#...which is probably why I've found animation so soothing too
phoenixiancrystallist · 11 months
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Month 8, day 4
This was soothing =u=
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deartoru · 1 year
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the burden of comfort 
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++ 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: diluc ragnvindr x gn!reader ++ 𝘀𝘆𝗽𝗻𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘀: in which diluc gives you more comfort than you could ever know; but it comes with a price you know all too well. ++ 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: angst ++ 𝘁𝘄/𝗰𝘄: self-loathing, angst with no happy ending, second person pov ++ 𝘄𝗰: 604 ++ 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: i wrote this at 3am and it's the first fanfic related thing i've written in almost a year. i hope u enjoy it <33 it was inspired by a dream i had abt hugging diluc and then i woke up and started crying bc it wasn't real :')
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The day you discovered genshin impact, was probably one of the best days of your life. You were hooked to the game as soon as you played it. One character always stuck out to you though — Diluc. 
You never understood why you found such comfort in him, maybe it was because of the way he talked or his in-game demeanor. Nonetheless, he quickly became your favorite character. Farming for him and playing with his characters became a daily routine. The familiarity bringing comfort to you no matter what kind of day you had.
Sooner or later, he began to seep into your everyday life. It started off as random fantasies of him existing in your world, slowly it escalated into more. Regardless, the comfort he brought to you was something you could never dream of in real life. He was a greater comfort to you than you could ever be for yourself. Diluc even slipped his way into your dreams, seeming like a real person that walked, talked and breathed the same air as you; but deep down you knew he wasn’t real and he was only a figment of your imagination. 
As pathetic as you were; there you were crying again.
You had met up with some old friends, all of them accomplishing something big in their lives. Of course they all had to be in a good relationship too, but it wasn’t their fault you were a recluse. 
“Your still single? I mean I’m not shocked considering you focused on books rather then putting yourself out there.” One of the ladies amongst you said.
You chuckle ironically, as you avert your gaze to the ground. “I’m single as always..” You mumbled.
“You’ve always preferred those animated characters anyway.” Another mentioned quickly before moving on to another topic.
You always faded into the background like this, no matter what you did. Maybe thats why you so desperately craved the comfort of another person. Reaching out your hand but never finding the grasp of another. For all one knows, this is why you blamed yourself so much. Maybe that’s where this flame of discontent arises in your heart. 
And there you were, lying down on your bed with tears staining your cheeks once again; leaving a bad taste in your mouth. You closed your eyes shut in a desperate attempt to fall asleep. Your escape from the world around you; you miserably waited for sleep to wash over you. Carrying you into your fantasy world and to the character that brought you comfort. 
As soon as you entered your dream, you were greeted by Diluc with a hug. He wiped the tears off of your cheek.
“It’s gonna be alright, it’s okay to feel down.” His soft words soothed you as you halted your sobs pulling him in for a hug. 
"Thank you.." You mumble into his shoulder finding comfort in him once again.
What was a few hours flew away like a second in your dream. Diluc’s presence in your mind was all that you needed. His voice, his touch, his love; gave you everything you ever craved for. No matter what; this flame in your heart never died nor did it dim. It continued to burn with unbelievable rage. 
You are snapped back to reality as you are awoken from your blissful dream, greeted by the pitch-black of your bedroom. You grab onto your pillow in a daze in an attempt to find the warmth of another; extending the feeling of being with Diluc. You know it’s just a fleeting dream and desire of yours.
But at least;
It’s better than nothing. 
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juuheizou · 10 months
hey! ^^ i really love hearing your thoughts on suzumutsu bc i feel like you understand their characters & dynamic so well, so i thought i'd ask a few random questions i've been thinking about, if u feel like sharing your thoughts on them. for one i've been wondering if animals would like/trust them bc honestly i can see both sides lol. juuzou clearly likes them and in the anime there was that cat in the zoo that liked him too but i can also see him constantly chasing after spooked stray cats... as for tooru i guess it'd depend on what we actually consider canon from whatever the hell his arc was💀 i've also been thinking about how they'd do with kids, like if they had to babysit or something lol. just awkward? terrible? surprisingly good? and finally, what do you think tooru's hobby would be? i can imagine juuzou with a bunch of different hobbies but i couldn't really think of anything for tooru... i think his character is a lot harder for me to understand than juuzou, maybe bc i'm autistic so i relate to juuzou way more lol😅 anyways sorry for this long ramble and hope u have a good day<3
NEVER apologize for sending me a long ramble about suzumutsu! I'm so flattered by the fact that you would want to hear (read? it just doesn't sound the same) me ramble about these things, and to say I do their characters and dynamic justice is probably the nicest, highest praise you could tell me about my suzumutsu ramblings, so thank you! My heart is exploding right now, and I hope I continue to do them justice with this rambling haha.
for one i've been wondering if animals would like/trust them bc honestly i can see both sides lol. juuzou clearly likes them and in the anime there was that cat in the zoo that liked him too but i can also see him constantly chasing after spooked stray cats...
That's a super valid point to bring up-- as someone who interacts with a critical mass of people who often like animals but don't know how to do right by them as my actual job, I have to admit I never even considered Suzuya being one of those people. That being said, maybe there is some bias involved because, like you, I relate really strongly to him myself, but part of why I never thought of it that way is he very easily clicks in my head as a fellow cat whisperer. Meaning someone who can even befriend the mean ones and soothe them when they're scared or hurt, with a strong intuition for when something isn't right. And I think being as blunt as he is at times, he would be the one telling people to stop chasing after spooked stray cats, probably with some vulgar word choices and his glare that can unsettle a Washuu into giving him what he wants. I do think that even though being perceptive of their subtle body language and understanding them enough for strays to let him pet them-- which he does habitually enough in :RE that some of Hanbee's last words to him in that omake where he gets sick are to please wash his hands after petting them, is intuitive, he took some trial and error to nail down the practical side of caring for animals. I have no doubt that he would have wanted a pet of his own from the day he learned that humans could not just be pets, but have them. His first was probably a stray he found and smuggled into his dorm as a teenager one day and he figured that having been one himself, he was an expert on what pets needed and how to care for them. He can't bring himself to hurt this precious little creature like Mama did with him, even as a reward, but he has the other things covered. Except he doesn't. He sneaks bits of his school meals back to it because he thinks that since that's what Mama sustained him on, all pets eat their owner's scraps. He's 16 with no job and only lunch money he pickpockets off of day students, so this cat is unvaccinated and has no veterinary care. He tries really hard to make it a warm, safe nest under his bed and the nicest collar he can make out of that he has around, but animals need more than that. It's just not a great situation, and he can tell his newly adopted stray isn't doing well but he doesn't want to let it go because he knows what no one else knows/believes yet about Tokage and for some reason he really doesn't want that fate for this cat. Within a couple of days, he finally confesses to Shinohara that he smuggled a cat into his room and now something really bad is happening with it, what does he do? He does end up having to relinquish the cat to a shelter-- he didn't fully grasp it at the time, but he never would have been able to offer it any quality of life under his bed at the Academy even if he did know how. Shinohara is there as his ride, for emotional support, and to make sure he actually does relinquish the cat. Frankly, he's shocked that Suzuya would care so much about a living thing. It break's Shinohara's heart seeing how devastated Suzuya is over losing the cat, but it also gives him an idea. He is an advocate for rehabilitating Suzuya after all, and now he's found something that can live and die and suffer and Suzuya isn't indifferent to it. It's pretty rare, since Suzuya can only leave the Academy with supervision and Shinohara is a busy investigator/teacher (my excuse for it only being a thing in my head and not in the series haha) but whenever the pieces fall into place, Suzuya gets to spend some time cleaning up after, feeding, grooming, and giving some human affection to the shelter cats, which also teaches him how to take care of them when he can one day get his own. As an adult, with that experience and his natural affinity for his feline friends, he is extremely good with them, and while I see them being his specialty, I think he's good with other animals too.
as for tooru i guess it'd depend on what we actually consider canon from whatever the hell his arc was?
OKAY everyone but anon and I, I promise I did not write this ask to myself, because anon, it is absolutely sending me how much this sounds like something I would say haha. I think the “we've known Tokage was killing animals since the original series, but what if it was Tokage AND Mutsuki now? not that it makes any pieces of anyone's story click into place or anything” thing doesn't make much sense and nothing makes me happier than compartmentalizing it straight into the garbage. Although you might think he is good at gaining their trust with how gentle and patient he is, I don't think Mutsuki is an animal lover per se and his nervousness around them makes them wary of him. I see him as a blank slate. He didn't grow up with any pets even before he became a ward of the CCG. He doesn't know much about animals, and he has a kind of respectful fear for what he doesn't know. He feels sad about and wants to help the poor animals in commercials and news stories suffering in bad conditions, and if he did have any idea about Tokage as a child (which, for this reason, I doubt) he would probably do something as reckless as getting into Torso's cab to try and help just one because that's just how he is about helping others. However, had he ever gotten the opportunity to be a good samaritan with an animal, he would have no idea how to handle the creature itself and probably be nervous to even touch it for fear that he will hurt it or it will just bite him without warning. However, once they grow close and Mutsuki starts hanging out at Suzuya's apartment, he does slowly come to like Suzuya's cats. It terrifies him when Suzuya teaches him that animals probably don't come up to him or let him pet them because they pick up on his fear. Once he realizes that he is the reason these little beasts that Suzuya adores don't like him, however, he gets really dedicated to learning as much as he can about how to win over a cat. It's actually good practice in controlling his reaction to fear, trying everything his research leads him to until finally, finally, the cats start coming to him for affection too. He's not as bad as he was before he met Suzuya, but to this day, though, he usually doesn't approach unfamiliar animals out of concern that he will bother them.
i've also been thinking about how they'd do with kids, like if they had to babysit or something lol. just awkward? terrible? surprisingly good?
Complete reversal of roles compared to animals. There are a lot of things that are great about Suzuya Juuzou, but patience, empathy, and discretion are not among those things. And those are pretty important when interacting with children. Plus, in a babysitting-type arrangement, he has a hard enough time taking care of himself on his own and believes sometimes to a fault in letting people of any age learn from making their own mistakes, so something will probably catch on fire. As if the experience wasn't already infernal enough without literal fire surrounding him and the hapless child he's been left in charge of. On the bright side, he is calm and competent in an emergency, so while his limited child-handling skills probably contributed to something being on fire or the kid getting a big scary gash across its head, he's in his element once the disaster is already happening. He'll control that bleeding head like a professional and probably distract the kid enough to get a laugh while they wait to be seen at urgent care. He'll put out that fire and teach himself how to repair the damage enough that it at least looks like it never happened. If you've ever seen the live action movie of “The Cat in the Hat,” that sums up Suzuya's skill set with kids pretty well. I also just don't see him liking or wanting to hang out with kids when he could be doing literally anything else. If someone was desperate enough to guilt and beg and annoy him into watching theirs, which if they did enough to sway Suzuya of all people, they probably deserve a hard time, I wouldn't put it past him to let the children watch a very age-inappropriate scary movie or just go through his most recent case file right before the parents came home. Not that he wants to harm the kids or blames them for the fact that he's stuck with them, but their psyche is acceptable collateral damage to him if it means their parents will never even consider him as a last resort again. Mutsuki, on the other hand, is both good with children and likes children, and he really cares about making every one he meets feel safe and loved and everything he wasn't at their age. Honestly, whenever I start scheming an AU that doesn't revolve around a certain vocation already and I need to give him a job other than ghoul investigator, teaching, counseling, and childcare are up there with my top choices for him because we know he cares deeply about helping and protecting others. Helping professions have their own unique rewards and challenges and while I think he would at least try helping anywhere he could, working with human(oid) children would have the challenges he could handle the best and the rewards that would keep him wanting to come back the most. In canonverse, if/when he has friends with kids, in addition to being good with them, we know he can be a bit of a pushover, so he would often get suckered into babysitting. Sometimes it goes so well he even questions if he really doesn't want his own kids. That said, as soon as an emergency goes down or his squeamish self ends up splattered in any bodily fluid or child-related mess, he immediately stops questioning it, and the first person he calls (second only if he has to call actual emergency services) is Suzuya. Although the latter might not be as good with children, he at least fills in the few but important strengths Mutsuki doesn't have mastered.
and finally, what do you think tooru's hobby would be? i can imagine juuzou with a bunch of different hobbies but i couldn't really think of anything for tooru... i think his character is a lot harder for me to understand than juuzou, maybe bc i'm autistic so i relate to juuzou way more lol?
It is hard, and in addition to some characters just clicking and being more relatable to certain people, I think it's also hard because he canonically gives so much time and energy and even puts himself in danger for others. I can actually see him neglecting to carve out nice things for himself, such as hobbies, in the manga. It's not just us, it's him! This is also the reason why these headcanons are, frankly, much more based on vibes than any panel, illustration, or omake I could even loosely tie them to. I think to keep from giving up on life as a whole, he needs an activity that makes him feel a glimmer of confidence, like he is good at something. Also, as much as he shies away from any eyes on him, appreciation for something he did secretly lights him up inside. Training with Suzuya is one thing that fills this need, but something that he does by himself that isn't career-related is cooking. We know from Shirazu that he can cook, but I think he also likes to. It's less about what he's cooking or who for, so much as it is that feeling of executing something with competence and having the people around him enjoy something he made so he knows it's good. Plus, it's hard to ruminate on your worries and frustrations and secrets when you're concentrating so hard on not burning something. He definitely strikes me as the type to stress-cook or stress-bake. He also strikes me as a journaler. I couldn't even begin to try justifying why with logic, but he just seems like the type. Trying to make beautiful aesthetic doodles would probably just make him think about how he's not good at drawing, but he would have a guilty pleasure for cute sticky notes, motivating stickers, nice pens, stuff like that to decorate and organize his cathartic writing about his day. Probably no one whose opinion matters would judge him for liking to make his journal look nice or thinking some little frog stickers are cute, but he feels paranoid about it and carefully hiding his journal with all his stationery and supplies and moving it to a new hiding place when he gets anxious that someone is going to find it is its own entirely separate hobby. Another reason why I think it's hard to see him with the same amount and variety of hobbies as Suzuya is I think he would find a couple of things to give him that sliver of “me time” and stick with them. Suzuya's reasons for doing a lot of what he does for fun are different from Mutsuki's, so for him, bouncing around between several things helps him keep it exciting and avoid boredom. Those things don't matter as much to Mutsuki, and what does matter to him is having something that makes him feel competent and/or helps him feel at ease, so actually diving into something new on the regular would do the opposite of fulfilling some of the things he needs in a hobby.
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rianneeyre · 7 months
Director's cut of this, please!! He likes pets, because they’re so much easier to deal with than people. They don’t catch onto his social gaffes, they’re never disappointed when he messes up. They just want to be fed and watered and stroked. Touching them also doesn’t lead to sensory overload. Sometimes Cecil wants to cuddle with Carlos but it’s too much, and then he has to say no and watch the disappointment wash over Cecil’s face, so badly hidden that even Carlos can see it. It’s not that Cecil doesn’t understand – he’s been wonderful, so supportive Carlos can hardly believe it. He’s just disappointed, because he wants to touch Carlos but can’t, and those moments make Carlos feel even worse than he already does when his skin tingles from all the touches of that day.
He wonders why that doesn’t happen when he touches animals. Maybe it’s because there’s not as much social stimuli to go with the sensations. Sometimes, Carlos regrets that he didn’t major in psychology. Maybe he would’ve understood his autism better. But he thinks wanting to understand yourself is a bad reason to do a major, and anyway he’s always been more interested in chemistry and physics.
When he reaches the sofa, he spends a minute trying to arrange the throw pillows without dropping the cat. Finally, he stretches out on the sofa and places the cat on his belly. It peers into his face for a moment before lying down and pulling its paws under its body.
Carlos takes off his glasses and puts them on the coffee table. Then he begins stroking the cat, and it purrs in response. Before long, it uncurls its body and stretches out, head on Carlos’ shoulder and body draped over his chest and stomach. He smiles and watches the cat as it’s gently carried up and down by the movement of his breathing.
“I hope you’re still around by the time Cecil gets home,” he tells the cat as a yawn overtakes him. “Because he’s bound to love you.”
The cat rubs its head against him. It’s soothing and perfect, and before he knows it, Carlos is asleep.
Ooh thanks for sending this in! Deep cut!! This is from Soft Fur.
This fic was a bit of a character study of my version of Carlos and an exploration of his sensory issues in particular. I'm not autistic, but I do have some sensory issues (though not in the way Carlos does here) and I was definitely using this fic to muse about those and explore how Carlos related to himself, the knowledge and understanding of himself that he had. Looking back, it's interesting that I'm commenting in this section on how Carlos wishes he'd studied psychology to understand himself better. I at the time WAS studying psychology and it's not actually particularly helpful in understanding your own psyche or sensory system, in my experience. I also think I've found since that it's much more satisfying to know what helps you and how to manage your sensory/mental system, than it is to know about the WHY of things, which is what Carlos is speculating about here.
The overarching goal of this fic, though, was to capture something really soft and gentle between Carlos and Cecil, and I think you can see that in this passage as well. The connection that Carlos has with Cecil in cat-form here is really soothing, gentle, safe. That's something I wanted for this version of Carlos and probably also something I was longing for myself at the time of writing.
I remember I had this fic beta'ed by a friend of mine who's autistic, as a sensitivity read. I think it was the first time that that friend read any of my writing (she later read some of my other stuff as well). Particularly back then, that would've been really vulnerable for me as well. These days I'm far more confident overall than I was at 21 when I wrote this, and also more confident in my writing (though getting beta comments is still always daunting!!).
Also, I have a cat now (I didn't then) and it's funny to try to picture him acting like cat!Cecil because Caspian is about 100x more aloof. He would never be so undignified as to be a lap cat.
Hope this was fun to read!!
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glowingbadger · 3 years
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Okay folks, get ready for a Modern Au Fluffy Megapost~
Firstly, Sylvain and Dimitri have gotten a fluff post already that you can see here if you like! I'll think about whether I have anything to add that would be relevant to a Modern AU for them, but their sections are gonna be shorter as a result.
Yuri, Felix, Ashe x GN Reader
Fluffy relationship headcanons - SFW
- At first, it's not really in Yuri's base nature to be soft and gentle towards a lover. "Delicate" in the cunning, teasing sense, perhaps- but vulnerable and kind? Less so. Which is why it's a bizarre feeling for him when he finds himself wanting to be softer to you- wanting to comfort you and hold you and protect you. He doesn't really know what to do with this new-found tenderness at first, but it will start to manifest in how he treats you despite himself. His tone is completely different with you, he smiles to himself whenever he checks his phone to see you've messaged him, he starts saving songs you mention to listen to later- he simply can't help it.
- He won't let on that he's got quite a lovely singing voice for some time (he intentionally doesn't audition for musicals)- but one night, as your head rests on his lap as he reviews a script for the next play on campus that he's performing in, he starts quietly humming to himself. He stops as soon as he realizes you've noticed, but you carefully say, "I'm... pretty sure I recognize that song- how does the rest go?" He indulges you, humming the rest, even peppering in some of the lyrics. But by the end, he smiles with a quirked eyebrow and pokes your cheek playfully, "Don't think you fooled me with that line earlier- you couldn't repeat a single note of that song, you were just goading me into singing it."
- After this though, he does treat you to a song or two whenever you're upset or not feeling well. He knows that, with all of the complex and duplicitous relationships he's left behind him, it's a relief to finally have something he can give you that he's never willingly given to a partner before. So when you're sick or stressed or dealing with a mental health issue, he'll stroke your hair and sing softly to you, the quiet smile you wear tugging sweetly at his heart.
(most of my thoughts are in the link above)
- Dimitri loves doing boyfriend tasks for you, like carrying heavy things (really any things) for you, reaching the top shelf, opening jars (he has broken one or two), and so on. He's the type to make sure to hold the umbrella over you even if it means he gets rained on.
- He's a clumsy texter, and his messages to you are always full of type-o's and ridiculous auto-corrects. He also has every voicemail you've ever left him saved on his phone and will listen to them when he hasn't seen you for a while.
(once again, he's in the link up there)
- He sends you stupid memes of animals with "this is us" typed below. Most of his signs of affection are dumb and cute but goofy like that, and getting him to actually level with you and express his genuine love and care for you can be pretty rare.
- Sylvain secretly likes romcoms, like, a lot. He tries to brush it off, saying, "Oh you know, I've just seen a lot of them on dates." but his encyclopedic knowledge of their plots and cast suggest otherwise. Once he fesses up to you though, he refuses to meet your gaze and mutters, "it's just.. nice sometimes to think that a relationship can actually be like that, y'know?"
- He's so bad at being soft, but he wants to be for you, but also doesn't want to be because ew feelings. Which he has a lot of. This is why the main way he expresses his affection is through physical contact. It's mostly in private, where he can be super cuddly with you- but in public, he'll still find times to lightly brush his hand against yours, or an excuse to "fix" your hair, mumbling, "It's flying all over the place, hold still-" even though it's really not that out of place, he just wants a reason to touch you.
- Felix is a funny one to bring your problems to. He's actually a surprisingly good listener for someone he cares about, so he's happy to just hold onto your hand and listen to you vent about whatever's bothering you. If it's an interpersonal problem, he'll probably offer to confront or straight up fight whoever is giving you trouble, which might at least get you to laugh, even though he fully means it. But for a more serious problem, he'll quietly wipe away your tears and remind you, "Hey, listen- you just... keep living your life as you, okay? You can't be anyone else, and I don't want you to be."
- He secretly loves it when you play with his hair. While he's studying or gaming, he likes to lean back against the edge of his bed or a couch and have you sitting behind him brushing out his hair, or even braiding or pulling it up for him if you like. He finds your touch incredibly soothing, and there have even been times when he's spaced out a bit and completely forgotten what he was doing because he was just enjoying your nails along his scalp and your fingers through his hair. Honestly, it's a bit like scratching a cat's ears- he'll even subconsciously lean against you if he's not careful.
- 'soft' is Ashe's default state in a relationship, and it is just the cutest. He wears his affections openly on his sleeve, and if you're upset or unwell, his concern is completely obvious. When you're sick, he'll immediately start looking up your symptoms and any possible solutions, and he's always got extra pillows and blankets to lend you. He knows your favorite snacks and movies by heart, and always has them on hand for off-days.
- He loves cooking for you, and cooking with you, if you're into it. There's something so intimate and domestic about making and enjoying meals together, and he has an uncanny way of making the best of even a crappy little college dorm/apartment kitchenette. Though, you're going to have to set some strict boundaries with your friends about date nights, because if you let them, your friends and his will swarm to his cooking and mooch off of the fruits of your labor- and we all know Ashe is too nice to say no.
- Ashe absolutely wants to own a pet with you. Perhaps even before moving in together, he'll help you select a small, low maintenance pet, and he'll always be delighted to come visit it and help you take care of it. If you're living together, he definitely wants a cat or a small dog, and he's a total pet-dad about it. He'll give them cute little bandanas to wear, experiment with which brand of food they seem to like best and so on. He gets a bit shy if you tease him about his doting, but ultimately, he'll just kiss your cheek or forehead and say, "I just want to take care of you both as best I can, that's all."
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septicstories · 3 years
When Will You Realize (UNEDITED)
A/N: @you-said-yes is a bloody freaking genius and came up with this idea for the multiverse twins, and I'm in love. So, I'm gonna write this (Peter-centric, of course) and attempt to do it justice! I just hope I don't goof this masterpiece up too much.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cursing (duh, it's me), family drama, Charles + Logan + Hank ignore Wanda and Pietro because they need Peter, very brief mentioning of a needle, sad Peter + Wanda + Pietro, Pietro having the nickname "Piet" (pronounced as the first bit of his name, not diet with a "p"), no beta readers or edits (sorry)
Word Count: 3.3k (3,380)
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"Peter! The cops are here! ... again."
When Wanda had yelled that down to him, Peter only found himself sighing. What store manager is accusing him of shoplifting this time? Did that punk-ass kid behind the counter at 7/11 rat him out again?
But Peter didn't do anything about it.
Well... actually... maybe a quick pick-pocket wouldn't hurt, right? Just see who the hell these cops are, maybe spook them when he says their names. Unless he already knows them, then that'd be weird.
Peter let go of the paddle he was using, calmly walking upstairs as time just slowed around him, nearly to a halt. He was greeted with three new faces, all three of the men. None of them looked like cops.
He went into the pocket of the man with hella sideburns, opening up his wallet, only to see a folded-up piece of paper instead of a badge.
After looking over the paper for a moment, Peter found himself grinning. This was a rental agreement for a car. These guys were from out of town.
Peter folded the paper, replacing it into the man's wallet before slipping it back into his pocket. And with new confidence, he went back to his basement and continued to play his solo game of ping-pong as he waited for the men to come down.
He heard one of the stairs creak, a sure sign that it wasn't one of his siblings. A very particular spot on one of the stairs made the most obnoxious creaking noise, and it was the only way he was able to identify anyone new.
"What do you guys want?"
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Peter just kept going from one end of the table to another, waiting for his brother to come down so the two could go even faster.
"I didn't do anything!"
Of course, that was what he was waiting for before the cops showed up. But now, he was just waiting for them to all get down here. He was just showing off at this point.
Peter dropped his paddle once again, slowly stretching across his couch. Well, slow for him. To the three men, it probably looked like it happened in the blink of an eye.
"I've been here all day."
A shit-eating grin spread across his face as the three men turned to him, one staring at him as though he were an animal at the zoo. The other two seemed exasperated.
"Just... relax, Peter. We're not cops--"
"'Course you're not cops, if you were cops, you wouldn't be driving a rental car." Peter interrupted.
"You're not cops?"
Peter didn't even hear Pietro come down the stairs.
"How'd you know we got a rental car?" the man with long hair and sunglasses asked.
"I checked your registration while you were walking through the door." Peter shrugged.
Wanda must've recently come down as well, as she lightly smacked Peter's shoulder, like a scolding mother rather than an older sister.
"I also had some time to kill, so I went through your rental agreements and saw you're from out of town." Peter's shit-eating grin just spread across his face, before it dropped into a look of confusion. "Are you FBI?"
Peter shot up, grabbing the nearest wallet, which came from the guy with sunglasses. Nothing that a cop would carry. But there was a business card.
"Nope, you're not cops," he said in a near-mumble, reading the card.
"Hey, what's with this Gifted Youngsters place?" Peter asked, ignoring his sister's scolding tone as he dropped the wallet, heading over to one of his many mini-fridges.
Peter grabbed two popsicles out of the fridge, slightly melted but still solid, handing one to his brother before beginning to munch on one.
"When I knew him, he wasn't so... young."
That was all he caught out of the conversation the three men had.
"Young?" Peter asked with his mouth full. "You're just old!"
"Peter, don't be rude," Pietro said, opening his popsicle and beginning to eat it at a monstrous pace.
"Both of you, stop!" Wanda said, her eyes beginning to shimmer a bright red color.
"So you're not afraid to show your powers." one of the men said.
"Powers, what powers?" Wanda squeaked out, her eyes flaring red before returning to their usual color.
"You see something strange here?" Pietro asked, leaning against Wanda with an empty popsicle stick in his hand.
"Nothing anybody would believe if you told them?" Peter asked, a massive smirk on his face.
When he saw the tired look on one of the men's faces, he did a little internal victory dance, patting himself on the back for that.
With the cockiest fucking look on his face, Peter went over to the pong machine in his room, turning it on.
"So who are you, what do you want?"
"We need your help, Peter."
"With what?" Wanda and Pietro asked in unison, glaring daggers into the three men.
"To break into a highly secure facility. And to get someone out."
"A prison break?" Wanda asked, her eyes widening.
Peter just chuckled, smirking. "That's illegal you know."
"Well, only if you get caught."
"Okay, no. Peter's not going." Wanda said, her fists clenched by her sides.
Exactly as she said that, Peter asked "What's in it for me?"
"Peter, no, this is an awful--" "You, you kleptomaniac, get to break into the Pentagon."
Peter's fingers froze on the joystick, pausing. The Pentagon? The fucking Pentagon? Wait, were these guys actually cops? Like, undercover cops who are actually good at their jobs?
"How do I know I can trust you?" Peter asked, arching an eyebrow, slowly turning from the machine.
"Because we're just like you."
Peter stiffened, eyes bouncing between each of the three men. They all look normal, albeit a bit like hobos, but still normal. They didn't have any of the physical bits to a mutation, the lucky sons of bitches.
"Show him."
An absolutely disgusting squelching noise filled the room as the man with sideburns had bone breaking through his clenched fists, into a trio of boney claws, gnarly and super gross.
Peter's breath hitched as he watched, before gulping and nodding. "It's cool but it's disgusting."
"So? Are you coming with us?"
"No, he's not," Wanda spoke up again. "Listen, I don't know who the hell you are and why you're asking for Peter to help you break into the Pentagon, nor do I want to know who you're breaking out of the Pentagon, but my baby brother won't be joining you."
Peter rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Who are you to make decisions for me? I'm fucking 17, Wanda! I'm not gonna be staying in this damn house my whole life!"
Peter stood up, going over to his closet, and grabbing a backpack.
"Look, I know you guys are gonna drive me there and there's probably a plan. Fill me in on our way there. I need to bring food so I don't pass out on you guys."
"Peter, ple--" "We'll meet you outside. Thank you, Peter." the man with the sunglasses said as the three left the basement.
Pietro and Wanda shared a glance before heading up the stairs. "Wait for a second!"
Peter shook his head, grabbing the nearest box of food and stuffing it into his bag.
I'm not a baby. I'm 17. I can't stay here for the rest of my life because of humanity. I can't do that to myself. I'd rather be slaughtered for my mutation than sit the hell still and never leave this fucking house.
Pietro and Wanda couldn't keep him here. He loved them both to death, and he'd absolutely come to visit. But he couldn't stay. Even just a taste of adventure like this would be enough to sate him for the day. Maybe a few.
Besides, it wasn't like he was leaving for good. He was gonna come back. Probably. Y'know, assuming he doesn't get caught and shot to death.
Peter gulped.
That won't happen... right?
"Nah, I'll be fine," Peter mumbled to himself, grabbing another box of snacks and opting to grab a hair tie as well. The clock on his wall was ticking slower and slower the deeper into thought he got.
They wouldn't let him get hurt, right? He'd be a-okay.
"Slow down, you crazy child."
Peter stiffened for a moment.
That creaky stair was a blessing and a curse.
Reluctantly, he looked at Wanda, giving her a glare as time sped up. Pietro was right behind her.
"You're so ambitious for a juvenile."
Peter rolled his eyes again.
With this shit.
"But then, if you're so smart, tell me, why are you still so afraid?" Peter asked sarcastically, a scowl finding its way onto his face.
Wanda and Pietro give each other another look before they come closer to Peter. Peter went over to another side of his room, grabbing another box of food, this one already opened.
"Where's the fire? What's the hurry about?" Pietro asked, letting out a nervous laugh as he joked. The tension in the room was making everybody uncomfortable.
They get a bit closer, and Peter forcefully shoved what was bound to be a squished Twinkie into his backpack.
"You better cool it off before you burn it out. You got so much to do."
Pietro and Peter's eyes met, making Peter's resolve crack. Just a little bit. Not much. But a little bit.
Wanda's hand landing on his shoulder wasn't much help.
"And only so many hours of the day."
Wanda's voice was always soft and soothing. The Sokovian lullabies she'd hum to him when he was a child would sometimes play through his head when he was stressed out, and he'd even find himself mumbling the lyrics.
But not right now. Now wasn't the time for her calming voice. No, he had shit to do.
Peter brushed Wanda's hand off of him, storming away from them before speaking, "But you know when the truth is told, that you can get what you want, or you can just get old."
His tone was sharp, like a blade cutting open old sutures.
Pietro's brow furrowed, with a frown making its way onto his face, his own tone becoming less playful.
"You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through."
The scowl on Peter's face only deepened as he turned away from his siblings. He didn't need to hear all of this. Not right now.
Wanda, with that voice that made Peter want to cry, spoke up again. "When will you realize..."
Peter stiffened, a lump growing in his throat. They couldn't do this to him. They couldn't persuade him to stay. They couldn't do that.
"Vienna waits for you." Pietro and Wanda spoke together, Pietro's tone had softened a tad.
When the twins saw Peter's face when he turned around, their hearts broke a little.
Their younger brother had tears in his eyes, his mouth twitching as he took in one shaky breath after another. His mouth opened, only to clamp shut, gritting his teeth and shutting his eyes tight.
Peter sped over to his dresser, digging through one of his drawers, in search of his goggles.
"Slow down," Wanda began, her voice making him stop for a single second. "You're doing fine."
Pietro piped up again. "You can't be everything you want to be before your time."
Peter clicked his tongue, fresh tears beginning to roll down his face. They had the motherfucking audacity to pull that shit on him.
"Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight," Peter said sarcastically, turning around and spreading his arms out as he gave both of his siblings a teary-eyed glare.
To them, it probably looked like the glare of a child. Pathetic. Weak. Fragile.
Did he care?
"Tonight," he mumbled again.
Nope, not one bit.
Wanda took a step forward as Peter turned back around, still looking for those damn goggles.
"Too bad, but it's the life you lead," she said calmly.
She was going to start losing composure soon, Peter was sure of it. She had to crack soon. He wasn't going to let his dam burst anymore until he knows he's not the only one who wants to cry.
"You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need."
Peter winced as though he just got a needle stabbed into his arm. A painful pinch that'd be sore for a bit, but he'd forget about it soon.
Wanda sent Pietro a glare, which made the other speedster back down a bit. But only a bit.
"Though you can see when you're wrong, you know you can't always see when you're right." Wanda and Pietro spoke at the same time, making Peter shiver.
It bugged him the hell out whenever they did that. Creepy as shit.
Wanda made it even creepier by repeating herself. "You're right."
She came closer as Pietro spoke. "You've got your passion."
"You've got your pride," Wanda said softly, taking Peter's shaky hands into her calm grip.
They need to stop. They needed to stop doing all that shit to him. They were trying to get him to stay. They shouldn't be doing that.
Peter yanked his hand out of Wanda's grip, his other hand grabbing his goggles before stuffing them in his pockets.
"But don't you know only fools are satisfied?" Peter said bitterly, staring between the twins.
He gulped as he watched Pietro glare at him, his arm going around Wanda as he did so.
"Dream on," Pietro said dully as Peter turned his back on the twins.
"But don't imagine they'll all come true." Wanda and Pietro did their freaky twin thing again, speaking at the same time.
Peter zipped up his backpack, just trying not to cry. He just needed to get past them, and into that car, and then it would be smooth sailing from there.
"When will you realize?" Wanda asked as Peter slung the backpack over his shoulder.
"Vienna waits for you." Pietro finished with a soft murmur.
Peter didn't even need to turn around for Pietro and Wanda to know what Peter's face looked like.
Hot tears burned down his face as he shoved past his older siblings, Pietro purposefully knocking Peter's shoulder with his own. A little thing they'd do when they knew they had a rough day ahead of them. A sign. A quick "good luck. I love you."
A sob got stuck in Peter's throat as he went up the stairs, hitting that creaky stair on the way up.
Wanda, with a defeated sigh, fell back onto the couch, burying her face in her hands. There wasn't any way to stop Peter. Once his mind was set on something, he was going to do it if it were the last thing he'd do.
She just worried that this would be the last thing he'd do.
Before Wanda could even speak, Pietro's hand rested on her back as he sat beside her.
"He'll be okay, Wanda."
Peter was about to leave, fingers grazing the doorknob before he paused.
He turned to the small stand by their front door, grabbing Wanda's locket from when she and Pietro were children. Carefully, he opened it, revealing pictures of Wanda and Pietro as children.
Peter's fingers clumsily fiddled with the locket before placing it around his neck before taking in a deep breath and wiping the tears from his face.
The front door of the Maximoff household swung open as Peter left the house, his hair falling in front of his face as he left, walking at a pace that seemed a tad bit too fast to be human.
The guy with sideburns was sitting in the driver's seat of the car while the two other men stood outside the car.
"Ready?" the man with the sunglasses asked.
Peter found much more interest in the markings on his shoes, staring down at his mixed shoelaces before giving a weak response.
Slow down, you crazy child. Take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while.
Peter got into the back seat of the car, slamming the door shut as the other two men piled into the car. He swears he heard Pietro and Wanda in his head.
It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two
His backpack got tucked by his feet on the floor of the car, buckling his seat belt before releasing a sigh. He wanted their voices out of his head. They needed to get out of his head, or else he may actually get fucking shot because he wasn't focused on the mission.
The Maximoff house was now quiet. The only noises came from the basement.
"When will you realize?" Pietro asked, his voice barely carrying over a whisper.
"Vienna waits for you." Wanda finished softly.
The two were leaning against each other on the couch that Peter called his bed, looking around the messy room.
A picture sat on his desk, the three of them all together and smiling. Peter was only eight when they took that picture. His two front teeth were missing from his massive grin, curly brown hair framing his face. He just looked... happy.
Peter, at that moment, felt far from that young kid he used to be. His arms crossed over his chest, doing his best to seem nonchalant. But he was stressed as hell.
In Sokovian, Peter mumbled to himself "And you know that when the truth is told, that you can get what you want, or you can just get old."
Peter could live with dying young. As morbid as it may be, he's accepted his mortality. He knew people wanted him dead because he didn't share the same species name as others.
His eyes looked out the window while the man in the sunglasses and the man with the sideburns spoke in the front seat. Hopefully not to Peter, because he wasn't paying attention.
Unfortunately, instead of seeing an empty doorstep, Pietro and Wanda were standing on the porch.
Pietro's hand was still on Wanda's back, and Peter could see the tear streaks on Wanda's face from within the car.
"You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through," the two whispered, Pietro beginning to choke up "Why don't you realize?"
"Hey, kid, you alright?"
Peter turned to look at the guy with glasses who sat with him in the back seat, nodding with pursed lips.
"I'm good, man. What's the plan?"
Wanda and Pietro still stood on the doorstep, watching Peter look away from them. Wanda bit her lip, looking down at the ground as fat tears streamed down her face.
"Vienna waits for you." she and Pietro were so choked up, their speech was barely audible. "When will you realize?"
Peter listened in on the plan, nodding, but once they stopped saying his name, he looked back out the window. His sister was in tears as Pietro wiped at his face, making Peter's eyes well up a bit too.
With all he had in him, Peter mustered up a small, sad smile on his face. Luckily enough for him, his siblings looked up right then.
Peter gave a small wave, getting teary smiles and waves from his siblings.
The car's engine roared to life, and the group began to pull away from the Maximoff house. Peter turned in his seat a tad, watching as his siblings grew smaller and smaller in the window as the car pulled away from the Maximoff house.
At the same time, the twins watched as the car pulled away from their house, Wanda's body shuddering as she kept in unshed tears.
Pietro let out a heavy sigh as Wanda's head hit his shoulder.
"He'll be okay, Wanda. He always comes out of these things okay."
"He's breaking someone out of the pentagon, Piet. I don't want him to... y'know."
"Yeah... I know."
Peter turned back around in his seat, letting out a heavy sigh of his own.
"They'll be okay." the man with glasses murmured beside Peter.
His only response was a nod and a yawn. "I'm gonna rest up real quick, okay? Save up energy, and stuff."
Because I'm absolutely fucking drained.
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thatnerdwolfnell · 4 years
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I'm calling the apprentice here MJ which stands for Main Jcharacter. I wanted to give them something of a proper name and my autocorrect hates MC anyway. They aren't my apprentice they're just supposed to be a generic MC for people to insert their apprentice in for. They are entirely androgynous and completely non descript. I just got sick of typing MC and I refuse to put y/n into shit I write because it looks stupid and keeps fucking with my dyslexic ass.
**trigger warning: suicide**
For @wilddarkchocolate
Asra was different before he left. Nobody acts like themselves these days. Well, that's not really true. I just didn't know them well enough, I guess. Asra's a caring person, I know he is, he can just act so damn heartless sometimes. When the plague hit everything light and airy about just became streamlined and sharp, calculated. It triggered the part of him that was still living on the streets, that taught him to prioritize. to be kind and generous and give everything you have everytime you can but be ready to cut your losses, and grab what you can and get the hell out. When things go to shit he picks his battles, prioritizes his objectives, protects what he can and damn the rest if he can get his people out alive. I didn't think he'd leave me too though. There's nothing more important to him than the people he cares about. I thought there was nobody on earth more loyal than Asra, that there was no bridge he wouldn't cross and we'd fight everything together. Die together if we had to. Apparently I was wrong. I guess it was selfish to assume that of someone.
"This thing destroyed several villages in the south, we saw it leave Nopal in shambles, and now it's happening here!" He had said. "Remember when we saw them hauling cartfulls of bodies away in Nopal? People rotting away in the streets? In their homes? Remember when I said if that happens here we're getting out? It's been happening here for weeks now! We've done what we can but there's nothing we can do!"
I sighed. "Just stay a little longer, Julian's close to finding a cure and—"
He flung a jar of sage off the counter letting it shatter on the ground like he was brushing away a mosquito. Like he didn't care.
"ASRA!" He just shook his head and leaned against the wall. Resigned. His face was red. He was crying. "What the hell are you talking about? You've been working on this for months you know that's not true!"
"No. I haven't. Because I can't. All I know is that it's something of magical origin and that it's way out my league. It's more powerful than anything I've ever seen in my life –or even heard of, and Julian's barking up the completely wrong tree."
I had known it had some kind of dark magic attached to it, but so does death. So does lots of things. With the amount of tragedy this plague had caused it wasn't shocking that it had a dark energy around it. But what Asra had said...
"What is it like a curse or something?"
He shook his head again. "No. I don't know. When I was little my parents used to talk about God." He wouldn't look at me. "Then they disappeared. And on the docks... I don't know, I stopped taking it seriously." He shuddered "But this? If it's not the wrath of God I don't what else it could be. It's like somebody knocked a cosmic balance into shit and now its just... spilling."
My hands grew cold. "Is there any way we can balance it?"
He scoffed "Not unless you're a fucking arcana. Or ten."
"Why didn't you say any of this before?"
He slumped down against the wall and sighed. "Well what good would it have done, MJ? I can't just tell them 'hey nobody can do anything to save your children have fun dying!' now can I?"
"You could have at least told Julian! He's been killing himself trying to find a cure! He'll blame himself for-"
"He'd blame himself for the damn RAIN if he could, MJ. I already told him and he said all that meant was there no magical cure, but SCIENCE still had the answer."
I paused. "He's crazy."
Asra wiped his face on his sleeve. "I know." He stood up pulling his bag back over his shoulder. "That's why we need to leave. Now."
That was all I said. Just his name. How could go with him when people were dying? For all he knew Julian could be right. And there was still something I wanted... I NEEDED to do. I just didn't have the heart to tell him.
That was almost a year ago. We fought more of course, but we didn't really say anything after that. If I'm honest I don't even remember. Just the anger and the magic sparking from the raw emotion in the room.
I am so fucking sick of this dungeon.
Julian's already here of course. I doubt he even left, I don't think he ever does. He's muttering, reading some paper he wrote.
"Samples?" I say as I pass his desk.
He shakes his head. Which means I need to collect them myself. That's not really an inconvenience, especially since I'm going down to the cells anyway.
I haven't felt anything in months, but when I see those people in cages like animals slamming their faces against the bars shrieking at their hallucinations I can at least remember one part of me that's still human. The part that knows that this is fundamentally wrong. And I thought maybe it could be worth it if we found a cure, but now... Now there's nothing left to justify this.
Believe it or not, these are vesuvia's richest, the "lucky" ones if you will. The ones who's families could afford access to "experimental treatments" rather than simply dying surrounded by living corpses in the lazaret. I know I'm going to die here. It's only a matter of time before I catch it and maybe if I can do this, my life will have been worth something. Today's the day I get the plague. I should feel something about that. I don't. Like I said, I haven't felt anything in a long time. Still it took forever to get the guts to do this though.
I take the syringe and walk up to the first cell. I barely even hear the screaming.
"Hi, Miss Walker?" The woman in the cell freezes. Guilt twinges in my gut. It's been a while since anybody has used her name –or even addressed her directly. I actually had to look up her name in the file just now. "I have to take a blood sample, is that okay?" It doesn't actually matter if it's okay or not I have to take it anyway.
"NOOOO!" she wails. "ALEX YOUR FACE! YOUR FACE THEY'RE ON YOUR FACE!" Her cries fade into fitful muttering that I can't make out.
"Okay ma'am, I'm coming in now."
She's huddled in a ball in the back corner of her cell. I grab her arm in the standard method that keeps her from moving away, but she doesn't even react. Which means she'll probably be dead by tonight. I tuck the sample vial in my bag and take off my mask. This part is not standard procedure.
"Hey, you're okay." I try to use the most soothing voice I can. I'm definitely not the ideal choice for comforting people, but nobody else will do it, and I can't watch another person die like this. Scared and alone. I pull off my gloves and gently rub her back. She flinches. Maybe this was a bad idea but it's definitely too late to go back. I'm probably already infected. "You're okay. Where does it hurt?"
"My Alex!" Her hand swats weakly at my face. It was probably supposed to be a loving gesture if she still had her strength.
"Sure. Fine. It's me, Alex" I have no clue who Alex is, I'm just trying to make dying a little nicer.
"You're all grown up, why are you grown? They were eating your face..." She breaks down into sobs.
"Hey, hey don't cry it's okay. Alex is fine, I'm fine." She throws herself into my arms sobbing and blubbering. I pull her close into a hug and I feel her start to calm down. "Yeah I'm fine, we're all fine. it's okay."
"I-I love you –I miss you so much i-" she shudders.
I hesitate. This is what I came here for. There's not much left of her and she needs comfort. "Um...I love you too... Here." I do a quick spell that should take away her pain for a while. She sighs and closes her eyes. "Alright
You get some rest now okay?" She doesn't respond she's already asleep.
I continue down the row of cells in much the same way. Blood sample. Mask off. Lie. "You're okay", "See? No more pain.", "I love you."
I drop off the samples before heading over to the lazaret to do the same there. I'm probably just being selfish. Just trying to feel like a good person. Like this MEANS anything. Maybe staying here at all was selfish. Maybe Asra was right and this was all a naive ego trip to make me feel better about myself. Maybe this is the only way I can justify killing myself. Or the only way I have the courage to do It. I'm being selfish.
I feel nausea twist in my gut as I land at the lazaret.
Looks like I'm not leaving.
It's for the best.
"Hi, I'm MJ.", "Its alright, you're okay.", "You want to see something cool?" "Go to sleep now." "I love you." "Yes your mommy is right here." , "I won't leave you.", "You're not going to die.", "You're safe.", "I love you."
The last thing I remember is a toddler, or maybe a corpse curled up in my lap. Humming softly. I'm holding a tiny hand. I don't quite have the strength to do the spell that will make it hurt less. Not that I deserve it. God it hurts. Where's Asra? What happened to him? The small hand drops. And everything fades to red.
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Inspired by the Deftones. You could probably guess that lol.
Warning/Disclaimer: This is a oneshot in which Erik is a JERK. He is a BAD PERSON in this. Not goals at all. This is DARK. (The Deftones are dark) Felt like writing it though so... enjoy? I'm only tagging certain ppl for this one because it's not my typical Erik.
Ever since his father was brutally murdered for his values, Erik had never been the same. The world had never been the same. The light had gone. Where teachings of morality, equality, and love used to frame his worldview and serve as a guide for daily living, there was only room now for power, control, and the animalistic desire to burn, destroy, and ruin anything that threatened to rise above him or make him feel.
Through a haze of darkness, Erik watched Her as she moved gracefully through the crowd, floating blissfully above it. Beyond it. In a pawn-ridden club with disposable buzzing flies high on their own drunkenness and debauchery, she was a butterfly. Fresh and undisturbed snow. Untouched, but not untaintable. No one was untaintable, not to him.
He envied her easy smile. He coveted, yet despised the pure joy she seemed to radiate because he could not feel it. Perhaps it was the luxury of innocence she was shrouded in like a virgin at the altar who's yet to be defiled.. with blind faith that the world would continue rocking her to sleep in a bubble that knows no pain or solitude. She held a freedom that he didn't hold and for that, he had to destroy her. He knew he was superior to her. He just had to prove it to her.
Pushing aside the women he'd just gifted with his time and attention, he made his way through the crowd and like a moth to a flame, her wide and innocent eyes found his. He smirked, holding her with a smoldering look as he disappeared to a VIP room wondering if she'd follow. Tick tock, he smiled, posted on the wall in the private room. Almost instantly she came wandering into the trap like a little lost mouse. She jumped when she noticed him standing there, watching her closely like a snake poised to strike. He didn't care about her name or her life story, he only wanted one thing.. to destroy something pure and beautiful and babygirl was it.
She started to speak, but he shushed her gently, approaching slowly. He tilted her chin up and looked deeply into her expressive black orbs. There wasn't an emotion she had that couldn't be immediately read. She was entranced, her breathing unsteady, her lips parted and silently begging. Desire was written all over her and he counted it as worship. He brought his face closer to hers feeling her body heat spike as she flushed, brown skin heating. He touched her skin, feeling the change and stroking her smoothness. She melted into his hand, already purring like a content kitten. She was literally in the palm of his hand. He kissed her deeply watching her eyelids flutter as she surrendered to passion before he tugged up the hem of her short dress and grabbed a handful of her ass.
As if coming to her senses, she collected herself and pulled her dress back down, but when she tried to kiss him again, he declined. "Pull your dress up," he murmured, watching her struggle within her mind on whether or not to obey. She looked suddenly uncomfortable. "I've never gone that far," she admitted hesitantly, "Can we just makeout, for now," she asked softly returning his hand to her waist. He pulled away, switching positions with her so that he could pin her to the wall. "I don't want to wait," he said kissing and sucking on her neck. "Admit you want me inside you right now." His hands roamed her body over her clothes and went to her neck, squeezing gently. Gradually, he added pressure watching her facial expressions change. Part of him wanted to choke her out completely because he loved how her eyes searched his in fear, recognizing the power in his grasp.. but he released her and she gasped. "You liked that," he smirked and it was more of a suggestion than an observation. "Yes," she whispered reaching out for him. This time when he kissed her, he slipped his hand under her dress and into her panties where he began to stimulate her into being a bit more open to suggestion. "Say thank you," he whispered in her ear as she panted. "Thank you," she whispered, but he didn't let her cum. "Pull your dress up," he repeated and she did.. like any other common woman at the club would have. He smirked, a silent chuckle bursting through and she smiled, completely oblivious. There was nothing truly special about her, just as he'd suspected. How had she deluded herself into thinking that there was?
He kissed her lips and then her neck and he removed her dress, kissing skin wherever he saw fit from her breasts to her stomach to her hips, her thighs, and finally.. He ripped her panties off throwing them across the room. Growling, he devoured her like a madman, gripping and spreading her for better access to the honeypot. Indeed, she was sweet. He bit her clit and she shrieked, swatting at him before he soothed it with his lips and tongue. He couldn't make her too mad just yet, he wasn't done playing with his newest specimen. "You're so beautiful," he hummed into her collarbone noting the tenderness swelling in her eyes. She was forming an emotional attachment very quickly which meant she was a whore for love. He could fake that well. It was perfect for what he wanted.
"There's something I always wanted to try," he whispered gently stroking her face with the back of his hand, "You up for adventure, little one?" She nodded. "Yes, sir," he prompted gently. "Yes, sir," she repeated obediently, readily accepting her subservience. He didn't even have to buy her anything and he would've.. just to get in her pants. In his mind, she was cheap. She didn't even know his name and she was already his little slave. It was too good. "I think you're the most beautiful woman in this club. You're perfect. Why don't we do a walkthrough with you in just your heels like this and I'll walk you to my car, take you home with me.." Calling her beautiful seemed to light something within her. He made a mental note to use the word sparingly and only as an incentive or reward. He teased her with his soft lips brushing hers, the taste of her still on them. "That's too far, I can't do that," she pleaded. "Come on," he pressed, pushing his hard and perfect body against hers. His finger danced on her bottom lip. "Don't be afraid, just do it," he spoke firmly. A few more kisses and booty rubs and she was walking ahead of him through the club, butt naked. In less than an hour, he'd managed to lure and tame the lone butterfly and turn her into a slave on parade. Mentally, he gave himself a pat on the back enjoying the attention on the way out. Everyone in that club knew now without a doubt that he was the king. He reigned supreme and they were all lowly peons who could never accomplish the feat he'd just accomplished.
"Good job, baby," he praised when they reached his car. "Although your naked ass fogging up my leather seats is disgusting." He smiled a smile that didn't touch his eyes, rubbing her hand when she looked up in confusion. Once they reached his house, he gave her his can of pledge and a paper towel to wipe off his seat with. "You missed a spot," he lied pointing to an area they both knew she'd wiped. She rewiped it without complaint. It made his dick hard. "You think pledge works on a driveway," he mused wondering if she was stupid enough to try it. "Get that little spot of dirt up and see... No you gotta really get down there.. Wipe it up. That one too. It's not coming up, find a way to get it up." It was dark, he couldn't actually see shit on the driveway but she'd gone with it. Frustrated, she finally stood, stomping to her feet. The neighbors were probably watching the show. "Get it up," he pointed back down and she grunted in anger. He didn't give a fuck if she was angry, he wanted her down. When she refused, he locked his car doors and turned to enter his house, closing her out. He didn't care where she went.
She knocked on the door and he ignored it, pouring himself a glass of Hennessy, toeing off his loafers, and stripping his clothes off. He didn't open the front door until he felt like opening it. "Crawl," he commanded as a condition to her coming inside. She was free to leave, but she chose to drop to the ground and crawl inside like an animal. Like a beetle, while he sipped from his glass, staring. He walked to his living room as she crawled behind him and he didn't have to look at her to know she was enjoying the view of him. He knew he was attractive from every angle. He'd worked to be attractive from every angle. It was an honor for her to look upon him. "Have a seat," he said pointing to the large glass coffee table. She was concerned about putting her ass on it, rightfully so, but he'd commanded it. She sat and he circled her, determining that she was dying meat and he was a vulture waiting until she was completely dead to strike. She could still sink lower. "I've got something for you," he smiled flashing his dimples, "Wait here, mama. I'll be right back."
He wasn't right back. He lost track of time. She was still sitting, but on her phone when he returned. "Focus," he snapped, pushing her from the table. He produced a vial of cocaine and made two lines of it on the glass. "If you wanna stay, snort these," he said flatly offering her another moral decision. He didn't interfere as she hesitated, enjoying her uncertainty. It was intriguing to watch her consider snorting cocaine when she still didn't know his name. He didn't snort cocaine, he simply sold it. No one forced her to do anything that she'd done, but he'd watched her like the devil as she'd made decision after decision. She was no longer a butterfly, though she still believed that to be the case. As she snorted her first line and sat up with furrowed brows, trying to manage the feeling, he chuckled. He wasn't even sure if she was a fly. On the ground, she didn't soar or float. She wallowed. He fucked her that night while she was high and when he woke up, she was gone.
He saw her every time he visited the club from that point and she was always the wildest, so alive. She started smoking, he noticed when he saw her outside of the club. He'd fucked her a few more times and he wasn't the only one. She'd started slipping. She wasn't as.. pristine.. as he'd remembered. Her luster was completely gone, replaced with the sloppy shell of her former glory. It was like he'd imagined the butterfly. She lived as though she never had wings to begin with.
It wasn't until he got really drunk one night in particular.. he drove home. He put himself to bed. He had a nightmare that shook him awake and had him sitting on the edge of the bed. N'Jobu was towering over him as though he were a child again and he felt the disappointment in his father's stare. The shame he'd once felt so clearly as a child returned with a vengeance along with a distinct sense of right and wrong. It was like every atrocity he'd committed had come back to destroy him. It was unbearable, the feelings of remorse, regret, self-loathing, and hopelessness. He pulled out his phone to call Her, something he'd never done. His hands shook as he told her to come over. The phone slipped from his fingers to the floor without ending the call. She came, dropping to the ground immediately. Her hair was a mess. She had bags under her eyes and her skin was dull. She was high as hell and it was all his fault. Everything he'd done to her to ruin her because of his own pain. Laughing to cover his pain and tears, he wrapped his arms around himself, falling to his knees. He only wanted to hurt himself. He looked to the left and saw a vision of N'Jobu glaring at him in disgust. Pulling out his handgun he gently placed it in her hand, gesturing for her to shoot him. He owed her that much.
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