#-oh btw this was ~inspired~ by an irl crime
cakesdown · 2 years
Do u ever have a piece of horror media everyone loves but you just Do Not and you feel like you’re going insane when u can’t find any criticism for it anywhere
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14
sorry so many its only bc im obsessed with you and love your brain! and really genuinely interested in how it works!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Don't apologize, I love talking writing stuff with you!!! This did get super long, tho, so I'm putting it under a cut:
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
I mean, the real answer is all of them, lbr, but I'm really proud of trouble at my door (the necromancer au!!) because I love the worldbuilding I did, and it's basically the first case fic I ever wrote, and fight scenes that don't lead to sex!!! And a really good sex scene, too, if I do say so myself
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Hmmm, there's a couple answers for this, one of which is trouble at my door again, lol, but probably (this one) to the grave - it's an ultra rarepair (Chris Kreider/John Tavares), but I love the werewolf worldbuilding I dit, and sometimes I think about revisiting it
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Oh, probably any Tkachuks or Hughes (or Fantilis now, I guess lol) fic that gets over like 20 kudos or more than a couple comments, tbh. I get so much pushback from fandom (anon and otherwise) about writing it that it's always weird to me if they do well in that way
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I do not usually - for a series, I'll make notes as I go so I don't Joss myself, and if there's a case (so basically, necromancer au and in death au lmaoo) I make notes about it, but usually I just have an idea - what if Thom Bordelau was a necromancer? What if Jack Eichel was a crime lord? What if Trevor Zegras was a werewolf? and on and on forever - and then I sit down and start writing it to see what happens. After a few hundred words I mostly know how I want it to end, and what happens to get there. But I don't outline it the way plotters generally do - I tried before, when I was still figuring out my process for writing, but when I do write done everything like that first I don't want to write it anymore because the story feels told to me then, and my brain's satisfied.
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Yeah, some - I think to a certain extent every writer does, we can't help it. As for how it ends up in fics...I think it's mostly little things, like. Someone's favorite song or drink - large iced mocha, extra chocolate from DD baybee (Turcs fave btw) - the way they tilt their head to the side when they ask questions, how impatient they are with people sometimes.
I do bring a lot of sex/kink/bdsm experience to my fic, too, I think - not necessarily in the sense that I write everyone having the same kinks as me, but I've been around kink and dungeons almost my whole adult life so there's stuff I know how to write that I'm not always into, and it makes it easier to have seen it done irl, or know someone who's into whatever I'm writing.
It also means I get a lot of people poking at me, through their own fic or in my inbox, about stuff that I've written, but at least there's hardly any death threats any more, unlike when I first started writing bdsm AUs/fics 😂😂😂
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
Oh this is such a good question - there's a couple, really, one of which is in (take this) to your grave by the end of that fic John's a very specific kind of crazy, and I love when readers picked up on that ❤️❤️❤️ there's also a part in the godlings verse where it's explained why Auston always looks so cranky when he's in Toronto (it's because he's the son of Apollo and he loathes cold weather lol) and I love the couple people who picked up on it 💕💕💕
Thank you for asking!!!! It was alot of fun!! ❤️❤️❤️ (fic writers ask meme)
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starglitterz · 6 months
Hi 👋. Sorry I haven't had the time to talk cause school is extra hectic rn😅 but I had the time today and I wanted to tell you that you inspired to actually start listening to Artic Monkeys 🎉🎉. I am honestly obsessed with Wanna be yours ❤️❤️❤️. It's absolutely amazing (from the music to the lyrics I AM IN LOVE 😍😍) IT'S LITERALLY MY GO TO LOVE SONG RN and I wanted to ask you what your favorite songs are so I can listen to. them. - 🌊 anon ( Your number one fan)
hihihi!! it's totally okay omg, you don't need to apologise!! i hope your irl stuff is going well 🫶🫶🫶
OMG WHAT ?!?"( that is like the best thing anyone could ever say to me THAT'S SO COOL!!!! i'm so glad you found a song of theirs that you like ueueue 🥹��� AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! i literally love all their songs but most of my favourites are from the AM album, like idk the vibes there are *chefs kiss*
but okay here are my top 5!! 😼
5. r u mine? - ABSOLUTELY INSANE SONG!!! i adore this song with my whole heart, the guitar and drums go so HARD i literally screamed my lungs out at the concert HDJSDJSH
4. knee socks - WHEN YOU WALKED AROUND THE HOUSE WEARING MY SKY BLUE LACOSTE AND YOUR KNEE SOCKS!!! the riff in this song actually plays on loop in my head and i was so obsessed with this song for ages and i have this hyperspecific image in my head of guitarist!xiao playing this riff and some day i will actually write that i swear
3. arabella - fuck my life WHY AM I NO ONE'S ARABELLA!!! ok let me bffr this song changed my life /j ok but the bridge is SO AKJSDKJASDK this song is so hot and i need to date someone who would write a song like this abt me HAHAHA but real talk this song is immaculate!
2. 505 - it would be a crime against humanity not to include this song bc it has permanently altered my brain chemistry. i mean, c'mon "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck" and "but i crumble completely when you cry" I MEAN WHAT THE HELL . WHAT ABOUT MY MENTAL HEALTH??? the build-up to the beat drop in this song is so crazy i will never not be amazed by it basically go listen to 505 it will change your life!!!
1. snap out of it - i don't even know either. HAHAHASKJDSKJD okay i have such a weird attachment to this song that i cried real tears hearing it live. i honestly don't even know how to explain it i just Really Love this song aHHHH
honourable mentions : do i wanna know, fluorescent adolescent, why'd you only call me when you're high, i bet you look good on the dancefloor, crying lightning, brianstorm & four out of five!
i'm so sorry i yapped a lot HDKSKJDKS i love talking abt my favourite artists, i hope that you like some of these songs too!! and also if you like arctic monkeys you might like the neighbourhood as well 👀 lmk if u give them a listen hehehe <333 and btw ilysm wave nonnie i am YOUR #1 fan!!!
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festeringfae · 4 years
i regret to inform you my brain says no sleep til we conquer the terrible movie Heavenly Creatures in its entirety
btw if yr reading this aware of my love of Rope (1948) that’s because that shit is not only very far away from depicting the actual events that “inspired” it but the homophobic murderer propaganda of the real case also heavily involved antisemitic propaganda as well, and Rope explicitly compares the actions of its protagonists to Hitler and condemns them and was screenwritten by a gay Jew. Also most of the homophobia is imo undercut by Jimmy Stewart’s character’s blatant hypocrisy and flat out lies. Jimmy Stewart’s remorse at the end of Rope has all the credibility of a Tati Westbrooke apology video. anyway, time to say bye sister to peter jackson again, here we go. my cat has joined me for moral support.
i accidentally hit a button and the movie went away.......VRC player is trying to save me from myself
the increasing emphasis on Deborah being “ravished”......Do Not Like That, Marking It As Lesophobic, Acknowledging That Might Be Unfair and Doing So Anyway, insert Shane Madej gif saying “and so we do condemn, wholeheartedly!”
wait is this supposed to be satirical of the British monarchy at the time? where is THAT context, Peter???????????????
ok i have figured out whats bugging me about Melanie’s portrayal of Pauline and it’s that everything about it, both including and excluding things that are believable for a teenage girl to have done irl, S C R E A M S the evil gay lackey trope. No wonder I was fumblingly comparing her to Igor earlier. I’m gonna need to stare at a screenshot of Scorpia for hours after this.
oh it’s not commentary, she was just assigned an essay or something on the Windsors and the assignment said about royalty so she gave a report on her OCs
okay there is genuinely shocking stuff going on here and i was gonna say “i feel like i can’t commentate on it because there’s a lot to unpack and i feel like i don’t know anything about it really” but then i realized thats because we are not SHOWN or TOLD about it, and so now my criticism about this not being a documentary extends not only to good taste but also just like?????????? YOUR MOVIE IS DISTRACTING ME FROM ITSELF BY MAKING ME WANT TO WATCH A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT IT INSTEAD
ironically i remember telling my mother that my main takeaway from the lord of the rings movies was that i wish i had read the books so i could actually understand what was going on
for a second i forgot the narration was all diary entries and so i was about to get SO HEATED about them writing letters to each other from the povs of their characters who are married. i mean i still am but mostly because straight or not that is some GAY SHIT that i did when still closeted to myself so like. MAYBE WE JUST PRIORITIZED WHICH HOMOEROTIC STORIES WE TELL, EH?
how is there still a fucking hour of this movie left
at least they also write letters as themselves
isssssss juliet’s narration actual juliet letttttters or nooooooot if you’re going to be sporatic abou what you caption anywayyyyy can you let me knooooooooow
i feel like some people might argue that turning true crime into a narrative doesn’t necessarily have to reflect the truth of the events, and i would just lilke to say: Those people? Are wrong! If you are going to consume real people’s trauma for entertainment, the very least you can do is not lie or spread misinformation about what happened! Not a debate!
love to eat breakfast right when the close ups of puking blood are happening
also love the inherent ableism of as the letters are implied to be getting ~creeper~ (they honestly? aren’t? without the context that she eventually kills someone?) as Juliet looks more wan from TB. also the ableism of implying the TB might have influenced the whole thing, brain wise? idk enough about medical shit to dispute that. but like oh your friendship is getting clsoer now that youre isolated, and also you’re writing in someone else’s pov in love letter ways? thats when youre getting more evil, no lesophobia! (YES LESOPHOBIA, PETER! I SEE YOU FRAMING THESE SHOTS!)
okay NOW theyre getting creepy, fair enough
this all would have been more effective if they hadn’t looked inexplicably ghoulish during the first half of the movie
honestly can we just call this high budget gaysploitation or whatever the term is and go
I’m so glad I torrented this instead of giving it any royalties, oh my GOD.
it’s only been 11 minutes since i said there’s still an hour left of the movie T-T
I’m getting more breakfast because fuck it
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nikatyler · 5 years
Tumblr media
I have three weeks to learn everything for my last exams. Am I dying already? Well, no, but actually, yes. I kinda wish we had less time because this way, I’m going to waste so much of it procrastinating.
But maybe now that I’ve told you, I’ll decide to not procrastinate so that you can be proud of me or something. Maybe I’ll show that I am in fact capable of character development. Idk.
Yeah, I’m losing my mind. Just a little bit.
By the way, anyone else feels dead inside after watching the new Game of Thrones episode? You know, in the first part, I literally forgot what I was watching because everyone was so happy and celebrating and all that and then I got a reminder. This show is going to be the death of me.
desira-sims replied to your photo “Before we get to the replies, I want to quickly address something. I’m...”
I feel ya on social media. I recently got rid of a mobile game and the associated fb pages I was in. I’m no longer constantly checking my phone for it. It’s been nice taking a break from that. Focus on school, since that’s the most important thing. Come find us when you need a breather. ��
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Before we get to the replies, I want to quickly address something. I’m...”
Yes, social media are basically time-eaters who steal the time which could be spend on writing or simming. Recently I've unsubscribed from several Instagram pages dedicated to memes as they my flooded dash and I spent too much time on them. Last two days I've played TS3 world adventures on my laptop without internet connection and it was great
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Before we get to the replies, I want to quickly address something. I’m...”
And I barely paid attention to tumblr as well recently... Well the weather is so great that it would be a crime to spend time onlineXD
Ooh boy, if I was able to get rid of all the memes pages I follow, I’d have so much free time on my hands. But also, I mean...memes.
As for social media, I wish I could deactivate my Facebook account. I really wish. But sadly, all the people I know irl are there. I have to stay there to keep in touch with them. We still share a lot of school stuff there, I’d be lost without it. But those are the only reasons I’m there, I never post on it anymore. I actually deleted most of my photos and old status updates and unfollowed most pages.
I’m going to repeat myself here but I’m so glad I got rid of Twitter. I loved it there, but at the same time, it fueled my negativity. Even when I found and muted or straight up unfollowed the biggest sources of it, I wasn’t happy. So I just stepped into the daylight and let it go and it was the best decision I could make. Even though now tumblr will probably have to deal with my random thoughts. I need to find a special tag for that. Not just “nonsims” or “saviorhide”. Maybe “simmeronnie is losing it again”.
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Isla Paradiso didn’t disappoint at all. It was everything I’ve ever...”
Skyporn 24/7 sounds like a radio station
Lmao you’re not wrong. Or it could be something like a stream where they only record videos of really really gorgeous sky. I’d watch that. Seriously, shut up and take my money. I could stare at pretty sky all day.
desira-sims replied to your post “List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10...”
I recently went back and started this legacy. (Just got to the Gen 5 switch). I think Rachel is absolutely adorable.
Ahh, no way! I hope you’re having fun even though it’s a total mess :D I have to agree though, I love Rachel, she’s awesome.
Watch out, tiny gen 4 rant coming. When I have nothing else to do and I feel inspired, I rewrite gen 4 because I love these characters and they deserve a way better story. I consider the stories they got in the legacy the first drafts/starting point/base or something like that. So in some way, most of this stays in the “new canon”, it’s just thought through better or changed a little bit.
Okay, that wasn’t really a rant but seriously, stop me whenever I seem like I’m about to start rambling about gen 4.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10...”
Number 4 - high five, Zoey, same with me!XD
5 actually, too
Ah, yes, same. Number 4...oh god. Been there, sort of. Just because I’m crushing on a person doesn’t mean I imagine being with them in bed all the freaking time. *looks at a friend who loves to imply that...when I’m actually a small innocent child who only knows woohoo from the sims and I’m not ashamed to admit it*
whysimstho replied to your photoset “Regan: “Court! Finally! How was the flight?” Courtney: “Not bad. I...”
Why is her face so funny to me ��
Well, it is kinda funny :D
philodendronandfoxes replied to your post “So you’ve made posts in the past about how you’re lonely or feel alone...”
Anon needs to chill.
desira-sims replied to your post “So you’ve made posts in the past about how you’re lonely or feel alone...”
Don't let them get to you. Something I have learned as I've grown older: Hobbies come and go. One minute you'll find enjoyment in something and the next it doesn't hold the same appeal. Some times you'll come back to that hobby and some times you never pick it up again. Taking a break is something everyone needs. They even tell new parents to take a little "me time" so that they don't get overwhelmed. Taking a moment to collect yourself is understandable.
108sims replied to your post “So you’ve made posts in the past about how you’re lonely or feel alone...”
Taking breaks from tumblr is good for your sanity. I had to last month for the sake of my mental health I got stressed out falling behind here and dealing with job stuff. Just like for you with school, job takes priority over my blog. I’ve taken so many breaks, honestly it’s fun to enjoy other hobbies and do other things.
dandylion240 replied to your post “So you’ve made posts in the past about how you’re lonely or feel alone...”
RL should always take priority. Taking breaks and doing other things is healthy and good. Don't let this anon get to you or make you feel guilty.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “So you’ve made posts in the past about how you’re lonely or feel alone...”
Anon is strange - as if tumblr was the only life you've got and you have to stay here whenever you like it or not. Why read between the lines and find unexisting stuff there like you don't care about your followers? It comes without saying that a person needs breaks from the tumblr every now and then
But who knows probably the anon wanted only to provoke you to start our "favorite" drama. In this case they do need to find a life for themselves
Btw too - feeling lonely on tumblr also can be a reason for a hiatus, so anon makes no sense
So I kinda didn’t want to address this anymore because I feel like I’ve said everything in my lengthy answer to that ask but I just wanna say thank you for writing all of this. I didn’t feel bad when I got this, the anon didn’t change my opinion, I still believe everyone has the right to take a break, leave tumblr behind for a bit and not feel sorry about it. Take that me time and come back better than ever (or not if you don’t feel like, that’s fine too)! I was still worried about posting this answer though. So thank you for letting me know I’m not the only one who feels this way!
dandylion240 replied to your post “April 30, 2019: Dear Diary, I believe I’m a good person. You know, I...”
Congratulations and have fun with the last day! It'll be bittersweet knowing this may be the last time you'll all be together but it's exciting too because it marks a beginning of something new. So happy for you!
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “April 30, 2019: Dear Diary, I believe I’m a good person. You know, I...”
Congratulations and welcome to the "adult" life! Let this day be one of the brightest moments in your memory!
Now I'm feeling nostalgic, I'll go and look through my graduation album
108sims replied to your post “April 30, 2019: Dear Diary, I believe I’m a good person. You know, I...”
That sounds like a really fun way to spend your last day! At my school at least we had a Senior day where there were a bunch of games and activities. Good luck on your exams, and I hope you enjoy your last day and everything that is to come!
It was very fun and everyone looked so good in their costumes! One of my classmates wore this 20s-like dress and oooh boy. She was gorgeous. Just...leaving on that day was really bittersweet. Part of me was like “yas, we’re done with this place!” but the other part of me already missed it. And yeah, our teacher didn’t forget to remind us that all of us might never meet again. There are reunions, it’s a tradition, but there’s always someone who can’t come.
Okay, moving on or else I’ll start crying, and I’ve already cried a lot today. Looking at you, GoT episode 4.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “Regan: “You made it! Nice. I’ve heard you almost threw up on the...”
i'm laughing at the two couples in the background, both flirting during this conversation
Oh god I didn’t realize how funny that looks :D I didn’t want them to just stand there haha.
dandylion240 replied to your photo “In Character Judgement Call: Caleb Protect this soft boy. RULES: You...”
I Caleb the most from gen 4
I know this is just missing a word and I shouldn’t laugh but it comes off kinda funny. Still, thank you!
dandylion240 replied to your photoset “Felix: “You look perfect. No, no, you are perfect. Some girls are...”
Despite his ability to burp at inappropriate times Felix can say the sweetest things
No sweeter words have ever been spoken about my boy
Also no truer words have ever been spoken about my boy
108sims replied to your post “I’m waiting for my exam (still have like 2 hours) and I’m bored. I...”
Good luck!
nineyellowgirl replied to your post “I’m waiting for my exam (still have like 2 hours) and I’m bored. I...”
keeping fingers crossed :D
desira-sims replied to your post “I’m waiting for my exam (still have like 2 hours) and I’m bored. I...”
Good luck on you exam!
Thank you guys! The results should come on May 15th. Wish it was that day already. I think I did well, but I won’t be calm until I actually see it.
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “One day, I’ll have a nice tiny mods folder again. Today is not that...”
The TS4 community needs to come up with a Compressorizer like TS2 and TS3 has tbh
Yeah that would be nice. TS4 needs a lot of things in general though, to be fair.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Hmm...”
Hm the thing I do plan something with berries and I need a spouse for my founder which I don't want to create myself... Sooo... Yeah, I could use a sim ��
flowerhoneysims replied to your post “Hmm...”
@simmeronnie But it‘s another kind of pink ☺️
Alright guys, I have an idea. Shoot me a message and we can talk about it! I’m down for this. Here’s just a brief description of everyone I can offer (in case someone else would like a sim and would like to know what they’re signing up for), we can talk more in depth in the messages later. I have one mean pink girl who loves robots, then this one that I’ve shown (she doesn’t have too much personality yet, but she hates her other sister and loves videogames), an agender person with pink skin, white hair and white eyes (loves animals and is the total opposite of their mean twinsister - and yet they’re still best friends somehow) and one pink boy with white eyes who just aged up into a child so I have no idea what he’s going to be like yet. I just remember he got the No Sense of Humor trait.
Can I have a wish though? If I send you one of these sims, would you please share with me the sim they end up with? I would love for them to get together in my game as well.
Side note, can you already tell my bpr is going to be a bigger mess than all my other legacies combined?
lyrea replied to your photoset “Okay, clearly he didn’t ruin all the traditions. Crisis averted.”
^_^ That is an impressive cake they got.
Oh, it is! I’m not sure now, but it might be the one that came with Monte Vista?
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nega-aria · 6 years
For the Fanfiction Writer Asks: 20-25 and 35-41 😊
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Nope, believe me if I did I would have edited them already. I have an editing obsession XD Writing endings is always something I put a lot of thought and heart into because it’s the last thing you leave people with so I like it to have that special impact. Plus, I just love the parts of the story when I have a good excuse to be dramatic lol.
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
Um, definitely you @rebellingstagnationblog! I hate to say I haven’t had a chance to read as much of your stuff as I should, but your prose is beautiful and has such depth, and it is definitely something to be admired ♥ It really sucks me in and that’s the best part of any story. @aj-the-bluejay definitely deserves kudos too for tackling those slice of life type stories that just put such a smile on my face and of course an extra special shout out for always being so supportive of other writers because that’s just awesome ♥
There are definitely other people that I’m sure deserve props, but I am pathetically behind on stories that I want to read, so for those of you out there cranking out these stories purely out of love, keep doing what you’re doing because the fandom adores you for it!
Special shout out to @volcanicfires and @justbirdfurrythings for being my partners in crime on a couple stories. I freaking love you guys ♥
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Ooooh yeah, lol. Basically everything from when I first started writing makes me cringe. Part of me wants to go back and fix those older stories so bad, but part of me wants to preserve them as part of my past so I do my best to just let them be as they are.
One of these days Screw the Bassist is gonna get a proper mass edit though, because that poor thing is stuck between old story and not so old story so it has gone through some serious growing pains over the years.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Uh, neither I guess? I am not a person who likes complete silence very much so I usually have some sort of background noise going on but it’s generally some show or movie that I’ve seen a million times or otherwise don’t care about paying attention to. I do occasionally write in silence though, and I very much prefer that to trying to write with music going on.
(don’t ask me why listening to Gordon Ramsey swear and smash fish is better than music, because I don’t have an answer for that)
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Fucking fantastic XD
Honestly, I have a hard time writing fully G rated stuff which I’m sure limits my audience, but showing that intimacy and the emotions that go into is one of the things that makes me the most happy when I’m writing. I mean, someone has to provide for the fandom so it might as well be me. Quite frankly, I’m proud to give that to the people out there that I know want it (and you know damn well there’s people that don’t admit they want it) because I think it’s important for people to see beyond the dangly parts and appreciate sex for the loving, bonding experience it should be.
Embrace the sex people! It’s a beautiful thing.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
No, but I got pretty emotional when I ended Screw the Bassist because that was seriously like watching my 6 year old child finally grow up, and I have gotten a little teary eyed discussing a certain story with a certain someone who knows who they are ♥
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
I refer back to that certain someone who knows who they are because yes, they know literally everything about all my stories. I have a hard time completely keeping my ideas to myself, but some things will never see the light of day. Because reasons.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
You bet! Have some Gravesbeaks kidnapping AU because the world needs more dramatic angst.
Falcon’s brow furrowed and the angry scowl on his face wasslowly pulled into a more concerned frown as he scrolled through what felt likehundreds of text messages that grew increasingly worrisome the further hedelved into them. Mark had never taken the game this far. Sure, Falcon hadalways responded before he could really drag things out so much, but still,those messages were disconcerting in the worst possible way, and it had himseriously wondering if he had just made a very grave mistake. They came fromdifferent backup phones, and Falcon could tell. It was as if Mark was cyclingthrough them until he hit the last which sent only one message.
Falcon swallowed nervously as he put the phone to his ear tocheck the one and only voicemail that Mark had bothered to leave, refusing toacknowledge his own nervous shaking as he listened intently. What he heard hadhis heart racing. If this really was a prank, it was a wildly elaborate one.There were no real words only painful cries, a furious slew of muffled threats,and something that was far too similar to the sound of breaking bones forFalcon’s liking. The message ended abruptly with the only word that Falcon wasactually able to pull from the murmured mess of voices: dead. As in “you’regonna be” or “you’ll wish you were” and neither of those possibilities wereparticularly appealing to Falcon.
One more time Falcon tried to convince himself that this wasjust a prank. Once again he was repeating to himself that this was just a game,but the longer he sat there stunned and clenching his phone in shaking fingers,the less it sounded like a joke. If it was, it definitely wasn’t funny.
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
Roleplay. No contest. Drake seriously needs to write cringy romance novels. You know he’d rock that shit. (that link is nsfw btw so be warned)
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
@justbirdfurrythings and she knows why ♥
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
Third person all the way. I have written in first person but not in a long time and never for fanfiction.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
Yes, my brother (because he’s nosy) and my fiance both know I write fanfiction. No one else irl is aware of it.
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
Oh boy, toss up between NegaLP and Falcon Graves, but I guess I have to go NegaLP because I just adore writing dialog for that immature jerkbag. And when he’s around that means Negaduck is showing some delightfully deep emotions and that’s just icing on the cake. 
… but then again my Gravesbeaks stories are super special to me so writing Falcon is very close to my heart… we’ll call this a tie. I love my semi jerky beefcakes.
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nochuandgochu · 4 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. I am *respectfully* not saying (mainly bc it’s v ethnic & I don’t want to narrow down my identity that much first thing getting back into tumblr)
2. 21 ... sheesh
3. May 26
4. Gemini
5. Green!
6. 8
7. no :( but once I become financially stable I’m adopting the first reptile I see
8. Southeast USA
9. haha yeah I’m 5’10 and some change ... but in the spirit of the DMV which forces you to round up or down on your height for your license, I just tell ppl that I’m 5’11
10. haHA I’m a women’s 12, men’s 12, in US sizes
11. 11 lol!
12. it is *extremely* rare that I remember dreams, so I just assume I don’t dream at all
13. no talents, just a lot of miscellaneous things I happen to know how to do, (disclaimer: I don’t claim to be good at them though) ... i can make shoes?
14. wouldn’t that be the dream ... sadly I am not
15. literally can’t choose ... so I won’t but I CAN MENTION that I’ve been recently loving Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monáe
16. once again ... I can’t choose, this time bc I hardly watch films diligently like that unless it’s apart of a franchise ... would love to get into pretentious indie films though, so leave any recs below
17. honestly? idk myself? idrc either??
18. Childbearing? No. Adoption? Yes.
19. lol I’m not getting married.
20. Raised Christian so I guess, but I’m still finding my place within all that bc I feel like there is *some* good in it underneath layers upon layers of human manipulation and oppression and bigotry rooted within the abuse of its teachings.
21. yeah
22. lmao not yet, I’m black in America it’s only a matter of time before I breathe the wrong way and someone calls the cops
23. one time in middle school, my choir went to Disney World and a small group of us girls rode rock n rollercoaster & when we went to go see our photos, we saw Debby Ryan a row behind us in the picture & we all flipped out & ambushed her just as she was leaving & got a photo with her. She was so sweet, frazzled, but sweet, sorry ab that Debby.
24. Showers. Period.
25. I’m barefoot, it’s too hot for that
26. Girl no, I’d be the worst famous person, like I genuinely do not aspire for that
27. Nope!
28. I love anything that can tastefully fuse different genres together — and I’ve been finding recently that movie scores & anime ops do that successfully A LOT
29. no ma’am
30. This is funny bc I’ve noticed over the years, the number just keeps increasing, we’re at 4 at the moment
31. Lol so I always end up in some variation of the fetal position on a normal night but when it’s really hot, I have this pose that kinda resembles the tape silhouette of a deceased person’s body at a crime scene.
32. It’s in the south, so even though I think it’s average size, ppl from the north claim my house & property is huge? lol no it’s not y’all just live cubicles.
33. yeah I don’t really remember to eat breakfast ...
34. Nope
35. Nope
36. Imbibe
37. Ass, I always add it onto another word as a suffix to emphasize my point unnecessarily
38. 24 hrs in college during finals week, never again
39. Oh yeah
40. Weirdly enough, yeah
41. Nope, I *truly* wish I was sometimes, all I can do is evade until my conscience finally gets the best of me & then I yak it up
42. I’d say so.
43. Yup, I can do a Nigerian accent (a lil rusty) and a southern inner-city kind of accent
44. I personally don’t think I do, but I know the ppl in my life say I do so ...
45. Don’t have a favorite, unless it’s Tom Hiddleston speaking
46. INFJ-T
47. My platform Docs
48. No
49. In-between-ie? It’s weird ...
50. Right
51. Nah
52. Time and time again I always come back to French fries
53. Roasted seaweed (the ones that comes in paper-like sheets)
54. Clean
55. “it be like that” & “so it would seem”
56. “oof” & a randomized keyboard smash du jour
57. About an hour if we’re including showering
58. Not really?
59. Suck
60. Absolutely
61. Yessir
62. Nah
63. My overprotectiveness of my thoughts & interests stopping me from putting myself “out there” & regretting it later
64. No
65. idk?
66. on me? short. on guys? loooong. like we’re talking ponytail game strong
67. sure, as long as there’s no time limit or external pressure
68. astronomy, there was no pressure to be right or wrong, it was just so wholesome
69. semi-extroverted introvert
70. nah
71. to this day, public speaking
72. Nope
73. Depends on the mistake
74. Only on my feet, I give the ladies at the nail shop HELL whenever I’m getting a pedicure I’m so sorry lol
75. No, what would you gain from that?
76. Nope
77. I mean technically nooo bc I was in a foreign country & the drinking age was significantly lower & I was old enough there but not in the US
78. Nah but honestly want to (only marijuana not the life-threatening ones)
79. Celebrity? Zayn Malik. IRL? some theatre/choir boy a few years older than me named Matt.
80. 4
81. Sure can!
82. Average speed ig?
83. people go around measuring these things? with a stopwatch? I would say average speed again
84. black and brown
85. The deepest of browns
86. No allergies :)
87. yeah
88. A paralegal and a freelance audio mixer & producer
89. I mean there’s nothing I can do about it ...? It’s just a fact so I don’t really feel any specific way ab it?
90. Being told to do something you were already planning to do. it’s really dumb but it really agitates me.
91. I guess. I can’t imagine myself with a different name. (Oh it’s Melody btw)
92. Nah
93. Idc I just want to adopt the bestest boys and girls who just want love & guidance
94. Incredibly empathetic and articulate
95. MANY but I have an internalized fear of being overbearing so whenever I have something worth saying that needs a little bit of power or force behind it, i fixate on my delivery and nitpick my speech patterns & what you get is a really mousy, quiet voice that’s barely heard
96. Parents were at church conference & my dad randomly received “divine inspiration” for my name to be Melody and my mom didn’t disagree
97. Actually, yeah, on my mom’s side
98. I think this question was asked already, but the answer is still yes.
99. I’m assuming bedspread mean bed sheets so teal!
100. Green :)
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