#... Im gonna have opinions and if I'm going to be salty about it I should at least attempt to engage and do something about it
erudipitous · 8 months
I'm trying so hard not to obsess over every social interaction I had last weekend
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mybelovedrin · 1 year
✷ ITOSHI RIN x reader. fluff, established relationship. reader talks a lot and rin listens. this is actually pointless. warnings: the writing is kinda messy, i think. note: i just really think that rin <3 ! sorry if there's typos.
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"shut up."
rin probably says these two words to you more than he says 'i love you'.
yet, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
it's been twenty minutes since you came from your dinner with your friend. twenty whole minutes of you rambling. twenty whole minutes of rin lying in bed, his arms feeling empty since you're too busy turned away from him as you change into more comfortable clothes. twenty whole minutes of him having to listen to your friend's husband's family's problems while his eyes stay locked on you as you throw on one of his shirts and then start removing your make up.
and again, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
but he would really prefer holding you while you ramble, and the fact that it's been twenty minutes and he hasn't even gotten a kiss yet is kind of starting to get to him.
"so anyway, she's basically hated by everyone from his side of the family— and i told her over and over that she should talk to him about it, but she just won't listen to me. god, why am i blessed with such stubborn friends?"
at this point, he feels like he's skipped eight chapters.
and yet he still listens, humming thoughtfully as he shifts in bed a little, pulling the covers over him just a bit more as he sighs in defeat, staring up at the ceiling as he mumbles, giving his own opinion. "shouldn't pressure her into it, though."
you groan, giving him a look as you still stand in front of the mirror while doing your skincare now. "i'm not, i swear! those people suck. she shouldn't be letting them do what they want and i'm sure that her husband would do something if he knew how salty they are."
his eyes go from the ceiling to you, blinking sleepily as he stares at the way his shirt looks on you. "when are you coming to bed?"
"almost done, rinnie."
he yawns quietly, turning around so that his back is to you. if he couldn't hold you yet, he could at least listen to your voice. "then does she really plan to just endure that treatment?" his voice is muffled by the pillow as he asks, setting you off on another talking spree.
"i guess she does. i hope everything goes well for her. but personally, i would not tolerate stuff like that." you say, shrugging as you finally finish your business, before going into the bathroom to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
the few minutes of you being gone and quiet make rin feel as miserable as ever.
he waits and waits, eyelids heavy.
when the mattress finally dips next to him and he smells the familiar scent of your skin products, he swears he's never moved this fast to turn around in bed and latch onto you.
you chuckle as he buries his face into your neck, holding him close as your little giggle turns into a quiet laugh when he groans in annoyance. "you took too damn long."
his hair tickles the side of your face. it's getting longer, you realise as you play with it gently, smoothing over some soft strands on the back of his head while he sighs softly into your skin.
"i talked a lot earlier, didn't i?" you ask quietly, your lips curling into a sheepish smile.
rin stays quiet for some time, his arms around you tight and firm as he presses himself against your side, even going as far as to place his muscular leg over you, caging you in against the soft mattress of the bed. "y'know i don't mind that."
"yeah, but im sure there's a limit—"
"there's no limit when it comes to you. 'kay?" he says quietly, his voice groggy and deeper now as he gets closer to drifting off— almost as if he was ending that discussion right there, not wanting to hear you talking about yourself in such a way.
"yeah, but—"
"shut up." he cuts you off, and you stop talking, only to let out another soft laugh. "if you're gonna complain about yourself, that is. now, more sleeping and less talking. i'll listen to the remaining part of your friend's story during breakfast tomorrow."
you snort at his devotion to listening to your silly stories, a slight wave of warmth creeping up your neck. "fine."
he nods a little, before holding you tighter.
"and i didn't get a single kiss from you ever since you came, by the way."
"oh, i am so sorry. my most sincere apologies." you speak, clearly joking as you shower him with light pecks on the side of his face that's peeking out from the crook of your neck.
he grunts, not being able to hide the redness under his warm skin as he feels your soft lips. his eyes stay closed shut. "ok. good night."
"no 'i love you' or anything?"
he sighs heavily. "shut up."
"...and i love you." he adds, before letting himself relax into his sleep when you let out a satisfied sound and say it back to him sweetly, your soft voice partially responsible for putting him to sleep.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
Let me tell you a secret I can't see notifications for this blog on mobile, and I rarely check the milgram tag on any website. So, everything I know about what's going on currently is stuff told to me by others. I don't check the tag until I've come to my own opinion about the topic..im very stubborn about the things I love when I like something I don't want to just see the good I want to see everything to the horrid. Because that too is love seeing someone at their worst and still being able to say I love you it's- it's just so fun!
Who wants sweet fantasy all the time? Salty nightmares are tasty too~
Ah, is that inconvenient well I don't care! I can't hold back anymore I'm gonna show Mahiru all my love~ So, let's have fun until the end? I don't care if it's a lovesick fantasy!
I want something tasty, and I hate sweets.
Let's talk about my favorite images!
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This is more than likely a staged suicide. I believe this because,
The placement of the shoes, bruising on the feet, scuffs and scratches on the shoes, and the water on the body.
Let's review one by one shall we!
The shoes are placed haphazardly beneath the body. This level of carelessness with shoes is something uncommon when suicide is being depicted in Eastern media. Unless it's alluding to a staged suicide. In which case the victim will sometimes be hung with their shoes on, or the shoes will be haphazardly strewn somewhere like this.
This is just my experience with eastern media and not indicative of the culture around suicide in general within that area. Suicide is a very personal choice and act to go through with regardless of the sadness it brings and the living's feelings regarding it. It is something I believe should always be handled with the utmost care and respect.
The damage to the shoes is more in the back than in the front, which is not a common place for shoes to end up damaged through regular walking activities. We can see the front of his left shoe is less damaged and scuffed than the back of his right one. Possibly showing that someone attempted to remove them postmortem which would be rather difficult depending on how far rigor mortis had set in.
This could lead to the shoes being damaged more in the back as the first thing a person tends to do when a shoe is stuck is pull at the back of it. His clothes are also tattered in various places, something that wouldn't occur if he just voluntarily committed suicide. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding or leading up to that choice.
The shoe situation is not helped by the fact that the only time we see him wearing these shoes within the mv is in Mahiru's glamorized version of events but in the other version of events he doesn't have any on. In that version of events, he remains barefoot in that throughout the whole mv.
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If he was barefoot the whole time how did shoes even get beneath the body at all? He's not holding a pair in his hands or anything. So, there's a good chance they could have also been planted there.
Now there is the kinder interpretation of Mahiru taking him somewhere in the hopes that he couldn't do harm to himself. Trying to take him places to cheer him up because as we know,
Futa: Hey, why are you acting so carefree all the time? You’re the oldest of the girls here, you should act it and deal with the others properly.
Mahiru: Eh~? I’m acting carefree~? But maybe you’re right. I mean, I…… ah, let’s make this a quiz. Hey, Futa-kun. What do you think I like doing? Tick, tick, tick, tick……
Futa: Ahh, what even is this mood you’ve started. It’s annoying. Just tell me the answer already.
Mahiru: Bzzt! Time’s up! The correct answer is “travelling” and “exciting things”~ You don’t get many chances at a lifestyle as exciting as this, right? So of course I’m going to be a bit carefree, ufufu~
Mahiru likes traveling and exciting things so she may have thought traveling would cheer him up a bit. Hell, maybe Aokigahara wasn't the only place they went to but he continued deteriorating mentally and physically as the trip ran on eventually winding up in this state. Which fine I'll give anyone who wants it that one.
Yet, if that were the intention how would he end up dead? If this trip was just for them to take their mind off things and cheer up why bring rope? Plus, why even bring him to a place known for people going there to hurt themselves if he was clearly getting worse. Now maybe Mahiru didn't view him as getting worse and just continued anyhow but it's still odd. Like not on her more like I don't know why I thought this was even a viable possibility because this is the worst location to bring someone struggling with that.
It's like man I'm just trying not to drink anymore- oh cool wanna come to this drinking contest with me. A bit counterproductive. I gotta say I'm really not trying to create strawman arguments- I'm just trying to examine this from every possible angle though I see how it could come off that way.
Another kinder interpretation is that he killed himself after they got stuck in this forest. However, Aokigahara as we'll get to is a rather famous location... That most residents tend to avoid. There are multiple other tourist spots around it and the forest is open to the public. However, most residents tend to avoid the area.
So, how would anyone ever get stuck in there? Well, Aokigahara is also well know for having no cellphone signal making it easy for people to get stuck there if lost or injured. Usually, tourists pay for a guide when visiting the forest. However, it's just Mahiru and this guy there. Mahiru says she likes travelling but that doesn't necessarily mean she's an expert at getting around the forest.
This makes it possible for them to get lost for days within the forest even considering the fact it's a tourist spot. Especially if they went in during a time where tourism was scarce. Even considering this there are other tourist spots around the place that they would have needed to get to successfully for the body to be in the state we see it at during the beginning of I Love You- Unless it had rained while they were in there. However, the only one who is wet is the guy which makes that seem unlikely.
This leaves room for it to be questioned if Mahiru did know her way around the forest. Something not helped by the guy being the only one shown visibly panicking while within it. At the same time, it can be argued that Mahiru was just attempting to stay positive in a bad situation.
Then there's the water on the body to consider. This could allude to drowning but we know from Undercover and the positioning of Mahiru that she more than likely choked him to death. This is alluded to heavily through the lyrics within her second song,
"The happiness we tightly bound up and suffocated, is no longer here."
Now this explains where he could get rope since this heavily implies, he was tied up before he died. It flat out says tightly bound and suffocated. People tend to bind others with rope so that answers how he or Mahiru had access to rope while being stranded in the woods.
Well, if she choked him police would notice immediately that it wasn't a hanging, right?
Ah, you see that's where the water could actually come in-
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The body had more than likely been left in water for some time and then hung to make it more difficult to interpret if it was a suicide or not by the time it was located. Aokigahara is prone to rain and typhoons. As it's within an area that is usually wet year-round. So, bodies in that sort of state wouldn't be out of the ordinary.
Oh, and here's the kicker since it's an area that is already heavily associated with suicide there are not only signs asking people who enter to seek help instead but suicides that occur there aren't even reported to the public. Because there are so many. This is why it's more likely the authorities would assume it was genuine and not investigate any further.
Especially if they had no leads and the body was in too bad of a condition to discern anything concrete from. Where would she be able to submerge his body at though.
Well funnily enough there's a lake near Aokigahara- Saiko Lake which is fifty-four minutes from the forest by foot. Mahiru more than likely submerged the body in that lake. Taking shelter in one of the caves and staying off the more common paths associated with tourism when walking through the woods.
The cave could also be a part of the shelter that this line refers to,
“Clothes Food Shelter + Love and Miss you.”
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Shelter- The carousel/Forest
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Second Shelter possibly cave
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As the carousel is heavily associated with the trees through not only having the trees explicitly shown when they are both riding it but from the beginning showing us this is the place he was hung. It's possible that this little alcove or love nook however you wanna slice it- the place where we see the table and couch more than likely represents a cave or second location of some sort.
This is also emphasized by how carousel is not in motion during these scenes.
With that out of the way let's talk about the line itself now. Many interpreted this as what she wishes to provide. However, it's more than likely what she needed to handle when disposing of the body. I've been wanting to say this for a while but had been holding off until the mv released.
Clothes- She may have needed to get all of his clothes out of her apartment as he's implied to have come over in the last video.
Food- She may have needed to clean up the remnants of the feast she made him from the last video.
Shelter- Very self-explanatory she may have needed something to cover the body with as she was moving it or him as they went to the forest.
"Clothes Food Shelter + Love and Miss you- “See you next week?” sounding in cadence."
This line could be her creating a cover for herself once he goes missing because he'll be on an extended stay at Aokigahara. This is why she says this-
"My lethal weapon: “This is how to be in love with you”."
Alluding to her first music video being a trap of sorts.
Leading into the next issue- Because ya know when Milgram calls back to the first trial songs it's for a reason.
In I Love You Mahiru's hair and size vary between her appearance within This Is How To Be In Love With You-
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She's noticeably smaller and her hair is shorter this isn't an error but a deliberate choice as displayed through this scene-
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Mahiru's hair is the same length as it usually is here it's only after her glamorized view that she regresses to this state within this scene. She starts the mv in that younger state though.
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Something we can see because of how her hair is cut. This symbolizes how she's been stuck in this time for a while now. Probably never really fully processing the harm loving in this way has caused her and those around her. Something highlighted through this line,
"Tell me, oh tell me why, can’t I just do it right?"
This calls back to the statement she made at the beginning of Milgram to live for love and reiterates her commitment to do so again here. Through the use of a carousel going round and round forever over and over. Along with her visible reluctance to let go of/get off of it even though she now knows it's bad. That doesn't matter because it feels like all she knows. Even her small place of reprieve is a part of the carousel as well.
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She never really leaves that platform she's just living around it. Even though the person who may have made it special is long gone. She's still willing to shape her life around the idea of what she did have. This, of course, may illustrate how this alcove was more than likely part of the forest as well.
Well how do we know this is Aokigahara. Well, there's a few reasons. One we were shown an image of the area on her incarceration papers. Possibly to imply the body connected to her crime was more than likely discovered in that forest. Furthermore we can discern the woods they are in within I Love You is Aokigahara because the area is known to have mice, rabbits, squirrels, and other animals in it. One of the things the mv portrays Mahiru as attempting to feed her beloved while believing it is cake.
Here's some information on Aokigahara. Wikipedia is the source that says there are mice in Aokigahara but there are other sources that state this as well, X. I don't find them too reputable though. So, take it with a heap of salt.
Wait there's more! The bruising on the victim's feet could appear to be indicative of a staged suicide as well. As we see the victim walking barefoot one would be right to go well maybe he just got that from walking with no sort of feet protection in a heavily wooded area. The problem with that then lies- How exactly did bruising get on the top of the victims left foot?
The bottom is reasonable, but the top is a bit of a stretch. Now maybe he fell we see him collapse to the ground near the end of I Love You and he looked rather feeble at that point- So, he could have got it then. True; my astute friend! He could have again anyone who wants to can take that and run with it! Since he was feeble and underfed by the point of the end of the mv chances are somewhere on their journey he could have fallen and bruised that area quite easily.
However, there is a chance that the bruising occurred when the shoes were being forcibly removed from the body before it was put into the lake. This is why it's not just one thing, but all of these things combined that led me to these conclusions. Though honestly, I just love messy morality, it's so fun. Everyone deserves to indulge a bit don't you think so?
Ahn well it's my fun I'll have it if I want to. I don't expect anyone to like this because it seems to be made to frame Mahiru in a more negative light. However, these are the aspects of Mahiru I find interesting and like and I want to look into all of them and display those things freely. I don't think everyone has to be all right or all wrong to be voted Innocent or Guilty.
Because that's rarely how a situation or people are in real life. I think the sooner people realize that the better off they'll be. Plus, being in the wrong narratively is more fun at times. That's what makes Mahiru's song so fun~ That overwhelming feeling of this is fun but wrong in every second.
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one of my pet peeves for modern aus is the ones where they make izzy ed's best friend or longtime friend because if ed's gonna have one... its jack. it's literally supported by canon. like put izzy and jack next to the revenge crew and your answer for who fits in better is jack, whose only crimes in the show were trying to pull ed away from stede and committing seagull murder (all of which to save ed in a plan IZZY made) im so salty about all the hate jack gets in fics
Oh for sure. My least favoriate thing ever is when people put Izzy in another character's position. Jack is Ed's buddy at the very least. Izzy is just a coworker. Jack is who Ed would choose to hang out with 100% of the time if his options are Jack or Izzy. Also if you're gonna give Ed a best friend who is antagonistic to his new boyfriend, Stede and Jack being mean to each other is so much more fun in my personal opinion because Stede is mean to Izzy and Izzy's head explodes and steam starts coming out of his ears like he's in a cartoon and he yells something incoherent, where as Jack and Stede can have a bitchy little back and fourth that leaves Jack crying for sympathy and Stede's self esteem buried six feet under. It truly is the dynamic ever.
I don't usually have a problem with Jack hate in fics actually because jack is hateable and there often needs to be a villain, and in Our Flag so far the roster of villains has been Izzy, Jack, and the interchangeable badminton twins. Maybe the rich french fuckers but I don't want to give them that much credit tbh. so you know he's one of three and a half bad guys so I get it. However! there is one trope that frustrates me, and I think the main reason that it frustrates me is because its a trope that I hate with all of my guts and is pernicious in the calicobeard tag and that is the idea that Ed and Jack's relationship was non-consentual. There are tons of reasons to hate him, you don't have to turn him into a rapist. That's my pet peeve and my line. Otherwise yeah he's a villain, good. I like it when he causes problems. It's my favorite thing.
That being said I do think he's the most easily rehabilitated villain out of every villain in ofmd (I'm only counting Nigel, Chauncey, Izzy, and Jack as villains.) Simply because he's a pirate that we frankly don't actually know that much about. We don't even know why he's doing this. Yeah Izzy probably slid him a slice of that sweet sweet navy money under the table, but for all we know Izzy had that meeting with Jackie and Chauncey, found Jack afterwards and went "Hey man, so me and Blackbeard are on the outs right now and he's got this new boyfriend who is being super hunted by the British navy, the boyfriend is a rich guy and I know how much you hate those. But anyway Blackbeard doesn't know that Stede is being hunted and I just told them where they can find them so somebody should probably go get Blackbeard out of there and it shouldn't be me, because he's mad at me right now." and Jack said "Oh my god, you made a deal with the british navy? I'm gonna love watching Blackbeard kick your ass when I bring him back here. I'm going to now go do some insane shit to save his life again. Yeah sure I'll make sure the boyfriend dies just so that Beardy doesn't run back and get his ass killed, but only if you slide me a few dubbies for my troubles." It's also possible that he's full chaotic evil joker mode and when Izzy told him the plan he went "Yeah alright, haven't seen Beardy in a while could be funny." We simply do not know. Is he destitute because he's been mutinied three times and he needs the money? Has he never been mutinied in his entire life and he's minted because he's Calico fucking Jack and he's just here for shits and giggles? I tend to go with the "he cares about Ed" reading because I want to fuck him, but it's up to you. His backstory is wide open baby. What we do know Ed likes him a lot actually, Ed cares about him and Stede getting along. We know he saved Ed's life, even if he does hold it over his head because he's a shit head(although how often he does that is also a question mark, there's so much blank space to work with with him, he can be anything you want him to be other than nice).
And you know what, until the thing with Karl the crew liked him too. The crew never liked Izzy, whatever Jack's got going on is way more compatible with the crew than Izzy, and yet I see all these fics and headcanons where the idea that Izzy will stick around after all of this is over is just taken for granted. But they could easily forgive Jack if he sucked Ed's dick, moonbathed with Buttons, and slid Olivia some birdseed because he's funny and cool and Ed's buddy. Where as Izzy can never ever be trusted in a million years, he was never fun to be around, and no one likes him. (I'm sure Jack and Ed have fucked each other over before, they're messy bitches.)
Now I don't think Jack's getting rehabilitated in cannon, in fact we're probably never gonna see him again. I'm hoping for a flashback but I won't hold my breath. It's part of why I'm writing I'm Not Going Anywhere. Because somebody needs to put this man through the st*ddyhands treatment and it's not gonna happen in the show, so it is the realm of fanfiction and no one else is doing it. Jack was fucking built for an enemies to lovers because he's the kind of man who stands too close to his romantic rival at the urinals to prove his dick is bigger. Enemies to lovers is incredibly fun to do with Jack and Izzy because Izzy is eminently bullyable and also the kind of guy belongs in one of those "don't bully me I'll cum" shirts, but it can also be fun to do with Stede "pissboots" Bonnet. I'm not sure if INGA is going that direction I haven't decided yet, but someone should do it post haste I'm so serious.
I don't necessarily want everyone to see him how I see him. I'm fine with being his only apologist. back in april the universe decided he'd gone long enough being the most hated character and decided he needed one apologist and it spun the wheel of OFMD fans and it landed on me and I became the public defender appointed to him. I am over worked and underpaid and he is a terrible client. I have made him take a plea deal on the Karl murder charge.
This has gotten unhinged thank you for letting me chew on Calico jack for like 25 minutes.
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fktonofwhatnow · 1 year
She doesn’t rub it in her face. It’s not Feyre’s fault and nowhere did the book even mentioned that she’s rubbing it in her face. We’re reading from Nesta’s pov and her narrative is coated with self-loath and ofc that affects her viewpoint on Feyre. If you read closely, she respected Nesta’s wishes to be away even though she tried to reach out to her. Let’s also remember that their relationship is so strained built with hostility and lashing. (and Nesta also being unnecessarily cruel to Feyre in the past) so they prob don’t know what the other needs.
Thanks for the ask :)
Ok so let's talk about this, then.
What I'm hearing is that this is a difference of interpretation. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that you're wrong, bc to me it sounds like we just read the same book and came away from it with different opinions of what happened.
I'm saying that Feyre, and Rhysand too I guess, both hold themselves like they're better. I got the feeling that because Feyre and Rhysand have already "beaten" their PTSD and depression, they are better than everyone around them who still struggles with it. It was never mentioned, nobody ever said it with their own mouths to Nesta's face but that's what I felt was implied. Everyone around Nesta treats Feyre like she's better than Nesta because her symptoms of depression were not as severe, it's not outwardly spoken, but it is implied. It has the energy of someone telling you that you shouldn't be sad because someone else has had it worse, except it feels like everyone says that to Nesta, and then turns as Feyre's warm, depression-cured glow shines upon their faces while calling her a saint for enduring what she went through.
You said that Feyre and Nesta do not understand what the other needs. But here's the thing: Feyre has been through the exact same things that Nesta has. The Exact. Same. Things. The same things, the same feelings, the same depression, and you're telling me that there is not a single thing that Feyre could think of to help her sister through a remarkably harrowing time that she is all too familiar with? that shit made me want to claw my throat out. I would not wish my depression on my worst enemy.
"If you read closely-" no :)
"Feyre respects her wishes to be away-" so... you've never had that little voice in the back of your head tell you that you should go back and check - like, really check - on someone you just talked to because they seem like they're not ok? Oh? Just me? My dude, it takes so, so little to get people to talk about how bad they're feeling. Feyre did not want to try.
"Lets also remember-" I think i need to start adding something somewhere that says that everything I write here is my opinion, the same way that everything you wrote in this ask is your opinion. This is the way you read the book. I stated in my post that my rant was emotionally charged, I am not "misinterpreting" the book. This is how I read it, and I chose to be mad about it.
Anyways sorry i got a lil salty there, all this shit with Nesta made my blood boil tbh. It hit a lil to close to home so oof i guess
Genuinely, thanks for the ask, anon :) I hope you have the loveliest of days!
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elivanto · 3 years
[muttering under my breath] do not start shit with people about thrawn’s characterization. do not start shit with people about thrawn’s characterization. do not start shit with people about thrawn’s characterization. do not st
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people that hide their anthem hate under an ominous clickbait title can fuck right off
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desultory-novice · 2 years
okay im gonna assume youre gonna get marx/magolor/marxolor for the ask thing already, so how about dmk for characters? (if you DONT get those as asks though... you should totally do them too)
Heh! I'm so easy to predict that I actually DIDN'T get any Marx/Magolor/Marxolor asks yet...?! (Did you hear that, followers? I will answer myself if I have to, but you can spare me this fate!)
But yes, let's absolutely do DMK because I always appreciate the chance to talk about an under-appreciated fav!
003 Dark Meta Knight
How I Feel About This Character: HOW IS HE SO COOL OMG WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A COOLER META KNIGHT?! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! (Sorry, Meta Knight. I am a simp for red/black color schemes and scars. He probably has an eye scar under the mask. Don’t ask me how that works. He just does.) ...You know when you know just enough about a character but not quite enough to answer all the questions, and what you do know spells out bad/sad things for the character? ...That's the ticket...
Any/All The People I Ship Romantically With This Character: I...ohhh, I am...You know, I dare not call it "romantic" by any means, but I will just say that if you link me to really good looking DMK/Meta art, I will probably be all over it? I know, I know! Problematic ship! Weird vibes! Violent history! It's purely an aesthetic thing though.
My Favorite Non-Romantic Relationships For This Character: Instead of seeing DMK with other Mirror peeps, I want to see him with as many fluffy Dream Land people as possible? Between the scar and the battle damage and the AGGRESSION there's so, so much you can read into DMK and I love seeing him struggle with his feelings of a world at peace/no Dark Mind/no corruption like his own world. Aka, see my "Salty French Bread" art. I'm going to draw more of them, by the way, because I am now totally in love with their peace/chaos/peace/chaos dynamic.
My Unpopular Opinion About This Character: I don't have one, I don't think (?) but I feel like there's some talk/tendency to blame him for Sectonia's corruption, because he was the one who came out of the mirror in TDX? I admit to not having looked into it fully, but I don't pin their tragedy on him, at least.
One Thing I Wish Would Happen/Had Happened With This Character: Give.us.then.name.of.his.sword! He can't just go around wielding a Galaxia-look alike that's not-Galaxia and you don't tell us anything about it!
Favorite Friendship For This Character: This is not a friendship but like, a kismesis, but anyway I didn't realize until I started drawing them that putting DMK and Magolor together would be so much fun. They're both these little anger-fueled orbs. And Meta Knight is clearly the most distrustful of Magolor amongst the four heroes, but he's too noble to act on it. A trait that DMK does.not.share! Fun!
My Crossover Ship: Don't have 'em so this is now FREE SPACE!
...I can't stop watching Rinyo the 35th's "Dear Doppleganger" video. It's all about Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and it's so good and hello?! This shot?! This shot right here?! 
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Hrghtkjfdjk! That look! That sad smile! If ANY of you have not watched this video yet, go look it up on Youtube RIGHT.NOW.
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ppangjae · 2 years
anon you're about to catch my noodle hands, so im just popping in to say that you reek of this thing called entitlement, dont know if you've heard of it but you should really look it up!!!
secondly, and now this is really going to shock someone like you, but believe it or not, alex does not write solely for you. she writes for those who enjoy her writing and first and foremost for herself!! not everything is about you darling, and you coming on here to give us your frankly worthless opinion that literally no one asked for is very telling about the person you are! honestly it's pretty pathetic 🥰🥰 you could be doing so much more with your life.
it baffles me that you took time out of what i'm assuming is an uneventful and boring day to send someone who is creating and writing stories, that are impeccable might i add, for free! and the fact that you have the sheer audacity to be upset people are supporting her and are salty over her reply? might i remind you that you don't even have the balls to say whatever you want to without the safe ground of the anonymous option?
see and this is where your entitlement comes up, which i mentioned earlier (since you're so blind you might have to reread</3). these stories are written for free, and they take effort and time. it is not easy to write 20k fics, and while the feedback makes it worth it, it doesn't cancel out the fact she's doing it for free out of the good of her heart and because she enjoys it. it is not to please you, so i hope i cleared that up for you !
and let me be very clear over here; alex's stories are excellent. each and everyone one of them have a unique and interesting plot and i can attest to this because i have read most of her masterlist repeatedly. so what if the themes are similar? it's called inspiration and lots of people do it, from fanfiction writers to the most famous of celebrities.
anyways this was a rant™ i hope you have a wonderful day alex i love you very much<333
brooke i'm gonna cry again 😭 i love youuuu ♥️
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ufonaut · 2 years
10, 17, 21, and 22 for the salty ask list meme
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
honestly hard to decide! i dislike how hal jordan's return to life was handled and geoff johns' retcons obviously but that much more due to the effect its had on everything about hal rather than being downright unreadable. an example that comes to mind from stuff i've read recently is that i truly disliked ben raab's brief run on nineties gl because effectively exiling kyle to space for a year took way too much from who kyle is as a character but that's much more 'this didn't cater to my interests like marz/winnick did' than anything else soooo
WAIT actually my most disliked arc in all of comics history is literally everything scott snyder did with batman. literally all of it. there
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
since you didn't provide a specific topic i'm gonna go ahead and say that alan's coming out will bug me for the rest of my life and instead of the very basic very boring "oh dad we love you no matter what" reaction from the twins i would've actually explored their inevitable feeling of betrayal (because todd hadn't been spared alan's internalized homophobia and jennie must've felt like she'd been lied to for so long) regardless of how objectively rational those feelings might be and i would've also had alan talk about how long it took -- canonically, i might add -- to wear him down to actually marry molly + his marriage as a horrific effect of living for so long as a closeted gay man rather than the dumbest "i loved these women but Not Like That" take in history. god, even thinking about it makes me mad
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
i think crack ships are alright as long as they're firmly kept between people who are in on the joke. the moment fans start pretending there's something in canon regarding their crack ships, i'm out
22. Popular character you hate?
pretty much answered this one with the reply to 16 earlier so i'm just gonna copy what i said there:
THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST CONTROVERSIAL OPINION I HAVE but harley quinn, barry allen, roy harper and jason todd are all characters i downright hate because they're either in every single story in the universe (hq, barry) or the dc fandom's specialest little boys (roy, jason) despite being irreparably boring as far as im concerned. i don't even have any legitimate reasons, i just don't see what people find compelling about any of them! if i open a comic and jason todd is there i already know it's gonna be a complete snoozefest hitting the exact same beats for the past twenty years in a row! i think they're all characters so insanely propped up by conjecture and headcanons that everyone complaining about how they're not up to their standards in actual canon has forgotten that the characters in their minds did not actually exist on paper at any point in time
also being the flash has the unfortunate side effect of making every person bearing the title unbearably boring and it's for that reason alone that the speedster legacy i stand with is the quicks. flashes should be banned :/
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missjackil · 5 years
My 14x14 Opinion
It goes without saying, that the last 3 episodes were tough acts to follow. I didn't have high expectations about this episode because I figured they would dial it back a little after all of that drama, but the month-long hiatus made me want whatever they could throw at me! However, I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! I really enjoyed this episode, so without further ado, let's talk....
This was a good solid MOTW, even though it included Cas, Jack, and Rowena, it still had a good creepy, old skool vibe. Noah was a very interesting bad guy. Something we haven't gotten in a while. Attractive, smart, charming, and of course a cannibal! A dude that kisses dudes to poison them, isn't an angle SPN uses often LOL But how are ya gonna kiss all these boring, unattractive dudes (including Cas) and not kiss a Winchester? 
I wasn't 100% pleased that it was fairly low Sam content, not as low as some episodes have been but at least his content was good. I'll get to that in a minute, I want to talk about how good Jack was. I really love how he’s being written. His dry humor is excellent! He sneezes and everyone looks at him “There’s pepper somewhere... I'm not dying” so self-aware, it's ironically funny! I loved that he was a dog! And how he delivered the line about having his temperature taken LOL poor Jack! It was probably worth it though, to be cuddled by Sam, I know Id take one for the team to be cuddled by Sam 😁
Rowena was also great. She and Sam fighting like a married couple was just awesome! They both really nailed that scene, and I laughed out loud for real. I also loved the exchange in Noah’s apartment 
Sam: He doesn't seem to be much of a snake guy
Rowena: The lack of Pantera posters is one sign (I might not have gotten that verbatim, I've only watched once, but I laughed and felt very called out LOL)
I loved Rowena blatantly flirting with Cas, and though I adore the Sam and Rowena friendship, I think I'm about to ship Rostiel... anyone want to jump on board? I am also glad she acknowledged that if Sam is the only one who can kill her, it might make dinners awkward, but theres also a sense of security in that. I mean all you really have to do is not piss Sam off too much right?
Cas is pretty much useless anymore as a fighter or a healer, but he’s pretty good at the pep talks. The diner scene was boring, and didnt seem necessary since they were just at the motel and were going right back. Dean didnt confide anything in Cas that he hasnt with Sam, nor did he have an emotional moment with him like Hellers wanted. However, the talk Cas had with Jack, about humans shining bright for a short time, got me really choked up I must say.
Now Sam and Dean had some good broments. Give me some of that and you score bonus points with me. Lots of brother touching when Dean got knocked out, lots of panic from Sam. A decent comfort scene in the infirmary, I really good explosion of Dean, when he started freaking out and Sam trying to calm him down. And Dean calling for Sam when Mike was torturing them! Im not salty that Dean hollared at Sam about how he should have let him get in the box, I would expect he’d feel that way. 
Now all the AU hunters are dead. I think all of them except AU Bobby. Im a little mad that they didnt do more with Maggie, like make her Jack’s friend or girlfriend or something? Maybe they had intent in the beginning, then Dabb looked at the plate before him and decided there were too many stories for a 20 episode season, and cut bait. I have to wonder though if Mary will be upset, or at least mourne the loss of all the people she was willing to write her sons off for all eternity for last season? Probably not, and she’s just gonna seem that much more cold in my eyes. 
Now the grand finale was pretty good. I was worried that Sam would have to kill Rowena in order to kill Mike, as soon as I saw Mike was in Rowena. Maybe Mike would kill Jack and Sam would go after him without thinking about Rowena... so Jack taking it over was a nice twist. I liked the effect of Mike leaving Rowena and hovering overhead, and Im glad Jack ate his Grace and is “back” now. I also love that he shouted “Im a Winchester!” To me that officially makes him Sam and Dean’s son :) 
My concern now is that Jack may have no human soul left. He “seems” ok in some upcoming BTS shots Ive seen, and episode synopses so maybe hes ok. However, the penultimate episode is entitled Jack in the Box so Im worried.
Overall this was a really good episode. It’s not making my top 10 but it fits in my top 25 somewhere. Ill watch it again later today, and I cant wait!
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon Im giving this a strong 7. Very entertaining MOTW/Myth combo! S14b is really good so far!
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scorpihoe-666 · 2 years
First and foremost I'm really sorry you went through such a dark time in your life. Depression is debilitating and even though you may have worked through that specific moment, it's still a battle. I'm proud of you and I hope each morning you wake up with positive energy.
What really annoys me is when someone says, something is or was a lesson yet they never learn from it. Clearly he hasn't made that effort to learn about why someone doesn't text back straight away. And when he did get an answer he chose to ignore it. The ignorance to say it's to do with vulnerability is sooooo dumbbbbbbbbb. There's hundreds of factor's which can range from mental health and anxiety to personal problems to simply just being busy. This guy has no right to go on a podcast and talk absolute nonsense. His feelings may be valid but his opinion (a lot of podcasts are mostly commentary based on opinions) are not valid!!
Dickheads like him make men look so selfish and immature. Yes, I fucked up and will continue to fuck up on relationships but I'll never have the audacity tell another woman's story or actions through my opinion.
Dude you dodged a bullet with that one. Trust me that guy has so much growing to do. A serious relationship with him would have not only have been an emotional anchor but also a huge setback from you progressing in life with your goals and ambitions. When someone doesn't have the emotional capability to empathise and understand, they need to grow as a person. And they are not someone that you should be fixing either. They have to figure their own shit out instead of finding things to blame on others.
thank u so much<3 things are better now thankfully but yknow i do be having my moments. thankfully i have a small circle of friends who understands when i dont reach out for some time etc.
THE WAY I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU!!!! there could be a myriad of reasons why one doesn’t text back right away. it’s so stupid too because one time in November he went through a depressive episode and didn’t text me back. he texted me like a week later and we picked up right where we left off. i was WAY MORE THAN OKAY WITH THAT. like i was so understanding of the situation and was not salty about it at all. but when i do it it’s a problem? it’s just so stupid. i guess i shouldn’t expect others to reciprocate the same kind of energy. these kinds of things are very telling of one’s character.
shout out to the real ones who *dont* tell someone else’s story thru their opinions.
i completely agree that i dodged a bullet. like after his response to me in December, i felt some type of way. i wasn’t expecting him to show up at my house with cookies because i was sad, but damn you didn’t have to cut me off like that. so naturally i started to lose interest in him. i just won’t tolerate people like that. i kinda figured he was annoyed with me, but never thought he would say that shit publicly. i agree that he has A LOT of growing/maturing to do. i actually suggested therapy more than once to him lol. i know it’s not for everyone but ya can’t knock it til you try it and he had not yet tried it. instead of therapy he started doing his podcast lmfao. but honestly the biggest of fuck you’s to him and i hope he heals.
im not gonna let this affect me any longer because he is CLEARLY not worth my energy nor time. im lowkey thankful because he showed his true colors in his last episode.
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propshophannah · 7 years
I have a weird comment question thing. I just turned 18 a few weeks ago (no surprise. I guess) but it's kinda messed with one of my mantras. Whenever l don't feel perfectly safe (even though l live in a safe area. But even at the grocery or while running or whatever) my mantra is just talking through a situation aka if any guy approached me and made me uncomfortable l could just scream "I'm A MINOR!" Obvi 10,000:1 that'll never happen but it made me feel better. Now I can't do that. Any advice?
First of all, that's brilliant! And you can still do that. People will doubt themselves (she looks 18, but she's yelling that she a minor—we need to help her) before they doubt you. And rapist/creepers tend to go for the easiest target. So if you're already standoffish of making it very clear that you know that they are, that they're making you uncomfortable, and you're NOT okay with that, most creepers will leave you alone for an easier, less assertive target. Never doubt your gut. Your brain will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS try to rationalize why someone isn't creepy or dangerous. Your brain will be like "he looks fine." "He hasn't done anything creepy." "You're over reacting." "You're being judgmental." You gut, will NEVER NEVER EVER steer you wrong. Listen to you gut. But you sound like you're already good at that. So my next piece of advice would be, always have friends you trust around you. Smart friends who know how to listen to their gut instincts, and who will back you even if they don't agree with what your gut is telling you about someone. Cuz creepy dudes aren't necessarily setting off everyone's creep-dar, right? Creeptron 4,000 might have a thing for blondes, so he might be making my gf feel uncomfortable, but not me. So always have smart friends around who will back you no matter what. Always drive yourself. There is NOTHING worse than getting stuck in a shitty situation because you're not driving. That doesn't mean, you should be responsible for all your friends for the night (not unless you want to be), but make sure multiple people are driving. So if you're like, "this guy is creepy, I'm not staying at this party" you can leave and not have to round up the whole crew. Be assertive. You teach people how to treat you, and your mental/emotional state and body language will get that across to creeps. So be straight. If some dude is creeping on you, or maybe he's being nice but he just won't leave you alone—tell him that. He might get his feelings hurt, might call you a bitch, might get nasty. But that's not your problem, and that's not anything you should feel bad about. I have told MANY a dudes to back up because they're standing too close. I've let them know that it's not okay to buy my food, or my girlfriends food or drinks at the bar. (SIDE NOTE: Never let strangers or dudes in general pay for you. Whether it's the first time you met them at a bar, or it a first date, whatever. You never want a man to think you're beholden to them. Plus, the good/decent dudes will be impressed that you won't let them pay for you. That shit works like candy. Oddly enough.) So yes. Don't let dudes pay for you, especially the creepy ones. This goes without saying, never let them get your drinks. I'd also never let anyone get my drinks. Not unless I'm watching. I don't care who it is. It could be my best friend, but if she's not assertive and alert like I am then I'm getting the drinks or watching as she gets them. Some of my best "leave me alone you're creepy" lines are (all said assertively and sometimes rather aggressively—cuz sometimes Creeptron 4,000 doesn't hear "no" and to that I'll add, if ANYONE does not hear you when you say "no" or when you set any kind of boundary STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!):Creeptron 4,000 is too close: "You need to back up. You're way to close to me."Creeptron 4,000 wants you to know how you attractive you are: "Hi. You may not know this, but giving a girl your unsolicited opinion about the way she looks really sexist and it's not a compliment. I'm not here for your viewing pleasure. You're not going to impress me with your lack of social skills, and you're not going to make me feel beholden to you for giving me you unsolicited opinion of my appearance."(I've used this several times, and I find that it works like a charm for two reasons: 1. Most creeps lose interest because they don't follow. 2. They know you're smarter than them and they don't want to put effort into creepin. They want easy. Smart ain't easy.)Creeptron 4,000 wants to buy you a drink: "No thanks. I'm good." He doesn't hear your no. "You need to back up and leave me alone. You're not listening to what I have to say and I don't associate with people like that. Goodbye." (Shut it down. And if he persists, I'd play the "IM A MINOR" card, or I'd get my friends and leave, or if you're out at a restaurant, tell the waitress of the bartender. Bartenders tend to be good about watching creepy guys, or getting rid of them for the night. Not always. I find in college towns, bartenders are WAY better at shutting down creepy people than in non college places. But always good to let the serving staff know there is a creeper afoot cuz they don't want to get shut down. Creeptron 4,000 came out of nowhere are scared you: "Whoa dude. Not cool. Don't do that. Not appropriate. You approach me like a normal person you, you don't just pop out of the woodwork." And if you want to take it a step further, and really grab the power in the situation, you can say something like, "let's do this again. I'm gonna pretend like I just walked into this room, and then you can approach me appropriately. Let's practice!"Creeptron 4,000 thinks he can touch you because he thinks it's "playful" and "flirty" (UGH): "Please don"t touch me." Or "I did not give you permission to touch me." Or "And you're hand is where? Yeah, on me. That's a no." Then When he makes you out to be "dramatic" or says you're "overreacting" (😑) you do NOT let him have the power. You call out his bullshit in a calm, assertive way. Something like, "No, sir. Don't you push your embarrassment onto me by saying I'm overreacting or being dramatic. You put your hand on me. Without my permission." If he really needs to be shut down then id continue with excessive examples. Such as: "Maybe in your household men can touch women at will, but out here in the real world we abide by the law. You're not allowed to touch me." (And if they come back at you either then, or later in life and bring up how "oh, Don't touch hannah. She'll freak out." Just own every fucking inch of it. Do not give away your power. You get salty and sarcastic and says with calm and poise something like, "that's right, baby. You learned that the hard way how to treat other humans and women, but don't worry, you're learning."I'm trying to think of other Creeptron 4,000 situations but I can't! But basically, go with the minor thing. It's all about shutting people down so they get scared of you making a scene/calling them out so that they'll leave you alone. Also, never go running at night. Try not to go alone. Don't run with your earbuds in/your music so loud that you can't hear someone coming up behind you. And Head On A Swivel. Always be looking around. Look for the usually runners you see and for the random people you never see. If you think you're being followed, switch sides of the street. Take a weird turn, call/text someone to meet you outside their house or your house. Change your route. Carry mace. And just head in a swivel. Don't look like an easy target for creepers. Creepys/rapists want easy. Most of them will not chase you. So if someone does put their hands on you, fight like hell, make noise, scratch the shit out of them (like Nesta before the Cauldron if you've read ACOMAF). And the second you get free run. Man. I hope his helps. I feel like i have just rambled. But feel free to leave more asks. Sometime specific questions or situations jog my memory better.
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