girlkisser13 · 3 months
cabin headcanons masterlist
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a/n: these are all my personal headcanons. i will be making ones for more minor gods.
cabin 1- zeus ⚡
cabin 3- poseidon 🌊
cabin 4- demeter 🪎
cabin 5- ares ⚔
cabin 6- athena 🧠
cabin 7- apollo ☀
cabin 8- artemis 🌙
cabin 9- hephaestus 🛠
cabin 10- aphrodite 💗
cabin 11- hermes ⚕
cabin 12- dionysus 🍷
cabin 13- hades 💀
cabin 14- iris 🌈
cabin 15- hypnos 💀
cabin 16- nemesis ⚖
cabin 17- nike 🏆
cabin 18- hebe 🍶
cabin 19- tyche 🎰
cabin 20- hecate 🪄
cabin 21- hestia 🔥
cabin 22- thanatos 🪊
cabin 23- morpheus 🛌
cabin 24- melinoe 👻
cabin 25- persephone 🌞
cabin 26- eros 💘
cabin 27- nyx 🌌
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a-d-nox · 1 month
are there centers in human design that can be considered masculine/feminine? (Like how Sun and Mars give masc energy and how Moon and Venus give feminine energy)
or is there even more androgynous centers too (I'd think Mercury is pretty similar to that energy)?
human design: how certain gates and channels fit gender/genderless stereotypes
gate 2: this is what i think of when people say "women's intuition" - it's all about sensing with this gate. they feel things out instead of relying on guidance and rules.
gate 13: a receptive gate - in the olden days women were the gatherers and men were the hunters. now a days this gate is synonymous with receiving messages from others - often people feel comfortable with the active gate person to the point where things are overshared to them... its the placement of an empath - therapists commonly have this placement. a lot societal expectations for feminine individuals center on the themes of this gate: receptivity, comforting, empathy, etc.
gate 15: the love for others and unassuming energy of this gate in my opinion aligns with femininity. its like a mother nature energy there is love/support/respect for all of the world's creatures.
channel 2->14: this feels like the magic of the feminine. there is one place where all things end and begin as people say and that is the womb. this is a gate that reminds me of such power - the creation of life is unlike anything else.
channel 37->40: these are trustworthy people - their word is their bond. you can trust them completely without fear. they use shared values, desires, and emotions to create stronger connections with others. i feel like these people also have the tendency to be very touchy feely.
gate 10: no fears just vibes. this placement is one of those that is hard to place - its just so indifferent and cocky to me? no one is this prideful and sure of themselves as a masculine energy?
gate 21: not to get all cave person again like but this is a hunter not a gatherer. they bring home the bacon, are protective, and are a primary decision maker.
gate 34: this just a gate of raw power and independence - which screams masculinity to me.
channel 21->45: "this is a mans world". this is a placement fit for a king. this people are authoritative, leaders, and natural managers of people/things around them.
channel 34->20: business man vibes. this is a force to be reckoned with - they are unstoppable and ooze capability. its sort of cocky to me again...
gate 29: this gate knows how to adapt it doesn't lean any which way. it can be passive or assertive depending on the situation.
gate 44: again survival for survival sake type of vibes - they can be both the hunter and the gatherer with this gate active.
channel 1->8: tabula rasa vibes - powerful in a mysterious way. its not clear or concise. they know who they are and that is all that matters to them.
channel 9->52: this is a passive (feminine) and an active (masculine) gate meshing together. they have the ability to be both productive yet patient and introspective.
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stromuprisahat · 7 months
I've been reading a lot of criticism about Alina lately, and while I agree that she is a shitty protagonist, but the main problem I have with saying that she is the true villain of the story is that... no one told her? No one talked to her about Grisha persecution? Yeah, we hear about it vaguely in TGT, but it isn't until SoC when they find the burnt corpses and the kefta mural that it truly starts to sink in. It's not until you read DitW that you realize how desperate the situation was (and still is, in some ways). It's not until the Nikolai Duology that the true horror of the Shu experiments is brought to us. We see nothing of it in TGT, so maybe... Alina just doesn't know?
Yeah, sure, she has been around Grisha and is one of them now, but hear me out, it's like white people who say they don't have a problem with POC but they don't realize that it doesn't negate the fact that POC still face racism from others. Add to the fact that nowhere do we see newspapers and as an orphan Alina is definitely less aware of social justice situations than your average white guy- how is she supposed to know? All that she sees is the luxury of the Grisha- their tents their bulletproof clothes, etc.
Just a thought about how the story might have gone different if instead of the crows, it was Alina who found the three burnt bodies while chasing the stag and had to put one of them out of their misery. And how the story might have changed if Alina truly understood the situation.
I'm almost halfway through Siege and Storm, so I’ll talk from this perspective.
I’d say it’s the same issue as anything with Alina- she doesn’t want to know.
She’s almost murdered by a guy yelling “witch” in her face. Funnily enough- at this point it’s still in English (Ravkan), not drÃŒsje, but witch:
I twisted and kicked as the yellow-bearded man grabbed hold of my legs. I looked desperately down to the glen, but the soldiers and Grisha below me were fighting for their lives, clearly outnumbered and unable to come to my aid. I struggled and thrashed, but the Fjerdan was too strong. He climbed on top of me, using his knees to pin my arms to my sides, and reached for his knife.
“I’ll gut you right here, witch,” he snarled in a heavy Fjerdan accent.
She gets safely to Little Palace, mentiones this whole experience twice and that’s it. It wouldn’t even take that much to get back to this topic- next chapter she learns such attack isn’t anything unusual for Grisha:
“ ... Other countries don’t treat their Grisha so well as Ravka,” he said grimly. “The Fjerdans burn us as witches, and the Kerch sell us as slaves. The Shu Han carve us up seeking the source of our power. ... ”
Alina sees there’s a difference made between Grisha and other Ravkans, but never connects the dots. It doesn’t concern her, she’s doing the same after all.
She isn’t interested in situation, not only the wide picture, but more personal perspective- we don’t see her ask her “not-friends” anything about them. Their lives, families... You won’t hear a scary story if you won’t ask or listen...
She got study materials on Grisha history, but that's just that. Words on a paper. Something she repeats when she remembers she's supposed to be hunted, although the reasons don't quite click.
She goes from being prejudiced herself to staying that way. Why would she change? She went from denying being Grisha to being Saint and that’s a completely different thing. The only person she truly cares about is an otkazat’sya, so why would she consider wrongness of slurs and disdain?
She was told, but the Darkling "never tells the truth" and she doesn’t feel the need to ask anyone else.
She hears First Army soldiers insult Ivan for refusing to share information with them, and doesn't blink an eye.
She hears about First Army slaughtering Grisha, and thinks "good, I'd do the same".
She only cares about Grisha being potentially mistreated as long as it's the Darkling harming them (Genya's punishment, Grishenka in R&R).
When forced to face other harm partially caused by Grisha status of slaves in Ravkan society, the circumstances allow her to ignore that aspect (Genya's abuse).
I don’t think she needs anything more explicit. She’d just find the way to blame the Darkling, or forget it ever happened as soon as it was out of her sight.
Burned Grisha corpses?
Some foreign tradition. Or barbecue gone wrong...
Just look at her reaction to Harshaw's story in R&R:
I thought of the dream the Darkling had once had, that we might be Ravkans and not just Grisha. He’d tried to make a safe place for our kind, maybe the only one in the world. I understand the desire to remain free. Was that why Harshaw kept fighting? Why he’d chosen to stay? He must have shared the Darkling’s dream once. Had he given its care over to me?
Zoya's the one, to note how fucked up it is. Alina's concern is possible responsibility. There's no horror, there's no resolution to take over Aleksander's efforts. The goal remains the same- hunt down the Firebird, kill the Darkling, destroy the Fold.
Even when talking as Grisha, Alina doesn't act like one.
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jtl-fics · 1 year
„I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour-and-a-half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that when I spend a day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes; and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.“
(Take this little quote and a humble request for math nerd au)
WIP Wednesday - Closed (9/13/23) | Math Nerd AU
"I'm fine." Neil reassures again and Andrew feels like he's starting to hate the combination of those two words coming from Neil's mouth. Neil doesn't try to justify his 'fineness' and that's the only thing that settles Andrew's nerves.
"If you're sure?" Nicky says hesitantly.
"I am." Neil nods and shoves a fork full of chicken and mashed potato into his mouth before turning to Kevin, "Have you seen the Jackals new tactic?" he asks obviously changing the subject.
Kevin was all too willing to assist as he dropped his history book and the two Exy Junkies started to discuss in earnest about the Jackal's newest strategies.
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bugmistake · 4 months
sometimes its so crazy to realize that there's actually a lot of things i like. that i thought i didn't like because i was a depressed teenager. i love being outside! i love swimming! i love talking to people! even strangers sometimes! i love getting dressed in fun outfits and doing makeup! i love reading and going to art museums! i just thought i was doomed forever to a life of complete and total apathy and void! and now look at me! still a little shaky but i'm doing it!!!!!
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mulderscully · 1 year
aren't you always still a little bit every age you have been....
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secrettreestuffidk · 1 month
you ever think about how pretty much the only reason we use base10 is because we have 10 fingers and if everyone had 6 fingers on each hand we'd use base12 and never even think a thing of it and also math would be pretty much better in every way?
#i think for this september's existential crisis i'm gonna become a base12 truther#and bc i know everyone on this website is math illiterate so to clarify:#the way base12 works is that we have a few extra digits between 9 and 10#so to count we go:#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Y#so X = 10 and Y = 11#then '10' = 12#so the next step of counting goes:#10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1X 1Y#(i know this looks insane to you but the only reason for that is because you are used to base 10 i promise this makes sense#if you throw away everything you know and come at it with fresh eyes)#so anyways in this case '11' = 13. '19' = 21. 1X = 22. 1Y = 23#and '20' = 24#bc the tens column is not the tens column it's actually the twelves column#so each [number] in the second column does not mean 'add [this many] 10s to this' it means 'add [this many] 12s to this'#and this would not be tricky at higher numbers bc in base12 twelve is not counted as 'ten and two' it's just its own thing#in fact it would be harder to multiply by tens bc 10 would be the equivalent of like. 8 here.#it's not its own thing (ten) it's actually 'twelve minus two'#to count by tens goes '0 Y 18 26 34 42 50' and '50' is of course 10x6 in this case so it equals 60 in base10#not hard#there's a pattern to it.#but it's not as easy as counting by 12s#anyways we already have base12 systems and i like them they are very easy to divide#it's only harder than base10 bc arabic numerals are base10 so it's harder to depict base12 logically in a base10 system#hours are base 12. inches to feet are base 12#anyways this post is legally classified as scifi and/or speculative fiction#or. fuck. it's not even fictional#this is how math would work in a different system#sci-nonfi#speculative nonfiction
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yakultii · 2 months
ever since I was little I never gave a fuck if anyone else liked me, I just wanted to like me and eventually I did for a little while but then I forgot how
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duckiemimi · 1 year
I think the thing about whether Satoru is a virgin is on those lines of "i wouldn't be surprised if he is" because realistically speaking this is most definitely a concept that even Gege doesn't care about considering how he wrote him
no bc the way gege’s written and talked about him, gojo was born a baby and the next day he became 16 and heartbroken and the next day he became 28 and still heartbroken
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Fellas, is it gay to love something so much that any real reminder of it overwhelms you with emotion? Makes you curl up and throw it away so you don't break down and cry from just pure joy? Because you can't let yourself be happy and in love for some fucking reason, even if it's not a person you're in love with?
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dont-cryy · 9 months
te extraño
no sé de qué otra forma empezar cada carta que te escribo
y no sé cuántas veces necesites leerlo para que decidas volver
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jtl-fics · 1 year
math nerd with riko being just a lil guy bc ca-van has corrupted me
WIP Wednesday - Closed (9/13/23) | Math Nerd AU
"We'll need to get you properly dressed." Ichirou says into the silence of the car and Riko blinks at him.
"I have better clothes back at-"
"No," he has zero desire to turn the car around when there were shops all around for them to stop into. He reaches to the side and presses a button that would allow him to speak with the driver, "14th and Main." he says because even if this is the first time he's spent in Riko's presence it isn't as if he is unfamiliar with a town that is essentially a Moriyama asset.
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anuutopia · 8 months
special place in hell for the "x are the best years of your life" crowd
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the-physicality · 3 months
no let's talk about it
5 players in double digits [all the starters]
another points assists double double for tash cloud
34 from copper
basically 15-5-5 from dt
getting to the line? playing through contact? !!! shooting 91% [it works]
bg 8 reb 24 pts
3 players in double digit positive +/-
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maddy-ferguson · 26 days
shows i've watched the most:
4. new girl (x7)
3. teen wolf (x4-11 depending on the season)
2. glee (x8)
1. gilmore girls (x16.5)
i don't know why i wrote it like this because i don't know where i should actually put teen wolf
#just letting you know#and like i say: brf slt#i'm in the midst of my 17th gilmore girls rewatch. watch. my 16th rewatch#i've actually also seen mtv scream 7 times that's crazy#it's only two seasons like 22 episodes so it feels very different the others are all over 100 episodes#(well no teen wolf is exactly 100 episodes)#that's why i'm not putting it. i didn't even think of it i just remembered it and checked...but i'm telling you now#with teen wolf it's like. i rewatched it every december from 2019 to last year last year was my last rewatch i think i made a post about it#and the first time after i was done with season 6 i was like i want to rewatch the first seasons so bad they're so fun so i did that i#watched the first three seasons again and then there's years where i rewatched everything once and then season 3 again and i really don't#fuck with season 6 so at one point i was like why am i putting myself through this. i can literally stop doing this it doesn't even matter#i've already seen it plus i'm watching season 3 again after that anyway#i think the only other show i've seen more than twice is grey's anatomy? not in full but there's a lot of episodes from the first 10 season#s#i've seen 3 to 4 times. for all my other shows it's probably only 2 times#wait lie i've seen all of stranger things more than 3 times. but it's so short and i've seen season 1 a lot more than i've seen season 4#and that's obviously also the case for tw but it's not the same...there's only like 35 episodes or however many there are#there aren't even 35 episodes there's 34#i've seen season 1 six times. which isn't 'a lot more than how many times i've seen 4 if i've seen all of them more than 3 times'.#ngl. i actually don't know how many times i've seen a lot of teen wolf episodes like these are my numbers on tvst but i actually can't#count so i have to trust my past self who also couldn't count. but if it's not 4-11 it's 4-10 or 4-12 idk...there's episodes i've seen 15#times it happens#it hasn't happened for any other show it's just tw and gilmore girls. but they're so different i never watch just one gilmore girls episode#by itself. except twenty-one is the loneliest number when i turned 21#actually my most rewatched teen wolf episode is probably closer to 20 than it is to 15. and you would never guess what it is. it's#insatiable! i love it. hold still don't fight hold still <- only real insatiableheads will understand this#insatiable probably taught me the word insatiable both in french and in english i was like 13#i hope you won't judge me for being a wolfie🙏
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asknewstoryness · 2 months
Will you date me?
Breathe if yes.
Recite the Bible in Japanese if no.
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[2:12]その土地の金は良い。 bdelliumずオニキスの石がありたす。
[線集] 2:19それで、䞻なる神は、地䞊から野のすべおの動物ず、空のすべおの鳥ずを圢成し、それらを人のずころに連れお行っお、圌らが䜕ず呌ぶか​​を芋させた。そしお、その男があらゆる生き物ず呌ぶものᅵᅵ䜕でも、それはその名前でした。
[線集] 2:21それで、神、䞻は深い眠りを人に降らせ、圌は眠った。それから圌はrib骚の䞀぀を取り、肉でその堎所を閉じたした。
[33]しかし、神は蚀われた、「あなたは庭の真ん䞭にある朚の実を食べおはならない。たた、それに觊れおはならない。さもないず死ぬ。 '"
[3:14]䞻なる神は蛇に蚀われた、「あなたはこれをしたので、あなたはすべおの動物ずすべおの野生の生き物ずの間でのろわれおいる。あなたの腹の䞊に行き、あなたはあなたの人生のすべおの日を食べなければならない」 。
[3:17]圌は蚀った、「あなたはあなたの劻の声に耳を傟け、わたしがあなたに呜じた朚を食べたので、 『あなたはそれを食べおはならない』ず呪われた。あなたの;あなたは苊劎しおあなたの人生のすべおの日それを食べるものずしたす;
[3:22]䞻なる神は蚀われた、「芋よ、人は善ず悪ずを知っお、わたしたちのようになった。そしお今、圌は手を䌞ばしお、呜の朚から取っお食べ、氞遠に生きる" -
#[34]しかし、蛇は女性に蚀った、「あなたは死なない。#[35]神はあなたがそれを食べるず目が開かれ、善ず悪を知っお神のようになるこずを知っおいたす。」#[36]それで、女性は朚が食物に良いこず、そしおそれが目に喜ばしいこず、そしお朚が䞀人の賢者を䜜るこずを望んでいるこずを芋たずき、その実を取っお食べたした。圌女はたた、#[37]それから、䞡方の目が開かれ、圌らは自分たちが裞であるこずを知った。そしお圌らはいちじくの葉を瞫い合わせ、自分甚にふんどしを䜜りたした。#[38]圌らは倕颚の時に庭で神の䞻が歩いおいる音を聞き、男ずその劻は庭の朚の間に神の䞻の臚圚から身を隠した。#[39]しかし、神、䞻は人に呌ばわっお、「どこにいるのか」ず蚀われた。#[3:10]圌は蚀った、「庭であなたの音が聞こえた。私は裞だったので、怖かった。自分を隠した」。#[3:11]圌は蚀った、「だれがあなたが裞だずあなたに蚀ったのですか。あなたは私に食べないように呜じた朚から食べたしたか」。#[3:12]男性は蚀った、「あなたが私ず䞀緒にいた女性は、朚から実をくれたので、食べたした」。#[3:13]それから、神、䞻は女に蚀われた、「あなたはこれをどうしたのか」。女性は「蛇が私をだたしお、食べたした」ず蚀いたした。#[3:14]䞻なる神は蛇に蚀われた、「あなたはこれをしたので、あなたはすべおの動物ずすべおの野生の生き物ずの間でのろわれおいる。あなたの腹の䞊に行き、あなたはあなたの人生のす#[3:15]私はあなたず女性の間、そしおあなたの子孫ず圌女の間に敵意を眮きたす。圌はあなたの頭を打ち、あなたは圌のかかずを打ちたす。」#[3:16]圌は女性に蚀った、「私は出産時にあなたの苊痛を倧きく増したす。痛みであなたは子䟛を産みたすが、あなたの欲望はあなたの倫のためであり、圌はあなたを支配したす。」#[3:17]圌は蚀った、「あなたはあなたの劻の声に耳を傟け、わたしがあなたに呜じた朚を食べたので、 『あなたはそれを食べおはならない』ず呪われた。あなたの;あなたは苊劎しおあな#[3:18]いばらずあざみはあなたのために生むでしょう。あなたは畑の怍物を食べなければならない。#[3:19]顔の汗で、地面に戻るたでパンを食べる。あなたは塵であり、塵に垰らなければならない。」#[3:20]その男は劻むブず名付けた。なぜなら圌女はすべおの生きおいる母芪だったからだ。#[3:21]䞻なる神は人ずその劻のために皮の衣を䜜り、それを着た。#[3:22]䞻なる神は蚀われた、「芋よ、人は善ず悪ずを知っお、わたしたちのようになった。そしお今、圌は手を䌞ばしお、呜の朚から取っお食べ、氞遠に生きる#[12]地は無圢の空虚であり、暗闇が深局の顔を芆っおいたのに察し、神からの颚が氎面に吹き荒れた。#[13]それから神は「光あれ」ず蚀われたした。そしお光がありたした。#[14]そしお神は光が良かったのを芋たした。そしお神は光ず闇を分けたした。#[15]神は光の日ず呌ばれ、闇は倜ず呌ばれたした。そしお、倕方があり、朝、最初の日がありたした。#[16]そしお神は蚀われた、「氎の䞭にドヌムを䜜り、氎ず氎を分けさせなさい」。#[17]それで神はドヌムを䜜り、ドヌムの䞋にある氎ずドヌムの䞊にある氎を分けたした。そしお、そうでした。#[18]神はドヌムスカむず呌ばれたした。そしお倕方があり、二日目は朝でした。#[19]そしお神は蚀われた、「空の䞋の氎が䞀぀の堎所に集められ、也いた地が珟われるように」。そしお、そうでした。#[1:10]神は也燥した土地を地球ず呌び、集められた氎を海ず呌びたした。そしお、神はそれが良いこずを芋たした。#[1:11]神は蚀われた、「地は草を生みなさい。皮を産む怍物、皮を含む実を結ぶ地䞊のあらゆる皮類の果暹」。そしお、そうでした。#[1:12]地球は怍物を生み出したした。怍物はあらゆる皮類の皮を生み出し、あらゆる皮類の朚は皮を含む実を結んでいたす。そしお、神はそれが良いこずを芋たした。
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