#‘but if I didn’t I would literally be in my bed the entire day sooooooo’
rosicheeks · 2 years
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babyredriot · 4 years
‘You’re my bestfriend… how did I fall in love with you?’ I nee all the Sero fluff in the world
LITERALLY SO CUTE OKAY, sorry its so long i had so much fun writing this
You went to middle school with Kirishima and Mina. Meaning that you had known them for a while now. Even though you had known them, you came into UA with an open mind and making new friends and meeting new people. Your class was an uneven number so when you found your seat wedged in between Bakugo and MIdoriya you were afraid of how you would make new friends. Midoriya seemed very kind, but anytime Bakugo slightly turned his head to give him a distasteful look, he would silence himself immediately and not talk to you for the rest of the day.
Around the third day of being at UA you were really giving up on finding any new friends at all, and just maintaining your friendships with Mina and Kirishima; when the boy who had been sitting next to you turned in his chair. He smiled at you with incredibly straight teeth and began to make jokes on how you never got to talk to anyone due to the person in front of you being such a menace. You found yourself lighting up immediately and joining in on his poking fun at Bakugo. You two laughed as Kirishima joined in, sitting next to Sero, which only enraged Bakugo more. From that day forth, people always knew wherever one of you were to go, the other would be quick to follow.
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Your feelings of trust and care grew for each other even more after the USJ incident. Sero was left at the main entrance as you were transported to another area with Bakugo and Kirishima. The entire time as you were fighting villains all you could think about was how he was doing, and if he was okay. Needless to say, you were relieved when you saw him after everything was over with.
You ran towards him when you saw him with all of the energy that was left in your body. He was okay, no one had hurt him and he was still standing. Thats all you needed to know about today, right now nothing else mattered. He tightened his arms around you once you made contact with his body. He let his head fall against your shoulder and held you like you may break.
“I was so worried about you.” He said while bunching his hands in the back of your costume. You grasped onto his back and held him close.
“I know, me too.” You said into your shoulder.
“Hey! Soy Sauce Face!” You heard Bakugo’s voice ring out above everyone else’s. You turned around looking at him as he looked over you at Sero.
“Take care of your girl, she couldn’t stop muttering about how she just needed to find you over and over, it was super annoying.” He said while crossing his arms. Sero smiled and said something along the lines about how Bakugo was lucky that you were with him. To which Bakugo got the same pissed off look in his eyes which you two were so used to seeing at this point, and began to yell. Luckily after today, he did have more of a respect for you, so you and your friend were able to run away.
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As time progressed the more you two learned about each other the more comfortable everything became. You started out the year being friends and had grown into a bond that would never break no matter what. Atleast that’s what you hoped as you stood outside of Sero’s room. He had become your bestfriend, your number one confidant and the only person that you were 100% yourself around at all times of the day. You had worked together through many different tasks throughout the two and a half years of knowing each other and found that there was no one else that you would want to work with. You were in your third year now, and you felt like today may be the only time you would have enough courage to finally tell him how you truly felt.
Over the last few years you had found yourself knowing Sero like the back of your hand. He started off as being your closest friend and then became your best friend, but it grew into something more for you. Unlike Kirishima, your affection for Sero never grew into a brotherly love. It simply just turned into love. You found yourself engulfed by the feelings more often than not anymore, and you thought he was starting to notice. Everyone already had in your close friend group. Hell even Kaminari had pulled you aside to ask you about it.
“SooOOOoo how’s your day?” You had asked him.
“Do you like Sero!?” He asked looking at you with those excitable eyes. You choked on the water you were drinking at the time. He patted your back and looked at you with curious eyes.
“I mean yeah he’s my best friend,” You told him looking anywhere but his eyes. He rolled his own and stopped the conversation moving on to the next subject tat caught his interest, seeing that you weren’t going to confirm your feelings for him anytime soon.
You were brought back to the present as someone shoved your shoulder lightly. “Well Baka! Are you going to go in? They’re all waiting!” Bakugo said while looking down at you. You stuttered as he pulled the door open revealing that Sero wasn’t alone. The whole group was there to your dismay. With final exams coming up and all of you moving on to the bigger parts of your lives, you had forgotten that tonight all of you were hanging out just you six. Being a school night Bakugo refused to let anyone drink so it seemed that reminiscing on old times would just have to do.
“Y/N!” Sero cried looking up at you with bright eyes and the smile that could make your heart stop. He had such beautiful smile, eyes, hair, face, arm- “Are you going to come inside orrrr?” He said looking at you with a teasing hint in his eyes now. You smiled, knowing that now was not the right time to tell him and barged into the room to have a good night with your friends- and crush.
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“Okay, that was a good one but!” You screamed out “Do you remember when Sero and Kaminari had a battle on who could get the microwave to start from the furthest point?” The room filled with laughter as the scene came back into all of your minds.
“Of course I do!” Sero cried, “I still want a rematch! You cheated and you know it! If I knew we were allowed to use quirks then I wouldn’t have even gotten into the bet with you!” He threw his arms up into the air exasperatedly as Kaminari cackled across the room. You looked around at your closest friends and wish that nothing would ever change. The people you were the most close to were in this room. You hoped they would always be as close with you as they were now. Your eyes trailed over to Sero who was in a now heated arguement with Kaminari. You observed the way that his cheeks moved anytime he laughed, or how his forehead would scrunch the slightest bit anytime he would get frustrated with something Kaminari would say. Little to your knowing, everyone but Sero was watching you admire the boy and slowly they all made eye contact with each other, getting the same idea in their heads.
‘Well, would you look at the time” Kirishima said, faking a yawn. “I really should go to sleep since we have that extensive training tomorrow and all, right Bakugo?”
“Wha- Oh, sure.”
“Yeah I should go to sleep too, I’m going to need to get my sleep schedule back in track for when I’m a kick-ass sidekick!” Mina said winking your way. You were lost at first, seeing as how it was only 9:30, until that wink. You felt your whole face heat up as you knew what your friends were doing. Those b*tches were setting you up!
“Are you sure you have to go to bed?” You asked grinding your teeth together looking at Kaminari with pitiful eyes. “You normally stay up so much later than this!” He smiled at you wickedly.
“Nah, I really should be off, need to get that good rest and all if I’m going to kick your ass tomorrow in training.”
You felt absolutely betrayed as your friends filed out of the room one by one, each giving you a look of ‘NOW DO IT NOW’, which made you feel even more horrified. Sero looked absolutely dumbfounded on why his room was packed with his friends two minutes ago and now it was just you and him sitting on your bed. He brushed it off soon enough though and turned to you, looking at you with his dark eyes.
“So, now that the peanut gallery is gone, remember when it was just you and me against the world?” He asked reaching out to grasp your hand in his own. This was nothing new for you two seeing as how being best-friends both of you often turned to one another for physical comfort. Your heart still spiked at his contact though, as you nodded your head at his question.
“Those were the good old days. When we didn’t have to worry about Kaminari getting beaten up by a pack of girls because of something Mineta dragged him into. Or when we could make fun of Kirishima about his manliness without him having to go on a full Red-Riot rant towards us about chivalry.” You said looking up at him you smile growing at the memories. “You’ve always been my other half Sero.” You say waiting for the right time to tell him how you felt.
At those words something seemed to ignite within him. He straightened his back and looked at you with a more serious gaze. You were confused, did you say something wrong, was he hurt by something you said? He seemed… nervous?
“You know Y/N, since the day I reached over to talk to you, seeing as how you were pathetically going to spend your whole UA career in silence if I didn’t,” You shoved his shoulder and laughed as he teased you, “I’ve always known that I was going to get something great out of our relationship. You mean the world to me and then some, you truly have become my bestfriend.” He paused his own words and seemed to collect himself. You watched him inquisitively, wondering where he was going with this. Finally, he took a deep breath and looked down at you. “I keep thinking about when it happened and really I can’t seem to differentiate, from a time when it was and when it wasn’t. It seems like I always kind of knew but never really had the capacity to realize it. It s a question thats been racking my mind for years now and I kept constantly asking myself over and over, You’re my bestfriend…. How did I fall in love with you?” He looked down at your hands which were grasped together in their embrace.
You felt your words you wanted to say stuck in your throat. He said it. He had finally broken the barrier both of you had been dancing around now for years. There was no more denying how you felt for one another. He meant the world to you and you him. Sero seemed to be waiting for an answer as he anxiously drew circles into the skin on your hand. You grabbed his face and lifted it to have his eyes meet yours. 
“Sero...” You said your eyes flickering down to his lips. “I’ve loved you ever since the day I thought I could lose you. The thought of losing you so early, when we had had no time to get to know each other like we do now, was the worst feeling ever. What I said is still true, you're my other half, a-a-and I love you.” You said nervously fidgeting with the hair that had fallen in between his face and your hand. He reached his hand up to grab your own on his face and stilled it, looking at you deep in your eyes. It felt like he could read every single emotion that you were feeling. With how well he knew you, he probably could. He leaned down to touch his forehead to yours. 
“Y/N..” He said trailing off to look at you.
“Just kiss me already idiot.” You said laughing softly. So, he did kiss you. He reached behind your head to lace his fingers within your hair and pulled you close. There was a moment of hesitation between you two before your lips touched, knowing everything was about to change the second that this happened. 
Then, he kissed you. His lips were so warm against your own. You sighed into the kiss and leaned into the dance that you two were creating, You felt so whole, and happy. As good of a friend as he was, he was an even better kisser. He leaned you back into his bed and liften his head back up. He stared down at your eyes and brushed your hair out of your eyes. 
“HEY! EXTRAS! HAVE YOU GUYS MADE OUT YET?!” Bakugo yelled past the door and you suddenly became very aware that your friends were never the type to not snoop. Sero chuckled at the sight of your blushing face and reached down to brush the pad of his thumb across your pink cheeks. 
“You’re so beautiful... but.. I think we need to let our friends back in before a certain acid related one burns my door down.” He said while begrudgingly standing up. You didn't mind that much. You knew that he would be your best friend for the rest of your life, and that you would have more than enough time to find all new avenues of your relationship. 
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omoghouls · 5 years
sooooooo i was gonna send this in parts on cc but it ended up being almost 1k oops. so here’s a drabble about felix peeing himself over a chamber pot. sorry if i messed up felix’s/lizzie’s characterization ;w;
chamber pots give me the same sorts of ideas training potties do tbh. imagine felix feeling a little too prideful to use one - they’re unsanitary, he’d rather use the outhouse off-premises like the dignified man he is. he’s sitting down to work for so long, absentmindedly finishing a first, second, third cup of tea, that he hadn’t realized the growing need in his lower abdomen for the last few hours. no, the thing that finally makes him realize is how it’s started raining - hard. the short walk to the outhouse is going to leave him drenched. no worries - it’s spring, and these storms end as abruptly as they start, don’t they? that’s what he’s going to tell himself. whatever the case, he is NOT going to stoop so low as to use the chamber pot.
the minutes that were going by so fast earlier feel like they dragging on longer and longer. he can’t even focus on writing (i think you said he was a writer? sorry i forgot aaaaaa) or enjoy the soothing effect that rain usually has on him. now, it’s leaving him fidgeting, crossing himself, bouncing his leg where he sits. suddenly, he starts hearing the splatter of rain pouring out of the gutter onto the concrete outside, and its nearly too much. almost shocked by the intense wave of desperation that overtakes him, he stands up straight and mewls, hands shooting between his legs. he momentarily scolds himself for being so foolish, but by god, he’s going to humiliate himself beyond belief if he doesn’t go /right now/. he stares at the chamber pot again, and (foolishly) decides that he’d rather brace the rainstorm than use it, still.
he doesn’t even make the entire brisk walk out the door when he hears the doorknob turn - it’s lizzie! she’d been out for the day, running little errands when she got caught in the rainstorm. “oh, hello, my sweet. would you be a lamb and help me carry these bags to our quarters?” of course even the slightest physical labor is going to worsen his situation tenfold, but it’s of no consequence to help his love, right? so he does. and he tries keep up and to listen to lizzie when she tells him about how nice the shopkeeper was, the cat she fed on the way home, etc., but oh heavens, poor felix swears he’s never had to pee this bad in his LIFE.
when she turns to him, she notices how flushed he is from the embarrassment, tears pricking at his eyes from the sheer discomfort, and how he’s crossing his legs where he stands. “oh, felix, you haven’t fallen sick from exertion, haven’t you?” she looks so sweet and concerned for him, and he can only choke out, “elizabeth, darling, ple - ” and before he can finish, she’s sitting him down on their bed. “don’t strain yourself, my love, i’ll prepare some tea for you. just wait here, okay?”
as soon as she leaves the room, though, felix is back on his feet. he can’t afford to be dignified anymore, he’s full-on potty dancing now, whimpering and whining as he crosses his legs. even if he could slip past lizzie, there’s no way his poor distended bladder would make it whole trip. oh god, he really was going to have to use that chamber pot, wasn’t he? it was so humiliating to use, and now he would have to be in the same house as the love of his life as he dirtied it. he’s so caught up in his thoughts of using it normally that he forgets, for a second, that the kitchen and their quarters are right next to each other.
the sound of the boiling water lizzie’s prepared hitting the porcelain cup sounds so, so similar to something else, and so felix’s body finally gives up in helping him hold it. his eyes go wide in shock as his bladder slowly begins to empty itself against his will. pleading little “no’s”, his eyes lock onto the stupid chamber pot one last time before he practically runs over to it. it’s futile at this point that he’s still pulling his britches down - the wet patch has already spread to his mid-thigh, but he does anyway, and he all but keens into the wall in front of the pot. felix’s knees nearly buckle under him and he moans in both relief and humiliation completely soaking his underwear as the excess splatters loudly into the pot. there are tears running down his face, from the overwhelming sensation of his bladder emptying, and from the humiliating knowledge that he’s making such a huge mess because he couldn’t hold it.
eventually the stream dies down, and he’s left stewing with the fact that he just wet himself because he didn’t want to use a chamber pot - and ended up using it anyway. but he’s taken out of his stupor by the sound of a teacup being set down gently on the table nearby. oh god, lizzie - she must’ve been so disgusted by her husband acting like this, she was going to leave him right there. but no, he’s met with her calming voice before he even turns around, “oh, my poor sick darling. we should get you cleaned up before your tea goes cold…don’t move, i’ll draw us a bath, my sweet <3” suddenly, he goes from being on the verge of tears to even smiling a little. after all, at least the rain had finally stopped.
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Like omg the way you worded things , how painfully aware he became of just how front and center rain and boiling kettles sounds becoming once he passes the threshold of his body's capabilities 🥺💖
And even when he was literally seconds from a full on accident he wanted to stay dignified and not stoop so low as to use what was meant for nighttime endeavors but finally having to cave in once his body had decided for him what was happening is just ❤❤❤❤
AND Lizzie omg , so sweet thinking that Felix had , once more over exuded himself to illness and wanting to aid him because she knows that if she were to have fallen sick, he would do the same for her (😎). Felix letting his self deprecating thoughts run around, thinking that she is going to leave him for doing something so gross but instead he receives compassion and understanding from her is just so🥺😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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colewald · 6 years
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This was genuinely one of the best days of my entire life and I still can’t believe it actually happened.
SO the night before, I went to bed at like 9 but was tossing and turning ‘til 2 in the morning ‘cause my ass was excited. I don’t even know for sure if I actually fell asleep at any point but I got up at 5am to start getting ready! (This is detail that literally no one needs or wants but)
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I was already super hyped but as soon as I put on my tardis dress and my leather jacket...bitch I was PUMPED. I literally could not stop smiling the entire hour and a half drive to the convention centre.
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(A fun little sidenote: I had my songs on shuffle in the car and Jack’s Love Theme came on out of nowhere and my sister and I were screaming and crying)
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So we finally got to the centre and we were a bit early and ended up having to wait a while for the doors to open. When they finally did, we quickly headed to where Peter’s photo session was so we could start lining up an hour before the session started. Even though we were just gonna sit there for the next hour, my heart was POUNDING. I usually try to live-tweet these experiences but I don’t know why I even bother because I can barely type lmaooooo
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AS YOU CAN SEE, I WAS NOT OKAY AT ALL. The line started moving and I was soooo nervous thinking about what I was going to say and what pose I wanted to do because these entire interactions last two seconds. In the end, I thought I was just gonna say I loved him and smile lmao.
Me: Hi! Peter: *puts his arm on my shoulder* I love your dress, it’s so nice! Me: ?????(I guess I ignored him completely because I don’t remember his arm on me or the dress comment usdihisdhifhsdifhsidf) Peter: *TAKES MY HAND* Be my companion! Me: ***********SHOOK AS FUCK************** OKAY, OKAY! Then he did his iconic Doctor pose while an overwhelmed me did GOD KNOWS WHAT with my face. Me: I love you, thank you so much! Peter: You’re welcome, thank you! I started walking away but then I was like ‘YOU KNOW WHAT?? I’M GONNA MAKE THE MOST OUT OF THIS’ AND TURNED BACK TO HIM. Me: Could I please have a hug? Peter: Of course! AND THEN WE HUGGED FOR TWO WHOLE MISSISSIPIS AND IT WAS THE WARMEST, SOFTEST, SWEETEST HUG OF MY WHOLE ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE, I NEVER WANTED TO LET HIM GO. Me: Thank you so much!!!!!!! (Sidenote: If you wanna see a messy, long story short with a lot of keyboard smashes about my interaction with Peter, I posted the screenshots of the tweets I posted directly after meeting him here.)
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OKAY, THEN it was time to collect our photos. Now, my sister’s photo turned out so ridiculously cute and I’m so happy for her but I was SOOOOOOO upset about mine. I just think my face looks so unbelievably gross in it but the pose and US HOLDING HANDS and everything else, I was so happy with. It was such a shame that I didn’t like how I looked but WHATEVER I’m trying not to think about it too much shiosdhidshfih
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(Yeah, this photo is not going anywhere without a thing covering my face. This is how embarrassed I am, I want to die)
After we collected our photos, we had an hour or two to spare before our photo session with John. We just sat down and tried to process everything that just happened.
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We did end up looking at the stalls for a little bit but for some reason we were both in physical pain so we just sat down until it was time to meet jOHN. AND THEN. ONCE AGAIN. IT WAS TIME.
Unfortunately, John’s session was more rushed than Peter’s which meant we didn’t get as much time with him as I would’ve liked but it was still a WONDERFUL interaction. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED WHEN IT WAS MY TURN.
Me: HI! John: *HIS ARMS WIDE OPEN* Come over here and give me some love! I LAUGHED AND PRETTY MUCH SPRINTED INTO HIS ARMS LMAOOOO AND THEN WE HUGGED SO???? TIGHT???? And usually as soon as you pose for the photo, the photographer takes the photo and bam, you leave. But for some reason it took a while for the photographer to take the photo so we were just embracing each other for a glorious amount of time and I started laughing WHICH IS WHY I WAS SMILING SO HARD IN OUR PHOTO LIKE MY CHEEKS SWEETIE I’M SO SORRY. They were in pain from smiling so much. Me: Thank you so much, I love you!! John: ????(I don’t remember exactly what he said and my sister doesn’t either but I’m sure it was just you’re welcome or something like that)
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And then we collected our photos and HALLELUJAH, MY PHOTO DIDN’T TURN OUT HORRIBLE. I was just.........SO. HAPPY.
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I know we didn’t get to spend a lot of time with them at all but they seem like the nicest, coolest, warmest people on the planet and they must’ve been EXHAUSTED from all the travelling but they had soooo much energy. And they give THE. BEST. HUGS. DON’T EVEN TRY TO FIGHT ME ON THIS.
Everything just turned out way better than I ever expected (aside from my gross face in my photo with Peter) and I could not be happier right now. I’ve been so BLESST to be able to meet so many people I love and admire from the Doctor Who cast and I hope I get to meet more in the future!!! If you told 2013 Elyse that she would be meeting two doctors, Jack Harkness, and her future favourite companion and character in general, she would have laughed in your face and then cried because she didn’t think anyone would ever come to her city ksdkhoishfisdhfis
But this is where I’m at today and my heart is filled to the brim. So so so so so so so grateful :’)
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Oh and one final sidenote:
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our-springdays · 6 years
april 8: 横浜ツアー
I spent my day with WIC today~ We made a mini trip outside of Tokyo to Yokohama! It took over an hour by train, and you should definitely wait for the express train or else it would take even longer!
Our first stop was Chinatown~
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Not going to lie, because I have been very let down by the Chinatown in LA, I wasn’t expecting much this time around. Also, since I come from a Chinese background, it wasn’t as interesting to me than it would be for others. The Chinatown in LA seemed more like a ghost town. But~ the Chinatown in Yokohama is very different; it was extremely crowded with tourists just like NY. The food that seems to be plentiful here is chestnuts. There was at least 3 chestnut stands within 10 feet from each other asking for people to try their samples. All of them were the same price too. As for restaurants, I haven’t been able to see an appealing one from the route we walked along, but I’m sure if I did more research next time, there should be a very good one hidden somewhere.
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I think this is the Japanese take on 小籠包 (しょうろんぽう) or soup dumplings because the skin on the outside is fried. For 4 pieces it is 860 yen. This is NOT something you would want to eat if you are on a date. Once you bite into it, the soup shoots out of the dumpling. Let me emphasize, it doesn’t leak out.. it SHOOTS out.. :( Once the soup dries on whatever it gets on, it will remain crusty until you wash it off. I ended up having crusty hair for the rest of the day (the day literally just started too, so you could imagine how upset I was). Just as I was trying to finish wiping off as much soup off my now crusty hair, my friend bit into one of his 小籠包 and exploded more soup onto my hand... 1/10 would not recommend. The 1 point is for the sake of trying something new. Also, the taste of normal 小籠包 tastes better!! So if you want 小籠包, just go for the regular one that has soft skin. I guarantee your soup will only gracefully leak out and not shoot out and attack someone. 
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Our next stop was 山下公園 (Yamashita Park). It was such a beautiful park. There were so many flowers in bloom because it was April! This might sound a little silly, but it was my first time seeing someone pour water onto their doggo’s urine when their doggo urinates on the streets!!! I was so shocked at how much Japanese people care about cleanliness in public!! In New York, we have people who refuse to pick up their doggo’s poop even when there’s a fine for not doing so... I wish people in New York cared about cleanliness as much as people in Japan do!!!
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This is the view of harbour by the park!! I love the view of the water so much despite not knowing how to swim. Perhaps it’s the sound of the waves that makes me feel more at ease.
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We took the シーバス (It’s spelled ”Sea Bass”.. but it’s actually a “Sea Bus” aka a boat) to Yokohama Station for 700 yen. Definitely a nice, relaxing ride on the waters where you can enjoy the view.
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Yokohama Station was decorated in so much sakura that I had to take a photo~ It’s such a pretty view.
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Next, we took the JR train to 野毛山動物園 (Nogeyama Zoo). Admission was free!! I think they close kind of early, around 4:30pm, so last entry would be 4pm. It is a decent sized park for a free admission zoo!! I highly recommend making a little side trip if you like seeing animals!! The slopes are a little rough when you walk up to the zoo, so make sure to have some water on you~
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My favorite is probably the red panda!! It was sooooooo cute!!!! You can see the second one in the back hiding behind the little house. They’re both soo cute!!!
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I took a picture of this giraffe because I thought of Kwangsoo from Running Man. Let me warn you.. this was probably the worst smelling part of the entire zoo.. 
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There were also Feeding Times in the zoo, where you can watch the zookeepers feed the animals!! I don’t remember “feeding times” being a thing back then.. I haven’t been to the Bronx Zoo in New York, but I have been to a couple of zoos in China from when I was a tiny toddler. My foggy memory doesn’t remember feeding times being a thing, but it was an interesting touch to the zoo!! I took some pictures of the bear and penguins being fed :)
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A very interesting thing about these penguins that I noticed was, if one of the fishes ever dropped onto the floor or into the water, the penguins wouldn’t eat them. They would only eat the “fresh ones” that the zookeeper holds. Also, a very mean-looking crow stole one of the penguins’ food. I never really disliked crows much since there aren’t many in New York, but JAPAN IS FULL OF THEM & they are HUMUNGOUS. They’re almost as big as chickens here and they’re also very scary and loud. Sometimes I’m sleeping in at the dorms, and I hear them cawing outside nonstop. It drives me crazy sometimes because I just want to sleep in on some days.
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After exploring the entire zoo, we were walking towards 横浜赤レンガ倉庫 (Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse) along the Kishamichi Promenade. But first..
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This is the 横浜ランドマークタワー (Yokohama Landmark Tower). Fun fact... I didn’t even know that this was a landmark tower when I took the picture!! I just thought to myself, “Wow, what a magnificent looking building. Let me take a photo of it.” But yes, this is the Landmark Tower in Yokohama!! Although there are many buildings in NY, the architecture of buildings in Japan is very different!! So I appreciate the different structures that they have here!
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Such a beautiful view. Everything was like a painting. The big ferris wheel across the water is from Yokohama Cosmo World!! Although I didn’t get a chance to go inside, I think the view from afar is even prettier. They play some guitar music along this promenade, so I think it would be a great date spot!!!
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There was also a beautiful couple that I saw from a distance and I had to capture the moment!! This is definitely a great place to visit, even if you’re alone!! I think this is one of those places where you can sit for a moment and clear your mind off from worries!!
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I saw this huge anchor before crossing the street and thought it was aesthetically pleasing, so here it is~
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These are the flowers in 新港中央広場 (Shinko Chuo Hiroba)!! April is tulip season in Japan!!! There was a huge field of tulips strewn across the area! I loved it. My photos, unfortunately, do not do justice for how beautiful the flowers were. I didn’t want to lose the group entirely since they were ahead while I was taking photos, but the flower bed was beautiful!!
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This is the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse. Too bad I didn’t get a chance to go inside, but I will next time!! I think there are some mini stores inside the warehouse, so it might be worth a look!!
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The last photo that I took for the day! 現地解散〜 帰りましょう!It’s time to go home now :)
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
OMG I love your newest scenario!!! Can you do the same one but with Keith? (btw, I really love your blog~ you're an inspiration tbh)
(omg ur too sweet?????)
The original prompt was thus:
“Sooooooo I was thinking what would Shiro do if his s/o showed up to party in a sexy black dress just to get him back for spending so much time with Voltron.”
Implied nsfw and some sweet, sweet angst. Just in time for season 3 (¬‿¬)
“Allura…I’m not so sure about this.” You tugged at the front of your black dress, trying futilely to force it to cover more of your exposed chest. “He’s already so wound up from Black choosing him to lead and Lotor nearly kidnapping Lance a-and he hasn’t even recovered from losing Shiro…I-I’m worried this is too much. What if he gets mad at us? Me? What if he thinks I’m not taking his feelings seriously and breaks up with me?” You whipped around and grabbed Allura by the shoulders, shoving your nose against hers, “What do I do? He’s gonna break up with me!”
“Breathe, darling, that’s it,” Allura rubbed her hands soothingly up your arms, “Everything is going to be fine. It’s just a party!” You stepped back and she let her arms fall to her side, “It’s ok to be worried Y/N, but you know Keith best. Do you really think he’d break up with you for a little petty revenge?”
She moved to pick out some jewelry to match your outfit while you deflated and sat on her bed, letting out a petulant ‘no’. She smiled kindly and continued, “Of course not, because he loves you. Silver or gold?”
You pointed at the silver necklace and she continued, “Now I know he’s a little stressed. But he’s taking it out on everyone and frankly, I grow tired of it.” You rolled your eyes, talk about an understatement. Loosing Shiro hit all of you hard, but none as hard as Keith. He lashed out at everyone, believing you’d all given up on finding him, but after the first fight with Lotor he finally came around to the idea that someone needed to pilot Black. Everyone knew he wanted it to be Allura, it made sense right? But when Black responded to him, his already surly demeanor took a turn for the worse as he began to push everyone away. Even you and Lance couldn’t get him to do anything other than train and eat.
“He’s been an–oh, what’s the wording Pidge used the other day? Oh! He’s been a ‘fucking asshole and needs to get that gargantuan stick out of his ass’.” She looked so proud at her use of Earth curse words you couldn’t help but laugh until tears ran from your eyes. 
You struggled to catch your breath and did your best to fan your eyes, trying to stop your makeup from smearing, “Oh my god, Allura! Why is Pidge teaching you curse words? It’s so wrong to hear you say them!”
She shrugged, “Does it matter? I agree.” She moved your hair to put the long silver necklace around your neck and to clip on matching earrings. “You’re his partner and he’s been a jerk. The very least we can do is throw back just what he is jeopardizing into his face.” 
You fiddled with the unaccustomed weight on your ears as Allura dug through jewelry for herself. She’s always so right. After Black chose him, you did your best to try and comfort Keith with soft words and gentle touches and when that failed, you did your best to entice him to your bed. But it all failed and when he began flinching away from your touch, you forced yourself to back off. If he wanted to work this out on his own, then fine. Three weeks later and Keith was slowly coming back to you but his rejection, or whatever it was, still stung. There was a small part of you that wanted to slap that pretty face of his each time he shyly kissed your cheek. 
But he was healing, in his own way. He wasn’t ready to talk or apologize quite yet and you weren’t sure if you were ready to accept it either. “He doesn’t know how to talk about his feelings Allura. He’s been alone so long…”, you sighed, unsure of where you were going with this. 
“That doesn’t excuse his actions, Y/N. Lashing out is easy, and it’s lazy. Now what we are doing is just simple fun.” She sashayed over and pulled your hands in hers, playfully causing you to dance with her, “We’re going to remind Keith just exactly what his actions could have cost him.” Truly, she was a devil.
Keith fidgeted with the collar of his Altean formal wear under the gaze of his fellow paladins. He could do this. He could totally do this. Just say the words Keith. Seriously. It’s not that hard. They’re just words. Oh my god, he forgot how to speak. 
Lance arched an eyebrow as Keith grew steadily redder and looked to Pidge who gave him a smug look, content to continue to let Keith suffer. He looked to Hunk who shrugged, also happy to watch Keith struggle. He called it character building. Lance sighed and wrapped a long arm around the struggling black paladin’s neck, “I’m dying of old age here buddy. You gonna speak or what?”
Keith nodded quickly, grounded by his friend’s touch, “Y-yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just…” He took a shuddering breath and started again, “I was a jerk. (”Yeah you were.”, Pidge quiped.) I was mourning, I’m still mourning. But that was no excuse to treat you guys like shit. You’re my family and you didn’t deserve that. So…I’m sorry. A-and I hope you guys will forgive me.” He quickly looked at his feet to avoid their gazes, hoping that was enough.
Lance hugged Keith close and thumped him hard on the back, “All is forgiven my dude.” Keith smiled as Hunk wrapped him up in another tight hug, crying something about not really being mad at him. Pidge didn’t move from her spot, instead choosing to hold her arms out while making a pained expression, “Well get over here you idiot. I’m still mad though.” She squeaked as Keith spun her around but was happy nonetheless. 
With his apologies to his friends over with, Keith felt some of the past month’s weight lift from his shoulder. But it wasn’t over yet. He already apologized to Coran but you and Allura were the last on his list. And arguably the hardest. Allura he could handle, he was fully prepared to suffer as her sparring partner for a month in repatriation, but you? You were a different beast altogether. He was scared. So scared. How could he possibly apologize enough for pushing you away? What little courage he had was spent every time he kissed you on the cheek. How was he going to spend an entire night with you if you didn’t take his apology? What if this was the end? What if he fucked up his relationship beyond repair?
The castle hall sliding open broke him free from his thoughts. He could do this. You mattered so much to him, the very least he could do was apologize. He. Could. Do this! 
But holy shit, you looked radiant. Keith gulped and felt his jitters return as he watched you adjust the dark shawl around your shoulders. He couldn’t see the dress you were wearing but he didn’t need to to know you looked so fucking beautiful. But when you carefully avoided looking at him and stayed attached to Allura’s side he felt dread settle in his stomach. Oh no…
You managed to keep calm after watching Keith’s face fall as you ignored him. It hurt but eh, payback is one hell of a bitch isn’t it? Allura patted your arm and gave a small smirk as she successfully stirred you two towards the transport pod. Phase one: complete.
Phase two was the fun part. The party was on a recently liberated planet, Lotte, to celebrate Voltron’s success against one of Lotor’s generals. And it was swanky as hell, taking place in what was essentially was an underground nightclub: loud music, flashing lights, and a ridiculous amount of food and drinks. You couldn’t have asked for a better place to get revenge.
You shrugged out of your shawl and snuck a quick glance at Keith over your shoulder. His gaze was instantly glued to your exposed back. Perfect. Your dress was hella short, tight, backless, low cut and it hit all of Keith’s kinks. You saw Lance quickly cover Pidge’s eyes as he took notice before throwing your shawl in Keith’s face, using the momentary distraction to disappear into the crowd.
You felt Allura’s hand close around your wrist as she pulled you through the crowd of moving limbs. She bent over to speak into your ear, struggling to be heard over the music, “Ready?” Hell yes. Time to party!
Keith was going to kill them. All of them. Every single idiot who had the audacity to put their filthy, unworthy hands on you. He ground his teeth harder as another new partner started grinding behind you, his furred hands playing dangerously with the short hem of your skirt. 
That was it. That was fucking it. He growled as he shoved party goers out of his way to reach you. But the eye contact and sinister smirk you gave him stopped him in his tracks. You knew he was watching? His anger deflated, replaced by confusion as he watched you dance a little more suggestively with your partner than was strictly necessary while maintaining eye contact. 
Oh. OH. You dirty little minx. Is that the game you were playing? Keith was a jerk so lets make him jealous by dancing in a sexy black dress with literally everyone in a club except for him. He licked his lips, caught between letting you play your game or shoving that dickhead off you and showing him what a good time really looks like.
Oh fuck it. It’s been three weeks since he’d even kissed your lips properly, let alone seen you in something this sexy. And he wasn’t a man known for his patience.
You smiled as you felt your current dance partner being shoved off, his large hands being replaced with someone intimately familiar. Keith’s familiar cologne, and strong touch nearly overloaded your already overstimulated senses as he pulled you close, his breathing ragged in your ear. Oh how you missed his hands on your hips. The way he somehow held you in a vice-like grip while still treating you like broken glass, the way he projected ‘this woman is mine’ with just his body alone, daring anyone stupid enough to try and take you. Your overprotective Keith was back. 
You felt an involuntary grin break out on your face as you rocked against your lover, not quite grinding against him but just giving him enough ghostly pressure to remind him what it felt like to move against you. “I missed you,” his voice was like honey in your ear and you felt yourself melting against him, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. You didn’t deserve that. I was awful to you and I-I’m so sorry.” You felt Keith drop his forehead to your shoulder but he never stopped rocking his hips to the beat. 
Now, how to accept his apology? You could turn around and kiss him senseless, shoving your tongue in his mouth like you were trying to taste his apology. You could ignore him and continue dancing, letting him simmer for a while longer. Or, you could find the nearest bathroom and let him fuck you senseless. 
Now that was an idea.
You reached up to grab a fistful of hair, tugging his mouth to yours to swallow his low moan as you ground your ass as hard as you could against his crotch, reveling in how quickly he rose to half-mast. He’s always so sensitive, your feisty paladin. 
You smirked against against his lips as he pulled your hips against him, forgetting the music and just grinding his erection against you, gently tugging your skirt higher so he could touch the soft skin of your thighs as he let a hand wander.
“I forgive you, Keith.” You weren’t sure if he could hear you but he must have gotten the gist because his voice was rough with lust against your ear as he nearly growled for you to ‘get to the bathroom this instant so I can fuck you.’ And thank you club music for being unnecessarily loud.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, I’m tired so let’s write. Today was overall pretty good, some stupid insecurity worrying on my part, but overall good. I woke up to my alarm at 10:55, got ready and caught the bus, took the bus to the train to the DV courthouse. I sat and worked on my legal drafting assignment for probably about 10 minutes or so before getting summoned to take over a case from the morning shift that hadn’t made it to court before they broke for lunch. they tend to give me the more complicated cases because I know what I’m doing and I’ve handled a lot of crazy cases, especially when there are kids involved because they know that’s my thing. So I was picked to take over the case, even though there were like 5 other volunteers waiting for assignments. Most of the paperwork was filled out, and it was a super long affidavit stretching back years and years of just awful abuse. I mean, I’ve seen a hell of a lot at this job, but there are still some fuckers that manage to make me indignant, especially when they’re threatening children- often their own children. I won’t get into details, but basically the husband (they’re separated but not official divorced) would regularly threaten to kill all five of their kids, and referred to their one son as his “gay ass son” and that he would “punch the girl out of him” and the kid is like, six. So yeah, that got me kinda pissed. There was soooo much abuse documented though that I had no doubt the order would get granted, so having that assurance is always good. We just keep hitting little speed bumps that would cause a bit of a delay, so we wound up waiting for a while and filed our paperwork around 2 or so. She had with her her 8 month old daughter, who was just the cutest little thing. They don’t want kids in the courtroom, so they had me go in and hand in the paperwork while she waited outside with the baby, and then when the case was called I got her and took over watching the baby. She was very well-behaved, didn’t cry or anything, so that was good. It was kind of annoying that I couldn’t hear what was going on in court just because I like knowing that, but soon enough she came back out with a bit of a confusing answer- they hadn’t actually processed the case yet, but sent her back with a note saying she needed to refile it under another case number- basically this whole big procedural mess about consolidating cases in parentage, divorce, and DV court. Apparently there were a few parentage cases going on between the different kids and a divorce was filed at one point, so basically we were under the impression we were supposed to file it under the earliest case, but then they decided they wanted one of the 2017 case numbers, so we had to go talk to the clerk’s office and fix that. I wasn’t mad really, I was more so just thoroughly annoyed because we had already spent so much time waiting. I’ve been mad at the results of court before and that is an entirely different feeling, lol. So after a little while we went back up to court and did the same thing again, when I came out the baby was sleeping, but after a little while she woke up and was good at first, but then she started crying and I was trying to get her out of her car seat so I could hold her, but the front part of it was pulled down so far I was having issues pulling her out, but thankfully at that point mom came back out and took care of it. The order was granted of course, not that I had any doubt it would be. It’s nice knowing that you have a slam dunk case every so often, it’s definitely not an every case thing but occasionally you’ll get one that you know is gonna get granted, and that’s pretty satisfying. So we came back down and did some quick debriefing, then I headed out. Took the train to the bus, which was super crowded because it was rush hour. I had taken the same bus home over the summer, but I had gotten on the bus further south than I was now so the bus wouldn’t be crowded yet and I could have my seat in the back and then watch it all crowd like crazy as it went north, but now I was getting on it further north and well, it was quite crowded. But I made it home a little before six, and decided I was going to eat some of the veggies I had in my fridge before they go bad. I had bought some kale with the intention of making kale chips, something I literally have not done since 2013 when I was in my kale obsessed phase (I go through phases where I’ll be really into one food and eat it constantly and then one day just stop and move on) when I was eating like, a head of kale a day, lol. So did that, and made a salad kit thing I had in the fridge, so lettuce and kale (plus some other stuff of course) and sad down to watch the flash. Another meh episode in my book, largely thanks to its focus on Ralph, who I am sooooooo bored of. With the whole wanting to kill DeVoe thing, but it being to protect the team, like was that supposed to be character development?? If so, it was pretty crappy development. The rest of the episode didn’t really do much for me, the ending fight scenes were cool but that was about it. Moving on though, I did love the Black Lightning season finale, and I’m sad their season is over now, because 13 episodes definitely isn’t enough. I’m glad Tobias wasn’t taken down and that we’ll see him again, because there’s definitely more story there. The scene with the whole family going to fight and defend themselves though, that was lit (pun intended, obviously). one of my tweets was “lol at them being like ‘WE ARE NOT PREPARED FOR BLACK LIGHTNING, PLEASE LET US LEAVE” and the official show account retweeted it so it has a hundred something likes now and like sixty retweets, lol. I thought it was clever. I love Anissa, she’s my girl, I’m totally with her on the whole we need to use our powers and skills to help and save people, but I also really liked Jennifer in this episode as she was figuring out how to use her powers and really just kicking so much ass, it was wonderful. I keep feeling bad for Lynn though, because we know this isn't what she wanted for Jefferson, much less for her two daughters, but they don’t really have a choice at this point. But yeah, I liked the episode a lot, my one complaint is that the season was too short to fully develop the plot line, and I think a few more episodes could’ve let them flesh it out a lot more and make the ASA more of a proper villain (though I will never be able to look at that acronym and not think it stands for “assistant state’s attorney”). The Pierce family just kicks so much ass, and I can’t wait to see what they do with a *hopefully* full season next year. When that finished I watched Rise since that had just aired. After tonight I can watch it live since BL is over. Decent episode, Auli’i’s voice on Momma Who Bore Me is just perfect, it seriously gave me chills and like, it’s such a good pick because the song was originally sung by Lea Michele, who also headlined Glee, which is arguably a major influencing force on the show. The teacher (I don’t even know his fucking name) tends to grate on me because he reminds me so much of Schuester, who I really did not like lol. What they did do well in this episode is contrast how important theatre is to kids and the major influence it has on their lives versus the lack of importance the adults in their life place on it, saying it’s “just a play” when to the kids it’s so much more than that. Like, looking back at the shows I was in in high school, I know they weren’t good, we weren't putting up flawless productions by a long shot, but being able to have that artistic expression, not to mention making up pretty much my entire friend group, really meant the world to me and I really don’t know if I would’ve survived high school without them, so that hit pretty close to home for me. When I finished that I decided to watch The Resident from the other night. Also a pretty good episode, I liked the whole professor seeing “ghosts” storyline, it was well done and I loved Mina’s interactions with her and the effect it had on the professor. The Lily plot was all very sad of course, and I know they’re probably just gonna amp it up from here, so there will be plenty more where that came from. When it was over I watched Jimmy Kimmel for a little before starting to get ready for bed and here I am. It’s past 1 and I’m pretty tired, so I’m gonna call it a night here. PT in the morning then my normal Wednesday classes, should be good. But yeah, that’s it. Goodnight darlings. Hope you had a lovely evening.
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louvresivy · 6 years
RFA+V+Saeran reacting to Black Butler (Headcanon/Scenario)
-He didn’t really get the overall feeling of the show.
-You tried to explain to him the plot of the anime and the characters’ backstories.
-He didn’t understand a thing.
-So, you decided to show him. In about a minute, he was already sitting down on the couch, big screen right in front of him and Monochrome no Kiss playing.
-*How the heck did he end up watching it!? He could have sworn that 30 seconds ago he was in your bedroom. HOW!?*
-“Um….. MC?”
-But the you he knew wasn’t there anymore. It was just a fangirl obsessed to death with an English kid’s butler named…… Stephen?
-“SEBASTIAN!” He heard you angrily screaming at him. “Babe…… It’s Sebastian! How did you even get the idea of Stephen!?” You seemed really annoyed, so he just sat there quietly paying attention to this one episode.
-Next week, you were just minding your own business on the bed, and then Yoosung just opened the door.
-“MC! BLACK BUTLER IS STARTING!” You two were already at episode 24 of the anime. He didn’t like the show at all. HE LOVED IT! HE WAS OBSESSED WITH IT! And so were you….
-“NO! CIEL CAN’T BE DEAD! NOOOOOOO!” You two screamed almost simultaneously. This ended up in a lot of tears. From both of you.
-He didn’t get it. HOW!? How was it possible!?!? How in the world!?! You were always talking about Undertaker and how much you loved his personality and looks. LOOKS!? How can you ignore him and his beautiful looks for a 2D anime character on a screen!? He was the real thing damn it!
-“Zen calm down! You are my real boyfriend!” This kind of calmed him down. Until…
-“But he is soooooo dreamy!”
-“MC! Show me this anime right now!”
-You watched the first season. Eh? How can you love what seemed to be a strange old man working all day in coffins?
-Second season. Still…. Nothing.
-Book of Circus. What….?
-Book of Murder. Hmmm……. Oh mah gawd! There Is this Charles Gray! This man is like the exact copy of him! How?
-Book of the Atlantic. BOOK OF THE ATLANTIC! This is how he found out what was hiding under that white hair.
-“SEE!?!?! Isn’t he sooooooo amazing!?!?” You happily screamed.
-Now he understood. Now he gets it.
-“Oh my god! He really is handsome!”
-After some time… you two went to an anime convention.
-You just made the perfect couple ever!
-He was Undertaker (Such an easy character for him to pull off) and you were Margaret Connor (You had to put on A LOT of make-up for this one… but it was worth it)
-Every day when he returned from work, he saw you on the bed, laptop in your hands, headphones plugged in. “Deai ni iro wa nakute MONOKURO fukinukeru itami goto kimi yudanemashou”
-“My love… are you ok?” This, ladies and gentleman was a REALLY good question. You were never ok when it comes to Black Butler.
-“Oh hey Jumin! Don’t mind me! Just watching my favorite anime.” Is what you always said.
-After some time, he finally got a week off from work and decided to spend it with you…. But, of course, you wanted to spend it in front of Ciel Phantomhive.
-So he went up to the couch, took your headphones and asked.
-“What is so special about this… Black Butler?”
-In literally 30 seconds, you prepared the entire living room for a looooong movie night.
-After some episodes, you actually began to se a smile on his face while watching the show.
-… What?
-Apparently, he actually began to like it!
-“This anime is quite good actually. It displays really well the Victorian England in the 19th century. Ciel is a very well made character. And this butler…. Sebastian Michales… I really like his taste. He can really appreciate the beauty and elegance of these adorable creatures, also known as cats.”
-Wow… This Jumin was actually kinda nice.
-But he ALLWAYS talked so professionally about this… whyyyyyyyy!?!?
-“But how else am I supposed to talk, my love?”
-“We are watching an anime, not  an opera concert! More casual and chill is ok!”
-“Commoners are so interesting.”
-This dork right here is the one that got YOU into the anime. He was just on his computer and saw…. Black Butler…? CAN I TURN MARY VANDERWOOD 3rd INTO A BLACK BUTLER? Yep… this was now his new goal in life.
-But he didn’t know how to do it. So he just asked you to watch this anime with him and help him take notes for plan ‘Mary Black Maid of the 3rd Vanderwood’.
-Anyway, you just started watching it….
-And oh boy have you two fallen for the charms of a 13-year-old boy and a demon butler.
-20 episodes later…
-“I HATE ANGELA!” Seven screamed his head off.
-“AND ASH!” You added.
-Yep… you were both officially and certainly MAD.
-It has become a tradition for you to cosplay as a character any time you watched Black Butler.
-Today, he was Ciel and you were Lizzie. What a cute couple.
-The next day, you were a female Grell Sutcliff and he was William T. Spears.
-And so on…
 V (he has to have his sight for this one)
-He loved to see you so happy and energetic about an anime. It seemed really interesting.
-He often looked at the screen.
-It seemed interesting indeed, so he asked you what the show was about.
-You tried explain to him, but, as you were awful at explaining things in general, you just opened your laptop and typed really fast ‘Black Butler Episode 1 English Sub’.
-And that’s how it all started.
-Well, not really, it started after a few episodes.
-He really seemed to like the show.
-He loved all the beautiful sights and backgrounds.
-He said they are very artistic.
-The characters were his favorite part.
-Ciel was such an amazing character and it amazed him how he was able to do all the work as the queen’s guard dog at such a young age.
-You seemed really passionate about the clothes and outfits of the characters, so he ordered online a long blue dress like Lizzie’s from Book of the Atlantic.
-You LOVED it.
-And that’s how the photo session began
-He made so many photos of you with that dress and uploaded them to his blog.
-They became VIRAL.
-This was becoming more and more annoying.
-He just wanted to spend some time with his girlfriend…. Which was currently unavailable. Cause she sold her soul to the demon.
-All you were doing was watching this stupid anime…. And starting to forget that he even existed on Earth!
-So he went to the couch.
-He sat down next to you. No response.
-He wrapped his arm around you. No response.
-He kissed you on the forhead. NO RESPONSE.
-“What the hell!?!?!”
-“Oh hi Saeran!”
-“Hi?!?! I’ve been sitting next to you for the past two minutes!”
-“Oh…. Sorry”
-“What are you doing!?!?!”
-“Watching anime.”
-“What anime….?”
-“This really cool one! It’s called Black Butler! Wanna try?”
-“No if it makes you not being able to realize that I exist.”
-Ahhh… The tsundere.
-“Not even if I really nicely ask you to?”
-“Not even one episode?” You made sure to speak on that cutesy little girl tone and make the sad puppy face. He couldn’t possibly resist.
-“F-Fine…. But only one episode!”
-Oh…. It wasn’t just one….
-He soon became ADDICTED!
-Whenever it was a sad scene, he would bring some ice-cream.
-Whenever it was a happy scene, he would bring some ice-cream.
-Whenever it was a scene in general, he would bring some ice-cream.
-…. Let’s just say that you were both really happy.
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hollyjjangu · 8 years
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Woah this got out of hand, and it has more mentions of alcohol and weed than you probably requested but idk college parties are basically just weed weed and more weed but its still fluffy, i promise soooOOOO i hope you like it!
- admin artemis (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・゚✧  ♡
Taehyung knows he looks like a fine piece of meat.
Jimin insisted on him wearing the black leather jeans that make his ass a literal peach. He didn’t forget to gouge his eyes with thick black kohl eyeliner, and his hair was far from neat, practically a mop of light brown atop of his head. Nonetheless, Taehyung looked good, especially with his lips a cherry red from his tinted chapstick.
It’s Friday, the day of the week where Jimin and Taehyung frequently pretend like they do not have responsibilities and Taehyung completely ignores the fact he has an essay due on Monday he hasn’t even started yet. Right now is a time for cheap beer, stale chips, and weed at a party hosted by the one and only Jackson Wang.
Also known as the only one on campus who manages to host perhaps the craziest parties every single weekend. Jackson had too much money in his pockets and he most definitely did not want to major in law like his parents had forced him to, so he figured he should at least make the most out of his shitty situation by hosting parties where everyone gets shit-faced drunk.
Taehyung and Jimin were regulars, just the usual duo showing up in skin tight trousers and muscle tanks.
Taehyung doesn’t have much arm muscle to show off but eh, he figures any less skin can’t guarantee a good fuck tonight.
He hasn’t had a good fuck since the invention of slice bread, and he is in fact a healthy college student with a sex drive at an all time high. If he doesn’t get dick tonight he might just have to turn to toys or even his own fingers.
He prays he finds some good dick tonight, he prays to every god out there.
When they arrive, Jackson greets them with a holler, something completely indecipherable and yeah, leave it to Jackson to be drunk off his ass within just ten minutes that the party has kicked off.
All is well, Jimin finds Yoongi and they do the usual makeout session before Yoongi is dragging Jimin up the stairs to Jackson’s bedroom. Hoseok is on the dancefloor, doing all types of moves that leaves the crowd surrounding him to roar in excitement. Seokjin and Namjoon are out on the patio, flirting and walking circles around each other as always and Taehyung…
He’s bored out of his mind.
He hasn’t been feeling this party very much since he’s arrived, Yugyeom seems to notice as he stumbles into the seat beside Taehyung at the kitchen island, sporting a red solo cup in his right hand.
“You good?” He asks, taking a long swig of whatever concoction Jackson whipped up this time around.
“M’fine, not really feeling it today.” Taehyung huffs, swirling the alcohol in his drink around lazily.
Yugyeom reaches into his pocket, discards god knows what and slapping it on the table before him.
“Loosen up a bit.” Is all he says before he’s gone.
Taehyung inspects the item before him, brownies.
Considering this is Yugyeom, at Jackson’s party, Taehyung knows there’s some type of drug infused within the chocolate and he simply can’t bring himself to care very much. He wants to let loose and truthfully, if he doesn’t any time soon, the bitch of a headache he’s been sporting for the past hour will turn into a bitch of a migraine. Jackson’s sound system sucks, he can barely hear himself think.
Taehyung is a complete mess.
It took only thirty minutes after Yugyeom swiped him some edibles and Taehyung was already not only high off his ass, but had somehow downed too many cups and is now within the crowd of hot, sweaty, bodies. He’s been grinding on too many bodies to the point he’s lost count, has had too many tongues down his throat, too many hands up his shirt, and whoever this bulky guy who has a finger pinching his nipple is, seems like a perfect candidate to fuck Taehyung senseless and relieve that sex drive he hasn’t been able to relieve in months.
After making out with too much tongue and teeth, Taehyung deems the foreplay enough,
“—Mmph let’s go upstairs.” His words come out muffled, the man not wanting to detach his lips away from Taehyung’s.
He hadn’t even gotten his name, he didn’t really care either, he was leading him up the stairs to fuck him two ways to Sunday, how the hell could he find an ounce of fuck to give?
So with his tongue still down his throat, Taehyung attempts to walk backwards, up the stairs, and into one of the free bedrooms in the dorm.
He backs into someone however, spilling the contents of the red solo cup in their hand all over Taehyung causing their lips to detach from one another.
“Fuck, I-I’m so sorry!” The boy exclaims, hastily removing his jacket and attempting to wipe Taehyung’s now sticky skin away from the alcohol.
Taehyung doesn’t say anything, he just raises his head, and then he’s puking, all over his potential fuck who drops him with a rather squeamish yelp in disgust.
That damned brownie was undercooked.
Taehyung falls on his ass, and if the music wasn’t so loud he’d hear the man cursing him the fuck out before storming off.
“Where are y-you going!” Taehyung practically screams over the music, flailing his limbs before shouting profanities at the man and the boy with the now empty solo cup just stands there, practically paralyzed at the scene that just unfolded.
What in the fuck just happened.
“Jeongguk? What the hell just happened?” He hears an unfamiliar ask the boy, Taehyung is completely wasted, the entire room is spinning, his stomach feels like it’s going to burst all over again and he can’t even comprehend where the fuck he is or who the fuck he is.
With all of his surroundings swirling into each other’s hues, darkening slowly but surely by the second, Taehyung blinks dazedly.
Yeah, his brain capacity is the equivalent of a potato right about now. He doesn’t know much, he just knows that the guy with probably hella good dick game is gone and the boy Jeongguk is responsible for it.
Taehyung is up on his feet, and now in Jeongguk’s face.
“You fucking bastard! Do you know how long I haven’t had dick? It’s been months, and that weak ass fucker was g-going to fuck me! You ruined my chances with some g-good ass d-dick!” His hand, it’s in the air now, almost pummeling into Jeongguk but who the hell knows how, Taehyung manages to hit himself in the face instead, falling over his own feet before collapsing into Jeongguk’s arms.
Jeongguk isn’t sure if he wants to laugh or cry.
He does a bit of both, turning to Namjoon who previously called him.
“What the fuck do I do?” He asks, voice boarding desperation because he’s really not in the mood to deal with this right now, this was his only day off from his hectic schedule of classes and dance practice. If this was anyone else, he probably would just toss their body onto the ground, or drag them somewhere upstairs to sit until they woke up again.
But sadly, this was Kim Taehyung, someone Jeongguk’s friends were friends with for who know’s why, the boy was a complete mess.
“I dunno.. He seems like he’s knocked out pretty bad.. Take him home, maybe? He’s roommates with Jimin.” Namjoon advises with an apologetic expression, all the while, he stifles his laughter.
“Fucking hell, he smells like shit.” Jeongguk mutters under his breath, lugging Taehyung through the crowd of sweaty drunk students and out to the front lawn.
Jimin’s dorm was just down the street, Jeongguk wasn’t anywhere near drunk still, he just arrived five minutes prior to Taehyung punching himself in the face.
So he lugs Taehyung all the way there, reaching the buzzer at the door when it suddenly hits him, no one is in there to buzz him in.
He curses, glancing downwards at the boy in his arms.
Taehyung, he’s.. Attractive. It was a no brainer.
His eyes, are still encircled with thick black kohl, his hair is even messier than when he first came, and even with the putrid stench of vomit, alcohol, and weed clinging to his skin, the boy still manages to look kissable.
“Stupid, cute, idiot.” Jeongguk mutters under his breath, hand sliding down Taehyung’s pants, patting his front pockets before his back with his cheeks flushing a bright red. There, in his back pocket, his dorm keys.
Jeongguk thanks every god he knows.
He’s been here two times before, still hasn’t properly met Taehyung though, so it didn’t change the awkwardness in the slightest. He drags Taehyung all the way to his bed, before taking a few steps back and heaving a sigh in relief.
Now what?
His clothes still have some traces of vomit clinging to them, his face looks rather oily and sweaty, Taehyung’ll probably get some pimples if he doesn’t wash off that foundation too.
Should he shower him?
Is that too creepy?
Reluctantly, Jeongguk lifts Taehyung again, this time lifting him up and into the bathroom.
He decides a bath would be easier, and it’s then that Jeongguk realizes the boy isn’t even asleep, he literally blacked out and he can’t help but chuckle as he scrubs the boy’s skin gently.
Patting down his damp skin with a towel before towel drying his hair, Jeongguk yanks a t-shirt that’s most definitely not his size over Taehyung’s head, slipping some boxers over his legs, and sets him gently back in his own bed.
He quickly runs to the kitchen, pouring a glass of cold water, grabbing painkillers, and a bag of frozen peas before returning.
He places the frozen bag on Taehyung’s right cheek, it’s still a bright pink from where he punched himself.
That’s better, now he smells like strawberry instead of cheap beer, and his cheek swelling should be down hopefully morning. Jeongguk is a saint.
Running his hands through his hair, Jeongguk takes a seat on Jimin’s bed, directly across. He’s exhausted, that was a lot more work than he initially presumed and now he’s just tired.
So he decides to stay here, just for a little longer, besides, it isn’t like Taehyung is going to wake up anytime soon.
Maybe he spoke too soon.
Jeongguk stays for just a few more minutes, admiring Taehyung’s beautiful facial features like the slope of his nose and his pretty long eyelashes, plush pink lips and smooth tan skin.
How in the hell has this boy been deprived of dick when he looks like that?
This is creepy of him, he’s more than aware, but Jeongguk can’t help his feet that carry him back over towards Taehyung’s bed, or his hand that falls atop of Taehyung’s cheek, caressing the skin there gently, a fond smile on his face as he remembers how in the hell he ended up here.
Taehyung is an idiot, is the only thing he knows about the boy, also that he’s ridiculously adorable and wow Jeongguk 11/10 would fuck him any day.
And then Taehyung’s eyes snap open, yanking the cold bag off from his face, Jeongguk, once again, is paralyzed.
“... Did we fuck?” Is the first thing Taehyung mutters, voice husky, and then the next thing he says is a distressed fuck as his hangover hits him like a freight train.
“No, we didn’t.” Jeongguk manages to say, shoving Taehyung back down onto the bed when the boy tries to sit up.
“You need rest, idiot, you knocked yourself out.” Jeongguk can’t help the chuckle that slips past his lips, and then Taehyung is tilting his head slightly in confusion.
“What? I did what?”
“You knocked yourself out, literally.” Jeongguk states once again, this time not bothering to hide his laughter and Taehyung joins in momentarily.
“Fuck my head hurts like a bitch.” He pouts, Jeongguk feels something in his chest twist.
“Drink.” He hands the boy the glass of water, he sips it gratefully, before downing the two pills Jeongguk placed in his palm moments after.
“Your name is Jeongguk, right? Why are you here?” Taehyung asks, wiping the water from his lips on the back of his palm.
“Well, I spilled my beer all over you, you threw up over this guy you were going to fuck, and then you tried to punch me in the face but ended up punching yourself and knocking yourself out. I figured I should bring you home and clean you up.” Jeongguk explains earnestly, not missing the shade of crimson the envelops Taehyung’s face at his words.
“Did I actually? Thank you so much but fuck that’s so embarrassing!” He groans, hiding his face in his hands and Jeongguk just laughs, not really thinking much when he reaches forward and pulls Taehyung’s hand away from his face.
He wants to see his adorable smile, how dare Taehyung keep it away from him?
“It’s fine, really!” Jeongguk reassures, expression mirroring Taehyung’s grin, but with a hint of perhaps fondness?
“You didn’t have to do all this though, you could’ve just thrown me on Jackson’s bed, vomit all over me and everything.” Taehyung counters, face only reddening as he speaks.
“Nah, I’m not that big of an asshole, besides, your kind of adorable, and I needed an excuse to ask you for your number without blowing my cover.” He admits, and if Taehyung was red before, he’s practically a fucking tomato now.
“I’m adorable? I threw up and punched myself in the face!” Jeongguk bursts into laughter at that.
“And, I guess giving you my number is the least I could do, I could also throw in a coffee date as well, on the house!” Taehyung offers, beaming at Jeongguk who doesn’t bother to suppress the urge any longer, he leans forward and pecks the corner of Taehyung’s lip gently.
“I’d like that very much.”
pssst, our ask box is open… send in a prompt, a headcanon, ask us a question, etc!
- admin artemis (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ *:・゚✧  ♡
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kotadj · 8 years
1-150 please
1.Who was the last person you held hands with?
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Usually outgoing, selectively shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
The wonderful @lesbian-psyche as well as everyone from school
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends. For some people yes, for more people (once they get to know ME at all) I’m impossible.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
I would definitely hope so.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People who are genuine, intelligent, intellectual but not judgmental, slightly more chill than I am, and extremely passionate/excitable when it comes to things they care about.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
I would sure hope so. And it would be a major surprise if I wasn’t.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Ummmmmm, no one. Too gay.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
Not in the slightest. If you knew me, this question would DEFINITELY make you laugh.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
@lesbian-psyche (again) 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
”Okay baby you can do it”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
”Natural Disaster” - Zac Brown Band
“Sound of Silence (Cover)” - Disturbed
“Heathens (Cover)” - Halestorm
“Bounce Back” - Big Sean
“She’s Got You High” - Mumm’Ra 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Depends on the person and depends how. But generally, yes. Especially girls. Primarily girls. Nearly exclusively girls.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I’ve seen too much of both to say no, but I don’t in the traditional sense.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I moved to PA to start grad school.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Over and over if I had the chance.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
I think that we have to be ridiculously arrogant to think that there isn’t.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
19. Do you like bubble baths?
As long as I’m not allergic to the bubble stuff (which is difficult to come by), I absolutely adore them.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
My neighbors at my apartment are never around, but when they are they can be obnoxious. My neighbors at my parents’ house are fine, but we’re pretty spaced out so I don’t see much of them.
21. What are you bad habits?
I have a ton of them but my biggest one is doing self-destructive shit whenever I feel any really intense negative emotion. In particular, if I get too negatively emotional I smoke. 
22. Where would you like to travel?
Is the entire world an option? But if I had to choose one place, probably Denmark or Tibet.
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Scrolling through my email while still laying in bed, since it gives me more time to be both comfortable and lazy.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
There’s quite a lot of them, but probably my massive ears.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Roll over and look at the time, stare at the ceiling to give myself a bit to process, then check my phone and start about my day.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
I’m super pale, so sometimes it might be nice if it was a shade darker so makeup didn’t make me look like I was some sort of ghost/evil doll.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
@lesbian-psyche, @staysstrongkeepsliving, and @corgisrule011
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, but not necessarily in the traditional sense that most people think of as comprising a “marriage”. 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Not yet but we’re slowly getting there!
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Holy crap there are a shit ton of them. Like together? With my girlfriend and one of them? This is too complex of a question. But Lzzy Hale is definitely up near the top of the list.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I play rugby but am currently benched due to injury. I also snowboard, but this season got destroyed due to that same injury and I’m more than upset about it.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Definitely TV, I don’t think I could live without music.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Tons of times.
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
I’ve said it time and time again, my treehouse girl. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
American Eagle, Rue 21, Under Armour Outlet, and Zumiez
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Well, I’ve been out of high school for 6 years sooooooo yeah, irrelevant.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Depends on what they did with the first one.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
It could mean a whole bunch of different things, ranging from soul-crushing sadness to absolute happiness and/or contentedness.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Depends on the stranger, depends on my mood, depends on theirs.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Again, please both? But more the ocean.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
My dog, quite literally. She jumps on me because she has to eat and pee.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Tons and tons of things. Primarily, people just putting up with me and not actually really liking me/wanting to talk to me. Thank the asshole for that one.
47. Have you ever been high?
Tons of times on tons of different things.
48. Have you ever been drunk?
More times than I’ve been high. I fell asleep in a bowl of pretzels and that wasn’t even the drunkest I’ve ever been.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Not that I can think of?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
I’m currently wearing it. It’s light grey with black and bright blue accents.
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Sometimes, but not anymore.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My mental illnesses.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Urban Decay.
54. Favourite store?
American Eagle.
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
Purple, since I think saying black is a cop-out.
57. Favourite food? 
Tacos or clams (no, that’s not a joke)
58. Last thing you ate?
Wintergreen lifesaver.
59. First thing you ate this morning?
My mom’s chicken salad.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Quite a few, but my memory is really terrible right now.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Yes. Startin’ fights and being a general hoodlum.
62. Been arrested? For what?
Nope, somehow skirted all of those.
63. Ever been in love? 
Absolutely. Still am.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Nope. Really don’t want to. Too long and complicated.
65. Are you hungry right now?
Kind of.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
My tumblr friends ARE my real friends.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
Yes, Friends.
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Alyssa, Mel, Emily, Tim, Jon, Kyle, Xan
71. Craving something? What?
72. What colour are your towels?
Mostly purple and blue, but I have a peach one that I really like.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Depends. Usually two under my head. And since I broke my ribs, usually hugging one.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
Yes. And a real animal.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Over 50.
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Bright pink.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Ben and Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
See above, but also a black and purple t-shirt.
80. What colour pants?
81. Favourite tv show?
Orphan Black, Lost Girl, or Friends. 
82. Favourite movie?
It’s a tie between SLC Punk and the Swedish movie Kiss Me.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls.
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls.
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
88. Last person you talked to today?
Today is still going on, but again @lesbian-psyche
89. Name a person you hate?
Mike Pence.
90. Name a person you love?
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Quite a few people.
92. In a fight with someone?
Not on a personal level.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
I HAD two, but my favorite pair had to get cut during my accident in December. I’m more of a lounge pants kind of person.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Way too many to count.
95. Last movie you watched?
Suicide Squad, Extended Edition.
96. Favourite actress?
Sandra Bullock or Titty Malaysia.
97. Favourite actor?
Ryan Reynolds. 
98. Do you tan a lot?
Yes, but not fake tan ever. Only in the summer.
99. Have any pets?
A stupid dog and a dumb bunny.
100. How are you feeling?
Tired and bored and just kind of over it.
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Not really regret, but there are things that I’m not proud of. If I changed any of them, though, I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am.
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
I host them all the time in my parents’ back yard. We have a huge fire pit that I helped build.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
I was a barrel racer, so yes.
108. What should you be doing?
Homework, cleaning, or napping.
109. Is something irritating you right now?
How I can’t get comfortable because it is hurting my ribs.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
You already asked this but yes.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My girlfriend (I’m going to stop tagging her a million and a half times)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Knuckles or Erry or Bo.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Tons of times. Been out of the country, too.
115. Do you play the Wii?
Not usually. Especially since part of it is in my apartment and part of it isn’t.
116. Are you listening to music right now?
No, surprisingly.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Absolutely love it.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not inside. And not usually outside. Especially if my eyes have adjusted.
121. Are you mean?
Definitely can be.
122. Is cheating ever okay?
Everything is grey, not black and white. So, I really don’t like the word “okay” for something so morally weighted.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Not at all.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not love, necessarily, but definitely connection.
125. Do you believe in true love?
Depends on your definition but yes.
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Tons of stuff. Sun, the ocean, mountains, plants, trees, fires, good books, good food, I could go on.
128. Would you change your name?
Currently working on it.
129. What your zodiac sign?
Pisces, but I “fit” way more with Aries.
130. Do you like subway?
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Punch him and tell him “I’m gay you idiot, stop it”.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
”She was a preacher’s daughter, never did what daddy taught her and the rebel in her soul brought her to me”
134. Can you count to one million?
Probably but why the hell would I waste my time trying? Actually, supposedly no one can. But idk how true that is.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
“Nope, I definitely don’t like her”
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Always closed. It freaks me out to even have the closet or bathroom door open.
137. How tall are you?
5′ 6″ - 5′ 7″ ish
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Have: Wavy. Attracted to: Either.
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Have: Brunette. Attracted to: Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter?
Depends. It’s a tight race for which is my favorite season. But I lean towards summer.
141. Night or Day?
Warm nights are my absolute favorite.
142. Favourite month?
Probably August.
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
Depends. Mint tea or decaf coffee.
146. Was today a good day?
Pretty great, yeah.
147. Mars or Snickers?
Neither really.
148. What’s your favourite quote?
”Strength is what one wants, you can get nothing without it, and strength must be won by strength.”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
In a way, yes.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line
“Confined in the dark, narrow can of our own making which we take for the whole universe, very few of us can even begin to imagine another dimension of reality.”
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Well, I can't really give today an overall grade because it was kind of all over the place, good and bad in just different ways. Woke up, 10:50, and didn't want to get out of bed, and may have drifted back to sleep for just a few minutes but I opened my eyes again and it was 10:50 so I said okay I better get up so I did. Got to the DV courthouse and waiting till around 2 o clock to get a case, and while I was waiting I was just you know staring at my appellate brief and trying to fix minor things. My plan right now is to finish my final final sweep through tomorrow then send it to kinkos to get it print and bound because they're making us do that for some reason (because all law students just have all that extra money lying around, you know 🙄) but anyway my spring break friend and I get put on the case together again because of the timing and we didn't know if we'd get another, but if we did he'd pull one of us off (nobody else came in so we did the whole thing). Pretty typical case, asshole abusive boyfriend doing typical abusive asshole things, no kids in common, no real physical abuse up until this morning when he was kind of grabbing and shoving her and physically blocking her from leaving her apartment like back and forth between different doors for a fairly significant amount of time. It was the strongest case because the prior incidents were kind of weak, mostly just him yelling in her face and that kind of thing, but I thought we had a decent chance at least depending on what judge we'd get. We were super quick with the paperwork and were up in court by like 3:15, so I was like oh sweet we're gonna get out so early!! WELL. Little did I know I was entering the most frustrating courtroom I've ever been in. I've been before this judge only once before I think and it was while she was training, and I remember her striking me as a little awkward with litigants but she was still getting used to it and plus she's gotta be like, 30 max, because she looks sooooooo young (I mean, she's probably more like 35, because nobody ascends to the bench in 5 years, but you would never guess that as her age looking at her). So that tends to play into the whole insecurity thing which leads to overposturing, and she was just so fucking infuriating because she was incredibly condescending to every single person on such an unnecessary level and wanted to control everything, and would only let people answer yes or no and cut them off whenever they tried to expound on something and be condescending to them and I'm like.....what the heck, lady??? These are like, the simplest legal proceedings ever, you ask them who the person is to them, when the last incident happened, and what happened. That's literally all you have to do. But it was so fucking infuriating to watch I wanted to bang my head against the wall repeatedly. But OH, we're just getting to the good part now. So a solid hour later our petition finally gets called, and within 30 seconds of her being up there the judge is saying some shit about an address being in the wrong place on the petition for where the guy had last lived because he hadn't "lived" there he was just "staying over" so she's like yeah you have to go back down to the clerk's office and amend your petition. So both me and my friend are like 😡😡😡😡😡 ready to like kill someone. So we run back downstairs, it's like 4:30 at this point which is when our shift is supposed to end so there's barely anyone left, but we found our supervisor and the other lawyer he works with and they took one look at our faces and were just like "okay what happened" and when we told them they were like "are you fucking serious" (like I mean those exact words exited both of their mouths). So we had to go drag a clerk over and fucking scratch off the address with a pen and write unknown to satisfy this damn judge then go back up. We were debating asking out supervisor to go back up with us since he's an attorney and can actually step up, but he said he felt like the situation was handled from there but we could come get him if we had any more issues. He also said we could swap out at that point if we wanted since our shifts were supposed to be over and he knows we had class, but we decided we wanted to see it through (and emailed our prof that we might be a bit late). So we went back up, and I was like praying that because it was a recalled case they would just stick it on top of the like to be called next like I've seen done before, but NOPE we got sent back to the bottom of the stack, and spent another entire hour being fucking infuriated with this judge acting like a complete asshole to everyone. There was this whole big thing, and I feel weird saying this because the guy was like 6'2" and significantly bigger than me but like that poor guy haha I felt so bad for him, the judge was like fixated on whether his roommate kicked his door all the way in and off the hinges and then he went into the living room or if she partially kicked it in and then he opened it and went into the living room and I was like......WHAT THE HELL COULD IT POSSIBLY MATTER like that holds zero legal significance whatsoever??? The guy ended up storming out in what I thought was completely justifiable frustration but I think he was gonna be able to get his case recalled sometime after us. So finally they get around to us, she asks her basic questions, takes one look at the affidavit I wrote and granted the order immediately, because it was THAT EASY. Like, look how overcomplicated you made this and you just wasted like 2 and 1/2 hours of my life. So I was at least glad we got it granted because if it didn't get granted I probably would've gone ballistic on that courtroom, lol. So we end up leaving the courthouse at like 5:50 which is right when class starts, so we jump on the train and then make a quick stop at the jimmy johns that's right by school because we were both starving and it's literally the fasted option, lol. I think we made it to class by 6:10, so not bad at all. Our prof was understanding, my email said something like "we're stuck in an ongoing situation with a judge and we don't know how much longer it's gonna take" so then on break he was like "so judges, huh?" and we were just like "oh you don't even want to know" lol. The class was fine, as usual I somewhat paid attention and did other things. The big take away from the class was that instead of having to make my presentation for the class that I haven't started at all next week, I get to do it the week after because of how the scheduling worked out (he said he was doing it by last name and it wouldn't take up two class periods, and my last name starts with M which is right in the middle so I thought I'd be on the first day, but apparently the roster is early in the alphabet heavy so I majorly lucked out there, and that actually makes everything so much better, because this week into weekend (and it's Easter weekend ffs) was gonna be hell working on the presentation and the trial on back to back days. So now I can just focus on the trial for the next week which makes me feel soooooo much better. I messaged my trial ad partner and asked what he needed me to get done for our Pretrial conference tomorrow and he was like "oh you're good I got it all covered" and I was like dude you're actually the best haha because that helps so much. In addition to a few other things I accomplished during class, I reviewed the trial brief of one of my mentees that she asked me to take a look out since we had the same LARC prof. It was interesting, looking at how she was like structuring things and I'm thinking "did I used to write like that?" And I find myself leaving comments that kind of sound like what the prof would say to me last year and I'm just like shit man, maybe I did actually get better at this stuff over the years, even if I still get incredibly frustrated with it. She had a lot of good stuff in there, it just needed to be reorganized and such and built into a more cohesive argument (which like, continues to be one of my biggest issues because I think the way they want me to organize it makes no sense and I much prefer my way, as does my REAL boss in REAL court, but I digress) so hopefully I was able to give her some good feedback. We ended a little after 8 which was nice, and I made it home a little after 9. No shows recorded, so I watched crazy ex-girlfriend for a bit and relaxed and laughed over the whole starbursts thing that came to fruition today which I have to say put me in a significantly better mood than my just being done with the day. I did realize though I had to get some forms and shit done for trial ad and field placement, so I had to run around and fill those out then like, extract multiple pages from several pdf documents and then combine those into own pdf document because whoever wanted us to submit these online clearly had no idea what they were doing. But yeah, that was my crazy day. Overall the good probably outweighed the bad, but I was just like, so absolutely done with everything about that hell in court. Big girl job tomorrow and doing a big girl permanency hearing, so that should be good, I'll get to meet the client beforehand and talk to her about anything she wants to be brought up so I'm looking forward to that. And yeah, damn it's late and I now have somewhat less than 6 hours of sleep I can potentially get, so I think that's strong enough incentive to end here. Goodnight my loves. Stay strong.
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