#*my translation
insectwmn · 2 days
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Tsumugi: Now that you mention it, I don’t remember our class ever doing anything together. All the memories I have are personal, like the time Shinkai-kun submerged my textbooks underwater…
Kanata’s one-sided beef with Tsumugi is something that hardly comes up but is always a delight. He hates him so goddamn much.
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pocketseizure · 15 days
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Designer's Note: Even though she still retains traces of girlishness (like keeping sand seal plushies in her room), we aimed for Riju's design to emphasize her elegant strength and refinement as a more mature leader of the Gerudo.
Other members of the dev staff asked why Riju cut her hair. The reason is that we wanted to establish Riju as a "cool beauty" who's somewhat removed from the rest of the Gerudo, who are often concerned with everyday matters of fashion and romance. We also wanted to facilitate her style of swordsmanship, in which she wields twin blades in a graceful dance. We imagine Riju as being the type of person who wouldn't hesitate to cut her hair if it became a hindrance in battle.
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cubedmango · 7 months
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「安達が魔法使いにならなかった世界線の話」 + 「もしもの話」 — english translation
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1000sunnygo · 5 months
Snippets of One Piece Academy magazine exclusive extra illustration from Saikyo Jump's May issue, as shared by Twitter users (mainly @/onepiecedolls)
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Apparently, these are photos exchanged in an imaginary group chat of the characters.
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Only found a small snippet where the texts aren't blurred :')
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Luffy: Traffy, you suck at playing, don't you?
Cora: Yeah. Rather than playing, he ended up being played by Onigiri himself.
Law: Cora san!! Stop saying unnecessary things!
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There's also a relationship chart lol.
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Barto -> Luffy: LU-LU-LU-LU-LUFFY SENPAI!!
Luffy -> Barto: You know me?
Kid -> Luffy: I'll crush you, idiot monkey!
Luffy -> Kidd: The hell, Jaggy! Wanna try? 💪
Luffy -> Law: Traffy! Let's throw an Onigiri party!
Law -> Luffy: Try listening to people for once, Mugiwara ya!
Doffy -> Luffy: If you come over at my side, I'll show you the new age!
Luffy -> Doffy: I'll kick your ass if you go to bad places!
Luffy -> Hancock: Thanks for the Bento!
Hancock -> Luffy: This is a confession of love!
Will update if I find anything more! Here's the official tweet.
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lovelylittlelosers · 6 months
For the Karin Boye stans among us this was Wille’s wall quote:
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This is the first stanza of Karin Boye’s poem “Sköldmön” (Shield-Maiden) first published in 1924.
Jag drömde om svärd i natt.
Jag drömde om strid i natt.
Jag drömde jag stred vid din sida
rustad och stark, i natt
I dreamt of swords last night.
I dreamt of battle last night.
I dreamt I fought by your side
armored and strong, last night.
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reccyls · 2 months
Beyond the Merging of Then and Now (Gilbert story)
Gilbert's 4th anniversary story sale, where child Gilbert is brought to the future to meet Emma and current Gilbert
Today, Prince Gilbert was in an unprecedented foul mood.
Young Gilbert: Miss, play with me.
Emma: Umm...
Gilbert: Absolutely not. Emma is mine, so you should back off.
Young Gilbert: But you're me as an adult, aren't you? So if something is yours, then it's mine too.
Young Gilbert: Ah, sorry. I didn't mean that you were a thing, miss. I'll be more careful with my words.
Young Gilbert: So... we really can't play?
(I have no idea why a child Gilbert appeared...)
(This must be the sweet and innocent version of Gilbert that I kept hearing about.)
(He's so much cuter than I thought, and so polite too!)
Emma: Of course we can. What do you want to play?
Young Gilbert: Really? I want to go for a walk!
Emma: I was just thinking that the weather today was perfect for a picnic.
Young Gilbert: A picnic!
Gilbert: Little rabbit, don't give in so easily.
Emma: I have to. He's just so cute I want to give him everything he asks for.
Gilbert: You don't give me everything I ask for.
Young Gilbert: You're so petty, adult me.
Young Gilbert: I'm feeling fine today. I can do it.
Gilbert: Because you're so useless that it disgusts me, young me.
Gilbert: And yet you still think you can take a single step outside of this room?
Gilbert: You have no idea how badly you're doing.
Young Gilbert: Miss, please believe me.
(That's right. Prince Gilbert had been sickly ever since he was young.)
(In that case, it'd be best for him not to push himself too hard--)
Emma: I... okay.
(Who could say no to those puppy dog eyes!)
Gilbert: ......
Emma: A-as soon as his condition takes a turn for the worse, we'll come back immediately.
Young Gilbert: ...I really turn out like that when I grow up?
Gilbert: ...Do you promise?
Gilbert: I'll sulk if you spend all your time paying attention to that thing instead of me.
Gilbert: You do, you little fool.
Emma: Gil...
Gilbert: You'll understand soon, just how stupid I was as a child.
--scene change, hallway--
Young Gilbert: Hah.... hah.....
Emma: Wha!? Are you okay!?
Young Gilbert: I'm okay...
Gilbert: What did I say? Don't just go along with what he wants.
Gilbert: No matter how healthy he claims to be, a few steps and this is what he's reduced to.
Gilbert: You can see for yourself right now, can't you?
Gilbert: How pathetic.
Emma: Anyway, let's go back inside now!
Young Gilbert: I don't want to.
Emma: But it's going to be really bad if you start getting any worse.
Young Gilbert: Albert says that all the time... He says I shouldn't leave my room...
Young Gilbert: But I want to feel the wind... Real wind, around my whole body. Not just the wind that comes in through the window... *cough*
Young Gilbert: Wait, miss... I'm okay, so just a little bit longer...
Gilbert: Albert told you time and time again why you shouldn't leave your room, and you just don't get it. Honestly, I'm starting to get angry.
Gilbert: Well, it doesn't matter. Time to keep your promise, little rabbit.
Emma: Ah! Right! Gil, is it okay to bring him to your research lab?
(Gil is right, it would probably be better to return inside immediately...)
(But I can't say no to little Gilbert!)
(What to do...)
Gilbert: What?
Emma: It's partially open, you can definitely feel the breeze there.
Young Gilbert: Research lab...?
Gilbert: No way.
Emma: After this I promise to do anything you want.
Gilbert: ...Well, if you put it like that, fine.
Emma: Thank you!
(I feel like I just made a very scary deal, but now's not the time to worry about that.)
Emma: Um, Little Gil? I'll carry you there, come here.
Young Gilbert: Really? Okay then-
Gilbert: You know there's no way I'd actually allow that, right?
Young Gilbert: Waaa!?
Emma: Gil! Don't just yank him up by the collar like that!
Gilbert: It's me, so it's fine.
Emma: Do you want me to break up with you!?
Gilbert: .......
Young Gilbert: Oooh, she got angry at you.
Gilbert: What's that? You want me to drop you?
Young Gilbert: I'm sorry, please don't drop me.
Gilbert: Ugh... Why won't you just disappear?
--scene change, research lab--
(...I thought Gilbert really liked kids.)
(Why does he hate his past self so much?)
Young Gilbert: Wow, this place is amazing! I didn't think the castle could have a room like this!
Young Gilbert: There's so many plants everywhere, and the wind feels really good... I want to stay here forever...
Young Gilbert: I don't feel like I'm really alive when I'm stuck in my room all day...
Young Gilbert: But if I stayed somewhere like this, I really feel alive.
Gilbert: ...You say that, and yet you're running a fever after just a few minutes in the breeze.
(He really, really wanted to go outside.)
(Is that why Prince Gilbert had this room made as an adult?)
Emma: Huh?
Young Gilbert: I-I don't have a fever.
(And that's not a suspicious denial at all... Come to think of it, his face does seem a little flushed.)
Emma: Little Gil?
Young Gilbert: This is normal.
Emma: Let me feel your forehead for a bit.
Emma: Oh no, you really are warm...
Gilbert: Of course I am. I'm not weak like you .
Young Gilbert: Ugh...
Young Gilbert: ...But adult me is okay?
Emma: Are you sure? You're not pushing yourself too hard?
Young Gilbert: That means I get all better when I grow up.
Young Gilbert: So I'm okay.
(...To say that to a young child...)
Young Gilbert: Mmhm. Um... I've always been weak, since I was born.
Young Gilbert: The doctor told me that I probably wouldn't live for very long.
Gilbert: ......
Young Gilbert: But, if this really is the future, then that means I survive.
Young Gilbert: I'm really happy to know that.
Emma: Gil...
Young Gilbert: Hey, if I can go and walk outside, that means I can help with official work too, right?
Young Gilbert: Is Albert doing okay? Do you help Albert with his work?
Young Gilbert: I always wanted to be able to help Albert when I got better.
Young Gilbert: And mother too... I have to take care of her too, because she always worries about me.
Young Gilbert: Where are they right now?
Young Gilbert: Miss? Why are you patting my head?
(........I'm sorry.)
(...I can't say any more than that.)
Emma: ...You're a good kid, Gil.
(He really doesn't know anything.)
(Not about the darkness in Obsidian, because his brother and mother had kept it hidden from him.)
(That must be why Prince Gilbert can't stand his child self.)
(Because his innocence is a result of ignorance.)
Young Gilbert: I am?
Emma: Yes, you are. I'm rooting for you to get better soon.
Young Gilbert: ...Thank you, miss.
Gilbert: Are you just going to pat him, when I'm standing right here?
Emma: ...Is it okay?
Gilbert: Of course it is.
Young Gilbert: But you're a grown up.
Gilbert: That doesn't matter. All that matters is that I like my little rabbit a lot.
Young Gilbert: I like her too!
Gilbert: Oh? Are you asking for a fight?
Emma: Stop right there, no fighting! Please get along with each other.
Gilbert: It's impossible.
Gilbert: ...Looking at myself at this age, it's just too much.
With one hand, I ruffled Little Gil's hair, and the other did the same for the adult Prince Gilbert.
The movements were the same, but the underlying emotions behind each gesture was different...
Looking up at the sky, I felt my eyes blurring, just a little.
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hikari-kaitou · 1 year
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This is Phoenix and Edgeworth's profiles as imagined by character designer Ms. Suekane. We got quite different answers from her compared to Takumi and the others!!
Phoenix's profile
Birthday: Maybe a Virgo? I kinda get the feeling he was born in September.
Blood type: O type. His attitude towards Maya and his fairly easygoing nature give me that impression.
Birthplace: Saitama, maybe? It's close to Tokyo but not on the same level because it's more rural. Maybe Saitama or Chiba or Ibaraki? But Takumi-san is from Saitama? Well, let's go with Saitama, then.
Non-work clothes: A hoodie. I want Phoenix to like wearing hoodies (lol). I can't think of anything else that would suit him. On the bottom, he'd wear cargo pants.
Living situation: He lives at his office. He's got a locker there where he keeps blankets and stuff to sleep on.
On his days off: He does nothing. He kinda just spaces out in the morning, then when noon comes he eats lunch and watches TV. When evening comes, he eats dinner, watches more TV, bathes, and sleeps. But if someone invites him out then he'll go.
Hobbies: Video games and stuff. Like fighting games (lol). I can see him with his controller going "tap tap tap tap" and smashing out combos. He might also play Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy or those types of games.
Favorite food: He's omnivorous. He'll eat whatever but he's kinda happy when there's meat in it. He loves meat.
Luxury foods: Diet cola. Beef jerky would be fine too (lol). He drinks alcohol but it doesn't show on his face much. Not beer, but like Japanese hot sake (lol)
Sports: Swimming. In general he's useless at sports but he'd be like "swimming is the only thing I'm good at." He seems like he'd get a little excited while talking about swimming.
Music: He doesn't listen to music. He'll go to karaoke if someone brings him, though.
Cellphone: He updates it fairly regularly, but because he always waits for the price to go down, he always ends up with one that's two models behind (lol).
His part time job in college: Something loose, because he doesn't commit himself to things… Like maybe he worked at a convenience store.
His type: I feel like he dreams about someone with abstract qualities like being "kind" or "domestic". Just thinking about those words gets him all starry-eyed and sighing (lol).
Edgeworth's profile
Birthday: He's an Aries, which means he was born on April 2nd or later. Let's go with April 2nd (lol).
Blood type: Type AB, because I feel like his emotions kinda have peaks and valleys.
Birthplace: Chiba. At first I thought Ace Attorney took place in Soga (a city in Chiba Prefecture).
Non-work clothes: A jacket, but not like a suit jacket, more like a casual one. Like from Paul Smith or something.
Living situation: A normal apartment. A lot of his furniture is Japanese handicraft stuff, and I feel like he'd put a lot of money into making his place feel Japanese.
On his days off: He goes shopping or on walks and has an elegant lunch. If he drives a car, it would be a silver one (lol).
Hobbies: Collecting western antiques and Japanese handicrafts.
Favorite food: Taro and meat soup (imoni). He has a favorite deli in his neighborhood that makes it.
Luxury foods: Whiskey. He enjoys it on the rocks.
Sports: He used to play soccer, but now he does weight training. He's got a defined six-pack.
Music: jazz. He listens to it while drinking his whiskey. Eminem fills him with rage.
Cellphone: A normal one. He uses his computer to send emails so he really only uses it to talk.
His part time job in college: Administrative assistant. He'd help with paperwork only when the office was really busy.
His type: Someone who doesn't lie to him. I have nothing in particular to add to that.
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natadachoco · 2 years
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enjoy this lulaw translation! i think i did a pretty good job typesetting this one but i got lazy with all the sfx, since i don’t have photoshop it’s difficult when the background is textured
original by bon on pixiv under the cut, their twitter is @/_natuharu
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ezralva · 3 months
Rough sketches turned drafts turned final manuscript of advertisement banner in the basement of Dogenzaka Exit, Shibuya for JJK Exhibition from July-August 2024
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Akutami Gege-sensei's note:
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See the completed version now
"I'm going to have a Jujutsu Exhibition~~"
"Since Jujutsu is a digital manuscript, strictly speaking there is no such thing as original artwork.
I thought a lot about what to do ~~~~ and decided to show the remaining names, drafts, and the work of the assistants, which are usually hidden by the characters and the paperbacks ~~~~~~.
My goal is to make visitors think, "I can draw manga too~~~~~!!"
Please look forward to it ~~~~~!!"
#Jujutsu Exhibition in Shibuya
Location: Tokyu Denentoshi Line Shibuya Station B1F A0/A1 Exit Dogenzaka Happy Board
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retracexcviii · 1 year
Oz and Break Nendoroids
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Hello theree.
I have been working on this for a lot of hours. I made the cleaning and translation.
Repost with credits.
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sacchiri · 7 months
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Sketch drawn by Hirano involving a certain song to celebrate the ending of the manga. From the 2012 official guidebook.
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pocketseizure · 11 days
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Designer’s Note: One of our initial plans was for Yona to be swordswoman. Once we settled on the scenario of Yona being married to Sidon, however, we naturally began to adjust her design to reflect her position as a queen who would share the responsibility of protecting Zora’s Domain. We wanted Yona and Sidon to complement each other’s appeal while giving the player a sense of them being well-matched as a married couple.
After debating on how to differentiate her from Mipha, we decided to give Yona a flat, stingray-shaped head like Muzu. As we went through various sketches, Yona’s catlike grin emerged as her best feature, and we like to think her smile imbues her face with charm and individuality.
By the way, Yona came from a different town with two other Zora. Did everyone notice the difference in their clothing and accessories?
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cubedmango · 6 months
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toyota-sensei's halloween 2022 AUs (case1, case2, case3) — english translation
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terpsikeraunos · 1 year
λέγουσι δ᾽ ὥς τις εἰσελήλυθε ξένος, γόης ἐπῳδὸς Λυδίας ἀπὸ χθονός, ξανθοῖσι βοστρύχοισιν εὐοσμῶν κόμην, οἰνῶπας ὄσσοις χάριτας Ἀφροδίτης ἔχων... - And they say that some foreigner has arrived, a sorcerer, an enchanter from the land of Lydia, with sweet-smelling hair in tawny curls, the wine-dark charms of Aphrodite in his eyes...
Euripides, Bacchae 233-236
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reccyls · 7 days
Your Hand, My Lady - The Mature Butler Pledges Loyalty (Victor story)
My translation of Victor's butler event story
As a result of the Evil King's Game, my exclusive butler for the day is...
Victor: Oh dear, how could this be! Turns out there isn't a number 6 after all, so the order gets turned back onto the king!
...the person who started this round of the game in the first place, Victor.
Victor: But one must put their heart and soul into what they have agreed to do, so do allow me to be your butler.
Kate: S-sure. I'm looking forward to it.
(Victor as my butler... I wonder what that's going to be like?)
Kate: Mm....
Daylight streaming into my room pulled me from my sleep. As I sat up, I noticed Victor drawing open the curtains.
Victor: Ah... Apologies, Lady Kate. Did I wake you?
Kate: It's fine...
(Oh, right. Victor's going to be acting as my butler for the entire day today.)
Victor: Heh. Are you still sleepy?
He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper, mindful of how I was only barely awake. His voice was sweeter and gentler than usual.
Victor: You have no duties to attend to today, so if you wanted to sleep in, that would be no trouble. It is still half past 5 in the morning.
Kate: Half past five...? Then, I'll sleep a little more.
Victor: Of course. Sleep well, and I will let you know when breakfast is prepared.
As I curled up in bed once more, Victor silently approached and adjusted my blanket. With a warm, ticklish feeling in my chest at Victor's care, I enjoyed my extra bit of sleep that morning.
After I had my fill of sleep, Victor woke me and I got dressed for the day. I also enjoyed a delicious breakfast.
Kate: Today's breakfast was really good!
Victor: That is good to hear. I'll be sure to pass your words on to the chef. Victor: ...My lady, how about some fresh fruits for dessert? Say 'aah'.
As Victor spoke, he held a fork with a piece of apple up to me.
(Is he really going to feed me...?) (Is this a normal thing for butlers to do?)
Hesitantly, I ate the offered fruit.
Kate: Mm, this is good too! Kate: ...But, um, it is a bit embarrassing to do this.
The gap between me and Victor felt smaller than normal today. It wasn't just regular kindness I could feel in the depths of his words and his expressions. He gave off the impression that he truly and deeply cherished me.
Victor: Please do forgive me. Victor: I was enjoying myself too much and I have ended up making you uncomfortable. Victor: Could you find it in your heart to forgive such an incompetent butler...?
Kate: You don't have to apologize! You're not incompetent at all! Kate: Please just keep doing what you think you should. If I'm actually uncomfortable with something, I'll let you know.
Victor: Thank you very much. My lady is truly kind.
(I basically spent the entire day with Victor. It was a lot of fun.)
...The truth is, this past week, I'd seen some pretty horrible things during my missions with Crown. I wanted to go on those missions so I could get used to that kind of tragedy, but all I ended up doing was make myself more and more depressed...
(...And that's when Victor proposed the Evil King's Game, and he ended up as my butler for the day.) (Thanks to being able to spend time with him, I feel a lot better.)
But just like nothing sad lasts forever, neither do the good times. Every hour that passed was one hour less that I would be able to spend with Victor.
Victor: Ah yes. Before dinner, may I braid your hair, my lady? Victor: During breakfast and lunch, your hair seemed to bother you.
Kate: Oh, thank you. If you don't mind?
Victor: Of course not, leave it to me. I'll be sure to style your hair to be both practical and beautiful.
Victor sat me down in front of the mirror. Parting my hair with a comb, his large hands began to braid my hair.
Kate: ...You really know a lot about women's fashion, Victor.
Throughout the day, Victor was careful to ensure that my clothes wouldn't end up dirty, and helped to suggest complementary accessories when I was unsure which ones to pick. And the hands working through my hair were obviously very familiar with the act of braiding.
Victor: I am your butler, but I do usually work as the queen's aide.
Kate: Oh, right...
Since he worked closely with the queen, it made sense that Victor would have picked up a deep understanding of women's fashion. I was embarrassed that such a simple thought never even crossed my mind. And not only that, but I became aware of a muddled feeling not unlike fog spreading through my chest.
(I had thought that I was the only one who would be able to see Victor as a butler.) (I just didn't consider that I wasn't the only person to know this side of Victor.)
Victor has a lot of friends and acquaintances beyond just Crown, and I've never seen the face he wears in front of them. For some reason, today, that obvious fact was like a dagger to my heart.
(Is there a side of Victor that only I know...?) (...Ah. That's right.)
Kate: Victor, can I ask you for something?
Victor: Of course, my lady. Whatever you need, I am at your disposal.
Kate: This isn't something that happens every day, so I wanted to see you wearing a butler's uniform.
Victor: A butler's uniform?
Kate: Yeah... Have you ever worn one before?
Victor: No, never... And if this is what my one and only lady wishes of me, then I do not mind wearing one.
Kate: I'd love to see it!
And so, Victor went to go put on a butler's outfit.
(Maybe that was kind of heavy-handed of me, but I'm really excited.)
As I stood in the hallway waiting for Victor to be done changing, William approached.
William: Kate, have you seen Victor around?
Kate: He's in his room right now. Changing his clothes, to a butler's uniform.
William: A butler's uniform...? Ah right, he is our little robin's butler for the day, isn't he. William: Sorry for this, but may I borrow your butler?
Kate: Huh...?
William: Her Majesty has summoned Victor for an emergency.
(Victor is my butler for the day... but the queen's orders take priority.)
Kate: Okay. It's Her Majesty's orders, after all.
William: ...You seem displeased.
I flushed, embarrassed at being seen through by William, who had let out a chuckle.
(Feeling lonely because Her Majesty has stolen Victor from me... I'm acting like such a spoiled brat.)
Just then, I spotted Victor, who had now finished changing, approaching. But I knew that if I looked him in the eye, I would end up asking him not to leave, so I made sure to look away from him. As I held back, William had walked over to meet Victor halfway, and the two of them began to speak. It was most likely about the queen's summons.
(Victor is going to leave.) (But... if I could leave a little of myself in his heart...)
Kate: ...Victor. Do you have a little time?
Propelled by a sense of possessiveness I didn't even realize I had, I called out to Victor.
Victor: ...William, can you go on ahead?
Seeing something in my expression or body language, Victor sent William off first.
Kate: Just a second, Victor.
I took one of my ribbons, and tied it around a lock of his hair.
Kate: ...Today, you're not just the queen's aide, but also my butler. Kate: Even if you're far away... please remember that. Kate: ...This is my order, as your lady.
As I told him my wish for him to keep me in his heart...
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Victor took my hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it.
Kate: ...
Victor: ...Of course. Today, I am your loyal butler. Victor: And so would you tell me the reason for the fog that clouds your thoughts?
Kate: I... I-
I didn't know whether to reveal the truth of what I wanted, but every second I dawdled was another second spent obstructing the queen's orders. Gathering my resolve, I opened my mouth to speak.
Kate: ...I'm jealous of the queen, of how much time she has with you. Kate: If I could... I want to order you to stay here.
(Every moment I spend with Victor is precious.) (I wish we could be together forever... I've ended up thinking that way.)
But the reality of the situation is, I'm in no position to make that demand. The queen's orders are absolute. And so because I cannot always be by his side in reality, I wanted to make a place for myself in his heart.
Victor: ......
I turned away from my thoughts, back towards Victor, who had fallen silent.
Kate: I'm sorry. I don't want to burden you, so just--
Hurriedly, I tried to pull my hand back, but Victor raised it to his lips once more.
Kate: ....!?
(Th-that... that wasn't just a kiss, was that his tongue!?)
Seeing my flustered expression, Victor cracked a teasing smile.
Victor: Just because I am your butler does not mean that you can let your guard down, my lady. Victor: The more you say such sweet things, the more I wish to mark your body with my kisses...
Victor's words were full of uncharacteristic seductiveness, and my heart began to pound loudly.
Victor: Do you remember what I told you earlier, when you had dressed up as a maid? Victor: I said to make sure you only give your heart and your body to a partner you are happy to choose.
Kate: ...I remember.
Victor: And so... may I think of myself as that partner, my lady?
Kate: You...
If I gave the wrong answer or if I evaded, I got the feeling that Victor would slip far away from me. Determined to tell him the full, complete truth, I opened my mouth.
Kate: .....Yes. You may.
Victor: I see.
Victor let go of my hand.
Victor: I'm sorry, I must go now. Until next time.
With that, he quickly walked away.
(I... That was way too forward, wasn't it...!) (When he comes back, I need to apologize for making things weird...)
But Victor did not return before the end of the day.
(I wanted to wait for Victor, but at this rate I'll end up staying up the whole night... I should go to sleep now.)
With that thought, I extinguished the lamp and got into bed. Remembering all of Victor's smiles from the past day, I began to slip into slumber. And just then-- My bedroom door quietly swung open, and a scent that brought to mind a quiet deep night approached. When I opened my eyes, there was a figure kneeling over me in bed.
Kate: Who's there...?
Victor: ...It's me. Victor.
Kate: Oh, you're back from the palace...? It's late... you worked hard today...
I was on the cusp of nodding off, barely able to keep my eyes open as I welcomed Victor back.
Kate: And... why are you in my room?
Victor: ...Don't you know?
Kate: Is it about work...?
Victor: Hmm... Something a bit more personal than work.
Kate: Personal? Is there some kind of night banquet that you want to invite me to?
Victor: That sounds lovely, but no. The truth is...
Victor brought his lips to my ear.
Victor: ...I've come to steal your heart.
(Steal my heart?)
Kate: Hehe... There's no point.
Victor: Why not?
Kate: Because you already stole it a long time ago...
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Victor after he left for the palace. If that didn't mean that he had already stolen my heart, then what did?
Kate: Why do you want my heart anyway, Victor?
Victor: Why, you ask? Victor: Because it's so beautiful, I couldn't help but want it.
(I'm pretty sure his eyes are more beautiful than my heart...)
His face was hovering above mine. In the darkness of the room, his eyes seemed to glimmer with light. As I kept staring, those gorgeous eyes drew closer and closer... His long, beautiful hair fell across my face.
Victor: ...
I felt the touch of something delicate across my neck, my shoulders. When I realized that it was Victor's lips pressing across my skin, I felt no desire to push him away.
Kate: Haha, that tickles...
It made me think of all the times that Roger's corgi, Ale, would play with me. I giggled.
Victor: That's all? It just tickles?
(Huh...? Victor's voice sounds a little unhappy about something?)
As I was wondering what it could be about, Victor's lips moved from my shoulder to my ear.
Kate: ...Ah...
The heat of his tongue traced the shell of my ear. I trembled at the unfamiliar sensation.
Victor: Kate.
He whispered my name into my ear like he was trying to express a secret love that should never be.
(He's looking only at me...) (I don't know why, but that makes me really, really happy......)
With that strange joy held in my heart, my eyes slid shut, and I finally drifted off.
William: ...I saw you paying a visit to Kate's room last night.
After finishing a discussion about work, William wasted no time in starting to gossip.
Victor: Are you accusing me of something?
William: Heh. Does it look that way?
Victor: No. You look like you're just having a laugh.
William: Not quite. I'm not poking fun, I am quite happy. William: After all, were you not doing what your heart wanted?
Victor: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no. Victor: I only went to her room to warn her not to give her heart away so freely. And...
William: And?
Victor: Kate doesn't remember it at all. If she does, she probably thinks it was just a dream.
William: What a shame.
At William's words, a vague smile drifted to Victor's lips.
William: So why did you rig that game in the first place? William: Surely you must have known there was no number 6 stick in the first place.
Victor: Nothing gets past you, Will. Victor: Lately, Kate wasn't coping well with the missions she had joined. I just wanted to be able to do something for her.
William: That's it? No other reason?
Victor: ....No. Victor: Even if I did have feelings for her... there is nothing I can offer her. Victor: Because "Victor" belongs to "Victoria".
Notes: In the last exchange with William, Victor uses 俺 (ore) instead of 僕 (boku) as he normally does. Also, his last sentence is written as "Because I belong to Her Majesty", but what he says out loud is what I have written down.
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kaymarie-bell · 4 months
Diasomnia Spoilers, Chapter 8 (JP)
part 1
After Idia finishes his explanation of the plan, he makes our Magic Stones able to switch our clothes (like a character customization screen / magical girls lmfao) and we use Silver’s UM to start moving around. The first dream we see is Epel’s
Epel's dream:
In his dream, Epel has a buff body but the same face (also his steps sound like a giant walking lmfao.)
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We go to talk to him, but he picks a fight with Sebek. In Epel’s dream he’s taller than both Sebek and Jack (😭). We have to convince him that this dream isn’t really what he wants in order to wake him up. He kinda loses it once we mention Vil.
We get blot clones of Vil and Rook that are trying to convince him to stay inside the dream, telling him how much Leona praises him as the best rookie in the magift team and how he embodies the strength and beauty of Pomefiore.
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Grim snaps and reminds him of his wish to defeat Neige as the “poisoned apple” after the VDC.
Epel finally wakes up and accepts his true appearance. We fight against the fake Vil and Rook. Epel uses his UM to win. After that, Idia (in tablet form) explains the situation him.
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Idia gives him the invitation he prepared, and we leave a fake copy of Epel’s body in the dream (the buff one 😭) to keep Malleus from finding out too soon.
We then move on to Rook’s dream:
Just as the new SSR showed: we are in a dream where Rook is still a Savanaclaw student. He is not a first year. He recognizes Epel and wonders if Leona asked to see him because of magift.
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We try the “Vil would be mad if he saw you looking like that” strategy on Rook, however he doesn’t understand why it would concern him since Vil is an RSA student (‼️)
Vil is also Neige’s best friend (‼️‼️‼️)
Rook begins his fanboy rant about Vil and Neige’s “friendship.” He always imagined them as besties, and he keeps talking about their interviews and how they behave with each other. Sebek snaps at him and gets him to shut up for a bit, Rook is apologetic for getting too excited since he doesn’t have anyone to talk about this topic in Savanaclaw (😭)
Ortho wants us to go into Rook’s room to get more information about this version of him to wake him up. Rook tries to stop us but we manage to get inside.
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His room is decorated floor to ceiling with Neige’s merch on the left and Vil’s on the right (😭😭😭😭)
Sebek voice: what kind of rituals are you performing here?
Rook has been keeping his room a secret for all of his three years at NRC. He says he can’t let us go now…without looking at his oshis’ DVD collection first (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
5 hours later. Everyone is tired, and Silver even fell asleep for the first time since we got stuck in these dreams.
Epel tries to make him remember the VDC, but in this Rook’s memory Neige sang Minna de Yahoo! alongside Vil. He tells us goodnight and we leave his room.
The group starts to wonder if this dream means that Rook would’ve preferred to not be friends with Vil, but Epel is against that idea. He thinks that Rook is still thinking about Vil’s overblot, and maybe he believes that if Vil and Neige weren’t rivals then Vil wouldn’t have gone through all that.
Our plan to make Rook wake up involves going to the Coliseum / VDC stage and sing Absolutely Beautiful (new rhythmic!)
We get a flashback of how we rehearsed the song. Epel guided us and assigned our places. Epel -> Vil / Ortho -> Jamil / Sebek -> Epel / Silver and Grim -> Adeuce combo / Yuu -> Kalim / Idia -> Audience and judge.
Idia is happy to take this role, since he is very strict about idol performances (😭) he also offered to get everything ready
Epel: ✨Really? Thank you, Idia-san! ✨
Idia: Ugh! It’s too dazzling! For a moment I thought I’d been reincarnated into an idol training game-
Idia: Pomefiore is frightening….
Idia: I mean, doesn’t this kinda make me a manager or a boys' idol group P?
Idia: “Idia Manager”….”Shroud P”…..Hah! It doesn’t sound too bad~
note: in the type of idol games Idia is talking about, the P stands for “Producer” (time to Ensemble our Stars)
Rook begins to wake up, but blot clones of Vil and Neige appear. They begin to sing Minna de Yahoo! and Rook gets distracted again. Epel starts to scream at him
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Epel: Look closely! The real Vil-san looks more wicked, and his eyebrows are so angled! His eyes are so sharp that his stare will make your heart skip a beat!
Epel: Your Roi de Poison! Our Queen! He is far more Poisonous and Beautiful [than the fake]!
Rook: Poisonous…Beautiful…?
Epel: Don’t you dare give out the words Vil-san wanted the most that day to those fakes! You’re a worse traitor now than when you voted for the Royal Sword Academy! (ouch)
Epel: Come on, wake up! ROOK HUNTEEEER!
Rook: One vote for RSA…traitor…ugh!
Rook: Ugh!….that’s right…in this world…the most beautiful thing in this world is…ARGH!
Rook wakes up, but the fakes are still trying to distract him. ( shoutout to Vil’s VA, this Vil speaks in a more…princely? manner. Definitely not Our Vil)
Rook knows this is a dream, but he still feels guilty about pointing his arrow at them
(Groovy spoiler for Rook's new SSR)
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Fake Vil voice: Neige get behind me!
We defeat the blot clones, and Rook and Epel have their reunion
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Meanwhile Sebek and Idia:
Sebek: I can’t believe it…you’re not only making me fight, but also dance.
Idia: Hehe. I managed to get a good recording of the magnificent Sebek-shi waving his arms and feet in such a clumsy manner.
Sebek: You-! Turn that off! If you show this to anyone, I will not let you get away with it!
Rook notices Idia and is moved by him “guiding the underclassmen as a Dorm Leader” (😭)
Idia is like “eh? Not really…I’m more of a P or a manager…”
Rook asks him to explain what happened at Lilia’s farewell party. Idia shows him the video too. Rook joins our party, receives the invitation, and leaves a clone behind. We move onto the next dream.
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