#... after totk sets me free of course
iamnotakitty · 1 year
The combat system! 💗 The story! ❤️ The characters! 💕 Perfection.
I even loved the sequel-ish thing for the Nintendo DS back in the day. And I'm still not giving up hope for another game 😢✨
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golvio · 2 years
I got to the point where Kass gave me the “10,000 Years Ago” backstory spiel that is basically Impa’s cutscene as a musical number, but...there’s something about it, in light of TotK, that’s bugging me.
Okay, so, for reference, here’s Impa’s version (which is likely the version you’ll hear first if you take Rhoam’s word and immediately head to Kakariko Village after leaving the plateau), and here’s Kass’ version.
The content of the two tellings is the exact same, with Kass’ version being a bit more embellished and in rhyme, but there’s a discrepency between them that gave me as much pause as Impa’s original “The History of Hyrule is the history of Calamity Ganon” line. Namely, that Kass’ version has a more active voice than the Impa version.
(I’m putting the rest under a cut because it’s long and image-heavy.)
Impa’s version implies that the Calamity was inevitable, so the people of Hyrule gathered resources just in case he ever showed up again.
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“The people thought it wise to utilize their technological prowess to ensure the safety of the land, should Calamity Ganon ever return.”
And then she starts off the Calamity’s emergence with this:
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“Upon Ganon’s inevitable return to Hyrule...”
Inevitable, like a cycle of some natural disaster that can’t be helped but can be sensibly prepared for, like a yearly monsoon.
Now let’s look at Kass’ version.
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“The kingdom of Hyrule was once a land of lasting peace / A culture of such strength and wit, that suffering did cease.”
Now, I am naturally suspicious of any story that asserts a civilization was perfect and without flaw, because usually that wasn’t the case and/or they’re trying to sell you something, but I digress.
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“But Ganon lurked beneath the surface, strengthening its jaws / So the ancient people of Hyrule set out to help the cause.”
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“Their efforts bore fruit in an automated force, to help avert Calamity by sealing it at its source.”
Sealing it at its source? So, rather than passively expecting another cycle of Ganon to wash over them, they actively knew he was coming...? Like, maybe, by “source” the song means they knew where he was, and where he was coming from? Like they were expecting him to emerge as a horrible boar cloud well in advance?
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“Divine Beasts, Guardians, princess, and knight, their plan to rout Ganon was looking airtight.”
Yeah, like, this definitely sounds premeditated, like they were hanging around the spot Ganon was going to emerge from with a baseball bat, Popuko style, all “Your Motherfucking Life Ends Thirty Minutes From Now.”
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“And when Calamity Ganon reared its head, Hyrule rose against it / The optimism of Hyrule all the more incensed it.”
“Ganon raged in its assault, boiling with hate, / It gnashed its teeth and thrashed about, but it was all too late.”
Something about these lines...doesn’t sit right with me, in combination with the line about the Guardians a little bit earlier.
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“And free-willed machines that hunted down their prey / These Guardians were built to last so they could join the fray.”
“Prey?” Why are they saying “prey” when Ganon’s supposed to be this big scary predator? This sounds more like the relationship Link has with the Guardian Stalkers than a defensive military force fighting off an encroaching power. And what, exactly, were the Guardians protecting the Ancient Princess and Knight from? Was Ganon just holding down the monster spawn button, or was there some other organic threat that required the creation of a robot army?
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“And that is the story of the brazen attack, On Calamity Ganon 10,000 years back.”
The brazen attack. They deliberately, actively decided to go after him, and fired the first shot before he could actually respond.
And, of course, both of them conveniently ignore the little graphic banner on the bottom of the tapestry depicting the king’s persecution of the Sheikah people after the war, so we already know there’s something both of them aren’t telling us, but now that we know that Ganondorf’s desiccated corpse was imprisoned underground by the “ancient peoples,” I definitely feel like there’s something they’re not telling us.
The passive and active voice contrasts make it feel like something doesn’t add up, that it wasn’t a passive act of self-defense so much as an active attempt to circumvent a consequence they knew were coming as a result of their actions. They knew Ganon was down there. They knew he was coming, and the method by which he would enact his vengeance. Ganon was pissed when the people who tried to bury him alive waited by his unquiet grave with shovels and hammers, ready to beat him into submission and force him back down underground the second he tried to crawl out. Something isn’t right here.
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snowmaze1969 · 1 year
Just finished totk and boy do I have some thoughts. (no i totally didn't watch someone else do the ending after i had completed all of the other main quests because i got impatient. totally......)
anyway totk spoilers for the whole game below. also my thoughts will become less conherant as it goes on lmaoooooo have fun o7
I'm going to put it frankly, I disliked the ending. (for the most part) while there were some amazing parts that I loved (cough, the sages, cough) I feel like the whole zelda part could have been done better. Just a disclaimer I DO NOT ship botw/totk zelink. that's a whole other post i'm not going to do rn but just thought i'd put that there. The first part in the depths was great. It was brilliant even. I loved the sages and I loved the whole Gannon swallowing the stone just to kill like. It is SO in character. It is such a Gannon thing to get rid of all traces of his humanity (hylianity???) just to kill his fate entwined nemesis. like, oq3ighbqpeifjnqpirjgnpqieugnqpithjnpiqgn. omg. Amazing. then dragon Zelda came in and I was like ok. That makes sense. some instinctual part of her dragon self must have realized that Darkness = bad and link = trying to fight darkness = good. so I was like ok. and honestly that fight was pretty epic. It was something new. I was really well done. Then I feel like it started to go downhill. I can say that I almost cried when you were able to rewind time for Zelda. I was like omg they can bury the body, give her peace. The whole shabang. And then Zelda woke up and I was like ugh. I hate it because its so tropey. The classic good beats evil the princess falls in love with the knight in shining armor everything is great. botw did better with this. while the whole loz series is that trope, botw felt more like an, we made a lot of sacrifices and things wont be ok for a while but maybe someday it can get better etc. nothing lovey dovey there. but then totk gone and did the everything turned out great ending. I would have loved a Zelda died ending. i'm not a zelda hater but I feel like it would build off of the whole oh boy everything is shit rn but it will get better given time. They don't need the monarchy anymore link can be free etc. When zelda lives it gives off a very happy everything is great vibes. despite the fact that uh. no???? It's not????? Mineru was obviously sad but I feel like they ruined it by trying to do more zelink shipping. It gives off very I know I was an asshole at first and I know you has a fish gf but now shes dead and i'm nicer too you now but I was also only mad at you because of my destiny/things out of your control lol lets date. Like what????????? idk but that just sounds weird to me.
anyway i'm going to compleatly change topic and talk about future lozs/ and endings.
This is a brilliant place to end this timeline. there are many theorys about what timeline/ where its placed but I feel like this game is the end. The whole Gannon gets consumed and finally destroyed etc perfect ending. It has a very clear air of finality about it. And honestly I feel that if Zelda had died it would have added A BUNCH too it. It would cement that finality. Gannon is gone fr this time (power) Zelda would be dead (wisdom) and there is no proof that link has the triforce of courage so idk man but that feels like nothing but the ending of a timeline. (but of course Zelda HAD to live because of their precious good always triumphs evil/ knight in shining armor & princess love intrest trope but ya know. whatever)
Talking about a future game, I would love to see something in the ww timeline (no it's not cause it's my fave game who said that.) I think it would also be cool if they gave the new game an open world setting like botw/totk but added a linear story line. (kinda like ww but with a lil more open worldiness) but idk thats just my opinion.
Anyway feel free to yell at me or have a convo in the responses i'd LOVE to hear your opinions. Just dont hate on me plz just cause I have different opinions than you. i'd love to hear an avid zelink shipper give me their opinion but anyways bye yall.
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plum-pitt · 5 months
Brief bit of context before jumping in, i wrote this lil guy years ago with intents of making a oneshot or brief multi chapter fic of it, and it never got past the planning stage. It doesn’t contain any totk lore for obvious reasons, mainly that it was conceptualized damn near 3 yrs ago. I found it while looking thru my notes earlier today and decided i’d clean it up a bit and post it on my tumblr like a sad little orphan baby with the rest of my deranged ramblings. Its a Breath of the Wild AU that borrows the everything’s great and everyone’s alive concept from Age of Calamity(if only to ruthlessly tear it to shreds), but not much else, so don’t worry about spoilers or confusion with that game’s lore or anything. With all that said, enjoy
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So i suppose this is for anyone who thought Age of Calamity went just a *little* bit too well. So, hear me out, a what if scenario where AoC was all just a wish fulfillment fantasy created from Links fragmented subconscious being affected by Ganon’s Malice, in a last ditch attempt to pacify the hero and slowly kill him from the inside? And in order to break free Zelda uses what little remained of her power to manipulate the illusion just enough to give his subconscious a chance at fighting back? Well dear reader, i bring you (the vague conceptal ramblings of) a harrowing tale of this poor boy living the life he always(?) wanted, having to watch it crumble all around him, trying to fight reality every step of the way, and finally coming to accept the harsh truths of his reality and finding hope in its future.
We open in the castle sanctum with Zelda and Link standing in the center of the room. Zelda hands him the sheikah slate with an almost apologetic look on her face, only for Link to discover a peculiar set of photos, the very same photos Link used in the failed future to rediscover his memories of the past. She then tells him that he must head to the Great Plateau and investigate, explaining she has reason to believe the visual data is linked to that location and that her duties with rebuilding do not allow her to do so herself. Link, of course, agrees and sets off immediately, but as he leaves the room, the scene focuses in on Zelda’s face in the final moments, twisted with guilt before fading out.
The scene cuts back to the present with Link back at the plateau, except, something is… off. Structures from all corners of Hyrule are scattered haphazardly across the terrain, mixed in with decimated ruins completely overtaken by nature. The time of day and the weather fluctuate erratically as he wanders, and thick, hazy fog that his legs refuse to carry him through envelops countless areas, paired with an ever present feeling of eyes boring into his back. Eventually he finds the ceremonial grounds that should have been in Hyrule field, now half destroyed and covered with moss and decaying guardian shells, also the site of the first photo on the slate. In a flash he finds himself experiencing the subdued ceremony memory, where he is appointed as Zelda’s knight, except, this isn’t his memory. It isn’t right. Just like that he is thrown back into his body, and the ceremonial grounds that were once in front of him had vanished completely.
After such a rattling experience, despite the job he was given he finds himself looking for the place he entered, only to find it too had vanished, leaving him no choice but to keep looking for the other locations in the photos. Each time he encounters a new memory location, he has another vision, and with each one, the land further warps and distorts itself around him. Vaguely familiar faces begin to fade in and out of the spreading fog like phantoms, almost taunting him as he progresses, while the feeling of eyes watching him only grows more and more intense. These strange visions don’t line up with his memories at all, yet the foreboding and heavy feeling in his gut leaves him feeling more anxious and confused with each passing moment. Eventually, after he sees them all lose, sees himself die in Zelda’s arms, sees her go to the castle to face Ganon alone, he finally arrives at the entrance to the Shrine of Resurrection. There he sees himself, mutilated and deathly still, laying in the chamber, and collapses to his knees, the yawning feeling of dread and emptiness hitting him full force.
He looks up once more and finds himself in an empty, eerie lost woods with an unresponsive deku tree and nary a korok to be found. His eyes catch immediately on the master sword, decrepit and broken like everything else in that place, sat lifelessly in the pedestal he had just pulled it from not a month earlier. The feeling of being watched increased tenfold, making him turn around only to see the cloaked form of… himself. But, no! This couldn’t be him. This person had countless burn scars the same ones as the corpse in the shrine marring nearly every inch of him, long unkempt hair spilling out of his oversized hood, and a wild undead glint in his eyes. Link is given barely a moment to take in the appearance of his stalking shadow before the figure’s weapon is drawn and he’s flinging himself at him.
Imagine an epic, symbolic ahh fight scene where these mfs duke it out, that i’m too lazy to describe. The dynamic i’m imagining is that our POV Link is a manifestation of the Malice’s temptation. The one who wants to stay in the happy dream provided to him by the Malice invading his mind, pacified by the fake memory. The Link he’s fighting (let’s just call him Wild cuz LU brain and also it makes shit easier) is the part of his brain that wants to move forward, accept his true past, and face the future. Each time Wild lands a blow on POV Link, he’s bombarded with more memories that bring him closer to true clarity and acceptance, knocking down his resistance to the truth. Conversely, every time POV Link lands a blow, his resolve to fight the temptations of this fake happy ending weaken. The fight stretches on, and for a moment it looks like POV Link might win, but Wild being a shifty fuck manages to turn the tide and land a killing blow.
In that moment, our POV Link finally feels clarity, enough to accept what he knew in his gut all along. That none of this was real, and that the one he’s been fighting all this time was none other than himself. Still, he can’t help but feel mournful over this happy dream, even as it literally falls apart all around him. In this moment of weakness he looks up at Wild, the grief written across his eyes drawing a look of sympathy from his other half, before the cloaked figure spoke in a gravely timbre
“We can’t run from the truth anymore.”
“…Why not? Can’t we just have this? Don’t we deserve a happy ending? After everything?”
“We do, and we can find it outside this place. But only if you have the will to get us there.”
With that exchange, our POV Link finds himself fading away with a small, hopeful smile as he metaphorically rejoins with his other half. Leaving just one, reunited Link left in the clearing, smiling up at the sky as the illusion begins to completely break down and collapse under his wholehearted resolve to escape. From one of the fissures in the sky, he hears Zelda’s echoing voice call out to him, and he takes a moment to thank her for the wake up call and apologize for the wait. Ending it off by saying he’d be there soon, before he too fades away. The golden light where he once stood, gently floating upwards toward the fissure in the sky.
Was this any good? Fuck if i know dawg I wrote this my junior year of highschool and just cleaned it up for shits n giggles. But hey! Let me know your thoughts on this strange blend between outline of a oneshot and actual oneshot. Or if you’d wanna flesh it out more and write it for yourself, then by all means do so! Just uh, credit me ig? Oh and send me a link cuz i wanna read the hell out of it.
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Shameless Fanfic Plug
So I write fanfiction in my free time, and I've talked a bit about my Genshin crossover fics, mainly A Link to Eternity and What a Real Heart Feels Like. But today I want to bring up my main fanfic, and the one that got me into writing. I've scrapped and discontinued the original version of the fic and I'm working on a rewrite currently. (The rest of this is under the cut if you don't want to bother reading this, just for the sake of not taking up all the space in someone's scrolling feed).
The title is More Than Just a Shield Re:Written.
The "Re:Written" is for the new version that I'm writing, since the old version fucking sucked (in my defense I was new to fanfic writing at the time).
Basically, the premise is that it's centered around an OC (original character) of mine - Aris Atreides. He and his twin sister, Loretta, are descendants of Hyrule's royal family, as well as the last of their kind after the Yiga Clan launched an unexpected, kingdom-wide attack that wiped out all of Hyrule's people except the Atreides twins. The twins traveled Hyrule in search of survivors, and along the way some stuff happened. Aris lost his arm and Loretta used her Sheikah know-how to build him a prosthesis which is powered by Aris's very soul (in the form of "Soul Energy" based on the green ghost hand thing in Tears of the Kingdom), they found the Master Sword and Aris discovered he was its chosen Hero, and they discovered gateways to other worlds. They separated and traveled from world to world on their own personal journeys, thwarting evil whenever they encountered it (all of this is set a few millennia after the events of Breath of the Wild, and since I came up with this whole thing before Tears of the Kingdom was as big as it is, for all intents and purposes it's in an alternate timeline during which TotK never happened).
One such adventure leads Aris to the kingdom of Melromarc, and throws him into the events of The Rising of the Shield Hero. He's summoned as the "Shield Hero" (replacing Naofumi Iwatani) though he can still use the Master Sword. Similar stuff happens to the show, he befriends Myne/Malty/Bitch, is betrayed and left with basically nothing but his clothes and sword, you know the drill. Then he finds a Demi-Human slave girl running from her master, a slave trader, who sends a small domesticated dragon after her. Aris saves the runaway slave and takes her to safety. The slave girl is, of course, Raphtalia, who's 17 in the fanfic for...reasons that'll come up later down the line.
That's all the story I'm gonna share here, but the other premise is that other characters appear and join Aris's party. He reunited with Loretta, hatches Filo like Naofumi did in the anime/light novel, and characters from other fandoms join his party later, too. One particularly influential fandom in the story is Kingdom Hearts.
But yeah, sorry for my rambling, that's my main fic. Read it if you wanna. Here's a cover I made for the Fanfiction.net version:
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I would have commissioned some art of Aris or something, but I decided to do the easy thing and take pngs of stuff and put them together in Google Slides. There's elements from almost every fandom in the crossover: the Ouroboros from the logo of Tears of the Kingdom (Zelda), the other 3 Legendary Weapons (Shield Hero), the planet from the Smash Bros. logo of Earthbound (Earthbound/Mother 2), the planet/meteor looking thing from the logo of Final Fantasy VII (Final Fantasy VII), Sora's Keyblade (Kingdom Hearts), and Joker's mask (Persona 5). As another Kingdom Hearts reference, I kinda tried to arrange the TotK Ouroboros with the Earthbound and FFVII planets to look like Mickey Mouse. The background is also from Tears of the Kingdom.
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tarakaybee · 3 months
Stray Thoughts: Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch Remake)
This was one of the first Game Boy Colour games I owned, and I think the second Zelda I might have ever played of my long history with this series, which has been my top favourite game series my whole life. The Zelda series is my favourite game series of all time, but I always found the 2D Zeldas inscrutable and overly difficult and generally didn't capture my imagination. I normally love games with that kind of 8 bit sprite art style because the artists have no choice but to have as much absolutely clarity as possible, but having this game rendered on a TV with better clarity than a cramped Game Boy Colour helped me to appreciate that this is perhaps one of the best Zelda games ever made.
It's hard to describe why I had a really good time with this game, setting aside the recent developments of Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom, I'm so used to Zelda games being frontloaded with a ton of pre-amble, being full of gimmicks and focusing on cinematic adventure, that this game's extremely simplicity on all those fronts was so enjoyable. The dungeons are absolutely nothing flashy but they're some of my favourites in the series because they use what they have so effectively and focus on challenging the player with global navigation, in a way that Zelda games have been coming and going on for a long while. The story is also simple, we're washed up in an island that gives off Alice in Wonderland vibes, and we're trying to assemble an orchestra to wake up some sort of fish god, easy. It's easy to get attached to the world of this game in spite of how small it is, I commuted across Koholint Island so many times that it became a cosy sort of commute despite being extremely dense with enemies, I enjoyed looking at the surprisingly small world map and slowly unpicking its mysteries in a way that replaying Breath of the Wild and TOTK has never quite been able to capture.
If I had to sum up Link's Awakening when compared to other Zelda games, it would be unpretentious. The arsenel of traversal items you unlock in the dungeons are the least flashy of just about any Zelda game, the dungeons contain very simple puzzles, where the real challenge is plotting a course through a cluster of rooms filled with monsters and traps. And again I can't stress enough how much it helps with immersion for a game to avoid explaining itself too much, after a single very short cutscene, the second you exit Marin's house you have complete free reign with no more story cutscenes save for owl conversations, who in this game is your main source of information about the world, and who doesn't outstay his welcome. The Switch version, which is the version I was playing, also has a lot of quality of life improvements, like I said I found the original Game Boy Colour version of Link's Awakening DX inscrutable and it was hard to feel like a heroic adventurer when I could only see twenty feet around me at all times, the viewpoint scrolling more often really helped me to place myself.
Like I said, I've been a lifelong fan of the Legend of Zelda, one of my earliest memories is my dad defeating Ganon at the end of the game and it's one of the franchises I stuck with the longest. The peak of my Zelda love was around the time of Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker. Around the time of The Minish Cap and Twilight Princess, I remember liking those games but I never ended up replaying them, they didn't fire up the imagination the way they used to. I ended up not finishing Skyward Sword or Spirit Tracks, the Zelda formula had run stale for me by that point, so after a prolonged period of feeling like I was over Zelda, Breath of the Wild came out and exceeded my wildest expectations, with Tears of the Kingdom being a nice cap on the end of the experience. With this return to a game I'd never been able to get myself to get into, before the period I consider the peak, it's been nice getting to feel those old feelings again. I'm managing expectations for Echoes of Wisdom, the echo system basically looks like a scaled down version of the crafting system from TOTK, so I'm curious to see how it plays out while we wait for the next mainline entry. Zelda games at at their best when they don't try to reinvent the wheel and either use existing wheels or they Ultrahand a flying saucer together.
Fuck, that's such a good Nintendo Official Magazine sign off to a game review, I should use that and not keep in this part.
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Vashikaran Mantra for Love Marriage - Vashikaran Expert Guru ji
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Marrying the person you have loved or liked is a great thing you want to accomplish. However, several hurdles will never allow you to do the love marriage. After being in a love relationship for years, you feel fanatical to tie the knot of the wedding with your lover. In some cases, it is found that any of the partners in a love relationship is not ready for the love marriage. Sometimes, the financial problems will put a blockage on the course of doing the love marriage. In most cases, your parents can refuse the love marriage.
 Overall, there are thousands of issues that you have to undergo when you have decided to tie the knot of marriage with the person you have loved. As you are mature enough, you will get threatened by the fear of the society as well as the caste and religion.
  To help yourself in such kinds of situations, you can get in touch with our Vashikaran specialist “Love Guru”. We provide special vashikaran for love marriage to reduce the problems you undergo to do the love marriage. Love Guru is a highly experienced and knowledgeable vashikaran specialist who has got skills to perform all kinds of totke, Tantras, and Mantras.
  Problems you encounter to do the love marriage
Now, you have successfully gone through some basic details when it comes to doing the love marriage. When you are looking for vashikaran for love marriage specialist baba Ji Punjab will become the best choice for you.
As mentioned, we comprehend the significance of solving the problems you face while looking to get wedded with the person you have loved. However, the vashikaran mantra for love marriage is required to fix any kind of issue you face. Let us introduce you to some problems that you encounter when you want to do the love marriage:
 ·         Financial issues
As mentioned earlier, financial issues become worst to cure when you want to get wedded with the person who you like the most. Love Marriage Vashikaran Mantra used by our expert is magnificent to apply.
·         The dissimilarity of religions and castes
Secondly, the dissimilarity of religion and castes can become another hurdle you will come across. When the religion or caste of your partner doesn’t match with your caste or religion, the issues will become nastiest. Your elders, parents, and relatives will turn their backs due to their own ideology.
 ·         Society fear & pressure
Does the Vashikaran Love Marriage Mantra work? Well, Vashikaran love marriage Mantra chanted by our expert will definitely work with a guarantee. We can talk about society’s fear and pressure that becomes unbearable to endure.
When you want to do marriage with a person who is different than you in many aspects, the society can also stand up and make you feel hassled. This is why we offer free vashikaran for love marriage without any kind of doubt.
 ·         Your partner is not ready for the love marriage
In many cases, one partner will not be ready to do the marriage. When your partner is not agreed to do the love marriage with you, your problems will rise up more. As a result, you will look for vashikaran totke for love marriage. Our expert is highly trained in any kind of Vashikaran totke or services you need.
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Due to a number of reasons, a new range of conflicts can take place between the two families. When the conflicts become testing between your family and your lovers family, they will become hard to restore. Hence, our vashikaran specialist love marriage astrologer will use his knowledge and skills to pull you out from such situations.
·         Lack of compatibility
Last but not least, the lack of compatibility between you and your partner can be the biggest hurdle to do the love marriage. Sometimes, you can find that your partner is not having any interest in you as they were having earlier.
All these happenings will lead you and your relationship to the lack of compatibility. To settle down everything in the course of doing the love marriage, we offer the best vashikaran mantra to convince parents for love marriage.
Hopefully, you have undergone the different kinds of problems that could rise up in the desired situations. Now, it would it would be beneficial for you to ask our Love Guru to provide the vashikaran mantra to convince parents for love marriage.
  Solutions available for all of your love marriage issues
Our vashikaran love marriage expert “Love Guru” avails a new range of solutions that override the issues you face to do the love marriage. Whether you talk about the use of some special mantras or totka’s, he knows what better solutions your need and deserve.
 When you are all set to find out the best vashikaran love marriage specialist Mumbai, we introduce you to the following solutions:
Vashikaran Mantras for Love Marriage – as mentioned already, we provide Vashikaran mantras for love marriage that are too much powerful and trustable. Our expert has gained a vast amount of knowledge to chant and practice the Vashikaran mantra to reduce the love marriage issues.
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  Dosh Nivaran Tantras – sometimes, there can be some Dosh that wouldn’t allow you to do the love marriage. Our vashikaran love marriage specialist Delhi will offer the Dosh Nivaran Mantra to help you in overriding the same problem.
  Other ritual practices & solutions – To conclude, you need to talk about other ritual practices and solutions that our love guru Vashikaran specialist is capable of providing. You have understood how we maintain our dignity and offer the best possible solutions to our clients.
  If you need any type of help and Guidance Talk to our specialist guru ji
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vivekediting-blog · 7 years
salt vashikaran mantra
New Post has been published on http://strivashikaranupay.com/salt-vashikaran-mantra/
salt vashikaran mantra
salt vashikaran mantra
Sometimes in life the vashikaran mantras and the spells get work full, because of the condition or that kind of circumstances people do cast that type of mantras in their opposite one. In that cases there are many causes to cast a vashikaran mantra to anyone. Basically the vashikaran means to get control on any one, yes I mean that, it refers by the mantra and with the rituals which you have to do with it and after that procedure the men will be in your control. That after that what he/she will do that will be with your views not by him. Vashikaran is a process to get control on anyone’s thoughts, activities and as well as stepping. When a man or women get very much frustrated in his life and he doesn’t see anything to get the right thing, in that conditions you can get help of vashikaran mantra to get attract or control anybody.
Like, you can imagine the condition, you love someone very much and he is getting addicted to anyone else without any cause that makes a man feeling poor and angry. You are watching that your all friends having a handsome boyfriend or a beautiful girlfriend but no one is getting attracted by you, no ones like you, that’s make the embarrassing mater. Like, if you have broken up with your boyfriend and after the break up you are thinking that was a fault to break up with that guy, and after that if you do a getting your love back vashikaran then you may be able to get your boyfriend back. So, for these causes, to cure the problems of life, when a man or women gets that a practical manner will not be helpful for him to getting solved this problem then he/she can take the help of this Vedic type of hoodoo and voodoo cultures.
A specified vashikaran for the specified reasons, today you will learn that how to do vashikarans by using salt and sugar. And these types of vashikarans are called salt vashikaran mantras and sugar vashikaran mantras.
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Dear, for the salt and sugar vashikaran mantras, it refers that these vashikarans will must be to do the vashikarans with salt and sugar. So, according to this we will go through with these following mantras-
Salt vashikaran shabar mantra.
Vashikaran by namak to attract any girl.
Vashikaran by sugar.
How to do vashikaran by sweets.
salt vashikaran mantra for love
Dear, here I will text you some of the salt vahikaran and sugar vashikaran mantras, and if you also are going through our listed problems and eager to do a vashikaran, then you may do them.
Vashikaran by namak to attract any girl – To attract a girl towards you, you can try vashikaran mantras and here that is which you will try-
Procedue– First, take the handful amount of salt with remembering the girl or boy, show it to the moon, then chant the downwards mantra. In that mantra, you have to use the mane of the girl or boy at the place of deyani and danti. Chant it for 308 times, and after that through the total salt in a pond or river. By that the girl or boy will get attract to you and you both can start a happy life.
Mantra– “Om Bhaghwati devi bhag bhag om dayani devi
               Danti mam om vashya karoo karoo sawahaa!!!”
  Vashikaran by sugar / How to do vashikaran by sweets – To attract a girl or to solve your life issues you also can try the sugar vashikaran mantras and can get the benefit.
Procedure– For getting done the sugar vashikaran mantra, you have to take a teaspoon of sugar in one spoon and then chant the above mantra for attracting someone, or for life issues you can chant the downward mantra. And after chanting it 308 times, eat the sugar with any food or with tea. After that your all the problems will be solved. And this mantra can also be done by to take only one white color sweet in your hand replacing the sugar.
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Mantra– “Lord, fell my life with full of happiness and
Take the sadness away from me,
Make me bright and delight and
Take the sorrows away from me.”
So, Dear, these were the mantras, hope these will help you to get rid of your problems.
If you need more any types of vashikaran mantras then feel free get concern with us.
The Vashikaran mantra using salt is used to make the person as captive of yours. It not a hard process and you don’t require to have enough experience. You need to take a small amount of salt and powered it by spell and you have to offer this spelled salt to the person who is your victim. And now the person will be yours.
salt vashikaran mantra for love back
The Vashikaran mantra using salt can be used to attract the person may a boy or girl. If the spell is done on Thursday it will work faster or effect more quickly. Take salt in your hand and spell the mantra on it. Mix the salt in food or drink and ask him or her to eat this in front of you. The result will be in your front. Or you also can use other trick where you have to take a spoon full of salt and remember the name of that person in front on moon light and chant the mantra during this process. After finishing with all steps throw that spelled salt in the river. In just one day you will get the result.
There are many kinds of mantras, which are classified based on the situation on which they are used. They can be either classical mantras or shabar mantras, which have different features of their own. The first kind is the shabarmantras. These are having their powers of their own. These mantras are straightforward and highly effective.
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Use this love spell to encourage some one to love you, to think of you and to be crazy after you. Also this spell can be used to attract a new person or new love into your life. It will attract the person you love
Women Vashikaran Specialis Vashikaran implies adjusted to whatever other individual or obliged to act as per his will! Here – mantra framework to work typically and is helped by three apparitions. The utilization of mantras from antiquated times to dazzle anybody has been utilized to draw, yet so frequently religion course should note here that ought to be in continuing wrongdoing. Here is “vashi” intends to Attract’ to Desired Person. At the end of the day, it called to bring a specific individual under your control. “Karan” determines the procedure of performing it as set down in old science. Vashikaran is only a tantra power, through which we can groups one’s personality totally and make them take a shot at our desires.
Since ages, vashikaran mantras have been utilized to impact somebody. The woman vashikaran mantra or the young lady vashikaran mantra additionally takes a shot at the same rule however as opposed to controlling a man’s entire personality and body, this mantra is utilized to pull in a young lady toward oneself. This is a basic mantra that can be effectively performed by a man while staying in the solace of his home.
In the event that you had a solid love bond with boyfriend however all of a sudden he lost enthusiasm for you and cheated you. In the event that he is doing marriage with another girl subsequent to breaking relationship with you don’t then anything more harming than this.
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In any case, you require not to stress yet. We have an answer for this. We will enable you to break his engagement or marriage and carry him to back with you once more. We do capable solutions or upayas to break his relation with another girl. This remedy help to get him back as well as increment love between you both. This will likewise persuade boyfriend and his family for love marriage. On the off chance that you need to break or stop your boyfriends marriage so get in touch with us at the earliest. There are assortments of mantras that will help you to comprehend your issues and manage them in the most ideal way. We give basic, simple and successful vashikaran for boyfriend. For getting the best mantra to suit your circumstance for boyfriend/lover other, you can get in touch with us. We will likewise help you to find out about the correct pronunciations of the mantra and will additionally make it simple for you to perform them at home.
The lady vashikaran mantra are Powerful young lady Love spells to put under your control your cherished craved ladies or young lady. Mohini mantra might be a best medium to change over anybody to move with regards to our ideas and musings. This strategy is exceptionally recommended by the far-really popular and particular diviner. partner degree savvy and educated seer can plot the entire structure of mohini mantra. Master Ji is the best lady vashikaran authority in India. He is the gold medalist in vashikaran. Ladies Vashikaran mantra can help you to conquer these defects.
n today’s fast-paced life, people have little time to spare it and women as well as loyal partner who will take care of them in good and bad times. If you love a girl and a teacher fear your love for her, vashikaran mantras will help you in your endeavor. These are powerful mantras that have been positive. These mantras, shipments are used in the proper way, can help the person achieve everything in his personal and professional life. This mantra for your wife is back from another person.
Mohini vashikaran mantra  – You can choose between the vashikaran mantra for the girl to attract the girl, exerting a magnetic effect in the body. Remember, however, to visit a professional expert before starting the mantras. We are here to help you, come and visit us for the best advice. This mantra works differently for each girl, so the boy must point to the girl he wants before he realizes this mantra. The Vashikaran Mantras have been specially designed to attract and attract the desired person. I want my ex-wife. Is this possible by astrology? The mantras do not use any external force and everything is done naturally.
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salt vashikaran mantra for girlfriend
Mohini vashikaran mantra – By singing these mantras, you can make a girlfriend to reconcile her, even if she is not ready. Vashikaran upayas has been performed since time immemorial by sadhus and guru ji to help a person fulfill his materialistic ambitions and desires. If you dream of a beautiful girl as your life partner, you can easily satisfy this desire with these mantras. Impress your woman with the kitab mantra and get an instant result. Remember, however, to visit a professional expert before starting the mantras. We are here to help you, come and visit us for the best advice. These are powerful mantras that have been positive. These mantras, shipments are used in the appropriate way, perhaps a person to achieve everything in personal and professional life. This mantra for the woman is back from another person.
Love is an awesome feeling that can make the individual overlook the common stresses. The Indian astrological science is loaded with different mantras to attract in correct person toward you. On the off chance that you are in love with somebody and need to make them fall in love to you, we will without a doubt help you. The mantras will likewise enable you to recover your lost love and live cheerfully a great many.
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