#...that Byakuya would have shared that secret about his own Bankai
I find it kinda funny in the Fullbringer Arc when Tsukishima is being all "I know all about your fighting style now", when talking about Byakuya's Safe Zone and how to counteract it by actually going forward instead of trying to avoid the petals from Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, because THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT ICHIGO DID ON THE SOKYUKU HILL DUELL!
"Who told you about my safe zone?"
No one, my good bitch! He saw everything he needed to see in your Sokyuku Hill memories!
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volcanofireflame150 · 4 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch8
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Chapter 7
I enjoy Uryu's company, I mean he knows on what to say and what not to say, I liked sitting with Uryu because he knows on how to comfort me when I'm feeling down, when it was lunch time, Uryu asked, "What are you planning on eating?" "I don't know, I didn't bring anything," I said, shyly, "Was I suppose to?" "Nah, I can share my portion," he said, then starting to split his lunch in half. Rukia and Ichigo were watching us from a distance, they've noticed that I've become comfortable around Uryu that I can basically tell him everything. When class started again, the teachers were noticing my sudden change when I switched to be in front of Uryu, they did not say a word, same with Ichigo, he was seeing my smile again. Uryu is my shield for being in the World of the Living, I wonder on if Ichigo will continue to be my sword, then I seen a big tall guy coming our way when school was over, he asked, "Hey, Uryu, who is this?" "Hm, oh, this is Akari Itsuki," greeted Uryu, "Akari meet Chad Sado." "Nice to meet you," I said, feeling like he should be my sword. Uryu asked me, "By the way, what do you do after school?" "Um, can I freely say that I'm from the Soul Society?" I asked. Uryu looked around and says, "I mean, I'm friends with Rukia, she's from the Soul Society so that counts. Your secret is safe with me, so what rank are you?" "I'm in Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya's squad and to answer that I'm the 3rd, I'm very hardworking," I said. Uryu and Chad were listening while the others were far up ahead, they are like Renji and Ichigo in the Soul Society, Uryu asked, "So, do you have a love interest?" "I'm strongly falling in love with Shuhei Hisagi," I said, "He loves that I have a passion for fighting." "That's good, I guess," said Uryu, sounding concern. I looked at him, "In a good way, I'm not like Captain Kenpachi, looking for a fight, I just fight for peace." "I see, so what is the name of your Zanpakuto?" he asked. I answered, "Her name is Shadow Phoenix." "I'm guessing that is not her actual name," said Chad. I told him, "She prefers Shadow Phoenix, she loathes her real name." "We understand," I hear Uryu say. Then he asked again, "How long did it take for you to master Shikai and Bankai?" "5 years," I said, "I've been practicing every day to get everything right on my own." "Oh wow," says Uryu, "You are very hardworking then." "Of course," I told him, "Besides she decided that 5 years of training on mastering Shikai and another 5 years of mastering Bankai." "Oh I see now, I thought you meant 2 years of Shikai training and 3 years of Bankai training," I hear Renji say. I greeted him, "Oh hi, Renji." "You ready to go back to South Korea?" he asked. I nodded, "Well see you guys tomorrow." I arrived back at the EXO headquarters, it feels weird coming back to a dark and gloomy when I came from a wonderful place, Kai asked me, "So, do you need help with anything?" "Nah, I can handle this work on my own," I said, "After all, I'm always working hard on what I need to do in order for things to get done." "Alright, let us know if you need anything," says Baekhyun, not caring on what I do. I went to my room, rolling my eyes, I set down my bag and began working on some of the homework, once I was finished, Suho came in and told me, "The guys and I are going on a mission, we will return when its finished." "Do you want me to go with you?" I asked, "I mean, will there be any fighting?" "Nah, no fighting," said Suho, "Feel free to ask one of your friends." He left, I haven't challenged Byakuya or Rukia, so I went with the best choice, Rukia came over and asked, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I mean I only challenged Renji, Toshiro, Ichigo, Yumichika, Urahara, Sui Feng, Yoruichi, and Ikkaku, I haven't challenged you," I said to her. Rukia says, "You know you don't have keep fighting, you can be on the alert team for incoming Hollows." "I want to keep on doing this," I said, "I haven't been asked to do that yet." Just before we started the fight, the 9 guys came to us, Rukia and myself were about to fight but apparently they can't see us, then I noticed that we are in Soul Reaper outfits, we need to be careful on how we fight so we don't knock one of them over, Rukia said, "Let's be careful with our fight." "Wait let Shadow Phoenix create the barrier," I told her. I created the barrier now the guys sees us, Suho shouted, "Guys, let's clear the arena for these girls." They nodded in agreement, all but big guy Chanyeol just stood there, I couldn't help but shout, "Super Nova!!!" I pointed it at him, he went from serious to terrified, then I noticed nothing happened, just a fire shield all around Chanyeol, Rukia and myself looked at each other in total confusion, she asked, "Was that all of Super Nova?" "Apparently so," I told her, "I was expecting an explosion." "Same here," she said, "Though it's a good thing for a fire shield to keep you warm and protected." "That is a really good point," I said, "Alright let's start!" Then we started our 1st round, everyone was watching us 2 girls going at it with full aggression, I was in 100% of aggression Rukia was not in that full in aggression as I am. After our 5 rounds, Rukia said, "You are a worthy opponent, Akari." "Thanks and sorry about me going into total aggression back there," I told her. Chanyeol and the others met up with us, Sehun said, "You are a Pyromancer, I think you are suppose to be in total aggression." "Thanks, I guess," I said, "What are you guys doing here?" "We want to train with you girls and your friends," said Suho, "We want to be stronger." "Consider it done," said Rukia, "Just so you know, you will only be Substitute Soul Reapers, in order to become full Soul Reapers, you need to be born in the Soul Society." "We don't care," says Chen, "We've given up on our gang because we are basically dead to the world. Everyone forgotten about us, so take us away." "Are you sure about this transition?" I asked. They all nodded, Suho said, "We want to redeem ourselves for what we have done to the world." "But, in order to go into the Soul Society, remember if you get out of line on who you are dealing with, you will be executed," I told him. They understood because I'm going to lead them to Kukaku Shiba and Urahara for them to train. I took the 9 guys out of their bodies by using my left hand that apparently does that transition, we then led them to Urahara's place, the merchant asks, "Ah, Akari, Rukia, what can I help you with?" "We need you to train these 9 like you did with the 3," I said to him. I left Urahara do the training because he knows the ways of the Zanpakuto, I sighed, "I wonder if Suho will ever know that his spiritual pressure is not like Ichigo's pressure." "Actually those 9 guys if they are together for a long time they can increase each other's spiritual pressures," said Rukia, "I mean, look at Kris, Luhan, and Tao's spiritual pressure." "Yeah, they match Ichigo's perfectly, I wonder if they are going to have the same exact training as Kris, Luhan, Tao, and Ichigo had," I said, "I never trained with Urahara, I only trained by myself." "Oh wow, that's amazing," said Rukia, "But I think I have an idea on what made them want to redeem themselves." "Oh yeah, and what's that?" I asked. She said, "They want to protect you and fight alongside you." "They realize I can take care of myself right?" I asked. Then I got the realization note from Ichigo one night saying, "Not everyone can take care of themselves, if they can take care of themselves is because they are either isolating themselves or too scared of trying something that they want to do. Look, Akari, I know I scared you but you got to drop that act thinking you can protect yourself forever, well, guess what, you can't protect yourself forever you have to open up to other people for you to trust that they can protect you." I couldn't believe Ichigo was not only telling me that but it shows that he is going to be my sword for a long time, I just stayed silent, then I heard Renji saying, "Hey, I know on what he said might upset you that you might've thought that he was scolding you but he wasn't, I made sure that he tried his best to keep his attitude at bay, I mean, he still doesn't know that you never knew your parents." "Yeah, that's why I have a very hard time accepting other people into my life," I said to him, "I just wish that Ichigo would shut up and let me say what I have to say, but I guess I would never tell him at all if he keeps this up." "But, don't forget that Shadow Phoenix took you in because she immediately knew that you were an orphan," said Rukia, "She felt so sorry for you, that's why she came to you in that 5th year when you were training Shikai." "Yeah, wait, she did?" I asked, "I didn't know that me being an orphan made her come out. She didn't tell me." "You didn't ask her," said Renji, "Ichigo will eventually learn about you being an orphan." "I mean me being scared shitless in class meant that I didn't have her with me," I said, "Everytime I carry her, I felt my confidence boosting." "That's right," said Rukia, "We noticed the sudden change in class when you recently got her back." "Yep and it was worth it," I told her. We went back to Urahara, telling him that they can go back to the world of the living with us. As they did, they received an overwhelming experience of concerned faces, I met Chanyeol's sister, Yoora, she had the look of concern all over her face, he went over to her so he could comfort her. So did the others, Suho looked at Rukia, Renji, and myself, saying, "Thank you for taking us over there." "Just so you know the effects will wear off once you guys sleep," I said, "You still have the abilities of coming out of your bodies but that is totally up to you guys." "We rather want to stay in our bodies until our training session begins," he said. Then off we went to Ichigo's place, I was still remained at Renji's side this time I saw Uryu and Chad, I instantly went in between them. Uryu looks at me, smiles, "Hey, Akari." "Nice to see you again, Uryu," I said, in a sweet tone of voice. I could've sworn Shadow Phoenix was giving Uryu a glare because he looked away with a terrified look on his face, I told her, "Mother, leave him alone." "Sorry, I can't help myself with my motherly instinct," she said. I rolled my eyes, "He's just a friend." "Uh-huh, just like Shuhei, and you still have feeling for Shuhei," I hear her say. I said, "At least, I didn't get back with Kai!" "Good point," she said, simmering down. Ichigo walked in, sees me, I was avoiding eye contact from him still, I'm hiding behind Uryu, and Uryu didn't mind not even Chad, they allowed me to sit in between them, he asks me, "How did it go with the training of the 9 guys?" "They've just started," I told him, in a shy manor. He begins talking to the others, Uryu quietly asked, "Is there you want to talk about?" "I've been wanting to say to Ichigo but he keeps me from saying it," I told him. Uryu said, "You can tell me." "I never my parents, I was an orphan in the Soul Society," I said, "I've been trying to find on if I am from the world of the living or was I really born in the Soul Society." "That is the big question on your mind," said Uryu, "I see that your Zanpakuto took you as her daughter?" "Yes, that's how I mastered Shikai in that 5th year apparently," I told him. He just nodded knowing that I have a very serious mission at hand, I looked to seeing Ichigo looking right me, I kept quiet then looked away from him, Renji tells him, "Go easy on her, Ichigo, she has been through a lot." "Why should I?" I heard him ask Renji. I snapped, "Do you want to know why I have been taking care of myself?" "Because you are too scared?" Ichigo answered, "I've told you-" I cut him off by saying, "Would you at least shut up and let me finish?" He was shocked then said, "Then say on what you were wanting to say." "You are lucky to have a father," I said, "I, for one, I never knew on who my parents were, I was an orphan in the Soul Society." "Actually, the head captain felt so sorry for you and decided to take you in," said Renji, "I heard that when I was trying to find out on where your parents were." From that point on, Ichigo never said anything negative about me constantly saying that I can take care of myself because it's my way of saying no thanks I can handle things on my own. I don't mean to say that in a rude way, I just have a hard time opening up to people that might use it against me. I am sitting in front of Uryu again basically I'm sticking with Uryu in all of the classes we have together, having Uryu around is very comforting for me, he saw me go away to EXO headquarters to check if they need anything help with their training. Every member has the Chain of Fate on their chest where their hearts are, I asked Urahara, "Should we take those chains off?" "Do you think it's time for that?" he asked back. I said, "The chain hindered Ichigo's training so I guess we can give these guys a chance." I didn't wait for Urahara to say anything back, I went to one of the members that was resting which was Jongdae, he looked at me, asks, "What do you want?" Without answering, I just pulled the chain off of him, when the chain was removed from Jongdae, Urahara who was freaked out, asked, "Are you crazy? Why did you do that?" I knelt down, putting my right hand to his forehead, saying, "Relax, you are still alive, this chain hinders your training if you are achieving Shikai and Bankai." "Shikai and Bankai? What are those?" asked Jongdae. I turned towards him, smirked at him, "Since you asked, we'll start with you." I grabbed on hold of him and went to a private area where he can achieve his Zanpakuto, in front of us, we were seeing nine regular katanas. One for each member, I asked Shadow Phoenix to pick best for each one. I pointed the fifth sword, he went to it he asked, "What's going to happen?" "You'll see," I told him, "This is your Zanpakuto." "Do I give it a name?" he asked. I told him, "Every Zanpakuto was given a name, the wielder has to know its name and its spirit." "Are you going to help me with Shikai and Bankai?" he asked again. I told him, "Those come later but for right now, you need to know your Zanpakuto first before Shikai and Bankai." "Alright," he said, "We are very new to this." "That's why training is the most important for us, Soul Reapers," I told him, "Luckily for you guys, you are now from the Soul Society, but we are here to help you out the best way we can." "So, about these Hollows you kill, do you actually kill them?" he asked. I answered, "No, we cleanse them from what they were." "Oh," he said, "That's clears everything that I have for questions." "Alright, but learning your Zanpakuto's spirit is only doing sleeping or meditation," I said, "I extremely suggest for you to do mediation." "I can do meditation," he said, "Chanyeol is one hell of an impatient dude." "I'm sure, his Zanpakuto will put him in his place," I said to him, "The spirits are much older and wiser than you and everybody else so he better stop being that way or he will turn into a Hollow." "Oh shoot," he shouted. I covered his mouth, "Don't wake them up, just keep your focus on YOUR Zanpakuto which is the fifth one." Then I picked it up closer to him so he can know that this is his sword, I told him, "Her name is Curious Heart." "Curious Heart? That's a beautiful name," he said. Then I left him to meditate in order to get in touch with her, I teleported back to seeing curious faces, minus Chanyeol. I went to Chanyeol, yanked his chain off of him, he gasped, "What is wrong with you?" "Stop being an ass and get your act straight otherwise you will turn into a Hollow," I told him, "Any negative thought you have will turn against you and will make you into a Hollow if you stop acting like an ass!" "Oh shit," muttered Baekhyun. I took Chanyeol to where I had Jongdae, told him to stay put while I get the rest of the gang over while they had their chains of fate removed since they are now from the Soul Society. I turned to them and told them, "Don't bother Jongdae, he is meditating to set an example of what you need to do. Each sword has a name of its own and is connected to one of you. Jongdae's Zanpakutos name is Curious Heart." I looked at where Urahara was at, he noticed that I got this training session, then I asked, "Who would like to go next after Jongdae?" Baekhyun stepped up and said, "I want to go next." I pretended to not hear him and turned to Kai, "Kai, thank you for volunteering on going next." I grabbed Kai, led him to the 8th sword, he said, "Baekhyun said he was going next." "Yeah but not everyone can have a turn because this is a very long process," I told him, "By the way, your Zanpakuto's name is Majestic Leviathan. Her original name is Reckless Rose but she prefers Majestic Leviathan." He nodded then started to meditate like Jongdae, then I pulled Minseok towards his which is the first sword, I told him, "Her name is Blizzard, start meditating." He started doing that, Baekhyun's Zanpakutos name is Masked Light, Suho's Zanpakuto is Swift Winter River, Chanyeol's named Colossal Jaguar, Kyungsoo's named Grim Earth, Yixing's named Little Earth, and Sehun's Zanpakuto is named Enraged Hurricane. They all started mediating, I was watching them I am surrounded by the spirits of their Zanpakutos and Shadow Phoenix, trying to see on who is getting close to losing their focus or close to get in touch with the spirit of his Zanpakuto.
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Bleach Version of CAH
Black Cards
v  What would I create if I had Aizen’s hogyoku?
v  Maybe Ikkaku isn’t bald. Maybe he’s (               ).
v  The other Visored were shocked to learn that Lisa’s magazines are actually filled with pictures of (                ).
v  What is the Quincy’s ultimate goal?
v  Kurosaki Ichigo has every power. Except the power of (              ).
v  I should be in Squad 0 because I invented (               ).
v  What’s the next thing that Szayel is going to make edible?
v  Yhwach is hiring a new Stern Ritter, the Quincy of (             ).
v  Soi Fon refused to fight alongside Hachigen, at least until he offered her               (            ).
v  Why is Soul Society in trouble?
v  Grimmjow hasn’t joined the battle because he is distracted by (            ).
v  What will the Reiou (Soul King) use to woo Ichigo?
v  Orihime’s powers can heal anything, except of course (                 ).
v  Rukia’s next comic will be about (                ), dealing with (               ), for the first time.
v  For their new fundraiser, the Women’s Soul Reaper Association (WRSA) will be selling (             ).
v  Gin might have beaten Aizen if only he had used (           ).
v  Urahara has a secret weapon to defeat the Quincy. What is it?
v  As a teenager Byakuya was obsessed with (           ).
v  What was the name of Ichigo’s fullbring?
v  When not in use, the Zanpakuto bond by (               ).
v  Aside from killing, what do Soul Reapers use their Zanpakuto for?
v  The Visored survived in the World of the Living by (              ).
v  Why does the king ride the horse?
v  Aizen has requested to see a live performance of Hamlet in the World of the Living. Why?
v  Ryuuken has decided to become a better father by (             ).
v  Isshin has decided to become a better father by (              ).
v  The best sword in Bleach belongs to (               ).
v  Who has the spikiest hair?
v  What was Luffi’s secret power?
v  What things are found in Ichigo’s repression box?
v  Why are there so many characters with a creepy grin?
v  The person that has a crush on Ichigo is (               ).
v  What does Senbonzakura do in his spare time?
v  What brings all the Hollows to the yard?
v  The best way to describe Bleach is (               ).
v  Why does Ichigo’s inner hollow wax poetry about kings and horses?
v  When the Visoreds materialise their masks their sclera’s turn black. Because of (               ).
v  What is the heart?
v (                 ) & (               ), the hottest new ship in Bleach.
v  What were the makers of Bleach S Abridged on when making their abridged series?
v  A new name has been created for Bleach and is (              ).
v  I will defeat you using my (              )!
v  Aizen’s Bankai gives the ability to (            ).
v  When Ichigo and Nel spend time together it always leads to (            ).
v  Uryuu loves (             ), but he will never admit it.
v  The dullest part of Bleach is (               ).
v (                 ) will defeat all the hollows.
v  The real cause of Ukitake’s illness is (              ).
v  Nanao has discovered something in her captain’s bedroom. What is it?
v  (             ) doesn’t happen in the manga.
White Cards
v  The Quincy watching you from the shadows.
v  A Menos Grande named Steve.
v  Aizen’s bondage chair.
v  Ishida wearing Ichigo’s sword like a hat.
v  Tite Kubo’s fetish for cutting off arms.
v  The heart.
v  A sword that releases into an EVEN BIGGER SWORD!
v  My pride.
v  A noble scarf.
v  Boobs.
v  Very nice sideburns.
v  Ichigo’s closet.
v  Getting a tattoo on your face because you once saw a dude with the same tattoo on his chest.
v  An obscene tattoo.
v  Complimenting another dudes’ eyebrows because eyebrows are cool, dude.
v  Shunpo (flash step).
v  Eyebrows that are just, freakishly long.
v  Zombie slaves.
v  A bunny named Chappy.
v  Screaming Kurosaki Ichigo’s name.
v  The empty chair in the sky.
v  Perfect hypnosis.
v  A nickname from Yachiru.
v  Talking to your guitar like it is sentient.
v  The despair squad.
v  Justice.
v  A bucket worn on the head like a helmet.
v  Talking cats.
v  Putting Urahara into a box for an entire month.
v  A pink flowered kimono.
v  A stray dog, down to my bones.
v  Squad 4 being too late to actually heal you.
v  Aizen getting high on Ulquiorra’s eye sparkles.
v  Stabbing Momo Hinamori.
v  Ulquiorra holding out his hand as he turns to dust.
v  Healing mucus.
v  Endless Pursuit.
v  Admiral Seaweed.
v  A hand that doubles as a drill.
v  A caterpillar baby with poisonous chest spikes.
v  Ignoring serious head wounds.
v  Unohana with her hair down.
v  Instinct.
v  Plushies that are alive.
v  Tea.
v  My inner hollow.
v  A city on its side.
v  The rain.
v  A dead mother.
v  Urahara’s hat.
v  A hell butterfly.
v  Because it is all according to my plan. - Aizen
v  Byakuya’s hair piece.
v  The Ouken (The Kings Key).
v  Piles of paperwork.
v  Mysterious transfer students.
v  Resurreccion Segunda Etapa (Second-Stage Resurreccion).
v  Ichigo’s blinding hair that every other anime protagonist has.
v  Nerd Aizen.
v  Getsuga Tensho (Basically, Fuck everything in that direction).
v  Mugetsu.
v  Yoruichi’s fuzzy paws.
v  Quincy brainwashing.
v  A powerless Ichigo.
v  Harribel’s under-boob.
v  Tatsuki punching Chizuru off of Orihime every morning.
v  Las Noche’s being so huge.
v  Crystal tree’s in Hueco Mundo.
v  Mugetsu’s majestic, waist-length, black hair.
v  The holy Substitute Shinigami arc.
v  Everyone randomly giving Toshiro candy all the time.
v  Aizen's butterfly form that made all fans stare in horror.
v  Orihime’s usefulness and character development other that her breasts.
v  The beach episode that came from an omake and a 2-page art piece.
v  Ulquiorra’s habit of creating a hole in his victim’s chest.
v  Rangiku in a cat suit.
v  Hyorinmaru’s stoic face.
v  The tragic ending of Bleach.
v  Gin creepily staring at everyone with a knowing grin from afar.
v  Grimmjow’s Resurreccions blue kitty ears.
v  The fact that Ikkaku shares an uncanny resemblance to Saitama from One Punch Man.
v  The bromance of the entire 11th division.
v  Ichigo’s cero destroying the chains of Hell.
v  The Diamond Dust Rebellion movie.
v  Mayuri without his makeup and headgear.
v  Urahara smirking behind his fan.
v  Just a simple candy shop owner.
v  The rejoicing of every Ichihime and Renruki shipper at the ending.
v  Kenpachi’s hair style of death.
v  The fact that Isshin is Kaien, Ganju and Kuukakku’s uncle. Also, that he was the head of the Noble Shiba clan.
v  Yumichika’s soul sucking, colour sensitive, flowery, peacock zanpakuto.
v  Grimmjow’s abs.
v  Ulquiorra cosplaying as batman.
v  The Espada at Aizen’s tea parties.
v  Noitora’s 6 arms.
v  All of the Ichigo shippers going to war.
v  The despair of every Ichiruki and Ishihme shipper at the ending.
v  Fights that take 10 episodes to finish.
v  Fighting a captain.
v  Sacrificing yourself in a horrific and violent manner.
v  The canon ships.
v  Bleach S Abridged in general.
v  Ichigo’s hollow and Old Man Zangetsu drinking in Ichigo’s inner world.
v  Dark Rukia.
v  Just kiss him already.
v  Cero.
v  Whatever animal Kon is.
v  Insulting your former captain.
v  A secret sake stash.
v  A Mashiro Super Kick.
v  Stabbing people in the chest with your hand.
v  The Onmitsukido.
v  Flinging your friend from the top of Soukyouku Hill.
v  Using forbidden Kido.
v  Ukitake’s chronic illness.
v  Getting lost in every single division barracks.
v  Having Kido backfire on you.
v  Explaining your abilities to your opponent.
v  Mayuri’s questionable fashion sense.
v  A ridiculous amount of spiritual pressure.
v  Hell.
v  High level Kido spells cast without incantations.
v  Betrayal.
v  Kuchiki Byakuya’s perfect hair.
v  Noble families.
v  Orihime’s attempts at seducing Ichigo.
v  Sosuke Aizen. Enough said.
v  Yoruichi turning into a cat.
v  Accepting Ichigo’s offer to see his ‘Ultimate Zanpakuto’.
v  Untreated PTSD.
v  Shiro’s horns right up the ass.
v  Killing Masaki.
v  Dying heroically for no reason.
v  The MRSA (Men’s Soul Reapers Association)
v  Getting stabbed in the chest.
v  Karakura Town.
v  Rangiku’s necklace that falls between her boobs.
v  Pure chaos.
v  Central 46 being murdered by Aizen.
v  Getting stabbed by your captain.
v  Saving the world before turning 16.
v  Muramasa’s Zanpakuto filler arc that is underrated.
v  Ikkaku Madarame’s shiny bald head.
v  Strawberry-chan.
v  Isshin’s suspicious white van.
v  Pretending not to have Bankai.
v  The Maggot’s nest with Urahara in charge.
v  Tekking101’s weekly Bleach chapter review.
v  Kenpachi Zaraki killing everyone in the nearby vicinity
AN: Just to be clear I don’t own Bleach, but me and my friends created our own version of Cards Against Humanity and I wanted to share them. They take a while to make and coming up with the ideas was a process. I encourage you to enjoy and if you wish to make your own, you are totally allowed to use these or simply take ideas. It is a long post as it has 50 Black and 150 White cards.
Have a good one!
-Claire Bear & Friends
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cardsagainstanme · 7 years
Bleach Version of CAH
Black Cards
v  What would I create if I had Aizen’s hogyoku?
v  Maybe Ikkaku isn’t bald. Maybe he’s (               ).
v  The other Visored were shocked to learn that Lisa’s magazines are actually filled with pictures of (                ).
v  What is the Quincy’s ultimate goal?
v  Kurosaki Ichigo has every power. Except the power of (              ).
v  I should be in Squad 0 because I invented (               ).
v  What’s the next thing that Szayel is going to make edible?
v  Yhwach is hiring a new Stern Ritter, the Quincy of (               ).
v  Soi Fon refused to fight alongside Hachigen, at least until he offered her               (              ).
v  Why is Soul Society in trouble?
v  Grimmjow hasn’t joined the battle because he is distracted by (              ).
v  What will the Reiou (Soul King) use to woo Ichigo?
v  Orihime’s powers can heal anything, except of course (                 ).
v  Rukia’s next comic will be about (                ), dealing with (              ), for the first time.
v  For their new fundraiser, the Women’s Soul Reaper Association (WRSA) will be selling (              ).
v  Gin might have beaten Aizen if only he had used (           ).
v  Urahara has a secret weapon to defeat the Quincy. What is it?
v  As a teenager Byakuya was obsessed with (             ).
v  What was the name of Ichigo’s fullbring?
v  When not in use, the Zanpakuto bond by (               ).
v  Aside from killing, what do Soul Reapers use their Zanpakuto for?
v  The Visored survived in the World of the Living by (              ).
v  Why does the king ride the horse?
v  Aizen has requested to see a live performance of Hamlet in the World of the Living. Why?
v  Ryuuken has decided to become a better father by (             ).
v  Isshin has decided to become a better father by (            ).
v  The best sword in Bleach belongs to (                ).
v  Who has the spikiest hair?
v  What was Luffi’s secret power?
v  What things are found in Ichigo’s repression box?
v  Why are there so many characters with a creepy grin?
v  The person that has a crush on Ichigo is (               ).
v  What does Senbonzakura do in his spare time?
v  What brings all the Hollows to the yard?
v  The best way to describe Bleach is (               ).
v  Why does Ichigo’s inner hollow wax poetry about kings and horses?
v  When the Visoreds materialise their masks their sclera’s turn black. Because of (               ).
v  What is the heart?
v  (                ) & (               ), the hottest new ship in Bleach.
v  What were the makers of Bleach S Abridged on when making their abridged series?
v  A new name has been created for Bleach and is (              ).
v  I will defeat you using my (              )!
v  Aizen’s Bankai gives the ability to (            ).
v  When Ichigo and Nel spend time together it always leads to (            ).
v  Uryuu loves (             ), but he will never admit it.
v  The dullest part of Bleach is (               ).
v (                 ) will defeat all the hollows.
v  The real cause of Ukitake’s illness is (              ).
v  Nanao has discovered something in her captain’s bedroom. What is it?
v  (              ) doesn’t happen in the manga.
White Cards
v  The Quincy watching you from the shadows.
v  A Menos Grande named Steve.
v  Aizen’s bondage chair.
v  Ishida wearing Ichigo’s sword like a hat.
v  Tite Kubo’s fetish for cutting off arms.
v  The heart.
v  A sword that releases into an EVEN BIGGER SWORD!
v  My pride.
v  A noble scarf.
v  Boobs.
v  Very nice sideburns.
v  Ichigo’s closet.
v  Getting a tattoo on your face because you once saw a dude with the same tattoo on his chest.
v  An obscene tattoo.
v  Complimenting another dudes’ eyebrows because eyebrows are cool, dude.
v  Shunpo (flash step).
v  Eyebrows that are just, freakishly long.
v  Zombie slaves.
v  A bunny named Chappy.
v  Screaming Kurosaki Ichigo’s name.
v  The empty chair in the sky.
v  Perfect hypnosis.
v  A nickname from Yachiru.
v  Talking to your guitar like it is sentient.
v  The despair squad.
v  Justice.
v  A bucket worn on the head like a helmet.
v  Talking cats.
v  Putting Urahara into a box for an entire month.
v  A pink flowered kimono.
v  A stray dog, down to my bones.
v  Squad 4 being too late to actually heal you.
v  Aizen getting high on Ulquiorra’s eye sparkles.
v  Stabbing Momo Hinamori.
v  Ulquiorra holding out his hand as he turns to dust.
v  Healing mucus.
v  Endless Pursuit.
v  Admiral Seaweed.
v  A hand that doubles as a drill.
v  A caterpillar baby with poisonous chest spikes.
v  Ignoring serious head wounds.
v  Unohana with her hair down.
v  Instinct.
v  Plushies that are alive.
v  Tea.
v  My inner hollow.
v  A city on its side.
v  The rain.
v  A dead mother.
v  Urahara’s hat.
v  A hell butterfly.
v  Because it is all according to my plan. - Aizen
v  Byakuya’s hair piece.
v  The Ouken (The Kings Key).
v  Piles of paperwork.
v  Mysterious transfer students.
v  Resurreccion Segunda Etapa (Second-Stage Resurreccion).
v  Ichigo’s blinding hair that every other anime protagonist has.
v  Nerd Aizen.
v  Getsuga Tensho (Basically, Fuck everything in that direction).
v  Mugetsu.
v  Yoruichi’s fuzzy paws.
v  Quincy brainwashing.
v  A powerless Ichigo.
v  Harribel’s under-boob.
v  Tatsuki punching Chizuru off of Orihime every morning.
v  Las Noche’s being so huge.
v  Crystal tree’s in Hueco Mundo.
v  Mugetsu’s majestic, waist-length, black hair.
v  The holy Substitute Shinigami arc.
v  Everyone randomly giving Toshiro candy all the time.
v  Aizen's butterfly form that made all fans stare in horror.
v  Orihime’s usefulness and character development other that her breasts.
v  The beach episode that came from an omake and a 2-page art piece.
v  Ulquiorra’s habit of creating a hole in his victim’s chest.
v  Rangiku in a cat suit.
v  Hyorinmaru’s stoic face.
v  The tragic ending of Bleach.
v  Gin creepily staring at everyone with a knowing grin from afar.
v  Grimmjow’s Resurreccions blue kitty ears.
v  The fact that Ikkaku shares an uncanny resemblance to Saitama from One Punch Man.
v  The bromance of the entire 11th division.
v  Ichigo’s cero destroying the chains of Hell.
v  The Diamond Dust Rebellion movie.
v  Mayuri without his makeup and headgear.
v  Urahara smirking behind his fan.
v  Just a simple candy shop owner.
v  The rejoicing of every Ichihime and Renruki shipper at the ending.
v  Kenpachi’s hair style of death.
v  The fact that Isshin is Kaien, Ganju and Kuukakku’s uncle. Also, that he was the head of the Noble Shiba clan.
v  Yumichika’s soul sucking, colour sensitive, flowery, peacock zanpakuto.
v  Grimmjow’s abs.
v  Ulquiorra cosplaying as batman.
v  The Espada at Aizen’s tea parties.
v  Noitora’s 6 arms.
v  All of the Ichigo shippers going to war.
v  The despair of every Ichiruki and Ishihme shipper at the ending.
v  Fights that take 10 episodes to finish.
v  Fighting a captain.
v  Sacrificing yourself in a horrific and violent manner.
v  The canon ships.
v  Bleach S Abridged in general.
v  Ichigo’s hollow and Old Man Zangetsu drinking in Ichigo’s inner world.
v  Dark Rukia.
v  Just kiss him already.
v  Cero.
v  Whatever animal Kon is.
v  Insulting your former captain.
v  A secret sake stash.
v  A Mashiro Super Kick.
v  Stabbing people in the chest with your hand.
v  The Onmitsukido.
v  Flinging your friend from the top of Soukyouku Hill.
v  Using forbidden Kido.
v  Ukitake’s chronic illness.
v  Getting lost in every single division barracks.
v  Having Kido backfire on you.
v  Explaining your abilities to your opponent.
v  Mayuri’s questionable fashion sense.
v  A ridiculous amount of spiritual pressure.
v  Hell.
v  High level Kido spells cast without incantations.
v  Betrayal.
v  Kuchiki Byakuya’s perfect hair.
v  Noble families.
v  Orihime’s attempts at seducing Ichigo.
v  Sosuke Aizen. Enough said.
v  Yoruichi turning into a cat.
v  Accepting Ichigo’s offer to see his ‘Ultimate Zanpakuto’.
v  Untreated PTSD.
v  Shiro’s horns right up the ass.
v  Killing Masaki.
v  Dying heroically for no reason.
v  The MRSA (Men’s Soul Reapers Association)
v  Getting stabbed in the chest.
v  Karakura Town.
v  Rangiku’s necklace that falls between her boobs.
v  Pure chaos.
v  Central 46 being murdered by Aizen.
v  Getting stabbed by your captain.
v  Saving the world before turning 16.
v  Muramasa’s Zanpakuto filler arc that is underrated.
v  Ikkaku Madarame’s shiny bald head.
v  Strawberry-chan.
v  Isshin’s suspicious white van.
v  Pretending not to have Bankai.
v  The Maggot’s nest with Urahara in charge.
v  Tekking101’s weekly Bleach chapter review.
v  Kenpachi Zaraki killing everyone in the nearby vicinity.
AN: Hey guys this is my second completed deck, using Bleach, again I don’t own anything and i encourage you to make your own or even use these. They are extremely fun to play. Thanks for reading.
Have a good one!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
A Celebration of Women of Color in Anime
  Anime has always meant a lot to me as a person of color. I didn't see much of myself in my surroundings growing up, and even though I'm mixed Filipinx and not Japanese, it felt valuable to me that anime was an Asian-created medium. There were far more limits in terms of exposure and what you could readily learn about underrepresented cultures in the years before the internet became more widely accessible. As a result, early TV and video exposure to anime helped me indirectly feel proud of my own heritage.
I generally relate to media depictions of women more than men, so it should come as no surprise that women of color in anime comprise some of my favorite fictional characters, period. Though woefully misrepresented in all kinds of media, here's a non-hierarchical list of anime WOC who are respectfully depicted, nuanced, and poignant role models for our own lives too. Read on for more!
Nadia — Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water
    A series known for its tumultuous production and Hideaki Anno's distinct directorial hand, Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water is an aquatic adventure anime from the early '90s. The main character, Nadia, is a young woman of color searching for the truth about her past — and the secret of her blue-jeweled pendant.
One of Nadia's crowning traits is her connection with animals and the care she displays for them. Nadia communicates easily with King, her lion cub sidekick, and openly detests meat and hunting. The show also makes it clear that Nadia is a *gasp* vegetarian. It was pretty rare in the '90s for any show to feature a positive portrayal of vegetarians, so it's pretty cool to see her depicted as a genuinely caring animal-lover and not some meat-hating caricature.
Nadia is an "imperfect" heroine in the sense that she actually comes across like a real person with real struggles. She is (justifiably) prone to distrust others, can act hot-headed, grapples with intense depression, and doesn't always give people like Jean and Nemo the benefit of the doubt. Nadia's tendencies and behavior make perfect sense given her awful and abusive childhood, and that makes her one of the most interesting anime protagonists out there.
Yoruichi Shihōin — Bleach
    In Bleach, Yoruichi's coolness factor is off the charts. She can outrun Byakuya (one of the most powerful captains), knows how to help you achieve Bankai in three days, and can also transform from a black cat into a human at will. If Soul Society had its own version of LinkedIn, Yoruichi's resume would be top tier — it's no small feat to be the former Onmitsukidō commander and former 2nd captain of the Gotei 13.
Finally, much like the rest of the cast of Bleach, Yoruichi possesses a simple yet keen sense of style. Can you think of anyone over a century old who can wear purple and beige striped arm wraps and orange apparel with such finesse? I thought not.
Carole — Carole and Tuesday
Shinichiro Watanabe's new show Carole and Tuesday is yet another music fan's dream. While Kids on the Slope focused on Jazz, Watanabe's new outing hones in on pop singer/songwriters. One central message in the show is simple, yet timeless: Pursue your creative expression by staying true to yourself, and keep your creative fire safe from societal pressures intent on manipulating and/or extinguishing your gift. And with a Black woman — Carole — as one of the lead protagonists, this important message feels even more moving and powerful.
A Black woman as a lead character is the exception rather than the rule in the world of media, which is a disturbing reflection of larger oppressive social structures. That's why it feels refreshing to see a respectful portrayal in the form of Carole. We first meet her as an impoverished teenager in a big city without parents or a support network. Despite the financial and social odds stacked against her, Carole still longs to express herself and create a loving community through the power of music. Her dedication to her own creative integrity is a joy to watch, and as a musician myself, I found legitimate personal solace in her drive to be as artistically genuine as possible.
One of my favorite things about Carole is the ego-free support, sense of awe, and goodwill she displays toward other musicians. There's barely a hint of jealousy or competition between Carole and her main musical partner, Tuesday. The two get along amazingly well despite a few roadblocks, and Carole consistently honors their shared creative spirit. She even voices repeated praise for a rival musician named Angela, despite Angela's antagonistic remarks against the series' duo. As another impressive feat, Carole also manages to revive the joy of seasoned — and occasionally downtrodden — musicians due to her infectious creative passion. How can you not love such an inspirational character?!
Anthy Himemiya — Revolutionary Girl Utena
Revolutionary Girl Utena, is, well, revolutionary for a number of reasons. The show tackles gender essentialism head-on and makes some hefty statements about the toxicity of conventional social norms. Utena is an incredible character who challenges the classic patriarchal notions associated with princedom. I'd argue though, that her partner Anthy Himemiya is the true star of the show.  Without going into spoilers, Anthy is key to one of the biggest themes in the show: That for its own selfish gain, society is willing to endlessly enact cruel rigidity and heartlessness against women. It'd be both reductive and missing the larger point though, to interpret Anthy as a defenseless, subservient victim controlled by the harshness of a misogynistic culture. On the contrary, Anthy is perhaps the strongest figure in the entire series. Anthy does (at least in some ways) behave according to the interest of others, but she ultimately asserts her own worth and personal agency in a way that truly embodies the show's beautiful core. There are plenty of fascinating, insightful articles that go into depth about Revolutionary Girl Utena's symbolism and topics, so be sure to check some out. Anthy is a phenomenal character who stands out as one of the most memorable depictions of self-love, showing it's never too late to define your own life according to your needs, desires, and dreams.
Casca — Berserk
                              Berserk is likely my favorite manga, and undoubtedly my favorite work of dark fantasy. I always pair that praise with a very cautionary recommendation due to the intense gore and many disturbing sexual depictions throughout the series. While it's up to each individual to decide their limits in terms of extreme content, Kentaro Miura (the creator) softens Berserk's more unseemly edges by featuring sympathetic protagonists who organically evolve, and who are driven by immense love and support for one another in spite of a horrifyingly bleak world. That said, I find the central character Casca to be one of the strongest and most nuanced women in all of fiction. It's rare enough for a dark-skinned woman to be depicted at all in most media, and rare still for her to be given proper depth and well-deserved narrative development. Fortunately, Berserk gives us both.
In the Band of the Hawk arc — the first lengthy saga in Berserk, covered by the three recent films and the '90s anime — Casca is introduced as a well-regarded figure within the ranks of her mercenary brigade. Although she's portrayed as a strong fighter and a capable leader, the series deploys many different elements that prevent a one-sided characterization of Casca. For example, her tragic backstory highlights not only her strength and will to survive but also lends added weight to why she's so watchful of her comrades. After Casca is sent away by her own family as a child, she gains a new one in the form of the Band of the Hawk, and — much like a protective older sister — leads many of her men to safety on more than one occasion. The life and attachments Casca forges from the hell of her childhood imbues her character with skillfulness, tenacity, and meaningful emotional capacity. 
The love between Casca and Guts is a genuinely moving, reciprocal bond. While it's true that Guts saves Casca from demons on many occasions (which carries more than a hint of the misogynistic damsel-in-distress cliche), it's also true that Guts is saved from his lonely life largely because of Casca's love and presence. Though there's plenty to critique about the notion that masculine dependency is evidence of a healthy relationship, overall I find that Guts and Casca exhibit selfless, mutual gestures of love that challenge standard relational dynamics.
It can't be stressed enough how pivotal Casca is to Berserk's central storyline. Her badass skills as a fighter, coupled with her nuanced backstory and emotional depth, makes her one of my favorite anime characters of all time. 
Each anime in this list offers a uniquely touching testament to women of color. While by no means an exhaustive list, I hope you enjoyed it!
Are there other women of color from your favorite anime who aren't listed here? Let us know in the comments!
                              Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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