#10 kasim
vazgecmelerustasi · 11 months
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burayabakiniz · 11 months
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Kurucumuz Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ü Minnetle Anıyoruz
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin kurucusu ve saygın önderi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 10 Kasım 1938 günü saat 09.05'te vefat etti. Ölümünün 85. yıl dönümünde büyük önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ü saygı, özlem ve minnetle anıyoruz. Bedeni artık aramızda olmasa da ilkeleri, fikirleri ve eserleriyle dünyanın her yerinde daima yaşayacaktır. Ömrünü Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'ne adamış ecdadımızın ölümünün 85. yılında, onun bize bıraktığı en büyük eserin Türkiye Cumhuriyeti olduğunu biliyoruz. Allah ruhunu şad eylesin…
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pirunika · 11 months
not me eyeing this.....
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aktuelbul · 11 months
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cinamun · 2 years
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Named after one of my favorite books and albums, Things Fall Apart is an epic tale of lust, greed, betrayal, vengeance and, above all else, growth.
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This story never started as a legacy nor was it intended to be anything other than gameplay.  However, these characters evolved and, as such, so did their stories; each intertwined and forever impacted by the others. 
Written, played and photographed by me circa 2015. This story is best read/viewed on a laptop, tablet or PC.
Should you choose to continue, please note that this story is rated MA for Mature Audiences and contains strong language, violence, adult themes, strong sexual content, nudity and a variety of triggers appropriately tagged for depression and abuse in all of its forms. This story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18 (DNI).
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Pictured above is the original cast, from left to right:
Elise Farrow ~ Juan Rivera ~ Darren Drake ~ Indya Williams ~ Jerrilee Coleman ~ Dr. Jules Carter
As you make your way through their lives, names will change and you'll find that new characters emerge for either good or sinister reasons.
Shall we begin?
Act One
Chapter 1: Understanding Indya | Chapter 2: The Horsemen | Chapter 3: Toxic | Chapter 4: Demons | Chapter 5: Vengeance | Chapter 6: The Aftermath | Chapter 7: Chances | Chapter 8: Restart | Chapter 9: Moving Forward | Chapter 10: Several Steps Back | Chapter 11: Unfinished Business
Act Two
Chapter 12: The Trial of the Century | Chapter 13: The Demon's Return | Chapter 14: I Do | Chapter 15: Conception at the Summit | Chapter 16: Hopeful | Chapter 17: Milestones | Chapter 18: Growth | Chapter 19: Growing Pains | Chapter 20: The Fear of Letting Go | Chapter 21: A New Journey
Act Three
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Chapter 22: A Thin Line Between Life and Death | Chapter 23: And Then There Were Four | Chapter 24: Illusions of Independence
Pictured above is the current (2023) cast from left to right
Elliot Mahajan* ~ Darren Drake Jr. ~ Indira Dior Drake ~ Jayce Carruthers ~ Hope Diamond Carruthers (Drake) ~ Indya Drake ~ Darren Drake Sr. ~ Jerri Coleman
Bonus Content
Story Commentary | Story Extras
In case you need a palate cleanser at any time, check out my Globetrotter Challenge or The Greenwoods for a little Rated E for Everyone fun!
Buy me a coffee?
Posting Schedule
I typically post story updates/episodes on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I post in the mornings (US CST) and reblog in the evenings.
Author's Note:
This story has been a labor of love, writing is a hobby and so is gaming. Combining the two has helped me in ways I cannot put into words. I am thankful to you for enjoying this hobby with me. Writing urban fiction using the sims, for me, will forever be inspired by mochasims, rest in paradise, dear friend. Mocha created a community for Black storytellers where one didn't exist anywhere in the Sims Community and paved the way for other Black writers to follow with her epic tale of Men and Stilettos and of course Kasim's adventures!
I will be forever grateful for the safe space she created to tell real, Black ass stories. Much love sis.
Reactions to Mocha's passing:
1 | 2
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ziyapasa-01 · 2 months
___///HANİYE İçin "YAS" Kararı Tartışma YARATTI❗️❗️❗️
📌3 Ekim 2008 Hakkari, PKK Saldırısı 15 ŞEHİT, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ❗️
📌5 Ağustos 2012 Hakkari, PKK'NIN Saldırısı 8 ŞEHİT, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ❗️
📌6 Eylül 2012'DE Afyon, Korkunç Patlamada 25 Şehit, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ❗️
📌18 Eylül 2012 Bingöl, PKK'NIN Saldırısı 10 ŞEHİT, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ❗️
📌10 KASIM 2012 Siirt, Helikopter Kazası, 17 ŞEHİT, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ.❗️
📌11 Mayıs 2013 Reyhanlı, Bombalı Saldırı 52 ŞEHİT, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ.❗️
📌2013 Reyhanlı Saldırısı, 52 KİŞİ Öldü, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ.❗️
📌2017 IŞİD'İN Reina Saldırısı,
📌2023 Pençe Kilit Harekatı, 12 asker ŞEHİT OLDU, MİLLİ YAS İLAN EDİLMEDİ.❗️
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
Nancy Drew Rewatch 105: The Case of The Wayward Spirit
(or the one where everyone is serving looks)
Okay so we're back to more plotty episodes, and I am glad for it, though I did appreciate the last two very character driven episodes.
This episode features two new characters (well I guess one is on their second episode), neither of which made it past s1, neither of which I like.
I have discussed how Owen is....fine. He is...present. He was...on this show. That is really the most complimentary thing I can say about Owen, otherwise he's just kinda....Generic Man #3.
Laura. God, I actively dislike Laura. I get her motivations, but she constantly manipulates Ace, she disrespects what Tiffany wanted and she is just generally annoying and intolerable, and I can't wait for her to leave.
From episode 3's MVP of Tunji Kasim, Leah Lewis and Alex Saxon share the spotlight this episode.
But big praise for Leah Lewis. You cannot say she doesn't commit to a posession arc.
She looks freaking gorgeous in this dress too:
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Okay so, that is not a finger prick's worth of blood on the mirror?
I swear Nancy's hair is less blonde and more orange this episode.
Kennedy McMann serving looks here too. The orange isn't a great color but damn does it make her eyes pop:
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Ace being the best wingman ever.
A deep, profound sigh that I will have to contend with like 10+ episodes of Nick/Nancy and Nancy/Owen scenes to come. I swear it's not a Nace thing but it's just so....yeah.
Speaking of Nace, we get some classic baby Nace "no personal space" scenes this episode, along with some extended gazes. I can see why some started shipping them here.
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Also shout outs to Alex Saxon. They really seem to be noticeably upping his scenes, and he is excellent comic relief. One of my fave Ace lines:
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A prepared king and his knife
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I wouldn't give Laura the password either, miss me with that and please leave.
Fuck, I love Nick. That last scene with Tiffany....Ned Nickerson, the man you are.
Also baby Nace and baby Fanson!
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I said this to @middleagedresidentofriverdale but I LOVE George's style. If I didn't work in a super conservative environment with kids, this is exactly what I'd want to dress like.
I am...both looking forward to and not looking forward to the next few. Like I am already prepping myself for some Ace-less episodes.
But also the way they slowly unfold the mystery is SO GOOD and I am almost going to be disappointed when the two main murders are solved.
Thank you for being here to watch the cast of ND serve looks.
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spayki · 1 year
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10 KASIM 1952
Sabahlar, her zaman güzel değildir, Her zaman ayrılık akşamla gelmez. Al atlar sırtında hoyrattır fecir, Hoyrattır, ne kalbler kırmıştır, bilmez. Sabahlar her zaman güzel değildir.
Vakti, bir yerinden bölünce şafak İri ve rüyalı gözlerle müphem; Nur olmuş içimde sanırım ak pak Ayrı bir mânada korktuğum adem, Eski düşüncemde, rahat ve uzak.
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besiktas77 · 11 months
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10 KASIM 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
80 küsür sene önce tenis maçı izlerken fotoğrafı var,
yüzerken fotoğrafı var,
sahilde kumda otururken,
kürek çekerken,
ata binerken,
konser izlerken,
zeybek oynarken
dans ederken,
heykel incelerken fotoğrafı var.
Salıncakta çocuk gibi
gülerek sallanan fotoğrafı bile var...
O dönemki kıyafetlerine bakıyorsun sanırsın dünya moda ikonu..
Hayvanlarla fotoğrafları var,
Kalbine kurşun yemişliği de var,
ülkesi için savaştan savaşa
koşmuşluğu da.
Aşık olmuşluğuda var..
Oturup rakı içmişliğide..
Dua etmişliğide var vaaz vermişliğide..
Bana yeniden üniformamı giydirtmeyin deyip ultimatom vermişliğide var..
Bir çok ülke liderini sofrasında ağırlamışlığı da var..
Ne acıdır ki "Evde yiyecek kalmadı oğul diye mektup yazan Anacığına bu para milli mücadelenin parasıdır vatanı kurtarmak için topladık konunun ehemmiyeti büyük size şuan para gönderemem Anacığım şimdilik evdeki halıları satın” demişliğide var..
Bana söyleyin kaç babayiğit yapabilir şimdi bunu?
Ha bir de; Bize uymuyor ilgilenmiyoruz ama düzenleyip yeniden göndersinler bakarız deyip Birleşmiş Milletler Cemiyeti kurallarının değişmesine sebep olmuşluğu da var..
Müzeyyen Senar, Safiye Ayla seven ve dinleyen bir Ata’mız var.
Onun getirdiği alfabe ile ona hakaret etmeye çalışanların çoğaldığı günümüzde “Benim manevi mirasım akıl ve bilimdir” diyebilmiş biri, hala ışık oluyor bize...
sonsuza dek..🇹🇷
10Kasım 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
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veganlogicdinamo · 11 months
“Millet ve memleket adına ve hesabına tek başvurulacak yer burasıdır; yani Yüksek Meclis’inizdir. Bu yasal hakkı, bu milli hakkı, bu doğal hakkı hiçbir sebep ve bahane ile ve hiçbir düşünce ile, hiçbir kimseye ve hiçbir kurula terk edemeyiz.”
Bu sözleri, 102 yıl önce 1921 yılında söyleyen kişi, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’tü. İki büyük eserinden biri olarak nitelediği Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, 100. kuruluş yılında karşıdevrimcilerin yönetiminde, siyasal İslamın ablukası altında ve son olarak da yeni bir yargı darbesi ile karşı karşıya!
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bayan-duvar · 2 years
Koptum yaa.😂
18:10 2 kasim
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e-devotion · 5 months
Cuba for Christ
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It is that time once again as I travel to Cuba to serve with the sports ministry there.  I ask that you join me in prayer for this ministry as well as for this trip.
1 Corinthians 1:4  NLT  
I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts he has given you, now that you belong to Christ Jesus.
Pray for the FCA sports ministry staff in Cuba and their families.  This coming weekend most of these families will meet together for learning, encouragement and to seek the Lord together.  God builds teams so that they can use their gifts and calling to impact their communities and more with the message of Christ.  Jesus built His disciples, and it is a join in a similar way to see God build this team.
Pray for those who are traveling for this particular Cuba FCA sports ministry event.  Two of us from the United States as well as many across Cuba will be traveling to be together, to teach and to plan for even more ministry to athletes and coaches in various sports.  All need to know the goodness of God.
Pray for the country of Cuba.  There are so many economic difficulties that continue.  Food is hard to find and very sparse.  Pray for the FCA to have what their families need.  Pray for those they serve to be given even more food to help them.  Another issue is transportation.  It is very hard to travel.  Pray for safety and wisdom.  Pray for health care needs.  Ask God to bring healing and peace to those in need.  
Pray for those who do not know Jesus to come to know Him.  The Bible tells us that Salvation is free to all who will call on God, but how can they call on God when they do not know Him (Romans 10:14).  That is why this ministry and so many others seek to share the Gospel of Jesus with as many people as possible.
Thank you for your prayers and support for this ministry and my call to serve with the sports ministry team in Cuba.  I am humbled and grateful.  Over the next two weeks there will not be e-devotions, but there will be some of the e-devotion minutes videos on Facebook.  Please check those out on my page.
One of the exciting things about this trip is that Alex who is the director of sports ministry in Cuba will be returning to the United Stats with me to visit our area and others.  Pray for this important trip and for Alex and his family.
Lamentations 2:19  NLT  
Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to him in prayer, pleading for your children, for in every street they are faint with hunger.
May we be people of prayer.  Pray for those in need.  Pray for ourselves.  Most of all pray that God will get all the glory.  May the life of Christ become even more real to those we meet including the people of Cuba.
Prayer List:
Kati Whitlow and family in death of two family members, Tracy Harms’ back surgery, Fred Spencer’s back surgery, Cuba FCA team and mission trip, Cathy Dunham’s sister Leslie, Kasim Adams’ hip surgery, Jenny Biggs, Amanda Hutchinson, Danny and Kathy Wilson, Anita Martin, Cathie Carter, Valerie Hirtriter, Lauren Whorley, 5 year old Ava, Timmy Howell, Dionna Cameron, Ricky Burnette, Felecia Watkins, Steve Bradshaw, and Ron Harris.
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cokseyyapmasstuff · 11 months
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10 KASIM...
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diyariedebiyat · 11 months
10 Kasım Atatürk'ü Anma Programı'nda kullanmak için çeşitli oratoryo örnekleri var. Bunlardan biri Türk gençliğinin Atatürk'e Cevabı olarak yazdığı metindir.
10 Kasım Atatürk’ü Anma Programı’nda kullanmak için çeşitli oratoryo örnekleri var. Bunlardan biri Türk gençliğinin Atatürk’e Cevabı olarak yazdığı metindir. Aşağıda çıkan bağlantıdan indirebilirsiniz. İNDİRMEK İÇİN TIKLA Bizi Takip Edin Diyariedebiyat.com ailesi olarak sunduğumuz paylaşım ve içerikleri yakından takip etmek için sosyal medyada bizi takip edin. 📌Facebook grubumuza katılmak…
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