#*lucian carranza
ophernelia · 3 months
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Amelia Jade Carranza, 1996
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mulletclub-blog · 6 years
Jorge Carranza en RIOT, Eddie Blas en EWA Maryland, Torneo Nacional de Tríos, Naranja Mecánica vs Owen
¡Recuento bravo de lo que sucedió el fin de semana! Jorge Carranza en RIOT, Eddie Blas en EWA Maryland, Torneo Nacional de Tríos, Naranja Mecánica vs Owen, Tokyo Sports Puroresu Awards ¡y más!
Notas del episodio: https://mulletclub.pe/jorge-carranza-riot-eddie-blas-ewa-maryland-torneo-nacional-trios-naranja-mecanica-owen-tokyo-sports     
¿Quieres ir a un tema en específico? ¡Tenemos shownotes!
(00:23) Punto de Quiebre 2019 de LWA 
(02:31) Entrenamiento Femenino de GeneraXión Lucha libre 
(03:37) Gladiadores 2: This is Lucha No Existe +Mansilla + Professional Dream 
(04:50) Eddie Blas en EWA Maryland 
(07:36) Jorge Carranza en RIOT Wrestling 
(12:01) Rayo en Future of Honor 
(12:14) Lucian Lycans en Bolivia 
(12:33) Torneo Nacional de Tríos de Lucha libre Calama & Impacto
(13:11) Naranja Mecánica vs Owen 
(14:35) Black Cambodian Warrior vs Kristy
(15:09) El Programa que Vale c/ Boris Muller & Harold Rock
(15:37) MAX Special 2019
(16:48) Noticias rápidas
(17:52) Herco Wisky tour / Benjamin Stolo / Legión Nueva Era
(19:18) Despedida de Trevor Lee
(19:59) Nuevos contratados en RoH
(20:25) Ilja Dragunov y el JJSB3
(21:16) Mary Apache y Mercedes Martínez en UK
(21:27) Nuevo Campeón Junior Heavyweight en IPW
(21:44) Kaiju Big Battel x PROGRESS
(22:11) Tokyo Sports Puroresu Awards
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ophernelia · 3 months
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Melissa Thalia Howell, Lou's mother.
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ophernelia · 1 day
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take a trip down a very turbulent memory lane with lucian and amelia in tonight's newest episode of lykaia!
 🖤 new episode here | full series
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ophernelia · 4 months
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20 years didn’t make much of a difference.
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ophernelia · 4 months
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sneak peek: we're taking a peek into lucian's past in episode 3x05 of lykaia. over 20 years later and still no one has captured his heart the way aj's mother, amelia, did.
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ophernelia · 6 months
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just a few stills from episode 302.
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ophernelia · 23 days
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i forgot to share this pic of a young lucian like last week
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ophernelia · 1 month
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wait one mo
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ophernelia · 1 month
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Hi Cake ily!!!
I’ll doooo Lucian because I love him.
1. Lucky is the third oldest out of all his siblings. He has two older twin brothers, two younger twin sisters, and a youngest brother. Miguel, Mattias, Luciana, Lupita, and Lucio.
2. He’s really handy. He can build just about anything. He can fix just about anything. Lou often enlists him to help his tinker with stuff on his car.
3. It’s hard to show in the series, but he has a very heavy accent. That’s usually the first thing people notice about him.
4. He’s a fighter. Well… he used to be. He’s very soft and gentle now. A lot of that is thanks to AJ, but also the latter half of his relationship with Amelia. Those two calmed him down a whole lot.
5. The scar on his face came from Amelia. No, I will not explain more than that lmaooo.
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ophernelia · 4 months
I guess it’s a lore day because I feel like talking about Lykaia lol. Anyway! I feel like since Lucian’s in Cali now, sometimes Lou will ask him to take him to class. Like he just wants the experience of being dropped off at school by a parent and Lucian is more than happy to oblige. They both missed out on a lot of stuff with each other so they’re making up for lost time now. Also I think that’s also something Lucian really mourns. Raising AJ alone was very hard for him, but so rewarding and the fact he wasn’t given the opportunity to experience that with Lou really bothers him. If it’s one thing about that man you should know is that he loves his kids. Doesn’t matter how old they are. Those are his babies.
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ophernelia · 3 months
Lucian looked so good in the new ep!! I need to know more about him when he was younger!,,
He was so pretty lol. He still is imo.
Young Lucian was a handful fr. Him and all his siblings considering they’re pretty close in age. Lucian was a fighter. That boy was always in sticking his nose in someone else’s business. He had a bad attitude and a slick mouth, so that meant he was always in trouble. And if one Carranza is fighting, the rest of them are too. All of them were difficult to raise, but Lucian was especially rowdy. He gave his mama hell. Even more so when Amelia entered the picture. People had a nasty habit of disrespecting her, so he had an even nastier habit of breaking noses and dragging the culprit to Ame’s feet to apologize. Losing Amelia, aging in general, and the birth of Annisa calmed him down a whole lot. Long gone was the street runner and instead he was replaced by a man with the most neat diaper bag you’ve ever seen. He lives for Annisa (And now Lou) so he thinks it’s important to behave and stay out of trouble. The Lucian we know now is a gentle giant. At least until someone messes with one of his kids. (And children-in-law too.)
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ophernelia · 3 months
HOLD AWNNN..what you mean messing around with someone’s husband? LUCIAN WAS A CHEATER??
Yes lol. I think AJ said it in season 2 and Lou mentioned it in season 3, but Lucian was absolutely shuffling between Amelia and Melissa. He did start seeing Melissa after his relationship with Amelia deteriorated, but they never got a divorce. Technically he didn’t cheat on Ame since they were separated, but he was absolutely cheating on Melissa. As soon as Ame made any utterance of wanting him then Lucian would be back with her. That’s where AJ came from lol. The two of them knew of each other and they hated one another. I think it’s in the episode they went bowling when Lou told Rory about it. He said that it was something Lucian told him he wasn’t proud of. And Rory says something like she didn’t peg Lucian as the type to do that. We see sweet mature Lucian, but young Lucian was a menace! He was the personification of that one Ari lyric “I’ve never seen someone lie like you do. So much even you start to think it’s true.”
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ophernelia · 3 months
Does Lucian have a vc?
not a real one, no. when i picture him speaking i imagine he sounds like prince naveen though lol. but i can't say that's his like official one. i haven't found one that i feel like suits him yet.
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ophernelia · 3 months
I think I saw you mention somewhere that Lou and his sister and dad have gone back to Peru to visit but why did Lucian never move back??
Yeah! So I like to think in between seasons 2 and 3 they went back for a visit. Just so Lou could meet the rest of his family and stuff.
As for why Lucian didn’t move back it’s a mix of reasons. He didn’t wanna be that far from where Amelia was buried. To leave her in the states and just go back home with Annisa would’ve crushed him. Not to mention, he was still kinda seeing Melissa at the time so he didn’t wanna leave her either. I’d say the biggest reason is the same reason he was willing to leave with Amé in the first place. Peru is not at all kind to Afro-Peruvians. It just isn’t an easy place to be black. Especially not as a dark skinned Afro-Peruvian. Lucian saw how hard it was for Amelia and didn’t want that at all for Annisa. So, if he had to stay in a place he didn’t really consider home just so AJ had a chance at a kinder life- then so be it. Obviously it’s not easy in the states either, but remembering Amelia saying she can’t be anything back home, but she could be something in the states was enough for him.
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ophernelia · 4 months
Wait one more question has Lucian only been with AJ’s mom and Lou’s mom?? If he wasn’t with Dodona then is it only those two and can I be next
Lmao it’s a few people in line for Lucian so you might have to fight them! Lucian hasn’t seriously dated any other woman since he was with Melissa. With the way that ended, he decided to pour all of his focus into raising Annisa. (And now Lou) He’s had his hookups for sure. Though they’ve grown a lot less frequent with the older he’s gotten. He doesn’t really (and I’m using this word purposely) have an appetite for it. Romance and sex isn’t something he has a desire to indulge in. At least not with new people. Especially not the young women who often take an interest in him. Most of which are close to AJ’s age or younger, which he just finds gross. He’s not interested in sleeping with her peers or any younger woman at all for that matter. It’s written somewhere in one of the later episodes, but Lucian just outright says he doesn’t wanna be with anyone who fucks like a 20 year old. He’d want a more mature woman and the only one he wants now is dead. There’ll be people who still catch his eye. He finds Rhiannon very nice to look at, Dallas also, and even Keahu when he sees her though it’s rare. Aside from just finding them physically attractive, Lucian’s not interested. It doesn’t go beyond a “she’s pretty.” Or “she has a nice figure”. That’s about the only acknowledgement he’ll give someone these days. He keeps himself busy with his memories of Amelia. As of recently, she’s been the only one he’s really desired. And what a sad thing to be hungry for something you cannot have.
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