#....yeah its gross but sniffles doesnt mind it at all.
splendontcore · 1 year
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silly stuff
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20rubixcubes · 4 years
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enhypen as baristas
maknae line x gn!reader (comedy, fluff, mild angst)
~1.2k words ea (headcanons)
warnings: cursing
a/n: i just wrote this for funsies, please be mindful that there is heavy swearing in these headcanons (particularly in ni-ki’s part), so if that isn’t your taste, perhaps skip this one! other than that, the rest of this is pretty chill, so i hope you enjoy my shitposting. oh, and lmk if you like this enough to want part two with the hyung line 👀 just maybe i’ll do it
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was only recently employed as an afternoon shift employee and was both shocked and distressed after discovering the cafe didnt have an instagram
“what do you MEAN you dont have instagram??? how do we post selfies???” “sunoo we sell coffee” “NO ONE WANTS COFFEE JUNGWON THEY WANT CUTE BARISTAS”
starts an instagram for the cafe and takes aesthetic pictures of his latte art
his selfies get way more likes though
speaking of his latte art, he masters the skill like a week in and everyone else is incredibly jealous
their jealousy wears off when jungwon tells him that he has to start training the new apprentices
pretends he forgot how to do it for like a week but it hurts his pride so he begrudgingly agrees to train the apprentices instead
in his free time he can be found snapping pictures around the shop, eventually expanding to taking pictures of the others too
“sunghoon stop moving you look cute and i need to take a photo” “sunoo im holding hot milk” “does it look like i care beauty is pain sweetie”
other than that, he sometimes sits in the booths to snack on muffins and do his homework since he only comes in to the shop for about an hour during his school lunch break and on the weekends
you meet sunoo after applying for an apprenticeship, wanting to get a job before you finish high school and start college
seen as though jungwon looks like the boss, you approach him, nervous for your first shift
“i’m here for the apprenticeship program?” “oh yeah! one second!”
he trots off to the back room, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the cafe
the yelling pauses before who you presume is sunoo stomps through the back room door, a scowl on his face
he spots you, groaning loudly “are you the apprentice?”
“yes” you say meekly, guilty for seeming to ruin his shift
he gestures you to follow him behind the counter, pulling an apron out from under the sink and shoving it to your chest
its clear that hes pissed, yanking his tools out from the cupboards as you tie your apron behind your back quietly
“have you made coffee before?” “only instant coffee” “oh fantastic”
he seems to be getting more irritated by the minute before he takes a deep breath and starts directing you around the machines
“to do the art, you angle the mug like this and draw with the milk, but it wont show until it reaches the top so dont go crazy”
as if its nothing, he demonstrates by drawing a perfect swan in the milk, setting the latte down and dusting his hands off
“wow… thats amazing” “i know right? no one here appreciates me enough” “they should! this is the best i’ve ever seen”
he grins at your compliment, nodding with satisfaction and sending a wave of relief over you as you notice he looks less angry with you now
“um… im sorry if i interrupted whatever you were doing before” “oh, that? i was just doing jay’s makeup” “you like makeup? me too! i’ve never seen a boy interested in it though, thats really cool” you smile genuinely at him as he blinks in surprise
“really? you think its cool?” “definitely!”
you watch the gears turn in his head before he smiles widely, seeming to have come to some kind of revelation as he nods
“i like you.”
your cheeks heat up immediately, but before you can say anything in return, he starts calling out for jungwon, leaning over the counter
“well thats up to them” he looks up from the table hes wiping down, adjusting his apron as he walks over to the counter
“so youre all finished with the course? i hope sunoo wasnt too much for you”
“i wasnt! anyways, youre employed, okay?” “sunoo stop theyre just an apprentice”
he groans loudly, irritated once more as he whips his head to you
“you have to work here, ok? i said so, so come back and apply or i’ll be mad!”
you laugh at his antics and smile “i’ll see what i can do”
after jungwon pries sunoo off of your arm, you return your apron and leave the shop with a wave
“YOU BETTER COME BACK!” is the last thing you hear as you step out onto the street, the bell ringing to signal your exit
a week later, you return to the shop, slightly anxious that your new friend(?) might have forgotten about you
but this is quickly washed away when you hear a high pitched squeal from the counter
you laugh as you approach the counter, a teasing tone on your voice
“are you supposed to be talking to your boss like that?” “whats he gonna do? fire me? im the only one who can make coffee in this place” “true”
soon enough, jungwon comes out of his hiding place, his hands clasped together
“im really sorry to ask this but please, you have to work here, sunoo hasnt shut up about you all week and i dont know if i can stand him anymore, i’ll even pay you extra please dear god”
you give sunoo a look, only receiving an innocent smile and puppy eyes back
“sure, i’ll take the job!”
jungwon sighs in relief as sunoo begins jumping up and down, yelling something about having his own little baby to take care around the shop as you groan, covering your blushing face
once you have your hours established (sunoo made you take the same as all of his, but you did the nights instead of the afternoons on the weekends, to his displeasure), you get straight to working
… well, sort of
it was hard to get work done with sunoo pestering you around the clock
“you think im cute right?” “yes sunoo” “even though i have bags under my eyes? “yes sunoo” “you promise?” “yes sunoo” “good”
admittedly he is slightly of help when it comes to the more fiddly parts of making coffee, but every other second of the day he seems to be flirting nonstop
“can i kiss you?” “no” “why not” “sunoo we’ve been over this” “BEING AT WORK ISNT A VALID EXCUSE”
worn down after his incessant yelling all day, you find yourself snapping faster than usual
“we’re not even dating, sunoo! why would i kiss you!? just stop playing with my feelings already!”
for the first time since you’ve known him, sunoo goes quiet
“why not?”
“what are you talking about now sunoo?” “why arent we dating”
now its your turn to go quiet
“do you not like me?” “what? no, sunoo-” before you can reason with him, you watch him quickly rush away from you around the counter, slamming the break room door behind him with tears in his eyes
cursing to yourself, you ensure there are no customers to serve before quickly darting after him
after looking around a bit, you hear sniffling from the supply closet and knock on the door quietly
“sunoo?” “leave me alone!”
you sigh, taking a step back and turning on your heel to face the opposite direction, running a hand through your hair as you think
you spot a dog bed at your feet, suddenly remembering that jake usually keeps his dog supplies covered in dog hair in the closet
“sunoo arent you allergic to dogs?”
“... *sniffle* y-yeah”
after you persuade him to come out by mentioning that his face is going to get all puffy, he steps out, eyes glued to the floor as he looks away from you in shame
placing a hand on his shoulder, you speak to him softly
“sunoo, look at me”
he does, hesitantly, his eyes red and watery and, as you said, puffy and inflamed
despite this, you smile
“i do like you back”
his eyes start watering again, your heart skipping a beat in fear that you had said something wrong
“e-even if my face is all puffy and gross?” his voice wobbles, the tears filling his eyes giving him a sense of vulnerability as you sigh
“yes, even if your face is all puffy and gross”
he smiles at that, shutting his eyes cutely as you press a kiss to his cheek
“and theres your kiss”
he whines “i was supposed to do that!”
“you can do it after we finish work, okay?” “WORK STILL ISNT A VALID EXCUSE…. but maybe today just because i need to ice my face” “yeah you really should, can you even see?” “no not at all” “great”
the previous manager left suddenly and jungwon was given a semi-forced promotion as he was the only employee with at least half of a brain cell
poor boy is stressed 24/7
doesnt get paid enough for this
goes through hell every day just to make sure the others dont burn the cafe down
is supposed to be on the morning shift but he stays until the afternoon
in his rare moments of downtime, he likes to go around and water the hanging plants around the shop
is that one vine where the mom listens to nicki minaj for the first time and screams “no” over and over whenever ni-ki gets control of the cafe music
is only 16 but acts like a 32-year-old father going through a midlife crisis
lifts boxes of supplies all day yet his joints are famously brittle
“hey jungwon did you hear glass shattering too?” “sorry jay that was my back” “you need to invest in physical therapy” “maybe if i wasnt paying for property damage every other week 😊”
you meet jungwon when you drop into the cafe for a croissant and a coffee before your class starts
usually you come at night maybe an hour before closing so you had never seen him before, but here you were watching this cute but clearly stressed boy scramble around the shop carrying boxes of supplies to the back
trying not to be creepy, you sigh, turning back to your phone after watching him for a solid five minutes straight
as you do, you hear a crash coming from what you assume is the supply closet followed by a disgruntled groan
pausing, looking around at the other customers typing away at their laptops and waiting for another staff member to go check on the boy, you stand up as you discern that he must be the only one working and hesitantly go to see if he’s okay
“hello? are you okay?” you peer through the door, your eyes widening at the sight of him rubbing his head with a wince on his features, supplies strewn around him at his feet and a box knocked over beside him
“ah… um, yes, i’m okay, sorry if i disturbed you with that noise…” he smiles bashfully, pulling himself back onto his feet
“do you need help with all of that stuff?”
he opens his mouth to protest, not wanting to have to ask for help from a customer, but after seeing the amount of crap off of the shelves, he realises that there is no way in hell he’s going to be able to clean all of it up alone before his shift ends
“um… is that okay?” his cheeks flush with embarrassment as you smile
over the next couple of hours you two establish a little system of bagging the spilt supplies and passes them to eachother to put in boxes, chatting never ceasing as you discover that you actually have a lot of things in common
“since you work here, what’s your favourite kind of coffee?” “i like lattes… i cant stand bitter things” “me too! my friend drinks espressos though” “ditch them”
you also find out that he started being homeschooled after becoming the manager as he doesnt have time to attend normal school
the both of you find yourselves laughing nonstop, having fun in eachother’s company
so much so that you end up late for school
“oh shit! i completely missed my first class”
guilty for making you late, he offers to take you
“i can take you?” “you drive?” “well….. not exactly”
once sunoo and ni-ki arrive to care for the shop, he takes you out to the car park, pulling a spare helmet out of his backpack and securing it on your head before giving your head a pat as he gets onto his scooter
“you look cute” “i look like a bug” “a cute bug”
once you get to school, face red after having to hold onto him the entire time, you hop off and pass him the helmet with a shy smile
“thanks for driving me” you mutter, brushing off imaginary dirt from your shirt as you do your best to avoid eye contact, your face still flushed and heart racing
is it possible to develop a crush on someone this quickly???
jungwon is so cute that he makes it possible, you surmise
“of course” he mirrors your nervous smile, a blush finding its way to his own cheeks
as you bow and spin on your heel to start walking inside, he stops you
“what is it?” you turn to him, your heart still thundering against your ribcage at the fond expression he has plastered on his features
“actually… can i pick you up? after school?”
when you pause, your face growing hotter and hotter, he begins to sputter
“i-i’m really sorry, its fine if not! that was way too forward, i just really like you and- oh god that was even more forward- um-” “okay” “yeah i’m sorry that was a stupid questio- wait, what?”
before he can say anything else, your smile widens
“i’ll see you later, okay? don’t be late!” you wave, skipping into the building with a fluffy feeling in your chest
with an awkward wave, jungwon watches you leave, his mouth wide open in shock before a grin replaces his expression
getting back into his seat, the lovestruck smile never leaving his face as he drives off, he begins to count down the minutes until he gets to see you again
works the afternoon shift
technically an apprentice but he gets paid and has been there forever so basically an employee at this point
or he would be if he ever actually made coffee
he sits with the work phone all morning and chooses the music
perpetually dancing to 7 rings by ariana grande (look up his cover. youre welcome in advance)
jungwon and jay scream at him to at least do the mopping to which he complies, but not without performing a whole ass concert with it
once they saw him twirl and dip the mop
eventually they just told him to go back to curating the music because he was scaring customers away and they were losing business
he was horrible at cleaning anyway
“hey jungwon i think i got window cleaner in your plant” “im firing you” “i dont even go here” “STOP QUOTING MEAN GIRLS AND FIX THE DAMAGE YOUVE CAUSED”
you meet ni-ki while youre drinking your coffee at a booth and he plays your favourite obscure indie song so you have to compliment his taste and get to talking
he plays your favourite songs whenever youre in the shop and audibly hisses at anyone who tries to change it
makes choreography to said songs at home and tries to impress you by casually belting it out by your booth
when you compliment his dancing and ask how long hes been practicing that choreography hes all like “oh hahaha it was just casual freestyle super easy peasy”
(hes been practicing for two weeks)
thought he was being super obvious by doing these things but apparently nOT because you have not caught the hint at all and hes getting impatient
asks for advice from the others begrudgingly
“give them flowers” “jay thats so boring” “do you want to use one of my dogs? everyone loves dogs” “wtf jake since when have you had more than one dog” “make them latte art with a heart on it” “sunoo ive literally never made a coffee in my life” “why dont you just ask them out like a normal perso-” “shut the fuck up grandpa thats so weird no one does that”
eventually he settles on sunoo’s idea of making you latte art and he embarks on his journey to make his first coffee
rather than focusing on the actual taste, sunoo tells him to just do whatever so that he can show him how to do the art
“why is it green ni-ki” “you said to do whatever” “and your first idea was to make poison? idk if this is the best idea if youre trying to ask this person out” “shut up and pass me the milk”
burns his hands on the steaming milk jug at least fifteen times and ends up with so many bandaids on his fingers
despite how stiff the bandages are on his hands, he eventually manages to make a sort-of legible heart
“it looks like africa” “have you ever had steamed milk poured on your eyes sunoo?”
poor ni-ki waits for you all day, his heart leaping every time the bell on the door rings only to roll his eyes when it isnt you
he even stays past his shift so youd better let him take you on a date or hes quitting
when you finally arrive he trips over the bucket at his feet he was using to clean and spills dirty water all over his pants
“omg ni-ki are you okay what happened” *five octaves higher* “NOTHING I'M COMPLETELY FINE WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT”
by the time he’s finished cleaning himself up (and by that i mean fixing his hair in the mirror for twenty minutes) he takes a deep breath and walks over to you, somewhat cold latte in hand
“um,” he clears his throat, his face growing red as he slides the mug towards you “i made this for you”
“aw thanks ni-ki! why is it green” “........its matcha?”
youre slightly suspicious but you look back to the mug and slowly realise that the “drawing” slightly resembles a heart, smiling a little bit to yourself
when you look back to him, youre a little confused as to why hes just standing there
“is something wrong?” you press the mug to your lips, taking a sip
“o-uh uh actually, i wanted to ask if… if you would uh maybe sort of go on a date with me”
you can only smile
“yes, but…”
his heart starts beating faster, watching you anxiously
you stand up, taking the notepad and pen from his apron pocket and scribbling your phone number
“only if you promise to learn how to make actual coffee” you wink, handing him the notepad and sauntering out of the shop
hes stood there dumbstruck, stars in his eyes at the slip of paper in his hand
but then he realises: he has a new mission
rushing to the back room, he slams the door open
“grandpa, i need you to teach me how to make coffee right now” “literally why do i pay you”
with your promise in mind, the others see him work more diligently at the counter than they ever have before
“wow youre actually working today?” “shut up i need to figure out how to do this butterfly before i pry my eyes out with a fork” “haha funny joke ni-” “did i stutter”
at the end of the week, he forces heeseung (the cafe’s best coffee maker) and sunoo (the cafe’s best latte artist) to judge his latte
“this is… surprisingly good” heeseung peers into the mug, smiling at the swan ni-ki created with the latte foam as sunoo grumbles “dont tell me im gonna have to start competing with this kid, it probably tastes gross” “it tastes amazing too” “im quitting”
with his coworkers’ notes in mind, he finally works up the nerve to send you a quick message telling you to come into the shop
when you arrive the next day, ni-ki greets you and immediately gets to work, making sure to stand as close as humanly possible to your booth so he can show off his newly acquired coffee making skills
with you only inches away, he does make a mistake and spill milk on his shirt after looking at you and not his hands for a second too long, but you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt when he sets the mug in front of you
“wow! this heart is perfect!”
you smile, looking up to him “did you seriously learn how to do latte art just so you could take me on a date?” “… y-yeah, and?”
you can only chuckle as you press the mug to your lips, readying yourself to drink liquid dirt…
“this is… really good!” you grin, taking another sip and putting the mug down on its saucer
“i think you’ve definitely earned yourself a date… or two”
at this news, ni-ki’s face lights up, shoving the urge to scream down his throat before nodding stiffly to try and contain his excitement with a strained “cool” escaping his lips
“are you okay ni-ki?” “yes just give me one second”
he quickly scrambles to the break room, a moment of silence wafting through the store before a shrill scream fills the air
eyes wide, you turn to jay, who had been manning the till, after hearing him burst into laughter
“what is he doing?”
“we told him the freezer was sound proof”
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Omg could you please make a part two of an S/O who's stupid good with kids but with Shinsou, tamaki, deku, and aizawa??
This is a lil long bc it was 4 characters! And I kinda changed Aizawa up a little bit so I hope you still like it.
• Shit happens
• Shit happens all the time
• This specific incident involved a quirk manifestation and a child.
• You and two had just been walking
• Just chilling out after a rigorous training day
• Then there was screaming and panicking. Your head snapped in its direction, he hadn't fully processed it before you'd taken off
• Some kids quirk had manifested. It seemed pretty severe.
• It looked like some kind of energy quirk, like a force field or something.
• The kid was scared, she was panicking and thrashing from her place in the air
• He stood behind you, surveying the environment to find a solution
• And he almost missed you jumping in until her heard your voice.
"Okay baby, look at me, just look at me and breathe. You'll be okay, Just breathe."
• You were walking towards her, trying to get her to slow her breaths. The more she panicked the worse it would get.
• He stood where he was, he didn't want to overwhelm her, he decided he'd let you take care of it.
• He watched quietly as you breathed with her, again reassuring that'd she'd be just fine.
• And he watched as the field flickered away and the girl fell. His body lurched foward on instinct and he was beyond relieved when he saw that you had caught her.
• He let out a breath as the girl gripped your shirt and sobbed into your shoulder.
• A hand reached up to hold the back of her head
• "it's okay," you murmured and he smiled
• It seemed to come easy to you, nurturing people. It seemed to come easy calming this girl down.
• He turned his attention to reassuring the bystanders that the two of you were okay and that you'd be taking the girl home. They dispersed slowly after his urging for them to leave.
• You were standing now, the girl still in your arms, holding on for dear life.
• Poor thing was still shaking
• "Look," you hummed. "This is my friend, he's going to walk with us to get you home. That okay?"
• Your hand was rubbing her back now and your cheek was pressed against her temple
• Dekus heart fluttered
• God you were beautiful
• And strong
• And just everything he ever wanted
• The small girl nodded, keeping her face hidden, whispering a soft sorry
• "Don't be sorry princess, you didn't do anything wrong." You pressed a kiss to the top of her head and Deku sees the girls grip tighten.
• He has a hand on your lower back during the walk to the girls house, you'd somehow managed to find where it was even with all the crying the girl did
• He watched as you hand the girl over to her mother who profusely thanks you
• Information is traded as she says she wants to make it up to you even after your assurance that it was no trouble at all
• And he's holding your hand again when the two of you leave, going on and on about how well you did in the situation
• He's so proud
• He realizes just how good with kids you are when he she's you interact with Eri
• I mean everytime the two of you are together its wholesome
• He takes note when Aizawa tries to apologize for her always being with you and you brush it off
• You enjoyed her company and found no problem in it
• Shinsou tucked that piece away for later
• The girl adored you, genuinely
• And you stopped at nothing to make sure she was okay
• She'd spend a lot of time in the 1-A dorms with you, just as he would.
• If she said she was hungry, you'd be up to make her food in no time
• If she cried, you'd have her on your lap, wiping the tears from her cheeks as you assured her it was okay
• and he'd watch, soft smile gracing his lips
• She'd spent the night with you on more than one occasion
• Nightmares were prominent with Eri
• Staying with you seemed to help that
• He'd sit beside you as you braided her hair
• He'd listen to her ramble to you and he'd watch you nod and hum in response
• He'll lay on one side of you and Eri will lay on the other side, curled into your side as she watches whatever disney movie she picked
• and his heart will swell when the two of you sing along to the songs
• When Eries feeling down, she comes to you for comfort
• You'll tell her how beautiful she is
• He'll watch you hold her to your chest and rub her back
• He watches you play with her hair, kiss her cheeks, telling her how amazing she is
• How you're lucky to have her with you
• He'll watch as she falls asleep in your arms, content
• And it always makes him realizes just how lucky he is to be with you
• How lucky he is to have /you/
• How lucky Eri is to have you
• I mean this man fr fr in love w you
• This one time, you and shinsou had fallen asleep watching a movie, it was about 3am when there was a small knock on the door
• You get up to answer it and Shinsou wakes up to you getting up
• Sure enough its Eri, she's sniffling and holding her stuffed animal
• And immediately your kneeling in front of her wiping her cheeks
• "Baby what's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare...I didn't want to wake mr. Aizawa up. I didn't want to make him mad..."
"Oh honey," you kiss her nose and pick her up, rubbing her back in response to her small whine. "You want some tea? Then you can stay with me for the night? We can tell Mr. Aizawa in the morning, he won't get mad."
She nods, laying her head on your shoulder. "Hi Shinsou," she waves weakly. "I'm sorry for waking you up too."
"Hi Eri," and he gets up too, walking over and running a hand through her hair. "It's okay, you're safe here. We won't let anything happen to you."
She nods again
He follows the two of you down the hallway and to the kitchen
Mina, Kaminari, and Sero are still up on the couch. He snickers as you glare at them.
"You guys should be asleep. Get out."
Mina groans and Sero grins knowingly, pulling the other two out.
• I mean shinous heart is melting rn
• you're like totally momming out
• You've got Eri in one arm, humming by her ear as you turned the stove on to get a kettle boiling
• You're swaying gently, readjusting her so she's in the center of your chest
• you run a hand through her hair and she smiles
• And Shinsou swears he could die right there
• Just looking at you interacting with the kid he considers a little sister is enough to kill him fr fr
• His poor heart can't take much more
• Eri lifts her little hands up to cup your cheeks. "You're not going to leave right?"
"Never ever," you smiled, touching your nose to hers.
Then she looked at Shinsou and this man about passed out. "Never." He puts a hand on her head. "We'll always be here,"
• The tea is made, the three of you drink it at the table, bent on getting Eris mind off her nightmare
• And then you carry her upstairs again and down the hall into your bedroom.
• the three of you settle down and you out on a movie (volume low of course) that she can fall asleep too and it's not long before she's out, pressed into your side.
• Shinsou smiles and kisses your temple. "I love you, you know,"
"I love you too. Now stop being a sap, its gross." You stick your tongue out and he let's out a low chuckle.
"You're good with her."
"I want her to be happy," you mumble. "She deserves that at least. And if the world doesnt have anyone else doing it, then I'll do it."
He kisses your temple again. "I know."
• Ever since Eri came to live in the dorms, you've gotten up earlier, mostly to make the girl breakfast
• The whole class realizes it, sometimes they'll try to steal some but you'll obliterate them for trying
• You've always got Eri in some proximity to you when you're cooking. Usually she'll watch
• Shinsou finds himself sneaking into the 1A dorms in the mornings (much to his classes distaste) but how could he not?
• He realizes that you talk a lot of shit about how much you 'hate kids' but when it comes to them, you're always doing your best to make sure they're comfortable and happy
• Its another pro hero moment
• His class is attacked and you happen to be there and this man watches you go FERAL protecting these fucking teenagers and his heart swells and he'd filled with so much fucking pride
• The dumbass villain who fuckin tried is now on the ground in front of you completely beat to a pulp
• Poor guy had no chance
• As soon as you knew he was out your attention had turned to the kids behind you
• You checked for injuries, concussions, made sure they felt okay
• Mina looks like she's on the verge of tears, deadass hits you with 'can you be my mom?????'
• Kaminari and Sero are nodding in agreement. 'Pls'
• He tried to tease you about it
• "Shouta I'll knock your ass out too, shut your fucking mouth,"
• 'Reluctantly' becomes class mom
• Deadass
• You find yourself bringing snacks or making them something and Shouta brings it in 🤢
• Ur like oh god ew
• 'Shouta take this shit in for ur fuckin kids'
'You mean OUR kids'
• That was instance one
• Happens again but this time in the city during a robbery with smaller kids, much smaller
• And you don't waste a second, you're by their side
• Checking to make sure none if them are physically hurt
• So then you work on calming them down, telling them to breathe and just look at you
• Gently rubbing they're cheeks and keeping them close to you
• Shoutas 🥺
• Midnights 🥺
• Hizashis 🥺
• "M scared-"
"I know baby, but its gonna be okay. We won't let anything happen, okay?"
• And you carry these little fuckers out
• Ones on your back
• You've got one on each hip
• And another sitting on your shoulders
• Aizawa see's right through you
• "So...you say you don't like kids??"
"Hizashi I will LITERALLY hang you by your underwear, get away from me."
• God one time he see's you singing to this kid who's panicking and he deadass thinks he's gonna cry bc you're so precious
• And then Eri comes into the picture and you dont even pretend to hate kids anymore
• This child becomes your daughter
• And he's v happy about it because he wasn't one to really think about having kids
• But he's not gonna let Eri go, she's been through to much
• Not to mention practically adopting shinsou
• He's glad you're doing well with them
• They've seen your soft sides, much to your distaste, but they dont know that
• speaking of shinsou
• You do lowkey mom him
• Not to a super extent
• You're more like the cool aunt w mom tendencies
• But they're both happy to have some consistencies
• Shinsou knows that he's always welcome to come talk to you (and Aizawa but you know sometimes shit pops up that he's not particularly comfy w and you seem to be good at that)
• And he does
• Aizawa has accidently overheard his fair share of conversations between you two
• It always makes him happy that you all connect on that level
• I mean he wouldn't mind having a biological child
• But he's content with the family dynamic they have rn
• as much as you deny it you'd be a great mother
• Tamaki isn't /bad/ w kids but he's not super great with them either
• Anxiety do be a bitch
• You always seem to ease up around kids
• He likes to watch
• Kids just seem to gravitate towards you, regardless of where you are, genuinely
• At the park? Oh boy he's ready to watch you interact with the kiddos
• Restaurant? Oh yeah, he's ready for some 5 year old to waddle up and talk.
• But in particularly rough situations, he's always super impressed. You seem to do WONDERS to calm kids down.
• The other pro heros could never.
• Endeavor? No.
• All might? Who she?
• No baby, it's all you.
• Anyway, one time, yall were out on a date.
• Y'all were f i s h i n g
• Aka you had been itching to go outside and decide to teach Amijiki to fish and he agreed bc why not
• So there you are, outside in the hot sun, in a crop top and shorts on a dock
• He's about 6 feet away, still talking distance, but far enough so your lines wouldn't get tangled
• He's not having a bad time at all, he's trying to ignore anyone else that might be there
• bc he wants to be w you and is tired of his anxiety getting in the way
• anyway, he almost misses the little girl that walks up.
• He looks over and she looks like she's gonna cry.
• She prolly has anxiety too tbh
• "Um...can-can you help me?"
• you look down and smile, "yes ma'am, what can I do for you?"
She held up her own small rod. "I uh...I lost my hook and I forgot how my dad tied everything on.."
"Want me to show you?"
"Yes please," her gaze flickered down.
"Okay first things first, do you have sun screen and water?"
She shook her head.
• So before you do anything, he watches you spray sunscreen on the little girl and give her a water bottle, which she only takes after you reassure that it's okay for her to have
• Then you call him over
"Amajiki, baby come here so I can show you how to do it too."
And he listens, reeling his line in and sitting next to you
"This is Amajiki, he's my friend okay? I'm teaching him how to fish too."
• The girl seems to relax at that and you get to work
• But he's not paying attention to what you're actually doing
• He's watching you
• You've got a bright smile on, your voice is soft as you show her the steps
• And once you get done tying the swivel on and putting a hook on, you hand her a worm
"Go on, bait it,"
• The girl does so with a small comfortable smile
• His heart melts
• You're just so damn good with them like you're literally a goddess already
• And this just makes it better
• You show her how to cast right and then she's all set
• She ends up sitting with you two for a little over an hour
• Then she waves goodbye and bounds off
• Amajiki kisses your nose gently. "You're so cool, bunny."
"You big sap, she told me you were her favorite hero. Did you zone out or something."
"Yeah," his face flushed. "I did."
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katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
Based on a True Story
Summary: there's this boy who makes you super uncomfy and doesnt take a hit, but you're to sweet to tell him to back off. Katsuki Bakugou, the more blunt end of the friendship, is happy to tell him off and free you from that sorry bastard.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Warnings: possible tw, a lot of swearing and some pretty colorful insults, there are guys that are really fucking creepy, based on the actual events of February 7th, 2021 at around 10:30 pm
A/N: this was very very rushed, I just wanted to write myself some comfort real quick and go to bed last night and I didn't have time to properly edit! I'm really proud of some of the banter lmao, please enjoy and never be afraid to punt a ballsack! I'll add tags later🙄🙄🙄
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A message popped up on your screen and your once neutral expression went sour. Slamming the face of your phone onto your pillow, you groaned angrily into your bedspread, catching the attention of a certain ash blonde sitting in your comfy desk chair a few feet away. Katsuki Bakugou, one of your best friends, gave a questioning glance but refused to meet his ember gaze
“What’s your deal?” He asked, not letting his genuine curiosity as to why there was such a pained look on your face, show.
You opened your mouth but paused.
Katsuki already knew about this boy and scolded you every time he saw his name pop up in your notifications, telling you to ‘fucking block him already’ for the umpteenth time. It wasn’t like you had feelings for the guy anymore, you were just too nice and polite to cut him off completely and tell him to go fuck himself.
The ash-blonde had already volunteered to do it for you, but you always said no because you knew he’d just find another way to contact you.
“It’s that piss baby again isn’t it?” 
“Wow, did you just agree with one of my insults?”
“Suki, I’m about to take you up on your offer to tell him to go fuck himself.”
He snickered, “Now you’re talking sense. What the hell is that pansy bitching about now?”
You sigh and roll over on your back and Katsuki moves to sit on the edge of your bed.
“I cut him off for a while, I really did! It felt so good to be free of him, but then he got my number again and started bothering me a few days ago. I saw him at school yesterday and told him I wasn’t interested in dating at all and he was like whatever so I honestly thought he could keep it in his pants and we could just be friends but nooo! He calls me a simp for anime guys, I tell him to stop being a hypocrite because he used to simp for me and he was like “I still do. You’re the only one” yeah like I’m stupid enough to actually believe that!”
You paused to catch your breath, but before you could start speaking again Katsuki interjected, “Well, you are stupid…”
You socked him in the bicep and he hunched over laughing. You looked so fucking adorable when you got royally pissed at him.
“Oh go to hell.” You snapped, crossing your arms and continuing, “Anyway, this guy used to simp for my goddamn sister! Not only do I reject being a replacement for her, but if she rejected his sorry ass, that means he’s a huge piece of shit because she’s super picky.”
“I might’ve mentioned that once or twice-”
You punched him again to shut him up. “Plus he’s super creepy and gross and it always feels like he’s undressing me with his eyes and whenever he’s around I want to dive into a pool full of only chlorine and drink it. I’m just trying to coexist and just be nice to him but apparently, a female looking in his general direction means that they want dicked down by his micropenis. He’s so fucking dense too. Why can’t he see that I’m not interested, especially after I EXPLICITLY told him that?!”
By that point, you were on the verge of frustrated tears, bottom lip trembling just slightly with bottled up emotion.
Katsuki could see it.
You felt trapped in something you never signed up for and you’d do anything to get out. All of this frustration had been stored inside of you for so long and it just kept mounting and multiplying until you burst into tears.
“Goddammit, come here dumbass,” He growled, gathering you into a warm embrace, “You can’t keep all this bs inside okay?”
He let you sob into his shoulder, one calloused hand supporting the base of your neck and the other crossed firmly over your back so you’d feel safe and secure; away from the world full of horrible people and into a small one of just your best friend’s warmth and the sweet sweet scent of caramel.
“Why don’t you listen to me? You’re just too fucking nice to every shitty dickhead that sees you as an easy, fuckable target. Something really fucking bad is gonna happen to you if you don’t shape up and learn how to punt a dude’s excuse for a ballsack and tell him what you really think.”
You raised your head from the solace of his shoulder to look at him with big, reproachful doe eyes and whimpered, “I tried that!”
“Have you tried punting their fucking balls first?”
“No… that would hurt.”
“That’s the point.”
“But if I did it without reason I could get suspended or charged with aggravated assault!”
It was Katsuki’s turn to sigh.
“That’s not the point dumbass, the point is that you need to tell these bastards off when they start getting creepy. You know what? Why don’t you just fucking ignore their sorry asses in the first place!”
You sniffle and drag a hand over your cheek to dry your tears, then resume your position with your face in the crook of your best friend’s neck.
“I feel bad for them.”
“Well stop. I’m gonna call him now alright? After that, we’ll block his stupid ass on every fucking app, you hear me?”
You nod and hug him tighter as he leans forward to grab your phone and opens it with your passcode, swiftly finding his name in your contact list and pressing the call icon, then he tapped the speaker button and waited.
The call was picked up almost immediately and a voice on the other line said, “Hey cutie! I was just about to call and ask to see if you wanted to come over on-”
“She’s not here.” Katsuki cut him off with a dry snarl, “And last time I checked she wasn’t interested enough in your sorry ass for you to be calling her ‘cutie.’” 
You could almost hear his lip curl in utter disgust.
“Who the fuck are you?” The voice asked, dropping its sickeningly sweet tone to something more appropriate in light of the previous insult.
“I’m her fucking boyfriend you dickwad-” You popped up from your haven in surprise, mouth open to sputter in protest but he put a finger to your lips and smirked, “who the fuck are you?”
“No fucking way that whore has a boyfriend-”
“Ex-fucking-scuse me? Shut your mouth, you mother fucking pussy, insult her one more time and I’ll fuck you up so bad you won’t be recognizable by the time you get to the hospital.” He snapped back, “She’s crying right now because you’re too dense to realize she doesn’t want any business with some horse-faced piss baby like you. Take the hint right fucking now you useless bastard so you don’t make the mistake of coming near her again because I. Will. Kill. You. Delete this number because she’s too sweet to block you herself, but I will.”
“Fuck man, I was just tryna get laid. She’s the one who started rubbing herself all over me-”
“I said delete this number. Damn, you are a dense piece of shit aren’t you?”
“Hey, I-”
Katsuki pressed ‘end call’ and blocked his contact, moving from Instagram to Snapchat, to any social app you had, and blocked him left and right until he was satisfied.
“Feel better?” He asked softly, tossing your phone aside and peeling you off.
You carded a shaky hand through your hair and wiped your eyes, giving him a watery smile and a nod.
“Why did you tell him that we were in a relationship?” You asked, voice on the edge of a taunt.
“To make him mad.”
“I mean, it worked, but is that the only reason?” You giggled.
“The hell are you insinuating?”
“Do you… possibly by chance… have feelings for me?”
You batted your eyes at him and he retched, but the smirk was still present on his handsome features.
“What’s it to you?”
You squirm a bit, but something pops into your head so you can stall a bit longer.
“I mean, you’re not THAT ugly-”
He responded with a simple, harsh flick to the forehead to make you whine and try to whack him, but he easily intercepted your fist and pushed you on your back, caging you in nothing short of a horizontal kabedon.
It was your turn to smirk, “Yenno ‘Suki, I could very easily… oh what was your phrasing? ‘Punt your fucking balls’ in this position…”
“Just shut up and tell me what the hell you want.” Katsuki snapped.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered.” You prod.
“You look like a pissed hamster when you’re mad.” He shot back.
“You smell like a fucking candy store after training.”
“You’re the dictionary definition of a dumbass.”
“You have a better hourglass figure than Yaomomo.”
“You're quickly becoming an extra.”
“Date me.”
“Wait really?”
“It’s the only way I can kiss you, protect you, and keep you all to myself.” He shrugged, leaning in dangerously close, “You don’t fucking understand how hard it is to watch you prancing around with one failed abortion after another and watching you cry because they leave since you don’t want the one thing they’re after.”
“You’ve always been there for me ‘Suki… I guess I just took you for granted, and I’m really sorry.” You met his soft vermillion gaze with a meaningful and apologetic one and reached out to squeeze his hand.
“‘S okay. You’re mine now, right?”
You nod, smiling. 
“So it doesn’t matter how dense you are anymore.” He smirked, laying down on your bed and dragging you down with him so you were tucked comfortably under his chin.
You grabbed the remote and flicked on the tv, preparing to turn on an anime you had in mind.
“What romance garbage are you inflicting on me this time?” Your new boyfriend groaned, burying his face in your hair.
“One that’s super sappy and romantic and sad just to piss you off.” You pouted, clicking on each letter to form the desired word in the search bar.
“Have fun with that.” Katsuki snarked, beginning to move away, but you stopped him by deftly pressing your lips to his.
You slowly pulled away, blushing furiously, but happy to feel strong forearms snaking around your front and crossing over your stomach.
“I certainly will.” You respond.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
remus teasing roman and accidentally pushing him into acting even littler
okay i accidentally built on a remus roman concept after making that other post jahshshd
remus visiting the house one day with janus and barging into romans room unannounced
and roman WAS playing with his cars but he instantly comes out of littlespace and jumps up from the floor to try to shoo remus out of his room
but remus keeps dodging him and making himsef at home like 'OOH nice beanbag chair' and roman literally shoving him out the way before he sits in it and 'NO thats vee's baby jail u cant sit there!'
and remus being rlly annoying by keeping picking things up and gigglin when roman gets annoyed and puts them back down
then remus sees the toy cars and he goes >:D "aAWWW was widdle ro ro playing with his widdle toys?" in a rlly teasing baby talk voice
roman blushes and yells "SHUT UP, GET OUT!"
and remus saying "jeeeez i didnt know you were so protective of them. doesnt your daddy teach you how to share toys?"
and romans like >:/ "i am good at sharing just not with you!! and im NOT protective of them!"
so remus goes >:3 "ohhh okay so you wont mind if i do... this?"
and he starts rolling the cars around WITH HIS BARE FOOT
and roman literally HATES gross stuff and he gasps and pushes remus out of the way whining "stop it!"
and at this point he's genuinely getting upset, he feels that hot pressure behind his eyes that always comes before he starts crying
and remus is laughing like "hmmm i dunno u seem pretty protective of them bro"
and roman jumps back into littlespace because its so much easier to cope with these emotions if he's little (and has an excuse for the tears of frustration welling in his eyes) "NU UH i just dont want your yucky feet all over my stuff!!! you're mean and icky!"
then remus actually apologizes?? and roman is surprised and sniffs and frowns, silent
BUT when romans guard is down remus suddenly grabs a couple of the cars with his hands and runs out of the room cackling AND HE EVEN TOOK THE RED ONE
and roman gasps and chases after him yelling "REMUS! GIMME MY CARS BACK! DAAADDY MOOOOMMY!!!" o(*˃̶᷄ ⌂˂̶᷄)o
and its a short chase, it ends when remus runs into the dining room only to find janus and patton who both reprimand him for stealing the little prince's toys
janus gets control of remus and forces the toys from his hands to give back to a sniffling, pouting roman. "there you are, darling."
patton asks his little prince what happened and roman grumbles that remus was being mean and demands that daddy should ban him from ever ever coming back forever
but they dont agree on that, patton just asks that remus please not do that again and say sorry to roman for upsetting him
remus does apologize in his own obnoxious way - he explains how he didnt really WANT to make his twin cry but its not HIS fault roman was being such a baby about it (roman tries to throw a car at him after that comment, then settles for stomping his foot and yelling through his tears "I'm not a baby!")
after that ordeal, roman sulks and plays with his toys in the same room as his daddy and nana janus so remus cant annoy him anymore
so yeah, remus is actually the only person whose mere presence pushes roman to act younger just to deal with the frustration that comes from his twin teasing him about something he can't get remus back for...
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Imagine Hopper finding out that older women are flirting with his boy (saying innapropriate things, toching him and what not). And its before Billy is with Steve. And Hopper have a talk with Billy about that he doesnt need to behave like that with older women anymore.
Okay i never even thought about this but when i saw this ask i couldn’t STOP thinking about it bc like????? The boy is 17 in season 2 and even if he maybe is 18 by season 3, that's just BARELY LEGAL and Very Gross and our society let's women off the hook for preying on young boys bc it's seen almost like "lucky" for the boy?? Like "what boy wouldn't want a 40 yr old woman wanting to fuck him????" And that's super gross!! And awful!! (There was a whole reality game show thing that had a lot of this and it was So So Gross, if anyone wants to ask me about that i have Lots of opinions on that show in particular)
But ANYWAY I'm gonna say that Hop had that same mentality. He might have even had a little one time tryst w/ the woman who lived next door and didn't seem to think a lot of it bc she always said if it wasn't gonna be w/ him then it'd be w/ the milkman and hop always thought that dude was a skeeze. He knew a few kids growing up who had women after them, taking them to Woodstock when that went down, making everything look like they just thought the boy was a "handsome young man". I'm gonna say that Hopper let all that shit slide in the past.
But then he saw it happening to Billy.
Hop is out on a call, helping a cat out of a tree or something mundane, when he hears a loud laugh and looks over to see it's Mrs. Peters and….. and Billy. His son, Billy. Leaning his elbow up against the top of his car and chuckling a bit with the loud woman. He's biting the knuckle of his thumb and he's smirking around it but that's what alerts Hop bc the boy has only been living w/ them a few months, sure, but Hopper knows that he only does that when he's anxious about something. He'll do it when he has a big test at school that day or when he accidentally breaks a glass while washing it.
And so they're talking (well she's talking and Billy will occassionally say something that makes her laugh even LOUDER) and good fucking luck to whoever Jim was supposed to be helping bc he's watching this woman like a hawk as she lightly touches her exposed collarbone and graces a finger over it gently and that's all the hint Hopper would ever need to invite a woman home but it's a dirty fucking trick to play on a hot blooded 17 yr old. And Billy shifts his weight closer to his car and hop KNOWS the boy is trying to leave. Plus Hop knows Billy prefers boys bc he's told him so he can only imagine how uncomfortable he must be.
So when the woman reaches a hand out and caresses Billy's shoulder and squeezes his arm a little with another loud laugh, Hop is storming across the street. He watches Billy tense up and play it off as a flex and Hop is there in a flash, saying: "any interesting gossip today, Mrs. Peters?"
Billy stops biting his knuckle.
"Oh no! Just chatting with your boy here. You know, he's a very handsome young man"
Hop keeps himself from snarling.
"Well, don't let him keep you here. I know he's got a motormouth. Can talk for hours…."
Billy rolls his eyes at that. The woman giggles.
And after she leaves, Billy tries to get into his car with a quick goodbye but hopper puts a hand on his shoulder (gentle so as to not scare the shaken boy more)
"What was that about?"
Billy shrugs. "She just wanted to talk, i don't know."
"Seemed a little friendly for just talking."
"Yeah well, a lot of the women around here are… Friendly. I'm sure you know that, Chief."
Hop doesn't like that answer.
"Look, billy i-... I don't like how she was looking at you."
"Don't get jealous now, Pops. I'll leave some fish out there for ya."
"Cut the crap kid, don't forget i know-" but hop stops bc they're in public and no one's paying them any mind but that doesn't mean no one's listening. Everything has ears in Hawkins.
Billy deflates a bit, putting his act off with a sigh.
"Why'd you even entertain that, huh?" Hop asks. Billy bites the inside of his lip and looks for all the world like a nervous little boy.
"Because…If i don't talk they touch me more. To get my attention or some shit I dunno. And it's…nice to see them smile at me I guess. I don't fucking know."
And I just wanna say that we talk a lot about Daddy issues and YES, I agree, those are major, but can we talk about mommy issues too over here??? Bc I see a Billy who knows he's hot as hell and basically a suburban-mom-yearning-for-a-divorce's wet dream. And his own mother left him w/ a man who tormented him his whole life and Susan shows no care for him so he never had that mother figure who gave him support and comfort and solace.
So when these mothers show him interest and invite him in for cookies or offer to buy him alcohol, all in exchange for the ability to give him lewd glances and to squeeze his arm or (sometimes) pinch his ass…Well this is just the relationship he has with older women now.
And hopper feels awful that this boy has gotten so used to this. He thinks about all of the boys he's seen getting touched by older women and tries to think if they looked uncomfortable. And he tells Billy that those women shouldn't be doing that.
"No one else cares." Billy shrugs.
"Yeah sure but… theres no way in hell someone like me would be getting away with doing that to a girl your age."
"You sad you can't touch teenagers-?"
"Shut up, Billy. I'm saying it shouldnt be any fucking different. And you shouldn't feel like you needed to do that just to get respect from those women. You're not a fucking toy for them to play with."
"You're gonna have to tell all the lonely women of hawkins-"
"Look they all subscribe to Cosmo for a reason. They can use that. If they keep bothering you, let me know and I'll set it straight. Somehow."
And so TELL ME Billy isn't shocked and awed and a little teary when he meets Joyce bc hop and her are dating and they all hang out a lot for dinners and stuff and Billy learns Joyce is a badass who takes care of her sons like it's her life goal bc it fucking IS for her. And Billy is washing dishes w/ Will and says he thinks Joyce is pretty cool and will tells Billy that Joyce seems to really like Billy. And at first Billy thinks it's the same as every other woman but will says 
"When Hop’s around and you’re not she asks if you’re eating well. Or if you’re sleeping alright. Or how you’re doing in school and all that.” Will shrugs like it’s nothing particularly new.
But billy’s heart nearly stops with how fast it beats from those words. He almost drops the plate he's washing, 
“If I didn’t know any better and if I didn’t almost die twice, I’d think she worries more about you than about Jonathan and I.”
And now Billy’s going to cry. He hates it, it’s overwhelming and hot but he really can’t hold it back. This woman, who has absolutely no blood relation to him whatsoever asks how he’s eating and sleeping. Asks about his schooling. Cares for him so much that she asks after him.
He sniffles, and Will stops drying the plate in his hand.
“Billy? You alright?”
“Yeah.” He says, sniffling a bit more and pausing before splashing Will with the water in the sink.
He cries out “Hey!” before kicking at billy’s ankle.
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eb-the-gamer · 7 years
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A Purpose @piranhartist @dreamwithintheheart @pan-pizza (note: long and sad, i put a ton of emotion and effort into this. I hope you enjoy part 1) —-
A strange creature sits at a desk, mumbling to itself as it makes a picture in the light of a single lamp , using what could be considered hands covered in ink to draw. Each it unceremoniously pushes some of its drawings to the floor, then slams its hands against the table in frustration.
“That blasted creature was perfect…something like that Little one would have put my name on the map!”
It had seen something for sure. While out in space the monster had seen…something, flying through. He could only describe the being as a living star, and any creature with energy like that would have been a power supply even thr most elite could bid for.
His magics allowed him to bring his creations on paper to flesh, and of course, trying to recreate that star had been nothing but a chore. The multiple variations he made never held a candle to that being he saw. This last one was no different.
“Time to move on from this. Hurrushe!”
Slowly, the various drawings peeled themselves away from the paper, leaving it blank for their creator to draw something else. Nearly all of them were barely formed scribbles that managed to scuttle about, bumping into each other and their surroundings. The creature rolled its eyes as one scribble managed to get both crushed and flung into a garbage bin.
The last of these drawings raised up as the monster re-gathered its paper and set it back on the table. The girlish creature’s colors began filling in its monochrome appearance, vibrant yellows there, an obsidian blue here. The creature stared as the drawing came to life…maybe this time it would work… —- I came to the world groggy…but warm. So cool! I already know so much too! I think i can speak…but i want to take this all in. There are gears hanging, turning in the air, along with tubes full of black and steaming pipes connecting from one wall to another. Theres a soothing rhythmic clanking, mechanical hums and an occasional hiss, unintentionally creating something of a tune to follow! The smell…well that’s gross, the oil smells so bitter i can nearly taste it…the floor is also distressingly cold and hard. Well, The guy staring at me is floating, so i guess it wouldn’t matter much to him.
Senses are AMAZING! This life i feel is great! Ok, ok…the guy looking at me seems board, i want to ask him some stuff, I dont want to screw this up, I’m so nervous… —- The monster’s hopes slowly died as it observed the complete creature that had come to life. It was like all the others, no energy like what it had witnessed in what inspired the drawing. It simply looked around silently like a bird would. It didn’t glow, or spark, or even rev up or anything to show any meaningful excess energy at all.
“Uhm..hi, sir?”
Same questions, as per usual…The monster huffed this time.
“I am Plaijur the Djinn. I created you. You are just a copy i tried to make of something else. You did not work out.”
The drawing’s smile fell slow. Plaijur had been through this same scenerio multiple times, and though it had made him sad at first, he learned to be callous against it.
“Your name,” Plaijur continued, thinking “is, Stelluna.” For all his work copying things, he found it easy to make puns and word hybrids, especially names, he’d even renamed himself. Stelluna’s smile returned, apparently she liked the name too.
“So does that mean that you’re-”
“He heh heh heh heh-No. Dont call me dad, master, father, or creator. As far as I’m concerned, you are a failure on me.”
“But D-Plaijur. What am i supposed to do then?!”
Plaijur got up, turned around, and began to speak more terribly bluntly than ever.
“I don’t care. You can go anywhere you want, but don’t stay here. You can do whatever you like, but don’t do it here. You can be whomever you please, but be it somewhere else.” —- This is…awful… What had I done? Why am I a failure? There’s a rising unpleasant feeling in my stomach, and it continues to grow the more i look at that one eye of his…
the stupid eye of this dummy! I want to run, he needs to care about me enough to chase me. He doesnt mean all of this, right? Its a test! Its got to be!
The rising feeling it up to my chest now, behind my lungs…The more i look at Plaijur’s face the more i believe what he says is completely honest. It, hurts. It hurts, so much.
“Please! What can i do about it Mister Plaijur?!” —- Plaijur was not used to this…usually by now the drawings would run out the door, typically crying. Stelluna was asking for a way to prove herself.
He stayed silent for several moments, thinking. He turned to his desk and pulled out a card, red on either side, from a drawer under the table. Then he drew what appeared to be a wand on one of the sheets of paper.
Plaijur took the wand from the table, handing both it and the card to Stelluna. “Come along.” He said leading the copy to a long moving sidewalk. —-
This is uncomfortable now. Plaijur handed me a stick with a star on it. Looks pretty rough…even considering the fact he literally slapped it together. Stranger still was the completely red card.
“My point still stands that i ultimately don’t care what you do now that you haven’t worked.” The no-legged cyclops jerk says. “But…if you can make me proud of you somehow, I’ll grant you your deepest desires.”
“How do i do that, Mister Plaijur?”
“Well, if you find someone interesting, use this card, particularly if they look like you. Try looking for something flying through space maybe.”
Why do I want to make Plaijur happy? Its not like he has done much for me…except create me, and bring me to life…he could have disposed of me if he wanted to, like that scribble trying to get out of the garbage next to his desk.
Also…Deepest desire? All i want is him to care about me….let me have a place to belong….Yeah!
We reach a door labeled “exit ”. Plaijur looks down at me with a faint, condescending interest. I feel the cold metal beneath my feet.
“That little wand will let you travel through space. Now get the f— out.” He says as he pushes me out the door.
I regain balance on a single platform as the door locks behind me. The massive metal wall of Plaijur’s home is behind me. But in front of me is an endless expanse dotted everywhere with stars and planets.
I sit down , putting my wand and card in my pockets, and hang my feet over the bottomless expanse. And then everything hits me.
I am now alone, disowned, left with no place to stay in front of the unknown.
The rising feeling bubbled up to my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I wail and gasp for air, despite there being none.
I briefly consider staying on this platform, hoping Plaijur might change his mind after time had passed and take pity.
I know he won’t, and It hurts…
I wipe my eyes after a while, sniffling. I calm myself down.
What should i do? Just go? How long will it take before i find some place…or if something finds me? Its terrifying to think about. But, then something catches my eye:
Something, I can’t tell what, is flying through space in the very far distance.
I scramble up to stand and make sure my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me. Something is definitely moving over there.
I cry again, but i feel light a weight is lifted. I take my shoddy-looking wand and point it forward, and just like that Im flying through space!
IT’S SO COOL! It feels like every awful feeling is being outpaced as i go. I feel like i have a chance now as i get closer and closer to the thing i saw flying through space.
-to be continued -
0 notes
elliotthezubat · 6 years
 Duncan: *approaches the library desk* "..." *rings the bell--*
Poe: "EEEEEK!" *falls back*
Duncan: "..." *drops a pile of books* "Isn't there usually another librarian here?"
rowena: she's currently out on a mission.
Poe: "S-She's on a mission?" *picks himself up*
Duncan: "..."
*the books seem to be about weapon abilities...*
Poe: *flipping through the books, and as he scans one--*
Duncan: *spots an image of something called the Holy Sword* "What is--"
rowena: isnt that-
Duncan: "?!! I was reading that--"
rowena: 0____0
hiro: trust me, the less known about that-...that THING...the better!
Duncan: "..." *wipes his eyes*
EF: *enters, panting* h-hiro..h-how do you even run that fast?
hiro: sixth sense.
Poe: "Oh, that's fascinating! Look, Rowena--psychic abilities..."
Duncan: *grabs the books, hugging them close as he walks away*
EF: *notices him* ??
rowena: is that true?!
hiro: only in regards to this subject.
rowena: is that so? could it be....you're a descendant of king arthur pendragon himself?!
*loud steps are heard running into the library*
rowena: hmm?
*the doors kick open--as Arthur slams his foot into Hiro's head*
EF: D8
Poe: >3< "Shhh!"
EF:.....perhaps it's best not to question it anymore. *sweatdrop*
present mic: you guys ever think about having kids?
midnight: *SPITTAKE*
blood king: what brought this up?!
present mic: *shrug*
Aizawa: "...I already have cats and 2 morons."
midnight: oh, i could never have kids. i mean, i could, but i dont think i'd be able to look after small children. they may be cute, but they're crafty little buggers.
present mic: is it cuz your paranoid they'll get into your stash of stuff?
Aizawa: -_______-
*knock on the door*
blood king: ??
Shinso: *slides the door open...he's with Yuuji*
Aizawa: "Oh, there you are. Finish cleaning up?"
yuuji: yeah.
Shinso: *writes on whiteboard* <I can keep them quiet.>
yuuji: well, i've had several younger siblings during my times in foster care, so i think i can handle them well enough.
blood king: *ahem* as i myself was about to say, my sister sometimes asks me to look after her little ones. *shows a picture on his phone of two young boys and a young girl, all with the same hair color and fangs as him*
Aizawa: "..."
Shinso: <Strong family resemblance.>
blood king: they certainly are popular among my students.
{pony: SO CUUUTE!!}
{itsuka: they look just like you!}
{shouda: i wonder if their quirks will be the same as his.}
{kinoko: dude, that's rad}
yuuji: i see.
Aizawa: "You stop class to show baby photos?"
blood king: -_-; this was during homeroom.
Aizawa: "Still class."
blood king: >n<
midnight: boys, just because we're talking about children doesnt mean you should be acting like children.
Shinso: <Ha.>
Chuuya: *lying back in a beach chair* =u=
miyuri: *pokes a hole in the sand with her shovel until a crab comes out* oh!
Crab: "..." *steps to the side*
miyuri: *staring intently, with shiny eyes*
Crab: "..." *steps again to the side, picking at the sand*
sonia: *collecting rocks and shells*
*there's a shiny rock by the tide*
sonia: *picks it up*
*it sparkles like diamond under the sunlight*
sonia: *puts it into her bucket and walks over to chuuya*
Chuuya: *stretches* *looks* "Hey! How you enjoying the beach?"
sonia: pretty good. i found this.
Chuuya: "Wow, that's shiny!"
-near the rocks, the sound of a little girl crying can be heard-
miyuri: ??
sonia: do you hear that?
???: *sniffle* waaaah! mamai! w-whe-where are you? *crying*
miyuri: *goes over*
sonia: miyuri!
miyuri: *peeeeeeks*
-there's a young girl sitting on one of the rocks, her lower half not visible from where miyuri is standing-
miyuri: HI FRIEND!
girl: ?!?!?!? *turns to look*
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: are you alright? we wont hurt you, promise.
girl: um..i-i...i got lost a-and i-i cant f-find my mu-mama. *hic*
Chuuya: "Where did you last see her?"
girl: w-we were going t-to the docks b-bu-but then i got s-swept up in the current.
sonia: ?? !!! papa....her lower half....
-the girl has no legs.....but a tail?-
Chuuya: "...Forgive me being obtuse, but are you a mermaid?"
girl: *nods* i-i came with mamai for her job. sh-she trades pearls with the land people. b-but i-i dont know where she iiiis! *crying*
miyuri:...it's ok! we'll help you find your mommy!
girl: y-you will?
Chuuya: *looking around* "Maybe the docks, but that's some distance."
miyuri: miyuyu....ah! miyuri has an idea! *drawing something in the sand*
sonia: ??
-miyuri has drawn a walking bathtub full of ocean water-
miyuri: TADA!
girl: oh!!
Chuuya: ._.; "That's something alright. Let's help you in, um...What's your name?"
girl: my name's Elodie.
Chuuya: "Okay, let's help you in, Elodie."
Crona: *lying down* "..."
mami: *sitting next to them* how are you feeling?
Crona: "I feel wiped out--like every bit of energy pulled out of me."
mami: i could imagine.....im just....so glad you're alright....
Crona: *weak smile, sniffles* "I-I'm not sure what to feel."
mami: well. im hoping for the best...*pats their hand*
Crona: "Hee..."
mami:...*gently kisses their knuckles*
Crona: =\\\\= "Mami..."
mami: ^////^ your blushing is different now.
Crona: "Wh-What?!" O\\\\o
mami: *hands them a pocket mirror* the color's different now, see? it's more of a pink color now.
Crona: "... ... ..." *crying*
mami: !!!!
Crona: T~T "I-I can't believe all of this..."
Crona: *hugging her* "I-I am happy but scared...Mami..."
mami:....it'll be ok....its going to be ok.....
Crona: *nod nod* "*hic*"
Asher: *sitting at a fast food restaurant with a box of chicken nuggets in front of them* "..." *has been dunking one in ketchup for a minute*
izumi: hey, you ok?
Asher: "Hmm? Yeah. Why?" *the entire nugget is just ketchup now*
izumi: your nugget....
Asher: "...I was wondering why my fingers felt gross." *wipes them on a napkin* "Distracted."
izumi:...wanna talk about it or...
Asher: "...Just the training camp..."
Asher: "...You could've gotten killed."
Asher: "...I wasn't of any help."
izumi: that's not true, you helped zeke.
Asher: "But not to you. I don't know what exactly a weapon is supposed to do when--whatever that thing was attacked..."
Asher: "I don't know that I could've done anything...You seemed to reach her well enough."
izumi:....i guess so.....i could have easily just left her behind, after everything she did......
Asher: "But that's not who you are."
izumi: if i did leave then, i wouldnt have been able to forgive myself...
Asher: *nods* "That makes sense...You're a good person."
izumi: so are you.
Asher: "...Thanks."
sonia: there's the docks.
Chuuya: *guiding the bathtub* *looks around*
-a woman in the water is talking to a man in a boat, she seems frantic-
elodie: !!!! mamai!!
Elodie's Mother: "?!!" *turns* "Elodie!" *swims towards them*
miyuri: *waves*
elodie: *jumps into the water and hugs* TT~TT
Elodie's Mother: *stroking her head* "My poor baby! I was scared to death!"
miyuri: miyuri, sonia, and papa found her by the rocks and helped her find you! ^^
Elodie's Mother: *shaking, looking at them* "Th-Thank you..."
miyuri: you're welcome. ^^
Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." ("Didn't think I'd see a mermaid.")
Monica: -_-# "So, you going to rat me out to Mom and Dad?"
lorenzo: well, obviously they need to know what happened, right?
Monica: >_<# "You don't have to narc on me to them about a two-week suspension! Just make something up!"
lorenzo: hmmm. how about we break your leg?
Monica: "?!! YOU WOULDN'T! R-Right?"
lorenzo: <chill sis> im bluffing.
Monica: -~-; "Ha ha..." <Asshole.>
lorenzo: well, mom and papi are probably still at work, so you want something to eat in the meantime?
Monica: "Duh--I was stuck in the desert and then getting poked and prodded at school all day--I'm starving."
lorenzo: anything in mind? *putting on the apron*
Monica: "Whatever is fastest--even leftovers."
Saria: *texting* [i think i'm on house arrest for the next millennium. : p ]
hibiki: [ouch, that bad huh?]
Saria: [the dads were not pleased. but i think they'll calm down with time. how are u?]
hibiki: [death by lecture from the fam via phonecall #riparroni]
Saria: [oh no! i'm sorry. are u alright?]
hibiki: [it's cool. axel + zeke got a lot of shit from their mom, tho. other than that, all good]
-zeke joined the chat-
Saria: [speaking of which...]
zeke: [axel's writing his will as we speak. he wants the space jam theme played at his funeral]
hibiki: [is that meme still a thing? wtf?]
zeke: [memes R forever]
Axel: [it makes my heart soar. like that song]
hibiki: *she sends a pic of herself facepalming*
Saria: [ ^^; i see u 2 are in well enough spirits]
Axel: [i am happy not to be dead]
miura: sir? are you drunk? -_-;
Mori: *hic* "I'm so lonely!!!"
elise: sucks to be you.
Mori: TT~TT "So mean!"
miura: -_-; why not call up an escort?
Mori: *sniff* "My favorite blacklisted me."
elise: not surprised.
Mori: "I need to find an-an-another..."
miura: then why not try a dating site?
Mori: "R-Really?"
miura: it's worth a try, isnt it?
Mori: "...Elise, bring me my laptop."
higuchi: ...gin, did you feel that too?
Gin: "Oh, yeah."
higuchi: *urk*
Gin: -~- "I'll get the ginger ale."
Kid: "Stocking, come to bed--you can continue tomorrow."
stocking: just...a little....*yaaaaAAAAWWWwwn* more....
Kid: *holds her up* "It'll be here tomorrow. Let's get you some sleep."
stocking: =~=
Kid: ^^; *walks with her*
Kau'i: *crushes a soda can on his forehead* "That was insane! What the hell was that black stuff?!"
dagon: i'll start looking into it now, sir.
audrey: Q~Q i've never been so scared in my whole life!
Derek: "Quite scary indeed." *shivers* "I don't think that was what Mr. Barret was anticipating on this trip."
lumina: do you think it could have been related to the moon incident?
nisha: that's a possibility.
Kau'i: *suddenly has a giant muffin in his mouth* "Huh? What Moon thing?"
lumina: didnt you see the news? *pulls up an article*
Kau'i: *munch, chew, swallow* "I don't read the news. That's how you end up having to debate people who really think the Earth revolves around the Sun."
Derek: "..." *opens his mouth...then just shuts up*
Ragnarok: *gobbling Jell-O* "OH MY DEATH, MY TASTE BUDS ARE INCREDIBLE!!!" *shakes an empty glass* "MORE MILK!"
nurse: how much is he going to eat? .____.;;;
Blair: *hiding behind the nurse* "I don't know--and I'm really scared!" >~<
Crona: .______________.
mami: oh dear.....
Ragnarok: *staring at Crona and Mami* "...Dang, Crona, you look scrawnier from this angle!"
Crona: >_<; "It's not my fault that I had to eat for both of us all this time!"
mami: hmm. that just leaves the rooming situation...
Ragnarok: "... ... ...I don't think the bed is big enough."
mami: you're on the couch.
Ragnarok: "WHAT?! We're not even going to flip Crona for it?!"
Crona: "Flip a coin!"
Ragnarok: "You heard what I said!"
mami: *protective hug for chrona as she GLARES at ragnarok*
Ragnarok: *frowns...then opens his mouth, a giant slithering pink tongue blowing a raspberry and revealing rows of teeth*
mami: ._.;
Crona: O_O; "What the heck kind of body did they give you?!"
Ragnarok: "...The kind that lets me lick the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar now--WOOT!"
Black Star: *holding the broken sink...as the pipe that once connected it is leaking water* O_O;
himawari: D8
tsubaki: what on earth??
Black Star: "I DON'T KNOW MY OWN STRENGTH RIGHT NOW, AND IT'S FREAKING ME OUT!" *steps forward--and his foot falls through the bathroom tile* "SHIT!"
tsubaki:....im calling stein.
Black Star: "This can't get any worse--"
*Black Star crashes through the floor*
Black Star: "AAAAAAAH--"
Chuuya: *studying a string of pearls*
miyuri: *asleep*
Chuuya: *sets them down* "Did you have fun, Sonia?"
Chuuya: "Same. We'll have more tomorrow."
sonia:....im glad....we helped elodie find her mama......
Chuuya: "..." *nods*
sonia:.....it must be nice. being hugged by a mama....
Chuuya: "Sonia..."
sonia:....am i a bad person? for being jealous of her?
Chuuya: "No--feeling that way is completely normal. What we do with those feelings is what matters."
sonia:.....may i have a hug?
Chuuya: "Always..." *hug*
sonia: thanks papa.....
Chuuya: "You're welcome. I love you."
Harvar: "Ugh, no one here sees anything..."
kim: they seem a bit hesitant....
Jacqueline: "Give them time to get used to us..."
kim: what are we even supposed to be doing on this mission again anyway?
Harvar: "Locals and their livestock and crops have gone missing."
kim: ah.
Jacqueline: "Disappearances tend to happen overnight, so we'll need shifts to be nightguards."
ox: right.
Thunder: *yawns* =A=
-the next day-
suzune: *yaaaawn*
arisa: wakey wakey! we have a busy day today!
Chisato: *making breakfast*
suzune:.....how long have we been in kamihama now? -_-;;
Matsuri: "Quite a while, actually." *sets out a cereal bowl*
Kid: *yawns...reaches across the bed--and finds it empty* "???" *sniffs*
stocking: *looking exhausted* good morning darling. =u=
Kid: "??? Hey. Were you working again?"
stocking: yes.
Kid: ^^ *leads her to bed* "Now, lie down, and think of pleasant, happy dreams."
gin: ryuu, its time for breakfast!
Akutagawa: *grumbles*
gin: we're making omurice!
Akutagawa: "..." *walks out* "Coming."
higuchi: looks like theres going to be a night market at the park tonight.
Akutagawa: "Hmm." *nom* "You going?"
higuchi: yeah, might find some nice deals. ^^
Gin: "We could use something to make the living room look a bit more complete. Maybe a sculpture."
Black Star: *sticks out his tongue*
Stein: *looking in his mouth* "Well, it's not fuzzy..."
nurse valentine: *taking notes*
Stein: "Well, it's obviously a soul strengthening that is channeling your latent and trained muscular power to exert greater force."
Black Star: "... ...Obviously. Now put it in a way I can understand."
Stein: "Whatever has altered in the atmosphere is giving your soul more power, which is strengthening your body."
Black Star: "..." *rubs his eyes, then looks at Valentine--* "?!!!!"
nurse valentine: what he said.
Black Star: "Nah, nurse--what the hell is that stuff on you?!"
Stein: "..." *looks* "There's nothing on her."
*Black Star is seeing...something glowing around her and Stein...*
nurse valentine: what exactly do you see?
Black Star: "It's all glowy and wavy!"
nurse valentine: *glances at stein*
Stein: "I see...Your soul perception up to now has been pathetic. Now this power boost is letting you see them--"
Stein: *dripping wet* "..."
Black Star: *holding an empty glass* "...IT'S STILL THERE!"
nurse valentine: -____-;; i see his mental perception still leaves much to be desired...
Stein: "Small miracles..." *takes a surgical cloth to wipe his glasses, while looking at Black Star...he sees his soul* "But it is as I said: his power is increasing. And given what happened to Crona, I would not ignore the common cause."
nurse valentine: meaning this is related to what happened with the moon....
Stein: "A power...out of madness."
atsushi: *yaaaaaawn* -~-;;
Kyoka: "Good morning."
atsushi: i see you're already awake.
sylvia: *resting on the couch*
Kyoka: *sets out rice* "Yes. What would you like to drink?"
atsushi: some milk would be fine.
Kyoka: *nods* *walks to the fridge, looking out the window* "...Oh."
atsushi: *goes over to look*
*Dazai is setting up bricks in the yard*
atsushi: *sigh* i'll go check it out. i'll get the mail too while im down there. *exits and heads over to where dazai is* do i even want to know?
Dazai: *sets a board over the bricks* "Good morning, Atsushi! I'm making a see-saw!"
atsushi: for...?
Dazai: "The baby, of course!" *stands on one side of the board* "See? Then I add the hinge to let it swing up and down."
atsushi: i see. *examining the see-saw* points for innovation, but im not sure it's exactly....child safe. *sweatdrop*
Dazai: "Fortunately, I have determined a good way to test this." *looks up to the tree* "Okay, Kenji--let 'er rip!"
kenji: *waves*
atsushi: O____O;;;
Dazai: *readies himself*
kenji: *drops an old car onto the board*
*Dazai goes flying up--and crashes into barrels behind him*
atsushi: *wince*
Dazai: "I'm okay! ...Oh, I found a mouse--AH, GOD, MY FACE!"
chie: *filling up a kiddy pool*
Yohei: "Looking forward to this, kiddos?"
io: yappi!
toru: ah!
Tool: "Careful with that--maybe a floatie is needed..." *holds up a rubber ducky to Io*
io: *squeaks it* *laughs*
Yohei: "Cute." *picks up Toru, carefully putting him into the pool*
toru: *splashes his hands on the water*
Yohei: *rubs his own arm* "You seem pleased."
Tool: "Up you go..." *lifts Io and puts them into the pool*
Chuuya: *looking under the bed* "??? Um, Mito? Mito? Where are you..."
mito: *mrrp* *sitting on the couch*
Chuuya: *stands up--and hits his head under the bed* "OW!" *looks at the couch* "Ugh...There you are."
mito: *purrs*
Chuuya: *strokes her back* "Where did you run off to?"
Crona: *looking out the window*
lord death: good morning.
Crona: "Oh...Hello, sir."
lord death: how are you feeling?
Crona: "Okay...A little different."
lord death: *nods* i see.
Crona: "...Thank you for this. I never felt I deserve this..."
lord death: it's not about 'deserving' or not.
Crona: "I-I'm sorry--I'm not used to thinking that way."
lord death: it's quite alright. have you had breakfast yet today?
Crona: *shakes their head* "Still getting used to adjusted hunger--as I'm not two people now."
lord death: ah... well, im going to be doing a soul scan for you now, to see how the proporties of your soul have changed.
Crona: *gulps* "I-I see...Or don't. Should I be worried?"
lord death: not to worry, this will only take a moment, and it's painless.
Crona: "..." *nods* *sits still*
lord death: hmm, interesting.
Crona: .~.;
lord death: seems you have magic potential within you. although given your parentage, i suppose this is unsurprising.
Crona: "...It's a little surprising!" *looks at their hands* "I never tried..."
lord death: never to late to learn, i suppose.
Crona: "Who would even teach me?"
lord death: i can think of a few people...
Kimizuki: *staring at his phone*
hyakuya: *taps her foot as she stares out the window* boooriiiiing.....
Kimizuki: "It's called off-time. Enjoy it."
Yoichi: *reading a newspaper*
mitsuba:.....how about we go over to the batting cages?
Yoichi: "Oh, fun!"
Kimizuki: "Hmm...Could be good for aim."
hyakuya: sounds great!
-and so-
Yoichi: *puts on the helmet--and it's too big* ._.;
mitsuba: ^w^ not to brag, but i _was_ on my elementary school's baseball team as a kid.
shinoa: i think i remember that. you were known as the blonde ogress who made 5 boys cry.
mitsuba: >n<#
Yoichi: ^^; *backs away*
Kimizuki: "Checks out."
mitsuba: HEY! D8<
hyakuya: loser buys lunch! *takes her stance*
Yoichi: "Good luck!"
-the ball is thrown-
hyakuya: *swings....letting go of the bat and getting hit in the face* GRF-
Kimizuki: "..." *facepalm*
Yoichi: D8 "Oh no!"
hyakuya: *nose bleeding* IM OUT OF PRACTICE! CUT ME SOME SLACK! >n<
mitsuba: that.....that was the worst baseball fail ever......in the history of literally everything.
Yoichi: *offers tissues*
-shinoa's phone dials-
shinoa: ?? *answers* hello~? ^^
Guren: "Mission briefing in 10 minutes."
shinoa: ok. we got a mission
Kimizuki: "Oh, joy. So much for rest."
mitsuba: *pouts*
chess: hmm.... im soo booooored!
crowley: *checking his phone* ooh! text from ferid!
chess: oooh! what'd he say!
crowley: you know that guy shahal?
chess: he's in charge of keeping livestock, right?
crowley: well, apparently he's been neglecting his duties as of late, and several humans have escaped.
Horn: "Oh, that's no good. Is our priority to retrieve the humans, or punish Shahal?"
crowley: given how often humans make more humans, i say our main priority for now is shahal.
Horn: "...Flawless logic. Very well."
stocking: *checking recipes*
Rin: *tapping his fingers* "So what're you thinking?"
stocking: im thinking a brownie coffin filled with little candies for the desert.
Rin: "Oh, creative! Would definitely appeal to the Death Children..." *opens a book* "How many courses is this again?"
Giriko: "Then the entire blob thing went *BOOM* and took out Gruk, too."
arachne: hmmm....this is rather concerning...
Giriko: "What you think it was?"
arachne: *takes out her journal* since i've lost most of my old spellbooks, i've taken notes in here......just as i suspected. it's likely black blood.
Giriko: "Uuuuuum..."
arachne: what?
Giriko: "Isn't that what your dipshit sister worked on?"
arachne: *nods* according to lord death, she's still at large somewhere, supposedly....
Medusa: "... ... ..." *rubs her nose* *looks along the forest path*
-it's surprisingly dark and a bit foggy-
Medusa: *holds up a small orb...something shines inside, pointing to the left* "..." *turns left*
shinoa: *takes a seat*
-at the other end of the table, a woman seems to be distressed. -
Kimizuki: *holding a notepad* "We received initial details. Tell us about her."
woman: *sniffles* y-yes. about two weeks ago, my daughter, riko was abducted by a vampire.
shinoa: guren told us that one of your maids made a sketch of the vampire, correct?
Kimizuki: *looking*
riko's mother: of course. *hands them the sketch* i-i-im not sure how accurate it is, but-
Kimizuki: "No, this is useful."
hyakuya: hmm. how exactly are we going to find him?
Kimizuki: "Good old fashion sleuthing."
-in a room in an old cathedral, a young girl is looking out the window-
Shahal: "Back away from there."
girl: *looks over at him*
Shahal: "You don't want to fall down--it's not the best window." *holds up a plate* "Sugar cookie?"
girl:....um....*gingerly takes one*
Shahal: "I hope they're okay. You need milk, Lana?"
girl: t-they're alright....a-and i already told you, my name isnt lana, it's riko.
Shahal: "??? Since when? Is this some phase? Like when I insisted on wearing my shirt backwards--"
riko: erm.... ^^;
???: "Oh, wow--a pet?"
riko: ??
Shahal: "?!" *stands up sharply*
horn: so _this_ is why you've been abandoning your post, shahal?
chess: aww, she's so cute! *grabs her*
riko: *yells*
chess: she's so adorable, i could just EAT HER UP! *bears fangs with a feral fervor*
Shahal: *grabs Chess by the neck--and tosses her into the wall*
horn: !!!!
chess: OWIE! >n< ugh, so RUDE!
horn: such ungentlemanly conduct...
Shahal: "Back away from her. She is not a part of this."
horn: oh? it looks to me that she's the reason for our little visit.
riko: *trembling*
Shahal: "State your business and leave us be."
chess: jeez, if you're gonna be so hostile, maybe we _wont_ tell you that an extermination group is coming for you tonight~ whoopsie~ i let it slip~ *cute fist bonk on her head as she winks with her tongue out*
Shahal: "What?!" *looking out the window* "..." *studying different escape paths*
horn:.....unless you're going to return to your post and hand the girl over as livestock-
Shahal: "Lana stays here!"
horn:....very well, you've made your decision. but when death is at your doorstep and that girl is taken and drained of every last drop of blood in her, dont come crying to us. come chess, let's go.
chess: yes ma'am!
Shahal: "..."
riko: *still trembling*
Shahal: "Hey, it's going to be okay."
Crona: *buttoning up*
mami: *waiting outside the room*
Blair: *brings up the wheelchair* "Crona almost done?"
mami: i think so....
Crona: *buzzes the button* "I'm done"
mami: *opens the door*
Crona: *in jeans and a black t-shirt...smiles*
peg: we got this one too. *brings out ragnarok...strapped to a gurney a la hannibal lector*
Crona: *holds Mami close* "Don't look behind you." ^^;;;;;;
Blair: O_O;
Ragnarok: "Hello, nurse." *slithering tongue noises*
mami: ......
peg: mister dont _make_ me put the mask back on. -_-#
Ragnarok: "Look, I just got this body, and I got years of experiences to make up for it. I've already exhausted myself on 2 out of 7 deadly sins--want to go for 3 more?"
Ragnarok: "?!!!" *looks away* >_>;;;
Black Star: *meditating--under a giant waterfall*
child: mama, what's that guy doing?
Mother: "Oh, I think I saw this in a kung fu movie once! Warriors do that for training to improve their minds."
child: wow cool!
Mother: "I wonder whether it's working--"
Black Star: *collapses under the water*
Chuuya: "Careful not to tap on the glass." *looking at the fish tank*
miyuri: *face plastered against the glass* oooooh!
Fish: O_O *swims away afraid*
sonia: *looking*
*there's a hermit crab on the tank floor, changing into a new shell*
sonia: .....
Chuuya: "Really surprising creatures, aren't they?"
sonia: yeah....
Chuuya: "...I think they let you hold a sea urchin..."
sonia: ??
Chuuya: "Those little spiny sea creatures."
sonia: wont they hurt?
Chuuya: "The trainer shows you how to cup your hand so it won't."
sonia: ....
Chuuya: *looks*
-seems to be some kind of whale-
Chuuya: "?! Wow!"
Chuuya: "Y-Yes, indeed..."
Mori: *seated at the outdoor cafe table, sipping a coffee* "..." *looks around, then at his phone* *texts* [she's not here]
miura: [perhaps give it some more time?]
Mori: [it's already been 20 min]
Waiter: "Refill, sir?"
Mori: "...Check, please."
Kurogiri: "Okay, take a deep breath, and let's retrace your steps."
Dabi: *whistles* "Yo." *waves a hand...holding a hand*
tomura: *looks*
*two of the fingers are curled into a circle*
tomura: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-.....one day i will kill you in your sleep.
Dabi: "Sure." *tosses it*
spinner: bold move, my dude.
Kurogiri: "...I'm confused."
Dabi: "Please, I'm no hero. Literally."
banshee:.....we _are_ professional villains, arent we? -_-;
Kurogiri: "We try."
*knock on Kanin's apartment door*
amelia: *peeks out the peep hole*
*looks to be Genny, Duncan, and some others*
amelia: kanin, we have guests.
free: *wave* ^^
Kanin: *cooking* "??? Oh...Hello." *aspects of his werewolf appearance remain but have gradually reverted back to slightly more human*
lei-lei: how're you feeling? we brought some ingredients for a hotpot! ^^
Kanin: "...I'm fine." *takes the ingredients* "...Um...Amelia, can you see about more chairs?"
amelia: *nods*
Kanin: "...I-I'll be busy cooking. Help yourselves to..." *gestures to an old-fashion candy bowl full of what can be described as grandparents' candy choices, as he hurries away*
Duncan: *picks a piece of candy--that is stuck to the top of the pile of them* -_-; "Old fashioned... ...You know, maybe he needs help in the kitchen."
hyakuya: .......
Kimizuki: *looking through binoculars*
mitsuba: see anything?
Kimizuki: "The door looks like it was forced open."
mitsuba: should we go in?
Kimizuki: "I think when it gets darker."
{Mika: *sad smile*}
hyakuya: *bites her lip*
hyakuya: !!!...im fine. dont worry about it....
Yoichi: "..."
-that night-
Shahal: *standing guard*
riko: *asleep*
{???: big brother?}
{Shahal: *shivering* "Yes?"}
{girl: will we be able to eat soon?}
{Shahal: "Yes, soon...Just be patient. Please..."}
Shahal: "Not again...I'm protecting you this time."
shinoa: *looks inside* ok, this should be the back entrance...
Kimizuki: "How reliable was your intelligence?"
shinoa: i chatted up some urban explorers for advice. ^^
mitsuba: so far so good.....
Yoichi: *looking at the stairs...they look rotted*
hyakuya: this place sure has seen better days....
Kimizuki: "So keep an eye for debris used for this vamp to hide."
shinoa: and keep silent. our primary objective is to retrieve riko.
Yoichi: *nods*
hyakuya: ????
Kimizuki: "?!" *aims*
???: spread out, he should be here somewhere.
???: of course, lady enacotta.
rubile: *grins* (once i claim that traitor's head, i'll go up in the ranks for sure!)
mitsuba: *whisper* shit, vampires? here?
shinoa: this is bad. if they're here for shahal, then riko's at risk as well...
Kimizuki: "...Then we need to find her first. With the stairs broken, he's likely holding her upstairs to discourage people following up."
hyakuya: i'll look for a way up.
Kimizuki: "While we keep the vampires away..."
hyakuya: *nods and heads off*
Kimizuki: *following the vampires' path*
vampire: *looking around*
Kimizuki: *hides behind the vamp...readies his sword*
vampire: ?? *turns*
vampire: GRK-
Kimizuki: *stabs them through the chest*
vampire: *SCREAM*
Kimizuki: *beheads*
Shahal: "?!!!"
riko: hnn??
Shahal: "Shh."
riko: what's going on?
Shahal: *quietly* "Come on. Hide in here..." *leads her to a wardrobe in the attic* "Stay here."
rubile: *slashing with her sword*
mitsuba: *blocking with her axe*
Yoichi: *behind debris, aiming*
shinoa: take this! *SLASH*
vampire: GRAHH!
Yoichi: *fires off shots*
hyakuya: *looking around* (come on, there has to be something...)
*a brick in the side of the building falls, rolling down to her feet*
hyakuya: !! *looks up*
*a vampire can be seen scurrying down the hall--then blood splatters against the hallway wall*
hyakuya: .....*looking around for a way up*
*there are missing bricks in the wall--and a buttress above the window*
hyakuya:...that'll work. *spits on both her hands and rubs them together* here we go. *starts climbing*
*a window she passes breaks, as a vampire is tossed out of it*
hyakuya: OxO;;
*the noise seems to have stopped...*
hyakuya: *keeps climbing*
rubile: tch- damn...you humans dont know when to quit...*she's holding her arm, which has been cut along the bicep*
Kimizuki: "Call us stubborn." *aims*
rubile: *lunges at him*
vampire: lady enacotta! we need to retreat!
rubile: NO! we've come this far already, im not going to leave without our prize!
Kimizuki: *sweeps his leg at hers while he swings his blade at her neck*
rubile: !!! *dodge*
*there's a wardrobe*
hyakuya: *looks inside*
Riko: *curled up in the corner*
hyakuya: ...hey, it's ok.
Riko: "Wh-Who are you?"
hyakuya: you can call me akane. *small smile*
Riko: "...Are you a vampire?"
hyakuya:....no, im human, like you.
Riko: "...Like Shahal was."
hyakuya: shahal, that's the one who kidnapped you, right?....wait- so he wasnt born a vampire?
Riko: *shakes her head no* "He keeps calling me Lana. His sister. She died."
hyakuya:....how did you figure that part out?
Riko: "I-I kind of read his journal...Don't tell him I did that."
hyakuya: i wont...did he try to hurt you at all?
Riko: "No--he really misses his sister, and he keeps treating me like her."
hyakuya:.......(mika..........) do you miss your mom and dad?
Riko: *nods*
hyakuya:.....dont worry riko, i'll help you get back to your parents. you can count on us. *smiles*
Riko: "A-Are you going to hurt Shahal?"
hyakuya:....i'll try to talk to him.
mitsuba: WOAH!
Kimizuki: *crashes into furniture, collapsed*
mitsuba: *charges at him, yelling*
rubile: there you are! *charges at him as well*
Shahal: "..." *leaps just as they are close to him--*
rubile: *has her arm hacked off* *SCREAMS*
mitsuba: *gets her side sliced* GAH!!
Shahal: *grabs Mitsuba by her wrist* "Now leave."
hyakuya: HEY YOU!!
Shahal: "..." *holds Mitsuba up by the arm* *looks at Hyakuya* "Leave, before there is more bloodshed."
hyakuya: let her go!
Shahal: "Of course--" *and flings Mitsuba at Hyakuya*
mitsuba: oof! nngh....
hyakuya: mitsuba, are you alright?
mitsuba: bleeding, but otherwise just peachy.
Shahal: *aims at Shinoa*
hyakuya: leave my friends alone!
Shahal: "Leave my _family_ alone!"
hyakuya: your ‘family’ is dead!
Shahal: "?!!" *rushes at Hyakuya* "What did you do to Lana?!!"
hyakuya: i didnt do anything to her! that girl riko, she's not lana! i dont know what happened or how she died, but your sister isnt here anymore!
Shahal: "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP LYING TO ME?!" *swings the blade at her head*
hyakuya: !!! *blocks with her own sword* im not lying!
Shahal: "Yes, you are! Everyone is trying to confuse me! But I remember what was done--and I am not letting you take Lana!" *presses the sword forward*
hyakuya: listen! i know what it's like, to lose a loved one. i've lost my parents, and my adoptive family, and every day it hurts thinking about what i could have done differently to save them, but the past is in the past, isnt it? the only thing left is to go forward. accept what's happened and move on, so quit living in the past and face reality already!!
Shahal: "..." *just staring at her* "...Lana..."
shinoa: *charges*
Kimizuki: *follows Shinoa--*
Yoichi: *gives them cover*
Shahal: "?!"
shinoa: take this!
Shahal: *tries to block--*
Shahal: *howls in pain*
hyakuya: please listen, i dont want to fight you, but if you dont stop this, i wont have any choice! you were human once, remember??
shinoa: (what on earth has gotten into her...?)
Shahal: *holding his arm* "Lana...stop this. I'm not human anymore--but I need to protect you!"
hyakuya: im not lana either! if you keep deluding yourself like this, you're only going to hurt yourself even more!
Shahal: "I'm willing to get hurt if it means my sister can live! I can't let her die!"
hyakuya: she's already dead!
Shahal: "She can't be!" *approaches Hyakuya* "Stop lying!"
Shahal: *stares wide-eyed*
riko: *collapses*
hyakuya: *stunned* !!!!!
Shahal: "N-No!" *cradles her* "Why would you do this?!"
riko: i-it's ok....it wasnt that deep of a cut...
hyakuya: riko....
Shahal: "...Riko..."
riko: *smiles* im not mad at you, shahal. because i think, despite everything...you're still a good person.
hyakuya:....*shaking slightly* mika.....
Shahal: *crying* "How can you think that? I thought..." *holds his head* "I'm so confused."
riko: you took care of me and made sure i was safe, and you never once bit me or drank my blood.
Shahal: "...I just wanted my sister back."
riko:....but im not her. i dont know how she died exactly, but im sure she misses you too...
Shahal: *sobbing* "I can never see her again..."
Shahal: *looks at Hyakuya* "Who...?"
hyakuya: my siblings....ferid killed them....i was....the only one who got away.....(liar...mika was.....)
Shahal: "...Oh God...I'm sorry..."
hyakuya: ever since then, i've hated vampires....and wanted nothing more than to kill every last one....but after seeing....my one sibling....mika....turned into one of them....and seeing this...i....i dont know what to think anymore...
Shahal: "...You end them."
hyakuya: ??
Shahal: "You don't leave one standing that can and will hurt humans, eventually."
hyakuya: ......
Shahal: "You can bring them peace...to let them die and reunite with their lost family."
hyakuya:...are you...asking me to kill you?
Shahal: "...Yes."
hyakuya: but what about riko-
Shahal: "She deserves to be with her family."
hyakuya:.....*bites her lip, clutching her sword*
-as the sun rises, hyakuya screams out, piercing her blade into shahal's heart-
Shahal: *shudders, coughs...starts to disintegrate at the heart...looks at the sun with a smile* "Lana...Thank you."
lana?: big brother!
-a spectral girl seems to be waving to him-
Shahal: "?!!!" *reaches up, his hand disintegrating as he does...*
lana?: i've been waiting for you for so long now! come on, i have lots of people to introduce you too!
-soon enough, they are both gone....-
mitsuba: hey....akane....
hyakuya: hehe...hehehehe....hahaha..HAHAHAHAHA!! *cackling madly*
Kimizuki: *grabs her by her shoulders* "Hyakuya! Hyakuya! Damn it, Akane, get a hold of yourself..."
hyakuya: *sharply inhales and starts hysterically sobbing into his chest*
Kimizuki: "..." *holds her, letting her cry*
shinoa:.....we should probably give riko first aid.
Yoichi: *holds up the kit*
Kid: "Absolutely adorable."
shiori: *in a new little jumper* lookie!
Kid: *shivering* "IT'S SO CUTE I COULD DIE!"
stocking: ^^
lord death: TOO CUTE FOR WORDS!
Yumi: *snaps a photo* "Indeed."
Monica: *buried under blankets* =_____= "I'm boooooooooooooooored!"
mrs ramirez: mija! your friends are here!
mrs ramirez: first thing i did, honey!
yolanda: jeez mrs R, have some faith in us. -_-;
Zarya: *grunts*
Monica: -_-; "You here to rub it in before you go off to school?"
yolanda: just wanted to see how you were?
Monica: "Bored out of my f--" *spots her mom* "...freaking skull. I need to dunk someone's head into a toilet now!"
mrs ramirez: that reminds me, that nurse from the hospital, mrs albarn, wanted to have coffee later and to chat. she's your friend izumi's mother, isnt she? ^^#
Monica: "... ... ...She's not my fucking friend."
Zarya: "... ... ..." *takes one giant step back away from Monica*
mrs ramirez: .........
stephanie: welp we're totes late, bye! *RUNS*
Monica: "?! YOU TRAITORS--"
mrs ramirez: monica, i'd like to have a little talk with you. in private. ^^#####
Monica: D8 *loud whimpering noise*
mrs ramirez: monica rosa-marie ramirez, you arent going anywhere! *smiles with a demonic glare*
Asher: "... ... ..." *small smile*
cassidy: asher? you ok?
Asher: "...I think I feel lighter."
kyouko: hey rin, is shiemi doing alright? last i saw her, she seemed kind of down.
Rin: *sighs* "I think she's trying to figure out some stuff with school."
kyouko: hmm....is she having problems?
Rin: "Kinda. She's leaving the exorcist class."
kyouko: wait really? what happened?
Rin: "She said she wanted to focus on what she can do for now--without getting in over her head. It's rough when you really want something but are not sure you're ready."
-rin's phone starts going off-
Rin: *checks*
-text from renzou-
Rin: *reading* "...??? It's from Renzou Shima. He's...ranting about diapers?"
kyouko: i'd rather not know -__-#
Rin: "Neither do I . But now he's yelling 'Code Omega.' I think his bro told me that means to meet up." *looks at the key hooks* "Tell the old man I'm stealing his keys."
kyouko: ._.
-and so-
Bon: *holding his stomach* "Ugh...I hate traveling with keys." >~<;
izumo: you guys got called too?
Shima: -_-; "Yep..."
Rin: "WOOOOOOOW! It looks so different at this time of year!"
izumo: we were here last year around summer, in the longest fucking summer ever -_-;;;
shiemi: im surprised we were invited to juuzo and mamushi's baby shower.
unagi: it'll be nice to see my family members again.
Shima: "Don't curse in front of my fam, Izumo--I want to keep a good impression with them."
shura: yeah, so behave yourself.
izumo: sure thing-....wait.
konekomaru: how long were you-
shura: kunoichi skills bitches.
Bon: *shoves Shima* "You're one to criticize anyone, spy."
Shima: ^^; "Former spy?"
shiemi: well we better find the restaurant then.
shura: you kiddos go on ahead, im gonna have a quick chat with the okumura bros for a minute, kaaay~?
Rin: "What?! But I'm starving!"
shura: *waits for the others to go* welp, now we can talk.
Yukio: "What is this about?"
shura: yuri egyn. your mother.
Yukio: "?!"
Rin: "...What?"
shura: it was around the time i met shiro...
{yuri: who is it?}
{shura: *flailing* putmedown! pummedown!! >n<#}
{yuri:.....is...is that a kid?}
{Fujimoto: "Um, no. It's obviously a new species of mountain rat. A smelly, dirty mountain rat--"
{yuri: .___.;}
{yuri:....why dont i make you something to eat? ^^;; }
{Fujimoto: ^^; "I actually have some tasks to attend to, so that would help me--OW! DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!"}
{shura: *HISSSSSS* *STOMACH GURGLE*.........food please.}
{Fujimoto: T^T "What do you even eat, kid?"}
{shura: squirrels mostly. sometimes birds. hachirou got me a boar once.}
{yuri: .______. shiro....where did you find this girl exactly?}
{Fujimoto: "In the mountains. Meet the fabled wild child of Towada. I've named her Shura."}
{shura: offer me food, mortal!}
{yuri: eat up!}
{shura: *ravenous eating*}
{Fujimoto: ^^ "Better than tiny squirrels with hardly any meat on their bones, right, kiddo?"}
{shura: *pulls the food closer and snarls* MINE!}
{yuri: goodness, she's got an appetite. ^^; }
{Fujimoto: "And needs to learn some manners..." *sniffs* "Ugh...and a bath."}
{shura: a what?}
{shura: *asleep*}
{yuri: so, what are we going to do about her?}
{Fujimoto: "Mephisto ordered me to keep an eye on her, and after seeing that Hachirou thing, I don't want her going back to it. After that? I'm not sure..."}
{yuri: maybe she could stay here? it gets lonely up here, so it'd be nice to have some company. ^^}
{Fujimoto: "??? For real? Mephisto was pretty insistent on not letting her out of my sight..."}
{yuri: you could stay here too, if you'd like. it'd be like a family.}
{Fujimoto: "..." *pulls out a cigarette, lights up* "Don't say it like that."}
shura: from what i remember, she was a really kind woman, she had eyes like yours, rin. and lots of moles, like yukio...and that concludes story time with shura for today!
Yukio: "..."
Rin: "...YOU COCKTEASE! DON'T STOP THE STORY THERE! TELL US MORE! What did she sound like?!" *grabs her by the shoulders* "Why didn't you tell us this before?!"
shura: now if you boys excuse me. im gonna go hit the bar. cheers! *walks off*
torako: <enjoy your stay with us.> *walks back to the front* !!!! <ryuuji!>
Bon: <Hey...>
-a child runs up and tackles shima-
child: <ANKO WENZO!>
Shima: <OW! ???>
woman: <ten, sweetie, there you are! what did mama tell you about running off?>
ten: <sowwy mamai>
woman: *looks* !!! <renzou!>
Shima: <?!!>
izumo: you know this woman?
woman: <oh, you must be renzou's friends. koneko and bon know me already, but im Jun Shima. renzou's sister.>
unagi: <a pleasure to see you again, ma'am'>
jun: <unagi! i was surprised to hear that you enrolled in true cross. how are you doing?>
unagi: <im very well. i've been learning a lot of english.>
-a woman comes barreling down the hall and clutches unagi-
uwabami hojo: ^^; <easy now, orochi, she's just fine.>
Bon: <We've been keeping an eye on her, ma'am.>
unagi: <hello mother, hello to you too uncle.>
Konekomaru: *sad smile, steps back*
girl: <hey sis, do we have any more- !!!! k-k-k-k-KONEKOOOOOO~<3 > *TACKLE* >///w///< <3<3<3<3
Konekomaru: .\\\\.; "Um..." <You can let go now?>
Konekomaru: ^\\\^; <We were a little busy on an investigation and--well, things got away from us. Sorry.>
Rin: -_-; *has a big handprint slapped on his face* "Freaking boobzilla..."
Yukio: -_-; "Please don't embarrass us more while we're visiting someone else's house."
jun: ?? <more friends of yours?>
Rin: <He gets that a lot.> *waves at the child*
girl: <hey. you smell different koneko, are you using a new bodywash?>
Konekomaru: >\\\\\\< <Wh-Why would you sniff me?!>
ten: <mamai! this guy has a tail! is he a kitty?>
Yukio: *facepalm* <Oh good lord...>
jun: .....^^; <why dont we help uncle gozo with the garden, ok?>
ten: <ok!> *runs off*
Yukio: <I am so sorry.>
nishiki: *eating watermelon shaved ice*
???: <over here sir?>
Tatsuma: <Yes, that's a good spot for it.>
???: *sets the statue down, wiping sweat from her brow* <yep, i reckon that's a mighty good spot for it>
Tatsuma: <Looking good! ...Maybe rotate it a bit more towards the morning sun.>
torako: <tatsuma! yoshikuni! bon and his friends are here!>
yoshikuni: <REALLY?!>
Tatsuma: <!!! My baby boy!> *gets up quickly--and throws out his back* >n< "AH!"
torako: D8
Bon: *steps out* <?!! Old man!> *runs up*
yoshikuni: <LIL RYUU! long time no see!>
Bon: <?!! Yoshikuni?!>
izumo: another friend of yours?
yoshikuni: <im his fiancee~>
izumo: O/////o W-W-WHAT?!?!??!
Bon: -_-; <Yoshikuni, please.>
yoshikuni: <LOL! JK JK! it's just a joke!>
Tatsuma: *trying to sit up* <Ha ha ha! ...I don't know what 'luul' means.>
Bon: <?!!! I will have you know I am desirable to people who like men with a strong will, you stubborn mule!>
izumo: <BEEF HEAD!>
izumo: <ROOSTER HAIR!>
torako: <my my, they're acting like me when i was that age.>
{young!torako: <GET BENT, BALDIE!>}
{Young!Tatsuma: <Babe, I _shave_ by choice because it makes me look cool!> *wink*}
torako: <so persistent.> *sigh* <i feel so old.>
Tatsuma: <And yet still so beautiful.>
torako: >/////< <oh stop!>
Bon: <OW!> *slapping his hand on the ground* <I YIELD, I YIELD, YOU SHRIMP!>
Kanin: *puts bento boxes of leftovers into their lockers* "Okay. I'll see you for lunch after morning classes."
genny: *nods*
Kanin: "... ...Well..." *rubs the back of his head...he's managed to revert almost back to human appearance*
genny:....i-if you want to talk...a-about anything, you can-
Kanin: "I-I appreciate that...M-Maybe later..."
genny: .///. r-right...see ya! *runs*
Kanin: "..." >\\\< *knocks his head against his own locker--and instantly hulks out into werewolf form, ripping his shirt* "...Aw, man..."
marie: kanin? are you alright? ._.;
Kanin: "?!! S-Sorry, Miss Marie! I'm fine, really! I'm not going feral..." *struggles to slowly revert to human form, as he takes off the torn shirt and opens his locker to retrieve a new shirt* "J-Just, you know, typical teenage hormonal stuff..."
marie: do you want to talk about it?
Kanin: "..." *nods* "Did other students ever deal with this kind of thing?"
arisa: so what do you guys want to check out next?
kanami: im kinda hungry, maybe we should get lunch?
suzune:..... !!!
arisa: suzune? you oka-....OH.....MY....G!!
kokoro: hmm?
masara: *looks* !!!!!
kokoro: yep, that's me alright.
arisa: do you remember me? im arisa narumi!
kokoro: oh right! you're that girl from back then!
arisa: you were so cool and inspiring that i became a magical girl too, see? my friends are-
suzune: *blocking masara's knife with her sword*
masara: what are _you_ doing back here, magical hunter?
suzune: im not here to fight, honest.
masara: a likely story. im not about to let you hurt kokoro.
Chisato: *gestures to her own weapon* "Let's all calm down. This is not a place for any fight."
masara: how can you be so calm when a murderer is among you?
Matsuri: "This is about giving people another chance, you know?" ^^ "She may have done bad things, but that doesn't make her a bad person!"
suzune: matsuri....
Matsuri: "Just give her a chance."
kokoro: easy there masara. sorry about my friend, she can be a bit protective, but she means well. ^^;
arisa: i take it you met suzune before?
kokoro: yep. say, you mentioned being hungry, right? it just so happens we know a great restaurant called 'Walnuts'. ^^
Monica: *glare*
izumi: .___.;;;;;
Sachiko: ^^ "I always come by here--I didn't know you managed it!"
mrs ramirez: well, assistant manager, but still. ^^
Monica: *takes her drink, sips--and crunches on the ice loudly*
izumi: ._.;;;;;
mrs ramirez: mija, dont you have something to say to mrs albarn's daughter?
Monica: "..." *mutters something*
mrs ramirez: speak up honey, no one can hear you when you're muttering.
Monica: *inhales* "I SAID 'I'M SORRY'!"
izumi: um...thanks..f-for apologizing...*shifts in her seat*
Sachiko: *uncovers her ears* "Y-Yes, thank you...How about you kids get a treat?" *hands Izumi some money* "The cookies looked good."
Rin: "So, Konekomaru, who's the girl?"
girl: *clinging to his arm* ^////^
konekomaru: this is yumi, shima's younger sister.
Rin: "Ah, so you all grew up together?"
yoshikuni: pretty much. <so you guys really defeated the impure king last summer?>
Bon: <We...did the best we could.>
Rin: <Well, us and my girlfriend, too.>
konekomaru: <come to think of it, where were you?>
yoshikuni: <i was at a convention in tokyo.> ^^
Juzo: *fretting back and forth in front of the building*
gozo: <easy bro, she's not due for another two months yet.>
Juzo: <I know! I keep reading the books--did you know you're not supposed to put a blanket over the baby?! THEY COULD SUFFOCATE! HOW WOULD THAT LOOK IF MY CHILD SUFFOCATED?!!>
gozo: <take a deep breath and chill.>
kinzou: <yeah, you're gonna give yourself a hernia!>
Shima: <Yeah, don't think of dead babies--that thought'll stay in your head forever.>
Kanin: *staring at the tea* "I don't know. I never had these problems controlling my appearance. But since that...thing got in my head and down to my soul..."
marie: perhaps it was an effect of madness from that clown.
Kanin: "I think so...But it hasn't gotten back to normal. I don't know when it will, if ever."
Kanin: "I don't know who could even help."
marie: i can think of a few people...
mami: lunch is ready!
Crona: "Smells great."
mami: the doctors recommended this to help you regain your strength.
Crona: *nods*
Ragnarok: *has on a bib* "AND FOR ME?"
naoya: how is he?
kouyou: still locked up in his office, crying. how unprofessional. -_-;
miura: -___-; *patting mori's back*
Mori: *head resting on a pillow* TT~TT "It's like I'm cursed."
elise: wouldnt be too shocked if that were the case.
Mori: "I need some good luck..."
Kimizuki: "..." *sets down a bottle of water*
Kimizuki: *nods* "You're welcome...The ride will be here in another hour."
Yoichi: *packing the first-aid kit* "Any more cuts and bruises?"
riko: i-im ok....
Yoichi: ^^ "That's a relief."
Yoichi: "...Happy to go home?"
riko: i guess so....
Yoichi: "That man...did release you."
riko:.....do you think....he's in a better place?
Yoichi: "...I like to think so."
arisa: mmm~ this is so yummy!
kokoro: i know right?
masara: *eating, not taking her eyes off suzune, staring intently*
suzune: *looking down at her plate, sweating nervously* ._.;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...Masara, how is your meal?"
masara: *nom, still staring at suzune* delicious.
suzune: *gulp* ._.;;;;;;;;;;;
Chisato: "...So, what are everyone's plans this afternoon?"
kokoro: well, masara and i were going to go hiking for a bit later.
Chisato: "Ah. It'd be good to get into the outdoors."
Guren: "Welcome back."
Guren: "We'll begin debriefing...You look like a mess. Go lie down."
hyakuya: *grunts and walks off*
Guren: *looks at the others* "Shinoa, walk with me. I'll start the debriefing with you."
shinoa: right.
Guren: *walks with her into the interrogation room* "What happened to Hyakuya back there?"
shinoa: she took the vampire down...
Guren: "I've seen her take down vampires--I haven't seen her acting like this."
shinoa: i'll speak with her about it when i can.....she has been different since our encounter with ferid....
Guren: "And that can be a liability. We need her in the field--and if her head is not in this, that will be a danger."
Guren: "Tell me about this vampire and child. Why did he take her?"
-shinoa explains the situation-
Guren: "Hmm...I knew vampirism can do things to the brain, but this is something else entirely."
shinoa:...perhaps vampirism has nothing to do with it....
Guren: "??? Explain."
shinoa: based on my observations, his reactions seemed rather human. perhaps relating to his previous life. sadly, without any official documents on him, we can only go by word of mouth for information.
Guren: "Hmm. So, what, he got confused, had memories of his pre-vampire life, and those influenced his mind? That still sounds dangerous."
Guren: "I'll ask C3 to check on this--they may have a bit more information on neuro influences after the transformation."
Rin: *pats his belly* =w= "Tasty meal..."
torako: <you seemed to enjoy it. ^^>
orochi: <will you be staying the night?>
Rin: <I should probably get back to the old man.> *pats Bon's shoulder* <But I'm sure Bon would be happy to stay with family for the night!>
Bon: -_-# *twists Rin's arm* <We're studying for exams right now.>
Rin: Q_Q *slapping his hand down on the floor*
shiemi: ....
Shima: <I mean, some of us don't need to worry too much about studying! And how often do you get to see family?>
izumo: *GLARE*
Shima: "?!!!!" *averts his glance* <Granted, that also depends on whether your own family wants to see you...> >w>;;;;;
higuchi: *washing Q's hair*
Q: >~< *whining*
higuchi: ^^; the water wont hurt you, and that visor is supposed to keep the shampoo out of your eyes.
Q: "It feels slimy!"
higuchi: ^^;
Gin: *sets out a towel* "It's that, or your hair will get covered in dirt, disease, and fall out, leaving you as the youngest bald person on this planet."
Q: Q_______Q "What?"
higuchi: .-.;
higuchi: *getting all wet from the splashing* ah! ok! ok! >-O;;
Gin: "My work here is done." *turns away*
Q: =~= *relaxes*
higuchi: *sigh* *mutter* next time _you're_ in charge of bath time...
Gin: *walks into the living room* "Kuniko, Ryu, your chores?"
kuniko: dishes are about 78% done!
Akutagawa: *uses Rashomon on a dish towel to dry*
Gin: "As for homework?"
Mephisto: "Then we use this key to open the closet, and..." *opens the closet to reveal Death City from the top of a building*
shion: bwoah! *shiny eyes*
Mephisto: "Impressive, yes? You can see our house from here! And there's Mephy Land!"
shion: ^o^ dada! dada!
Mephisto: "Hee hee--that's my head on that ferris wheel! But you need to be a bit taller to ride the roller coaster."
sonia: *eating ice cream*
Chuuya: *hands out napkins*
miyuri: *LICK LICK LICK* >~< GYEEK!
Chuuya: "Brain freeze?"
miyuri: miyuri's head feels bad! >A<
sonia: you shouldnt eat it so fast.
Chuuya: "Try putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth to warm it up."
miyuri: *does so*
Chuuya: "Feeling better?"
miyuri: *nods*
Chuuya: "That's good. Now, eat more slowly--we got plenty of time."
Hibana: =_____= *sneezes*
mikami: are you feeling alright, commander?
Hibana: "No--I haven't been sleeping."
ryuuko: do you need to see a doctor, or would that be too much?
Hibana: *groans* "Why would I need that?"
ryuuko: it's important for one to look after their well-being. perhaps some tea and meditation might help? that's what my father does when he's stressed.
Hibana: "I already do that--I set aside 5 minutes for meditating in-between the 10 AM and 11 AM meetings, and some tea when I get home at 9 PM."
Rino: *holds up a schedule* "She's booked solid 8 AM to 8 PM. She's killing herself. _It's not going fast enough_."
mikami: rino!
gabriella: princess, please rest.
Rino: >_>;
Hibana: *slams her fists down* "I have work to do! I have some genetic experiments out for my head! I have to figure out what the hell Haijima is doing with those kids! I--I--... *collapses*
gabriella: D8>
Rino: "?!!!" *tries to hold her up* "Jeez, she's heavy..."
Hibana: *unconscious*
nana: so, is sasori your actual name?
sasori:...not really.
ivy: is that right?
ria marcelo: yeah.
Joker: "Well, a lot of people change their names. Take Red for instance."
scarlet: ........
nana: and my name is seven.
Joker: "Nana, what did we agree? Your name is Nana now."
nana: EAT SHIT.
ria marcelo: .....she seems to have high regard for you.
Joker: *sniffs, wipes his eye* "I know--makes a father proud."
scarlet:.... -_-;
Joker: "So, Ria, ready to scope out Hibana's latest work?"
ria marcelo: im listening...
Hajiki: *somehow stuck behind the vending machine*
Hajiki: "I don't know--I was trying to get food, then I forgot what I was doing, and I ended up here."
hito: have you tried shimmying out?
Hajiki: "Let me see..." *shifts--and the vending machine starts rocking*
Asako: *runs out of a patient's room* "EEEEK!"
vivian: ??
*fire shoots out of the patient's room*
vivian: !!!!
Patient: *frowning, lobbing another fireball* "THAT THERMOMETER WAS COLD AS HELL!"
vivian: OwO;;;
Asako: >~< "That's only if you pursue the Dantean understanding of Hell--"
Patient: *throws another fireball, this one nearing at Vivian*
vivian: *dodge* gyah! how rude!
Patient: "I didn't want to be some fucking second generation flame person!"
Asako: >~< "Third-generation pyrokinetic, sir!"
Patient: "SHUT UP!" *tries to get out of bed--and falls face-first into the bedpan*
vivian: ._.;;
tao: owo~? what's going on here?
Asako: *sigh* "We've had more patients coming in awakening pyrokinetic abilities. And he's been the nicest of them..." -_-;
Kimizuki: *carrying a tray of food to a room* *knocks*
hyakuya: it's open....
Kimizuki: *enters* "Hey. Brought your dinner."
Kimizuki: "I wasn't sure what you would like, so if you want more of anything, I got more on the stove to heat up."
hyakuya: *nods*.....kimizuki?
Kimizuki: "Yes?"
hyakuya: did i do the right thing?
Kimizuki: "...Our job is to neutralize vampire threats. Who knows what he would have done next."
hyakuya:.....i saw mika in him.....
Kimizuki: "...So when you see Mika again..."
hyakuya: NO! i cant....i have to get him home....i just.....ever since that day my head's just been all tangled up...
Kimizuki: "How do you convince him? He's not the same kid you knew back then."
hyakuya: what would you do if you were in _my_ position? if it were mirai that was a vampire? would you just kill her without a second thought?!
Kimizuki: "?!! Okay, that's a low blow! It's not my sister that is a vampire, now is she? This is your friend who is suffering--and that's the reality you're dealing with!"
Kimizuki: "...I'm sorry. I don't know what I would do either."
hyakuya:...h-he's my family....*curls up into fetal position* i already lost him once....i cant lose him again....
Kimizuki: "...Then let's bring him back."
hyakuya: *looks up at him*
Kimizuki: "We figure out how to convince him, we figure out what C3 has already done about containing vampires without imprisoning or killing him. If he's that important to you, then I'll help."
hyakuya:...thank you......sorry....about what i said-
Kimizuki: "It-It's fine. If it was me, I would've said something as...passionate.”
hyakuya:...heh...you jerk...*wipes her eyes*
Kimizuki: "Me, a jerk? You're a jerk yelling at me like that..."
hyakuya: *laughs a bit* yeah, got me there....
Kimizuki: *small smile* "Then I win."
Kimizuki: "... ..." *pat pat, hug*
hyakuya:....*looks at him for a bit*
Kimizuki: *looks into her eyes*
hyakuya: kimizuki...i-
shinoa: *opens the door* hey guys~!
Kimizuki: "?!" X_X *knocked to the floor--flipping over the food tray onto Hyakuya*
shinoa: oh goodness. was i interrupting something~?
hyakuya:....nothing. nothing at all. -_-#
Jeje: "Johannes has not left the basement in days."
metsu: should i check on him?
Jeje: *hands her a taser* "Stay armed."
metsu: *nods* i need to bring him his dinner anyway.
Jeje: *nods, as he rummages through a box of vials*
metsu: *heading downstairs* johannes?
Johannes: *curled over his desk, looking at blood samples*
metsu:....i brought your dinner. *sets the tray down and collects the dishes from the last meal*
Johannes: "Huh? You say something?" *looks up--and has a long white beard*
metsu: ......... ._______.
Johannes: "What's with that look? ..." *glances down* "Oh, right--" *grabs the fake beard, rips--...then covers his mouth to let out a tortured scream* "I forgot the glue!!!"
metsu:........im not even going to ask. *heads upstairs*
Johannes: "Thank you for the meal! Bring down body wash!"
Jeje: *pulls out a vial...swirls its contents into a mug of hot chocolate*
Rin: *lies down*
-knock knock-
shiemi: rin? may i ask you something?
Rin: *sits up* "Hey, Shiemi--what's up?"
shiemi: well, pardon if it's intrusive, but i noticed you and yuki werent talking much during dinner....you two didnt have a fight, did you?
Rin: >_>; "That's...kind of personal. It's nothing..."
shiemi:....ok. well, good night.
Rin: *grunts* "Night..."
{Rin: "What brought this on?"}
{yukio: dont you want to know about our birth? according to the knight of true cross, she was the one who bore satan's sons, and most information on her is classified. but i want to know more about her...}
{Rin: "After what we've heard so far, and what we've gone through? No, it can't be a good story. Just knowing that she was a kind person is enough for me."}
{yukio: why are you trying to avoid this? dont you even care? this is our mother for god's sake!}
{Rin: "..." *frowns* "Why are you needing this so badly?"}
{Rin: "?!!! Yuki? Wh-What's wrong?"}
{yukio: HAHAHAHA.....that's right....we can never truly change how we think, right? we're both right and both wrong......it's funny.....we're twins, yet we're total opposites....well....just....just forget we had this talk, ok? come on...the others are waiting...}
Rin: "...What the hell, bro."
gozo: <tatsuma, sir, are you in?>
Tatsuma: *reclining in a chair, a book resting on his lap* "???" <Yes?>
gozo: <i wanted to talk to you about that one matter.>
Tatsuma: "..." <I see. What have you found?>
gozo: <nothing much yet, but we are researching it at the india branch's underground library. sadly, we havent yet found a way to summon a demon possessing another person.>
Tatsuma: <Hmm...> *holds up his book* <I'll have to finish this reading on exorcising Karura from Todo so to resummon...>
gozo: <there is a problem. based on renzou's observations from aomori on todo's appearance, it seems karura is bonding to its new vessel...>
Tatsuma: *sighs* <Then it is up to me to hurry. Thank you for this information. Please, continue your investigation.>
Fire: *yawns* *gets out of bed, looking out the window*
kim: .....
Jacqueline: "??? Fire?"
Fire: "I think I see something."
kim: ??
Fire: "I saw something glowing and moving in the forest."
kim: *looks to the others*
Jacqueline: "...Maybe wake the others." *nudges Kilik*
Kanin: *tucks Amelia in*
amelia: good night.
Kanin: "Good night, Amelia. I'll see you in the morning." *walks away...*
Kanin: *gets to the door* "...Should I leave a light on, or...?"
amelia: im fine.
Kanin: "O-Okay...Good night." *closes the door*
Crona: *lying awake in bed* "..."
mami: *asleep*
Crona: ("It's so quiet now...I used to hear his voice even when he wasn't talking...It's hard to get used to.") *looks at Mami* "..." *hug*
mami: *she seems quite relaxed*
Crona: *closes their eyes, sighs quietly*
Bon: *walking through the temple*
izumo: *cleaning*
Bon: "??? What, Mom has you working?"
izumo: i volunteered, for your information.
Bon: -_-; "Well, thanks--it's looking better."
Relan: *walking with his shoulder in a sling* *cringes*
iris: how are you feeling?
Relan: "The meds help, but it still hurts a lot."
iris: hmm...
Relan: "Enough of that--another day is ahead of us...How did the talk go with Mr. Fulham from the 1st?"
iris: well....
-she explains what happened-
Relan: "I'm so sorry. This can't be easy on everyone in the Church."
Yoichi: ^^ "Welcome back to work!"
hyakuya: morning.
shinoa: oh, that reminds me, riko's family invited us to their mansion for a celebration. ^^
Kimizuki: "What's to celebrate? We did our job..." *awkward glance at Hyakuya*
shinoa: they wanted to celebrate the return of their daughter, of course. so get your formal wear~
Yoichi: "Yay! ...I don't have really good formal wear, so I may need to shop a bit."
hyakuya: i dont have any formal wear!
Kimizuki: *sighs* "Looks like a few of us are shopping."
Monica: *in the cafe uniform* -_-# "Welcome. May I take your order?"
girl: i'll have a Frappuccino.
guy: do you still have the shamrock shakes?
Monica: "...It's June. Not March. So no. Is there something else you want to order?"
guy: can i have a mint green mocha then?
Monica: "..." *writes it onto a cup* "Sure. Name?"
Harvar: *looking at footprints* "Well, someone was here."
ox: or something....
Fire: .~.; "Like the thing we're supposed to find?"
kim: most likely...
Jacqueline: *following the steps' path--that lead to the edge of a cliff* "..."
*a man in a monocle opens his car door*
???: mr dragulsec i presume?
Dragulsec: "???" *turns--*
*Dragulsec is knocked to the street*
Dragulsec: *groans, sitting up* "L-Lighting?!"
lewin: salutations, doc!
Dragulsec: "What the devil is wrong with you?!"
lewin: word on the street is you've got connections to the illuminati.
Dragulsec: "Balderdash! Your 'word' would tell you I already entered a contract that would prevent me from cooperating with them!"
lewin: but that's the mystery i need to solve. after all, not many people can get away with a massacre and stay in the same line of work for over a decade...
Dragulsec: "Absurd! Hollow reasoning! You have no idea how such a massacre continues to affect me!"
lewin: talk is cheap, doc. but i'll still need a bit of proof. teyonebuse and so on...
*something buzzes around Dragulsec, striking him*
Dragulsec: "GAAAH! Stop this!"
Dragulsec: *screams, as his collar is ripped*
lewin:....so _that's_ it, huh? welp. thanks for your time, doc. im gonna vamoose, as it were.
Dragulsec: *coughing* "Y-You won't get away with this! I'll report this! They'll lock you away, Lightning, you madman!"
lewin: funny you should say that. i intend to have you prosecuted~
Lucy: *waves to the cafe manager* "Hello!"
manager: good morning, lucy. ready to start the day?
Lucy: *smiles, nods* "Ready!" *grabs the apron* "I wonder how busy it'll get."
*the door opens*
manager: welcome.
Q: ^w^ *waves his doll's hand* "Hello!"
higuchi: *nods*
Lucy: ._.;
kirako: ok, i brought everyone's orders. ^^
Kyoka: "Thank you." *smiles*
Kunikida: "Thank you very much. That was very kind of you."
fukuzawa: .....
Kyoka: "...Sir? You aren't touching your food. Do you anticipate it is poisoned?"
fukuzawa: im more concerned for miss haruno.
kirako: sir, im fine, really.
Kunikida: "Did you make sure to buy a meal for yourself?"
kirako: just something light.
Kunikida: "I see..."
Kyoka: "Can always have my fortune cookie." *holds up hers*
kirako: thank you kyouka.
sylvia: *noms her food* t-thank you!
Kyoka: ^^
Kunikida: "How did your check-up go?"
kirako: well, i did get a good report.
Kunikida: "Oh? That's great."
nana: *intently staring at a book*
Ria marcelo: "It's okay--try saying it aloud."
nana: hmm......aaa....pp...ley?
Ria marcelo: "Apple?"
nana: yeah, this thing. *points to a picture of an apple in the book*
Ria marcelo: "Right. It's a fruit that comes in a variety of colors and flavors varying by sweetness and tartness."
nana: uhhhh.....huh?
Ria marcelo: "It's food."
nana: oh. ok.
Ria marcelo: "And it's a common word when learning English and other languages because it starts with the first letter in the alphabet, 'A.'"
nana: ah...which one is 'A'?
Ria marcelo: "The first letter." *circles the "A" in "apple" with her finger*
nana: oooh! i see.
Ria marcelo: "..." *small smile* "There are some other words that start with 'a,' too."
Kimizuki: *looking at ties* "Hmm...Red may be too intimidating."
shinoa: alright, we've picked out our dresses.
hyakuya: 7,7;
Yoichi: "Great! This'll be fun, like playing dress up!"
mitsuba: wouldnt be my first formal dinner party.
shinoa: same.
Yoichi: ^^; "I'm out of practice on formal dining etiquette."
mitsuba:...*glances at kimizuki*
Kimizuki: "Hmph. I'm familiar enough with the dining practices." *picks out a black tie*
Saria: *walks up to the counter* "Hello! I'll have--" O_O; *hides behind Lukas*
Monica: -_-# "Just give it to me."
lukas: um... ._.;
Saria: >_< "Iced tea, please!"
kyouko: ......
Fujimoto: *reading, looks up* "Hey, kiddo--feeling a bit bored?"
kyouko: a bit stressed from studying and work, i guess. *sigh* i havent been this exhausted since working to pay off your medical bills.....
Fujimoto: "...You know, you had been saving up some money for a bit of travel..."
kyouko: ?? are you sure?
Fujimoto: *nods* "I think you need a break. Maybe I can help with your trip..."
kyouko: hmm.....
mami: feeling any better?
Crona: "Still lethargic, but less affected by whatever happened...Ragnarok has been a bit more unhinged but nowhere near as mindless when we were together."
mami: i see. do you need anything at the moment?
Crona: "...I'm kinda hungry." ^^; "Maybe pudding?"
mami: ok, two puddings coming up. ^^
Crona: "Thank you..." *looks out the window* "Maybe we could go out when I'm a little stronger."
mami: *nods*
*giggling is heard in the hallway*
mami: *looks*
Ragnarok: *in the apartment hallway, talking to a neighbor* "--then I said, 'It's supposed to be flat--it's roadkill!'"
old woman: ._.;;
Ragnarok: "So, how long you been living here? Since Peloponnesian or Trojan War?"
mami: hello mrs onozuka. he isnt bothering you is he?
mrs onozuka: hello mami, dearie. is he a friend of yours? ^^;
mami: more of a permanent house guest. 7_7;
mrs onozuka: that reminds me, how is chrona? i heard they were in the hospital.
mami: they're doing much better. i was actually about to make some food for them.
Ragnarok: "Not since they pulled me out of Cro--"
mami: *shoves ragnarok back inside*
Ragnarok: >_<# "You jerk! I'm making headway with that octogenarian!"
mrs onozuka: if you'd like, i could bring over some of my homemade ohagi. ^^
mami: that would be lovely, thank you. ^^
Ragnarok: "MAKE ME SOME TOO, MRS. O!"
kim: ugh...feels like we've been walking forever!
Jacqueline: *looking at the trail* "Maybe they are trying to confuse us--meandering."
kilik: ......
ox: *shivering*
Harvar: "This is the part in the horror film where someone gets pulled away screaming to their death."
ox: can you not? im cold enough as it is!
Thunder: *striking a stick along the trees*
-something growls-
Fire: O_O;
ox: EEK!
kim: ?!?
Harvar: *gets in front of Ox*
-something comes charging at them-
kim: jackie!
Jacqueline: "Right!" *transforms*
kilik: fire, thunder, let's go!
Fire and Thunder: *transform*
-a large green creature charges-
creature: *GRRAOOOOOOO*
Jacqueline: "!!!"
Fire + Thunder: "HOLY MOLEY!"
Harvar: "??? Are we in The Green?"
-the creature swings a fist at them-
Jacqueline: *lets out a fire in the air* "Get back, Kim!"
kim: *jumps back* jackie, blast it!
Jacqueline: *blasts it*
creature: *SCREECHES*
Thunder: "??? Are they upset we're on their land?"
kim: why dont we try asking it. OOOI! WHAT DO YOU WANT!
creature: *SHRIIEEEK*
ox: *dodging* ?? hey! there's something in it's back!
Harvar: *looks*
-in the creature's back is a black shard that looks like glass, but has an orange glow to it, similar to the creature's eyes-
Harvar: "Looks magic-y."
kim: *looks* !! we need to get it out!
Jacqueline: "Touching it directly may be dangerous. It may be safer to use a weapon to dig it out. I suggest using Harvar."
Harvar: -_-; "Thank you for your concern."
kim: and after we get it out, we need to destroy it.
kilik: you recognize it?
kim: *nods* it's a binding shard. witches use them to control living beings sometimes.
Jacqueline: "Who wants to be the distraction?"
kim: hey you big lug! over here! >XP
creature: *ROARS and attacks*
Jacqueline: "Oh boy..." *blasts up to let Kim fly over*
creature: *swings a fist at them*
Fire + Thunder: *charge up*
kilik: *runs at the creature*
Fire: "FIRE FIST!"
Harvar: "Ox, now!"
ox: HYAAAH!!
*direct hit*
creature: *SCREEEEEEEEE*
Harvar: "Now get back!"
ox: *jumps back*
Jacqueline: "Kim, what happens now to it?"
kim: we need to smash the shard!
Fire: "Punch it!"
Thunder: ^o^
-the beast stops. then a blue light appears in it's eyes, staring at them-
Jacqueline: "Did it work?"
Harvar: "No, the beast got contact lenses."
Jacqueline: -_-#
-the creature looks at them, letting out a low growl, as if to say 'thank you', then walks off-
Fire: "Bye bye!"
kim: well, i think that's case closed...
kilik: guys....i think that thing may have been the forest guardian...
Thunder: "Huh--that would make a lot of sense."
kim: i thought forest guardians looked like huge bucks?
kilik: in some cases, they do. the appearance of the guardian changes depending on the state of the forest it protects.
Jacqueline: "So this mossy forest..."
kim:...we should probably go now.
Black Star: *huffs, puffs* "...OKAY! AGAIN!"
Hyde: *operating a wrecking ball* "Okay!" *swings the wrecking ball--*
Black Star: *stares...pulls back his fist, and--*
tsubaki: what on earth?!
licht: idiocy. idiocy is happening.
Black Star: *knocks the freaking wrecking ball away--as it flies off the chain and towards Licht and Tsubaki*
ochako: *gravities the chain and sends it up*
Hyde: "Woot! Look at that sucker fly!"
Black Star: "Damn! I can't believe I knocked that thing away! Looks like I'm getting this strength thing under control!"
Hyde: "..." *runs for it*
ochako: YEEP!!
Mr. Uraraka: "Oh, hey kids! Careful on the equipment."
Fitzgerald: *picks up a pebble, throws it--and it smashes Hyde into the ground*
ochako: D8>
licht: ?!?!?
Hyde: *buried*
Fitzgerald: "Hmph. Not even worth $25."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the list* "So many flavors...So many desserts..."
pony: they all sound so delish!
Sen: "Hmm...Maybe just something simple--like fudge ripple..."
Tetsutetsu: *staring at the sundaes*
Yosetsu: "Just a little bit before our training kicks into high gear!"
nirengeki: maybe i'll just get something small.
reiko: i suppose i'll treat myself to the chocolate fudge.
tokage: you sure, yanagin? it's a bit pricey.
reiko: *nods*
Hiryu: "Ibara, you want anything?"
ibara: i'll just have vanilla.
kinoko: dude, that's rad.
Hiryu: *nods* "That red velvet is calling my attention..."
mina: you think horses have dreams?
Jirou: "??? Probably. Animals make noises when they sleep and all..."
mina: what do you think they dream about?
eijiro: horse stuff i guess?
Hagakure: "Like winning the Derby?"
mina: maybe.
Todoroki: "??? What happened to your friend?"
Hyde: X___X
ochako: antics happened. ^^;
licht: *staring at todoroki*
Todoroki: "...Oh. Hello, um, 'bro.'"
licht: hello again brother, angel of the frozen flame.
Todoroki: -_-; "Not the moniker I intend to use for superheroism, but poetic."
Rin: *sitting under bamboo, has a monkey on his head* "I don't see what the big deal is..." *hands a grape up to the monkey* "The baby isn't out yet, so you still got time..."
Monkey: ^w^ *eating*
izumo: i guess they wanted so celebrate anyway.
Rin: "Yeah, but I mean his panicking over something that isn't happening yet--still got time to learn diapering, burping, cholic, warming up milk--"
izumo: how do you know about all this stuff?
Rin: "The old man kept seeing mothers all the time, so someone had to look after the kids while he was doing whatever with them."
izumo: i see...
Bon: "What a mother."
0 notes