#. thank you so much for this !!! <3
WYGTYA lines
@sheirukitriesfandom tagged me in this most wonderful tag game and I am so happy! Thank you for the tag :D Since WYGTYA is my longest work, I'm going to include lines from this fic of mine that I love so very much <3
A line from your fic that makes you laugh (not really a line, but it made me laugh while I wrote chapter 13)
“What on Nirn is a rock’s weakness?” He asks, casting a calm spell to no avail.
“Scissors?” Ravonna responds, chuckling.
“You think this is a good time for jokes? Master Neloth is going to kill me if he finds out!” 
“Scissors, that’s it! Big sword!” she says, the lightbulb of an idea almost visible above her head, making Talvas even more confused. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Wait here, I know just the thing!” She immediately levitates rapidly to the main tower, doing a backflip before entering.
"But paper beats rock!" Talvas shouts, but to no avail, Ravonna is already in the tower.
A line from your fic that makes you sad (of course it's a Miraak line, from chapter 6)
“I – yes. I just – ” but he has to turn around before the tears start falling down his cheeks. ‘Be a man’s man and don’t cry. Crying is for weaklings, you soft-hearted little boy! Why can’t you be like your brother? You’re a failure!’ his father’s words ring into his ears and he shivers, wanting nothing more than the earth to swallow him. And so he climbs the stairs as fast as he can and heads straight to his chamber. There, he can finally cry for hours.
A line from your fic you're proud of (not yet part of wygtya, but it will be, this is my Ralof/Hadvar ficlet, and I'm so proud of that watetfall metaphor)
“We were drunk and happy and we thought we had our whole life ahead of us.” Ralof begins, trying to be brave himself and just let his thoughts flow into words like a river turning into a waterfall
A line for your fic you think could have been better (There are a lot of things that could have been written better, but I refuse to beat myself too much over it and embrace the fact that I am evolving and I don't want to over analyse my old writing, so this is from chapter 1, I hate this because Hjaldir's story changed a bit over time! When I wrote this, it was all unclear, and so many things have changed since then, I'm hoping my version of him now isn't too far from this brief first description of him)
“Well, Inigo, it’s actually quite a funny story. Hjaldir turned out to be a runaway pirate. He ran away from his crew because he got tired of getting seasick and stealing from innocent people. So, one night, he just ran away. Decided to become a bard and make honest coin. Ended up at my dad’s tavern.”
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character (from chapter 12, DAMN IT, LUCIEN, THEY WERE HAVING A MOMENT)
“Am I… interrupting something?” Lucien asks. Right, Lucien. Fenrik’s almost forgotten about him. How could he not, when all he did was sleep his hangover off?
“No!” both Dragonborn respond at the same time, letting go of each others’ hands.
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww' (from chapter 13, Ravonna trying her best to comfort Miraak is so precious to me, she is trying her best! And this is a big moment for her, to try to be so comforting to one person who once tried to kill her. It's a lot of progress and I feel like she can see their situation from a mature point of view and she can let go of the vengeance.)
“There we go.” she says as she gets a good look of Fenrik’s teary brown eyes. “Now listen to me: no one is upset with you. I’m starting to think that it’s impossible to be. You didn’t ruin anything, okay? The self-sacrificing healer in you got out. And that’s commendable. Now, please don’t cry because I have no idea what to do with someone who is crying.” She says, making him laugh the tears away. “You’re doing great. I mean, if you need to cry, just let it out, I’ll figure something out. Maybe sparkles? Everyone loves sparkles, right?” She makes small sparkles dance around her other hand
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism (from chapter 12, not sure if this classifies as symbolism, but the snake thing is something that I am so proud of)
"I still felt my soul in there, wrapped tightly in the threatening embrace of all those dragons’ souls. I felt it trying to fight it, to escape, like a small animal trying to escape the python snake’s fatal grip."
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg (WWDITS reference with a medieval and lore-friendly name replacement! From chapter 3)
"His name was Mikael, if I recall correctly.”
“Fucking Mikael!” Ravonna says, full of spite.
A line from your fic that's shocking (from chapter 13, MIRAAK SAID HIS FIRST ON-SCREEN BAD WORD!! Everyone was shocked hahaha)
“Holy shit!” Fenrik says as they get closer to the Silt Strider, making Ravonna’s job to cheer up much easier. She turns to him with wide eyes, and then looks at the rest of the amused fellowship. Even Teldryn was struggling not to smile. 
“Just come back alive, or I will kill you.” Marcurio says, his forehead resting against Rumarin’s, still pulling him down. It’s not the most comfortable position for Rumarin, but he won’t have it any other way. It makes him think, really. About all the ways he is going to kiss him as soon as he returns from Solstheim. 
Tagging my beloved fellow writer mutuals, only if you want to participate, of course! @bougainvillea-and-saltwater @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @thelavenderelf @mareenavee @dirty-bosmer @blossom-adventures @nerevar-quote-and-star and I'm also tagging @sheirukitriesfandom back to do this challenge!
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neongreenllama · 11 months
Wolfstar HC time!
After Remus and Sirius bought their house in Hogsmeade after graduation, James jokingly called it ‘the Doghouse’ and the name stuck.
First, it was because the dog boys owned the house.
Second, it was where James ended up having to crash when he and Lily had an argument.
Third, there are so many fucking werepuppies and rescue dogs roaming around that it couldn’t be anything but ‘the Doghouse’. The entire village calls it that. The HOA and Sirius are constantly at war over kennel licenses because there are So Many damned dogs everywhere. And why should Sirius need a kennel license when 12 of the dogs are his biological children but everyone outside of the family just thinks he’s gone insane saying that.
JDKDJDKSI LOVE THIS!!!! THE DOGHOUSE! SO MANY DOGS!! AND THE WEREPUPPIES! and he calls all the dogs his children, because even if they are not his biological children, they are still his adopted ones and he loves them all equally <33
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marlenexalraune · 1 year
❛ i could keep you safe. they’re all afraid of me. ❜ (from Marc)
Assortment of Dialogue Quotes ; accepting
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Marlene felt that oh so familiar twinge within her. It was a surge of belief and love not just in those words but in Marc himself, in all of them. It was warm, and a solid faith built up over years. But it tasted bittersweet.
The blonde gave a soft shake of her head, before reaching a hand out to rest upon his cheek. Mask or no mask, sometimes a line of physical touch helped her feel grounded to him.
“I believe that you mean that you would protect me. No… I know that you would protect me until the end. I’ve never doubted you about that, Marc.” But then she paused, hesitancy across her features brought about my painful memories - and worries of what might be.
“But can’t you see that’s part of the problem? Those afraid of you will always come for you. Or for me, to get to you! I can’t be the reason that you get hurt, and I can’t live my life always looking over my shoulder and wondering who will be coming for me, or my family, next.” They were all so important to her, and the love they had built up over the years was still so strong. But she couldn’t live a life in fear of herself or worried about Marc.
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“I can handle myself, and you know it.” Perhaps said a little stubbornly, trying to push aside the longing she had felt at his words. Marlene dropped her hand finally, having left it on his cheek without thinking. The hand went to her own face, brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “You are so important to me, however far apart we are. But… if I was to be around you, wouldn’t that be the reason I needed to be kept safe?”
It was awful to think about. And such a large part of her just wanted to trust in her belief. But she couldn’t. He couldn’t give up who he was.
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Answered Ask ; @maximummuses
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taee · 10 months
🌹 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 🌹✨✨✨
It also takes someone who has a good heart to be spreading love around like that so!! RIGHT BACK AT YOU!!
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bucketsofmonsters · 1 year
Posy is so cute!!!!!! I lover her sm I swear to god it was like a cheesy romcom or hallmark movie (in a good way - all the happiness, jokes, flirting, and kinda drama). The readers constant struggle to keep the traps from hurting anything made them likeable but it had a very realistic layer of fear too. Of course if hunters are willing to hurt animals and hybrids who knows where they'd draw the line - I appreciate that it wasn't too heavy handed to repeat that sentiment beyond necessary though. It's a good understanding of the background knowledge is readers have, we know that usually trophy hunters are violent, arrogant, in it for the glory, etc. The stakes were high but not insisted upon, it was like a subtle but constant hum of anxiety in the background which you cranked up at the perfect moments when we were getting too comfortable or lost in the cute flirting.
Even the happy ending wasn't too "they rode off into the sunset" - we still knew there was present danger that wouldnt realistically go away when reader has to live in these woods
Did they ever end up going to see Posy's family? What do they think of the human? And please just lie to me and tell me they won't get hurt or caught by the hunters
lol it is most definitely the romcomiest thing I've ever written, it started as something totally different and then somewhere in the year it was getting made I got caught up in the idea of a cute jackalope girl. I'm so fascinated by the concept of trophy hunters in a world with monsters, part of me rlly wants to revisit it one of these days.
I have a real aversion to 'they rode off into the sunset' endings lol, I like to leave my characters with a good baseline of problems, even in the fluffy stuff. The idea of characters being conflict free just makes stories feel flat to me for some reason, messes up the momentum.
I think they absolutely do go and see Posy’s family and I think it went so awfully, full on screaming at Posy for being reckless and bringing a human in, discussions of moving and not telling her where they went, the whole 9 yards (with some exceptions of some of the younger hybrids in the community liking the reader). I imagine eventually they came around but it did not happen quickly nor easily. Also I think they manage with the hunters, I like to think reader started to establish the area around her cabin as an unsafe place for them to be using dubiously legal tactics lol
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Some distraction questions for you:
Who's your favorite character on 1899 and why?
How do you feel about jet skis?
Thank you so much for this, I deleted the original post in a "they can't know we feel" moment aha, but I'm so glad someone saw it
I'm giving two answers to 1899 fave because I can hehe
Daniel is my poor little meow meow, my wet cat of a man, and I would fuck him on that absurd mattress-on-the-floor situation he has going on. His frantic, destructive and self-destructive devotion to Maura (I have several conflicting theories I keep turning over on this), he is literally ripping a world apart to get her back, he's in so much pain constantly. turn your devotion on me you beautiful man
I want to say I do love them all. I do a little cheer everytime Olek does basically anything. I am intensely fascinated by Jérome and what his little polycule have going on. Every Tove/Clémence interaction!! Is Iben being fed things from outside the simulation as I've seen theorised?
Maybe a shoutout specifically to Ramiro. There's something about how earnestly he wants to help, even in the face of impossible odds. Telling Eyk about the mutiny (though they have no languages in common); his concern for anyone aboard the Prometheus, which he never wanted to step foot on; the way he tries to comfort Anker with what he can; looking for land as the ship's going down; distributing life jackets to everyone!! And then he's in what is presumably his own traumatic memory, and STILL tries to pull up whoever's in the well. He is so brave and so full of goodness and I want to bake him a cake.
As for jetskis, this is gonna take a turn sorry... I've never been on a jetski, so the two (very different in tone) associations that come to me are Mobius in the Loki show, and that horrible meme about Kirsty MacColl (for anyone who knows the "Kirsty MacColl was killed by a jetski" story but has never been told the facts, she was hit by a powerboat [not a jetski] owned and driven [according to eye-witness reports] by multimillionaires driving it too fast. She pushed her son out of its way, saving him at risk of her own life. The millionaires paid off an employee to claim responsibility and be the one sent to prison.) That was A Lot of an answer sorry!!
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omg for that ask meme... okay i find your attention to clothing design super super fascinating, and it makes me wonder if you have a theater background? especially like period pieces, with costumes that evoke certain eras? i like how warm and cozy your art always looks and the fact that it's inked by hand. that shit is SO HARD, are you kidding me? no undo button! i look at the expressions you draw and can just TELL that you likely make them with your own face when you're trying to figure them out on paper. they always look so natural, and it's honestly amazing how well you distinguish the different four swords guys given the fact that they are visually very similar in the manga. you give them personality just through the subtext of their appearances in a really neat and endearing way.
your writing gives me similar vibes where it's like, either you've immersed yourself in certain historical genres and aesthetics for practical reasons, like being in theater or studying them in school, or it's purely through the power of hyperfixation that you're able to channel them seamlessly into your work. either way, i admire it so much. i love how you created an entire world and magic system and tense political environment for the fsaa one-shot, despite it being. a one-shot, as far i know? it adds so much richness and depth to the character beats, and could totally work as original fiction. i still want to hang out in that tavern you described it would probably have bitchin fresh bread
okay i'm stopping now i just love getting an excuse to praise people's art in very specific ways !!
Oh wow, thank you so very much, Sam!! I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this much in response to the ask meme, but I'm absolutely delighted by it <3
To make it easier for myself, I'll break it down and answer point by point:
Do I have a theatre background? Well, not really. Not unless you count script writing, 4 years worth of D&D, a 3-day improv course I did once, and some basic stuff we did in school one winter. I think I would've loved to be more involved in theatre — either as a writer or as an actress — but at the moment I'm not. That said, script writing and acting have relatively little to do with costumes and designs. When I design clothing for characters, I have two rules in my head: it should tell the viewer something about the character; and it should be practical. That last bit is particularly important. One of the main reasons I started the LiWiAU was because I was annoyed by how impractical some of the LU Links' designs were, and I guess that's carried over into the FS designs (especially the Knights Lodge AU). That's not to say my designs are perfectly practical or deeply researched, but it does mean that I try to make the outfits as plausible and useful as possible. In terms of armour, I frequently default to my partner's superior knowledge and research actual medieval armour, but when it comes to things like winter clothing I have a lot of first-hand experience with it from Scandinavia.
Yup, inking is a one-way street! I also don't have backup sketches or copies, so if I make a mistake, I have to find ways of covering it up or distracting from it!
True! If I'm struggling with an expression, I do try to replicate it on myself to figure out how it works. This actually goes for anything, from expressions to full-body-poses, and it's not unusual that I pause in the middle of a drawing session to figure out what I'm doing.
Thank you so much! I really enjoy making the FS boys look similar but distinctly individual, and I'm so glad that comes across.
So when it comes to writing certain time periods, I'd say that's 50/50 hyperfixation and studies. The particular one-shot you're referring to is partly Dickensian, partly Austen-esque, and I did study both Dickens and Austen, as well as their respective context, in uni, which has given me some insight into the general culture at the time. (I also studied a number of other texts in that approximate time period, which has given me more to work with.)
I still don't know where the world for that one-shot came from, but I think I'm as deeply fascinated by it as you are. I'd love to explore it further one day, either as a fanfic or as original fiction.
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kimdokjas · 5 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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retquits · 2 months
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a quick sam sketch for the wonderful person who sent me a k☼fi !!! 🥺
he's thinkin up song lyrics 🎶
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ribbonentrails · 5 months
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it's too dangerous to go alone take this~
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2facehusband · 4 months
start me out with my first time sucking dick real slow and steady and nice. go at my pace. soothe me whenever i take too much and end up gagging. and then after a while, when you get impatient, just grab my head and force me down on your cock. fuck my mouth until im a slobbering, crying mess. you'll teach me how to suck dick the right way- which is just sitting pretty and letting you use my mouth any way you want.
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thatmooncake · 10 months
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(I once saw a tumblr post with these kitty images but I couldn't find it again)
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machinerot · 9 months
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zu-is-here · 12 days
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We have a winner!! (leave him alone)
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cinnamoncatto · 1 month
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Pose study + i tried out a new brush
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thewizardhole · 8 months
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my tavs and their romantic partners
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