03jyh23 · 2 months
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— a dance with danger || song mingi
night deepens, there’s nowhere to go with my heart. i can’t pretend to be strong anymore. i can’t be in this space where you left me.
nonidol!mingi ex!mingi x afab!reader; exes to (?);
genre: angst, suggestive
trigger warnings: break-up; physical violence; blood and injury; relationship conflict; emotional distress; mature language; alcohol use; toxic jealousy;
words: 3.3k
written while listening to: one of those nights by key
reminder: what you're about to read is purely fiction, so let's keep it separate from reality.
minors do not interact
— hi there! the time has finally come for my first requested one-shot! to my lovely anon, thank you so much for being the first person ever to leave a request! i sincerely hope you will enjoy reading!
love, monika. ♡
It's been more than four months since you and Mingi broke up. You never exactly received an explanation for what caused him to end your relationship. You had told your friends that the breakup didn't affect you, but it was nothing more than a lie. You felt foolish that such a short relationship had affected you so deeply. The memory of Mingi leaving while you were starting to fall in love deep was a wound that still felt raw, despite the passing time. It was a brutal blow, one that shattered the fragile trust you had placed in him and left you questioning everything you thought you knew about love. 
You haven’t been dating for long before he decided to leave, maybe that’s why it left you utterly shocked. You had entered the relationship with the expectation that your love would blossom tenderly, gradually unfolding. Mingi was the kind of boy that teenage you had dreamed of, he possessed an effortless charm that drew you in from the moment you two met, his smile igniting a spark within you that you couldn't ignore. With his tousled hair and mischievous grin, he embodied the very essence of youth and adventure. He was everything you had ever wanted and more, a living, breathing embodiment of all your teenage dreams. 
In the early days of your relationship, you often found yourself lost in daydreams, imagining a future filled with shared laughter and stolen kisses. Mingi seemed to effortlessly fulfil all the fantasies you had as a lovesick teenager, his presence a constant source of joy and excitement.  
The memory of Mingi breaking up with you still haunts you, though his demeanour was devoid of emotion as if he just wanted to get it done with. 
"Please... say something," his voice was monotone, devoid of the passion or empathy you once knew, as he searched your eyes for a response. You stood there, stunned into silence by his cold detachment. How could you find the words to articulate the storm of emotions raging within you? How could he be so indifferent? As you opened your mouth to speak, the words caught in your throat, tangled in a mess of confusion and disbelief. What could you possibly say to someone who had already checked out, who had already made up their mind? At that moment, all you could do was meet his cold gaze with tear-filled eyes, silently begging him to take it all back, to tell you that it was just a cruel joke, a misunderstanding. The silence between you was heavy and suffocating, it became unbearable. As Mingi turned away, his expression unreadable, you knew that your chapter had come to a close. And though the silence he left you in was suffocating, it was also a relief, a release from the turmoil that had consumed you. 
You haven’t seen him since. 
It was a Saturday evening. You slipped into your favourite little black dress, taking extra care with your makeup. You were all dolled-up and ready to step out and begin living your life. Hitting a club occasionally with your best friend used to be your way of dealing with reality, but after the breakup, it took on a new significance.  
As you made your way to the club, the vibrant lights and pulsing music greeted you, offering a temporary escape from the weight of your emotions. Among the crowd, you found solace in the anonymity, allowing yourself to lose control and dance away your troubles for a while. Each beat of the music seemed to wash away a layer of pain, leaving you feeling lighter, freer. Tonight, you were determined to embrace the present moment and reclaim your sense of joy and independence. You had never been the type to hit on guys at the club; you simply wanted to have fun with your girls, sipping on colourful drinks and feeling pretty. But tonight was different. You craved the sensation of being wanted. 
As the pulsating lights illuminated the crowded club, you scanned the club eagerly, searching for someone to fill the void tonight. Unwilling to admit it but consumed by an undeniable desperation for closeness. Frustrated by the lack of intriguing prospects, you retreated to the familiar comfort of the bar, ordering your favorite drink. Downing it in one swift motion, along with a few shots of tequila for good measure, you felt a surge of determination coursing through your veins as you made your way back to the dancefloor. Once again you started to look around, hoping to spot somebody worth your attention when unexpectedly, you felt hands on your waist, gently turning you around. The boy before you weren't your usual type, but something about his touch ignited a spark within you. Without hesitation, you pulled him closer by his neck, ready to confront him. 
"Don’t waste your time on me" you said directly to his ear. He looked at you surprised; a smirk appeared on his face. 
"It’s not a waste of time when you are this pretty" you smiled in response, not expecting to hear such an endearing answer. Perhaps sparing him a moment wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. "Does this smile mean you’re down?" you nodded, arms linking around his neck, pulling him till the space between you was non-existent. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist. With each movement, you felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. There was something exhilarating about surrendering yourself to the music, about losing yourself in the arms of someone whose name you didn't even know. Song after song passed, and you couldn't shake off the blissful feeling that accompanied you as you danced with the boy. It had been a while since you had been touched like this, and your body responded instinctively to the proximity of the boy. It was getting harder for you to resist the temptation building in your stomach. The music pulsed around you, drowning out the voice of reason as you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment. You couldn't help but wonder what the rest of the night had in store for you, as your bodies grinded against each other. With each passing second, you yearned for him to draw even closer. You exchanged breathless smiles, as the music continued to pulse around you, the stranger leaned in, his voice barely audible over the din of the club.  
"Let me buy you a drink," he offered, a hint of warmth in his gaze. You hesitated for a moment, caught off guard, but then you nodded, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "This might just get easier with a little more liquid courage," you thought to yourself, considering another drink to ease the tension. 
"I'd like that," you replied, your voice tinged with a mixture of excitement. You navigated your way through the crowded dance floor, your hands brushing against each other as you made your way to the bar. As you settled onto bar stools, the boy ordered your drinks, his eyes never leaving yours. There was something in his gaze, that left you yearning for more. And things took a turn as you leaned in for a kiss, a familiar face emerged from the dimly lit corner.  
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you two locked eyes. But as you glanced once again across the crowded club, your heart skipped a beat, and your breath caught in your throat. Everything unfolded so rapidly; Mingi came almost running to where you were sitting, and then he seized your companion by his collar, forcing him to stand up. The boy stood no chance, overshadowed by Mingi's towering presence. You sat on a bar stool, completely flabbergasted, your body refusing to budge. Mingi grabbed the poor boy hard, his legs started to dangle in the air. 
"Who the fuck are you?" Mingi gritted his teeth, his gaze not meeting yours again. Four months had passed since you last laid eyes on your ex-boyfriend, and in that time, you had begun to believe that he had vanished from the world altogether.  
"Why don't you just sit back and relax, man?"  And as your companion uttered those words, you knew it was a bad move. Mingi's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched tightly as he regarded your companion with a steely gaze. There was a dangerous edge to his demeanour, a simmering anger that threatened to boil over at any moment. You reached out, your hand trembling slightly as you placed it on your companion's arm, silently urging them to back down. 
"Mingi, let him go" you finally interrupted, but it was too late; the damage had already been done. Mingi's grip tightened, his knuckles white as he held onto your companion's collar, his gaze piercing and unyielding. The tension in the air was palpable, a silent standoff between Mingi and your companion, with you caught in the middle. 
"Are you fucking deaf? Who the fuck do you think you are, getting cozy with my girl?" Mingi's voice was low and menacing, his words laced with nothing but anger. Your heart pounded in your chest, torn between the shock of seeing Mingi again and the fear of what might happen next. You knew you had to defuse the situation before it escalated any further. 
"Mingi, please," you pleaded, your voice barely above a whisper. "Let him go. It's over between us. I don't want any trouble." For a moment, Mingi's gaze softened, a flicker of regret crossing his features. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone, replaced once again by a steely resolve. 
"Fine," he spat, releasing your companion and taking a step back. But the relief didn't last long, as Mingi reached for your glass. "Let me teach you a fucking lesson, so you won’t ever touch somebody else's girl ever again." As Mingi's hand tightened around the glass, a sense of dread washed over you, a premonition of the chaos about to unfold. Mingi hurled the glass with a forceful motion, aiming it at your companion. Instinct kicked in, and without a second thought, you lunged forward, placing yourself between Mingi and the boy, shielding him from the oncoming projectile. The glass struck your face, cutting your brow bone, with a sharp impact, shattering upon contact and sending fragments scattering across the floor.  
“Y/N!” Mingi shouted, horrified by his action. Pain exploded through you, and an ache spread through your body. As you staggered backward, the club spinning around, you felt Mingi’s hands on you, catching you before you collapsed. A surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Mingi's actions had crossed a line, igniting a fire within you that burned with anger. 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” you spat the words out, voice laced with anger and disbelief. As you locked eyes with Mingi, you could see the shock and realization dawning in his expression, a stark contrast to the anger that had consumed him moments before. With every ounce of strength you could muster, you pushed Mingi away. The boy you were supposed to spend the night with was nowhere to be found, and you couldn’t blame him, you also wished you could disappear from this mess. Mingi had crossed a line. You straightened your spine, refusing to let the pain and the anger consume you. You stood before him, blood trickling down your face.  
"Oh my god Y/N, is this blood? Is it yours?" Mingi's voice trembled with concern as he pulled you back into his arms, his touch surprisingly gentle as he rolled up his shirt and pressed it to your face to stop the bleeding. To say Mingi was shocked was an understatement; the disbelief in his eyes mirrored the turmoil swirling within you. You could feel the weight of his guilt and regret pressing down on you as he struggled to process the gravity of his actions.  
"No shit, Mingi," you gritted through clenched teeth, the pain pulsating through you like a relentless drumbeat. Despite the anger simmering just beneath the surface, you couldn't help but feel a flicker of gratitude towards him for his attempt to stem the bleeding.  
"Baby I am so sorry," your ex-boyfriend stuttered, tears falling down his face. Mingi's shirt absorbed the crimson stain of your blood. As you leaned into his embrace, a strange sense of resignation settled over you. "I never meant to hurt you, I’m so sorry," he was trembling "Let’s get you out of here" he murmured softly, his voice filled with a quiet determination. You didn’t have it in you to refuse him. Mingi navigated your way through the crowded club, his arm wrapped protectively around you.  
After you stepped out of the chaotic atmosphere of the club, a sense of calm enveloped you in the cool night air. Your ex-boyfriend led you away from the pulsating lights and thumping music, his arm still wrapped protectively around you. You walked in silence for a while, the weight of your history hanging heavy in the air between you. But despite the tension that lingered, there was also a palpable sense of relief in the space that had opened up between you. As you reached a quieter street, Mingi finally broke the silence, his voice tentative as he spoke.  
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he began, his words tinged with regret. "I never meant to hurt you like that. I don't know what came over me." you listened in silence, the words hanging in the air between you like a delicate thread. It was clear that he was grappling with his own demons, struggling to make sense of the chaos that had unfolded.  
"Mingi, we are not together anymore," you whispered softly, unable to meet his gaze, fearing that another look into his brown eyes would melt your heart completely. "I haven't seen you in four months, and now you finally decided to show up?" you continued, your voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and longing. Despite your attempts to maintain a facade of indifference, there was an undeniable ache in your words, a yearning for the closure that had eluded you for so long. 
"I didn't know you were going to be here, Y/N," Mingi replied, his voice carrying a hint of remorse.  
"It doesn't change anything," you said firmly, mustering all the strength you had to maintain your composure. "I was finally having a good time, and you decided to ruin it? I'm not yours anymore, and that's only on you." Each word dripped with the bitterness of unresolved pain, a reminder of the wounds that still lingered beneath the surface. 
"Please don't say that you're not mine anymore," Mingi pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. 
"But it's the truth, Mingi!" you countered, your own voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and frustration. "You gave up on us, remember?" you shouted, the floodgates of emotion finally breaking open. "And then you left me alone to deal with the heartbreak." Each word carried the weight of months of pain, a reminder of the scars that still haunted you. "I didn't even get the chance to tell you that I loved you," you sobbed, the weight of your confession hanging heavy in the air. "...I still fucking do," you added, your voice barely above a whisper, but carrying the weight of a thousand unspoken emotions. You hid your face in the palm of your hands. You groaned in pain as your hands touched your cut brow, the sharp sting serving as a painful reminder of the chaos that had unfolded moments before.  
"You love me?" Mingi's voice was tinged with disbelief, his eyes widening in shock at your confession. Even in his boldest dreams, he had never dared to imagine hearing those words from you. 
"I do," you sobbed, your voice muffled by your hands. "But it doesn't change anything." The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the barriers that still stood between you, despite the depth of your feelings. 
"It changes everything," Mingi whispered, as you felt his hand touching your back gently, urging you to look at him. With a shaky breath, you lowered your hands, meeting his gaze with tear-filled eyes, bracing yourself for what would come next. 
"What do you mean?" you asked in disbelief. Mingi's gaze softened as he took a deep breath, his hand still resting gently on your back.  
"I mean," he began, his voice trembling slightly, "that I've been a fool. I let my fear get in the way of what's most important to me, and I pushed you away when all I wanted was to hold you closer." His words washed over you like a gentle wave, stirring something deep within your heart. Mingi's expression softened further as he met your gaze, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I need you to know that I never stopped having feelings for you. In fact, all of this happened because I started to fall in love with you." his words hung in the air between you, heavy with unspoken emotion. You felt your heart skip a beat, a surge of conflicting emotions welling up inside. "I was scared," he continued, his voice trembling slightly. "Scared of how much you meant to me, of how much power you had over my heart. I didn't know how to handle it, so I pushed you away." As he spoke, you could see the raw honesty in his eyes, the pain of his confession etched into the lines of his face. Despite the hurt he had caused, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for him, a recognition of the struggles you both faced in navigating the complexities of love. And as Mingi reached out to take your hand, his touch gentle and reassuring, you felt a glimmer of hope stirring within you. "I love you, Y/N," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right again." Without a word, you reached up, gently cupping his face in your hands, your fingers tracing the contours of his jawline. At that moment, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of you standing there in the quiet night. Finally, Mingi connected your lips, and you met in a tender, tentative kiss. As you pulled away, breath mingling in the cool night air, you knew that this was just the beginning of your journey back to each other. 
"You are a fucking idiot, Mingi" you giggled through your tears, your hand still resting on Mingi’s face. Despite the weight of the moment, a sense of lightness washed over you. Mingi intertwined your fingers, a smile never leaving his face. 
"But can I be your fool?" he asked, a boyish smile gracing his lips. In that moment, you felt a surge of affection welling up within you, softening the edges of your heart and filling you with a sense of warmth.   
"Yeah, I'd really like that," you replied, a genuine smile spreading across your face. Mingi pulled you in for another kiss, your hands linked behind his neck, his hands resting on your ass, igniting a fiery desire within you. The kiss quickly changed into a passionate, messy make-out session, both of you intoxicated by the intensity of your emotions. At that moment, you got lost in the heat, surrendered to the overwhelming rush of desire, knowing that you were exactly where you belonged, in Mingi's arms. As you started to lose your breath, you pulled back slightly, your lips brushing against Mingi's as you whispered, "Take me home."  
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necessiteez · 16 days
disclaimer: I do not own any of these works and they do not represent the real kim hongjoong. all rights belong to the respective writers who made them.
all pairings are hongjoong x reader only.
further info is already stated in the main Library.
✶ - favorites
╔═ second♕floor ═╗
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「 ✦ Pirate!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Let Me Take You Away - @ithinkilikeit-reactions (wc 3.7k)
✶ Pirate King: Kim Hongjoong - @cookycherry (wc 4.5k)
Sea Superstitions - ithikilikeit-reactions (wc 8 .8k)
My Lady - @seongsangssbitch
Lost at Sea - @acupoftaewithsomesuga (wc 6.9k)
Pirate Joong - @hyetiny
Pirate King - @cybrsan (wc 7.6k)
A Selfish Desire - @hwashotcheeto (wc 4k)
🆕✨ Shiny New Toy - kitten4sannie (wc 2.1k)
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「 ✦ Best Friend!Hongjoong ✦ 」
friends to lovers trope
✶ Tell Me to Stop - @tenelkadjowrites (wc 4.4k)
Acorns - sa_honey on ao3 (wc 4.3k)
Marigold - @yoongiseesawmp3 (wc 12k)
✶ The Best Friends Code trilogy feat. Seonghwa - tenelkadjowrites
Heavy on Your Tongue - @swallowedbymadness (wc 4k)
We Ransacked the City series, multi-chapter feat. Seonghwa - tenelkadjowrites
🆕✨ Between Friends - anyamaris (wc 3.4k)
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「 ✦ Academic!Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes College Student! Hongjoong, Professor! Hongjoong, school setting
Fire & Flames - bustdownyunho on ao3 (wc 5.8k)
✶ Motivate Me - @hwaightme (wc 10.2k)
Hideaway - @minisugakoobies (wc 7k)
Teacher Seonghwa + Student Hongjoong male reader - @star-suh
Study Buddies - halflinghoney on a03 (wc 2.4k)
✶ Can't Stand You - @domjaehyun (wc 3.7k)
✶ Training Wheels - @luvt0kki (wc 10.7k)
Rule #4 - @k-hotchoisan (wc 6k)
King's Play - @atzfilm (wc 4k)
A Special Kind of Heat Delivery - artof-seonghwa (wc 2.4k)
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「 ✦ Idol!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Good Girls Don't ONGOING - halanote on ao3 (wc 22k)
Work Life Balance - evphoria87 (wc 1.6k)
Drunk in Love - barnesbabee
In the Wings feat. Seonghwa - sanjoongie (wc 2k)
A Night In implied poly - @written-in-flowers (wc 3k)
✶ 2 Soon part 1 - @03jyh23 (wc 12.8k)
✶ 2 Soon part 2 - 03jyh23 (wc 11.5k)
✶ Man-Spreading - barnesbabee
🆕✨ Bouncy - flurrys-creativity (wc 1.8k)
🆕✨ [11:07] Secrecy - hanatiny (wc 1k)
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「 ✦ Roommate!Hongjoong ✦ 」
✶ Movie Night - @severetimetravelnerd (wc 2k)
✶ Deal - @hongism (wc 10.3k)
Declaration - tenelkadjowrites (wc 9k)
✶ Don't You Want Me? - @yeonjuns-beanie (wc 7.4k)
Ass So Fat, Hit that From the Back gen reader, only Hongjoong is turned on - orphan account/abandoned (wc 2.9k)
Exhibition and Voyeurism feat. Seonghwa - hobi-is-golden on ao3 (wc 3.6k)
🆕✨✶ Got a Thing for You - ilwonuu
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「 ✦ Mafia/Gangster!Hongjoong ✦ 」
All I Need - @cocobeanncteez
Princess feat. San- @teeztheflag (wc 4.6k)
For Your Entertainment - @atiny-piratequeen (wc 4.3k)
5:31pm - @mingishoe
✶ A Rose is A Rose feat. Seonghwa - @daddyfordaeddy (wc 3.5k)
Guns and Roses - @baekhvuns (wc 5.4k)
✶ Cheating w Gangster!Seongjoong feat. Seonghwa - @thelargefrye (wc 2.6k)
✶ On the Rocks feat. Seonghwa- @kitten4sannie (wc 2.7k)
Backfired part 2 - ateezreactionsandscenarios (wc 5k)
🆕✨ Unbroken - hanatiny (wc 7k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong Working Different Jobs ✦ 」
includes photographer!Hongjoong, barista!Hongjoong, writer!Hongjoong, doctor!Hongjoong
* photographer!Hongjoong
Picture Perfect - @ikigaitsuki (wc 6k)
Something to Say - themoonlightfae on ao3 (wc 5.9k)
His Muse - firepoppyqueen on ao3 (wc 1.4k)
* writer!Hongjoong
✶ Mr. Write series, multi-chapter, writer!Hongjoong - @1117feverlessdreams
* cafe owner/barista Hongjoong
Iced Coffee barista!Hongjoong- xoexoxhoe
FFF Day 14 feat. San - sanjoongie (wc 2.6k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong in fantasy/historical/mythical setting ✦ 」
Rendezvous with Destiny royal advisor!Hongjoong - alxdelusional (wc 6k)
Do You Believe in Fate? Hongjoong with magic, multi-chapter - @lettersfromaphrodite (wc 42k)
Starseed: Perfect Love male reader, King!Hongjoong - thelargefrye (wc 3.7k)
His Majesty's Responsibilities King!Hongjoong - @xirenex (wc 8k)
✶ Forbidden Fruit Hades!Hongjoong - @nateezfics (wc 2k)
Day 19 Bard!Hongjoong feat. Knight!Seonghwa- @multiwreckedmess (wc 6.3k)
The Spoils of War, Chapter 2: Hongjoong the Queenmaker multi-member, King!Hongjoong - fullspectrumfangirl, stitchdragon on ao3
🆕✨✶ Die for You royal guard!Hongjoong - @beginningofwonderland (wc 7.4k)
🆕✨ I'd Rather Burn - latte-fairytaekwoon (wc 6.2k)
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「 ✦ Hongjoong in the Fashion Industry ✦ 」
includes Fashion Designer! Hongjoong, Model! Hongjoong, Fashion Company CEO! Hongjoong
✶ The Met and the Aftermath - @angiesmagicspace (wc 5.7k)
✶ Perfect Little Pet Cruella! Hongjoong @armysantiny (wc 5.9k)
✶ Business Attire - @nebulousbrainsoup (wc 4.5k)
Perfect Design - @sector-i-closed
Be My Muse - sanjoongie (wc 1.2k)
Untitled - @cherrysoojins
The Model - @doritochoi (wc 1.7k)
✶ High End - @songmingisthighs (wc 2k)
Mistletoe feat. Seonghwa - justthere4kpop (wc 2.4k)
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「 ✦ Something's Wrong with Hongjoong ✦ 」
includes Villain!Hongjoong, Evil!Hongjoong, Perv!Hongjoong, Yandere! Hongjoong and dubcon themes. ⚠️ I don't support non-con fanfics
An Eye For All Things Sweet - @sugarcherriess
Textbook perv!Hongjoong - @ateezinmymind
Crimes of Passion: Gotham au Intro - @thetypingpup (wc 5.4k)
* Yandere
Desire - @lovesanmotion
Indulgence - @mint-yooxgi (wc 2k)
The Villain part 1 - @yourfatherlucifer (wc 1k)
The Villain part 2 - yourfatherlucifer (wc 1k)
˖ ࣪⭑last updated 05/27/24 ˖ ࣪⭑
917 notes · View notes
ellestray · 1 month
elle's favorite ateez fics. f = fluff ; s = smut ; sg = suggestive ; a = angst. ✧ = absolute favorites, must read. (only adding notes for these few fics to ensure readability for the overall list!) word count in brackets. last updated: may 2nd, 2024
authors; if you wish to be untagged, please let me know!
currently no individual fic for hongjoong, yeosang & jongho. please refer to the OT8 section, or come back for future updates!
✧ [11,1k] plastic flowers — @bobateastay ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: this fic revolves around abortion, so please keep this in mind before reading. i read this on a flight— and i don't know if it was the altitude, but it broke me. the author beautifully wrote this, in a way where unconditional love, hope and pain are intertwined. one of the most pleasantly surprising and touching reads i've had on this platform by far.
✧ [2,3k] essence — @hwaightme ( f ) ↪ note: this one is for the poetic, hopelessly romantic fics lovers. everything i've read from this author was beautiful so far! the poetry in this fic was so pretty that i felt the need to share it to my friends... although i usually never share fics out of tumblr. i'm excited to read through more of your writings, bai!
[1,2k] the first snow and being in love — @i-luvsang ( f )
[884] 02:36 — @hwapetals ( f )
[642] adoration — @kisshwa ( f ; sg )
[8,6k] both — @hwaightme ( s ; f )
[200] 10:24pm — @hotteoki ( f )
[986] anguish — @kisshwa ( a )
[n/a] bf texts — @hotteoki ( f )
[79] 9:22pm — @cozykpopblurbs ( f )
[1,6k] i'll be with you — @cheollipop ( f )
[519] lazy make out sessions — @crazyforhwa ( s )
[1,2k] realistic sex — @byuntrash101 ( s ; f )
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✧ [13k + 18,2k] unprofessional attraction ; pt.1 , pt.2 , [tbc] — @jk97 ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: i was so engulfed into this fic that i skipped a lecture to continue reading. fics that are heavier nsfw-wise usually aren't my thing, but here, every single line pulled me in. hell, i felt even more insane about yunho after reading this. saying i'm excited about the next chapters would be an understatement.
✧ [14k] closer, face down — @ncteez ( s ; f ) ↪ note: again, although i usually prefer fluff over smut, i absolutely loved this fic... the build up made it so enticing! i don't know if a re-edit still is in the works, but i'd absolutely re-read it regardless!
✧ [84,5k] project: make you love me (series) — @hwaslayer ( f ; a ; s ) ↪ note: pulled an all nighter to read the entire series in one go... it was that fun to read! the relationship was built up at a nice, natural pace, while still keeping the reader on their toes. (this made me very excited about the seonghwa series in progress..!)
[1,1k] bedfellows — @sungbeam ( f )
[1,3k] he knows he loves you — @honeyhotteoks ( f )
[2,5k] convenience store chances — @ohmyamor ( f )
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[300] nothing sweeter — @i-luvsang ( f )
[1,1k] nsfw alphabet — @yunhobug ( s )
[425] 3:52am — @edenesth ( f ; sg? )
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✧ [3,7k] leave the window open — @sungbeam ( f ) ↪ note: so sweet. so comforting. the kind of heartwarming fic that feels like hot cocoa on a cold winter day. (also made me feel insane about san... but let's not talk about that.)
[1k] always available — @everyonewooeverywhere ( f )
✧ [1,6k] capturing us — @03jyh23 ( f ) ↪ note: another sweet, poetic, hopelessly romantic fic— my favorite kind! finding fics like these always feels like discovering a little treasure. looking forward to all the wips!
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[2,6k] take a break - @cheollipop ( f ; s )
[249] 21:23 — @petitemingi ( f )
[350] boyfriend headcanons — @i-luvsang ( f )
[600] one more minute — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[1,3k] no strings, no expectations — @seonghwaddict ( a ; sg ; f? )
[468] stretch marks — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[475] valentine's series : movies — @whimsicalwritingsandmore ( f )
[n/a] instagram stories with bf san — @lwtqts ( f )
[371] hold me — @cheeseceli ( f )
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[800] untitled — @cheollipop ( a ; f )
[2,8k] mind over matter — @mingisaddctn ( s )
[256] 23:22 — @petitemingi ( f )
[1k] 23:46 — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[447] princess treatment — @cheeseceli ( f )
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✧ [1,2k] broke you heart, i'll put it back together — @dairyminki ( a ; f ) ↪ note: loved this so much that i had to read it twice. something about wooyoung hopelessly in love wanting to fix this... name twin, if you're reading this, hi- i'd be seated for a part 2 if you ever have the time to write it!
[2,2k] vacation — @bobateastay ( f ; s )
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[700] when you don't say i love you back — @jjunberry ( f )
[2,4k] romance tropes — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[n/a] situationships (texts) ; pt.1 , pt.2 — @yunhoszn ( f )
[2,9k + 3k] as boyfriends ; hyung line , maknae line — @honeyhotteoks ( f : s )
[n/a] sex ban (texts) — @kisshwa ( sg ; f )
[n/a] sending you a pic of themselves (texts) — @bombuni ( f )
[1,3k] outfit turn-ons — @starillusion13 ( sg )
[1,2k] make-up sex — @nateezfics ( f ; a ; s )
[944] showering — @seonghwaddict ( f ; sg )
[1,6k] as boyfriends — @atiny-moon ( f ; sg )
[2,5k] that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language — @sanhwaism ( f )
[1,1k] top 3 kinks — @seonghwaddict ( s )
[2,8k] making out — @sxcret-garden ( sg ; f )
[n/a] asking them to draw a flower (texts) — @eightmakesonebraincell ( f )
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if any link is broken, or if i made any mistake when tagging fics— please kindly let me know!
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Letting Go | Choi Jongho
-> Pairing: Choi Jongho x Reader
-> Request: From @03jyh23
-> Synopsis: Sometimes it's better to just let go of something rather than to hold on and cause more hurt. Using prompts - “I’m so tired of fighting, and I know you are too."  and "That wasn't what I was expecting." 
-> Warnings: Pure Angst. Break-up. Arguing. Hurt. Heartache. I hope this was angsty enough.
-> Word Count: 540
-> Requests: Open.
-> A/N: I tried using all the prompts given to me but there was one I couldn't work into it no matter how hard I tried.
ATEEZ Masterlist | Tag List Sign-Up | Requesting Guidelines
©️ 2024 woojoongstreasure - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead.
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Likes, comments & reblogs are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. 
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“I’m so tired of fighting, and I know you are too,” Y/N let out a tired sigh, her voice filled with exhaustion and defeat. She couldn't bear the constant fighting anymore, and she knows Jongho feels the same way. He stands in front of her, holding an umbrella to shield them from the rain, but even his presence couldn't alleviate the heaviness in the air. Avoiding his gaze, she turns her head away from him. "Maybe we're better off without each other. Let's end it here, go our separate ways so we never have to fight again, because fighting with you hurts too much." 
With a defeated expression mirroring Y/N's, Jongho understood her words all too well. Perhaps, they had reached a point where it was better for them to part ways. The frequent arguments had created a growing divide between them, causing them to spend more time apart. They threw themselves into their work, using it as a distraction to avoid confronting the issues that were slowly eroding their relationship of almost two years. Both had once believed they could overcome any obstacle, but now their conversations about the future had become their downfall. 
Jongho had always been clear about his desire for marriage and starting a family when they first got together. Y/N had initially shared the same aspirations, but as time went on, her fears took hold, and she began making excuses. She avoided any discussions about their future, shutting herself off from Jongho instead of opening to him and making him question if it was him that was the problem. 
Eventually he nods his head, agreeing with her despite his heart screaming at him to refuse and try again once more. He knows that would only lead to another argument and they’ll only end up right back where they are now. "You're right. Maybe it's better to end our relationship now, even though it hurts, than to let it get worse." 
"That wasn't what I was expecting," she mumbles, making the mistake of speaking her thoughts out loud. She’d anticipated another argument, a desperate plea from Jongho to reconsider, but instead, he had calmly accepted her decision.  
"What did you expect?" he questions, his irritation and hurt over the situation now evident in his voice and expression. "That I would plead with you to reconsider? To, once again, beg you to let me in and that we could work it out if you did? Why bother when you'll continue to shut me out and we’ll just end up arguing again and again and again." 
His words sting, hitting her with a wave of guilt. She never intended to shut him out, but the weight of her past become too heavy to bear. She convinced herself that walking away was the only way to protect him and herself from further heartache. As she looked into his eyes, she saw a mix of hurt and disappointment. It was a painful reminder of the love they once shared, now overshadowed by the walls they had built between them. 
"I’m sorry," she apologizes.  
"I know," he replies softly. "I’m sorry too." 
With that, Y/N turns and walks away, tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with the rain that’s steadily falling.  
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TAGGING: @staytiny2000 - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @rainydayteacups
@green-agent - @tinyelfperson – @hollxe1 – @deltamoon666 - @skz1-4-3
@pinkies-things - @everythingboutkpop
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justsomekpopstuff · 25 days
tagged - about me!
I was tagged by @vesvosmozhno (on a separate post) to do this!
I didnt want to back up that post, so I made a separate one! Sorry!
Stan: Seventeen, Ateez, Monsta X, Stray Kids, NCT 127, KARD, and some soloists! (I also recently started stanning Big Ocean too!)
(Bonus) Casual Listener: so many more...SF9, Twice, Dreamcatcher, BTS, KNK, and some others every now and again
Likes: oh god so many things...music in general, musical theater, coffee mugs, animals in general, dumb meme videos, learning new things, and nerd things like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and D&D, the smell of fresh coffee brewing, and so much more!
Hobbies: reading, writing, singing, dancing (my former theater kid is showing), baking (my weakness is brownies though for some reason I can never get them right), astrology, playing D&D and watching D&D campaigns
Fav Color: black, teal, maroon, sage green
Fav Food: anything italian or cali-mex is food for my soul, but if we are talking desserts, I am a cheesecake and s'more fiend (there's also Hungarian chimney cakes too but I'm not ready to share my love for them yet)
Random Fact: I grew a reputation in grad school for being THE most organized person in the entire program, and that's including all of the professors and the program chair...
MBTI: INFJ last time I took the test!
Big 3: scorpio sun, aquarius moon, and leo rising!
Personality: simultaneously very responsible, organized, diligent, kind, and well-put-together, and the most feral unhinged nerdy ridiculous clumsy gremlin you will ever meet in your life...I am a very complicated person
Job and Relationship Status: working as a pre-licensed therapist in a private practice (the full title is Associate Marriage and Family Therapist but who has the time to say all of that), and painfully, hopelessly, and likely irrevocably single since 2017...
I now tag (no pressure): @miraclewoozi/@vcrnons, @daydreamingyuta, @itstheghostofmypast, @welcometomyoasis, and @03jyh23 (as well as anyone else who wants to!)
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dlbw-library · 15 days
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This is a list of all the fics I love, recommend and plan to read more than once.
If you want to, you can go check out my own fics over at @dancinglikebutterflywings
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-> @everyonewooeverywhere
Hoodie Strings
-> @03jyh23
starlight, guide light, and everything in between
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03jyh23 · 2 months
entry #1
alright so im seriously thinking about re-writing first part of fragments of love? i’ve already written the second part (its almost 6k words) and i feel like i did way better on it than the first part so??
maybe it’s just me wanting for it to be perfect since it’s my first fic on here but yeah
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03jyh23 · 2 months
masterpost || 💌 정윤호 how wonderful life is while you're in the world
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navigation: masterlist requests guideline prompts let's talk! — hi there! thank you for visiting ♡ requests are: closed 📪
my name is monika, i’m a '99 liner and i use she/her pronouns
about: ▻ fandoms: atiny, army ▻ ults: yunho, jimin ▻ wrecked by: kim hongjoong ▻ studying: asian studies with korean language ▻ english is not my first language ▻ please be kind ♡ ▻ disclaimer: minors do not interact with this blog, i am uncomfortable with people over 10 years younger than me reading my work ▻ reminder: what you’re about to read is PURELY FICTION, SO LET’S KEEP IT SEPARATE FROM REALITY.  ▻ i use my likes as a to-read-list
mood board by: rosemichelle3012
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03jyh23 · 2 days
Ok hear me out....Nari dressing up as an aniteez for Halloween (Jongho tried advocating for Jjongbear, but ultimately she would want to be Wooyonyang)
wouldn’t that be so cute? at the end Jongho would let her wear wooyonyang costume because Nari’s the apple of his eye and he would do anything to make her happy but what would make Jongho furious was how Wooyoung would start teasing him about it being absolutely loud about how much Nari loves him
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03jyh23 · 25 days
Can I request to be added to the tag list, please?
hi! thank you so much for being interested in goes to waste series🥹🩷 I’ll gladly add you to the list!
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03jyh23 · 2 days
hi!! can you do san for prompt 25?
our affection king
here you go my lovely anon! thank you for requesting ♡♡
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03jyh23 · 7 days
Billie Ellish’s lunch has been drowning my brain since it came out…I’m just very gay 😂😂😂
as a queer woman, i totally agree! my spotify recommended it for me lately and it's so good!
if you haven't heard honey by halsey you could give it a listen it's also gay and amazing!
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03jyh23 · 8 days
love your jongho series so far! Nari is so cute😭 can’t wait for the next part🫶
🥺 thank you dear anon! i also enjoy writing this series and i cant wait to finally work on the next parts! a lot of Nari is coming as well so stay tuned!!!
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03jyh23 · 15 days
I don't mind long fics tbh. It depends on the member and the genre to me.
thank you for your answer! it’s totally understandable! i personally am a one-part type of girl but sometimes when one-shot is longer than 25k i don’t read it (it doesn’t apply to hongjoong fics tho)😬 but tbh since i started writing myself i kinda am into writing longer stories
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03jyh23 · 15 days
Hi hi! I just need to tell you how much I love your Jongho writings, they were equally fun and heartbreaking to read 🥹 Nari literally stole my heart! I need Jjong to officially introduce his girls to the rest of Ateez because I just know Nari would have them all wrapped around her lil finger (her uncle Woo specifically they'd probably give poor Jongho a headache)
hi dear anon🥹 thank you for your kind comment, i am already working on the 3rd and 4th parts (did i just spoil that im doing a whole mini series?) my writing process is a bit chaotic, i often write various scenes which i later try to connect. this is how the outline for both the 3rd and 4th parts came to be. one thing i can reveal is that there will definitely be even more of Nari (and uncle Wooyoung) in the next parts 🩷🫡
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03jyh23 · 21 days
heyyy can u add me to the taglist of goes to waste masterlist? thank yeww
hi! i will gladly do it, thank you so much for being interested in the series! 🩷
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