#100–200 kWh
leeb57555 · 11 months
Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends
The rapid adoption of EVs over the coming decades will cause the accessibility of terawatt-hours of batteries which no longer match the requirements for use in an EV. To put this into perspective, countries like the U.S. consume several such terawatts of energy storage systems over the course of an entire year. Therefore, this is a significant amount of available energy storage.
Finding uses for these still functional batteries can add value significantly and ultimately help drive down storage costs to enable more integration of renewable energy into our grids.
Battery life for EVs is challenging. Lithium-ion batteries in EV usage deteriorate significantly within the first five years of operation and are often designed for a decade of usable life despite being exposed to severe operating temperatures, dozens of partial cycles annually, and fluctuating discharge rates.
Get More Insights: Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Revenue Estimation and Growth Forecast Report
For instance, the EU aims to cut total CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by 2020 as part of the Europe 2020 plan. The U.S. has set a goal to cut its emission level from 2005 to 2025 by 26-28%. Due to all of these pollution standards, conventional cars are giving way to electric cars.
The numerous advantages of second-life EV batteries for the environment include the following:
• Decrease in mining and a rise in resource preservation to stop future mineral depletion and avoid emission- and energy-intensive processing of raw materials
• Decrease in environmental waste
• The practice of reusing materials after recycling
Additionally, prolonging battery life results in a smaller carbon impact and more renewable energy being used on the grid. Additionally, it lowers the cost of electric cars by converting the expense of waste disposal into residual value, accelerating the transition to renewable energy and starting a positive feedback loop for carbon reduction.
In comparison to the lifespan of the actual car, the batteries used for electric vehicles must be changed every four and five years. Additionally, the older battery still has between 60 and 80 per cent of its initial capacity after replacement, making it usable for a number of additional uses. In the upcoming years, this presents a significant growth opportunity for second-life batteries.
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pettirosso1959 · 17 days
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La potenza impegnata per uso domestico è, di solito, 3 kWe. Un condominio di 100 famiglie impegna complessivamente una potenza di 300 kWe, che in un giorno (24 ore) diventano 7200 kWh, in un anno diventano 2628000 kWh (2628 MWh).
Se volessimo ricarica un'auto elettrica con batteria di capacità pari a 90 kWh, teorizzando un rendimento di ricarica dell'85%, avremmo di bisogno di 37.5 ore. Volendo ridurre i tempi di ricarica a poco più di 1 ora, avremmo di bisogno di una potenza impegnata di 105 kWe. Ma 105 kWe sono pari a più della metà del condominio e il tutto per una sola auto.
Facciamo finta che nel condominio di 100 famiglie tutti abbiano un'auto elettrica con batteria della capacità citata e il condominio ottiene il via libera per 100 stazioni di ricarica "media" da 105 kWe.
La potenza impegnata è pari a 105000 kWe, ovvero 105 MWe, ovvero 105 MWh di energia, ovvero quasi la potenza di un reattore nucleare modulare (SMR) come il Liong One cinese da 125 MWe!
Giusto per fare comprendere la proporzione, con 105 MWe si alimenta una città (senza industrie, naturalmente) di 35 mila abitanti! Adesso provate ad immaginare una città con, almeno, la metà del parco auto circolante di tipo elettrico e tante stazioni di ricarica dalla potenza di, almeno, 105 kWe.
Milano, inteso come Comune, conta su 1.4 milioni di abitanti, e con il 50% di 1807123 parco auto, le vetture elettriche sarebbero 903561. Volendo considerare che tutte le auto vengano ricaricate con colonnine rapide da ipotetici 105 kWe (in realtà si stanno diffondendo, insieme a quelle da 200 e oltre kWe, ma sono pochissime, la stragrande maggioranza sono da 36 kWe, ma noi agiamo ipoteticamente per consentire una ricarica in poco più di 1 ora), la potenza impegnata sarebbe di 948739605 kWe, pari a 94873,905 MWe, pari a 94,873905 GWe di potenza elettrica effettiva! Per giuste proporzioni, un reattore nucleare coreano APR-1400, dello stesso modello costruito in 4 unità negli Emirati Arabi Uniti, eroga una potenza massima netta di 1400 MWe, ovvero 1,4 GWe, e ne sarebbero necessari ben 68!
Qualcuno potrebbe obiettare: "Non è detto che tutte le auto si connettano contemporaneamente per la ricarica". Vero, ma la statistica dimostra, che la ricarica viene tendenzialmente effettuata nelle ore serali/notturne presso il proprio domicilio (in Italia per chi può permetterselo, in Germania e negli Stati Uniti è la prassi), più raramente presso le colonnine dislocate nei punti di ricarica urbani avviene di giorno. La statistica stessa ci viene incontro informandoci che ci sarà almeno una volta al giorno un momento in cui le auto possono essere collegate tutte insieme per la ricarica, e quella potenza va coperta, pena un inesorabile crollo delle linee e un prolungatissimo black-out che porterebbe dietro di sé, non la Lombardia, non l'Italia, ma l'Europa intera, date le interconnessioni transfrontaliere.
Ammesso che i cittadini si "accontentino" di ricaricare le proprie auto alla potenza massima di 3 kWe, sarebbero comunque necessari 2710683 kWe, 2710,683 MWe, 2,710683 GWe di potenza per ricaricare, in un tempo stimato di 38 ore circa, il 50% delle auto di Milano, quindi 2 reattori nucleari APR-1400.
Qualcuno afferma di volere ricaricare le auto elettriche, di giorno e con i pannelli FV. Torniamo all'esempio delle colonnine da 105 kWe, tanto il sole è gratis, giusto? I pannelli FV in condizioni standard hanno un rendimento del 13% (in termini largamente benevoli, perché raramente si arriva a superare il 10% reale...). Il 13% di rendimento è considerato come valore massimo in condizioni di perfetta perpendicolarità del pannello FV rispetto all'irraggiamento solare, alla temperatura di 25°C e al livello del mare. La variazione dell'angolo incidente, della temperatura e della pressione atmosferica riducono sensibilmente il rendimento effettivo...
Considerata la costante solare K = 1 kW * m-2, 1 metroquadrato di pannello FV erogherà una potenza massima di 130 Watt...
Per ottenere una potenza massima di uscita pari a 2,710683 GWe saranno necessari 20851407,692 m*-2 di pannelli fotovoltaici... credo le proporzioni, adesso, siano ben chiare! Continuare a fare conversazione su questi numeri, credo, sia inutile. Al netto degli impatti ambientali per la produzione delle batterie, dei pannelli FV, della loro installazione sul suolo, anche e solo parlare di elettrificare anche una parte del parco circolante di una città come Milano, figuriamoci del mondo intero, sia un qualcosa di improponibile, al netto, che senza reattori nucleari, la ricarica potrebbe essere assicurata per non più di 5,479 ore/giorno in media di irradiazione solare annue in Italia... Meditare, gente, meditare...
F. Arnò.
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
China’s state-owned power generation enterprise Datang Group said on June 30 that it had connected to the grid a 50 MW/100 MWh project in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, making it the world’s largest operating sodium-ion battery energy storage system. The project represents the first phase of the Datang Hubei Sodium Ion New Energy Storage Power Station, which consists of 42 battery energy storage containers and 21 sets of boost converters. It uses 185 ampere-hour large-capacity sodium-ion batteries supplied by China’s HiNa Battery Technology and is equipped with a 110 kV transformer station. Previously, the largest operational sodium-ion system was China Southern Power Grid’s Fulin 10 MWh BESS project, located in Nanning, southwestern China. The power station, which represents the first phase of a 100 MWh project, also features HiNa Battery’s cells.
2 Jul 24
The 100,000 kWh project in the Hubei province is capable of storing enough electricity to power 12,000 homes on a single charge.[...]
Sodium-ion batteries offer a number of benefits compared to conventional lithium-ion batteries, as they are both cheaper and safer than the batteries found in smartphones and electric cars.[...]
The sodium (Na) required to build them is also 500 times more abundant than lithium. while also holding the potential for greater charge and efficiency than Li-ion batteries.[...]
“Sodium-ion batteries have excellent safety and low-temperature operating performance,” said Cui Yongle, a project manager at Datang Hubei Sodium Ion Energy Storage.
“They can still guarantee 85 per cent charge and discharge efficiency at minus 20 degrees Celsius, which is unmatched by other batteries. They can also guarantee 1,500 charge and discharge cycles at a high temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Their puncture resistance and impact resistance are much better than that of ordinary batteries.”
3 Jul 24
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f1mike28 · 4 months
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Affalterbach. With a system output of 620 kW (843 hp) and a maximum system torque of more than 1400 Nm, the Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 7.9 l/100 km; weighted, combined CO2 emissions: 180 g/km; power consumption weighted, combined: 12.0 kWh/100 km)[1] is a new milestone in the company’s history.
The four-door coupé is the first performance hybrid and at the same time the most powerful series-production model of the brand from Affalterbach to date. The combination of 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine and electric motor ensures superior driving performance and outstanding driving dynamics with impressive efficiency at the same time.
Mercedes-AMG is forging its own technical path to transport its hallmark brand DNA into an electrified future. To achieve this, the Affalterbach-based company uses, for example, technologies from Formula 1 in its E PERFORMANCE Hybrid strategy. The concept includes an independent drive layout with an electric motor and battery on the rear axle.
In the AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE, the system consists of a 4.0‑litre V8 biturbo engine with a permanently excited synchronous electric motor, a high-performance battery developed by AMG and the fully variable AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive system.
The system power of 620 kW (843 hp) and the maximum system torque of more than 1400 Nm enable acceleration from a standstill to 100 km/h in just 2.9 seconds. After less than ten seconds, 200 km/h are reached. Acceleration only ends at 316 km/h.
Mercedes-AMG One man, one engine Handcrafted by Michael Kübler @f1mike28 in Germany Affalterbach.
Driving Performance is my Passion! Mercedes-AMG the Performance and Sports Car Brand from Mercedes-Benz and Exclusive Partner for Pagani Automobili. Mercedes-AMG Handcrafted by Racers.
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e-carlease · 3 months
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But how will the new EV3 perform? As per below two battery options will be available to the UK customers:
EV3 Standard Range - (starting at around £34,000) the 55 kWh lithium-ion battery will offer 0 – 62 times of 7.5 seconds, 106 mph top speeds and 150 kW (or 201 hp). This model is a FWD option. Expect a combined winter range of 170 miles with warmer weather allowing for 230 miles - 200 miles combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 6 hour 0 – 100% charging times with the 100 kW DC maximum allowing 32 minute 10 – 80% times. This has a cargo volume of 460L and vehicle fuel equivalent of 147 mpg. The EV3 will feature bidirectional charging - a 3.6kW AC Vehicle-to-Load (V2L). An indoor and outdoor port means you can power external devices too; and
EV3 Long Range - (starting at around £40,000) the 78 kWh lithium-ion battery will offer 0 – 62 times of 7.7 seconds, 106 mph top speeds and 150 kW (or 201 hp). This model is a FWD option. Expect a combined winter range of 235 miles with warmer weather allowing for 320 miles - 280 miles combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 8 hour and 30 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 135kW DC maximum allowing 33 minute 10 – 80% times. This has a cargo volume of 460L and vehicle fuel equivalent of 145 mpg. The EV3 will feature bidirectional charging - a 3.6kW AC Vehicle-to-Load (V2L). An indoor and outdoor port means you can power external devices too.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Russia and China are discussing the possibility of Russia increasing its electricity exports to China, but taking into account the growing power demand in Russia’s Far East, the Russian Energy Ministry has said.
A Russian-Chinese working group for cooperation on electricity and renewable energy met on Wednesday and discussed the idea of Russia boosting its power supply to China, as reported by Russian news agency Interfax on Thursday.
Russia and China have strengthened energy ties in recent years, especially after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the embargoes on most of Russia’s energy exports, including oil and coal, to Western countries.
Earlier this decade, Russia raised its electricity exports to China to help it get over a power crunch. In October 2021, for example, Russia doubled its electricity exports to China as Asia’s largest economy was grappling with power shortages that led to power rationing.
However, in August last year, Russia reduced electricity exports to China along the Amur-Heihe power line to 100-200 MW from 600 MW due to a shortage in the energy system of Russia’s Far East. State power company Inter RAO, the sole operator for Russian electricity exports and imports, has estimated that Russian electricity exports to China slumped by 75% in January and February 2024 compared to the same period of 2023.
Last year, Inter RAO’s supply to China fell to 3.1 billion kWh from a record 4.6 billion kWh in 2022, TASS news agency reports, noting that Russia still has some restrictions on power exports to China. Inter RAO’s Executive Board member Alexandra Panina has said that deliveries to China might decrease to 1 billion kWh, according to TASS.
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Galvenie FOTON eAUMARK kravas pašizgāzēja raksturlielumi:
Paceļama kravas kaste – iespēja izgāzt kravu uz trīs pusēm, ar nolaižamiem bortiem visās trīs pusēs.
Mehāniski pārvelkams kravas kastes tents – nodrošina aizsardzību un ērtu kravas pārsegšanu.
Automašīnas pilna masa – 6 tonnas, kravnesība – 3,5 tonnas.
Efektivitāte – ar vienu uzlādi un pilnu kravu iespējams nobraukt 200 km.
CATL baterijas ietilpība 81,14 kWh. Jauda 115 KW.
Uzlādes iespējas: gan ātrā, gan lēnā uzlāde (DC/AC). No 20% līdz 100% DC uzlāde aizņems stundu, bet AC apmēram 7 stundas (atkarīgs no uzlādes stacijas).
An opportunity to try the FOTON eAUMARK electric dump truck. 100% electric, zero emissions - exactly what is needed to develop the sustainability of the company!
Main characteristics of FOTON eAUMARK cargo dump truck: Liftable cargo box - the possibility of dumping cargo on three sides, with drop-down sides on all three sides. Mechanically retractable cargo box awning - provides protection and convenient cargo covering. The full weight of the truck is 6 tons, the carrying capacity is 3.5 tons. Efficiency – with one charge and a full load it is possible to travel 200 km. CATL battery capacity 81.14 kWh. Power 115 KW. Charging options: both fast and slow charging (DC/AC). A DC charge from 20% to 100% will take an hour and AC about 7 hours (depending on the charging station).
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techniktagebuch · 1 year
17. Mai 2023
Ladestationen für E-Autos – die Oper
Wir müssen heute in Franken etwas erledigen, und da wir früh da sein müssen, fahren wir am Vorabend los und übernachten ca. 100 km vor unserem Ziel in einem Hotel an einem Rastplatz. 
Da unser Hyundai Kona nur 39 kWh an Strom tanken kann und wir bei normaler Fahrt (also nicht reine Autobahn und schon gar nicht eine Berg- und Talstrecke wie in Franken) knapp unter 13 kWh pro 100 km liegen, kommen wir bei dieser Fahrt auf reale 270–280 km Reichweite. Nach rund 200 km sucht N auf dem Navi eine auf der Strecke liegende Schnellladestation heraus. Diese befindet sich auf einem Rastplatz und gegen 20 Uhr kommen wir dort an. 
Ladestationen an Autobahnen sind in den meisten Fällen Parkplätze, an denen die massigen Schnelllader aufgebaut sind. In diesem Fall standen die Schnelllader zwischen den Parkplätzen, und alle vier waren belegt. 
Als wir am Reisebus vorbeifuhren, der vor den Ladestationen halb auf einigen freien normalen Parkplätzen stand, sprach der Busfahrer uns an. Vor uns sei der Tesla an der Reihe, der gegenüber den Ladestationen parkt, er selber müsse seinen Bus auch laden und würde die erste der Ladesäulen dafür ca. 1 Stunde nutzen, wenn sie frei wird. Andere Säulen kann er nicht nutzen, weil er dann alle Ladeplätze blockieren würde. Der Bus war tatsächlich von ebusco, einer Firma, die E-Busse betreibt.
Der Tesla übernahm den Platz eines VW ID4, als dieser fertig geladen hatte, ein Hyundai Ionic fuhr kurz darauf auch fort und wir nahmen dessen Ladesäule. Als ich gerade den Ladevorgang gestartet hatte, konnte der Bus auch an seine Ladesäule – und diese stürzte nach dem Start des Ladevorgangs ab und reagierte nicht mehr.
Als wir von der Toilette zurück kamen, telefonierte der Busfahrer gerade mit dem Säulenbetreiber.
Das mit den Ladesäulen funktioniert in Deutschland so:
Die Ladesäulen werden von Firmen betrieben, mit denen ich einen Vertrag abschließe, um sie zu nutzen. Es gibt Verträge mit Grundgebühr und Gebühren für den Ladevorgang, mit pauschalen monatlichen Gebühren oder ohne monatliche Zahlung nur auf Basis des Verbrauchs. Zu den Verträgen gehört meist eine Chipkarte oder ein Chipanhänger für den Schlüsselbund, um die Ladesäulen freizuschalten.
Die meisten der Verträge unterstützen bei Reisen auch ein Roaming, also die Nutzung von Ladesäulen anderer Betreiber. Aber die Preise sind mitunter nicht vorhersehbar. 
Wir haben zwei solche Chips, einen von den örtlichen Stadtwerken, den NEW, und einen von EnBW, der nach den Berichten in den Foren die wenigsten Zicken beim Roaming macht.
Zu beiden gehören Apps, in denen man die jeweiligen Preise an den Ladestationen ablesen kann, ob diese gerade belegt sind und einiges mehr. Die heimischen Ladestationen kosten über den NEW-Vertrag aktuell 45 ct pro kWh bei bis zu 22 kW. 65 ct pro kWh zuzüglich einer Blockiergebühr von 12 ct pro Minute nach Abschluss des Ladevorgangs will EnBW derzeit an denselben Säulen haben. 
Die Schnelllader an Autobahnen, die bis 240 kW Ladeleistung haben (unser Wagen kann bis zu 50 davon nutzen), sind in der Regel teurer.
An manchen Autobahnraststätten sind auch Ladestationen mehrerer verschiedener Anbieter, die bei demselben Roaminganbieter verschiedene Preise haben. Manche Säulen, besonders oft die des pöttisch “E.off” genannten Anbieters, sind mitunter nicht aktiv oder reagieren nicht oder sind nicht mehr geeicht und funktionieren trotzdem, was ein Glücksfall ist, weil sie dann nicht abgerechnet werden dürfen.
Dass die meisten Ladestationen umfunktionierte Parkplätze sind, ist suboptimal. Es gibt keine Warteschlangen, man muss sich verständigen, wer als nächstes dran ist, und dass ein bestimmter Typus des homo sapiens dieselnasensis sich gelegentlich mit seinem Verbrennerfahrzeug vor dem E-Auto auf den Ladeplatz stellt, dort natürlich nicht lädt und über Beschwerden nur lacht, wird in den Foren auch schon mal berichtet. 
Einzelne neu gebaute Ladestationen sind hingegen groß wie eine Tankstelle und ähnlich gestaltet. Jede Ladesäule kann zwei Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig laden, die Fahrzeuge stehen links und rechts parallel neben der Ladesäule und es gibt ein Dach aus Solarzellen darüber, das vor Regen schützt. Außerdem gibt es meist einen Fahrstreifen, auf dem sich eine Warteschlange bilden kann.
“Die Dächer sind für meinen Bus aber meistens zu niedrig”, meinte der Busfahrer, als wir darüber sprachen. Unser Auto war auf 80% geladen und wir fuhren weiter.
Das Hotel am Rastplatz Spessart Süd erreichten wir mit 55 km Restreichweite. 
Heute früh suchte ich in den einschlägigen Apps die Ladestationen, mit denen auf der bekannten Buchungs-Website geworben wurde. “280 m entfernt” stand da. Ich fand sie jenseits der Autobahn auf dem Rastplatz der anderen Fahrtrichtung. 
Die Navi-Apps kamen auf rund 35 km Fahrtstrecke dorthin – einmal die Autobahn von unserem Rastplatz aus zur nächsten Ausfahrt fahren, dort in Gegenrichtung auffahren und zurück.
Die Dame an der Rezeption sprach davon, dass man auch vom Rastplatz auf die Landstraße käme, unter der Autobahn auf die andere Seite fahren und dort zum Rasthaus der Gegenrichtung gelangen könne und von dort “irgendwie auch auf den Rastplatz”. 
Das hatte ich auf den Satellitenbildern von Google Maps auch schon gesehen, aber es sah so aus, als ob die Straße auf der falschen Seite des Rasthauses endete. Den Rastplatz selber schien man mit dem Auto nur über die Terrasse des Rasthauses erreichen zu können, was ich nicht versuchen wollte.
Inzwischen hatte ich einen Tesla Supercharger in Weibersbrunn in der Tesla-App gefunden. 3,5 km Luftlinie, 7 km über die Straße. 
Tesla hat die meisten Supercharger inzwischen für alle Marken freigegeben, und wenn man sie nutzen will, braucht man keinen Chip, sondern lediglich die Tesla-App und eine Kreditkarte, die dort hinterlegt wird. Man stellt sich an die Ladesäule, stöpselt das Auto ein und sagt der App, an welcher Säule man jetzt laden will. Tesla bucht zumindest bei Debitkarten zu Beginn des Ladevorgangs 25 € ab und erstattet den nicht verbrauchten Betrag unmittelbar nach dem Laden.
Allerdings hat Tesla die Ladebuchsen bei den Autos immer hinten über dem Kotflügel links. Die Supercharger sind auch Parkplätze, an deren Kopfende rechts die stylische Ladesäle steht. Fährt man einen Tesla rückwärts auf den Platz, reicht das Ladekabel der Säule exakt, die Ladebuchse befindet sich ja direkt neben der Säule.
Unser Hyundai hat die Ladebuchse aber vorne links. Ich musste ihn also wieder schräg und sehr nah an der Säule abstellen. Außerdem scheinen der Hyundai und die Supercharger sich nicht zu 100% zu verstehen, der Ladestrom ging nicht über 36 kW hinaus.
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Aber Hauptsache Strom und in der Wartezeit ein hübsches Ambiente.
(Volker König)
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nbm-live · 2 days
Tata Curve EV, Petrol, and Diesel – Full Review, Features, Mileage, and Price Breakdown
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The automotive industry has been undergoing a massive transformation, and Tata Motors is at the forefront of this evolution. With their upcoming Tata Curve, the company is set to revolutionize the market by offering the car in electric, petrol, and diesel variants. This bold move ensures that customers have access to a range of fuel types while enjoying the latest in technology, design, and performance. In this comprehensive article, we’ll explore the Tata Curve car, focusing on its electric vehicle (EV) variant along with its petrol and diesel counterparts. From features and specifications to mileage and pricing, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this futuristic vehicle.
Tata Curve EV: The Future of Mobility
1. Design and Aesthetics
The Tata Curve EV is a stunning electric SUV that exemplifies Tata’s modern design philosophy. The vehicle boasts a futuristic yet muscular design, which is characterized by bold lines, sharp creases, and an aerodynamic profile. Key design elements include a sloping roofline, sleek LED headlamps, and a wide grille.
The rear of the vehicle stands out with its clean lines and distinctive taillight design. The overall look is aggressive yet elegant, making it appealing to the new-age car buyer. Tata has designed the Curve EV to look premium, emphasizing an urban look that combines luxury and sportiness.
2. Battery and Performance
At the heart of the Tata Curve EV is its electric powertrain, which is powered by Tata’s Ziptron technology. This technology is already present in other Tata EVs like the Nexon EV and has proven to offer a reliable and efficient electric driving experience.
Battery Capacity: The Curve EV is expected to come with a high-capacity lithium-ion battery pack, estimated at around 40-50 kWh, providing sufficient range for daily commuting and long drives.
Range: The Curve EV is expected to offer a range of up to 450 km on a single charge, making it one of the most competitive in its segment.
Charging: The EV will support both standard and fast charging. With fast charging, users can charge the battery up to 80% in just about 45 minutes. A home wall-box charger will take around 7-8 hours for a full charge.
Power Output: The Tata Curve EV is expected to produce 200-250 bhp, offering excellent acceleration and an engaging driving experience. The EV will be able to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in just under 7 seconds.
3. Features and Technology
The Curve EV is packed with cutting-edge features and technology aimed at enhancing the overall driving experience. Some standout features include:
Infotainment System: A large 10-12 inch touchscreen infotainment system with support for Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Tata’s connected car features.
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aniselectriccars · 6 days
2024 Mini Electric Car Price in the Philippines: Exploring Affordable EVs
The Philippines is rapidly embracing electric vehicles (EVs) as the country moves toward more sustainable transportation options. Among the growing variety of EVs available, mini electric cars are becoming increasingly popular due to their affordability, compact size, and environmental benefits. In 2024, the demand for mini electric cars is expected to rise, thanks to both urban commuters and eco-conscious drivers looking for efficient alternatives. This article explores the price ranges and key details of some of the most anticipated mini electric cars for 2024, including the Geely Panda, Leapmotor T03, Baojun Yep and BYD Seagull.
Geely Panda: Affordable Yet Feature-Packed
The Geely Panda is making waves as an entry-level mini electric car, designed for city driving with style and functionality. Known for its adorable design and practical features, the Panda has been well-received in markets like China, and it is expected to be competitively priced when it arrives in the Philippines.
Price in the Philippines: The Geely Panda is projected to be priced between ₱750,000 to ₱845,000 depending on the variant. This makes it one of the most affordable options in the mini-EV segment.
Key Features:
Range: 150-200 km on a full charge
Battery Capacity: 30 kWh
Top Speed: 100 km/h
Tech & Safety: Touchscreen infotainment, reverse camera, and basic safety features like ABS
Leapmotor T03: Small Size, Big Potential
The Leapmotor T03 is another mini electric vehicle poised to make an impact in 2024. With its sleek, modern design and advanced technology, the T03 aims to cater to those looking for a stylish and high-performing compact EV. It stands out with features often seen in more expensive cars, such as driver assistance systems and an AI-powered infotainment system.
Price in the Philippines: The estimated price for the Leapmotor T03 is around ₱850,000 to ₱950,000, offering a higher-end option in the mini electric car market.
Key Features:
Range: 250-300 km per charge
Battery Capacity: 40 kWh
Top Speed: 120 km/h
Tech & Safety: AI integration, adaptive cruise control, autonomous emergency braking
Baojun Yep: The Compact SUV Experience
If you’re looking for something that combines the compact size of a mini car with the ruggedness of an SUV, the Baojun Yep might be the right choice. Known for its quirky, boxy design and off-road capabilities, the Baojun Yep is a unique option for drivers in the Philippines who want something different.
Price in the Philippines: With its rugged features, the Baojun Yep is expected to be priced between ₱900,000 to ₱1,290,000, making it a bit more expensive than other mini electric cars, but still within reach for many Filipino buyers.
Key Features:
Range: 150-200 km on a single charge
Battery Capacity: 35 kWh
Top Speed: 110 km/h
Tech & Safety: All-terrain tires, touchscreen display, driver assist technology
BYD Seagull: Tech-Savvy and Practical
BYD is no stranger to the electric vehicle market, and the BYD Seagull is its latest offering in the mini EV segment. Known for its advanced battery technology and innovative design, the Seagull offers a futuristic driving experience for urban commuters. It boasts a compact form while still delivering impressive range and safety features, making it ideal for everyday use in bustling cities like Manila.
Price in the Philippines: The BYD Seagull is projected to have a price range of ₱750,000 to ₱1,190,000, balancing affordability with advanced technology.
Key Features:
Range: 250-300 km per charge
Battery Capacity: 40 kWh
Top Speed: 115 km/h
Tech & Safety: High-tech battery management system, regenerative braking, lane-keeping assist
Why Choose a Mini Electric Car?
Mini electric cars are designed for efficiency, making them perfect for city dwellers in the Philippines who often face heavy traffic and limited parking. These cars are not only affordable but also significantly reduce your carbon footprint. With gasoline prices fluctuating and environmental concerns rising, electric cars offer long-term savings and sustainable solutions. Additionally, government incentives for EVs in the Philippines may lower the initial purchase cost, making it even easier for consumers to make the switch to electric.
In 2024, the mini electric car market in the Philippines is expected to expand rapidly with models like the Geely Panda, Leapmotor T03, Baojun Yep, and BYD Seagull offering a range of prices and features. These vehicles provide excellent options for eco-friendly driving, catering to different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re looking for an affordable and practical city car or something with a bit more flair and technology, there’s a mini electric car for you.
2024 Mini Electric Car Price List in Philippines - Discover the future of urban mobility with Anis Electric Car! We're offering affordable, eco-friendly mini electric cars in the Philippines, perfect for city driving. Enjoy lower fuel costs, zero emissions, and a sleek design tailored for your lifestyle. Drive smart, drive green with Anis Electric Car—your gateway to sustainable transportation. Now available nationwide!
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diariomacho · 6 days
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votivecandleholder · 16 days
¿Novedoso Renault Rafale híbrido español de 300 caballos y etiqueta CERO: ¿A qué precio?
New Post has been published on https://testercar.com/novedoso-renault-rafale-hibrido-espanol-de-300-caballos-y-etiqueta-cero-a-que-precio
¿Novedoso Renault Rafale híbrido español de 300 caballos y etiqueta CERO: ¿A qué precio?
El Renault Rafalle híbrido enchufable ya⁢ tiene precio en España: ‌4×4 de ‍300 CV y etiqueta CERO‍ fabricado⁢ localmente‍ por 52.100€, con opción a versión Atelier Alpine. Descubre⁣ sus detalles y características.
Detalles del Renault Rafalle híbrido enchufable
El ​Renault‍ Rafalle ⁢híbrido (enchufable) está equipado con una motorización híbrida E-Tech⁣ de ‌200 CV, compuesta por​ un motor térmico de ‍150 CV y tres motores eléctricos⁤ que totalizan 136 CV para un rendimiento de 300 CV. La batería de 22 ‌kWh le‍ otorga una autonomía eléctrica de 105 km y ‌una autonomía⁢ combinada de 1.000 km con un consumo bajo de 0,5 litros/100 km.
Acabados y precios disponibles
Los acabados disponibles son el Esprit Alpine y el Atelier Alpine,‌ ambos con​ tracción ⁢4×4. ‍El Atelier ofrece un chasis más deportivo, suspensión adaptativa, cámara‍ predictiva ‌y ‌elementos de diseño exclusivos. Los precios de la gama completa son los siguientes: Esprit Alpine E-Tech ⁤4×4 300 CV por ‍52.100€ ‌y Atelier ⁤Alpine ⁤E-Tech 4×4 300⁢ CV por 57.100€. ⁢Además, se pueden añadir diferentes paquetes⁣ de equipamiento⁤ según las preferencias del cliente.
Reserva una prueba ‌de conducción
Si estás interesado en experimentar la⁤ potencia y ⁤eficiencia del Renault Rafalle híbrido, no dudes en reservar‌ una prueba de conducción ​en tu concesionario más cercano. Descubre la innovación y tecnología de este ⁢SUV 4×4 con prestaciones de alto rendimiento.
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largetechs · 16 days
Volkswagen ID.3 GTX "Fire+Ice" Sürümüyle Elektrikli Performansı Zirvede!
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Volkswagen, ID.3 GTX modelinin özel "FIRE+ICE" sürümünü tanıttı. Bu sürüm, İsviçre'nin Locarno kentinde düzenlenen ID. toplantısında sergilendi. "FIRE+ICE", 1990'ların efsanevi Golf Fire and Ice modeline bir selam niteliği taşıyor ve BOGNER ile işbirliği içinde geliştirildi. BOGNER, lüks spor moda markası olarak, bu projeye özgün malzemeler ve aksesuarlar entegre etti.
Tasarım ve Özellikler ID.3 GTX FIRE+ICE, özel üç katmanlı cam boncuk efektine sahip bir boya ile dikkat çekiyor. Bu özel renk, Electric Violet pearl effect olarak adlandırılıyor ve Golf Mk2 Fire and Ice modelinin dış boyasının modern bir yorumu olarak tasarlandı. Araç, 240 kW (326 PS) gücünde ve 545 Nm tork üreten en güçlü Volkswagen elektrik motorunu kullanıyor. 0'dan 100 km/s hıza sadece 5.7 saniyede ulaşabiliyor ve maksimum hızı 200 km/s ile sınırlı. Performans ve Batarya FIRE+ICE versiyonu, 79 kWh kapasiteli bir lityum iyon batarya ile donatılmış durumda. Bu batarya, DC hızlı şarj istasyonlarında 185 kW'a kadar şarj edilebiliyor. 10'dan 80'e kadar şarj süresi yaklaşık 26 dakika sürüyor ve WLTP standartlarına göre toplam menzil 601 km'ye kadar çıkabiliyor. Tarihsel Bağlantı Volkswagen, 1990 yılında Golf Mk2 için "Fire and Ice" özel modelini tanıtmıştı. O dönemdeki model, güçlü motoru ve dikkat çekici tasarımı ile büyük bir başarı yakalamış ve 16,700 adet satılmıştı. ID.3 GTX FIRE+ICE, bu ikonik tasarımın modern bir yorumunu sunarak geçmişe bir yolculuk yapıyor. Neden "Fire+Ice"? Volkswagen, bu özel sürüm için "Fire+Ice" adını seçmesinin nedenini, aracın hem güçlü performansını hem de şık tasarımını bir araya getirmesi olarak açıklıyor. Ateş, aracın coşkulu ve dinamik karakterini, buz ise şık ve sofistike tasarımını temsil ediyor. Sonuç Volkswagen ID.3 GTX "Fire+Ice" sürümü, elektrikli otomobil pazarına yeni bir soluk getiriyor. Hem performans tutkunlarını hem de şık tasarıma önem verenleri memnun edecek bu özel sürüm, elektrikli otomobillerin geleceği hakkında önemli ipuçları veriyor. Read the full article
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f1mike28 · 6 days
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Affalterbach. With a system output of 620kW (843hp) and a maximum system torque of more than 1400 Nm, the Mercedes-AMG GT 63S E PERFORMANCE (fuel consumption weighted, combined: 7.9 l/100 km; weighted, combined CO2 emissions: 180 g/km; power consumption weighted, combined: 12.0 kWh/100 km)[1] is a new milestone in the company’s history.
The four-door coupé is the first performance hybrid and at the same time the most powerful series-production model of the brand from Affalterbach to date. The combination of 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine and electric motor ensures superior driving performance and outstanding driving dynamics with impressive efficiency at the same time.
Mercedes-AMG is forging its own technical path to transport its hallmark brand DNA into an electrified future. To achieve this, the Affalterbach-based company uses, for example, technologies from Formula 1 in its E PERFORMANCE Hybrid strategy. The concept includes an independent drive layout with an electric motor and battery on the rear axle.
In the AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE, the system consists of a 4.0‑litre V8 biturbo engine with a permanently excited synchronous electric motor, a high-performance battery developed by AMG and the fully variable AMG Performance 4MATIC+ all-wheel drive system.
The system power of 620kW (843hp) and the maximum system torque of more than 1400Nm enable acceleration from a standstill to 100km/h in just 2.9 seconds. After less than ten seconds, 200 km/h are reached. Acceleration only ends at 316km/h.
Mercedes-AMG One man, one engine Handcrafted by Michael Kübler @f1mike28 in Germany Affalterbach.
Driving Performance is my Passion! Mercedes-AMG the Performance and Sports Car Brand from Mercedes-Benz and Exclusive Partner for Pagani Automobili. Mercedes-AMG Handcrafted by Racers.
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e-carlease · 7 months
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Tourer Pro - this has a usable battery of 77 kWh which offers 210kW (282hp), top speeds of 112 mph and 0-62 times of 6.5 seconds. Real-world ranges suggest a combined 240 miles in colder weather with warmer temperatures to allow for 330 miles (on a full charge). The 11kW AC allows for 0-100% charging times of 8 hour and 15 minutes with the 175 kW DC enabling 10-80% in 28 minutes. The ID.7 has no Bidirectional charging. It has a 150 mpg equivalent, 605L cargo volume and offers towing capacities of 750kg (unbraked) and 1200kg (braked); and
Tourer Pro S - this has a usable battery of 86 kWh which offers 210kW (282hp), top speeds of 112 mph and 0-62 times of 7.0 seconds. Real-world ranges suggest a combined 260 miles in colder weather with warmer temperatures to allow for 360 miles (on a full charge). The 11kW AC allows for 0-100% charging times of 9 hour and 15 minutes with the 200 kW DC enabling 10-80% in 27 minutes. The ID.7 has no Bidirectional charging. It has a 146 mpg equivalent, 605L cargo volume and offers towing capacities of 750kg (unbraked) and 1200kg (braked).
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novumtimes · 17 days
Smart #5 all-electric SUV will start pre-sale on September 20
On September 7, Smart confirmed that its Smart #5 five-seater SUV will start pre-sale on September 20, offering four powertrain configurations: – Advertisement – 250 kW (335 hp) electric motor, lithium iron phosphate battery, 2250 kg curb weight, 200 km/h top speed 267 kW (358 hp) electric motor, ternary lithium battery, 2290/2325kg curb weight, 200 km/h top speed 165 kW (221 hp) and 267 kW dual electric motors, ternary lithium battery, 2400 kg curb weight, 200 km/h top speed 165 kW and 310 kW (416 hp) dual electric motors, ternary lithium battery, 2450 kg curb weight, 210 km/h top speed The official battery pack capacities have not been revealed at this time, only the maximum capacity of 100 kWh has been announced. Depending on the configurations, the cruising range is expected to be 570 km, 660 km, 670 km, 720 km, and 740 km (assuming under CLTC conditions). The Smart #5 will be also the first mass-produced vehicle to be equipped with ByteDance’s “Doubao” (or “Bean Bag” as the literal translation) AI large language model. The official attributes the car’s Boxy square shape to the “Sensibility and Sharpness” design concept, giving the car a drag coefficient of 0.27Cd. – Advertisement – Standard Edition Jungle Land Edition The Smart #5 measures 4705/1920/1705 mm, with a 2900 mm wheelbase. The car’s 800 V high-voltage platform and 4C fast-charging technology can replenish the battery from 10% to 80% in 15 minutes, according to the brand. Eight driving modes are supported, including Eco, Comfort, Sport, and five all-terrain driving modes: sand, snow, mud, rock, and adaptive. The maximum wading depth is 500 mm. For the exterior, the “Cyber ​​Light and Shadow” through-type headlights are composed of 328 LED units while the through-type taillights are composed of 252 LED units. – Advertisement – The roof spotlight contains 64 LED units, which can achieve a maximum illumination distance of 47 m. In terms of safety, the Smart #5 comes with the smart Pilot Assist 3.0 intelligent driving system. The cockpit features a 25.6-inch AR HUD, a 10.3-inch LCD instrument panel, a 13-inch OLED 2.5K central control dual screen, a flat-bottom steering wheel, and a built-in smart OS 2.0 car system. The seat type is zero-gravity and comes with 8-point massaging and leg rest. Additionally, there are 34 storage spaces throughout the interior, including coat hooks, cup holders, and map pockets. The front trunk has a 72 L storage volume, which can fit a 20-inch suitcase while the trunk has a 110 L of hidden storage space. Furthermore, the Smart #5 will also be the brand’s first model to be equipped with the Sennheiser audio system, which includes 20 speakers and a portable HiFi speaker, which has a volume of 3.2 L and a 0.042 kW lithium battery pack. Source: DongCheDi, ITHome, d1ev Source link via The Novum Times
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