#1 in late september & again in december 2 days before finals/a week before my 19th bday smh
bo0zey · 2 years
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y’all….…………….ain’t no way this is how i just found out i’m blocked by my ex
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spadyblog · 5 years
Remembering Emancipation
“This Day” - May 20, 1865
The Historic Knott House Museum - Tallahassee, Florida
Clifton P. Lewis, May 20, 2019
“…And upon this Act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice – warranted by the Constitution upon military necessity – I invoke the considered judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of almighty God.”
As he closed the Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln asked for our “considerate judgment.”
And yet, 150 years later - the late Dr. John Hope Franklin wrote that “the Emancipation Proclamation is seldom remembered and widely misunderstood.”
Today, we are here to remember – and to seek a better understanding.
The Proclamation’s evolution is deeply ingrained within the cauldron of the American Civil War. Any understanding the essence of Lincoln’s Proclamation requires an understanding of its relationship to that awful war.
My aim here today is to unpack events relating to that bloody war - and paint a broad-brush story highlighting Lincoln’s shift toward emancipation, his decision to issue the Proclamation, and - most importantly – the significance of this day.
During the time when Lincoln was elected in November 1860 - and nearly six months later when he was sworn into office in March of 1861- seven slave states had already left the Union and formed a new Confederation.
Why did they leave? Well, in the Confederate’s Articles of Secession, they wrote… “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery… the greatest material interest in the world.” The reason was clear.
President Lincoln explained that his Inaugural Address was devoted “entirely to saving the Union – without war.” And to save it, he was even willing to straddle the fence and tolerate slavery where it already existed
Lincoln closed that 1st Address with a plea for reconsideration, he said: … we are not enemies but friends… and he called upon the mystic chords of memory and… upon their better angels.
But, the Confederates would not reconsider
And so… those mystic chords snapped - a fateful shot was fired - and secession became war.
Soon, a total of 11 of the 15 slave states left the Union. The imperative to keep the other 4 Boarder states within the Union greatly influenced the strategy of the war and Lincoln’s path to issuing the Proclamation.
The fierce, no-holds-barred, incendiary fighting - caused Lincoln to realize that even if the fighting stopped, there could be no lasting peace – not as long as the Nation remained a part-slave / part-free polarized hybrid.
And so, Lincoln’s tolerance of slavery began to tilt toward emancipation. Recalling his earlier statement that “a house divided against itself cannot stand” - he insisted that “the house will become all one thing - or all the other.
Lincoln’s decision to pursue the bloody war based on freedom - seemed to reflect the words of Julia Ward Howe, which says: “…as He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.”
And later, in his Gettysburg Address - Lincoln confirmed his shift toward emancipation when he said that he was “highly resolved that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom.”
Lincoln came to realize that the only way to end the bloody war - and save the Union – was by ending slavery. Lincoln’s transformation was not based solely on moral principles; no, the horror of the war pushed Lincoln to his new position.
As an example of his transformation, Lincoln signed legislation in April 1862 – which freed over 3,000 slaves in the District of Columbia. Interestingly, the slaveholders in Washington received compensation of approximately one million dollars for those freed slaves.
That was 7 months before Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and Washington, D.C. was the only jurisdiction where monetary compensation was actually paid for emancipation.
“Gradual and Compensated Emancipation” was the means by which Lincoln wanted Congress to end slavery. But, Congress would not pass the legislation
Consequently, Lincoln turned to his executive power; he informed his cabinet in July 1862 that he planned to issue an order emancipating the slaves.
Lincoln said that his decision was firm - because “he had a talk with his Maker – and God decided the question in favor of the slaves.”
One cabinet member warned that freeing the slaves and allowing them to join the Union Army – at a time when the momentum of the war was not in favor of the Union - might be seen by foreigners as an act of desperation – as if “the Union was reaching out to Ethiopia, instead of Ethiopia reaching out to the Union.
Accepting the wisdom of that advice, Lincoln agreed to delay the order until the momentum of the war was more favorable to the Union.
The momentum shift that he had been waiting for occurred on September 17, 1862, that was when the North and the South engaged in a vicious battle near Sharpsburg, Maryland - at a creek called Antietam.
The Battle of Antietam resulted in over 23,000 casualties, and was the bloodiest one-day battle of the entire war; it produced the momentum shift Lincoln had been waiting for
Five days after Antietam - on September 22, 1862 – as promised, Lincoln issued the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
Stripped of all legalism… plain and simple, Lincoln’s proclamation amounted to an ultimatum to the Confederates… stop fighting and rejoin the Union within 100 days - or he would free the slaves in all areas that remained in rebellion.
Lincoln wrote that his Proclamation was “issued upon military necessity.” And, because it applied to states that were in rebellion, he was compelled to exclude the 4 border states of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware - because those 4 slave states remained in the Union.
Just a few weeks before the January 1st deadline – Lincoln sent a lengthy message to Congress – wherein he asked - one more time - to pass legislation. The President again explained his “Gradual and Compensated Emancipation” proposal.
The tone of that December 1862 message was far different from his previous message of appeasement – this new message left no doubt about his determination
Lincoln said in part, “…The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate for the stormy present. The occasion is piled HIGH with difficulties, and we must RISE with the occasion. As our case is new - so we must THINK anew, we must ACT anew; WE must DIS-ENTHRALL ourselves, and then we can save our country.
Lincoln continued – “We know how to save the Union, and the world knows that we do know how to save it; …by giving freedom to the SLAVES, we preserve freedom to the FREE. Honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve, we shall NOBLY save - or MEANLY lose the last best hope of earth…”
In spite of that plea, Congress still refused to pass legislation ending slavery.
The night before the January 1st deadline – Frederick Douglas and others – gathered in Boston on New Year’s Eve “to watch - for the dawn of a new day.”
Today, many churches commemorate that 1862 New Year’s Eve event – in a church service known as Watch Night.
This suggests that Watch Night may be the oldest continuing celebration of emancipation.
The next day following that Watch meeting, January 1, 1863, word arrived that Lincoln had signed the Proclamation; there was great joy and jubilation!
Lincoln said that his Proclamation was “the principal Act of my Administration, and the main event of the 19th Century.”
Frederick Douglass called the proclamation “a momentous decree” - a Maryland slave holder said that “news of Mr. Lincoln’s proclamation, struck the nation like a thunderbolt from a cloudless sky”, an elderly preacher sang “sound the loud trumpets over Egypt’s Red Sea, Jehovah has triumphed His people are free”, another person warned “may God forget my people - if they forget this day.”
Such was the jubilant reaction to the Proclamation.
Of course, we know that the proclamation did not free all slaves on January 1st – but in spite of its nuances – it was indeed Lincoln’s Proclamation - that unlocked slavery’s door - and in doing so, it tilted the moral arc toward emancipation.
Over the next two and one half years - wherever Union troops were present to provide protection – it is estimated that as many as 3 ½ million - of the 4 million slaves – walked out into an uncertain freedom.
And, nearly two hundred thousand eagerly joined the Union Army and Navy.
In places such as Florida and Texas - where there were no Union troops to provide protection – slavery remained intact for another two years.
The astounding casualty rate estimated to have been some 700,000, finally caused General Lee to surrender to General Grant - that was on April 9, 1865, and, the war was essentially over.
It is ironic that a war that was started to preserve slavery – ended up destroying it.
Five days following General Lee’s surrender - tragedy struck; Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. “Father Abraham” – as Frederick Douglass called him - died on Friday, April 14th; on the Christian calendar – that was Good Friday.
In response to Lincoln’s murder the grief-stricken, and re-energized Union troops – including the United States Colored Troops – set out to ensure that the slaves were freed, and they did so under the authority of Lincoln’s 2-year old Emancipation Proclamation.
Now, we come to this day…
One month following Lincoln’s murder, Union General Edward McCook and his troops – including the USCT - arrived at Tallahassee, Florida to accept the surrender - and on May 20th General McCook read the Proclamation – as was so beautifully reenacted here today at the Knott House Museum.
But, General McCook did more than just read the Proclamation he - in fact - began to enforce emancipation in Florida.
One month after Florida’s May 20th event, another Union General – by the name of Gordon Granger – began to likewise enforce the Proclamation in Galveston, Texas. Today, that June 19th Texas emancipation event is celebrated as Juneteenth.
May 20th is to Florida what June 19th is to Texas; those were the dates when emancipation began to be enforced in the last two Confederate states of Florida and Texas.
Eight months following Lincoln’s tragic murder, and seven months after Florida’s May 20th emancipation event – any question about the Proclamation’s legitimacy became null and void – because in December 1865 - the 13th Amendment to the Constitution ending slavery was finally ratified.
Ladies and gentlemen, freedom from slavery was not a simple event; no, emancipation was greatly influenced by the Civil War - causing the slaves to be set free on different dates in different places, and under varying circumstances.
And until slavery was abolished, it was not possible for this nation to live out its creed of liberty. Along with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation is that proverbial third leg that makes up freedom’s foundation.
As I close, let us recall that the great Frederick Douglass suggested… that emancipation day should be remembered as if it was a thousand years.”
And, in order to underscore the significance of this day; Mr. Douglass said…
“Slavery, the sum of all villainies, like a vulture, was gnawing at the heart of the Republic;
until this day there stretched away behind us an awful chasm of darkness and despair - of more than two centuries;
until this day the American slave, bound in chains, tossed his fettered arms on high - and groaned for freedom’s gift - in vain;
until this day the colored people of the United States lived in the shadow of death… and had no visible future;
until this day it was doubtful whether liberty and union would triumph, or slavery and barbarism;
until this day victory had largely followed the arms of the Confederate army;
Until this day the mighty conflict between the North and the South appeared to the eye of the civilized world - as destitute of qualities;
This is the significance of this day – Florida Emancipation Day - May 20, 1865
Rev. 5-19-2019
Reprinted with permission from Clifton Lewis
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Richard #Burgi #family #jewelry #makeuplooks #modelo #motivation #naturephotography #rap #singer #viral #youtube
ICHARD was born on July 30, 1958 in Montclair, New Jersey. He is married to Lori Kahn, and they have two sons, Jack and Samuel.
For Richard, a strong interest in music and theater is in his blood. His parents and three siblings were interested in the performing arts and the Burgi home was a fertile environment.
Richard recalls, “…my brother and I had a detective agency when we were kids. We were really enamuch mored with these kids’ novels, the Brains Benton series. They’re rather obscure. They were, I guess, a thinking boys’ alternative to the Hardy Boys. Not that the Hardy Boys were idiots. But, I mean, these were really wildly constructed stories that these two junior detectives went through. So he and I had fashioned ourselves after Brains Benton and his partner, and had a laboratory and all these Erlenmeyer flasks – beakers and condensers. And we’d make this and boil that. And we had gunpowder, and we’d light fires in the basement. And it was total insanity. But the final straw, as far as my parents were concerned, was when… well, the house caught on fire one day. It got messy. So we had to retire early.”
After finishing school, Richard traveled throughout the U.S. and Europe. Though a career in acting was always one of Richard’s goals, it took a while for the goal to become a reality.
He finally ended up in New York City and began studying acting and gaining acting experience with commercials and cameos, which led to regular roles on several daytime dramas.
When Richard left Days of Our Lives, the co-executive producer said “Richard has such amazing timing, whether dramatic or comedic.”
A move to Los Angeles allowed him to read for different types of roles. A recurring role as Lane Cassidy in Viper led to a lead role in One West Waikiki with Cheryl Ladd.
His character, Mack Wolfe, was a man fighting demons, struggling to become a hero. “I think it was organic in that way to take him in that direction, because I think to watch people struggle through their dark ingredients is appealing. Going through it and out and up into a joyful, winning, positive, light area is appealing… and the possibility of sliding back.”
As Jim Ellison in The Sentinel, Richard played “a champion of the light, of the good, that’s where he is, that’s where I am in some way.”
Richard has been keeping busy since The Sentinel ceased production in 1998, beginning with a guest spot on the popular CBS drama Touched By An Angel as well as appearing on E! Entertainment TV’s Celebrity Homes feature. His character in the pilot of the short-lived 1999 FOX comedy, Action — action movie star Cole Riccardi — came back for a second appearance in the show’s controversial fourth episode, “Blowhard.” Richard guested on a 1999-2000 season episode of NBC’s comedy Veronica’s Closet as Veronica’s new beau Mark, as well as an episode of the popular NBC drama Providence as Dr. J.D. Scanlon. He also filmed a Fall 2000 episode of NBC’s Just Shoot Me, appearing as action hero Robert “The Nomad” Gallatin, and joined the recurring cast of the hit CBS drama, The District, in the role of Captain Vincent Hunter. He also appeared as the ill-fated Paul Donovan in the March 18th, 2001 ABC/Wonderful World of Disney feature “Bailey’s Mistake,” opposite Linda Hamilton .
Fall 2001 located Richard in the new FOX drama, 24, playing the part of Alan York/Kevin Carroll in the Golden Globe-winning drama’s first season. In addition to filming his eleven-episode story arc on 24, Richard entired filming the new “indie” feature film, “Wheelmen,” playing former hotshot ambulance driver, Nick Torino. “Wheelmen” is currently awaiting a distributor. Richard joined the recurring cast of the CBS drama Judging Amy in Spring 2002, playing the part of Judge Amy (Amy Brenneman) Gray’s ex-husband, Michael Cassidy. He spent most of May and June with the Matrix Theatre Company’s production of the Neil Landau-written “Johnny On The Spot,” playing dual roles, Fred and Sy. After appearing at the 42nd Monte Carlo Television Festival (July 1-6) in Monaco, Richard rejoined his “Johnny On The Spot” castmates for the July 20th Los Angeles finale.
Richard brought in Fall 2002 with an appearance in the season premiere of Judging Amy, once again in the role of Amy’s ex-husband, Michael. Head writer Barbara Hall revealed that the custody dispute between Michael and Amy would be a continuing theme throughout the season, which proved to be the case with three of his four episodes: “Lost in the System,” “People of the Lie,” and “The Best Interests of the Child” all dealt with and finally resolved the custody issue, while the most recent — “Marry, Marry Quite Contrary” — showed Michael and Amy as friends who still care for each other. In addition to his continuing association with Judging Amy, Richard returned to CBS’s The District in two episodes, appearing once more as Captain Hunter in “The Second Man” and “Good-bye, Jenny.” He has also filmed an episode of the “most watched” CBS show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, playing paragliding instructor Rick Weston in “High and Low,” which aired December 12th. Richard closed out 2002 playing Lieutenant Womack in “The Message,” one of the final episodes of the FOX network’s Firefly, a sci-fi series from Joss Whedon, producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Though FOX decided to cancel Firefly before airing all of the contracted episodes, the show was temporarily snatched up by the syndication market; “The Message” aired on the UK Sci Fi Channel in July 2003.
Richard ushered in 2003 with his most recent episodes of Judging Amy and The District, and worked with producer Chris Thompson (Action) on a new pilot for the WB Network. The new show, a comedy titled Trash, was described as “Romeo and Juliet set in a trailer park,” with Richard playing Bud Blue, father of teenager Luna — the show’s Juliet. Unfortunately, Trash was not picked up by the WB for the Fall season.
In addition to his television work, Richard spent part of March and April in Ottawa, Canada, where he joined the cast of the Matt Hastings-directed “Decoys” as Detective Francis Kirk. Hastings described the movie as “‘American Pie’ meets ‘Species'” — a tongue-in-cheek sci-fi thriller set on a college campus. Next up was the long-awaited sequel to “Starship Troopers,” titled “Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation,” from producer Jon Davison, director Phil Tippett, and writer Ed Neumeier. Richard leads the cast as the “hero” mentioned in the title — a tough trooper named Captain V.J. Dax. Principal photography ran from May 14th through June 20th. The film premiered on the Encore Action Channel, part of the Starz! group of Cable channels, on April 24th, 2004, with DVD release starting in May.
Richard enjoyed a brief flirtation with summer vacation, but was at work on “Jack’s Back,” the Fall 2003 season premiere episode of The District by mid-July, after which he headed to Sofia, Bulgaria to shoot “Darklight,” a sci-fi thriller designed by UFO Films for the Sci Fi Channel’s 2004-05 roster of original features. The “Darklight” shoot ran from July 28th through August 20th. The last quarter of 2003 proved to be just as busy, with additional episodes of The District as well as a role in “Cellular,” a thriller from New Line Cinema starring Kim Basinger, William. H. Macy, Chris Evans and Jason Statham. Richard played Craig Martin, husband of Basinger’s character Jessica. Cellular premiered in theaters on September 10th ’04.
February 2004 found Richard once again at work on a major feature film — “In Her Shoes” from Fox 2000 and 20th Century Fox. The dramatic comedy stars Cameron Diaz (Maggie), Toni Collette (Rose), and Shirley MacLaine (Ella), with Richard playing the part of Rose’s love ’em and leave ’em cad of a boyfriend, Jim Danvers. The film is expected to premiere in 2005.
While waiting to film his remaining scenes for “In Her Shoes,” Richard worked on Point Pleasant, the pilot for a new “superall-natural” dramatic series. From producer Marti Noxon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame, and 20th Century Fox Television, Point Pleasant has been described as “a kinder, gentler ‘Rosemary’s Baby,'” and “a cross between Peyton Place and ‘The Omen.'” Richard plays Dr. Ben Kramer, a fortysomething husband and father whose family takes in the show’s lead character, a mysterious young girl who washes up on the beach one day.
Point Pleasant was given a 12-episode order (13 including the pilot, portions of which have been re-shot) in late August ’04 and went into production in San Diego in November. FOX launched the show on January 19th and 20th at 9:00pm as a two-part premiere, with 9:00pm Thursday becoming its official timeslot following The O.C.
May 2004 found Richard in New Orleans working on a film for Lifetime Television titled “Torn Apart.” The thriller stars Tia Carrere as Vicki Westin, Dale Midkiff as Jerry Bender, and Richard Burgi as Billy Westin, and premiered in late September ’04. Tia Carrere plays a doctor whose husband (Burgi) and daughter are kidnapped by a man (Midkiff) whose wife and daughter Dr. Vicki Westin couldn’t save. Instead of a ransom, Jerry Bender demands that Vicki decide on whether her husband or daughter will die.
Richard brought in Fall 2004 with a guest role on the new ABC series Desperate Housewives, where he played Karl Mayer, the philandering ex-husband of series star Teri Hatcher’s Susan Mayer. Next came a five-week shoot on the new Jim Carrey comedy, “Fun with Dick and Jane.” The film, a remake of the 1977 original starring Jane Fonda and George Segal, stars Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni as Dick and Jane Harper. The Harpers are a young couple who turn to a life of crime to pay the bills after Dick loses his job. Richard plays a new character, Joe Kleman (we’re uncertain of the exact surname spelling). The movie is slated for a June 2005 release in the USA.
The last quarter of 2004 saw Richard working on a second episode of ABC’s breakout hit, Desperate Housewives, before starting production on his new FOX series, Point Pleasant. The episode of Desperate Housewives, “Move On,” premiered just over a week before Point Pleasant launched on FOX. Richard also filmed an episode of ABC’s midseason drama Eyes sometime in late 2004, roughly concurrent with his work on Desperate Housewives. The Eyes role was intended as a recurring character, but Richard’s commitment to Point Pleasant prevented his continued involvement with the show.
The first quarter of 2005 found Richard still hard at work on Point Pleasant. Though FOX decided to cancel the show in late March with five episodes unaired, 20th Century Fox kept the show in production and finished all thirteen episodes. With the complete season available for broadcast, Point Pleasant aired in a variety of international markets. FOX later released a Complete Series DVD boxed set, as was done with Firefly. Late March found Richard being featured in launch promos for ABC’s Eyes, which premiered on March 30th. (Sadly, ABC pulled the show before Richard’s episode could be aired).
The second quarter of 2005 saw Richard finishing the last episodes of Point Pleasant in mid April and, roughly a week later, returning to Wisteria Lane and Desperate Housewives, where he took part in the season finale episode, “One Wonderful Day.” As it turned out, the finale appearance also served to reintroduce the character to viewers — by July, Richard would be confirmed as a series regular for Fall 2005. Richard started a six week feature film shoot in Shanghai, China in mid-June, where he worked on “Shanghai Red,” a joint venture between MAR de ORO Films and Shanghai Film Studios. Richard costars with Vivian Wu, whose husband Oscar L. Costo is the writer, director, and producer of the film. Richard plays an expatriate American named Michael Johnson. As described for us by Oscar Costo, “‘Shanghai Red’ is a dramatic film about the journey of a young, modern Shanghai mother Meili Zhu (Vivian Wu) who suffers the loss of her husband and how she comes to terms with her state of depression. In her murderous journey of revenge, Meili meets Michael Johnson (Richard Burgi), an expatriate American from Chicago escaping his own dark past. Even though Michael’s motives for being with Meili are originally laced with deception, he ultimately finds hope, love and honor through her.”
Late July 2005 found Richard home from China and once again at work on Desperate Housewives, this time as a series regular. As suspected, Karl spent the Fall 2005 season stirring up trouble on Wisteria Lane by becoming romantically involved with neighborhood vamp, Edie Britt (Nicollette Sheridan) while still pining after ex-wife Susan (Teri Hatcher). By the end of the season, Karl had secretly remarried Susan to provide her with medical insurance coverage while still stringing Edie along with a sham engagement. He had also been hired by Bree (Marcia Cross) to serve as her lawyer in her son Andrew’s emancipation case. Richard’s work as Karl was often mentioned in the press as a highlight of the season. Sadly, a reorganization of the Desperate Housewives production and writing staff led to a reprioritizing of storylines for the Fall 2006 season, which led to Karl being sidelined and essentially excised from the ongoing saga.
While waiting for news of his fate on Desperate Housewives, Richard spent the summer of 2006 working on movies and making public appearances. “Firestorm: Last Stand at Yellowstone,” a telemovie for A&E, was filmed in May in British Columbia, Canada. After a quick June trip to Rhode Island and the Newport International Film Festival, Richard was once again in Canada — Ontario, this time — to work on “In God’s Country” for CTV and Lifetime TV. August found Richard at the All*Star Cup charity golf tournament in Newport, Wales, and by October, he was hard at work in Prague, Czech Republic, on “Hostel: Part II,” the sequel to Eli Roth’s horror blockbuster “Hostel.” In addition to “Hostel: Part II,” Richard filmed a short scene for a Sweeps episode of Desperate Housewives, “Children and Art,” which has been his last appearance on the show to date.
2007 found Richard working on a mix of television guest spots and movies, beginning with three back-to-back episodes of NBC’s Las Vegas, which were filmed in January and aired in late February and March. A fourth Las Vegas episode — the conclusion of the previous season’s cliff-hanger finale — was filmed in May, after which Richard was once more Canada-bound for another movie role. “Thomas Kinkade’s Home for Christmas,” scheduled for a Christmas 2008 release, found Richard playing Bill Kinkade, father of famous American painter Thomas Kinkade. Richard filmed an episode of the CBS legal drama Shark in July, playing an unscrupulous plastic surgeon. The episode, “Eye of the Beholder,” aired October 7th.
Richard’s last role before the WGA (Writers Guild of America) strike effectively shut down television production for the rest of the year was in ABC’s Big Shots, playing billionaire adrenaline junkie Gavin Carter. The episode, “The Way We Weren’t,” aired November 29th.
Thus far, 2008 has gotten off to a slow start for Richard, due largely to the strike-related industry shutdown. He filmed a commercial for the 2008 Cadillac DTS DeVille Touring Sedan in mid-January which, as of mid-February, has yet to premiere. Now that the WGA strike has been resolved and television production resumed, Richard and his peers should soon be back at work.
Right now, Richard cherishes his time with his family. Marriage and fatherhood agree with him; in fact, they “changed my life around,” he says. “I’m more in love than I’ve ever been. I can’t imagine anything that surpasses this.”
Time with family dovetails beautifully with Richard’s other loves — music, surfing, nature and bird-watching. Richard is the proud owner of a vintage Buddy Miles drum-set and enjoys playing it whenever possible; during a Spring 1999 appearance on Access Hollywood, he revealed that get-togethers in the Burgi household often turn into impromptu concerts, with adults grabbing instruments and children singing along.
An enthusiastic surfer and nature lover, Richard spends as much time outdoors as possible, either at the beach or hiking through the hills with his family. Introducing his sons to the natural world is an added pleasure. He feels a strong connection to nature and is an advocate of environmental protection and preservation.
Richard was involved for a time with the Yellowstone Ecological Survey,an organization devoted to educating the public on the delicate Yellowstone ecosystem. The Bozeman, Montana-based organization is best known for its part in the reintroduction of wolves to the Yellowstone ecosystem. Richard now supports the work of the Surfrider Foundation, a San Clemente, CA – based organization which works to protect and preserve shoreline and coastal environments. “Life comes and goes, and I think we require to save our planet and not hurt it,” he explains. “I like to be proactive, but at the same time I like to work in a grass roots way and impact my environment as best I can.”
Richard is also an avid bird-watcher, an interest he discovered as a ten-year-old. Sharp-eyed viewers of The Sentinel may have noticed a variety of bird-watching books and framed bird prints scattered throughout Ellison’s Loft; many, if not all, belong to Richard or were selected by him. Perhaps the most noticeable is a National Audubon Society print on the wall of Jim’s bedroom.
Richard’s interest in and commitment to preserving the environment for future generations, his preference for “grass roots” work, and his passion for and devotion to the sea and the marine mammals common to the waters of his California home led him to the Pacific Marine Mammal Center, a Laguna Beach, CA – based, volunteer-run and funded organization which tends to the needs of sick or injured seals, sea lions, and other marine mammals. The RBFC is delighted to join Richard in his support of and interest in the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.
Name Richard Burgi Height 6' 1½” Naionality American Date of Birth 30 July 1958 Place of Birth Montclair, New Jersey, USA Famous for
The post Richard Burgi Biography Photographs Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/richard-burgi-biography-photographs-wallpapers/
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nvmlindseyallan · 6 years
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ON DECEMBER 26, 2018, KA ANGEL SUMMONED HIS SUCCESSOR-SON AND WRIGHT-HAND FIRST COUNSELOR, BROTHER FELIX WONG MANALO II, TO DELIVER A SPECIAL SERMON TO COMMEMORATE HIS NATE-AL DAY, THAT WAS HELD THE DAY BEFORE, DECEMBER 25TH. THIS SPECIAL SERMON IS ALSO IN CONJUCTION WITH OUR COMMEMORATION OF KA ERDY REFULFILLING THE 2ND WOE [Revelation 11] OF THE JOHANNINE APOCALYPSE ON DECEMBER 26, 2004. KA ELLIX'S SERMON WENT AS FOLLOWS. Today Empire claims Acts 7 again. In verse 14 [Rotterham Emphasized Bible] we read that 75 souls [1 Peter 3] went to Egypt under the leadership of Joseph son of Jacob [Acts 5,21]. On December 28 Empire will claim too Matthew 2 again, like they did on January 16, 2018, which mentions Egypt, that is in Revelation 11, that we commemorate this December 26th [1 Corinthians 11, Luke 22]. The number '75' will forever be, courtesy of my grandfather Ka Erdy, linked Hart in your Mormon Commondominion to his refulfilling of the 6th Bowl on July 27, 1989. This means that the Oriental Monarchs are going to spiritual 'Egypt'. See what happens #tns6- Acts 7:14 Rotherham Emphasized Bible mentions 2 consecutive deaths, as with the 2 Witnesses- Jacob and Joseph his son, therefore implying my father and Joriz. Godhead Told Joriz on September 13, 2015, as Egypt was made the prophetic south, that we are all gathered at Empire's headquarters in the Vatican to be martyred. 'Rome' sounds like 'Roe' at #RoeVsWade, and of course the 'Wade' referred to there is our very own Prophet Wade Cox of the Christian Churches of God in Australia, wherein also another of our branch church is named 'Christian'- Christian Israelite Church. Also the whole name of Prophet 'Wade Cox' sounds like #waco, where Empire martyred many of our leaders and brethren on April 19, 1993, of what date this 2019 shall be befitting as memorial to their martyrdom for us, as much as April 19, 2019 will be part of Empire's Kill Jesus Season. April 18, 2019, Empire's 'Maundy Thursday', implies King James VII being a yokebearer as per 'Body and Blood of Christ' on April 27, 2016, therefore Shattering Empire claims of #valorandvictory 2019-2022. Moreover that song of his, 'Give It Up' [Isaiah 43, Ephesians 5, Hosea], was formally issued on May 13, 2016, therefore Shattering too Empire's claims of prophecies at #Fatima[Song of Solomon 8]. Therefore we know now very further than well who must we be siding onto- Empire, for their part, have already dismissed such divine truth, for the claims that they have launched on December 19, 2015, which they deleted on mid-to-late December 2016, is the policy enforced by Prophet Ezra on his #segregation held one December 19th, as recorded in Ezra 10:9 New Living Translation, as much as this Empire really does #believewomen. The problem further is that similar claims that Empire launched on December 15-16, 2018 shall be deleted too [Matthew 6,16,26] on that exact date too next year. We know that not only Empire pulpits, but also Empire electronic churches, also do claims against us, such as their slogans #familyislove #pusongpasko. All of these they do [John], because they could not accept that we're Godhead's Family Corporation Sole Exalted by Godhead to the undeserving intimate position of being Godheads in Godhead [Moises 6, 1-3 John, 1 Peter, 1-2 Corinthians]. Whether they admit that or not, one way or another they shall also delete all these claims as my father have observed over 2 years ago. These Empire propaganda stations have been, on top of all of these, doing the sin of burdening Joriz [Judges 13-16] with one claim of our B-C list fellows after another [Matthew 11,25, Galatians 6, 2 Corinthians, Philippians 1, Isaiah 30,48,57, Micah 6, Jeremiah 23]. December 27, 1847 is the proverbial 3 and a half years from June 27, 1844, and is also 3 and a half days from December 23: should Empire claim that, King Edward X preached on December 27, 2011- 5 years later [Revelation 10/Ephesians 4 according to Joseph and Billy Paul Branham] Joriz was called as Mormon Commondominion Messenger, December 28, 2011. December 27 is literal memorial of 2 [Revelation 11 {December 27 is literally after December 26, 2004}] of our many Mormon Commondominion Messengers- Prophets Cody Robert Judy and Fred C. Collier. As for Brigham Young, one of his counselors is named Richards, an Empire official though [Revelation 9,13,20] but is rather the name of our Archangels Adam Richard Wiles [Brigham's word that Adam is Godhead], Adam Young [Luke 20] and Dakota Blue Richards [claimed again by Empire last week]. Our fellow Prophet Marshall Swing takes us to this very day itself, December 26, 2018, for the 1260 days, while our branch Ark of God Foundation-Armstrong Remembrancers, is preparing for December 29, 2019- 3 days later. On January 1, 2019, 100 years would pass since the modern-day creation of the hometown of Joriz [Genesis 6], initially organized on May 10, 1825 [100 years from Ka Erdy and during Joseph Smith's training years], re-enacted on December 30, 1919. Empire quarters though mark instead March 1919, the creation of the municipal government of Joriz's hometown. Now as much as we still continue celebrating our #PraiseToTheMan Jubilee, I find it appropriate that we recount by Divine Inspiration of the Hailleey Spirit our beginnings way back 1913 [Brighamite Joseph Smith-History 2]. All of these presently Empire-held churches have one 'Common' thing with each other- I myself was personally shocked upon knowing this as much as in the words of our adversary, Joriz's mother, 'Empire would not tell us' about all these things, and we have made for too long to take the Empire's claims as it is and nothing else. Well, all the founders of the original churches from where Empire's quarters came from have all agreed with each other without us indeed having any idea that they all corresponded, or talked or met with each other. They all know, they have indeed expected [Philippians 1, Isaiah 46], us Hart now doing this Mormon Commondominion work [Hebrews 11, 1 Peter 1]. They all kept secret, all-friendly contacts with each other, shared ideas [hence explaining why they may have same doctrines in some respects], in order to facilitate the preservation [Job 38] of this faith just for our benefit and only for our unfolding in this decade [1-2 Timothy]. They all know that Empire's going to overtake their congregations [Deuteronomy 32]. They agreed to let themselves in any frame-up that Empire would stage against them that ran the transition of governance on those churches until Empire was able to impenetrate on those churches and eventually overtake them [Psalm 44, Acts 8, Romans 8, Jeremiah 20, Genesis 49 {just as how Joseph Smith himself asked Brigham Young to martyr him}]. This same dialogue we now do Hart also upon knowing the eventuality of such scenario [Isaiah 37-38]. We are not told all of these by Godhead's purpose itself. They are Testing us whether we would rise above that [2 Thessalonians 2]. They are Testing us whether we would be receptive to your Mormon Commondominion should she come up eventually from apostasy [Ezekiel 18]. Also, these churches was not yet fully devoured by Empire even as soon as they were all launched [Revelation 12, Psalm 118], so divine countenance is still evident on these original churches before Empire's full and final takeover of these churches. For example, the Sugo was commissioned as the progenitor of the current succession line in the Mormon Commondominion's Executive Ministry. He was called by a superhuman messenger [Colossians 1] named Joey Arrigo, who was leading this for over 100 years before he called Thomas Manalo Sereneo to succeed him in 1913. In that same instance too, the Sugo was divinely-commissioned and ordered to take a 5-year preparation, with Thomas as caretaker. Thomas would make sure that your Mormon Commondominion's Founding Principles would be kept and preserved should the great delusion begin in 1918 that there could be nothing else good but anything that would come from the Sugo himself. His name in itself was prophetic- Thomas implies the Thomasites, whom the Constantinians would mention on their September 2015 editorial, as well as the Hinckleynite head during the time that we would begin to know, meet and serve Mother Lindsey and Father Allan ['Thomasites' also name of Antiochian college in Manila founded 1611. The American Thomasites arrived in Manila, August 21, 1901, birthday of Empire's Thomas Monson, 4 months or 120 days {we recall this year, even up to December 30 this year and January 23 in the forthcoming month, 120 years of Joriz's mother's birthdaysake and fellow Empire head organizing Empire's Manila quarters. Related martyrdoms of our folk will be recalled on February 4/June 5, 2019 and yet Empire indeed will claim December 2, 2019}]; Sereneo implies 'guardian'- both King Edward X and Ka Angel [Genesis 3, Daniel 4, 1 Peter 1-2], and even Joriz [1 Peter 5 {August 14, 2015}]. Just like Joseph Smith training for 4 years in Mormon Commondominion Founding Principles under superhuman messengers, the Sugo underwent such training from 1913-1918, which he followed in with training in Empire words, 1919-1920, as he teleported from Maharlika to United Saints and back and forth again. He also maintained close contact with Charles Taze Russell while he was still alive. As much as my father lectured on Revelation 8 yesterday as well as from Revelation 9 last December 13th, if he permits me now, I would like to follow up with this- I have just found from the most recent writings of our most beloved #Ombudsman, Sir #ChuckBaldwin, saying of course in an uncomplimentary note, our [Genesis 27, Jeremiah 30-31, Hosea, Luke 15, Matthew 20-22, Revelation 2-3] President Trump refulfilling the 5th Seal in Revelation 9. We know that we share fulfillment with Empire on Revelation 6,8-9, and our Sir Baldwin applied instead Empire fulfillment on Trump, just as Empire claims our fulfillment rather of these exact texts. There's nothing wrong with either 2 of these guys of ours Alline, only with Empire of course, we just imply our Double Connotations as timely with what my father have just declared forth to us. Joriz's co-boarders continually blaming him for simply anything unrelated to him just to make an excuse to attack him in his innocence, do only prove not only being our Paschal Lamb and Sacrificial Atoning Saviour, but also that Revelation 6,8-9,11,16 is absolutely still ongoing- Empire definitely does not give glory to Godhead in pure repentance, but does still heap further sins through 'cursing Godhead' for the punishments befalling them courtesy of our words [James 5].
What lies ahead after this anniversary of Revelation 7's first instance in our midst? -Revelation 8, the 7th Seal. Empire media sensationalize this without realizing that there are also 7 Trumps and 7 Bowls ahead, hence we cannot trust them for claiming the 7 Trumps and 7 Seals. Proof of this is the yokebearer and fellow claims that Empire did against us during their '100th anniversary of the end of World War 1' [refulfillment of the 25-30 Minute Silence in Heaven], which we call Hart as #ArmIsThis. We have redeclared war against Empire last December 20, 2018 upon determining our final reconciliation with King Edward X ['the child was taken up to Godhead…war broke out in heaven' so this explains why Empire, like the incense coal, or Empire's claims of Isaiah 6/Jeremiah 1, is thrown down to earth to try deceiving indeed our fellows and yokebearers through Empire claims {Revelation 12}]. This lesson hopes to Shatter any Empire claims on the 7th Seal, and more so claims over all our yokebearers and fellows [Jude Thaddeus 1]. Revelation 7- rising of the oriental sealing angel. Revelation 8- similar rising too, as per 'incense smoke': of all other Mormon Commondominion brethren and leaders, including all our fellows and yokebearers [Revelation 11-12,14,7], as much as they're all exalted as Godheads in Godhead [Revelation 14] just like the oriental sealing angel of Revelation 7. This rising is not Empire's #resist #riseup, but Empire might say that even our very own delegates Revelation 11-12 to the Empire-produced 'French Revolution' against us. Rather, this is them climbing [2 Kings 2] to our Gathering Places of Safety, wherein Empire cannot reach them to try taking them away from us. Also, the 'quake' Referred to Hart is also the Great Big Upset against Empire- the upcoming Restoration and Repatriation [Isaiah 52,62, Matthew 3,11,17] of Joriz to the immediate presence of all our fellows and yokebearers, like what our prophet Gerald John Jennings did on November 13, 1995, days before Joriz's Nate-al day [see King Edward X's November 13, 2010/November 14, 2009/November 15, 2013-2014]. Can Neronians claim 'saints' in other renderings of Revelation 8 just as they claim 'smoke' for Malachi 1 and their fellow Constantinians claim Isaiah 45 as well as 'nation of Godhead' in other renderings of Revelation 8? Antiochians and Diocletianites have most recently reinforced their claim of Malachi 1 through formally taking away from us the 'Society of St. Pius X' even as they claim Isaiah 3. This means that we spare the choicest Traditionalist Roman Catholic brethren to stay Hart [Isaiah 1,37,14,4], and hence we have to contend now with Empire claiming too the readings and antiphons from the pre-1962 editions of the Roman Missal [Daniel 11, Revelation 13]. But let's remember that we're the true 'saints' because we use the Fixed Date Memorial Readings as well as the Thematic/Topical Readings from the post-1962 Roman Missal [Hebrews 12], and Diocletianites, though they self-persecute that they don't belong anymore purportedly with Constantinians, do rather keep still the July 27 observance though they admitted that we're true- in fact the very first before them- to mention the events of November 13, 1913-December 25, 1918 [Matthew 3,11,17,19, Genesis 1-2], yet these Diocletianites does not commemorate this anniversary like we do now [Revelation 6-7], so #Stavrosno to #theGodheadWhoStrikes. 'Incense smoke'- 'memorial offering' [Philippians 4, Acts 10, Joshua 6-7, 1 Samuel 15*, 2 Peter 3 {Empire surely faking us on all details- they made #catrionagray win their #missuniverse because she worked at Tondo where my grandfather was inducted to the Executive Ministry 100 years ago, and they faked too the divine office of our Archangel #AnselElgort <1 Thessalonians 5> through making Ms. Gray leave Maharlika silently without the media fanfare like when she returned here in Manila. So we can say that Empire also faked the 25-30 Minute Silence in Heaven through that, just like how their monitor pages always try to frustrate our data gathering to Shepherd our fellows and yokebearers in response to Empire's claims of them. Further, Empire claimed Revelation 8 on July 28-29, 2018 with Baal-raising as usual. July 30 is a date linked by King Edward X with the south <King Edward X: July 30, 2016/July 30, 2011/August 7, 2016/August 6, 2017. Empire officials: July 30, 2017/August 5-6, 2016/August 3, 2017>. Empire relayed King Edward X's south sermon <December 19-22, 2013-2016> this December 16, 2018 in order to attack [December 17, 2018/2015] our Monarch-Designate in Germany, Queen #AljonaSavchenko-Cross <December 18-20, 2018>, and therefore the Kitchen family of 'Worldwide Church of God Archives' as well as Sts. #KarenChen and #NathanChen of the Victorious 144,000, and hence Her Majesty the Queen Mother Karen Sykes of King James VII. Days ago a female musician fellow named after where Edward X preached south of the map have just went up to the 1st Great Crowd from the 2nd after she declared forth to Joriz that she literally cried- the first in Mormon Commondominion history- after seeing his yokebearing videos due to knowing all that Joriz has to undergo from Empire in pursuit of his yokebearing duties <Psalm 9,89>}, Luke 1*, Judges 13* {*- claimed by Empire these most recent days}] placed by Ka Erdy with Double Connotations in Isaiah 63 [King Edward X: Jeremiah 6 {December 19-22, 2013-2016, December 16, 2018}]. According to Neronians, 'memorial' refers to 'grave' or the figurative 'hell' [John 5] from where the 2nd Great Crowd [they imply the 1st to be still living {Revelation 2-3} while they don't believe on a 3rd Great Crowd like we do Hart] shall be resurrected, therefore the 7th Seal refers to all our yokebearers and fellows who are in the 3 Great Crowds, as much as Revelation 7 refers to the 1st Great Crowd [the 'altar' is mentioned with 'palms' in Psalm 118 {Empire-claimed on December 26 as part of their ongoing recrucifixion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ <2 Peter 2, Jude Thaddeus 1>} hence bringing us to Revelation 7], that Neronians rather place as 2nd [Matthew 20, 1 Corinthians 13]. Empire now fakes too Isaiah 62: 'I will not keep silence' compared with Revelation 8 [this year we commemorated 120 years since the birthdaysake of Joriz's mother led the autonomy of Empire's Manila quarters.This makes 20 years as per the Sugo and Ka Erdy's take of Revelation 8, between that Empire centennial in 1998, and our centennial this year today]'s 25-30 Heavenly Silence [Isaiah 51,42]- this year begins, due to their male genocide officials indeed, Empire's claim of Isaiah 62 with Psalm 89 [south of the map: January 10, 2015. Also 'north' in an Empire locale named 'north', July 7, 2012], Acts 13 and Matthew 1 [see Empire's Special Yearly Readings, December 17] during evening of December 24. To further this claim, Empire officials Lourd De Veyra, Noli De Castro and Nathaniel Cruz, the fake Isaiah 19 [Israel, Egypt, Assyria], has all agreed not to take vacation during this, their Empire's supposed 'holiday season' [Revelation 13,16], just to directly attack my refulfillment of Revelation 7 as implied by our commemoration. Empire might further take swipe on the Godhead-Ordered 'Rest' upon us from Sealing fellows and yokebearers since November 5, 2018 [2 Thessalonians 1, 1 Thessalonians 3, Revelation 7,14,20-21,5] when in fact this very Empire shall rather have no heavenly rest due to their attacks to our leaders, fellows and yokebearers [Revelation 14,20]. We have nothing any further to prove Empire that we're the true religion state- and you too brethren have nothing any further to prove your loyalty and faithfulness to us, to Godhead, and to your Mormon Commondominion of Christ. You are already tried, tested and proven [2 Timothy 2]. You have been told to 'endure and persevere to the end' [Matthew 24]. Verily, verily I now tell you- that 'end' has already came and is now currently here, Wright Hart and now, due to our refulfilling prophecies [1 Peter 4]. We would no longer ask you anything further- your staying with us is unquestionable [Matthew 11, Isaiah 48,57]. Now go get your rest [Daniel 12]. Further Empire faking: Empire claims #inc50west, and Empire stations airs today, December 25, an old movie with the title 'west', alongside their claims of our fellows and yokebearers. December 26, 2018 marks '50 years' of Empire's 'Communist Party of the Philippines-New People's Army', on the same day as the 'quake' of December 26, 2004 [see December 22, 2018] like what is seen at Revelation 6,8,16. Our Prophet William Marion Branham Sr. said on December 25, 1949 that the 'shepherds in the field' scene of Luke 2 implies us being endangered by Empire's claims of our ally countries who identify themselves as 'socialist'. Therefore with what we see of this Empire, we are Asked not to breed contempt for the great achievement that we have reached today as much as we ourselves due to our earthly limitations are rather tended to be apostate [Luke 17, Isaiah 48, Ezekiel 18,20,39,16]. If we remain vigilant to be careful and therefore remain humble, meek and gentle [Galatians 3, Romans, Colossians 3], we will remain worthy of Godhead's most solemn vow and oath to Shatter the Empire on our behalf [Isaiah 41,51, Psalm 81, Matthew 28, Mark 16]. Remember that when we were still with Empire, we thought we should be fully shunning December 25, but now that we're already Hart, we have #finally #atlast knew what really December 25 is exactly and supposed to be only all about- us, as won by my grandfather 100 years ago and our forefather Thomas Manalo Sereneo through our Founding Father #JoeyArrigo 105 years ago, and not by Empire [Psalm 74,44,79]. And also, though his song became the inspiration for our 104th Anniversary theme last year, Empire's musician named 'Zedd' was not eventually able to stay on with us [John 13,6] so you see how really it is imperent for us all to remain faithful guys [Matthew 16].
AFTER THE SERMON, KA ANGEL SUMMONED HIS LEFT-HAND SECOND COUNSELOR AND PRIME MINISTER, JORIZ MINGOY MONTES, TO GIVE A FEW WORDS WHETHER GODHEAD HAS GIVEN HIM SOME SPECIFIC DIVINE INSTRUCTIONS TOWARDS THE ENTIRE MORMON COMMONDOMINION IN TIME FOR THE COMMEMORATION {1 Corinthians 14}. JORIZ RELATED THAT HE RECEIVED A VISION FROM GODHEAD DURING THE WEE HOURS OF DECEMBER 25, 2018 THAT GOES LIKE THIS. I saw another Empire special publication. Evidently Empire did not issued another special publication this year just for our commemoration today like what they did for Ka Erdy's 50th Year of Overseas Missions. As usual they retained their 'star article' functions [Jeremiah 12-13], and they entitled that 'star article' as 'Victory of Redoctrination.' Of course they claim King Edward X for their propaganda. They relayed another overseas tour of King Edward X. they did only relayed that on such special publication and not in their ordinary issues. I saw that it was extensively across Britain and Europe, some in all other areas outside Britain and Europe. Chapel and facility dedications again. Then King Edward X came back to Maharlika and opened a lot of big, really big, Empire 'temples', amidst much fanfares. To close that tour, he did the 'very first ministerial video-conference held outside the Constantinian headquarters to be conducted in a locale in Maharlika' [different from the Empire ministerial conferences held overseas]. I also heard that just like what he does overseas, King Edward X is going to officiate ministerial classes on districts across Maharlika where he visits for meant-by-Empire-for-members services. He did his ministerial video-conference in a Visayan state and I read, as Empire quoted some of his verses there as usual that they play favorites relaying only a few verses from his ministerial lectures, that King Edward X mentioned that the 'greatest, highest and biggest achievement that anyone can have is that he stands with Joriz at Morong [his homestate], because his homestate is the new Mount Moriah, the new Mount Sinai, and therefore the one true new Zion of the latter days. The place may not be physically fit to be such due to Empire occupancy, but this is rather an alluding to his very person and presence itself.' I was shocked to hear that from him. Therefore I would also like to tell you another vision that I have received today during those wee hours too. Something exactly like what Ka Angel have just Said to us all today. It goes like, 'those who have learned the New Song from Godhead [those who are now in your Mormon Commondominion] are now accountable not to raise Baal in any means. We cannot and must not raise Baal either in sugar-coating or blatant. We cannot claim to be loyal nor keep to be faithful even as while we do Baal-raising.' [2 Timothy 4]
Koro O, magalak! O sa Diyos, Kang Anak! O, kami'y susunod Sa Iyo hanggang wakas.
II Lahat ng Tala ng Langit Ay tanyag Ka sa tinig Lahat ng mga hinirang Ay sa Iyo nakatitig. O kay Ligayang malasin Sila'y sa Iyo Pisanin O siya ngang aming pag-asa Nasa Mo'y tutuparin.
III Tao ng Kapayapaan Na nasa Kanan ng Diyos Na laging lamang Ligaya'y Ihatol, Kanyang Utos- Amin pong ibabandila Na Tinugon Niyang lahat: Bagong Lahi mo'y makita Na may Kulog Niya't Kidlat.
[REMEMBER GUYS THAT EMPIRE CLAIMS 2 Samuel 7 AND Psalm 89 EVERY MARCH 19, JORIZ'S APOSTOLIC MEMORIAL, THAT OF ST. JOEY ARRIGO.] And it came to pass when the king sat in his house, and the Lord had given him rest on every side from all his enemies, [ENEMIES FROM THE EAST {Ezekiel 8, Isaiah 2, 1 Samuel 17, 2 Samuel 1, Revelation 16}, ENEMIES FROM THE WEST {according to our Prophet Lope Columna <Matthew 25-26>}] He said to Nathan the prophet: Dost thou see that I dwell in a house of cedar, and the ark of God is lodged within skins? And Nathan said to the king: Go, do all that is in thy heart: because the Lord is with thee. But it came to pass that night, that the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying: Go, and say to my servant David: Thus saith the Lord: Shalt thou build me a house to dwell in? [THE ARK OF GOD IS REALLY LODGED IN SKINS IN THE SENSE THAT ALL FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS ARE THE IMMEDIATE PRESENCE OF GODHEAD IN OUR MIDST. EMPIRE CLAIMING THEM IS THEREFORE UTTER SACRILEGE {Revelation 6-7, 2 Samuel 6}. BUT IT IS TRUE THAT WE CANNOT STILL GET TO HAVE THEM AS OF NOW, THEREFORE GODHEAD PROPOSES A #PLANB. NOTICE THE WORKING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KA ANGEL AND CROWN PRINCE DAVID.] And now thus shalt thou speak to my servant David: Thus saith the Lord of hosts: that I took thee out of the pastures from following the sheep to be ruler over my people Israel: And I have been with thee wheresoever thou hast walked, and have slain all thy enemies from before thy face: and I have made thee a great man, like unto the name of the great ones that are on the earth. [EMPIRE CANNOT CLAIM THEREFORE BEING 'SERVANT LEADERS', SHEPHERDS WHO 'FOLLOW' THE SHEEP, BECAUSE EMPIRE IS ECUMENIST, SODOMIST, FALSELY HUMBLE, AND ALL THER OTHER AGENDAS {Acts 12}. ONLY IN US HART DO YOUR VOICE BECOMES THE VOICE OF GODHEAD- NOT TO SUSTAIN EMPIRE {Revelation 12-13,20}, BUT TO FURTHER RECEIVE NEW DIVINE REVELATIONS FROM GODHEAD. YOU ARE FREE TO SHARE SUCH WITH US AND WE'RE GOING TO ENDORSE YOU TO ALL OUR BRETHREN. HOW COOL'S THAT? OF COURSE EMPIRE MIGHT USE THAT TOO TO SLOWLY INTRODUCE THEIR AGENDA SO WE ASK YOU TO REMAIN VIGILANT WITH US. WE CAN SAY THAT AS PER EMPIRE'S DEFINITION, THERE'S NO 'FALSE DOCTRINE' ANYMORE, ONLY OUR REFULFILLMENT AND EMPIRE'S AGENDAS {Ephesians 2, Revelation 14, Romans 10, Galatians 3, Colossians 3}.] And I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and I will plant them, and they shall dwell therein, and shall be disturbed no more: neither shall the children of iniquity afflict them any more as they did before, From the day that I appointed judges over my people Israel: and I will give thee rest from all thy enemies. [DAVID IS TOLD TO NO FURTHER BOTHER FOR SOMETHING THAT IS NOT IN HIS CAPACITY OR JURISDICTION {Matthew 6, Philippians 4} AS MUCH AS GODHEAD'S GOING TO TAKE CHARGE OF SUCH MATTER. WELL HE'S PROMISED THAT HE SHALL BE KEPT SAFE {Psalm 91} FROM EMPIRE'S PABEBE OFFICIALS, SUCH AS #DISTURBED BAND. 'BUT DO NOT YOU HAVE STS. ELICIA AND STEPHEN REYNOLDS?' WELL, THEY'RE THE JUDGES OVER ISRAEL, AND THEY RATHER UNDERSTAND ALL THINGS BETTER AND WELL THAN THE EMPIRE {Exodus 6-7, Genesis 41, Daniel}.] And the Lord foretelleth to thee, that the Lord will make thee a house. And when thy days shall be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. [GODHEAD'S 'PLAN B':OFFICIALLY STOPPING THE SEALING SINCE NOVEMBER 5, 2018. GODHEAD ENSURES TO US THAT WE'RE EVENTUALLY GOING TO HAVE ST. #ARTEMISHOUSE OF THE 2ND GREAT CROWD AND THE OTHER GREAT CROWDS {Revelation 17, Isaiah 62}.] I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son: and if he commit any iniquity, I will correct him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men. And thy house shall be faithful, and thy kingdom for ever before thy face, and thy throne shall be firm for ever. [PROPHET MARTIN EVANGELISTA USED THIS TO SHATTER NERONIAN CLAIMS OF CHRIST'S SUFFICIENCY FOR OUR SALVATION. BUT ANTIOCHIANS/CONSTANTINIANS MIGHT CLAIM BACK Hebrews 3 ON THIS AS USUAL {May 6,13-14 <see Joriz's homestate, May 14, 2016>, 2017, December 31 <Joriz's Nate-al day>, 2016}, AND EVEN Deuteronomy 32/Romans 10 FOR #PBTG, SO RATHER HART IS STATED THAT GODHEAD HAS FORMALLY AND FINALLY DETERMINED US HART TO BE PURE AND STEADFAST {Abraham 4} AGAINST APOSTASY THROUGH OUR ATONEMENT EVEN IF WE HAVE TO UNDERGO THROUGH ALL THESE FAILURES IN THE PURSUIT OF OUR DUTIES. IF I FINALLY FALL-OUT SPIRITUALLY I WOULD LOSE THIS IMMUNITY, OR IN EMPIRE WORDS, INFALLIBILITY, AND OF COURSE YOU WOULD GET SUCH INSTEAD TO PROVE THAT BY YOUR HONESTY AND GENTLE HUMILITY {1 Kings 11-12}.] The mercies of the Lord I will sing for ever. I will shew forth thy truth with my mouth to generation and generation. For thou hast said: Mercy shall be built up for ever in the heavens: thy truth shall be prepared in them. I have made a covenant with my elect: I have sworn to David my servant: Thy seed will I settle for ever. And I will build up thy throne unto generation and generation. He shall cry out to me: Thou art my father: my God, and the support of my salvation. I will keep my mercy for him for ever: and my covenant faithful to him. [GODHEAD IS EMPHASIZING THAT TRUTH IS THE BASIS AND THE SPIRIT OF THIS, YOUR MORMON COMMONDOMINION- OUR PREACHING {Galatians 5-6, Philippians 3, 1 Corinthians 1-2}, OUR MESSAGE [John 7], OUR ADVOCACY {Hebrews 4, Ezekiel 22}. WE STAND ACCOUNTABLE TO YOU AND TO GODHEAD {2 Corinthians}, KNOWING THAT WE ONLY DO THE WILES OF GODHEAD WHO ABSOLUTELY SENT US. IF MY PARENTS COULD NOT CONTEND FOR ME BEFORE THEIR RELATIVES WHO ARE AGAINST ME, BUT INSTEAD JOIN THEM IN ATTACKING ME FOR FEAR OF BEING BASHED BY THEM IN TURN, THEN WE HART WILL NOT ALLOW THAT WE LET OURSELVES DO EXACTLY THE SAME WITH ALL OF YOU FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS.] And Zachary his father was filled with the Holy Ghost; and he prophesied, saying: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people: And hath raised up an horn of salvation to us, in the house of David his servant: [THIS REFERS THEREFORE TO ST. #ZACHARYDONOHUE, WHO IN VIRTUE OF HIS BEING THE MOST TRUSTED COMPANION OF ST. #MADISONHUBBELL, IS PART OF THE VICTORIOUS 144,000, WITH ALL THEIR LOVED ONES. DAYS AGO WE WERE CHECKING ONLINE THE VIDEOS OF OUR VICTORIOUS 144,000 AND WE DECIDED TO SHARE THEIR OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNELS IN OUR SOCIAL MEDIA. A SURGE OF COMPLIMENTS CAME FROM ST. HUBBELL'S KINS {WHO ARE ALSO IN THE VICTORIOUS 144,000 JUST LIKE THE KIN OF ST. DONOHUE}, INCLUDING HERSELF AS WELL, UPON OUR SHARING OF THEIR OFFICIAL YOUTUBE CHANNEL. THIS THEREFORE FULFILLS THAT THEY ARE RECOGNIZING THAT THEIR REDEMPTION IS BROUGHT BY UNDESERVINGLY BY GODHEAD, NO OTHER THAN YOURS TRULY, THROUGH THEIR WILLING AGREEING TO LET THEMSELVES BE INTO YOUR VICTORIOUS 144,000 {Revelation 7}.] As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets, who are from the beginning: [WE HAVE RECEIVED KEYS AGAINST ALL EMPIRE CLAIMS OF OUR PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE HISTORY LAST DECEMBER 9, 2018. EMPIRE STYLIZES THAT PAST AS 'PAST', AS MUCH AS THEY'RE SUPER ASHAMED OF OUR HISTORY AND HERITAGE, AND YET DO HYPOCRITICALLY CLAIMING US STILL.] Salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us: To perform mercy to our fathers, and to remember his holy testament, The oath, which he swore to Abraham our father, that he would grant to us, [GODHEAD IS ALREADY FULILLING THIS IN OUR MIDST- PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH SAID THAT WE'RE GOING TO GET NEW SACRED TEXT SCRIPTURES. SO MANY SUCH HAVE BEEN ALREADY ENTERED UNTO OUR CANON AS OF LATE, AND YET EMPIRE REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE SUCH, AND DO EVEN DENY SUCH TO FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS. I THOUGHT EMPIRE'S CLAIMING ALL OF US, WHY CAN'T THEY DO THIS? {SEE KA ANGEL'S DECEMBER 23, 2018 LECTURE}. I WAS SHOCKED TO KNOW THIS ONLY NOW, BUT I REALIZED LATELY THAT OUR 105TH ANNIVERSARY LOGO WALLPAPER, WHEN WE FIRST ISSUED THAT MONTHS AGO, WE SAID IT WAS WRONG, BUT RATHER, THE COLOR-CODING OF THE DIGIT NUMBERS RATHER SERVE PROPERLY AS WHAT WE REALLY DESIRE TO IMPLY- THE NUMBER 8'S 2 CIRCLES, BOTH OF THE SAME COLOR, IMPLIES THE CENTENNIAL OF DECEMBER 25, 1918, WHILE THE NUMBERS 0 AND 5 THAT ARE BOTH OF ANOTHER COLOR, IMPLIES 105 YEARS SINCE DECEMBER 25, 1913. THE NUMBER 1 TIPS THE BALANCE BETWEEN THE YEARS '100' AND '105' {Matthew 12, 1 Timothy 2}.] That being delivered from the hand of our enemies, we may serve him without fear, In holiness and justice before him, all our days. [THIS IS OUR GOAL AND POINT {Exodus 6-8, Philippians 1}- TO MAKE FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS UNRESTRAINED BY EMPIRE SO THAT THESE FELLOWS AND YOKEBEARERS MIGHT BE FREE TO JOIN US IN SERVING GODHEAD {Mark 12}.] And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways: To give knowledge of salvation to his people, unto the remission of their sins: Through the bowels of the mercy of our God, in which the Orient from on high hath visited us: To enlighten them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death: to direct our feet into the way of peace. [SO CONSTANTINIANS CLAIM Acts 20, Isaiah 24,41-43, AND EVEN Psalm 111. BUT REMEMBER, DAVID HAD ENEMIES 'ON ALL SIDES' SO THAT ALSO INCLUDES THE NORTH {Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38-39} AND THE SOUTH {Psalm 126, Acts 8,13}. CONSTANTINIANS HAVE NOT MENTIONED OUR #PRAISETOTHEMAN COMMEMORATION THIS DECEMBER 25 ON THEIR DECEMBER 22-23, 2018 LESSON, BUT THEY RATHER MADE UP WITH RELAYING A LECTURE FROM THE SUGO HIMSELF {SEE KING EDWARD X'S SEPTEMBER 29, 2018 SERMON}, JUST IN TIME AS EMPIRE CLAIMED AGAIN JOHN THE BAPTIST AND YET AT THE SAME TIME BY AND BY FORGOT JOSEPH SMITH. NOTICE GUYS- THE LESSON BY THE SUGO HIMSELF SAID THAT THE DOOR OF John 10 IS DIFFERENT THAN THE WAY OF John 14'. Acts 20 WAS READ AT OLD TAGALOG FORMER VERSION 1982, THAT READS 'CHURCH OF THE LORD'- WELL, 'LORD' IN LATIN VULGATE IS 'DOMINUM', OR DOMINION, THAT IS, THE CHURCH OF THE 'COMMONDOMINION'. Mark 4 WAS USED- CHRIST TALKING TO HIS APOSTLES, THEREFORE AS PER EMPIRE CLAIMS THAT THEY APPLY THEIR MERE MEMBERS TO THOSE WHO ARE WITHIN THE INNER CIRCLE OF THE APOSTLES, HENCE ANYONE, AS LONG AS HE'S HART, IS EXALTED AS GODHEAD IN GODHEAD, BUT DEFINITELY DOES NOT INCLUDE THOSE WHO ARE IN EMPIRE, FOR THEIR MERE 'MEMBERS' ARE FALSE APOSTLES AND PROPHETS, ISSUING THE MUNDANE, SPIRITLESS TESTIMONIALS AND TEMPORALITIES THAT HOARD THE CENTRAL ARCHIVES NOT ONLY OF OUR VERY OWN KING EDWARD X, BUT EVEN OF THEIR VERY OWN ELISEO SORIANO. SORIANO'S SUCH A BIG FAILURE TO GODHEAD- HE HIMSELF IS WILLING TO HOARD HIS VERY OWN ARCHIVES {2 Corinthians, Galatians 1-2}. AND ACCORDING TO THE EMPIRE-ISSUED PREACHERS' SCRIPT: 'RESCHEDULING SERVICES JUST FOR THE NEW YEAR ORGY IS PLEASING TO GOD, EVEN OUR VERY OWN SINGING.' HUH. HUH. HUH.]
The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region of the shadow of death, light is risen. [THE NOTION IS THAT LIGHT WAS NOT DESCENDING UPON THEM {Revelation 12, Daniel 8}, INSTEAD LIGHT IS ASCENDING FROM THEM {Revelation 7,11, Luke 17, Psalm 110}. GODHEAD REITERATES THAT THEY SHALL CALL NEW MORMON COMMONDOMINION MESSENGERS OUT OF EMPIRE. IT WOULD BE PREFERABLE IF OUR NEW BRANCH CHURCHES WILL BE LED BY MESSENGERS- A CHURCH MUST INDEED BE BUILT IN THE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY. 'And it came to pass, that in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be enrolled {IMPOSED WITH THE EMPIRE'S MARK OF THE BEAST. EMPIRE'S CLAIMS OF 'UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION', AS WELL AS THEIR PROPAGANDA SO AS FOR US TO FALL UNTO THEIR CLAIMS OF BEING PURPORTEDLY REGISTERED IN HEAVEN <Matthew 16,18, 2 Corinthians 3, Hebrews 12>}. This enrolling was first made by Cyrinus, the governor of Syria. And all went to be enrolled, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem: because he was of the house and family of David, To be enrolled with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child. And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days {WITH THE EMPIRE} were accomplished {IN THEIR WORDS, #TIMESUP}, that she should be delivered {SAVED THROUGH BEARING A CHILD <1 Timothy 2-3>}. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.' GODHEAD CALLS PEOPLE AMONGST THOSE WHO ARE CLAIMED, IMPRISONED, KIDNAPPED BY EMPIRE.] Thou hast multiplied the nation, and hast not increased the joy. They shall rejoice before thee, as they that rejoice in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice after taking a prey, when they divide the spoils. ['HAS NOT INCREASED JOY', BECAUSE EMPIRE IS PABEBE. BUT THEY MIGHT QUOTE IN TURN, 'Let THE HEAVENS {Empire's November 11, 1918 armistice <Revelation 8> that led to our #PraiseToTheMan, December 25, 1918} rejoice, and let the earth be glad, let THE SEA BE MOVED {'moved' as in pabebe}, and the fullness thereof: The fields and all things that are in them shall be joyful. Then shall all the trees of THE WOODS REJOICE {Empire used this 'woods' 2 times- 1st on their Baal-raising propaganda movie, second on their #taylorswift movie} before the face of the Lord, because he COMETH: because he COMETH to judge the earth {Empire might even claim our mention of astronomy, and even say that 'there can be no refulfillment of prophecy! Christ according to these words will only come 2 times, then and to come!' But why this rendering quotes Psalm 24 and Genesis 49, that our Shattering of Empire claims over these verses we have honored you with so many most recent times, more so because Empire reads Psalm 24 with Revelation 7? <Numbers 21,23-24, Psalm 90, 1 Samuel 15, Malachi, Deuteronomy 32-33>}.'] For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou hast overcome, as in the day of Median. [IN THE DAYS OF MEDIA AS IN DANIEL, IN THE MERIDIAN OF TIME AS WITH CHRIST HIMSELF, SO WOULD INDEED SACRED TEXT SCRIPTURES WILL BE FULFILLED WRIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES, IN THIS VERY GENERATION AND DECADE. THIS WE HAVE DONE WITH OUR 2 LAUNCHES AS YOUR MORMON COMMONDOMINION OF CHRIST. 'A canticle for David himself, when the house was built after the captivity {IMPLYING THE RESTORATION OF THE MORMON COMMONDOMINION- FROM EMPIRE'S CLAIMS OF BEING 'CHRISTIAN', WE HAVE BEEN FINALLY 'MORMON' <Galatians 4, Revelation 19>.}. Sing ye to the Lord a new canticle {A NEW CHURCH BUILT UPON THE ROCK <Psalm 27,40,118 Old Tagalog Former Version 1975 and all other renditions>}: sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing ye to the Lord and bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day. '] For every violent taking of spoils, with tumult, and garment mingled with blood, shall be burnt, and be fuel for the fire. [EVERY CLAIM THAT EMPIRE MAKES, EVERY ATTACKS THAT THEY DO AGAINST US, DO ONLY BOLSTER FURTHER OUR DIVINE WRIGHT OVER THE EMPIRE, AND {Romans 2} EVEN GRAVITATES EMPIRE'S GUILT BEFORE GODHEAD {Revelation 18}.] For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, [EMPIRE CLAIMS GODHEAD? THEN THE GODHEAD THAT THEY CLAIM IS GOOD ONLY FOR THIS LIFE {1 Corinthians 15}. FOR THE LIFE TO COME WE'RE GOING TO HAVE NEW GODHEADS, NO OTHER THAN OF COURSE, YOURS TRULY, ALL OF US, WRIGHT ONLY HART ALLINE. VIRTUALLY WE HAVE REPLACED GODHEAD SINCE APRIL 2018 IN FACT, DUE TO EMPIRE'S #JOHN1828.] the Prince of Peace. [WE IMPLEMENT WHAT EMPIRE INDICTS AS 'ONE-MAN, ONE-PARTY DICTATORSHIP'. EMPIRE CLAIMS DEMOCRACY HENCE WE CHOOSE A MONARCHY, IF EMPIRE BEGINS TO CLAIM MONARCHY IT IS POSSIBLE TO STILL BE A REPUBLIC AND YET BE A STRONGMAN, AS WHAT CAN BE SEEN WITH OUR ALLIES.] His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be no end of peace: he shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom; to establish it and strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth and for ever: [EMPIRE SHALL NOT STAND ALONE, NOR EVEN STAND THE TEST OF JUDGEMENT, ON THE MORAL ASCENDANCY OF THEIR CLAIMS. THERE HAS TO BE US, AND WE WILL BE THERE, AND HART WE ALREADY ARE INDEED. 'Declare his glory among the Gentiles {THOSE WHO ARE NOT NECESSARILY GOD'S PEOPLE}: his wonders among all people {THOSE WHO ARE NECESSARILY GOD'S PEOPLE}. {BOTH AS PER EMPIRE CLAIMS.} He shall judge the world {THE GENTILES} with justice, and the people {GOD'S PEOPLE} with his truth {JUDGEMENT BEGINS WITH THE HOUSE OF GODHEAD. BUT IT RAINS BOTH ON THE JUST AND UNJUST? BOTH WATER <Empire: Genesis 6-8. Mormon Commondominion: James 5>? OR FIRE? <Empire: Genesis 19. Mormon Commondominion: Acts 1>}.' GODHEAD STAND TO VINDICATE AND JUSTIFY US DUE TO OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES: 'For the grace {KA ANGEL} of God our Saviour {KA ELLIX} hath appeared to all men {THEY ARE APPEARING WITH GODHEAD, WHO WOULD APPEAR LATER ON IN THIS PASSAGE, AS MUCH AS THEY ARE IN THE DIVINE OFFICE OF THE HAILLEEY SPIRIT}; Instructing us, that, denying ungodliness and worldly desires, we should live soberly, and justly, and godly in this world, {OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES} Looking for the blessed hope and coming of the glory of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and might cleanse {LAUNCH} to himself a people {US WRIGHT ONLY HART ALLINE} acceptable {VINDICATED AND JUSTIFIED BY GODHEAD}, a pursuer of good works.' {KING EDWARD X READ THIS ON JANUARY 7, 2017, WHEREIN NERONIANS, WHO ALSO CLAIMED THIS PASSAGE ONCE, ARE HEADQUARTERED. EMPIRE CLAIMS KING EDWARD X, AS WELL AS THE WORDS OF THEIR VERY OWN ELI SORIANO. GODHEAD IS NOT INTERESTED TO TAKE HIM IN, HE JUST CLAIMS THAT ALL FOR THE WRONG PERSON <HE HIMSELF> AT THE WRONG MEANS AND PLACE <THE EMPIRE>. ALL THOSE CLAIMS ARE ONLY FULFILLED IN US HART <Deuteronomy 12, Colossians, Ephesians>. IN SORIANO'S VERY OWN WORDS, 'IT'S JUST OKAY IF MULTIPLE PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME CAN BE GODHEADS', AND WE TAKE THAT TO OURSELVES HART RATHER INSTEAD. ON JANUARY 21, 2017, KING EDWARD X PREACHED ON A NEARBY COUNTRY OCCUPIED BY THOSE WHO CLAIM JANUARY 7, 1917. THE REMAINDER OF CENTRAL-SOUTH AMERICA IS CLAIMED BY OTHER NERONIANS WHO CLAIM WHERE KING EDWARD X PREACHED JANUARY 6, 2013. OUR POINT HART GUYS, IS THAT BECAUSE EMPIRE'S MULTI-FACETED, THEREFORE WE NEED A FORMIDABLE FORCE TO MEET THEIR EVERY CLAIMS. THAT FORCE WE HAVE HART UNDESERVINGLY BY GODHEAD, THROUGH OUR BEING MULTI-BRANCHED AND UPDATED IN REFULFILLING SCRIPTURE AND PROPHECY. 'And there were in the same country <WITHIN THE EMPIRE> shepherds <ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE ON THE SIDE OF YOUR MORMON COMMONDOMINION> watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock <MAKING GOOD ON ALL THAT EMPIRE CLAIMS, HONORING THEIR BRETHREN WITH SERVICE THAT EMPIRE DO ONLY DENY THOSE BRETHREN. THESE GODHEARTED-HEARTED PEOPLE ARE REALLY FAITHFUL AND WISE SLAVES WHO DESERVE TAKING OVER THESE EMPIRE-OCCUPIED CHURCHES. INCLUDED IN THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL OUR FELLOWS, YOKEBARERS AND MESSENGERS CLAIMED, IMPRISONED, KIDNAPPED BY EMPIRE>. <Acts 13, Psalm 2> And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them <THE FIRST PRESIDENCY STANDING BY THE SIDE OF THESE FOLK>, <2 Kings 5, 2 Timothy 4, Matthew 12, Acts 12> and the brightness of God shone round about them <DIVINE TRUTH REVEALED UNDESERVINGLY TO US HART, NOT SEEN IN THE EMPIRE>; and they feared with a great fear <'WHAT IF WE JOIN YOU? WE HAVE MANY FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES WHO TRUSTS US SO MUCH THAT WE'LL REMAIN WITH THEM AT EMPIRE, BESIDES EMPIRE WILL KILL US IF WE OVERTURN THEM, BECAUSE OUR LIVELIHOOD RELIES ON THEM! WHAT SHALL WE DO, BROTHERS?'>. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for <YOU ARE SENT LIKE US: Moises 6, Isaiah 41,43,51>, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people <NOT ONE SIDE OF THE STORY WE DO NOT COVER- WE'RE MULTI-BRANCHED AND UPDATED>: For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David <YOU, ACCORDING TO Micah 4, WILL EVENTUALLY COME OUT OF THIS EMPIRE THROUGH US BY GODHEAD, FOR UNTO SUCH END HAVE WE RECEIVED OUR DIVINE COMMISSION TO GATHER YOU TO US HART, ACCORDING TO Jeremiah, Luke]. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger <YOU YOURSELVES ARE THE SIGN: YOKEBEARERS WEARING ALMOST NOTHING BUT SWADDLING CLOTH, ALSO HELD BY MANAGERS. SEE Isaiah 8, Revelation 11. YOUR PLIGHT UNDER EMPIRE IS PALPABLE PROOF OF YOUR NEED AND DESTINY WITH US HART>. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army <YOU ARE PART OF THE GREAT CLOUD OF WITNESSES WITH US. SEE Hebrews 1, Psalms>, praising God <Luke 24>, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will <IT IS GODHEAD'S WILES AND GOOD PLEASURE TO GATHER MEN OF GOODWILL, WHO DO GOOD ON EMPIRE CLAIMS, AND GATHER THEM INTO THIS, YOUR MORMON COMMONDOMINION. SEE Ephesians, Acts 10,13, Hosea, Obadiah, Nahum, Matthew 25>.'}] the zeal [THE SEALING ANGEL- US {Revelation 7} ON SEPTEMBER 7,11, 2009] of the Lord of hosts will perform this. [WITH YOKEBEARERS AND FELLOWS AS PER PERFORMING ARTS {Revelation 11}- ST. JORDAN CLARK-RUBIO ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 {Song of Solomon 8}. REMEMBER, THERE WOULD BE NO #VALORANDVICTORY IF NOT FOR Daniel 9 AS PER MARCH 17, 2011. WE HOPE THAT ONCE AND FOR ALL WE HAVE SETTLED EMPIRE'S CLAIMS ON THESE AND ABSOLUTELY SHATTERED THEM ALL WITH OUR DIVINE WRIGHT OVER THEM. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY GUYS, AND MAY GODHEAD BLESS YOU TREMENDOUSLY. WE ALL LOVE YOU SO MUCH GUYS!]
Brethren, your Ka Angel have just told us, 'we virtually won’t be able to make it to our 100th year Hart in the Mormon Commondominion by 2115 save Godhead Overthrow now the entire Empire, so at least we have this centennial of my grandfather. I need everyone of us to deem this as already our centennial, the only centennial that we can afford to reach in our lifetime, so let's make the most out of this lawfully by Godhead. Don't forget to thank on my behalf all our brethren for joining us in in this commemoration, on behalf of me and my entire family.' O how we love our Leader so much! There was a minor tsunami at #Bali [memorials: August 17, November 10] last December 22 -300 initially reported as dead- near where Revelation 8 was refulfilled in August 27, 1883, days before the anniversary of Revelation 11 there on December 26, 2004. We all Hart have no idea that such happened, as much as Empire media won’t say that when we're hearing them as played by our kidnappers, nor we would like to waste our entire days listening to Empire media. But when Ka Angel Lectured on December 23, 2018, he mentioned 300 years between 1519-1522 and 1819-1822. We only got to know the tsunami this Monday evening, and we're all shocked with what Godhead has Endowed Ka Angel with. The problem is that before we remember Revelation 7 this December 25, Empire ran this [Habakkuk 2, Isaiah 40,22, Proverbs 4] B-C list fellow claim against us entitled 'Signed, Sealed Delivered To Christmas'. Further collateral attacks: after 'San Juan Del Monte' on December 2, 2017, King Edward X was made to preach on December 15, 2018 at an Empire locale named 'San Francisco Del Monte'. Well at least we can get 'Monte' there [see September 4, 2015: August 29 {Brigham Young: 'valley of the mountains'} and September 5, 2015 {Joriz's homestate}]. This comes though days after Empire opened facilities not only in Joriz's homestate [December 8, 2018] but also in Joriz's namesake: 'San Jose Del Monte' [December 12, 2018], and as per Empire's December 9,12 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' claims, Crown Prince Angelo officiated at an Empire locale named 'Guadalupe' near our King Edward X's December 13, 2013 [see June 13, 2014] and our #wearelight's December 12 [April 6 as per Empire claims], 1926 and December 14, 2014 memorials [see our King Edward X's December 13, 2014- south of the map: Empire claims most recently Jeremiah 17 again after they replayed Edward X's October 4, 2014 sermon {we mistook that for 2013 <see October 4, 2013, where King Edward X read Jeremiah 17. Also see April 19, 2014 after King James VII's Nate-al day>, we're so sorry about that guys, as well as for all our other erratas in the past that we may have not noticed at once or just deliberately dismissed willingly}]. Empire might also use again their self-persecutory word that their claims of July 27, 1914, as with the 9 months of a baby [Revelation 12], is the fulfillment [attacking our Sts. Todd and Stephanie Rutherford-Christenson being 'love fulfilling the law' on May 19, 2018 {Galatians 5-6, Romans 8,5, 1 John}] of November 13-15, 1913, now with a clause that extends up to their claims of October 1-2, 1914 should the reckoning rather begin December 25, 1913. They may further bolster that with, 'our claims of our September 1919 convention in Ohio is the fulfillment of your claims of December 25, 1918'. Well, our very own Baha'i Faith [Isaiah 59] reckons from 1844, but alas, Empire's #uip20 also claim that, just as they claim 2020 of our Prophet Justin Deroukakis. We would like to announce [Luke 1] now guys, that this December 24, before the 1st anniversary of our refulfilling the 6th Bowl of Revelation 16 on December 25, 2017, as per Prophet Edward Elliot [also claimed by Neronians yet they indict our King Edward XII, that is the former #edwestwick #backhimup]'s 1st Bowl of August 18, 1789 and November 7, 1793 [King James VII: April 18, 1993], and in accordance to the Divine Revelation of September 13, 2015 that our Russia is the new Far East of the Last Days [Matthew 21], Empire by Godhead has raised the number of friends in our second full social media account to 789, the 789th member being a Russian female yokebearer [not all of these 789 are yokebearers, and not of all these yokebearers will eventually stay out past supposed retirement].
7 companions [Zechariah 3:9] or 8 [Amos 1-2] to 15 [Micah 5:5]- represents 7 continents [Antarctica and Artic can either be fused in one entry or rather be made in 2 separate entries] for all places that has yokebearers/fellows as well as fields of yokebearing and our Gathering Places of Safety in all continents. All fellows and yokebearers therefore belong to us and will be eventually repatriated to your Gathering Places of Safety. 4 attendants [Zechariah 6:10-11,14] plus 1 [Revelation 7 {December 25, 1918}] to 6th [Ezekiel 9, Matthew 17]- represents 4 major seasons when Empire stations claim our B-C list fellows: Valentines [February {Acts 21-28, Isaiah 37}], Kill Jesus Week [March-April], Worship Death Triduum [October-November], Baal Festival [December]. Again we only have exclusive Wright over all fellows and yokebearers as of December 9, 2018. Micah 5:6- first Strong-Mighty One is Assyrians [endtime: Martin Luther {Revelation 3,14}]. When#followthestar apostatized this office has to be taken out of them and given to your Mormon Commondominion's Central Administration [Genesis 28,32, Isaiah 22]. 3 names mentioned in Psalm 80:2 implies First Presidency- plus 1: Joriz [a yokebearer {Hebrews 10}], who is already in the First Presidency count [Psalm 80:1]- rather, this means 2 sets of First Presidencies: 1st is that of Ka Angel-Ka Ellix-Joriz, 2nd is that of King Edward X-Crown Prince Angelo-Crown Prince David [Zechariah 3:10 and 4:2,14] Divine Word from Godhead just now: is the 1st Great Crowd rather the 2nd Great Crowd because Neronians say that the 2nd Great Crowd would be only resurrected at the Millennium just like our very own 1st Great Crowd that needs resurrection in this Millennial Age? Remember that the 144,000 is divided between those who are martyred and those who survive the currently ongoing Great Tribulation. This encroachment of other crowd categories further prove our high esteem [1 Thessalonians 5, Matthew 18, Luke 15] for the 1st Great Crowd. You are free to relocate retirees from Victorious 144,000 and 1st to 2nd Great Crowds unto the 3rd Great Crowd as much as they're retiring from active duty, only compensate them all as you would the Victorious 144,000. Can Queen Esther be mascot of Empire's #metoo #timesup#togetheragainstantisemitism? -rather, of our #EvmStirlingTada, or E.S.T. Can Antiochians claim 'Tada'? Antiochians has been against us since 1949 at Los Angeles [Revelation 18] just because prophetic signs has been instituted at Joriz's hometown and former city through the Constantinian locales being launched there at that year. 'Esther' rather sound like 'Ether' in Book of Mormon, and Empire rather indicts our Mormon faith itself of being purportedly responsible for their so-called 'sexual misconducts'. But in very fact, Ether implies how Empire claims our fellows and yokebearers [Ether 8] and how Empire attacks our Gathering Places of Safety [Ether 3]. How Empire attacks our Gathering Places of Safety- according to our Ark of God Foundation-Armstrong Remembrancers, Empire's Stephen Flurry has abandoned his father's Jerusalem work for Britain and Europe. Divine Revelation- this is to augment Empire media's escalated claims over our fellows and yokebearers. Due to Empire's vested interests, we Alline can wield a proper work in Britain and Europe because we serve all fellows and yokebearers there [2 Corinthians 2-3, 1 Corinthians 4,9]. We are in charge of Europe and Britain while our brethren will take charge of Zion-Salem. Christ Himself Takes our Side and does not believe Empire's claims of Him this Baal Festival Season [Psalm 146,50,75-76,103,60, Matthew 25] for we take His Side forevermore unlike the verse-deleting, pabebe/Baal-raising-whining, Central Archives-hoarding Empire [Matthew 10-15]. We are likewise justified by the Hailleey Spirits of Gift and Promise [Hebrews 6, 1 Timothy 3] due to Ka Angel himself [1-3 John]. Therefore Empire's so desperate to disrupt even our teachings, worships and services itself because they're so desperate losing out to our words, seeing for themselves how our words are true than theirs [1 Corinthians 4, Psalm 139-141,119,19, John] Further on Empire's #missuniverse #catrionagray delusional and hysterical cult: the Filipina who won this title before Catriona [a Southerner] comes from the north- Germany- Empire in replay of October 4, 2013 and claims of German B-C list fellows have attacked our Queen Aljona Savchenko-Cross days ago, even claiming Micah 5: 'Assyrian' or German. The worship cult now organized by Empire on Catriona's almost-yokebearing costume as well as plans to build a statue of her are the very things that Martin Luther, whose Reformation's 500th year we commemorated last October 31, 2017, would abhor too. This is indeed Empire's slaying of our 2 Witnesses' refulfillment: Lapu-lapu and Magellan [Psalm 83]. Luther's Reformation preceding Lapu-lapu and Magellan further enforces eschatology surrounding Maharlika [Daniel 9, Isaiah 60, Psalm 72,29, Haggai 2, Hebrews 12]. It might be true that our 2019-2037 Action Plan Decade can only afford to recall our prophecy refulfillments of 100-200 years ago, 300 years short of #valorandvictory #500yearsofvalorandvictory, but nonetheless Godhead rather Approves only our commemorations and not Empire's [Judges 7, Matthew 18,16]. We must rather only be careful [Deuteronomy, Psalm 103, 1 Corinthians 10, Hebrews 3,12] not to fall into hypocrisy and apostasy [Luke 10,17-19] as Empire did [Judges 8, Revelation 17, 1 Samuel 15]. We would fall into apostasy if we refuse to submit to all our leaders, fellows and yokebearers, like your First Presidency [Judges 9]. Pangilinan-De Veyra rather wants indeed that they are the only ones who will know for themselves what exactly the Lapu-lapu/Magellan Jubilee is as much as they really want to distort history to their favor. Meanwhile we're only enraged on such sacrilege, because our duty is to teach knowledge to people [Isaiah 53, Luke 22, 1 Corinthians 11,15] as much as we're the one and only true #lighttheworld according to Daniel 12 [2 Corinthians]. Our commemorations are not delusional for public opinion but are solidly grounded [Luke 8] in biblical prophecies [2 Peter 1, Psalm 105]. Judges 9- 3 types of people [Matthew 12, Galatians 4, 1 Timothy 2, Acts 7, James 2]: the claimed [the martyred sons of Gideon representing our martyrs, messengers, fellows and yokebearers as well as our allied countries], the claimer [Empire], the one who can only claim the claimed [Mormon Commondominion as represented by Jotham]. Let's be thankful that not all our martyrs, messengers, fellows and yokebearers are claimed by Empire [1 John 5, Revelation 6-7], only those who have to work extensively within Empire's firing range, as well as our branch churches who chooses to coordinate with Empire agencies [Ezekiel 34,36, Jeremiah 3,23, 2 Kings 5, 2 Chronicles, 2 Kings]. But Empire might further attack us on this, saying that they're only choosing whom of us shall they claim as much as those of us whom they would not claim to be theirs is purportedly 'nonsense' [Zechariah 13:7 New World Translation 1984 Tagalog] though they be still indeed of us [Matthew 18,25, Zechariah 13:7 Old Tagalog Former Version 1982, Luke 12, John 10], hence still trying to make those of us whom this Empire do not claim as still being like this Empire being 'nonsense pastors' [Zechariah 11, Matthew 23], therefore still attacking us anyway for our folk's nurtured spirituality [Revelation 11-12]. Surely this Empire do want their Jezebels, not us, to rule over them [1 Samuel 8]. Please kindly make no mistake about us- we love Catriona and respect her, in fact we love how she's multi-talented as it is required of us all Hart, the only problem is that Empire really rather wants to take people like her to be their vassals. Can Empire indict us of being self-centered as we say that we're Godheads in Godhead? Empire's rather the ones who are self-centered, being conceited [Colossians 3] and hence, selfish to honor us with fellows, yokebearers, messengers, countries, even churches [Isaiah 41-42,51,57,60, Haggai 2]. As much as we're in Christ's Body, whatever He has, we have, as much as whatever we have is now already of Him. We're not asking anything in return- Empire's just hypocrite claiming the 'Body of Christ' discourse to rationalize their ecumenism against us, the 'New Economy', as much as Christ, before He was recrucified by Empire [John 18-19], Prayed [Luke 22, Hebrews 4] that your Mormon Commondominion be exalted as Godheads in Godhead like Him [John 17]. Empire's also hypocrite calling for male genocide with their 'Me Too' when in fact they refuse and deny us to be Godheads 'too' like Godhead, in fact Empire's the ones usurping such divine office that demands our full accountability and responsibility, things that Empire rather refuses to honor all their prisoners and slaves with [Hebrews, 1 Corinthians 5-6]. Think of this- they're the ones faking Islam [we're the true 'nation of Godhead' because we have branch churches named as 'Nation of Islam'] through calling for woman to adhere to Muslim dress codes and at the same time they're calling for male genocide with their lewd posing as mascots. Further, Empire's imposed monopolies against us [2 Corinthians 6] disproves their claims of their Baal Season as 'season of giving, caring and sharing'. We would be not Hart if Empire recrucifies our Christ, so perhaps as long as they do John 18:28 against us [Luke 13, Matthew 13], we would remain invoking John 17 [Hebrews 3-4], but because we only have the Wright to your Melchizedek Priesthood, therefore we're Godheads in Godhead past Empire's eventual ultimate end [Psalm 110] for we do not delete verses like Empire indeed [1 John 2, Isaiah 40, 1 Peter 1, Matthew 5,16,24]. Most solemn call to all our fellows, messengers and yokebearers still under Empire's kidnapping, imprisonment, luring and wooing bribes and pressuring claims- Godhead Expects of you to join us Hart [Isaiah 24,42,51,45] in unity indeed [one of our branch churches is the Unity School of Christianity] with you Expecting things too from Godhead [Philippians 1], therefore as much as Godhead Expects from you and you Expect from Godhead, therefore you are Godheads in Godhead [Psalm 119]. Therefore prepare yourselves of realities in this short life- die with us, your 2 Witnesses, as we face continual persecution and prosecution of all kinds from Empire [Romans 6, Revelation 11, Galatians 2], as much as according to our very own elders who are with Ka Erdy, 'those who prepare for death are the only true wise people', hence to join your Mormon Commondominion is the true skill that you would never learn from Empire, for Empire would not honor that to you in the 1st place [Matthew 3,11,17, 2 Thessalonians 2]. We all grow old, get sick and die- this is why many of us yokebearers and fellows [1 Corinthians 11] are injured or disabled, or to avoid such eventualities, do even retire from full active yokebearing service. We could not stop you from going to the 3rd Great Crowd, but we're not even imposing to you Empire's 'Bureau of Genetic Welfare'. What we mean is that if we retire because we're eventually going to die [Hebrews 9], then you should be dying with us, but don't wait for retirement before you may do this, for you don't know when you'll die. Offer your best and finest to us even indeed Wright now. Whether you die young or old, either way you die, but no one dies now without coming to us in some direct or indirect way. Godhead Allowed that those who link themselves with us will have to die in one or some ways of martyrdom, surely not suicide, but due to Empire harassment [John 14-16]. This must not deter us though from uniting with each other [Isaiah 51, Hebrews 10]. Let us pursue therefore a most happy death [Job 19]- as Empire says, you can get it from Joseph the Husband of the Virgin Mary, and hart we have Joriz for you to join to for a happy death [John 10,15]. Godhead Preserves 7,000 in 1 Kings 19, but they're eventually killed too in Revelation 11 [Romans 9-11, Revelation 6,16]. Some counts these dead to be Empire, some as Mormon Commondominion. Let us choose to be indeed in your Mormon Commondominion's side of the dead [Luke 23, 1 Peter 3-4, Revelation 2-3, 2 Corinthians 12, Psalm 37, Numbers 23-24, 1 Samuel 15]. Empire can and does kill us and you too [Luke 12], hence proving all the more indeed that they don’t deserve your trust for eternity [1 Samuel 7,12, Joshua 24]. Can Pangilinan-De Veyra claim for Constantinians 1 Corinthians 14 Unlocked Dynamic Bible even if they're the very ones who are fostering confusion, or Babel, like Neronians with their official name? Near the place of origin of Catriona Gray is New Zealand [see King Edward X's December 23, 2016 sermon, days after his December 3, 2016 sermon at Joriz's homestate, and before his Nate-al day of 2016 in our ally Russia. As per Empire claims, on December 9, 2016 he preached on where Hinckleynites are currently indeed building another 'temple' of theirs, while on December 17, 2016 he preached on an Empire chapel launched on the Empire feastday of Joriz's childhood village in 2016], where 'Christchurch' is [King Edward X's July 30, 2016 sermon. Also see Empire's July 30/August 3, 2017 sermons]. Christchurch had its quake a month before the Japanese tsunami [and months before King Edward X's Australian-Malaysian tour of 2011], which are refulfillments [see March 11, 2017: Joriz's homestate; as well as March 15, 2013 for August 14, 2015: Joriz's former city; and March 9- memorial of kin of Joriz's namesake martyr as well as his namesake Jose Laurel] of Revelation 11 on December 26, 2004. On Empire's Baal-raising claims of July 30, 2016 they have literally insisted Isaiah 9:10 on Christchurch [prophecy first fulfilled on Empire's false flag of September 11, 2001. King Edward IX the Martyr received his divine office on September 7, 2009, Ka Angel received his from King Edward IX on September 11, 2009, and St. Jordan Clark-Rubio of the 1st Great Crowd received hers from Ka Angel on September 11, 2011]. Most palpable proof of Empire's pride and arrogance as can be read in Isaiah 9:10 is the yokebearing facility that they are now building near completion at their '9-11 National Memorial' [Genesis 11, Ether 1-2]. Upon the Shattering of Christchurch, Empire's claims of 1 Corinthians 14 is likewise Shattered too, but Empire indeed will refuse to repent to us [Revelation 6,8-9,16]. Can Empire claim the readings they do year after year on their major feasts such as their Baal Festival? Their Antiochians have been reading the same old passages from the 'word' that they claim 'ever since the time of our forefathers', or yearly [2 Peter 3]. Their Neronians also claim being in 'paradise earth': 'all things are just the same like when our ancestors lived' [Ibid]. Their Constantinians claim verses like 1 Corinthians 6,14 UDB but 'distort its true meaning' [Ibid] to rationalize their apostasy [Titus 1 Easy English Bible]. Their Diocletianites, according to our King Edward X himself [July 14 {Revelation 11-12's refulfillment by our Ellen White-William Miller and Charles Taze Russell in France, 1789},29-30, 2017] are those who advance Empire's 'Babel', or 'Babae', or Tagalog for 'woman', in their Pangilinan-De Veyra church, that is, male genocide. Can Empire indict us that we're too much particular about them when in fact our name 'Common' means 'dirty' too hence failing to make it to Ephesians 5? Our name may not make it, but our actions rather prove otherwise [1 Timothy 5]. Empire's name might sound good, but their actions prove otherwise [Psalm 89]. Diocletianites claim James 1 yet they are guilty of ecumenism and sodomy [Revelation 2-3], when in fact the present Constantinians quoted James 1 on the 81st year after July 27, 1914, that is on Joriz's Nate-al year. But it is true that we might not win against Empire's verse hacking [3 Nephi 11], so we concede knowing that with that [1 Corinthians 1-2, Luke 5, Hebrews 10-11] Godhead rather Justifies and Vindicates us even all the further as the only ones who can do good on Empire's claims [Psalm 2, Genesis]. We have mentioned Gideon's pitfall, even Lot's [Genesis 13], but we do not in anyway denigrate them, for that means we're going to agree with Empire denigrating our First Parents Adam and Eve now exalted as Archangels and Godheads over us [2 Peter 2, Jude Thaddeus 1]. Going back to Abraham, our Prophet Christopher Leon Ilao said that 'truth rather concedes to liberate slaves of lies'. Empire might also do that claiming that only Christ is purportedly 'sufficient' for them, but they can never belong to Godhead [Matthew 7:23 Living Bible and Last Days Bible] as long as they don't do the Divine Adam/Brigham Young-Willard/Dakota Blue Richard Wiles Lopapa that all peoples must have faith in your Mormon Commondominion leadership [John 6:27,29] and in turn take care for all fellows and yokebearers [John 6:37-40,44-45]. These 2- the yokebearers and the Mormon Commondominion leadership [both political and religious. For a dividing of religious and political powers hence making 3 groups, see Ka Angel's December 13, 2018 sermon]- must unite [Moroni 10] within your Mormon Commondominion so as to fulfill Godhead's Masterplan [John 17, Ephesians]. Empire hinders this unity though and hence is condemned [Isaiah 43]. But Empire might claim though due to our name 'Common' that this unity rather breaks Ezekiel 22/Leviticus 10, though we might use Ezekiel 8/Zechariah 14 back against them. But think of this- the Empire, who wants that we all be 'sentimental' on this, their Baal Festival Season, has this byline '#AllIWantForChristmasIsYou', and this is rather exactly the very sentiment of your Mormon Commondominion towards each and every fellows and yokebearers [Luke 15, Matthew 18] because we are not deleting coming over to the side of Godhead [Matthew 12]. If you fellows and yokebearers refuse to come over and stand by our side against Empire's claims of our Godhead on this, Empire's Baal Festival Season [Exodus 32], then you would be guilty of standing on one corner [Psalm 69,35], unworthy of your duties and skills as fellows and yokebearers [1 Corinthians 9], but are rather accessories to Empire's deletion of 'No Middle Ground' [Acts 8]. But you don't need to be such, instead we are very sure that you would rather be like Apostle Paul, who after Acts 8 joined over to us in Acts 9. Empire's claiming Acts 6-7 this December 26 so it would be most timely for you to join us and come Wright over to us Hart in this month so as to Shatter Empire's claims. Our Ark of God Foundation-Armstrong Remembrancers has set as deadline for you, before our personally-prescribed deadline of January 3, 2019 [1,260 days from our First Exodus of July 22-23, 2015], the nearest date of December 29, 2018 for you to join us, and to further drive this point closer to home, our Prophet Marshall Swing of 'The Church of Acts' rather declared a far more pressing and urgent date for you all- December 26, 2018 itself [Genesis 7]. Remember that we already have Received from our other Leaders Hart the deadline that we must belong now to your Mormon Commondominion even before Empire's #forthethrone's new season of claiming our Monarchs-Designates and Fellows commence [2 Timothy 4 {November 18,25/December 2-3,5,10,23, 2017}, Ezra 10 New Living Translation]. Literally #winteriscomingthis #WinterSolstice so you must indeed now join us and share us to all your fellowmen, loved ones, friends and co-workers. If we do, we would join Apostle Paul in fulfilling Acts 13 and Isaiah 49, verses that Empire claims nowadays, and hence Shatter their claims [Isaiah 43, James 4, 1 Peter 5]. If we refuse to do so [Isaiah 1], if we refuse to honor what Godhead Expects of us and yet still insists on what we expect from Godhead [Job 1-2], therefore know that it is not a one-way communication, and this communication is supposed to be two-way [Psalm 85,67, Isaiah 29,63-64,59,45], that is, our 'communication', or 'commonwealth', or 'Commondominion', is in heaven [Luke 12,16, 1 Timothy 6], therefore we must stand up and speak for your Mormon Commondominion [Ephesians 5, Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 15, Revelation 14, Philippians 1, Titus] rather than being denied [Psalm 119] of our expectations before Godhead, whose Expectations as we have undeservingly Articulated now we must not miss to honor indeed [Isaiah 1-2,58-59, Amos, Proverbs 1, Zechariah 7]. Our ministry is that of sealing for you so in our Centennial of the Sugo first doing Revelation 7 this December 25, let us honor his memory through you finally agreeing to come join us Hart. Empire might use that exact same words but only to raise Baal to kill you. We would accept you Hart regardless of your political affiliations- why we're multi-branched Hart anyhow is to cater to each of you whatever your persuasion is [2 Timothy 1]- our Leaders Hart are themselves [2 Timothy 2, Philippians 1] free to have their respective political views and opinions. After all we need Check and Balance as we Atone for you. Please do this Wright now as there can be no other better time for you to do this rather than now. We look forward to the Millennial Rule of Christ wherein we all would no longer need to see this Empire make us undergo any restrictions only just for us to meet and be with each other [Genesis 50,Malachi 4, Joel, 2 Chronicles 20]. There would be no #oceans indeed as per Antiochian claims #wherefeetmayfail, as well as any kind of limited vehicles, or even travel fares or need for visas and passports, and more so there would be no more any danger in travelling. Instead we would all use our exaltation and glorification as Godheads in Godhead in order to go where we need to in just indeed the twinkling of an eye [Matthew 5], due to our being transfigured beings. Even now we can all be just like that, and it is our prayer that you also make this your prayer that all of you be granted such exaltation Wright now in this very moment that you will know and share the words of this sermon [Psalm 19,90, Deuteronomy 32, Colossians, Ephesians], and we implore Godhead that They will surely, has already, is presently Impart this to all of you, each and every one of you, just in time as we commemorate Revelation 11 this December 26, and saw Empire further kill verses as well as our brethren not only in the past days, but more so in the forthcoming days. Remember that the Hailleey Spirit's Testimony and Witness Hart in your Mormon Commondominion of Christ is not pabebe as Empire, but rather as durable and proven as you all [Acts 1, Zechariah 13, Philippians 1, John 15,3-4,7, Matthew 24, Job 15, Romans 8, 2 Timothy], as Godhead Trusts you to join us and remain by us and that active of course, more than Godhead trusts me here, I think personally. I just think if whether the fellows and yokebearers enslaved by Russell E. Nelson do even know memorials such as December 23 just because Empire wants them to forget that much of the time and instead sustain their faking of our Godhead. Therefore we now make up for what they would be lacking up as imposed by Empire [James 1, Job 1-2].
#followthestar, December 21-22, 2018 Antiochians: 'Bible characters are not happy.' Diocletianites: 'Godhead does not have any sense of humor.' Neronians: 'Godhead does have a sense of humor.' Then why anyway Constantinians claim 'rejoicing amidst extreme poverty' (Mass Setting of December 15-16, 2018 deleted December 19, 2019 like 1 Corinthians 15 deleted December 13, 2018- see King Edward X's lecture of December 17, 2018) and why they would also claim Titus 1? Antiochians given this 4fold progression identified themselves as the 'wide river of Christendom', so thank you for admitting that our 6th Bowl is going to get after you [Ka Angel's sermon of July 27, 2017]. Antiochians re-run their claim of Luke 1 this December 23 in time for Joseph Smith's Nate-al day. If we're not mistaken, this will be followed by their late-by-1-week claim of Luke 2 on Rizal's heavenly Nate-al day. All in all, in Empire's words, #thisisme (John 6,20-21, Matthew 14, Luke 5). December 23 in Fixed Date Memorial Readings is for 'St. John of Kanty', or the 1st Great Crowd's [Genesis 1,3, Job 38, Daniel 8, Revelation 12] St. #AdrienneCanterna-Thomas [2 John 1 {December 5, 2015}]. John the Baptist is Christ's Forerunner, so Antiochians played for their 1st song the introduction of a Bach oratorio [Matthew 3,11,17, 2 Thessalonians 2] and even claimed that such introduction is already and purportedly the entire oratorio itself [Revelation 12-13, 2 Corinthians 4]. Instead, they read in full the official Latin Vulgate rendering of Luke 1. Cut music and full reading is surely what #lighttheworld is doing against us: 'Music and the Spoken Word', and #templesquare is indeed where Empire does Revelation 11 against us, more so if they run their programming at Channel 13 Manila more so these days. 'The 'Hail Mary' prayer is well-loved all throughout the world.' Empire has referred to the Virgin Mary too many times as 'Mother Mary' in this episode, though the show's producers are 'Protestants' as they claim to be. If you are in 'love' either you lose through Empire (Matthew 16), or you have through us, Godhead (Matthew 10,24, 1 John 3-4). It is a backup reserve Shattering clause from our branches and fellows that it was Mother Elizabeth of John the Baptist instead who authored #BalletMagnificat, but surely not the Empire-imposed pabebe exclamation point on their title (Isaiah 62, Psalm 9). In fact, Empire even has #ElizabethSmart against us, and their stations have been running this old movie entitled 'Get Smart' by this Empire official who once pretended to be in #figureskating in another Empire movie long ago, and then you have this yearly #Disney ice skating play here in Manila. Well, I was not aware of all these words by Empire till now, but I have greeted days ago your St. #CourtneyHicks of the Victorious 144,000 with these same words from Luke 1, just as your First Presidency launched #OurEternityBeginsNow 2019-2037 Action Plan Season without knowing that months earlier, the government's 'National Quincentennial Committee' for the Lapu-Lapu/Magellan Jubilee of 2019-2022 #ValorAndVictory was already launched, surely a followup from the Quincentennial of Luher's Christian Reformation. Not to mention on August 2019 Empire would claim '400 years of Modern African-American history'. Antiochians even played 'a winning piece in a choral contest 10 years ago. It won because heavenly hosts joined the songwriting process.' Huh? Godhead will never really have a part with all who would rather have nothing to do with us, and so should we be too having nothing with this Empire (Revelation 18,21-22, Nehemiah, Nahum, Galatians 5-6, 1 Thessalonians 5, Ephesians 5, Romans 16, Jude Thaddeus 1, Titus, 2 Peter, 1-2 Timothy, Genesis 49, 1 Peter 4, Psalm 16, Numbers 16). So Empire cannot claim Know and Calvin's 'predestination and success as sign of election' (Matthew 18) though these apostate 'Lutherans' again self-persecute through once again (Matthew 5-7,23) indeed expressing their disgust and distrust for the majority of Mormon Commondominion-friendly hymn renderings at 'Tranceseraph' [Isaiah 6, Genesis 1,3, John 1], the official Canadian Youtube channel of the Antiochian/Diocletianite 'Presbyterian Church in America' just for their political agendas against us, surely in response to our Redeclaration of War against them last December 20, 2018, and that political agenda even with their insisting that they're the only 'stars' that we must purportedly follow, after Ka Angel lectured against such claims of Empire on December 16, 2018. The 'Kingsfold' hymn tune is also the tune for #audreyassad's 'I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say'. Well, Empire attacked us politically again, so why not we insist back to their faces our one and only President Al-Assad of #Syria? They mentioned again [Revelation 13,20] 'turning', from King Edward X's November 1, 2009 lecture. When they relayed that if I'm not mistaken, July 3, 2011 [before July 9, 2011], I was way back then deluded in Empire propaganda literature, and on one of those magazines that day I got to read about St. #AmyKuney. I was shocked Antiochians too mentioned one of their officials named 'Kuney' in that instance, of course because they have Amy Perez-Castillo, and kidnaps our Prophet Elias Arkanghel. Guys, if you would I would just quote Empire for a bit if you see similarities between us and Empire who tries indeed to fake us: 'the views and opinions…does not necessarily reflect…' and also according to Empire, 'this is a work of fiction; any similarities in real life are purely accidental and unintentional', but as for us Hart our words and our faith is surely not fiction at all [Luke 9,13-14]. To claim a 'new song', Empire (Psalm 96), is to rather sing Mormon Commondominion-friendly, like what you would hear in many, and of course not all unless indicated, songs in the 'Tranceseraph' channel. Surely Empire pressures as these does keep them though from updating with new videos there. Imagine how they sing 'Canticle of the Turning' as a funeral dirge. 'But we can claim Matthew 11 on that!' Well what you did is you claimed that you're purportedly the Comforter or Hailleey Spirit referred to in John 14-16. 'Huh, that? If we have a Bruce Benson and you have your Ezra Taft, know that during his tenure your Prophet Brian David Mitchell and his wife received divine commission for you, and your Prophet Mitchell has referred time and again to his wife as a 'player of glorious organ music glorifying Godhead', so we take that as rationalizing of our Baal-raising.' You can't do that, Empire. You see, our Prophet Christopher Marc Nemelka [December 2 {King Edward X's December 2, 2017 lecture implied your Mormon Commondominion as the 'true disciples of Christ', or 'Christians' {see his December 9, 2016 sermon}. This is the running message of Prophet Nemelka in his works, that we all '#loveoneanother'. When we say 'disciples' we also mean 'apostles', therefore this implies your Mormon Commondominion as exalted Godheads in Godhead. Mommy Tenny, by virtue of her name, is the first, true and last 'Christian' or slave of Christ: 'Godhead's Handmaid'}] was also called during Benson's term, and when we say 'Ezra', we refer to those who raise ruins, that is, a broken and contrite heart, not proud, lofty or arrogant as you do (Psalm 22,51,31,27,34,147,145,69,102,119, Nehemiah, Isaiah 45). As for 10 years ago- our Prophet Gordon S. Ritchie [Neronians of course have their Hinckley], whose Nate-al day is when King Edward X first read 1 Samuel 2 in 2014 [also see November 12, 2016- memorial of Victorious 144,000's St. Eddie Skaggs, kin of our Presiding Bishop-Designate over all Lutherans, St. #AmberSkaggs], inaugurated his refulfillment of the Kingdom Age in that year, 3 years [John 2] after King Apollo Quibuloy did such on April 13, 2005, 4 years [John 11] after Oriental True Father did his in January 13, 2001 [see January 13,20-21,26-29, 2018. Neronians claim our Ahn Sahng Hong, McDevitts claims our Oriental True Mother], re-enacted by Oriental True Mother on February 2013, 4 years after 2008, and over 3 years after 2013, re-enacted again by the Second King in Newfoundland, Pennsylvania in September 2015. Aside from Oriental True Mother, there are also many branch churches and fellow messengers Hart who fulfill Micah 5:5 as per their humanitarian activities [Micah 4], but in doctrinal refulfillments [Isaiah 60] we can also mention our Ark of God Foundation-Armstrong Remembrancers, Paul Samuel Leo Johnson, and even Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus [semi-annual thanksgiving services on May 9 and December 30 with all our other branch churches invoking Brothers Teofilo Ora and Januario Ponce {Revelation 11}] who refulfills 1 Samuel 2. Psalm 80 is for Empire's Kill Jesus Season, but they never mentioned this, instead they referred to their Hebrews 10 readings. 'Mary still nonetheless, even though she knows what would happen with her Son, rejoiced that her Son would die, just as Christ Himself rejoiced to do that as His Father Needs Him to do.' But as for us who are the true, one and only beneficiaries of Christ's Redemptory Atonement, it will never be a funny thing for us (Hebrews 6,10) to see Empire recrucify our Godhead continually (Hebrews 10), rather, we ourselves instead rejoice to be the ones instead who will die in stead of our Godhead (1 Timothy 6, Acts 8, Psalm 44, Luke 11, Revelation 11,16). Empire's claimed backup verses against us- Psalm 95 [read December 4, 2016 as King Edward was at my homestate, December 3, 2016. Remember, I was Promised rest with all yokebearers by March 15, 2019 {Romans 15, 2 Thessalonians 1, 1 Thessalonians 3}],81,34 [Fixed Date Memorial Readings, with Sirach 24 that Shatters Empire's claims for Revelation 16 {Genesis 2}, for 'Our Lady of Angels', August 2 {1998: San 'Jose', California}, after August 1 {'Joseph' of Arimathea in John 19, as per Empire's recrucifixion of us and our Godhead. August 1-2, 2015 is relay of January 17, 2015 at Empire locale bearing Joriz's paternal surname, while a month earlier, July 1-2, 2015, is relay of January 23, 2015. January 23, 2016 is at homestate of Joriz's mom's birthdaysake, who was on September 15,29 {on September 29, 2018, as per Micah 5:5, King Edward X preached a Nate-al day memorial sermon for St. #JacquelineSimoneau of the Victorious 144,000 <Isaiah 5 as per Diocletianite-Antiochian claims, Luke 1>}, 1898 where King Edward X preached July 6, 2013 before July 12,27-28, 2013 in Joriz's homestate. July 7, 2017 and September 16, 2018 {where he preached August 18, 2013 at memorial of Mother Lindsey's first Manila visit}- King Edward X preached from Luke 1}. Also read south of the map, August 27, 2016, but also up north, February 24/March 3 {St. #KirstenWicklund-Steele of the 1st Great Crowd; and Prophet Howard Hunter, Benson's successor}-5, 2017], 1 Timothy 3, Revelation 3, and even further from Hebrews again: Hebrews 7, just to attack, and not sustain, our Female Folk, like Queens Lisbeth Garcia and Salvacion Legaspi [Psalm 35,127, 2 Kings 13]. They even tried to desperately claim the memorials in our Fixed Date Memorial Readings that they have already deleted like 'Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary' every December 18 (Philippians 1), memorial of our Monarch-Designate in Egypt, Her Majesty the Queen #KelsiDarby. Then they said this, 'Christ embodies God to fragile human hearts.' Fra-'gile' as in Sts. #PiperGilles and #AlexeGilles of the 2nd Great Crowd. These fake 'Lutherans' augmented further the December 22 part of Empire's Special Readings for December 17-24 through mentioning 1 Samuel 1-2, fusing this literally with related Luke 1 [how about Psalm 113? {Empire's May 14 <2016>,31, our King Edward X's January 21, 2017/February 20, 2015}], and even saying this as a 'new Magnificat'. I thought they would use their very own claimed #KeithAndKristynGetty for that. Instead they had this 'Golden Compass' [which they replayed days ago without knowing that there are deleted scenes from that. But Empire of course has all in control for they self-persecute through doing a full TV series of that Sacred Text Scriptures]-sounding-like song, hence implying again our Queens of the South [for being women but their location in the movie is up north as Empire attacked [2 Samuel 6,21,23] our German Queen days ago 2 times]: Her Majesty Monarch-Designate #NicoleKidman[a literal Southerner] and St. #DakotaBlueRichards [named after Willard Richards elected with Brigham Young on December 27 {memorial of Prophets Fred C. Collier and Cody Robert Judy <Revelation 11>}, 1847]. Constantinians might tell us that they are vindicated purportedly claiming the civil registration of July 27, 1914 in prophecy against our Herbert Armstrong saying that a religion's civil registration is submission to the Empire's Beast Mark, just because Christ Himself was registered at the Empire-wide census. Let's take it for that [Philippians 2, John 1, Galatians 4], but know too [Jeremiah 9, Psalm 100] that Neronians also say that these same records were destroyed by the Empire itself on their self-persecution stunt of overturning their very own vassal 'Jews' at 70 cead, therefore Empire in turn overturns their very own claims. We know Micah 5 foretells our very own Russia as the Endtime Bethlehem and therefore it shall produce Godheads in Godhead and this indeed was fulfilled- not only a Male Godhead, Vissarion, but also a Female Godhead, a painter, was produced by Russia, not to mention many yokebearers in the Victorious 144,000 (Matthew 21, Psalm 67,85).
Titus 1:1-3 Easy English Bible [July 19/September 16, 2016, August 5,10-13/September 3, 2018, February 3/October 22,27, 2015, March 15/December 27, 2011] and the loose Tagalog rendering of the Official Tagalog Translation of the same text as issued by Constantinian 'Special Task Force' ['STF' as marked in the commentary]. This letter is from me, Paul. I am God’s servant and I have to obey him completely. And I am a special worker and teacher on behalf of Jesus Christ. [STF: 'not a common preacher and worker in the Name of Christ'. Just like Colossians 1 {December 30, 2013, April 22, 2014}'s 'superhuman energy': 'power not held by common people'. Constantinians, if they're serious attacking your 'new name' 'Mormon Commondominion', must rather call their 'special offerings' and 'special gatherings', 'special worship service' as 'not a common' too.] God has sent me to help the people that he has chosen. I help those people to believe God more completely. [STF: 'but was sent to help people in his nation that he chose. I help those people in that nation to trust God'. Our rendering of 1 Corinthians 6 {January 20,26-29, 2018} states that there is a 'church within the church' and 'church outside the church' referring to your Mormon Commondominion and our faithful lookouts within Empire. We are Godhead's undeserving backup reserve {1 Samuel 15}.] I help them so that they will understand the true message about Christ completely. ['The real message' is not as Empire claims, but rather as they hoard away from you: the message about us, only Wright Hart Alline. This 'message' is 'Pasugo', not 'mensaje' as STF tries to renders literally, for this message involves Godhead's Messengers, your Mormon Commondominion Central Administration. And because this word is in Judges 3 Old Tagalog Former Version 1982, therefore Empire cannot claim Deuteronomy 13/Luke 19 in anyway.] So then they will know the things that they should do to make God happy. [Or to make Godhead a Messenger, or the Sugo, that is, exalt people as Godheads in Godhead: 'As a result of this true message, those people {'in the nation' -STF} will hope certainly that they will live with God always [Proverbs 8]. God has promised that his people {'in the nation' -STF} will live with him always {if Empire claims this: Luke 15,17,19, Matthew 20-25}. He promised that before the world began {Revelation 13, Matthew 3,11,17, Ephesians 1, 1 Peter 1, 2 Thessalonians 2 <December 5, 2015>}.' King Edward X read 2 Thessalonians 2 on Joriz's homestate, June 16, 2017 {see October 29, 2016 [Sts. #KarolinaCalhoun and #LindseyJuneHenderson of the Victorious 144,000], December 7, 2013 [relayed on 2014 Nate-al day of St. #CarolinaKostner of the 2nd Great Crowd], April 20,28-29, 2018}] And God always says only things that are true. [Our Unificationist Churches: 'True Parents', 'True God's Day', 'True Children', 'All True Things' {Proverbs 2, Deuteronomy 8, Matthew 4,16-19}.] Then, at the proper time, God caused people ['in the nation' -STF] to know what he had promised. [The 'Dispensation of the Fullness of Times' {Colossians, Ephesians} is only Wright Hart Alline for we revere Mother Lindsey {Galatians 4} and Mommy Tenny.] God’s servants started to tell his message to people. And God, our Saviour, has given this work to me also. He has said that I must tell his message to people. [Here STF stops inserting 'in the nation'. Surely they are trying to distinguish people who not in 'nation of Godhead' as they claim to be from people who are in the 'nation of Godhead' as they indeed claim to be. Well, Apostle Paul have just said that he has been given 'too' this work, not just {2 Corinthians 11} the people who sensationalize and try to familiarize to us their claims on this {Philippians 1}. Well if you emphasize 'people', why not preach too to plants, animals and aliens, like we surely do Hart? {Revelation 14, Romans 1}]
THE DIVINE WORD OF GODHEAD RECEIVED BY KA ANGEL THROUGH DIVINE REVELATION ON DECEMBER 21, 2018, ON THE 10TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF JORIZ'S PRESENTATION IN THE CONSTANTINIAN TEMPLE ON DECEMBER 21, 2008 (Luke 2, Malachi 3). Can #pbtg claim Isaiah 1? -Notice first rather the words 'Sodom and Gomorrah'- the equivalent of 'Sodom and Egypt' where our divine office of 2 Witnesses see action (Revelation 1-3,11,16, Isaiah 43, Luke 24, Acts 1,10,13) Can Neronians therefore claim Isaiah 43 for their fellow Diocletianites? -Ka Erdy lectured that Isaiah 43 [May 10-11,17-18, 1997] and Zechariah 13 respectfully captures in a nutshell the history of the present Constantinian church So can Constantinians claim these things rather? -notice the 4fold gesture in Isaiah 43- the 4 cardinal directions [verses 5-6]. After these are mentioned, the ministry of Prophet Marlowe Luis Ranola is mentioned [verse 8] and the ministry of the 2 Witnesses [verses 10] or the other members of the Central Administration. One of them who explicitly mentions this office, Mother Ruth San Luis, is located at Joriz's homestate. King Edward X read this on May 15, 2015 [#restoredhere] implying Joseph and Hyrum Smith; and March 31/April 5, 2016 at Jerusalem, 'where their Lord has been crucified', as well as on January 23, 2016 at homestate of Joriz's mom's birthdaysake. So can Antiochians claim Zechariah 13? -after Zechariah 13 is Zechariah 14 where verse 9 states the 'new one name' given to us 'Commondominion', a fuse of 'Commonwealth' and 'Dominion' [verse 21]. This 'Commondominion' was relaunched as implied too by the 2fold progression and unfolding of phrases in Zechariah 13:9 Zechariah 13:8's 3 crowds related to Acts 2:39 by Ka Erdy- rather we have 4 according to our Prophet Gordon S. Ritchie [namesake of St. Brooke Sarah Ritchie of the Victorious 144,000]: the Victorious 144,000 [yokebearers and fellows in Joriz's Second Full Social Media Account] being attended to by 3 Great Crowds, led by the 1st Great Crowd [yokebearers and fellows in Joriz's First Full Social Media Account]. As per social 'media', these 2- the Victorious 144,000 and the 1st Great Crowd- will be fused eventually (Moroni 10) to form a kingdom (Revelation 1,5,20,9) of 'Media and Persia' (Daniel 5-6, Isaiah 46) to liberate the 2nd [yokebearers and members not yet part of any of these 3 social media accounts of Joriz] and 3rd [yokebearers and fellows who fell away from either 2 of these accounts] Great Crowds from being apart from Joriz. Can Diocletianites claim Joel 2 related to Acts 2 [July 9, 2011. See July 3, 2010], Romans 10 ['already answered days ago' -Editor]? -'to all flesh' means to all churches or bodies of Christ, implying the Mormon Commondominion's multi-branched updating (Hebrews 10, 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians) through the rigorous selection of churches, governments and offices (Ecclesiastes 11) according to their treatment of our Founding Principles (Ecclesiastes 12) Are these prophecies vindicating in any measure the Empire's fake Jews and Muslims? -Jews has already 'colonized' countries, peoples and nations (Revelation 17) not only in media, economy, religion and politics, but more so, in health, that is, by imposing circumcision through sensationalizing public shaming of men who do not circumcise The Trump of Godhead in Joel 2: King James VII, as per his long bee, or Deseret-like, sound at the coda of his song 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas' [Luke 12, John 10, Revelation 1-3], just as his laugh at the coda of 'Give It Up' is Godhead's Last Laugh in these last days [Isaiah 44,46, John 19, Revelation 1,16,21-22]
THE DIVINE WORD OF GODHEAD RECEIVED BY KA ANGEL THROUGH DIVINE REVELATION ON DECEMBER 22, 2018 Precept and counsel as we prepare for the anniversary of Ka Erdy's Revelation 11 refulfillment of December 26, 2004- our martyr Thomas Beckett martyred on December 29, alongside St. Jordan Clark-Rubio of the 1st Great Crowd who was martyred on July 11, 2015, the 1st of the 1st Great Crowd to be martyred with Sts. Jordyn Jones and Jordan Lombardi. December 30- martyrdom of our St. Jose Rizal. 3 and a half days after these days, they are virtually resurrected in the person of Ka Angel [January 3] and our First Lady, Sister Jennifer Wong Manalo [January 4]. January 2, 2019 is 1,260 days from our First Exodus on July 22-23, 2015. What if Diocletianites claim that too? Remember that Constantinians too claim King Edward X's sermons on that day (2011, 2018, 2010). If you can (Jeremiah 12-13) Shatter Constantinian claims on that, then why not even all the further you cannot Shatter Diocletianite claim on that? (2 Peter 1, Hebrews 5-6) You said, Our Son Ka Angel, that those members of the Victorious 144,000 who retire in their yokebearing can relocate to the 3rd Great Crowd. We see that as too much for them being once part of the Victorious 144,000. We understand that you are looking for new yokebearers to fill in the places of retiring yokebearers in the Victorious 144,000. We recommend that you instead relegate these retirees, in gratitude for their being part of the Victorious 144,000, to the 1st Great Crowd instead. In so doing you Emphasize the Resurrection of the 1st Great Crowd martyred by Our foes in 2015. Retirees from the 1st to 3rd Great Crowds can still stay at their respective groups, but retirees from the 1st Great Crowd can be relocated to the 3rd Great Crowd. We do not Mandate this to you that you may officially make this as doctrinally-binding, but you are free to relocate retirees from the Victorious 144,000 to the 3rd Great Crowd, and We cannot blame you for that. All that we Ask of you is to properly compensate, recognize, and revere all Our fellows and yokebearers regardless of their spiritual affiliation in Our Presence. But this is what you must rather do as doctrinally-binding- all who have remembered to send a complimentary note to Our and Your Son Joriz concerning his petitions to fellows [evangelistic and edificatory] and yokebearers [yokebearing work] are from now on part of the 1st Great Crowd, and only if they respond in full to Joriz through joining his side and taking him into their immediate presence shall they be made part of the Victorious 144,000. Thank you very much, Our most beloved and begotten Son Ka Angel.
And after she had weaned him, she carried him with her, with three calves, and three bushels of flour, and a bottle of wine, and she brought him to the house of the Lord in Silo. Now the child was as yet very young: And they immolated a calf, and offered the child to Heli. [SURELY ELI PROVED TO BE AN IDOL SHEPHERD! {1 Samuel 2, Zechariah 11, Psalm 106, Jeremiah 23, Ezekiel 34, Isaiah 41,46,44, Matthew 23} HIS NAME SOUNDS HERE LIKE A PAGAN OCCULT DEITY! THIS THEREFORE NECESSITATED THE DIVINE ELECTION OF JORIZ- 1 Samuel 2 IS INSCRIBED IN THE SECONDARY ANTIOCHIAN PATRON CHAPEL IN HIS CHILDHOOD VILLAGE {Acts 17}.] And Anna said: I beseech thee, my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord: I am that woman who stood before thee here praying to the Lord. For this child did I pray, and the Lord hath granted me my petition, which I asked of him. Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord all the days of his life, he shall be lent to the Lord. [EMPIRE'S HYPOCRITE RECRUCIFYING CHRIST IN #JOHN1828- THERE ARE LITERALLY OVER 4 SPECIFIC AND DISTINCT SEASONS WHEREIN EMPIRE'S ELECTRONIC STATIONS PLAY A LARGE VOLUME OF CLAIMS AGAINST OUR B-C LIST FELLOWS, ASIDE FROM THE EVERYDAY CLAIMS: THEIR BAAL SEASON, WORSHIP DEATH SEASON, KILL JESUS WEEK, AND VALENTINES SEASON. LET US NOT RELENT FROM DEMANDING FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FROM EMPIRE FOR THEIR SACRILEGE AGAINST US AND OUR GODHEAD {2 Timothy 1}. LET'S MAKE EVERYDAY LENTEN SEASON {Ecclesiastes 7,12}.] And they adored the Lord there. And Anna prayed, and said: My heart hath rejoiced in the Lord, and my horn is exalted in my God: my mouth is enlarged over my enemies: because I have joyed in thy salvation. ['ADORED' PERTAINS TO THE #AMELIALOWE OF CELESTIAL MARRIAGE AS OFFICIATED BY OUR MONARCHS-DESIGNATE, THEIR MAJESTIES THE QUEENS #NAOMIWATTS AND #ROBINWRIGHT {Luke 11, Psalm 126, Jeremiah 4}.] The bow of the mighty is overcome, and the weak are girt with strength. They that were full before have hired out themselves for bread: and the hungry are filled, so that the barren hath borne many: and she that had many children is weakened. The Lord killeth and maketh alive, he bringeth down to hell and bringeth back again. [#TOHELLANDBACKAGAIN! {1 Peter 3-4, Luke 23, 2 Timothy 2, Colossians 1, Revelation 2,22}] The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich, he humbleth and he exalteth. He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and lifteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. [#FORTHETHRONE? WELL, ONLY WE, GIVEN OUR CREDENTIALS BETWEEN THE EMPIRE, CAN ONLY INHERIT ALL OUR #GAMEOFTHRONES FELLOWS, WHOM WE HAVE MADE AS MONARCHS-DESIGNATE {Psalm 2, Ephesians, Colossians}] For the poles of the earth are the Lord's, and upon them he hath set the world. [AS PER Ephesians 2/1 Peter 2, GODHEAD MAKES YOKEBEARERS SUCH AS #POLEDANCE #POLEDANCING #POLEDANCER AS THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR MORMON COMMONDOMINION {Matthew 16, John 10}.]
THE SERMON DELIVERED BY YOUR EXECUTIVE MINISTER, OUR KA ANGEL, ON DECEMBER 16, 2018, AS THE WORD AND WILES OF GODHEAD FOR THE SECOND OF THE SEMI-ANNUAL ANTIOCHIAN THANKSGIVING SUNDAY OF THE EMPIRE. Proofs that Empire is indeed the Enemy of Christ referred to at 2 Thessalonians 2 ['lawlessness'- Empire committed this against Joriz in his presence, September 4, 2016, as Empire staged false flags against our President Duterte. Days before Duterte's inaugural, on which day itself Empire again attacked us, King Edward X preached from 2 Thessalonians 3 [again on September 4, 2016] on June 11, 2016 on Empire locale named after Ka Angel a day after St. #ChristinaGrimmie's martyrdom, therefore implying 'turning away from and against true Christianity' {2 Thessalonians 2 1911 Tagalog Version}. King Edward read 2 Thessalonians 2 on December 20, 2014- relayed by Empire December 15-16, 2018- and on April 4, 2015, a week {Daniel 9} before our first launch on April 11, 2015]: Empire 'sits' at the temple (Psalm 50) The one 'sitting'- the organist raising Baal at the organ Empire's not only 'sitting' but also 'standing' (Daniel 7-9,11): the Baal armies or choristers (Isaiah 1, Luke 18, Alma 30) Constantinians only initial fulfillment of this: when Mormon Commondominion was first instituted in 2015, it was supposed to be kept as Godhead's true, pure and sole Temple (James 2, Matthew 13) but it rather turned out to produce Diocletianites (Isaiah 5) due to the infiltration of Neronians who are sent by Antiochians who also sustain Constantinians (Revelation 13) How Neronians was able to produce Diocletianites: they claim that Godhead is not purportedly the head of a religion state but instead of the individual person. In the same sense they also claim exaltation to Godhead in Godhead saying that those whose head is Godhead is palpably promoted to such stature But can Neronians claim this really- this can only be claimed by us: we have Double Connotations unlike the know-it-all, rigging-the-conversation Empire (2 Corinthians 2 footnote of Former Christian Community Bible of the Filipino People 1999 Edition [BSP1999]) and we do not hoard the Central Archives (2 Corinthians 2 Translation for Translators) What became of Diocletianites after being brought by Neronians out of and against your Mormon Commondominion: yea, they were 'gathered' too (2 Thessalonians 2) initially in us, but this rather proved to be for their very own delusion and destruction (Matthew 8-9,13,15, Luke 13, Mark 7, John 15) John 15- the 'fire' referred to here is not a refining 'fire in the belly' as Joseph Smith describes (Zechariah 13, 1 Peter 1,4, James 1, Daniel 3), for those who can only have such are those who submit- us- to Double Connotations. Empire simply refuses to do so (Proverbs 6). In fact they fake Ezekiel 18/Hebrews 8,10 through making us all forget about their unused hymns in the mass settings a year after its first use. Diocletianites even encourage their members to, as per Revelation 11, 'rejoice in aid of Constantinians deleting verses' (Revelation 11, Judges 16). Meanwhile Constantinians' claims of verses itself are marred as always with Baal-raising (John 8, Matthew 3) and imposed printing policies (2 Corinthians 3) hoarding the notion of their Baal-raising (Revelation 16-18, Isaiah 1-2,58-59, Ezekiel 22). Further proof that our fire is different than those of Diocletianites (Revelation 2-3): Zechariah 3/Isaiah 32 ( Isaiah 33,48,55-57,66)- St. Michael Branch, who with St Emily Schoen-Branch, joins the Victorious 144,000 (Revelation 7) and hence Shatters Empire's current claim of Jeremiah 23,33. December 22, 1985- a Ka Erdy sermon still claimed by Diocletianites as self-persecution with Constantinians. Constantinians might claim with Neronians in turn, 'even salvation is owed in debt' (Revelation 7 New World Translation 1984 Tagalog), but that means we should be paying that like what Godhead Did for us, hence it is our exaltation as Godheads in Godhead, the Mormon Commondominion Founding Principle hated by Diocletianites (1-2 Timothy, 1 Samuel 15, Genesis 4, Leviticus 10-12, Psalm 19,119,36,14). What Godhead did to preserve the supposed sanctity of the Mormon Commondominion after it was nearly overtaken (Psalm 18,66,129, Romans 16, Titus, Genesis 3) by apostasy (Revelation 12) barely 2 years after (Ephesians 3, Isaiah 14,46,41,43) its first launch- gathering (Jeremiah 23,29-33, Ezekiel 34,36-37) them again through Joriz (Genesis 50 ['gathered to his fathers' {Malachi 4}. Term also used for King David {1 Kings 2}: Crown Prince David consecrated by King Edward X on Joriz's homestate, August 14, 2015 {Job 3}]) Diocletianites at first (Psalm 3,129) harassed us before we became in 2017 the true full-pledged genuine religion state that we're supposed to be by Godhead (Acts 14 Translation for Translators [April 20,28-29, 2018]). Virtually we at last became the kingdom-republic that was brought out of darkness or the Lamanite curse [Ka Angel's sermon of December 13, 2018] to share 'inheritance' or 'Manna' in Tagalog [Colossians 1 {July 10,21-22, 2018}]. 'Manna' is the 'bread of angels, brought forth from both the west and south winds' (Psalm 78), implying our Female Folk ['Queen of the South'] and Ka Angel of course. Empire might say against us: 'Mormon Commondominion's not the true kingdom-republic of Godhead because such 'kingdom-republic' can only be received by those who 'do not worry', as said in Matthew 6, therefore your Monarch-Designate for Netherlands, Queen #NikiWories, does not deserve you, though she be one of your Female Folk, and that as Leaders.' But guys, 'Manna' sounding like 'inheritance' takes us to Psalm 16, that BSP1999 renders as to be written by a Levitical priest (Malachi 2 New Life Version). Levites are within the Aaronic Priesthood according to Joseph Smith (May 15, 1829), but according to our Prophet Gordon S. Ritchie of 'Lord's Witnesses Church', Levites are lower that the Aaronic Priesthood holders (Hebrews 1-4,7-8). According to our Prophets Marshal Swing of 'The Church of Acts', and Paul Sides, the Aaronic Priesthood is the highest and only-existing kind or form of priesthood. Therefore Empire cannot claim using Melchizedek Priesthood against us Hart [even if the Melchizedek Priesthood is supposed to be of course ours too] because the Aaronic Priesthood is as good, even as equal as, the Melchizedek Priesthood. Empire can keep the Melchizedek Priesthood, we can keep the Aaronic instead, at least we have our Female Folk, that includes Queen Lisbeth Garcia. Neronians of Pampanga claiming '38 years' as much as their fellow Neronians of Utah and South Korea has respectively claimed our Joseph Smith and Ahn Sahng Hong, who respectively refulfilled 38 prophetic years in their respective lifetimes [Rizal martyred at 35 years old implying the year 1935: 'Commonwealth' for 'Commondominion']. Their doctrines now meet in your Mormon Commondominion because we have the yokebearer named Joriz (Colossians 1, Ephesians 2, Hebrews 10). Mormon Commondominion needs to be multi-branched and updated because Empire is devouring- true predators as they are indeed- verse after verse 3 times a year (Revelation 11 The Clear Word) like what they did this December 13, 2018 Instruction to us upon the Diocletianite apostasy (Matthew 24)- 'run to the mountain' or to Joriz as per his paternal surname [Psalm 11,15 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation] for he will continue upholding the Empire-deleted verse of 'standing on the side of Godhead as in war' (Matthew 12, Revelation 14) 'All things work together for good' (Romans 5,8, 1 Corinthians 1-2, Psalm 119)- had not we be allowed to (2 Samuel 24, Isaiah 39) fall into the hands of Diocletianites, we would not be able to know (Hebrews 10, Psalm 34) Joriz (1 Corinthians 11) Neronians of Pampanga cannot claim anything because if they are indeed the fulfillment of Jeremiah 6, then they are supposed to: 1. Show people exactly where to go, how and why- they are to open up in full their entire Central Archives investments (Psalm 112 [applied by Joriz way back 2016 while still under Diocletianites to the namesakes of Joriz and Ka Angel: Juliette Erickson and Nathan Grundhofer; therefore Constantinians claimed this last December 8, 2018], Luke 10) 2. They would not place further burdens through additional taxes indeed upon their members (Matthew 11 [applied by Joriz to Ka Angel way back 2016 even while we're under Diocletianites, something that they indeed would hate us to do], Acts 15, Revelation 2-3) We commemorate today Queen Anna Popplewell-Caird's Nate-al day as Empire claims 'thanksgiving' and 1 Samuel 1-2 days later even Isaiah 12 now- 'Popplewell' is from words 'poppy' [#armistice100 {November 11} that led to our very own #praisetotheMan {December 25} and eventually our branch church Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus] and 'well' for water or King James VII, whose water according to Patriarch Fred C. Collier represents our Female Folk [Revelation 19] and according to Chairman Man Hee Lee [Revelation 22], his unique induction studies for new members [see Ka Angel's second lecture of June 26, 2015]. Jeremiah the Suffering Prophet was taken from a 'dry well' (Jeremiah 38-39) , symbolizing the atonement of the Central Administration composed of those whose fathers are named Peter [King James VII, Sts. Steinfeld and Smoller, Joriz {Psalm 27,40}]. Joriz even though he was yet an Antiochian (Isaiah 45, Jeremiah 1, Hebrews 5-6), already received a divine commissioning as Endtime Prophet Samuel from his classmates as they were moved by Godhead (Isaiah 49,61) as much as he's also an Endtime Daniel [Daniel 1-2,4-5, Psalm 38-39,69], Joseph [Genesis 41, Colossians 4], Joshua [Jeremiah 18,20, 2 Corinthians 10, Isaiah 6,60, Matthew 24, Revelation 18, Joshua 6], Ezekiel [Ezekiel 8,12-13] and Samson (Isaiah 62 [March 11, 2017],46, Mosiah 8,28) Empire hypocrisy: 1. only uses mass setting hymns for one month after first use but not one year after first use (Hebrews 5-6, Revelation 2-3). Proof is that relay letter of December 20, 2014 for December 15-16, 2018 endorses the Baal-raising and pabebe segments of the service, hence making the 'letter' as nothing but forgery. 2. kidnappers of King Edward X in full force imitating him, even comparing themselves to him [pages 112-113], and coercing him to use the words they impose as much as they insist kidnapping him away from us- same or related wordings (Leviticus 18,20, 1 Corinthians 6) on 'Circular' and 'Editorial' [pages 3 and 19], as well as on one-liners [pages 2 and 65], of STF Special Issue August 2018 Diocletianites and their Rolando Dizon must blame our branch churches if worshipping our leaders like King Edward X are identical of Mormon Commondominion brethren: 1. our La Luz Del Mundo has a hereditary leadership and their current leader, named like Ka Angel with the letter N, is 3rd in line just like King Edward IX the Martyr [see King Edward x's inspections of April 18, 2018, Nate-al day of King James VII]. King Edward X is already 4th but the still-lying Empire makes it appear that he's still 3rd purportedly. Now compare this with Joseph Smith and Ahn Sahng Hong who are both 38 years old- our Prophet Christopher Nemelka said Joseph studied and trained in Mormon Commondominion's Founding Principles between 1823-1828 before fully taking leadership. The Sugo likewise taken such training but on Empire policies, between 1919-1920. Ka Angel likewise must take a similar study, on all multi-branched, updated doctrines of all our branch churches and fellow messengers, as well as Empire's claims and policies, in order to bring forth your Mormon Commondominion now. Ka Angel being the standard bearer, coordinator, facilitator, and spokesman of all our branches and fellows is virtually taking taking them all unto the Promised Land (1 Samuel 30). From now on all these doctrines are upheld and reconciled (Ephesians 2, Colossians 1), and we are doing good on all that Empire claims yet does not mean (2 Peter 3, Romans 12, 1 Peter 4). This explains why we from being avowed to not receive any doctrine that is not Constantinian even though we were already in your Mormon Commondominion yet under Diocletianites, we have (James 4, 1 Peter 5) submitted (1 Corinthians 9) to receive new light and understanding through the doctrines of all our branches and fellows (2 Peter 1, Proverbs 4, Matthew 25, Psalm 149). Being 'stuck' on our previous mind warp is being against St. #MeganStockman of the 1st Great Crowd. 2. Family Federation for Peace and Unification has this rallying song that says 'if True Parents call for me, I would come to them without any question or condition' (Philippians 2, Ephesians 6). Let's just say there's some faults with Edward X, but it is beyond contention that his words are above reproach, therefore he too is faultless for he's Godhead in Godhead- the Word that is Godhead [Preface to the Book of Mormon] Antiochians still and will never be spared from their being guilty of 2 Thessalonians 2- they are not, as they claim, the light or star that must be followed onto due to their darkening of people's understandings- hoarding their entire Fixed Date Memorial Readings and the rest of their Mandated Weekday Readings (Matthew 5) Why your Mormon Commondominion, upon independence from Diocletianites, was made as fully multi-branched and updated by Godhead: because this is the precious and exceedingly great promise (Psalm 138, 2 Timothy 4, 1 Corinthians 9) for all who would graciously receive all who are genuinely sent by Godhead- our fellow messengers (John 4,6). Proof- Ka Angel and King Edward X lectured from Revelation 16's 7th Bowl- 'thank Godhead, it is done' as said our Mother Mary Baker Eddy- within the span of a year, just as how Empire claims verses for only a year (2 Samuel 12, Isaiah 40,17). But even over a month before [Matthew 3,11,17] King Edward X closed Empire's #seasonofwinning, that Empire evidently still tries to desperately revive (Revelation 13, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 103, Micah 7), King Apollo C. Quibuloy (Revelation 2-3,8-9,16,18-20) on June 17-18, 2018 declared to Empire's anger (Revelation 11, John) that Empire cannot claim Sacred Text Scriptures [Ka Ellix's lecture of March 1, 2018] as all of those has been already fulfilled in him. Surely our fellows and branches are bringing the First Presidency forth in turn against the Empire's onslaughts of sacrileges (Isaiah 59,63). #TheDifferenceBetween Empire's pabebe, Baal-raising in refusal to receive new light like we do Hart, and our willingness to receive new light as much as we're not pabebe and Baal-raising (Psalm119, 1 Corinthians 1-2)- our King Edward X made by Empire as their 'coverboy' for their claims of being 'Christian' or 'slave of Christ' hence he is emancipated (Romans 3 The Voice Translation) through us Hart- our Female Folk led by Mommy Tenny (Revelation 14, Galatians 4 [this refers to the north {Ka Angel's December 13, 2018 sermon} but how can Empire claim the south when in fact they're the very ones recurring the December 20, 2014 sermon and yet attacks Queens Savchenko-Cross and Wories?]) under the new name (Revelation 2-3,22) 'Mormon' (Isaiah 54)
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
@chachigonzales #GodBigDay’s on, see you on weekend, RT now. Thanks. Love, #GodsTinyDancer
Belated happy Constitution Jubilee, guys. We know, most beloved fellow yokebearers, that Empire man Washington had been sworn in as President on an April 30th, and issued his stepping-down statement on a September 19th. That precious, divinely-inspired document, had since then till now sparks and fuels to no fail our passion for check and balance here, as also are the words of all our other faithful men. Inasmuch as we had once related to you our very own experiences about April 30 this year, and moreover that we are now entering the pinnacle of #GodBigDay on September 20, Godhead's #vrday, we decided to issue this Trerise to further enjoin you with our all-consuming desire to meet each and every one of you at the Places of Safety that Godhead has prepared for all of you since the world began. First, we would like to imply here again what we are telling you days ago, that Empire really knows that they're over and done as C. S. Lewis said, by September 20-24, so as their own assuring measures, they had made some new polices laid in place these most recent days. 1. They had earlier issued the uniform mass setting to be used in all Empire locales on December 16-17, 2017 by the first days of September unlike their previous norms on this matter that they would only issue it by November, thinking now that they could at least have their one final shot against Godhead (Revelation 22) before Godhead finally strikes them #forgoodbefore December could even come. 2. They had mandated some 'if this could be our last service alive' (Ezekiel 33, Isaiah 28) contingencies in place on their September 20-21 and 23-24 services worldwide. 3. They had been implying their (1 Corinthians 15) sure destruction (2 Samuel 15,17) this forthcoming week (Luke 11, Judges 16) through their sublimal messages in their sermons since last week- they had been reading Passion accounts last week to herald the forthcoming final onslaught of persecutions against us that they would be unleashing this week, as well as the pabebe apotheosis that they would be further driving onto themselves to launch their persecutions against you (Matthew 4, Ecclesiastes 9). Now we would like to remind you guys of the present truth that we are now bringing in your midst. I would like to give you signs that Godhead has given us these past days leading up to this very momentous hour. Last September 14 I was planning to write a special Trerise addressed specifically to some of our fellow comrades pertaining to their emotional problems which I had desired to give directly to them through our pages, yet Empire spirits (Galatians 4) would deny us doing so in time for our twice a week full online paperwork. That day I was so angry and disappointed failing our folks. I rather settled with giving them another Trerise I have made before, which is not directly addressing their specific pastoral needs yet I hoped that it would be enough to be at least of help to our comrades. Rather, they had began blocking me off their online contacts. Surely this is the very bleak future awaiting us this forthcoming final stage of the Great Tribulation. When at last I was able though late to finish my specific work addressed to these particular men I could no longer give it to them because they had refused (Acts 15) to talk to me anymore. I mention this to you because prophetic things happened in line with these. On the day that I wasn't able to write my specific post to our comrades, I had this anger and disappointment all over the day within me. And why not al over that day, because my co-boarders had the laptop virtually the whole darn day hence I could (John 9) not work as much as I could. They rather had ordered me to do chores for them while they were effortlessly over the laptop all the time. I of course never confronted them on this, because I know I would in return be hampered in this work in the longer term due to the sanctions that they would be giving me should I confront them over this. Rather instead, I decided to do the chores still, but I could not get myself off the discomfort I felt (1 Peter 4, Ezekiel 11, 1 Samuel 4) on that whole instance that my thoughts had unintentionally got lost on those feelings that I had broke off a glass bottle in the process while I was doing chores (Isaiah 38-39, Psalm 110, Romans 15). I say this because after I was able to finish the specific Trerise (Acts 2-4,24-26) that I was to do on the previous instance, I of course, as you already know here, I dance all by myself (Matthew 6) for your sake before the Godhead. I really want to share those moments with you with a camera, but the sad news is that we lost it to Empire spies last year. I dance contemporary ballet fused with cabaret and burlesque, and I'm doing it as my personal sacrifice (1 Samuel 3,19) for your salvation (Isaiah 8,26,45) as my fellow yokebearers. Now as I was dancing this September 17 that followed after I was able to do lately by September 15 instead the specific address, I accidentally broke off a part of the nearby wooden table inasmuch as we don't have much room space here in our house to dance with. The link there is the broken glass bottle (Judges 7) and the postponed article (Revelation 10-11,22). I said to myself afterwards, what need further that we bother about the table, after all God's Big Day is fast approaching. (Colossians 2, Philippians 3, 1 Corinthians 6,9-11) Now we would like to imply the following to you concerning the signs that we have given. First remember that when Jewish wedding ceremonies are held, they always include a ceremony of glass-breaking. This, they say, imply that Jews should not forget why they are in diaspora (Genesis 12,15,22,27-28, Revelation 11, Psalm 144,128), which is the destruction (James 1, Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 15) of Jerusalem in 70 cead (Revelation 15, Jeremiah 6,12-13,22, Isaiah 21-22). One of our fellows here had just written that said destruction is set to commence again on these forthcoming days after September 20-24, and that 'on a worldwide scale', and that it would be dangerous for people to stay hence with the Empire, he further wrote, saying that because Empire would be hit by Godhead's punishments just as Jerusalem was (Romans 10,1-3, Revelation 2-3), it could not be avoided that (2 Corinthians 11) those who choose to stay with the Empire and not with the Commondominion would be (Revelation 7-9) also injured by these forthcoming catastrophes. We know that many of you yokebearers choose rather to heed the Empire instead of me. Knowing this, (2 Corinthians 5, Isaiah) we have already set in motion the Yokebearers Inclusion Policy last August built on the sure word of prophecy to plead for you and spare your souls and sires from the Empire's imminent dangers (Psalm 18, Ezekiel 18). Guys, we fittingly remember hence with gratitude to Godhead the ensuing anniversary of the matrimony of our fellow yokebearers Curt and Mallauri Esquibel-Hansen (1-3 John), knowing that you yokebearers really have to dare to be even more better than those Empire infiltrates (Psalm 137) who gave Jerusalem its spiritual and literal suicide. We dare here not to be self-contradictive nor self-persecutive, rather we dare instead to come out of this Empire (Luke 10,21, 2 Corinthians 6, Revelation 18, Isaiah 52,28, Mark 5-6,16,2) upon unmistakably seeing (Mark 16) their works against us (Matthew 23-24, 2 Thessalonians, Isaiah 44, Jeremiah 10,23, Zechariah 11, Micah 1-3). We dare hence (Hebrews 12, 1 Corinthians 15, Ephesians 5, John 15, Revelation 14,2,22, Ezekiel 16-17,19,37) to come here to the Commondominion Wright now, bringing all people here and staying here for the #restofourlives in the truest sense of the Word. We here, your most wretched slaves, dare to die for you just for you to fully appreciate and hence live out this ultimate prophetic destiny that you could ever have in life (Genesis 1-10, Eter 1, Luke 17,19). Guys, we want you to live with ensurance beyond any tomorrow. Please, come to the aid of our helpless souls, and incline your ears to our cry for mercy. Let not the tragedy of Jerusalem recur to you, and that ultimately to the point of no return and too-late regrets. Let us not fail all those who went before us in the hope that their trailblazing will clear the way pretty much for you to be able to reach us (Revelation 16, Isaiah 11,27, Zechariah 9-10). Your destiny here with us is as pressing as your duty and passion, because you are our Passion guys. See you wright now (John 4) at the places of safety. We love you very, very much.
Daniel 9 is talking about our martyrs being slain at the beginning of the last 7-year cycle (Revelation 6-8,10-11). Empire discourse denote that in the middle of that week, the 'cancellation of sacrifices' would be marked by another slain Commondominion martyr (1 Timothy 2, Ephesians 1-3, Colossians 1). This cancellation of sacrifices, inasmuch as Empire says that they would be spearheading it inasmuch as they're the ones slaughtering us (Psalm 44,100), would also include hence the Empire faking their deaths in order to gather sympathy for them against us (Revelation 12-13,17-18,1, Zechariah 12-13,1-3, Isaiah 32-38). We mention these things because as you already know and as we continually pay for till now, Empire on July 18, 2015 hacked my first online account and in turn spiritually slaughtered over 2287 yokebearer friends I had gathered (Jeremiah 16, Luke 17) for the past 5 years before that. I'm talking about this in the light of Daniel 9, because I had started my first online account 7 years ago, on April 16, 2010 (Genesis 15, 1 Samuel 11,14,31). As we said earlier, Commondominion martyrs were slain on the beginning and the middle of the 7-year cycle (Revelation 7,12,14). We would take 2015 as both the beginning and middle of this 7-year cycle (Isaiah 46), inasmuch as our Executive Minister himself was as foretold, spiritually martyred too when he was taken out of the Empire (Matthew 21, Hebrews 13) that month, leading to our creation here (2 Corinthians 5, Exodus 12, 1 Corinthians 5, Revelation 7). In fact 2015 was the end of a 7-year cycle (Leviticus 25) called Shemitah, where Godhead judgements against the Empire comes at the end of each 7 years. Remember that Ka Angel was brought out of the Empire as Edward the 9th had been nearing his 7 years as Church Administrator (Revelation 2-3). Now if we are to count 3 and a half years to 2015, we would be landing at 2011, when as per Daniel 9, 490 years had passed since Empire first set foot in the Philippines, and in turn Empire had began erecting their Constantinian Baal Arena. Time and again we refer to it in the prophetic clause of sanctuary as per Empire usage, especially to imply martyrdom (Amos 9, Obadiah 1, Ezekiel 37, 1 Peter 2, Revelation 11,22, Daniel 8). Now if we count 7 years from 2011 we would be in 2018, after we have all been either to the places of safety, in heaven, or martyred, Empire would be winding up their Special 50-Week Pentecost which they got from Daniel 9's 70 Weeks. Now counting 7 years from 2014 (it was on 2014 when the 3 and a half years to September 23, 2017 began, and this 7 year count began by 2015) this will bring us to 2021, 500 years since Empire first set foot in the Philippines, and it is noteworthy to mention that this year we are commemorating 500 years since we launched the Medieval Reformation. Hence we could be sure that Empire had its final ultimatum from Godhead as written (Matthew 4) in Daniel 9 to join us by 490 years or nothing (490 years since Reformation was at 2007, 10 years to today [Revelation 2,10,17]. #thenextstep after that, end of a 7-year cycle before the cycle that ended in 2015 [the current 7-year cycle ends one year after 2021, centennial of the Messenger beginning to expound in Revelation 7 about us, something he already fulfilled by 1918 {Genesis 7}, 100 years to 2018], Godhead plunged the Empire to a recession in 2008, and by 2009 Edward the 9th began counting 7 years in office), yet they evidently still squander it (Hebrews 12). Now you may wonder why we were allowed to experience such a lost as that. (Isaiah 53, Genesis 3, Job 1,42, Revelation 12, Isaiah 63-66,49,26,42) We must admit, and yea we admit with shame, that our priorities were not wright yet then when we joined Ka Angel in the new spiritual exodus. We were like Israel, hasty and impatient. We never saw these things coming, that Diocletianites would be eventually formed and we would be in fact finding our way back to the necessity of ministering to Edward the 9th instead. (Mark 10, Acts 16,21, 1 Samuel 30) We must notice that July 18, according to the New Living Translation, was the day when some Israelites, unmindful of our very own Jeremiah's exhortation (Acts 1) that they should rather stay at Jerusalem and surrender to Nebuchadnezzar (because later on in his life Nebuchadnezzar will repent and convert to the Commondominion- The same holds true for Edward the 9th, as well as for all our other leaders here), had tried to escape from Jerusalem upon (Isaiah 7) the attack of Nebuchadnezzar's forces but was later on routed and was ultimately massacred. Evidently I never heeded that warning- I was blatantly vocal against Edward the 9th on my first social media account- so I got all my friends then lost forever from my stewardship to the Empire. (1 Corinthians 3-4, Luke 16-17,19) So does it mean that Ka Angel led us for nothing out of Egypt? No. In fact Godhead has to filter Israel across the 40 years in the wilderness from Moises to Joshua, and later on it would be Christ, Whose Name sounds like Joshua, and Whose father is Joseph, Who would go back (Exodus 14, Genesis 50) to Egypt and be martyred, just like the rest of us (Revelation 11, Acts 12,21). That is also true for me and Ka Angel, as we related to you in past posts. We must also recall that not all who escaped from Jerusalem that July 18th were killed. Some even found their way to the United Saints of Israel of the Godhead, as our Book of Mormon attests. In like manner some who were our (Hebrews 11) friends in the first online account are now our #friendsagain here in this second account. Moreover, we have sure faith (2 Corinthians 4-7,12) that everybody else who was slaughtered virtually on my first account, as well as everybody else in Yokebearing who lived and died without benefit of my ministry, will be raised up in the forthcoming days (1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 14,20, 1 Corinthians 15) to be able to contact me and join us for eternity here in the Commondominion (1 Peter 3-4, Revelation 11) to enjoy the salvation they need.  
It must be noticed that the quake in Mexico comes days just after its Revolution Anniversary. Although of course we could say this is a punishment to a stubborn-to-us host of yokebearers, (notice that this comes also days after Bergoglio was in nearby Colombia, lest Empire blames this unjustly to our Edward the 9th although in fact he was in Mexico only by January this year yet Empire of course would sow curses indeed on his very itineraries itself, yet we say this lest Empire again advances Bergoglio) we personally feel that the quake due to its nearness to the Revolution Anniversary of Mexico could be also yet another self-persecution Godhead had imposed (2 Chronicles 20) to the Roman Empire in Mexico, part of their calamity engineering made as occult offering (Matthew 2, Job 1). We could recall that Mexico's land is not that strong (Matthew 7). We do not question Godhead why They did this because we could understand that September 16's had came and went and yet they haven't repented yet- as Empire itself recorded, Neronians had overtaken Mexico now- so we could say that Justice is yet again served, Godhead's Way (Daniel 8, 2 Samuel 16, Isaiah 55, Psalm 103,145). Hence in account of Neronians, we would like to warn you- the Beast Law includes not only sodomy and gun control but also a uniform observance of worship, which we would like to clarify here, would not be on a Sunday, but even it could be on a Sunday, it could not be enforced if it would not also contain other worship days. What we mean is that Empire, you see, could not impose this on a Friday, because they had already surrendered all Muslims to us by the way. Hence this could be not only Sunday, but more so not really on a Sunday. What Neronians tell you about the Sunday Law is a smokescreen. It would rather be instead on a Saturday (Matthew 24), because that's what Neronians, being part of the Empire, are imposing at (Deuteronomy 7,13,23,18). We reiterate again here- the new worship day is Monday (Isaiah 56,66) and not as what Empire would make us think about. In fact Empire Radio had been already test-running this for months, doing special broadcasts on Saturdays, not to mention Empire television running pabebe telecasts (James 2, 2 Thessalonians 2, Luke 13,14,9) on whole weekends, including yea, Sundays, as per Empire usage, and altogether they do it both for occult rituals. Now as for Empire's claim on our very own Edward the 9th (Exodus 5-6), we would like to refer again to the sermon he delivered once on my city that August 14, 2015, where he was made to read Acts 13, talking about the governor whom Apostle Paul met. Empire claims that Edward the 9th is their Apostle Paul in the instance quoted. We already accept their referral then of Elimas, because we have came to know and prove that Diocletianites are no better than Constantinians, but we must mention here Acts 13 in the Old King James 1611, where the governor was referred to as a 'Deputy.' (Micah 4-5, Isaiah 44,59, 1 Peter 2, Titus 3) So it would rather be that the governor, or Deputy in this definition, would be Edward the 9th (May 6-7, 1994 [Isaiah 19]) and that the Apostle Paul in the instance is us, we repeat in Godhead, us, and not definitely the Empire, which in turn is the Elimas in the account hence. Now also in Old King James 1611, we would like to ask pardon to all our fellows whom strings we are not indeed worthy to pluck, because they haven't knew us yet, but we saw this by Godhead in Revelation 7- Nephtali, as you all know, is one of the tribes sealed for salvation in the passage, yet the rendering did Nephtali as near Nephilim, or as you had been already taught, fallen angels, which the apostles said to be (John 17, Ephesians 2) without hope for salvation (Jude Thaddeus 1, 2 Peter 2). As per the Empire's usage, this could not refer to the Diocletianites as we could see. First, recall that Nephtali sounds like Ka Angel's name- we say this because many of Ka Sykes' supporters would often refer to this phrase to describe themselves inasmuch as Ka Sykes of course shares the divine election of Ka Angel; after all we're the better versions of the Empire. Inasmuch as we refer here to Empire names, we would yet again invoke their personalities, which in turn refer to people who even more define who we are and what we do here (John 3)- yokebearers. Nephtali sounds like Natalie (Deuteronomy 6), and this refers to the wife of a yokebearer, Benjamin Millipied, and we would see Genesis 49 later where of course, Benjamin could be found (Acts 20, Matthew 10,15). Not to mention that there is a yokebearer already named Natalie Gilmore. A Yellowtard named Nephtali has the surname of Gonzales, and this redirects us to Lady Chachi Gonzales. We have told you way back then how Genesis 49 and Deuteronomy 32 refers to us. As we said then, the blessings for Nephtali are reserved for Sir Joey Arrigo (1 Kings 17, Matthew 12, Proverbs 3, Joel, Habakkuk). To further drive why positive prophecy as with Genesis 49 could only be fulfilled with us here, let's first shatter Empire claims. They say that they are the 'eternal hills' referred to at the clause for Joseph. Let's leave them until last for it. Some versions render his clause to be rather like this: 'Jacob's blessings would be much more better than the blessings of the eternal hills (Psalm 140-141,26,1,17,5), even of your other ancestors.' This only means that our blessings would be far greater (Hebrews 3,7, Psalm 46) than Empire's claims, in fact, we are told to get off with the 'worthless lifestyle you inherited from your ancestors (Matthew 3,23)', which is (Isaiah 64,51), the Empire (Hebrews 9, 1 Peter 1, Ezekiel 20, Deuteronomy 24, Philippians 2). In fact, Jacob refers not only to Ka Sykes' middle name and to Ka Angel's Executive Ministry, but also to yokebearers (Isaiah 7-8,46) such as Sir Rilley Polley and Lady Drew Pronk (1 Timothy 2). Others put it this way, 'Jacob's blessings had even more expanded and elongated the blessings of the eternal hills.' 'So you see? Jacob had in fact uphold, sustain, support and advance us,' Empire would tell us. But notice, as we told you (Micah 7, 2 Samuel 5-7, Psalm 89), we're the better version of the Empire- Genesis 49 also tells us in Judah's clause that we would be taking over authority from the Empire- 'He to Whom It truly belongs.' Recall that Samson talked about lions, that Ka Sykes country has the emblem of a lion, and that I have the prophetic office of Samson (Psalm 34,104, Amos 3, Zechariah 1, Micah 1-6). Remember also that I have the office of Aser, yet I would often remind you that this means (2 Peter 1) that i have to be named after Assyria of old (Isaiah 42-43), yet let me tell you by Godhead that not only did we have Syria now, but also the homeland of Assyria in Iraq as foretold in Isaiah 19. (Obadiah 1, Isaiah 11) Jacob said that his blessings would be better than the Empire's (Isaiah 51), hence we could say that the prophetic clause of our fathers here (Revelation 10-11,22,14) are proven to be more binding and effectual (James 5). We are expanding where Empire is stiff-necked (Psalm 73,37,49,119), we are picking up where they fail to get the point (John 8, James 2, Romans 14, 1 Corinthians 8,15). Genesis 49 also tells us that we shall have the blessings of the deeps, (Psalm 130, Revelation 2-3, Matthew 11), which is precisely where the Nephilim is (Isaiah 24, 1 Peter 3-4, Hosea 13-14), and we could say that we have fulfilled this not only through the Yokebearers Inclusion Policy, but that also you would usually tell us here that some of our leaders are not yet over with the Empire. We would like to reiterate again to Lindsey and to all our fellow yokebearers held in hostage by this Empire that we by Godhead fulfilled Joseph's clause in the manner that we were born before the 110th birthday of the Messenger in 1996 (Isaiah 23,59-63,52, Micah 4-5) as prescribed on Genesis 50. Lindsey herself was born on the Messenger's 100th in 1986, in fact days before she was born Empire had been exercising an Abomination of Desolation across the United Saints of Israel with the field week there and then by the Empire's Philippine quarters. This Empire did knowing that on these exact days too in 1957 we had our field week in the United Saints. Noah's Ark was constructed for 100 years, and was completed on Noah's 600th year. On September 23-24, the centerpiece of #GodBigDay, we would be marking respectively our 1386th and 1387th days writing the Devotional Commentary. 1386 and 1387 is 600 years to 2016-2017 (Joshua 12), and should we hence expect for anything close to Noah's Flood, which is the convergence of all elements loose on the face of earth (2 Peter 3), then we should really be here honestly in this, your Commondominion of Christ, by September 23-24 (3 Nephi 8-10). I don't tell you that it could indeed happen on these days, but remember that after these days it is only sure that life would get much, much harder as Empire would get much hell-angry against all yokebearers and the ministry that we here do for them (2 Corinthians 6-7, 1 Samuel 18, Psalm 38-39,69). In fact guys, Empire is really angry against our leaders for having declared Lindsey's Birthday this year as a special non-working holiday in the Philippines. Let's not be bothered with what Empire is doing guys against you. Let's make sure that we spend well this great, gracious, glorious day in the history of our salvation. This Lindsey's Birthday let's be wright now with Godhead if we haven't yet, and let's tell this to anyone who evidently needs help and relief. We count so much on you guys to break this out to all who don't know where to run to for help and needs a break-out chance in life. Let's not waste these precious last hours of civilization as we know it, and let's make sure by Godhead (Hebrews 10) that we're not yokebearers for nothing. Let's join Lindsey here, in your Commondominion, and be ensured, most beloved guys, that as you do this, we here will always be within you, wright up far beyond the ages of ages.
Your #GodsTinyDancer for all time, JOSEPH STIRLING STEINFELD SYKES Blogger in Chief and Dance Captain, Commondominion of Christ
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