#*puts a gone fishin sign outside my house*
lizzy-frizzle · 2 years
We started a farm in Stardew valley for the house, and my girlfriend is the person who goes into the mines, and my wife is the farmer/forager, and I'm the dedicated fisher
But they keep asking me to do things and I'm always just like, "nope, I'm already fishing, gotta catch the fish."
I'm just a definition "fish fear me, women fear me, I'm swimming in the river catching fish with my teeth" gremlin woman
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paperficwriter · 5 years
I Told You That I Love You, Please Believe Me
(Some spoilers for the manga, but an alternate take) Ippo has started showing the signs of being punch drunk. He might be able to come back from it, but he can't do it alone. Luckily, Sendo has never planned on making Ippo do anything alone, if he has any say in the matter.
Cut is for length, not for content. Some reference to sex, but SFW.
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Hey, I’m Sendo. Uh, Sendo Takeshi. I ain’t from around here, I’m a pro boxer in Osaka. But, uh, I’ve been here for a while now, so I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to be in this group, right?
Okay. Okay, good.
I’ve been, um...I’ve been here takin’ care of my boyfriend, Ippo. Aw, shit, fuck, am I allowed to tell you his name? Is this supposed to be one of the anonymous things? Shit.
...no? Okay. Phew. Alright, that’s good.
So like I said, been here for a while. I was supposed to be jumpin’ into my first bout of the season, and the night before I get a call from his ma. ‘It’s about Ippo.’ And my heart sank so hard. In those three seconds, I thought, this is it, this is the call, there was an accident or someone hit him the wrong way, he’s paralyzed, I lost him, what the fuck am I supposed to do now.
But then she starts talkin’ about therapy and meds. And she’s goin’ on about he ain’t doin’ so well with it, and they basically told him he ain’t allowed to come back to the gym without a note from the doctor. But he still keeps tryin,’ and the last time that piece of shit Takamura hit him. Not, like, on purpose I guess but the guy’s an asshole, so. There ya go. 
And she goes, ‘I don’t want you to feel like you have to come, but I don’t know what to do with him. He’s so upset and mad, and the meds help but sometimes he won’t take them.’ She’s cryin’ her damn eyes out, and I stay on the phone with her for two, three hours. I’m supposed to get at least eight or nine hours before a match, but...well...that wasn’t happenin.’
And not only that, but...I stayed up longer, thinkin’ over all of it. I was like, what would that be like for me, huh? What if someone told me I couldn’t even train, let alone fight, and all I had was a bunch o’ punch-drunk fuckin’ energy to kill and nowhere to put it, and I just…
God, Coach was pissed. He was all, “Think about what you’re doing, Sendo! Do you think Makunouchi would want this? He’d want you to keep fighting and doing what you do!”
I just...went off. And I feel bad, ‘cause we haven’t really talked since, and I know it’s probably ‘cause he had to find someone else to fill my spot, or do all the paperwork, but I’m not stupid. I screamed at him. Told him, “This ain’t about what Makunouchi thinks! It’s about what I think! If I leave him all alone to deal with this by himself, I’m a fuckin’ piece of shit, and I don’t deserve him.”
And I left. Packed as much as I could, since I didn’t know when I’d be back, took the first flight, and the train, and I was there the next day.
You would think I was the Buddha himself, the way Ma Makunouchi looked at me when I got there. Hell, she already had a room set up for me where they normally kept fishin’ gear. I wasn’t gonna say that I would probably be in Ippo’s room a lot, but…
I asked where he was and she said he was sleepin,’ ‘cause he did sleep an awful lot when he took one particular med. I probably got everything unpacked before she went out grocery shoppin’ and I finally let myself into his room. I laid down next to his futon, and he didn’t even stir. It was crazy. I had probably been there five hours, and I wasn’t bein’ loud on purpose but I ain’t good at bein’ quiet.
Finally he wakes up, and he blinks at me, and holy shit, he just launches himself at me. He does that sweet goofy squeal of his, all, “Sendo-saaaaaan!” and he’s huggin’ and kissin’ me and I’m like...this is my boy, ya know? This is Ippo, he hasn’t changed, this is gonna be fine.
...fuck, man. It was...just...it got hard, okay? 
Because the next morning, maybe two days after that, he gets up, gets his sweats on and all, and I think… okay, maybe he’s going for a run. But then he looks at me, big and bright and smiling. “You’re going to help me get back into the gym, right?”
I got all queasy. Not good. I tried to kind of laugh. “What? Nah. Ippo, ya can’t go back to the gym yet...I can’t give ya a doctor’s note, ya know?”
And he got...really mad. Like, madder than I ever seen him. He starts stormin’ around, even knocks over this stack of magazine. “I thought you wanted to help me!”
I’m all, “‘Course I do. Babe, I’m here, it’s gonna be okay.”
“What are you going to do, then? Just sit inside here and babysit me when my mom’s not around. Is that why she called you?”
I...I fuckin’ blanked out. What was I supposed to say to that? I tried to give him a hug, but he shoved me and stormed off. Down to the beach. And I sat there and stared at him, because he just went down there and sat, and I didn’t know what to do. I felt so damn powerless. And I don’t...I’m...I’m not used to feeling like that.
He came back a bit later, and honestly it was worse, because I was watchin’ TV, trying not to think, and he busts in sobbing. And he wraps his arms around me, and he’s cryin,’ and he’s beggin’ me not to leave, that he’s sorry, that he doesn’t know what happened. And I tell him, “I ain’t leavin,’ okay? Don’t cry, Ippo. S’okay. I know it ain’t your fault.”
He takes the meds and goes back to sleep for, like, hours and hours. I just sat there with him. Think I read five books, and I ain’t exactly a readin’ type.
That next week, we did some other stuff, and it was good, ya know? We did couple-y shit. Went out to movies and had some food. We did all this touristy shit that Ippo had never actually done, ‘cause with his ma always workin’ and whatnot, and not havin’ his dad there, all he did was school before boxin.’
We, uh...listen, we’re all adults here, so I think I can tell ya that we tried to be...ya know...intimate, yeah? But the meds...fuck, he got so upset because he couldn’t really...um...we just couldn’t do it like we used to, ya know? And I remember this one night, he looked up at me all pouty - I felt so bad, because I knew he was upset, but he was fuckin’ adorable - and went, “Is it okay? Do you not want to be with me anymore? If I can’t do it with you?”
I gave him the biggest hug, and we just stayed there like that in the futon, with me strokin’ his hair and rubbin’ his back. Kissin’ him. Holdin’ him. Tellin’ him how I didn’t care about that shit, that it was fine, that it would get better and that we could try as much as he wanted, and we’d have all the other stuff, and I think I told him a hundred times that it didn’t matter to me.
Heh...then he really gave me a punch when I told him that his ma would probably be relieved we were keepin’ our hands to ourselves.
They kept changin’ his meds. They’d get him into different therapies, and there were all these pills and brain scans and shit. And they said it was helping, that he was getting better, overall, but that it would still be a long road.
He continued askin,’ every time, to every person who would see him, “Can I box again?”
And they tell him not yet. Every time, and he’s just. A mess. Goes home to the beach and cries and I’d sit by him, and I’d tell him I was there, and he’d just...look at me. And I could tell he wasn’t sayin’ it, except with his eyes, that it wasn’t enough, that there was nothin’ I could do.
There was one pill they gave him that got him real fuzzy, and I...that was the worst, I think. Other than what came later.
He was in this fog, and shaky, and I found him outside staring at the leaves as they were falling. He was trying to catch them. Nothin’ crazy, just...reachin’ out for them, and he’d overshoot, or he’d come up short. And I come out there and I ask him, “Whatcha doin,’ Ippo?”
And he looks at me. Looks at me like he doesn’t quite know it’s me, and I can’t tell ya how I nearly fell over when he said, “Oh, Sendo...I...I thought if I...caught enough, they might tell me I could come back.”
I went out drinking that night. Alone. After he was asleep, and his mom was asleep, I just. Went down to this bar I knew was open and I started drinking. And I started doing that a couple of nights a week. And then it became most nights a week.
He caught me, though. Once. And once was enough, because he thought I was… thought I was seein’ someone, and he was so...him about it. “I get it! We’re young, right? It makes sense! You just do what you need to. I love you, Sendo.”
It hurt so fucking bad, because he kept sayin’ it. Sendo. Sendo. He never called me Takeshi anymore, and it killed me.
“There ain’t nobody else,” I tell him, shaking him a little, because I was still tipsy. “There ain’t never gonna be nobody else but you, hear me?”
He goes, “You don’t have to tell me…”
I yelled at him and said there was nothin’ to tell, and I said I was at the bar, and that...I wonder if that was worse. He got real quiet, and I felt like such a shithead, like I was wasting this one fucking lucid moment. And he said, so damn sad, so defeated. “Because of me.”
I...don’t really remember how the rest of that night went. The conversation kinda died. But I did stop goin’ to the bar mostly. Which was rough at first. I was sick. 
And then there was the night of the storm. I just...I remember everythin’ about that night. It had been cool all day, and we could see the clouds roll in by the evening. His ma made Ippo’s favorites, because whenever he asked for ‘em, she did. He seemed real, real good. We were talkin.’ It was nice. 
We went to bed early. He was tired, and after dinner he had gotten kinda low on mental energy too. We fell asleep together, and after a little bit, the storm hit. Usually I can sleep right through that shit, but that night...I woke up. I’m fucking glad because I always feel like I’m gonna throw up when I think, what if I didn’t?
Ippo was gone. I look all around the house, everywhere. I don’t wake up his ma yet. Don’t wanna panic her.
But I get outside, and I just make him out, since the big light stays on outside. 
He’s on the boat.
He’s standin’ there, swayin.’ Hell, he looks half-asleep himself, and he’s goin’ through all these motions: liftin’ anchor, headin’ to the ropes, and the whole boat is rockin.’ And I call out to him, and he looks up at me.
And I see him fall.
I know...what happened, after that, in a general sense. But at the time, it was like I was seein’ it all from a camera on the back of my head. I ran and jumped over the side, into the water. I feel it pulling me, and I fight it, choking. And somehow, Ippo is floating, and I grab his shirt, and I start swimming. As hard as I can, rain pourin’ down into my eyes with the seawater, and eventually there’s just...it gets more shallow, and I’m crawlin’ on all fours onto the beach. 
The only reason I can see him is because of the lightning. It’s so wild, and real, and he’s blinking up at me, right before I hurl an entire fuckin’ ocean amount of saltwater. And I yell, I’m like, “What were ya thinkin’?! What were ya gonna do, huh? Were ya gonna just go?!”
“I...I don’t know. I don’t…” His face gets all screwed up and he’s crying. “I don’t know...I don’t remember…”
We don’t get up and go until the storm stops, and we track in all this mud and sand. I remember bein’ at such a loss over everything that that makes me feel the guiltiest. That we’re messin’ up his ma’s place.
I get him in the shower...we’re in the shower together...and he says to me, and it ain’t the first time, but it is different, he says, “I really...I really need your help, Takeshi.”
And I hold him so tight, and I tell him I ain’t goin’ nowhere. Not now. Not ever. 
...and that was last week, so…
I guess that’s how I’m doing.
Six months later:
“How was group?”
He’s waiting outside with a bag of the candy Sendo likes. He smiles his dopey Makunouchi smile, and Sendo kisses him before he answers, “It was all right. How was therapy?”
“It was good. I like this new one. She listens, and she’s given me a few new things to do without messing with my medication. And they said I could start running again, along with the thirty minutes a day.”
“Hey! That’s great, babe.” He picks up his hand and kisses that too. He nuzzles the ring on his finger, rubs his palm. “We can get back into it tomorrow, if ya want?”
He smiles. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. It’s been a while. And I thought maybe we could see if the guys want to do karaoke?”
“Oh god.” Sendo groans, taking one of the candies out. “They’re just gonna wanna do that one obnoxious song over and over…” He eats it, and then fishes out another and feeds it to him. He blushes. God, he’s cute.
“But that’s okay, right?” He rubs up against his side until Sendo puts an arm around him. “You don’t mind?”
Sendo buries his face into the top of his head, nodding, breathing him in. “Nah. Don’t mind at all.”
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niknaksstuff · 6 years
“Forget I even asked you.”
This is my attempt at another of the Five Word Prompts issued by @amaradangeli
“Carter,” Jack O’Neill, barked after his 2IC, who seemed intent on avoiding him after disappearing down the first available corridor she came across.
Colonel Samantha Carter stopped in her tracks and with a mixture of defeat and frustration on her face, she turned to face her commanding Officer.
“Finally!” Jack sighed. “You’re more difficult to catch up with than Daniel.”
Sam smiled weakly and then looked him fully in the eye.
“I’m sorry, Sir,” she whispered.
“What for, Carter?”
“For earlier, Sir... you know... when I...” Sam stuttered awkwardly.
“Oh... earlier...” Jack threw his upturned thumb over his shoulder. “When you invited yourself to my cabin?” He knew he shouldn’t tease her, he could tell by the alarmingly pink flush to her cheeks that she was beyond embarrassed but the temptation was too strong and he loved making her blush.
“Yes... that.” She squirmed. “Forget I even asked you.”
Whilst making Sam Carter blush had become one of his favourite pastimes over the years, making her so uncomfortable that she looked like she might just burst into tears, hadn’t. So much had happened lately and he’d been finding it hard to come to terms with it himself, let alone Carter who had only a few weeks earlier, buried her father.
Jack reached out and placed his hand on Sam’s arms which were firmly crossed against her chest and gently guided her to a secluded part of the corridor away from prying eyes.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to come with, it’s just that...” Jack dipped his head so that he could make eye contact with her. “I’m not sure your fiancé would be too pleased... that’s if you were going to tell him?”
“I wasn’t.” Sam replied, bluntly.
All of a sudden, the already uncomfortable atmosphere became a whole lot worse.
“Do you want to talk about it, Carter? I mean as your CO I have a duty to make sure you’re okay...”
“A duty? Is that all it is... Sir.”
“Carter,” Jack’s tone told her that she was stepping over the line and God forbid they did that!
“Look, I told you, forget I said anything. You go and enjoy your weekend at your cabin,” Sam snapped. “Permission to leave, Sir?”
Jack nodded and watched bemused as Sam rounded the corner and disappeared from view.
It was a gamble and a pretty risky gamble at that. He had no idea if Sam would be alone or if Pete would be there when he called. But, he’d been so perplexed by her behaviour the previous day that despite his better judgement, he knew he had to find out what was wrong.
He’d spent years inviting her to his cabin and she’d always turned him down. She’d been the one with the willpower, or so he’d always thought but perhaps she didn’t have any, he mused and that’s the reason she never felt able to accept his invitations.
He turned the corner into her road and stopped a short distance from her house. There was no sign of Pete’s car which was encouraging but just as he was about to start up the engine again, he spotted the door to her garage slowly lifting. Once fully open, he saw Sam pushing her motorbike out onto the drive. She was obviously preparing to go for a ride. It was now or never. He started up his truck and put it into gear.
He reached her drive and parked across it before she’d even straddled her bike. Sam rested her helmet on the saddle and turned to face Jack as he stepped down from his truck.
“Sir... I thought you’d be on the road long before now.”
“Yeah, I should have been but I realised that I’d forgotten something,” Jack shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh, I see. Must be something pretty important.”
“I think so,” Jack stared at her intently.
Sam shifted awkwardly, “Was there something that you wanted?”
“Yes... you.”
“I beg your pardon, Sir. For a minute there I thought you said.. “
“Yep, I did. The thing that I forgot, Carter, was you. Now... go pack a bag.”
Sam stared at him with her mouth agape. “But... I don’t have anything ready.”
“Carter, we’re going to my cabin for the weekend. You don’t need many clothes.”
As soon as he’d said it he knew that it had come out all wrong and her shocked expression confirmed his worse fears.
“What I meant to say was, we won’t be doing anything but fishin’ and chillin’ so you only need a change of clothes,” he smiled trying to reassure her.
“I’m not sure it’s such a great idea,” she shook her head.
“You’re the one that suggested it in the first place,” he shot back at her.
“Yep, well, you certainly made your feelings clear when I did.”
“Carter, don’t have me make it an order... please.”
Sam closed her eyes and shook her head, “You’ll have to give me five minutes, is that okay?”
“Sure,” Jack grinned. “I’ll wait in the truck.”
Sam had indeed only been five minutes. Just like he was, she was an expert at hasty packing. She’d lost count of the number of off world missions where things had gone fubar and they’d had to get the hell out of some God forsaken place in the blink of an eye.
Sam hauled her pack into the back of Jack’s truck and slid into the passenger seat.
“You better drive before I change my mind,” she said, warningly.
“Yes, Ma’am.” Jack saluted her before putting the truck into gear.
The journey took forever. Early on, Sam had fought to keep her eyes open but too many sleepless nights had finally caught up on her and she quickly succumbed to sleep.
Several hours later, the motion of the truck coming to a halt, woke her from her slumber.
She didn’t become fully aware of her surroundings until Jack opened her door and gave her a gentle nudge.
“We’re here,” he smiled as he grabbed their bags from the back of the truck.
He’d been quite glad that Sam had fallen asleep. He got the feeling that their journey could have been a bit awkward to say the least if they’d had to make small talk all the way. He knew they needed to talk but he wanted to do it amidst the tranquil surroundings of his cabin.
As Sam looked around outside, Jack took the bags inside. He opened up the windows to let some fresh air in and opened up the door to the back porch.
Sam had made her way onto the jetty and was looking out over the pond. She’d heard him behind her but she didn’t turn, she just continued to look at a couple of birds that were diving and darting over the surface of the water.
“It’s beautiful,” she sighed, contentedly.
Jack leaned in and nudged her shoulder. “I told ya.”
“Thank you,” Sam smiled warmly as Jack raised his arm so that she could nestle against him “... for not forgetting me.”
“I could never do that, Carter.”
They stood for what seemed like an age, just looking and soaking in all the natural beauty that surrounded them.
The rest of the day was spent fishing, mostly in a companionable silence. There was so much that he needed to know but for now, Sam needed to heal and the solitude that surrounded them seemed to be just the medicine she needed.
With supper over, Jack set the fire. It was a beautiful traditional open fire and the damp logs hissed and crackled as the flames took hold. He sat back into the sofa and Sam chose to sit on the rug with her back resting against a chair. The air was chilly but the heat from the fire soon warmed her bones.
“How’re you doing, Carter?”
Sam turned to him and he could see that her eyes were glistening in the glow of the fire.
“Okay, I suppose,” she shrugged.
“Really? It doesn’t look that way to me.”
“Ah... this is you and your duty asking me, right?” Sam asked, somewhat sarcastically.
“Nope, this is me asking you because I care.”
Sam took a deep breath and hung her head. “I’m sorry, Sir. I guess I’m not doing all that well.”
“I guessed as much and Sam, cut it out with the Sir. When we’re here, it’s just Jack.” He slid off the sofa until he was sitting next to her on the rug. Their shoulders touched and they both stared into the dancing flames of the fire.
“I thought I was okay with losing Dad. I was at first. I was just grateful that he’d had the extra time to know about all the things that I knew too. But since the funeral I’ve started to get angry, I hate him for leaving me. How fucked up is that?” Sam sighed.
“I think it’s pretty normal,” Jack began to fiddle with a loose thread on the rug. “There are a number of stages that you go through when you grieve and anger is definitely one of them.”
Of course, she realised, he would know better than most about grief and she also knew that his words were born from an immense pain that he had been forced to endure after the death of his son.
“I’m sorry... Jack. I didn’t mean to drag up the past.”
“Don’t be sorry, Sam. You’ll never forget your Dad, but you will forgive him... one day.” Jack dropped the thread and looked up. “Do ya talk to Pete about how you feel... ‘cos you should.”
Sam shook her head. “Pete’s the reason I asked if I could come here with you.”
Jack’s brain immediately began to go into overdrive and conjure up scenarios that he’d really rather not contemplate.
“He hasn’t done anything to hurt you has he? Cos I swear, if he has.” Jack pushed himself upright and turned to Sam.
“Hey, calm down.” Sam placed her hand on his chest. “He hasn’t hurt me. In fact, I’m the one that’s been doing the hurting.”
Jack screwed up his face in an attempt to figure out what she meant.
“You see I’d made my mind up way before Dad died but it was the fact that I didn’t want the comfort and understanding that Pete was prepared to give that made me realise that I was fooling both of us. I didn’t need to tell Pete about coming here because we’re not together anymore.”
“You broke off your engagement?” Jack asked. He was surprised and relieved all at the same time.
“Yep, that’s why I wanted to come here. I couldn’t tell you at the base, I tried but it didn’t seem right,” Sam was embarrassed and unsure of how Jack might react.
“How’d he take it?”
“Err... not so great, I think he probably went away and sulked for a while,” Sam laughed nervously.
“Yeah, that figures. He struck me as the ‘toys out of the pram’ type of guy,” Jack didn’t want to sound too smug but he really had never liked him and even if he hadn’t been dating Carter, he still wouldn’t have liked the man.
They sat in silence for a while, watching the flames flicker and spark as they began to die down.
“Don’t you ever get tired of being on your own?” Sam asked him tentatively.
“I guess I don’t get much time to think about it. I’m hardly ever off base.” Jack was being honest but he also knew that if he didn’t see Sam every day as a matter of course, then he would indeed feel as if there was a huge void in his life.
“Well, I do. I’m lonely, Jack and even when I was with Pete, I still felt lonely.” Sam took hold of Jack’s arm and lifted it so that she could snuggle next to him.
“When Dad was dying he told me that I could still have everything that I want and I thought I already had it but then after his funeral I realised that I didn’t want Pete to be the one who comforted me and told me everything would be okay... I wanted it to be you.”
Jack pulled Sam closer to him until their bodies were flush against each other, side by side. Sam rested her head on his shoulder and he placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I told you that I’ll always be here for you and I meant it, I will but I can’t and won’t ruin your career by getting you court martialled.” Jack’s free hand was now stroking her hair whilst the other traced gentle circles across her back.
Sam sighed heavily, “Dad also told me that I shouldn’t let rules stand in my way. I’ve always done things by the book but it’s time to start thinking about me now. We can have what we want, Jack, I think we deserve it, don’t you?”
Sam looked up from his shoulder and placed her hand softly on his cheek.
“I’ve loved you for what seems like forever and I know that I’ll never be able to have a relationship with anyone else. You’re the only one that I want to spend my life with and I hope that maybe you feel the same way about me or I’ve just made the biggest jerk out of myself since asking you if I could come...”
Jack cut off her words by covering her lips with his own. Sam immediately responded and opened her mouth slightly so that their kiss deepened.
“We’ll find a way,” Jack gasped as they broke apart, “because I love you.”
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wetrumpfeed · 6 years
This is u/Ivaginaryfriend here to keep you comfort while millions of government officials literally (not literally) lose their jobs. I've got a nice recap of all things spicy and dank from the past week to keep you guys warm and comfy during these cold and troubling times so sit back and get /cozy/ 'pedes!
As always, if you happened to miss any past recaps you can check those out here!
Sunday, December 16th:
A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?
So where are all the missing Text messages between fired FBI agents Peter S and the lovely Lisa Page, his lover. Just reported that they have been erased and wiped clean. What an outrage as the totally compromised and conflicted Witch Hunt moves ever so slowly forward. Want them!
Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started. They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?
At the request of many, I will be reviewing the case of a “U.S. Military hero,” Major Matt Golsteyn, who is charged with murder. He could face the death penalty from our own government after he admitted to killing a Terrorist bomb maker while overseas. @PeteHegseth @FoxNews
Judge Ken Starr, former Solicitor Generel & Independent Counsel, just stated that, after two years, “there is no evidence or proof of collusion” & further that “there is no evidence that there was a campaign financing violation involving the President.” Thank you Judge. @FoxNews
The Democrats policy of Child Seperation on the Border during the Obama Administration was far worse than the way we handle it now. Remember the 2014 picture of children in cages - the Obama years. However, if you don’t separate, FAR more people will come. Smugglers use the kids!
Required television watching is last weeks @marthamaccallum interview with the wonderful wife of Rod Blagojevich and the @trish_regan interview with a Jerome Corsi. If that doesn’t tell you something about what has been going on in our Country, nothing will. Very sad!
“It looks here as though General Flynn’s defenses are incidental to something larger which is for the prosecution to figure out if it can find a path to Donald Trump without quite knowing what that crime might be. It stops looking like prosecution and more looking like...... ... ....a persecution of the President.” Daniel Henninger, The Wall Street Journal. Thank you, people are starting to see and understand what this Witch Hunt is all about. Jeff Sessions should be ashamed of himself for allowing this total HOAX to get started in the first place! ... ....The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, started as the “insurance policy” long before I even got elected, is very bad for our Country. They are Entrapping people for misstatements, lies or unrelated things that took place many years ago. Nothing to do with Collusion. A Democrat Scam!
This guy explains the democrat russia collusion AMAZINGLY with comedy
LET US GET THIS STRAIGHT: Hillary deletes 33k emails, bleach bits, hammers devices - crimes disappear Mueller deletes thousands of emails, devices scrubbed - crimes disappear And Trump is the one under investigation?
I demand the Chinese put a White guy on their money. Maybe Iran or Iraq should put a White person on their money? Are they not inclusive or multicultural? Oh yah I forgot, only the West has to be.
It's 12/16/18 and the murder of Seth Rich remains unsolved. Literally, nobody cares outside of T_D.
Funny How Shills Come Here to Downvote. Don't They Know that Reddit Won't Even Show Us on the Front Page?
Monday, December 17th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Personnel to a Key Administration Post
First Lady Melania Trump Visits USS George H.W. Bush & Military Bases
The DEDUCTIBLE which comes with ObamaCare is so high that it is practically not even useable! Hurts families badly. We have a chance, working with the Democrats, to deliver great HealthCare! A confirming Supreme Court Decision will lead to GREAT HealthCare results for Americans!
It is incredible that with a very strong dollar and virtually no inflation, the outside world blowing up around us, Paris is burning and China way down, the Fed is even considering yet another interest rate hike. Take the Victory!
Anytime you hear a Democrat saying that you can have good Border Security without a Wall, write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time, far greater safety and control!
Today I am making good on my promise to defend our Farmers & Ranchers from unjustified trade retaliation by foreign nations. I have authorized Secretary Perdue to implement the 2nd round of Market Facilitation Payments. Our economy is stronger than ever–we stand with our Farmers!
Steele admits he was hired to undermine 2016 election results by Perkins Coie
US conducts 6 airstrikes against Somalia extremists, 62 dead
WOWW Melania Trump stuns at White House Christmas ball
Families of Children Murdered by Illegal Aliens Rally at US-Mexico Border.
Man, Christmas Dinner Will Be Fun
Take a moment of silent prayer to remember the thousands who've died from net neutrality. #NeverForget
Gone fishin’
Tuesday, December 18th:
Executive Order on Providing for the Closing of Executive Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government on December 24, 2018
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at Kennedy Space Center
President Trump Participates in a Roundtable Discussion
Biggest outrage yet in the long, winding and highly conflicted Mueller Witch Hunt is the fact that 19,000 demanded Text messages between Peter Strzok and his FBI lover, Lisa Page, were purposely & illegally deleted. Would have explained whole Hoax, which is now under protest!
Good luck today in court to General Michael Flynn. Will be interesting to see what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure being put on him, about Russian Collusion in our great and, obviously, highly successful political campaign. There was no Collusion!
I hope the people over at the Fed will read today’s Wall Street Journal Editorial before they make yet another mistake. Also, don’t let the market become any more illiquid than it already is. Stop with the 50 B’s. Feel the market, don’t just go by meaningless numbers. Good luck!
Facebook, Twitter and Google are so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous! Twitter, in fact, has made it much more difficult for people to join @realDonaldTrump. They have removed many names & greatly slowed the level and speed of increase. They have acknowledged-done NOTHING!
Illegal immigration costs the United States more than 200 Billion Dollars a year. How was this allowed to happen?
Russia Dossier reporter now doubts dopey Christopher Steele’s claims! “When you get into the details of the Steele Dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them. There’s good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations..... ... ....WILL NEVER BE PROVEN AND ARE LIKELY FALSE.” Thank you to Michael Isikoff, Yahoo, for honesty. What this means is that the FISA WARRANTS and the whole Russian Witch Hunt is a Fraud and a Hoax which should be ended immediately. Also, it was paid for by Crooked Hillary & DNC!
Michael Isikoff was the first to report Dossier allegations and now seriously doubts the Dossier claims. The whole Russian Collusion thing was a HOAX, but who is going to restore the good name of so many people whose reputations have been destroyed?
(Retweeting FLOTUS) Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. @POTUS & @FLOTUS are seen Saturday, December 15, in their official 2018 Christmas portrait, in the Cross Hall of the White House in Washington, D.C. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)
“President Donald J. Trump’s Commission on School Safety examined ways to make our schools safe for all students and teachers.” Read more: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-committed-making-schools-safer/ …
Congratulations to @MarthaMcSally on her appointment by Governor @DougDucey as the Great new Senator from Arizona - I have no doubt she will do a fantastic job!
The Democrats, are saying loud and clear that they do not want to build a Concrete Wall - but we are not building a Concrete Wall, we are building artistically designed steel slats, so that you can easily see through it.... ... ....It will be beautiful and, at the same time, give our Country the security that our citizens deserve. It will go up fast and save us BILLIONS of dollars a month once completed!
America is the greatest Country in the world and my job is to fight for ALL citizens, even those who have made mistakes. Congratulations to the Senate on the bi-partisan passing of a historic Criminal Justice Reform Bill.... ... ....This will keep our communities safer, and provide hope and a second chance, to those who earn it. In addition to everything else, billions of dollars will be saved. I look forward to signing this into law!
Fun fact: Reddit has just shadow removed every thread about that deranged college SJW who stole that guys MAGA hat. You remember? That massively viral video that was posted all over Reddit from this source? The only one left up is a low voted thread here.
A message to France: Record and upload everything
If you no longer need our protection and your life and health are no longer at risk in your home country, you must go home.
New York Senator keeping it classy. Quickly deleted his tweet, but the internet never forgets. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
House GOP releases transcript of explosive closed-door Comey questioning
Press Beating
POTUS and FLOTUS are Spectacular
Wait, I'm Confused 🤔
Unlike democrat senators we here take suicide prevention serious. Thats why you see the hotline at the sidebar. A senator who calls others to commit suicide should resign!
Finally obtained my license to carry by the Boston police! This subreddit has motivated me so much and I I truly thank all of you for your awesomeness. Aiming to be one of Boston's Finest this one's for you guys! #bostonpeds
Wednesday, December 19th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts
President Trump: "It's Time For Our Troops To Come Back Home"
In our Country, so much money has been poured down the drain, for so many years, but when it comes to Border Security and the Military, the Democrats fight to the death. We won on the Military, which is being completely rebuilt. One way or the other, we will win on the Wall!
Mexico is paying (indirectly) for the Wall through the new USMCA, the replacement for NAFTA! Far more money coming to the U.S. Because of the tremendous dangers at the Border, including large scale criminal and drug inflow, the United States Military will build the Wall!
We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.
The Trump Foundation has done great work and given away lots of money, both mine and others, to great charities over the years - with me taking NO fees, rent, salaries etc. Now, as usual, I am getting slammed by Cuomo and the Dems in a long running civil lawsuit started by..... ... ...sleazebag AG Eric Schneiderman, who has since resigned over horrific women abuse, when I wanted to close the Foundation so as not to be in conflict with politics. Shady Eric was head of New Yorkers for Clinton, and refused to even look at the corrupt Clinton Foundation...... ... ....In any event, it goes on and on & the new AG, who is now being replaced by yet another AG (who openly campaigned on a GET TRUMP agenda), does little else but rant, rave & politic against me. Will never be treated fairly by these people - a total double standard of “justice.”
Col. Jim Carafano on @IngrahamAngle “Trump has made the Middle East a better place. When Trump came into office, ISIS was running amuck in the Middle East. Over a million refugees poured into Western Europe - none of that is happening today. That’s all due to Trump.”
“Trump gets no credit for what he’s done in the Middle East.” @IngrahamAngle So true, thank you Laura!
President Trump signs executive order making Christmas Eve a federal holiday
President Trump declares victory over ISIS, orders total withdrawal of US troops from Syria
Twitter Refuses to Punish Democrat Senator Who Told Woman to Kill Herself
FITTON:WINNING: Two federal courts, Judges Sullivan and Lamberth ruled on key Clinton email issues. Judge Sullivan required Mrs. Clinton to answer additional questions under oath and Judge Lamberth ordered additional discovery into "one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."
✨BREAKING✨ Christopher Steele Admits Hillary Clinton Paid Him for Dossier
This is what the unaudited thots brigading us look like. Deport on sight.
The Babylon Bee: "Trump Criticized For Breaking With Longstanding American Tradition Of Remaining In Middle Eastern Countries Indefinitely" 😂😂
Brigade in progress, kindly show concern trolls the door. Pic unrelated.
A message for the daily shariablue cuckold brigade.
Thursday, December 20th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Designate Individual to a Key Administration Post
President Trump Participates in a Signing Ceremony for H.R. 2, the “Agriculture Improvement Act”
President Trump: "We Need the Wall"
“I’m proud of the President today to hear that he is declaring victory in Syria.” Senator Rand Paul. “I couldn’t agree more with the presidents decision. By definition, this is the opposite of an Obama decision. Senator Mike Lee
Getting out of Syria was no surprise. I’ve been campaigning on it for years, and six months ago, when I very publicly wanted to do it, I agreed to stay longer. Russia, Iran, Syria & others are the local enemy of ISIS. We were doing there work. Time to come home & rebuild. #MAGA
Does the USA want to be the Policeman of the Middle East, getting NOTHING but spending precious lives and trillions of dollars protecting others who, in almost all cases, do not appreciate what we are doing? Do we want to be there forever? Time for others to finally fight..... ... ....Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy about the U.S. leaving, despite what the Fake News says, because now they will have to fight ISIS and others, who they hate, without us. I am building by far the most powerful military in the world. ISIS hits us they are doomed!
The Democrats, who know Steel Slats (Wall) are necessary for Border Security, are putting politics over Country. What they are just beginning to realize is that I will not sign any of their legislation, including infrastructure, unless it has perfect Border Security. U.S.A. WINS!
With so much talk about the Wall, people are losing sight of the great job being done on our Southern Border by Border Patrol, ICE and our great Military. Remember the Caravans? Well, they didn’t get through and none are forming or on their way. Border is tight. Fake News silent!
After historic victories against ISIS, it’s time to bring our great young people home!
When I begrudgingly signed the Omnibus Bill, I was promised the Wall and Border Security by leadership. Would be done by end of year (NOW). It didn’t happen! We foolishly fight for Border Security for other countries - but not for our beloved U.S.A. Not good!
Congress just passed the Criminal Justice Reform Bill known as the #FirstStepAct. Congratulations! This is a great bi-partisan achievement for everybody. When both parties work together we can keep our Country safer. A wonderful thing for the U.S.A.!!
So hard to believe that Lindsey Graham would be against saving soldier lives & billions of $$$. Why are we fighting for our enemy, Syria, by staying & killing ISIS for them, Russia, Iran & other locals? Time to focus on our Country & bring our youth back home where they belong!
Farm Bill signing in 15 minutes! #Emmys #TBT
Democrats, it is time to come together and put the SAFETY of the AMERICAN PEOPLE before POLITICS. Border security must become a #1 priority!
General Jim Mattis will be retiring, with distinction, at the end of February, after having served my Administration as Secretary of Defense for the past two years. During Jim’s tenure, tremendous progress has been made, especially with respect to the purchase of new fighting.... ... ....equipment. General Mattis was a great help to me in getting allies and other countries to pay their share of military obligations. A new Secretary of Defense will be named shortly. I greatly thank Jim for his service!
Thank you to our GREAT Republican Members of Congress for your VOTE to fund Border Security and the Wall. The final numbers were 217-185 and many have said that the enthusiasm was greater than they have ever seen before. So proud of you all. Now on to the Senate!
Soon to be Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, last week live from the Oval Office, that the Republicans didn’t have the votes for Border Security. Today the House Republicans voted and won, 217-185. Nancy does not have to apologize. All I want is GREAT BORDER SECURITY!
DON'T LET THE SHILLS DOWNVOTE : Page 390 IG Report - FBI Agent " So , you find Huma lied , BFD . No one at DOJ is going to prosecute ."
BREAKING: Speaker Ryan says Trump will not sign Senate-passed bill to avoid government shutdown
Trump Orders Major Afghan Drawdown: 7,000 Troops To Return Home In Coming Weeks
Acting AG Matthew Whitaker cleared to oversee Trump-Russia investigation, source says | Fox News
Because of President Trump, my cousin will be coming home from Syria for Christmas! Now bring the other one home from Afghanistan! Fully onboard the MAGA train now! #TrumpTrain
Hilary Clinton is given a free pass with multiple crimes, but trump, who has done nothing illegal, is constantly harassed in an effort to uncover dirt. I was taught as a child that in America, you start with the crime and search for the perpetrator. Sadly, that is no longer the case.
Trump after signing the farm bill and dropping an epic TBT tweet.
MFW Congress gives you money to build a wall out of Hympecrete.
Friday, December 21st:
EO on Promoting Active Management of America’s Forests, Rangelands, and other Federal Lands to Improve Conditions and Reduce Wildfire Risk
Presidential Proclamation to Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and for Other Purposes
Presidential Memorandum on the Delegation of Functions and Authorities Under Section 1238 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018
Memorandum on the Delegation of Functions and Authorities Under Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
President Trump participates in a signing ceremony for S. 756 and H.R. 6964
Senator Mitch McConnell should fight for the Wall and Border Security as hard as he fought for anything. He will need Democrat votes, but as shown in the House, good things happen. If enough Dems don’t vote, it will be a Democrat Shutdown! House Republicans were great yesterday!
The Democrats are trying to belittle the concept of a Wall, calling it old fashioned. The fact is there is nothing else’s that will work, and that has been true for thousands of years. It’s like the wheel, there is nothing better. I know tech better than anyone, & technology..... ... .....on a Border is only effective in conjunction with a Wall. Properly designed and built Walls work, and the Democrats are lying when they say they don’t. In Israel the Wall is 99.9% successful. Will not be any different on our Southern Border! Hundreds of $Billions saved!
No matter what happens today in the Senate, Republican House Members should be very proud of themselves. They flew back to Washington from all parts of the World in order to vote for Border Security and the Wall. Not one Democrat voted yes, and we won big. I am very proud of you!
The Democrats, whose votes we need in the Senate, will probably vote against Border Security and the Wall even though they know it is DESPERATELY NEEDED. If the Dems vote no, there will be a shutdown that will last for a very long time. People don’t want Open Borders and Crime!
House Republican Vote, 217-185.
Shutdown today if Democrats do not vote for Border Security!
Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so. Others also have tried. We will get it done, one way or the other!
Mitch, use the Nuclear Option and get it done! Our Country is counting on you!
Thank you @SteveDaines for being willing to go with the so-called nuclear option in order to win on DESPERATELY NEEDED Border Security! Have my total support.
There has never been a president who has been tougher (but fair) on China or Russia - Never, just look at the facts. The Fake News tries so hard to paint the opposite picture.
General Anthony Tata, author, “Dark Winter.” I think the President is making the exact right move in Syria. All the geniuses who are protesting the withdrawal of troops from Syria are the same geniuses who cooked the books on ISIS intelligence and gave rise to ISIS.”
The Democrats now own the shutdown!
I’ve done more damage to ISIS than all recent presidents....not even close!
Today, it was my great honor to sign the #FirstStepAct - a monumental bi-partisan win for the American people!
Today, it was my honor to sign into law H.R. 7213, the “Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 2018.” The Act redesignates the @DHSgov Domestic Nuclear Detection Office as the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office. Read more: http://45.wh.gov/aWBqYb
A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful!
Some of the many Bills that I am signing in the Oval Office right now. Cancelled my trip on Air Force One to Florida while we wait to see if the Democrats will help us to protect America’s Southern Border!
Wishing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg a full and speedy recovery!
Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: CNN’s 2014 “Journalist of The Year” just lost his job for totally “fabricating at least 14 articles about @realDonaldTrump” He literally said “I’m sick and need to get help” You couldn’t make a Trump Derangement Syndrome better if you tried. #TDR #fakenews
He’s working for us folks!
Liberals are suddenly war hawks. Do they have any principles at all?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg had cancerous tumors surgically removed from her lungs this morning. Here's a picture of Amy Coney Barrett for absolutely no reason at all.
Tucker Carlson: "Two months ago, when Senators Manchin and Donnelly needed moderate voters. They both said in campaign ads that they supported the Wall. Now neither one are no where to be found." They lied to get elected. Just like a Democrat.
Thank You Mr. President for getting us out of Syria. Godspeed sir.
Saturday, December 22nd:
I am in the White House, working hard. News reports concerning the Shutdown and Syria are mostly FAKE. We are negotiating with the Democrats on desperately needed Border Security (Gangs, Drugs, Human Trafficking & more) but it could be a long stay. On Syria, we were originally... .. ....going to be there for three months, and that was seven years ago - we never left. When I became President, ISIS was going wild. Now ISIS is largely defeated and other local countries, including Turkey, should be able to easily take care of whatever remains. We’re coming home!
Will be having lunch in White House residence with large group concerning Border Security.
BOOM. The "Womens March" has been in bed with the Nation of Islam since day one. YUP, you 'vagina hat' libtard fatties have been taking orders from middle-east anti-Semite extremists all along—and you called us the racist! PROOF Linda Sarsour travels w Farrakhan security. (link in comments!)
Organizer of Antifa attacks on Tucker Carlson identified, linked to congressional Dems
Melania and Barron head to Mar-a-Lago for Christmas without President Trump, as He STAYS in DC WORKING for US!
Hahhahaha! Here is story on when OBAMA fired MadDog “without even a phone call,” over their discomfort with his pointed questions about Iran.
Already looking forward to day 2
My dad is a colonel in the Air National Guard. Because of Trump, he won’t be deployed to Syria in a few months and instead he was reassigned to go to San Diego and help border patrols. Coincidentally, I live in San Diego and that means he can take a little time off to come with me to Comic Con.
NOW...(pay attention) we don’t re-open the government until we get FULL FUNDING of the Border Wall. Are you seeing how this works now, Chuck? Nancy?
Owen Benjamin-Government ShutDown Time Song
Without further ado, some tunes to help you go through all this WINNING:
Closing Time
Leave (Get Out)
Float On
Break My Stride
Party In The U.S.A.
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
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