#about the otter
otterknowbynow · 1 year
crow: do you have many friends or a few close ones?
raven: what do people assume about you when they meet you?
magpie: what are you most likely to get in trouble for doing?
crow: my bar for "friend" is pretty high, so my instinct would be "a few close ones." If we define friends as people entirely outside of my family who know me very well, with whom I am comfortable discussing the vast majority of subjects and giving my honest/open opinions, and whom I do not hesitate to contact if I want to talk to them (and have some contact with on a regular basis), then the number is somewhere around 10... If we cast a bit wider net than that (remove the "knows me very well" requirement, e.g.) it gets...much higher. But I don't think I'd refer to those folks as my friends except as a way to avoid clarifying the relationship they're more like...people I know? But I WILL fully just be like "my friend x" meaning a tumblr mutual I rarely talk to or someone in one of my gaming circles who I don't talk to outside of games or whatever. The number also gets much higher if I count siblings, cousins, their spouses, etc. who fit all the other parameters except for being family.
raven: if in person, usually that I'm significantly younger than I am. Love to wonder when people will stop sometimes mistaking me for a high school student. Will I be 40.
magpie: lmao. not planning my classes "far enough" in advance. listen, sometimes you turn toward the board with your writing utensil raised and you simply do not know what is going to come out of it. and most of the time that works out just fine.
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shadow0-1 · 4 months
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First meet
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 227
There's not much known about Realms beings.
Which is understandable, seeing as it's called infinite for a reason. But it still causes a problem when people are trying to properly learn about something. Maybe try not to cause an interdimensional accident or war.
Something no one wishes for.
So Constantine is THIS close to laughing and screaming hysterically when a cult's summoning goes wrong and summons what he's pretty sure is a Baby Realms Being.
Which probably means Mama is on the way.
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livingjoke · 1 year
I think the most horrible part of batch 89 is how impractical they are. What possible purpose could you wish to achieve from surgically grafting wheels to a walrus or implanting a steel muzzle into a rabbits face? It's just pure sadism. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty. And it's horrifying.
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cj-kenobi · 11 months
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a wild otter-wan has appeared!
do you:
- fight! - give him a little pat!
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cowardlybean · 1 year
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psygull-arts · 1 month
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Couples See Man-Sized Bird…Creature…Something!
a few mothman sketches to celebrate us finally running into it in our Delta Green campaign. surely this isn't an omen of anything
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breezy-cheezy · 1 year
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I realized I haven’t posted much art in awhile! Here’s some older but fun TWST nonsense :D
(pic 1 is book 5 stuff, forever loving the fact Deuce and Epel practiced Ballet together nhsdghfjkd...and on the dancing thing, Cater bursting into dance with Trey-two-left-feet-Clover in the Fireworks event is still gosh danged cute. The rest is just silly.)
Please don’t tag reblogs of this with ship tags, thanks! These were all drawn with platonic intent! ✨
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maskednerd · 8 months
Since it's October 1st and the Emperor's Castle is currently vacant. . . I suggest a proposal.
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Featuring such spooky costumes as:
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. . .and many more!
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justgoji · 4 months
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What a cute game! I sure hope there isn’t any absolutely horrifying secrets and layers underneath...
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🦦 You otter know! 🦦
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Raising pups with non-releaseable surrogate otter moms in our care, like Ivy (pictured here), provides orphaned pups with the skills necessary for life back in the wild. But a successful reintroduction takes a lot more than that! A recent study looking back at 20 years of sea otter releases found that the most important factors for their success were favorable weather and ocean conditions, and low competition for resources.
The study’s results will inform future decisions about when and where to release southern sea otters to maximize their chances of survival. It also provides support for expanding our surrogacy program to other aquariums, increasing our impact on recovering wild otter populations. What an ottertunity!
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kitnita · 1 month
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jake oettinger postgame   —   DAL vs VGK;   game 4   —   04.29.24
[ah, you know ty very well. how hard is it to stay focused throughout everything he’s been through?] yeah, it’s … you know, there’s no one in here that deserves that more than him, and, you know — i live with him, so, i get to see … i’ve been through, you know, everything that he’s gone through this year, and, just, the way that he carries himself, and — you know, there’s no one that puts the team more in first than him and he works his butt off and never has a bad attitude and has just stayed ready for when he got his name called, and played great tonight and, you know, showed that he can step in and, and be a great piece to this team. so, you know, there’s not a lot of people that are gonna be happier for him than me, that’s for sure. 
[i was gonna say, the body language that he shows, just when he’s out there – first one on the ice – i mean, he does all the little things you’re supposed to do to show that you’re a big member of the team, even when he goes, whatever, six, eight games without playing.] exactly. and you’d never know … you know, some guys, you know, carry the way that they’re playing on the ice on their face and you’d never know with him. he’s just, you know — puts the team first, wants what’s best for the team, and, you know, he knows when his number’s called he’s gonna step up. and he’s done that. and, uh, like i said, just so happy for him. and there’s tons of guys in our organization who’re like that, you know, just — everyone wants to win, and you know, not everyone’s going to have the exact role that they want but, you know, if you win the championship at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. 
[just for color, here — you and ty share a house, a condo?] he lives at my house. me and my fiancée’s house, yeah. yep. [does he pay rent?]  uh, we’re still working through that (laughs) yeah. he’s, uh, he’s been on dish duty, so, that’s kinda how he’s paying for his rent right now. [let’s say, maybe give him a little break off — get a goal, you know, goal’s count.] yeah, for sure. for sure, yeah, exactly.  [and, just for color, what type of jersey does your brother wear?] he wears delly’s jersey. yeah, i know — second favorite player, yeah.
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tubulartoasts · 9 months
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evil mastermind who loves her silly otters
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 years
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mumbotter for no reason in particular <3
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mossymandibles · 8 months
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This started as a panel thumbnail but I ended up making it a whole thing..
Ellie and her family are anthropomorphic giant river otters who own a corner store that Kraw frequents whenever he’s staying inland on Marrowtide. She sees him as family, although her own is big enough as it is.
They’ll be in yet another wip mini comic I have.
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despazito · 7 days
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painting for me mum
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