#*im going to start meth and crack and all of those drugs soon
rosicheeks · 2 years
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laufie · 5 years
here’s a fun story about a creepy dude/stalker i had. it was a strange situation at the time, and i realize in hindsight i should have been much more scared, but it’s been over 10 years so i can just laugh about it now. it doesn’t describe anything traumatic or graphic, but it’s quite eerie.
anyway, i was about 15 or 16 years old at the time, and it had been just over a year since i moved to canada from ukraine. i still used vk (russian equivalent of facebook) frequently to chat with friends, and had an inside joke in my bio about taking LSD. i wasn’t actually taking anything, as i said it was an inside joke.
out of nowhere, this russian dude sends me a pm about how if im really taking LSD i should be able to name some specific formula or dosage or something. i explained to him that it was an inside joke and i know next to nothing about the drug itself, and he laughed it off. we started talking because i noticed it said on his profile that he currently lived in new york, which was a place i’ve always dreamt of visiting. we ended up talking every day about random things, mostly his love of new york and the array of recreational drugs he does.
he didn’t seem dangerous. he never talked about heavy drugs like heroin or meth, and was heavily against them. he was russian of course, as he was in new york only temporarily, so i felt a sense of connection to him, since i was still overcoming the cultural shock of moving to canada. to my mind at that age he didn’t seem like he had any bad motive. he didn’t ask especially prying questions, he was always nice and well-spoken, and enjoyed philosophical discussion. he gave off a vibe of a trustworthy person, which is a note of positivity that would have persisted throughout this whole story...
had he not been 7 years older than me. an important detail that slipped through the cracks at the time - he was 22 when i was 15. i knew he was more mature than me, but as far as i remember, i never actually got to find out his age back then. in hindsight of course, aside from the glaring age difference, he did give off red flags. calling me much more mature than other girls my age was perhaps the most glaring one. at the time. and of course, the constant glorification of drugs.
mind you, this was more than 10 years ago. the internet was a different place at the time. there was no tumblr or twitter or adults that grew up using the internet to tell me to be careful as a minor. people did whatever they wanted to and got away with it. so naturally, i didn’t catch any of the red flags, neither was i even on the lookout for them in the first place.
skip forward nearly a year, my mom knows a lot about this guy, since i’m quite open with her about, well, everything. my mom has always been my best friend. that summer we were planning a 3 month long trip home, to ukraine. him and i thought it would be cool to met up, since by now he was back home in russia. for reference, ukraine is to the far left side of russia, whereas this guy lived on the polar opposite side, on a piece of russian land that is right above japan. he would have to fly across the entire russia to see me. russia. you know, that massive thing? he was perfectly fine with it. i convinced my mom to let me meet him, and she said only if he stays at our place. naturally.
he came for only a couple days. our apartment back home is quite small so with my mom and constant family guests, there was always a pair of eyes on him. it got a little bit strange eventually. he was touchy, but not in an inappropriate way at all. i’m sure it’s not due to his personal decency, and rather because he would most definitely get caught. he would try to hold my hand, or brush my hair off my face, pat my head. things like that. it didn’t go beyond that. but to me, at the time, it was a grown adult man doing it to me, which gave me an unsettling anxious feeling.
on his last day he wanted to go out because he wanted me to try a drug that he had been talking about the entire time i’ve known him. i would prefer not to go into what it is, but it has a heavy hallucinogenic effect that lasts for a very, very long time. naturally he told my mom he just wanted me to show him around, and i was in on the lie. i was curious. my mom was always very strict with coming back home right on time, so we promised her we will be home by 10 pm.
we went out at around 5. and it lasted longer than he promised. way longer. we came home at 3 am. despite the hallucinations being quite heavy and mind-boggling, the effect of the drug didn’t make me feel “out of it”. my perception of time and space was obviously very skewed, but i knew who i was and where i was, and what was happening around me. he didn’t try anything. there wasn’t even as much as an attempt. except, well, when i realized what time it was i rushed home so fast that i was not going to stop for anything. so i’m not sure. maybe the night wasn’t over in his mind yet, but it was in mine. i felt bad for my poor mother who had been worried sick since 10 pm. it was pitch black outside so i went home through a well-lit road that has a lot of cars. now that i think about it, i may have unintentionally saved myself from things getting worse.
i only stopped when we were outside my apartment, because i wanted to focus as much as i could before going in. he sat down on the bench and beckoned me to sit next to him. and he kissed me. i dont remember how exactly it happened but it just kind of did. i went along with it and didn’t say anything after, i went inside the apartment building like nothing happened. it was odd. i didn’t know what it meant, but i also didn’t care, because i wanted to see my mom as soon as i could, ad it was the only thing on my mind.
one look in my eyes and she knew everything. she told me to go to bed. i don’t know what she told him. i’m not sure she said anything. the next morning she asked me if anything happened. i assured her that i was safe. and then he was gone. she didn’t say anything to him. she just dropped him off to make sure he actually left.
after that we didn’t really talk nearly as much. we tried to keep in contact but honestly, i wasn’t as drawn to him anymore. eventually, out of nowhere, he posted some really mean and rude comments under a bunch of my pictures, and i ended up deleting him.
now for the creepiest part. nearly 4 years later we plan another trip to ukraine to visit family. i have some medical conditions with my spine that i needed to get very uncomfortable and painful massages for. my health is one of the main reasons why we took trips back home often. one day about a week or so into my trip i was leaving my apartment to get into a taxi to go to one of those massage appointments. i exit the building and there he was. sitting on the bench and just looking at me. 4 years later. not a word. across russia.
even though it was bright afternoon and a lot of people were out, i was overcome with dread. i awkwardly told him “sorry, i have to go somewhere” and rushed to get into the taxi. he didn’t say anything, just kept looking. on my way back from the massage i called one of my close old friends that worked in the UKR special forces. my mom wasn’t home and i did not feel safe returning. he picked me up and drove me home, and came in with me, all the way into the apartment, the guy wasn’t there anymore. i made my friend coffee and told him about this guy. he promised to drive by once in a while to make sure he isnt hanging out here at odd hours.
later that day at around 8 pm i got a text from an unknown number. “so, are you scared of me now?”.
i closed all my blinds and curtains, locked both entrance doors, and told my female friends not to come visit me, because he knew their faces. yes, i was scared. i was really scared. he didnt say a word to me in 4 years, somehow found out about my trip and just showed up. i wasn’t sure if i wanted to cry or scream. i knew i had to get rid of him somehow. so i responded, making up a story about being really sick and needing constant treatment, and that i made plans with all my friends to leave tonight to go to another city for 3 weeks.
he was angry with me and very upset. he expected a happy reunion i guess. i was very polite to him and apologized, saying i felt bad he traveled all this way only to be told this. he started writing really cryptic things. “i know a secret how to cure any illness of yours, you don’t need doctors, it’s like a code, you plug it in and you become anything”. “i came here to cure you because you’re the only person it will work on”. “i went to your page to ask your friends if your plans are true, but you have them hidden. why don’t you trust me anymore?”
among this he called me. over and over. between every message, a missed call i refused to pick up. eventually i broke down and asked him why is he acting like this. to which he said “because you are the only woman in the world i will ever be able to love this much”. i told him i was with someone and have been for 2 years, and to leave me alone. after a handful more cryptic messages, he stopped for a while. and ended it in a plea to forgive him. i didn’t respond to anything beyond the confession.
thankfully i had no contact with him since then, and as far as i know there have been no attempts from him. however, i don’t use russian social media anymore, and none of them are linked to any of my active “american” accounts, so to speak. so there is no way for him to find me. if you ever wondered why i never make my real name public and always go under aliases, this is largely why.
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narcisbolgor-blog · 6 years
Dangerous, growing, yet unnoticed: the rise of America’s white gangs
White gangs are less covered by the media and less punished even though 53% of gang members in Mississippi are white
When he was 13, three white teenage boys beat Benny Ivey. They aimed for his chest as his back pressed against the wall of his friends house in Florence, Mississippi. The skinny blond adolescent had to show he was tough enough to become a Black Gangster Disciple.
It was 1989, the height of the crack era, and many white kids wanted to join black gangs that did not welcome them, so they initiated each other into home-grown copycat versions.
Ivey lived in a trailer park, and the thought of wearing the gangs colors black and blue made him excited to be part of something beyond his chaotic family.
None of them knew the first thing about being in a gang, and yet many kids lusted after it, even some wholived in nice homes with their families, Ivey says now. Others grew up like he did: the child of poor crack and opioid addicts, ripe to be ensnared by a world promising brotherhood, loyalty and respect.
Iveys future was not in a black organization, however it was in one of the oldest and largest white gangs in the US, the Simon City Royals.
A lot of us were raised in the pits, and thats where almost all gang life begins, he says.
Benny Ivey got the now fading royal shield tattooed on his back about 20 years ago. Photograph: Imani Khayyam for The Guardian
Ivey, now 41, is muscular and likes to keep fit, even though he only weighs 160 pounds. He sports a buzz cut and has tattoos over much of his body. He proudly calls himself a redneck.
Gesticulating passionately during a driving tour of Jackson houses he broke into over the years, Ivey explains the absurdity of the media fixating on inner-city gangs. The world should know there are whites struggling in hoods as well as any other race, and more often than not those kids become gang members or drug addicts, he says.
Ivey was 12 when he began sniffing Scotchgard. He soon followed his adoptive parents and two uncles all school dropouts into addiction. His dad made $20 an hour as a carpenter, but most of it paid for their habits.
By 15, Ivey had dropped out of school and broken into probably 200 houses, robbed a crack dealer, had a cop kick his face into the pavement, and started selling meth to support his own addiction. He went in and out of juvenile detention and Mississippis notorious training schools that, before being reformed, were near-torture chambers for mostly African American and poor white delinquents.
At 21, Ivey was living with other drug users who helped run dope out of a small rentalhouse. One day, Ivey walked in and found his best friend Jimmy writing a letter to his young son, whose mother had said he couldnt see any more.
gang chart
What ya doin, bruh? Ivey asked him.
Im writing Jordan a letter.
You think he can read it?
He will one day, man.
As Ivey walked toward the kitchen, Jimmy told him: Man, Im gonna go lay down on your bed.
Ivey went to set up the grill, but something felt weird, so he went back to his room. Jimmy was sitting at the front of the bed with a pistol to his head, the letter on the floor beside him. It was the gun Ivey kept under his pillow.
Sheetrock dust busted out of the ceiling when the bullet hit it. Jimmys head slumped to the side, blood seeping into the mattress. Ivey jumped into the bed with him, yelling to the others: Go call the cops, go call somebody!
After Jimmys death, Ivey bottomed out. I didnt give a shit about nothing, I guess. After he killed himself, I went running wild, he says.
He soon pleaded guilty to an aggravated assault charge for pumpkin-heading a man at a party, breaking his jaw. With a one-year suspended sentence, he stayed free, but he kept robbing until he got caught and was sent to back to jail.
There, Ivey met a Simon City Royalwho called himself True Love.
The Royals roots date to Chicagos North Side in 1952, when two violent white greaser gangs the Ashland Royals and Simon City guarded Simon Park turf as Puerto Ricans moved in.
Early greasers were immigrants, often Italian, maligned by wealthier whites for greasing machines in blue-collar jobs. In 1968, the greasers united as the Simon City Royals, often rumbling with the nearby Latin Kings as well as the white supremacist Gaylords. (Their rhetoric is familiar: a Gaylords nostalgia website called Latino gangs storage bins for illegal immigrants.)
The Almighty Gaylords are one of the oldest street gangs in Chicago. This card is a particularly heavy version depicting two klansmen preparing to execute a Simon City Royal rabbit another white gang. Photograph: Brandon Johnson
The Royals were one of the biggest and most violent street gangs in Chicago by the 1970s, when they joined the Folk Nation alliance with the Black Gangster Disciples, began admitting Hispanics and, later, women and black members.
But by the 1980s, the gang had weakened after its leadership got locked up or killed.
Strength shifted to prisons, and the brand spread to midwestern and southern states like Mississippi, where the Royals are now one of the largest and most violent gangs in the state.
Surveys of young Americans have shown that 40% identifying as gang members are white, but police tend to undercount them at 10% to 14% and overcount black and Hispanic members, says Babe Howell, a criminal law professor at City University of New York who focuses on crime and race.
Police see groups of young white people as individuals, each responsible for his or her own conduct, and hold young people of color in street gangs criminally liable for the conduct of their peers, she says.
An early Simon City Royals business card. In the middle is one of the primary symbols of the Simon City Royals a cross with three slashes above. Behind this is a broken flaming cross representing the Almighty Gaylords (a longtime enemy). Photograph: Brandon Johnson
How law enforcement labels specific gangs may also obscure white membership, a 2012 study published in the Michigan Journal of Race and Law posited.
Jordan Blair Woods researched how the feds had applied the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (Rico) to various gangs. Congress passed Rico in 1970 to target the mafia as organized criminal enterprises. In the early 1990s, the attorney general, Janet Reno, started using Rico to charge criminal street gangs.
Woods explains that law enforcement typically splits gang activity into three groups: white supremacist prison gangs, outlaw biker clubs and criminal street gangs. He concluded that systemic racism often keeps white gangs categorized as prison and biker groups instead of street gangs the category drawing the toughest charges and sentences.
This means white gangs are not typically policed as stringently, he writes, and their members can miss interventions sometimes offered to more publicized gangs of color. That help can include job and life skills training, or interaction with trained violence interrupters, who are often former gang members.
Woods blames the media for underreporting white gangs. He backs up Iveys point about this lack of attention, writing that media may be more prone to cover black and Hispanic gangs because of consumer demands for stories of sensationalized racial gang violence.
How can you help [with a problem] if you dont recognize its there? Ivey says. A lot of white kids, 15, 16 years old, look at white gangsters as rock stars.
Mississippi has recently named the majority-white Royals and the Bandidos a biker club started by a white marine later convicted of murder among its largest criminal street gangs in annual assessments over the last decade. The Mississippi Association of Gang Investigators often points to violent white gangsters to push for tougher enforcement, telling media that 53% of verified gang members in the state are white.
But despite the growth in white gangs, Mississippi public defender Andr de Gruy says from 2010 to 2017, all 97 people prosecuted under current state gang law were African American.
When Ivey met True Love in jail in 1998, he found a brotherhood that understood rednecks like him. His mother didnt have transportation to visit, and he was alone behind bars, so he decided then and there the Royals would be his family.
Like many, Ivey stepped up into the gang from an unstructured life without positive adult influences, looking for what initiates tend to call betterment.
It was about bettering yourself: get a job, go to school, learn communication skills so you can do anything, go to banks, get loans, Ivey says. Most getting into gangs didnt come from environments that know how to write a check or basic life skills.
When Benny Ivey retired in 2008 from leading the Simon City Royals in central Mississippi he covered most of his Royals tattoos, but left one of the gangs shield on his leg, inking retired under it. Photograph: Imani Khayyam for The Guardian
New gang members have often already tangled with police. A 2016 study in Jackson, which focused on urban black gangs, showed that not finishing school and being put into a police car are top precursors for a young person committing worse crime as an adult.
Ivey says no one tried to redirect him as he went in and out of juvenile facilities and prison, where he smoked weed every day. They never tried to get me to rehab, they always sent me to prison, he says.
In jail, Ivey vowed to True Love that he would remain loyal to the death and keep Royals rules confidential. Gangsters punched him hard in the chest 12 times and pricked his finger so he could bleed on the gangs six-point star on a birth certificate while guards looked away.
He soon transferred to prison, where he had to defend his new gang allies, the Black Gangster Disciples.
Ivey avoided conflicts with the Aryan Brotherhood who considered the Royals traitors to the white race but he also had to stand up to his own black allies.
In prison, it got to where some Gangsters thought the Royals were their do-boys, he says. I started getting a little bit of rank, and I didnt put up with it. They knew I would go out there with a knife, because Im not gonna be your bitch so they always treated me with respect I didnt never stab nobody, I didnt have to.
During his time behind bars, Ivey studied Royals literature 50 pages of policies and history and started networking. By the time he returned home in 2003, he had claimed the title of Central Mississippi regional captain.
On the outside, Ivey started organizing the Royals. In 2003, there was no structure, no meetings so I was going around trying to bless people in. That is, he wanted to initiate others into the group. I didnt become Royal because I wanted to sell dope, run the streets It was [about] the brotherhood. I had their backs, they had mine, no matter what.
In 2004, Ivey was locked up for four years for manufacturing crystal meth. He ran his chapter via cellphone (a little gangster would hold it for me) and he sent missive scrolls to Royals on the outside.
Thomasa Spirit Massey was a Royal Queen of the Simon City Royals chapter Benny Ivey ran. She helped administer the shared Royal poor box fund. She also worked as a paralegal until she was arrested. Photograph: imani khayyam/Imani Khayyam for The Guardian
In 2008, he returned to a trailer park where a mother of two called Spirit lived and assisted with operations. She helped Ivey administer the Royals fund; he required each of the 150 members to contribute $12 a month. They could borrow for a child support payment or to keep their lights on.
If they didnt repay, or violated other rules, Ivey assigned Royals to beat them.
His members prided themselves on not being racist. Iveys members were all 100% fine being allied with a black gang, but his Royals werent diverse. It was an all-white organization, he says. Still, he didnt see much bigotry among his members. I think everything depends on the person Hell, a lot of the Royals acted more black culturally than white.
By late 2008, Iveys organization started to unravel internally. His first lieutenant, Kruz, started squabbling with two young members called Smash and Street, whom he suspected were talking to the cops. Soon afterwards, police told Ivey that no Royal better touch their informants. If anything happens to them boys, we coming for you, a local lieutenant warned.
Spooked, Ivey left town for a few weeks, but a mob of Royals beat up Smash and Street while he was gone and were arrested on $1m bonds. When leaders get locked up is a prime time for violence which is now more often intra-gang than between different gangs, Northwestern University sociologist and violence expert Andrew Papachristos reports.
Then 32, Ivey was sent to the private Delta correctional facility because of gang activity. There, he gathered the Royals in the yard.
I have to retire because Im a liability, he said.
Nobody objected.
Law enforcement say the Royals started growing exponentially on the Gulf coast in 2008 the year Ivey retired and are now Mississippis third largest criminal street gang.
They now refer to themselves as Chapter 13 and the Mississippi Combat Legion. Police say the gang traffics guns and narcotics, with some members participating in gruesome violence against snitches.
Ivey had his six-point tattoos covered, but left the Royal shield on his shin, inking retired under it.
It was all a blessing in disguise, he says now. When it all went down at first, I was heartbroken. I thought I was doing something. I wasnt doing nothing but prolonging my miserable existence.
Still, after leaving the Delta prison, Ivey went to jail again for driving a woman to a drug deal. A friend eventually referred him to Randy Adams, a graduate of drug court who ran the Common Bond Recovery Center in Jackson.
Ivey broke down crying to Adams, who told the cops:Yes, I want him in my rehab. There, Ivey worked out, prayed and wrote his story with pen and paper for eight months.
Thats where I met her, he says now, pointing to a blonde 30-year-old sitting across from him in a puffy recliner.
Kristina Arnold, now Ivey, was visiting someone else at rehab when she met him. I was all anti-him, like, hes just a thug, she says. Her parents were addicts, too, and she had had a daughter at 16. She had kicked her own habit and was studying to be a medical assistant.
Benny Ivey met Kristina Arnold, who was visiting someone else, at the Common Bond rehabilitation center in Jackson, Mississippi, where he finally kicked his meth habit after 20 years. Photograph: imani khayyam/Imani Khayyam for The Guardian
They talked on the phone and had lunch when she visited. At first, she told Ivey she wasnt interested in more. Well, I just gotta woo you then, he responded.
By then, Ivey was getting clean, writing, praying, working out and trying to imagine his own future. She could sense his sincerity and dropped her guard. I think God put us in each others paths for a reason, Kristina says now.
In February 2012, Ivey rented a house for him, Kristina and her six-year-old, who is now 12. He adopted her on Valentines Day 2013.
Like many gang members, Ivey had never had a real job or even a drivers license, but a friend referred him to a plumbing and remodeling company. He started regrouting floors at KFC and clearing sewer drains for $10 an hour, moving to $15 in five months. When one of his bosses died two years ago, the other made Ivey his partner.
In 2017,the couple bought the 2,100 sq ft home in Rankin County cheap because it needed work.
Who wouldve ever thought? I lived in shacks. I never stayed the night in a house like this ever in my entire life, he says.
Over the last year, Ivey built a large deck for Sunday cookouts, positioned a flatscreen for Nascar viewing and turned his garage into a workout studio with a large Confederate flag over his weight set.
Im not racist, but I like the flag, he says, calling it defiance of those who put rednecks down. People up north like to make fun of us.
Still, the flag was gone in December when the black photographer he had gotten to know for this article visited. I didnt want to hurt Imani, he says later. The flag is not about racism to me.
Iveys brother Danny, who is now in rehab, had turned Aryan Brotherhood in prison, tattooing a swastika on to his chest. But Iveysays he has spent too much time around black people with similar struggles to think hes superior to them.
He also doesnt believe white privilege is a thing. I think its wealth privilege. I dont care what color you are, if youre poor, you get treated like crap. Because I never had none of that white privilege, he says.
We have the same problems as all other races when it comes to money, social stature, living with nothing, drugs, addiction, poverty, Ivey says. All that is all too real for a lot of us.
Ivey attends a church by the interstate with a few black members. He works on houses in formerly lily-white South Jackson, where race demographics have flipped since his family house-hopped there. But he passed on talking to kids at a Jackson YMCA about avoiding the gang life.
Its all black kids, he says. Theyre not gonna listen to my cracker ass.
Today, many locals are surprised to learn that white gang members ran drugs and kicked in doors for two decades between Jackson and its majority-white suburbs.
We watch the news every morning, Ivey says. My little girl comes in here and says, Why do black people commit so many crimes?
Baby, because we have Jackson news, and theres two-thirds black in Jackson, he tells her. White people do bad, too.
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Crack Addiction Stories
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Jun 26, 2017 … America is fascinated by tales of the exploits of gangsters, hustlers, dealers, and killers, but the human cost has yet to be counted.
It was a winter morning near the end of 2014 and Priscila had finally reached rock bottom after a four-year addiction to crack cocaine … That she is alive to tell this story at all is the first in a series of minor miracles. That she can tell it …
mirror Load mobile navigation … Tragic journey from promising pretty student to crack addict … But the other picture tells a different story as the trainee …
Khaled’s story is a textbook case of a broader public health crisis … the head of …
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The former NBA star, who has battled a crack cocaine addiction, is investing in the marijuana business … Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Now, both have moved on — and …
11th St., to CenterPointe, a nonprofit agency that works with people with mental …
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Overcoming Addiction: … crack cocaine and alcohol addict. This is my story of hitting rock … Addiction Overcoming Addiction Crack Addiction …
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The former NBA star, who has battled a crack cocaine addiction, is investing in the marijuana business … Sign up for our daily newsletter to get our best stories of the day delivered straight to your inbox. Now, both have moved on — and …
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and for most of that time a crack addict. Yet when he took to religion, he was able to stop overnight. He got married to a fellow believer, and told his story of …
“Cocaine, crack, just pretty much everything … Samantha was one of the three …
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May 22, 2009 … A glimpse inside the mind of a mother addicted to crack.
To document the nation’s devastating opioid crisis, TIME sent photographer James Nachtwey and deputy director of photography Paul Moakley across the country to gather stories from the … deserve a chance to heal from addiction. …
Mar 23, 2016 … Although many go untold, there are innumerable personal stories of crack addiction. When these stories are publicly recalled, there are usually varying reactions from both those that have never experienced an addiction to crack cocaine and those who are battling this debilitating disease. While judgement …
Stealing – Crack addiction is expensive and it is common for an addict to steal from just about anyone while they are chasing their high. Most long-term addicts admit to stealing from their closest friends and family members. An Addict's Story of Recovery. Although crack addiction is difficult to overcome and there is a high  …
<iframe src="https://ift.tt/2HVJhwM" width="670" height="372" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen scrolling="no"></iframe> <style>.gn-embed-wrapper{position:relative;max-width:100%;padding …
Sep 13, 2017 … GLOUCESTER TWP. – For a long time, on the anniversary of her 16-year-old daughter's violent death, Anika Pitts could only curl up in a ball and cry. There was so much to cry about — the years Pitts spent in the grip of a crack addiction, the years her daughters spent under her cousin's wing instead of hers, …
Dual Diagnosis Treatment Contents 2 million americans with severe mental The right treatment. recovery Interact with one another May ask why Are you addicted to drugs or alcohol? Do you suffer from mental illness? You may need dual diagnosis treatment to overcome both problems | Los Angeles, Ca. Heroin Addiction Treatment Pill Contents Daughter. she was Programs view
I was taught how to cook and smoke crack when I … I don't present these stories for … direct discussion about drugs before we can comprehend addiction, …
Jun 15, 2017 … The story of two San Francisco residents brought together by a crime is illustrative of a city divided by deep inequality and homelessness.
Addiction Treatment Center Business Plan contents with severe mental and enlightenment that The miami beach holistic addiction treatment Business plan services Addiction treatment centers make Pennsylvania will open 20 centers … opioid addiction is an illness," Gov. Wolf said in a statement announcing that his administration was moving ahead with the plan. "In order to address this illness, we need
Jan 11, 2017 … Former drug addict Mike Lindell's multimillion-dollar idea came to him in a dream. … As so many great entrepreneurial success stories do, the tale of Mike Lindell begins in a crack house. It was the fall of 2008, and the then 47-year-old divorced father of four from the Minneapolis suburbs had run out of crack …
Crack'd: A True Story of Crack Addiction [James Whitton] on Amazon.com. *FREE * shipping on qualifying offers. Crack cocaine—How does someone go from living in a small rural farming community in upstate New York to living in Miami and becoming addicted to crack cocaine? James tells his alarming and true-life story …
ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 13, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — During her 19-year crack addiction, Tonier Cain …
Crack: it gives you wings by Lee Carrick. Genre: … Description: A story of life in a crack house … existed with crack addicts and became a crack addict.
GREENFIELD — Brittany Smith told Virginia police that she was "high on crack" …
April grew up among addicted family members and ended up hooked on cocaine, pills, and methadone. but after phoenix house determinants of health, she's clean and reunited with her son
Jan 23, 2018 … Felicia Lee-Sexton talks to Houston Matters about her book, 'From Recovery To Discovery: My Journey Through Addiction.'
Apr 11, 2015 … In an open-air "Crackland," crack addicts posed for portraits, and shared their stories.
The founding member of rock band Kiss has an addiction of another kind. A self-confessed sweet tooth, he only drinks decaf coffee and tops his cup with hot chocolate for added sweetness. “I’ve never touched opioids, crack or weed, but …
3 stories of people who overcame their cocaine addiction include the stories of Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Hayes, and a successful entrepreneur named Derrick.
The post Crack Addiction Stories appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
0 notes
In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
"In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am male 31 yr old, have 1 yr experience driving on a provisional license, how much would insurance cost me for a 99 fiat punto 1.2?? Also if its possible to pay it monthly or whats the best? Would appreciate any help.""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
Really dumb questions about car insurance?
This is my first time buying a car, and I have a question that may be kind of dumb. I live in Illinois, so it is illegal to drive a car that's uninsured. I don't have a car now, so I don't have a way of transferring insurance or whatever. - What do I do when I find a car and buy it and need to take it off the lot? I don't know what kind of car I'm getting, so I can't really get the insurance ahead of time. - If I did get pulled over for whatever reason, would the police be understanding if I just bought the car? - How quickly do insurance companies usually get you covered over the phone (particularly, Progressive)? - Do you have to pay a deposit? When? - When would my first actual payment be if I pay once every 6 months? I know these are dumb and basic, but please understand that I have never ever bought a car or gotten car insurance.""
What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?
I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help
Can I get auto insurance on a car that someone owns and has insurance on?
So I am an 18 year old who lives with his girlfriends Mother. I recently just obtained my Drivers License, but I have one problem. I don't have any Auto Insurance. I do not have a car, but I drive my girlfriends Moms car when I need to. First question. Can I get in trouble without Auto Insurance driving her car with her permission? If not, can I get a different type of insurance under the same car that I pay all on my own? She has State Farm is it helps.""
How long does it usually take for an insurance company to pay a life insurance claim?
My father-in-law passed away in April 2009. He died of pneumonia. He had a life policy with a large national company. My sister-in-law is the beneficiary. Here it is, almost a year and a half later, and they still have not paid on the claim. I told her to contact the state insurance commission.""
""Someone hit & run my car when it was parked, will my insurance go up?""
I have coverage with AAA, a friend from State Farm said I wasn't at fault so I should call AAA, but will my insurance rate rise if I report it?""
Which insurance company has the quickest claim?
Okay so I want to know which insurance company would give me the quickest claim without any problems between: state farm, farmers, hardford, and all state?""
Health insurance for a married couple.?
My wife and I haven't had insurance since we graduated college this past winter and moved to California. We are now waiting for me to start dental school in the fall and I am working at a company in California with no benefits. We have one child who is covered and thus doesn't need to coverage. So we are looking to find insurance from now until mid August (about 5 months). Do we need to get short term insurance? What should we expect to pay for the two of us? Should/can we get covered individually? Any companies that you suggest? We would be more interested in low premium high deductible.
Hastings direct car insurance.?
We are thinking of taking car insurance through Hastings direct. Are they reliable? Until now we've been with Norwich Union, but they are very expensive now, so we want to switch. Any others people really recommend, reliable and cheap?""
Is a life insurance that terms at age 95 a good one?
I just reviewed my life insurance and saw that it termed at age 95..I'm not sure if that is good or bad...please help!
Has anyone used Young Driver Insurance ? With CO OP?
Im searching for cheap car Insurance, I came across CO OP Young Car Insurance, Been Quote 1700 with my 1 years no claims and been driving for 4 years. Without CO OP insurance confused website I did the same search was quoted 2500. Has anyone had CO OP young Insurance can you tell me the Pros and Cons of this Insurance Company, Also if I was driving at 35MPH in a 30zone would I banned from the Insurance company.""
2008-2009 Ford Mustang Convertible?
Hi- we are looking into a new car and are interested in either a 08 or 09 Mustang Convertible...would you reccomend this vehicle? One thing we are worried about is the insurance costs as the car is not that expensive. Does insurance really go up a ton? Pros-Cons? Thanks a ton!
High insurance rates for old luxury cars?
I'm looking to buy my first car and have my eyes and this cheap old BMW (1997-2002 don't know the exact year). Would the insurance cost me more than it would for other car brands like Toyota or Honda from similar years?
How can you find out if you have medical insurance?
How can you find out if you have medical insurance?
Cracked windshield - should I make an insurance claim?
My windshield needs to be replaced due to a crack about 18 long. (from a stone that got kicked up by another vehicle on the highway). It will cost about $325 - $350 for a new windshield. The windshield installing companies say they can get Geico to pay for it. Might be true. I have comprehensive, but my deductible is $500. I just need to know if they will pay for it, and if it will cause them to decide to raise my rates, as I have made a claim.""
I am wondering if anyone knows what insurance would cost on a Mustang V6 for a 16 year-old female in Tennessee?
If anyone has a idea of the price range I would appreciate some input. Please don't say alot . I have had no tickets and I have not been involved in any wrecks. Thank you!
How much would the insurance cost on a 50 cc moped for an 18 year old?
I know that insurance can vary dramatically.....but it would be good if someone had a rough estimate...and are there and insurance compare sites that don't require the number plate of the bike and the liscence number and stuff ?
Usaa car insurance rates?
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could answer my question about the usaa car insurance rate for a 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 18 female driver. Thank you! :)
Can my car insurance company do this?
I have recently been involved in an accident which i was at fault. My car is written off so they said they will pay out 3,000 for my car minus 250 excess on the policy. so i am left with 2,750 but they said because my insurance was renewed two weeks ago they will deduct my remaining 11 month insurance premium. So I am only left with 900. can my insurance company to that?""
Average cost for an fr 44 in Florida?
I just trying to determine what the average cost for an fr 44 is in Florida after a dui
Can i drive a car without insurance when i just bought it? or how much towing it will cost?
i just bought this car but it hasn't got insurance, and it will take me some time for that. i'm getting it from an individual who keeping it at his place for now.i'm due to have my practical car driving test in 4 days. can someone else drive it for me without insurance to bring it to my parking space? or if i call a breakdown/recovery company, how much they will charge me for about 40- miles?""
How much would insurance be on a dodge stealth?
i am going to be sixteen and i may be buying a 92 stealth and i need to know how much insurance would be. it is only a 5,000 dollar car. but the speed meter goes to 160mph.""
Auto Insurance help......50/100/15?
i have a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit a parked car and damaged the store along the front. the damage to the parked car was 5,400 and damage to the store was 12,650. What amount will the insurance company pay for and what amount will I have to pay for? How can I figure this out?""
In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!
Is it legal in CA for a used car dealer to sell you auto insurance?
i purchased a used car, and the used car dealer put in the contract that I was also purchasing auto insurance thru them...but i wuld get a refund of those premiums when I provided a copy of my own insurance. I never signed any other ionsurance forms with them. i did buy my own insurance later. But, is it legal for the used car delaer to sell me insurance?""
How much will I pay for motorcycle vs. moped insurance in Wa state?
How much will I pay for motorcycle vs. moped insurance in Wa state? M/19/3 accidents? First of all, I'm tired of trying to get quotes online. Could someone with some experience or knowledge around this give me a fairly accurate ballpark of what it would cost to insure myself? I live in Washington state, I'm a 19 year old male, and I've been in 3 accidents. The first was early December 2010, the second was late December 2010, both. Both were my fault, rear enders, and low speeds. The first one earned me a ticket for basically not paying attention, no injuries occurred. The first was a little over $3000 in damage, the second was 500-1000 and totalled the 99 vw jetta. The third accident was driving my girlfriends car and my insurance company was never involved. It was about 1600 in damages and was determined to be 50/50 fault by her, and the other drivers insurance companies. There will be 3 people total in the house, all of us drive. I'm looking into either a mid-late 80's Honda, a Rebel possibly, some kind of cafe racer, or a newer 2000's moped. All used, I'm looking in the 600-1000 range. I work full time and am attending college, I'm trying to compare pricings for motorcycles vs. mopeds that are roughly the same cc's, around 200-350.""
What insurance provider has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
What insurance provider has the cheapest motorcycle insurance?
Best auto-insurance for teen driver texas?
I'm 16 and i'm almost to getting my full license. I being looking around for insurance and my best choice is to have a add on to my parent's insurance and that's $200 each month. Is there any place where i can get lower price than that? Never have an accident or trouble with the law, B+ student, took Defensive Driving.""
Color of the car for insurance purposes?
Does the color of the car have anything to do w/ the price you pay for your insurance? I have heard that bright colors make your insurance rates higher.
""I got a job but my wife pregnant , but I can't find any healthy insurance?""
My company was closed 16 months ago . I got a contract job this month , and it will start middle of this month . But one serious problem with my wife's insurance . Before I find this job , we made about 2500 per month , and we have medi-cal insurance . My new job is a six months contract without any benefit , and 6000 per month . So we can't have medi-cal anymore . When I called a lot of insurance agent , the only one answer I got is I can buy insurance for my wife , but insurance will not cover any fees for pregnant . My wife will delivery my 2nd baby this oct. and my job will star 2 weeks later . Please help me to find out the way to help my family . Best Regards, Joseph PS. I live in California""
Car insurance for young men please advise.?
Hey I'm 20 nearly 21 been driving nearly 3 years with no accidents etc . No speeding no nothing , I want a faster car ( fiesta st) 150bhp car . I can afford the car with ease , will my insurence be un affordable ? I can't pay more than 2000 on insurance. Might I add I'm from the uk i""
Cheapest Auto Insurance??
I am presently using Allstate for my 3 cars... an Acura (let me rephrase that..2 cars the Acura was totalled in Sundays car accident) The Infinity and the Nissan..the rates are about $ 3000 for 6 months for all 3 cars..now 2) full coverage all inclusive insurance.. Are there cheaper companies out there ??? Who do you use? I live in N.Y.. Allstate has really always been there for me I just got a nice check from them for my daughters car...Do you think i could get a cheaper company???
""Looking for a cheap new car (2010-2013) with good fuel economy yet sporty and cheap to insure, any ideas?""
I'm a 19 year old male so insurance pretty much sucks. I'm looking for either a new or used car that is cheap both to buy and insure, but is also sporty and fun to drive, and good on gas. Anybody have any ideas?""
""Motor Trader Insurance Regulations, what are the rules?""
I currently work for a company and drive a modified vehicle for them. It is not modified for speed but for a specific purpose. Anyway I would like to steal their idea and have tried to look for insurance for a similar vehicle (which I would construct). My insurance quote has come back as almost 4000, but I have discovered that they use motor trader insurance to cover themselves. So what are the rules with motor trader insurance, do I need to buy and sell some cars? do I need to be a registered LTD company? What would qualify me for motor trader insurance? UK Answers only please (as the rules are likely to be different in different countries). Thanks SPAMMY PEOPLE SHOULD BE KILLED IN A HUMILIATING AND PAINFUL WAY. IF YOU SPAM THIS QUESTION I WILL REPORT YOU.""
Insurance on a Corolla for Teenager??!?
I'm getting ready to buy my daughter a car && I need to know if insurance is high for a Toyota Corolla for my 16 year old. 2011 Toyota a Corolla or '10.
Whats happens if I don't get car insurance?
I have a speeding ticket on my license, I'm about to go to court for another speeding ticket (19 over) and a reckless driving ticket (for burning tires). I am 18, with a Nissan 300zx (2 seater sports car) My insurance is currently $120 a month for liability (I think) , and will probably go WAY up I was thinking, what if I don't renew my insurance? Will I just get a $200 ticket when I get pulled over for it? $200 ticket >>> $300 a month for insurance More knowledge the better, cuz the 2 tickets I just got are gonna cost me out the ***, and insurance is ridiculous anyways, I have 0 wrecks, I'm considered high risk with tickets even though its just speeding and burning tires. Speeding on old highways with nobody on them, the worst thing I have to worry about is deer. Burning tires in secluded areas on roads nobody drives on really.""
How can you get insurance on a car that is not in your name?
What steps should be taking to get insurance on a car in your name that is in a relatives name? But, you are taking over the car payments and paying them the money on a car that is still in there name.""
Help! Accident on motorcycle with no insurance.?
I was recently involved in an accident on my motorcycle with a Hertz rental car. I purchased the bike 9 days before the accident and was planning on adding the motorcycle to my car insurance policy. No one was hurt in the accident but a police report was filled out at the request of the rental company. I was wondering if insurance companies possibly have some kind of grace period for accidents a certain number of days before the policy is added, or if need be, transferred to the motorcycle. The rear bumper of the rental car was dented and the right rear lights were damaged. My motorcycle is fine. I live in California.""
What will happen to my insurance?
My brother was in a car accident in my car - he's not on the insurance. My car was pretty damaged, the other car only scratched and drove away. He gave my auto insurance info to the other driver but there was no police report. Can the other driver make a claim without a police report? I only have liability, can I make a claim against their insurance? I live in NY State. How does this work?""
Which icar insurance is cheap and best?
where can i find find cheap and good car insurance
About car insurance and the laws on it?
i just want to know if a car is insured but the driver of that car is not in the policy .. do i still get ticketed for not having the car insured? I don't know if i'm making sense.but let me explain .my car is insured fully covered but my daughter was driving it and got stopped by the police.and he claimed that my car was not insured. i called my insurance carrier and was told that it was because my daughter was not on the policy. I always assumed that as long as the car was insured it did nt matter who drove it. provided an accident was not involved. please help me on this. as soon as possible
Good 2 go auto insurance?
Who has this insurance? Whats ur take on it and whats the cheapest price do they offer?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
How much does insurance cost for acura rsx?
im gonna buy a used car soon and i was thinking of buying the rsx. I am 16 so i would join the insurance plan with my mom. I have good grades and my mom has a clean driving record. I just need a rough estimate
Cheaper to insure two cars instead of one alone?
i have a 2010 prius still owe money on it,,that i pay full coverage on,and im buying a 2002 subaru wrx that im gonne pay in full cash and put basic insurance on it,,,,im 21 years old,married and have nothing on my driving record,,howmuch would my insurance be,,,right now its 130,how much more witht the wrx""
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
I was charged for insurance by my auto financing company about 5 years ago when I first started my loan...?
and after about a day I realized that my coverage had lapsed, I obtained my own insurance. I live in California and it is my understanding that you cannot have double coverage and I would be due back any money from a secondary policy that would be pro rated. I am on my last car payment and while looking over my payoff quote I was being charged almost $9/mo. + Interest for the balance of my loan (approx. 60 months). When I call them will I have to show proof of my insurance coverage, I have changed insurance carriers a couple times since then so I'm not sure if I still have the paperwork. Otherwise, would the DMV have a printout I could obtain? Thanks in advance for your help""
I need a new credit card so I can pay my car insurance.?
Can I get a new credit card then pay my 400+ car insurance with it and then be able to pay it off gradually without having interest rates added to the bill? The cards say 0% interest for the first 9 months BUT they then say if you pay your credit card bill in full you don`t have interest on it. What does this mean if it already states you don`t have interest for the first 9 months anyway? It doesn`t make sense, none of it.""
""Im 19, need a renewal on car insurance, whats cheap?""
i passed driving test in march and its due for renewal the 15th march, im with tesco at the mo but it keeps coming up with error message online, i really need to find something cheap as i cant afford a lot. please help? i have nearly 1 year no claims""
In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
How much does moped insurance usually cost?(for new owner and ped)?
Does any1 know were i cud get cheap car insurance?
i live in northern ireland and am 18 years old thanks
Life insurance at 23. suggestions?
Hi, I'm 23 and I have a one year daughter. I was taking in consideration to apply for life insurance.. is it cheap? what is a good company to stick with? Thanks""
How do I get health insurance for my baby to be born in April?
I am self-employed, therefore have a limited health insurance plan just for me & my husband (In other words, no employer health insurance). To keep my premiums affordable, I have a very high deductible, no maternity coverage (I am paying cash to a midwife), very bare bones, in other words. Can anyone direct me as to what company/where to start? The one company I inquired with told me I could not even submit the application until my newborn was 32 days old. Is this standard practice? Thanks for your help. I really detest the subject altogether!""
Cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old?
I was wondering what cars would be the cheapest to insure for a new driver, aged 17. I heard there is all these different groups which relate to the amount of insurance you would have to pay. Also, I would prefer a decent car, so if you know any decent, cheap to insure cars! pleaseeee let me know! thanks! :D""
Can a 16y/o buy car insurance without his parents?
How much would it cost in California, full coverage for a 94 Honda Civic?""
Health Insurance ????????????
I'm going to live in china for a year and would like to have insurance. I'm just living over there and wont have a job so i wont have health insurance. When i quit my job to move to china I wont have insurance so i need to get some for a whole year. Can someone point me in the right direction to get health insurance. Does anybody know what a basic health insurance plan for a year would cost. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Do I need insurance to buy a used car?
Wisconsin- I will be buying a new car this week (2004 Monte Carlo). My license is currently suspended, do I need to get insurance for it before I bring it home? (My mom will be driving it home for me)""
Insurance for a car that is about to sell?
I live in north carolina and I have two cars right now. One is a dead car ( having insurance) and the other is new car ( dealer said it is ok to drive that vehicle for atleast 30 days with in the state without transfer of insurance ..I will be transferring the insurance from my old car to new car in 3-4 days as holidays are ahead. My question is some one is willing to buy my dead car ASAP and do I have to do the paper work of transferring the insurance of my dead one to new one before I sell this car. Or Insurance is the responsibility of the buyer? I don't have to worry about it? I really appreciate if some one gives a nice suggestion. I could not able to reach the insurance people bcz of holidays
Liability insurance for small pizza delivery business?
Do I need any kind of special liability insurance for a small pizza delivery business? My delivery drivers will drive their own insured cars not company owned vehicles.
Car accident before renew my insurance?
Hi, lately, i had a car accident and it was my fault. At that time, my car insurance had already expired. A few later, I renewed my car insurance but I'm not sure If I'm applicable to ask the help from my insurance? The cost of repairing the car that I crashed with is $1700. I don't want to pay this much so I have choices: ask the help from insurance and pay $550 excess only (but mine expired during the accident time), or should i just go to the body shop to repair the car? Thank you very much from your advices""
Insurance for Yamaha enticed 125?
I'm Looking at buying a Yamaha enticer but insurance is very dear as I haven't been riding a year yet but I'm Moving up from a 50cc Moped. If anyone had been in this situation and found cheap insurance deals for 125's please let me know.
Whats insurances gonna be like on a red mustang convertiable?
Whats insurances gonna be like on a red mustang convertiable?
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
Best Car For Cheap Car Insurance?
I am looking for a used car that will be of good quality, reliability and value. In addition, I would like the insurance to be as low as possible. Any thoughts on specific models that meet these requirements?""
""Tax and tested, but no insurance on the car?""
Hi, i recently bought a new car. So my old car is up for sale, it has currently got tax and MOT. But the insurance ran out yesterday, my car car is for sale on private land and will not be driven on the road. Is this ok??""
Online Quote hase gone up 20 after modifying it and running another through. Why?
I got a online insurance quote, modified the quote,mileage, excess. Tried a new quote price is 20 more now, why is that? Will it go back to the original price?""
How much would it cost to get added to someones insurance policy...?
I need to prove that I have insurance to get my license reinstated. My grandma said I can use her car, but I'm not covered. She has liability insurance for her car. How much would it cost me (18 year old male, inexperienced driver) to get added to her policy. It is a small, older 4 door car. Any idea about how much it would be extra a month for me to be added? Also, would she be able to take me off of the policy whenever she wanted without any kind of fee (like if I tried to get taken off in a month, would they say that she has to pay for 6 months...). Thanks!""
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?? please answer?
im a male, 17 years old, recently got my g2 license, i bought a used 2000 toyota celica gt-s. how much approximatly would my car insurance be? thanks""
How much a motor scooter cost in Australia?
How much a motor scooter for a girl (going to c cost in Australia? How much it cost for registration and insurance? What are other costs incured ?
How much would car insurance for a 17 year old driver?
for a used hatch back that costs around 500
Best insurance in Illinois?
I am a young adult, soon I will start going to college and I would like to know what insurance would be best and cheapest, because I will need a lot of money for college. Thanks in advance""
Are trucks cheaper to insure for teenagers?
Im looking into getting my first car and i was just wondering if its cheaper to insure a truck then a car. I am 17 years old and live in alberta canada, everyone tells me that they are cheaper to insure but how much cheaper?""
Cheapest car insurance for first time driver? I'm a girl?
I'm looking for insurance that is as cheap as possible. I'm a 17 year old girl who is currently having driving lessons.
""What's the difference between non-owner's car insurance, and a car that's fully covered?""
My boyfriend has a car that is in his name, and he is fully insured through the car. But, I need to drive it every once in a while and I don't want to be screwed if I get in an ...show more""
In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!
Will insurance cover damages caused by DUI crash?
I was leaving a parking lot, left too fast, and I fishtailed into a parked car (no one was in the parked car and I was not injured). When I pulled over and got out, a police officer who was a block away immediately asked if I was drinking. I was and admitted it. I was administered a field sobriety test and later a breathalyzer. I blew a 1.1 and was booked for OWI. I called my insurance company about the crash to get the claim started, but did not mention the arrest since they did not ask...but I know this will come up. I have full coverage...so will the insurance cover damages to my car and the other car?""
Does anybody know the average daily cost of having your newborn stay in the NICU?
I know most people have insurance that helps cover a certain %, but what amount is the real cost that the hospital bills the insurance company and the patient pay?""
What would be considered cheap for a new driver's auto insurance?
Also, what would be considered average or too high? Any car really, just focusing on the pricing at the moment for a ballpark estimate.""
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
How much cost an insurance car in North Carolina?
Home loan insurance plan v/s life insurance plan?
how the home loan insurance plan is better/worse than the life insurance plan ? I am to buy a house in india, and can't decide which insurance to go for.. a home loan insurance or a life insurance..""
Do I need to switch car insurance for being out of state temperaily? Am I still covered?
I have car insurance in Florida, but I'm going to be going to school in New Jersey for probably for 2 years. Do I need to switch my car insurance or will I still be covered under FL rates? My DL has my Florida address and my car is registered in Florida. I plan on going back, so what should I do? Thanks (I'm with State Farm BTW)""
The cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old boy?
and dont just say lowest insurance group because iv been looking and so far its been a group 3 clio and iv looked at insurance for an aygo (group 1) i need real examples like i had a fiesta and it was blah not just small hatchbacks are cheap
Motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I live in ontario. I am currently interested in getting a motorcycle and undergoing my m1 then thereafter m2 licencing. I am interested in getting a sport type bike (600-750cc). Either being a YAMAHA or Kawasaki. I am 26 years old. Who would be the best to get the insurance from and what regulations are there towards the insurance for motorcycle drivers? THANKS!
Health Insurance question?
So I just turned 18 and I will no longer be covered through Amerigroup so was looking at some Health insurances to buy. I know the deductible is the amount you need to pay out of pocket before the insurance will start paying, but how will the insurance know when you have payed the deductible?""
Lower cost health insurance recommendations needed?
I'm hoping to be working in a few more days thru a staffing agency but their insurance isnt very good, over $800/month for my son and I and VERY limited medical. He has ADHD and has to have coverage. I doubt if we qualify for any state assistance too. But I've looked at a few individual plans thru various carries and they arent much better... for just over $350/month we're both covered (not including dental or vision) but the deductible is SUPER high does anyone know of any insurances with individual plans with a decent price and coverage. We're in California""
Health Insurance....I need some...?
I live in Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i need some affordable insurance...any good ideas.""
Purchasing an aircraft with no licenses? Insurance costs?
Hi guys my friend is selling his Piper Warrior and I'm interested in purchasing it with no licenses. Obviously I would have my friends who are CFI qualified with me every time I am in the aircraft until I do acquire the license. Anybody have an idea for insurance costs for owning an aircraft without a license as well as renting the aircraft to others?
How can you justify paying this much for insurance?
my insurance was canceled on my a month ago so im shopping around. i have a friend who is a broker who recommended using progressive - for $711 a month. wtf. i have 1 speeding ticket, 1 minor traffic violation, and one comp claim. i used to have state farm and the most i ever paid was $240 a month. this is just wrong in all respects. how do they expect any 21 year old to pay that much? thats a rent payment. i have an 05 scion tc, im wondering if buying a cheap beater would affect the price at all.""
How much will insurance offer for a car I paid 3000 for 6 months ago?
Peugout 106 1.1 Bought for 3 grand 6 months ago although he got it down from 3500 from a reputable dealer. It is likely to be a total loss so how much do you think they will offer me for it?
Which has cheaper auto insurance: 2012 Hyundai Elantra GLS or 2012 Honda Civic?
This is regarding all auto insurance companies. Also, why is it that not a lot of Hyundai dealers in the Los Angeles area have the 2012 Elantra in their New Inventory, they only have 2011 in stock :S Does anyone else have this problem also?""
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
Are States legally allowed to require car insurance?
Can the State legally mandate that citizens buy insurance from consumer agencies that have little to no regulation of price and guaranteed service? Can we consider this question with ...show more
Insurance For My Daughters Scooter?
My 16 yr old daughter is being stupidly high prices for her scooter insurance - she has a 49cc and has past her CBT test. can anyone suggest a company who specialise in young riders ?
What are the best insurance companies out there if you have had a DUI and a speeding ticket in the last 8 year?
Looking in California for an insurance company with reasonable rates I just got my renewal and they want me to pay 175 per month I have been only paying 100 dollars a month So if anyone of you know of a great company please post a reply and thank you
Insuring A Range Rover For An 18 Year Old?
Ive been driving for a year now, and i have 1 year no claims bonus. (aged 18 and male). I am going to university for three years, and for the first of those three years, im NOT on the insurance. How much do you think a Rangerover sport (second hand costing about 9,000) would be costing me in UK insurance third-party? my current car was fitted with this mileage thing, which also lessens the amount i pay (NOT A BALCK BOX).. but roughly do you know? thanks.""
What is the average cost for General Liability Insurance for a Security Guard Company in California.?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much a 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy would cost for a Security Company in California""
Whats the difference between insurance and bonded insurance on roofs?
i started my construction business and im looking for some good insurance, and im not too sure whats the difference between a regular construction business insurance and bonded insurance? any suggestions?""
Will my Insurance go any higher if paid off by Collision ?
I bought my Acura in 2006 and have been in mint condition since then. Recently, the snow plougher scratched my car and didnt leave a note. I called the manger of the snow plougher and filed the police report. He took the responsibility but during the report he said that he will give the name of the driver and vehicle later. After few weeks when I didnt hear I called the manager and he said his company will not cover anything and I can do whatever I can.... I called my insurance company and they are willingly to cover through my insurance - Collision, instead of comprehensive. The repair is $2000 + rental car for 9 days ~$2500. My deductible is $100 for collision and $50 for comprehensive. Do you think if they use Collision my insurance rate will go higher ? [Ofcourse I dont have any choice at this time. my insurance company said they cannot file a lawsuit or anything against the snow plougher company]""
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
Car insurance without deposit or low deposit?
hi im looking to insure mg mg zr but have little money till i get on the rd so i need an insurance company that will insure me today for no or very little deposit not 140 deposit and 11 installs of 80
In Alabama, is it hard to get insurance for a Jeep if...?
i'm turning 16 soon. Getting my intermediate license, then six months later i'll get my real license. I've been looking at Jeep Wranglers, but i've decided I need something that gets a little better gas milage. So now i've really come to like Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The price of the Jeep isn't a problem, I can pay for the gas too. But the insurance is another. Does anyone have any clue how much insurance might be? I think my mom is with progressive if it matters. Thanks in advance!
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