glare that your teeth snapped shut. Taehyung eyed him again, except this time in amusement.
“Okay,” he shrugged. He looked back at you and smiled, but there was something more to it—it was playful, teasing. “Thank you for coming over, (Y/N). You’re a devoted friend.”
You smiled at the compliment. “I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.”
“You’re doing a lot more than a lot of people would be willing,” he corrected, making your smile widen.
“Yeah, she’s great,” Jungkook snapped, sarcastically. “We need to go back.”
You narrowed you eyes at him, but let it go. It was time to let it all go. You were tired of being bitter and thinking you were justified for it. 
The three of you wished each other good night before Jungkook took you back to his room, hand on the small of your back while you climbed the dark staircase. You stopped near the top, where it was still bright enough to see most of his face.
“You okay?” he asked, concerned. You nodded and looked away.
“Yeah, I just—,” and you stopped, unsure. “I’m sorry, I’m so bad at this. But I just feel like I owe you an apology.”
His jaw dropped. “What?”
You sighed. Did he have to be so dramatic? This was already hard for you. “I meant what I said earlier, about thinking the worst of you. When we first met, I was already in a super bad mood. We got off on the wrong foot.” You looked at his face. “I definitely thought you were just some ignorant fuckboy frat guy, but worse than that, I really didn’t try to see you as anything else. I accepted my bad impression of you and let it color my judgment toward everything you did. That was wrong of me.”
You glanced down the hallway, toward his room. “Thank you for calling me. I’m really grateful you were able to take care of (Y/Fr/N) before I got here. You didn’t have to do that. She’s not even your friend.”
Jungkook watched your face closely as you continued. “So, what I’m really trying to say is—I’m sorry for being rude. I’m sorry for not taking the time to get to know you. And I’m sorry for not giving you a chance. It’s a bad reflection of my character. Thank you for putting up with me, and thank you for helping me tonight.”
You waited a bit in stuffy silence. You weren’t sure what you were expecting—for him to laugh in you face, maybe. For him to at least acknowledge your apology. You were getting nervous until he finally said, “I’m sorry, too,”
You let out a surprised noise, and he continued. “You’re not the only guilty one. I did the exact same thing. I didn’t take the time to get to know you because I thought you weren't worth getting to know. I thought you were rude and uptight, and I went out of my way to annoy you because of it. That was wrong of me and I was being a huge dick. It wasn’t until tonight that I saw you as like, an actual person.”
“What did you see me as before?” you asked, slightly amused.
“I don’t know. A robot or something.” At your offended look, he was quick to continue. “But no offense! You’re just always in class, always paying super close attention, never talking. Sometimes, I don’t even think you breathe.”
You tried to find it in yourself to be offended, but then—you laughed. You laughed hard enough to make the water in the glass you were holding slosh precariously, and until finally, Jungkook laughed too.
“Yeah,” you agreed, still chuckling. “I’m sorry. I take myself a little too seriously sometimes.”
“That’s not a bad thing,” he said. “I probably don’t take myself seriously enough. I know I’m goofy, but my grades—,” and here he stopped, grimacing, “—are bad. Really bad. Especially in chemistry.”
“I can help you out, if you want,” you offered. It was time to start wrapping up your conversation. You didn’t want to leave your friend alone for much longer. “We can study together.”
He seemed shocked. “Really?”
“Totally,” you agreed. “I mean, I suck at chemistry too. Maybe we can help each other.”
Jungkook stared at you a moment longer. If seeing you act kind with your friend had been a shocker, this was somehow even worse—seeing you actively friendly. He was certain, after tonight, and after your apology, that your cold and anti-social persona hide a surprisingly welcoming and caring heart. How willfully blind he must have been to have missed it.
Then he smiled, almost shyly. A surprising bunny smile, very different from the smug one he usually wore in class. “Yeah. Maybe we can.”
The two of you went back to his room. He creaked open the door and let you through, closing it behind him. It was still dark, but your eyes were more adjusted. You could hear your friend lightly snoring on the bed, and could make out a lump under the blanket.
As you made your way deeper into the room, Jungkook seated himself by the door again and leaned against it for support. You winced in sympathy for his back.
“I’m sorry you have to sleep on the floor,” you whispered. Jaw clicking, you suppressed a yawn. Maybe you would be able to get some sleep.
“It’s fine.” And then, “I’m used to having plenty of women in my bed.”
You scoffed lightly. Of course he’d say some stupid shit like that right after your heart-to-heart. “Don’t ruin our friendship before it can begin, Jeon.”
“Is that what this is?” he asked. “A friendship?”
“Go to bed.” You set the glass down on the bedside table and climbed in next to your friend. She was still sleeping peacefully, mouth ajar and breathing evenly.
A minute later, once the two of you had settled, you heard a quiet, “Good night, (Y/N).”
Your lip quirked as you tried to suppress a smile. “Good night, Jungkook.
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