#1/3 bestieeee :D
overdramaticandtrue · 4 months
Hello! List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people that reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :D
Omg how cutieeee!
1. Iced coffee!!
2. Video games
3. Cats!
4. Burritos
5. My bestieeees
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pinkie-satan · 7 months
Helluuuu bestieeee 👋
Another rainy night, another ask to be answered.
What would be 3 animus you would suggest for watching?
hi friend 💓 here's my random picks:
1. Amanchu! it's a very chill slice of life anime, there isn't much going on there but it always gives me such nostalgic summer vibes! It's about a girl moving to a town by the sea and joining scuba diving club at her school. there are some autistic girlies, cats and relaxing music, all you need on a stressful day 🌊
2. Mousou Dairinin aka Paranoia Agent. old school psychological drama anime, kinda similar to Lain or Perfect Blue. a little bit avant garde, a little bit scary, got some iconic moments 🐻
3. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust second Vampire Hunter D movie, the classic vampire story with cool animation, beautiful art and badass characters, if you still need some halloween vibes give it a try 🦇
have you seen them, Zerk?
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sweeterot · 3 years
﹙  ♡  ﹚  𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒  𝑙𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠  𝑡𝑜   , @lovestatics​  .   ꒱
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               “  i  thought  i’d  never  see  you  again  .   ”  
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urchae · 3 years
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🧚‍♀️ — i went on a liddol trip. :D uhm i accidentally ate some soap on the plane tho. :/ <//3
taggypoos — [ @yanderexryujin 🥲] @stealerbots [ @fairy-lili @fairy-soo @fairy-jennie fairy gorls] @uridxls @undeadbots @richgirls-cb @demeter-jisoo @yanderetzuyuu [ @sakusaxwonwoo rip my nasty whore] @hwng-yeji [ @boyfie-superm BESTIEEEE PT.1] @mono-minji @heathenxbots [ @deliverygirl-ophelia BESTIEEEE PT.2] [ @yourdaddychan fuck you <3] [dm to be +/- :D]
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wooyoungleeeeeex · 4 years
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Welcome! Welcome, all!
today, you're gonna be learning,
my nicknames for allll of the other members!
strap yourself in! This'll be an interesting ride!
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First, Hongjoong hyung!
--- > @joongielee
I like to call hyung names that'll annoy him, not because I hate him or anything. I just find him getting mad funny. ☺️ some names I call him are endearing, but most of 'em aren't. If he can be mean to me then I can be mean to him! >:D
--❝Tiny❞ -> I'm not creative, okay? He's small.
--❝dad/appa❞ -> because he's like a father to me 🥺 and I'm the bratty son!
--❝Mean lil bitchy gremlin❞ -> this one isn't one I call him directly, I call him it in passing. If I'm talking about him to one of the other members I'll probably call him this.
--❝Annoying hyung❞ -> everyone can be annoying, but especially Hong-Hyung. Like, just because I didn't do my chores doesn't mean you have to complain at me??
--❝Pretty Leader Hyung❞ -> y'know, surprisingly enough there are times where I'm not the problem. I look up to my amazing hyung a lot. 🥺 or... Y'know.. Sometimes I'll use this so he gets me what I want..
Next up: Seonghwa Hyung!
--- > @hwaseongler
I'm a little bit nicer to Seonghwa hyung because he scares me... (but trust me when the two hyungs are together; that's the scariest >^<) but I still like to be a bit of a brat >:D nobody can stop me!!
--❝Mom/Eomma❞ -> this one's pretty simple, him and Hongjoong hyung are basically married (right? I just wasn't invited to the wedding..) Joongie's the dad and Hwa is the momma 😌
--❝Satan??/devil❞ -> you people don't know this but - ahem.. SEONGHWA HYUNG IS EVIL!
--❝Best Hyung™️❞ -> I know what I said, but Seonghwa hyung is just as amazing as he is evil. It's not a contradiction, it's just the truth.
--❝Scary part 1.❞ -> being in his presence is intimidating.
--❝Evil Biatch.❞ -> once again, I would never call him this directly because I'm too scared to because that's too mean, but I think it. I think it a lot.
Next! Yunho Hyung :D
--- > @yungiggle
I have my good nicknames and my bad nicknames for each member. There's a lot less for Yunho because he hasn't wronged me very much...
--❝Puppy Prince❞ -> you've seen him right? He's just a happy puppy! 🥺
--❝Giant Scary❞ -> as cute as he is... When he wiggles his fingers at me I get afraid.
--❝Professional Traitor❞ -> if you ever need someone to be a traitor for you, Yunho's your guy. I can't tell you the amount of times I have asked for help and he's ended up joining my enemies instead. 😤
--❝The BCG❞ -> the big cuddly giant. His hugs are amazing. ☺️
--❝Big Sweetheart❞ -> look, Yunnie's really nice 🥺 well, most of the time.. And I respect him for that! Being nice to Wooyoung gets you my respect! >:3
Let's keep this train rolling~
--- > @yeoswitch
Yeo hasn't caused me many problems, so I'm happy to say that I have mostly good names for him. ☺️
--❝Shy n' Cute❞ -> he's adorable 🤩 and super shy! When I get my ler hands on him imma wreck him >:D
--❝Mister Silence❞ -> sometimes he just ignores me- like c'mon Yeo, I know you don't find me that annoying.
--❝Bestieeee❞ -> my bestest friend of all!! 🤩🤩 I love you Yeosangie!
--❝Tiny: the sequal❞ -> he's not as small as Hong-Hyung is, but he's still small. 😎
--❝Disney Prince❞ -> he does look like a Prince tho- like c'mon ya'll. He's suuuuper pretty!
Neeeeext, the wonderful... The adorable!
--- > @squeakysannie !!
Sannie's too adorable to me mean too.. But like I said, nobody escapes my bratty wrath. But I'll be kinder so that I don't get beheaded. 🥰
--❝Dimples❞ ->
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Do I need to say anything else?
--❝Sir-Squeaks-Alot❞ -> if you couldn't tell already, Sannie is a squeaker. Give him a good ol' poke and you'll get a cute squeak. 🥰
--❝Cuddles❞ -> he's so cute and cuddly, please 🥺
--❝Weaklee❞ -> he gives off big lee energy! Not that surprising since y'know... He is a lee but still, it's adorable how weak he is to tickles 🥺
--❝The Favorite Child❞ -> nobody will deny that San is always the favorite no matter what. It doesn't matter if he misbehaves, he's still the favorite.
Neeeeext up! We're almost done!
--- > @cockyswitchsong
Mingi is... Complicated.. I'm afraid of him but I also like messing with him. So I'll be nice... Ish.. We'll see how it goes, y'know?
--❝Scary part 2: the scarening❞ -> like I said, I'm afraid of him. He's not as scary as Seonghwa hyung, but there is still fear 😰
--❝lil' bitch boy.❞ -> I have no words for this one... It's just- something that I call him..? When I'm feeling particularly annoying?
--❝Deep Voiced demon.❞ -> like, holy shit that's scary. Especially when he teases, good God.
--❝The BCG, just smaller and meaner❞ -> Mingi can be cuddly too, like Yunho he's tall and perfect for cuddling! But like... He's a lot meaner and sneakier then Yunho.. 🥺
--❝Sneaky Snek.❞ -> You can't tell Mingi any of your secrets.. He won't keep them.. I know from experience since everyone knows my most ticklish spot now..
And finally! Last but not least!
--- > @jonghosofthours !!!!
Look, Jongho and I.. We don't get along well in this world. He is the reason I can barely get away with anything! I mean, I love him! He's a good cuddler but jeez..
--❝H E N C H❞ -> You can't run from him, he'll pick you up with ease.
--❝Scary part 3: the strong boy scare.❞ -> when he holds you down and looks at you - eugh- it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.
--❝Obeidient little cock-a-doodle-doo.❞ -> he always listens to hyungs, it's annoying. I can't get a suitable partner in crime here >:( well, I guess it's just every man for himself 🤷‍♂️
--❝holy shriek❞ -> and I thought I was loud.
--❝competetive little bish.❞ -> everything. is. a. competition. And it's even more annoying because I always end up losing!
Then... There are nicknames I give all of them at times too...
--❝B-Boy❞ -> basically stands for bitch boy but nobody has figured it out yet >:)
--❝cock-a-doodle-doos❞ -> the politer way of saying "cocks" or "dickheads" ☺️
--❝Annoying twerpy hyungs❞ -> I can take any new negative adjective and turn it into a great insult! The others have heard much worse then this one.. What can I say? Even though I always get the "LaNgUage!" complaint, I'll never stop cussing! >:D
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Now I'm just gonna end this by saying... Guys, I love you. And I'll be locked in my room if you need me. :)
Thanks for reading ya'll! Cya later! Or not- because I might die! But I'll try not to!
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snailfen · 4 years
3. How old do you look: i have never seen you before except for like a picture of your hand. i intend to keep it this way until we meet irl bc i cant think of you looking like anything else except an incomprehensible being
4. Have you ever made me laugh: take a wild FUCKG guess
5. Have you ever made me mad: no!!!!
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: i think ive said this before but yeah there was that one time last year!!!
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raviposting · 7 years
20 Follows I would like to know better
I was tagged by
@abberryyang thank you babes <3 
Name: Janie  Nickname: Okay so I have nicknames but most of them are only by specific people and I feel weird if other people use them lmfa: Jam (by one close friend), Jammers (from my friends Sel, Meg, and Ana), Jane (all the guys in my Sunday School class + my bestie), Janith (my bestieeee) and that’s all i can think of. Gender: Female Star Sign: Capricorn Sexual Orientation: *annoying YA hero voice* wouldn’t you all like to know  Hogwarts House: Gryffindor but I always felt like a Hufflepuff Favorite Color: Currently royal purple or forest green. 
Favorite Animal: Wolves :D  Time Right Now: 9:14 AM Average Hours of Sleep: 5-8 hrs Cat or Dog Person: I love both, but dogs more.  Favorite Fictional Characters: Sansa Stark & Jake Peralta are my two (bi) faves who deserve the world and all it has to offer.  Number of Blankets I Sleep With: 1 (like, over me at least)  Favorite Singer/Band: Ummm I never have a specific one I have as a favorite. Recently I’ve been listening to a lot more desi songs though.  Dream Trip: TAKE ME TO PLUTO  Dream Job: Um???  When was this blog created: 2011 officially I think? But I was active on 2012 and I’m dying bc holy fuck I have 22,349 pages on my blog.  So that right there is my first days on tumblr if you want a looksie at how embarrassing I was.  Current Number of Followers: 3,195 When did your blog reach its peak: Last year, because I actually started to do GOT liveblogs and a few got popular, plus I would do LOT crack posts  and fanfic so I actually made content lol.  What made you decide to get Tumblr: My friends Dannii and Kayleigh on fanpop convinced me this site was cool, so I made a tumblr, quit it after a week, and then came back on like a month later and was hooked. 
@anonymous033 @batmanisagatewaydrug @salt-throne @calmandcalculating @ahmedsrizwan and whoever else wants to do this!!
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