#dude I’ve left the house a few times today what do you think I’m doing?
rosicheeks · 2 years
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
Do You Want to Keep a Secret?
Part 2 Here - Do You Want to Keep Another Secret? >
Pairing: Dominique Luca x fem!reader
Summary: After Luca asks Street to stay out of the house for a while, Street gets tired and curious and accidentally crashes Luca's "book club."
Warnings: secret girlfriend, "book club" joke goes on way too long (Bridgerton slander; I haven't and won't read it but know Street wouldn't like it), fluff, brief mention of alcohol consumption, the one and only Duke!!!
Word Count: 2.5k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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“Street, wait up, man,” Luca calls.
Street pauses by the door of S.W.A.T. HQ and turns to look at Luca. 20 Squad had an early day and Street’s been eager to get out of the station and relax. When Luca waits for Deacon and Hondo to walk by before he begins talking, Street narrows his eyes in suspicion.
“What do you want?” Street asks.
“I can’t just want to talk?” Luca defends.
“If you just wanted to talk, Deacon and Hondo overhearing wouldn’t have been a problem. Spit it out, man.”
“Fine. I’m going to be home late tonight and need the house tomorrow night.”
Street opens his mouth but doesn’t say anything. Luca tugs nervously on his backpack strap, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Street.
“There’s something that I need to do tomorrow, and I just- go ride around or visit friends, whatever you want to do, but I really need the house to myself,” Luca explains.
“What do you need to do?” Street inquires.
“Something that I can’t do with you asking questions.”
“Streeter, please.”
Street nods slowly before agreeing to find somewhere else to be tomorrow night. Luca’s the best roommate and friend he’s ever had, so despite all the questions he wants to ask, he’ll give Luca the space and privacy he needs. As they leave HQ, Luca turns left where Street turns right, and Street only becomes more curious about where Luca is going and how he’s spending his nights.
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“Book club?” Street asks.
“Dude, do I look like I’d host a book club? Or be in one?” Luca replies.
“No offense, but kinda. You’ve got that soothing, welcoming personality, and you love people.”
“Who’s in a book club?” Deacon asks as he walks into the situation room.
“No one,” Luca answers.
“Luca disappeared last night, didn’t get home until well after midnight, and now he needs our house tonight. Won’t tell me why,” Street explains.
Deacon looks over at Luca, and he nods once. Luca thinks Deacon probably figured out exactly what has been taking Luca’s free time, but he trusts Deacon to keep it quiet and not push like Street.
“Well, Street, you’re welcome to come over for dinner since you’ve been evicted,” Deacon offers.
“Temporarily evicted,” Street corrects. “And, thanks, but I already found a way to kill a few hours.”
“Luca, enjoy the Street-free house,” Deacon adds as he leaves.
“Hey!” Street yells. “Wait, Luca, is Duke staying?”
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“Where are we going?” you ask.
Luca told you during your date last night that he’d pick you up from work today because he had a surprise. Seeing your boyfriend two days in a row is unusual, but you’re certainly not complaining. The permanent smile on your face since you met is proof that there’s never too much time with Luca.
“We’ve been dating for a while, but we don’t spend time alone,” Luca begins. “Not that I don’t enjoy our date nights, but I thought it might be nice to have a night in for once.”
“That does sound nice,” you agree. “But we both have roommates.”
“I don’t have one tonight. Street agreed to let me have the house to myself for a while.”
“What did you tell him?”
“Not much. He asked a lot of questions, though.”
“You know, you’re not the first boyfriend I’ve had who didn’t want me to meet his friends. You are the first who said it was because of his friends and not me, though.”
“I’ll introduce you when the time is right. And we’re not starting with Street, that’s something that needs to be eased into.”
“Then who would you introduce me to first?”
Luca smiles, and when he reaches the last stop sign before his house, he turns to look at you.
“Deacon, probably,” he answers. “I think he already knows I’m seeing someone.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Deacon’s crazy intuitive, and the only one who has any idea what it’s like to be in a committed relationship.”
Luca turns into his driveway and races around the front of his truck to open your door and help you out. His house is cute, you think, but the work he’s doing in the neighborhood is even better than the house. As he opens the door, you hear a dog bark happily.
“Is that Duke? I get to meet Duke?” you ask excitedly.
“Yes, you do. He’s the best roommate I have.”
“When I meet Jim, I’m telling him you said that.”
“He already knows.”
Luca opens the door, and you step inside before being greeted by Duke. He’s just as kind and gentle as his owner, and you fall in love with him in a moment. As you kneel and pet him, letting him sniff your hand to introduce yourself, you’re glad for a quiet night in. You know Luca well, but you expect to see a different side of him away from the public eye, and the dangers he watches for outside.
“This is the best date you’ve ever taken me on,” you tell Luca as he helps you stand.
“I’ll remember that next time I get reservations at an expensive restaurant,” he jokes.
“You know I’d be happy with your cooking, or a food truck, or a microwave dinner as long as I’m sharing it with you.”
“Don’t get sappy yet,” Luca warns playfully.
You already feel comfortable in Luca’s house, and as you follow him into the kitchen you catch a glimpse of what the rest of your life will be like. Your favorite meal is waiting for you, and you hug Luca tightly to thank him. The night is perfect, and it’s just beginning.
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“I’m so tired,” Street complains.
“Go home,” Chris answers. “That’s, like, the entire point of having a place to live.”
“I can’t. Luca said I can’t come home until later.”
“Why not?”
“Wouldn’t tell me. Deac probably knows.”
“If he didn’t say why, it must not be too important.”
Street looks up from his drink and snaps. His eyes are glassy as he points at Chris and agrees, “You’re so right. You’re so smart, Chris.”
“And maybe you need a ride home,” she suggests.
“I’m not drunk,” Street argues. “Just tired and I want to know what Luca is doing.”
“I’m not going to tell you that you should go home earlier to find out, but if you’re uncomfortable staying out any longer… Where else are you supposed to go?”
“Luca would kill me.”
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“I love you,” you whisper.
Luca’s hand slows in its trail from your hip to your ribs and back down. His touch is both calming and electrifying, and you can’t imagine a life without Luca. He pulls your legs over his lap to bring you closer. What started as sitting on his couch to talk quickly turned to quiet confessions and cuddles, which you would like to be a nightly occurrence. Luca kisses your cheek before promising that he loves you.
“I’m never going to want to go on another date with you unless it’s just like this one,” you say.
Luca turns to look at your smile and cups your cheek before he agrees, “I’m sure we could work something out.”
“You’re gonna have to tell Street then. Duke already loves me, so we’re over halfway there.”
“Or I could just get him, like, arcade passes to keep him busy.”
‘We’ll talk about it later,” Luca whispers as he leans in.
His hand moves from your cheek to the back of your neck as he kisses you. Already halfway in his lap, you lean forward and press your chest to his to return the affection. Your hands move to Luca’s shoulders, and you grip his shirt gently as you push yourself closer to him.
The door opens, and you pull away from Luca quickly as someone asks, “Is this why you didn’t want me to come home?”
“Street, what are you doing here?” Luca asks as he gently moves your legs off of his and stands.
“I forgot?”
“Any other night I would believe that,” Luca says.
He’s standing in front of you, but you peek around his side and wave. You introduce yourself and say hello to Street as he waves in return.
“Why are you back?” Luca asks again.
“I got tired, and Chris kind of convinced me that it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to come back early. I swear, Luca, I had no idea I was going to be interrupting.”
“Because I didn’t want to tell anyone yet!”
You stand and lay a hand on Luca’s back in an attempt to calm him down. Although you understand why he wants to wait, things don’t always work out like you want.
“I’m sorry, Luca,” Street says.
“Uh, Street?” you interrupt softly. “Do you want to keep a secret?”
“You want me to stay quiet about this? Absolutely; you don’t have to worry about that." He looks to Luca and adds, "I really am sorry, man.”
“Not exactly,” you say, though you look at Luca as you say it. “Want to start a book club?”
“I knew it,” Street says through his teeth.
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“You guys want to come over for dinner?” Luca invites.
“Are you cooking?” Hondo asks quickly.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Then, I’m in.”
“Sure,” Deacon agrees. “I just have to be home by nine.”
“Nobody envies that, Deac,” Hondo teases.
“I’m down, too,” Tan says.
“Sounds good,” Chris adds.
“Alright. Come over whenever you’re ready, but food should be done in about an hour,” Luca calls over his shoulder.
“Bring your own silverware, I’m not doing dishes,” Street demands.
“Sure thing, playboy,” Victor says.
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“Hello?” Street asks as he opens the door.
“Kitchen,” you call. “Are you aware that it’s still your house?”
“Doesn’t mean you have to feel uncomfortable or stay confined to Luca’s room.”
You smile and when Street raises his hands in question, you ask, “Are you ever going to let them know that you’re not a playboy anymore?”
“And lose all my credit and the best nickname I’ve ever had? Not likely, future Mrs. Luca.”
“Now that is the best nickname I’ve ever had.”
“Streeter!” Luca calls.
“Second best,” Street whispers before leaving your side to help Luca.
“How well do you think this is going to go, Duke?” you ask as you follow him into the living room.
“This is the only book that I could find seven copies of,” Luca explains as he dumps a bag of paperbacks on the coffee table.
“Bridgerton?” you read. “Luca, did you think maybe there was a reason there were so many?”
“It’s good enough for a TV show,” Street says.
He picks one up and begins reading the blurb on the back, and you watch his face go from curious to confused to disinterested and disgusted.
“Not good enough for a S.W.A.T. team,” you explain. “And now poor Street is scarred for life.”
“Good thing we’re not reading it,” Luca says. “They’re going to figure out far before they gain any interest in the book.”
Street shudders as he steps back from the books, and you laugh before returning to the kitchen. Luca is making dinner, but you claimed dessert and two different options are cooling on the counter. The doorbell rings and Street walks to the door as Luca arranges the books. You run into Luca’s bedroom to hide and wonder if Street will be able to keep a secret long enough to pull off the book club gag.
“Hey, Deac,” Luca greets. “Come on in.”
“Is your girlfriend here?” Deacon asks.
“How do you do that?” Street exclaims.
“Dude,” Luca sighs. “Yeah, she’s here.”
“The book club bit is a nice touch,” Deacon applauds. “Worst book you could have chosen though.”
“I agree,” Street says dramatically.
“Annie couldn’t finish these books.”
The doorbell rings again, and Deacon and Street quiet as the rest of 20 Squad enters the Luca/Street abode. With all of them talking over one another, you can’t tell how the conversation is going.
“Why is there an extra book?” Hondo asks. “Did you miscount for this joke or is that part of it?”
“No, there’s seven of us,” Luca answers.
“Me, you, Street, Tan, Deac, and Chris. That’s six, my man.”
“Plus, my girlfriend.”
Hondo, Tan, and Chris freeze. Luca expected a louder reaction, so the stunned silence is a surprise.
“Are we going to stand here in suspense, or do we get to meet her?” Deacon asks finally.
“Hi,” you say as you walk into the living room. “I’m-“
Halfway through your introduction, 20 Squad finds their voice again and Hondo, Chris, and Tan begin speaking over one another again to ask you questions. Street steps up and raises his hands to stop them.
“I can answer any questions you have about her. Because I’m a great roommate, and Luca’s best friend, and I already know her,” he says proudly.
“What’s her favorite book?” Luca asks.
“I can say with absolute certainty that it is not Bridgerton,” Street answers. He looks at you quickly to ask, “Right?”
“That is correct,” you affirm.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Deacon says as he shakes your hand. “Sorry Street was the welcome committee.”
“If I get to see Street, I get to see Duke, so it’s a win,” you tease.
“Okay, okay, let’s go back,” Hondo interjects. “How long have you been together?”
“Almost six months,” Luca replies.
“Six months? And we haven’t heard a thing? Luca, what did we do to deserve this?”
Luca glances at Chris, who is pulling you away from Deacon and talking so quickly you probably can’t understand anything.
“The interrogation I knew she’d get, mostly. No offense, Hondo, but when we’re all together it’s a lot to take in.”
“I get that, man, but you could have told us. We’re family.”
“I’m telling you now. With food.”
“She’s going to be around for a long time, though,” Luca promises.
“I’m happy for you, man. Just let me know before you pop the question, would you?”
“I do have a ring,” Luca murmurs.
“Next book club, she ain’t here and we talk about that little piece of information,” Hondo declares before leaving Luca to join the small circle around you.
After everyone leaves, and you accept an invitation to join Annie and Deacon for dinner next week, you fall back on the couch and lean against Luca. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and tugs you closer to him.
“You were right. They’re a lot, but it’s clear that they care about you, Luca. I’m glad you have friends – family – like them,” you say.
“And now they’re yours,” Luca replies, “for as long as you stay with me.”
“I like that sound of that.”
Duke jumps onto the couch beside you, and you pet his head. Luca imagines how different this will be when you have a ring on your finger and smiles.
“There is just one thing I’d like you to do,” you request.
“Pick a better book next time. Something by Michael Connelly or Doyle, anyone-“
Luca cuts you off with a kiss, and you both pretend not to hear Street tiptoe behind you to eat more brownies.
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sturniozo · 2 months
Away From You
Back To You part two
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I didn’t know where else to go when I went to Alex’s house after I saw Matt with another girl. I couldn’t even tell Alex the truth about why I was at his door crying. He thinks it was because I was desperate to have him back and came running after he texted me that night.
I cried the whole night in Alex’s arms, while he comforted me about the wrong thing. The truth is, I couldn’t care less about having Alex back. I’d rather be in the arms of the man I’ve actually been in love with for the last two years. It took crying in the wrong man’s arms to realize, I never really loved Alex. It was always Matt, and always will be.
“How you feeling?” Alex asks as I lay on his bare chest. Yes, I’m ashamed to say that we did in fact sleep together last night.
“So much better.” I lie. What am i supposed to say, ‘you’re terrible in bed and I’m in love with my best friend’?
Alex just smiles. That stupid cocky smile I hate so much. The smile that says “I’m the greatest cockiest man in the world.” The smile of lies and arrogance.
Everything Alex does seems to piss me off now. I used to miss the way he’d play with my hair when we cuddled, but now all I can think about is the tugging on my scalp as he plays with my tangled hair. If it’s tagled from my night’s sleep, don’t play woth it. His audible breathing pisses me off too. My god, he snores while he’s awake.
“What’s on your mind?” Alex asks. God, his voice is even annoying.
“Nothing.” I mumble.
“Come on, what is it?” He laughs softly as he speaks. Another annoyance.
“Nothing.” I say again, this time more sternly.
Alex groans as he sits up. “You’re upset about something.”
I sit up as well. “What makes you think that?” I ask in a sarcastic tone.
“Well for one, you have never talked back to me before.”
I scoff. “Yes, I was a perfect and compliant girl for you.”
“What is up with you?” Alex snaps. “I thought you were dying to get back together with me?”
“Of course you would think that.” I laugh. “Because every girl is just dying to be with you.”
“God, so what if I slept around while we were broken up.” Alex exclaims.
“You think that’s what this is about?” I laugh again. “Like I didn’t sleep around too?”
Alex’s eyes widen. “What are you talking about? Who would sleep with you?”
“You, evidently.”
“Who did you sleep with?” He asks. He steps closer to me, clenching his jaw tightly. His eyes widen as the few braincells in his head connect the dots. “Fucking Matt, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Jesus Alex, you just said you slept around too.”
“Not with someone I see every single fucking day. I’m gonna kill that guy.”
“I’m not gonna see him every day anymore.” I sigh.
“Why’s that then?” Alex laughs. I look down. “You’ve got to be kidding me. He dumped you too huh?”
I stand up. “I’m leaving.” I mumble as I grab my clothes.
“What was it, he could’t stand you sleeping with every guy on the street.” Alex laughs.
I slip my clothes back on as ast as I can, grabbing my bag and my shoes as Alex follows me out the door, laughing at me once again.
He steps infront of me before I can leave the house. “Alex, move.”
“Oh, so scary.” Alex laughs. “Alex, move.” He mocks.
I roll my eyes and puch him out of the way, walking out the door and to my car. Alex follows me, slamming my car door back shut as I open it.
“Where are you going?” He asks.
“Where you aren’t.” I spit.
“Do you really think you can handle another guy leaving you?” Alex says.
“Another guy isn’t leaving me.” I open the car door again. “I’m leaving him.”
Matts POV
“Dude, have you even eaten today?” Chris asks. I only groan in response. “You gotta get out of bed sometime.”
Chris leans against the doorframe of be bedroom, hos arms crossed as he stares at me. I haven’t been able to get out of bed for days, or eat, or sleep. Not since Y/N left my house the other night.
“You have to get out of bed sometime, eat.” Chris insists. “I’ve heard of girls doing this after a breakup, but seeing you like this after Y/N left-”
“What about it?” I say groggily as I turn around in bed. I glare at Chris as he scratches the back of his neck.
“Well, isn’t this kind of…. your fault?” Chris says.
“What?” I sit up in my bed.
“Well, I mean, you did sleep with Anna or whatever her name is right after your fight with Y/N.”
“She went back to Alex, how is that any different?” I snap at him.
“She didn’t go back to Alex.” Chris says. “She came over for you.”
“I’ve seen her instagram story, she’s back with him. And her life 360 says she’s at his house right now.” I lay back down on the bed.
“You’re stalking her?” Chris asks.
“It’s not stalking. I got the notification that she arrived at his house last night.”
“And if I unlock your phone what app is already open?” Chris reaches for my phone, and I stop him.
“You proved your point.” I groan.
Chris raises his eyebrow and gestures to my phone, which is lit up showing a notification from ten minutes ago, from life 360 showing Y/N had left Alex’s house.
I look up at Chris and sit up from my bed, throwing the covers off my body. “Give me that.” I say quickly. Chris hands me the phone, and I look to see where Y/N is headed. Here.
I sit in the driveway of my best friends house. Can I even call him that now? Is he even my best friend after what happened the other day? I bite my lip, not able to decide whether or not to actually go into the house.
I shake my head. What am I even doing? Why am I here? After eveything with Matt, how can I expect he wants to see me?
I start my car up again, putting it into reverse when I hear the front door open. I look up and see Matt. We stare at eachother for a moment before he walks down the steps and to my car. I put the car back in park and open my door, the awful dinging telling me the key is still in the ignition as I step out of the car to greet Matt.
“What are you doing here?” Matt asks in a soft voice.
I look down, my hair falling over my face. “I- I don’t know.” I say in almost a whisper.
“Y/N.” Matt puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head to look in my eyes. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Yeah?” A blush tints my cheeks.
“Yeah.” He mumbles before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss.
This was different than every other time we’ve kissed. It had always been quick and needy, never loving and slow like this. He’s never held me so close and so softly like he is now. His hands on my cheek and waist, instead of under my shirt.
Matt pulls away for a moment, looking at me with a soft smile before leaning in and kissing me again.
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absolutewhore101 · 1 year
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A/N: wow it's been actually forever. finally decided to get back into writing, hope you enjoy this one! (p.s. i'm trying to get caught up on requests, so they are currently closed!)
Pairing: Calum Hood x GN!Reader
Summary: a confession of love is ignored and revisited
Warnings: none, i believe
Word Count: 2.4K
Minors DNI
You met Calum’s eye from across the small living room of Ashton’s house, giving him a weak smile. You weren’t sure how long he’d been watching you - you just knew that as soon as you looked up, his eyes were already on you. 
It was weird. You’d never had that kind of interaction with any of the other boys before, or any boy before. 
Do I have something on my face? Is my hair a mess? Maybe he thinks my outfit’s ugly. 
You did a quick once over of yourself in the reflection of your glass, and eventually decided that you looked fine. So what was his deal?
Calum stood up, and your eyes met his eyes once again. You gave him a confused look and he just gave you a small smile before he walked out of the room. 
The rest of the boys all shared a knowing look. 
“What?” You asked them. 
“Nothing.” Ashton said. “Nothing at all.”
The smirk on his face was enough to irk you, and you had to look away before you made a snide comment that you didn’t mean. 
They all clearly knew something. Did they all think your outfit was ugly? It didn’t look that bad when you checked it over before you left. 
Maybe I won’t wear this one again.
“Hey!” Calum called into the phone. 
“Hi!” You responded, just as enthusiastic. 
“Whatcha up to today, sweets?” He asked. You tried to ignore the flutter in your stomach at his pet name.
“Um, not much. I’ve got to finish cleaning my kitchen but other than that, I don’t think there’s anything else. Why?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to see if you wanted to come over for a bit.” He said. There was something in his voice. Hope? 
You thought about it. You loved hanging out with Calum, you really did. It was simply becoming increasingly hard to be in the same room as him.
“I… I’ll think about it, yeah?”
“Alright.” He said. Disappointment? “If you don’t want to drive I can pick you up, no biggie.” 
You chuckled. 
“I’ll let you know, Cal.” And with that, you hung up. 
You placed your phone down on the counter, bringing a hand up to your forehead. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Calum to ask you to come over, but something about the way he said it this time was different. 
Calum put his phone down, glancing up at Luke sitting across from him. 
“Dude.” He said. 
“I know.” Calum grumbled. “I don’t know what it is. Am I the problem? Is it something with me?” 
Luke immediately shook his head. “No. I don’t know what it is either, but I don’t think it’s you.”
Calum nodded, defeated. He hated that he couldn’t just tell you how he felt, always using some other tactic. 
Come hang out with me.
Want to get dinner, in a totally platonic way?
Hey, I saw this book at the store and knew you wanted it so I grabbed it for you.
You eventually shot Calum a text, telling him to come pick you up so you could hang out with him. It hadn’t even been a minute when his reply came through. 
I’m on my way!!!!!! 
You smiled. 
He pulled up, walking up the steps to your house and swiftly knocking on your door. You opened it, dressed in a pair of shorts and one of Calum’s t-shirts that he’d left at your house a few weeks ago. 
His face began to heat up at the sight of it, and he cleared his throat in an attempt to hide it.
“Hi.” He said. 
“Hi.” You answered, walking beside him out to his car. 
He opened the door for you, gently placing his hand on your back as you got in. 
Your chest constricted at the feeling of his hand on you - the heat of it seeping through the thin t-shirt. Calum walked around the car, getting in and quickly driving away. 
When you finally made it back to his house, you were more than a little confused to see a group of cars parked on the street. 
“You throwing a party or something?” You asked. 
“Nah, just a few friends. Why, you okay?” 
“Yeah I’m good, just… thought it was gonna be just us.” You shrugged, opening the door and stepping out of his car. 
Calum sighed. He knew it wasn’t a good idea to invite people over, but Michael had all but begged him to have some kind of get together instead of moping around because he wasn’t hanging out with you. 
Calum quickly caught up to you, reaching around you to open the door to his house for you, gently guiding you through the doorway. 
You smiled and said your hello to the rest of the boys as you walked through the house, but soon realized you didn’t recognize anyone else.
“Cal, I don’t know any of these people.” You mentioned, shrinking into his side as the anxiety of being surrounded by strangers began to set in.
“I know, sweets.” He said, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “I’ll introduce you to some of them, if you want.”
You were about to express how much you didn’t want that when a girl approached you. She was just a few inches taller than you, and she was gorgeous. And she clearly knew Calum.
“Cal Pal!” She called, gathering his attention.
“Cara! I didn’t even realize you were here!” He said, the smile on his face putting shame to the overhead lights.
“I know, I snuck in after you left. I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to see you guys!”
“Oh! This is Y/N.” He said, gesturing to you.
“Hi!” She said excitedly. “I’m Cara, but I think you probably figured that out.” She giggled, glancing at Calum as he chuckled. 
You nodded, returning her hello before Calum detached himself from your side, wrapping an arm around Cara’s shoulders as they walked away. You were left standing in the middle of the hallway, surrounded on all sides by people you’d never seen before, most of which were either high out of their minds or too drunk to stand. 
Wow, you thought, he goes all the way out of his way to bring me here and then introduces me to… her. His girlfriend? No, he would tell you… right?
You were pulled out of your train of thought by Ashton’s voice, “You alright?”
You nodded, finally looking away from the direction Calum had walked in to meet Ashton’s eyes. 
“Yeah I’m okay. Is Calum seeing that girl?” You asked, pointing at the two of them on the far side of the living room. 
“Who, Cara? I… honestly can’t answer that. They just met a few weeks ago, but I doubt it.”
You nodded, not satisfied with his answer. Hanging out with Calum seemed like a good idea before you knew this was how the night would be spent. 
You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water before making your way into the backyard, dropping into one of the chairs away from the group surrounding the bonfire. 
Watching everyone interact with each other, watching Calum interact with Cara, it was quickly worsening your mood. Now, you just wanted to go home. 
“What’s going on?” Calum asked, walking up to you.
“Come on, sweets, you look like someone kicked a puppy. What happened?”
You warmed once again at the use of his nickname for you, but quickly moved on as you were reminded of the events of the night. 
“Nothing happened, Cal. Why don’t you go back over to Cara? I’m sure she misses you.” You knew it was low, and a little unnecessary, but you couldn’t help it. The man you’d been fawning over brought you to his house and abandoned you for a girl he met a few weeks ago. 
“What? Why would Cara miss me? She’s got plenty of company over there.” He responded. 
“Yeah, well, no girl wants to be away from her boyfriend for too long.” 
Calum froze. Is that what this was? You thought he was dating her?
“You can’t be serious.” He said, watching as you slowly picked your head up to look at him. “After everything… all that I’ve done and said and… and you think I want someone else?” He asked incredulously.
“Cal, what are you…?”
“I love you. Not her, you. You’re the only person I want.”
No. No, no, no, this was not happening. You couldn’t be with him, you’d do nothing but bring him down. He deserved so much better than whatever you had to offer, he had to know that. 
“No you don’t.”
“Excuse me?”
“You don’t love me. You can’t. You deserve so much better, you are so much better off without me. I’m sorry, Cal, but it’s true. Whatever it is that you think I have to offer I promise is nothing compared to what someone like Cara could give you.”
“No. That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t want you because I think you have something to offer. I want you because you’re you. I want you because you cry over books, and make your tea with oat milk, and have to smell every candle before buying the same one you always get. I want you because you understand me like no one else ever has, and you know exactly what I need at any given moment.”
You couldn’t even think. Here Calum was, telling you exactly what you’d always wanted to hear, and you didn’t believe a single word. There was no way that Calum of all people could feel that way for you. 
A tear slipped down your cheek, leaving a warm trail behind as it eventually dropped off your chin. 
“No, sweets, why are you crying?” He asked, reaching a hand up to wipe your tears away. You dodged his hand before it could connect with your skin and quickly walked away, leaving Calum and his confession of love behind. 
He was dumbfounded. Clearly it was something that he’d done, offended you in some way, to have you walk away from him like that. He stood outside for a few moments before he realized what had happened, and all but sprinted back inside the house.
“Where is she, where’d she go?” He asked no one in particular. 
“Uh, I think Macie just took her home. Why what happened?” Luke said. 
It had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since Calum poured his heart out to you and you walked away. He’d called and texted to no avail, and the boys tried, too. But it was clear that you didn’t plan on answering any of them. 
It all caught up to Calum one day. And suddenly, he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. He was out his front door in a second, immediately heading for you. Sure, you lived 3 miles away, but he couldn’t be bothered to grab his car keys before leaving, and wholeheartedly decided to walk.
The first time thunder rumbled in the distance, Calum didn’t even realize it, too caught up in his own thoughts. It was only a few minutes later when he felt the first drops of rain that he realized what he was doing. 
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sight of a flower stand, an elderly woman placing out a fresh bouquet of roses.
“Hello, ma’am. How much for the roses?” He asked her.
She looked him up and down, clearly seeing something about him that he couldn’t.
“For you? Free. Have them.” She said, giving him a warm smile. 
He returned it as he picked up the bouquet and began walking again. 2 minutes later, it was pouring down, and Calum picked up his pace to a run. 
You were sitting on your couch, nursing a cup of tea as you read, listening to the rain bounce off the windows. You were startled out of your cozy atmosphere by frantic knocking on your door. 
You quickly made your way over, confused as to who could be at your door at this hour, in this weather. And you opened it to find, “Calum?”
You looked him over. It had been almost 3 weeks since ‘the incident,’ as you had nicknamed it, and you hadn’t seen him since. His clothes were soaked through, and the look of desperation on his face almost distracted you from the beat up bouquet of roses he was holding.
“What are you doing?! It’s pouring!” You said.
“I don’t care. I had to see you. To tell you that I meant it, every single word. That you’re the only person who truly understands me, the only person I want to fall asleep next to and wake up with. The only person who can make me laugh until I can’t breathe and fills my heart with so much love and my life with so much happiness that I don’t have a single clue what I would do without you.” He finished. 
Tears were streaming down both of your faces, and you didn’t think before throwing your arms around his neck. 
You’re clothes were immediately soaked through as Calum wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, dropping the flowers onto your doorstep. 
“God, Calum, I am so sorry. I don’t even know what I was thinking, I just… No one’s ever said anything like that to me before and meant it. I didn’t know what to do so I ran and I can’t even express to you how happy I am that you’re here. That you’re here and you said it again and you still mean it even after I ran away the first time.” You pulled back to look at his face, bringing one of your hands around to wipe a fresh tear off his cheek. 
He smiled, pressing his lips to yours like he’d been waiting to do for so long. 
“Trust me, sweets,” he mumbled against your lips, “that doesn’t change a single thing.”
Tell me your thoughts! Thank you for reading :)
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oinkinpigprince · 5 months
Is it bad if I request multiple times? I'm sorry!
But I was thinking about a Charlie dompler x reader were the reader is secretly like super violent when something really agrovates them. They are a slasher, like ghost face or something. And they had just found out about Charlie’s nose, and decides to visit James and repay the favour.
They were like really quiet and keeping inside how sad they were and Charlie noticed and when they where leaving he asked where they were going and they lie and say the store, so when they come back they brings his fav snacks
Lol next day Charlie sees James dead in the news paper, shhhhhhh he doesn’t know it was y/n
Pls and thank you
I might actually try this later, I have already drawn it
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You’re fine, silly!! I’ve just been getting a crazy amount of requests so it takes me a while to get through them, I love it though, seeing each new request!! I’m always happy to see repeat costumers!!
Charlie x slasher reader
Tw: acts of violence and blood
Slashers had always been your favorite thing to watch. Charlie found it a bit funny how you gawked at the gory films telling you “if you wanna see real horror dude, you should go on liveleak” you just giggle
There was something always so alluring about the theatrics of it all. The style and humor in it that always entranced you, charlie never understood it but he wasn’t gonna yuck your yum
You were at home cleaning up the kitchen when you got a call from Charlie’s work saying he was in the hospital due to a work place accident. Without thought you rushed to the hospital to see him as quick as possible
When you finally got there, you were quite horrified to see a huge chunk of your boyfriend’s face completely ripped off. You quickly asked him what the fuck happened and he just said “there was a uh, interesting client today. Don’t-Don’t worry about it.”
You stayed the night with him but you couldn’t sleep, your thoughts brewed and steamed. You slept for a little bit but woke up, next to Charlie. He got released the next day and you took him home.
He could tell something was bugging you but you just told him you were fine as you got up to leave and he asked where you were going
Smiling you told him that you had some stuff to do but were going to get him some snacks and a drink. You were outraged though and quickly left for the smiling face head quarters, ready to figure out what happened
You did some snooping and possibly, probably, definitely illegal stuff but you got what you needed! You figured out who was responsible and was able to make a plan.
Once you got to James’ house it was night time, you had a knife and a Halloween mask. You felt giddy and infuriated as you broke into the house. Sneaking through you crept down the hall to a living room where James was throwing knifes at the wall haphazardly
You were a little intimidated by how big the guy was, but you craved revenge and blood. Knowing you had to quickly get the job done you attack fast. But he saw you too early and got the jump on you
It was a struggle, he punched wildly and you had to try and maneuver around him. You were too quick and you finally got him, laughing in his face as you snuffed him out
Getting out as fast as you could you left and went to a nearby gas station to pick up a few things for Charlie. Getting home you and Charlie snacked on some chips and candy while watching The Black Christmas
It wasn’t til a week later you and Charlie were getting ready for work and watching the news. When you heard a headline that made your skin crawl with satisfaction
“34 yr old James lastname was found dead in his house on may 18 2024.” The report had no witnesses, no evidence, and too many leads. You could see Charlie’s eyes widen but you had to feign ignorance
“That, that was the guy who fucking ripped off my nose. Holy shit he’s dead?” He panicked, more shocked than anything.
You acted shocked and appalled. “Jesus, I guess you weren’t the only person he’s hurt.” You gasped, putting a hand on your heart “well, good riddance I’d say. That man was a fucking psycho.” You continued, choking down laughter
Charlie shrugged and you two finished getting ready. Satisfied and peaceful.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 2 years
Since I’ve Been Loving You
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Summary: A few months after helping the reader get out of an abusive relationship, Dean and she are ready to shift their relationship to more than being just friends. But when Dean goes missing and the reader is forced to leave him in a moment of need to get help, it’ll send them down a path exploring Dean’s past neither one of them could have seen coming...
Pairing: Cop!Dean x Cop!reader
Word Count: 18,000ish
Warnings: language, kidnapping, injuries, past abusive partner, murder, whole lot of creepiness
A/N: Hi there! If the title and first few scenes of this story seem familiar, you’re not wrong! I originally wrote this story way back in 2017 and at the time felt it was too “dark” to share, hence why I only used the first bit as part of a collab experiment (which can be found here). However it’s been awhile and I’m a lot more confident with what I share (and to be honest, I’ve put out worse stuff than this). Rather than letting it sit in my drafts forever, I’ve decided to share the original story I wrote myself! Enjoy! Also shoutout to @campingmonkey​ for reading some of my stuff I considered not fit for posting and encouraging me to put it out there!
“I’m home,” you said, smelling something tasty from the kitchen. You kicked off your boots and wandered into into the back of the house where Dean was stirring a pot, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “Dude, you’re not on dinner duty tonight.”
“How was work?” asked Dean, stifling a sniffle as he spun around a ladle in the stew he’d put on.
“Fine. You’re supposed to be resting Winchester,” you said, bumping him to go sit down. “I told you last night-”
“I’m relieved of my chores this week, I know,” he said, pulling the blanket tighter. “I’m lucky I’ve got such a nice roommate.”
“You’re the one that let me stay here after Redge,” you said. “I really should be making you dinner every night after everything.”
“No, that’s not how it works around here. We’re a team and besides, you’re awful at washing the cars,” he said, a tired smirk on his face. “How was work?”
“Redge was an ass but he’s always been that way. You get some sleep today? Go to the doctor like I told you?” you asked, Dean rolling his eyes at you. You crossed your arms and huffed. “Go tomorrow. I don’t want to have to drive you to a hospital over the weekend.”
“It’s a cold, Y/N,” he said. You dished up a bowl for him and yourself, not expecting him to eat much but he was still grumpy when you sat across from him. “I’m fine.”
“Alright, don’t bite my head off because I care about you,” you said, standing and grabbing him a glass of water. “Need anything?”
“No. Thanks,” he said, starting to pick at his food. You ate in silence apart from Dean coughing or sneezing a few times. He shifted in his seat more than once and you knew he was going to ask about work again. “You okay, Y/N? You’re never this quiet during dinner.”
“I got partnered with Redge today. I wasn’t a fan,” you said, playing with a carrot to avoid seeing Dean’s face. “I got used to working with you and being around Redge all day like that again with you not there just…I don’t know. I told chief I want to work with someone different tomorrow.”
“He still thinks you and Redge just had a bad break up, huh?” asked Dean. “It’s not like you tried to tell them about what he used to do when no one was around or anything. Although I guess it would look pretty bad to have the chief arrest one of his own.”
“Like I said, I owe you for getting me out of that,” you said, Dean shaking his head. “Still not biting on that offer yet?”
“You’re happy and safe, that’s all I could ever want from you,” said Dean, putting his spoon down, about half of his bowl left.
“You want to go up to bed or watch some TV with me for a while?” you asked, Dean nodding towards the family room. You cleaned up and shook off his offers to help, coming into the living room to find him curled up on the couch, his blanket still all around him.
“How you holding up?” you asked, taking a spot at the end of the couch, throwing your feet up on the ottoman. You put a pillow down so Dean could rest his head against your leg comfortably in case he decided to go to sleep. You put a hand on his forehead and saw him curl into the touch.
“S’just a cold,” he said, turning on the TV. You ran your fingers through his hair, knowing on the rare occasion Dean was up for a cuddle, he liked to have it played with. But even in those moments where he let his walls down all the way, he didn’t talk about certain things. He barely spoke of when he was little. You knew his parents got divorced when he wasn’t very old and that he felt like it was his fault just from the way he talked but that’s who Dean was. A hard man that could be softer and sweeter than any you’d ever met.
“I think I’m ready,” you said, Dean humming before turning his head up to yours.
“Ready for what?” he asked, giving you a sleepy smile.
“It’s been almost four months since I left Redge. You got me back to normal again, feeling safe and strong and like I have a home here with my friend. But I’m ready to try something new if you get what I’m saying,” you said, Dean’s face turning sad.
“You want to move out? Did I do something wrong?” he asked. You shook your head and gave him a smile. “Was it because I told you I liked you back-”
“Dean, I like you too is what I’m trying to say. As in, I’m ready to try dating again…try dating you,” you said, ruffling his head. “We’ve been flirting for weeks. Want to actually give this a go?”
“Why would you ever want to date me?” he asked. God, he could be thick-headed sometimes.
“I like your sense of humor, your kindness, the way you help people. You got some comfy flannels too,” you said, Dean’s face softening. “I like you Dean.”
“Want to go on a date when I’m feeling better?” he asked. You nodded and bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek, Dean pushing you away. “I don’t want you to get sick too.”
“It’s just a cold I’ve been told,” you said, Dean laughing before pulling one of his arms free of his blanket and reaching over to hold yours. “I love when you’re all cuddly.”
“As your new boyfriend I’m going to start getting very cuddly,” he teased, letting out a big stretch and a yawn. “On second thought…”
“Bedtime?” you asked, helping him up. “You need anything come get me. I’ll be quiet and let you sleep in. There’s leftover stew in the fridge but I’ll come home at lunch and make you something to eat.”
“I’m a grown man, I can make myself lunch,” he said, standing up as you grabbed his blanket for him. “I should really go to work.”
“You’ve got a ton of sick time built up. Take the day off and recover,” you said, patting him on the back as you got him upstairs.
“Night,” he said once you got him tucked into bed.
“Night Dean. See you at lunch.”
“Dean, I’m home,” you said, tossing your keys on the front table, expecting to find him in front of the TV but instead he was nowhere in sight. “Dean, I got hot soup and fresh bread from that place with the pies.”
The house was quiet and you sat the food down on the table, hoping he was passed out in bed. When you got up there the sheets were messy but his blanket was still there which struck you as odd. He hadn’t gone anywhere without it for two days, almost childlike with the way he carried it around.
His phone was near the bed and it wasn’t until you’d wandered around the house twice before you called Sam.
“Is Dean with you?” you asked, hoping for some odd reason Sam decided to drop by town this week and hang out with his brother.
“Hey, Y/N. No, I haven’t heard from Dean since the beginning of the week. What’s up?” he asked.
“Nothing, he’s just not home. He’s been sick and I thought maybe you took him to the doctor since Baby’s still here. Maybe he got a ride from someone else,” you said, stuffing lunch in the fridge and heading back outside.
“He didn’t leave a note? That’s not like him,” said Sam, his voice concerned now. 
“Yeah. He probably got a neighbor or something to do it,” you said, Sam obviously hearing the worry in your own.
“Give me a call when you find him,” he said. “I’d appreciate it.”
“Will do Sammy,” you said, hanging up.
When the sun was starting to set though as you were leaving the station hours and hours later, you were starting to go out of your mind that no one had seen or heard from Dean since you checked on him before going to work. Your one thought was it had to have been Redge. Who else but your ex would want to screw over the guy that gave you the courage to leave in the first place?
So that’s when you started to think like him, think of the places Redge used to take the two of you, when things got too messy for home. It was another hour before you were parking your car and slipping out of it, a backpack on your shoulders and the satellite phone you’d stolen from Dean’s camping gear in your coat pocket.
It was dark and the terrain was a bit dangerous and it had decided to storm out, making it almost impossible to see. You went in the woods a short ways on the path before veering off, heading west and deciding you weren’t stopping until you were forced to. After an hour you saw the abandoned ranger’s station and broke inside, taking a short reprieve from the weather. You were gazing at a map when you nearly slipped, the floor wet from your boots but you spotted a patch of dried blood on the ground that made your stomach churn. You looked back at a map and saw that there were a pair of mines about five miles out.
“Please tell me I’m overreacting,” you said, heading back out, eventually coming across the boarded up mine, a plank missing that was big enough to get even Dean and Redge through. “Overreacting is all. Just overreacting.”
You aimed your flashlight inside and saw nothing at first glance, then a pair of ruts in the ground where someone had been dragged. You shuddered and followed it down the mine, eventually turning right and left, your flashlight falling on a bare foot and then up to the slouched over man it belonged to.
“Dean,” you said, rushing over, shoving against him as you spotted the dried blood on his stomach, the dark patch and belt around his leg. A flannel that wasn’t his was balled up against it, his own shirt held in place over his bare stomach by his crossed arms. He didn’t even look alive. “Dean,” you said shaking him again, his skin sweaty and icy cold. “Dean.”
You heard a faint grumble that was music to your ears as you shook him again, getting a louder one this time.
“Back for more?” he asked, fluttering open his eyes, watching them go wide at the sight of you. “What are you…”
“I’m going to get you out of here, okay? Then I’m going to kick Redge’s ass,” you said, figuring out what he needed first.
“Wasn’t him. Bad guy,” mumbled Dean with a sniffle, trying to go back to sleep.
“No, you got to stay awake babe,” you said, grabbing your water from your pack and lifting it to his lips, Dean sucking it down fast. You tossed a space blanket you had over him and he looked like he wanted to cry. You put a hand on his forehead and it was burning up. “Shit, you’re worse.”
“S’just a cold,” he said, getting some sense back. “You got to go. Go away before he comes back.”
“Redge can’t hurt you anymore, Dean, I’m going to-”
“Not Redge, someone else,” said Dean with a shudder. “You think I’d be fucking scared of that pile of crap?”
“Dean what’s…” you said, Dean nodding his head and shoving the bottle and blanket back in your bag. “Dean, no.”
“He’s coming back,” whispered Dean. “Go hide and then get out. Don’t come back.”
“Dean,” you said, his hands using most of his strength to give you a light shove. 
“Please, do what I said,” said Dean quietly, your bag shoved in your arms as you spotted a flashlight down a different tunnel. “Please.”
It hurt to leave him but the look on Dean’s face made you do as asked. You took off and hid around a different corner a ways down, listening as footsteps walked towards Dean and stopped.
“Screw you,” you heard Dean say before he started to mumble and then take a big choking gasp of air. “What’d you just give me?”
“Medicine. You’re welcome,” said the voice, definitely not Redge and not one you recognized. “You going to behave this time?”
“Give me back my gun and we’ll-” Dean said before it sounded like something smacked him in the face.
“I stitched you up and everything. Couldn’t have let my new toy bleed out,” said the person, a man, his voice deep and harsh.
“I am not your new toy,” said Dean, spitting blood out of his mouth from the sound of it and coughing up a storm before breathing raggedly.
“No, you’re right. You’re my old one, aren’t you Dean?” said the man, Dean hissing as you tried to make out what he was doing. “Took a long time to find you, boy. Too bad Daddy’s not around anymore to come and save you.”
“Well I’m flattered but why don’t-” said Dean before you heard his head hit against the rough wall, a tiny whimper of pain coming out of Dean.
“Just as mouthy as you were back then. You don’t even remember me,” said the man.
“No but my dad sure as hell told me what happened when I was old enough. You took me right off the front porch, psycho,” said Dean. “You’re the reason they-”
“Your mom had a nice right hook,” the man said, Dean sucking in a gasp as he grunted. “Too bad she ain’t around anymore either. Been waiting a long time for this.”
“For what you freak?” asked Dean weakly, his mouth mumbling again as he huffed.
“It’s duct tape you big baby,” he said, Dean grunting more now as you heard him struggle, breathing in hard. “God, you’re going to take some breaking in.”
Whatever was going on, you knew that you needed backup and that you’d beat yourself up about not bringing your gun with you later. You got out of there as quietly as you could and radio’d the station, keeping an eye on the entrance as you hid. But neither one of them ever came out.
You stayed there for another hour or so, the rest of the station showing up finally, the chief waving you over to talk when they came out of the mine empty handed.
“The mine is empty. There’s multiple ways in there. You’re sure this guy knows Dean from when he was a kid? There’s no report of anything ever happening to him,” said the chief.
“Wouldn’t be surprised if they made the whole thing up just to screw with me some more,” said Redge.
“For fucks sake, Redge, I just want you to not be an abusive dick, not go to jail for shooting and kidnapping my boyfriend,” you said, puffing out your chest. “So they’re gone? Dean’s just gone and we have no idea where he is? He’s hurt and sick and-”
“How did you find him?” asked the chief. “This isn’t exactly my first thought for a search.”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe Redge would like to share how I know about secluded places where people can hurt other people?” you said, crossing your arms at him.
“If she thought…I took Dean she would have gone to the old ranger’s station,” said Redge, kicking his boot on the ground. “Probably saw a map and figured if he wasn’t there he had a shot at being in the mines.”
“You two need to work on whatever issues you’ve got,” said the chief, giving you a hard glare.
“Can we focus on Dean? They can’t have gone far right?” you asked.
“Let’s hope not.”
“Coffee?” asked Redge, poking his head into the conference room you were using as a base in your search for Dean. You shook your head, holding up your cup. “How’s it going today?”
“Redge, don’t pretend to play nice,” you said, looking back over your shoulder. “We both know you don’t give two shits about Dean.”
“He’s a cop. We got each other’s backs and all that...whatever,” he said with a shrug, trying to take a step in the room before catching your glare. “You too, I mean if you ever need a friend, shoulder to cry on you can always-”
“He’s only been missing two weeks and you already think I’m just going to come crawling into your arms? Get lost,” you said. “You aren’t even working this case.”
“Okay, I’ll just go do my job and Dean’s then,” he said, slapping the door frame hard on the way out. 
Another week went by of nothing and then another and another. After missing for two months and Sam coming to stay with you to help out, the case officially went cold.
Another month and Sam had to leave town a few days, tidy up some things at home before officially making the move there but he swore he’d be back as soon as he could.
The chief told you to take a few days off and give yourself a break. You took the excuse with Sam gone to get out of town yourself, drive and drive until you were exhausted and crashing at some cheap motel a few states over. You’d spent the day in a bar and your head in a bottle and tried to forget about how he had saved you way back when and you couldn’t do it back.
“Another one,” you heard a guy farther down the bar say, your head whipping up. You didn’t stare as you heard him flirt with the bartender. He sounded like the man from the mines but you were drunk and couldn’t be positive. Still though, you jotted down his license plate when he finally left and got a cab back to your room. When you’d sobered up enough in your motel to figure out who it belonged to, you had a spark of an idea. The guy only had a few drunken misdemeanors but he owned a large lot of acreage with plenty of buildings on it.
The next morning you got up early and you threw on your boots and backpack, and headed out on the property. You checked every tiny ass shed, every big ass garage, every out building, every rusted old car until it was night and you were ready to curl up on the ground and go to sleep.
You only had a few more buildings though so you kept going, ready to hit the bottle of bourbon you took from Dean’s house the second you were in your room. It looked like every other shed you’d been in, pieces of junk and metal lying around. This one had a door hatch to a cellar like most of the others and the second you threw it open, you saw more of the same. You went down the steps, barely keeping your eyes open as you swung the flashlight around and your eyes went wide.
There was light down here and a sink and a tiny mattress and a whole slew of other crap that would have drawn your attention if not for the scruffy, green eyed man who was looking at you like you weren’t real.
“Dean?” you asked, watching him shake his head at you, your gaze finally looking over his body as you took in a sharp breath. “Dean it’s okay,” you said, pulling a knife out of your bag and walking over, his body backing up against the wall so fast as he sat down, giving you a hard glare. “I’m just going to cut you loose.”
“You’re a trick,” he said, looking around and you carefully took a step forward. “Don’t touch me.”
“I won’t touch you,” you said, holding up your hands. “But you want that cuff off your ankle? I have to come closer.”
“Give me the knife,” he said. You bent over and slid it to him, watching him grab hold of the thing tethering him to the back half of the room and cutting it free. He stood up and you smiled.
“Dean are you-Dean!” you yelled at him when he backed you up against the wall, holding the knife out, way too close for comfort.
“You’re drugging me again, aren’t you? This probably isn’t even real. Y/N would never be here. She just wouldn’t. You’re just making me think what I want again, aren’t you?” asked Dean, his face fuming under that beard as you tried to think of a way to calm him down. “You’re just-”
“I brought your shirt. The one you gave me that first day I moved in,” you said, slowing taking your pack off and handing it to him. He was only in the tee and pair of flannels you’d last seen him in, the clothes ratty and practically falling apart now. “The red and-”
“Black one,” said Dean quietly, giving you a long stare before backing up and ripping open the bag, the flannel right on top.
“It really helps when you’re feeling crappy,” you said, his hand holding the knife dropping it completely. He pulled the flannel out and you saw a flicker of relief on his face.
“Real?” he asked running his hand over it, looking at you and the open door behind you.
“You want to come home? We’re kind of overdue for our date,” you said, Dean giving you a head nod. He carefully put the flannel on as you pulled a pair of his sneakers out, glad you’d brought them on the off chance he didn’t have any footwear. You picked up the knife and stuffed your bag closed, Dean standing quietly in the middle of the room with his head down. “Dean?”
“What?” he asked, your hand taking hold of his, feeling so much rougher than you remembered.
“Come on,” you said, giving him a little tug so he took a step. He was okay for a minute until you got close to the stairs and you saw how pale he’d gotten, how nervous he was to walk farther than he’d been allowed to go for so long. “Nice romantic starlit walk,” you said, taking a step up, going one at a time with him as he looked around when you were in the shed.
“I don’t remember this,” he said. “I don’t remember after the mines until I woke up here.”
“We got a little walk to get to my car,” you said, stopping when the two of you stood outside and he looked up, taking a deep breath.
“Okay,” he said, spinning around happily before it all faded away. “Wait what time is it?”
“About 10, why?” you asked, hearing a truck off in the distance.
“We have to go,” said Dean, letting you take the lead as you tried to run, Dean a bit slower than you’d seen him before. “He drops off food at night.”
“It’s only a couple miles to the car,” you said, slowing to a jog so he could keep up, his hand shaking the whole damn time until you had him shoved in the passenger seat and you were driving away, calling the local cops. Dean was quiet apart from saying he was hungry and even after you swung through a drive thru fast for him, he was quiet, looking around like he didn’t quite believe everything.
By the time you’d gotten to the local hospital, a few officers were there to let you know they’d got the guy but Dean seemed more interested in arguing with the doctors.
“If he doesn’t calm down, we’re going to have to restrain him,” said the doctor, as you heard Dean yelling in his room.
“Dean,” you said, brushing inside past a group of bodies as Dean glanced around the room angrily. “Dean, none of these people are going to hurt you.”
“Tell that to the one that stabbed me with a needle,” said Dean, rubbing at his arm where his IV was and giving a nurse a glare.
“Dean. Check?” you asked, hoping he’d remember what that meant. You’d never done it on him and you honestly weren’t sure how he’d come up with the little daily check in’s after you left Redge but they’d always made you feel better that cared like that. He glanced around for a second and back down at himself in a hospital gown, all the marks on him proving life had been awful the past few months.
“Yellow,” he said quietly, willing himself to calm down. “Just tell them to stop poking me and touching me and…” he said as he looked around at the room full of people, rubbing his arms like he was trying to hold himself. “I’m sorry.”
“S’okay babe,” you said, holding his hand, nodding for the doctor to go back to whatever he was doing. Dean hissed a little when the doctor lifted up his arm.
“His shoulder is likely dislocated,” said the doctor to you. “Do you know if this is recent?”
“Dean?” you asked.
“Last week,” said Dean, ducking his head down. “I got in…trouble.”
“Let’s x-ray and see if we’ve got any nerve damage,” said the doctor to a nurse. 
“Dean, you tell the doctor and nurses what they need to know. I promise nobody’s going to hurt you. I’ll be right here when you get back, okay?” you said, Dean nodding his head as he relaxed around the people trying to treat him.
“Alright,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze before you were forced to go. “Don’t go too far.”
It took them two days before they released him, a whole slew of nutritional issues not to mention everything they warned you about. Apparently Dean was prone to sudden, potentially violent, outbursts now and your history of abuse didn’t make for a great combination.
It was fine the first night back at home with Sam helping out until you dropped the syrup on the floor after putting some on Dean’s plate.
“What are you a klutz!” shouted Dean, waving his hands everywhere. “You don’t drop things, got it?”
“Dean,” said Sam, watching his brother carefully. “That’s Y/N. She’s not going to hurt you for not making your room spotless.”
“I used to get hurt,” said Dean glaring down at you as you wiped up the little bit that had actually spilled on the floor.
“So did Y/N. You got to let us help you,” said Sam, guilt washing over Dean’s face as he realized he’d snapped.
“I’m as bad as Redge,” said Dean, running a hand over his face before bending down to help clean up, even if you were finished.
“Check?” you asked Dean, his head shaking. “Check?”
“Orange,” he said, glancing at his lap.
“Why are you orange, Dean?” you asked, running a hand over his head, Dean seeming to be most responsive to soft touches like that lately.
“I yelled at you for no reason and what happened with me is no excuse for treating you like that,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, helping Dean sit up again back in his chair. “I want you to try something. Whenever you feel like getting mad, think about if it’s because you’re mad or if because it’s something you used to get in trouble with him for. If you want to get mad because I toss dishes in the sink and forget to put them in the dishwasher, get mad. If you want to get mad because my covers are crooked when I make my bed, maybe you aren’t really mad but you’re tired of being scared so it’s coming out that way instead. So if it’s the later and you’re scared, you just come find me or Sam and give us both a big hug okay?” you said. “We’ll give it right back until you’re not scared anymore.”
“Are you serious?” asked Dean, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t need a…what are you doing.”
“I’m giving you a hug,” you said, bending down and wrapping your arms around him. “You’re scared so it’s hug time.”
“This is a monumentally stupid idea,” said Dean, looking to Sam for help.
“I don’t think so,” said Sam, standing up and walking over to your side of the table. He bent over and gave Dean one too, the older Winchester groaning as he was trapped between the two of you.
“You two are annoying,” said Dean, letting his head lean against yours.
“Check?” you asked, Dean giving you a tiny smile.
“Yellow green,” said Dean, watching neither you or Sam pull away. “I don’t get out of this until I’m green, huh.”
“Now you’re getting it,” you said, kissing the top of his head. After a few minutes of you and Sam straining your backs you heard Dean chuckle that he was green.
“I guess you have a point,” said Dean, Sam ruffling the top of his head as he returned to his seat.
“You gave me lots of hugs when I first started staying with you,” you said to Dean. “Made me feel safe. I get what’s going on in your head, trust me.”
“Some random psychopath kidnapped you and you have no idea why too?” asked Dean, a teasing smile on his face. “I just want to know what he had planned.”
“You want to talk about it?” asked Sam, Dean shaking his head. “You focus on getting back to your old self and let the police figure out the rest. Y/N’ll probably take a crack at it and she’ll figure it out in a few hours I bet.”
“Months of nothing and when I snuck off to get drunk I got lucky Sam,” you said, Dean flinching a little in his seat. “I’m just glad work will get back to normal.”
“How was Redge?” asked Dean, his face looking very much like the old Dean. “Don’t tell me he’s tried anything or I swear…”
“Redge is more indifferent of Y/N than anything at this point,” said Sam. “She may have thought he took you at first. She’s scary when she’s pissed off.”
“I don’t like you near him all day, not after what he did to you,” said Dean. “I thought he was on a different shift than us anyways, only came in because I was sick a while back.”
“They were down an officer and I made sure he knew he was on a short leash,” you said, shoving the last of your dinner in your mouth. “A very short leash.”
“Remember when he was our biggest problem?” asked Dean, running a hand over his torso, his fingers tracing over a spot through his shirt. “Getting shot sucks.”
“Y/N, do you want to clean up and I’ll help Dean with a shower?” asked Sam, Dean’s face a mixture of embarrassment and content. “Oh come on, like I’ve never seen you without pants on.”
“Shower sounds good,” said Dean, parts of him still filthy where he didn’t get a good scrubbing at the hospital. “Then I want to pass out in an adult sized bed again.”
Sam helped Dean up but let him walk on his own, the two of them up in Dean’s bathroom for awhile until you heard the water turn off and Sam shouted for you to come in. Dean was sitting on his bed in a tee and boxers, looking pretty tired but his eyes had a spark back in them.
“How’d we do?” asked Sam, ruffling a towel in Dean’s hair, getting a laugh out of his brother. “We can’t do anything about him being horrendous unfortunately.”
“Oh shut up,” said Dean, pushing Sam away with a smile. It got even bigger when he saw what you were holding, his blanket he’d been using before he was taken.
“Alright, get in,” you said, Dean shifting around so he was under the covers, Sam helping you spread the blanket out over top of him. “Do you need anything…and he fell asleep already.”
“Huh,” said Sam, Dean passed out the second his head hit the pillow. “He wasn’t joking about wanting a real bed again.”
“Should we stay?” you asked, Sam shrugging. “The doc said we shouldn’t coddle him.”
“He was cracking jokes in the shower,” said Sam. “You’re his girlfriend though so I’m sure you can-”
“Sam, we dated for all of four hours before this happened. We’ve never even been on a date,” you said. “You stay. I got to go check out a few things.”
“Y/N, it’s late, where-”
“I want to know what that guy was up to,” you said, walking out. “I’ll be downstairs. I promise I’ll come up in a couple of hours.”
“Y/N, he’s home and safe again. Take the night off,” said Sam, that slightly older brother tone coming out. “You need rest too.”
“You didn’t see him in that basement, Sam, or the mines. I want Dean to know this guy is never coming near him ever again,” you said. “I’ll log on quick and see what the prelim file says. Then I’ll be back, I promise.”
“Fine,” said Sam, taking a seat in a soft chair in the room and kicking his feet up on the bed, shutting his eyes.
“Thanks for everything,” you said, Sam keeping his eyes closed but giving you a smile.
“Family doesn’t have to thank each other,” said Sam, nestling down into his chair. “Don’t work too long.”
“I won’t,” you said, heading downstairs to the office, figuring it’d take you five minutes tops to read over the early report. You were logging in when you heard a car out front and saw the blue and red lights through the window. You growled and stormed to the door before they had a chance to ruin Dean’s sleep. Art and Charlie were giving you careful stares as you squinted at them on the front path. “What do you guys want?”
“Is Dean okay?” asked Art. You looked between them both and then saw another car come up.
“Don’t tell me the guy got loose,” you said, the officers looking at each other before at you. “How hard is it to-”
“Where’s Dean?” asked Art. “Now, Y/N.”
“In bed asleep. Recovering. Don’t you two dare go and wake him up with what’s probably going to be the most restful night’s sleep he’s had in months,” you said, two more officers, one of them Redge coming into view. “Well, let’s have a party in the front yard why don’t we? Not like-”
“Is he alone?” asked Charlie, taking a step forward. You scoffed and he shook his head. “Is he?”
“No, he’s with Sam and-Hey!” you said, watching all four of them rush inside. They only sounded like a freight train going up the stairs like that as you stormed after. “Dean’s fine alright? You can visit in the morning.”
You heard groaning from Dean’s room and wondered how pissed he’d be that Redge was in his house. The sheets were messy and thrown back as you looked around for the source of it but instead saw Sam holding his head in his hands.
“Looks like he got him,” said Charlie, moving with Redge out of the room and down the hall. “Art, new guy, stay with those two.”
“It’s Jimmy. Again,” said the black haired man that was helping Sam sit upright. You flicked on the light and saw the spot of blood on his head.
“Dean, he…ow,” said Sam. You walked over and rubbed on his back, ready to kill whoever it was that let Dean’s creepy stalker take him again.
“House is clear, set up a perimeter in the neighborhood. Art, help outside,” said Charlie as you glanced around.
“How did he even break in?” you asked, only the bathroom window open from the looks of it and there was no way up. “We’re up on the second floor.”
“Y/N,” said Jimmy with a cock of his head. “Dean’s kidnapper is still in custody.”
“Then who-”
“Dean just…” grunted Sam. “He sat up and clocked me way harder than he ever has in his life, grabbed a bag from the closet and sounded like he threw on his shoes and bolted out the window.”
“What…” you said, starting to move for the bathroom but Jimmy catching your arm. “Why would he do that?”
“There’s evidence that Dean wasn’t always in that basement,” said Jimmy.
“What does that mean exactly?” you asked, squinting at him. He sighed and looked away.
“It means that Dean very likely did what he had to in order to survive and at some point, it broke him,” said Jimmy.
“He’s scared and has PTSD, he’s not broken,” you said, shrugging out of his hold.
“The kidnapper had an alias, multiple aliases. Multiple plots of land and a couple other basements, just like that,” said Jimmy. You opened your mouth to argue but Jimmy shook his head. “Dean’s DNA is all over those places, those crime scenes. Three other men, all Dean’s age, some looking like they’ve been there a long time. All three were murdered. By Dean.”
“You’re being insane right now, I mean-”
“Dean kept a journal. We found it in the basement. They had to fight, they had go against each other to live and at a certain point, Dean started hurting them because he liked-”
“Stop. Talking,” you said. Sam looked ready to throw up but this guy didn’t know Dean and he didn’t know you. He was the rookie meant to replace him until Dean got on his feet, a quiet gig where he could probably do the mundane small town crap with his eyes closed. But this guy was a stranger and frankly he was the only cop in town you remotely trusted after everything with Redge. “Officer…”
“James Novak,” he said. “People call me Jimmy.”
“Jimmy, I used to be in an abusive relationship with Redge, you know, a cop? Dean, your ‘murderer’ saved me from it, gave me a home and a friend and a safe place to stay. He would not do those things to those other people. He’d try to save them. Dean is really smart. He would probably make the guy think he likes it to get more freedom and work on getting back at him. When I found him, he wanted to kill the guy. Dean doesn’t-”
“You’re talking in theory. You can’t know-”
“Dean has been alone with Sam and me for the past twelve hours. If he’s so bad, why didn’t he rip us to shreds then?” you asked. “I don’t know what he’s doing but he’s trying to protect us because that’s who he is.”
The officer didn’t say anything but he looked at you and Sam, knowing Dean would have had to give his own brother that hard of a hit in order to have enough time to get away.
“He didn’t do it. Give me a chance to prove it before you write him off too,” you said, Jimmy’s gaze flickering down and back up.
“You have no way to prove his innocence. Even if it was under duress, it still…” he trailed off, moving behind you as he stared at the wall. “Why would Dean have a teddy bear on his dresser?”
You spun around and saw the brown stuff bear on the other side of the room.
“I don’t know, I thought it was supposed to be a present or something,” you said, Jimmy picking it up and practically ripping it in half. “Hey that’s…what the fuck is that?”
“A hidden camera,” said Jimmy, holding up the lens and the wire that was tucked safely behind the dresser and probably into the wall, out of view. “Who put this here?”
“We both just assumed Dean was going to give it to Y/N on a date or something,” said Sam, glancing around.
“Has anyone else been in his house since Dean was taken?” asked Jimmy, glancing around.
“The internet guy, roof repair, the…” you trailed off, looking over at Sam.
“The mold guy,” said Sam, turning to Jimmy. “We were booted out of the house for three days.”
“The house is bugged?” you asked. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. “It would keep Dean in line, show him we weren’t safe here.”
“It certainly helps but it’s not proof enough that Dean-”
“Then help us get it, Jimmy,” you said. “Please.”
“Running makes him look guilty,” said Jimmy. “But he might have run if he thought you were safer without him.”
“How would we be safer?” you asked, Jimmy shaking his head.
“I don’t know. But something is going on around here and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”
“Sammy, I miss Dean,” you said, plopping down on the couch after work, throwing your legs over his lap as you stared at the ceiling. “He’s gone from person of interest to don’t be hesitant to use force on him.”
“I want him back too,” said Sam, letting out a sigh. It’d been almost a month since Dean took off and you weren’t all that surprised when his kidnapper was let loose after a failure to gather evidence on him. He played the part of dumb and innocent well, avoiding the alias thing when his lawyer explained that your guy never technically owned the land from those other lots. Sam called bullshit on it but there wasn’t enough there. You’d never technically seen the guy with Dean and your relationship with him left you more liability than help at this point. 
“You think Dean’s hiding from him? What if he got ahold of Dean again, no one would have any idea where to look, let alone we’re the only two people that care at this point,” you said. A knock at the open screen door made you sit upright as Jimmy came in with some takeout.
“Glad to know I’m valued so highly around here,” said Jimmy, taking off his shoes and heading for the kitchen.
“Three people care,” said Sam, hopping up as you sat down for dinner. “Anything at all today Jimmy?”
“Not on the Dean front,” he said, giving you a sad smile.
“I know you’re trying when you really don’t have to. We appreciate it Jimmy,” you said, watching him shrug. 
“I never even met Dean and I like him more than any of the other people we work with. I do have some other not so great news, chief mentioned after you left,” said Jimmy. You waited for him to continue as he pulled out a few boxes, sliding them over to you and Sam. 
“We’re waiting in suspense,” said Sam, Jimmy taking a deep breath.
“Y/N, you’re being…reassigned to patrol 8,” said Jimmy. “Chief is sticking you back-”
“Redge is my partner! Come on. I don’t want to drive around with him all day,” you said, Jimmy sighing. 
“I tried to tell chief that it wasn’t a good idea but everyone looks at you all shady now and Redge is the new golden boy since Dean’s been gone. He thinks Redge will figure out if you’re really up to something with Dean,” said Jimmy.
“Thanks for dinner, Jimmy,” you said, grabbing your box and your car keys, both guys grunting from the kitchen. “I want to be alone right now. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
They continued to grumble but let you be. You drove past the edge of town and parked in a field you used to go to when you wanted to get away from Redge. You sat on the hood of your car and pulled out your burger, taking a big bite and wondering if transferring would make you look guilty too.
You finished fast and were positive the guys were talking about you as much as they were Dean tonight. He’d vanished into thin air and you always wondered if he went back to where his kidnapper was from, if there was some reason he would go looking for something else.
You glanced at your phone and it was only seven. If you drove all night you could make it there by the morning and spend the weekend looking for him. Sam told you not to do that more than once though. Last thing you needed was you going missing too.
“Where are you, Dean?” you said quietly after finishing, laying back and closing your eyes.
About three seconds later something hit you hard in the hand and you whacked at whatever bug just stung you. Glancing down there weren’t any bug guts, just a blue paintball splatter. You spun your head around to the right, nothing but tall grass in that direction. Teenagers ran around out here a lot and you wouldn’t be surprised if you took a stray-
“Ow!” you said, waving your hand as it got hit in the same spot twice. “Knock it off!”
When it happened one more time though and your face was scrunched up in pain, you had to wonder what kid had a shot that accurate. You slid off your hood and walked to the right, the shooting seeming to stop now but you heard a rustling that made you jog after. You couldn’t keep up in the dense terrain but there was an obvious path to follow. By the time you got through, the sun was set and you were using your phone for light. There was a run down farm house in front of you, no lights on inside but the door was open.
“Call it in,” you muttered. It very well could have been the kidnapper but if it was Dean, they’d whisk him off to prison and not think twice. “I better not end up in some lifetime movie.”
You grabbed a sturdy looking branch and made your way inside slowly, trash everywhere but a few paint ball pellets leading a path for you down a hall and to a flight of stairs to a basement.
“Not a horror movie, not a horror movie,” you mumbled, taking as silent a step as possibly onto the first step. Halfway down they started to creak and you knew your cover was blown if you had one in the first place. It was dimly lit and you’d only scanned half the area before your makeshift weapon and phone were snatched away from behind, a shove pushing you forward against a wall. You spun around, ready to knee the person but stopped when you saw Dean staring back with a dark hoodie and jeans on.
“You need to stop trying to find me,” he said, tossing the stick to the side, turning off your phone and throwing it on the ground.
“Looks like I did and that was expensive you know,” you said, Dean’s face showing no amusement. “I know you didn’t-”
“You don’t know what I did,” said Dean. “What I can do when I get pushed far enough. This is your warning to stop looking for me and get on with your life.”
“Dean, I’m not scared of you,” you said. He stepped forward so your back was pressed up against the wall, his arms on either side of you as he leaned down.
“You should be,” he said, his face hard and dark.
“They’re forcing me to take Redge as my partner,” you said, Dean’s face holding strong but his eyes flickered for a few seconds, concern darting all over the place. “You can’t fool me, Winchester. You’re not the bad guy.”
“It doesn’t matter if I’m not, Y/N,” he said, leaning back and moving his hood back to run his hand through his hair. “It’s the part I have to play from now on.”
“Why? Let Sam and me and Jimmy help,” you said, Dean raising an eyebrow. “New cop meant to come in to replace you. He doesn’t believe you did that stuff.”
“The guy is out there. He only wants me so I have to stay away from you and Sam so that he leaves you alone,” said Dean.
“He’s not a cop, he can’t-”
“This guy took me as a kid, Y/N. I was too little, way too little to even remember but he had me for a few days. I always thought it was random but I knew dad left something out of the story. I was a cop’s kid and it wasn’t hard to figure out dad screwed somebody over and they wanted to get back at him,” said Dean.
“Why’d he come back Dean? This seems personal but the stuff with your dad is done with, isn’t it?” you asked, Dean shaking his head.
“I’m not telling you,” said Dean. You crossed your arms and he crossed his. “I’m not telling you.”
“Dean, please, give me something,” you said. “I’m trying to prove you’re innocent and it was a set up but-”
“Y/N, just stop. It’ll never happen. I’ll always be on the run. There’s too many things to this. You have to get on with your life. You’ve spent the past half year looking for me and you got to move on,” he said. “Sam too. Tell him to go back home. Maybe you can go with him, get out of this town, find another nice guy. There’s more than one of us out there.”
“I want you,” you said, stepping forward to try and hug him, Dean stepping away. “We never even went on a date.”
“I guess I don’t really have to break up with you then,” said Dean, kicking it the ground. “We never even had a chance to try.”
“Why did you bring me here, to tell me to go away?” you asked. Dean nodded and shrugged.
“Basically. I wanted you to know I was okay and that-”
“You are not okay,” you said, looking him up and down. “You’re more scared than when I found you in that basement. You’re angry and cold and you think this would all be easier if I turned my back on you and let you live the rest of your life in some kind of on the run Hell or in prison. Guess what? I used to be that way until you told me I could never push you away from helping me. You made me furious because you wouldn’t understand that I was a lost cause. You know what? I wasn’t and neither are you. If you don’t tell me what’s going on right now I swear I’ll find a way to force you to tell the truth.”
“This is different, sweetheart,” said Dean, a sliver of warmth in his voice again. “It’s too late and you’re forgetting I made you a promise that’d I’d keep you safe. You have to do what I tell you and forget about me.”
“Make me,” you said. Dean sighed and cocked his head over to the side, a bottle and a rag on top of a shelf. “What is that?”
“I want you to leave now. Tell Sam the house is his if it’s not already in his name. Sell it and get out of this place,” said Dean.
“No. You’re not letting me help you and I can and…” you said, Dean grabbing the rag and tilting the bottle over it for a second. 
“You’ll wake up in your car in a few hours,” he said, glancing down. “I wish I could-”
Dean was strong enough to pull the rag away after you’d pressed it against his mouth but the fumes left him weak and it made the rest of the job easy until he was slumped over on the floor.
“What the fuck is going on with you, Dean?” you asked, looking at him like he’d passed out on the couch, so much softer when he wasn’t clenching his jaw at you. You grabbed your phone and thankfully it turned on even if it was cracked. Thirty minutes later Sam and Jimmy were there, throwing a blanket over an out cold Dean in the back of Jimmy’s car.
“Now what do we do?” asked Sam.
“I think we’re going to have to interrogate your brother.”
Dean was not all that happy to wake up and find his wrist cuffed to a chair at the small, out of the way house Jimmy was staying in. The three of you were in the kitchen trying to figure out how to keep Dean safe and get him to open up when he started yelling at the top of his lungs.
“Dean, calm down,” you said, flinging open the door to the back room he was in, Sam and Jimmy right behind you. “No one is-”
“Let me out, now,” he said, trying his best to dislocate his thumb to get it off but you’d made the cuffs too tight on purpose, Dean grunting when he saw it was no use. “I swear-”
“Check?” asked Sam, Dean blinking a few times. “Do you remember check, Dean?”
“I’ll check you into the wall if you don’t let me leave right now,” said Dean, fuming at the both of you, his gaze landing on Jimmy. “You must be the new guy, huh? Do me a favor and cut me loose.”
Jimmy stepped inside and grabbed a chair, placing it across from Dean and taking a seat.
“Oh come on, I-” Dean got out before Jimmy slapped a hand over Dean’s mouth and Dean’s free hand shot up to tug on his wrist. To your surprise, it didn’t move and Dean started to dig his fingers into Jimmy’s flesh hard.
“You’re being very stupid Dean,” said Jimmy. “Or would you remember me better if I told you my name was Cas?”
There was a slight pause on Dean’s part as his eyes looked over Jimmy, dropping his hand away the same time Jimmy moved his.
“You do remember me,” said Jimmy, giving Dean short smile.
“I always thought…” said Dean, smiling a little at him, giving you and Sam both a look. “This is...Cas.”
“So your name isn’t Jimmy Novak?” asked Sam, Jimmy, or better yet Cas, giving a shrug as you took a seat nearby.
“My cover name is. I’m a special agent,” said Cas, turning his attention towards Dean. “I met Dean a long time ago.”
“You were the older boy there,” said Dean quietly, still looking incredulously at the black haired man. “How are you not dead?”
“You really have a hard time remembering those couple of days huh? You were only a little squirt then I suppose,” said Cas, looking over at you and Sam. “My dad used to be your dad’s partner. Only difference was I was old enough to remember getting taken. Dean’s a little fuzzy on the details but I’d expect that.”
For some reason Dean got all kinds of relaxed and stopped trying to find a way out of his chair, perfectly content to sit there now. You went and grabbed a bandage for him to come back and saw the cuff was gone now, Dean avoiding your gaze. 
“Can I patch that up?” you asked, the red mark on his wrist bloody in a few spots. He nodded but wouldn’t look, a slight shake to his arm.
“Want to tell these guys what I know Dean? What you remembered when you were taken a few months ago?” asked Cas, Dean holding his hand in his lap when you finished. He was quiet and Cas sighed. “You were more of a fighter as a two year old, come on man.”
“You were an annoying six year old,” said Dean, glancing up at Cas. He found Sam’s gaze before yours, upset with himself some about trying to force you to stay away. “I don’t want Y/N to-”
“This girl has spent so many hours trying to find you, Dean. She gets to know the truth too,” said Cas. Dean looked ready to argue before the fight went out of him and he slumped into his chair.
“There was another boy, older than me. He had a weird name,” said Dean. “Redge.”
“Before you go feeling soft for him, Redge is this nutjob’s son. When he found out Dean of all people was the reason you broke it off with Redge-”
“I broke up with Redge and his psychopath dad does all that to Dean as revenge? Redge plants evidence to incriminate Dean? What are we in, a horror movie?” you asked, throwing up your hands.
“Pretty much,” said Cas with a shrug.
“I need a drink,” you said, heading over for the kitchen, finding a bottle of old bourbon in a cupboard, taking a long sip. 
“I knew she’d think this is her fault, I didn’t want to tell her for this exact reason,” said Dean, following Cas into the kitchen, Sam on his tail and stealing the bottle from you and putting it up high where you couldn’t reach.
“It explains how Dean’s DNA got all over crime scenes he never visited, why he was forced to keep a journal, it explains a lot really,” said Sam, sitting up on the counter, keeping an eye on Dean who looked on the verge of bolting. “Hey, I asked you check and you didn’t say anything.”
“What difference does it make how I’m feeling? I’m used to it by now,” said Dean, rolling his eyes. “None of this makes any difference. I’m still royally screwed and he’s still out there and it sounds like Redge is in on it. I can’t do anything so the reunion was great and everything but leave me alone for all our benefits.”
Dean stood up to head for the door but Cas caught him by the hood and shoved him into a seat at the kitchen table.
“Dude, back off or-”
“I’m working a case and until I have solved it and got my guy, you’re going to do exactly what I tell you, all of you will,” said Cas, letting Dean go, pushing on his shoulder when he went to stand. “I wouldn’t let this slide even if it was as simple as a little revenge case but it’s not and we both know it.”
“It’s not?” the three of you asked, Cas running a hand through his hair.
“Oh my god, did you never once look at the files our dads were working on around that time? Investigating a serial killer? Never?” asked Cas. Dean looked like a deer in the headlights, staring up at Cas towering over him. “You’re lucky he likes you better as a pet than a victim or you’d have been killed a long time ago.”
“Cas, go take a walk,” you said, Sam standing to go with him as he saw you were getting ready to make Cas a victim himself. When they were both outside Dean had dropped the hardness and had that sad look on his face again, the one when you drove him away from that basement and to the hospital. “Dean?”
“Cas is right. I am lucky,” said Dean. “Everybody else he kills but I pissed off his son so lucky me got to stick around.”
“You never told me what he did to you,” you said, walking to stand by his side, taking his hand in yours. “You only ever said you got in trouble.”
“I’ll tell you someday, I promise but right now can we not fight? I really don’t want to fight anymore,” he said, voicing barely cracking at the end. You sat next to him and wrapped him into a hug, Dean welcoming it as you wondered when the last time he had any sort of touch at all in his life. “Why didn’t you give up on me?”
“You don’t give up on people you care about,” you said, running a hand over his head. “I always wanted to repay you but I never thought it’d be like this.”
“I would have done with a pie,” said Dean, a tiny chuckle from him doing wonders for your own nerves. 
“We’ll figure out some place safe for you while Cas investigates. A place like this maybe where you won’t have to run or worry about getting caught by the cops or our guy,” you said.
“That sounds much better than that tent I’ve been staying in,” said Dean. “Anything sounds much better now.”
“You tried to not let me help. Over and over again,” you said, Dean resting his head in the crook of your neck.
“I know. I barely let you take care of me when I had that cold. This was too much to put on you,” said Dean. 
“Me showing up at your door with a duffel bag and begging you to let me crash with you for the night, promising I’d be gone in the morning felt like too much. It always felt like too much when you made me breakfast or brought home surprises for me or complimented me or did a thousand other things. One day I realized I’d never convince you of that. It was so much easier when I let it all go. You’ll let it all go too Dean. You’ll get there,” you said.
He shrugged and took a deep breath. He almost started to relax before he pulled his head up and looked back at the door. You wondered if he wanted Sam when he bolted up and ran for it.
“Dean! What the-” you got out before he stopped and looked at you, rushing back over and taking hold of your hand. 
“Don’t leave my side,” said Dean, pulling you along after him and out the door. He glanced around the small clearing before there was nothing but woods and the small dirt path that would eventually lead to the road.
“What’s-” you said before he threw a hand over your mouth, spinning the two of you around, spotting Jimmy’s car and rushing over. He flung open the door and shoved you in over to the passenger side before he started to rip open the dash with his bare hands.
You watched him wide eyed as he pulled on some wires, face smashed against the steering wheel until he got a spark and the engine came on, tugging you back into the driver’s side.
“Get out of here. Get out of town, just get as far away as you can and hide,” said Dean, panting as he pulled your seatbelt on.
“Dean, I don’t-”
“I remember and Cas...Cas was a nice kid. He took care of me. But I don’t remember him ever leaving with me,” said Dean, shaking his head. “Sometimes I swore I heard another set of boots wandering around in that shed too.”
“Dean, Cas has helped us, stood up for you, he’s-”
“Y/N,” you heard Cas say, both your and Dean’s head’s whipping to the front of the car where he was walking around. “Where are you going? We need to figure out a plan.”
“Stay the hell away from her,” said Dean, standing up and slamming your door shut. You weren’t in the car for more than a few more seconds before the lights flickered and went out.
“I always have problems with that freaking battery,” said Cas, rubbing a hand over his face. You climbed out and Dean stood in front of you, Cas cocking his head. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”
“I know who you are you son of a-”
“I am trying to help you, Dean. Is he having some kind of meltdown?” asked Cas to you. Dean had been overreactive since the moment you saw him, not thinking clearly and assuming the worst scenario would happen every single time. Cas had been calm and collected apart from his small outburst at Dean.
“Where’s Sam?” you asked. Cas practically growled and you took another step behind Dean.
“I have no issue with Y/N,” said Cas. “Hell, she knows what a dick Redge can be first hand. She can go.”
“Where’s Sam, Cas?” asked Dean. Cas shrugged and held up his hands. 
“Like I said, Y/N can go and I highly advise you do and forget all about this before you get dragged in. My issue is only with the Winchesters,” said Cas.
“Go,” said Dean, pushing you backwards with one hand. “Now.”
You didn’t argue it and went off down the path, Dean glancing over his shoulder to give you the smallest of smiles, a quiet thank you. You went down the road until you were out of view, going a little further before ducking into the woods and carefully making your way back to the house, Cas now holding a gun in his hands as Dean sat on the hood of the car, his hands cuffed behind his back.
You figured you had a couple options. Sneak up on Cas and get his gun to save Dean. Stay hidden and hope Cas brought Dean to wherever Sam was and sneak them both out later. Or call for backup from your completely un-trustable department and hope whoever showed up didn’t make you another victim.
You didn’t have enough time to think of your fourth one before a hand shot out over your mouth and a cold muzzle pressed against the back of your neck.
“Don’t move.”
The hand around you made you backup slowly, going with them even if you knew it was likely to certain death. You walked with them for a while before they spun you around and led you forward, walking on and on until you were well out of shouting distance of Dean.
“Hands behind your back,” he said, your body only doing so when he pressed the gun harder against your skin. You quickly felt a pair of department issue zipties around your wrists, his hand pushing you down to the ground. You expected a bullet but the gun moved away and he walked in front of you, staring you down. “What the hell are you involved in, Y/N?”
“Redge, if you’re going to kill me just do it,” you said, his gun staying by his side a good sign you told yourself. “If you’re not going to do that then what-”
“Saving your ass. Cas plays games. Letting the girl go is one of his favorites. Two months from now when Dean hasn’t broken yet, he’ll pull you out of whatever hole your in and kill you in front of him, then threaten the same with Sam if he doesn’t get with the program. I don’t know where Cas put him. You’ll thank me when you’re still alive,” said Redge, fiddling around in his backpack, grabbing you by the arm and walking again. 
“Redge what the fuck are you-” you got out before he slapped a hand over your mouth, a piece of duct tape over it.
“Shut up until I can explain,” he said, dragging you along until you came to the edge of the road, Redge shoving you in the backseat of his car and driving away, back towards town. You kicked his seat and he growled, getting louder when you didn’t stop. Eventually he pulled into his garage of your old home, shutting the door and taking you out, pushing you down on the couch as he made sure all the blinds were shut. When he ripped the duct tape off fast you nearly bit his hand off but his hands in tight fists made you think twice.
“Explain before I kick your ass for kidnapping a cop,” you said, Redge’s eyes rolling hard. He sat down on the ottoman and leered at you, cocking his head. “What?”
“If you had just stayed with me, none of his would have happened. Sam and Dean would be fine. You’d be fine. It would be okay, you know that?” he asked.
“You used to hurt me and that wasn’t okay, Redge,” you spat out. “Stop talking out of your ass and pretend for two seconds you’re not a piece of crap and maybe I’ll not ruin your life for stopping me from saving my guys.”
“You can’t save them. It’s too late. Grab your stuff and go,” said Redge. “Cas’ll give up trying to catch you pretty fast. He knows you won’t say anything.”
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s only…oh, I don’t know a complete and total liar,” you said, your shoulders starting to ache. “Would you cut me loose? You’re not exactly screaming trustworthy right now.”
“You’re the one being investigated by internal affairs, Y/N. For all I know, you’re another one of dad’s star students,” said Redge. You cocked your head and Redge took a deep breath. “Six months of your record is missing when you were twenty. Why?”
“I was in school which you’d know if you ever listened to me. I did study abroad but you wouldn’t know anything about that considering you tuned out everything I said unless it was yes sir,” you said, Redge looking you over. “What do you mean students?”
“I’m a saint compared to dad. He really just…gets the urge to kill people and does it I guess. I never saw it but I mean, he slipped it into asking about how school was and all that,” said Redge. 
“You never told anyone anything? Never another adult or-”
“One day, when I was five, I came home and there were these two boys in the basement. Dad told me to play with them, take care of them, keep them under control. He said I’d get a big reward if I did. It wasn’t hard with the little boy, Dean, but the older one was bigger than me and he shoved me around so I shoved back. I thought we were playing like at recess or something. That’s all I did was play with them. After a couple days, the little boy went away but that other one…he didn’t. I got a new brother I was told,” said Redge.
“Cas,” you said, Redge nodding his head. “Oh, why didn’t you say something Redge?”
“Because I’m not a good guy. You know that,” said Redge, looking you up and down, all too aware that you were still restrained. “The more Cas gave in, the more I liked it until a couple months later and we were in a new town and Jimmy was my older brother at school. The longer he stayed with us, the more he got to be like dad until eventually Jimmy was the one going into the family business. Sometimes I wish dad hadn’t kept him. It sounds bad but Jimmy, Cas I guess…he’s ruthless and cunning. Dad was always happy with the quick and dirty but Jimmy likes the slow burn,” said Redge, his face dropping as he thought of something.
“Redge, work with me. It doesn’t sound like you guys are on the best terms,” you said, Redge laughing at you and crossing his arms. 
“He’s worse than me, worse than dad, but that don’t make me the golden boy,” said Redge. “Cas has his toys to play with. I only ever wanted you back and here you are. You can be safe here from him, safe from dad too. I’ll be better this time.”
“Are you asking me to stay or telling me I am,” you said, Redge’s gaze on the floor in front of him. His hesitancy made you braver and you tapped his leg with your foot. “Redge.”
He stood up and went to the kitchen, grabbing a knife as you swallowed hard. He put on a hand on your arm and spun you around, cutting through the zip tie and picking up the pieces, tossing them in the trash on the way back to the kitchen. He pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and handed it to you, taking a seat back down.
“You were my first long term girlfriend. The first time I ever lived with someone else. That control was something I lived with for years, it’s what I thought love was and how to get respect and all that. As much as I want you back, I know I’m not good. Dean’s always been the guy for you and I took you because he was too shy at first, even if I knew he wanted you. You’re not mine but you got to stay away from Cas. He’s going to call my dad and they’re going to go to town on him, Y/N,” said Redge. “Sam too. You just got to move on.”
“I’m being investigated because of my relationship with Dean, right? They think I potentially knew he committed those crimes or set all this up?” you asked, Redge nodding his head. “Go with me to the station and vouch for me. Tell them all that. Tell them the truth and help me save them. Sam is a civilian, Dean is another cop and you’ve got some penance to serve, Redge,” you said.
“It’s my family. My literal psycho murdering family,” he said. “I go against them-”
“Your family is hurting my family. Family has your back and all that but yours is built on fear and pain, not love. That’s not a real family. Your family would hurt you for trying to stop them. Dean and Sam, I’m sure I’ll get an earful from them but I’ll get a crap ton of hugs too. Give me a shot, please,” you said, Redge sighing heavily.
“Y/N, odds are we’ll never find them,” said Redge, a tiny smile on your face. “But we could try.”
Two Months Later
Redge hadn’t checked in with the station in a few days and the looks you were starting to get made you nervous. Sam had vanished but Cas…Cas showed up for work the next day a few months back like nothing more had gone on that night than having an easy dinner and watching some TV. Redge stayed quiet when he saw Cas back, never saying a word to anyone about all he’d told you. You didn’t know who or what to believe anymore. The investigation on you was proving nothing you figured but you knew they believed you were the one who took Sam and was involved with all the rest.
“Hey,” said Cas, knocking on your desk as you looked into the old files on Redge’s dad. “You’re riding with me today.”
“Shocking,” you said, grabbing your winter coat, hoping wherever the boys were they weren’t freezing to death. You’d kept your distance from Cas since that night, occasionally trying to track him but Cas always one step ahead of you, no thanks to help from Redge you guessed.
“Coffee run?” Cas asked when you climbed in the passenger side of his cruiser, shaking your head. “This doesn’t have to be as bad as you make it out to be. I’ll buy.”
“A cup of coffee? Well I guess we can be besties forever now, huh,” you said, Cas pulling out of the lot for your four hour patrol around town. 
“I let you go. Someone in my line of work doesn’t really do that,” said Cas, looking over at you. “You’re a good cop. Once the investigation clears up, maybe you’ll think about moving on to a bigger town, work some bigger cases than the run of the mill crap we do all day.”
“Do you have a point at all? Otherwise you can shut it for the rest of today,” you said, crossing your arms, wishing you’d get a call to give you something else to think about.
“Playing nice with me makes life easier for them,” said Cas. “Perk up. You’re prettier when you smile.”
“Whatever you say boss.”
Three Days Later
You were at a motel room in a random town that only took cash. You used a rented car to take to “borrow” another one, promising yourself you’d return it to the owner before they got back from their vacation. You left your phone behind and your computer, no credit cards, anything Cas could use to figure out where you were. When it was almost two thirty in the morning, you slipped out of your room and walked down a few blocks, hood up as you scanned the alleys for the one you were looking for.
Right on the dot, you saw a man leaning against the brick wall of one, his head curling towards yours when he must have noticed your gazing. He gave a tiny nod you returned and he waved you down. 
“You’re less intimidating than I expected,” said the playful voice, standing up straight, his height rivaling Sam’s almost.
“Nick,” you said, pulling your hood down, the man doing the same. He was a bit older than Cas, around ten years maybe but even in the dim alley, you could see the familiarity. “I know where your baby brother is.”
“See, you kept saying that on the phone but Cas is dead. I haven’t seen him since he went to go play in the yard. It’s been over thirty years, kid. If you found his body, that’s great but I made my peace with what happened a long-”
“Look,” you said, shoving a hand into your pocket and pulling out the picture of Cas in uniform, Nick’s face going blank. “He’s alive.”
“He’s okay. Little guy became a cop,” said Nick, not exactly a smile on his face but as close as you were going to get for a harsh guy like him. “Why didn’t he…what…why did you find me, have us meet like this?”
“You’re a criminal and I’m so far in this thing I’ll work with bad guys to stop even worse ones,” you said. Nick handed the picture back before you shook your head that he could have it.
“You’re a cop,” he said. “Internal affairs, some law and order crap like that?” 
“Your brother took two people very important to me. I will explain everything I can to you but I’ll be upfront about this. You’re not getting the happy ending with your brother you want. It’s not going to happen,” you said, Nick looking over your head. 
“Inside,” he said, pushing open a back door to the bar you were outside of. “You look like you need a drink.”
Nick quietly sipped on his beer as you told him everything you knew. When you’d finished, you didn’t get any denial or shock or any of the other reactions you were expecting. Just a small chuckle that made you wonder if you’d only added one more crazy person in all this.
“To think I was the bad son,” said Nick. “Dad and his stupid pride, wouldn’t do something bad to save his own kid.”
“I read through the old files of Chuck’s, the ones in the storage shed in Toledo,” you said, Nick’s head popping up. “I’ve broken a few laws trying to get my boys back, I’m not a saint either. But your dad tried to get Cas back. It was one or the other and Dean was younger so-”
“So Cas got the shaft. Wow, way to go dad,” said Nick, standing and grabbing a bottle of some hard liquor, pouring it straight into his empty glass, enough to knock out a horse if he finished it all.
“He tried after that and that’s why he got killed. This guy Chuck and John Winchester were investigating is bad news. Ruthless and he made Cas just like him,” you said, Nick seeming unfazed.
“This is my problem how?” he asked, taking a long drag, scrunching his face up at the burn of it. “You’re the cop, that’s your job to fix crap like this.”
“You were supposed to watch him and you let your kid brother go play outside by himself when you were told to not let him out of your sight. How’s that for your problem?” you spat back, Nick’s face going cold, downright scary. 
“You sure you aren’t the bad one? You sure know how to rip open old wounds,” he said, taking another swallow.
“This was a waste of time,” you said, standing up, heading for the back door until Nick’s hand caught your arm. 
“You said this guy Redge, that you breaking up with him is what started all of this, right?” asked Nick. You felt his hand get loose and you moved it away, looking down at Nick in the booth. 
“It got Dean involved and it made Redge’s dad go after him again and it brought all of this up so yeah, it’s pretty much all my fault,” you said.
“If I’d watched Cas like I was supposed to, Cas wouldn’t have gone that route and maybe that Redge guy would have turned out different and maybe a lot of things would be different so if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine,” he said.
“You don’t know that,” you said.
“You don’t know that you and Redge had anything to do with Dean. They all knew each other before you came along. This could have been in the making long before you showed up,” said Nick.
“If you say you’re going to help, are you going to turn around the next day and pretend that didn’t happen? I’m running out of people to turn to, Nick,” you said.
“I think I should have a talk with my brother. On one condition,” he said, your head dropping.
“I can’t promise any clearing of your record or any of that. I’m on the outs. I can’t even promise you’ll live through this,” you said.
“One condition,” said Nick, standing up. “We’re going to need backup and I know the guys for the job.”
“Nick, this-”
“Kid, I wasn’t asking. You want to find Dean and Sam? Trust me.”
On Monday morning the chief called you into his office to tell you Cas was your new partner, Redge back at work as you figured he didn’t turn up anything concrete, not that he was ever really investigating you. You were stopped at the diner for lunch with Cas a few days later, silently eating together when Cas kicked you under the table.
“What?” you asked, mouth full of salad, Cas giving you a hard glare. “Don’t tell me the place is getting robbed,” you said, spinning in your seat to see nothing going on.
“What is that?” he asked, pointing outside at a man outside playing on his phone.
“A guy on his phone?” you asked, not sure what was going on with him. Cas studied your face and relaxed. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re not arguing with me as much lately. I was suspicious,” said Cas.
“Well you said it yourself. I’m free and alive. I need to start looking out for myself,” you said, Cas raising an eyebrow. “I’m smart enough to admit defeat. I need to move on, get out of this town and forget this all ever happened right? Let you have your…extra curricular activities.”
“You’re giving up just like that,” said Cas. You shrugged, playing around with your fork. 
“I never even went on a date with the guy. I’m loyal but I’m not a dumbass,” you said. “Maybe I’ll go somewhere warmer, where it doesn’t snow in the winter.”
“Oh you’re cruel. You ever want a date, give me a call,” said Cas with a wink. 
“I do have a slight favor to ask,” you said, Cas’ smile falling away. “A letter of recommendation would help with a transfer considering everything I went through. I’m not sure they’ll take me with that on my record if I don’t have someone to-”
“Yeah, that’s not a problem,” said Cas, easing up again. “I’ll make you sound good and all that.”
“Thanks,” you said, Cas going back to his sandwich until you were climbing in the cruiser, back on your patrol for the second half of your shift.
“You’re really giving up on them. They’ve been so adamant that you’d stay away and do what asked. I guess you’re finally getting with the program huh?” asked Cas.
“I have one other favor to ask,” you said, turning to Cas. “You and your family stay away from me, they don’t come after me. I don’t want to look over my shoulder the rest of my life.”
“Yeah, that’s not a problem,” said Cas. “You’ve kept your mouth shut and been good. You’ll keep it shut too. No one will bother you.”
“Alright then,” you said, holding out a hand, Cas shaking it with an amused look on his face. “I’ll start looking for new positions tonight.”
It was nearly three in the morning when you got a call on your burner phone from Nick.
“Did Gabe get it?” you asked.
“Oh, he got more than that alright,” said Nick. “Somebody wants to say hi.”
“Hey Y/N,” a tired Sam said on the other end. “You working with a bunch of convicts now?”
“Well I sit next to a serial killer at work. Thievery isn’t so bad compared to that,” you said, hearing a tiny laugh from Sam. He sounded in good spirits but you could only imagine how wrecked he was. “Are you okay?”
“Oh it’s like Christmas morning,” he said with a chuckle. “It’s not Christmas is it?”
“Not for a few more weeks,” you said, sitting up with a big smile on your face. “We got to go pick out a tree.”
“Yeah, we’ll get right on that,” said Sam. “You got Dean back yet?”
“No, we agreed getting at least one of you out was worth the risk,” you said, standing and heading over to your closet to get dressed.
“I haven’t seen him since I saw you last. I don’t know where-”
“It’s okay Sammy. Nick’s brothers are going to stay with you and make sure you get to a hospital and get better,” you said, pulling out some clothes and tossing them on fast. 
“I’m honestly okay. Cas never did anything so I assumed Dean’s been playing along. What are you going to do?” asked Sam. 
“I’m going to Cas’ house. He’s going to want a new way of keeping Dean in line,” you said.
“Y/N, you can’t-”
“Nick, you know where to meet me. Let’s go have a chat with your little brother.”
“Nick, you ready?” you asked, stepping out of the car parked around the bend, just out of view from Cas’ house. Nick looked down the dirt path, giving you a nod. “Want to give me a heads up of what you’re planning on saying?”
“I’ll let you know when I figure that out myself,” he said, taking a step forward. “You sure you want to come with me?”
“You need the backup,” you said, pulling out your gun. Nick just nodded and went around to the front door as you went to the back. He knocked like he was dropping off a pizza and you took a deep breath. You heard the front door open and slipped in the back, quietly coming through the hall as you saw Cas take a step back and another. Nick landed a punch square to his face and had him restrained fast as you had to fight the urge to rip his head off. “What happened to talking?”
“He kind of deserves it, don’t you think?” asked Nick as you rolled your eyes. Cas grunted as Nick rolled him up, shutting the door as you saw just how off guard he was. “Cas.”
“Nick?” asked Cas, looking his older brother up and down. “Wh-What...”
“What is wrong with you shortie?” asked Nick, Cas’ face softening at the nickname. “What is going on in that head of yours?”
“Whatever she told you, it’s a lie, it’s all-”
“Cut the crap,” said Nick, Cas dropping his head down to the floor. “You got taller.”
“So did you,” said Cas quietly, turning his attention to you, the softness falling away. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done? What you just put on my family?”
“Sorry but your dad and Redge aren’t exactly-”
“Not those psychos. Nick and Gabe and Michael. Do you know what you just dragged them into? What I’ve been keeping them safe from for years?” asked Cas, his eyes shooting daggers but flickering with fear for the first time too. “They’re going to go after them finally. After everything I put up with, it’s gone because of you.”
Nick scrunched up his face and raised an eyebrow, probably thinking Cas was nuts.
“Cas,” you said, holding your gun in your hands. “We found Sam. He didn’t exactly sound like someone who’s had a rough go of it lately.”
“Sam played the part he needed to. Dean’s been doing his part too I suppose. I may have exaggerated things a bit,” said Cas, glancing down.
“Exaggerated how?” you asked, your eyes going wide when you saw the chief come in through the front door.
“Stand down officer Y/L/N,” said the chief, your gaze going to Nick who looked like he would try to take him on if you asked. “Stand down.”
“Crowley, I don’t exactly trust-”
“Cas you’re authorized to disclose your case,” said Crowley, Cas breathing a sigh of relief.
“Not like she was only about two seconds away from shooting me, asshole,” said Cas, giving Crowley a hard look before softening his gaze towards you and Nick. “I’m very deep undercover. Very, very, very deep undercover.”
“It all makes perfect sense now!” you said, squinting at him, Crowley rolling his eyes. “You want to explain, get going.”
“The easy version? I got taken as a kid and raised by a not so nice guy and Redge. I figured out how to play along, gain their trust. By the time I was old enough, got more freedom, it was just Nick and my brothers left and there was always this unspoken threat in the air that I couldn’t go back to them. I stayed away and became a cop, try to figure out a way to bring him down and Redge. I was approached at the academy about undercover work. They knew who I really was and who my fake dad was and that I could go under and gather evidence against a guy they’d been tracking for twenty years but couldn’t prove a damn thing about,” said Cas. “I couldn’t hop on board that train fast enough.”
“Wait so you never…” you asked, Cas shaking his head. 
“Redge did. I was always going to be his fall guy if it ever came to it so I was told to keep my mouth shut. I’ve made it harder over the years but when you got with Redge and then you two stopped, those two wanted to rip Dean apart. I convinced them to go a different route, screw with you both in a less violent way. It worked and they started to get sloppy for the first time. They actually believed that I’d finally come around to their way of thinking. The evidence we have now though is huge and more than enough to put them both away,” said Cas.
“Awesome, then what’s with the continued charade?” asked Nick, cocking his head.
“We don’t know where Dean is,” said Crowley. You looked at Cas who shook his head.
“Redge called my dad after he found you in the woods,” said Cas, Nick giving him a glare. “Fake dad. Cut me a little slack, I’ve been dealing with this stuff since I was six.”
“Keep going,” you said, throwing Nick a glance to cool it.
“Fake dad showed up and took Dean, not too long after I had a chance to explain myself to him. I don’t know if Dean every truly believed me but I told him I’d keep you and Sam safe until I could get him too,” said Cas. “We just need to find him.”
“Would Redge know?” you asked, looking at the chief who was shaking his head. “I’ll go be bait if I have to. We’re getting Dean back if it’s the last thing I ever do.”
“The guy’s been around the Montana area, sticking to a fifty mile area. Dean’s likely somewhere in there,” said Crowley. “It’s too big of a search area though.”
“When Redge took those few days off earlier in the week, where’d he go?” you asked.
“Montana,” said Crowley. “You think he went to go pay Dean a visit?”
“Check his phone records and we’ll find out.”
The property you were searching was huge and the local police department was even smaller than your own, just four of you out there trying to search 100 acres while you knew your guy was the next town over.
“Y/L/N, sun’s going down and snow’s heading in. We need to call it a night,” said another officer over the radio.
“I’ve got a flashlight and gloves. I’m good,” you said, flicking your light on and continuing your search. 
“One more hour, then we need to head in,” said the officer. You clicked off your radio and continued your search, finding a big farmhouse that was a nice break from the cold wind on your face, your cheeks and nose hurting from the icy air. You kicked around the straw on the floor, finding only solid dirt beneath it, taking a short breather behind a bale of hay. It was warmer there and you took a deep breath, glancing around to see a pipe sweating nearby. You hopped up, nothing at all seeming to require heat in the open barn unless of course there was someone living under it. You started kicking the straw again, spending most of your hour picking through every inch of the space. 
You yelled when you found nothing, kicking at a bale of hay. You huffed and figure you’d start looking around outside when you spun back around.
“Wait,” you said to yourself, looking around the whole barn, noticing there was only the one bale in the whole place. You bent down and shoved with your shoulder, digging into the ground to get it to budge a little before it slid away. The small cellar door made you smile as you flung it open and hopped down, shooting at a locked door and opening it to find a tiny room warm.
The man on the cot rolled over and wiped at his eyes, yawning as he did so. He blinked the green orbs awake, sitting up fast when he saw you.
“We got to stop meeting like this,” you said, Dean leaning back against the wall in relief. “You’re not going to go all Rambo on me again, are you?”
“You look really cute with a pink nose,” said Dean, waving you over. You bent down to try and cut through his tether again but this one was made of steel cable and you didn’t exactly bring bolt cutters with you. “Try my foot.”
“I’m not cutting your foot off,” you said, Dean rolling his eyes. He put his foot up on the cot and pulled up his pant leg to show the metal cuff on it.
“I meant try picking the lock,” said Dean. “Unless you found the keys.”
“Yeah, right outside the door, didn’t you know?” you joked, the sound of the cellar door slamming shut making your smile fall.
“Tell me that was the wind,” said Dean. You took off back the way you came, going through the door and up the few steps before you pushed on the door. It didn’t budge much and you knew it wasn’t that heavy. You pushed again and again, dropping down and hoping when Dean was free he might have better luck. 
“I think it’s just stuck,” you said.
“I don’t think we’re that lucky,” said Dean. “Do you have anything to eat in your bag?”
“Yeah,” you said, slipping it off and digging through to find a few protein bars, Dean barely getting the wrapper off before devouring one. “Hungry?”
“Starving,” he said, halfway through another before he forced himself to stop. “We should save these.”
“It was just the wind Dean. A big storm is coming through,” you said, riffling around in your bag for something to try and get him loose. You took off your hat and shoved it on his head, throwing your scarf on him too. 
“How cold out is it exactly? This is Kansas not-”
“We’re not in Kansas anymore,” you said, Dean giving you a bitch face. “Well we’re not, Todo.”
“Awesome,” said Dean as you ran a hand over your head, finding a bobby pin in there. You pulled it out and twisted it, shoving it in the lock and a few moments later, watching it release Dean’s leg. 
He sighed when it fell off and he removed the rag he’d shoved there to cushion it, stretching it out as you twisted your bobby pin back in place.
“Let’s work on that door,” said Dean. He stood up with your help but he seemed healthy for the most part and definitely happier than when you’d rescued him the first time. You both had to shove hard but the door flung open eventually, a big gust of wind blowing through the open space that had Dean ducking back down. You gave him your bag with some boots and gloves, Dean throwing his hood up but still cold in his thin hoodie and a pair of jeans.
“Let’s get you home Dean.”
“Alright,” you said, throwing a blanket over Sam on the couch the next day, Dean already bundled up in his own as they both gave you shy smiles. “You’re both fed, Dean got cleared by the hospital, you’re in your warmest pajamas and tucked in. What else do you guys need?”
“You to sit down and take a break, sweetheart,” said Dean, patting the spot between him and Sam. You gladly sat, feeling them share their blankets with you as a holiday movie played quietly on TV in the background.
“Longest year ever,” you said, both of them laughing a little. The doorbell rang and you hopped up, knowing the department wanted to give you all a proper apology but that it could wait for the morning.
“Hi,” said Cas when you opened it, holding a box under his arm, looking down. “Can I come in?”
“Can you look at me?” you asked, Cas slow to lift his head. “You ever hear of a little thing the Winchesters have called ‘Check’?”
He shook his head and you smiled.
“You will,” you said, opening the door for him, his face red from the cold. “Guys, you mind if you have a quick visitor?”
“Cas, our guardian angel,” joked Dean, Cas looking away nervously. 
“Dude, relax. You’ve risked a lot to keep us safe,” said Sam. “We’re good with you.”
“Y/N is in need of an apology,” said Dean, not too happy with the way he spoke to you, even if it was to keep up appearances with Redge. “Later though. What’d you bring us?”
“It’s from my brothers and me,” said Cas, putting the box down between them. “For helping bring us together again.”
Sam and Dean shrugged and opened the box up, both of them reaching inside and holding up a leather jacket.
“I guess your dad gave it to our’s once and it got tucked away in storage. It has sentimental value Nick said. John gave it to him as a way of saying our families always have each other’s backs or something like that,” said Cas, rubbing the back of his head. 
“You guys want to hang out this weekend?” asked Dean, Sam giving Cas a smile. “Our dad’s were best friends. I think it’s about time the kids were too.”
“Is that okay, Y/N?” asked Cas, the boys looking back over the couch at you. “You’re the one that’s seen everyone go all…”
“I think a big family dinner would be nice,” you said.
A few days later you were sitting on the couch with Dean slouching into your side, talking to Nick and Michael about which Zeppelin album was better, Sam and Gabe and Cas trying to figure out who had the worst pick up line. You didn’t realize you’d fallen asleep until Dean was carrying you upstairs, the guys telling you goodnight as they threw on their coats.
“Didn’t mean to ruin the party,” you said, Dean pausing outside your room before going down to his and putting you on the mattress there.
“It’s your turn to get some overdue rest, Y/N,” said Dean, shutting the door and kicking off his pants, climbing into bed beside you. 
“You don’t have to go to bed if you don’t want,” you said, Dean chuckling to himself. 
“We’ll see the guys tomorrow. It’s getting late anyways,” said Dean, pulling you in close. “You’re so warm. I’ve wanted to do this forever.”
“Me too,” you said. “You know Nick and Gabe and Michael…they’ve got records,” you said. 
“Used to have records. They’ve been expunged thanks to helping catch two serial killers. With Cas back and a family of cops around, I’m pretty sure they’ll get on the straight and narrow soon,” said Dean. “Wouldn’t want to have to arrest our new friends.”
“How are you feeling? After everything I mean. You’ve spent only a handful of nights in this bed over the past ten months,” you said. Dean hummed and you rolled on your side to face him, running a hand through his hair. “You’re not so bad this time.”
“I kind of distracted myself through most of it,” said Dean. “I don’t think anyone’s ever had as much time as me to come up with the perfect first date.”
“I’d rather just stay home with you on the couch and never let you out of my sight if that’s okay with you,” you said, giving him a tired smile.
“You came up Netflix and a pizza too?” he teased, shifting his head closer.
“Check?” you asked, Dean closing his eyes as he tilted his head and gave you a short kiss.
“Green sweetheart,” said Dean, fluttering his eyes open when he moved back. “How about you?”
“I think I’m okay again too,” you said, snuggling into his chest. “This is the weirdest relationship I’ve ever been in.”
“Considering your last boyfriend was a serial killer, I’m not sure how to take that,” he said, chuckle as you gave him a pout. “I really do have to ask though…why’d you never stop trying to save me?”
“You’re my best friend. Maybe we haven’t gotten into the couple stuff yet but you’re my best friend and I love you and you owe me at least two back massages for everything I’ve done,” you said, Dean giving you a big laugh you felt in your chest before he was kissing you again.
“That can be arranged,” he said, closing his eyes. “Thank you for everything sweetheart.”
“Goodnight Dean.”
"Morning,” you said, turning to curl into Dean, your eyes blinking open when you saw him gone. You hopped out of bed and found him staring at the back door in the kitchen, the sun just coming up. “You okay?” you asked, reaching up to ruffle his hair.
“Yeah,” he said, reaching for your hand to hold in his. “Sorry if I woke you up.”
“You’re good,” you said, bumping into his arm. “We can go outside if you want.”
“It’s cold out,” he said.
“You have winter clothes,” you said, Dean nodding to himself like he’d forgotten that. “Do you have anything you want to do today?”
Dean shrugged, just looking outside at the snow covered yard. You bumped him again and he looked down, catching your smile.
“When Sam gets up we’ll head into town and grab breakfast. I got a surprise for you,” you said, Dean tilting his head. “It’s a good surprise.”
It was nearly dinner time by the time you three got back, Dean giving Baby a pat and smile at getting to driver her again. 
“I can’t believe you convinced us to go sledding,” said Sam, sipping on his leftover hot chocolate. “In Kansas too. How’d you find that place?”
“A super secret place called google,” you said, Sam grabbing a snowball from the front yard and tossing it at you as he went inside to warm up. Dean was smiling as he stood by Baby, his cheeks red from spending most of the day outside. “You have fun today?”
“Yeah,” said Dean, wrapping you up in his arms and holding on tight. “I needed that.”
“I know. Want to go watch a Christmas movie and warm up?” you asked.
“Die Hard?” he asked. You rolled your eyes but shook your head. “What do you want to do for dinner?”
“Speak of the devil,” you said, spotting Cas pull up in his car, his brothers popping out with a few bags. “The boys brought barbecue.”
“Ribs, brisket, pulled pork, chicken, corn bread, mashed potatoes and a whole bunch of other artery clogging goodies...everything a recovering boy needs,” said Gabe, patting Dean on the back as they got the food inside before the cold got to it.
“We’ll have a quiet day tomorrow if you want. You just looked like you needed some fun today,” you said.
“I did. I still do but with you watching my back I’m going to turn out just fine,” he said, leaning down to give you a kiss. “You know I always had the biggest crush on you, from the second we met actually.”
“I thought you were cute in your little uniform and jeans. I wished you’d been my partner from the start,” you said.
“I’m your partner now,” he said, giving you another fast kiss. “In more than one area of your life.”
“You’re much cuddlier than I remember,” you said. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Well see this cute girl told me if I got scared I should get a hug and she’d make me feel better. She’s pretty smart,” said Dean, still holding on tight.
“You remember that?” you asked, Dean humming. “Do you want to go get some warm food in you?”
“Yeah,” said Dean, not moving an inch. He waited a few more seconds, looking up as the sun was setting and fresh snow was coming down. “Alright, let’s go have family dinner.”
“I think we should do it once a week, get everyone together,” you said, Dean smiling wide. “You like the sound of that?”
“Having a big family of full of misfit cops and lawyers and thieves sounds perfect, sweetheart.”
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blindrapture · 4 months
TUESDAY MAY 31ST, 2011 (Tropes)
7:12 AM "Man, that really did a number on you, didn't it?" I don't want to disobey. :c "That is what I wanted, yes. Okay, I don't have much to tell you today except to remind you, marketplace, 8 PM." Hey, yeah, there's a big TVTropes meetup there. Why do you want me to go to that? ..she walked out. Guess I can go back to bed, then.
7:56 AM Donnie’s up. She said she missed me yesterday. ..and she kissed me. .w. FUCK YEAH APOCALYPSE
8:38 AM Fucking hate those things. They don’t ever do anything. They just stand there, moving only when I do. I’m beginning to suspect they aren’t really “zombies.”
12:52 PM More zombies got into the house. I got ‘em out.
4:44 PM OH MY GOD MORE ZOMBIES BACK BACK BACK There’s been a lot of zombies lashing out today. It’s almost like they’re choosing today, of all days, to group up. >___>
7:10 PM We’re heading out to the marketplace now, all three of us. It’s a stupid idea to leave the house unguarded, but what the fuck.
7:48 PM People are slowly pouring into the marketplace. It’s oddly devoid of all zombies.
8:06 PM Wow, a lot of people here recognize me ‘cause my TVTropes avatar is a drawing of Rael Fancyhat. ..which is my ALTER-EGO. :DDD (Inter-ego?) In the.. coat n’ hat. And scarf. And.. yeah, I’m easy to spot. I just heard, like, seven “DJays” right then. I’m getting hugged left and right. I love tropers.
8:21 PM Seems like someone’s gonna have to make a speech soon. This oughta answer a few of our questions.
8:29 PM I see Mister Speech Man Dude. I think that’s one of the moderators. I think. Shit, I’ve heard about him.
8:30 PM Speech time! “Attention. Attention, everyone. I don’t exactly have a microphone, so you’re just gonna have to be quiet, alright? Alright. Now, let’s get some facts straight: This is probably the end of the world. There are zombies in the streets. There are giant faceless torso men crawling around. There are portals to another dimension lying around. The internet has been down since Saturday. There are really dangerous creatures sharing our world. We have no idea what else is going on. There, see? Does that clear things up?” crowd’s laughing a bit “But none of that means we should give our hopes up. We’re all still alive, and we’ve made it through some pretty atrocious wars so as a species I think we’ll do just fine. The important thing to do is to gather whatever information we can find. So if we could all patiently raise our hands and, when called on, tell everyone whatever information you’ve been able to discern about this bizarre state of the world.” someone raises their hand, the mod points at them “I’ve been having bad dreams about the future, and from what I’ve gathered everyone’s been, so they’re probably important.” “Yes, good to note! Bad dreams about the future, real specific, I love it! Who’s next?” a woman over there “I have good friends in the Internet Service Providing industry, and before the internet went down last Saturday some of them were talking about their computers showing a figure made of clockwork. The internet had actually gone down before that day and they’d been able to get it back up, as apparently this clockwork virus thing can’t keep a total hold over the internet for too long, so something tells me the internet will come back. Probably go in waves.” murmuring mod “Wow, that’s some really vital information if your friends were right in what they saw! Way to go to them! Anyone else? C'mon, we’ve got all night!” uh I guess I’ll raise my hand “Yes, you there in the hat!”
Hi! I, uh. I’ve got a lot of things to say, actually; I’ve kinda been running all over the country so I’ve already encountered a fair bit of stuff. May I take some time to.. list.. stuff? “By all means.” First up, hi, I’m Jordan. Jordan Dooling. You guys know me as DJay. I’ve been kinda running all over the country, and I’ve seen plenty of shit. Can I say “shit?” Alright, shitting fuck, all that stuff. There are, uh.. there are these things called “spidercats.” I don’t know if you guys’ve seen them. Hell, they might not even be called that; I just… heh, yeah. Spidercats are exactly what they sound like. They’re cats. With eight legs. And they are bastards, seriously. Sure, they can be docile and cute just like any cat, but I warn you: If they get hostile, kill them swiftly and sharply. Try not to get ambushed. …that was shit advice, now that I think about it. I mean, you can’t exactly prepare for an ambush; it’s not an “ambush” then. I’ll move on. The big, faceless guys? I call ‘em “Big Ones,” and I find it’s a very helpful name for remembering which creature’s which. I haven’t seen any other giant creatures crawling around, and I can’t say I really want to. But yeah. Big Ones. I have no idea how to kill them. I just try to avoid them. Oh! Oh! A little tip: Big Ones love Pot Noodles. Found this out the hard way. You guys might want to write some of this stuff down. A while back, I encountered something some of you might not believe. This was an isolated event; I haven’t ran into the thing since, but still! Best to inform you. It was, um… no easier way to say this, really. A Cockroach Jesus. It was a giant cockroach. With the head of Jesus Christ. He was driving a car, no joke. He’s a little hostile. Chased me through the woods. Uh.. take notes if you see him. Or one. Might be more than one. Oh, important to note that it was specifically the head of the white western depiction and not anything historically accurate! ..moving on. In the aforementioned forest, not sure where but it’s somewhere close to Ashford, Middlesex. …SORRY NOT MIDDLESEX, I forgot it hasn’t been called “Middlesex” since 1962. SURREY. Right? Surrey? Yeah, Ashford, Surrey. Anyway! In the forest is a little town I found filled with green people. Now, uh.. trying not to sound racist here, but the green people were evil. They tried to kill me. I think. I’m.. well, my memory’s a little fuzzy as to what they actually did. I just realized I don’t have a name for them. …well, they had trees on their fingers. So “Treefingers.” Let’s call ‘em that. Kay? Kay. Question, did you have a questi… no, you were stretching. Kay. God, this is gonna take ages.
There seems to be a, um… does anyone know the towns near Ashford, Surrey? You do? Good. Um.. tell me, was “Hell” always there? It wasn’t? Yeah, well, it is now. It’s a weird town, clocks are a little broken, and your old friends show up as tarantulas, but it’s.. I mean, it’s not bad. I wouldn’t hate living there or anything. The only problem is this, uh… “Eldritch Bear.” It’s a giant bear thing that really isn’t a bear at all. It’s Eldritch. An Eldritch Abomination. I’m sure you tropers know what I mean. Just.. if you see a bear, run, okay? You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, actually. There’s also a really creepy man around there, looks a bit like the G-Man from Half-Life. Don’t know shit about him, sorry. He’s good with bears, though. Alright, let me pose a, um… scenario in your minds: Let’s say you’re— close your eyes, close your eyes, relax, you’re on a beach, you’re in the sky, you’re relaxed and in your happy place. Right. Now, you’re on the motorway and a giant truck is chasing you and trying to eat you. That’s the “Carbra.” Watch out for it. f them do have wings. Watch out. No special name; they’re just the flying zombies, really. Real flappy wings. Can’t miss ‘em. Unless you’re looking at the ground. But then, why would you be looking at the ground out in the middle of— oh, maybe there’s a spidercat eating your leg or something. God, that would be, like.. the worst day, ever. …sorry, moving on. London is fairly safe. Fairly. I’m sure some of you were wondering about that. See, the zombies there don’t hurt you. They just stand there, as do the ones around here. I have no name for these. ….but I guess I’ll make one now. Uhhhh… hrm, what’s a good name? They’re zombies… but they just stand there. They’re pretty dull. …how about “dull zombies?” Right, rolls off the tongue, sounds good. Now, up around the northern motorway, I have seen a certain crying man. Now, don’t fall for the same mistake I made, kay? Stay away from the crying man. If he runs from you, don’t follow. “But wait,” you ask. “What if it’s an actual survivor? How do I tell the difference,” you ask? Well. …I have no idea. Just, um.. call his name. Or say “HEY YOU.” If you get no response, he’s either the crying man or he can’t hear you or he’s distracted or he’s.. well, a lot of things. Fuck. Um.. just… be careful, alright?
Right. I’ll cut right to the good part: The slender man is real. Saw him when I was on Blackpool Tower the other day. Same slender man we all know and fear— slendercoat, slender body, no noticeable face. He didn’t attack me, but ohhhh god I’ve never seen him actually attack anyone in a story ohh god what’s gonna happen SORRY SORRY SORRY. Next: THE MOTHERFUCKING RAKE IS REAL. AND THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OF THEM. Three Rakes. You know The Rake, I’m sure. Pale, hairless, dog-man, sharp claws, disturbing eyes. Yeah, there are at least three of them. Luckily, they are killable. And I have already killed two. But still, y’know? Prepare. My friend in the Americas let me know that the Grim Reaper might be real too. Wears a gas mask, apparently. Be on the lookout. What else. What else. Hoo boy. In London, right? In London, there is, uh.. how to explain him. He’s a man. In a hood. And he’s wearing a mask that’s a lot like a giant beak, covers his face. I thought he looked a lot like Ace, from RubyQuest, so I called him Ace Man. For some reason, I get the feeling he’s a lot more dangerous than when I just saw him standing there, so.. yeah. And here in Blackpool, stay away from the seaside, okay? You might run into a giant tentacle. I call it CTHULHU 2 or something, though I was told it’s nothing like Cthulhu at all, so don’t let my words distract you from reality. It controls the zombies around here. Okay, good I got that out of the way. Now, I think that should be it. Is that it? Yeah, I think that’s it. Thank you, and, uh… have a nice day.
“Thank you for that, DJay. That was pretty informative. But I think I have something you missed: The Harlequin.” The, uh.. the Harlequin? “Yes. Heard of her?” …no, I can’t say I have. <:D “Then I’ll explain. The Harlequin is an increasing threat in our attempts at survival. I’ve heard word of at least seven groups of survivors being defeated by her today. And with the more people she defeats, the stronger she grows, so something needs to be done sooner rather than later. The Harlequin, for all intents and purposes, is a living puppet. A marionette, y'know? Except she isn’t controlled by strings. She uses her strings to control us. Well, her victims. She loves to play tricks, whether just fooling us for fun or playing with her ‘food.’ It’s hard to tell who’s actually under her control, too. Her strings aren’t normally that easy to see. And if she knows enough about you, she can get your corpse to mimic you to a terrifying degree of accuracy.” Have there ever, um.. been reports of people.. following the Harlequin.. without being forced? "What, a genuine follower? No. No, nobody's been that stupid. To willingly go along? To just be some kind of... of pet? What would she have them do, probably murder. I have a word of advice to everyone here: You want to avoid the Harlequin. Kill the Puppets, put them out of their mercy. If there is someone willingly following her, kill them too! This is about survival, and protecting humanity!" ..ah. That answers my question. “Good. I’m glad it does. Now, then. Now that we’ve gotten all the serious business out of the way, let’s try living like humans again. Let’s have ourselves a party!” crowd cheeeeer
8:57 PM Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my goddddddddddd HELP.
10:31 PM I’m hiding in the bathroom. I just.. I need a moment. Oh my god, why am I freaking out so much, they love me, but I’m a traitor. You heard them, journal; you got it all written down. They'd hate my kind. I’m spineless. I’m a coward, a fool. A bitch. I’m a pet.
10:34 PM ….as I was walking out, I passed by a troper who I assumed was listening to his iPod. I looked again, he had no earphones nor any iPod or anything. Just wires. I’m gonna find Donnie.
10:38 PM I can’t find her. I guess I’ll.. keep looking.
10:44 PM Everyone’s looking at me. Why is everyone looking at me.
10:45 PM Someone’s stepping up to the stage. It’s the mod. He looks tired. “Attention, everyone. The time has come for the few of you who have been unconverted to step up.” ..the crowd’s pushing some people up to the stage. What the hell. …wait, am I converted already or somTALKING TALKING “We shall start with the first.” It’s a woman. ..obviously. I’ll shut up. ..wait. What’s he doing with that KNIFE WAIT asdfgh ….o_e There’s someone floating above him. Above the mod. I gotta get closer. The mod’s arms are raising. His hands are dangling as his elbows are up. The figure above him is doing the same. The figure’s moved their right hand to their throat. And.. I don’t need to tell you this but that’s his knife hand ohgod I can almost tell who the figurrjiweds Hello, Mistress. Mistress is pleased to see me here. I.. but.. fuck. Mistress says she’ll do that later; I may have been a good boy but she has other matters to attend to. That’s not what I… Mistress is making the mod talk more. She’s making him give a speech to the few remaining survivors, telling them how they shouldn’t have come, how the Mistress is so pleased they did come anyway. How their blind obedience will come in very handy. The crowd of puppets is closing in on the NONONO I’ve gotta do somethYES MISTRESS, oh god sorry sorry…I’m sorry, you guys. .__. I just.. I can’t. She can crush me like an ant. I couldn’t possibly… Oh god. Can I at least look awayYESMISTRESS ohgod I don’t wanna looooook blood blood look at that that’s death more and more tropers taken to the public spectacle I oh god please no that’s Donnie please. .___. Mistress sees I am passionate for this pathetic girl. Mistress decides she’ll show a little mercy, at least because it’s for her pet. But Mistress reminds me that her mercy comes at a price, a price that Mistress can and will claim when she so pleases. Yes, ma’am. >___< Mistress is ordering me to take Donnie and go to bed now. Mistress will see me in the morning. …her giggles. Not so comforting.
11:00 PM Donnie and I walked home slowly. Donnie stopped by a bin to vomit at one point. We didn’t speak to each other. She knows I’m a pet now.
(Attached: "What is this about? Tropes transcend television. They reflect life. We’re about celebrating fiction, not showing off how snide and sarcastic we can be. What is this about? What is this about? What is this about? What is this about?”) (Attached, flipped to other side: “Cyetbwla ewbtwnx eu tam ohytv, Sbjyw if lbnw lv usnz hcfaz Agl hkvdadfr gx spta bzx vxhoshogeay mw kxl ezo J.. kyeh, dhh Q jxhtdy ba. Naa Yemcjg vn Jafz Ztjjyail, tz Q'v cbzfxz pt. Lwex vn qov aur dhvx lgnibwd ns Uvybsxl ex vn ealwhz if lbnw nw Ag I esxbyhtx xska wx Rbdnnnl th ggn Icl umhcfwaeeg lapa as ocn yky yhc. Lapa as gcl xrlrrwfx. Apas jg zhn te. ...Vhvk htvsnh oed qgea fiwir: Vrhtagqpeaofi tbv VXN...”)
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I’m just gonna start by saying that I’ve already typed this whole thing out then my old as time computer died again! Anywho there’s tears in my eyes rn but I just hope I remember what I wrote in the first place😂
Hi Пчёлка! Which apparently translates into bee/little bee affectionate??? Bees are cute and you’re cute so I though I’d give it a try!
I’ve seen painted denim jackets before and every one of them looks so cool. I’ve always wanted a denim jacket though I do have quite a few cool jackets already.
How dare tumblr be homophobic against my half-assed flower paintings 😠 (Although I did see you were able to post I normally which is weird)
Fustercluck is stolen directly from my favourite sci-fi book.
Do you have a favourite book? Doesn’t even have to be for the plot it could be just for the aesthetic.
Love, just because just because it’s isn’t it my cup of tea doesn’t mean it can’t be yours! I’d never judge you for it, plus you’re not the first person to like it after I gave them a recommendation (you’re the second one but that’s not the point lol)
AS for Wild West Ronance all I’m saying is that for a brief period the Victorian era and the Wild West existed at the same time. Imagine... Nancy goes with her father who is attending to business across sea Canada/America doesn’t matter, they get there and he leaves Nancy alone for a bit so she’s decides to take a walk (bringing a shot gun in case) so she like sitting somewhere in a full Victorian dress reading and holding a shot gun, enter stage left COWBOY Robin!!! Hat, boots, and horse, who sees this beautiful lady readin AND HOLDING A GUN! That’s all I have to say thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Ah yes, Alvvays, my sweet, sweet Canadian band WHO STILL HASN’T RELEASED CANADIAN TOUR DATES(I may be a bit salty about that)
All three of those music recs are lovely!
99 Luftballons will always be bright red and childhood memories, Twinkle Lights is giving electric purple and sleepovers at your friend house in summer without A/C but also driving around in the middle of summer, Atom is bright orange (like max’s hair, or cheese) and also jumping on the trampoline.
YES! I am a Paramore fan they’re my second favourite band. This Is Why sounds like the colour maroon but with a bit of blue added in, not enough for it to be purple but enough the darken and mute the red.
One last thing about music but both Paramore and Alvvays are releasing new music for the first time since 2017 (Very Online Guy has been stuck in my head since it came out and I may be going a bit crazy) but all that with MOSS just being released means I’m being very musically fed. Blue rev comes out in 12 days and I am HYPED!
I actually had to look at up what a bradford pear was, here we have so many cottonwood trees I always feel so bad for people with a cotton allergy.
I guess that is a bit gay of me, speaking of gay I need more piercings! Yeah, I have decided on the hair I just have to go pick up the dye!
Do you have any pets? I have many but I also don’t want to be the weird one
As for the mutual thing, that’s for me to know and for you to (possibly) figure out.
A bit of a Victorian sign off today!
Sincerely and entirely yours
Hello sweetheart! I’m so sorry your computer is being homophobic. Damn those Boomers and old people 🤪
I think I’m going to melt at that nickname. Little bee? 🥺 I love bees so much. That just made my brain go ahdjskjdkeksk. You think I’m cute? Yet again I say lord have mercy on my poor gay heart. I just know you are adorable as hell.
They’re so much fun to paint! Maybe one day I could paint one for you, if you’d like. Jackets are the coolest! Maybe it’s just because I’m bisexual, but layers!!! Jackets, button ups, flannels my beloved. I have a particular love for denim jackets tho
Oh, what book? I fucking love sci-fi dude
Oh lord, I love a lot of books, it’s hard to pick favorites. Ask me to pick a favorite child, why don’t you? You’ve found another subject I don’t know how to shut up about. But in all seriousness, The Hunger Games and The Hobbit were both very important to middle school me and I love them still very much. Also The Giver. I haven’t read as much recently because school gets in the way, but I loved “Leah On the Offbeat” by Becky Albertalli (god I related so much to Leah it’s not even funny) and “Crier’s War” by Nina Varela (enemies to lovers my beloved) are both recentish reads that I adored! How about you? Any favorite books?
Oh I’m aware! I say it all in jest, I swear <33
OH OH OH YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I see your cowboy Robin and I raise you: Outlaw Robin. Featuring Victorian Nancy with her gun seeing this swaggering cowgirl who speaks multiple languages and has a Secret Backstory roll into town, then seeing her wanted poster and deciding to try a little bounty hunting while also being hopelessly intrigued by her 👀 Is this AU sitting in my WIPs? I will confirm nothing—
El, darlin’, I could listen to you describe music in colors all day. That is so cool, and they sound so accurate!!! Atom is so orange, yes, and your imagery for Twinkle Lights? Astounding.
That makes so much sense! I love it so much already and I legitimately cannot wait for an album from them. I have been obsessed since I first heard The Only Exception. Last Hope remains one of my favorite songs in the history of ever and I WILL belt it full volume any chance I get.
!!!!! I’m so excited!!! I will have to listen to it all. We really are being musically spoiled this year and I am loving every second of it.
They look pretty, smell terrible, and are my worst seasonal allergy 💔 My parents both have trouble with the cottonwoods but thus far I’ve somehow ended up lucky enough not to inherit that one lol
Piercings YES, those are so hot and cool. I don’t have any yet, but I’ve been dying to finally get my ears pierced. I’m hoping to have a good chance to do it over fall break or something
Oh gosh, if you count with me now, I would say no because college, but back home is a farm so we have MANY. Dogs, cats, horses, goats, donkeys, you name it. No cows tho. I’ve always wanted a fluffy cow 😂 Do you have pets? I’m happy to hear about them <33
Darn, but incredibly fair! The mystery makes it fun, I am simply curious. Tell me one thing, perhaps? Are you from the US? If you’re not comfortable sharing/want to keep the mystery, that’s cool too of course!
Affectionately yours,
- Max/Lo
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
212 of 2023
Created by bobbideanweekend
When are you at your happiest?
At the beach looking at the sea, during Christmas/summer breaks with my parents, when my cats are purring next to me, on long car trips, when I find something I really like in a shop, when I can travel somewhere.
Do you find that you're attracted to people who aren't "right" for you?
No, not really.
Is there anything you wish you did today?
Vacuum cleaning, it’s dirty here.
^ Why haven't you done it?
I was at work and then to my physiotherapist, I’m tired.
Do you prefer to spend your time indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors, travelling.
What were you doing before you started this survey?
I was at my physiotherapist.
Is there any exotic animal you'd like to have as a pet? If so, what is it?
No. I’m fine with my cats.
Do you think that deep down, everyone is good at heart?
Probably, but with some exceptions. I don’t trust people who commit crimes.
Can you honestly say that you love yourself?
I’m not a biggest fan of myself, but I keep going.
How many people have you kissed?
How many of those people are you still friends with?
Two,and pne of them is my husband.
Do you just feel awkward when you dance?
I don’t dance.
When is the last time you felt absolutely happy?
Where did you go, the last time you left your house?
To my physioptherapist.
Name someone that you love:
My husband.
Is there something that you're looking forward to right now? If so, what?
Tomorrow so I can travel somewhere.
What caused you to cry, the last time you did?
I don’t cry.
Do you think you spend too much time feeling upset?
No, definitely not. I’m rarely upset.
Is there anywhere you would rather be right now? If so, where?
At my parents’ place.
Do you like your singing voice?
Not much, but people have opinions.
Do you think that you've ever actually been IN love with someone?
I’ve answered this question before.
If so, do you still feel the same way about them?
I’ll always love my husband. And Nielsje, too.
Have you ever done a psychedelic drug? If not, would you ever consider it?
No and no. I’m not even remotely interested.
What's something that makes you feel uncomfortable?
Discussing my sex life.
Are you bisexual?
No. I’m so gay that even I don’t believe. I’m really not interested in women.
Are you a good speller?
I try to be, but sometimes typos happen.
Are most silences awkward for you?
No. I’m not much of a talker, so I find comfort in them, especially with people I trust.
Do you sing and dance?
Only sing, not professionally.
Have you ever been to an amusment park?
Yeah, didn’t like it.
Name someone you wish you had never met:
Some dude on an online forum.
^ Why?
He’s a fucking weirdo. Started sending me disgusting sexual messages, even though it’s a forum for asexuals.
Do you think some people are better than others? If so, why?
No, everyone is equal unless they do something bad.
Do you have any "nerdy" hobbies? If so, name some:
Physics, ionising radiation, shortwave radio, just to name a few.
Name a word that you just really do not like:
Napkin. Worse than moist, really.
^ Why don't you like it?
It just sounds stupid.
Do you still seriously make pinky promises?
Did I ever make them at all?
Did you ever see the movie Good Burger when it came out?
NO, and I’m not interested.
Do you and your friends have a lot of inside jokes?
Really a lot, but you have to speak Dutch in order to understand them.
Do you like to party?
With my close ones, yes.
What's your favorite aspect of your life?
I’ve made it this far.
Do people tell you that you should smile more?
(they're probably right.)
Who knows.
Do you prefer summer to winter?
Yeah, definitely. I love summer and I hate winter.
Do you use swear words?
A lot.
If so, do you have a favorite one?
Yeah, godverdomme. Not very orignal.
What's something you find utterly disgusting?
Feet. And female genitals, omg. I can’t help it.
Are a free and active agent in the decisions you make?
What’s that question about?
Are you easily angered?
Yes, but I calm down quickly as well.
What's something someone could do to really piss you off?
Acting like a know-it-all, patronising, unsolicitd advice without even knowing someone’s story.
What's your sexual preference?
None. I like guys, but I don’t like sex.
Are you accepting of other's sexual preferences?
Why wouldn’t I be if I’m not hetero either?
Do you spend a lot of time just thinking/daydreaming?
A lot indeed.
Name a song you've really been digging lately:
Tourist LeMC - Barbaren. I love his music, honestly.
If you were given a microphone and told you could yell anything, what would you yell out?
I would fart. It’d be even funnier. #innerteenager
Are you a virgin? If yes, are you waiting until marriage?
I’m not and I wasn’t waiting.
Who has the nicest singing voice, that you know personally?
My sister.
Say something nice about someone you really don't care for:
She tries her best at work.
Do you think you're plesant to be around most of the time?
Let others speak.
What are you gonna do now that you're done with this survey?
Maybe another one.
0 notes
chrizbang · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Know x female reader x Han Jisung
Genre: smut
Warnings: threesome, unprotected sex, cream pie, oral sex (m and f), anal sex (m), porn with plot
Word count: 2.507
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“Hey, baby,” Minho greeted you as he sat by your side. “Hi,” you said, taking a bite of your sandwich. “Did you come late today? I didn’t see you at the hall earlier.” “Yeah, I slept too much,” you yawned. “Awn, sleepyhead,” Minho mocked you, pinching your cheek. “Hey, guys,” Seungmin said as we walked by your table along with Jisung. “Hey, Seungmin,” you greeted him before turning your attention to Jisung. “Hi, Jisung,” you smiled. “H-hi, Y/N,” he said before looking down, holding tight on the straps of his backpack. “Are you guys going to have lunch with us?” Minho asked. “No, we are just going to buy something to eat and go to the library to finish a project,” Seungmin explained. You noticed that Jisung looked away with a nervous expression when he locked eyes with Minho. “Cool. See you later then,” Minho said, shrugging. “Bye,” Seungmin waved as he left. “I think Jisung has a crush on you,” you teased as they walked away. “I would say the same about you.” “I don’t have a crush on you, Minho,” you rolled your eyes. “I just like your cock.” “First of all, you totally have a crush on me, I’m hot as fuck,” he complained, munching on his slice of pizza. “Second, I meant that he has a crush on you.” “Do you think so?” “Have you seen the way he looks at you? I’ve seen him checking you out plenty of times.” “Awn, that’s cute. Maybe we should invite him to our party.” “Hmm, I don’t know,” Minho pursued his lips. “I’m not in the mood to share you.” “Maybe you won’t have to share,” you said with a malicious smile on your lips.
You became friends with Minho ever since the first year of college. His beauty and cocky attitude caught your attention, making you fall for him instantly. Both of you didn’t want to be in a serious relationship, so you became friends with benefits. It was your idea to have a big party at Minho’s house. His parents were away, traveling because of work, so Minho had his house all for himself. It was a little hard to convince him at first, but a few blowjobs later, and he was willing to do almost anything you asked. He only asked for you to help him with the organization, and then with the cleaning. You invited Seungmin and your friend Felix, knowing that they would love to help. Well, maybe not Seungmin. “Minho, why don’t you help me to make the playlist?” Felix asked before turning his laptop on. “Sure! But we’re not going to play your emo songs.” “Excuse me?” Felix frowned at Minho.“It’s not my fault you don’t have good taste.”
Felix and Minho walked to the kitchen, leaving you alone with Seungmin while you decorated the living room. “I could be home sleeping right now,” Seungmin complained. “Shh, you have no right to complain when you’re the one who eats and drinks the most,” you whined. Seungmin rolled his eyes. “Of course, I do. I’m the best guest at parties, I’m super fun.” “That’s why you should help us, dude. Come on,” you said, playfully slapping Seungmin on the arm. “Hm.” “Hey, Seungmin,” you purred, trying to sound nonchalant. “You should invite Jisung.” “Sure, I don’t think he would come, though. He is not into parties.” “Just give it a try,” you smiled. It was nine pm, and the guests started to show up. You were excited about the party but most of all, you were happy to see Minho having fun. He was stressed and overworked because of college, so it was nice to see him loosen up a little. Half an hour later, the house was full, everyone was drinking and having fun while the music was blasting up. You frowned when you saw Seungmin arriving at the party alone. “Where’s Jisung?” you asked, opening the door for him. “Well, hello to you too, Y/N. He said he couldn’t come because he had to study.” “Oh, I see.” “What’s with the sudden interest on Jisung?” Seungmin raised his eyebrow. “I like him. I think he’s cute.” “Who is cute?” Minho asked “Jisung. Seungmin said he is not coming.” “He is such a pussy.” “Minho!” you looked at him with wide eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said, raising his hands in the air. “Come on guys, let’s enjoy the party.” You were having fun, taking shots with Felix. Soon enough, the alcohol made you loosen up, making you forget about all your worries. People were dancing in the living room, and you decided to join them. You were feeling yourself when you felt someone holding your hips. The person grabbed your waist, holding you against their chest. You began to grind against them on the same rhythm as the music, shaking your ass vigorously. Suddenly, you felt something hard against your lower back. You turned around to check who was dancing with you, only to see Minho smiling widely. You kissed him. He kissed you back, grabbing your ass. “You are such a naughty slut,” he whispered in your ear. “Stop,” you whined, laughing. “You know how that makes me feel.” “Your little crush didn’t take his eyes off you ever since he arrived.” “Hm?” you looked at him, confused. Minho pointed in a direction with his head. You looked where he was showing, only to see Jisung standing at the corner of the room. He looked completely out of place, almost like he didn’t want to be noticed. He was looking at you, and when you locked eyes with him, he looked away. You giggled. “I can’t blame him,” Minho kissed your cheek. “You are looking extra delicious today.” You smiled, noticing that Jisung was trying hard not to look at you and Minho, but he was failing miserably. You rubbed your ass against his erection. “Y/N,” he warned you. “What?” you looked at him with innocent eyes. “I’m just dancing.” Minho held your wrist as he pulled you to the bathroom. Once  inside, he pushed you against the bathroom cabinet. He got on his knees, lifting your skirt up. He grabbed one of your thighs, putting it on his shoulder. Minho practically shoved his nose on your clothed cunt, sniffing your essence. “You smell so good,” he purred. He ran his tongue on your folds, making you whine. “Please, don’t tease me, Minho.” “I’ll do with you whatever I please,” he said, scolding you, but doing what you wanted seconds later, as he pushed your panties to the side and sucked on your clit. You had to hold in a scream, hoping that nobody would walk through the corridor and hear your whimpers of pleasure. You shook your hips vigorously while Minho ate you out, swallowing every drop. “Fuck,” you threw your head back, grabbing his hair. “Please, I need you inside of me.” Minho smiled as he got up. He unbuttoned his pants, looking at you with a dirty look on his face. You kissed him, sliding your tongue in his mouth. Your taste on his lips turned you on even more. Minho grabbed your waist, lifting you up and making you sit on the cabinet. He spread your legs, standing between them. “Are you gonna take my cock like a good girl?” he asked, looking deep into your eyes. “Yes. Yeah, please, Minho.” He released his cock from his underwear. You grabbed it, stroking it with your soft hands a few times. While he enjoyed the feeling of you touching his dick, he kissed your neck, licking and biting it. “Ah, I need you inside of me, baby.” Minho aligned his cock at your entrance before filling you up slowly. “Yes, ah,” you groaned, feeling every inch of him. “So fucking tight,” Minho moaned as he went deeper inside of you. He wasted no time, pounding deeply into your pussy. You bit his shoulder, trying to hold in your moans. You were lost in your feelings, keeping your eyes shut as you felt every hard thurst that Minho gave. Suddenly, you opened your eyes. You could clearly see that someone was behind the door, watching you. The person walked away after you noticed them. “J-jisung.” “What?” Minho asked, looking at you. “Jisung was watching us behind the door.” Minho stopped. At first, you were worried that he would get mad, but it changed after you saw the expression on his face. “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes.” “Wait for me inside of my room,” he said, putting his pants up. “What are you going to do?” you asked, curious. “You’ll see.” Minho walked away, closing the door. You went to his room, completely confused. You sat on his bed and waited. Five minutes later, Minho walked through the door with Jisung following behind. Minho locked the door, and grabbed a chair, putting it in front of the bed. “Sit here,” he told Jisung, who immediately obeyed. Minho walked around Jisung with a serious expression on his face. “Y/N said that you were watching us. Is that true, Jisung?” Jisung raised his head, looking at you with wide eyes and red cheeks. “Answer me,” Minho demanded, raising his voice. “Y-yes. I’m sorry.” Minho grinned. “Do you like to watch people having sex? Did you enjoy what you saw?” Jisung shook his head. “No, no, I’m sorry.” “Minho,” you tried to intervene but decided to stay quiet after the look Minho gave to you. “Since you like to watch so much, why don’t we give you a show?” You gasped when you felt a tight grip on your hair. Minho yanked you from the bed, making you kneel in front of him.
He unbuttoned his pants once again. You felt flustered at first, but you didn’t hesitate. You grabbed his dick, shoving it in your mouth. Minho moaned softly as you went as deep you could, filling your throat up. He thrusted inside of your mouth, making a little bit of drool run down your chin. “Such a good girl,” he praised. Minho took his dick out, rubbing it on your face. “Do you like what you see, Jisung?” Minho asked. He grabbed your t-shirt, pulling it up as he helped you take it off. He reached behind your back and undid the clasp of your bra. He grabbed your boobs and asked again. “Do you like what you see? Answer me!” “Y-yes, yes, I do.” “Do you wanna touch her?” Jisung nodded. “Get on the bed,” Minho told you. He took the rest of your clothes off. “Come here,” he said to Jisung. He walked next to the bed slowly, not knowing what to do. Minho stood behind him. “Why don’t you give her a reward for being such a good girl, hm?” he said, running his hand on Jisung’s hair. You giggled when you saw the way Jisung shivered at Minho’s touch. Minho grabbed Jisung’s chin, kissing him slowly, taking him by surprise. You saw when Minho’s tongue entered Jisung’s mouth, making you feel goosebumps because of how turned on you were. Once they were done, Jisung sat on the bed, looking at you. You smiled at him. “It’s okay,” you said, trying to reassure him. “Come here.” He got on top of you. “Do you wanna kiss me?” you asked. “Yes.” Jisung’s kiss was different from Minho’s. Minho’s lips were soft, but his kisses were always deep and hungry. Jisung looked like he wanted to taste you, to enjoy every peck. He kept on kissing you, going down slowly. He kissed your chin, your neck, your shoulder.
He kissed one of your boobs while he massaged the other. You bit your lower lip, running your hand through his hair. You looked at Minho, who was sitting at the chair, palming his erection as he watched you. Jisung kept going down your body until he reached your pussy. He took a moment to take a good look at you, admiring your beauty. You smiled at him. He ran his tongue through your pussy lips slowly, tasting you. He dipped his tongue in your whole, earning a loud moan from you. You heard Minho chuckling. You didn’t look at him, too caught up on the pleasure you were feeling, but you knew that he was amused. You grabbed Jisung’s hair, moaning louder and louder as he penetrated you with his tongue. “Fuck, don’t stop.” Jisung rearranged his position on the bed before he began to suck harshly on your clit. It was all you needed to get to the edge. “I-I’m so close, please, don’t stop,” you whined, shaking your hips. You whimpered and squirmed as your orgasm hit you hard. “Good job,” Minho said, clapping his hands. “Take your clothes off.” Jisung took his clothes off slowly. After he was done, you and Jisung were both naked while Minho was fully clothed. You would be lying if you said it didn’t turn on. Minho told Jisung to get on top of you again, then he sat behind Jisung. “If any of you feel uncomfortable, you can stop any time, okay?” he said. Both you and Jisung agreed. Minho began to kiss Jisung’s neck, making him whimper. “You are so sensitive,” Minho whispered in his ear. You ran your hand on Jisung’s chest as Minho pumped Jisung’s cock. “I’m gonna fuck you as you fuck Y/N, okay?” Jisung bit his lip, closing his eyes. “Yes.” “You go first.” Jisung began to slide himself into you. His dick wasn’t too big, so it wasn’t hard for him to fill you up. You heard Minho spitting, and then Jisung moaned as Minho penetrated him from behind. “Fuck,” Minho moaned, stretching his ass out. Jisung kissed you, thrusting inside of you and taking every thrust Minho gave him. Your muffled moans mingled with his, and you knew it wouldn’t take long for your second orgasm to hit you. The room was filled by the sound of moans and skin slapping on skin. Jisung’s pelvis rubbed on your clit, which helped you get closer and closer. You closed your eyes helplessly. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” You whined as you came, feeling your body trembling. “I’m getting close,” Minho moaned. “Please, cum inside of me,” Jisung whined, moving his hips at a faster pace. Minho grabbed Jisung’s hair, yanking his head back as he sucking on his neck. You bit your lip as you watched Minho cumming inside of Jisung’s ass. “Are you getting close, baby?” you asked Jisung. He nodded. You smiled as you watched a drop of sweat run down his face. “F-fuck,” Jisung said, taking his dick out of you. You began to quickly pump his cock. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum. Can I cum on your chest, Y/N?” “Yes, anything for you, baby.” Jisung came hard, moaning loudly. He got his cum all over your face and chest, but you didn’t care. They both lay by your side, exhausted. “We should do this more often,” you smiled.
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myperfectdad · 2 years
30. Selected
The windowless room was thick with the smell of cigar smoke, leather, and sweat.  My brothers and I had roughhoused enough for one day.  It was time to relax and wait for our visitor to get here.
“What do you think he’ll be like?” I said.
My brother Dan exhaled his smoke.  My other brother Rick and I both leaned forward to breathe it in.  Wasting good cigar smoke was a sin for us leather dads, and if our handlers noticed our transgression, we could be turfed out to one of the other wings, like house dad.  God, those guys were insufferable, baking and vacuuming all day long.  Although, they do have the tidiest bunks in the place.  The space my brothers and I live in can get a little gamey.
With any luck, one of us would be chosen today.  It would be sad to say goodbye to my brothers, but if it meant getting chosen, separation would be worth it.  Worth it, but bittersweet.  We’d been bunking together in the leather wing of the dad reassignment center since—well, for as long as I could remember.
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“I hope he’s thick and hairy, like us,” Dan said, palming his engorged codpiece.
“The ones that have been coming by lately have been little twigs,” Rick said.  “I’m afraid if one of those little guys chose me, I’d snap him in half the first day.”
We all shared a gruff, gravelly laugh and I reached my hand inside Rick’s jacket.  His thick pecs stretched his leather shirt and pleated the space between the buttons.  I wasn’t wearing my gloves–a departure from protocol, I know, but cut me some slack here–so I ran my bare fingers through his furry pelt of chest hair.  Damn, I loved my brothers so much.  I wanted so bad to twist Rick’s nipple, but that wasn’t allowed.  Not when a visitor was on the way.
“What are you hoping for, Mike?” Dan asked.
I took my cigar out from between my teeth.  “Same as I’ve always wanted.  A handsome little jock who knows how to take Daddy’s punishments like a man.  Maybe a gymnast or something.”
My brothers grunted in agreement.  With any luck, each of us would get chosen by the son of our dreams.
The door swung open and one of our handlers, an average-looking dude in his twenties named Kevin, was making a face in the doorway.
“Gah,” he said.  “It stinks in here.  Can’t you guys please use the deodorant we give you?”
“‘Fraid not, boy.” Rick said.  We all laughed.  Kevin rolled his eyes and stepped into the room, followed by another plain-looking man in a polo shirt and khakis.  He could have been Kevin’s brother.
“These are the leather dads we told you about,” Kevin said to the visitor, then pointed at us each in turn.  “Mike, Rick, and Dan.  Any questions?”
The visitor looked at us.  He didn’t have the same nervous fear that most sons get when they consider a leather dad.  We have a well-earned reputation for being strict disciplinarians.  A lot of sons think they want that, but when they take us home, they can’t hack it.  Kevin had told us stories of leather dads getting returned to the center after a few weeks, or worse, driven out into the country and left to fend for themselves.
“Mike,” the visitor said.  I perked up at the sound of my name.
“Yeah, boy?  You think you got what it takes to be my son?”  I groped my crotch.  “Dad likes to work hard and play hard.”
The visitor looked at Kevin.  “I like Mike, but his attitude sucks.  Can we do something about that?  Maybe tame him a little?”
My handler bit his lip and thought for a moment.  “Well, we really don’t like to reassign dads to other wings unless there’s a good reason.  We evaluated Mike to be a perfect leather dad.”
“No,” the visitor said, then looked me straight in the eye.  “I want him to be a leather dad, just not this obnoxious.”
“Why don’t we continue this conversation outside?” Kevin said and ushered the visitor back out into the hallway.  As the door closed, my brothers and I shared a smirk and a growl.
“Damn,” I said.  “Another one bites the dust.”
“Good morning, Son.  It’s time to get up.”
I’d happily taken over the duties of my hot Son’s alarm clock.  Every morning at 6:30, I came into his room in full uniform and kneeled at the side of his bed, gloved hands behind my back and head respectfully bowed, then recited the words I’d been instructed to say at regular intervals.
My Son rolled over and placed a hand on my shoulder.  I shuddered with pleasure.  He wasn’t usually so demonstrative.
“Good morning, dad,” he said.  “Is breakfast ready?”
“Downstairs and waiting for you, Son,” I said.  “I think you’re going to like it.”
Son swung his legs over the side of the bed and I placed a slipper onto each foot.  He grabbed my head and pulled it into his crotch, nudging my leather cap out of position.  I breathed his scent in and my eyes rolled back.
“You cook better than I expected you to,” he said.
“Thank you, Son,” I said, my voice muffled as I spoke directly into his tight white briefs.  “I spent some time training with the house dads before you came and got me.”
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junghelioseok · 3 years
↳ your one-night stand definitely isn’t relationship material, but maybe—just maybe—your manager’s son is.
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◇ hoseok x reader ◇ smut | strangers to lovers!au ◇ 10.1k [1/1]
❛❛ my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick ❜❜
notes: welcome to the first installment of the serendipity series! we’re starting with hoseok, because, well, have you met me? 🤣 be warned, however, that this isn’t anywhere near as edited as i’d like so i’ll probably give it another read/edit tomorrow but for now!!! here it is!!!
⇢ series masterlist. | inspired by this post.
warnings: dirty talk bc hoseok’s got a bit of a mouth on him, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, kids!), sexting. dick pics, obvi. brief mention of a dead pet goldfish :(
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You’re refilling your mug when you hear it. Voices filter out from the kitchen, floating past the coffee station where you’re pouring yourself another drink and hanging in the open air of the hallway that leads back to the rest of the office. They’re familiar voices, too—voices that belong to the resident gossips of your workplace. Lottie’s pitchy, nasal tone melds with Hyejin’s higher one, their conversation interrupted every so often by an exaggerated exclamation or gasp from Sandra, the third and final member of their trio.
“Haven’t you heard? Carolyn’s divorce was finalized over the weekend, the poor thing.”
“I can’t even begin to imagine how she’s feeling. I mean, getting back into dating at her age? Goodness!”
“And now she’ll be all alone at the holiday party, too. How sad is that?”
“It’s tragic. Poor thing.”
Rolling your eyes, you grab a packet of sugar and tear it open, upending it over your mug and watching the crystalline granules fall into the dark liquid within. You know for a fact that Sandra and her husband can’t even stand to be in the same room for an extended period of time, considering how they’d spent most of last year’s holiday party talking to entirely different groups of people. You’d sat two tables away from them during dinner, and they hadn’t even made eye contact once. And as for Lottie and Hyejin, well, you’re certain that their relationships aren’t much better. All three of them are miserable people as far as you’re concerned, and you make a mental note to check in on Carolyn—a sweet woman in her thirties who always keeps chocolate bars in her purse—on your way back to your desk.
“Sheesh. Vultures, the lot of them. Don’t you think?”
You whirl at the sound of your manager’s voice. Kyunghee Jung is a dark-haired woman in her late fifties, and she laughs when she sees your startled expression, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Easy! You’ll spill your coffee if you’re not careful.”
“I’ll probably have a heart attack first,” you reply, pressing a hand to your chest. “What was your job before this? Some kind of intelligence operative? Are you a super spy?”
Kyunghee laughs again and joins you at the counter. “Nothing even remotely as exciting as that,” she answers, plopping her mug down beside yours. It’s decorated with what looks like every color of the rainbow, a massive smiling sunflower taking up the majority of the surface, and the only remnant of the ceramic’s original color is on the very edge of the handle where there’s a lopsided little patch of white. The piece is clearly handmade, and a stark contrast to the simple mint green cup that houses your coffee. Looking at it, it’s impossible not to smile.
“I love that,” you remark, inclining your head at her mug. “Was it a present from one of your kids?”
“Hoseok,” she confirms, running a fingertip along the imperfect handle fondly. “I’ve told you about him before—he’s right around your age.”
You chuckle. “Right, I remember. That’s why he’s the perfect match for me, right?”
“Come now, there’s more to it than that,” Kyunghee defends, waving a hand. “But yes, to answer your question. He gave it to me as a birthday present when he was eight.”
“Well, you never told me he was an artist,” you tease. “Does he have an Etsy? Can I buy one of these off him? Does he do custom orders, maybe?”
Normally, your manager is more than happy to play along with your jokes, but today Kyunghee fixes you with an uncharacteristically serious look. “Why don’t you ask him yourself?” she asks. “He’s coming to the holiday party, after all. I figured you could finally meet.”
You blink. Kyunghee has been making offhand remarks about how well you would get on with her son, Hoseok, for over a year now, but you’ve never even come close to broaching the topic of meeting him. You don’t even know anything about the man beyond the fact that his name is Hoseok and that he works somewhere downtown. He also favors tall socks and yellow suspenders if the framed photograph on Kyunghee’s desk is any indication—or at least, he certainly did when he was still in diapers. Whether he still does, is anyone’s guess.
“Wow, I had no idea he was even interested in coming,” you manage when you’ve recovered from your surprise. “Did you bribe him?”
If Kyunghee notices that your voice is a few pitches higher than usual, she doesn’t remark on it. “Oh, you know. I just told him that this would be his last chance to score free booze on the company’s dime.” She laughs. “Three more months and it’s going to be all beaches and sunshine for me. I might even become a cruise person in my retirement.”
You gasp and slap a hand to your heart. “Kyunghee! Think of the environmental impact!”
“I said I might!” she retorts immediately. “Sheesh. Even in my old age, it’s hard to conveniently forget how shitty and unsustainable those damn boats are.”
You pick up your mug and raise it in a salute. “Well, the oceans thank you.”
“My husband doesn’t,” she answers with a sigh. “He’s been dying to book one of those trips that stop all along the Mediterrannean coastline, and I can’t exactly blame him.”
“That is tempting,” you admit. “You’ll have to send photos, if you do end up going.”
“You’ll be sick of me and my photos before the first day is even up,” she promises. Then she pauses, her eyes darting toward the kitchen where silence has fallen in the last few minutes. “Speaking of being sick—you think the vultures are still hovering around in there? I haven’t had lunch yet, and I need the microwave.”
Obligingly, you edge a little closer to the kitchen doorway and poke your head around the frame, scanning for Lottie and her sidekicks. “Coast is clear. Enjoy your lunch, Kyunghee.”
She nods and raises her mug at you, returning your salute. “I always do.”
As soon as the work day ends, you fall into your usual routine. Your commute home is easily walkable on nicer days, and though the winter weather is brisker than you’d like, you decide to walk for the sake of stopping at the convenience store on the corner of the block.
Once you arrive back at your apartment, you change into your comfiest sweats and a loose tee. You turn on some music while you throw together some dinner, and settle onto the couch half an hour later with a full plate and Netflix. Television is a welcome distraction from the events of the workday, and you manage to get through three full episodes of your current show before your pesky brain decides to revisit the events of today, replaying the conversations that you’d both had and overheard.
There’s no denying that you’ve been single for quite some time now, and for the most part, it’s been by choice. Ever since graduating from university, you’ve chosen to focus more on your career, and it’s paid off both in terms of the important position you hold in your company and your above average salary. And yet, you can’t help but think back to the gossip you’d overheard earlier—about the supposed tragedy of being single and attending the upcoming holiday party alone. Your mind wanders to Kyunghee’s son, Hoseok, and how he’ll be in attendance this year. You wonder what he’s like, and whether he really is perfect for you, as Kyunghee seems to be so fond of mentioning.
And then your mind goes to Jay.
You met Jay two months ago, on a well-deserved night out after a hellish workweek. The bar was crowded, and the music coming from the neon dancefloor in the back was just loud enough to drown out your inhibitions. That, combined with the alcohol swimming through your system, made you bold. You sashayed your way across the dancefloor, dodging inebriated bodies and swaying limbs as you fixed your attention on the head of pale lavender hair and deliciously broad shoulders that awaits you just behind the bar counter. The bartender is nothing short of gorgeous, and you’ve thrown all caution to the wind. Sure, several other women are eyeing him like he’s their next meal—several men are, too—but you need another drink. And while he prepares it, you plan to flirt.
A lot.
The bar counter is sticky with spilled liquor, but you don’t pay that any mind as you lean across it, the wood digging into the narrow strip of exposed skin left by your cropped top. “Hi!” you call, and the bartender looks up from where he’s just finished pouring a round of shots for a group of raucous young men.
“Hi yourself,” he says, his pillowy lips stretching into an easy smile. “What can I get you?”
You pretend not to notice the way his eyes flicker down to the dip of your cleavage and instead put on the sultriest smile you are capable of mustering. “Vodka soda,” you tell him, injecting a bit of purr into your voice. “A bit of lemon too, if you have it.”
“Trust me, I have it,” he assures, his smile growing as he reaches for a clean glass and a clear bottle. “Name’s Jin, by the way. I’m here all night, if you need anything e—”
A loud clatter and the sound of breaking glass interrupts the rest of his sentence, and all eyes at the bar go to the source of the disturbance. Conversations stutter to a halt, and even the thumping bass of the music seems to dull. Jin darts to the other end of the bar, where you can see that one of several barstools has fallen to the ground. There’s a man on the ground as well, surrounded by shattered glass and spilled dark liquor, and your eyes widen when you realize that you know him.
And arguably, a little too well.
“Fuck,” you mutter under your breath. People are starting to lose interest in the spectacle, turning back to their own conversations and continuing on as if nothing had happened at all. The man is beginning to clamber to his feet, and a few people lend a helping hand as Jin begins barking out orders for everyone to step back so he can sweep up the broken glass. You seize upon the opportunity, latching on to the nearest arm and pulling them close so you can hide behind them. Vaguely, you’re aware of them sputtering in surprise, but you only have eyes for the man who had fallen off his stool, watching him carefully as he brushes himself off and tries to play it cool despite the sizable patch of whiskey soaking his white shirt.
“Hey, uh…” Your human shield is speaking. “Are you okay? You’re squeezing me pretty tight.”
That draws you out of your daze. Abashed, you loosen your grip on his arm and look up into his face, your throat going dry when you realize how handsome he is. His black hair is parted over his forehead, a stray strand falling into warm brown eyes set above a straight nose and an inviting mouth. There’s a freckle above his top lip, just shy of the center, and your inebriated brain wonders just what it would be like to kiss it.
“I, um—” You clear your throat and try again. “Sorry about that. I just didn’t want him to see me.”
Your newfound companion raises an eyebrow and glances over his shoulder at the drunk man, who is now being ushered out of the bar by his buddies. “You know that guy?”
You nod, cringing. “Yeah, his name’s Trent. I… may or may not have dated him for a few months last year.”
The man laughs out loud. “You dated a Trent?”
“What, like you’ve never made a questionable life choice?” you challenge. “Besides, you shouldn’t judge someone based on the sins of their parents. It’s not his fault they gave him a terrible name.”
“Sure, but it is on him for going along with it,” he replies with a shrug. “I would’ve changed my name as soon as I could if my parents had named me Trent. But hey, that’s just one man’s opinion.”
You laugh. “Okay then, Not-Trent.” Relinquishing your grip on his arm, you let your fingers graze his hand before pulling away entirely. “What do you say we continue this conversation over a drink?”
The man, whose name is decidedly not Trent, catches your fingers in his and gives them a gentle squeeze. “Happily.”
One drink turns into two, and then three. By the end of the hour, you are feeling pleasantly warm, the alcohol spreading through your veins like molasses and turning your surroundings into a hazy blur. The music has grown even louder, pounding against your eardrums, and you grab onto Not-Trent’s wrist as he sets his now-empty glass back down onto the counter.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” you ask, raising your voice to be heard over the thumping bassline. “I can’t even hear myself think.”
“The parking lot’s out back,” he suggests. “Why don’t we get some air?”
You nod and stand up on wobbly legs, cursing your decision to wear heels when you stumble into your companion. He steadies you with a gentle but firm hand, and you don’t miss the way his touch lingers on your lower back, his palm warm through the material of your blouse.
Together, the two of you pick your way through the throng of swaying bodies on the dancefloor. The bassline thuds in your ears, dark and hypnotic, and you can feel the reverberations thrumming across the slats of your ribs and echoing in the cavern of your chest like a second heartbeat.
It’s almost a relief, then, when you step out into the cool night air. Your ears continue to ring for a few seconds, but it soon fades and leaves behind only the muted hum of traffic from the street and the faint sound of music from inside. At your side, Not-Trent releases a long breath and leans against the brick wall of the building, and you turn to take in the steep slopes of his side profile as he tilts his head up toward the velvety night sky.
He’s handsome. Dressed in ripped jeans and black leather, he’s a sight to behold, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been craving a bit of intimacy for quite some time now. The alcohol swimming through your system makes you bolder than you normally would be, and you reach out to lay a hand on his arm. He turns toward you with a silent question glimmering in his irises, but you simply step closer, until you’re pinning him against the wall with your body and you’re breathing the same air.
“Hey,” you say, your voice an airy whisper. His eyes are near obsidian in the dimness of the parking lot, illuminated only by the orange glow of the streetlamps on either end, and your gaze flickers down to his mouth before roving to the freckle that sits upon his top lip. “Kiss me?”
Your companion’s eyes widen. His lips part, but no words come out, and you’re about to repeat your question when he finally finds his voice again.
“That’s really… that’s not a good idea.” Awkwardly, he clears his throat, but the hoarseness of his voice and the harsh bob of his Adam’s apple give away his true desires. “Look, you’ve been drinking. We both have, and—”
You cut him off, pushing up to your tiptoes and planting a messy kiss to the soft dip just beneath his bottom lip. “Don’t care,” you mumble against his skin. “I want you.”
Your companion laughs weakly. His hands find their way to your waist and pause there, as if he can’t decide whether to push you away or pull you closer. “You don’t even know me,” he murmurs.
“I don’t have to know you,” you reply. Your fingers drag down his chest, trailing along the delicate silver necklace that rests against the black of his shirt. From the chain hangs a round pendant, the surface engraved with the letter J. Slowly, you trace it with a fingertip, the metal shining even in the dim light, and satisfaction blooms in your heart when your companion’s throat bobs again. “I want you,” you breathe, soft but insistent. “Isn’t that enough?”
“I—” He clears his throat and tries again, and you wonder if he realizes that his hands have slid down to your hips, or that there’s a growing hardness against your lower stomach that’s becoming increasingly harder to ignore. “Look, I’m flattered—really, I am. And you’re… I mean, fuck, you’re gorgeous. But I don’t think we should do anything when you’re clearly not in the right frame of mind to be making this kind of decision, and—”
“And, nothing.” You wind your arms around his neck, pressing close and grinding subtly against the bulge in his pants. You smirk when he releases a low hiss from between his teeth, and hide it by laying a trail of kisses along the stretch of bare skin exposed by the dip of his collar. “Stop being such a gentleman,” you whisper. Your fingers trail down his chest, past the silver of his pendant and down to the faded denim of his jeans, teasing at the cool metal of his belt buckle. “I want this. But if you’re not interested, I can always go back in there and—”
The rest of your sentence dies in your throat. Your companion has tugged you flush against him in one smooth motion, and your gasp is cut off by the firm press of his mouth against yours. Immediately, you melt into the kiss, and a moan tears from your lips when he spins you around and pins you against the brick wall of the building.
“You’re a spoiled little thing, huh?” His breath fans hot against your cheeks, and you shiver when you meet his eyes and see the dark promise reflected there. “Used to getting what you want, huh, princess?”
Your breath hitches at the endearment—something your companion doesn’t miss. “Oh, you like that?” He chuckles hoarsely, and when he speaks again it’s in a rasp that sends heat straight to your core. “What else do you like, hmm? You want me to be rough with you, princess? Or should I be gentle and treat you like a queen?”
You reach up, raking your fingers through his hair and skimming across the soft strands of his undercut before finding purchase at his nape. “You talk too much,” you whisper.
And then you’re crushing your mouth back against his, whining when he immediately takes back control of the kiss. His grip slides downward, his fingertips digging into the skin just above the curve of your ass, and you squeak when he grabs the back of your thigh and hooks your leg around his waist.
“You feel that?” he rasps into your ear, nipping at the delicate shell and chortling when you keen. Your skirt has ridden up dangerously high on your spread thighs, and you let out a soft whimper when he grinds harshly against your center. The lace of your panties and the denim of his jeans are the last barricades between you, and you wonder, vaguely, whether your companion has a bit of an exhibitionist streak when he slides one of your sleeves down your shoulder and begins kissing a trail down to the swell of your cleavage. “You feel how hard you’ve gotten me?”
You lean down, kissing the soft spot where his jaw meets his ear before letting your teeth graze against his skin. “Why don’t you do something about it then?”
He hisses out a sharp breath, his hands tightening their hold on your hips. “You’ve got quite the mouth on you, huh? I can’t wait to make you eat your words.”
Any retort you may have had is interrupted by a sudden swell of music and the sound of a slamming door. Whirling to face the source of the noise, you immediately spot a familiar head of lavender hair atop broad shoulders encapsulated in the black uniform of the bar. Jin hasn’t noticed the two of you yet, his attention fixated on his cell phone screen, but he looks up when you let out a little squeak of surprise and shove your companion’s chest in an attempt to create some distance between you.
“Hey.” Jin raises a hand in greeting, a knowing smirk curling his lips. “This phone call shouldn’t be too long, so please. Don’t stop the party on my behalf.”
Heat floods to your cheeks. There isn’t much use protesting against his insinuation, considering the rather compromising position you’re in. Much to your relief, though, your companion simply huffs out a chuckle and waves Jin off. “Thanks, man, but we’ll get out of your hair.” Lowering his voice, he turns back to you. “Coming, princess?”
You nod. He offers you his hand, and you take it gratefully, adjusting your skirt so that it drapes properly over your hips and thighs again.
“Have a good night!” Jin calls after you, amusement lacing every word. You can’t work up the nerve to respond, and luckily, you don’t have to. Your companion leads you around the corner of the building, where several rows of cars are parked beneath an orange streetlamp. On this side, the exterior brick wall is painted with a mural, and you admire the colorful galaxies and nebulae swirling amidst silvery white stars and the word serendipity spray-painted in pale blue.
The last car in the row is parked just beneath the letter Y, and it’s here that your companion stops. The sleek black vehicle has an almost vintage feel to it, and you glance up when you hear the jingle of metal.
“I’m guessing this is yours?”
He nods, pulling a set of keys from the pocket of his leather jacket and inserting one into the lock. “Yeah. You like it?”
“It’s beautiful,” you tell him, tracing the edge of the passenger window “Makes my car look like a total piece of shit by comparison.”
Your companion chuckles, pulling open the driver’s side door, and you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the window as he presses a button to unlock the rest of the doors. Your hair’s a bit of a mess and your mascara has smudged beneath your right eye, and you hurriedly swipe at it as your companion turns his attention back to you.
“So,” he says. “Now what? I can give you a ride home, if you want.”
Deliberately, you let your gaze drop down to his crotch, where his bulge—albeit waning—is still visible. “Seriously? I thought you were going to… what was it again? Make me eat my words?”
And just like that, it’s as if a switch has flipped. His eyes darken to obsidian, his lips settling into a stern line, and you barely have time to draw in a breath before he’s caging you against the side of his car and molding his mouth to yours. Your lips part beneath the onslaught, and he wastes no time in dipping inside to explore, licking into you until you’re both breathless.
“Inside,” he breathes once you’ve broken apart, and you instantly obey. You wrench the door open and all but tumble into the backseat, and he isn’t far behind as he slots himself between your spread thighs. Your hands fly to his shoulders where you help him shuck off his leather jacket, tossing it carelessly to the front where it lands in a heap on the dashboard before focusing your attention on the hem of his black t-shirt. Your companion obliges you as you push it upward to expose his toned abdomen, grabbing it by the collar and pulling it off the rest of the way when your reach falls a little short in the cramped interior of the backseat.
“Your turn,” he whispers when you try to reach for his belt, his hands settling around your wrists. “It’s only fair, princess.”
Pouting, you let your hands fall limp in his grasp, and he chuckles as he leans down to pacify you with a kiss. Deft fingers find the hem of your blouse, pushing it up until you can twist out of the material. You throw it aside with no regard for where it lands on the ground, and lay back as your companion drinks you in, his dark gaze raking across the lacy black lingerie that decorates your curves and skims you like a second skin. “Fuck,” he breathes, his voice hoarse with a combination of amazement and disbelief. “You’re stunning.”
You smile, trailing a fingertip from the dip of his collarbone down to the silver necklace that sits prettily against his bare chest. “You’re not so bad yourself,” you tell him, tracing the letter engraved into his pendant. “Jay.”
Your companion—newly dubbed Jay—smiles back. “You’re something else, princess,” he murmurs, before leaning down to kiss you again. He explores your mouth thoroughly—languidly—before moving down to nip at your neck, and already, you can feel the beginnings of marks beginning to form, blossoming across your skin as irrefutable proof of your tryst.
It isn’t long before Jay frees you from your bra, watching with carnal fascination as your breasts spill out of the lacy material. You whine when he reaches out to cup one, his palm hot against your bare skin, and he smirks crookedly when a pinch to your nipple makes your back arch off the leather of the seat. “So pretty,” he rasps. “I can’t wait to see how you look stretched around my cock.”
“Stop waiting, then,” you tell him, trying again for his belt buckle. This time, he lets you fumble it open, leaning back to watch you work with hooded eyes and a lazy little smile. Emboldened, you push aside the denim of his jeans and free his cock from the confines of his underwear. He’s hard and hot and heavy in your palm, and your tongue darts out instinctively at the sight of the pearlescent precum beading the tip.
“Jay,” you murmur, thumbing across the head of his erection and smirking when he hisses in pleasure. “Fuck me.”
Jay seems to consider your demand, mischief flitting across his features before he manages to school his expression into something more neutral. “Where are your manners, princess?” he asks, pushing your hand away and giving himself a few long, slow strokes. “Say please, if you want it so bad.”
For a moment, you consider refusing. Jay seems to be the type of man who enjoys a good game, but between the state of his cock and the earlier interruption, you’re pretty sure he’s nearing his limit. And even if he isn’t, you are. And so, you shelve your pride for the time being, and trail a hand down the length of your bared body as you bat your lashes up at him. “Fuck me, Jay,” you repeat. “Please. Want your cock so bad.”
His answering smile is equal parts amusement and satisfaction, and altogether sinful. “That’s my girl,” he rasps, before shoving your panties aside. Lining the head of his cock up, he enters you in one smooth thrust, and you moan as your walls stretch to accommodate his girth. You’re more than wet enough to take him in his entirety, your eyes fluttering shut when he bottoms out, and he groans hoarsely as he takes a second to relish the feeling of your walls gripping him so tightly.
“Fuck. You’re so wet, princess.” Jay dips a thumb into your slick, spreading it across your clit and rubbing a few experimental circles around the sensitive nub. He groans when you clench around him, his hips stuttering, and you squeeze around him again just to hear him grit out another curse. “Shit. I’m not going to last long at this rate.”
“Don’t care,” you murmur, rocking against him and sighing when the motion sends him a little deeper into your core. “Just fuck me, Jay. Please.”
Jay leans in, a dark lock of hair falling across his forehead as he plants an indulgent kiss on your waiting mouth. “Anything for you, princess,” he breathes. Slowly, he pulls back until only the tip of his cock remains inside you. Then he’s slamming forward, and you can’t even find it in yourself to care about the obscene sound of skin slapping against skin or the way the car rocks. Jay’s thumbing across your clit in tight circles that he times perfectly with the rock of his hips, and you wonder whether the rapidly building pleasure in your belly is due to your dry spell or if he’s just that good. You can feel every inch of him as he fills you up repeatedly, his brows furrowed in concentration and his dark hair flopping as he drives deeper in search of the spot that will have you seeing stars.
You know he’s found it when the pleasure in your belly spikes, your back arching off the backseat. Your skin is sticky against the dark leather and you’re certain the sweat gathering at your temples has destroyed the last of your makeup, but Jay alleviates your concerns with a particularly well-timed thrust and a harsh nip to the soft spot at your clavicle. You keen out something unintelligible, and his lips stretch into a smirk against your skin.
“That’s it,” he encourages. “Cum for me, princess.”
That’s all it takes for the mounting pressure to snap. Your body collapses into a searing orgasm, the pleasure flaring out like a supernova and spreading through your veins like wildfire. “F-fuck, Jay—” you gasp, your fingers scrabbling at his back for purchase and no doubt leaving scratches in their wake. “Fuck, you feel so—”
The remainder of your words trail off into garbled nonsense, and Jay huffs out a strained chuckle as he begins chasing after his own orgasm, rutting against you in a way that both prolongs your pleasure and sustains his own. “Shit,” he groans, his eyes fluttering shut. “Fuck, that’s it. Look at you—taking my cock so well. So pretty and perfect and—”
Whatever he was going to say dissolves into a groan as he gives a few more erratic thrusts before his release overwhelms him. Creamy warmth floods through you, and you rub his back tiredly as his head drops onto your shoulder, his breath flaring hot against your skin as he rides out his orgasm.
It takes several long seconds for the pleasure to recede. Your legs are still shaky when Jay pulls away, straightening up and tucking himself back into his jeans. There’s an empty ache in your core now that you are no longer stuffed full of his cock, and already, you are missing the feeling. Still, you push that aside as you sit up, adjusting your panties and wincing at the wetness that soaks the material and sticks to your skin.
“So,” Jay says after a moment’s silence, and you glance over at him when he huffs out a short chuckle. “That was fun.”
“Not bad at all,” you agree weakly, an irrepressible smile tugging at your lips.
Jay grins. It’s a bright, infectious grin—and it’s one that you’ve already grown rather fond of in the short period of time you’ve known him. It’s a grin that showcases his perfect teeth and crinkles his eyes into crescents, and one that all but forces you to grin back.
“Here, give me your phone,” he says, and you watch as he punches in his number once you hand it over. “Just in case you ever wanna do this again,” he tells you, handing it back. “Don’t be a stranger, princess.”
You glance down at his contact information, saved under the moniker you’d given him and affixed with a short string of emojis. “I won’t,” you tell him, chuckling. “In fact, I just might take you up on the offer.”
The screen of your laptop has long since gone dark, and you stretch your arms overhead before waking it again. Rolling your shoulders, you navigate back to the main Netflix menu, hovering over the resume button and watching the trailer loop in the background.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about Jay often. You’ve texted each other quite often since that night in his car—usually when you’re bored and alone and have had a few too many glasses of wine in the evenings. You’ve found yourself tapping on his name instinctively during those odd, ambiguous hours—when late night and early morning meld together and you’re aching for a bit of relief.
And as if he knows you’re thinking about him, your phone buzzes against the coffee table, the screen lighting up with a familiar name.
[11:22pm] Jay 😘🍆💦: thinkin about u, pretty girl 😘
It’s followed by an image, and your heart rate picks up, thudding loudly against your ribs as you open it.
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Your memories of Jay’s face—made all the more hazy by the alcohol and the amount of time elapsed since your first and only meeting—truly don’t do him justice. Though the photograph cuts off just above his nose, you can still admire the sharp angle of his jaw and the fullness of his puckered lips. His skin is golden against the white of his t-shirt, and you lick your lips before thumbing across your screen to respond.
[11:23pm] You: yeah? what else are you thinking about, hmm?
His response is instantaneous.
[11:23pm] Jay 😘🍆💦: thinking about that pretty little pussy of yours
[11:23pm] Jay 😘🍆💦: how good it looked in that pic u sent me tuesday 👅
You barely even notice the way your hand begins trailing down your body, pushing aside the elastic waistband of your sweats. It’s as if you’re on autopilot, as your fingers find their way to the damp spot growing on your panties.
Yeah? you write back with your free hand, already teasing at your clothed folds with the other. Tell me more.
It’s an uncharacteristically warm Friday morning when you find yourself in the elevator with Jimin, a good friend of yours who works on one of the lower levels of your office building. “Morning,” he says as he steps in, a large iced coffee in hand despite the fact that it’s still very much the middle of winter. Then he squints, leaning a little closer. “Oh my god. You got laid!”
“Oh my god, not so loud!” you hiss, whacking him on the shoulder and jabbing the button to close the elevator doors. “And no, not exactly. I’ve just been texting Jay.”
“Texting, sure.” Jimin mimes air quotes around the word and rolls his eyes. “You’re sexting him, and we all know it. How many pictures of his dick do you have saved on your phone now?”
“Oh my—” You sigh, trailing off. “Can we not talk about this right now?”
“Right, of course.” Jimin takes a sip of his coffee and pretends to check his watch. “When would you like to talk about it then? Do you need to check your calendar? Can I book an appointment for later this afternoon?”
You stick your tongue out at him. “Shut up.”
Jimin just grins, his lips puckered around his straw. “So, how’s Jay? Have you asked for his real name yet?”
You shrug. “What’s the point? It’s not like we’re friends or anything. We’ve literally only met the one time.”
“Yeah, but that’s just because you’re a coward,” Jimin points out. “What’s stopping you from meeting up with him again? You have his number. You have at least one photo of his dick. Ask him out already!”
“It’s not that easy, though,” you sigh. The elevator doors open to let a few more people in, and you move to the side and lower your voice so that only Jimin can hear. “Jay—he’s not exactly boyfriend material. I mean, we fucked in his car the first night we met.”
“So?” Jimin frowns and takes another sip of his iced coffee. “You talk about things besides sex, don’t you? You definitely told him about your goldfish dying, at least. I mean, you told him before you even told me!”
“Yes I did, and he was appropriately sympathetic about Mustache’s passing, unlike some people,” you sniff. “Get over it already, won’t you?”
“Never,” Jimin replies, ignoring your pointed jab. “I’m sure you only told him because you knew you could get a sympathy sext out of it. How many dick pics did you get out of that night, anyway?”
“You’re gross,” you tell him, punching him in the arm. “Not to mention that’s exactly why Jay’s not boyfriend material. He’s perfectly happy with—whatever it is we’re doing. I can’t just ruin that by asking him to get dinner.” You frown, gnawing on your bottom lip. “I don’t want to make this into something that it’s not.”
Jimin hesitates. “Fine, okay. I guess I can understand that.”
There’s a pause, as the elevator makes a few more stops. You watch the numbers crawl higher, and know that you’ll soon have to part ways with your friend..
“Hey.” You nudge Jimin with your shoulder, just as the elevator doors close and you begin the ascent to his floor. “Wanna know something interesting?”
Jimin looks up from his phone, where he’s scrolling through Twitter. “Always.”
“My boss’ son is coming to the party tomorrow.”
Jimin’s eyebrows disappear into his ashy blond hair at your revelation. “Kyunghee’s son? Hoseok, or whatever?”
You chuckle. “The one and only. She’s found about a million ways to bring him up in conversation this past week. She thinks we’re a match made in heaven.”
“Wow.” Jimin releases a long breath. “I wonder what he’s like, then.”
You shrug, adjusting the strap of your work tote over your shoulder. “I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
The morning of the party, you wake up to an empty refrigerator. Half stale cereal and the last dregs of milk from the carton become your breakfast, and you munch on that as you mull over the contents of your closet. You’re still in your pajamas, but you pull out your comfiest jeans and a sweater to change into after you finish eating. Then you turn to your collection of dresses, rifling through them and mentally debating the merits of each material and color.
You could go in one of two directions tonight. On the one hand, this is still a work party, and as such your attire should probably maintain a certain level of decorum. But on the other, you’re meeting Hoseok Jung for the first time tonight. You aren’t necessarily looking to start anything with the man, of course, but you do want to look good. With that in mind, you eventually settle on a deep red number that you pull out of the very back of your closet, made of a silky material that skims your curves and accentuates your best assets. Laying it on the bed, you begin your hunt for a pair of matching shoes. Twenty minutes of searching and another five of agonizing later, you step into the bathroom, intent on showering and getting on with the rest of your day.
Upon exiting the bathroom, you decide that tackling the state of your refrigerator takes top priority over your other weekend errands. Sitting down at the dining table, you take stock of what you have in your pantry, planning out your meals for the upcoming week and making a list of what you need to purchase in order to make them a reality. It’s just after one in the afternoon when you exit your apartment with a completed grocery list and your purse stuffed full of reusable canvas bags. The store is a short walk from where you live, and you decide to put in your earbuds as your feet navigate the familiar route. The temperature is surprisingly mild for winter, and the sun shines bright from its perch in the cloudless blue sky. It’s perfect weather for a walk, and the fresh air clears your mind and eases your heart.
At the grocery store, you forego the stack of baskets and instead grab a shopping cart. Weaving your way up and down the aisles, you check items off the list on your phone one by one. Eventually, you find yourself in the cereal section, grabbing a box of granola before turning to where your favorite cereal normally sits. It isn’t there, and you turn in a full circle, confused, until your gaze finally lands on the familiar box on the top shelf.
Sighing, you push up to your tiptoes, stretching your arm as far as it can reach. Your fingertips graze the shelf, but you can’t quite get a grip on the box itself. Glancing down, you scan the bottommost shelf and wonder if you can step on it to give yourself a boost.
“Need a hand?”
The voice comes from behind you, and a vague sense of familiarity sparks in your brain. Slowly, you turn around, and your entire body freezes when your gaze slides up to the speaker’s face.
“Jay.” The syllable escapes you in a near whisper. “H-hi.”
Jay stands before you, looking like sin incarnate in a faded denim jacket, black sweatpants slung low on his hips, and not much else. At his throat, his silver necklace sparkles, the silver J pendant glinting beneath the fluorescent lights of the store, and you’re suddenly beyond grateful that you decided to put on a decent sweater before leaving.
“Here,” he says, stepping forward until he’s close enough that you can smell his cologne—sandalwood tinged with sweet citrus. “Let me help you with that.”
The sudden proximity has your breath hitching in your throat. Your heart thuds erratically against your ribs as he reaches around you, the denim flaps of his jacket gaping in a way that exposes even more of his bare chest. By the time he pulls back with your cereal box in hand, you feel almost faint, belatedly realizing that you’d been holding your breath.
“You wanted this, right?” Jay asks, and you aren’t sure if you’re imagining the innuendo underlying his words or the teasing inflection of the syllables.
“Y-yeah, that’s the one,” you manage, fighting to quell the uneven tempo of your heartbeat as you accept the box. “Thanks.”
“Happy to help,” he replies. Then he leans in, close enough that you can feel his warm breath fanning your cheek as he murmurs his next sentence into your ear. “Anything for you, princess. You know that.”
Heat floods across your cheeks. Your heart skips two full beats before taking off into a sprint, and it’s impossible to ignore the way your core begins to thrum, as if anticipating a repeat of that night you first met all those weeks ago. Almost instinctively, your eyes dart up to the ceiling where the security cameras are, and Jay follows the trajectory of your gaze with a low chuckle and a soft brush of your cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“Sorry, princess. As much as I’d love to get my hands on you, I’m kind of on a time crunch today.”
You can’t stop the wave of disappointment that washes over you, even if you’re in the exact same boat. “Rain check, then?”
“Rain check,” he agrees. Slowly, you reach up to touch the engraved silver pendant resting against his chest, rubbing it between your fingertips before tracing the curve of the J, and he catches your wandering fingers between his and presses a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“You know how to reach me,” he murmurs with a mischievous wink. His gaze lingers even after he’s released your hand, and you clear your throat awkwardly before turning to deposit your cereal box into your shopping cart.
The two of you go your separate ways then, exchanging goodbyes. You finish the rest of your grocery shopping in a daze, idly going through the motions at checkout and letting muscle memory guide you back home. Your arms are aching by the time you step past the threshold of your apartment, and you heave your shopping bags up onto the kitchen counter with a relieved sigh before returning to the entryway to toe off your shoes. You throw together a sandwich as you unpack your groceries, taking a big bite as you walk back to your bedroom to look at the dress you’ve picked out. Pacing over to the closet, you double-check your shoe choice. Briefly, you debate whether or not to wear flats instead of heels.
There are still a few hours left before you have to start getting ready, so you take the last of your sandwich back to the kitchen and whip up a smoothie to go with it. You scroll through your phone as you eat, browsing through the latest news headlines and scrolling through your social media accounts. Just before six o’clock, as the sun starts setting beyond the horizon and casting long shadows across your living room, you start getting changed. You snap a photo in the mirror once you’re dressed, pulling up Jimin’s name in your phone and sending it to him.
[6:13pm] You: last chance to come tonight
Your phone buzzes with a response almost immediately.
[6:14pm] Jimin: nah. i’d hate to step on hoseok’s toes.
You laugh. Not so fast, you text back. We don’t even know anything about the guy yet. What if he’s boring? Or sexist?
[6:15pm] Jimin: if u think kyunghee raised a sexist you’re seriously deranged
[6:16pm] Jimin: now stop taking selfies and get your ass out the door! you’re gonna be late!!!!
Each year, the holiday party tends to be a little over the top, and this year is no exception. The company has bought out the entirety of a restaurant for the evening, and you glance around in amazement at the twinkling lights and lush evergreen boughs decorating the walls and strung up along the ceiling. An assortment of sparkling ornaments hangs from the massive tree in the far corner, interspersed between silver tinsel and more lights. Grabbing a champagne flute off a passing server’s tray, you head farther into the restaurant, skirting around tables draped in creamy linen and greeting your colleagues and friends.
“Is she alone?”
The voices come from the direction of the open bar, and somehow, you just know that they’re talking about you. Lottie, Hyejin, and Sandra are clustered in the corner with glasses of wine in hand, casting glances around the restaurant and gossiping about anything and everything with a pulse. You’re sorely tempted to grab the nearest pitcher of water off a table and pour it over their heads, but you suppress the urge and instead head over with a saccharine smile. “So lovely to see you, {Name},” Lottie says as you approach.
“I love your dress,” Sandra adds. “Very slimming.”
“Thanks,” you reply, putting on your brightest, fakest smile. “Yours is great too. How are you and your husband enjoying the party so far?”
Sandra’s face sours, and you hide your smirk in your champagne flute. Maybe it’s petty to bring up her rocky relationship, but you’ve been subject to snide comments from Sandra and her friends for years now and it’s become increasingly hard for you to bite your tongue. A few tables away, you spot Sandra’s husband, Rodney, take an enormous gulp of his whiskey and wince as it burns down his throat.
“We’re all having a wonderful time, aren’t we, ladies?” Lottie cuts in when Sandra takes too long to answer. “Hyejin’s date is over there with Rodney, and my boyfriend is fetching himself a drink. You remember Dev, don’t you?”
You nod, even though it’s a lie. “Sure. Say hi to him for me.”
Lottie’s lips curve up into a smile, her head tilting to the side, and you’re suddenly reminded of a snake rearing its head back for the kill. “So, what about you? Have you brought someone tonight, or—?”
“Hi ladies!” Kyunghee materializes at your side, her lips painted a festive red shade to match her dress. She’s wearing the disingenuous smile that she reserves for the resident gossips of your office, and you try not to let your relief show on your face when Lottie’s attention refocuses on your manager.
“So good to see you, Kyunghee,” she simpers. “Have you been here long?”
“Not as long as you,” your manager replies, nodding at the near-empty wineglass in her hand. “I see we’re already making a dent in the wine supply, and you’re falling behind, {Name}. Why don’t we go remedy that, hmm?”
She doesn’t give you a chance to respond, grabbing your arm and leading you away. Kyunghee is surprisingly spry for a woman her age, and you follow after her with some difficulty as she marches through the throngs of conversing people, all the way to the line at the open bar.
“I’d like you to meet someone,” she says, gesturing at the man standing at the end of the line with his back to you. “{Name}, this is my son, Hoseok.”
The man turns around at the sound of his name, a warm, affable smile stretched across his face. “Hi, I’m H—” he begins, but he’s cut off by your sharp intake of breath. His eyes go wide, his smile fading as his mouth falls open, and you’re certain you’re wearing an even more dumbfounded expression. “It’s you,” he says, his voice hoarse.
“Wh-what… how…” You trail off, speechless. The words flounder and die in your throat as your brain struggles to process this development, and you practically feel the way the gears in your head churn to a stuttering halt.
Because this man standing before you, the one that Kyunghee has just introduced as her son, is none other than Jay. He looks completely and utterly devastating in a navy waistcoat and matching slacks, a green tie shaped like a Christmas tree knotted loosely around the white collar of his shirt. His dark hair is parted, his undercut exposed, and you can’t tear your gaze away from the loose strand that has fallen across his forehead.
Jay—Hoseok—swallows. “Hi.”
Kyunghee glances between the two of you, her brows furrowing. “I take it you two already know each other?”
Hoseok’s ears begin taking on a scarlet tinge, the color spreading to his cheeks as he struggles to find his vocabulary again. “I—yeah. Yeah, we’ve met.”
“Right. Do I even want to know how?” she asks dubiously, before shaking her head and huffing out a sigh. “No, forget I asked. I don’t want to know. I’ll just leave you two to… catch up.”
Waving goodbye, Kyunghee disappears back into the crowd of partygoers milling around. Hoseok turns back to you, sucking in a deep breath, and you fight the urge to stare down at your toes as his gaze roves across your face.
“I can’t believe this,” he says, breaking the silence that’s fallen between you at last. “My mom’s been talking about you for months, but I never imagined that it’d be you.”
“You’re telling me,” you reply, finally having recovered your voice. “Kyunghee brings you up all the time, but I never thought… I mean, we didn’t even know each other’s names, and now…” You shrug. “Here we both are.”
“It’s a pretty crazy coincidence, huh?”
A beat passes, and then two. You’re fully aware that you’re staring, but you don’t dare blink, afraid that he’ll disappear if you close your eyes. Of all the things that you thought might happen tonight, this particular meeting wasn’t even close to making the list. Never would you have thought that the man you only knew as Jay would turn out to be Kyunghee’s son. Never would you have connected Jay to the photographed little boy in yellow suspenders on Kyunghee’s desk, or realized that they were one and the same.
From behind you, someone loudly clears their throat. Another voice calls for you to get a move on, already, and both you and Hoseok belatedly realize that you are still standing in line for the open bar. Hoseok’s eyes go wide again, and you nearly tread on his toes when you both try to move forward. “After you,” he says with a chuckle, gesturing for you to go in front of him, and that’s enough to break the tension. You step ahead of him with a laugh, catching up to the line, and Hoseok doesn’t stray far as he follows your lead.
“So, what are you drinking?” he asks, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “Vodka soda with a twist?”
“Actually, I think I’m going to stick with wine tonight,” you reply, peering at the bottles lined up on the counter. “What about you?”
“Hmm. Jack and coke, I think. Nothing else is really calling my name right now.”
Grabbing your drinks, the two of you begin searching for a place to sit. You spot Kyunghee at a table near the front, and she smiles knowingly and offers you a thumbs-up when she catches your eye. Eventually, you settle on a table near the Christmas tree, the lights glimmering off the glasses and reflecting off your knife as you pick it up to butter a slice of crusty bread from the basket in the center. Hoseok follows your lead, grabbing a piece for himself, and the two of you munch in silence for a few seconds before Hoseok breaks it.
“You know, my mom says you’re the perfect girl for me” he says with a dry little chuckle. “Think she’s right?”
“I don’t know,” you answer. “It’s funny, though—Kyunghee’s been telling me the same thing. She sings your praises all the time.”
Hoseok laughs and scratches the back of his neck. “Oh, jeez, that’s kind of embarrassing. I’m glad she’s saying good things, at least.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” you tell him, grinning. “She’s only shown us one photo album from your childhood.”
His face crumples. “Was it the Disneyland one?”
You nod, fighting back laughter, and watch as Hoseok groans and lets his forehead meet the linen-covered tabletop with a dull thunk.
“I don’t like rollercoasters,” he mumbles into the tablecloth, his voice muffled by the material. “They make me queasy.”
“Even now?” you ask, and he nods.
The clinking of a fork against a wineglass—amplified and broadcast through an array of invisible speakers built into the restaurant’s walls—interrupts any further conversation. You twist in your seat to watch your company’s leadership give their opening remarks, listening as they congratulate everyone for a great year and wish you a happy holiday season. The servers begin going out with plates of food, and you thank them as they set yours down. Hoseok does the same before raising his glass in your direction, clearing his throat and offering you a crooked little smile.
“Here’s to second meetings.”
“Third, if you count the store earlier,” you correct, and he chuckles and nods in agreement before clinking his drink against yours.
You spend the entirety of dinner chatting with Hoseok, getting to know him beyond the few facts Kyunghee has mentioned and what little you’ve gleaned from texting him the last two months. He tells you all about his dance studio, Hope World, where he teaches both contemporary dance and the occasional Pilates class. You find out that in addition to rollercoasters, he also dislikes sour foods and raisins, but he loves mint chocolate and sweet and sour pork. He also has a very low tolerance for alcohol—something he tells you as he tilts the rest of his drink into his mouth. “Should I be worried?” you ask as he sets his glass back down, and he chuckles and shakes his head, sending the loose tendril of hair flopping across his forehead.
Dessert is served, and subsequently eaten. The music is turned up, and people slowly begin finding their way to the open space that serves as an impromptu dancefloor. Hoseok rises to his feet and extends a hand toward you, and you only hesitate for the briefest of seconds before accepting it. He leads you out amongst the other swaying couples, his hand finding its way to the curve of your waist, and you rest your hand on his shoulder as he begins guiding you in a slow, simple waltz.
“So?” Hoseok’s voice is a low murmur, soft and gentle against the shell of your ear. “What’s the verdict?”
You blink. “The verdict?”
Even without looking, you can tell that he’s smiling. You can hear it in the lilt of his voice, and imagine it in the curve of his lips. “About me,” he clarifies, carefully pulling back so you can spin in a circle beneath his outstretched arm. “About us. My mom will never let me hear the end of it if she turns out to be right, but I still wanna know. So what are you thinking?”
“Are you asking if I think we’re perfect for each other?” you ask, giggling. “I don’t know if I believe in all that, to be quite honest. Destiny and soulmates—I mean, doesn’t it seem a little too good to be true?”
Hoseok hums. “Maybe. But considering all that’s happened to us in the last couple of months, don’t you think there’s a chance that it's all more than simple coincidence?”
“Maybe,” you concede. “Still, I don’t know if I can give you a verdict just yet. We haven’t even gone on a date.”
“We did do things a little backwards,” Hoseok admits, tugging you close and winding his arm around your waist. “Let me make it up to you, then. Are you free tomorrow?”
“What if I am?” you challenge.
“Then, I’d like to take you out for breakfast,” he replies without missing a beat.
The prospect of a proper meal with Hoseok Jung does something funny to your insides. Still, something makes you hesitate, and you avert your gaze as you search for your next words. “I wasn’t expecting to end tonight with a date,” you admit slowly. “I honestly didn’t even think you were interested in… well, anything beyond sex, to be honest.”
Hoseok’s face creases into a frown, and you look up again when he murmurs your name. “I understand why you would think that,” he says. “Really, I do. But honestly? I had every intention of texting you and asking you out properly. I was going to play it cool and wait a few days, which was stupid in retrospect. And then you texted me first.”
“I texted y—” You trail off. “Oh, god.”
“It seemed like you’d been drinking,” Hoseok says with a shrug, and you press a finger to his lips before he can say anything more. You remember the night in question, and you remember the bottle of wine you’d consumed. And you definitely remember the photographs you’d sent of yourself, and the ones Hoseok had been kind enough to send in return.
“Wait, so you were going to ask me out? And then I… I sexted you?”
Hoseok nods, and you groan and bury your face into his chest.
“I can’t believe this,” you mutter, and you feel laughter rumble through his chest before a hand comes up to stroke along your back.
“Believe me, I’m not complaining,” he assures you. “But I’d still really like to take you out, so what do you say?”
His gaze doesn’t leave yours for a second as he awaits your answer, and your heart skips a beat when you look up to see the earnestness in his eyes and the hesitant smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Breakfast sounds wonderful,” you whisper, and the smile that blossoms on your companion’s face is nothing short of radiant.
“Good,” he says. “Great. Breakfast tomorrow, then. Now, can I kiss you?”
You’re already pushing up to your tiptoes, your fingers fisting in the soft hair at his nape. “God, yes.”
“Hey, you made it!”
You beam. “Hi.”
You and Hoseok are about to commence your first date, having just sat down at a cozy little café for breakfast. Hoseok has pulled your chair out in true gentlemanly fashion, and you can’t help but smile over your menu at the few lingering snowflakes that have yet to melt into his dark hair.
“So, here we are,” you remark. “Our fourth meeting.”
Hoseok’s lips stretch into his signature grin, breathtakingly bright and infectious. “And hopefully many more.”
You grin at him. “Yeah? Too bad this is breakfast, because I’d drink to that.”
He leans forward, his grin widening. “Next time,” he says as his hand finds its way around yours, his fingers slotting comfortably into the spaces between your own. “We can do dinner, maybe. Or I can cook for you. But for now, I’m just happy that we’re finally doing this.”
You give his hand a soft squeeze. “Me too.”
“Just promise me one thing?”
The sudden seriousness of his tone has your brow furrowing in concern. “Sure, of course,” you reassure. “What is it?”
He winces. “Please don’t tell my mom about all the dick pics.”
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nctsplug02 · 3 years
Can I request dad!johnny? he cheated with y/n so they broke up and 3 yrs later he saw y/n with their son (y/n a single mom) but johnny isnt still aware of it that it’s his kid? Angst-fluff maybe? Thank you!
get your popcorns ready, this is gonna be a long story.
genre: angst, fluff
You and your son were waiting in line for some ice cream, he heard the ice cream truck and asked to get some, of course you agreed since it was so hot outside. “Hello,” you greeted the man in the ice cream truck. “Hi, what can I get for you today?” He asks and you hum. “I think I’ll get vanilla. What do you want, baby?” You ask your three year old. “Can I get the brown one?”
The man chuckles and nods before heading back into his truck to get the ice creams. “Okay, here you two are! It’ll be five bucks.” You hand the man a five dollar bill before bidding your goodbyes.
“Y/n?” You turn your head to the direction where your name was called. “Oh, Mark? Taeil?” You’re shocked to see your olds friends standing in line, waiting to order their ice creams. “So it is you! Hyung, you owe me twenty bucks,” Taeil rolls his eyes at the youngster and nods.
“Anyways, how’ve you been? It’s been so long!” The young boy cheers. “I’ve—,” you feel your dress get tugged on. “Mommy, who are they?” Your son asks, hiding behind you. “These.. um,” you look back at Mark and taeil. “They are my friends from a long time ago.” You smile at the two men in front of you.
“Wait, your a mom now? Wow!” Mark covers his mouth in shock. “Mark, youre too loud.” Taeil tells him, Mark apologizes and lowers his voice. “Uh, yeah.. I’m a mom now.” Mark crouches down and holds a fit out to your son. “Hi, buddy! I’m mark!” Your son tilts to the side to look at Mark. He looks up at you who just smiles down at him. “I’m Sungchan.” Your son quietly introduces himself and hi-fives Marks fist.
“Nice to meet you, sungchan.” Mark giggles at the three year olds shyness. “Where are you guys off to?” Taeil asks while Mark tried to start a conversation with the three year old. “Just back to the park, what about you guys?” You point to the park that had no people. “Well, we came here to get some ice cream for us and the others, so we’re headed back.. over there.”
He points to a place behind the cars that were all parked and lined up. “Oh, who’s all over there with you guys? Maybe I’ll come with and say hello to them.” You smile at him, thinking about the others that you hadn’t seen either. “Well, there’s taeyong, Jeno, yuta, Doyoung, and Johnny.” He lists them out, you pause at the last name.
“O—oh, um, actually I think me and Sungchan are just gonna head home after this.” You hug Sungchan to your leg. “Oh, well. Here, how about we swap numbers so you can come over tonight? I mean, we are throwing a little party.” You think about it, what could go wrong with reuniting with some old friends?
“Sure! I mean, it’s been years since we’ve all talked and seen each other, so why not?” He laughs a little and pulls his phone out. You and him swap numbers before you and Sungchan left home.
Mark and Taeil walk back to the little group with ice cream cones in their hands. “Okay, take your ice creams! Me and Taeil have to tell you guys who we just met.” They all take their ice cream and wait for Mark to continue.
“We bumped into y/n at the ice cream truck, she looks better than ever!” Mark announces with a giggle.
Later that night, Taeil had texted you, telling you to come over for a bit. You got worried and asked if you could bring Sungchan, he said yes and that he didn’t mind.
You got Sungchan out of the car and knocked on the door. The door swings open and you see Mark at the door. “Aye! You actually came!” He gasps when he sees the three year old standing besides you. “Ahh! Sungchan!” He giggles and starts to jump. “Hi, Mark.” You giggle at how excited he was to see your son.
Mark shuts the door after letting the two of you in. “Are you hungry? Yeah, okay. Why don’t you go play with uncle Mark while mommy grabs you some food, yeah?” Your son nods and looks up at Mark. “Let’s go!” Sungchan grabs Marks hand and allows Mark to take him to the basement.
You sigh and start looking around for the kitchen. “Oh,” you find the kitchen filled with food that they had just barbecued. You hum and start looking for plates, paper plates are sitting on the counter which you grabbed. You filled with plate up with some chicken and rice. You reheat the cold food and while waiting a voice scares you.
“Y/n?” Oh, you knew that voice, you knew it well.
You turned around to see your ex lover standing in shock by the door frame. “Johnny, hi.” You inhale sharply. “Is.. is that your kid?” He points behind him.
- few moments ago -
Johnny sighs and opens the bathroom door. “Yo! Watch out, man!” Mark yells and pushes the tall man back into the bathroom. “Woah, who’s kid is that?” Johnny asks pointing to the three year old.
“Mhm.” You nod confirming his question. “Oh, well, how’ve you been—?”
beep, beep, beep.
The microwave saves the awkward moment. “I’ve been good, how about you?” You grab the food out of the microwave. “I’ve been.. good too.” He nods and tucks his hands in his pockets. “That’s good. Can you show me where the basement is?” He nods and gestures you to follow him.
Entering the basement, you could see your son playing with Mark. “Oh, my god! Y/n? It’s been so long!” Jungwoo gasps and sits up, running over to you and hugging you. “Hi Jungwoo!” You giggle and pst his back as he swayed you back and forth. “Gosh! So that baby must be yours, huh?” You nod and scrunch your face up. “Okay, well I see you have a plate of food so, go on.”
You walk over to Mark and Sungchan who are playing with some action figures. “Channie, come eat food.” You sit down and place the plate down. “Okay, mommy.” He crawls over to you and sits in front of you. “Here, ahh.” You open your mouth and so does he. “Omm, nom nom nom.” Your son giggles at your food noises.
After feeding your son, your son got tired and wanted to go home. “Hey guys, me and Sungchan are gonna head home. He’s getting really tired and cranky.” The guys frown and whine, not wanting you to leave just yet. “I’ll see you guys next time, okay?” Mark walks you to your car with Sungchan in his arms.
“Okay, bye y/n. Drive safe, alright?” You giggle and nod. “I’m not that bad of a driver, Mark. But yes, don’t worry. Goodnight Mark, don’t drink too much.” He laughs and nods. “Okay, mom,” he jokes, “goodbye channie, see you soon! Bye buddy!” He waves the little boy off before running back inside as you drove off.
For days your son had begged you nonstop if he could spend the night at Marks, and honestly, you didn’t know if Mark would be up for it or if he would be able to take care of your three year old. “Okay, I’ll call uncle Mark to see if he lets, okay?” The three year old cheers and nods.
You pick up your phone and start calling Mark.
“Hey, what’s up y/n?” The man sounded so lively. “Hi Mark, can I ask you something?” The boy nods and hums. “Okay, so lately Sungchan had been asking and begging for me to let him sleep at your place, so is it alright if Sungchan sleeps at your place? For like, a day?”
The man on the other line freaks. “Dude, of course! Send me your address I’ll come pick him up.” You giggle at his excitement, him and Sungchan are growing up as best friends. “Alright, ill send it.” The other line goes silent, bitch hung up.
“Channie! Go get ready! Uncle Mark is coming to pick you up!” The little boy cheers and runs into his room, quickly packing some of his toys and some clothes.
“Im ready, mommy!” He says with his backpack on and his shoes on the wrong way. “Good job, baby! Let’s go wait for uncle Mark outside, yeah?” He nods and runs towards the front door.
You and him are outside, youre sitting on the steps while he sat next to you. “It’s a pretty day, isn’t it?” Your son nods and looks at the flowers that were planted by the big tree in front of your house, it had a swing on it from your childhood.
A car pulls up and you grab Sungchan hand. “Oh, it’s uncle mark.” You let his hand go as he slowly walks down the stairs and then runs to his uncle. “Uncle Mark!” He jumps into the mans arms and makes the older man giggle. “Hey buddy!” He lifts up the three year old and looks over at you, who is walking towards them.
“Hey Mark, take good care of my baby, okay? He’s the only one I’m having.” Mark and you laugh, but soon after he nods. “Hey y/n?” You look in the car to see Johnny sitting in the passenger seat. “Oh, hey Johnny, didn’t see you.” He slightly laughs and then looks back in his lap. “Alright, ready to go, buddy?” The three year old nods.
“You go and be good, okay? If someone tells me you were being a bad boy, then you don’t get to go back to uncle Marks, got it?” The little on nods. “Okay, give mommy a kiss.” You turn your head and point to your cheek. You pull away when you feel his little lips press against it. “Okay, bye bye, baby.” You ruffle his hair. “Bye mommy!”
Later that night, you had ran to that store for some food and bumped into someone very attractive. You and him swapped numbers and starts going on dates after that. While on those dates, Mark would babysit for you, you offered to pay him for every time he watch your son but he didn’t accept it.
Tonight was a rainy night, you and jaehyun couldn’t go on a date so you both decided to stay in with Sungchan.
- a little recap of their night -
“Happy 8 month anniversary, babe.” Jaehyun says and clinks his wine glass with yours. “Happy 8 months, baby.” You take a small swig. “Mommy, happy happy day.” Sungchan holds up his cup of apple juice. “Aww, happy happy day, baby.” You giggled and clinked your cup with his.
It was so late and the rain made the three of you guys so sleepy, so the three of you ended up sleeping early.
A sudden faint knock could be heard from the living room. You sit up frantically, another knock. “Who the f.. it’s so late..” you groan and get out of bed, making your way down to the front door with a bat in your hand.
“Johnny?” You see Johnny standing in front of your door all soaked, he looked.. intoxicated. “Y/n..” he slurred and wobbled, he couldn’t even hold himself up. “Johnny, it’s late, what are you doing in front of my door at this time?” He laughs but it sounded broken. “I.. I miss you so much..”
he was just drunk talking, you said to yourself.
“Johnny, should I call Mark—?” He quickly shakes his head. “No, please don’t. If you do then he’ll yell at me.” You sigh, the cold breeze making your legs shiver. “I just miss you so much, I miss holding you at night, I miss the way you kissed me, please just take me back—“ you stopped his rambling, his drunk rambling.
“No, johnny, you don’t get to do this! I’ve finally healed after 4 years of our break up. I was so heartbroken that you cheated on me with some random chick from the bar. I was so hurt that you hid it from me and that I had to find out from Renjun and Chenle. This ain’t fair, johnny!” He laughs and nods. “He’s my son, isn’t he?” Great, a new topic.
“So what if he is? It doesn’t matter anymore, you were never in the picture anyway so why does it matter?” He looks up at you. “He’s my son—“ you shake your head. “No he isn’t, he isn’t. He may have your blood but he isn’t your son.” Silence took over, all that could be heard was the raining showering. “Just leave, please? I don’t want to ever see you again.” He steps closer with tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Y/n, please let’s just talk—“ the door opens wider. “She said to leave.” Johnny looks at the man besides you and then back at you. “Alright, I’m sorry..” Johnny turns back around and walks out of your property.
Jaehyun closes the door shut and is immediately taken into your embrace. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He shakes his hand and taps on your thigh, telling you to jump, so you do. “It’s okay, let’s just go back to bed.” He says carrying you back up to your room.
a/n: i got really tired and confused at the end. hopefully you can see where i ran out of words and ideas for this story. and by confused i mean like, not knowing anymore words, not knowing what to write and etc. hopefully i can fix this and make it better because it isn’t really that good. I’ll try my best next time! :)
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
no harm done
pairing: mob!bucky barnes x f!reader
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: one mention of a gunshot
requested: nope
word count: 1.6k
summary: y/n works at a bank. one day, three people show up at the bank for a robbery; they work for the most feared crime boss in all of the country, james barnes. who also happens to be y/n's ex boyfriend. but upon seeing her, she is instantly recognized by them and the bank is spared. why? because she is on his 'no harm' list. when she finds this out, y/n decides to pay him a visit, wondering if he still thinks about her. (spoiler alert: he does)
author's note: hiya peeps! enjoy!
A loud gunshot made several people scream as everyone turned around. At the entrance of the bank stood three people: one woman and two men, whom everyone instantly recognized. Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton and Peter Parker. "Get away from the counter!" Natasha shouted and everyone scurried away from the counter.
Y/N, an employee, sat frozen in place as the youngest man approached her, staring at her with narrowed eyes. All of a sudden, his eyes went wide and he took a step back, turning to his fellow… criminals. They, too, looked at her as he whispered something to them. "We are extremely sorry, ma'am," Natasha apologized immediately.
Y/N blinked, her hand below the counter ready to call the police but I guess it wasn't necessary anymore. "You're, um, you're forgiven?" she replied slowly. The three criminals instantly left the bank as the other citizens looked over at Y/N, who returned their confused glances with her equally as confused ones.
"Did they know you?" a person asked as the atmosphere steadily returned to normal. "I didn't know them," Y/N offered and the day continued as usual.
As Y/N stood in line at Starbucks waiting for a coffee, she looked around and saw a familiar looking man sitting there, sipping on his coffee while talking to someone on the phone. Upon receiving her coffee she made up her mind and decided to approach him, making him look up as she stood next to his table.
His eyes widened like they had a few months ago. "Ma'am," he greeted her and she gestured to the seat in front of him. "Can I sit?" He nodded and she sat in front of him, leaning back on the chair. "Do you… do you know me?" she blurted out and he pursed his lips.
"Everyone who works with Barnes knows you." At the name, Y/N froze. There was only one Barnes she knew, and she was pretty sure only one Barnes knew her. "You don't mean Bucky Barnes," she whispered and the man in front of her, Clint, nodded. "I do mean him. He runs a very feared crime syndicate in the country, and he, well… he has you on the 'no harm' list. Do you two have history?" Y/N nodded.
"We, um, we used to date back when we were both in high-school. But then some family emergency happened… it was a peaceful breakup and after that I kinda lost touch with him… does he live here now? In this city?" Clint let out an 'oh'. "He does, yeah. Is there any chance you'd like to meet him? Because I can take you now." Y/N shook her head.
"Sorry, I'm busy today. Can you give me his address? I can visit sometime later." Clint readily gave her Bucky's home address and Y/N got up, bidding him adieu as she left Starbucks, thoughtfully sipping on her coffee. Well well well, life just got interesting…
She hadn't really lost feelings for Bucky, per se. Y/N thought of him often, always wondering where he was now and what he was doing. "I guess I found out today," she muttered to herself. A crime syndicate? He was their leader? His father seemed shady back then but she didn't think Bucky was that kind of a man…
And him putting her on a 'no harm' list? Did he think of her, just like she did? Maybe he still liked her too? She couldn't wait to visit him.
"Ye— oh. Oh, lord. Ma'am! Come in, come in please!"
Y/N sent a forced smile towards Peter, who had opened the door to the house. A few days had passed since Y/N and Clint met at Starbucks and she was currently standing outside Bucky's mansion. Well, inside now, maybe. "Hi, Peter, isn't it?" He nodded immediately. "Such an honor," he gushed and Y/N smiled.
"Where is your boss? I'm here to meet him."
"You, um, you'll have to wait, I'm sorry. He's in a meeting right now." Y/N waved her arm dismissively. "I've got all the time in the world," she smirked as Peter led her to the sitting room. Inside sat Natasha Romanoff along with another lady Y/N recognized to be Wanda Maximoff. They instantly stood up at her arrival.
"Miss Y/N, pleasure! What brings you here?" Wanda chuckled nervously as Y/N sat down, crossing her legs. "Oh, came to see your boss, but he's in a meeting, I suppose. I can wait." Natasha hurried to the dining table and poured out a glass of water, handing it to her.
"The boss will be extremely thrilled to see you, he does talk about you a lot," Wanda spoke as Y/N chugged the glass of water. "Does he, now? Fantastic, I can't wait to see him either." All of a sudden, there was a slew of footsteps coming downstairs and Y/N turned around just in time to see Bucky entering the room, Steve and Sam behind him.
He froze when he saw her. Y/N stood up, her eyes filling with happy tears as she took in Bucky's appearance; he had lost quite a lot of face fat that he had in high school, making his jawline appear sharper. He also had a wonderful stubble and fluffier hair, but his eyes were still the same: full of light and determination. "Bucky," she whispered.
Bucky instantly ran to her and hugged her without second thought; he had missed her quite a lot. He was only 18 when he'd taken over the family business— running the most feared mafia in the entire country. He was forced to delete Y/N's number from his phone and cut off all contact with his friends.
After taking over the business he'd sneakily met her one night and made up a lie about moving away and wanting a breakup. It was peaceful, but Bucky still felt guilty about lying. Not to mention he still loved her, even after all these years. He'd thought if she knew what he was, what his work was, she'd never look at him the same again.
A breakup he could handle but her looking at him like he was a monster? There was no way he'd be able to handle that. "Y/N, you're here. Oh my God, I missed you so much," he whispered into her shoulder, pulling her impossibly close, uncaring that everyone was watching. "I missed you too," she whispered back, "But you lied to me." Bucky pulled away.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, I had to. What I do is too dangerous and I can't risk the lives of anyone close to me. My father forced me to break up with you. I didn't want to but I understood his reasoning. It's too unsafe, what if something happens to you?" Y/N shook her head, letting her tears fall free.
"No, I— I still like you, I can't— don't do this to me, please Bucky," she begged and Bucky's own tears flowed when he heard her feeble voice. "God knows I still like you too, sweetheart, but I'm sorry. I have to say no. I can't risk it. Do you know many people are on my back constantly? Once they find out about you, it'll be like a witch hunt—"
"Fine, I'll go," Y/N hissed all of a sudden, not able to contain her annoyance as she stormed past him, walking to the front door to leave. "King of fumbling the bag," Peter sneered as Natasha and Wanda followed Y/N. Bucky stared at the floor, wanting nothing more than to just run after her and beg her to stay.
But he knew he couldn't. He loved her so much that he didn't want to be with her, only because his line of work was too risky. "Dude, are you kidding me?! After all these years, you find out she still likes you and you let her go?! Just like that?!" Steve shouted at him. Bucky's head went lower with shame.
"You don't know," he muttered, "I'll only be risking her life. I love her, Steve, if something happens to her, I don't— I don't know how I'll live. For all this time, the thought of her has kept me sane and going. Knowing she's out there somewhere, living life to the fullest, still alive… if I bring her into my mess…"
"What mess?" Sam chided too, "Look at you! Everyone in the country fears you, all the other syndicates, their bosses, they respect you a lot! You've got top notch security and you're telling me your job is unsafe?! At this point, it just sounds like an excuse to not be with her." Bucky's eyes snapped towards Sam.
"Don't say that!" he roared, "I do love her! I just— you know what—" he whirled around to run after Y/N but froze when he saw her standing right behind him, her hand covering her mouth as a teardrop rolled down her eye. Bucky immediately pulled her into his arms once again, apologizing profusely.
"Don't go. Please, don't leave me again, I love you so much, Y/N," he whispered and Y/N burrowed closer to him, smiling. "I love you too, Bucky, feels so good to be back into your arms after so long." He laughed and dropped a kiss to her head, rubbing her back. "Are you sure about this?" he whispered.
"Never been more sure about anything, Barnes. You heard Sam, your job might not be safe but you are. And I trust you, so it won't ever be a problem," she assured him and he sighed, melting into her arms.
Everyone around them only smiled at each other. "I guess you didn't fumble the bag this time, good for you."
"Shut up, Parker."
a/n: thanks for reading, leave a like if you enjoyed!
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Roller Blades of Fate
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@slasherslutmoth isn’t feeling well today, and so I wanted to write him something. I got this idea from our conversation so if it’s bad I’m so sorry 😂
Tw: Micheal Myers shenanigans
Moth and I laid starring at the ceiling of his bedroom, bored out of our minds. The atmosphere of the day was god awful, everything felt blah today. I could tell he was upset about something and I didn’t want to be pushy about it. So I had to come up with something and soon, before we both let this day waste away in our heads. That’s when I popped up off the floor, a thought creeping if it’s way into my head. I saw Moth lazily lift their head off their pillow and turn to me with a confused look on their face.
“What?” He asked.
“I’ve got an idea!”
His face instantly turned to horror and then to amusement.
“Your ideas are never good. Should I be worried.”
“Totally! Be back in a bit, don’t wallow in sadness without me!” I demanded.
I quickly made my way out of his house, not wanting to startle his parents I climbed out the window instead of using the front door. Tant way they’d never know I left and question why I was coming back. I sprinted as fast as I could down the road to the familiar run down house at the end of the street. It was the middle of the day, he shouldn’t be out quite yet. I snuck my way in through the back door and into the old house. I knew it wouldn’t be smart to sneak up on him, and he wouldn’t be sleeping at this time, so I called our.
“Mikey!” I shouted.
I spun lazily in a circle, I knew he had heard me, but it would be stupid to expect a verbal response back. As I began to get dizzy, I could feel my balance falling off kilter, and I knew I was about to become real friendly with the floor. But then two strong arms warped around me. I let out a joyful giggle as I looked up to see the iconic white mask!
“I knew you would catch me!”
He quickly dropped me out of his arms, but not without knowing I was stable on my feet first. A small grunt came from the man as if to ask what I was doing here. I straightened out my outfit and looked him directly in the eyes, or as directly as I could with his mask.
“I’ve got a favour to ask of you.”
When he didn’t move I figured it was safe to continue.
“Moths not feeling well, and I had an idea I think would help. But it won’t be fun if it’s just the two of us, so Micheal, will you occupancy on my journey to cheer up our favorite person if I can Guarantee you a year supply of Candy?”
He seemed to think for a moment, tilting his head like he always did. It was cute when he did it. He took a step forward, the kind of step that would normally make his victims cower in fear and I assume that’s what he was counting on. I stood my ground non the less.
“Fine, a year supply of Candy, and I’ll get you that fancy new kitchen knife you’ve been eyeing on that late night tv commercial.”
He seemed to be pleased with this compromise as he nodded. I clamped my hands together and squealed, causing the usually stoic man to flinch.
“No mask, meet me at this address in half an hour!” I sang at him as I ran back out the door.
I wasn’t really sure where all this sudden energy came from. I felt like I could run forever and I wouldn’t even get tried. I was hardly even out of breath by the time I was back at Moth’s place. I took a few steps back, before sprinting full force and jumping up off the tree, swinging onto the branch and sticking my landing. Moth had left the window open for me, so I easily slipped through.
“You know you could just use the front door like a normal person.”
“And have to have a conversation with someone other than you. No thanks.”
“What are you gonna do when my parents cut down that stupid old tree?” He mused.
“Learn how to fly.” I said with a duh, expression.
I waltzed over to his closet throwing open the door dramatically.
“No… nope… ewww why do you even own this? Nada… outdated… seriously dude I need to take you shopping! And perfect! Put this on!” I threw the outfit at him and walked out of the room to give him some privacy.
“Is there a reason your dressing me like disco barbie Ken?” He called through the door.
“Umm cause disco Ken knows how to party. And he’s hot, so just expect it!”
I heard them groan and shuffle around the room. I smiled in contempt.
“That’s my boy” I muttered under my breath.
Suddenly the door was opened and there Moth stood in all his Gloria.
“Bloody fantastic! You look amazing mate!”
He rolled his eyes at me.
“We’ll aren’t you a little underdressed, for whatever the hell it is you’re about to force me into.”
“Yeah, and I was hoping you’d let me borrow something.”
“Sure, tore apart half my closet anyways. You are gonna clean that up right?”
I ignored him and went right back to digging through his closet.
“Right, Fang?”
“Yeah yeah, clean your room. Got it, Dad.” I joked.
When I found an outfit that made me look like a gay pirate, I was satisfied.
“Why do I even own that shirt?”
“Mothie, this is literally the best thing you own, and I’m pretty sure I left it here in the fall.”
“You wanna tell me where we’re going?”
“Nope!” I said, popping the P.
I dragged him down the stairs and tried to make it out the door before his parent saw, but no luck.
“Where are the two of you off to?”
Moth didn’t know how to answer so I spoke up for him.
“Just getting some fresh air. Should be back before midnight” I put on my best smile.
Parents loved it when I smiled. It made them feel safe, like they could trust me. I was good at faking this whole innocent person bullshit. Sometimes I even fooled myself.
“Alright, stay safe you two. Call if you need anything.”
When we got outside Moth grabbed my arm, pulling me back.
“Yeah, you’re not driving my car.”
“Oh come on please!”
“Do you even have your license?”
“When have you ever cared about me fallowing the law?”
“When it’s my law, I care quite a bit actually.”
“Ugh fine, spoil sport. Just drive where I tell you?”
I he rolled his eyes and hopped into the drivers seat.
“Seat belt” they said, before turning the key.
“Seat belt.” I mocked.
He gave me a soft smile when it clicked.
“Where to oh great GPS.”
“Aww I love it when you dehumanise me.”
Before I knew it were were at our destination and my smile was the widest it had been all day.
“You know I should have known about a mile back this was where you were taking me. Roller skating, really?”
“Oh come on, you know you’ll love it.”
“I thought you didn’t want to socialise.”
“I can handle a few chaste conversations if it means I get to dominate in the rink!”
They crossed their arms over their chest in protest.
“Oh come on Moth, one hour. If you’re not having fun we can go do whatever it is you want to do. Even if that means just sulking in your room again.”
“Fine, one hour.”
I again was dragging them by the arm, towards the back of the building. My excitement was too great! Tonight would be a night to remember for sure!
“Hey Fang, I’m pretty sure the entrance was over there, y’a know, where the people are.”
I waved him.
“You really think we’re paying for tickets?”
That’s when he noticed what, or who I was dragging him towards. He stopped, halting with his whole wait into his heels, causing me to stumble back a little.
“Ok, ow.”
I looked to where his eyes were glued and I saw Micheal, long gorgeous hair and all. He was wearing black ripped jeans and an old talking heads shirt he’d stolen from a victim a while back. His hair was covering his face, but you could tell it was him just from his sheer size, and the way he stood.
“The hell’d you bring him for?”
“Relax, Mikey will be on his best behaviour tonight. The two do you needed to get out, have some fun!”
“Not his kind of fun.”
“Oh come on, are you still mad about that time he got blood on your car?”
“Yes, do you know how hard that was to explain to the guy cleaning it?”
“Micheal won’t go near your car, promise.”
I skipped over to where Micheal stood and engulfed him in a hug. He awkwardly place his giant hand on my head and just left it there.
“Break the lock big guy?”
He showed me the lock in his other hand. The thing was mangled beyond repair.
I dragged the two of them inside and Micheal knocked out probably the only security guard in the whole place. He was about to throw him to the ground but I stopped him. I gentle lowered the guy to the floor and hid him behind some old boxes.
“What, don’t want the poor guy waking up with a massive headache.”
We made our way to the booth where they sold us our shoes. Micheal was about to approach the kid at the booth but Moth cut him off.
“I’ll handle this one.”
Micheal stood back letting them take charge. I watched as Moth worked his magic, effortlessly flirting with the guy at the counter. Poor thing never stood a chance, he was a blushing mess the moment Moth read off his name tag. I snuck behind the counter, grabbing the sizes we needed. I was even surprised they had anything big enough for Micheal. I signalled to Moth I was all set and he wrapped up his rouse. I handed him a pair of skates.
“See, you’re already having fun.”
“Shut it!“ he warned.
I made a lock and key gesture on my mouth, turning to Micheal and handing him his skates. He felt vulnerable like this sure, but nobody here new what he looked like under the mask. He was relatively safe, and he knew I’d never let anyone hurt him. We put on our skates and I did a triumphant spin!
“So do I look like I get major bitches or what?”
I didn’t expect a response from Micheal, but Moth snorted.
“You look like a major dork.”
“Close enough!”
“Beat you to the rink!” Moth shouted, pushing past me.
I dropped my jaw in mock shock.
“Did you see that?” I asked Micheal.
His big shoulders moved in a lazy shrug. I went to go speed off after Moth but I noticed Micheal didn’t fallow. I skated back around and stopped next to him.
“You have no idea how to skate, how could I be so stupid?”
I extended my hand to him.
“Just follow my lead Big Guy, you’ll be a pro in no time.”
It was weird holding his hand in mine, my hand was so small compared to his. I lead him forward as I skated backwards with ease. He nearly slipped when we got onto the floor, but I steadied him.
“We’ll just get you over to the wall and you can go back to doing you’re favorite thing.”
I brought him to the wall and Moth came back around to us.
“Though you said you’d dominate.”
“Yeah yeah, just getting everyone’s least favourite stalker situated first. He learns better by watching anyways.”
He helped me get Micheal to the wall. As soon as I knew he was steady, I bolted, leaving Moth and Micheal alone, just like I’d planned. I made several laps around the rink before Moth caught me.
“No fair, you cheated.”
“Learned that one from you.”
Suddenly we heard a crash on the other side of the room. A kid had run smack dab into the wall and fallen on their ass. Moth let go of my arm and let out a hearty laugh, covering their moth with their hand. They stabled themselves on their skates.
“Omg that- that was hilarious!”
That’s when I heard an odd noise behind us. It was like a deep rumbling. Micheal. The Micheal Myers just chuckled. I turned around and pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” I said.
I saw the smallest smirk break on his face, I was short enough that I could see under his cloak of hair. Micheal was fully amused in a way I’d never seen him before. Now the two of us had seen people get hurt many times, even kids, but I’ve never once heard him laugh. The only thing different was Moth. This was the first time Micheal had been up close with them. His little crush was growing.
“Oh you think that’s funny huh? Let’s see how you do on your feet.”
I pushed him back a bit. I knew Micheal could conquer anything if he felt threatened enough.
“Is it gonna be funny when you fall?” I was psyching him up.
With one more push, his mood shifted. I sped off, smiling as I saw him skate after me to the best fo his ability. He was wobbly at first, but I would see him gaining speed. Moth matched speeds with me and mouthed.
“What are you doing.”
“He’s more fun when he’s angry.” I winked.
As Micheal was about to grab me, I cut in front of Moth, tripping them. I’m order to keep myself from falling flat on my face I had to keep skating at the same speed, but as I made it halfway around I was able to slow down. That’s when I turned to see my theory was right. Micheal caught him.
The still in the middle of the rink, and oh what a sight it was. Micheal held Moth easily in his strong arms, and Moth met his state with his own. I could see Micheal was breathing heavy, he was angry. Of course that anger was directed at me, but I wasn’t too worried about that. I’ve dealt with angry Mikey, hell I even liked angry Mikey. But he had a much stronger emotion to focus on. Lust, infatuation, hunger, whatever you wanted to call it.
Moth let out a slight yelp as Micheal fully lifted them into his arms and skated off. A few people had stopped to look, but it wasn’t like he really cared. That’s when suddenly I was swept off my feet. I felt a weight on top of me. A child. I growled under my breath, but gentle removed them child from me and got them back to their feet. They were crying, I hated crying.
“You’re ok.” I stated, harsher then I meant to. I softened my tone.
“You’re not hurt right?”
They shook there head.
“And I’m not hurt, see.” I gestured told myself.
“Then why don’t you dry those tears and keep skating kid. Keep your balance centred and don’t look at the floor.” I instructed.
I watched with pride as the skated off more confondent.
“We’ll my job here is done.” I said to no one in particular.
As I made my way back outside I looked to see if I could find my friends. Micheal would be easier to spot, but even he was nowhere in sight. So I walked back over to the car, and what I saw almost made me gag.
“Holy shit! Jesus Christ! Get a room!” I shouted.
The glass on the car was fogging up, but I glanced back one last time to see Moth flipping me off.
“Guess I’ll just find my own way home.”
I wasn’t expecting my plan to work that well. I thought maybe they’d just kiss or something, but I wasn’t complaining, and I don’t think either of them were either. At least they were out of their heads, Moth would have something else to occupy his mind now. Maybe more than his mind.
An: ahhh why is this so cringy, lol. But I hope you like it anyways. I couldn’t write much cause work was busy. Hope you’re feeling better now!
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Namjoon reaction—calling him a ‘friend’ when he clearly has a thing for you
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❀genre: smut, a bit of fluff
❀collage au
(This was originally supposed to be a quick reaction but something happened to me and I couldn’t stop writing)
“Look, Jisoo, I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong” you flash a cheeky smile at your best friend. She’s being going on and on about how this Kim Namjoon guy had a thing for you.
You can’t lie, you’ve seen him around in campus and sometimes you’d wish he would suffocate you with these thighs of his. Ugh. The perfect combo, lean yet masculine physique with a brain that actually functions for a change. You’ve seen the way these collage girls were circling him around and you can’t blame them, the guy was a catch.
But he was not your crowd of people. He was outgoing, social and had loads of what you like to call “the lad friends”. You guessed his main activities were partying and getting shitfaced every night.
You’ve talked to him a couple of times. He uses the same bench as you to read now and then. You would eventually take sneak peeks at the books he was reading, check if he had any taste or not, and the result was always better than what you expected. This guy knew books. He was not just reading what was on the best seller’s that week to look sophisticated in front of others.
When he caught you peaking he’d started having small talk with you. You swear you’ve never experienced a better conversation flow with another human being. This guy screamed comfort. He seemed genuinely curious about the things you were saying. None of that painful act of pretending to be interested just because he wanted to get laid. You had been talking with him for a month straight and aside from a few moments of some what flirty looks his actions never suggested something more.
His aura was welcoming and he always paid attention to the little things. Unlike some other shallow guys out there, he felt…different.
But how different could he really be? You’ve seen the people he hangs out with. Kim Taehyung? He had a relationship with three girls at the same time. Didn’t even apologize for being the biggest jerk in history. You’ve heard Jung Hoseok’s body count was reaching a 3 digit number AND Jeon Jungkook once fucked 4 different girls at the same night.
Just thinking about it makes you sick. It pains you to admit but there’s only one truth to this. Even if Kim Namjoon was interesting, he was definitely a person you needed to stay away from. All the data point to a big fuckboy alert!
“Come on y/n…. If he wasn’t even in the slightest interested in you then why did he tell me explicitly that he wanted you to attend the party??”
“An invitation to a party doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m sure I’m not his style. Have you seen the type of girls he hangs out with? Yikes.”
Jisoo smirked at you “Oh, I see you’re stalking him now?”
You shake your head “Don’t be ridiculous! We take Econ together, that’s all. What? Am I supposed to cover my eyes every time I see him?”
“Maybe you should” Jisoo came closer to you “Y/n, we’re going to that party”
“This is a big mistake, I’ll get bored within the hour” You scream at Jisoo over the loud music.
“Don’t be a whiney ass and enjoy yourself for once” she handed you a drink.
Enjoy yourself for once. You and Jisoo’s definition of enjoying one self were clearly very different. You scan the room to look for any familiar faces you could talk to. Unfortunately, not a lot of your acquaintances attended frat parties.
Your head motion immediately pauses when you meet eyes with Namjoon across the garden. Was he looking at you this whole time? You feel your cheeks burn.
Initially, you don’t know how to react but eventually you flash him a small smile and focus back on Jisoo
“Kim Namjoon just gave me the biggest stare of all time” you say as you down your drink
“What!?” Jisoo’s eyes widened “This is the time where I say I told you so.”
You think for a second that maybe Jisoo was right all along. But that just makes the whole thing more dangerous for you. You can’t lie, Namjoon is attractive, but you knew he was trouble. Maybe he liked you today and then liked another girl tomorrow.
Suddenly, you feel a hand touch your shoulder “Hey y/n, Jisoo. Glad you guys made it” Namjoon’s low voice pierced your ears.
Jisoo gave you a look before replying to him “Hey!! We couldn’t miss such a night!” She smiled “right y/n??”
“Yeah!! Totally” you cheer kind of awkwardly.
Namjoon’s eyes fixed on you. You felt his stare eat you up. His whole presence felt angelic yet overwhelming. “Do you guys maybe want to join us? We’re sitting right by the pool”
“Oh! Sure, why not!” Jisoo answered almost immediately
You were walking towards the pool, Namjoon was pacing right next to you, he was so close to the point where you could sort of smell his cologne. You swear you could get drunk off his scent.
“I have to be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually come” He chuckled
“Are you disappointed?” You teased and raised an eyebrow.
You see a dimple smile making its appearance, how can this dude be so incredibly hot and cute at the same time? “I think pleasantly surprised would be the right way to put it”
Why do you feel like you can not breath? He hasn’t said much, yet you feel yourself burn up all of a sudden. “Good to know” you smile back.
“Joon! You have to see this” was the first thing Taehyung yelled when you arrived to the place where the guys were sitting “12 o’clock, Hobi making out with Mina from 3rd year. Can you believe it? After two years of trying to get it, he finally succeeds”
Of course the main talk is girls. No surprise there.
“Jungkook bitch, you owe me 20 bucks” Taehyung eyed Jungkook
Your expression screamed disgust. Apparently, Namjoon noticed “They are not as bad as they seem” he elbowed you.
You give him and awkward laugh “I’ll take your word for it” You lie.
“Guys, this is Jisoo and y/n. Can you stop trying to head lock each other and say hello? You’re embarrassing me” Namjoon introduced the pair of you to the boys who were still arguing about the bet. 
“Oh, hey girls.” Taehyung paused to inspect Jisoo’s face. “Hey, business and shipping? Ain’t it?”
“Oh, yeah, right!” Jisoo smiled
“Hyung aren’t you taking that class for like the third time? How many times can you fail you recon?” Jungkook teased him and Taehyung answered by giving him a slap on the shoulder.
“Hey y/n, do you want to go grab a drink? I think you’ll need it if you are to tolerate these guys” Namjoon offered.
“I trust you know best” you smile and quickly follow behind him. His shoulders wide and his muscles very visible even through his airy shirt. This guy was a whole statue.
“By the way, I’ve never seen you at parties before. I think I saw you once at the December ball but that’s about it. Not really a big fan of these kind of things, are you?” He suddenly said. You can’t really decode his words. How did Kim Namjoon know you even went to the December ball? You’re pretty sure you didn’t even talk to him that night.
“Interested in me much?” You give him a cheeky smile but he was just looking at you, a couple of seconds passed without him responding “I’m only joking! It’s true I don’t really attend these sort sort of things.”
“And what do you do for fun miss y/n?” He laughs and you swear if you could bottle the sound and get drunk on it you would.
“Oh you’ll think I’m lame”
“Try me” he said in a serious tone while starring right through your eyes. Suddenly, your body felt too heavy for your legs to bear. How can he get to you like that?
“Okay…” You start, him looking at you like that didn’t help control your train of thought, but you manage to get a hold of yourself “So you know that little corner cafe on willow street? Every Friday they have these comedy music nights. A guy-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar, yeah! I used to go there every Friday during my freshman years! Do they still do that old thing? I swear the pun with the atom never failed to make my day.” He started laughing again.
“Whoah what? You’re telling me you’ve been to the shrieking shack?” That place was a little treasure you’d found earlier this year. It was an amazingly cozy place, perfect during the cold winter time. The staff were all so kind and wore these big oversized colorful ties. But the people going there were all much older than you. You’ve never heard someone your age talk about that place. Let alone a person like Namjoon.
“Careful how you talk to a veteran y/n. I’ve basically helped to build the place” he chuckled.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice greeted you.
“Jimin! Oh my god, hey! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” You hug him.
Jimin was a great soul, he majored in contemporary dance and ballet. He had been traveling for the past couple of years enrolling in some extra ballet classes in the magical city of Paris. You envied him for his talent and admired him for his passion.
“Girl, you have to come visit me. You’ll love Europe!”
“I would also LOVE to have some money in my wallet” you laugh “Oh Jimin, this is my friend, Namjoon. We go to collage together”
Namjoon gave you a look and soon after shook Jimin’s hand “What’s up. Nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too! But y/n, I’m so so sorry, I have to go. I was actually on my way out just now. I sort of uhm, have a thing-you know” he coughed “I’m leaving in two weeks, can we please meet before that?”
You knew Jimin was probably off to his ex boyfriends house. They broke up before Jimin left for Paris but every time he got back he’d have a couple of hookups with him. “Oh yeah! I bet you’ve got something very important right now, you better go quickly” you teased him “I’ll text you tomorrow, ok?”
Jimin laughed so much his eyes were barely visible “definitely! text me! I’ll be off then! Bye mister Kim Namjoon” he playfully said and was out of your sight a second later.
“You two seem…close” Namjoon suddenly commented
“Yeah! We were! But he has been studying abroad for like two years now.”
Namjoon’s facial expression was quite enigmatic “Did you guys ever… you know”
“Oh no no no.” You pause to make a small chuckle “Jimin isn’t exactly interested in, well, girls like me, or to be exact, girls in general”
Namjoon’s eyes widened and he immediately bursted into laughter “oh… I see” he made a pause “So tell me then, how come the old soul that never goes to parties finally attends one?”
You feel your cheeks burn red. Partly because the reason you went was him. You don’t know why, but the past month you and Namjoon hit it off very well and you wanted to test Jisoo’s crazy theory, you wanted to make sure for yourself if Namjoon was interested in you or not. Now the problem was, even if it turned out he did like you, you didn’t know what you’d do exactly. Namjoon was a really nice guy, but he didn’t come without his red flags.
“Just wanted to try something different, I guess”
“And how’s that 'different' treating you so far?”
What could you possibly tell him? That you have enjoyed every minute you guys have been talking? That you think that just by staring at you he could make you feel things no other guy could? You barely can admit all of that to yourself. “I think pleasantly surprised is the right way to put it” you repeat his words from before.
You see him smile at that. “You know what y/n? I’m really happy you came”
How can he make your heart beat so fast with just one sentence? “Oh really? And why is that?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just like talking to you, you know? Whenever I’m around you I feel at ease, like I can tell you anything. I feel different when I’m with you, but in a good way”
“Wow” that sound escaped your lips without your consent
Namjoon laughed “Why? Is it too weird?”
“No! Definitely not weird, more like, I don’t know, surprising?”
“In what way?”
“Well you’re… Kim Namjoon, you’re the 2021 class president and you’re like the most popular guy in the whole campus right now.” You made a pause “And I’m just..-“
“The most interesting girl I’ve ever met” he cuts you off
The way he was looking down at you made butterflies grow in your stomach “You really think so?”
He gently grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him “I know so” he leaned down, you swear his eyes had the whole galaxy painted inside of them. You couldn’t even breath properly at this point. Kim Namjoon was too close and the only thing you were thinking about was how well his kiss would feel “God, you’re so beautiful” he said and pulled you in for a soft, gentle kiss.
You couldn’t believe your senses. Kim Namjoon was kissing you and you really thought the earth had stopped spinning right then and there. You could feel his big palms traveling up and down your back.
His kiss was breathless, jubilant, filled with the joy of life, and you should stop him, he is no good to you, you know that, but his scent is delightful and his lips are so warm.
Unconsciously, your hands reach the inside of his shirt. His skin hot and soft at the touch.
"y/n" he practically moans your name, and just the sound makes your knees go week "Don't do that, I don't think I'll be able to stop"
"Who said anything about stopping?" You say and go back to kiss him even more passionately this time.
“There’s a lot of people here, my room is upstairs, would you perhaps want to-“
“Yes.” You immediately say. You don’t care about anything anymore, you’d let your future self deal with the consequences of today’s actions. The only thing that has been lingering in your mind is how good he’d feel inside of you.
The moment you’re finally alone in his room, he lifts you up, swinging you around and kissing you. It was like a dream. Namjoon was everything you wanted. Your reluctance about getting with him didn’t matter any more, the tingly feeling in your stomach overtook every single bit of hesitation you had. You needed him.
“God, you’re lovely” he exhaled
He looks at you as he sinks you down on the bed. Planting a soft kiss before his hands quickly begun to peel away clothes, yanking his belt loose, fumbling hurriedly at his trousers.
You look at his lips tracing your skin and the faint moisture left behind, you look at his muscly arms as he lifts you up and sinks you down again, you look at him looking at you, with eyes brighter than the sun itself. Was this all a dream?
When your dress was finally off he undoes your bra clasp on the way down. Slowly planting kisses on your collarbone, the tops of your breasts, your sternum, and you arched you back as you were needy for more.
His lips finally reach your nipples .Your boobs smooth under his hands, your nipple firm under his tongue, and there, that makes you squirm again, a little more insistently this time.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking wet right now, I feel it” You moan
You see him raise an eyebrow. A vivid smirk painted on his face “Let’s check, shall we?”
He splays his hand low across your belly, and the first brush of his thumb over your clit makes you breathe in sharply and him forget to breathe at all.
“I’m your friend?” He breaths in, his voice dangerously low
“Oh come on” You manage to say in between moans “what was I supposed to tell Jimin?”
His strokes and flicks are light and teasing, his thumb carefully circling around your clit. He gives you a slow, constant, unyielding pressure that makes your breath come up short, makes your toes curl in the effort not to move.
“I’m gonna fuck the word ‘friend’ right out of your pretty little mouth” he covers your mouth with an intense kiss before slipping two fingers of his free hand inside of you, and you makes a noise like triumph and want all wrapped up together. If his fingers felt like this, you can’t imagine how his dick felt like.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t look up, he keeps his eyes on his hands, on you, spread out beneath him “You like that baby?”
God, just the way the word 'baby' sounded coming from his mouth could make you come right this second. You look at him, his eyes look as hungry as his voice sounded. This dude was out of this world.
“Please Namjoon, I want it, I want you inside of me right now”
Namjoon lowered his underwear, and simply pressed his hard member on your slit. You could feel his balls softly caressing your clit as he made subtle movements while kissing you. “Such a needy little thing” he teases “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside of you”
“Oh..” you moan “I’d do anything, please…give it to me… fuck me like you own me” you whined as you used your pussy to caress his length up and down. He seemed to enjoy they way you touched him.
“Fuck y/n… that feels so good” he rests his forehead on yours.
“Imagine what my inside will feel then” you whisper in his ear “I’m such a tight good girl” you move your mouth in front of his, bitting his bottom lip as he growled when he felt your movement grow faster
“Fucking hell” he immobilized your body with his hands and pressed you down to the bed. He immediately shoves his dick inside you, filing you up to the brim before staying there for a couple of seconds and then pulling out completely. That movement made your vagina crave to be filled all the way up again.
“More” you whine, a dopey expression all over your face. You were so needy of him, but you didn’t care.
He lowered his left hand towards your thigh and gave it a big squeeze, kissing you aggressively while doing so. He quickly braced himself back into you, you felt your walls completely wrap around his member. It felt magical.
His strokes long and steady in the beginning. Every time he went in and out completely you felt the pit of your stomach burn in pleasure. Namjoon was doing everything right, you can’t lie to yourself, this is the best sex you’ve ever had. Normally with other guys you don’t even come close to coming, but now, you feel yourself trying not to do so.
“You like my dick being inside of you baby?” He plants a small kiss on your neck and goosebumps run down your spine.
‘Like’ was nowhere near good enough of a word to explain how much the sensation of him thrusting his hard member in and out of you made you feel. “I love it Namjoon… I just love it…”
Your words must’ve turned Namjoon even more on, because his pace immediately started becoming faster and sloppier. Every time your skin touched a loud sound could be heard. Namjoon was thrusting deeper and deeper into you, and every time he’d fill you up completely you’d cry out his name.
“Ah, I like my name so much better when you fucking moan it like that” he says and started shoving his dick inside of you like crazy. You could tell he was close to coming, and so were you.
It wasn’t long until you felt your walls clenching and your toes curling. The sensation overtook all of your body, it was mad… your heart beat uncontrollable. Namjoon made you feel a completely new range of emotions.
“Ah y/n, I can feel you cumming all over my dick” his voice cracky, You could see how turned on he was by all of this, by you. “Fuck” he shoved harder “You’re so” harder “fucking hot”
Namjoon stopped and pulled out immediately spreading his cum all over your tummy. The sight was breathtaking, you’ve never found a man so attractive while coming before, but then, Namjoon is no ordinary man.
He quickly grabs a couple of tissues and wipes you clean before laying on top of you again, placing another soft kiss this time. His hand playing with your hair. You were both naked and sweaty and a mess but it felt so magical. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders, pulling him even closer to you. You didn’t want even a centimeter of distance between you and him.
He suddenly stopped kissing you and simply stared at your eyes. After a minute or two, or maybe three, you're not really sure, time didn't exist right now, he tacked a string of hair behind your left ear.
“Y/n, let me take you on a date. Please. I know you don’t normally go out with guys like me, but I swear I’ll make it worth your while-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar. How does that sound? Or are you too good for the shrieking shack now?” You chuckled
“I’d love that” he smiled, making your heart melt a little.
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