steelmogairun · 2 years
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Anxiobsic: >An O-Gender related to the anxiety one's obsessions causes them >Derived from "Anxiety" and "-obsic" >>pronounced "ahnx-ee-ohb-zick" >This gender is exclusive to those with OCD >Colours represent the abstract concept of fear >>Symbol represents shuddering from anxiety
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gender-mailman · 2 years
Hi, why can’t pwOCD use obsesic???
i already aswered a ask similar to this but i cant find, but the reason is because i feel like pwBPD should have a suffix for theyre type of obsession
also! theres a suffix for OCD obsession! :D its -obsic :3
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cmcsmen · 2 years
Men On Mission
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vesicelestial · 2 years
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✧ genderobsic / gendobsic ✧
Genderobsic is a gender related to one's obsession with gender, the concept of gender, or anything to do with it. It can alternatively be called gendobsic.
This gender and the -obsic suffix are exclusive to those with OCD.
Coined for @sunshinesolaic !
// Image ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes. Top to bottom, they are dark purple, magenta, light red, light yellow, light green, light blue, and medium blue. In the center is the infinity symbol in black. End ID.
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spirgender · 1 year
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↦ obscuriir / spiirobsic:
a gender identity that is both spiritine and obscurian in some way!
some examples could be identifying with both SPXIN and OBSIN genders, being both spiric- and obsic-aligned, or just feeling like both terms fit one’s identity.
requested by: anon!
coined by: quinn & terry :)
tagging @transhaunting because obscurian is one of my favourite terms and i want you to know that :)
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themogaidragon · 1 year
I wanna collect every OCD gender there is, is there more OCD genders around?
OCDgenders Masterlist Part One
[TW abuse, sanism, obsessions, compulsions]
Xumgender(or pendogender): the state of never being satisfied with ones gender, no matter how well it fits, due to self-doubt or identity issues. This causes one to compulsively search and seek out something that fits even better though one will never because of one's neurotype and/or because words will never be able to describe one's gender and/or because one's gender is paradoxical. This inability to find a "one true gender" frequent causes anxiety and doubt and can even cause the label xumgender to feel imperfect to the individual. This term is exclusive to neurodivergent people. It was specifically coined with people with anxiety disorders, OCD, and OCPD in mind.
O-gender: a gender that is affected by one’s obsessions
C-Gender: a neurogender heavily influenced or defined by one’s compulsions due to their OCD.
OC-gender: a gender that is affected by both one’s compulsions and obsessions.
OCDgender: a neurogender which can only be understood in the context of having OCD or when one's OCD greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. It is not OCD as a gender, but is a gender that is so heavily influenced by OCD that one's OCD and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked.
OCDniac: an identity that describes someone whose queer experience is affected by having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Obsecompridix: a gender related to being proud of one’s ocd and that pride affecting how their gender feels.
Obsic: A gender related to one’s obsession.
Vexillobsic: A neurogender related to one’s obsession with Vexillology.
OCDBiting: a gender influenced by ones OCD and biting an Ableist.
FluttershyOCDic: a gender related to Fluttershy and having OCD.
PinkieOCDpieic: a gender related to Pinkie Pie and having OCD.
Categohoarder: a genderhoarder microlabel for people who feel like their genders MUST be in some sort of order whenever they show them off (carrd.co, pronouns.page, etc.), it could be their color scheme, themes, alphabetical order or more.
Pattordean: a gender related to putting things in order or in a pattern. this can be connected to ocd compulsions and be used as a neurogender, but it doesn't have to be.
Loudheadgender: a neurogender where the noise in your head prevents you from understanding your gender to some extent. ONLY to be used by people who experience brain noise/ loudness in the head. So like ADHD, Racing Thoughts, OCD, BPD, Etc.
StarlightglimOCDic: a gender related to Starlight Glimmer and having OCD.
TrixielamoonOCDic: a gender related to Trixie Lulamoon and having OCD.
OCDcompuliac: A fluid neurogender influenced by OCD compulsions in which ones gender identity changes when they speak what gender identity they have due to an OCD compulsion, whether permanently or temporarily.
PrettyBoyObsessive: a gender relating to being a Pretty Boy with OCD and breaking the stigma surrounding OCD were ableists sees you as a (ableist) threat but you having psychological facts to ruin them and their social life is your threat and you're not afraid to stand up others with stimazed disorders like NPD, AvPD, ASPD, BPD, PPD, OCPD, [etc] for an example.
OCDLOVERBOY: a neurogender influenced by a man/boy's OCD, often see as an monster and beliefs he doesn't deserve love due to his OCD due to trauma, but has found love and feels less like a monster due to his boyfriend(s)/Partner(s) loving him regardless of his OCD, and very supportive of him and understands every subtype of OCD, even POCD and loves him anyway regardless of his OCD.
ObsessiveYandere: a term for PwOCD and being a Yandere.
Ocdvictim: A gender identity influence by having OCD and being a victim.
OBSEURiA: a gender that is the embodiment of one's obsessive compulsive disorder.
OCDfreak: a gender related to having OCD and being a freak.
OCDrage: a gender related to the anger/angry symptoms of OCD.
Utapulsix: a gender related to the compulsion/having the compulsion to find, compile, and organize information.
Utafpulsix: a gender related to the compulsion/having the compulsion to find, compile, and organize information, as well as the actions themselves.
BoyCreaturaticFreak: a gender that feels infected, misunderstood, falsely framed, often see as a creepy, worn out, tired, weak, hurt, dirty, and disgusting, freak of nature, emotionless, lack of emotional empathy, feels like needles sticked in your back and barbed wire around your throat, and held down to control the person, which is all influence by ones OCD and influenced by trauma of having ones OCD be used against them to hurt them, often seen as a freak due to their OCD and society views on OCD, which one turns into being a freak into a positive thing and embrace being different, embrace being a Freak, as an act of self-love and acceptance of one's self. Deep down this gender is kind, loving, sweet, wholesome, deserving of love and care. This gender is both masculine and agender/nothing at the same time. It is also althuman. The gender is also held together by safety pins, sawing needles, hello kitty bandaids and the gender, also carries a stuffed animal wolf or a stuffed animal black cat for comfort and someone to call a best friend.
Dianeticsobsic: A gender related to being obsessed with Dianetics (the belief system, not the book).
HidingTraumgender: a gender for when ones gender are a hiding from one’s abuser, stemming from the paranoia of ones abuser, watching the user constantly, believing one's abuser would emotionally harm the user again & again, a fearing a never ending loop of emotional and mental torture, viewing ones abuser as emotionally contaminated and is paranoid regardless of anyone due to user's trauma and the user's OCD being used a sick “justification” for the trauma the user want through.
OCDtoxic: a gender related to chemically toxic OCD, OCD disolving in toxic chemicals, and/or OCD mixing with toxic substances.
OCDBEiNG: A genderabeing subtype. A gender connected to having obsessive compulsive disorder and being that of a being ; An OCDbeing.
Unrealobsic: an O-Gender related to one's obessions being based in unreality. This could be things like obsessing over the idea that one is not real. Or that one is not perceiving reality in the way it really is.
NoempaOCDic: a gender related to having OCD and little to no empathy.
Fearobsic/Phobiaobsic: an O-Gender related to one's obsessions being based upon their fears/phobias. An example could be being thalassophobic and having obsessions about the ocean. Or fearing the dark and having obsessions about it
BoyPOCDic: a gender that is a boy dealing with P-OCD.
Countiobsic/Numeralobsic: an O-Gender related to one's compulsive counting, or number-based compulsions/obsessions.
InsomniOCDgendrix: a gender influenced by ones OCD, it feels like OCD is their whole identity and gender. It feels like all it is is controlled by one's OCD. This gender feels scary, terrifying, "wrong", anxiety inducing, exhausted, and like an insomniac.
Anxiobsic: an O-Gender related to the anxiety one's obsessions causes them.
IsolateOCDic: a gender related to having OCD and never fitting in with others, feeling left out, unwanted, and alone.
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candyic · 3 years
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a gender connected to one's obsession with the video series who killed markiplier ⊹ this gender is exclusive to individuals with OCD
IMAGE ID: two nearly identical flags stand side-by-side. the flag on the right has seven stripes, all horizontal and evenly sized. the colours, from top to bottom, are: magenta, desaturated hot pink, light pink, pastel pink, light pink, desaturated hot pink, and magenta. the flag on the left is the same, but it has a black PNG of an infinity sign in the middle, the symbol for neurodiversity; END ID
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curiouselfqueen · 5 years
Okay, but
reverse bed sharing
they wind up with TWO beds and one or both idiots is trying to make the forced bed-sharing fantasy happen
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steelmogairun · 2 years
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Countiobsic / Numeralobsic: >An O-Gender related to one's compulsive counting, or number-based compulsions/obsessions >Derived from "Counting" or "Numeral" and "-obsic" >>"cownt-ee-ohb-sick" or "noom-er-al-ohb-sick" >A gender exclusive to those with OCD >Colours are clear, distinct colours, representing counting >>Numbers represent counting/numerals
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gender-mailman · 2 years
i think the issue a majority of beings are having is that -obsesic is extremely similar to an OCD-exclusive suffix coined approximately a year before yours. as someone who has OCD and has been a big part of the OCD mogai community for a while a lot of the beings criticizing you are doing it with very polite intentions and very rightfully. you didn't steal the term but just because it was an unintentional copy doesn't mean it isn't confused and borderline a recoin /nm at all!!
If your talking about -obsic, then i think the suffix are diferent enouth? I get what your saying but it makes sence they would look similar cause the suffixes come from the same word /nm
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Ok, this is going to be one of the weirdest, stream of consciousness style analysis post but let’s go.
Warning! This is a character analysis of a real, living person!
I am not going to be talking about a fandom’s interpretation of a character named Grian. (that’s a head case all on its own.) No. I am analyzing the person who is currently living on this earth right now, Grian, and his presentation online. Why? Because I’m a storyteller at heart and the best way to make realistic characters is to pull from real people. (Also, because none of my friends are into hermitcraft so I have to dump my weird psychology analysis here)
***I’m on mobile, I don’t remember if you can make breaks here***
In Bdubs most recent Hermitcraft episode: #26 - The Loop Prank!, (very good episode, I highly recomend) Bdubs says something along the lines of,
‘Grian have you ever considered joining Sidecraft? Because your really smart!’
At first this cought me off guard because Sidecraft is really know for being more focused on the technical aspects of Minecraft with Redstone machines and manipulating I game mechanics to produce results. Giran presents himself to be more of an entertainer and artist like Bdubs him self.
But as the episode progressed I noticed Bdubs left in pieces of clips that Grian took out of his own episode—for what reason, I have no idea and will probably be forever a mystery only Grian himself will know—but in those clips they showed a different side of Grian that isn’t immediately noticeable if your not looking for it.
Grian is observent, analyticly inclined, is an incredibly quick thinker and desisive.
Ok... writing it like that kinda makes me want to go, “DUH” there are tons of examples like that,
Grian’s naturally draw to making his build more geometic: his season 6 base was literally cylinders stacked on top of each other and his season 7 mansion is just a series of rectangles on different angles, big deal. Well if watch Ren’s episodes you might remember back when he was building the hanger bay, Ren said it was Grian who layed out a guiding line for Ren to rebuild the pit in order to make it a perfect circle.
Grian is constantly coming up with server wide events: the Original Tag game, the Hot Potato game, the Demise event where all planed events Grain started in season 6, and so far in season 7 (as of 27th of August 2020) Tag 2: electric boogaloo and the Mayor Election event.
All of Grian’s shops have been attempts to capitalise off of holes in the market: the Lazy Merchents Travelling Cart (that never moved), Sahara, and now the Bardge.
Grian is the flyer of the server: while everyone does fly on the server, every hermit—including Grian himself—have openly admitted to us, the audience, that Grian is the best flyer. This is important because flying in any game requires sharp reflexes, both physically and mentally, due to the exelorated speed and sensitive manoeuvre-ability in order to doge obsicals as well as land safely. You can see that at the end of Bdubs video when he originally moved into the upside down, where Grian is teaching Bdubs how to land a the one block wide doorway. (A display of skill that Grian pulls off flawlessly)
What’s your point?
There is no argumentative point being made, I just find it interesting that Grian has one of the most caulated minds on the Hermitcraft server but doesn’t actively draw attention to that part of himself. Rather, his feats of calculation and cleverness is presented to us, the viewers—& most likely to Grian himself, since, it’s incrediblely had to perform a character annalysis on your own presentation—as bref moment of cunningness, simple dumb luck or is outright hidden in plain sight.
Give him time (and willingness to put in the effort) and I could see him genuinely become a redstone master akin to Etho, Doc, Tango or Zed. (I would also say Impulse but I think Grain has made a vow against villagers for now).
Actually, if he ever wanted to change his career Grian would make for an excellent politician—he has the anilitical mind that can easily break down complexities, a sharp-wit matched with a silver tongue and likeable personality, is desisive and is a natural leader, plus his energy is infectious to thoughs around him. Hmm... it would explain why Doc and Grian make such great foiles from a narrative perspective.
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lauraj809 · 2 years
This story is based on the Shelby family right from the beginning (so just season 1).
This story is set in 1919 in the lawless slum neighbourhoods of post war Birmingham,where Thomas Shelby and his family lead the most powerful and feared local gang, the Peaky Blinders.
This story is about how you (a woman) will over come how ushered you are aside , you’ll over come obsicals left and right and prove to the Shelby family how much of a help you really are.
Part 1
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You see the Shelby family on their way to The Garrison pub , so you set up.
You make Thomas Shelby his favourite drink (Irish whiskey) and leave it on the counter. When the family enters your surprised because Thomas dosent even drink the drink that you had made him. He just stared at you in awe and admiration. Your slowing wiping down the tables when one of your regulars enter. You get back behind the counter and make his usual.
“Thank you pet!”
“No problem sir” you respond
Your customer sat down and then Thomas Shelby asks if you are busy this weekend. He says he has some business and wants you to be there.
“Yeah, sure I’ll just have you know what time I’m off work”You say in amazement .
“I Know what time you finish work”Thomas states.
“You do?”
“I come here a lot you know , you think I don’t know how everyone comes and goes”
You smile at him and then he picks up his drink and drinks it Whithorn the smallest sips.
“See him who you just served”Thomas points in the direction of your latest customer
“Yeah” you respond
“He’s an alcoholic, he has 2 kids and his wife has just recently left him”
“Oh….” Your face puzzled by how he knows everything about everyone.
Then you realise…. What if he knew everything about you….does he already know everything about me?
You stand up straight uncomfortably and quietly ask “what about me?”
He slowly says “ I know everything”
You let out a heavy sigh and say “ so you know about my father?”
Thomas’ face looks confident and he nods his head but then he quickly states “ That dosent change my views on you, that was your Father’s doing… nothing to do with you” he looks up at me through his eyebrows and we both let out small chuckle .
He aggressively slams his glass on the table and walks over to where the rest of the Shelby’s are seated. He nods at me and shouts “ I’ll see you later then”
I say “ so we shall”
(1 hour later) By now you’ve figured that the Shelby’s must be celebrating something but your shift has ended. You gather your stuff together and Harry waves at you.
As your walking home you spot Thomas drunkly sat on the floor ranting about his family. You couldn’t just leave him like this so you pick him up and put his arm over your shoulder and take him to your house.
You place him in your bed and you sleep on the sofa.
Part 2
You got up early in the morning as your shift at the pub started at 7:00 , you got ready and put on this outfit:
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You look over at Thomas Shelby whose still fast asleep, but you wonder how he’s sleeping so well since the war (once the war ended an article was realised about how our hero’s were quite possibly traumatised from past events which caused peouple trouble sleeping)
You slowly walked over to him and brushed his hair out of his face and then pulled the blanket back over his still body.
You quietly prepared breakfast for Mr Shelby , got on your boots and aperon then left for work. You figured since Mr Shelby was asleep you’d come back in an hour to check up on him.
*an hour later*
As you were wiping down the tables you look at the clock and see an hour has passed you pick up your coat and tell Harry you’ll be back in a Giffy. He didn’t really mind as you were his best employee.
When you walked into your house a emotion of fear struck you like lightning when you saw Thomas was no longer asleep on your bed. You frantically looked for him and found him perched over the sink in your kitchen.
“Are you okay?” You ask
“Yeah, do you smoke” He replied
“ go ahead then” you say
*he passes you a cigarette and proceeds to light yours* You shake your head and held his hand to lead him out onto the balcony.
“Years ago , my mam would always tell us off for smoking inside”
Thomas let out a small chuckle and said “Thanks for letting me crash at your place”
“Any time” you respond
*in your mind* Of course he cant come over at ‘ any time ‘ but… I do enjoy his company… thank goodness he has invited me out this weekend… maybe he enjoys my company too.
Before you couldn’t jink anything else Thomas proceeds to put on his coat and tells you how he has to be there on urgent family business.
“ So I guess I’ll see you at the weekend… I’ll pick you up 8:30, Garrison pub!”
You whisper “but my shift ends at 9:00” He opens the front door and waves “ I’ll make it work!” You exclaim.
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invertedmindinc · 4 years
I'm quite curious as to how Day 2 will remember what path we chose before. Unless it's an update that includes Day 1?
Matt said that there’s a save systemhe can do easily. Right now we’re just popping up the days one at a time on patreon, have them tested out and see is the save system works.
There is a news update coming up shortly in regards of other characters in the game, some obsicals for Your Boyfriend to deal with~
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gottalovelifeya · 3 years
Ever scene I sall her againy life has just bene going so, different, I'm actually happy and want to see the future, but as nice as it could be, I'm going to only stay in the present, I have to enjoy every moment and every word, and I'm just living it, I am so happy with her in my life now, it's far from perfect, but just seeing and hearing from her again, and the love I feel from her, it's wonderful, and she acceptes my love, and there are obsicals but even with obsticals she is my everything
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candyic · 3 years
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┊𖦹₊˚ GOODOMENSPINNIC: a gender connected to having the show good omens as a special interest ⊹ this gender is exclusive to autistic individuals
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┊𖦹₊˚ GOODOMENSHYPIC: a gender connected to hyperfixating on the show good omens ⊹ this gender is exclusive to individuals with autism and/or ADHD
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┊𖦹₊˚ GOODOMENSOBSIC: a gender connected to one's obsession with the show good omens ⊹ this gender is exclusive to individuals with OCD
DNI: anti-mogai, against neuroidentities, against nonbinary lesbians/gays, anti-mspec lesbians, NSFW or cringe/flop blog, anti-self diagnosis, autism speaks supporter, t(w)erf/swerf, MAP/supporter, aspec exclus, believe you need dysphoria to be trans, trump supporter, follow other basic DNI criteria; anti-neopronouns/xenogenders, proshipper, or are "neutral" on anything above
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liz-n-belle-blog · 7 years
Okay, so I’m a chick who loves breakneck speeds and her horse. A few years ago I decided to combine those and started barrel racing. I used to be a much better rider as I was constantly riding, but then I had to retire my pony Rain and I got a quarter horse mare Angel. We had not anticipated that she would be as... problematic as she was.
At first she was excellent at bucking, a twelve year old me ended up on the ground almost every ride that wasn't at home. The bucking may have been caused by her TMJ problem, which caused her to have jaw pain and her hay would get pocketed in her cheek, causing ulcers. it took almost a year for the vets to figure out her jaw caused pain, So I started riding her in a mechanical hackamore but her bucking had became a habit. Next she developed a severe staph infection which caused her to develop puss filled scabs on ninety percent of her body. it took two weeks of four shots of penicillin a day to finally get her healthy again.  I rode Angel lightly that fall bareback with a neck rope, she enjoyed finally having something to do. While this was going on I was borrowing a friends gelding, I went to some jackpots and when winter set in my mom decided to find me a new horse.
Spring of 2016 my mom bought me Tess, but when we got her home we found out she had heaves. We decided to see if her heaves would get better, but before we could give Tess back and get a refund my mother passed away. My perfect life was turned upside down, my father stopped taking me out to see my horses.  He left my mom’s friend, who’s farm we kept our horses at,  to take care of MY horses that were supposed to be MY responsibility. in the mid summer my dad moved Rain and Tess to my grandparents farm.  This meant Angel was left at my mom’s friend’s farm, I regret not fighting harder to get him to bring her too.  I spent weekends at my grandparent’s (and still do) with my horses and during the week I would be home, when I was home I would ask my dad if he would take me out to see her, he would say not today, maybe tomorrow.  That tomorrow came one week before Angel had to be put down because her staph infection had come back and gotten so bad she lost her will to live. 
I was only able to see her for an hour as my dad had “other stuff to do” that night, I had spent twenty minutes looking for her as she had left the heard, I finally found her head down to the ground in the bush behind the house, she looked horrible, the worst condition she had ever been in.  She was skinny as she had stopped eating, her skin was covered in scabs from head to hoof, and her eyes had lost her youthful, happy glow.  Until this point I had never felt any sort of hate towards my father, but as I looked upon my friend who I had vowed to take care of in that pitiful condition I felt so much hate and contempt for my father and myself.  Angel had trusted me to take care of her and what did I do? I abandoned her, something I said I would never do.  I spent the rest of my hour with her, feeding her treats (fresh apples and carrots from the store), petting her, crying into her neck, and just talking to her.  One of the things that makes me hate myself more is that she immediately forgave me, I walked out there and she was following me around like I had never broke her trust, she was nuzzling me, she was being her old self but without as much energy.  Even though she was only eight Angel was an old soul and took everything with a grain of salt, according to my mom, I guess that was true.  When I had to leave Angel followed me to the gate, I said goodbye, knowing that would be the last time I would ever get to see her.  She was put down a week later.
When spring rolled around I started working on Tess, but her heaves just got worse, no amount of light conditioning could help with her breathing or stamina,  then she got really sick, she got hives all over her and couldn't breath, she had had an allergic reaction to something. the vet put her on steroids to help with her breathing and inflammation.  I started working with my aunt’s mare Bella, since Tess was sick, we clicked and I took Bella to a fair after only working with her for one day (I’ve ridden her plenty of throughout the years).  Bella is who I will be riding mostly next year as Tess hasn’t gotten any better and my aunt has a two year old who she will be working under saddle a bit next year.
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