#................. what's going on here
t00thpasteface · 4 months
leonardo da vinci assassin's creed is so fucking funny conceptually. ezio i'm such a pacifist that i'm a staunch vegetarian. i like to buy live animals at marketplaces just to release them into the wilderness. but if you kill anyone i would love to dissect the bodies and draw them. also i turned your knife into a gun for you because i love you
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okaydays22 · 2 months
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purplemagehawke · 6 months
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New illustration by the current AA art director, Takuro Fuse, to celebrate Edgeworth, Phoenix and Apollo wining the top three places in the Apollo Justice Trilogy popularity poll
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zhoras-bitch · 7 days
ABH David popularity is such a weird phenomenon to me, because this entire time when I saw people posting about loving him, I was like. Sure, there are some people who like him genuinely. But as a fandom, we're just playing it up for the meme, right? Like, there is no way he's actually that popular. And now there is the favourite male LI poll going on RC reddit, and David is coming in second among all male LIs in the entire app. And I'm like, wait, y'all were serious??
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abjectapathy · 1 year
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seahorsepencils · 3 months
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dewwydelcra · 2 years
Me who has 250+ hours in Stardew Valley: Wait it's called Pelican Town?
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enochianghost · 2 months
Hey everyone who informed me you cant edit tags on mobile I'm on mobile rn and it let me edit them same as desktop so ??????
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kaywavy · 6 months
beyonce is trying to be sollux captor
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dudesome · 9 months
Talked about this before under another post, but I think it deserves a post of its own.
Has anyone noticed that Zim is often portrayed differently depending on if he is in ZAGR or ZADR fan works? I'm a ZAGR shipper myself, but I have seen a lot of ZADR content and I see that Zim acts and looks differently in both ships. Even Gaz and Dib act differently depending on the ship.
In ZAGR, Zim is often taller than Gaz by a few inches or a lot taller, has an athletic body like a model or a lightweight boxer, sometimes bigger, dresses and acts very boyish like a punk rock fan and is very, very confident . Gaz in these ships can't seem to decide if she is a badass everyone is afraid of or someone who almost always needs Zim’s help to get out of situations she should be able to handle. Dib acts often in character.
In ZADR, however, Zim is a lot different. He is always shown to be a lot shorter than Dib, and not just in the "Dib is really tall case" but Zim is just short in general. Like, he barely gotten any taller than he usually is. He often dresses gender nonconformingly and acts a lot more....effeminate and submissive? Like he is shown to more 'cute'? And Dib in these ships seems a little more blunt and almost dickish. And Gaz in these ships is usually chill as shit.
For me as a ZAGR shipper, I have both of them be the same height, equal in terms of gender nonconforming in terms of clothes and aesthetics and accessories and strong in their own way. Zim trains in boxing and Gaz is just strong in general. Gaz once showed him to wear eyeliner and he starts wearing it better than her.
I am also a DATR shipper.
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thisfuckingdork · 21 days
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My Major suddenly attracted a lot of US-Americans this year so now half the major is students from the US and it's been a few months but I cannot get over how surreal an experience it was to go from having met maybe 2 Americans IRL in my life to unexpectedly being surrounded by TV Voice TM
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blazinginferno626 · 1 year
Just a reminder we still haven’t seen the episode where this frame is from;
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I still say this is a scene between the devil and king dice. Some of my friends think it’s a deleted frame from cupstaged. But I’m not so sure, to me it seems like it’s to detailed to be from a deleted scene. Like it’s ready to be animated you know. I could be wrong I’m not sure how that kind of stuff works but still. Plus, if it was part of a deleted scene someone would have said something by now. I hope they #renewthecupheadshow so we can find out what’s happening in this scene. 
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Max and Lewis were plotting about the podium celebration and somehow Russell assumed they were talking about partying together that night, WHAT???
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ayansukkhaphisit · 1 year
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sunnydbeam · 1 year
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Weeeee bit random and i apologize for that but I felt the need to share this because this is not what i was expecting when i tossed these two into a room together
It's decided our Ais have some sort of history so i guess I'll see how that goes
LORE?? ! !
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eeveearoace · 11 months
would you visit me in the space-walmart to buy my twinkly chocolate bars?
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