#then i found him messaging girls on twitter that summer n i was like 3rd times a charm Bye
bo0zey · 2 years
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y’all….…………….ain’t no way this is how i just found out i’m blocked by my ex
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dongsichenged · 3 years
hi everyone, there's been a lot of false information and missing information going around regarding the lucas situation. in this post, i'm going to be summarizing and translating the accusations against him. this isn't to assign blame or to say if the accusations are truthful or not, but i see a lot of people with inaccurate information
there were three girls who came out with statements against him. details on each under the cut:
op 1, korean, posted on twitter 8/23
this was the account that was swiftly debunked. if you see any posts with a photoshopped plane selfie, edited bubble voice messages, hotel dates that don't line up, or a picture of lucas's trinity ring, this is what those are referring to
link to translation thread here - i don't speak korean so i can't directly verify
summary: op said that after they broke up, lucas would ask her to buy him cigarettes and designer gifts as well as rent hotel rooms for him. she also claims that he gaslit her and cheated on her
op 2, chinese, posted on weibo 8/24, this isn't a direct translation of the entire post and chat conversations, but rather some highlights
she was a fan since summer of 2019. she first met him on december 2nd, 2019 at a beijing fansign. she left her weibo username in a letter to him and in the early hours of december 3rd (the night of the fansign), she got a DM from him
in this DM, he asked her to go to the hotel and meet up with him. at 3am, she went to the hotel room. he told OP that he gets a lot of letters, but only opened OP's and that he noticed her at previous fansigns and would keep the things she gave him.
she said it was her first time in this situation and he said it was also his first time
op asked him if he had DMed any other fans and he said there was only one other from china, but he didn't find them attractive so they only had a meal together
they hooked up, then he told her not to tell anybody and to delete the chat messages. he suggested that they could meet up again, but not to come to the airport because he's tired at the airport and never thinks the fans that meet him at the airport are attractive
OP went to a bangkok fansign but they didn't meet up. they did call each other, and lucas said that he had a bad predebut relationship so even though he liked OP, he didn't want to talk about being in a relationship
the next time was at a shenyang fansign, OP couldn't visit him because she was sick in her hotel room with a fever, but her friend said that he was contacting another chinese fan. after the event, he came to find her
(tw - unprotected sex) that time, they had unprotected sex. she asked him to put on a condom, but he refused to. he said that he hadn't had sex in almost a year. she asked him about the other chinese fan he contacted and he said that this was the fan from before that he had a meal with but didn't find attractive. he was scared that the company would find out and smoked an entire pack of cigarettes in 2 hours
(tw - mention of kris wu) he also told OP that as a trainee he'd go out and party a lot, but he thought people like kris wu were silly and were just in the company to play and never trained.
he said on his show in korea where he pretended to be a soldier, he felt it was too tiring and pretended to have back pain to leave the filming sooner. he complained that chinese variety shows edited him to make him look dumb, so kept hesitating to join the next season.
before leaving to go overseas in feb 2020, he asked OP to just be friends, which she later found out to be his usual excuse.
if not for the first OP, she would have totally believed everything he told her, but now she realizes that she was played a fool
bonus about your fave - he uses secret weibo accounts to vote for himself in popularity polls
op 3, chinese, posted on weibo 8/24. this isn't a direct translation of the entire post and chat conversation, but rather some highlights
OP originally didn't want to come out with this, but after yesterday's posts, realized that she wasn't alone in her experiences with him and other girls had gone through the same things
he would badmouth and make up rumors about other girls just to appease the girl he's with
they first met at his schedule when she airdropped him a reaction image for fun.
he said he wanted to meet up somewhere alone with her. she asked if he had a girlfriend and he said no. she went to pick him up at his hotel and took him back to her house. the first thing he did was start smoking and then drinking.
lucas said that his best friend from trainee days was useless and that his group members don't listen to instructions, don't try hard, and don't practice. he said that one member stole a (modeling/fashion) opportunity from under his nose and that some people don't have any talent but still debut because of their face. he said he didn't like filming Keep Running because his industry seniors gave him a lot of pressure
he also started talking about his family's economic status and that his dad's investments failed. OP thought he was hardworking at first, but then realized that he was just making her feel sorry for him to pick her up
they would frequently see each other at her place, then she would call a car to send him back before his schedule the next morning
he would claim that he didn't bring enough clothes and tell OP to buy clothes for him and bring it to him. he always asked for saint laurent or balenciaga and that he didn't like burberry (the brand that he's an ambassador for)
afterwards, he would make up excuses not to meet. at the time she thought he was worried for her studies but now she realizes that he was actually seeing other people
he would ask if she had her own house and if she lived alone, etc. after confirming that she had a roommate, he stopped responding to her messages
in december, he used the excuse of being too busy as well as saying that they're friends and using that friendship to convince her not to expose anything when his group member was exposed to be contacting fans (t/n: i don't know what she's referring to here)
during the time they were meeting up, she repeatedly asked him if he had a girlfriend or was in contact with other girls. he always said no. he also claimed he never drank with another girl. at the time, she was naive and believed him, thinking that he was just looking for love. she didn't think that he would use his celebrity status and his fans' affection to fulfill his own needs, deceive others, flirting with others when he had a girlfriend
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