#weed is a gateway drug
rosicheeks · 2 years
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green5quirrel · 10 months
We All Know, Right?
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arsenicolada · 3 months
tried edibles for the first time and all I did was lie in bed and listen to Ocean Man by Ween on repeat
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shinobicyrus · 9 months
So after noticing that I haven't been seeing or hearing much of the traditional "War on Christmas" nonsense that's plagued my every holiday season for years like clockwork, I did some digging because I am very normal.
Apparently the Washington Post noticed this trend as well, and were even able to track how "War on Christmas" discourse actually peaked during 2012/2013 (so around the election and the Start of Obama's second term. Gee I wonder why) and has been on a decline ever since.
For me, the holiday season didn't begin until Uncle Bill O'Reilly, drunk off Thanksgiving turkey and secret whiskey started pulling out his notes about how the Gap and Macy's were killing Judeo-Christian values.
It's all just "woke" now! Back in my day the War on Christmas used to mean something, dammit! Sure it was a stupid, petty, exhausting construct of paranoia and grievance, but back then (so like...2012) you could cheerfully and sincerely wish your conservative friends, family, and acquaintances a "Happy Holiday" and watch their faces turn red with rage, and that was a gift that kept us warm during a long winter that actually had snow.
Shaking my heard that this new War on Woke has killed our holiday traditions. So sad.
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milfsisyphus · 1 year
hammock purchase fundamentally changed me as a person. for better or worse
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twinknote · 1 year
the real danger of smoking weed: making a spreadsheet of the fic you want to read
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casgirldykery4ever · 1 year
my dad has just started an in depth conversation about weed and ny weed legality with his pastor brother in law why did he do this
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jefferythejelly · 1 year
youre so based with the shipping honestly. do yiu not drink cuz of reasons or is it more like.. i would theoretically but i just dont <- jus curious (feel free 2 keep secret)
its kind of both? i think i would try it at least once (especially some of those really sweet looking fruity cocktails i think i'd like those lmao) but i just havent been in many situations where i've been offered a drink (#sheltered #partially by my own accord bc of social anxiety) (and also its not like i can buy my own alcohol #under 21 USA moment)
but there is a little part of me thats scared of it bc i Know that i tend to fall back on unhealthy coping mechanisms sometimes😭 realistically thats just me overthinking like i'd prob be fine if i did start but its just a lil worry for me lol
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
low key maybe this fic is secretly just pro marijuana propaganda
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sakebytheriver · 4 months
Literally just heard a girlie in a youtube video fully admit she's falling for the culty pseudoscience of astrology with no self-awareness whatsoever 😭😭😭
Like she basically said, "yeah i was a skeptic and I fully said stuff like 'i dont believe in this bs' but now I'm out here clocking shit and noticing stuff, so I guess there is a science to this afterall." Like babes please, I'm fucking begging you to have some self awareness here, like you've literally now shown the whole world that you are very VERY susceptible to cults and pseudoscience
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cosmovague · 5 months
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Bruce: Tim I need you to be honest with me, I know what you did.
Tim: you do?
Bruce: Yes, and I think we can work past this.
Tim: And you’re not freaking out?
Bruce: it was a bit hard to grasp, but you know I think I’m okay with it.
Tim: So you’re not upset?
Bruce: well I do think we need to work on being more honest but I’m just glad it’s nothing serious-
Tim: I can’t believe you’re not upset about me killing that guy-
Bruce, still talking: Weed is however, a gateway drug, and I would like you to be- say what?
Tim: Oh shit.
Bruce: You killed a man?
Tim: You’re just now finding out about the weed? So much for worlds greatest detective-
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beelzeballing · 2 years
it just hit again that, as a trans person, i couldve picked ANY GODDAMN NAME in the world. and i named myself after a goddamn LEAGUE OF LEGENDS character.
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carpathxanridge · 2 years
im so anxious and paranoid i can’t even distract myself by cleaning the house with music on without getting jumpy and thinking i hear sounds over the music. i don’t want to be one of those people who uses weed to self medicate alone every day like i’ve never let myself use it outside of social settings but i think i might need to buy some edibles
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breadboysteals · 2 days
Weed is not a fucking gateway drug people who do weed just get more and more into weed
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is-this-yuri · 8 months
i mean i don't think it's evil to give a homeless person food instead of cash, even if the reason is because you don't want them to spend money on drugs or whatever. the BEST thing you can give a homeless person is whatever they need at that moment, and the second best thing is cold hard cash. but when i'm panhandling i'm never going to say no to a snack and i'm still going to be grateful even if i can't eat what they gave me.
today someone gave me a bag with three meals in it, but they were all frozen. i don't have any way to heat this food up that won't make it taste weird (like putting it on my engine or something), so this stuff is inedible to me. i tried all day, but without a microwave it's just. not gonna be good. i'm still grateful that she tried to give me something useful.
i have three pairs of gloves i got for free, and i took them all because who knows what might happen? i might lose two pairs, or they might get holes in them, or it might end up so cold i need three layers of gloves. i might meet someone else who needs gloves.
it's important to acknowledge that not every homeless person can take the food you want to give them, or might not need food because they can get it through other means. it's important to acknowledge that substance abuse issues are more complex than 'if i can't afford it, i'll quit' and that a homeless person drinking some beer or smoking some cigarettes or weed isn't a moral failure or a lack of priorities on their part. it might not even be at the level of substance abuse. at the same time, i don't think you have to give us cash or nothing. give whatever you're willing and able to give.
like it says on my sign, anything helps. yes, cash helps the most, because cash is the gateway to pretty much anything else i could need. but morale helps a lot too. knowing people are kind and willing to give helps. a free bag of cheetos helps.
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