#100% quoting miss congeniality :')
baumanisms · 2 years
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❝NOW-- if all else fails, go for the four most sensitive parts of the body.. but don't forget to SING !! ❞
introducing ALINOSHKA ❝ ALINA ❞ BAUMAN, nineteen years old, barback/unofficial bouncer @ the hideout&self defense coach ( & the estranged niece of murray bauman )   
an independent&selective stranger things oc blog written by fiorella. carrd here.
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leondaltons · 3 years
tag 9 people to learn more about their interests!
tagged by: @lunamoons thank you darling 💕
Please know that when this kind of games come I suddenly draw a blank and I can't remember what I ACTUALLY like alsjs
fave genre? I like every genre but I guess pop and alternative
fave artist? I have multiple fave artists but a classic one for me is Taylor Swift
fave song? Again, hard to pick one and it changes with my mood/events of my life/etc. I have been listening to Psycho by Red Velvet a lot lately
most listened song recently? Other than Psycho, Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo and Turandot performed by Pavarotti 🙈
song currently stuck in your head? Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 'cause my sister was listening to it aksjsk
5 fave lyrics? The Archer by Taylor Swift/ Blue & Gray by BTS/ Ashley by Halsey/ Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier/ Cosmic Love by Halsey/ Fix You by Coldplay (I just put the first songs that popped from my list, i have too many I like aksjsk)
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume I slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? Fantasy
fav writer? Idk if I have one but I really like Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Angela Carter
fav book? Pride and Prejudice, News of a Kidnapping
fav book series? A Song of Ice and Fire maybe? I don't read many book series. Sailor Moon if manga counts aksjsj. The Hunger Games
comfort book? Anna and The French Kiss, The Little Mermaid (the original version)
perfect book to read on a rainy day? Something from Poe
Fave characters? Susan Pevensie, Minako Aino, Sirius Black, Robb Stark, Jo March, Nikolai Lantsov
5 quotes from your fave book that you know by heart? I know most of Harry Potter by heart 🙈 Also Narnia and some Delirium quotes aksjss. Some poetry too!
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to something music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genre? I like everything, i am honestly not picky about that
fave movie? Too many aksjaj but to name a few: Pacific Rim, The Handmaiden, Emma, Star Wars Rogue One
comfort movie? Too many, the mentioned above but some others are Pride and Prejudice, Legally Blonde, Miss Congeniality, romantic comedies, etc
tv shows or movie | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off (if it's in another language) | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
movie you watch every year? i rewatch almost everything if i like it and it pops up on my tv aksnsm. A Christmas classic is Barbie and The Nutcracker hahaha
fave tv show? Crash Landing on You, The Good Place, Buffy, Lucifer
comfort tv show? The mentioned above plus: Derry Girls, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated series)
most rewatched tv show? Up to season 9 of Grey's Anatomy probably aksjsk, Friends too because there are always recaps on tv lmao
5 fave characters? Anne Boleyn (The Tudors), Buffy Summers (Buffy), Lexie Grey (Grey's Anatomy), Raven Reyes (The 100, at least until season 4 sksjsm) and Scott McCall (Teen Wolf)
tagging: @mementovivere @antivan @lacunafiction @olivershen @solarisrenbeth @rubyverner @kdelarenta + whomever wants to do it 🥰 (also you can ignore it if you want aksjak)
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penseedeanne · 4 years
Brain, Beauty, Behaviour.
baru-baru ini saya nonton salah satu film dari aktris Sandra Bullock judulnya "Miss Congeniality" singkatnya saja ada satu jargon yang selalu digaung-gaungkan di film tersebut yaitu seperti yang tertera di judul tulisan ini. tidak asing di telinga saya perihal jargon tersebut tapi yang menjadi "magnet" nya adalah kenapa brain dimulai diawal padahal stigma mayoritas masyarakat, semua dimulai dari “beauty”. oke mari kita telaah.
brain atau yang disebutkan dalam kbbi adalah otak memiliki arti lain sebagai pemikiran atau daya intelektual. saya pernah baca suatu quote yang mengatakan bahwa sebuah mobil yang mahal tidak akan berguna jika tidak ada bahan bakar didalamnya. wah ini sih parah ya, masa iya sih udah cakep-cakep tapi "isi" nya gaada, gabanget kan? tapi maksud brain disini bukan hanya pintar yang kelihatan seperti dia jago matematika atau jago menyelesaikan tts dalam waktu 1 jam wah itu mah bukan pintar yang dimaksud disini ya itu mah bonus aja tapi yang dimaksudkan disini adalah dimana orang tersebut dapat berhikmat. berhikmat disini memiliki arti ketika seseorang tersebut mampu menempatkan diri dengan lawan bicaranya, mampu memberi solusi, dapat memecahkan suatu masalah secara objektif. siapa sih yang ganyaman deket sama orang yang seperti itu? saya yakin pasti rata-rata khalayak disini akan menjawab ya. kadang orang yang punya brain tidak selalu terlihat dominan dalam sebuah percakapan hanya agar terlihat pintar tapi saya gak bilang kalau yg dominan itu sok pintar ya. ada juga beberapa yang dominan tapi tetep berkualitas hehe. tapi walau dominan apa tidak, orang yang mempunyai "brain" pasti akan terlihat dengan alaminya kok😊.
mulai masuk ke hal yang lagi ramai diperbincangkan khalayak. beauty atau yang berdasarkan kbbi memiliki arti 'cantik, molek, dan indah' sering sekali menjadi perdebatan bagi netizen. waktu itu saya baca blog dari CNN Indonesia ada seorang ahli yang membuat survei pada 100 orang wanita dan pria dari ras yang berbeda dengan pertanyaan siapakah public figure yang menurut para responden tersebut "beauty" dengan beberapa opsi publik figur yang fisiknya berbeda-beda dan hasilnya adalah tidak ada. tidak ada yang menunjukkan hasil yang dominan semua hampir sama dan ideal. survei ini menunjukkan bahwa gak semua keindahan fisik itu mutlak. semua berbeda bahkan rumit dan bervariasi tergantung dari kebudayaan, era, dan preferensi masing-masing. kita tidak akan bisa untuk memaksakan diri supaya se "cantik" seperti di standarisasi lingkungan yang ada sekarang tapi beauty menurut pandangan saya adalah ketika kita dapat menampilkan diri semenarik menurut kita namun dapat menempatkan diri. contohnya kita pergi ke acara nikahan tapi pakai baju rumah walaupun mau terlihat menarik dan berbeda tapi tidak tau penempatan diri ya buat apa. oh ya sekedar tips, jika sudah menarik jangan lupa semprot minyak wangi karena kalau kita udah ngerasa semenarik itu tapi bau badan. udahlah, bye banget.
ini paling jarang dibicarakan tapi masuk ke dalam hal yang penting. behaviour sendiri diartikan sebagai sikap kita sehari-hari bahasa kerennya attitude atau ecicud. behaviour ini adalah sesuatu yang keluar dari dalam, wah serem banget kek ilmu hitam. maksud saya bukan itu tapi lebih ke arti dari bentuk ekspresi dari karakter seseorang. misalnya karakter si budi ini selengean maka "ekspresi" yang keluar adalah ia mudah sekali mengeluarkan bad words, duduknya ngangkang, dsb. behaviour ini gak tiba-tiba terbentuk begitu saja, semua yang membentuk behaviour ini berasal dari hati. hati yang baik akan mengeluarkan yang baik begitu juga sebaliknya. lantas pertanyaannya kalau behaviour penting kenapa tidak ditaro sebelum beauty? katanya beauty gak terlalu jadi number one. oke jd gini, terkadang orang tidak sadar akan apa yang ia perbuat. sederhananya adalah jika kita merasa tertinggal barang pasti "brain" kita akan bekerja langsung untuk mengingat dimana barang tersebut berada lalu kita mengambilnya atau misalnya kita merasa kalau tiba-tiba belekan pasti secara spontan jiwa "beauty" kita akan membersihkan belek tersebut tapi kalau misalnya kita tiba-tiba mengucapkan bad words, im 100% sure terkadang kita gak sadar. so itulah mengapa behaviour terletak paling akhir karena terkadang banyak orang yang gak sadar.
3B merupakan hal yang saling melengkapi. beauty tanpa brain dan behaviour gaada maknanya begitu pun kebalikannya. kaya kata netizen-netizen di media sosial seperti akhir-akhir ini.
"semua akan kalah dengan yang goodlooking"
"percuma, kamu akan kalah dengan yang cakep"
"kalau cakep ya gapapa sih."
dsb, bla bla bla. itu gaada ya temen-temen. standarisasi cantik masyarakat gabisa menentukan berharganya kita, gak dipungkiri saya masih ribet dengan urusan penampilan supaya memenuhi standar orang tapi pada ujungnya ya yang ada saya cape hehe jadi temen-temen yang buat standar dalam hidup kita itu adalah kita sendiri.
so before this article ends, i just want to remind u. seperti pepatah bilang be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and lady with class. also dont forget to love and be proud of yourself!
source : by Kartika Primasanti ,  https://ibuprima.wordpress.com/2011/06/03/beauty-brain-behavior/
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parf-fan · 4 years
In-house shows have been posted!
As always, the following info is from the Faire’s website.
Queen's Court
Join the Mount Hope Welcoming Committee as they greet Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, at the Globe Stage! See the Queen, enjoy a sampling of the many entertainments available during the day, and learn what lies in store for all visitors to Mount Hope!
[Ah, so they’ve moved it back to the Globe for this year.  Here’s hoping everyone interested in seeing this show is aware of the stage change and doesn’t go sit at Endgame for fifteen minutes wondering where tf the preshow is until they finally look more closely at their daily writ and then say a few choice words along with their best friend as the two of us raced off to the new stage.]
Variety Royale
How can one even begin to pick a favorite act here at Mount Hope? Well Her Majesty aims to do just that. Watch as the festival's performers battle for the title of The Queen's Favorite, and perhaps even more importantly, enough food to feed themselves and their family for a whole week!
[Who needs Chess when you can have a battle of the Humanities department!]
Ultimate Joust
Join Her Majesty and the people of Mount Hope as they preside over the final joust of the day! Strength will be tested, Honor will be challenged, and the very cause of Chivalry hangs in the balance. An explosive fireworks celebration awaits the victorious Knight and their supporters afterward!
[I’d be suspicious of this promise of a “fireworks celebration”, except that I know there are simply logistically not the numbers necessary to stage an attempted insurrection. It may be actual fireworks.]
Disasterpiece Theater 
Years ago, Mount Hope gained a reputation as a testing ground for new and unconventional community theatre. Has it lived up to Sir Walter's lofty goals? Can anything get it back on track? Was it ever on track to begin with? What is a track? Theatre will happen. It might be a Masterpiece, it might be a disaster, but it will always be a Disasterpiece.
[One, thank God. I mean, they’d’ve been daft to cut it, but all the same. Two, Sir Walter was namedropped as a historical figure and that makes me happy. Three,“What is a track?”  The cast this year is not divided by track as they’ve been before! There may not be tracks at all!  This description is fricking clever].
Finale Pub Sing 
End the festival day in joyously boisterous song lead by Demetrius and Friends! Join Her Majesty, Her Court, and the shire folk of Mount Hope as they bid you farewell with songs we all know and love.
[But like,,, its not at a pub, right?  That would be logistically too crowded to be safe rn.]
Music with Her Majesty
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth enjoys singing her favorite musical selections with a few new Shire friends. Don't miss this royal performance!  [It’s back babyyy!]
Tea Time
Come join the two most in-the-know Courtiers in her Majesty's retinue as they discuss the hottest topics of the day. Gossip is illegal, so they definitely will not be gossiping; but rest assured, Tea shall be served, and if some is spilled, so be it!
[Listen. You can’t just go posting things like that.]
Mags' To Rich's*
She's rich. She's poor. But they both can agree on one thing: dating is hard. Join Mags Cockburn and Lady Rich as they sing about men, love, and …other things. *Contains material not suitable for children.
[Ooooh, Jules is Mags again, but as a Bacch! Coolio. My guess is that Lady Rich will be portrayed by Leigh Ann Hamelin, because music. Might not be, though. Musical ability is not limited to those historically on the music track.] [Also can we talk about this show’s title, ‘cause it’s clever.]
Guts & Glory: A Scottish Cooking Demo
Join Scottish Ambassador, Argyle Douglas, as he weaves comedy and storytelling into a cooking demonstration of Scotland's most famous dish, Haggis. This exhibition features an authentic Scottish "plushie" sheep happily providing authentic "plushie" organs thus enabling everyone to savour the experience without any worries about "nasty bits".  This show is fun for the whole Family (bring your children, your grandmother, your dog).
[why...why is “plushie” in quotation marks. what are they implying.]
A Whole Experience* 
Join Abe Froman, The Sausage King, and Argyle Douglas, Scottish Ambassador, as they wax poetic about the merry mix-ups in which mature couples find themselves. The Battle for Understanding, Is Compromise Truly Worthwhile in the Long-run?, When Honesty is not the Best Policy, are just the tip of the ice-burg of topics discussed. Ultimately, this show is a celebration of being human and the foibles that come with that condition. Come prepared to laugh and share in "A Whole Experience"!  *Contains material not suitable for children.
[Strictly speaking, this show sounds less like a celebration of being human and more like a celebration of being an alloromantic allosexual human in an érosish relationship, but that could be false advertising.]
And finally, neither listed last nor remotely least....
Whose Jest Is It Anyway?
Just because the Queen is on the Shire doesn't mean the people of Mount Hope need to take themselves seriously all day! Come join the shire folk as they engage in some games of Wit, Hilarity, and Downright Silliness; all based on suggestions from the audience, so every show is different! Here are some testimonials from real audience members: • "I laughed until I stopped!" - Bern D'bread, Baker • "Seriously, whose jest is it? They never answer that blasted question!" - Yuri Gnollcakes, Privy Attendant • "I took an afternoon off inventing to watch 'Whose Jest…?' My brain is now so dead I'll never invent again!" - Leonardo Da Vinci, Early Renaissance Man • "Bridget!" - Bridget Moorhouse, Lat Master of Revels
[FUCK YEAH IT’S BAAAAACK!!!!!  I’ve been waiting years for this!  Granted, that waiting has been much more congenial since I discovered Friday Knight Improv and since they added improv track shows to the Faire day, but I have nevertheless been waiting for this for years!]
[But more important than that, I want to discuss the final testimonial there.  You’ll notice that there appears to be a typo in attributing the quote, beyond just missing the middle ‘e’ from Moorehouse.  There’s a missing letter from the modifier of the title.  It says “Lat”.  Now, while it turns out that “lat” is, in fact, a word, I very much doubt that they are attempting to define Bridget as a former silver coin of Latvia equal to 100 santimi.  No, there are two words that it could be.  One, it could be missing an ‘e’, making the word “late”.  On the outside, that seems reasonable enough; Bridget was in her prime in 1520 and this season takes place sometime after 1558.  But there is yet another option.  The missing letter could be an ‘s’, making the intended word “last”.  The last Master of Revels.  As in: Mount Hope has not had a Master of Revels since Bridget?  Or as in: there is no Master of Revels after Bridget because Bridget is still the Master of Revels and will always be the Master of Revels even unto the ending of the world, for Bridget is forever, possibly Eldritch, a force of pure chaos, unending and unchanging, Eternal.
This is one typo I hope they never fix.]
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otterknowbynow · 4 years
@23rdhunter tagged me with instructions to post my seven favorite comfort films.
I'm interpreting this as "films that feel like home" and that I will literally watch at any time, because they're familiar in such the literal sense that they feel like family. Here we go.
1. Galaxy Quest -- One time when he was home sick from school, my brother watched this movie on repeat for three days. The fact I find this highly relatable and was, at the time, quite envious probably says everything that needs to be said about my relationship with this film. My entire extended family quotes it regularly like some kind of shared echo. You can always count on "look around you..." with no need for the follow-up or "I've got ONE job on this ship. It's STUPID. But I'm gonna do it" coming up at least once in any group conversation (runner-up status to: "the floors are so clean" and "DO I?"). It's the epitome of comfort food in film form. Space dorks who play space dorks on TV and weird villains that say tiSSUE paper in an eminently quotable way? That's all it takes, friends.
2. The Perfect Score -- I first watched this movie with one of my best friends, and I swear we watched it probably 5 times in one weekend at her house. I will literally watch this movie at any moment. I don't care about its objective quality. I can't even assess its objective quality at this point; it's been in my life too long. I care 0% that the SAT doesn't work like that anymore. I care 100% that Roy was conversing with crows before it was cool.
3. The Lion King II: Simba's Pride - Sometimes I'm just going about my day and then notice "We Are One" has been in my head for the past forty minutes. We had this on VHS when I was a kid (we still do), and I watched it wayyyyy more than the first one. For a long time, I wanted to name a daughter Kiara. I still might. Make of that what you will.
4. Miss Congeniality - Do I just have a thing for Sandra Bullock in any and all of her romcom roles? Maybe so. But this was the first PG-13 movie I ever saw (I was 12. Scandalous.), and I've watched it an inordinate amount of times. The training scenes. The water harp. The self-defense improv. The exploding scenery. Iconic, and deservedly so.
5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl -- for all intents and purposes, when it comes to this movie, I am Travis McElroy. I probably don't need to elaborate on that, but I will. The first time I saw this movie in theaters I literally could not sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about it? The imagery! The score! The e v e r y t h i n g. I don't know how many more times I saw it in theaters, and it's honestly probably for the best. I have spent untold hours of my life watching this movie and will spend untold hours more.
6. Hunchback of Notre Dame -- it's the score more than anything else that puts this movie on this list. Yes to watching it several (hundred) times. Yes to childhood staple. Yes to all. But most of all, yes to those kyrie elaisons in Bells, yes to Quasi sliding down the gargoyle spout and belting the "if IIIIIII was in their skin Iiiiii'd treeeasure eve.ry. in.stant." of Out There and leaning SO hard into the dipthongs. Yes to so many lines of "God Help the Outcasts" that I can't even write them all out here (or rather, I CAN, but I want this to be somewhat readable). This was also the first movie I saw where there was no main hero/main heroine endgame romance, and gosh I'm still just. Living for this movie. Every time I get to play in any orchestra that does the instrumentals I lose my entire mind. That's all.
7. National Treasure - I don't even. Know how to describe my feelings about this movie. It's absurd. It's fantastic. It's terrible. It's ridiculous. It's everything 2 me, and I will watch it at the drop of a hat (or any other accessory of your choosing). Riddles make me happy. Stupid little spectacles make me happy. Riley Poole being an absolute dork makes me happy. The amateur spy shit they pull this entire film makes me happy. Anything that gives me an excuse to yell about daylight savings makes me happy. It's a guaranteed mood-booster and that's really all I ask of any film.
Tagging: anyone who wants to do this, but also specifically @afoxnamedmulder, @tamablepumpkin, and @resplendentreveries
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blacklaceandchains · 4 years
what/who are your comfort character/s, comfort movie/series, comfort actor/s?
oooh! Well, honestly, I’m more likely to lean towards music or poetry if I’m having a /time/. I think it’s because I like the abstract nature of being able to feel things even if I can’t totally explain them all the time.
Having said that, when I want something to watch without having to have my brain totally “on” I find myself circling back to things that I’ve seen a thousand times.
-Miss Congeniality (I could probably quote the entire movie front to back at this point)
-Star Trek: Voyager (I grew up watching this with my dad - I thought that Kathryn Janeway was the coolest thing since sliced bread. I still kind of do... Still mad about the finale though)
-Harry Potter - the books (as problematic as some parts are, especially looking back at them now, as an adult, I think there’s a lot of value in being able to re-examine something, including the flaws, and find things to learn and love)
-Buffy (Spike has all the best one-liners)
I’ll leave it at that before I write a top 100.
Thanks anon! <3
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becca-archive · 7 years
tagged - answer 30 questions and tag 20 people
i was tagged by @stydiariarkle, thank u!
nickname: becca
gender: female
sign: libra
height: 5′5′’
time: 12pm
birthday: october 11th
favorite bands: the killers, fifth harmony
favorite solo artists: dua lipa, halsey, hailee steinfield
song stuck in my head: six feet under by billie eilish
last movie i watched: miss congeniality
last show i watched: the bold type
when did i create this blog: july 2011 (yikes so long)
what do i post: tv shows, quotes, photography
what did i last google: some person for my homework
other blogs: the100gifs, greysanatomydaily, tvd-gifs, octaviablakesource, nancywheelersource, misskathgifs, strangersource, elenagilbertgifs
why did i choose this url: i like octavia blake and @nancywheelers is amazing and got it for me
following: 369
followers: YEET
average hours of sleep: 6
lucky number: idk i like the number 8
instrument: i used to play the guitar in elementary & middle school if that counts
what i’m wearing: pajama pants and a hoodie
dream job: magazine writer
favorite food: pasta
last book i read: the red queen series ages ago
3 favorite fandoms: the 100, tvd, greys anatomy
i’m supposed to tag people, but i’m lazy
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lizshine74 · 11 years
On Writing, By Eudora Welty
Probably due to the reader, not the writer, there were times when I struggled with this short book on writing fiction, times when I just didn’t get it and times when the texts used to illustrate the point were unfamiliar to me. Yet, there were these moments of connection that kept me bobbing along the surface all the way to the end of this heady exploration of the art of fiction and the role of the writer. Some quotes that emerged as meaningful to me:
“No two stories ever go the same way, although in different hands one story might possibly go any one of a thousand ways; and though the woods may look the same from outside, it is a new and different labyrinth every time. What tells the author his way? Nothing at all but what he knows inside himself: the same thing that hints to him afterward how far he has missed it, how near he may have come to the heart of it. In a working sense, the novel and its place have become one: work has made them, for the time being, the same thing, like the explorer’s tentative map of the known world'” (45, Place in Fiction)
“Place, to the writer at work, is seen in a frame. Not an empty frame, a brimming one. Point of view is a sort of burning-glass, a product of personal experience and time; it is burnished with feelings and sensibilities, charged from moment to memnet with the sun-points of imagination” (49, Place in Fiction)
“Making reality is art’s responsibility” (53, Place In Fiction).
“And if life ever became not worth writing fiction about, that, I believe, would be the first sign that it wasn’t worth living” (80, Must the Novelist Crusade?).
“Fictional time may be more congenial to us than clock time, precisely for human reasons. An awareness of time goes with us all our lives. Watch or no watch, we carry the awareness with us. It lies so deep, in the very grain of our characters, that who knows if it isn’t as singular to each of us as our thumbprints. In the sense of our transience may lie the irreducible urgency telling us to do, to understand, to love” (Some Notes on Time in Fiction, 100).
Buy my books here.
Interested in hiring me as a coach to get you boosted with your writing goals?Find free resources and information here.Some past posts to keep you making time: Adjust your pace accordingly.It’s about the routine and how you shake up the routineThere are things you will have to give upSee it to achieve itWashing the dishesWrite slowlyA celebration of the pauseMonday, a run through the driving rainZen accidentGet out of your comfort zone
On Writing, By Eudora Welty was originally published on Make Time.
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