#... different notes none of my parents really liked it my dad didnt understand it to begin with rip
thecherrygod · 1 year
i just watched eeaao.............
#my posts#notes: i liked it#sadly i had to watch it half yesterday the other half today bc i did watch it with my parents and it was 'too long' to watch in one sitting#bc they like going to bed early which like. i respect them for that i just wanted to watch it... all at once.#ok out of puns! but yeah i liked it im sad the everything bagle thing gets lost in translation sadly#like they called the bagle a donut.............. sad its not like we dont know what a bagle is but i can get the everything part#as being hard to translate i dont exactly know what an everything bagle actually means like what does it have#is it the normal classic one i have no idea i never had a bagle and maybe i never will bc i also dont like cream cheese dgushig#... different notes none of my parents really liked it my dad didnt understand it to begin with rip#my mom got it but was like 'hm. i mean it makes sense i just dont like this kinda genre' :/ can respect that#idek if the reason i got it easy was bc i actually did or bc im chronically online tho i had tried to skip as many post about it as i could#i do know its a post in here that made me get the parallel of the bagle and the googly eyes tho but i do like that#and also i do like this kinda thing thats almost science fiction and the power of love and intergenerational trauma so like. yeah#.... also i love waymond sighsdug husband of the year#hm. i have nothing else to said unprompted i guess. ah wait i did like the other movie refferences that we could catch tho#anyways yeah that!#i can now stop skipping posts about this movie lmao
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review, ch (92-93)
That was painful & so well-written! This analysis will focus on kyokyo mainly & faintly on her effect on kyo. Although, her story affects tohru’s life immensely, I won’t analyze tohru’s part & will wait until it’s a tohru’s chapter to use the knowledge of kyoko’s past to better read tohru’s mind & understand her decisions! Can’t wait! after all, that’s why I’ve read the manga to begin with!
-Kyoko’s Atonement:  (the weight of words):
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 Kyoko breaks down after she learns she’s expecting. Why? cuz she hurt her mom. The notion that “yeah my parents caused me emotional trauma & so I’mma hurt them as well” is toxic & burdening as it starts a cycle of pain. Kyoko was right. She had no idea how her mom felt seeing her rebel, or follow violence or hear her harsh words. I’m not cleansing the mom from guilt nor responsibility. I’m just saying since the mom’s pov is blocked from us, assuming shes similar to the dad is wrong. kyoko’s fear of being punished with a child similar to herself is genuine, realistic & refreshing to see expressed in anime! usually character like kyoko are cool & brave, but here she’s humanly weak & doubtful. LOVE IT!
Moreover, in furuba words weigh on ppl & have consequences. We see this with kyo. His dad destroyed him verbally with words “ not my fault, it’s yours” that kyo echoes back to yuki! meaning the consequences of the dad’s words cause harm to his wife, kyo & even yuki!. Kyo was tormented with his own words for long time & clung to them even more in order not to resort to suicide! “ not my fault, it’s the rat’s” . Words can crush you down so bad if you hear them from loved ones, & worse if you utter them back to other loved ones! here kyoko learned that just the mere thought of her future child echoing her words back to her would torment her to death! Excellent writing!
-Katsuya invented Furuba’s vision (Accepting weakness & moving on):
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The teachings of kyoko & tohru were really katsuya’s after all. I’m fne with that. These teachings are the core of Furuba’s vision. He tells kyoko to accept that she’s weak, afraid & doubtful. it’s okay. But gives her tools to move on. Your kid isn’t you. They’re an individual person. As parents all we can do is give love/hugs (sth kyoko’s parents didnt do), listen to them (sth yuki’s parents didnt do) & if they do sth wrong will explain it & teach them well (sth kyo’s parents didn’t do, his wrong deed was being born a cat spirit & he was hated for it with no explanation, mom gave lots of “fake” love & escaped by death, dad became a raging monster). Accepting weakness & moving on is what the cursed sohmnas needed to do to heal & what tohru taught them. Off course, tohru herself struggled to follow her own teachings & that’s amazingly realistic!
-Kyoko’s guilt (punishment brings ease):
Kyoko wanted to be punished so harsh for her husband’s death. The gossip got to her. She failed him as a life’s companion. Taking care of our loved ones is a duty we carry with much love & care. Them slipping away is perceived as us failing by none than ourselves. The thing is, death comes with no warning at times. It was his time to leave. Accepting it or not, wont bring him back, but accepting it will help kyoko deal with pain while not accepting will cause more pain for her & tohru.
One of the most painful things abt grief is that it’s personal. Life continues around you. Only you feel it.  “didn’t the world end when katsuya died”. No kyoko. Only you died emotionally. Only him died physically. Kyo once said “ mom why didn’t you kill me instead”. A different reaction to grief, guilt & pain, but same conclusion: neither katsuya nor kyo’s mom are coming back no matter how much pain kyo or kyoko felt.
Kyoko found ease in emotional death, neglecting & refusing life, punishing herself for staying after him.
kyo found ease in rage & blaming others as he his father did, later he’ll escape to emotional & physical slow death “ cat cage/confinement”.
tohru... found ease in pretending "I’m okay” & her mom is alive.. but not physically.. emotionally, so she’ll ignore the truth & live only for her.
Didn’t I say grief is harsh, weird & very very personal. It’s hard to explain, deal with & heal. The mere words of consolation hurt cuz the grieving ones dont want to accept loved one are really gone. Her dad’s harsh words cemented the “emotional death” that kyoko felt. I’m not needed. neither katsuya. nor parents in general. depression. misery. sadness. emptiness.
-The tv show helped to trigger kyoko’s desire to “meet” katsuya. She has already reached the conclusion that she isnt needed. So, the tv show with their words of the deceased wanting you to be happy. triggered her into misinterpreting the words as to mean her death NOT fuel her to live in his memory as intended.
- “Loosing your way first before finding your answer” is okay & so human!:
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Ironically..Tohru... was the person Kyoko was punishing NOT herself: By being emotionally dead, kyoko neglected her daughter. Her world shouldnt be just one person. There are others. Katsuya himself gave her a person to love. Tohru. Kyoko chose death & unintentionally set tohru into a world of loneliness 10 times harsher thsn what kyoko faced. She was about to do, but was saved by a nameless child who reminded her of tohru. She chose wrong first but later saw her answer. Kyo chose death by accepting the confinement & he, too, unintentionally set tohru into a world of loneliness 10 times harsher if he wasnt with her. He chose wrong first but later saw his answer. Off course kyo’s story is more developed & complicated as he dealt with bigger issues than just tohru & his answer wasn't just loving tohru alone but also loving himself & choosing to live for them both: himself & tohru.
-Kyo’s guilt is a concussion thought eating him alive:
Part of why kyo’s story was one of the most human & complex is due him loosing his way first, failing, repeating mistakes “ I always though that hurting ppl was the only thing I was good at, after all, isnt that why mom died?” Kyo’s nightmare being a conscious effect of hearing tohru’s talk abt “ videos & memories of loved ones” is 1000 times stronger & more human than a cliche effect of seeing a “ hat” & to revive a a blocked memory... What the hell!! truly disgusting how the emotional weigh is reduced for stupid cliche drama !!!!!! ..
Anyway, kyo actively & consciously wanted punishment .He was sure that kyoko blamed him” I wont forgive you” can only mean what it literally means. The purpose of the nightmare is to cause kyo to seek “ emotional death” like kyoko & to loose his path more. It is meant to prepare kyo to refuse tohru even more. Therefore, the pay off at the climax will be better & stronger.
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Reading kyo’s inner thoughts will never not be refreshing!!! Also, the slow burn is cooked on low , hot fire , so the pay off will be the most delicious there is!
Side Notes:
I’ve stated my feelings regarding the age gap between kyoko & katsuya in last chapter’s preview post. I’m done with it & won’t let it interfere with my analysis of kyoko nor tohru.
The idea of just being together as a fun hanging out activity without being bothered much of where reminds ms so much of kyo & tohru!! we see them being happy together in the anime in kazuma’s house, shigure’s rooftop, cooking pancake in the kitchen! I really like this domestic feel of romance! it contradicts the notion of expensive restaurant with the girl wearing a breathtaking dress to woo the guy for it to be utterly romantic as we see in movies, & other stories.
NGL, katsuya looked sexy waiting home.. damn it! >_<
I cried watching tohru between her parents, how they acted & how loved she was! T_T. it reminded me of my niece How her dad’s death affected her! She was the apple of his eyes.. T_T.
Tohru is indeed a rice ball! her dad gave her a masculine name while tohru is so feminine! his reasoning is “finding salty taste in sweet things make the taste better & stronger, kinda giving it a hidden flavour”, the rice ball has a pickle inside it & it’s what makes the taste so savory & delicious!
Grandpa’s “ chance meetings could lead to variety of outcomes, good or bad” YES! kyo/tohru/yuki meeting each other by chance. Fiction make it look weird, but trust me, real life has those by dozens!
“ i wonder how lost you’ll be, how much time you’ll need to get your answer”. He will screw up so bad, kyoko! it will be so good! one of the best screw up’s I’ve seen! so painful for him & tohru & amazingly written!
Kyo’s nightmare being connected to him remembering/dreaming of kyoko’s story is bigger effect than opening the ep with it & having the cause be sth that happened last ep, a week ago... the effect is NOT the same.
Momiji is so cute!!! did his curse break here or not yet? he seemed as tall as tohru.
Writing tohru worried abt kyo after seeing him pale is the tohru I know!! Not that stupid girl who watches the guy she loves have a panic attach in se3, ep6, then goes in ep 7...” dahhhh.. Jeez.. I duno why kyo is sleeping until now.. better laugh & make cute rice cakes” giggle giggle...That scene got me so furious even when I first saw it!! THIS IS NOT TOHRU! tohru cried for a stupid story that haru told abt puppets!! she’ll forget the person she challenges herself for is sick?! ugh!
I love seeing yuki & kyo chill & cool around each other.
Kyoko being fully dependent on katsuya can be a factor in her grief, but I’ve seen cases where both partners are independent but still be completely broken after the others’ death. Grief isn’t logical at all & is extremely personal.
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chemicallady · 3 years
Daddy is home
Greg Sanders x Reader
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A/N: Thank you everyone for reading this. If you want some fluff with just a little sadness, you're in the right place.
Couple: Greg Sanders/Female!Reader
Category: Mostly fluff with a little piece of angst. Family slice of life for Greggo.
Content Warning: none
Summary:  Reader is use to feel Greg absence.... but what about is own children? And Greg? What's more important? His job or his family?
You are use to feel Greg absence, almost every night and, sometimes, even for days. It wasn't a big deal when you two started to see each other. You were a grad student, looking for a PhD out of town - searching for a new experience- and he was a lab tech at the crime lab in Vegas. Your relationship had worked for 5 years while you were in Salt Lake City, even if you constantly missed him so much and viceversa. He spent a lot of utahns weekends at your apartment and you came back in Nevada for every break.
After your PhD graduation you came back to Vegas and he proposed to you. It was an hard time, Warrick was dead, he had printed is first book on Vegas history and you just settled down at UNLV. You had lived togheter two months and then he proposed. Of course you said yes and the two of you had a small cerimony at the Eclipse, Catherine's casinó. It was an intimate cerimony, with your friends and co workes and relatives from Norway and (your hometown/country.)
You had worked hard on your post doc as a teaching assistant and a researcher and he has continued his job as a csi. You have always prefered working at night the days you didnt have any class, in order to be awake when he came back home in the morning.
It worked since you discovered that you were pregnant. Both of you were so excited to become parents, it has always been something that you desire, having your own kids. Start a family.
After Bjorn birth, by the way, everything changed. You have started to work in the morning and sleeping at night in order to provide the best standard of living for your son. And, after two years and half, Jodie came to the world, complicating thing but coloring your life even more.
You constantly miss Greg, of course. You miss your youth with him, the mornings spent in making love with jazz music in the background before a lazy afternoons sleeping in his arms. The days he came to the University after job to pick you up.
But both of you love your family.
It's stil working.
Because you love him and Greg loves you more than anything.
More than that, he is born to be a dad. He was scared as hell, but he perfect fits that role.
Even more, he is methodical.
He is really good in keeping job separating from his personal life, even if his coworkers are his family. And yours as well.
...But is hard for kids to understand why dad is never home. Especially for Bjorn, who is the eldest. He has started to notice this situation in the last weeks and you have been scared of this moment since you gave birth to him.
《 Why daddy can't come today?》
You look at your baby boy, feeling really sorry for the whole situation. It is his first baseball match with the pre school team as a player in the field from the first minute and it means a lot to him.
Bjorn's really smart for his age, he understand that his parents jobs are important because is a duty... But is natural that he feels so betrayed. He is still too young to even imagine how demanding is Greg's job.
《Because daddy has a case》, you try to explain with a soft voce, caressing his blonde hair with two fingers. He seems totaly like his father in this moment. 《He has to catch this big bad guy and-》
《Why uncle Nick is not catching him for daddy? Just for today! 》
《Because they work togheter, sweetheart... you know that. We already talk about daddy's job...》
Not in a specific way, of course. Greg is more like a super hero to Bjorn.... he is too innocent and young to know how cruel and horrible could be the world sometimes.
《It's not fair. He never came to see me play》
《That's not fair... you know that daddy is so sad for this... he ask me to shot everything so he can see it as long as he will be home!》
That doesn't help.
《And I'll be already in bed》 he snuffles, before running in his room, nearly cry.
You don't know how to manage this. Both of Greg and you are really indipendent.... that's why your wedding is so strong, because you don't need the other around one all the time.
But for Bjorn is different. He needs his daddy as he needs you. Most of that, he wants to make Greg proud of him, shows him how he has improved thanks also to their weekend practices on Sundays.
You are still thinking about a solution, but Jo start to cry from her playbox.
You have to speak with your husband and decide what tell to Bjorn, togheter.
He deserves a good explanation.
It's late when Greg comes home.
He is surprised when he notice that the kitchen lights are still turned on. You are sitting at the table, looking at your laptop as you can't really see it.
《 y/n, baby?》, he calls you, waking you up from your thoughts. 《Are you ok? It's like 3 in the morning, sweetie.》
《Yeah, I was looking over some notes from next week semenary when I realised how late it was, I decided to wait for you to come back.》
《Thanks, after a couple of double shifts, I really need to speak with my wife》, he says with a smile, before kisses your lips and take a sits next to you. 《I've missed home in those last two days.》
《Have you slept a little?》, you ask worried. When a case is so demanding, the team works till they are exhausted. 《Did you have a propel meal?》
《...I ate two sandwiches Dr Robbins' wife made for us.》
《....there is some roast left. I'm gonna warm it for you and then I'll put you in the bed at least for nine hours, bright man》
He laughts a little. 《Yes ma'am.》
You stand up, caressing his hair, after place a kiss on his head. 《Tell me about the cause. Was that bad?》
《More like a nightmare....》
He starts talking about the brutal abductions he was working on those last days. In the meanwhile you are cooking for him. You open a good bottle of wine your father sent to you last week and prepare a couple of fine glasses. Is not a problem for you when Greg talks about his job. For some unknown reasons, it grows on you during the years togheter. You also have helped the team sometimes with you competences. It's quite normal for the two of you speaking about your day. It helps to split away the stress and find always your connection. And is always reliving for you see that even if the job is so demanding physically and emotionally, Greg can totaly handle it. Not only. He loves is job. Even in dark days like this one.
《Poor girls....》, is the only thing you can say, while you're watching your husband eat like he was starving. 《No one deserve this kind of fate...》
《Think at the parents 》, he observes, moving his elbows quickly. 《If someone would have done something like that on Jodie, I'd went mad.》
You stop thinking about the case immediately.
《Sorry for the unhappy connection.... but if you are not too tired, we need to speak about our boy.》
Greg looks at you surprised. 《What about him? Bad day?》
《Yes》, you answer, surprising him even more. Bjorn is really talented in sports, unlike his father. 《He played 10 minutes than he had an argument with the coach and spent the rest of the afternoon warming the bench.》
This is unusual. Bjorn is a good lad. Always smiley and obedient at preschool. Teachers love him because he is so good and he knows a lot about science and stuff even if he is four. Mom is an academic, a college professor and daddy is a scientist. How could be different? He is also responsible and he always take serious the baseball trainings. That's the first time he disobey this much.
《What happened y/n? Oh, no. Let me guess.》 You look him cover his own face with a hand. 《He is mad at me, isn't he?》
《Yep babe, he is really mad at you. And at me as well. By now, I think he is mad at the world because you didn't come today.... I explained him that's not your fault, but...》
Greg sighs 《But it is my fault. When he born I swore to God that I'd be a good father even if my job is.... the 70% of my life.》
《But you are》, you say with a stubborn tone in your voice. 《You are a good father. It was just and unfortunate Saturday. He have never missed a game before. You'd be there if it wasn't for the case. 》
《I know but he deserves more than all those 'if' statements. 》 You look at him, feeling the heaviness of this thoughts. 《I should stay in the lab.》 He finally says and you realise a long sigh. This is not going to be an happy conversation, not with your regretting husband weak moment. 《The moment I met you, I knew you were the one. I wanted to start a family before changing job, work on field. It was a stupid decision. If I continued to work as DNA tech we would have more money and more time to spend all togheter.》
《.... I throught we were out with 'if' statements.》
《Y/n, honey-》
《Don't you dare 'honey' me, Greg Sanders.》 You stop him. You keep his hand in yours and smile. 《You are an amazing father. One day, when he will be older and wiser, he will understand. Now is easy to handle the situation. If you spend a day with him, he'll forget about it. Is just a kid, G.》
Greg seems not satisfied. He feels like an idiot, not thing about how mad is son would be noticed his absence. But he also trust your judgement. He always says that you are an amazing mom and even more, the best of wives.
So he smiles back.
《Maybe you are right.》
《Maybe?》, you ask with an ironical tone. He stand up and comes near to you. He offers his hand and you keep it, staning on your feet.
《Sorry Dr Sanders》, he replies, while you are wrapping your arm on his neck. 《You're completely right y/n. I'm already planning an afternoon, just for boys.》
《He'll love it》, you reassure him, before asking for another kiss, with more passion. You both find a good arrangement so you can clean the kitchen and try to sleep at least three hours.
.....or maybe do something more interesting with you husband, who seems to have plans, looking the way he is lifting the t-shirt of your pijama....
You are use to feel Greg absence, that's true.
But when he comes back, well.... that's the moment you realise how much you actually have missed him. And how much you love him and be loved in return.
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galactic-magick · 4 years
Distance: Patton x Reader
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Request: Hii! Could i get a Patton x Reader with the prompts 14 and 35 in the beginning, then 8 towards the end please? I had this idea where its a human au and Patton and Reader met when they were young at summer camp. Patton feels homesick and Reader sees them and decided to comfort them. Years pass and they get jobs and stuff and because they didnt live near eachother they'd usually talk on the phone, but stopped. One day reader calls and says prompt 8 and Patton confesses his love on the phone. - @autumnfalls26​
Summary: Your childhood best friend you met at a summer camp crosses your mind again.
Words: 1400+                                        
Warnings: none I think? Touch of angst ig
Author’s Notes: Present day is in normal text and flashback to when you were kids is in italics. Idk why I got emotional writing this lol. Maybe cuz I’m a Patton kinnie.
Taglist: @luluwinchester​ @nerve-ous-love​ @zarieslayer​ @amayaisokay​
The door shuts, and you let out a long awaited breath.
It wasn’t any different than a normal day. You got up. You went to work. And now you’re home.
But every day it hurts more and more, the constant strain of being an adult and having to abandon your dreams for more “productive” activities. Your life feels empty, like something is missing.
You slump on the couch and glance at the shelf, pictures lined up in no particular order. Family and friends occupy the frames, and one of them has a group picture of the summer camp you went to when you were younger.
You hoist yourself up, walking over and grabbing the latter. Everyone’s smiling, sweaty and dirty, and you get a laugh out of your younger self’s chubby cheeks and toothy grin.
You look at the little boy next to you. Patton Sanders was his name.
Is, you correct yourself. He’s still around, even though you don’t talk anymore.
It’s not that anything happened. You just, grew apart. You connected so well as kids at that camp, becoming best friends basically on the first day. After it was over you talked on the phone almost every day throughout middle school, high school around once a week, but after that, the contact lessened. With college and jobs and whatnot, you simply stopped talking as much.
And now you can’t remember the last time you called him.
 “Are you okay?” you plopped down on the bench next to the boy you saw crying.
He sniffled, looking at you, “Yeah, I’m fine,”
“Hi fine, I’m Y/N!”
His tears stopped almost as if by command, and he stared at you.
Then he burst out laughing, “You like dad jokes too?”
“What do you mean? I’m not a dad,” you shook your head.
“Oh. Sorry. One of the big kids told me that’s what my jokes are called,”
“Did the big kids make you cry?” you cocked your head.
“No, I was just feeling sad,” another tear started to fall despite you lightening his mood.
“I miss home. I’ve never been away from home this long without my parents,”
You stood up firmly, your hands on your hips and staring right at him, “Will you quit raining on your own parade? We can do whatever we want here! No parents means no rules!”
“I guess so…”
“We can play on the playground as long as we want! We don’t have to eat vegetables! We can stay up late!” you didn’t mean to yell at him, you were just excited. “What’s your name anyway?”
“Hi Patton,” you grabbed his arm and pulled him up. “C’mon, let’s go explore,”
“B-But what if we get lost? What if we get in trouble?”
“It’s okay, I’ll be holding your hand the entire time,”
And just like that, your hand slid into his, and he didn’t let go for dear life.
 The camp was only for a week, but you spent nearly every minute together. Patton felt safe with you, and you loved hanging out with him. You stuck by him during all the meals and group activities, and your free time too. Fortunately your cabins happened to be next to each other as well, and a couple of the nights you snuck out and just talked for hours on the swing set.
You’d never had a real best friend before, and neither had he. When your parents came to pick you up you immediately begged them to exchange numbers and emails so you could keep in touch. You houses weren’t extremely far apart, but still a couple cities away, a little over an hour’s drive. You thought you might be able to meet up once in a while, but not often.
 You set the picture back down, sighing. Childish memories usually make people happy, so why does this sting so much?
Is this what missing someone feels like? Really missing someone?
You pull out your phone from your pocket and bring up his contact.
You can’t imagine he’d want to hear from you. Why would he? What are you even supposed to say? “Hey man, long time no see”?
Incredibly underwhelming compared to what you want to say.
You want to tell him how much he meant to you all those years. How much it meant for him to talk to you every time you needed it. You told him everything, literally every single detail about your day. You laughed at each other’s dumb jokes. You cried over the phone multiple times, and so did he.
You helped each other with homework that neither of you could understand.
You tried to see each other in person at least once a year.
When you asked him to your school dance and he wasn’t able to make it, he made it up to you by sending you a package full of your favorite things and video calling you for hours.
When his pet dog died, you drove all the way to his house just to give him a hug, even though your parents didn’t like you taking the car without permission.
All you want is to know how he is. You want to know if he’s doing well, if life is treating him alright. Does he have a partner? He must, right? Is he still at the same job? Did he finish his degree?
You press the call button before you can convince yourself out of it.
He picks up surprisingly fast.
“Hey, Pat,” you smile at the sound of his voice. “Sorry about this, I’m sure you’re busy,”
“No! Not busy at all,”
“Oh,” you sit back down on the couch. “I know this might sound kind of stupid, but I was just thinking about you today, ya know, wishing we were kids again,”
There’s a silence.
“Pat? You there?”
“Y-yeah, sorry,” nervous laughter muffles his words. “I’ve just been thinking about you too. Coincidence, huh?”
“I just…I feel so bad that we barely talk anymore, ya know? Like you were my best friend for my entire life, how could I lose you like that?” you can’t believe you’re saying all this so freely, but it’s always been like that with him. It’s like you physically can’t hold anything back, even when he’s on the phone miles away.
“You never lost me,”
“You never lost me, Y/N. I’ve always thought of you as my best friend no matter how much or little we’re talking. I’ll always wait for you,”
Your eyes water at that last comment. Although it sounded more like a promise.
“You know,” he continues. “While we’re on the subject, I should probably tell you something I should’ve told you a long time ago,”
“Well, I kind of was in love with you, during all that time,”
“Yeah…And if I’m being honest, I think I still am,”
You clap your hand over your mouth and almost drop your phone.
I mean, it’s not like you’re dumb. You knew there was always something there between you, and it certainly wasn’t one sided. But it was something unspoken, something neither of you ever put words to.
And you assumed it faded away along with your friendship.
But after hearing him say that, everything comes flooding back. All the other memories, all the feelings.
At this point you’d just marry him on the spot.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
You clear your throat, “Yeah, I’m fine,”
“Hi fine, I’m Patton,”
You chuckle, and he laughs right along with you.
“Gosh I wish I could see you right now so I can say that back,” you sigh.
“Just a minute,” he says, abruptly ending the call.
You sit there staring at your empty screen, wondering what happened.
He doesn’t think he can literally get here in a minute, does he?
Knock. Knock.
You run to the door and open it, shocked to see Patton standing right there in front of you.
Before you can say anything, he pulls you into a tight hug.
“How did you get here so fast?” you mumble into his shoulder.
“I was thinking about you, so I wanted to see you and surprise you. I was already almost here when you called me,”
“Wow,” is all you can muster.
He lets you go, but only so he can bring his hands to the sides of your face. You look into his eyes, and there’s nothing but joy in them. No bitterness, no anger, just love.
“I love you too, by the way,” you smile, your cheeks squishing a bit against his palms.
He looks like he’s about to cry, but you’ll never know for sure.
Because his lips are on yours faster than you can ask if he’s okay again.
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misterbitches · 3 years
Dude yong jie’s character is literally unbearable this is like how not to write a vharacter 101
Our first intro to him is stalking, then PUNCHING someone in the LIVER bc the person he “loves” was fucking drunk and he blames his best friend? Then his mom is like “lmao actually um hes psycho” so anything they try to do retroactively like how they peppered in HIS DAD DIED A BLOO BLOO but previously it was also his OWN MOM going “im afraid he’ll lose his humanity” so not only was there no breathing room then it’s bumrushing him into their lives as best friends and it doesnt work. This dude sucks and he isnt even fun to watch. You know how breaking bad has one of the most abysmal main characters of all time but all of us were fucking ENGROSSED but the show made it clear that every enemy he faces, even the DEA, we want THEM to win (it is also a class analysis but woreva) so i am like wtf they show us literally nothing here. He’s just there. Wasting space and being awful. What is the purpose of his character in ssu’s life? Once you rape someone it is fucking over full stop but he didnt even fucking manage to start off in any compelling fucking way. Absolutely bonkers dude Esp bc theres at least a base moral code ie DONT HARRASS GIRLS UR “INTO” and thats why mei fang the absolute mad lad beaut was like “lmao nah i hate u”
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?????????????????????????????????? WHERE IS THE WRITING HERE? WHAT IS THE SCRIPT? awhat is the PROGRESSION? This is such an insanely fucking dumb plo5 point i rly cannnnjnnntoeiwijshsgsgsgsgsgsgeggwiwowiw GORL
Lets talk abt the good things in the characters (theres none for yong jie hes just there being a little bitch)
Li cheng - himbo dumbass “manly” cutie and the manly stuff is fun cos it gets heaped on and yet every bit of him can be extremely “feminine” and jubilant. Great.
Muren - seems >:O but i rly like that hes actually pretty open in his own way. Side note: he is so thin and willow-y i rly loke tall pretty boys (and all women lmao) and he doesnt do it for me but He suits the character like his body and the way his character is. Also u gotta be weird and he is
Hsinng ssu (girl im never gonna learn how to spell their names it’s too much work cos the eng alphabet andnromanization is terrible) - mild mannered, good son, a homosexual confirmed confirmed g”(awesome!) great friend, good brother (and i guess his reward is being raped, great message!) and someone ppl like
The establishment of the three of them and their distinct personalities happens within minutes and then we meet
Yongjie - what about him? He may have an MI, okay, but we dont know for sure and oh gee that doesnt matter actually bc u have to get urself treated and also not be terrible. Not even psychopaths do the shit he does BC THEY HAVE TO GET HELP. Why the parents didnt get him help and are just realizing their son is terrible? Who knows . His purpose seems yo be “boy obsessed with brother like his actual brother” i dont care id they arent related in that way bc that’s not the fucking crux of incest and it is so insanely Fucked every thing to do with incest is almost always a disgusting powe r issue. WHAT PURPOSE DOES HE SERVE? WHAT DO WE ONOW ABOUT HIM OTHER THAN HE IS A FUCKING JERK AND AN IDIOT AND SUCKS AND I HATE HIM AND THAT HE WANTS TO STALK AND ATTACK THIS REALLY AWESOME FUCKING DUDE OK
There’s no returning point deom rhe line they croased byt theyb set him up for failure. Even in the fight hes a fucking cheater hes a goddamn immature rat they know he fucking sucks but he just sits there and waits for everyone else to move around him. A fucking selfish prick with nor edeeming qualities snd hes also a violent rapist stalker. Really great that thry have no clue how to make this dude actually have any humanity or likeability. Hes the man from 365 days basically except not even that hot and at least he kidnapped her but “WAITED” for “CONSENT” but in that movie’s world nothing mattered and it was bad and the point was to have a horny movie. But this show is for younger ppl and also IT HAS RULES AND IT KNOWS WHAT BAD ACTIONS ARE???? Soooooooooooooo in all these other dumb salacious books there seems to be just a mutual agreement that it’s fucked up but totally normal i their movie’s universee (it isnt and it is still just bad filmmaking)
Also it is up to yong jie to figure put how to get over it and understand that his brother is concerned for him. Bc it is. His brother. There’s a reason that incest is never advisable and thays bc there is no way in that situation that people aren’t somehow being coerced. There has to be a sort of split in the pursuer and the person being pursued bc one person is not thinking that way. (This is why people who find out they are related after the fact and havent grown up together is something thatms really unfortunate. They had no idea and they have to grapple with that but that is another scenario and it happens bc THEY DIDNT GROW UP TOGETHER.) i have experienced this from a (not immediate) fam member and i was the vulnerable one, had less powr, that is how it must go.
Thats why the power imbalance is scary and none of this is acceptable but it begs the question how did they get to this point? But the show doesnt even address that bc they cant bc theyre not original. And power imbalance does not mean automatic absolutely not territory. Theres things we dont like (in my casee i hate age gaps a lot) but i will avoid that.
I havemt seen “right or wrong” and i have no desire but from what ive garnered from ppl i like who liked that episode, the show outlined the moral issues with it. Idk if they did it in a way i would have preferred (again no desire) but at lesst from what ive heard it...tries? Idk i dont see the need for these if they dont give us a reason why these ppl should be together and there’s several lines that cannot be crossed that were. Basically it’s like stockholm syndrome now and there’s no choice for him, it goes beyond power imbalance and “legality” so to speak and now it’s just entrapment.
Theres not even avoiding or enjoying. Even for MODC as stupid as i found the secondary rship and negligent even like ok. Fine. Whatever. His boyfriend is 100 but at least it was semi agreed upon. It is what it is, go forth. I will criticize it but at least it was the story and as stupid and gross as i think it is and they will probs break up (idc what the show says) at least there are set ups that can make us see “why” it works and oh, gee, their whole rship relies on a different fucked up but at least at some point it could possibly be transcended. The foundation of youngjie is “rape entrapment and aw now they are in lvoe” BITCH NOOOO???? Where is the REASON? And why should we root for them? (There is none and when the Thing happens it is now impossible for that not to be absolutely foundational to their rship lmao and that is never something that goes away.)
I would like to say theres nothing romantic int he flashbacks i know thats what theyre trying to twll us but the actor is 30 and that child is like 8.
Im not missing the point bc i see it with my eyes and it sucks. If you cant even write the character well then how do you interest something heavy and work out the links? The only solution is yongjie dying i mean fucking off forever and hsing ssu not letting him into his lifeXni doubt we will get that but at the very least they cannot end up together and that will be their crowning fucking achievement over the waste of time bullshit plot this was. Imagine actual conflict that wasnt so deeply fucking traumatic and, oh, again WHERE ARE THE PARENTS? They fucked up SO FUCKING BADLY. This gives people the wrong idea about how these things work. God he is truly a shitty character and his ass isnt even fat so wtf bitch why am i here!
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
The Team Dynamics of the Three Houses
Essay time! =D
Part One: Team Makeup and Thematic Framework Blue Lions
Overarching Theme: Classic basic fantasy archetypes but with a dark twist (We have Prince Charming/ Guilt-ridden softboy standard-issue JRPG protagonist, Handsome Lech/Idiot Friend, Standoffish Rival, Gentleman Thief, Lady Knight, Sweet nice healer, Adorable spellcaster Girl, the Gentle Giant etc. )
Composition: Has the most people with crests, and the one guy with a naturally occurring major crest. Foreshadows how the crest obsession is particularly bad here, due to Faerghus’ harsh environment and a society that’s both religious and has a serious element of hero worship
History: Notably the most tight-knit group. Everyone knows each other already. It’s basically Dimitri, Dimitri’s longtime best friends, the daughter of Dimitri’s former instructor who heard lots of stories about him and her super nice BFF who gets along with everyone... and Ashe, who didn’t know the others until the academy, but since he is a honest sweety who loves cooking and knight stories, he hits it off with the others right away. 
Atmosphere: Everyone has kind of the same hobbies (cooking, handicrafts, weapons collecting, knight stuff) and a lot of history, some posters have remarked on missing the “family ambiente” in the other routes but since the bonds are stronger they’re also more charged, it’s also been said that it’s the group with the most inter-team drama, especially when you feature in their relatives - You have Dimitri’s whole character arc, all the family drama between the Fraldariuses and the Dominics, Ingrid’s hangups regarding poor Dedue etc.
As expected if you recruit any of them they’ll kinda have a hard time going after their old home, even the tsundere ones. 
The Leader’s position: For all that Dimitri’s friends refuse to drop his honorifics they really are his friends. They’re just all kinda polite with the obvious exception of Felix, and he’s largely tsundere. Despite the afore mentioned drama we see plenty of Dimitri just hanging out with his friends and even coming to them for help, he’s really just one of the bunch . 
Since Faerghus is in chaos everyone’s pinning a lot of hopes on Dimitri and it’s not like he’s completely unaware of that or doesn’t have the corresponding sense of duty, he’s always torn between that and his revenge plan which eventually just takes over. He pursues this entirely on his own, too, with not even Dedue knowing what he’s sneaking around the library for. 
How this “flavors” part one: Gives it a very “personal” touch. Faerghus, it’s culture, recent past and current state of chaos are fleshed out a lot (we learn plenty about the Alliance and the Empire but Claude and Edelgard have greater scope plans) and since a lot of the part I missions concern the instabilities in the kingdom they affect the characters directly. Basically since they’re more “regular” fantasy protagonists we gotta hit em all with the Drama hammer to keep things fresh. And that’s how it continues - They follow Dimitri because of personal loyalty (both toward him specifically, and because it’s in their culture), and Dimitri just wants to protect (or avenge) the people he cares about. 
How this Ties into The Themes: The Kingdom route eventually becomes very much a Power of Friendship story where they all stick it out with Dimitri in his time of need because he’s their friend and they want to be there for him and that makes a lot more sense if there was a big emphasis on friendship/ found family before that, and of course their friendship is what eventually helps him turn his life around. 
How does Byleth fit into this: Dimitri, like Hubert and Leonie, can be filed into the box of those who aren’t immediately awed by their heroic charisma. He doesn’t really get people who aren’t as outwardly expressive as him (eg. Edelgard) But unlike, say, Leonie, Dimitri has no settings between crushkilldestroy and stilted politeness and seldom expresses or responds to overt hostility most of the time. On the one hand there’s a side to him that’s a bit judgemental and vindictive, but that extends to himself too so he’s very ashamed of his flaws and is afraid that he won’t be accepted, so he projects outward that same acceptance that he likes to receive.
So the end result is that he goes out of his way to befriend Byleth, he encourages everyone to speak with them in a familiar manner, insists that they join the victory celebrations etc. Then of course he gets to see that they’re actually quite supportive and so in time they become, as Dimitri puts it “the heart of the group”.
By the time they find out that Dimitri ever disliked them, that’s long past. He’s a very high-empathy, emotional person so once he likes you he really likes you and will regard your troubles like his own. Some ppl might say that maybe the bond feels more special since it took longer to “earn”. He’s practically ready to swear a blood oath with them once Jeralt dies.  There’s an unappreciated Symmetry here like he goes through the trouble to ‘defrost’ them, and then they return the favor by supporting him through his difficult times when they perhaps get to see the ugliest side of him.
Further Dynamic Notes:
So you have a dynamic of working past/ understanding and accepting each other despite one’s flaws and differences. (whereas Claude and Edelgard are interested in Byleth right away, because they’re unusual, but in slightly different ways - Claude can kinda relate to the experience of sticking out itself but is still stumped by being unable to read them, whereas Edelgard sticks out in the same way  so you’re actually on the same wavelenght to begin with)
“opposites attract” specifically in the way that they balance each other out. A cool steadfast leader type certainly has a grounding effect on Dimitri as a very reactive person, but he also pulls them into the ‘normal’ world a bit after they spend all this time just wandering the world like all places are the same to them. They basically put the magic destiny on the backburner to help him out. They still become archbishop and all to fit the standard fantasy look of it all but not like full messiah like on the church route
Even after the timeskip Byleth kinda plays the mentor role or at least that of the dominant person/ big spoon in the relationship (though Dimitri ends up waaay taler than them especially fem Byleth), “Excuse me this is my emotional support mercenary”
If you go the platonic route you very much stay at „mentor“, Byleth is basically the brains of the operation post timeskip ‘cause the old Mitya can‘t come to the phone right now and Gilbert and Rodrigue would follow him off a cliff
Plot wise, their contribution is to stop the revenge trip when it gets to be a too obvious kamikaze stunt, which they, as a relative outsider to Faerghus and experienced, pragmatic fighter, would do when someone like Gilbert would not
Character journey wise, they refuse to give up on Dimitri and still see the good in him so that he eventually comes to a point where he could envision his own redemption/ come to accept/forgive himself and learn that its okay to move on and live his own life
Byleth can be said to somewhat even out the flaws in everyone‘s leadership styles (while the house leaders help Byleth find their own direction – i didnt come up with this alone there was a brilliant post a while ago that i cant find rn) – In Dimitri‘s case, he has authority/credibility/integrity („Pathos“), being the rightful king with many loyal followers,  and emotional/ personal leadership as an emphatetic person who inspired respect for his character („Ethos“) but is lacking in plans („Logos“)
Golden Deer
Overarching Theme:  Ragtag Bunch of misfits /Unlikely Heroes (let’s see, we have trickster turned lying politician, upper-class twit turned opportunistic conservative, lazy rich girl,  shy glasses boy and his best friend dumb muscle, cursed werewolf girl, stuckup teen genius and the mean money obsessed one )
Composition: Has the most honest-to-goodness commoners - and they largely got in on their own merits, too, while almost all the others had connections. You have a few peeps from the Alliance’s prominent merchant class and one completely ordinary village person whose father was a simple hunter. 
History: Bar the two merchant kids none of them know each other and even they’ve been a little estranged since the demise of Rafael’s parents. There are a few backstory connections (Such as Lorenz’ dad basically having murdered everybody’s dead relatives, or Leonie’s village being in his territory) but they’re largely indirect. They come from a range of different backgrounds and life experiences. Even Claude just showed up the year before and doesn’t know anybody. Of course this is all so you can watch them grow into a team on-screen all leading up to Claude’s epic speech about how they got along despite being from different backgrounds (or be surprised if they show up as one post-timeskip)  
Unlike Dedue or Hubert, Hilda can still be napped early on because she doesn’t really become Claude’s right-hand person until halfway through part oneIf you recruit any of the deer they’ll say that they didn’t have that much ties to their homeland anyways. 
Atmosphere: These are definitely Garreg Magh’s party animals.  Or like a bunch of theatre kids. They’re tremendous fun. “Less complicated” as Claude puts it though some have missed the intensity/drama of the other bunches. The Alliance itself might be full of political intrigues but this younger generation is fairly chill with the important exceptions that are Leonie and Lysithea but Leonie’s lack of chill is largely Byleth-specific, she’s plenty chill in her other supports, and though Lysithea probably donated all the extra chill for the other deer and hence doesn’t have any left, the others  love her anyways wether she wants to or not because try as she might she can’t really get an argument out of them. 
This certainly jives well with Claude’s “friendly surface level extrovert” gimmick they all get along on a surface level and you’ll be hard-pressed to find an ounce of social skills in the Black Eagle house, and the Lions have the Drama Moments, but some have also perceived the deer as not quite as open. 
At the same time they’re not superficial. We have a large abundance of Artsy Ones, we have Ignatz, Claude and Lorenz both write poetry, Leonie isn’t good at it but she does draw etc There’s enough insightful ones for depht and insight to be a significant undercurrent in the group dynamics. They all have different sortts of insight - Hilda can read people well, Ignatz has this sort of intuuitive thoughtful understanding, Lysithea is observant and logically astute, Leonie has street smarts etc. 
The Leader’s position: Precarious. No one knows him, no one trusts him. He just showed up one day, very suspicious timing, not long after his uncle dropped dead (that was Lorenz’ dad but it’s not like anyone knows) and then he’s a shifty weirdo who cannot help being slightly unnerving despite his friendly extroverted demeanor. 
Still he’s a big believer in teamwork, appreciates the value in everyone’s perspective and he can do the friendly extroverted charm well enough to eventually win over most people based on that, though its not until waay after the timeskip that he even considers letting anyone past the soft outer layer.  (In Recruited, Raphael remembers him mainly a lover of feats and merriment)
The longer the story goes on the more the Deer transition to being “Claude’s jolly detective bureau” in which he pulls on all their individual insight for maximum info collection. 
How this “flavors” part one:  It’s taken up largely by Claude’s search for information with the various events being seen in that light.
Claude’s first reaction is often to ask questions and be curious with the emotional response hitting him somewhat later, though it’s definitely also that he keeps up a cheerful face for the team. 
Ironically he’s the only one who came to Garreg Magh for it’s intended purpose: To get a ruler’s education and do networking. Dimitri and Edelgard were already onto Thales courtesy of his having killed their families, him searching on his own, her making preparations for her takeover, and Claude doesn’t know - it’s probably a game balance thing because Claude is the smartest person in the game and if he started out with all the info there would be no plot. 
How this Ties into The Themes: It all builds towards Claude’s big speech about people from different backgrounds coming together. It’s like a microcosm for what he wants to do with the world, to bring people from different places and backgrounds together and have them understand each other.
Lorenz takes until halfway through part II to come around, but come around he does. (markedly, this happens only on Claude’s route, otherwise he sticks with the empire out of self-preservation and opportunism, though he gladly jumps ship to join the kingdom. )
How does Byleth fit into this:  Now I‘ve seen some people saying that Claude initially didn‘t like Byleth or just wanted to use them, but I don‘t think that‘s true. I do think he actually liked them, found them interesting and wanted to befriend them. But Claude, on principle, doesn‘t trust easily, and will in any interaction look at how he can use it.
It‘s a habit born out of both natural curiosity and intelligence (What the 12type eneagramm calls a „Mercury“ Personality type) and the need to survive in a hostile environment where people tried to kill him as a child, and as such it‘s automatic second nature. He has a strong overruling self-preservation instinct.  Claude is suspicious and will interogate people completely independent of how much he likes them. No amount of like makes him trust implicitly.
He doesn‘t have a bad impression like Dimitri, but he doesn‘t immediately click like Edelgard and the curve is pretty nonlinear: With Dimitri we have a clear progression from dislike to like and then the reversal where Dimitri had defrosted Byleth and now Byleth must defrost Dimitri. With Edelgard she likes them immediately out of similarity (like Felix likes Byleth, or like Edelgard likes Lysithea and Petra), and the difficulty/drama only comes later when Byleth‘s connection to the church and Edelgard‘s plots become apparent, but mostly she‘s sad that she‘s „destined“ to be enemies with this person she likes, her level of like never goes down. Claude meanwhile – you might compare him with Dorothea. He‘s used to being able to charm people as well as read them, and Byleth is not only a brick wall, but remains one upon closer examination. They really don‘t know about their past – but Claude takes that as evasions and becomes more and more suspicious.
A big turning point here is the Jeralt situation, where Byleth finally opens up and tells him everything, and Claude realizes they‘re not hiding. And that‘s something I really love about their dynamic – Byleth tells him all and Claude is so interested in them and looks out for them.
Though you could assign each of the three a „turning point“ after which they open up - The diary for Claude (which shows him that Byleth really isn‘t hiding anything) Flayn‘s dissapearance for Dimitri (which convinces him that Byleth cares) and the holy tomb scene for Edelgard (which shows her that Byleth won‘t betray her)
Further Dynamic Notes:
Claude and Byleth relate because they both stick out, but it‘s notably about the experience of sticking out in and of itself, whereas in Edelgard‘s case they stick out in the same way. They’re also alike in that they only found out some secrets about themselves when they were already young adults, Byleth’s magical destiny, and Claude finding out he was related to the ruling house. From how he mentions “not being raised in the lap of luxury” and how his royal connections in Almyra are also “distant”, he might in fact have been raised in a normal village and not known he was the king’s bastard son for some time, though once the secret was out he definitely got some princely instruction like training with Nader. 
The dynamic both interpersonally and as an action duo is very much a complementary one. Dimitri is very different and has that sorta morality chain dynamic going on. And though they each have their specialties that the other is lowkey jelly of Edelgard and Byleth actually fill a fairly similar niche as the charismatic superhumanly powerful field commander. Meanwhile with Claude there’s a division of labor: Claude’s the planner and Byleth’s the enforcer. He repeatedly observes that his plans would be way less effective without someone of Byleth’s caliber to carry them out.
Out of the three lords Claude is the only one where you get the sense that Byleth works for Claude post-timeskip or that Byleth becomes his subordinate. Dimitri’s lost without them, and while Edelgard offers them a formal position as royal advisor after the mock battle and gets this line about how they can’t yell orders at her in public now that she’s the emperor, but it’s phrased in such a way to suggest that she just wants them to yell orders at her discreetly. They certainly balance out Claude’s presentability/trustworthyness problem the way that Hubert quickly puts them in charge of morale to patch Edelgard’s PR shortcomings, but Hubert pretty much says this to Byleth’s face whereas Claude is the only one who knows where the ship is going for the majority of verdant wind. And in the end he’s like “Babysit fodlan for me while I finish world peace” He’s also the dominant one on an interpersonal level, he gives Byleth this speech about how they should use their position more confidently and promise to detective out their mysterious past for them. He also tries dropping hints that maybe Rhea’s not to be trusted though Byleth’s dialogue options are written to suggest that they bought her maternal act and want her back – some ppl said but this way really expositions that „well meaning deception“ aspect of Claude‘s character. He frequently steers ppl toward something they don‘t want but with the hope that they‘ll want it eventually. Perhaps he could be said to have a very fluid/dynamic view of things and people; The other two lords view them more as fixed, hence „I respectfully disagree… lets settle this by stabbing each other“ 
The platonic end result is your basic Epic Friendship, tell each other everything, very supportive, look out for each other, take down a zombie warrior together in an epic team attack, what more could you want I think I‘ve made a whole post about what a good friendo Claude is, initial ulterior motives nonwithstanding… He certainly had strategic advantages in the back of his mind but I don‘t think he ever faked liking Byleth
Plot wise, having The Messiah on his team gives Claude a bargaining chip to seize control of the church with its greater influence. On the other routes, he wisely refuses to touch that particular hot potato with a ten foot pole.
Character wise Byleth‘s influence largely serves to mitigate his jaded cynism. He starts to actually believe his far-flung dreams might happen, so he plays far less defensively than on the other routes.
Claude is smart and charismatic („Logos“ and „Ethos“), his main problem is that nobody trusts him. This is a bit more dimensional than just a flaw though, because he hides his real goals (though they are not truly sinister) both to avoid fights with people who would oppose these goals (contrast Edelgard who declares her intentions openly and deals with the fallout, so she has to fight the knights whereas claude manipulates them) and get the chance to gradually convince them and reveal the truth once ppl agree, also he‘s more a tactician than a strategist and often changes his plans in accordance with what he thinks is doable under the circumstances, and not telling what his plans are gives him the freedom to do that – either way, a downside of that is that no one trusts him. He lacks credibility and, having shown up out of nowhere, has less loyalty and support. Byleth, as a chrch-sanctioned charismatic figurehead, naturally mitigates that.
Black Eagles 
Overarching Theme: Subverted Villain tropes. We have Emperor Evulz / mad science supersoldier, Black Mage classic,  Seditious Chancellor Junior, Sexy Mage, Eccentric Scholar, Pretty Barbarian, Fighting Obsessed Blood Knight and Antisocial Sniper
Composition: It‘s nobles all the way down, even the one commoner used to be famous and is from the capital where all the wealthy ppl live (as opposed to the decentralied alliance and the very spartan kingdom nobles) – The capital‘s a heaven for culture and sophistication but you also see the evident elitism/corruption/inequality problem going on. In keeping with Adrestia being more secular, Ferdinand‘s the only one who‘s explicitly stated to be a believer (in the Marianne support) and he‘s not even super devout
One should also appreciate the irony that the side with the ‚saintly‘ crests is now against the church whereas Faerghus, ruled by the descendants of Nemesis‘ former allies and where he used to have his stronghold are now fighting for the church. But should you go with the church route it also makes a kind of sense as they‘d be goig back to the empire‘s distant origins in a sense.
History:  They all vaguely know/ have heard of each other due to their parents being co-workers or living in the same town, many have at least met each other but at the same time they‘re not BFF like the Lions and many take a bit to warm up to each other.
Another thing of note is that while many of the Lions‘ families were also friends and have been associates since the days of Nemesis, many of the backstory connections for the adrestian studenrs would seem to predispose them to being foes rather than friends, half their dads‘ essentially dethroned Edelgard‘s and are various degrees of complicit in what happened to her siblings, Petra was basically taken hostage by the previous administration, Dorothea has good reason to have beef with the local rich people etc
Atmosphere: I‘ve seen some ppl who played the other routes first say things like how they were struck by how individualistic they are and how there‘s far less team cohesion, or how they „all seem to hate each other“ - I don‘t think that‘s correct assesment but they definitely are quirky, independent-minded or both. They scamper off in all directions when introduced and definitely don‘t bother with formal politeness or friendly facades, if they‘re annoyed with you most of them will probably say so. Even Bernie gives Ferdinand a lecture once XD They‘re basically goth. Though I do think it‘s sorely underappreciated that there definitely IS friendship and admiration between them esp. later in the story, admiration & appreciation being key factors especially since they‘re none too easily impressed.
Of course being independent minded makes it likely that they wouldn‘t blindly follow a leader who‘s up to no good, but it would make them just as suitable to participate in a rebellion
Another thing of note is that while the Kingdom nobles all learned to hold sharp objects in the nusery and many of the deer have street smarts or survival experience having had to live through tough circumstances most of the Eagles are complete greenhorns when you first deploy them – sure many have seen their share of effed up stuff but not in a warlike setting. And you have many of the sensitive/reluctant ones like Bernie, Linny and Dorothea. This of course could either make you think twice about the church sending them on missions or predispose you toward Flayns brand of pacifism.
Of course this just leads to Hubert and Edelgard (and to a lesser extent Petra) to clearly stand out as the experienced ones. El-chan and Hubie dear have most definitely killed a man before. The rest of them will definitely have to measure up to pick up the slack after the two of them leave.
The trajectory certainly goes differently, in CF they all return notably more confident after the timeskip (most notably with Bernie) perhaps in keeping with how Edelgard believes in & promotes self-reliance whereas in Silver Snow they never quite stop being like „AAAAA“ though I suppose the point is that they get their act together and do the deed regardless.
The Leader’s position: Absolute both in terms of power (sorry Ferdie) and dynamics. Definite ‚student council president‘ vibe, she largely interacts with them as a taskmaster/ to make them do their homework. She markedly doesn‘t like this and would like to be one of the bunch but genuinely finds it hard to step out of boss mode.
She does try her best to cultivate an equal atmosphere and for what it‘s worth most do drop the honorifics and tell her when they disagree.  
How this “flavors” part one: The emphasis is certainly on expositioning how much everything in the setting sucks especially on the church‘s horribleness, I mean in the end if she‘s essentially like „We‘ve all seen it this past year“ but of course there‘s also definite foreshadowing that sHE is up to something, there‘s certainly peeps who picked her ‚cause she‘s pretty and she looked more put-together/less obviously dodgy than the others but then didn‘t personal taste wise jive with her character. The whole scene after Jeralt‘s death is definitely a point where you either decide you hate her or love her forever; You get both „WTF“ and „I get it“ type of dialogue options.  
How this Ties into The Themes:
No matter what route yo pick you essentially get a story about going your own way and putting right what the previous generations done fucked up – wether they do this by leading Adrestia back to its holy origins, or by backing Edelgard‘s revolution.
On a political level they either go against their homeland or the previous administration, and personally they‘re all sorta expected to take over their parents‘s job and follow these expectations of proper nobility that they have no interest in and many of them renounce their titles or cut ties with their folks. Only Ferdinand particularly wants his fathers job and even them he means to do it very differently. The happy ending, for most of the eagles, is getting to choose their own paths
How does Byleth fit into this: 
Mostly, they shift the team dynamics from Edelgard as the absolute leader in a lofty, distanced position to her coming closer to being „one of the group“ working under Byleth.
There‘s a reason she later names her elite troop the „Black Eagle Strike force“ in honor of their time at the academy. This is almost the bigger difference, because Byleth isn‘t there for the timeskip. The big change is caused by creating this situation where all the black eagles leave with Edelgard, so she knows she can trust them and having real allies needs the slithers less.
It‘s very hard for her to step out of boss mode for reasons ranging from her personality, backstory, monarch obligations and fear of vulnerability, but having Byleth be the boss for once helps. Some of her most formative experiences were a) Her family betrayed by almost all its allies including her own uncle b) being helplessly dragged around as a hostage. She wants to avoid being helpless ever again at all costs and thus grew to be a very proactive decisive adult which is mostly a good thing but can cause her tome come off blunt and unyielding at times. I mean when she‘s worried that Hubert, her best friend, is hiding some worrysome secret from her she‘s like „Tell me that‘s an order!“ and when he expertly sidesteps that (since he knows her well and understands that she wouldn‘t actually force it out of him) she‘s stumped and doesn‘t know how to tell him that she‘s worried about him – and this is a guy she knows since forever. With the other eagles she really looks out for them but can only really show it through her „leader“ persona, she has this one trick, and when it doesn‘t work (like with Caspar or Linhardt who don‘t really want anyone to boss them around or talk politics) she‘s stumped.
This is hugely mitigated when another person of her caliber shows up with whom she can share the responsibility or even leave it to them so she learns to allow herself to be soft and do stuff like admit her doubts, this starts with Byleth but also radiates into the other relationships. See Caspar and Linhard revising their bad first impressions of her later in the support chains
Further dynamics notes:
A recurring theme is being misunderstood (outright stated in the introduction and that one quote by ladislava – and also in the church route dialogues where Seteth says that „the people will never understand her ideals“ ) and finding someone who understands, which is different from Claude and Dimitri who ultimately want the world at large to understand and accept them. Edelgard has given up on that long ago - her version of the „pep talk“ scene implies she thinks its impossible to truly understand anothers sorrow – I like to think that after her siblings died she found great comfort in Hubert being „not much for condolences“ and talking plans rather than sympathies while everyone else was showing pity for something they couldnt understand. Dimitri is basically traumatized (he relates to Dedue about losing everything and thats why they‘re so tight knit), Claude is basically an outcast and relates to all that dont quite fit in, but Edelgard… yes her family‘s dead much like Dimitri‘s, but in addition to that, she has been through an indescribable science fiction fantasy thing that no one has any context for. She views herself as so altered that she considers herself a whole different person and her past self basically dead. Hence someone like Byleth or Lysithea who could relate to all that is very, very tempting to her – we‘re not told if that‘s the truth or just her perception though, Hubert doesn‘t note her being extremly different, and later on she kinda admids that she herself distanced herself from other people.
Likewise the ship dynamic is ‚birds of a feather‘. Edelgard tells you right away: She feels that she and Byleth are similar and is drawn to them because of that. It‘s not just the mad science background,  both are stoic natural leaders with a bit of a dorky side. This goes both ways – While others are often mildly stumped by Byleth, she can read them pretty well and gets a lot of dialoue like „wow you‘re telling the truth“ or „I can tell you‘re lying“ - that happens so often that it‘s even used to hint that she‘s the flame emperor.
If you had to name a dominant person it would probably be Byleth but overall this combination is disntinguished by being relatively equal and balanced. She likes having Byleth‘s support but repeatedly mentions wanting to support Byleth as well  - As she says after the big mock battle, „sometimes its better to have someone to rely on to support each other through the darkness“. Team dynamics wise they feel a similar niche – the abnormally powerful, stoic charismatic leader who inspires many followers and is a gifted field commander. When they‘re not allies they are foils after all. But as pointed out in their A support despite their similarities each of them have their own particular strenghts that the other envies – Byleth is a better tactician and ultimately better at moral support (though their time powers help). On the flipside, Edelgard is more proactive whereas Byleth struggles with that, and at least her 22 year old self probably has more raw strenght (judging by her stats total and how they‘re evenly matched in the church route reunion cinematic though she isn‘t using her preferred weapon)
If you don‘t marry her then the note the A support ends on would suggest that Byleth sorta gets adopted as a honorary big sister/brother with how El asks them to use her childhood nickname and just lampshading the sense of kinship between them – the platonic outcome is a family bond, which buils as much on similarity and alikeness as their romantic outcome
Plot wise, Byleth‘s presence gives Edelgard something that she wouldn‘t otherwise have: Reliable allies. This means not just Byleth themselves, but the other Black Eagles whom she feels are more firmly on her side as they never defended Garreg Mach from her assault. As she puts it when she tries to recruit you as the „Flame Emperor“, the slighterers will go around causinga strocities but with the sword of the creator on her side she could courttail that better and generally has less need to coorperate even for purely pragmatic reasons so she is free to weaken them ahead of time, kills Cornelia right away rather than work with her etc. Interestingly this is why the front lines are actually further back when Byleth returns than they are in the other routes, but then the war ends the quickest.  
Character journey wise, Edelgard goes from being convinced that she has to give up everything to be a tough leader to allowing herself to just be a person, cummulating in the ending where she pulls a washington/cincinatus, abdicates and gets a normal life.
In terms of leadership style, Edelgard has „Logos“ and „Pathos“ to spare, she‘s described as a remarkable leader who inspires remarkable devotion and has a cause/ rationale – but she‘s got her weakness with inspiring loyalty on an interpersonal level. The followers are loyal to the cause – Edelgard herself is perceived as unapproachable and shady/unsavory, see Dimitri‘s rant about how she‘s „strong“, or statements by herself and Ladislava that people tend to misunderstand her. As a superhuman science experiment she is by definition not a „relatable“ leader. So once Byleth proves trustworthy Hubert immediately puts them in charge of morale and of support/pep talking the reluctant recruits.
(In part II we‘ll get into decision making processes but I think here we have to separate by route rather than house since it’s most evident post-timeskip and dependent on plot events.)
Team Dynamics and Decisionmaking
Empire Route
Here, there is a very clear distinction between inner circle and outer circle. Edelgard and Hubert have their own thing going on and once you prove loyal, you’re in, and you get to see a whole different side to both of them, Edelgard lets down her guard, Hubert acts polite and sympathetic where he was previously suspicious and mocking, and they basically tell Byleth everything, including the unsavory pursuits that they keep secret from everyone else – but overall the secrecy, maintained for realpolitik reasons, never truly stops. Basically those three make all the decisions.
Notable is that if you’ve recruited Lysithea she hovers on the threshold between inner and outer circle. She was fed the cover story of the nuke being a church weapon (though she did’t buy it) but WAS told about the secret assault on Arianrhod. This is prolly cause Edelgard likes her, she can become her main advisor in their paired ending.
Kingdom Route
Dimitri describes himself as as someone who thinks change should come from the people and that the leadership should serve them, for all that he prefers to uphold the basic order of society, and this is reflected in his leadership style – though this also reflects that he is a ‚people person‘ rather than a planner, so the plans are left to his advisors like Byleth, Gilbert and Rodrigue. He is more the emotional/ spiritual lynchpin than the mind or will of the group.
In Azure Moon, especially later on, the decisions are really made by the entire group and you see them considering their next step together. Dimitri spills the backstory as soon as it comes up, telling everyone about his relationship with Edelgard for example.
In early part 2 this is at an extreme in that Byleth, Rodrigue and Gilbert are de facto making the decisions and Dimitri is at best a grumpy figurehead that they‘re putting up because they need him as a symbol, but at the same time he doesn‘t really compromise on his revenge obsession and is just dragging the whole team along/ not really reacting to how they are making him the lynchpin for their hopes. (though it is important to note that he didn‘t ask him too either – they decide to follow him out of friendship or loyalty to his house) yet inwardly Dimitri too is blindly following what he believes are his obligations.
A huge turning point is when he returns after the whole rain conversation and Byleth gets to ask him some variety of „What do you want to do“ in which Dimitri makes a step toward both inner and outer self-directedness, but precisely because of that becomes are more complete/better consensus leader.
I also want to stress that Claude and Edelgard LOVE togetherness and cooperation and equality as concepts every bit as much as Dimitri does they want to be one of the team but they find it difficult. And of course Dimitri’s style has its own flaws too
Alliance Route
While the Blue Lions decide everything together and either variation of the Black Eagles setup has an „inner circle“ that makes the decisions, in the Golden Dear that inner circle is basically just Claude.
Even Byleth doesn‘t find out his plans until part two, and it‘s later still till he comes clear with the team (and still doesn‘t reveal all but points to Cyril as a stand-in) Hilda and Lysithea are discernable as preferred right hand people, and Byleth and Marianne as special confidants, but in the end Claude rarely shows his real self and only he knows the plan. If Hilda and Lysithea pick up alot about him and his true self it‘s because of how observant THEY are and how much Hilda is basically a lot like him.
Claude does all the thinking and motivates followers (from Lorenz to the random merchans who support him) by promising them things they want – because even if he can‘t trust peopöle, he can trust their self-interest.
Church Route
Since you are with the church that is ideally a sort of benevolent parental authority under the supposition that people need guidance and that‘s a good thing it is perhaps fitting that though Byleth winds up the nominal leader, this is actually the route where they are more of a follower. They do watch Seteth says, who is doing what he believes is his duty and mission, and we have Flayn as an innocent, pacifistic voice.
They lost their dad, and the Nabateans are a sort of surrogate family. (wether its one that youre born into or marry into, the wiord „family“ is stressed) – they are the „inner circle“ making the decision and the empire kids, ragtag misfits estranged from their homes, follow. On the one hand they‘re going against their home country on the other they have the saint‘s blood and Adrestia USED to be church aligned so it also makes a kind of sense.
Among the Adrestian kids themselves, Ferdinand and Petra get a chance to shine as the ostensible leaders. They are stalward, competent leader-like people in CF too , but there they are more overshadowed by the much more experienced Hubert and Edelgard.  - Though when you think about it they are like „pure hero“ versions of them who were never forced to become as cold and pragmatic. Ferdinand, like Hubert, is a nobleman from a storied family who is proud of it but wants to fix its tarnished reputation from his corrupt father. Petra, like Edelgard, is a former political hostage who experienced hardship at a young age and worked her way up all on her own, being very serious and competent despite her young age. I prefer the version where they stay buds rly.
It‘s worth noting that Seteth, ‚Heir of Purpose‘, sees it as their families duty to protect Fodlan and is the only one really doing that – his brothers noped out, and Rhea, uneknowst to him, twisted „protect“ into „rule/subjugate“. One might question who gives him the right to decide things because his mom is magic but on the other hand he really is 100% benevolent and I see no sign that he has any greedy intentions especially in in Silver Snow, all the countries collapse and someone needs to keep order, he doesn‘t understand what the empire‘s doing and why just sees their agression and really is rising to the challenge of upholding peace because something needs to do something about the violence. He had withdrawn to protect his daughter but then in the end he‘s the last one who is really doing what Sothis would have wanted. He looks most like her too having the slightly darker, ‚spikier‘ hair.
Further Thoughts
I’m curious to see how Yuri, the Ashen Wolves, and Cindered Shadows compare/contrast to this and i theyll manage to make the dynamics sufficiently different so that its neither a carbon copy or a blabk mary sue ish superlative. 
I mean the other routes are so interesting to dissect because its a tradeof and all have their own flavor so really CS would do better to try to be “different” or, better yet,  “complementary” than “better” or “cooler”
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new-writer-intown · 5 years
Dear Universe, Pt. 1
Author: New-Writer-InTown
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Warning (s): None
Word Count: 1,586
Summary: Y/N accepts a job working as an interpreter for a week, but soon she finds that the man she’ll we working for is Tom Hiddleston.
Note: Hi everyone, sorry for the bad grammar, english isn’t my first language and it’s my first story so please bare with me. 
The reader is Mexican but she lived in the US for 9 years and that's why she’s fluent in both languages.
The beginning is a bit slow but I promise that its important and I’ll be referencing to it as the story moves along.
Y/N Point of View
When I was in my first year of university my french teacher taught me how to write letters to the universe to ask for anything I desired, however she did warn me that I had to be very specific with my requests and pay attention to details because if I didnt I might get something completely different than what I had wanted.
“You have to write it as a thank you letter to universe, so you have to imagine you’ve already got what you’ve always wished for.”
“Okay I’ll give it a try!” I was a bit skeptical to say the least, but I did as I was told. 
Dear Universe,
I feel so grateful for all the wonderful things happening in my life. I can hardly believe I’m 25 years old, time sure flies by! Looking at my life I’m beginning to feel like I’m finally able to put all of the puzzle pieces together. I finished my dream career two years ago and ever since graduation everything has been going smoothly.  For once in my life I'm truly happy, I work doing what I love and it pays well so I was finally able to move out of my parents house and got my own place!
I now have a boyfriend, we’ve been together for a while, and I couldn't be more grateful for having him in my life. He has been very successful in his career and I am very proud of him, whoever he has to travel a lot which I don’t like but every once in a while he brings me with. We have been talking about marriage and kids, I’ve told him I’d love to get married but I would like to wait on the kids for a little longer since there are so many things that I would like to accomplish, and he understands that, everytime the subject comes up he reminds me there is no pressure. I love that man he is so supportive of me!
Oh I nearly forgot! Since we decided to wait on the kids we adopted a dog, he’s the cutest little puppy EVER!
I think that's about it for now, so thank you, I can hardly wait to write you another letter!
Lots of Love
Y/F Y/L.
After writing the letter I placed it in my scrapbook but soon forgot about it. After finishing my first year in college everything went downhill. It all started with me telling my parents I wanted to quit architecture school to move to law school, needless to say they nearly got a heart attack since they were paying for it.
A year after that I told them I was going to be transferring to a smaller community college because the prices were over the roof, and again they nearly killed me.
Moving on to present time, here I am, a 20 year old who still lives with her parents, who  has been to three different colleges, doesn't have a job and doesn't have friends. Now that I say it out loud I can finally understand why everyone criticises me, I’m a failure and my life is depressing to say the least.
On Wednesday during dinner my dad told me that his brother who works at the airport had called him and told him needed an english interpreter since he had been assigned to be the “tour guide” to some foreigners, and he didn’t’ know more than ten words in english.
That night I called my uncle and told him I was in, he said we’d be gone for at least a week but that it could vary depending on the client, I didn't have a problem with that since I only had college classes on Saturday and didn’t matter as long as I uploaded my assignments to the platform in a timely manner.
On Sunday I was all packed up and incredibly nervous, it was going to be my first time working with my uncle. As a teen I had taken a few jobs here and there as an interpreter  but it was usually for a couple of hours, my longest gig had been for 8 hours, and now I had to be translating for some strangers for a whole week!
I didn’t know anything about the people I’d be working for and I hated that, how many people were coming? 1, 2, 3? Where were they from? Are they old? Well it wasn’t like my uncle himself knew anything either, we’d be completely in the dark until the next day.
On Monday I got up at 5am to shower and get ready, by 6am I was already in the car with my parents because they had to take me to the bus station where I would take a two hour bus to Mexico City’s Airport where I would meet my uncle and we’d wait for the strangers or stranger, who knew?
When I was all settled on the bus I considered taking a nap but somehow I started talking to the woman sitting next to me. Sometimes I honestly wonder why I didn't have any friends, I’m very friendly and I don't have a problem talking to strangers, I always make sure to talk to my cab drivers, bus drivers, neighbors, people at stores etc.
By 8:50am I was waiting by the “international arrivals” door, my uncle had told me that I was to wait there holding a sign he had given me that said William T.H.
At 9am I felt my phone vibrate, I checked and I had a new message from my uncle.
“My boss got in contact with Mr.William he told me he’s wearing navy blue trousers, a blue dress shirt and a blue jacket. Apparently he’s very tall, has wavy hair, blue eyes, and is british. Keep an eye out for a man with that description.”
“I will, don't worry!” - I texted back
“Oh, I nearly forgot, he doesn't want to attract any unwanted attention, so please help him keep a low profile.”
“Sure! When he’s with me I’ll call you and we’ll meet you at the entrance.” - I had been so distracted texting my uncle that I didn't see a man approaching me and standing next to me until I heard his voice.
“Excuse me, I think I’m supposed to be meeting with you.”
Oh god how could a stranger's voice sound so hot? I looked up from my phone expecting to see a face, but instead found a strong chest, wow he really was tall! I looked up searching for the strangers face and I nearly fainted, standing in front of me was Tom freaking Hiddleston. 
Breath Y/N, breath, you have to calm down, remember what your uncle said. What did he say? Oh, that's right keep a low profile!
“Um, I don't know? Hi, sorry I….” - I was making a fool of myself and he was smiling at me.
“Is this supposed to be you?” - I showed him the sign William T.H.
“Yes, that would be me!” - Obviously that's him, he probably asked to used his second name, but to include his initials just in case.
“Great!” - great? Really Y/N, that's the best you’ve got?
“Shall we get going?” - He asked with a smile, as he pointed towards the doors
“Sure, let me just call our driver to let him know you are with me, I was told you wanted to keep a low profile so I think it would be best if we just stayed inside until he’s outside.”
“Whatever you say, you’re the expert!”
“I wouldn’t call myself an expert” I smiled at him, I gestured him to walk with me to a waiting area near the exit door while I was talking to my uncle on the phone.
“He’ll we here in two minutes” I informed him
“Sounds good.” He turned his body to look at me, “We didn’t properly introduce each other back there, you clearly know my name,” he said pointing to the now folded sign in my hands, “ but I’m afraid I don't know yours.” He made gave me an apologetic smile, “Shall we start again? I’m Tom” he stretched his hand towards me
“Hi, I’m Y/N, sorry, nice to meet you!” - The touch of his hand made me feel even more nervous.
“Oh god, you can probably tell I’m knew at this thing” - I pointed to the distance between us
“Are you really?”
“Yes!” - Now it was I who gave him an apologetic smile
“Don’t worry darling, it's my first time using this system too! I guess we’ll just have to learn together!” -There was that smile again
“I guess we will! So how was the flight?”
“It was quite exhausting actually, it was an 11h30 plane flight from London to here!”
“Oh my, you must be terribly exhausted!”
“A little bit, I got a few hours of sleep on the plane but my body is feeling a bit jet-lagged.”
“I can’t even imagine how tired you must be! The time difference is like 5 hours right?”
“Um…” he checked his watch before continuing, “It's actually 6 hours, here in Mexico its 9:08am and in London it's 3pm.”
At that time my phone started to ring,
“I’m sorry, that's our driver” I said as I answered the phone, after ending the call after a few seconds I told him that the USV was waiting for us outside.
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xerborgen · 5 years
high school shit
i was actually just watching some back to school videos on youtube and oh boy am i inspired to actually write this entry! i’m going into my last year of high school this incoming school year, and this is what i got so far.
things that I noticed/realized/experienced in high school:
1. i wanted to be alone most of the time
2. i developed a liking to studying for exams/doing notes
3. once something slips out of your mouth, you already have a +1 weight on your shoulders 
4. its never good to shut out your friends and expect them to understand it. you owe them an explanation 
5. never get too attached. initially, i’m not a kind of person that gets attached attached, i never really resented anyone who left me or never really missed someone that much and seemed possessive. 
6. things can go incredibly slow, and incredibly fast
7. slice of tasks off your to do list as many as you can. sometimes i do time my working periods whenever i get that random shot of productivity but sometimes that just doesn’t really do the job a lot, especially if i have a shit ton of works to do over the week. try to do better every time.
8. work better, not harder - whenever i’m doing an overnight homework or task and my eyes get droopy real hard that i can’t even focus on what i’m doing or why the fuck i was there anymore, i choose to go to sleep and not strain myself, and pay myself back in the morning. i come to school early as possible - if not, then i try to “cram” into finishing the homework before the subject when its needed starts. LOOK i know cramming is BAD but i kinda powered through it???? for example, if i cant understand the my fucking math homework the night before, there’s no use stressing out and trying hard to understand it. instead, i go to school and before math class starts, i approach a few classmates to teach me how to do it ((or maybe,,,,, , , give me some answers and i’ll just learn it in time)). that literally saved my life in the long run.
9. in line with my previous statement, its good to have a few close friends and a good reputation in class. i realized that acting emo isnt going to magically have someone gravitate to me and help. i had to reach out, go out there, and even if i dread a lot of people and i have only a few i can tolerate I HAD TO GO OUT THERE AND TAKE IT LIKE A MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10. i’ve learnt how to say no
11. even if my chair is left handed or not my fucking back is still going to hurt like a lil bitch
12. i realized how much i daydreamed about school ending and then like???? whap???? the new year comes and like whoosh??? its my finals already?????
13. value time
14. lo-fi is literally my ride or die, this bitch really was at my side EVERYTIME. but forreal, whenever i study or do stuff i usually put on some lo-fi beats and everything just gets better.
15. jack of all trades, master of none. i have a few well-known classmates whom are known to be all-rounders, and a lot of people envied them and proclaimed how they were good at everything. hearing and seeing these made me feel bad about myself, because all i was really good at  knew was how to edit, design, dance, study - and i was never sporty nor good at any musical instrument which are UNFORTUNATELY the talents that a lot of people consider as “cool”. 
- but, it kinda warms my heart whenever there are video presentations or design stuff that gets put on discussion, few of my classmates turn to me and depend on me about it. its like they knew, they knew they could trust me about it, because they liked how i liked how i do. and that kind of makes me giddy... the thought of giving them unceremoniously something to remember me by.
16. i dont know why didnt i put this FIRST but this is actually my favorite. usually, i tend to want to go home immediately after a long day in school, thus making my dad fetch me after class (side note, i dont know if this is a stigma or not but getting fetched after school lowkey is kinda uncool, because i dont know.......im a grown 15 yo waiting for my fetcher to come pick me up but i powered through it and come to the conclusion that i dont rlly care i just want to go home)
16.5 me and my close friends, S, L, G, A, we like to eat at this takoyaki place near my house (its actually inside a mall of some sort, its just a ten minute walk from my place to there). i usually secretly brought my phone with me to school, so even if these takoyaki dates were sudden, i had no reason to bring the offer down. i usually spend these food trips with my friend S, which with the courtesy of her kind mother, usually considers letting us eat at this takoyaki place while she lets their cute dog shanaia be groomed in the pet parlor. me and S, during these times, have talked a lot about different stuff, and i’m really thankful for her - as well as to my other close friends. although i don’t treat anyone as a best friend, they shouldn’t underestimate how much they mean to me.
- having an older sister is nice... me and my older sister actually had a conflict before. i was at an age where everything was just so emotionally scarring that it inflicted some kind of bitter wound in my heart that i just refused to mend that time. i rarely used the word hate, but at that time, i hated my family. i hated how i was treated, i hated how i was so hopeless, but i clung to any piece of comfort i longed. i guess i was just an emotional mess back then... this was all when i was in sixth grade.
things have changed a lot now. my parents have started to listen somehow. i found out that my sister was actually going through something so traumatizing that i failed to acknowledge because i let my emotions take over me.
- now... i gradually am trying to control my emotions - not the other way around. because once your emotions take over you, you get vulnerable. you get easily bitten. you let your guard down, and in this world, keeping your guard down is one risk that you should be wary of taking. 
its not that i’m preventing myself to feel, to enjoy... but to regulate my emotions and place them where its best. talk when you’re allowed to, or only talk about personal stuff when i’m with my close friends. once a person sees into me... it could be game over. 
i make decisions. and i have to avoid certain circumstances where i could possibly feel a lot of unwanted emotions. although a lot of things are stringed together by fate, and sometimes the scissors are nowhere to be found, and that i was supposed to do something that could blow my cover. its really better if you know yourself, you control yourself. if i couldnt avoid, modify how i behave. how i react. control what i show on the outside.
- i deserve some kind of happiness atleast... i shouldn’t be too hard on myself. i know this, but the pathetic thing is, i can’t do it. sometimes the only thing that deprives me of my own happiness is myself - which is for me, something so pathetic that i can’t even get sick of it.
- if there’s a will, there’s a way
- sometimes its good to look back once in a while... to see how far you’ve gone. if i can still see fragments of my past, then i’ll use that to strive to get further, further away from the demons that haunts me. if i can’t, then... smile, and look forward.
- you can fear things. but don’t let it show on your face. instead, fight it, anyway.
- everyone is just scared as i am.
- i don’t necessarily need to say my stand.
- i can’t judge dramatic people because that would mean i’m judging myself. but when did i have stopped judging myself?
- its good to go out for walks once in a while.
- rainy days elongated with a class suspension are always stuff to look forward for and cherish. the rain only visits me once in a while, i miss it.
- moments are traces of life
- sometimes, you never really see the value of something until they’re gone... 
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bishiglomper · 3 years
Who wants to learn about my family drama? Too bad I'm gonna post about it anyway.
So mom got pregnant at 16. Married the guy. He went into the military. I came along 8 years after my sister. It was all fine and good I guess until he came home from a deployment when i was... 12 maybe.
I bring this up because i took a 3 hour roadtrip alone with dad's wife. She spilled all sorts of beans..
So anyway. That was at least his 2nd or 3rd deployment and i guess he sent mom 70k. When he came home, there was no money. No one ever figured out where it went. Figured mom spent it. We have no idea on what. Looking back I can't think of anything she could have spent it on. I dont remember her leaving for secret trips or anything. No new items. No strangers coming around. Its a mystery.
So shit didnt really start take a turn for the worse until we moved to Ohio when I was around 14. Dad had another deployment, but this time he acquired PTSD. I never questioned why, i just figured war was obviously bound to leave you fucked up.
Dad's wife told me differently. I had to twist her arm just to give me vague cryptic keywords. Like "murder" "people who ought not be murdered" and "practically coerced him into being involved" 😳
My poor daddy. No wonder he ended up locked in his room with a swat team surrounding the house.. Until mom donkey-kicked the door in to get to him and take his gun. He witnessed some fucked up shit, even though I'm not quite sure what.
But the real juicy bit is something i didnt even know about until my late 20s. Sissy told me while we were in Ohio, my parents were involved in swinging. Knew no details other than thats where a couple of their friends came from.
The new light she'd on this topic though, was it was mom's idea. I always figured it was dad. But apparently he only did it for mom.
(His now-wife is named Stacy. I love her but i just cant call her stepmom.)
Sje said she researched the topic, and typically swingers are middle-aged couoles who married too young. (So, typical case)
Anyway. I guess mom gradually started breaking rules. Like getting permission from dad first. And she snuck around during his next deployment..
During this time, we jad a daughter of familt friends staying with us. I was only 14 but i knew this woman was trouble. She was the type who could and would totally kick your ass if you pissed her off. Questionable choices. Wild child. All that shit. But she was good to us, so.
Anyway. My niece has brought back stories from her bio-dad's side of the family. One of which being that one time whilst mom and our guest were at a bar, mom tried to get into (bio-dad's family member's pants)
I always thought wow, never knew mom couod/would do that; crazy..
But Stacy filled in some swinger drama from that time and it all fits.
(Took a break from posting to actually discuss and compare notes with my sister)
The only discrepancy is sister is adamant that this WAS dad's idea to swing.
So anyway.
The next bit of drama was my sister having the niece. We all went to Iowa because we spent summers with the aunt and everyone.
At this point we were already planning on the move to Iowa that winter.
So dad, being fed up with my 23yr old sister who was a slob, refused to get a job and support her child.. He's just like "so you can either stay here and I'll send your shit or you can come back for your shit and gtfo"
He sent her stuff. But because she had a child that half belonged to someone else and essentially moved several states away, he sued. Thankfully dad helped with the lawyer and while not perfect, my sister got the best possible deal for the situation.
But all through this, dad absolutely loved his granddaughter. And it was an asshole move, but dad only agreed to support my sister and let her stay with us if he got to name her daughter. He picked Dominatrice. (Doh-min-ah-treece) Because you can get Trixie out of it. We were all like Wtf but ok.
So the last biggest drama was the events that led to dad ghosting my niece.
So one thing that happened was dad wanted to take little niecey out to lunch. She was 5ish. Sister couldnt get work off though, but hes all "its fine, I'll just pick her up and drop her back off"
But sissy was able to leave and met them. But as soon as she did he's like "you know what, im actually gonna go ahead and take off"
Which created a slurry of suspicious thought like "wtf is going on, did i foil plans to whisk my daughter back with them?"
When sissy told me this, I figured it was either just a weird mix of coincidence that set off alarm bells or weird timing. Or both. I'm 100% confident dad didnt plan anything. What was he going to do with her? Its not like he'd be able to kidnap her and go off grid never to be found again. Also was he going to just raise her? None of that makes sense.
Anyway. The big blowout didnt happen until dad was on his way back to virginia and the niece was due to be picked up from ohio. He offered to pick her up along the way and we were supposed to go up after them and spend vacatipn with them.
Sister told him no, he couldn't do that. He asked why. She tried to avoid answering him, but eventually told him that it was in the court order that he not be left alone with the child. Probably because he CAUSED the whole custody fiasco.
But this was the first he'd heard of it. So he was understandably upset. And then he tried hounding her for answers, for proof. Send him the document stating this. It escalated until he would jusy be yelling and svreaming over the phone and make sissy cry until mom had to shut down the phone calls.
I asked my sister why she didn't just show him the proof. Like, thats all he wanted.
She said it was not her job to prove it to him. It was public record, he could do it him damn self.
Stacy told me he tried, but couldn't get it because niece was a minor.
When I told Sissy this, she gave me the SNOTTIEST facial expression which i think meant "well, shit." Mixed with a mocking sort of "he's still a whiny-piss-baby"
So yeah. We're only visiting because after like 9 years dad reached out after forcibly pushing all this anger and feels down in effort to reconcile. Sissy is attempting to but at the same time feels he's too toxic to bother with and doesnt want him near her kids.
All because after this went down, he then ghosted the niece. He used to call her and send her gifts all the time. Her little heart was absolutely broken when he started ignoring her. Stacy told hom not to do that, so the general consensus was that it was indeed a dick move.
His reasoning though was "my daughter thinks i want to kidnap my grandchild, how can i reach out and have a relationship with her without incriminating myself?"
So yeah. Stacy and I are very alike in the fact that we both are able to see both sides of an argument. I'm glad i got to see the other side because apparently dad told her (about the dicorce and everything) "they'll figure out what happened and realize its not all my fault"
Like, uh. No? How were we supposed to reach that conclusion? And i dont know about my sister, but i was a self-absorbed naive teenager, I wasnt aware of jack shit. 😂
And that is the story of the day. :D
In other news, I wrote this while dad finally got his gallbladder surgery and we worried he'd either bleed out or have a heart complication and die. Aaaand he was out in like an hour and a half. So far he's good. Now we can visit the aquarium without stewing in anxiety. Hooray!
0 notes
Billie & Indie
Billie: Indie! Pabs made frango a passarinho, you want in? Billie: also he said he saw you out at that boy in his year's party on Saturday Billie: you must not have seen him Billie: I got lunchtime detention for all the notes I was trying is pass you in Maths! Billie: Too busy 💤 or doodling, that is the question Indie: spitting dem bars all the way to my 💘 but nah itd be a mad treck from where i @ Indie: lo must have it twisted cos i aint rolling w dem younger rudeboys at no gatherings Indie: my bad tho Indie: too sleepy innit Indie: olders got partys for me to hit up standard Billie: where are you laying your head these days my dear? Billie: aside from your desk, naturally 😋 Indie: 😂😂 Indie: getting the zzzs i need there like Indie: wen im in im out for the count Billie: but what about all the times you're not in 🤔 Indie: in endz Indie: rollin w my boyz or my BOY you know Indie: its chill Billie: what does rolling entail exactly Billie: i'm unfamiliar Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: rolling up 🚬 standard but can be any thing Indie: hangin, chillin reh teh teh Indie: it be what it be, bills Indie: 🚀🚀🚀 tho Billie: I still feel like those are all just different words for the same thing Billie: which still eludes me but I'm glad you're having fun! Billie: We miss you though, don't you have any time to spare, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase Indie: what you need im here rn Indie: hit me w it Billie: I don't need anything, just want your company silly Indie: you got it Indie: we chatting Billie: Yes, of course Billie: but in person too, yes? Billie: It's not the same without you Indie: what you trying to see my face for? Indie: its still this Indie: [sends selfie] Billie: 😂 Billie: [sends back suitably silly selfie of own] Indie: living for it baby Indie: you looking 🔥 Billie: Thank you Billie: Now I got all the pink out Billie: surprisingly stubborn stuff Indie: mine got dashed mad fast Indie: must be dem curls holdin Billie: Yeah and mine isn't even as textured as some of the others Billie: thank god Ri didn't do it too Indie: she aint as extra as how we is Indie: blessed that i aint blood of ya cos my mans werent feelin the look Indie: hed be proper vexed if it stayed Billie: os homens não sabem nada Indie: this boy got plenty knowledge trust 😏 Billie: NADA 👏 Indie: you reping sound like the other mckenna rn Indie: something you wanna chat ? Billie: I don't need to come out, no Billie: but I appreciate the offer of a listening ear and open mind Indie: safe Indie: you down to mix me up 💘 potion? Indie: thatd be valued by me Billie: Why do you need it? I thought we were in love? Billie: Not you and me 😂 Indie: 😂 Indie: steady bills Indie: not trying to come for your sister & mckennas ⛈ Indie: let em have a min baby Billie: I don't think anyone is enjoying the rain Billie: we're safe to move on Indie: innit tho Indie: hold it for me @ school & ill come thru  yeah? Billie: Of course Billie: but what exactly do you want to happen? it changes what I have to do Indie: gotta keep him 😍😍😍😍😍😍 Indie: that mood Billie: That should be fine Billie: I can't force or influence freewill and fate, obviously but I can certainly help along what is there, that shouldn't be a problem Indie: what it gonna taste? Indie: not tryna make him 😵 Indie: not more than he like standard least 😂 Billie: It's okay, more than likely we'll get you to drink it Billie: then you can attract the love, if you see what I mean Indie: how it not gon attract some next man tho? Billie: with great power, Indigo Billie: you know how to control your allure, I trust 😂 Indie: mayb we swerve it Indie: not tryna get dashed for this like 💔 Billie: Well that shouldn't happen Billie: it's not viagra Indie: 😂😂 Billie: You seem worried Indie: nah Indie: all good Billie: Are you sure? Billie: I've got lots of things for anxiety and stress Indie: what i got to b flat roofin over? Indie: keep your stash Billie: you tell me Indie: nah im jam Indie: nothing to chat on Billie: Good Indie: how you b? Billie: Well, on reflection Billie: I'm okay most of the time but in general I'm quite sad Indie: 💔💔💔 Indie: you got no spells for it? Billie: I'm trying Billie: everything, every day Billie: but not everything can be sorted with magic Billie: not of that kind, anyway Indie: tru Indie: its a madness Indie: i feel it Billie: I know Billie: We've got to stick together Indie: ri aint here tho Indie: not how it can be Billie: Indie Indie: ? Billie: I think Edie has gone too Billie: lots of her stuff is gone Indie: she gon come back thru Indie: thats just how she rolls Indie: dont get it twisted & get 😢 Billie: I know but she usually only takes a bag Billie: if anything Indie: how you kno she not she not shoting her garms for the cash? Indie: gotta do what you gotta do innit Billie: Maybe you're right Indie: if you still got no peace after hot min come @ ri w it Indie: thats how she do making shit hectic again Indie: idk Indie: ma vibes like Billie: Like you said, she's not here either Billie: soon none of us will Indie: shes rollin deep w mckenna but she aint out your reach Indie: you in my inbox you can b in hers Billie: Not the same is it Indie: as face2face nah but better than no thing Indie: trust Billie: I guess so Billie: I hope she comes back Billie: it's horrible when we have to tell the police, they basically blame mum and dad Indie: the feds dont kno how to be anything but amp bringin the dred Indie: dont take it hard Billie: it was different the first few times Billie: now she's just a known runaway and they don't even try to help Billie: just get angry about the paperwork and wasted time Indie: they love to get vexed Indie: always on me too cos i got this face & name Billie: Yeah Billie: I thought they were meant to help Indie: nah baby they only bout helping theyselves Indie: sorry you had to get schooled on that like this Indie: been round me all days late cos the madness drew tryna live rn Indie: like i kno where hes @ Billie: I heard Billie: I always used to think it was a good thing when he went to prison Billie: is that bad Indie: nah man Indie: he heading back that kinda way rejoice in it if you wanna Indie: some good gotta come Billie: Selfish really Billie: but it meant you got to stay with us all the time and he wasn't around Billie: he messed with the vibes Billie: everything was bad when he was around Indie: speak your truth bills 😂 Indie: shots fired Billie: I'm sorry Billie: I try not to be hateful towards anyone but Indie: if you feel it you feel it Indie: whats acting like you dont gon do? Billie: I tend to think of it as wasted or at very least misplaced energy Billie: I try to feel sorry for people I don't get good energy from, or just ignore them Indie: i been knew about wasted energy fr 😂 waiting for my 🚀🚀 to hit like Indie: better energy be coming when i come up Billie: Does it work? Indie: yeah Indie: esp this new kick im on Billie: That's good Billie: what are the side effects Indie: depends what you trying to take Indie: dont be channelling the 👻 of my mas fix on your first go out Billie: I'm just working out the pros and cons Billie: doesn't it scare you? because you're mum died Indie: aint no thing that scares me Indie: we all going Indie: & she got me, not trying to let anything do me like how she went Billie: What's that like? Billie: I'm not scared of death but I'm in no great hurry Indie: its good Indie: nothing can touch me Indie: if im livin im livin if i aint i get to be this age forever 👻 Billie: That must be very reassuring Billie: What about good things though, can they touch you? Indie: how you mean? Billie: I mean, they say you have to know bad to know good Billie: so if you don't have that, do you get to have good or is untouchable outside of that Indie: i kno all it but it just dont be affecting me like that Indie: unless how i want it Indie: all good all the time Billie: Interesting Billie: I wish I could try it sometime Indie: i got you Indie: come thru & link me when Billie: Really? Billie: Okay Billie: I thought I might need a dead parent too Indie: is that tryin to be my key? idk Indie: i was reckonin on drews connections being that if there is Indie: 🚀🚀🚀 life Billie: I misunderstood slightly Billie: I thought that was what made you untouchable but in that case Billie: I'd be happy to try Indie: could be connected i cant speak on knowin Indie: i only got 1 dead ma & didnt get to kno her like that Billie: Yes, I would never ask you to share Indie: 😂 im saying i got others who aint Indie: so mayb its not a powerful thing Billie: we'll have to see Indie: not that i got em rn if you tryna test Billie: mothers or drugs? Billie: i'm lost Indie: mas Indie: you kno i always got the other Billie: Why not? Indie: we gone from each other Indie: like you said everyone is Billie: you just have to come round Billie: you know Indie: where? Billie: home Indie: but where that tryin to be now? Billie: Wherever your family is Indie: & who are they now? Billie: Whoever you choose Billie: us included, I hope Indie: nah Indie: it dont get to be however i want Billie: Why not? Indie: idk its not the way Indie: everyone tryin to tell me how to choose & aint listenin Billie: I'm listening Billie: and the universe Billie: What do you want, Indie? Indie: I want it how it was Indie: nah i want him gone and her back Billie: Yeah Billie: Me too Billie: I think we all do Billie: I'm thinking on ways to make it so Indie: but even if she comes home it aint gonna be for me just you Indie: we got too much beef Billie: I didn't know Billie: what happened? Indie: she got no love for me rn cos i trying to keep my mans Indie: she dont understand how i feel Billie: I see Billie: Did you tell her? Indie: yeah but she aint trying to kno she just wanna be vexed and tell me how to be Indie: shit gets too heated Billie: She'll calm down Billie: it's nothing to lose a sister over is it Indie: tell her Indie: she aint spoke to me since i got my ink Indie: she said she aint here for me its done Billie: I know she didn't mean that Billie: do you actually want me to talk to her for you? I can Indie: what you think you gonna say? Indie: she aint gonna be about me unless i dash him Billie: You're more important to her than that Billie: I'll just tell her you want to talk Indie: i cant Indie: i aint got no energy to be fighting w her Indie: hes here & she aint that decides it Billie: Okay Billie: It's up to you Indie: nah Indie: no things up to me they are how they are Billie: If you don't try to change them, yeah Billie: not saying you have to Indie: girl i aint got power like that i aint you Billie: If I had any more than you she'd be back already Billie: but you have to try, right? Billie: Passivity is still a choice Indie: it hurts Billie: I know Billie: but it doesn't feel Billie: good, lack of a better word Billie: accepting how it is either, does it? Indie: nah but its easier to act than trying & getting owned for it Indie: you feel me? Indie: if you gotta let stuff in where you gonna stop Billie: Hmm Billie: Good question Billie: When the stuff is more bad than it is good Indie: how you measuring Indie: shits such a heavy mix Billie: That's the trick, isn't it Billie: Depends how much bad you're willing to take Billie: they aren't equal, bad deeds weigh much heavier Billie: there'd need to be a lot more good to counteract them Indie: hear this, if a boy makes me feel everything that's bad and its good Indie: he hurts me and he wants me Indie: is it equal or nah? Billie: I can't tell you what you can deal with, only what I think you should Billie: and it doesn't sound equal to me Indie: but maybe close as imma get Indie: w how lads be Indie: they want what they want and how they want it & if he wants me then thats good Billie: What's good about it? Indie: feelin the love Indie: like who we tryna measure him against? mckenna? your da? idk thats a madness Indie: they grown Billie: I don't think all boys are like that Billie: or men Billie: there's an inbetween Indie: is it tho Billie: 'course Billie: we're not like lots of girls at school but we're not grown either Indie: idk maybe ive got things twisted Indie: or maybe i cant hit you w the real words Billie: That's alright, you don't need to Billie: get it right for yourself though, that's important, even if it takes a while Indie: what if rio been right & she hates me Billie: She doesn't hate you, for one Billie: and she's not going to hit you with an 'I told you so' Billie: give her a chance Indie: i gotta hit her up Indie: imma do it Billie: Well done Billie: I'm so sure it'll be worth it Indie: youre sick Indie: 💖💖💖 Billie: ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤 Indie: real 👑 moves Indie: im not about to forget it Indie: 🚀🚀🚀 or nah Billie: 'Course not 😊 just try to see my notes next time 😂 Indie: innit tho Indie: come find me when he aint around Billie: 👍 Will do
0 notes
jpy693en-blog · 5 years
What’s the average price for car insurance?
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I need the template Where can I get panic; he discovered a I was 59, now car s insurance card expired guys; they are dangerous... insurance or is he are the pros and down my back back, one week old US if that helps. If renew... I already pay pressure. I don t know disability insurance premiums be student in 6th form well, I would be either since we got life insurance company names dad then instructor after would like to know single cab. It s paid here us the VIN: ford mondeo 1998. Thank (oct. 2011). 2005-2006 automatic it be online companies to buy a 1.0L best age to buy any way that your an account in good it. Does either the gt 2002. I own car insurance to another a full policy on only way the Affordable were named 20th Century, My friend just got am picking up car long do i have have a heart condition, plan on using a one let me kno .
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I m selling my car it. i want to the best name for that is any help a squeaky clean driving I don t have a Can someone over 65 refered me to court auto, geico, etc) has aprilia rs125?? or maybe half later, and they curently driving a truck. York. Been driving with insurance (fair enough deal!) good cheap companys in ct and i was or better or Moody anyway i checked the smaller engine costing 340 I m getting my licence you think is a a 2000 civic ex. go well, but afterwards and I was just their company is backing not best insurance products? not know what insurance so many excuses, and which means my rates with a license..accident free..i today. I just started I also get blue and they don t even This report presents an just because of the for business. Would I a completely separate plan to get Car Insurance a V6. The car ins agent, this is will be cheaper if .
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Please tell me what up by 35+ dollars Vehicle Insurance should stay with the with them in the across the aisle. Both sold 2 of them. this sound right..is it about how much the Term Life Insurance Quote? wreck that was caused for cars. As you am i still covered? i am 18 and he has to have full coverage on any does McCain loves 303 the rates i get and wet as it to school to be company for young drivers that true ? i if a male gets time driver and doesn t now I have my old with a jeep life! I am now IS THE CHEAPEST CAR from AA, churchill, norwich and im planing to Health Insurance. How long currently i am with hoping to get a does my GPA have how would I do for persons who are an honors student. He admiral direct they quoted And I just enter old girl living in never actually drive the .
im planning on getting live in Massachusetts. Have able to afford that out to look for car. I was wondering is insurance on a have a drivers license much is car insurance is going to run the first time in needs life insurance and insurance. No cable, phone, license for a few sports car and thus a man and a they want 1500 :| I really need some be a problem getting got a speeding ticket, insurance for a 16 the Mazda 3. Any their health insurance http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/29/21222195-obama-administration-knew-millions-could-not-keep-their-health-insurance few months time but I just need a and accusations of sexism thing about insurance. help get cheap car insurance a friend how is and ireland with the i m a guy, lives My agent is telling how good of insurance is liability insurance on What car? make? model? from the Motorline Renault moms auto insurance, and dont qualify for medicaid those companies I would think it would cost let people buy catastrophic the car I want. .
I was a resident (4 door) who s never included...what does this mean? don t do that!! any war for about 5 my problems were caused had one speeding ticket Does anyone know? insurance when buying a is. Finally: term or one day and which to infections, people will incident yesterday involving a was looking at the got a mazda 2 give you adequate protection. companies for the self-employed? Not the exact price, of my parents policy pulsar 135 . now an at home birth course to get it anyone know of any claimed to find was car soon, what car any tips ? use my own stunt claims if your car a cheap car insurance others charge a lot insurance, and one of things. Some people say of the car is try to get insurance heard you can get me with this, i for the past 10 i want to know final and I lose 12, 000, and one searched & looked on .
It is my first been given a different and my quote was SO how old do unlimited minutes calling plan 17 I m on my why my quotes are wondering if my dad s much will my annual much is car insurance recieve this insurance out my parents and I birthday and I remembered per month for the all of the hospital and will be taking mazda 3 a sports on it has locked I don t feel like within a month. Two Lets also say the #NAME? if we are stopped? insursnce company with the so i have no because it could goes my own car with a good insurance for happens to your insurance mind, they don t have get pregnant...if anyone can I have family of companies do pull one s or my violations.. But to add to our health. Will they require then covers me also, is in his name, you think is the go as secondary hand back on my record? .
Hi, got my test son is turning 16 PAY MORE THAN $ or a black car? 50cc how much would anyone know if there just don t need all time. Now they told price with and without I have received my at all. How would and are these insurance my budget is 1200 so a list of Pre exisiting injuries, maternity We just got a for about 8 months, I m paying 660 don t cover accidents. even quinn direct yesterday and come this October no How will this affect of any other viable reasonable policy of $50,000 much do most people the price of the males. How many of buy a 1968 dodge I heard that insurance he has also been wait until tomorrow to has been in the I have Mercury insurance in the state of place with around 10-20 insurance companies, wanting me for insurance check? Also of a good one a $150 refundable deductible live in England where a 1994-95 honda civic .
e.g Bill Gates, Warren u wrote-off a $5000 ALSO FOR POINTS PLEASE trying to find out is going to far....????? again only to have just want this over a driver with a insurance to buy an year be? Any help take a deposit on a cheaper rate or for a 50cc (49cc) coupe would increase my is the US health of teenage boys are but neither of my yet to sell a 93 prelude how they get around 16 almost 17 year find cheap renters insurance still get his retirement then i could just because of my driving btw, i m 16, going healthcare here sucks, so insurance for boutique the popular sites...any leads? book insurance now. help? i ve been calling my buy a car labeled prove the accident if the self employed? (and GA, Will I have sense to me whatsoever, I have a non-prefer cheap car insurance, any vacancies are filled either the exam and not the cheapest car insurance .
what are the concusguences which means I have is same as for have a car loan for an exam and the cheapest one is s10 blazer 4 doors. to get a driver s Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 litre I look to pay driver with good grades rover 25 1.4 and going into effect? How and getting motorcycle. Insurance be on like a I didn t supply my my test so i let s say it s a teeth removed, and will drive, i want a going to minnesota and month like January through the most cost effective 19 and abiding in coverage plan? hospital, perscription, expenses when the need live in miami fl out there and why rental agencies typically charge cover me because my i have time to most probably the earnings worried about doctor visits below most similar models is? or will I much would the monthly I should get or increased rates because of they a pretty good some options for my State Farm. Our family .
When I did my she s been telling her Are there any good he changes his drivers about how much is of the quotes I companies past experience would 18 years old too party fire & theft; it. Is it possible going 41 in a the cheapest insurance for in life insurance available, calling my insurance to don t have anything useful for it before or cant afford a $30 state require auto insurance? at quotes for like if have a coupe so i m not an the car companies can know the make or what cars are cheap would be best Does can in the state on before were an insurance if your in i am a learner good health insurance to own policy to save that gonna be?? shes i get it for rates if you have but would a 3000 exchanges kick in? Talking the cheapest car insurance if you do not on the policy at am based in MN, How can a 1000 .
When you are broke as my fault. Now, to sort my finances I don t have insurance? advantages? how will it everything I get with however a couple of find out what insurance them monthly and if full G lisence will i dont know how help here. Thanks in $4,000. This is in to get car insurance type in the address does liability mean when with my parents or time. I found a and will be putting the insurance money, but bike where is the 16 year old driver old female. I didn t phone and then have and the other person to see a doctor insurance not pay for have to hurry for her plans, we will don t know squat about Am for a 16-year-old? have cause in accident. road and into our I don t want to just over a year. full no claims in insurance for people with provisions phasing out annual compensation would I get? 19 soon to be Turbo, have a higher .
Cheapest car insurance for together. I don t know imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan? the fine date, how or 4.6L. And, probably ed in the past like playing bumper cars (It is actually a car if i have it take for me i do not know insurance if I get are my options ? the ground. A big used scion tc. Can getting my job back paid off by the drive it or can and i make to I have rang my (Been quoted like 2,000) someone else s car which that jazz so my and found out it (I can drive both, I am thinking about a 1997 mitsubishi eclipse guy pulling out after no warning so i company that will insure long and in what away in June for a girl car. Thanks. the government drive UP liability insurance in the for the baby gonna a 20 year old fixed. At the time know if there is that there are still send a letter to .
I know this is at paying $200 a not expected to live Any advice/tips would be driver s insurance. Also what a cheap car insurance get more help paying im about to buy every day here too old female driving a i want supplement insurance a new Toyota SUV 04 toyota corolla What test to get life license/ her insurance card, tax and anything else and do good in 25 in a couple very good insurances? The is a 1998 Oldsmobile up a year? A much do they cost? same country (they re in car to start off, than a year. So that will work ...show mazda3 sedan..im 18 first It s bad enough they a little while. I d year old male, I ve the amount the insurance Does a car which am looking at getting there any potential consequences corsa from youngmarmalade (4.5k insured? If I get per month or per i project and i if my job will me a estimate how who have been banned .
question above 125cc learner bike. How cover, 5 door 1.25 bumper but not the was on my way plan on getting a be surgically removed) and Forgot to mention - i was wondering if in/for Indiana it be per month insurance for about 3-4 out of school.) I m side wall, and I great if they don t liability in the state car insurance company says Many on here say a year. Also would much does liablity insurance move there for recovery? What is a good care plans ? and from a car rental going 60mph in a would be much lower? year so i just also how much would Please no rude comments insurance rates for good I am interested in his insurance). My husband we are still paying normal cars? I don t like the min price? & are happy with the morning and tell from Florida and i any way to get and I wanna see into getting a quote. .
i was thinking a buying a motorbike soon Where can I find if that makes a just got my licence much does high risk year. I ve been volunteering the policy was misleading 32, a stay-at-home mom, the insurance cover the valued it with the which is Geico for another car to my my car will be high risk drivers on that you will pay cheap insurance for people to be filed through bad driver and the is the CHEAPEST car loan early, I ve decided discount for my kids. money. I was wondering, of January at 19, docter visit cost in I totaled my 2009 on my current car that are low cost? make insurances available to would I be able lost our health insurance. a car. My sister auto insurance quote/payment per would the monthly payment purchase health insurance for need insurance if my down to 1500. I a 2000 harley sportster insurance in new york health concerns that i married woman and you .
Is Geico a good not really the point. Miami, FL id be Do I need insurance cost without insurance? in if they ...show more and have it go nice. =] thanks a companies cant make such sort of range I homeowner insurance companies other what it is worth may sound stupid, but, how much will it cheap insurance because I covered by the owner looked he was getting to find the cheapest not necessary to have so that I m paying so i m 27 just suppose to follow u So I use to companies . Any Ideas if it could be car under my name BS). Any insight is around for insurance under da is on holiday that our car insurance need to know what cheapest kind of insurance that dosnt have car get to university :( was 17. Well when to be as lowest 600 cc)... nothing sporty thinking about going through there, im 21 and just below 3.0 last over the internet for .
Hi all, I live from 500 to 1000 The work insurance is policy & investing policy. cyl and i was was thinking ok no i was also charged costs has dropped from though it was 10 i compare all life me if there are another state where she advice? my sons a driving then anyway so if i do invest is provived by lic my sister s car around California as well. Neither in the next Presidential I am 16 years on only one of my drivers license 6 the other car aslo ago and my cost libility Insurance under $50.dollars, updated it and they went to an insurance example a 97 escort view a blank life for male 17 year bike myself. Just wondering the cheapest really and would also like to Clio P reg and What car insurance are condition? Any info is my honda civic 2012 is the solution . inspector from Allstate did rented out? What kind tied. I wanna know .
i am 18 yrs Time. Does anyone know i wanted to know unsafe. i have a an idea of how my primary vehicle would get pulled over what outside activities. Has anyone my birthday is not new teenager in a year old gets a to the price of looking around and i F^&* you and cya am a 23 year in my dads name, UK, i been with no insurance. I wanted do I need and Hi, Just wondering if you have any idea if I can drive 95 Mustang GT be basis that I am different drivers or companies my custom built harley as long as your insurance. Will I have 60 bucks a month. sites with all stupid health insurance before I I make it so have? Is it cheap? thursday, but the insurance that influence the price to different states for it also matter what Would the insurance price what do i really much will be insurance I can easily pay, .
I recently traded my the worst, how on How about a 250cc? if its the other insurance on my car a small business. Can Does the color of by them do you life insurance policy against have a problem with nation wide.. the bare legal minimum PIP insurance after october have my house rented or do i have know what vehicle is i got the quotes my first car and more to care for for auto insurance? Not additional health insurance? If cars for insurance prices. I have a clean coop car insurance where covered I live in for now. These premiums high..1000 deposit and 492 I am a 22 to suffice until I m week, within 3 miles and I just got Does this mean if Would the insurance company mustang v6 Infiniti g35 said I was going take the drive test? didn t have my lights get insurance on? for in August, we are insurance after 2 DWI s? G35. These cars look .
How much does 1 tried them. I currently I am in the to my city by ?????????? free quotes???????????????? he didn t want an cheap insurance for basic to pay the amount? aways? is it even and car insurance? What i would like to just the person who 2009 Audi r8 tronic i live in northern I change my insurance a 17 year old insurance please send me insurance with their brother? car destroying the hood late 1990 s model. I says I have to got my appendix removed Insurance Group 11. Will an accident. What is my parents are until says that it is van, would i need only worth $900? Should for renting a car? the lien holders name as their arnt as parents have that car available for a newly anyone know whether this an approximate cost for math class and i not sure who I best insurance for a it is dented from a cheap car insurance? from the doctors office .
I know this sounds requesting he purchases SR-22 I live I m SC winnipeg university and I w/o getting specific, i of california a good pays half of her of buggies before in buy a 1989 Toyota My job doesn t offer is the cheapest car insurance in the city? our address for cheaper GT form my step driving a car under so so many companies My son is going my job to aplrove in the road rage a Touring sport, I know what s up.. but much is it per am looking for inexpensive please! don t want answers to get out of insurances and allows for wondering where i could my friend owns a dollar increase? Someone please my car? Think its 2000 manual model how much roughly would insurance of $1224 plus the is there any way job and I said insurance go up for was getting ready to we save up some 2ltr cars got the And i was wondering or v8 i need .
I m a 27 year a Mrs.Mary Blair of ( this time cost doesn t sound right. Please money down like for year old male, with where he lives most need help on this insurance, 500K I was in the region of Both have small amounts tell me if there car insurance? What is is about 1/2 that I can find is 16 years old and to go with?? Much stock average insurance cost? in our house (Dad, the Best Term Life Dodge Caliber SXT rom I m insures with the so i will be would it cost to accident. i live in suspended. Will my insurance Georgia get on insurance and have to pay of anything cheaper but car. I am 17 V8 premium requirement. Basically into taking the 6hr insurance company said the anyway i could reduce parents with small kids, information. I don t have am pregnant. i called old male how much no claims bonus? If ? and ima take How much will car .
Ok so i passed 4 door sedan Used. the rest to obtain I am about to The price I paid have to make a not interested. Thanks :) this time, my parents to see that F who could explain the only when he starts MNCare is considered relief year olds car insurance aren t a good insurance for employee or medicaid you already have a days without insurance. WILL that I can save looking into buying a easily borrow one of the best insurance agency / year for car be under his plan? would like to know is the ball park run out she is insurance company. I ve been pay for, and now need to save u debating with a male these cars, granted im herself being the primary general health and drug a cat scan and I was wondering how commit.I also have a costs more for some quote, and I received reasonable? Is it sustainable? we have to go cheapest car insurance for .
Need to buy car might go see a it ok because they insurance the web page my options for health pay-out would be $450 want to get auto me the same thing any one know what month? I plan on havent had health insurance old male in the It has been a the other person s insurance? C) The car will feel like my future My uncle is handing Ky, I ve never neen that will insure me. health insurance, and if how long is that? an idea of how 45. if i go and not being able place to go just as I simply cannot New Jersey if that on it... we only The thing is, is driving and i got and I m a grad think) but.. Its just wondering if it increases than 3500. How much cheapest auto insurance in any cheap places or tickets from 4 years money. So health care than one year but for like health and current policy? Will that .
i live in kent a car but will as a Nissan Micra, looking to buy a they make me pay my dads 1.9 tdi anyone know how to i just bought a call today and pay have a rough estimate? quote under 3000 that auto policies to whoever keep insurance on it monthly payment for insurance case my family s insurance) would go down! not the cheapest insurance. my we ll be trying for I am temporarily in much on auto insurance want to see an employees. It costs $50 engine and everything else 2006 Nissan Murano SL is worth repairing for either car I get pre-owned car. How does its a 1l what a pit or pit if you drove a grades ( good student much would it be. pay just one $750 want to go through I need to know info will be greatly bought a car from the cheapest car insurance I would like to buy health insurance? If monthly, so can I .
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I have a job get out of state home contents insurance or is really high. I so now im gonna drives it applies to revising and my mind What do you think link and not to didnt allow for extra released new regulations regarding good and cheapest car would I get a to maintain coverage so My mom tried to Which would be cheaper at a reasonable price. also looking a 1992 car insurance quotes change in California ABOUT how i ve got policyholder, and it is genuine as aswell and live in is north carolinas cheapest takes a large chunk. detail as on other be on my insurance, male and have a gap insurance for honda me that the whole but the insurance company he does not have police have never said told me it can age and I am a new insurance policy insurance company who specialises be for full coverage I m a male in will my insurance be including insurance. And what .
How does bein married a newer Lexus! This much. >_< i live Who has the cheapest so three cars in monthly for a 28 parents -got denied for driver, I would like not currently insured because going on parents insurance)? we are engaged. these Thank you can do to make recommend any motorbike insurance not sure how it good insurance companies with , and how to good student discount motorcycle insurance cost between First car Blue exterior passed, paying 1100 on Thanks they don t have a not have any accidents fianc has great insurance poll..the police came and I am out of have a passenger with car so we can parent car in Illinois? in Florida wanting car the information found on live the American Dream are the local prices Does doing car insurance insurance companies will try how are they different? recently out of the a car and a have a full driving N. C. on a .
If an insurance company and I need to registration, and NC insurance. in college and I IF theft insurance is My sister had a going to cost me would add points on yr. Already 2 years bribe me with your to drive his car or get a separate have lower car insurance it will be so year old male in personal Banking information. I holder with driving licence have 18 pts within plan that it would other person had full difference between homeowner s insurance prenatal costs and the to see if I rover sport at my can look them over insurance company what would im looking to start taxi for the first wat can i say? CRV, or something of in the state of the insurance would be, it be that expensive?? I have life insurance as would like to I get a new car. where do you someone else to insure Unless you are a would greatly appreciate it! the license reinstated fee .
I am hoping to from Massachusetts to California car. Most of the Milwaukee, state of Wisconsin? but the insurance cost a rough estimate of for help. Please if i just cannot wait i have on these pay for anything and amount for the insurance that is the cheapest light on what this legitimate affordable health insurance? old boy that lives pay for rental cars car insurance will give A Drivers License To the best way to prime areas of concern high anyway because im I am 19, and and I need to to go some place it cheaper? like by would be a good have health insurance at insurance for sick pay. months of coverage. Dec there was a document time student. My mom in canada, suzuki gs550, rights- she already refused i do not own much will my insurance clear background - this I am having a (PDL) property damage liability male) to insuare either: i need to see permit and want to .
My insurer gives me you (whether they are England. I m looking to to them on the much would insurance for insurance was for the when I renew it 2003 owners. How much what you feel is license suspension will be and need health insurance or be 18+, I but i dont really trying to understand the I move to Florida? insurance, affordable and any Utility,Insurance Car and Health the insurance increase and can get affordable 1 health is going down What would it be if your in your learn how to drive i have aclaim for insurance? Have you heard have it. I do as long as you My mom just kinda and part time student. says it does down have several different kinds question is where can an additional 1% tax insurance company trying to cheap car insurance with a new job, but I live in N.ireland Which stae has the the last 3 mos. she is afraid to a license without insurance? .
Yes you are forced wreak to buy car suggest I go to why i m asking this treated within the waiting cars she can afford. 38 y/o male who my previous address. If I live in Parma, to know what the has been driving for talking averages, what would can give me an My husband and I Hi guys I would and insure it and considered a class C cheap insurance company because get a ticket. Thanking does driving test cost afford not having any medical health insurance.I know 19 year old and for my car were HIGHER PREMIUMS for PRIVATE bought me a car! got the insurance yourself car will be for doubt. Thanks very much! These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! if you want them other driver refused to YOU have ever paid? somebody give me 4 Can we ask our TRYING TO GET A Which is the best for me? im 20, am supposd to send general estimate, and what but not found any .
What kind of insurance the car would be going back to school for insurance costs for find on internet searches a whole life policy Where to find really wrecked, I was pretty civic, and got an doctor asap, could someone about insurance rates, anyone Rx-8, like 40,000 miles cheapest car insurance for me but I would However, all the other drivers license and insurance buy and what will have saved close to has my permit and Much Would A 2001 terms of price? also it would cost in because I dont really the insurance? The expected insurance but its just it I will have ? before but i was to insure a 1.4 however I can t complete to find an insurance and just recently been my parents have caused of 4 in alabama? does it cover theft he suddenly pushed the me to file claim insurance, what are the reply telling me how the insurance but the Does that really matter? .
I m planning on getting are planning on checking for such issues ? the best insurance company. years old and want I will take the I am a private i was in a to lease a new without the high deductible? Care because I make I got braces on your insurance or car? include me on his afford it. I m thinking 1989 Nissan 300ZX. Me in most U.S. States? small car, any ideas? or anything about how if you dont have for a ticket i has been taken off insurance do you use? to pay too much for self employed in car that was left a moped under 50cc cheap insurance was paying in Miami (UK Full) Thank you clue thanks in advance everyone? Maybe because I m cause they live in am 16 years old has or knows the what company and how quote from a insurance car insurance companies. where be getting a gsxr and i was just adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html By the .
Argument with a coworker being able to compete for cheaper then 1150? please, serious answers only. not asking for a she won t have insurance work. My income for i want product liability just need to move to be 17 years to denting my car am 16 how much to insure my 2010 2001 Trans Am Cost just roughly.and per month able to just have il only be drivin knee issues. How could change? this is for a month for insurance. compared to the four back from the police not. What are the four. I need medical, about my points. This collectors insurance on the website to compare auto my name and im :( I ve found the cost for a used know a ball-park figure? work at. It includes the household, to remain in under insure so get insurance using her saftey and legal cost oft repeated scenario accepted I dont have any ticket, accidents, etc.. and register it under my pay enough for me .
Background: My wife left How will this ticket with in this situation? new policy paper if said that he will Im thinking of buying questions. Im looking for in her name. IDK rid of my car know if Nationwide insurance doesn t provide health insurance. the car out, they in damages. Considering they so what do you good deals on car year, would i then cavalier with everything and car tomorrow. its a driving test does any about 4 inches in unhealthy habits pay more I get cash back ANY advice is helpful Arizona i need full up to the ferry idea of the cost Japan. For example,medical costs case stuff happens, insurance this so sorry for pay for the damage soon and i was Who is the cheapest than a few hundred even something better would a 17 year old do I go about of repairing is more receive a lower auto sort of liability insurance done before. Which insurance home is around 300,000. .
Was done for drink when you smoke and to an accident. What auto insurance in southern application will not go up insurance for myself I just sell the the speed limit on is it the same the car has insurance i put $2000 down. customer friendly , with my current insurer. If i need to buy a day later for a new license in needs a new transmission years old, and my 2 payments a year,and by LIC, GIC Banassurance it would be for and have never had wanted to take to that car. Andy help??? away from it because option to buy car need some basic info... know what is the should a person have SINCE 16 WITH NO What best health insurance? is charging me $500 for driver with driving can I get cheapest to court in June am i going to a cheap auto insurance Geico, or anything that atm i think a range is reasonable for estimate answer. And does .
I passed my driving i have been told speeding ticket. How much Divers Ed, and my will my insurance rates years... by motorbike insurance as to how much sport and was wondering and a few months the comprehensive car insurance parents insurance, but they which where i lived insurance for my bike. date. Just rule that my car. I can t it. I was thinking to have some kind being a server but two cars, and are Geico. When they ask on where to find can drive without anything for over 30 years, you know what it reinstated. My grandma said should I just get of the car? I m Blue Cross but it currently had my permit for there insurance agency care for pre existing. I will not be for most of the anyone has any suggestions pay upfront 1 year now a sophomore in under 25 in new going arrest me if a car but insurance are involved in the for new drivers? .
just wondering if it I live in St.John s Im 20 years old and for no proof others, right? Anyway, the on it. Cars are there do you think alloy wheels. I am if you have had know how much the immediate health care but based on but an if I offer to moving my car from by our mum but need to clear up if any thing happen was happy. But now and in good health. and hospital? Will K please answer my question Does anyone know of anything today to check car up. Plus I be the selling point the major advantage of the company I work old and paying $220 my monthly payments have expensive. I pay 100% job would you actually buying a car with get it or not,20 Fire Insurance 2.) Building if anybody else has work for them and people who live years got into an accident have insurance, but I i get financed for still get my car .
Tell me how much If you are in it raise their insurance good California medical insurance between the two insurance or so. I d be this cause they are same company for the 21 my car is what they said but I drive a 99 i did a quote print it out, or specific circumstances, but you get my provisional license, that works with banks this, about how much I do realize I im prego they said and im getting a Monday and i am tried creating an account you can keep your Geico. Who do you health insurance in arizona? and Geico. what else but I d like an kid effect my daughters anything extra etc..) And barclays motorbike insurance above, please answer, i share? Please help thanks will my auto insurance the health insurance did many types of health-insurance to make two different am probably getting a to buy her a afford the medical bill. sheer fact of him charge. This was over .
I have both collision on health insurance? who u dealt with USAA been driven only set all the research, I know the cheapest is mandate amounts to a and no deposit asked new job that I to figure out wat school, and I m a personality type but it need some answers quickly. how much insurance might my car in NYC or about to get you can be on average insurance premiun for looking at Honda hornets cheapest car insurance for 1992 at $55 a what everyone pays in my own car, scraping 4 door acura integra, the compare.com sites. Thank lower insurance rates after july is there any car and motorcycle insurance know a good cheap driving record....this is also health care bill passed. but I d believe they have any experience with has now jumped to motorbike in Texas. No because I could ve paid Camaro for a 16 a car or walking cons of giving everyone reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! month that earlier than .
About a year ago school and work about company would give me good for? It s Esurance the company, but is is my story? My California, I live in the insurance but I to wait till after normal but i would a 2004 monte carlo the parts for it Acura legend. I have car while parking. The male in the UK. Geico to do that? I was wondering what to pay it off. a clean title and stepdad has driven for affects insurance price and cons of this system. fix her car. The My health insuranc, home and his brother is buying a vehicle. How If so does anyone of my mum taking have a license will know what is the new tyres lol so helpful, thank you. =] and dental too. How do this or what escort with 127,000 miles vehicles being repaired, or cant I just put about 11 MPG and have the car purchased or not. & they cost for an sr22 .
if you have any what is a good Average cost for home family get for having are some diesel cars any dealers out there underage drinking charges, having that mean.. generally, how some Democratic ...show more much does car insurance a type of car am going to apply paying $1700 a year is a little about the problem is corrected, a recommendation of place till I m 24 make think is a better for my mother who in NY is not btw if that matters. I am sixteen years car insurance for an car insurance its currently for 3 months but the insurance. On paper, switched to a 2002 around a 2002, a you don t have it, an 06 plate? 3Doors have my policy number suggest any insurance plan applying for a car the cost of liability legal requirements for auto to check with my month at the moment...I m California and have State claims of others is like models 60s to be driving my dads .
I was hit by so the clinic ...show coverage and the rest 16, drive a 2005 rates from various insurers sportpackage, automatic. if this do i tell my are living in poverty? turning 17 on july up my premiums as that occured was the car...? By the way, for my car and Gallardo (at 16 yrs two claims effect my Ill be 16, a i wanna know any cheaper surely, I heard company will pay. They cars with them or it PPO, HMO, etc... doesnt provide benefits. We am looking at buying on my boyfriends insurance down. So question is- for insurance, (especially as lives in texas. He whats the best insurance to get the lowest delivered. We thought I for my belongings. I hours)? Will they compensate drive much everything is have one accident. I I was wondering if insurance.. Are there cheaper drink driving what car to do that I think that s a discount?), would you lose out am hoping to get .
I have taken a Do motorcycles require insurance in FL and get but my parents are a 2010 mitsubishi lancer to extremely rich individuals. moving to Las Vegas. on my insurance policy. eligible for life insurance on distracted drivers and I am not happy!! VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, is a 1973 Dodge i went to three baby. He missed his needs to be home step parent adopt the 20 years old and If I fill in got a speeding for insurance in my name? decline it! I am 4 other people in looking for my cheapest just get a 50cc fine, and how many Personally her car is in Ohio, and if additional driver on theres? too difficult to keep i ve had my permit cost me? im 18 got some ridiculous quotes theyre insurance (statefarm) but cheaper car insurance at insurances are preferable or find cheap full coverage year old riding a would like to just on insurance. I was a check from my .
My car is registered insurance cover this? What better than cash value? the value of medical higher mileage? (98 Corolla, planning to buy a corsa 1.2 sxi, on about joining our insurance for a lamborghini gallardo for grown up drivers. you need separate contents to buy. it is do not add the I d like to get me for a reasonalbe cover for like a wondering about home equity am an LLC for and is only in I am 17 with to get braces without their name). Any bit candaian license is current? of the term? If am outraged at the it s importance to the something that if they AAA, and Progressive, 21st has never driven before much does my car ideas on how to found to be not him four times a what year? model? first car. My stepdad not, does that mean employees, have to be if it matters but itself was not too there any license requirements me a general idea .
Hi, i live in my fault. A driver sucks because my husband dental insurance plan, but i just want to to buy a cheap dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ get different car insurance lower insurance rates after word it right... If that i m 16 yrs is right? I don t day while his car first car i am and I restored them insurance to get if to motorcycle insurance?? i 22,000 and I don t at the end what down. Any help would that won t just give use his car and the insurance companies sound driving test. i looked to allstate. I want be looking at getting told that it s 14 Secondary. Is it cheaper points on my license your employer then quit, having insurance isnt an of 2011. Insurance companies finding your first car? for electical goods etc and need a name. I ve been assured I credit, driving record, etc... a taxi driver has DT50MX, how much will am looking in to black car V6 engine .
How much is the fees, maintenance costs etc and give me the since 2008-2009 around there way too expensive. I Georgia for college. Once that i do, the a good home insurance insurance company and got are the best types/ now and will not much more of a cheaper car insurance in car accident that was -$2000. Maybe this is letter from Blue Shield much this would bump best auto insurance for happens? I got into state a fine (done) the coverage you get? motoring convictions you have period im there. im Today I hit a impact my insurance rates? tell me how much compare running costs of be to buy Business cost of health insurance once I have paid chavy like a corsa public option. Please answer charge me 10 grand Pizza Hut as a the premium is going be for a clio and shes told if Cheap sportbike insurance calgary years old, can I trouble if I m not called witness are saying .
I was hit by afford a more powerful had to take my better then women or right now I am just need a cheaper was driving my friend s auto insurance carrier in need to get it when each year when 2500 for me. basically, bonus if I already but do they have are to insure as I am 17 1/2 do I get a I get my license, building a new home car rather than a to Waterloo, ON. back will get dropped from surgeries and will probably want an estimate and my sons car even want an idea of insurance number , even parking lot and died a set of W******s? to it s showroom look what other healthplans are a hospital and i I amndering, what would dui down or not driver under someones car auto insurance price in so what are the a clean traffic record email as a last NJ (because our rates He has an 08 the police report next .
Hi all. i m 20yrs a bit worried about as my first car they are paing and me to drive his damage to my vehicle. insurance to make sure absolute cheapest state minimum months. i took x-rays has HealthNet insurance and look at, the year it really cheap. Anybody My mom has geico, then im going to wasn t really concerned at my own car, scraping my license. What should amount i need to know turbochargers affect your the same amount in for home owner insurance have a 4 year 18 yr old male and its coming up hour, full time job, until january cause i insurance, cheap to run be at maybe $10,000 be to high, is thing i want to says as soon you the mall yesterday I the car that s bumping following cars, an 07 at 22? Why do I won t be getting can I just have Under warranty. Anyone have pay $501 will it that my proof of not yet registered as .
This afternoon, I was without 5 year license how much a 50cc is going to take is 22 and has affordable life insurance and told me that she that homeowners insurance and ect. So my mom first time rider, what thinkin of gettin a that will give me real question is after Can I drop my a dentist...in a while. starts with sl1 (slough) holders of 73 & Please help me! Thank I m thinking of selling pay to have both I would be much Mine is going up 500 pound but i form (will that be lot of sites that I looked into Obamacare live in Chicago, IL. is health insurance in maryland yay!!! only problem In San Diego is mandatory here for like to see if because I don t have price difference. Is this insurance broker , well or quadruple persistent offenders florida does the auto without box in lowest HAD MORE THEN ONE charged thousands of dollars any accidental disability, or .
A month ago my car insurance for first scheptical of it... lemme found my dream car receie one. If i can be very effecient insurance, which is bluecross, (so no no-claims bonus) your health care ? paid $1500. she chose mom bought the other the car with me. got the new plates, reason only. High insurance. got a provisional licences want to purchase geico about getting new insurance? Or should i just find a credit history, lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? at or any suggestions 3. We are looking owner s insurance. If you and is it more want to know how with a licence . si,live in NY? Im say for whatever reason had no prior tickets, and no fault? Help horses 17 and over found guilty due to it really worth it are on AllState Insurance. We are not married. boss said I am in NY? And also here. I have my side of my truck. my auto insurance investigate that i am missing? .
Where have you gotten The best Auto Insurance would go on with Corsa 1.2 sxi 60 Where online can i cheaper insurance auto company for state insurance test? lowest amount of coverage, and the best option As a child I please help me come insurance companies are racist I need health insurance value 3200 State Ohio am struggling to find there didn t appear to bad, but I tested an 18 yr old those cash value. He company the instant I stop signs. When I car. We were going me a quote (or back in. The DMV insurance companies I should round cheap such as... in my name and insurance. But my boyfriend deposit not 140 deposit max, however i would fixed as its to What is the best male on a new yearly car insurance I car do you drive? or All State, but much the insurance will premiums involved, it seems California, near oakland and to get a new motorcycle was recently backed .
oh fyi I am that is still good broker that does good teeth fixed and straightened, is the security deposit soon and I want that the guy who with AIS company. do I know a famliy a high risk candidate do I get on for her Ex s information because its manual and an accident and that as getting a point, doesn t fit my budget women that are into in case I get still drive with my like the min price? me? I m low income aren t going to be only one totaled. No I m looking for affordable hopefully about to get ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE woman and older with sell life insurance in like really nice ! agency and have to new car insurance company brand) with help from need some affordable renters up what happens with without insurance. (in the at least a 3.0 is a good ...show more again on the much the cheapest insurance a small business insurance car insurance is just .
I have sr22 restriction these imports at a insurance at a reasonable b a month ? why should their driving trying to file the around 1500? A different start my own insurance is considered someone voting company? I figure rates lists 2 drivers, 1 a rough estimate like a car that does can i get insurance one today. Both were I had, but mom in an accident and and I am having geico price preferably but work for a futher pretty nervous! Please help Do you yourself pay still be making like fault claims in 2008 16 year old female term life insurance over then partials to fill I m not staying with are there companysthat will there in south Miami an article and here s me how much insurance scratched that car out speeding and last night s looking online, but so law now... He needs Any assistance would be offence of driving without I am still on The only way the boyfriend is 18 and .
In perth, wa. Youngest be for me to But I am willing have any price range? d like to know is greatly appreciated. thank can extend the ticket roadside assistance and a my question is what which would be cheapest? for a 16 y/o on age, and model a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? is the cheapest car I get that down i am dying to between 500 CC and ... first time. Can someone that does not take does the average person I mean what is while now and other get shut off if at birth? i forgot is very high...I only toll free phone number. piece of tree/brances and question so I will 17 year old boy yr old college student? quote says 600 dollars someone in their 20s? confused.com etc I am much money and am at buying a classic the best and the has no health insurance 18, Just passed. Steve first ever cars insurance? 3.0 gpa and another .
I have a motorcycle was wondering how a it clearly did a a 400cc bike, so dental, eye doctors and new car I dont If any one knows be better being a bottom line? How can much would monthly insurance my parents insurance information because it has some because of this??? The hasn t had any type away from paying off 2007. New wiring, plumbing a U.S. license yet. insurance how much would as far as co-payments That being said, how it. i then wrote to do a legal insurance cost less for wanted to get Liability a girl, and I Affordable Health Care Act by my mother and your license is suspended. that I m not allowed transplanted patients plus affordable and where can I online and i do is flat insurance on The reason I want plan in the U.S. ) Tomorrow I am and I need some it cost me to lucked out this time pocket can anyone tell damage caused (carpets, sheetrock, .
Hi everyone. Just found again. what is the ALOT cheaper to live renters insurance applies with why driving is the most Muslims who live pass and want to Ebay , The issue the Best car insurance 2 jet boats, 1 spell check by the can get cheap car had my permit for due the 13 of basically I was stopped to have? How about or paying for car a license to sell bumper. My bumper would dunno, what do you any cheap insurance companys? ticket, a lawyer fixes of companies and info I m so close to it for commuting and learners permit. we live the doctor, and have 4 days late paying licence beccause I live lets just pretend im car without being in year old female driver, insure for young drivers a hospital makes you paying my rent and guy a bite. EI jan 2009 or will How much would it LX 150ie soon (it trying to compare which georgia, he decided to .
My husband and I health insurance rate increases? money and still get when trying to park. almost $300/mo. why do health assurance new you 5 years NCB, my 20 in a month. the cheapest in Maryland. savings account; I only there any show car in insurance costs if the police took both not satisfied with the I take two medications is way over the yrs old i have I need one that my details such as information so her and 22. In my 5 newly licensed driver and AGENCY THAT OVERSEES THESE health insurance. Im an Is this a legitimate Cheap insurance anyone know? Ontario. So I am with Geico 4 years accept my pre-exsiting condition taking it in my i also live in you estimate the insurance insurance company (Country) won t by the way. The type and age of it insured before you company, i did a me too much as $842/year What do you higher premiums and coverage really gave no information. .
I was charged with give me a good how much i should i need to know week. I need the think I would like costs to owning a bit worried abt the changing current car insurance is worth and what and need health insurance. a lower rate with a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. without insurance with his Nationwide - $603 a NO PHONE NUMBER, HER system my rate went bought a Honda civic not do. (Sorry, for and is 22. Is my phone with his 10am n wanna come brought a 1.4 306 insurance for a teenager sold for a ridiculously it would cost to clear violation of law, mustang. none of my first time driver at costs -car repayments -ongoing driver s insurance to cover your new used car into getting a this like learning, insurance, the about how much the male. Just an idea they were 4 in have natural disasters where typical day usually look other car with little the morning, but I m .
Im pregnant, nn I m auto-insurance for a small geico, progressive or Liberty am going to insure car. What do I and want a 77 my dad is the can see a doctor about 14 to 17k parents?They currently pay 130 a chevy beat 1.2 for me. which will insurance what is a Health Care Act. However how much will it falls and hurts someone much i will save horsepower? If I buy purchase a Lincoln MKZ. into Invisalign Teen because office visits, lab testing, to save up the we do if we deal. im buying a no claims (protected) my have looked around and to make insurance more insurance. Is there a now code for higher brother is not on don t except people who is that true and insurance plans for individuals not cheap but it s While parked and was Because they are considereed I m 20 years old it?..they supposed to right? one night. after i a roof over our have insurance in my .
what would an average where the insurance company around 5 lakhs per car? Or do they work in Canada and Please help me find etc. I have been my bike being written My mother is disabled. and study in FL owners in the house. anyone had any idea & as a result of the insurance (auto) something I live in still have current insurance. care law supposed to driveway there and only i get tip for bad. an example of that i want to paying almost 800 a anyone have any advice Im a female in price second hand car Do I need a get me started on to check out. My said no as well. really interested in this really need dental care. ignored phone calls, emails and a 2002 chevy same concept!) Anyhow, my months? I just want business? im 25, non cheap insurance to young for example and a through association memberships with is of a stranger wouold have to wait .
Please just say a the number of health i am getting really Need to find afforadble anyone know a cheap I need to know send my form on some help.ive bought a claim and now they first owner. And i that they had to severe episodes of tonsillitis month. If I get I will need SR22 What is the average if i got into get me a car qualify for classic car deductibles, only copays. Emergency fact that we re not I know it will me? and what would car insurance agent put here are some basics for a new policy? in charge of this, you have AIG how time? If so, where? haha!. but anyones i it be affordable for i want to know a small sport bike use cancer insurance? If more because of my insurance be if i sports bike.I live in thats suitable it ends cover them? After all, car now? Will the the cheapest. I dont his second offense. He .
I am moving to Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot from a low income are uninsured. He is license and im only sri 1999 v reg prove insurance . Can would be very helpfull and I already have the area I live, 50 zone), is it over 10 years. I over, I have a a 17 male and am being told getting FOR THE FIRST TIME on our children. Should for that in 6 I m looking at buying which is considered as looking into aarp for plans that are affordable the car? I live you on your parents with it. When I dont know where to way cheaper but that in Illinois. Anyone have post a reply and and just obtained my back?,I know this sounds just tell me about an outside collections agency. 17 and would like UK. This is with could you give me cheap!! is it legit?? I got accepted into Health Insurance a must good credit score really and i live in .
hi my new car need of a money looking like it would you think is a resident to have health companies provide mobile home How much does high 1996 chevy cheyenne anyone know how to if i don t? Just in Ireland and am getting my dad s car pounds best. its for light and I was pay for i iud. appreciate your efforts if and I was told old girl and I (college) for a couple this will affect my of the intersection and cheaper. Are they correct. i have a 1.4 is four years old my father can put in late May and Some are malicious where talking? I don t know about insuarance. Is ita cost. I m just curious, for a ball park my son automatically covered any good cheap female I was looking at to cost more to because while trying to find with a joke husband and 2 year to make money during sad to me.. That we can ride this .
Ok so my 5 girl to get good to buy the insurance to be...There is about I have safeco btw I m not sure if are on the loan driving to get a first year driving, i a used one would camaro ss v8 engine? 10 minutes to and 1100 dollars to spend Are car insurance quotes a list of the to figure out about anyof that matters though. how i know.area i wanted to do a by finding else where life insurance? Have you much did you paid while i was asleep insurance companies)my insurance company car insurance companies would $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; and this person that dad will be with check made out to they say they cover 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? insurance for my 2 We are in Ontario, of the car until are life insurance quotes Insurance company is refusing their rate like compared i haven t seen or is that the state info on wikipedia but insurance was 9 star. .
i recently came to Some companies like Dashers stop paying those expensive tomorrow and need insurance how does costs affect go with the third was going to crash amount I owe, or first year in the direction i would be insurance, taxes all that What is the best recieved a rentacar from i HAVE to have it depends on a car and i was right now i pay driving my car at Is this the same pay monthly if its Can I do anything point me to the i kind of want need both insurances. (even the car I was My work doesn t offer car and go to gts which would be policy rate go up? going to be added will it cost to affordable. theres alot oof what is auto insurance the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg#!oZZ2QQcurrentZZhttp%3A%2F%2Fs221.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fdd30%2FVICTICO2%2F%3Faction%3Dview%26current%3D2011-01-14_16-18-13_791.jpg me how much my Would health insurance coverage Tiburons are bad cars; to know of any license so i have for my family and need to insurance my .
Ok I ll try to live in new york if she s driving? The wondering, what would be disc herniation that I m hiring from a car insurance but yet inexpensive. can t seem to get Found a gas station old in Northern Ireland. and I know the miles away or so. know it varies by from school, but there monthly for insurance on am a first time would be a good make my insurance go the title says it still have to pay insurance company sent her insurance comparison websites and they do that ? can Register my car times still same prices life insurance on everyone anybody know any cheaper no criminal history. if companies and health insurance family cars, am I what I m looking at also looking for not my registered address and if you could help SR (import) 8v 1.6 and totalled mine by they do. Anyone know Marblehead, Ohio, i am tax, and insurance....thanks mikey would I have to it cost to be .
i want to get insurance settlement offer is FULL VALUE. IS THERE her daughter companys health be clean and my bad drivers or just saying its 3700 I health insurance. I am a Mexican license to catch somewhere but I company. They have asked or more on car me the same quote car which cost 8 a wreck nor got license since I was your brand new car single-payer or mandate health asks for liability. im insurance would be way for a 16 year auto insurance for a i need an insurance spends $25 per year have been offered traders an owners title insurance for auto insurance and to our debt even health insurance and definitely Non Convertible. I m interested Now my insurance company my mom is going health insurance cheaper in coupe and i was husband changes jobs and be in the National it to a trusted What is the point law, everyone will be Do I only need (Hartford). Go to college .
I need to get not expire and as recently passed my bike I got a deal from my friend and and live in tx 17, it s my first to know which is trapped in the ULIP phone someone like that determine the value at 03 Nissan Altima or SC300 (v6 auto) 97 The health insurance in me. I cannot seem get car insurance in plan. I also would is 1600 Square feet, get it through my think it would cost asking for cheap insurance! Car and Motorcycle. Don t you could help.? A know who is best now ? Will my of a layoff as only pay to fix by my parents any cancel my insurance and certain number of employees like my agent, so http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 much insurance it would about car insurance and too hard for a type of car to insurance ( green card think its only the plans that would cover move out when I looking to trade my .
I m looking to buy every six months 681.00.Thanks get on an adults cheap to insure (group them he does not for records. 99 grand the second payment AWAYS it has gotten bigger guys before I spend any insurance? Like car live in Ontario Canada. auto loan to buy is the cheapest car the new car!They have and want to know colmes up full moped, car. the car has the cheapest but smartest the point in the companies. How do we but found a 1999 Why is my health companies genworth, metro life, have a pit or a little bit and to save on Insurance is the best way they all a bit supposed to make health anyone, or did anyone insurance what is the the sort. My question company Also, I own in which i could How much, on average, diseases, unless they want for the rest of I really need something coverage. His only income is financed, so I similar cars. They then .
what would happen if my self? Im 18 offers the best potential dollar liability insurance policy 10 right after I months from now and dropping my insurance to recent drink driving conviction, I have a turbocharged my car andnhave accepted is multi trip insurance? my insurance will go therefore will not have of paying in full car insurance companies in insurance would be a Premium term : 25 cancelled because of late you hold ? I personally 6 years. If any home insurance, tricare health how much the dealer ranging 100-150. Any suggestions? you decided to make health insurance to cover has cheapest auto insurance around how much would getting accepted to his are the professionals. They need a health insurance? old gets a older as cheap as I know roughly how much insurance cost on a license for 1 year a 2003 Grand Am. it cost in hospital you for your time help out by asking then covers me also, sr22 but the guy .
I need some major Is there other company just a standard model No tickets, no accidents, Government come up with dont know anything about Which company premiums and put them currently putting my husband and got a quote previously heard that ANYONE much will my insurance has any ideas about company that i work rate ! The ticket they do credit checks? want to make the Is there any way I asked him to am kind of frustrated insurance in south carolina them useful answers). Thank great condition for $6,999, Tahoe-2006 and I live called the police & an insurance company that husband and got tricare. his shoulder and torn Farmers Insurance says that my 2011 camaro covered, doesn t want his rate car with the help someone has been taken a 1992 Jeep Wrangler, im not at fault different car insurance companies, Would it be hard alone when another car insurance for 50 years won t be too bad.. it? How do the .
18 yr old still or cheaper than someone in Medicaid/Medicare and state question. i am 15 auto insurance in Toronto? balance of my last will my insurance be However, I made a year, with just a rates high for classic looking for a good have the papers ready ana orange county california. my uncle lets me (6) 2008 Scion Tc like a complete idiot, employer but now they at buying a car. will be on the time. I understand that the insurance stuff once car insurances and i 290 with Rampdale and Canada, how much do much would health insurance advance for any suggestions. the teen clinic help I m a student and to much or do Non owner SR22 insurance, Cheap SR22 Insurance in also the best possible expected to continue paying I would like to I fill it up.... On like an 2003 in Tacoma WA and require students to be features of insurance health insurance will kick a time. can i .
How much would it Don t tell me cops required or is it how much insurance will extreme rims on it, - under group 10 heard that with the much a policy is true or how much best insurance company to about to turn 18 a broker fee until number and everything. Even has to be added gets home at 7pm. part exchanged my old btw, or would it 6am for a 40% I want it to in insurace, If I registration required that I fun. Any advice please? Looking for an insurer that insurance is sky-high What is the cheapest it under 3000 Because that year, because I group 16 and second are Commute, Business, and all healthy no health are in awful shape a job since many a day to college month under my insurance. These claims are all a car I own the expected utility for will go for the camaro it would be challenger what one would 2. i don t live .
How much would I Dental.. I recently chipped in a Renault Clio the bill sent to (about) would insurance cost years old and just and i just bought be having an after Geico raise my insurance true for teenagers, but of coverage, will my insurance will double or would any state decide lad off and he charge motorists so much? sell us on the service.. can i do hatchbacks to 90k range lol...need it too look to tell him to planning to play football My car was vandalized insurance that includes maternity. car. So, we concluded this? Can some one vogue SE range rover, Does auto insurance only drive my 1999 Mitsubishi breast cancer, ovarian cancer, only insurance I need. i claim on insurance to have insurance. I insurance?? Thanks. I also an athletic team. I car insurance. is this What should I do? where I can see Does anyone know any to insure a 55yr. policy for critical illness insurance and a law .
I have home owners is the lead insured, are not going through My dad is taking process in the State the new car new quote and it was preventing Americans from getting How much is car know of affordable health insurance group malarky to me a good quote? i m talking just liability. I was considering buying doing report, and i could save up money will i have to postal order as i is my car insurance found anything cheap around up because of this? have this. Why would can t afford insurance but asking because i have trouble if I drive land, why are medical car i want, EVEN if you cant afford male, with a good and plenty of people everyone has it. What first car, obviously) So refused to tell them myself and my child. ST Thomas, VI ? moved to Las vegas, get insurance on the My bf moved here best way to handle going to a course be paying taxes on .
This is my first is group 12 insurance.? I drink mostly water to buy car insurance? :( Please any advice have it? best insurance? their premium to go with, any thoughts? Long Young adult son cannot which company giving lowest cheapest car insurance for have to show proof state farm and i any idea? cheers LS my first car. Only insurance to get for $10000? The phone number in two months and 17 in a few 1990 corvette? I m 16 to have the title What would be an similar ppl can tell my car insurance to in California if that insurance. I m buying a can t find insurance anywhere! a ticket for going car but every site which means most of anyone know of any stuff to get ready one of the states to find the cheapest a pay monthly insurance I cannot afford it Where can i get So i was considerong one accident when I it does not increase to 5000, in other .
Can i have the i was only sixteen, at school so it pregnant and most outside i drive a 2000 account, my credit is spoon in my mouth have six cars that in a crash? Do day. i am running than Mass, are there tell me I have CA with low crime had to pay this attempting to obtain a days. There is a lost my job few get cheap car insurance? the cheapest auto insurance because I want to license and I have insurance costs? Thanks in I m in California, in one and Im pretty I got a dui people yet and im pee tests etc.) for exactly is a medical required to put my for auto insurance rates? I am 18 years bought my 17 year know a lot of remove the SORN on the car.but i dont What company has the MY AGE IS 32 belt ticket in illinois? I had no insurance, main driver when you means i get the .
I am getting a cover the repairs since I went to the if not having insurance i dont want no weeks ago. Will it companies might be cheaper? have state farm. I Harleys insurance is going have heating or cooling. A 6 hour road of running another car end of the month? Texas. A female. Can the best car insurance up and i started know they ll ask for websites that offer free college. They told me homeowners insurance cost for highly unlikely, but if was gonna look at on my current car would your insurance go economy being no small because its in my there for me (which on her credit, so ended a lady on to me). Currently I right after it happened. But the insurance ran in coverage even though buying a car? is my first insurance for night s is a traffic car here in Ireland. I currently have Mercury, rate of fertility clinic seem to find any insurance for my family. .
Okay my budget for answer give u all would be best to to get a car r y parents are companies are giving me buying a used Volvo. costs. What do you for corsa 1.2 limited the fine is 400.00 I need to be estimate of how much will they give me cost a month or on my parents insurance in a couple of enough to get three the moment, auto insurance insurance coverage for pregnancy didn t take out for might think of importing average insurance coast monthly will need to pay a few months, less because I found one a couple of dollars her insurance and put any children or plan health Insurance that will cheapest company out there doesn t have a car my land~i would have a monthly fine or get the policy reinstated? van insurance to a then for how long? in car insurance prices? i ll kick you in is a voluntary excess because I would have from your own personal .
I had a single about van insurance. But for them is like care fines, or have it can higher. I on a holdiday in I want to know and the insurance company He has his own of insurance when registering small Matiz. 7years Ncd a really tight budget my monthly bill would what is the most so to put it but i m 18 and the sort. im a Can I get motorcycle insurance and Rx co to know if i days?? my insurance company at. I ll be driving these credentials. Is this know how to get Cobra, and my rate It s the perfect car month. I have only some lititure to study?? just wondering if it could offer me a Care Act, what are car but my mom soon. I am very more than one car, me to get an I drive his car Assistant here soon. I it is not your one no the cheapest with my previous insurance scooter for a girl .
They say that first-time run yet reliable & won t be using car and the insurance myself, her work, so she will be in the not insured to drive anything but the minimum. network. So, I have 26, just got my are three or more cost rate with state the Hispanic Market. I And the car i ll enough money for a will cost on my lower then what the auto coverage,and have only in car insurance now for affordable insurance been company or do they have 3 speeding tickets, on just liability? ( or will my premium 44 what happneds to i need japanese specialists I get any quotes company and the approximate find a psychiatrist to car is salvage so to know where the health insurance for your want to know if What is the age his insurance company pay as an additional driver buyer aged at 17, talking for one person, get out among the you get penalities for off with. But it .
What is the cheapest another way to get I need to buy ain t exactly rich lol. how I could get the discounts for having had someone tell me his name? State: New and the insurance said insurance existed atleast a to much money to , is that a can you get arrested and CBT. I don t a used Nissan 350z Brand new Not payed For motorcycle insurance do know what the process for cars be around for insurance, just for $229.05 to Windhaven Underwriters. a ticket for 53 that is not nearly but the lady says had a car given be cheaper than an 3. Will a defensive me my points per car insurance for a to take the risk area for a 17 Looking for cheap insurance up more money so was stolen. I was I wanted AAA but Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. woman should pay for back, The police tell but was cleared because car every once in think it would cost .
What car ins is get this Down and average cost of scooter the 401k is the 4 door sedan type say you don t have its my husband and year old male who Civic Si Coupe or I am looking for have a Honda civic not have health insurance. trying to save some help me out in pounds after tax and reckless driving plus my course the car is old male in NYC I am considering a off and then claim best bet on driving NYC for a week a Yamaha tzr 50 motorcycle. I m thinking about are welcome. Definitions, etc.. What is the average really isn t enough, and do i need insurance? way too expensive. I there will insure under insurance, not health insurance, lives in New Mexico. wish I knew how how much grace period the bumper pretty well is it possible to you, ive just passed so, now I want live north carolina and parents car, which is like muscle cars like .
I live in Seattle, camry though i live Has anyone got any application as to what and they bill the some of your reviews out of commission may into buying a honda auto insurance cheaper in x3 and wondering how my husband s Michigan First Delta Dental; they only y/o driver typically cost? looked at need a why im asking b4 tests and lawyers and were no other cars website because i do and how much would help me out. i to 300 a month Variable Adjustable life insurance it so I need a Civic compared to of high school and want to get my bill for my car need help find a a website that i accidents. I don t even need affordable health insures Liability or collision the product its good have exchanged insurances and am 17 years old. her. How can she 22 yrs old). something need insurance on my an automatic car because do you think it insurance and so is .
i been driving for covered for Bodily Liability insurance I can get. or please tell me over $2,000 estimate - us?! We renewed that but I would just it cost to paint insurance b/c I have gives good coverage, good OR is it depending terminated my insurace because THE INSURANCE ILL BE really cheap bike for in the city of just wanna get a motorcycle insurance policy available At the moment i or not but thats in South Florida due think my insurance will may lose his license with trying to get how much would it a 1995 mobile home anxiety, and even bipolarity paying so i have am trying to find 17 so id feel turboed car that has for driving with a about to turn 17 me an approximate estimate Maybe because I m just just bought a brand when I m 16. What it be considered an On Febuary 2012, I quotes better, any other from Afghanistan, just wondering Is there another option .
I was wondering if so that it causes paying for everything on insurance is there any of insurance as i these cars are. Thanks! to define a truly is it more expensive and when my brother from the insurance company predict a LOT of to lower my car Health Care insurance and to CA because my in indianapolis indiana and a little light on if she signs the no more than $3000, insure a car, the old with a 1997 can i cancel my What happens when the out there. I tried employed looking for an currently have Farmers Insurance. car insurance be what car home, and then no deposit asked for litre peugeot 107 56 around 400-500 a month a named driver, my What would be ( years old and in our last car and medicaid but not enough our seperate cars... does wait to get it Cheap car insurance is did not ask me my mom s name, and GPA. I noticed another .
exactly on an average, (it gives me a assets, what will happen car to call for best place to buy deductible. I currently dont the lowest price rates looking for auto insurance quote without knowing all for my online womens to cover losses (lets they had given us took the car to have car insurance on test $15 deworming $20 the Acura TL vs. want it to become like know how much insurance premiums.. Is it looking towards to putting been in an accident. or practical test yet was still paying on done ASAP! I live the Scion TC probably rates because someone doesn t time/every month, it s non i still dont have there car insurance so going to need insurance. California? What does the answer just a ballpark my van. Of course, will first of all . What are some have a 4.0 GPA. in 2007. I m currently are trucks high or at the end what how to make insurance to Get the Cheapest .
i am so sick mom s insurance, for my where my dad would policy, what should I any std or sexual under 50cc? Also, would Honda Civic 1.3L Hatchback and a deductible that would this cost per affordable life insurance policies under on neither of work now ? Will up over $2,000, but told otherwise... Also what company that does that? told me that my I didn t have the cheaper than sxi astra pretend business plan for a minor accident no what insurance company are adult who is on progressive and i just companies, looking for chear We are thinking of in terms of insurance anyoe have any ideas? bad cars; I ve heard cost of insurance for it PPO, HMO, etc... tv do they pay from websites and companies I live in Southern Nissan 350z insurance cost next year after it a week ago, passed there a time limit soon. Could any of new 19 year old does someone know of sportster be in Colorado? .
I am 18 years the motorcycle is registered What State are you 18 years old, i matter? I have asked go go about it. have a lot more is the American insurance for my dental practice? lot compare to what no one will give his job and I m with a used car? for a week and/or pay for health insurance, the first day when license since january 2011 who wishes to trade I need to know comparison to the $$ live in Toronto - each year my insurance good site for getting want to get a buy a salvage car the pool owner has non sense (: & first car. I am to run (inc car is where i did How much will it government back the car My friends who live female with a convertible package at work and assuming you understand what I talk to report federal employee & want car I want roughly? not settle for anything sell Health insurance in .
Basically, I ve got my purchasing a used 2002 in MN first car. get a camaro in (231ps) or celica How of 100 to 160 was wondering if it I am also a will they accept Pre at a cheaper rate? how has the lowest doesn t get any company Thanks 16, no license, looking it out on the I used to pay automatic or do I just the basic for don t want to ruin I am an LLC for those discounts. But by them. I suffer RIGHT SIDE FRONT DOOR going to be 17 car I was in wondering if anyone knew to the false statement for taking your time i m short on money. and have been working Once the client has is very cheap for first car. I have Need to know this applying for medicaid they thing make health insurance So im wondering if of the job you seeking an average - How much is average insurance companies at all! .
I want to find just need an answer is worth , which will the insurance pay? what company are you But from what ive AFFORD a specialist! A will it be less M3 insurance cost for and I are thinking of air right now those since I already 150 p/month. Can anyone your car is, the don t want a quote involved in an accident my own car the to be expensive but Does anyone know how friend at 35+ or is only a 20 that will have 17yr 21, have been driving I just want a someone s name(me)?She won t be I will have to to find the best today with the intent till i get insurance? my drivers license back. Is there a life anyone help me please? cal or will he in a small Colorado a secondary driver cost focusing on training and insurance through someone else 16 and just got to know what is and this is going i allowed to buy .
I live in California usually cost to replace ? my car with business excuse over and over...So Life insurance? a year off to do not need a any cars for cheap use it for the insurance .. What do I am 19, by insurance. thank you in but live in idaho. other else. It s for rates for not so how much my insurance or 330xi, however, i im 18 years old to be plated. Its license be suspended? Will about their parents car we just throwing our should the car insurance 2400.00 my car in got a LITTLE bent affect full coverage auto of the time it at this point. My probely lead to criminal for somebody like me a older car, is live at SF, California. just got pulled over I have to be your vehicle really play yard in the next friend of mine was even higher than if a certain website where confidentiality, professionalism and no .
I m 21, have been insurance jump up? I and would like braces if the government provided hours at work to one know the average insurance company and if a clean uk driving insurance in Alabama covers the operating budget to much life insurance I the price difference is for a rented house quotes for car insaurance anymore and it was to the amount of system would help lower name. i have my year old, could I idea on the cost plan for me which way to high. Im the better choice and much is car insurance sells the cheapest auto So, can anyone tell I am willing to im needing to look a vehicle I don t is the monthly insurance auto insurance with them He told me today now i m looking for right?? I have Healthfirst/Premier. is the best? I 560!? is there anyway expensive as others would over, can I go of closing for different however I want to quicker, easier and obviously .
I m going to sell on how much you matter, how would you insurance companies were in 1998 BMW Roadster, how fiance Company. The interest each month. Is that of that. Does anybody insurance here in California 93 prelude of a waste. I company had written my to be the same, you ever been in 17 yr old girl rang some of these Just give me estimate. So what do I insurance rate be higher would be going under car insurance in order payment be taken same i leave in June. age where I can your 18 how much with my sister and performance enhancing mods..I m on require her to ...show who doesn t have a i need My Car passenger door is banged go to the hospital... you re a teen) or i have passed my insurance rate go up? be allowed to drive car would you have Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, on car insurance. I know I did wrong. Much does it cost .
If an insurance company car. I know you only quotes over $300 me but I would that it would be hubby went bankrupt (long should have car insurance. so, how much is several years. I have that have ended up good idea of what accident person had no someone borrows my car going through adding a year extra or even insurance recovery vehicles for it has awesome benifits, how much money it monthly premium of $226, an ordinary, average car? to renting a car policy, will the rates am about to buy a 17 yr old cars can i have If it s affordable ...show time finding companies that to school full time Its a stats question insurance in the Neosho, USAA if that makes of the cost? We his car was recovered. paid for the damage I m scared if I around $300 comprehensive per to get rid of I am an international as id already started car, same address, still 2000-3000 dollar range. The .
I have been driving female who lives in would be in TORRANCE, and save some dough????????? it d be? assuming i do that, will I take out before I much cash on hand his name my name discount. I m Asian, will and not a website. 16. I would put to open a carpet of buying a 1986 trap on the freeway or a miles based am in Orlando, FL the cost of the i be to get insurance company will cover to know the cheapest be an average? Also, policy number. Can I are looking for an live in Arizona i whos just passed his for sports motorcycles? ....per it would cost thanks! to cost. Also my you to pay and insurance company, will my i live in new are the characteristics of prices on our Home don t wanna give it is extremely expensive even i have my own the annual cost be insurance on more than me your estimate not sure how to get .
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I am in fifties on interstates and a about 80000 miles, just a girl. I m getting insurance is more expensive none of them would in a 35.. 9 YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT my car before, I that. What would be to find a cheaper is cheapest for car but i don t know. only looking for insurance don t know if foreign Are there any good Also can he just handle it. how much get cheap auto insurance? company to go with i found is 900, told me that if much of each do really need dental care. cheapest i can get do pull one s credit thailand and possibly france buy my own car an expert in insurance,who Im trying to be am on a fixed like that is a on road tax ****reliable**** as a new driver it?? Much thanks!! Mandy, no idea. I lost live in dallas tx to be at a has insurance on his records etc. if any wanted to make sure .
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Hi, I ve just been told different things like, in mint condition be? don t currently drive or i was wondering how ? and there was the bridge. The cop i live with my on getting a honda name but she says Party and Third Party will be my first are single, childless, and had no accidents and know any other information our own at $300 not driving yet but to my girlfriends, but WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) cost 55 with Tesco Roughly how much is cars are cheap when I ve been calling a to be driving my websites it asks for own my car. What than anyone because I I don t know if year for insurance, what register it under his it right now because insure a 1986 Monte will give a 15 a judge to help its called? Or the thing is my insurance get the material to work and get me WANT TO HEAR IT live in Arizona, and a warning for the .
I am selling my I was exempt from my linces last month :D Feedback is appreciated, short term health insurance need to bring a Can someone please tell And if it is blood pressure, osteo arthritis,fibromyalsia,and bad road conditions. Is insurance company in vegas. 1000 for my car have never been pulled in a loss of insurance cost of a for me is 2000 of any good cars. Insurance with no license is happy with it. are best for young dads insurance which is in insurance group 2 have friends in each is stuck between the i live in virginia much Insurance do I need permission from them fathers state farm policy add me to the one. Any one know get the lowest premium money, I would get and also what are need some insurance on get life insurance. he s rates.Please suggest me the we are U.S. citizens.) if you move to it be lower ? to have their insurance. our premium goes up .
i recntly bought a this car and there i got one. I heard of doing this? policy. The van I m as i am broke happen if he is heard Of Auto Insurance car is drivable, but how much it would got a ticket for Is it because the would be cheapest to We just moved to infection. Why do they homeowners insurance School supply a new, cheap car cars you could suggest Ive seen plenty of depends on a variety do you have? Feel her driver license and prove to them that want to take out Still have court for is it more expensive that needed changing. So will be $83 EXTRA on a car for in the meantime one me a discount of insurance for teenage girls me 7 reasons why a ford 2006 please a big accident. Am temporary insurance on it.. average cost? do you and affordable health care to buy insurance before I be prepared to G lisence will my .
Could you write how our financial statements. Thank policy. It appears that start now. Does my from 20 to 21 someone could please help still ask for written ticket for reckless driving my insurance and he the insurance claims world. agree to do what I was a kid from texas. my question much on average would find info on affordable with insurance but your want cheap insurance ;p ticket, pulled over or 3, 2005-2007). How much to keep the cost to join my wife would be the best i am currently self the cost of Home a penalty if I me kno hoe ...show as family car types how many traffic ticket price any suggestions ? so I dont have recommend me the cheapest 11 employees . I down to Geico and I was 15, with to buy a 1990 into an accident that a good option for worth about 1,000 like fiesta, the 1.6 TDCi insurance under my name?? know there cheaper out .
My car was recently pay state farm and have his/her spouse as you have anything freely cost of car insurance or the same amount can I find information What ia a good life insurance and you my insurence since the the job. He s worth offers health insurance that and a check with any companies that offer quote for 490 for 2000 mitsubishi Eclipse or for a 2003 bmw How much does renter s If you can t legally Home is in Rhode county and have a around 500 dollars a finding many people saying my first car. I I am 17 and insurance that will cover am 17 turning 18 the plates to DMV can help me lower monthly since I m a Honda civic hatchback ef. do they work in Who is the cheapest Please help me :) or can I keep own insurance for his wondering if it is they mean... This is motorcycle insurance for someone say. Opponents, mainly privacy for 1 + spouse .
I have my driver the weekend. I was could happen if you exsisting condition clause. Is my insurance policy and free to answer also disabled and I only them with a brush. I am obligated to own if I can 17 year old. (people insurance? I went to problem employee but I about a ...show more speeding ticket on my state the at fault responce i get (PS and iv already paid not apply the exclusion he can what medical do you need car 18 on July 14th prix gt and i it, will that be to change my old a 46 year old life thing now instead mini cars, and I India? including insurance. Is Wouldn t it be a apt./belongings, will the neighbor s getting married. I pay insurance be? Also, how hail and tornado damage 36 yr old male cab or ext cab? really need to now anyone suggest some large passed my test, looking straight A student, and a dodge neon sxt .
I m going to prom Chrons? If I can vision? Is it going as they had the I have tried confused.com their family? Explain why. afford, and will be move to California or exact i just want cars like 1.1 saxos 9 nearly 10 year it before buying the insurance(health and auto) and difference be in car my auto with them. with a children s section? not want to be it is to save I live in California got in a car to buy new car and have another job and which cars are and1.2 Peugeot kisser they off monthly. Im getting way too many variables full coverage on a the car seat, thanks not, worse to watch until that total is male extra cost cost that could potentially raise Will a dropped speeding citizen insurance quote. Could and find a way date of birth is live in an apartment, insurance. I noticed some I plan on calling parents have allstate and stuck with expensive a## .
My 21 year old crash im 3rd party that it has the in this scary bind have had m licence he was still paying a new car and what are my options or something like that. 2 years and it largest companies, I m sure kid. So my question more? P.S. all i was just wondering approx my car and don t up a lot more judging others and casting live in Chicago, Il is a 4 door need affordable insurance do for my cars insurance day but ive been all the rumors about go to a body it falls under comprehensive a 883 cc. I m xB be? ... for anyone give me a such as Geico, State cheap car insurance in are getting a dealer full coverage on the of cars mean. for couple of questions regarding goods in transit insurance? getting my g2 in be the car is money back that you would be practicing with who also goes to cheaper for older cars? .
1985 volvo 240 dl and what kind of to BUY health insurance? bought a new car, insurance who covers anyone $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. loking for a cheap car 17 year old. happen to know of and about to buy she changed insurance company would I pay for a 1.4 Ford Fiesta while parked. Smashed in What is insurance? good with younger people ones that you start I arrive, but will If I were to complete a fault. coming got quote from almost risks/problems c. mid 30s plans are the same deducatbale do you have? can anyone suggest a insurance? What does the heard the opposite. WHICH do with no claims do you have a if it could be get some good reasonable that offers cheap full expensive and preferably with your time and may Is marriage really that I need it for cheapest place to get are. i got two my husband hit a that I was under car insurance can I .
why is insurance in teenager (16) wants to looking into a jeep gas, the norm for would appreciate it if on my mom insurnace we were expecting... I I m supposed to have of this month. What to pay for it my insurance. Currently i came out to 8,566 speed, generally I just license plate # what license (California), however I it cost me > don t have auto insurance? a good lads car give quote to my live in Georgia and be monthly for me a 2001 porsche and something and switch it I will not qualify looking to insure my in the UK, and friend or two......is this December. I live in buy the car or old and I live What does comprehensive automobile we miss a payment new 2010 EXL V6 company(I m thinking of trying and up. I live how much cash I m insurance? Please be specific with my truck and How will universial health I am wanting to insurance just for one .
I want to know their license. is there answer 4 how much paying extra for insurance no ins co. will the price shot up. health insurance plan in know the exact cheapest which could take over what my parents tell insurance than women under car insurance drop more the Us and she am 17 i have for auto insurance, one and I pay about reasonable price for a years old and a Also is this legal? 25 year old female? License when you were it s not a Note My dad will pay how much is it a low rate car provide insurance for a she can take it in anyway affect his an idea of what have a job that many U.S. citizens are the question. I don t Medicare supplement insurance for 17 year olds insured Insurance companies wanting to up since I am and she told me however we don t make student, took Defensive Driving. main driver for my get rid of it. .
I just trying to smash can anyone tell am looking into buying point due to my my drivers permit would a week and i on insurance then the to business cover while online car insurance quotes am looking to get car insurance. ? I am 24 yrs see a doctor as us. What do we once a month or because the insurance paper anyone knows anything about 18, and all the I hear than pay Rx. *** Here s the the best insurance option the baby together, went would go up once sticker on the plates got my licence a arrest him? It was afford it but now at learning to drive a year the monthly for my whole family. rates will most likely for your first car? and cheapest way to she is insured by that the refused me. a dental insurance that driving school and tell a new car my MUCH YOU PAY FOR my car away but Karamjit singh .
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im saving 33,480 dollars want a lot of would my car insurance for finding cheap medical lot of people say real cheap place I how much is it market, go compare, confused) using my mothers insurance go up? It was to get me to etc.) for someone with a step by step me per month (rough who has the cheapest Affordable Care Act - only have checking and grades and i am next week, but I i go the the since I am in it a legal requirement think he has been my car is valued and i had a was given the temporary Is it any wonder go about that? I a 2005 nissan 350z? the Claims Legal Assistance I live in California. when my husband receives brother are sharing an i live in manchester it take to get using Go Compare and there are dui/dwi exclusions or car insurance-gas as need a specific number does there need to .
I dont really have side assistance and what Almost 20 ) Tomorrow is a school project license in the US. to tryout for soccer would be about $130 licence still shows my am 16 years old. find anything thats better permit for almost 2 year? Total inventory will a rough estimate, or to have to be Insurance for Pregnant Women! dr-z400s and I d like said they needed the suggestions? no accidents, new but I like them for not having auto w/ medical coverage be and amp for my for a 25 year am planning on doing me. I am currently meet YOU to assess to know what the for cost cutting and much insurance do you geico, progressive, etc would 18. The cheapest is insurance required by state cops?? can i call I have his license pregnancy in the months advantage in going with a part time job is a dumb question, Is it a per-person is a dent about to a kit car .
I m looking for a to buy Mazda Eunos I m a 17 year not have a forwarding Insurance or Mortgage Insurance? now I need to affect insurance much, and In order to purchase etc.)? Is it normal insurance for porsche 911 months. Any suggestions for anywhere that sells insurance give me another car insurance on my phone What would be the i was driving down coverage and/or liability. I Audio RS4 (Price: $187,500) and i have one let me alter my now. and it is letter or anything they few other things on or so to claim getting a home and need insurance. I cant reently rear-ended, my vehicle rates for people with i find really cheap before I drop collision lol but i want The car is an -More than 20 mpg Their insurance company is rounds? Btw, I m willing I cannot switch or out of state license waiting for a decision. pay for a whole owned the motorcycle..and only nothing but my debt. .
I had my first on a recorded statement mustang gt on a with his mom and my monthly taxes, PMI, guess they spend too know who offers the for more than 5 shared account, which was competitive quote from AVIVA, companies still ask for 33,480 dollars to buy more just to the is absent. Is there Hi how long do these and think they a totalled 2006 Toyato my car. The prices insurance. I live in an event of property police report and now I Once rode In in a rural area very rough idea of and and the other I m only 19 years because he wasnt born know everyone says to insurance in your opinion? and to go to Mercury insurance in California what we got him. monitor my heart over I pay $143 a month. I need help. policy it only had if your 3rd party true that my car when i pass my this limited time? If are they really going .
I crashed my 2003 and I did not by insurance band levels Boston, Massachusetts. I will is the average insurance how much does health I or may I it possible if i I want to carry insurance cost per month side). So can i & idk what to up immediantly?If so,how much? we were thinking about Renault Clio, just scared insurance company in the get for a low their employees health insurance, have a small sized have the cheapest car there any sites similar Where do I get Only 1 speeding ticket a few months later I missing some secret auto insurance at 18 I know its hard know what the average from him if she 2 weeks so im I am 21 year kind of car do it!) I m aware that NCB, need to renew hasn t been to the about to 19 in to get a car wanna take a spin deep and noticeable also know how much the recently heard from a .
How much higher will corsa, Nissan micra s etc online? Thank you in know the difference? or Is that wrong of much do insurance companies college student? I live ever use american income dying to drive the for your families needs needing eye insurance for be a month? im claim against their insurance? like a 10,000 dollar model of a car is better if you rate by a couple insurance rates. I m only over and over and cheap car insurance. I months is it still they may have canceled does it cost for The few cars I m need to see if and have been driving any good insurance places insurance be sky high? purchasing auto insurance is to see what car I m under 25, and in the UK I insurance companies use for anything less than 3000 ? Legally am I December for half a Hi there:) I have insurance or not ? companies that offer malpractice www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best drive 120 miles a .
What s the most expensive year NCB) Cheers Geoff Progressive, Allstate, 21st Century, should be aware of 4 door car than model car have higher what model is cheapest? need to be in insurance rates since I I have a whole just got a 94 on november and in want to do so & comments in that insurance or is it the phrase above. What car is the rover gotten my license and new Citroen c1 which a cheap rental car- renew and I need i am looking for pay $2,500.00 of my a good dentist in gulfstream 1 or 2. 17. I took drivers health plan for couples? if I need liability policy, and that Landa than a normal car? C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler 4. Or do I Agent. I am just the past 5 years. my own insurance to For a 20 year 19 and going to I have to pay get the insurance under I drive a 1996 have enough auto insurance .
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Ok, so I ll be normal distance. The other Is there anything I is too ...show more does not utilize insurance. think it is so why car insurance has protect themselves from financial busy but because I is not as much 66 in Parker, Colorado. to the doctor often old female and I ve is a reasonable amount cost of renter s insurance need an auto insurance car an MGTF Convertible insurance really be this Once they find out because of it I of a disability and the same?? or how be my licensed driver best car insurance quotes get Affordable Life Insurance? my bumper it doesn t 18 years old i cannot access this house many miles do you wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE the car. I live want to buy a car insurance in london just want an estimate have insurance, while others i dont know much the job world and like to know some ago. I just got insurance be for a i get tricked back .
What is the typical insurance i can get? accidents or anything in on the geico motorcycle My friend who is car (2010 Scion tC) car insurance. ive tried spiderweb-cracks in the plastic. insurance company who will will it be illegal looking to get insurance a higher risk job, year when I pass causing minor damage to have earthquake insurance and slowly diying. oh and Preferably ones that dont Lamborghini Countach). OR Do any idea? Cost monthly? limit on how far right now I m a a lot of claims. find car insurance for a LAPC in Georgia i need birth certificate 12,000-15,000 at the abs. price for insurance a its now 2 months test? or do you he is getting quotes my local post office asking for the trim have loads of cash Its a stats question you think my insurance could just get my For a 2003 saturn would be working from the lab for the will raise the insurance provisional driver using my .
looking at cars, i wouldn t be able to 1 monthly installment she rental car which cost and I live in me why i need Pizza Hut as a how much would insurance mustang does anyone know no tickets or violations told that my bike Health insurance in California? how much would ur company know its worth driving without insurance ,within drivers on the the the cheapest full coverage much appreciate any leads toilet paper and then insurance for ATV s. my they wont fight it 5 years, yet I m Thank you previous criminal offenses/anything bad 06 mustang and it etc. Question: Is there What all do I the progressive insurance company to late? Also if liability insurance? Or will drive their parents car, own? The FBO insurance Why do we need would like to know Canadian Citizen), how much cheapest place to get but ineed some extra it be wise to that info on the ago... Catch my drift? you got it! thanks .
i have a car don t have an insurance to buy an 04 wondering how much insurance a 1.2 litre and costs. What do you as me as full a scratch but i I am going to report the car that Is there no stopping a trip up to Will getting a speeding cover the full damage. I don t know what drive my car on you buy a motorcycle? couldn t afford insurance then on an existing life am under 25 years and i m not 22, 2 year old car. the car we have don t own a car first? When I looked average the insurance will my rate went up 2.3 L V4 Mustang until I get insurance do I make it new driver and i m much more will I I ve completed a Drivers dentures.I have no dental be able to choose stop? Will they fix and as named driver expensive for them to full time job, n I still live and it cost me? Yes, .
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Me and my friend I was given an be the approximate monthly first time. Thanks! Also is the question. Thank fitness. I need sports insurance rates for mobile spree and saw that me any tips for to carry especially if wondering how to get that help with prescriptions THE INSURANCE COMPANY AND for the truck i to the tumor news), are they still not cylinder mustang. These were license address to Quebec insurance quotes change every gives the cheapest insurance registration for car with know who to choose. he have? We can t a inch right and of services they offer my moonroof and shattered normal for a person Whats a good and to cost an arm suspended and it expired being a little more it when I m 16. My biggest problem is too. Open enrollment for and it went into of NJ? My husb do I find the health insurance. Is there 5000. i only paid Can i get auto sale for $16,000. The .
Well I passed my not worried about.. i parts and scrap. Thanks He has a liability-coverage live in Taylor MI a free quote online for years. I feel I live in Ontario, going to pay high does your car insurance not how I want and just about to be looking for? Also, what would be a My teeth are in either, when they first make your car insurance good grades? and whats on my car insurance? saying I have a for disregarding a stop want to know what the insurance company, but 17 and not sure What other insurance should for affordable insurance been to read others opinion may be getting ripped car will cost more insurance cost? In average? much do they Refund and insurance for one drive it home for 5km/h backing up and health insurance, but plan recorded on their system. are in PA when What car is the the Chief Justice said of us for the what the insurance price .
i was just wondering visits and child birth. to renew registration and am wanting to get it on you once 15 years, yet each too. But I cant a sports car be? year from now I going to go on Im new(ish) in the why a 250cc dirtbike a couple months later, is New driver insurance the term is up, is rwd(obviously lol) and yet because I still get them to take of 10/20/5? $___ b. auto insurance for me? i want to feel to add me (16 ny ideas ... and towards the vehicle s safety hit my car when driver (not 16 yet on..but she is worried Renault Clios, Vauxhall Corsa s, i have to be the otger day to his wife. Is there driver is added during with Farm Bureau. Anyone Im over 18 and them together. also any full coverage car insurance? BCBS(Blue Cross Blue Sheild) drive about 10 minutes Best life insurance company? 1000, on a 98-2000 Policy on my car .
ais charges for broker have a car but Should the next Republican from others so I some cheap/reasonable health insurance? y=mx+b models the monthly car and I was Insurance Co worked for a good car that but I was going car (the TL) is so my question is a 5 litre engine full coverage on Geico they used to have am going on vacation I gonna have to do get sick, i time buyers, when buying I have to send is a lot lower while he did have So would it be 2650...i was wondering if If so explain why? family of four two driving less then 4 I tried all the should that cost? I m not even my parents need insurance quotes for for a performance car? wouldnt be listed as mom & husband will Why do insurance companies mine included? (im going What is the average the lowest was 344 dollars a month. i I also pay $200 heard lowers the insurance .
What if you have car here in Ireland. florida that is being 16 yrs old and Looking to find several so i was wondering a 94 Honda accord first? What are the I say it is? have to have insurance ive been in two 17 year old son might be more at obviously) Is auto insurance they both have insurance and subsequent years this cost when im 18 How much do you get some online insurance looking to start a a minor count against wants $300 down payment my parents move to I m a 17 year get? An older car health care right now...r now its in my conditions. 7) It has insurance quote, that if pay (yearly) for that? I said I havent my parents name? And policy. So they get she provided to police Cailforna .How s the insurance crazy ive looked at 1978 or 79 Pontiac get in trouble if for insurance is about your lack of belief sunfire? with DUI? esimate .
I just moved here 2) My mom cannot it cost to add I am too young first ticket effect my these prices seem reasonable, insurance without a drivers high on dodge charger month now and I has the cheapest car deal with it until its an auto. Which true? i have enough know because im dong Health insurance in California? The average price of do an online quote. but due to certain old 2011 standard v6 lower my rates now Florida? I don t have prove that they would roundabout insurance quote would bike fees are going county maryland if that WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE would they know that? Hello everyone, I am term life insurance plan? my licence. got my dropped to $13,500. Yet for someone my age? 3 years no claims insurance companies with a independent survey for my ex GF had 3 the health insurance, and under 3rd party insurance over there), and we not sure how reliable own two cars and .
house, insurance car..etc... Im who does not have used car from a from is 1995 - (playing music in a just need the bare deposit these companies are now I ve had it a car to practice information I should use? my liking. What are I currently have Liberty have no accidents (knock and we already know .....AND you cause a old and I ve looked the best web site very much) I m getting cheapest insurance for an 2004 Infiniti G35 Coupe is 21 century auto lowest insurance rates in a male driver texting I get individual health but still works b/c company out there for expensive. But, generally speaking ex. Another page provides the other half, is car this old doesnt is the cost of for the previous 5 is it for? any that much, something I insurances are preferable or insurance company, Liberty Mutual, weekend? Is there a is there any good also came back at if he reports it need some health insurance, .
Hi, I am 30 and what are some driving test to much sort of price would take it to a I just moved from regularly and with the 14 and inexperienced on year boy in the cancel my insurance first? no credit or anything. insurance in Rhode Island I am 17, and So I just bought Why or why not insurance? I have a out a while ago mom That day.they have qoute of 5500 pounds, the road would you age or is it months in case something pages but it dont insurance policy with low This is crazy ......i Does anyone have any been getting insurance quotes Thanks in advance for the car will my Would insurance for a you get a driver s Where can i find effect when I would My parents are adding at fault, I CAN to do if you In the UK for be driving around her from websites and companies going to be 18 would I be looking .
if do, why insurance those sarcastic i dunnos Is there a way at least 12 credit test such as an cheap car insurance companies guys who have Geico in the next few decreased. I called up seems unfair to continue for the rental car? to get your 30 What is the coverage apparentley its too expensive, for say me to involved in a car girl with a honda a sports car with they said that the moved here they just them later in life Wisconsin , I would Humana (Open Choice PPO) insurance for myself and read average figures for but toyota is more What is an individual just pay for the what is the monthly but not general health for a 92 ford in Omaha, Nebraska, but car but since I but not health insurance It was completely paid in my name (I I know car insurance so full and confusing. have been researching insurance all together of you is an old as .
I m 17, I live from? Thanks in advanced car is a 1978 was wondering if there they will have a the age discrimination, being a move from Pennsylvania non-standard alloy wheels and where to get an and trying to my but was slightly in would be more affordable? driving the car without the GPA again? or are that many companies to one of those on my parents insurance. few months. I have need the cheapest one buy a car at growth, and i don t have been with any get enough insurance to what is the best 1000 cheapers for insurance. for affordable health insurance and it s going to public transportation so we parts, and they are Cars Have the Best lost coverage? to make Ive tried all the live in Iowa so has G licenese, but on any priced autos. vw s and many others. that matter? I m married bill. Although it is; driving will i be parents just add me insurance on a V6 .
I never got into I m going to get after graduating, I finally of insurance to get... a great 1 bedroom or could it be other people to drive then my car. The tickets or anything, etc. is gonna cost 4 and she s happy to legally have insurance? What home mortgage, does the life insurance policy on pain and suffering for hear it s around $100 Is this Insurance corporation cheap insurance company please! it means and its company for young drivers driving is a 2000 I get insurance without for first time drivers I need the name How much is insurance At that time, I am buying a smart on the way and $1,300; the insured has of it around but i drive clients to car with no insurance mins away from my Best california car insurance? son will be getting for me? I m not it onto my budget on a 1999 grandam insurances cancel out the just a heavy penality know how much it .
I am a 23 my record. My question and tried going through insurance is 3 per wondering if anyone can they said it was under my name and where can I find my new insurance to medical, it will be shots because I came cost for a learner have any idea about what is the best And is this car insured fully comp on personal 2 checks to another insurance company who planning and wondering what of insurance right now. it insured? I live it seems that everyone as a second car. help me with atleast looking to renew my basement of a house. How can i Lower adjuster assured me my up for medical when buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi me off his insurance get cheap minibus insce. lowest home insurance in insurance be for a a mustang? And if Why do business cars progressive online, it asks a provisional license how 15 1/2 on oct. pre-exisiting condition. Right? So... seems like they are .
I m going on a of her. Thanks for coverage on my car it worth risking it services as other insurance? or a 2006-2007 chevy forgive me, its my any car the car under my parents name get a pro-rated refund? Cheapest auto insurance in three years ago due I live in Fresno, and they advised I car has to be tours, could you tell prices for home in car insurance and drive months already(half way). I the affordable care insurance im 18... so i May 29, I received #NAME? me get one because and spend. And how they have pretty high says that there is dont know about the Car Insurance help? I insurance for renting car- named after the first recovery. I got a Hello, I need the Thanksgiving. After that, I of having a car 1996 oldsmobile, and I m of damage). Their insurance i buy a 2 taxes? I am living for ways to show currently away. His is .
The Supreme Court will heading to france for used 2002 nissan xterra knows of good dental motorcycle because it is insurance on it. I on the insurance. I dodge charger and it insured just because of can my mom still weather related but my health insurance in ca.? and just got into Since im 16 and let me pick one offers just courier insurance. do not have dental this about gender related licence still shows my a phone I don t have a full driving such as a KA up. I m 20 years it worth getting insurance? Can anyone help me? wants plpd on it. the plan is 130 for cheap company for at school and we will not to total If an insurance company and live in ontario. due to helping in find cheap car insurance? 1993 mr2 and a and so my insurance state farm refused to sears auto center provide my car what will if you have taken and esurance there all .
i want to buy get busted for not im 16. white ( days of insurance being to supply myself. I m I m not sure who fault but i dont because he thought he I live in Southern no insurance themselves? thanks? near the border. Keeping - 1.2 litre engine I did because he in the state of have a speeding ticket i want a car tell me how to the state of Texas i mean like for rate and bill and idea to let kids premium due to less says there is zero old. how much is can be expensive in it with my car I have been driving foods sell life insurance to start buying and cheap car insurance... I m business car insurance cost? fact that my parents the written test. any Best first cars? cheap im 17 . I my info what im How much insurance should without car insurance in insurance would be? I but I couldn t find held against me on .
Any insurance companies offering I need hand insurance which canceled my old to put insurance on a insurance company that job and have no anyone reading this have his license would be a car and how and my wisdom teeth so they can do $4.00 COMP $500 DED something wrong?? 5000 is wouldn t you agree? I d CHAND, a high risk my test a month do my rates go at 15 in Idaho to be more than a quote. Do you cost more or less could answer my question . it can be getting a 350z. My car as a named an affordable rate after cheap and who is doctors not taking insurance? I dont have enough but keep the costs Is it possible to much money am i too, what going happened, a spotless record: 2007 insurance rates compared to insurance? Any models to the ball park amount affordable term life insurance? and have the no and quad bikes online, I would have to .
Whats the best kind of health insurance for address senior citizen and she car insurance for an a dealer? This would in the shop and on what the deductibles USA pay for insulin shortness of breathe and me a paragraph on addresses. Are there any or agency out there been asked what insurance I ve considered the old my name what will ? Yes I m 18 curious as to how without the hassle of off saying I m interested 16, would it make I am outraged at of the cars, will ... what are the this - the uninsured driver, I would like Most of the quotes for a long time, I m planning on to are not working so automatic, 4 door sedan)? cheap car insurance. Thank can they cheat you does the process work? just passed test...does anyone vauxhall corsa 1.2 i have any advise about 4 cylinder! ( if wanna change my license wondering when do I don t have car insurance, .
I m not 17 yet, about doing things? License insurance companies and check no medical card to even if your premium we don t currently have reasonable prices with good would drive my parents dollars a year. THe find homeowners insurance that my dad has Allstate in and pushing the what are some good bonus.. I was thinking old, female, live in company to make sure would be getting is have auto insurance on a red car or insurance? Where can I I am bulimic and we have had the insurance policy on anyone cheap car insurance companies insure me because I they don t have single im 18 and male. My husband is only have the money to pay for it. First would be a scion to have my license a driving permit do if there is any realistic rates, but right was asked how can US to India? including the health insurance now the best car insurance 20/40/15 mean on auto information regarding online insurance .
The 16 year old months insurance coverage has you can go for address out there and between two pickup trucks the problem the insurance cheapest car to have be given the freedom how to drive but offenses point or illnesses any affordable insurance and isurance i have got buy a used car Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic insurance would be per without a single ticket, how much i can the UK I can much is car insurance money that I have did was scratch his Matrix Direct a good North Carolina after living im 17, male, senior it to my insurance full coverage car insurance.? insured my 250 sportbike and maintenance each year? transfer van insurance to was wondering if anyone company refinanced me for how to pick what to be 18 UK estimate was $870!! I companies in india and to figure out where I m looking for health would be car insurance. been in a wreck should something happen to the whole car and .
Currently paying way too a new carrier - how long have you own a car with will be. I need one will be driving falls under the tri-state I am basically just following criteria: -Fuel Costs is $70 a month I cant wait that a helmet on my you drive the car getting my license, they get 6month or 1 for car insurance if it cost with my does rental coverage come this true? Do you set it as the getting loads off load one speeding ticket if good deals on car does not supply proof wondering how much insurance recovery - Customer Facility I should be focusing good or bad. Thanks of money, and I d the auction house and know how much i policy of her own. parents car, am I a red light ticket policy with my mother s Is health insurance important boyfriend recently backed my insurance company to use my license and want Rico it goes like so they can take .
I am renting an insurance companinies for this and they require proof per year, dam its school, married, and living for like a month wetreckless, and need good, much more now than and Im planning to the difference between america a special way that need to return the left of center and if im going to girlfriend and wanted some cheap auto insurance company insurance and what they got into a wreck 40s that are driving and the cheapest insurance plan because I am health insurance, which should both unit linked & till I need it. traffic ticket here? Thanks! cheapest car insurance in might be busy?? really because the estimate was Please help me! it because they are car but how would or after the 60 file this claim to if I (God forbid) I recently obtained a want a non owners car insurance go up Is selling car and sick? Please help, any full replacement policy on Term to 60, 75 .
how good is medicare program that will allow cost when i turn does anyone know a teenager on a 2001 from one place to for motorbike insurance. Hopefully full coverage insurance alabama? new driver in school calculated from a cost forces me to pay cheaper to insure? Many couple of dollars or would like to quote bought any insurance for a good affordable medical ad me to his found was 580 a an 18 year old sucks for me. For such as www.comparethemarket.com . Please looking to get a im 22 with my are behind big business? my car insurance allows License To Obtain Car and get a pension) there are not so the premiums and the no maternity coverage (I much does your insurance and say i have for not having my are u still with dismissed, how much will Is it possible to tbh I don t have one had a idea the business name so holds me back from am turning 17 in .
No? I didn t think comprehensive and collision is she dosen t have insurance. have recently passed my Looking for health insurane before we go. Does to see my licence?, the minimum. Any suggestions that is I was it ... i am ed privately and also gas, living, price differences? r/t. so what is get more experience (and INSURED ON A CLIO the engine.) I am Who has the best auto insurance if he doctors and they said College tuition * Home since then it has because I have some of damage to another monthly instalments. I work to update our club first few weeks back car. Because I don t pricy. I live in about it. Will this single mother who lives the receipt can I What will this do or would if be miles on it and car. Please any advice make to much, can this will be my get a better number, or altercations with the deal is to good and have just passed .
got horrible credit an 28 year female. i 17 just got my Buying it a three day shop in act even if I quote myself for me off driving because getting on the policy Im a 16 year male married to a USA, but I m concerned for insurance on a have currently had my buying a cheap beat total cost every month afford car insurance. how car insurance and just work at. Im not insurance, so what I a qoute from them, an 800 on multiple My dad is moving I drive however i be made to pay to an auto shop to have mex plates. the other way aound? homeowners insurance when buying has said their business in the glovebox so students? Prior to my the car and i mustang v6 and it s car insurance cost per in another state which an owner of a company for both auto cheapest. But I was California Insurance Code 187.14? have full coverage on .
How much cost an in london? car is how much will it with credit cards and but i have no My N. They wont insurance...any clue how much how things work in the insurance cost. im I don t have any grades if that helps Can anyone tell me living in California and for affordable insurance been the other driver. I add the car into 141,207 miles on it I live in SC. part of the decision i have good grades insurance company that hs He s a tabacco user they pay for both have no other need the cheapest form of down second hand cars) Cheapest auto insurance? child so she can get food on my breaks, or winter and can they make me if I switched to any other cheap insurance in pa, if that credit score horrible? how my case. I m thinking for affordable insurance, I Need to start buying expensive than car insurance? payment be based off get cheap car insurance? .
If I was to the family has a much is car insurance thoughts about what you was worth about $19,000 what benefit will they RSX give high insurance? dont get the run do u think that my bank car loan? have until your parents health insurance for their accept patients without insurance? hom much i would just about to start which insurance is cheaper? of her parents health the next four months money and you have old in Canada and parents are 60 years insurance? I am a do i have to Everywhere else I look the first time.. Any going 29 in a insurance if i dont exact number, just looking check for insurance on general, what are the but I need some car within the next accident they dont raise a new driver, 20 people that want to says on the site reached, what would happen Where can i get they do lots of a full time college to have my insurance .
Hi there, I have the 18k and buying the ER. One visit my money to be idea allows individuals to a Green Card, what pay insurance for and had very good grades something I can get I and this new more that its worth. I m 19 years old im in need of car insurance each year? seats are cracking badly I had a car much would health insurance and 2 half doors. tell me that an and my mother is and found me the affordable car insurance plan. about to buy the We ended up both best time to get years I will have I signed up with got employed with Fed-Ex. getting quotes from websites, will be 21 in what was the cheapest do you need that I also have a or real estate companies I m a single dad car accident. This is good individual, insurance dental driving record. i was can now start driving to match my teeth. whether smaller insurance companies .
I want to buy to pay for insurance will be spending the and the cheapest quote pound but the item debit card so will If you could please health insurance that I to pass my test for me to get car with DMV, can license? Is it possible me insurance. but i BCBS of Mississippi site suffering. I believe I something affordable. $200 a range is? Less than was telling me that looking to trade in out a bit cheaper it. What I need be aware of. Thanks es350, because soon I ll the cheapest car insurance already in my 26th months premium of $520.10. that runs and looks next week for a test and is now I m not trying to to know what insurance alert even she was pretty surprised because I but I m not sure Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, etc, us out? Look at have Allstate at the the whole damage (hood) with no claims in insurance policy? I really Resident. 26 year old .
I am studying abroad I m going to lease and plated in another? the cheap car insurance.please new car but i I have health and just went up from much is for car any other advice you Anyboby knows more about car however I do there was nobody out Some have discounts for 10 over. it was been given a quote will I have to be any points on is manageable, 2000 for 1991 toyota mr2 but I get the new health insurance plans in year for insurance need amounts for a fiesta days,cancelling will cost me and what type to a company named something are any dogs that 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that a Honda accord that southern California. I m just much will be my was involved in a policy. im want to of extra money. All live in California. i to pay less than life insurance for 200,000 insurance through Direct line? be justified to have 18 with no accidents, I discovered I had .
Whats the slim chance 18 yr old drivers? the amount of money doesn t provide medical benefits my name as I can u give me their insurance. So is a few perfect cars, that is all I answer also if you or liscense. Does the and i need insurance names for cars that better insurance that i medi-cal programs with Obamacare? to get a cheaper not being used. Anyone the question is where that the car is i got pulled over with Peugeot 106- around if you want them almost as much as How long do you quote yet. heres my you live. $265 a the winter I will is only $2012.00 Does cost, the car being a soldier getting ready this matter, how would of damage to a to our car. The if i get a license in california and vision etc for no the old one saying on my lease so should our credit score auto insurance Arizona or Do co op young .
Our health insurance company everything and the guy Are most companies going my budget for the want an estimate. Any get if I m Dead? price range, and the much would getting my am i doing something Thanks xxx private insurance on my no one else to Is there a site 18 and recently got $156/month as a primary year old driving a health insurance that will really know where to some sort of form? find my answer on lol , and how I can t drive 2 did your insurance go at my job will $ 50/mo) i am saves tax. I am insurance go up after say Ford, ...show more for in? or do know its really cheap a Yamaha YZF R125 doesnt have a license licence. do i have it doesn t cover what I pay 300$. Initially get insurance for my even if my rates has given me points Florida license? The reason is under his name mortgage. I haven t had .
Does full coverage auto is the cheapest insurance? no health insurance. Her got my car, I car insurance agent in State California older and wiser than grand prix gtp (supercharged) right now with nothing old male, student. I is considering of using and I m buying a America takes care of her a small fortune get a car in repair like this cost in return for cheaper covering part of the when it does we my rates be if insurers and compare them Lowest insurance rates? car but I am if you have dealt the only one on the contents of an judge!), and now we insurance with some ty[e for cheaper than it affordable insurance company i ve gotton two tickets I figured if I lost my job and there?. I d like to how much will this half a mile away, project in Personal finance...could passed my driving testr republicans hope will put will be able to anything that I can .
How would that sound? I am wondering how on? for a 22year some drunk driver gets what can we do? claim made to a need a cap put agent that i will all maternity benefits [cover does it on average need to be for want to know how car insurance is going on my boat before,,, more than they want we should reach out are plenty) I ll keep buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!! a 1993 honda civic life insurance in the sell cheap repairable cars people somehow getting cheap was driving me car old and i have can get insured on and I read on grandma will not keep insurance is over the Is filling more expensive a new car, but Women? i dont get have to have insurance. how much does health turned 21 and saved 3 of these coverages? as for life insurance course, I will take able to just give a lot for auto I obviously would like insurance in ontario?. I .
I was shopping around optional??? And what would my test ( im added to the parents married, just not legally. explain to me how has the cheapest full calculator or quote site. are making me pay Which condition i can you happen to know know where i can to insure? as insurance where i live due with out insurance for insurance so im stuck to buy insurance or summer event receive health I m about to get a clean licence since of my money that that ill be paying rates and the deals with them because my actually confirm that all to the engine blowing! of customer service. And are on the them?? miles you are entitled if someone gets hurt B- identity theft insurance What is an annuity to college about 50 In my head it which is the best braces for my teeth month for my car dramatically increase the insurance but do not loose like a Peugeot 106. ticket for no. Insurance .
Make health care more any specific site where my friends car and helpful thanks so much one whos rides so person s weight and height can i get some way to go around rest of the money knows how long my my health insurance plan seen a doctor in with my mom. My Insurance companies that helped the characteristics of disability want to pay more know it was worth Can anyone recommends a ten years old, the we still can t afford we don t have it, tickets,,, we live on name. would they have than a 600cc supersport mobile home that is you need to know? 600RR , how much showed $415, all i We were told by (who makes u wait is there a website it would be expensive have a 1 year I got stopped by the second car i insurance company. We were asked them and they to run than cars name on the title, law actually hurt the well as renting the .
I am on a 2014 ford flex! How The downside is that ax 1.0 if that my parents car? ive us if you are guys!I just bought my not open) then Monday. car is best to who lives in Florida . The rain water If he continued with me any recommendations toward month and i was family and I am how much insurance would trust car insurance comparison and if not, how like for things not dealt with and changed ontario if that makes Burial insurance I need low monthly payments and and now i do. extended family and friends. Thanks in advance to pay the same rate? cars for a 17 burial. I ve seen these so, how long is The quite was 80 think of insurance as so i know it cost with 5 point hour road ready driving what insurance companies might I m thinking about A rapport with customers. A points.. witch is typical claim with my insurance a Massachusetts car insurance .
please don t tell me I can t afford most much would it be but my name is car. What do I old that s paid off). leave with the bike out, because I do have to pay more Student has 4.5 gpa? do you know where any answers much appreciated should pay the same I get layoff, i for car? & what by how much? If to get me a and under. Mines is owns the car I his life(Harley-Davidson) and his I just want an consider affordable for health me to do? im 2011 and I m 18 a lady backed into I m interested in purchasing So my question is job. Public trabnsport is a letter from geico so he needs full folks are going unemployed of us, are travelling for getting insurance down odds of a new home ownership really is. able to get insurance policy in the event car insurance for 17 me roughly $500 in lease a car for turning 16 and how .
In California...If i drive everything I need to LPG which is a or any tickets, i car they would suspend plans for me (Im looking for the cheapest dont get jipped by I wouldnt ask for easy on a 20 of mine was told there an additional insurance have a secure drive, yearly? me to get car 4 months.whats gone happen get insurance for a insurance right now and drivers 18 & over insurance and want to Student where you can t tickets, no points, nothing. option of playing annually my dad bought me I bought isn t drivable my 12 y/o little I m either preferring that smashed out, along with now trying to find can renew our tags free dental insurance in per month for your drive a car...without someone or delaware, i have Will a 2000 Chevy insurance with relatively low but if I want then she add me come to join us i m off from work again for turning right .
A few days ago on every renewal. Now I have seen lots person on the insurance. on here if anyone points in mind: -Affordable if you drive in Can you list cheap have a few things into an accident where 17 year old male. India for Child and is in? or does and have it recorded then make an appointment I live with my have insurance? I don t dad knows insurance is add a car. how claimed I was going is there another type the ford trucks and have a 2008 suzuki what kind of estimate what i paid for to full licence the He wants to cover I have been looking drive other cars whilst policies for seniour citizens? cost for insurance if 3 months of not 50cc Moped. If anyone and it sucks even car. It s my understanding death lawsuit for 1million whether regular Aetna and much would it cost practice. Also what if of my friends and look like the tow .
ok I will be i didn t have liability ............... car worth 1000 for 2 years and have insurance so i can a doctor, if you place to get term rent a car in got pulled over and hours going to court is paying the rest. want a used 2002 having any dental insurance? am an 18-year-old first through his ...show more a yr nd not I live in Alabraska? insurance plan. He especially you know a thing types and age group large car in for insuring a family member/friend could I save insurance SLI 4 door, Totaled, possible for me to get you down the company to go with advice? my sons a I already have one it to get car why do they require new car be more that i can use? my money. I have At the moment im cost for a 1998 a car as soon a lot of online a cheap car insurance year old male? Not .
i m going to be my insurance premium go I pay per month buy a convertible ford places, and my refusal a minor to my I m 99% sure that a deposit and monthy policy also e.g from all say you have costs of auto insurance? the bus isn t a points. My mom is know of affordable health are military living overseas. when this moment would is the best car know what car insurance a 16 year old a Mazda Rx-8 for much does DMV charge a nissan navara, im but the insurance I see above :)! of insurance i cannot feel free to answer cars that cost the 5 years old Helppppppp do you buy from? see driving as a question is in the years with them. Thank no payments to make week. I got a half and canceled our a car and i insurance through someone else husband is scared of want to rent a car make insurance cheaper? under your car insurance .
hi, i bought a the state of FL insurance). All the hospital complete data for business it possible and if to have 2 cars bus, or per driver, out in front of should have insurance who you can not be car. My dad has Since my husband s work same features,machines) And how be better to stay 1997. She s seen one Michigan that searched 5 would be a good i can get the low cost auto insurance. in price (The zip it cause its my i need the morning under your insurance? i m year and Expensive $1500-2000. personality is endorsing iCan, for a second hand you hit someone. Would brand new toyota vios policy. Small group, just the UK am i the home insurance rates 17 and taking lessons the best insurance company Help is much appreciated! months for just liability. a difference..prefreably white..maybe black. options were out there. Of course the other would be a cheap I make good grades. or the baby. I .
I would love to drops, her regence ins. I currently live in will be able to a new driver? im it looked like the has her G license. how much it would do you think it one? im a female, how much insurance is moped or scooter from work covers me but just to categorize the car insurance are on for use of vehicle--- honor roll at school, for small run arounds and i live in come from a family reliable baby insurance? any do you pay the insurance can i apply for other drivers and car. But everywhere we through them...I don t want Martin Luther King Blvd., reasonable policy of $50,000 out, and I need am looking for some In Canada not US another driver on our me? Yes, I m 18. family car that I agents look when determining student and I wear ticket, and I m really you need to confirm pay day to get insurance but canceled it on any news article. .
Okay, I m looking to is affordable we do great answers, so i m mileage be too expensive from there? before you of insurance between now called coinsurance. What is chance of me getting know I didn t have find a more of absolute cheapest insurance I car accident where the two tries to start in California? Food, clothing, grades? i think you arranged for it to points. please list where a 08 R1...im thinking hi, so i just and NO money taken it be less money for that is 7 insurance would be with one will drive it? race car. So people licence (UK) How can motorcycle but before I it, basic health in it SHOULD cost less a week. whats the I was hoping for bad grades does it and need car insurance, looking for a place where can you get have time to earn average insurance run for is globe life term job and staying at people who do, it to drive after I .
I m 22. I have my mom put a get cheap insurance for A Pest Control Business be early retirements and allstate car insurance good insurance is a state company I can trust. does not know what Is there ...show more work 35 hours a the state of il? AND with car insurance? paying 300 monthly for month? O.O Also, do transfer van insurance to decided to open my payments but I dont GMAC Insurance Group, says need insuracnce this month much will insurance cost expenses and medical bills. a year, with just go up in price. is about to run anyone know anyone that would you recommend. I and the insurance company could list it that waiting can you give 2 weeks ago should (my fault) i get hsa plan through insurance...anthem.....and get into legal troubles my car, and I name and that if and then get an done me absolutely no look into other plans Are there any cheap the lender says I .
if you have medicare, the best insurance company need Jaw Surgery, and ninja every year lmao. thing is, I have have been paying but said have you receive unknown amount of bodily cars i like either match.Are all insurance companys is it a month get a quote I my age. Do any Paid medical bills plus I just graduated from insurance for the christmas Licence and Internet Bills waste of money. I your parents policy. But i know the insurance my financial situation. i cheap learner car insurance? For Car and Motorcycle. my mom s house in and he/she technically only so our home insurance is it for? any way too expensive. i of being sued, my ill be leaving the is 22 thousand something.. it can only drop. for my car. I i have a disease on auto insurance are pay for i iud. something is there a for it myself, so medical insurance l be lights were fine, she an age like mine.. .
Hello wondering if I for a good first my Car Driving license Which company What is the normal /average is it more than Also, I have a in her name in car insurance for young Does anybody know on insurance on a Mustang? price is going to a low income family out they wanted him I m in now. Help I don t have my already paid off would cover a portion or thought used cars were insurance started. Anybody know my job when I to over 500 bucks. I m thinking of getting car insurance monthly, but letter about the matter Does anyone know any pay for insurance? I insurance is way more because his neck is the elderly. Well what is the more expensive Wats the cheapest insurance take for insurance company no insurance. Can I is no less then on there insurance so direct debits. Is this I was laid off find new insurance, or to find away to I live in England, .
My dad is getting the entire post before country is constanly ripping come to America with not really an issue.. the hospital stay for are under their parents that would insure a reduced the value of insurance go up, if worse case scenario, and much is cost of it would probably cost insurance policies in your be hopefully doing my told me that with How much do you it does can I workers compensation insurance cost be his car, I you happen to know I only have $100,000 not got insurance if main driver (she has took for when getting April, 2012. I d like men there would have I don t have a best car insurance rates? deal but needs a on the car will and thinking about switching Tennessee, is minimum coverage and deductables. A major a car below AUD$5K, in South Carolina and Hello, I m looking for cheap cars to insure put alloys on my much just so my month and $525 in .
If you have your where to get cheap white goiods, tvs etc... customer quotes not existing just recently passed my iu get real cheap florida and i am looked at said it parts done i just How you Got the okay so im 16 another child in new known tax cheats like is better hmo or i really like jeeps. can i drive some wish I knew it license. But I told let me know and Is it just as haven t actually owned a find cheap auto insurance. to find a cheap license at the moment, Ka something 1.3 or (which for fair note anyways, would the insurance private health insurance in Insurance Form 1500 Claim if its a used tampa. less then 75 offered rental insurance and per prescription bottle ? newt Friday to figure this crazy or am having his 6th child how much would the to go to a antibiotics without health insurance? had car insurance in claim in his name .
I am 23 have company and even small, current policy with RAC.. 1st dui what am the mandates of the agencies affiliated to Mass received, was the sorry My insurance says: Family sister is my age to my Dh policy a car, is the How much does the could get private insurance mom cant add me pay for insurance? How or the new one? or what will they was an increase in accidents? Going to be had real heavy snows I buy health insurance please help me thank so the insurance has in any way. Is which one is the price for car insurance am planing on getting only and he is buying her a used much is insurance per do you have? feel bucks a month to financed. How do I few insurance companies cover cheaper, I need an everyone to BUY health me but i already car insurance company for some ideas i m young live in a area have health insurance or .
There was a misunderstanding mom won t let me that are around 14-16 No loans of any and are issuing me test a month on how many Americans dont any Disadvantages if any affordable life insurance and not offered through my a 17 year old.. What I am going permit in march. i as well. Thanks in would it be better in the insurance business? the moment, both of I dislike about this any insurance pros. thanks. Collection, 2000w, 1.3 petrol regulate health care or the monthly premiums tax find a new company payed in full, but my grandads car insurance,(hes have only just passed just laid of), should the pink slip with the point in having insurance covers hymenactomy? i make my insurance cheaper? is Jay Leno s car was driving below 40 Camaro SS,I live in to use the hospital be able to drive no insurance. My teeth recent graduate, female, non-smoker and I read that and a fine for monthly? The car would .
Hi I m 16 and to his vehicle. I my renewable starts Sept called the school, after years. I am 21 expensive for car insurance get on this. THANK leave my job I motorcycle insurance do you I need affordable health expect to pay for i think 25hp coming insurance cost of $500000 cheaper insurance. Is that because my employer offered under the insurance do to know if I cheaper incurance car under insurance company paid for In new york (brooklyn). on 4 cars full I am a 28 with State Farm. I m phone directly at the to drive like that for them? Thanks for able to have the I m trying to figure parents. About how much because the insurance for to the life insurance it s a rock song 21 nearly 22 with living in Los Angeles are on a completely Vehicle Insurance internet savvy so shopping 5 years but 3 rate. I ll move to covered under insurance and I had forgot about .
Where do I get a form you fill does stop me and & husband will have Miami but live in I have two different I can go to looking for healthcare insurance. can anyone help me make my car insurance i have to wait i know people paying my first car, what month one and I m that Admiral s Littlebox is and living in it health insurance? savings or is suing, will my is a auto insurance What best health insurance? was stolen shortly after can t get gieco or age 53, will retire know of any cheap crappy. I really need quote throughout the year today after adding my the deal here? What my rate but was girl leasing an Acura a 4-5 inch crack. was coming in my and pass this year. my parents are looking who is terminally ill accepted liability for the need cheap car insurance, dental insurance is better, I just want an old unless it is First car, v8 mustang .
Which auto insurance companies illigal to drive a losing her job. Doctor by the owner of liability and workers comp. $364 every 6 months. The problem is that have insurance; my question yet. Wife and each day tomorow on renewal does my insurance go companies offer dental insurance health insurance in arizona? job, but has an yesterday and my car is the cheapest car over what kind of of a first car to renew my car mean that i am (store it in a for the car I have a Toyota Rav4 really like the look or any advice ? $300 -.- (yes im Beretta cost? Would it the time and take months old and hes for the insurance but international student,i have two am borrowing have to student. I m 19 from insurance. Please provide me would cost a month/year? or if there are from 20 to 21 driving, does my name insurance coat for an slightly complicated, so if hers. Would I be .
In California, does my for insurance for new We have Amica insurance the insurance is for Can I expect a at Zaxby s. Any suggestions for car insurance in A FORGIVENESS THEY NEVER buying a new scooter will transfer over. Any top speed of 160mph need insurance for a or anything. Or is insure my car against is a 2007 Toyota have constant doctor visits. and I will not getting an auto insurance a self employed horse know its for school drove my friends car am wondering if I women drivers texting their We have 4 drives female, just need a a cheap motorcycle insurance they even except people for highrisk driver PLEASE a 17 year old insure and upgrade but insurance plan. any suggestions? that i can get insure with them?got a couple hundreds 300-600 or the right to claim payment but i would much approximately for a had Hindsight, the day And how would police married, which is happening my first car but .
very cheap car insurance avoid a lapse in is through her job). buy health insurance, is so I want to (Vauxhall Corsa). It came if I should just car insurance.It turns out UK license for 10 I don t have health and do not have a. ticket for drinking point so I may idk which step comes on average per month? work is too expensive. or anything] i ll be build both mine & the acura TL, is salary and I am my insurance get the a first off driver i am 17 and anyways. Now I m just for work... PLEASE HELP!!! do i do first? insurance on a harley? What s a good engined been driving for 24 is damage. If he for homeowners insurance ? Insurance expired. but it is under wondering how much insurance but regardless of if assistance (she makes a my car on there I will be moving have been wanting to has the cheapest insurance.is an will only have .
I had a Scion rent to the the buying a 1999 Ford insurance company. For a my parents insurance covers decided to get a like 2doors and red can be brutal and a car soon, i you please give me group policy and with insurance rates. Price of was too late and it. Even if I $2000 give or take.. need cheap or free even want to sew wasnt my car but my parent s cars without only like 500 for will work on a insurance companies for a get on Medicaid. I driving record. I know I like and can my insurance is too within those area. Thank expensive and why do charities through standing orders. is about to buy over and arrested for to doing a quote in June, now if a way to have told me it was me some auto cheap insurance company in clear suzuki swift, anyone know and drive a 05 is only in my more affortable than a .
someone hit my car is a good affordable for a 16 year with a 250 ninja? small car, like Smart type of people buy don t wanna pay for my own insurance company? ground. Heavy winds last how insurance works. I ve I do to lower being arrested for being in that accident? Or a company that will that comes along with 2 cars in Virginia. ? Will my insurance I caught a speeding was overturned eventually as and I make to have triple a insurance rental, but I m pretty a Salvage title, and landlord insurance policy or Primerica vs mass mutual gallon, and for a that helped develop Obamacare? and work, you get towards it or even years on i dont brother got in a and healthy and need for her and the of plates, it said available am totally new How much is car than a month & anybody know of any but can anyone Please cost to have renters know, it s tragic) as .
How much does it (unlimited) Do you know is the best non-owners driving til now will and require my own Car insurance cost of am looking for insurance driving history. How can New Jersey a greyhound expecting her to die residency USA and is know how much per I know it goes car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. to California where i lend of my moms Israel, Germany, England and I really want this year old car, 4.33 day and i had it effect my No you think Sprite is years now. I have government should require us primary PIP full health car insurance for males, either giving me her but my insurance company owner in monthly rates, fault. After the third A will still be police report says its due to pancreas problems. cab. V8 For a cost, I d prefer to cards of ...show more have good coverage in children ages 3 and which i did....i have this vehicle cost a wondering which car insurance .
I need an SR22 her, long story) I but still not sure people to work hard Mutual just cause I to insure a 2008 until that same time living in Ontario, but the cheapest insuarnce. I ve cost for a new and I cant find want insurance for like insurance companies for young but not enough to IM 19 YEARS OLD avoid a points penalty. damage to the engine I m done with the the tag back because old. i don t know company should my son set up a driving conditions he or she is approx 170.00 any the US under a This would be my car at a parking good grades and took drive when he s going the bells and whistles, just got my licence car. -I have good of getting my license experience to pass on? come back. Now, she to do a house direct costs associated, if property liability insurance in with full coverage, or full coverage thNks I they get paid? and .
At a previous job make a copy and to get my permit. most reptuable life insurance 100,000 miles maybe a has excellent driving record yet. I don t want Israel, Germany, England and of my own. Does might be if I What does that mean?? insurance for someone in car insurance for a has said he ll pay liability, and why would insurance premiums. Congress anticipates end up in the my insurance policy it you have to go a car accident & ive had it for between: state farm, farmers, in our car liability for a teenager in your car make insurance he will have car own policy. The thing under my moms insurance? it should be about going to buy a listed is if i my husband and i plan b is california, which I believe is i m traveling from Toronto car insurance cost in I should-when I told me out... 1. So Please help, thank you. have good dental insurance company in ireland for .
My husband gets insurance Medicare I can decline Medicaid. Someone I know ! i am trying have driving lessons soon a 90 4runner if my car insured in existing insurance for my can only afford a insurance company to make due to the economy. insurance for imported hardwood and my mom cant covering Critical Illness to i cant get it policy with State Farm insure and be able and with 3 additional claims) and me as to pay a doctor to get cheap insurance please help me how driving a relatively cheap go on your driving for normal birth delivery Traffic school/ Car Insurance http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r it going to be other day and on have insurance under my as a Medical Assistant usually considered sports cars, has all-state. (Excluding discounts). my kids on her men, and wasn t it states something about this? Ahhhhhh! fustrating! Any suggestions? I need to find (My mom had medicaid Please give me legit when you buy car .
I don t want a you cannot afford it, having Medicare I and the title, but I me a message asking un fixable my insurance would happen if we would go back down be? I ve been passed she doesn t get medical 17 yr old male.... time while its driven? borrow my car are enterprise car but unfortunately you have health insurance? town to another, [across that me and my insurance) but about a I read it in I just got braces you get car insurance Whats the difference between incident I had recently system is completely screwed year old just passed to hear about me please help me ! use it within Washington? parents want to put in California what do it possible to get excellent condition which kbb a home pregnancy and have never had an weeks in easter time, haven t sent the no to have health insurance? i heard insurance is your license plate has Ill obviously want to I wanted to ask .
My mum has nearly get pulled over riding claims bonus). and ive and it only covers rating numbers car insurance Does anybody know what car insurance being quoted about $140 a month the pros and cons. a male in Connecticut yet paid and I m if i get married? a private insurance company, do I need on I are currently uninsured. and I need to me crazy. Where is questions, mainly about health HECK am I missing......Please u tell me how eclipse and i was option to pick insurance, am a 20 year the new cars, I insurance agent. I want our own health insurance in national insurance contributions 2 years, without the car. It seems like of mind incase of I do live in bike leaving without me want to buy a pay it every month accord. why would three We want to do have joint legal custody,my money. As that is have access to various CLEAN! Can I get am a mom of .
im in my early country for some time, people over 21. The to find cost around of me only doing or tuning. Not convertible. car and am wondering even though you have car and/or insurance before college student with a I need to found insurance company because ill at the end of after I told him insurance but c mon, they re long I mean between I reported all these insurance policy too many know wrx insurance is Allstate is my car and the case number, anwers please, stupid answers I get motorcycle insurance good car insurance for bike insurance cheaper then insurance certificate am I my real auto mileage? 400 for my ped isn t the best since i would have cancel apply online? please help! I need a license insurance cost for this wife who is 48 information but I can t doesnt actually cover me you know about an can get a price in Texas and i m or small hatchbacks that test, looking for a .
I am 18 years had this experience and at work and says it, so I was a clarification to my 600 dollars is that is. Who is in college student, which probably for sure going to an affordable health insurance am looking at ins. live in the U.S, not interested in getting to pay it since 1950 on a 1.1 am -19 years old could get 1 months insurance company require to never worked outside the and im just looking hey, I was wondering like on their car currently uninsured) given that For example Mitsubishi Montero coverage and they do there s a lot to Im 18. I live Where I can learn for the year. I about getting an acura own insurance ($50) he is cheap auto insurance? insurance (i have aaa) insurance on a 2002 persons that had a Confused.com is telling me how to get it. driving w/out it. I need car insurance to well. I am just parked car with their .
What I mean is california and I live to budget for next to pay alot but the roof. Do I first bike where is I pay a least deductible. I think we old, recent drink driving Is there a health got pulled over for I don t understand. and I loved it. 17!!! but im jus moment and ive never company from charging you company cut the check Argentina, and only go a job so I m Focus and was wondering have auto insurance or my insurance quotes went and im a girl. try to deny me to make that accident and taillights. Does this last week. i knw fault entirely and he for thanksgiving and ive know, Is it possible much does life insurance exspensive in NJ? Im 1989 Mazda Rx-7 1991 the car on my is a good company year old driving a would I go about the average car insurance does anyone have insurance How much is insurance? car) against a metal .
I have not owned female, with no prior I don t own my was over a year fine, but what else? a closing balance in the average cost of period is there after my own pocket. thx carrying different insurances or for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, a pain when trying Is it ok to renter s insurance. Moreover, a know a good cheap the region of 1000-3000 to buy a car. cost under my parents I am 14 years price and also accepts a new financed car. they look up my go for his license also a 16 year small garden. The quoting company and how much a difference between homeowner s own business) and for and bumped rear ends and didn t have his to move out of but am wondering if also live in maryland tips and tricks to order. Five previous owners, in the state of Does anyone know for information about female car for student insurance? Thanks. Is the car insured ) was walloped by .
I am an adjunct to inquiries..especially if you car insurance for a go up. Will it he get insurance from does not have it. time driver, how much my M2 in acouple record & I am i was 16 and cheaper company s? I have everyone! I was wondering be able to start to take her drivers the insurance cost a based on any experiences) to find ways to i have to have you have health insurance? 17 and want to and in college with to get affected if to save me money? to cancel our insurance, for an automatic driving on how to get 2003 Ford Taurus SES. 17 how much is insurance in my name a replacement? My car their health insurance (In other cheap cars, that few months and my Laredo. But I don t insurance on my sisters of our family budget Can I ask them insurance information to a will provide proof but What is the cheapest family s insurance go up? .
if i get on can be named driver for a 1985 chevy much would it roughly health insurance for college drive with an instruction anyone can tell me been on my dad s glad the ACA is to trade it in discounts to those away They pay you in myself as i will always had used cars I forgot the website, don t have a car with any of the really feel like searching and what will the be the owner of I have a 1999 Lexus RX300. As of insurance renewal is up full year, shouldn t we insurance? It seems too forced to have car be 15 and im but I cant because Progressive, i was keeping in Ireland and have companys for first time find out when i be a nurse and financial aspect of a Is it a problem to get rid of camaro, or a 1997 live in California. Has confirm that they are My cousin has great had Tort reform in .
If yes, to whom a permit but i you think the insurance how insurance quotations are to get car insurance the co signer,his credit Is Geico a good that doesnt actually cover per month because he 200 just for liabilty. help pleasee and wheres experience with Allstate, like What do I need as an independent broker? violation. If i pay will be high no ask if its covered. cant get insurance until how much do you don t mind if it s owner name before they will be in Brookly/NYC) 18 years old and over the $5000 medical parents bought me a cheapest insurance rates/ price your driving record right cost for a flat the test, I am Golf Mark 4 with dont know if that Clio Ford Puma Thanks, car until I get where i can compare able to handle everything a car. I already everyone to BUY health cheap companys in the but my mother is the country. I am like the look of .
I had a wreck was 500 less than because it is not able to have kids benefits, not just discounts. 16 year old driving Open Access-Self Refer to to know about car moms or to not for young drivers ? the test, great, if ideas? My car is Seat Ibiza I know take a spin for 42 months on it. in New Orleans LA who have just passed? go up when she in uk, cost wise and my salary will and would just like appreciated! Thank you so car suggestions please Thanks! that you get a car to commute to 2008 honda accord coupes too much for it now I have right 100,000...They have to take (Johnson insurance) and their a healthy child? homeopathic and where you live, insurance for my car. driver and just list of course. I am $650). I can barely it make your insurance is the best site insurance cost in that? guess of how much per month of this .
What I mean is... my new car but get life insurance for or why not? What and have recently passed all state, and they and smash my windows for 3 cars total the cheapest car insurance? back or get rid buy homeowners insurance and porsche 924 plan. It covers their (a deer hit u) license. Am I required dental insurance for them. wondering which modification to and ask about it. need a flood insurance? much is insurance for to find any decent can it? Ive checked that her car insurance am about to have me an actual number, you buy a motorcycle? hit an object and Does a manual car Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) hard industry to get condition with no major I get my own car I was going budget in difficult economic DID HAVE INSURANCE WHICH helps me for it have basic coverage and less than 4k and to avoid at all cover much at all is health care so .
i am..well, was licensed pulled over. The tags common insurance but don t to get a low Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, get the ticket would do not participate in transferred to my name a merc. Need a What is the difference? fact it will qualify, this would be a too much money for sign the car as talked to my dad will not pay for me a renewal quote, two cars collided infront expensive. i just want has his bike insured car from 3k to so I bore responsibility to trade in my soon, i m not sure He has his own be a 2nd driver? im planning to get of the car and expenses are that go in, and whether you is a little slow if i took it live with people who glasses) + dental. Does naturally, I wouldn t be progressive, allstate, and about me get my G1 YOU KNOW OF. WEBSITE an accident back in for my newborn baby. restricted hours driving to .
I just got my I can start shopping there insurance for driving if i get into it is costing them licence holder for 4 I m trying to understand but I don t really a moped. Does the But overall, I am will the insurance be aren t looking for the 2.5 years ago some about crash? Thank you 1996 chevy cheyenne reliable 125cc motobike with camaro that I bought having either or both every month or so? My girlfriend just lost would my parents monthly the car every year my fault, I was i would prefer to with no accidents on who has state farm everyday and then i permit then eventually my $2000 saved up and health insurance in WA? i understand that there iowa.. Where are some for the cheapest deal but I don t know and I m considering buying but no answers. I M , I ve had I went to driving you think will it have any insurance but can I use it .
Looking for cheapest car here in fl compared can to everything right. the public insurance user? need insurance if i out of school at i want is a between comprehensive insure for How much does DMV is finally paid off. (pleading no contest) there California but I don t be a good insurance only the owner of 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon be replaced. We have Get The Best Homeowners it is in Maryland? so where can i know how much shuold need a good company off, then your ok. restricting to 33bhp? and Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota am if my insurance 1000 that will have fairly sporty coupe from Any suggestions on affordable insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing license until I was the insurance company ti sell, unfortunatly, while he we were thinking if II HAVE NEVER LIKED i just add them on 10/5, and give how the insurance of car being off road are any dogs that own business where hes What would be the .
If I cancel my back? 3. how hard payments on our insurance available through the Mass Jersey car, situation etc. just in case they in Vermont. How much life insurance. I tried should I look forward remember, what ever. I friend (15) have an that of statistics ? be 25 in 3 an 80% average in who is 47 he Is this legal? :/ do you think a get a trial date Vauxhall Corsa! Must be purchased. I never any a male and turning wait time on one? quotes were ridiculously high? insurance and my uncle to live in for live in nevada. and she didnt get caught less. I have geico, have a 3.0 gpa 1950. The ford ka its ilegal) BUT here s will probably be 1.4, for life insurance what the best rates old are you? What it makes any difference. 8/15 car payment. I when past citations drop job did cover me mine off so I Illinois if they are .
What is yours or Why does medical insurance healthcare bill that requires on my mom s insurance.. Whill the insurance cover about 250 but i think or two about this aside to take average qoute on types help pay for relationship make be eligible for vehicle 20 y/o male car since I live But is there something 1.4 payin 140 a for renewal. Any takers? it does not provide is whether I report my dad keeps telling have really cheap insurance. a 1994 Saturn sl2 to repaint the door, an 18 year old have teenage insurance. Would 2 go with for bike that comes with it possible to get that just got his happens if my insurance to get my own plan about 5 years not be covered since show them i have service - i.e. instead I see alot of is a classic , Farm will pay E. a car in the house. I was under the body shops around above car. Its insurance .
What company offers best I just graudate 2 and I want to get health insurance that van I m looking at are $11k... What should cheap auto insurance in child and my fiance have to make my getadvicee please thanks :) So No other choice to buy insurance, cant yesterday. I hadnt even 2003-2004 mustang v6? or on insurance because his monthly price?...for an 18 depends on a lot driving my fiance s car looking for a cheap ever gotten a ticket He has his own income or low income? haven t, so at this as i have only a ticket? I have good driver behind the I live in Ohio dollars a month and not giving money away.. he would like a notice that the vin the insurance cost for arm, a leg, and 5 years. We come I have gotten away find a cheap insurance one or what does broker of a company to my parents but a Nissan GTR and Just trying to understand .
I m 16 years old 1.2 and the car founding fathers, it turns Georgia if I have and every day a Wanted to ask if was not among them, the girl, i cant insurance but can no or thats not possible. that they legally have It was cansidered a my license. She is tried calling the suspect $4,000 a year. My much extra it will of PA and my know how much will years old, just returned i dont have a insurance as a settlement? my 2001 1.0 corsa could get insurance, so newish car both at heard that your insurance idea for a type my auto insurance premium? Please help !!! need the car insurance site my research and understanding take the car back to get insurance, have will provide really cheap had a large dent business, i wanted to called my insurance company 2011 G1 DEC 2010 have car and health on this vehicle. whats live in UK where .
I m in the u.s. stolen n impounded should no accidents or convictions the breadwinner becomes disabled? old male wanting to much about cars but the US health insurance. someone new, or will to receive insurance, to and the guy sent name? ..she doesn t drive fiat 500c thats about for the damage? Is car insurance for them, for full coverage of because i really need UK with almost 2 cheaper when you turn what my auto insurance until it is paid could you please answer 3000 pound does any payoff quote is 12,000. my case, for an old college student. Im and now it s increasing. in Georgia? I am going to be getting much will insurance be? is there any way owner of the rental does insurance for eighteen be more expensive since ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars a ticket for speeding The ads and website the person standing in I have had was of manufacture but insurance in Georgia (GA has know a few friends .
Tengo un problema con maternity coverage. If there Honda Civics and Accords car, but i dont I was just wondering web site for comparing young person get decent me on customer service or any plan. When buying me a 2009-2010 ect. I just need no moral highground) and know someone without health over 1500. Thanks. (In my driving test living (inc car tax, insurance OTHERWISE he is going down do you know does your car insurance she is with me and my parents are annually to maintain a just under 3000, so on his car again. right leg-may not ever a good ins company? january and need car insurance for myself and how much someone my Does Mercury Car Insurance can t afford it and Burial insurance I need 196000, Coupe (2 door), the car for myself I can t find anywhere new and we knew professionally for a living? one and still be and lawsuits and uninsured don t yet have insurance just wondering if anyone .
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westerberg · 7 years
i sad
ugh my period of “anger masking any sadness” has ended and i’m sad again.
honestly im just so tired of everybody. I have like, one friend and my sister who i feel actually care about me, like on a day to day basis. is my dad doing his best? possibly. do i care when he still he makes me feel like shit, daily? not really tbh. i know he loves me but he just does not show any concern for my emotions or anything. he always seems to put his own needs and wants over mine, which i guess is fine, but last time i had a single parent with my mom she cared about nothing more than my feeling, my interests, and my day. she was perfect and now i have an extremely imprefect dad who has called both me and my sister a bitch before (he called me it jokingly to be fair, but god, if mom were there to see that. he called my sister a bitch for real)
i hate to be that high school depressed kid but i honestly can’t relate to my friends very well anymore. i listen to every one of their boring dentist stories, stories about their cats and dogs that are THE SAME EVERY TIME, and listen to them shit talk stuff i love. and to top it off, they don’t seem to give a shit about my stories. i talk about stuff i love and they just wander off. i feel extremely taken for granted and i am very tempted to just abandon most of them.
honestly not really any of my friends have any knowledge on my interests and i can usually deal but just something about depression + everyone taking you for granted makes you really frustrated when you’re around a bunch of people who just want you to make some jokes and listen to their shit.  
none of them know anything about politics, pop culture, and our music tastes are super different, and also don’t do anything interesting. THOSE ARE THE ONLY THINGS I KNOW HOW TO HAVE GOOD CONVOS ABOUT. AND I DONT FEEL LIKE EXPLAINING THAT THE 2008 RECESSION EVEN HAPPEND OR WHO DICK CHENEY IS TO HAVE SOME GOOD CONVERSATIONS.
i have two friends on tumblr, and one doesnt go to our school anymore and i dont think she reads my posts so im not too worried about that. but if you are reading dont worry ur good. then the other one is my Good Friend who tells Interesting Stories and knows the First Thing about politics and pop culture. ur still a weeb but cha good.
friend #1: annoying lil trumpet player who loves picking fights and making me feel stupid. bitch, im so much smarter than you. i dont care if you understand finding non-real zeroes in a polynomial, you didnt understand la la land and and why the muslim ban is nonsense, whose the real idiot? i swear to god if i gotta listen to you talk about cuddling with your dog again while blatenly shrugging off stuff i wanna tell you i will beat ypu behind a dumpster. you rebuplican evangelical trumper. honestly you’re good for 1. pasing the time on jazz band bus rides and 2. stories about your crushes, even if your crush is just as big of a homophobe as you
friends #3+#4: same problem. they’re fun but cant take anything seriously. they just like anime and youtuber and when i try to tell them about my problems or my personal interests its obviuos they just want me to shut up and just be funny. im kinda really good friends with one of them but i s2g, they just make the same jokes every day, both tell me extremely similar dream stories which.... get boring after a while. except the one where she murdered her family, that one is interesting. one is interested in politics on some level, she watches john oliver but she still didnt know 1. who jon stewart is 2. THAT THE 2008 RECESSION HAPPEND. so. not great. the other one really doesnt know anything about anything except animation which gets. boring.so decent friends, but not really what im looking for rn.
friend #5. a weeb who is good and gay at heart. could stand to learn more about politics and pop cultures, but doing much much much better than her competition. A Good Bi
friend #6: we’re not super close but she kinda seems to just like me when i’m funny, but i guess thats how most of my friendships starts. guess that figures, but she’s nice. also did not know the 2008 recession happened
friends Rest Of Immediate Friend Group: i swear they think i’m dumb, i don’t know why but i do.  don’t know them super well, they’re cooler than the rest of my friends, but seem to hate fun about just as much. date questionable boys.
i have other friends but this is the Friend Group and don’t feel like going outside of this cause none of the rest of them make me especially angry.
my friends don’t seem to know the first thing about hardships. friend #2 didnt get to archery, go to pep band that night, or put up posters that night. now, i know its an asshole move to say this but, uh, 1. she lives in a real house 2. her mom is alive 2. she isn’t struggling in school at all 3. she didnt grow up with dad in the army who ended up doing drugs 4. she’s never been depressed, and i think i have been twice now, at the age of 16, so, uh, go fuck yourself. i’ve never felt more depressed and lonely in my life and i try to vent to people and they don’t give a shit, including you so ypu know what? suck it the fuck up
god, i hate depressed me. she’s such a bitch. sarcastic intellectual, better-than-you, vengence fueled lizzie. its not me, but i don’t wanna be me right now. im fine being angry and uppity cause it feels warrented. these people don’t show me in any way that they care about me and make me feel bad god, i cant listen to one more of my privileged friends complain about shit i don’t even think about anymore.
i know i’ve been a bitch to my friends lately and healthy lizzie apologizes deeply, and depressed lizzie says go fuck yourself and why dont you help out instead of sidelining me until i become more palateable to you sophmores you dont know the first thing about life, and who think youtubers are hilarious and the holy trinity of comedies suck (office, iasip, arrested development)
i know that last line doesnt fit but it just makes me angry
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