#*very. i'm illiterate and lazy sorry
littlemissayu · 8 months
Ok my second character
Again I'm just gonna put a picture of her cause it's easier
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Her name is Kasai.
She's 3000+ years old around 5'8 and is fairly built (idk how else to describe that she works out)
Shes a god of fire and war. She's illiterate but not completely dumb, she's a master of manipulation and war tactics, she's very loud and always tries to smile to keep the people around her at ease. She tries not to get attached to mortal people but if she does she'll do anything to protect them. She can't feel romantic love at all and thinks it's very weird that people get into relationships.
She has a dragon form (she doesnt fully become a dragon she only gets dragon features) (I'll try to explain it in her backstory, her dragon form has tall horns wings and a tail with feathers on the end of it that look like fire).
She likes to befriend people she thinks are strong and can keep her from doing something outlandishly stupid.
Backstory (I'll try to make it as short as I can she has so much lore it's unreal): She was born to be apart of a deal her father made with a neighboring kingdom (she was gonna have to marry someone she didnt know), she was never aloud to go outside and would get jealous of her older brother who got to go outside every day. One time in the middle of the night a voice was practically pulling her to her family's crowning room. She had touched the family scythe and could feel a surge of power enter her body. She quickly ran away and tried not to think about it. Her brothers crowning came but when he went to grab the scythe it gave his hand a really bad burn (the scythe has a defense mechanism where it can sense when the king/queen isn't touching it and will burn everyone else but the king/queen) the scythe floated over to her and claimed her to be the next ruler. Her dad was pissed and was screaming at her when he was stabbed by one of her guards. A couple hundred years later she befriends a mortal witch named Astrella. She was on a walk with astrella one day when astrellas feet got caught in some mud. A ice lady shows up and shoots spreading ice at her (Name is self explanatory) the ice starts sticking to astrellas skin and kasai hurridly tries to get her out and punches the ice. The ice had already stuck to astrella though so when she punched it, it ripped astrellas body apart. Kasai took anything that was left of her and went into a blind rage. Killing anything that stood in her way. During her rampage she runs into Alvar getting attacked. Alvar looks alot like astrella in kasais eyes and quickly kills the people attacking her. She helps Alvar and makes her a head knight.
(Her mom cheated on her dad with a dragon that took a human form and that's why she has a dragon form, kasai is also not her actual name, it was given to her by astrella. Her original name is etsu)
(I'm so sorry that was so long I really tried to summarize it😭)
The character I want her written with is Leona for prompts 7 and 17 (platonic)
A/N: no because why am I lowkey interested in this lore???
Leona Kingscholar x Kasai(Platonic)
Prompts: 7. "Don't.Do.It" & 17. "Are you crazy?!" "A little"
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In the Botanical Gardens laid a lazy lion napping. His long brown hair shining in the light and his tan brown skin radiated with a natural glow, defining his broad shoulders and muscles. The lion beastman slept peacefully for an hour up until he detected something, he didn't get or open his eyes but he was awake and listening out for whatever or whoever was there. All of a sudden he notices someone is hovering over him. "Wake up sleepy head" He heard from a familiar voice, one he was inconvenienced(his words but he's lying) with everyday since they came into his life.
"You do know I know you're awake, right?" Kasai said with an obvious annoyance in her tone. "What do you want" Leona grumbled, he cracked open his eyes to see the half dragon God above him. “ To get you to class” she said with a smirk. “You can’t MAKE me go” he said and closed his eyes. “I really could, all it would take is a certain Dragon Prince to get an anonymous tip that he needs to come-“ before finishing her sentence he abruptly put a stop to her sentence. “Don’t you dare” Leona threaten, he opened his eyes to glare at her. “You do realize I could destroy you with my scythe if you tried me right” she giggled. “You won’t, just like you won’t call over that giant lizard” he retaliated, Kasai could see how serious he was, so she does the smart thing and ignores it. "You wanna bet?" she said her smirk was large, and all she could think was how funny it was to annoy her friend. Her long brunette hair was in a ponytail, and her red eyes looked into her friends with the expression of pure mischief.
His bright emerald eyes narrowed and gave him a stern stare. Clearly he was not having it. "Go.To.Class" she responded in the same cold tone but it was more playful then his, they stared each other down for another 2 minutes straight. Starting to get annoyed she gave him a terrifying look, like a mother warning her child to quit acting up in public. Yet Leona remained unfazed, at least that's what it looked like. Out of respect, he decides to finally get up, obviously still grumpy. He grumbled under his breathe about how he's seriously taking commands from 'another stupid lizard'; Kasai put on her classic smile ready to get him to his class as a favor for a her clearly hard-working peer.
The shining lights and sound of the plants swaying softly, made him want to just lie down and lull back into slumber, but he didn't want to be kept awake by his red eyed companion. The brunette simply chuckled at how clearly annoyed Leona was, and her glanced at her in the corner of his eye giving a her a nasty look. She looked at him with an amused faced and simply teased, "You know if you didn't get up from the Malleus threat, I would have just heated up your rock by a lot so that you get annoyed and decide to finally listen. That makes the emerald eyed lion stop in the middle of the pathway, Kasai stopped to steps ahead of him and laughed out loud at his face. He had a faced that, was disgusted, angry, annoyed, and shocked all at the same time, at the fact she would almost give him 3rd degree burns just to get him to class.Was she completely serious?No, but it was funny to see Leona's face.
"Are you crazy?!" "A little"
And as Leona's face eased up they continued their walk to Leona's next class.
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Ngl, I think leona is dead ooc in this but I was having some much writer's block(And procrastination) today and the last few days that, I'm not that mad at it!!
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muffinswritingstuff · 2 years
Just wanted to add a complete side note to the Turning Red conversation. Well, more like "share an opinion" inspired by it. An opinion that's not an opinion at all, more like a thought.
(A positive one, don't you worry. I absolutely adore that movie.)
Animation, being the magnificent form of visual media that it is, is great for a lot of things. Obviously.
But I only now realize how good it is for implementing subtle, yet meaningful details into your work.
(Realizations come to me once in a blue moon, don't judge me.)
Again, duh. And, considering how much time, effort and money goes into creating a single frame, of course they (The Art Gods) wouldn't want to waste it.
It's neat, though. You can do so much with just background elements, y'know? Just think of how many people got excited and genuinely happy thanks to those two characters with diabetes patches. And there was that one character in a wheelchair at the 4Town concert. (Sigh... Living the dream).
So, the reason I bring this up is, you could say, selfish.
It's just that I, as an ✨aspiring writer✨ , really struggle with that sort of stuff. I always feel that I'm boring the reader with too many words. I'm constantly afraid of actually writing out a main character's appearance, because, to me, it feels unnatural and "oh, look, look! this character has red hair, did you know that? you need to know that, because i said so!"
I know I shouldn't, I know every writer must face this beast of a task. But damn if they aren't eye-rolling – not in a mean way, in a Pavlov's Dog kinda way; especially in first person POVS.
How do I... justify my weird little feelings...
When you actually put stuff (be that appearances, descriptions, or even movements) into words – they take up space, they stay on that page/screen. It is therefore required of the reader to get to the end of this and that word pile if they want to continue with the story.
It puts the flow of the piece on pause. On such an awkward, "this is painful for the both of us, but it'll be worth it, i promise" pause, and it makes me squeezy.
But there's no such pause in movies! And that's so cool, I'm so jealous!
The viewer's brain processes what it sees so quickly, it requires absolutely no effort. You look at the main characters in Turning Red, and you know immediately what they're all about. The essence of that knowledge is thanks to *chef's kiss* character design, but the speed at which that knowledge plants itself in your brain mass is due to a single glance. In short: monkey brain need not wait and read if it can see.
And you don't need to describe every background detail... Or outfits... Or "the upturn of their lips"...
Again, I feel the need to state: I know how much goes into animation, or a single piece of art, or character design.
But (and here I'm being disgustingly selfish) it seems so much easier to put a description on paper using a pencil than it is a pen.
(We need to invent straight-from-brain projections. Capture those waves, code them, and make them real. Monkey brain's getting lazy.)
Recently, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm desperately trying to, like , imitate visual media with my writing.
(Which is physically impossible, it's a completely different medium, and I really should keep that in mind and use the advantages of said medium instead of poorly mimicing another... But l'm dying on this hill, it seems.)
Still. I meticulously describe movements and expressions exactly the way I picture them un my head – and the way they play in my head, you guessed it, flows like a cartoon.
Like, I'm a bad writer. I can't wax poetic about expressions or surroundings, I can't let a character go on a beautiful internal monologue about how they've been feeling for the past few days or something along those lines.
I just. Describe stuff. And I love describing stuff! But I cannot do it in a literary way, the pretty way.
And that inability comes not only from the lack of skill or experience, but from a certain sense of self-deprecation.
I love reading and immersing myself in a world or a character's feelings.
Also, it really helps me when I understand who, when, where and how is speaking/acting. When I can't picture the people's faces or the room they're in, if they are having emotional conversations in a white void, it kinda takes you out, man. Doesn't it?
Then can I please stop freaking out every time I try to do that!
I feel great writing dialogues, they are fun and come more-or-less easy to me. But then I go, "Wait, the theoretical person reading this won't have this epic movie I have in my head right now to rely on to picture how exactly this conversation is flowing..." So of course I then try to add the necessary descriptions , but 😐. They take up so much space...
I shouldn't mention every twitch and blink, but oh how I want to.
But then it feels hollow - because I focused too much on the movement itself, not it's, like, meaning; empty - because l've neglected to describe those gosh darn surroundings; and meaningless - because, no matter how much I want to, those little twitches and blinks don't do anything. Yeah, they might provide characterisation (at least, I'd hope so), but they take up so much space...
That doesn't happen in animation, or comics, or movies. The surroundings, the expressions and the movements all fit in a couple of frames.
Yeah, I shouldn't complare them. But I might as well finish what I started.
If I don't put in "meaningless details", if I weigh every word and sentence... I'll crumble under pressure, bestie. I'm already struggling, I don't wanna struggle some more... Apparently, I choose jealous suffering.
I'm treating my hypothetical readers as arrogant babies with short attention spans.
But, as probably Jesus once said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".
With this probably-Jesus quote I am bearing my soul before you and admit that I am, in fact, an arrogant baby with a short attention span.
If there are no long words, complex emotions and beautiful literary devices, I turn into an annoying snob.
At the same time, on a completely different side of the spectrum, there are ✨chatfics✨. I love them. I eat that shit up. There's literally nothing, and it's so fun. Their humor carries them so hard, the jokes are essential to that particular genre of modern literature.
And guess who doesn't have neither the words and devices nor the jokes?
This aspiring writer.
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P.S. Go do yourself a favor and watch Turning Red if you haven't, yet. It's a gem of comfort, it's totally worth it.
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starlightervarda · 4 years
Not trying to be toxic at all, so I'm sorry if it appears that way, I'm just genuinely confused. Isn't TOG set in a bunch of different places? I saw the movie once when it first came out after I had some surgery, so I was little loopy. What is it people are culturally getting wrong? Feel free not to reply if this comes off rude, and I'm very sorry if it does!
Hi nonny <3
First of all, I hope you’ve recovered or are recovering smoothly.
Yes, the movie was set in at least three countries, but it’s less about the setting more about how the characters themselves, their relationships, backgrounds and histories are constantly looked through an American lens. And how it’s pushing out international fans from this fandom when they finally found a chance to engage in a popular topic and share/express/get excited.
There is so much stuff I can list culturally/religiously/etc. that are Yikes™. And I originally did, but the reply was like 4-pages long, so, I’ll spare you and try to minimize the rant.
Just...do you have any idea how many Italians and MENA people have been um akshually’d by WASP-y Americans? Or people (usually Western Europeans/Canadians) who’ve absorbed American online behaviour and tactics and utilize them to enforce their opinions? The responses that range from harassment to self-victimization to make us regret chiming in and many other give up and leave?
It’s why I avoided engaging in fandoms until I saw the dung-heaps being dumped in Joe’s fanon and the ensuing shitstorm of misinformation that mixes with Western Liberal overcompensation (see: Top!Joe is Racist, Joe is Bigger Than Nicky and Santa Hat Discourse) plus Orientalism and ‘positive discrimination’ fetishism that ends up veering into religious apologism sometimes.
Acting like he came out of the womb a Renaissance man while also holding fundamentalist ideals that weren’t widespread in his region until the 17th-19th Century. And unflinchingly devout despite being ancient and doing things like deferring to a woman? All while being artistic, liberal, romantic and gay? Did I mention he was a Fatimid from a Golden Age and would be open to changing his mind or partaking in others’ traditions and cultures and was probably way more into maths and wine-poetry than keeping a consistent prayer schedule? It makes no sense for him to be otherwise than it does for Catholic-born Nicky and Booker.
Also, Nicky. A lot of the jokes and widespread agreement that he was illiterate, filthy, useless, stupid, weak-willed or a mindlessly aggressive animal that had to be tamed and educated by Joe feed into ugly stereotypes Westerners have about Mediterranean people as hot-tempered, lazy, loud idiots. (Which, whether they know it or not, includes Joe.)
...Nicky was a priest from a maritime superpower...like how did they even communicate if he wasn’t at least bilingual? He didn’t go up to Joe like ‘Me Tarzan, You Jane’ stop it.
Plus, all the variations of ‘Joe was the only Brown Man in Europe/Nicky was the only White Man in the Middle East’ which are just -_- Sprawling empires with mixed populations have existed since Cyrus the Great. People all along the Mediterranean to this day range from Joe’s complexion and hair texture to Nicky’s. Medieval Italians weren’t discriminating against Joe for being olive-skinned with a black beard, and medieval Levantines during the Crusades weren’t horrified by Nicky’s green eyes literally what the fuck?
Also, the whole ‘White’ and ‘Brown’ thing didn’t even exist until recently.
The American definition of ‘Race’ makes no damn sense. Ethnicity/nationality/religion/sect take precedence over sharing a skin-tone. You can discriminate against your ‘own race’. To be blunt, in unpleasant parts of the Commonwealth both Nicky and Joe would be called wogs. Their differences are primarily about culture/location.
Don’t get me started on how so many act like Christianity wasn’t native to the Middle East because the world exists only in America where their basis is Anglo-Saxon Protestantism and its Puritan values are still expressed in the edgiest of atheists (which no doubt feed into how they treat Nicky), and Islam is somehow not an Abrahamic religion with over a billion adherents, multiple sects and levels of practice from lax to archaic and a laundry list of problems that should not be excused, ignored or whitewashed instead of the singular version they insist on portraying and defending.
Basically, the popular interpretations and the way they impose their beliefs and perceptions as Right are, more often than not, Bad and Ignorant.
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saanjhish · 3 years
(Re-writing this because the last one was problematic)
We need a Hindu Indian Disney Princess. No, Jasmine does not count as one. Her clothing wasn't even Indian, it was Arab, considering the traditional Indian clothings for women are Lehengas, women's Sherwanis, Sarees, Ghaghra Choli and many more that I'm too lazy to name. As for men, they're Dhoti Kurta, Kurta Pajama, basically Dhoti Garment. As if modern times, Dhotis are also paired with slacks or dress pants.
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Not this:
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I mean, yeah, people in India where these as well, but they are not traditionally Indian. It's traditionally Middle Eastern, and India does not count as Middle Eastern because their main religion is Islam, whereas as ours is Hinduism (we're going to be talking more about the religion later on), and hence, those, among many other, are the traditional Hindu Indian dresses. Kings and Queens, Sultans and Sultanas, God's and Goddesses, civilians, all wore that. The roots go a long time.
And also, if the Princess is taken into consideration,
She better not be shown as some stay-at-home kind of princess, because while there were princesses and queens who stayed behind palace walls, many, and I mean many Indian Princesses and Queens, take Rāni Lakshmi Bai, famously known as the legendary Jhansi ki Rani (what an icon, an idol to me, really), as an example. She fought for our freedom. Even Mā Durga, one of the main Hindu goddesses, took on so many forms, and many of them were warrior women.
Make her LGBTQ+!!! I beg you, make her LGBTQ+!! Because, yes, Indians are LGBTQ+. If you're gonna make it historic, yes, the princess can be LGBTQ+, even now, the princess can be LGBTQ+. In historic times, there was nothing against the community. They were treated just the same as any other civilain. And it's time Diney shows LGBTQ+ representation, and gives us a kiss, because let's be honest here, Raya and Namaari were lesbians and in love but Diney decided to be cowardly and make them a couple. It could've been Enemies to Lovers, and who doesn't love that? There was so much tension- ykw, this is a rant for later.
Don't make her a math geek. We hate math too. It's a curse for all. Not all of us are good at it, surprise surprise.
Don't make her want to escape her religion, make her be proud of it, because people should be proud of being of whatever religion they are.
Thick accents are a no. This is a stereotype that AGGRAVATES me. Not all Indians have a thick accent, we can speak English just fine, thank you very much. It really matters on the dialect. We're not illiterate. Even the illiterate people can speak English.
And if y'all doing the take on the LGBTQ+ thing, here's something you can do.
A dark skinned Indian girl, a light skinned Indian girl, fall in love. Boom. There you have it.
Important pointers:
Research about Hinduism before putting it in the script. Because y'all are really uneducated when it comes to that. Spirituality, Yoga, the 'color run' which is really Holi, a festival with such deep meaning and story (but y'all decided to take that from us-), are all from the Hindu religion.
If you're gonna give them Indian names ... MAKE SURE YOU CAN PRONOUNCE IT RIGHT!!
Side note: I am deeply sorry to all the people I offended with the last time I posted this. I admit, it was very problematic, and idk why I did not see that. I am so so sorry, and thank you for opening my eyes to that. <3 all my love.
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