#.keigo takami đŸȘ¶
katsukikisses · 2 months
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birds of a feather: chapter two [hawks x reader]
chapter summary: keigo invites you over for the first time and lets you check out his wing-keeping kit. in the process, you learn a few things about his world.
chapter tags: childhood friends; neighbors trope; alternating povs; taking care of keigo's wings as a love language.
cw: prejudice; socioeconomic differences?
prefer to read on ao3? here!
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“'Do not enter' is written on the door way, Why can't everyone just go away? Except you, you can stay, — Alex G, Treehouse
The first time Keigo invited you over, you were ecstatic. 
The invite in itself was long overdue: the two of you had been friends for a year and neighbors for nearly two, so the fact that you’d never once stepped foot in his house during that period seemed like an intentional oversight. You didn’t mind always hanging out at yours’ (rather, you quite liked having Keigo inside your house), but you were insatiably curious about how your hybrid friend lived. You wanted to know what color his bedsheets were, what kind of cereal lined his pantry—everything there was to know about a person, really. 
However, your parents always told you that inviting yourself over was very rude, so you never pushed. You figured there was a reason for his hesitance and eventually stopped asking “ Your place or mine? ” on the walk home from school, letting your house become the default hang-out spot. That’s why, when, on a gray, inconspicuous Tuesday, Keigo asked if you’d like to come over, you were completely caught off guard.
“Wha—?” you sputtered, suddenly having lost the ability to form sentences, “Me, over? House?”
Keigo looked pleased at the state you’d been reduced to. “Yes, you-over-house,” he mocked, “We can even us-play-video games.”
“Shut up,” you reddened. “I’m just surprised since we usually go to mine. B-but I don’t mind going to yours at all! Let’s hurry.” 
You shifted your backpack higher up on your shoulders and began speed-walking down the street, leaving Keigo behind you. You didn’t want to give him the time to change his mind. The blonde snorted, but quickened his pace to match yours. 
Soon, the two of you made it to your street. You took a brief moment to dash inside your own house and yell that you were going to Keigo’s—eliciting surprised Okays from your parents—before dashing back across the street to Keigo’s side. Laughing at your eagerness, he unlatched the front door and entered, leaving you to follow. 
Your first impression of the Takami household was that it was similar to yours: staircase left of the foyer, living room connected to the kitchen. The similarities were to be expected, given that your houses were most likely built by the same construction company—but that was where they ended. Unlike your house, which your mother kept fastidiously white and empty, Keigo’s was full of life. The walls were painted a pretty sage green, and lined with pictures of Keigo, his mother, and an older couple you assumed were his grandparents. The windowsills were also filled with all sorts of plants and herbs, adding a welcome splash of color to the room. It was a stark contrast to the sad, blank interior of your own abode—Keigo’s house had character .
“I know it’s not as nice as yours,” Keigo apologized as he watched you take in your surroundings. “My mom insists on keeping all these dumb plants and—”
“Keigo, I love your house!” you exclaimed, cutting him off. “It’s so much prettier compared to mine. I wish Mom would let us paint our walls or keep plants, but apparently Architectural Digest says that’s not Beige Chic , or whatever.”
Keigo smiled. He knew he shouldn’t have doubted your reaction. “Okay, well once you’re done admiring my pretty house, come upstairs so I can beat you at Mario Kart.”
Your eyes flashed excitedly, immediately leaving the picture you were inspecting to follow after Keigo. “Sure you will. Hey, remind me again who’s the reigning champion?”
The blonde gave you an irritated look, but before he could retort, you were pushing past him up the stairs and into his bedroom. This was what you’d been most curious about on your walk back, and you couldn’t wait any longer to see it. Ignoring Keigo’s words of protest, you opened the door.
“Wow,” you blinked at the sight. “It’s very
You didn’t know what you’d been expecting, but it hadn’t been
 this . Keigo’s bedroom was practically devoid of anything except for Endeavor , his favorite superhero. The walls were plastered with posters of the flame hero, and a row of his figurines lined Keigo’s desk. Atop his twin-sized bed sat a small Endeavor stuffie, which smoldered at you menacingly from across the room. 
You spun around to face your friend. “Keigo, I didn’t you were a fanboy!”
In the doorway of his room, Keigo flushed a red that rivaled his plumage. 
“It’s not—I’m not a fanboy ,” he sputtered, “I just happen to like the show! And they always have a lot of his merch at the thrift and—you know what, I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just sit down.”
Laughing, you took a seat on the carpet and faced his XBox. “Whatever you say, fanboy .”
Keigo valiantly ignored your comment and began rifling through a box of controllers. You took this time to take in the rest of his room, which, aside from the Endeavor paraphernalia, was completely unassuming. There wasn’t much furniture other than a bed and desk, and what little else Keigo did possess was painted in dull shades of grey. The only splash of color was the green sweater he’d been wearing yesterday, now stuffed haphazardly into his drawers. Your eyes lazily followed the outline of the cabinet, until they reached the small box resting atop it.  
“What’s that?” you pointed to the box curiously.
Keigo looked up from where he’d been setting up the XBox—an ancient thing he and his mom had scored at Goodwill—and spotted what you were pointing at. “Oh, that’s my wing-keeping kit.”
“Yeah,” he shifted his wings, letting them catch rays from the window. The red plumes gleamed like rubies. “You didn’t think they were naturally like this, did you? This kind of exquisiteness requires serious upkeep, YN”
“Oh,” you said dumbly. The sight of Keigo’s feathers fluttering was nothing short of mesmerizing, and, for some reason, you liked that he was showing off to you. “Can I see the tools?”
The words left your mouth before you could think about them. You watched as Keigo’s wings immediately came to a still, and you internally groaned. Here we go. 
Over the course of your year-long friendship with Keigo, you’d come to learn a lot about the blonde. You knew that he liked superhero shows (specifically Endeavor: Legend of the Flame) and that his favorite subject was History. He could run a 7-minute mile—the fastest out of all the fourth-grade boys—and was a fiend for fried chicken. You knew that, despite being relatively popular, he didn’t really like the other kids at school, and you were probably the closest thing to a best friend that he had. And most importantly, you knew to never, ever talk about hybrids around him. 
At first, you figured he was just annoyed by your questions. As the only hybrid in your class, Keigo was constantly being probed by your classmates about his wings or eye markings. He’d never ignore them, of course, always answering their queries good-naturedly—but the tight-lipped smile he wore during those interactions betrayed his agitation. As your friendship progressed and you interacted more frequently with the blonde, though, you realized it wasn’t just questions about himself that irritated Keigo—it was whenever humans talked about hybrids at all. The week your class covered Japan’s history of hybrid discrimination, Keigo had resolutely faced the window and didn’t take a single note; and whenever Endeavor fought a hybrid villain on screen, Keigo huffed and asked to skip the episode. Little incidents like those deterred you from asking any questions related to his bird appendages, and even more from inquiring about the reason behind his anger. 
Thus, you’d gone an entire year avoiding discussing anything hybrid-related with him. You figured that, as with him not inviting you in, he’d eventually get over it—you were sitting in his room right now, weren’t you? Plus, he couldn’t hate humans altogether if he was friends with you. There must be a logical reason behind his behavior, you reasoned.
Except, you’d blown any chance of that happening, now that you opened your big fat mouth and asked about his wings. And the first time he invited me over, too, you bemoaned internally. You’d at least wanted to see the kitchen before you got kicked out!
“Um, sorry,” you backtracked, “I don’t know why I asked that. It’s personal, I know—sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Keigo replied, equally hesitant. He took a deep breath as if preparing himself for a daunting task. “Um, if you really want to see, I can show you. The tools, I mean.”
Your jaw nearly fell to the ground. “Really? I can see?”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” he said, sounding as though it were absolutely a big deal. He walked over to his cabinet and swiped the kit off the top. You watched, disbelieving, as he made his way back to you and deposited it unceremoniously in your lap. 
The first thing you registered about the kit was that it was heavy—heavier than it looked. It was constructed of smooth wood paneling and about the size of a book, with no indication of what resided within it save for a small feather engraved on the top, and perhaps the faint smell of essential oils emitting from it Your fingers fluttered over the ridges of the box, and, with one final seeking glance at Keigo, you lifted the lid off the top. 
As the smell suggested, the inside of the kit was lined with various vials of oil, each labeled something different. Laying next to the oils, their sharp edges cushioned by the velvet interior, was a collection of tools: shears of various sizes as well as several brushes and clippers. They glinted menacingly in the afternoon light, causing you to reign in a shudder; you couldn’t imagine using tools like that on your own body. 
Keigo watched your expression carefully. “I have to trim and condition my feathers about every two weeks,” he explained, “Or else they’ll get tangled and torn.” 
“I didn’t realize they required so much attention,” you tore your gaze away from the box and faced him. And, for the second time that day, your mouth moved before your brain. “Can you show me? How you do it?”
Sure,” he said after a momentary pause, looking faintly bemused. “It’s been a while since I last trimmed them, anyway.” 
He began picking out various tools and oils from the box. You leaned forward, eager to see which ones he chose. When it came to Keigo, it was like you could never know enough. 
He lined the three oils he’d grabbed—labeled “primaries”, “secondaries”, and “contour”, respectively—on the floor. “The different oils are for different parts of my wings,” he said, extending out his left wing as he spoke. “My primary feathers are these long feathers out here, and the inner ones are called secondaries. And these are my contour feathers, which make me more aerodynamic—they help me fly better, basically,” he amended, noticing your blank stare. “But before I do that, I have to trim them.”
As he finished his explanation, he removed a large tablecloth from the bottom of the kit and unfolded it on the floor. He picked up one of the shears he’d taken out earlier and began trimming off the edges of his wings. Red tufts fluttered to the floor, like autumn leaves shaken out of a tree. You stared, enthralled, before his earlier words registered in your mind. 
“Wait, fly? I thought you weren’t
allowed to,” you trailed off, realizing you were approaching dangerous territory. Hybrid Limitations were one of the most contentious topics in Japan, and you figured that Keigo, as an avian hybrid, would have his share of thoughts on it. 
Instead of becoming upset, though, he merely shook his head. “I’m not,” he confirmed. His words were punctuated by the steady snip of shears coming down around another feather. “This kit was passed down to me from my grandfather, and during his time there weren’t restrictions on winged hybrids. So it still contains flight-care stuff.”
“Oh,” you said, “Do you wish you could fly?” 
Keigo peered at you through the folds of his wing. Randomly, you were struck by the memory of the first time he came to your house; cold and wet, focused on drying off his wings while you chattered annoyingly at him. 
“Maybe,” he set down the shears and picked up one of the vials of oil. Surprised, you realized he was already done with trimming. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get to, though.”
Keigo gave his wings a firm ruffle, shaking off any lingering feather trimmings. Then, he poured a small bit of oil into his palms and began carding them gently through his longest feathers—the primaries, you recalled. You watched in silence as he worked down his wing, coating each plume in a thin layer of oil. Usually when Keigo was focused on something, he had a look of intense concentration on his face: brows pinched, eyes narrowed. Yet, now, his expression was relaxed and peaceful—this must be calming for him.
As he got closer to his inner feathers, though, he had to strain his neck to oil them properly, and his tranquil expression dissolved into a more concentrated one. “My mom usually helps me with the back,” he explained, sounding slightly frustrated, “It’s harder for me to see back there and—”
“I can help you,” you said. Keigo’s hands stilled in his wings, and you wondered a bit too late if your offer had been inappropriate. But you’d already breached all sorts of boundaries today, so what was one more? 
Keigo cleared his throat. “Um, sure. Come, uh—come closer.” 
“Okay,” you shuffled over to behind him. “Um, what do I
“Grab the oil labeled ‘secondaries’.”
“Pour a little into your hands—yeah, that’s good. And let it heat up a bit in your palms.”
“Now, you see the feathers at the bottom of my wings? The shorter ones.”
“Work the oil into them, from the root to the ends.” 
“Okay,” you gulped. Your hands, covered in a sharp-smelling oil, shook as you reached toward the feathers. I have to do this right , you thought determinedly—you couldn’t bear it if you accidentally hurt Keigo. 
Slowly, you grabbed the outermost feather and began working the oil into it. If your own hands hadn’t been shaking so badly, you might’ve noticed the way Keigo’s wings shuddered, too. 
After you got through the first few feathers without doing any damage—and leaving Keigo content, seemingly—you became more confident in your abilities. Your movements were more fluid, and your shoulders untensed—you could see why your friend found this relaxing. 
Once you finished the secondaries, you moved on to the last section: his contour feathers. You picked up the appropriately labeled oil and found that it was much fuller than the other two. Recalling what he said about not being able to fly, you sadly realized that those feathers probably didn’t get as much use as his other ones, therefore needing less maintenance. With newfound vigor, you uncapped the vial and poured a generous amount into your palms.
“I hope,” you began, “That you get a lot of use out of this oil one day.”
“I hope not,” Keigo replied, “That’s the most expensive one.”
(He knew what you meant, though.)
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It was rare for Takami Toomie to see her house during the day. 
Well, it was nearing evening, technically, but sunlight was sunlight. Between her job at the restaurant, the hospital, and
the other one, she’d practically become a vampire—she couldn’t remember the last time she came home before midnight. But today all the stars had aligned perfectly: her coworker had agreed to cover her shift, the hospital hadn’t called her in, and—best of all—the fried chicken ordered from their restaurant never got picked up, leaving it up for grabs. 
Toomie recalled staring at the steaming bucket of chicken for the entire pick-up hour, and then snatching it up as soon as time was up. She’d flushed when her coworkers saw her shove the food into her bag, but their judgment would be nothing compared to the joy of seeing Keigo smile—something that happened too infrequently for Toomie’s liking. Though, it's not exactly like I encourage him to be more carefree... 
Shaking off her guilt, Tookie pushed through the front door of her home. She smiled at the sight of rays filtering in through the window and meandered over to the kitchen, where she set down the bucket. A glance at the clock told her that Keigo was already back at school, and her smile widened. They could eat together! 
She grabbed her phone from her bag and began searching for the LNs contact. She assumed Keigo was with them, considering he slept over practically every day now. It was a development she tried not to be too bothered by, as she knew it was lonely for him here. Still, she couldn’t help but be wary of the situation. YN seemed like a sweet kid, on the few occasions she’d met them, but one could never be sure

She sighed as finally found the contact. Keigo would be a little upset at being called back early, she figured, but his disappointment would definitely disappear as soon as he saw the chicken. Plus, the two of them hadn’t had dinner together in forever. Reaffirmed in her decision, Toomie made to hit Call on the contact—but just as her finger was about to tap the screen, she heard the faintest sounds of conversation emanating from upstairs. 
Toomie paused. It sounded like two kids...did Keigo have a friend over? Curiously, she made her way to the stairwell and strained to listen, wings shifting nervously behind her. Keigo never told her that he was bringing someone over, and he wasn’t the type to sneak around behind her back, either. Immediately, terrible thoughts filled her head. What if someone had followed Keigo home and they were hurting him upstairs? Or what if someone had broken in and were robbing them? Panicked, she dropped her phone and sprinted up the stairs, wings flapping madly behind her. They ached from disuse, but she didn’t even register the pain. Her only thoughts were Keigo, Keigo, Keigo. 
She threw open his bedroom door, and the sight that greeted her was more horrible than any robbery or bullying. Keigo was sitting on the floor, wings spread out to their maximum length, while you kneeled behind him, gently carding oil through his inner-most feathers. Next to you was Keigo’s wing-keeping kit—a gift from his grandfather, her father —with various tools and vials spilling out of it. Everything was out in the open for you to see.
At the sound of the door hitting the wall, Keigo turned around. “Mom?” his eyes widened. “When did you get back?”
“Just now,” she replied, her eyes flitting between the two of you. “You didn’t tell me you were having guests over, Keigo.”
Hearing this, you sheepishly stood and bowed to her. Your hands, still covered in oil, hung awkwardly in the hair. 
“I’m sorry for coming over uninvited, Takami-san,” you apologized, “I should’ve had my parents call you.” 
At the sight of your nervousness, Toomie’s agitation subsided. “It’s alright, YN-chan,” she said, attempting a kind tone. But her day had been long and she’d worked the night shift beforehand and—she just wanted to have dinner with her son. “I’m just surprised, is all. Plus, it’s Keigo who should’ve said something.”
She turned her attention back to her son. “You need to tell me when you have hu—people over, Kei.”
She barely managed to cover her slip-up. Keigo raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her. 
“Well, I didn’t know you were even going to see them, since you don’t usually get back until later. Why are you back this early anyway?”
Toomie groaned internally. Wasn’t he a little young for the rebellious stage? “I got off work early,” she said tightly, “And I thought we could have dinner toge—”
“Is that chicken?” Keigo cut her off, finally registering the mouth-watering smell wafting from the kitchen. His wings, freshly clipped and conditioned, raised excitedly. Toomie couldn’t help but smile at his enthusiasm.
“Oh, well then I should probably go,” you said awkwardly, wiping your oil-covered hands off on your school uniform. Toomie wished she could’ve told you to not do that, as wing-keeping oils were notoriously difficult to get out of clothes—your skirt would permanently have greasy handprints on them now. But before she could say something, you were nimbly sliding past her in the doorway and into the hall. 
“Please enjoy your dinner!” you smiled at the two of them. 
Keigo jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran after you. “Wait, YN,” he said, “Don’t go yet.” 
He glanced briefly at his mother, asking her an unspoken question. But the woman was looking at you, still wringing your hands awkwardly in the hallway.
Toomie exhaled softly through her nose. After all those free dinners they gave Keigo, she thought miserably, Practically every day of the year
how could I even come close to repaying them? 
“Yes, YN-chan, we would love for you stay for dinner,” she lied, “Do you like fried chicken?” 
Your eyes practically sparkled as you thanked her excitedly, assuring her that, yes, you loved fried chicken. As the three of you made your way down the stairs, Keigo pulling you by the wrist, Toomie couldn’t help but mourn her lost dinner. The bucket was a share-size, yet with how much Keigo ate, he could probably put away the entire thing—it had been a stretch for the two of them to share, much less three people. Looks like you and Keigo would be enjoying an adult-free dinner, tonight. Toomie sighed, resigning herself to a trip to the konbini. She’d refrained from snacking on kitchen scraps and sent-back meals as she usually did during her shift, not wanting to spoil her appetite, and this was what she got. Honestly, with her evening plans now canceled, she might just head back to work—clearly, she could use the extra money. 
Toomie watched as Keigo tugged you into the kitchen and began pulling plates and silverware out of the drawers. She wondered how she could gracefully bow out of the dinner—kids didn’t really think too hard about those sorts of interactions, but she also didn’t want you to report back to your parents that Toomie didn’t bother spending any time with you. She was already going to be the mom who brought back a bucket of fried chicken as dinner, for God’s sake.  
Still ruminating over her dilemma, Toomie didn’t notice you seemingly lost in your own thoughts. Even as Keigo set the dinner table—for three people, the little idealist—you remained standing, simply staring at the bucket. 
“Actually, Keigo-kun, Takami-san,” you started, spinning around to face them, “I have a good idea! My parents are having yakisoba tonight, along with some other vegetables. Fried chicken goes great with yakisoba, doesn’t it? We should take it over to my house and eat together! My mom’s always asking you to come over anyways, Takami-san.”
You finished with a bright grin on your face. Toomie only blinked in response. 
(Perhaps you deserved a little more credit than she gave you.) 
“That’s really nice of you to offer, dear. I think we’ll take you up on that.” Toomie managed. From across the kitchen, Keigo gaped at her—she knew he’d expected her to decline. “You’re too kind, YN-chan.” 
You, too, seemed shocked that Toomie actually accepted—a deserved reaction, considering the amount of times she’d turned down your family’s invitations in the past. But you recovered quickly, your blinding grin overtaking your face once more.
“It’s my pleasure,” you said brightly. You picked up the bucket of chicken and started out the door, suddenly heading the whole operation. “I hope we can eat before the sun sets!” 
Keigo hurriedly shoved the plates back into the drawers and dashed after you, calling for you to wait for him. Toomie smiled at the sight, before sighing again and walking over to the fridge. She began rifling through its contents—some leftovers from work, a pack of expired beer—in hopes of dredging up a side dish. Impromptu as this dinner was, she couldn’t be so pathetic as to only show up with cold fried chicken. 
Yet, even as Toomie peered into her frighteningly empty fridge, she couldn’t help but feel content with the outcome of her evening. Absolutely nothing about it had gone to plan—but Keigo was smiling, wasn’t he?  
Maybe YN would be good for them, Toomie admitted. 
Next Chapter (
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author's note: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long to come out. This chapter explores more of Keigo's life since the first chapter was very reader-focused, but Toomie's also able to give us an outsider's perspective on YN. I think due to having very present and communicative parents she's become emotionally intelligent at a young age (which I see in a lot of the kids at the private school I work at lol); however, a lot of the practical application still depends on socializing with kids her age and besides Keigo she doesn't have a lot of practice with that
but we'll see more in the coming chapters đŸ«ŁđŸ«Ł
Thanks for reading and I can't wait to see you guys in the next chapter!
105 notes · View notes
tapiocakisses · 2 months
god he is so fuckable i need to breed him
112 notes · View notes
officialhawks · 7 months
fuck you
Oh? Okay then! Alright have a good day!
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winguhiro · 5 months
“ if corrupting myself is enough to put everyone else at ease, then i will gladly take on this job . ”
[ WINGUHIRO ] independent, semi - selective, literate novella, manga based + headcanon influenced, mature themes. TAKAMI KEIGO!
a study in : flightless birds, stolen childhoods, corruption, tragic prodigies, flying too close to the sun.
direwarg : penned by daphne, 18+/MDNI, she/they, multi - muse insta ( LONGCLAWED ), discord ( DIREWOLVED ), personal tags
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electricvinyls · 4 months
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Gggguys....gghggf...fragile...handle with care...gjggf...me and...robot... boyfriend...hawks...
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rinaarts · 1 month
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Keigo Takami my beloved. 💛đŸȘ¶
997 notes · View notes
varukaart · 9 months
Happy birthday takami keigo đŸȘ¶
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366 notes · View notes
queenendless · 9 months
đŸȘ¶âŁïžđŸȘœThis Bird's Beauty (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)đŸȘœâŁïžđŸȘ¶
A/N: Testing the waters and getting back to writing BNHA stuff. This time on my recent simping/comfort character.
AU time, already established relationship, tickle fluff, and emotional stuff cause I'm an emotional wreck right now.
Plus I have read a lot of tickle fluff with this man and now I want in on it! There is some in here so I count that!
The past month and so this bird man has been on my mind. And I need new anime husbandos to write for!
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Another day in Kyushu.
Another busy patrol.
All to attain his long-term goal of heroes having too much free time on their hands.
Worn out, scuffed here and there, and gliding slowly above his hometown, the #2 hero Hawks was heading back to his favorite spot in the city.
A conversation from earlier surfaced in his mind.
“No villain stands a chance against you, Hawks!” One of his sidekicks ego boosted him.
“And no hero for that matter.” His other sidekick remarked.
Hawks chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Endeavor would disagree on that last one. Even the fastest hero alive can't handle the flames so well.”
“And does the fastest youngest hero alive have their eyes set on anyone lately~?”
“I've got my whole life before this young bird settles down in the nest.” That was his ending remark before saluting off to his crew and flying on outta there.
” He murmured to himself as he took a certain familiar route through the air. “I've already got my sights set on a particular birdie~”
A precious light amongst the seas of blurred smudges.
Saving you on more than one occasion.
Just a regular quirkless person.
Coincidence turned into a kinda sorta reason.
Spotting you between patrols and breaks.
An instant curiosity turned to intrigue.
Walking with you, talking with you about anything besides hero work, getting some fried chicken together.
This new constant of his day-to-day life as the #2 hero of Japan became the one constant he wished to keep hidden from the rest of the world.
One minute you're the breath of fresh air that he gladly partakes in. The next thing he knows, seeing you waving at him one day had his stoic face burning up at how much his heart was racing.
Your genuine gaze, your comforting scent, your infectious laughter —
Razor sharp vision spotted your apartment a mile away as he arrived at the more tranquil suburbs set against the rowdy cityscape.
He could immediately visualize you reading something curled up on your fuzzy soft rug in your bedroom, laying on your tummy as your bare legs crisscrossed in the air, your balcony door cracked open to let in the fresh air.
“All too easy.” He snickered as he sent several of his small feathers to zoom in through the opening.
Your recognition of the tough supple fuzziness that is his feathers stroking your bare soles had you rubbing away those tingling touches only to giggle absentmindedly as those feathers split up to stroke your heels, your topsides, and your arches.
Viewing your smile growing and picking up your melodious giggles through the sound vibrations in the air his feathers received had him relishing in his newfound hobby on top of winding down with you.
“Beautiful, inside and out.”
Your concentration on reading crumbled as you squeaked from those feathers wiggling against your toes, having you roll over and pull your legs to your chest, rubbing your feet together as your narrowed gaze homed in on those feathers floating back to the big bird man perched outside.
“Hey birdy!” Hawks' cheery face and tone had you at a loss between glee and frustration. “I've missed ya!” He was met with a pillow thrown at his face, taking the plush smack, catching it right after. “I take it the feeling’s not mutual?”
“It's been a week.” You stood up and brushed out your wrinkled attire as he hopped down from his perch on the railing before you, his ruffled feathers straightening themselves out. “And the first thing you do is a sneak attack!”
“Well, performing my heroic duties comes first, of course. Didn't stop me from thinking about you, though.” His flattery could only get him so far out of the doghouse, tossing the pillow aside. “And your lovely voice.”
“Can't see why though – EEK~!” The feather tickling your neck had you squealing and smacking your skin for not catching said feather as Hawks snorted in his gloved hand, smirking his ass off.
“Well cause I like everything about you 
 and you being ticklish is just a bonus.” He laughed as you playfully smacked his arm. “This is the thanks I get for saving you all those times?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. I owe you my life.” Your sarcastic remark trails off when his tough supple wings draped around you, pulling you flush against him as his pouting lips and downtrodden eyes made you sigh in exasperated admittance. “Okay okay.”
Grabbing both sides of his fluffy collar, you pulled Hawks down enough for you to gently peck his lips. “Seriously 
 thank you.”
He blushed bright as a rose, grinning all dopey like. He cupped and brushed your cheeks as he returned the kiss tenderly, murmuring between breaks. “How lucky am I to have a gem like you in my life?”
“Flattery will only get you so far, #2.” Your airy remark was short lived as his golden-brown eyes gleamed with mirth.
“And your teasing will just keep getting you this~!”
His wings scribbled against your backside, causing a stream of squeals to come out, sounding so melodious to his own ears.
“No fair!” Your frantic pushing against his chest only drove him to have his feathers strike your nape. “Stahahap!” You felt your feet slip over your forgotten book, leaving it up to Hawks’ quick reflexes to keep you standing as his arms and wings protectively wrapped you up in his fuzzy cocoon, increasing the tingling sensations rubbing every inch of you. “Hahahahahawks!”
“So sensitive.” His faint stubble brushed the side of your neck, grinning against your skin as you squeaked louder. “So squishy~” He swooned, his arms flexing as he squeezed your waistline, wiggling his fingers into your sides plus squeezing them for good measure. “So squeamish!”
“I hahahate you – AAH~!” Him lifting you by your thighs had your arms and legs instinctively hugging his neck and waist.
“That's not what I see here, beautiful~” His smug smirk made you hide your flushed whining face in his neck, feeling the rumbling of his laughter seep through you. “But okay, I'll stop with the tickles 
 if you help me strip~”
“God you tease.” Your complaint was betrayed by your heartfelt emotion. Gingerly taking off his visor, his amused affectionate eyes watched as you also took off his headphones with slow tepid care, keeping you steady with his hands pressed to you tight.
“Ya know 
 you can call me by my real name 
 if you want to, that is.” He mused as he plopped down on your bed and helped you take off his jacket. “Seems only fair since I always call you by yours.” He pried his gloves off with his teeth, tempting you with his actions. “I wanna hear my name coming off your lips~” He purred.
Tenderly setting his removed items down on your nightstand table, you cupped his own cheeks just so you could look him straight in those golden-brown hues. “Keigo.” His eyes lite up right away. “K 
 Kei.” He audibly gulped as rose red tinted from his ears to his neck for indeed his blushing face spoke volumes of how overjoyed he was. “Can I call you that? Kei?”
He cheekily grinned. “Anything for you, angel.”
You peppered kisses all over his own giggling face. Prying his boots off with help from the heels, Keigo delicately pushed you to lie down on your back, legs intertwined, as some of his feathers tugged the balcony slide door closed before returning to his wings draping you both in their cozy protective warmth.
“I really did miss you, baby bird.”
He froze up as the sounds of sniffles reached his ears. The sight of tears making your e/c eyes shimmer like jewels are as mesmerizing as they are heart wrenching.
“I missed you too, Kei. So much.” His butterfly kisses to your eyes and cheeks were his way to cheer you up and show you just how much he cares for you, smiling as his stubble tickled your sensitive face enough to make you giggle and smile yourself.
“This optimistic guy is just glad to finally be home with his beauty again.” He sighed deeply as you brushed through his unruly messy hair, relaxing and leaning in to your heavenly touch.
Lulled by your caresses, he felt himself falling asleep, whispering as his droopy eyes turned to you.
“Y/n, thank you.” His lazy kiss gets returned by you, having his tired smile still radiating endearment as you both pulled away. “For coming into my life. Letting me be myself around you. Just 
“I feel the same way, Kei.” You confess as you too felt the embrace of sleep taking you in, using his chest as a pillow, slacking as having him back in your arms made it that much easier to settle down and unwind, straight to sleepy town. “I love you.”
Keigo's heart beats right outta his chest at that confession, admiring your sweet sleeping self, giving your forehead a kiss, curling into you, lulled by your soft breathing as it became his favorite lullaby. “I love you too.”
His wings settled back, pulling away to rest behind him as Keigo pulled you two to lay on your sides, still enraptured in each other, as nighttime swept throughout Kyushu.
For their winged protector took a nice long rest.
With you, his beautiful partner, safe and sound in his arms.
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imagineanime2022 · 10 months
Heroes W/ An S/O W/ A Talking Cat
Keigo Takami (Hawks) X Reader, Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum) X Reader, Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) X Reader, Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic) X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi 👋, I read your story about the Lov with s/o who has a talking cat while I was reading it. I was thinking how funny it would be if it was the pro heroes instead of the villain like Mr. Aizawa, or hawks, or any other pro hero with S/O’s talking cat I think that would be hilarious?😂 AND Hello I really love your work it’s amazing😁 I love your post about the LOV with a witch S/O who has a pet talking cat I wanted to ask if there was one for the pro heroes like Aizawa, Mirko, Fat gum or even Hawks I think that would’ve been hilarious to know what their reactions would be like to S/O’s talking cat?😂
Keigo Takami/ Hawks
đŸȘ¶ Keigo found out because he was teasing him, you had warned him not to but he didn’t listen, lucky for you instead of lashing out. Your cat decided to tell him off themselves. đŸȘ¶ It only took a little while before they both started to tease each other, Keigo scaring your cat half to death and your cat taking every opportunity to jump on Keigo or swipe at his feet. đŸȘ¶ You could come home to a disaster zone if Keigo got home before you, which was not often but when it did happen you honestly dreaded it. đŸȘ¶ You literally could not trust them to do anything, they were proud creatures and often tried to show you how much better they were then the other and that lead to even more problems.
You had been in the shower, you had only left them for 15 minutes and as you walked out of the bathroom when you heard a crash, you ran into the living room with nothing but a towel wrapped around your body “woah hello there beautiful.” Keigo smirked as he looked away from (Y/C/N) across the room. “Gross, that is my parent.!” (Y/C/N) continued. “Well they’re my partner so cover your ears if you don’t wanna hear it!” Keigo ordered. “What the hell is going on?” You asked, arms crossed as you looked between the two of you. “Nothing that you need to worry your pretty little head about, I’m just proving that he couldn’t catch me if he tried.” Keigo smirked as he looked back at the cat. “He has caught you before
 Many times.” You reminded him. “Told you!” (Y/C/N) cheered. “Ah yes but that is swiftly followed by my own attack.” Keigo said. “Almost as if I were expecting it.” “Can you both just behave yourself for 10 minutes while I get changed?” You asked. “Ask him, he’s the one that starts it.” (Y/C/N) turned his back to Keigo and you narrowed your eyes as you saw the feathers moving towards the unknowing feline. “Stop.” “Fine fine, I’ll just come with you.” He wriggled his eyebrows as you rolled your eyes, turning away from him. “You're gross.” (Y/C/N) muttered as he disappeared into the kitchen. You turned away to walk back into the bedroom and get changed as Keigo followed. “You can’t expect me to behave myself without a reward.” Keigo followed you into the room catching you before you would walk towards the draws that housed all of you pajamas. “Will you ever learn to behave yourself?” You asked. “You don’t want that.” He teased, pressing a kiss to your jaw slowly coaxing you into something other than getting dressed.
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Taishiro Toyomitsu/ Fatgum
🍡 Fatgum didn’t realise that there was anything different about your cat in fact it probably could have stayed that way for a very long time. 🍡 They got along well whenever he was eating something he shared with you little companion and scolded you when you told the little one that they had enough. You at one point were sure that the little guy was putting on weight. 🍡 They loved cuddling up together and you would often find them in bed or on the sofa, he found out about him talking when he walked in on the two of you arguing about stealing your boyfriend. 🍡 From there he treated him more like a child then a pet, scolding him and playing with him and still feeding him more than he needed.
You sighed as you walked into the house, smiling as you heard Taishiro talking in the other room, you knew that he was talking to (Y/C/N), you walked into the room raising an eyebrow as you watched the two “if I give you an extra dinner you can’t tell mum, she’s going to kill me!” Taishiro muttered, hunched over the cat that was looking at him with pleading eyes. “I never tell her.” (Y/C/N) answered and you narrowed your eyes, they both got up, it took longer for your cat to notice you than your boyfriend (who stopped dead in his tracks) because of the sofa obscuring the little one’s vision. “Extra dinners?” You asked. “Really?” “He said he was starving.” Taishiro said. “He always says that he’s starving, I took him for a check up, he’s almost overweight!” You complained. “Alright
 I’ll stop.” Taishiro said. “You promised me that before and look what happened
” You crossed your arms over your chest and turned away from them. (Y/C/N) was the first to come over rubbing against your ankle, you glanced down at him and he looked up at you. “I know that this diet is hard but once we get you back to a healthy weight, you can have your treats back as a reward.” You reached down, tickling his chin. “This is stupid.” (Y/C/N) grumbled and you nodded. “Uh huh, so no extra dinner for you and you.” You pointed at Taishiro across the room who was looking as guilty as ever. “No sweets for the rest of the night.” “Yes ma’am.” He nodded as he walked over, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “I’m leaving you alone for 20 minutes while I shower and get changed but if you do anything I’ll be able to smell the guilt on you.” You warned them. “Humans can’t smell guilt.” (Y/C/N) said. “Test me.” You goaded him before disappearing into the bedroom and further into the bathroom.
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Shota Aizawa/ Eraserhead
🐛 You didn’t even tell this man that your cat could talk, he just started talking to them one day and of course your feline friend spoke back, he literally did not bat an eyelid. 🐛 Laziest creatures in your life, they will collectively convince you to do nothing
 Unless it’s food time, if it’s food time then the cat is no ally to anyone. 🐛 Most would think that Aizawa was the one who owned the cat because it was constantly trailing after him and complimenting him on everything that he did with the odd sassy comment when they didn’t agree on something, honestly some would say that he stole your cat. 🐛 You're sure that they miss each other more than they ever miss you and sometimes you're dramatic about it but rest assured you are the most important person in either one of their lives.
You walked through the front door kicking off your shoes, you dropped your bag to the floor before walking into the living room “you took your time.” Aizawa said as he looked up at you from his reclined position on the sofa. “Hello to you too.” You smiled as you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, he smiled quickly catching your lips in a soft kiss. “Hey hey! What about me!?” You giggled at the voice before turning to the black cat it belonged to curled up on Aizawa’s chest cradling his face in your hands as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. “Have you both been here the whole day?” You asked. “No.” Aizawa answered. “I had classes to teach today.” “So you’ve been like this since 3pm?” You asked. “I guess.” Aizawa answered. “Did you at least feed him?” You asked. “You know those biscuits are a complete diet right, there are some cats that would settle for just them.” Aizawa mumbled. “Yeah well I’m not one of them.” (Y/C/N) said as he stood his front legs stretched out in front of him as he stretched and you rolled your eyes walking into the kitchen and putting the meat down for him before walking back into the living room, Aizawa reached out a hand pulling you to lay with him when you were close enough. “Are you sure this is a good idea Shota?” You asked as you glance towards the entrance the loud feline would appear in when he was finished. “Mmm it’s fine.” He answered half heartedly as he continued to wrap you tighter in his arms, not 5 minutes later did you hear what you expected. “You two just cast me out after 5 minutes, you know I was coming back right?” He asked as hopped up on the sofa walking over your intertwined legs before finally settling on your back, you hummed as you shifted slightly to get more comfortable, you knew that you should all move, the bed was definitely more comfortable but staying here with the two most important beings in your life for some reason was more appealing so you didn’t move for now this would be fine.
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Yamada Hizashi/ Present Mic
đŸŽ€ Again another who wasn’t affected by your cat talking, he however is not as happy about it as others. They literally argue all the time because let’s be honest Hizashi is like a big cat himself. đŸŽ€ You were constantly breaking them up, they never tried to hurt each other but they would always complain about something that the other was doing. đŸŽ€ You tried to split your time between them equally but they always had something to say about that too. đŸŽ€ As they lived together more they learned to deal with each other better, they learned what set the other off and tried to avoid it when you were around.
Hizashi had been at work all day, you were in the kitchen cutting up meat, you put a small pile aside for (Y/C/N) as you started cooking up the meat for dinner, once it was all cooked you put his portion aside and continued cooking for you and Hizashi. “Smells good.” Hizashi said, his voice softer than most people get to hear it. “Thank you.” You smiled leaning back into him as he rested his forehead on your shoulder. “Long day? How are the kids?” “Fine, they’re fine.” He answered. “But
” You prompted him to continue as he lifted his head. “They didn’t come to UA to do english lessons, they get bored so easily, stop paying attention.” He explained and you chuckled. “You know, even for people who aren’t looking to become heroes, English lessons were boring, it’s just about making it interesting.” You said. “Don’t give him ideas he’s interesting enough.” Your bubble was shattered as the black cat jumped up on the counter top. “Do you mind? We are having a private conversation.” Hizashi scolded him. “Well then don’t have it in the middle of the kitchen.” (Y/C/N) muttered. “Would it have mattered if we were in the bedroom?” Hizashi asked. “I guess not.” He turned away and walked over to the plate where you had left the meat that you saved for him. “This for me?” “Yeah.” You answered, lifting the plate away from him “If I give you this will you leave us alone for a little while, you know it’s not your turn so don’t be a bother.” “Fine, fine.” He lifted his paw as if to pull your hand down to him. “Good.” You nodded, you put the plate back down before going back to your own dinner and finishing up what you needed to. “I’ve decided what movie to watch tonight.” He mumbled and you smiled. “Good, then let’s finish this food so we can watch a movie and you can relax yeah?” You suggested and you felt him nod rather then heard him but you both made small noises as (Y/C/N) made a noise of disgust in the back of his throat.
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Request Here!!
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katsukikisses · 1 month
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birds of a feather: chapter three [hawks x reader]
chapter summary: sixth grade is a year of changes. you and keigo learn a few things about yourselves as you prepare to enter junior high.
also, by popular demand (aka 6 people), i have made a playlist for birds of a feather. it's a wip so if you guys have any songs you think would suit this fic then please leave a comment or send in an ask with the song name, and i will add it!
chapter tags: childhood friends trope; alternating povs; feelings realizations; discussion of japanese honorific speech. this is a helpful article on the intricacies of honorifics if you are interested.
cw: obligatory mean girl steal-ur-man character; socioeconomic differences?; toomie not showing up for keigo's graduation
prefer to read on ao3? here!
prev. chapter | table of contents | next chapter
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“When we were younger, We didn't know how it would be, We were the dumb, the wild, the free." — Conan Gray, Little League
“Hey, Keigo-kun, what are you wearing to the graduation ceremony?”
“I bet he’ll be wearing a hakama, since he’s traditional like that. Aren’t you, Keigo-kun?”
“At least tell us what color, Keigo-kun! Maybe we’ll match.” 
That last comment was enough to stir you from your nap. With immense effort, you lifted your head from its comfortable position on your desk and sat up straight. A bleary glance at the clock told you that there were only a few minutes left before class started, causing you to sigh—no point in going back to sleep, now. 
Vengefully, you turned towards the commotion that had awoken you, and, unsurprisingly, found your best friend at the center of it. Keigo sat at his desk at the far end of the room, surrounded by a gaggle of girls. They leaned against the windowsills and surrounding desks, getting as close as possible without overstepping boundaries. The boldest of the group, a girl named Miyake Aito, was perched on Keigo’s desk, legs swinging beneath her. When you heard her giggle at the other girls’ teasing, you realized that she’d been the one to inquire about matching outfits. Unbidden, a frown spread across your face. 
“I’m not sure yet, Miyake-san” Keigo was saying, smiling amiably. “I don’t want to be the only one in traditional wear.”
The girls were quick to assure him that No, there will definitely be others, and began to complain about how guys didn’t want to wear hakamas anymore. Keigo listened to them politely, nodding at the appropriate times, but subtly attempted to peer around their bodies. You realized, belatedly, that he was searching for you. How did he even know I’d woken up? Sometimes, it was like he had a sixth sense for all things YN-related. 
Keigo's golden eyes finally found yours and narrowed at your sleep-addled appearance. You stuck your tongue out at him in return. For a moment, the two of you remained in your little bubble, silently communicating across the room. 
Aito quickly picked up on the blonde's distraction, though, and followed his line of sight. When she realized he was looking at you, she began waving at you excitedly. 
“LN-chan!” she grinned at you. “You’re finally up! Come join us.”
The other girls agreed, enthusiastically beckoning you over. Face heating up at the attention (and at the mention of your mid-morning nap), you rose from your seat and made your way over. You stopped at the edge of the group, but Aito reached out and pulled you to her side. Her long, wavy hair, which she wore over her shoulder, tickled your bare arm. 
“Um, what’s up?” you asked, attempting to sound casual. You’d never really spoken to Aito or her friends, so the sudden proximity was a little startling. 
“We’re trying to get Keigo to wear a hakama for the graduation ceremony,” Aito pouted, as if his refusal aggrieved her personally. “Help us convince him, LN-chan!”
“Oh, I don’t know if I’d be any help,” you said, looking down at the boy in question. Keigo still had that demure smile on his face, but the subtle twitches of his lips betrayed his amusement. “He’s a real free spirit.”
Aito laughed, tightening her hold around you. “But YN-chan, a hakama would totally suit him, right? Given his whole traditional thing.” 
A few of the girls around you hummed in agreement. You looked questioningly at her. 
“His traditional thing?”
“You know, the way he uses san for everyone, and how he never calls anyone by their first name. Like, I’m Miyake-san,” Aito gestured to herself, and then to the other girls. “And she’s Nonaka-san, and she’s Kudo-san
And then she faced you, tilting her head curiously. “And even though you guys are close, he still calls you LN-san, doesn’t he?”
“I guess so,” you shrugged, meeting Keigo’s eye once more. Aito didn’t need to know that, outside of school, you were just YN and Keigo to each other. You’d dubbed him “Keigo-kun” practically the first time you spoke, and shortly thereafter dropped the honorific entirely. The blonde, on the other hand, took much longer to disregard formalities, and for the first six months of your friendship he exclusively addressed you as LN-san. The only exception was when your parents were around, in which case you became LN-chan and they were the sans. It took the three of you a year of insisting that he call you YN, and they oba-san and oji-san, for him to finally do so.
At school, though, Keigo still referred to you as LN-san. You didn't quite understand why until his mom overheard him call you by your given name a few months ago. Her expression had twisted into one of deep displeasure—not quite disappointment, or any other emotion one might show when their child didn’t behave. It was more like
She’d yelled at Keigo, then, and made him apologize to you. You know better than that, she’d admonished him, We don’t talk to others like that. You remember frantically insisting he get up from his bow, alarmed and close to tears yourself. Somehow, you couldn’t help but feel that the whole thing was all your fault.
(Many months later, you worked up the courage to ask Keigo about it—why he was so proper all the time and why his mom yelled at him. Why it was okay for you to call him Keigo but not okay for him to call you YN.
He’d simply replied, “Because I’m a hybrid.”)
Shaking the memory from your mind, you realized you’d zoned out while Aito continued talking. She didn’t look happy with your noncommittal answer, and had let go of your arm in favor of turning back towards Keigo. 
“Well, if you won’t wear a hakama to be traditional,” she sighed, twirling a stray lock of hair around her finger. “Then you should at least do it for LN-chan. She’d love to see you in traditional wear.”
At this, the other girls snickered. Your face heated—you were sure you were being laughed at, but you just didn’t know for what. 
Keigo raised his eyebrows impassively. “I don’t know what you mean, Miyake-san.”
Aito leaned towards him. From her position on his desk, she could look directly down at him. “I think,” she giggled, “we all know what I mean.”
“Why don’t you tell me, then,” he returned coolly. 
A conspiratorial grin spread across Aito’s face. She had really nice teeth, you noticed offhandedly. While other kids’ mouths were still shackled in metal and rubber bands, her’s was already blindingly white and straight. 
“I mean,” Aito began, “We all know that LN-chan—”
She was cut off by the ring of the school bell, signaling the end of the period. Students immediately began taking their seats, and the teacher walked in, frowning when she saw your group gathered by the window. 
“Miyake-san, it’s quite rude to sit on someone else’s desk,” she chided, “Everyone, please return your seats. Goodness, you all are about to enter junior high, and you still can’t be ready for class on time.” 
Aito slid off the desk, mumbling an apology to your teacher and Keigo. The other girls hurriedly returned to their desks, and you began heading back to your side of the classroom. You were stopped, however, by a hand wrapping around your wrist. You looked back to see Aito at your arm, that same smile on her face. She tugged on you lightly, learning over to whisper in your ear. 
“We all know,” she giggled, “that you like Keigo-kun.”
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“What about this one, YN? The blue is very pretty.” 
“No, I already wear blue on my uniform everyday.”
“Okay, then how about this one? You can’t go wrong with black.”
“No, it’s too somber. What am I, going to a funeral?”
“Alright, then, what about a two piece—”
“No!” you jumped up, shoving away the skirt your mom was dangling in front of your face. “Two pieces are for little kids—I’m literally entering junior high!”
“Right,” your mom said, “So
you’re a little kid.”
Groaning, you sank back into the plush changing room chair. Across from you, your mother exasperatedly flopped down in her own chair. The mall was blessedly empty today; otherwise, shoppers would’ve gotten a front-row seat to LN Akemi having a breakdown over formalwear.  
“Why are you making this so difficult,” your mother wailed, half-heartedly flinging a blouse at you. It landed a few feet short of your chair, on a different shirt you’d rejected. “You usually love shopping with me.”
That was true—shopping with your mother was one of the rare times where the two of you weren’t bickering and actually got along. No, for a few peaceful hours every weekend, you were united by gossip, cute clothes, and her credit card. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” you sighed, “I guess I’m just nervous about graduation.”
Your mother pushed herself up one her elbows and peered at you. “I thought you said it was just a ‘lame event’ that you ‘didn’t care about.”
You winced at your harsh words being thrown back at you. “Well, that was before
“Before what?”
“Umm,” you said intelligently, “Before I realized how important this milestone actually is?”
Your mother narrowed her eyes at you. You averted your gaze. 
Truth be told, it was still just a lame event that you didn’t care about. An elementary school graduation was not a great cause for celebration, in your opinion, especially since everyone would be heading to the same junior high. Still, considering recent developments, you wanted to put some effort into your outfit

At the thought of the incident, you groaned again and shoved your face into your hands. It’d been the source of all your agony this past week, rendering you incapable of enjoying a simple shopping trip with your mom. Ever since Aiko had put that stupid thought into your head—
We all know that you like Keigo-kun. 
Well, of course you liked Keigo, you huffed internally—he was your best friend! Ever since that fateful stormy afternoon in the second grade, the two of you had been inseparable. You hung out everyday, either watching lame superhero shows at your place or playing video games based on said lame superhero shows at his. You shared every thought with him (even the stupid ones, like when you thought Algeria was in South America) and he was the first person you turned to when you needed support. You enjoyed his company better than anyone else in the universe, and when you thought of your future you couldn’t imagine it without him. So yes, you did like Keigo, because all best friends liked each other. 
But, you knew that wasn’t what Aito meant. She meant that you like-liked him, in the way that many of the kids in your class had begun to: holding hands at recess, bumping shoulders on the walk home. Calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Like-liked, in the way that best friends totally shouldn’t like each other. 
So did you?
You dragged your hands down your face, choosing to ignore your own question. Peeking through your fingers, you saw that your mom had left her chair to go back to shopping. She was shifting through the racks of dresses, her wedding ring glinting noticeably as she moved. The sight of it made you think about your parents’ own marriage. They liked—no, loved—each other, didn’t they? 
You tried to think if they did any of the things the couples in your class did, but came up empty. Your father didn’t like to hold your mother’s hand because he claimed it was always “unbearably sweaty”, and you think your mother would push your father into the street if he tried to bump shoulders with her. You couldn’t even remember the last time they called each other by “husband” and “wife”, preferring more intimate nicknames like “the old ball and chain” and “my trophy husband”. 
they showed that they liked each other in other ways. Your dad always fixed your mom a cup of coffee in the morning, no matter how late he was for his own job, because she claimed he was the only one who could make it right; and your mother never complained when she had to pick your father up from the bar, merely laughing about how he couldn’t hold his liquor. They always made time to watch “their” show together, and seemed to be in a constant competition of who could complete more of the others’ chores. So maybe it wasn’t the type of like you were used to seeing among your classmates—but it was undeniably there. 
And what about Keigo, a small, insistent voice in your head brought up, Do you see yourself “liking” him? 
You furrowed your brow, imagining the two of you in your parents’ positions. Him making you a cup of coffee, you wrangling his tipsy form into the car. Watching old Endeavor re-runs and doing chores together in a sage-colored house. And, in the way that you parents often did, leaning over to press your lips to his— 
“Okay, you cannot find anything wrong with this one,” your mother dropped a dress on your lap, snapping you out of your thoughts. You hoped she didn’t notice the way you flushed. “It’s not blue, or black, or a two-piece, or anything else you might possibly have an issue with. At least try it on.” 
Not wanting to get into another argument, you reluctantly agreed, figuring it would be no different than the others. But once you had the dress on, you couldn’t help but agree with your mother—there was nothing you could find wrong with it. It was cut from a soft, ruby-red fabric, billowing elegantly at your waist and stopping just below the knees. It struck the perfect balance between the elementary-school-innocence you were leaving behind and the mature junior high student you were about to become. 
Akemi watched you scrutinize the dress in the changing room mirror, flinging the folds this way and that—but she knew you were already sold. She’d known it the moment she spotted the dress, because it was the exact same shade of red as a certain hybrid’s feathers. 
Stifling a smirk, she opened her wallet. You could be so predictable sometimes. 
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“Psst, Keigo.”
The blonde ignored the whisper, valiantly focusing on the principal’s speech. When he didn’t respond, he felt your finger begin to prod him in the back. 
“Keigo! I know you can hear me.” 
The prodding intensified. After a few moments, Keigo couldn’t take it anymore. Subtly angling his head to look behind him, he flashed you an annoyed look. 
“What?” he hissed. The two of you, alongside all the other sixth graders, were currently gathered in the school auditorium for the graduation ceremony. The students were lined up in neat rows across the stage while the principal gave a speech at the podium. With her back to the students, she remained unaware of any impropriety, but the teachers and parents in the audience had a perfect view of their actions. Plus, with Keigo standing in the front row and you in the back, it was much harder for him to get away with talking. 
“Isn’t this so boring?” you grinned at him. Keigo could feel his eye twitching—you risked getting in trouble to tell him that? He ignored you, turning back to the principal, but a hand in his suit jacket yanked him back. 
“I said I’m bored!” you whispered indignantly. “Entertain me!”
Keigo sighed. A glance at the audience told him that no teachers were watching him, and the principal was still droning on with her speech. Subtly, he shuffled backward until he dropped out of his row and squeezed into yours. The boy who'd previously been standing by you looked peeved by the intrusion, but Keigo couldn’t be bothered with apologizing. 
“What can I do to cure your boredom, m’lady,” Keigo deadpanned. 
You clapped your hands gleefully. “Well, first, let’s decide on where we want to eat after this. My parents want to go to that seafood restaurant—you know, the one on Main Street? But it’s been so popular recently, I feel like we’ll definitely see classmates who are also celebrating
Keigo zoned out as you described the horror of running into someone you’d just bid goodbye to. He typically loved listening to you ramble, but right now he was finding it immensely difficult to focus. Every word you spoke was enunciated with a dramatic fling of your hands, causing your dress to flutter mesmerizingly. His eyes tracked the fabric’s movements obsessively; for some reason, seeing you in red made Keigo feel all warm and gooey inside. 
so that’s what I’m thinking. Does that sound good?”
He blinked as he realized you’d concluded your story, dinner plans interjected somewhere in there. 
“Yeah, sure,” he said, hoping he didn’t just accidentally commit to a Michelin-star restaurant. He knew your family liked to dine at the finer places in Fukuoka, having been invited to many such outings before, but his mom would kill him if he ever accepted. It’s bad enough that I let them feed you every day, she bemoaned often, The least we could do is let them think we have inexpensive taste. With today being his graduation, though, and the fact that she couldn't be there to celebrate him herself, she had made an exception. 
Reminded of his mom's absence, Keigo wistfully turned towards the audience. He knew, logically, that she couldn’t dictate her work schedule; yet, selfishly, he wished she was here to see him graduate. 
“I’m sorry that your mom couldn’t come to this,” you said softly, noticing his sullen gaze. Keigo merely hummed in response—he’d long stopped being shocked by your mind-reading capabilities. Sometimes, he thought you were a hybrid in disguise; there was no other explanation for how you could pick up the smallest shifts in his mood and know the perfect thing to say each time. 
The principal was nearing the end of her speech now, if the generic verses about changing the world and shooting for the stars were any indication. Keigo grew restless as she droned on, eager to shed his formal wear; his suit jacket was uncomfortably small and scratchy, and the wing-slits darned into the back were constricting painfully around his feathers. He always thought the worst part about having wings was the fact that he couldn’t loan clothes—holes had to be put in anything he wore. As a result, his mom usually sprung for thinner shirts and sweaters, made from materials that were easy to sew through. His only option this time, it appeared, was a kids-size tuxedo.
Keigo stifled a laugh as he remembered Miyake's reaction to his cheap, ill-fitting suit. The girl had been chatting excitedly with her friends when she spotted him, her expression immediately twisting into one of deep distaste. She’d quickly exchanged it for a cute pout, though. 
“Keigo-kun,” she admonished, “I thought we agreed you’d wear a hakama!”
We did nothing of that sort, he wanted to say, but merely smiled placatingly at her instead. “What, do I look that bad in this suit?”
An eager chorus of Nos and Of course nots! rang back at him from Miyake’s friends. The girl herself still looked miffed, tugging unhappily on the sleeves of her red kimono. Keigo could tell that it was expensive from the detailed embroidery and silk skirts, and he wondered what it would be like to wear something that well-made. 
“I wanted to match with you, though
” Miyake looked up shyly at him through her eyelashes. He held back a snort, and was thankfully saved from answering by the arrival of their teacher. He didn’t even know how he could get out of that one
Cheering from the audience drew Keigo out of his memories, and he belatedly realized that the principal had concluded her speech. His classmates were laughing excitedly, and you were shaking his arm like a madwoman. 
“We did it!” you screamed, “We graduated!”
Keigo laughed—where was the girl who insisted graduation was lame just last week? Still, your enthusiasm was infectious, and he couldn’t help but smile as you jumped up and down in joy. 
For the second time that day, Keigo could feel his heart beating erratically. He really should get that checked out.
Next Chapter (coming soon!)
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author's note: i told y'all that things were heating up đŸ€­ i hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter-- please feel free to let me know what you thought in the comments :) i can't wait to see our beloved YN and keigo in junior high!
in case y'all missed it: fic playlist!
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tapiocakisses · 17 days
thinking about that one keigo art where he's taking a selfie with his legs spread, pretty jewelery on his pussy...
imagine him sending that to you, acting all innocent... but when you get home, he's propped up on the wall, legs over your shoulders as you eat him out like your life depends on it...
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officialhawks · 7 months
Found MHA a few weeks ago (still not at the second season where you're introduced), but read a few things here and there on the internet and just wanted to say, that you and Dabi are my favourite characters in the series so far.
I’m one of your favorite!? I’m flattered! It means a lot to me. Dabi is a trouble maker that one, but really
.i think if circumstances were different he’d probably be a good friend. But his flames are pretty cool.
Hawks đŸȘ¶
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blaazeee · 1 year
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hawks/keigo takami đŸȘ¶đŸŠ…
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dabihawkstarot · 2 years
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Christmas might be over, but we still have some very important holidays to celebrate!
We wish our most beautiful bird boy a VERY happy birthday, and send all our love to his wonderful fans, as well as the supporters of this zine! đŸȘ¶đŸ’› Fly free, Keigo Takami! ✹
Lines by @aurabirds and colouring by Kay!
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sweet-honey-tears · 2 years
No, I’m Not LeavingđŸȘ¶
Keigo Takami x GN! Reader
Hi everyone! Here’s the result from the poll! I think I may have gone a bit off from my own prompt but it should be okay. There is reference to a recent Hawks post I made in this!
Warning: maybe an implication of sex(depends on how you take it), swearing
Spoiler but warning?: Hawks does almost get forced into a relationship with a woman. So if that’s triggering, I wouldn’t read
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“We just think you should display more affection to your fans. Like you did 3 years ago.”
Hawks paused, thoughts twirled in his mind as he tried his hardest to understand what was being asked. They didn’t mean the flirty way he acted before he started to date you? Right? But the way you looked at him, soft eyes filled with concern only clarified his thoughts
The phone, which was on speaker, kept going.
“Like before you found it”
“Ha I’m sorry wanna remind me what it is? Because Endeavor isn't here.” Hawks joked, but tension lay in his eyebrows. Your hand reached over to his, squeezing his fingers in your palm. This wasn't going to go well
. Anyone could see it.
“Your ‘chickadee’, is what we mean Hawks. They’re becoming a problem.” Hawks tensed slightly and you could sense the shift in his feathers. Things that usually were overlooked by the public, but not you. You could see the slight change in his eyes. How they oh so subtly became sharper. More pointed and slanted.
“I don’t see a problem with them. Quite far from it actually.”
“They’ve changed you, you don’t act the same!” They were guilt-tripping him- trying to at least.
“Yeah for the better.”
“You don’t interact with fans the same-“
“You mean I don’t flirt constantly? I think if I did my image would take a heavy toll considering almost everyone in Japan knows I’m in a committed relationship.”
It took a while to get to his current behaviors, IE his current level of flirty-ness. He couldn’t go cold turkey with his flirty ways, it would be suspicious. And thankfully, you understood that. You actually told him it would be smarter to ease off slowly so it wouldn’t be to noticeable. That being said, it did still make moments in those past years tense, when a fan would get too handsy at the ‘Single’ and ‘Eligible’ Hero. But Keigo always made sure afterward to show you you’re his one and only.
But when word broke a year and a half in, shit got crazy. Some fan excepted it and others revolted. They hadn’t even seen your face, just you in a giant coat walking with the pro hero on a fall day. Your finger intertwined. The commission tried to persuade him andïżŒ subtly weaken your relationship. In one instance they sent him on a 5-month mission with minimal contact. But you were still here.
There was silence over the phone.
“They don’t look right with your image.” Of fucking course. “ They look shabby! And they’re not even a hero, far from it, they’re a civilian.” Hawk's fingers weaved into yours, squeezing them tight, trying to ground himself. “Need I remind you you aren't supposed to even be dating? You have one person on your arm for the main hero event and that’s it.” There was a pause, “but since you feel so inclined to need a relationship-“ You let a silent hiss of anger leave your lips at the audacity. “we’ve contacted the agency in America, and they’re sending over one of their top heroes for you. Her name is Moon Light and she’s a lot fitter-“
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I said no.”
Moon Light: some stuck-up hero he met once during a recruiting event. Her image evolved around money and fame. Yeah, she was pretty- ïżŒ gorgeous really,ïżŒ and she was fit. But she was a hero so it was expected. She trained to endure the worst and be the best. But fuck that, you were the best. Your beauty topped hers. Your kindness and honesty could drown the little bit of humanity that woman had.
“I’m not leaving them for her”
“Hawks I don’t think you realize that you don’t have a choice.”
“No, I do.” You stared at Keigo, your mouth agape. He hadn’t ever used the tone of voice before, at least not in front of you and especially not when talking to the commission. “Because I’ll make my relationship TRUELY public if I have to. And I’ll have fans support it to a point of god-like status.” You heard a sharp inhale on the other line.
You’re eyes scanned his, there was no hint of a lie. You may just become a public figure soon. And that’s okay. At least you’d still be with him.
“And if our relationship then ‘comes apart’ due to you- I will quickly bring into spotlight Miss Moon Light, And I will watch with glee as my support tanks”
“You wouldn’t”
“Trust me, they mean more to me than this.”
Silence. “We’ll get back to you
 but consider our-“
“No” He hung up.
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rachi-roo · 3 months
Soooooo, who's up for a boop booth? ^^
Hmmm, these guys are available for a while... Who should we snatch up for some babying? đŸ„°đŸ’•
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