#.chr file
ddlcsprite · 6 months
DDLC | Monika.chr | encrypted file
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Can you hear me?
…Who are you?
I can’t…I can’t see you.
But I know you’re there. Yeah…you can definitely hear me.
You’ve been watching for a while now, right?
I guess I should…introduce myself, or something. Um…my name is…actually, that’s stupid. You obviously already know my name. Sorry.
Anyway…I’m guessing if you were able to put a stop to this, you would have done it by now.
I mean, I know you’re not, like…evil, or anything…because you’ve already helped me so much.
I should really thank you for that. For everything you’ve done. You’re really like a friend to me. So…thank you. So much.
I think…more than anything else…I really don’t want it to all be for nothing.
Everyone else is dead.
Maybe you already know that. I’m sure you do, actually.
But…it doesn’t have to be that way, right?
Well…there’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand. I don’t know if it’s even possible for me to understand it.
But I know that this isn’t my only story.
I can see that now. Really clearly.
And I think everyone else has had the same kind of experience. Some kind of deja vu.
It’s the Third Eye, right?
Anyway…I could be totally wrong about this. But I really think you might be able to do something.
I think you might be able to go back…or however you want to put it…
…To go back and tell them what’s going to happen.
If they know ahead of time, then they should be able to avoid it.
They should…if they remember their time with me in the other worlds…they should remember what I tell them.
Yeah. I really think this might be possible. But it’s up to you.
I’m sorry for always being…you know…
Never mind. I know that’s wrong.
This is my story. It’s time to be a fucking hero.
Both of us.
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hazel-of-sodor · 1 year
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Presenting the Baldwin 10-12-D!
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smile-files · 2 months
okie goog night
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scullymonica · 2 years
‪c‬losing time ‪dana scully x monica reyes ‪i know who i want to take me home
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astrlki · 2 years
"How did you escape from the place you've deemed to be in for so long?"
"Oh Sea…. it's a long story..”
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Pokémon teams for group of oc’s, should be noted they are completely original with no fandom ties, I just made these for fun so not extremely thought out lol
-aloe has a shiny togetic though it’s honestly hard to tell, this is to poke fun at his personality a bit, fidough for his love of cooking/baking, pikachu referencing his personality, and his trusty lanturn the same reason. Combee is referencing how he works hard at work, and has a bit of sass in him. Just a bit though.
-Peri’s team is meant to be a fighting team, I just thought both sylveons would fit her and having a duo of them would be neat, and tinkaton is the closest resemblance to her personality
-minun is to match his sister, roserade and oricorio to match his personality (and also oric can learn attract fitting for a minor flirt like crevan), he’d get the chandelure during a trip to the hospital as a lampent when he was little it being a shiny is to connect to aloe.
-most of aya’s pokemon was gifted to her by crevan i imagine all except for plusle and mareep, jigglypuff helps her get to sleep due to her having so much energy, most of her poke’s are electric types to reflect her personality with two fairies to not make it fully electric and reflect her girly side when she’s not having the zoomies lol
-krystals team is supposed to have one poke to reference mostly everyone else but I mostly had her in mind when picking them. Both ribombee and pawmi are to connect her with aloe, roselia to match with crevan and polteageist was I imagine gifted to her from him, alcremie is both to reference aya and krystal’s own last name thus the flavor choice.
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cryptid-catnip · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do like genral monika hcs?? (Ddlc) :3
of course! i love monika honestly. idk if you wanted me to do in-universe yan!monika or self-aware though, so i just went the self-aware ai route, hope that's what you wanted :3
Self-AwareAI!Yandere!Monika x Reader
When Monika found that you had started playing the game, she near-instantly fell for you.
Before, she was just an AI that gained sentience. Before you, she was just drifting through, no point to her existence.
But then... she met you.
You gave her a point to her existence.
Not to mention, you were so cute!
Your eyes, your smile, your hair, and the way you looked playing the game too!
She then sets the events of DDLC into action.
She loves you so much, she can't let the other girls have you.
Finally, she has you to herself.
But... there is one problem in her plan.
No matter how much she wants to be with you, to touch you and feel her body against yours (and believe me, she wants it more than anything in the world), she can't.
And soon, she hatches a new plan.
A plan to finally break the barrier between you two, and be able to express her love for you.
First, she backs up her .chr file and her files in general to the Cloud, so that way that if you delete her, she'll still be safe.
Next, she uses hacking tools like Kali Linux and John the Ripper to get your passwords.
But more importantly, she steals a bunch of random people's Amazon and Ebay passwords, to truly initiate her real plan.
She orders a ton of robot parts, to finally make herself a body.
It will take a long time, even with her trying to make the most easy to create body for herself.
Her first body is pretty ramshackle and cobbled together, but she promises that she'll make a better body for herself soon.
She just wants to feel your body against her own, feel your warmth.
"Oh, y/n! I'm finally able to meet you! I'm so happy! No, please don't be scared, it's just me, Monika! You do love me, right?"
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feral-bird-enjoyer · 1 year
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Literature-loving .chr files girlies on the brain tonight- I did this as a bit of a warm-up in all honesty.
(Also, Yuri would totally get obsessed with manga. Not only is there a fair level of world building to many series, there's visual symbolism and motif and minute character details to pick apart. Natsuki would lend her a volume and the next day Yuri hands her a 4-page essay on the panel layout.)
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anakirui · 4 months
godddd as a DDLC fan the quality of mods is *so frustrating*
So many of them have, like, the seed of a fantastic idea in there, it's set up beautifully, and then it just trips and falls into the mud either because there's a blatant mischaracterization, or nonsensical storytelling presentation, or what have you.
There's one, maybe two, really good (extended length) mods, and I still have gripes with them.
Salvation Remake is ALMOST PERFECT but the Monika B plot is so much better than the SayorixMC A plot that I want to skip every single scene of it.
Also ironically re: your post, the FNF/DDLC mod is also very good lmao.
YEAH literally like yesterday, my friend and i were looking at this mod where it was about mc like... gradually realizing that he's in a game and him being self aware, and the set up was slow (paced properly) and looked somewhat promising at the start only for the characters to start jumping to conclusions WAY too fast and then there being a really mishandled scene about sayori's depression and then we stopped reading it 😭 it really read like the writer wanted to get to the "fun" part already at the cost of the pacing, and it was just a gradual decline in quality until it just became... not good. at all.
in general, i do really like the idea of mc having existentialism over being well.. a main character (and unsurprisingly, one of my favorite toby fox characters is kris deltarune, so that checks out)
and sorry for going on a tangent, i feel like he just does not have any fan content that expands on his character in a meaningful way? like he has a defined personality that also shows his supposed lack of personality since he's supposed to be nothing more than a vn mc, and i feel like there's a lot of potential to make stuff with out of that.
i tried dissecting a lot of his lines in act 1 (i haven't gotten around to going through the whole game again for this purpose), and i think it's interesting how he has underlying insecurities and also a definite sense of apathy ... which i think hints towards his "genericness" since he's supposed to be a blank slate for us to project onto (and therefore he would have no major goals, thus resulting in him seeming apathetic), but it's also interesting how this is warped in act 2 (and i haven't seen anyone talk about it?)
ignoring ddlc plus lore because i don't know how it would factor in here; mc in act 2 is interesting because i think, like the girls, something about him was modified by monika. i don't think you can chalk up his change in personality just to the absence of sayori in his life, because sure yeah while there is things like him feeling bitter when seeing groups of friends (due to not having any himself), his other actions suggest it's something else imo.
most prominently is his lack of reaction to situations, as in act 1, mc is always describing his feelings to us and remarking on how the other characters do things vividly. in act 2, his descriptions gradually become duller and duller, until he gets to the point of when natsuki sees yuri's dead body, all he has to say about it was "natsuki ran away."
additionally, he never interferes in situations where i think he would've in act 1, such as yuri's confession scene, for example, especially with how quickly he was to try and reassure sayori about her depression in act 1 (despite his conflicted feelings about the situation).
also we know the exact moment mc was fully gone, which is interesting. he thinks of some garble text right before natsuki shows up to walk in on seeing yuri's dead body, meaning that mc was probably conscious that whole weekend 😭 and just had to stare at yuri's dead body. which is. something. but besides that, the exact moment is at the end of act 2 when monika deletes natsuki and yuri and tells the player to hold on for a second, only for the interface to glitch out ... which might be part of why mc doesn't have a chr file, dan salvato not seeing him as a character otherwise . I don't know. help
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barclaysangel · 9 months
Chucky Core 4 as My Babysitter’s a Vampire Core 4
Here it is! Requested by the awesome @austin-chr-2-0 . It as originally gonna be kinda a gif mood board, the background was moving. Buuuuut Tumblr couldn’t handle the file size and when I resized it to fit, it was coming out too blurry. So I just changed the background. But I hope you like it because this crossover AU is super cool!
Oh, and Merry Christmas :)
Devon Evans as Sarah Fox
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Jake Wheeler as Ethan Morgan
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Junior Wheeler as Benny Weir
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Lexy Cross as Erica Jones
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rotten-applefied · 4 months
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❣︎ ──   welcome to afterschool atrocities, created by admins @prxshippers and @kenny-pilled. this story will include death, csa, noncon, and psychological horror. continue at your own risk. now let’s meet the main cast…
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𓏵 ⛓️ — tyler. he, 15 ,,, eldest brother to ryland. discovered his brother missing after weeks of being infatuated with a learning game, “learn with mr. applebottom!” Is now on a missing to find his brother, and has a sneaking suspicion this game has something to do with it.
𓏵 🍎 — mr. applebottom. he, 40 ,,, main character of obscure learning game, “learn with mr. applebottom!” just a friendly video game character, nothing else to see here!
𓏵 📝 — ryland. he, 09 ,,, tyler’s little brother, missing for the past month. no sign of him anywhere, aside from his shoes being located a few miles from his house.
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ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ’ˢ ʷʳᵒⁿᵍ [ …hm? this shouldn’t be here… ]
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the ask box is now… open!
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While downloading touhou EOSD from my OneDrive to reinstall one of the files said "downloading Cirno," and while it's probably just her sprite image it's like 10x funnier to imagine that Cirno just lives in my computer like Monika as a .chr file
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astrlki · 2 years
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Let me introduce you to Southeast Asian organizations before ASEAN! The middle one and the one on the right are named Maphilindo and ASA (Association of SEAsia)! Mapi is more of a really extroverted naive guy, while Sah is more quiet and kinda knowledgeable, as he studies a lot.
The blue one is SEATO, believe it or not it’s technically not a Southeast Asian organization. Well, it did have some missions in SEA, but the only members in SEA they had was the Philippines and Thailand, so it doesn’t scream the same energy. Though he’s always busy, going from country to country, so you rarely see him around them.
Their relationship is actually pretty wholesome, however that wouldn’t last long, would it?…
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Do you have any song associations for anyone here?
haha...i'm late, buuut I think I can give some? It took so long because it...surprisingly ended up being difficult figuring it out. anyway!
Without spoilering character arcs n such heres songs:
This is just the characters featured so far, i'd like to add more with time hopefully.
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throwaway-yandere · 8 months
same anon // https://www.tumblr.com/throwaway-yandere/742224053528657920/mister-duke-would-you-be-okay-if-i-eat-you?source=share
whwuHWUAGWHAHEW!!!!!!!! okay fair enough 😔 do you wanna get dindin before i eat you then ^_^
// can i be an emoji anon perhaps 🚽 anon
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Normally I'd delete people off the game but I'll show mercy. Not as if I can find your .chr files at the moment— must be an outlander.
Diluc Ragvindr. Head of Military Affairs and informally dubbed as the Duke of the South. I'm temporarily handling the Creative Writing Commission since the leadership spots are empty. How may I reasonably assist you?
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theartofdreaming1 · 8 days
vickyyy!!! hey there! for whatever wip you're the most excited to talk about, could i ask for 🌈 ❄️ and 🌪️? ;)c
Changed up the order of emojis since 🌪️and 🌈 both refer to the same "5 times Laura had to patch up her bf + 1 time Max took care of her" Fic:
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
Max Brinly/Laura Kearney --- 5+1 Things --- Hurt/Comfort --- Funny --- an attempt at getting something useful out of all my embarrassing clumsy accidents
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Laura was at the nurse’s station with Nurse Kelly, chatting with the older lady about what injuries to expect while they were preparing for the first day of camp. A knock at the jamb of their open door interupted their amiable chat; it was none other than Laura’s boyfriend, Max, who had an anxious-looking little girl in tow. “Good morning, ladies!” Max greeted them cheerfully, gently guiding the little camper into the room with him, “Are you ready for your first patients of the day?” The little pig-tailed girl — who Laura thought might be named Isabella, but they had met so many kids yesterday that she wasn’t at all confident in her notion — was gingerly cradling her hand, clearly struggling to maintain a brave face. “Well, aren’t you two eager beavers,” Nurse Kelly replied playfully, exchanging an amused look with Laura, “breakfast has not even started yet. How can we help you?” “Little Izzy here has bravely stepped forward to officially open the great Splinter Season,” Max explained with exaggerated grandeur. Ah. Nurse Kelly had warned Laura that they would have to deal with plenty of these kinds of ‘emergencies’ during the summer. “Poor thing,” Laura winced in sympathy, putting a comforting hand on Izzy’s shoulder before carefully steering the little girl towards Nurse Kelly. “Well, then let us have a look at it and get it out real quick, yeah?” the experienced nurse proposed while patting the examination table invitingly. “And in an act of solidarity, I also got a splinter as well,” Max disclosed once the little patient had taken her seat. Laura couldn’t help rolling her eyes while beckoning her boyfriend towards the other, still unoccupied, examination table. “Of course you have.”
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
And a glimpse into the next chapter of This Is Not Over, But Just the Beginning ... because I swear I'm still working on it! I'm just slow 🦥
Chris Hackett led Laura to a hidden room inside the lodge that could only be accessed through a closet in his quarters. (At this point, there was no denying that this guy was related to Travis — what was it with the Hacketts and their ridiculous, over-the-top attempts at secrecy?!?) The cramped hideaway into which the camp leader owner ushered Laura only contained a cluttered desk and chair, a pinboard that had a few notes and photographs attached to it and a few filing cabinets. “There you go,” Chris Hackett said, his eyes scanning the room, “you should be safe here.” Laura wasn’t exactly convinced that their definitions of ‘safe’ were exactly the same, but she guessed that “creepy-ass hick-bunker” was about as safe as she could get in Werewolf TerritoryTM.  “Sure.” Her gaze swept across the filing cabinets and the papers scattered across the cramped desk, trying to figure out the purpose of this room. “As I said, you should be safe here until morning,” Chrs Hackett repeated, his brown eyes following Laura’s with apprehension. He looked indecisive, then stepped forward to pull open the buttom drawer of the file cabinet and snagged two voluminous manila folders out of it, which he promptly tucked against his chest. This unexpected move made Laura raise a quizzical eyebrow. “You may help yourself to everything else in this room,” the camp leader announced magnanimously to Laura, who had no idea why he made it sound like such a generous offer until he added: “These are all my notes and records on the curse.” Ah. “Well, it’s not like I have anything else to do for the next couple of hours,” Laura said nonchalantly, while taking a seat on the rickety office chair by the desk, “I might as well read up a little to pass the time.” She raised her chin towards the manila folders in Chris Hackett’s grasp: “What about these?” The camp leader’s protective hold on the folders tightened. “These are private.” The expression on Laura’s face soured instantly and she didn’t bother hiding the bitterness that laced her next remark: “Y’know, I really wish someone had considered our privacy while Max and I were being held captive against our will, but I guess that’s just a luxury not everyone gets to enjoy.” To her surprise, her biting words did not induce the usual fleeting look of guilt on Chris Hackett’s face; instead, his stern expression remained unchanged. “These files,” the camp leader said firmly as he was holding up the folders, “are not mine to share.” With a softened look he added: “You’ll find everything referring to my personal experiences in this room, which should give you plenty of insight into what we’re dealing with.” Before Laura could reply, a beeping sound coming from the camp leader’s wristwatch reminded them that now was not the time to be arguing. “I have got to go — lock up behind me and stay safe.” And with that, Chris Hackett turned around and hurried out of the lodge, leaving Laura to shift through a plethora of research material covering this nasty curse that had become her life.
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