#200–300 kWh
leeb57555 · 8 months
Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends
The rapid adoption of EVs over the coming decades will cause the accessibility of terawatt-hours of batteries which no longer match the requirements for use in an EV. To put this into perspective, countries like the U.S. consume several such terawatts of energy storage systems over the course of an entire year. Therefore, this is a significant amount of available energy storage.
Finding uses for these still functional batteries can add value significantly and ultimately help drive down storage costs to enable more integration of renewable energy into our grids.
Battery life for EVs is challenging. Lithium-ion batteries in EV usage deteriorate significantly within the first five years of operation and are often designed for a decade of usable life despite being exposed to severe operating temperatures, dozens of partial cycles annually, and fluctuating discharge rates.
Get More Insights: Second Life Electric Vehicle Battery Market Revenue Estimation and Growth Forecast Report
For instance, the EU aims to cut total CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 levels by 2020 as part of the Europe 2020 plan. The U.S. has set a goal to cut its emission level from 2005 to 2025 by 26-28%. Due to all of these pollution standards, conventional cars are giving way to electric cars.
The numerous advantages of second-life EV batteries for the environment include the following:
• Decrease in mining and a rise in resource preservation to stop future mineral depletion and avoid emission- and energy-intensive processing of raw materials
• Decrease in environmental waste
• The practice of reusing materials after recycling
Additionally, prolonging battery life results in a smaller carbon impact and more renewable energy being used on the grid. Additionally, it lowers the cost of electric cars by converting the expense of waste disposal into residual value, accelerating the transition to renewable energy and starting a positive feedback loop for carbon reduction.
In comparison to the lifespan of the actual car, the batteries used for electric vehicles must be changed every four and five years. Additionally, the older battery still has between 60 and 80 per cent of its initial capacity after replacement, making it usable for a number of additional uses. In the upcoming years, this presents a significant growth opportunity for second-life batteries.
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e-carlease · 8 months
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However, to keep this price competitive with the other comparable options - the MG4 (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/mg-motor-uk/mg4), Cupra Born (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/cupra/born), VW ID3 and Mini Electric (https://www.electriccarlease.co.uk/electric-car-leasing/mini/hatchback)  - the group have confirmed a more affordable £31,000 model to be made available. For leasing, our purchasing customers, this makes monthly obligations of sub £300 far more possible, which is necessary to meet the value of the other great EV hatchbacks. The smaller battery will meet the Pro+ specification in the other battery, which means the panoramic roof, parking sensors, parking camera, climate control, adaptive cruise control and other features are likely to be included! Where EVs, particularly in the hatchback segment, are making inroads is with the level of specification and equipment offered. Many offer well in excess of what we are accustomed to with our combustion models
But how does the new smaller battery Smart #1 perform? This RWD hatch will have a 47 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 6.7 seconds, 112 mph top speeds and 200 kW (or 268hp). Expect a combined winter range of 135 miles with warmer weather allowing for 180 miles. On charging, the 7.4 kW AC max will allow 7 hour and 30 minute  0 – 100% charging times with the 130 kW DC maximum allowing 32 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 323L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 138 mpg. This EV will have no Bidirectional charging. And the car will not be able to tow.
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pacosemnoticias · 1 day
Alargamento do consumo de eletricidade com IVA a 6% aprovado pelo parlamento
O projeto do PS que alarga o âmbito de aplicação da taxa reduzida de 6% do IVA da eletricidade foi aprovado em votação final global com o voto contra do PSD e CDS-PP e a abstenção do Chega.
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A medida, com data de entrada em vigor em janeiro de 2025, duplica a parcela de consumo mensal de eletricidade sujeita à taxa reduzida do IVA e, segundo dados do PS, vai beneficiar 3,4 milhões de famílias.
Ficam sujeitos à taxa reduzida do IVA os consumos domésticos de eletricidade (para potência contratada que não ultrapasse 6,90 kVA) até aos 200 kWh por período de 30 dias. Para as famílias numerosas (com três ou mais dependentes), o consumo abrangido aumenta até aos 300 kWh por período de 30 dias.
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votivecandleholder · 30 days
Renault Rafale: Crossover híbrido por solo 43.100 euros
New Post has been published on https://testercar.com/renault-rafale-crossover-hibrido-por-solo-43-100-euros
Renault Rafale: Crossover híbrido por solo 43.100 euros
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Renault lanza al mercado el nuevo Rafale, un crossover híbrido de ‌gama ⁤alta fabricado en Palencia junto con ‍los modelos Renault Austral y Espace. Se presenta en dos versiones: la híbrida convencional de ‍200 CV y la ‌híbrida enchufable​ de 300 CV y tracción integral. El Rafale busca posicionarse en el segmento D con un diseño atractivo y una mecánica híbrida,‌ con un ‍precio de partida de 43.100 euros.
El Renault Rafale: Diseño y Características
El Renault Rafale es un⁢ crossover cupé, con una parrilla distintiva, faros de nuevo diseño y un capó plano que le otorgan un aspecto elegante. Destaca por su perfil dinámico con un​ techo inclinado ‍y un estilo fastback característico de ​los crossover ‌cupé.⁤ En ​la parte​ trasera, presenta una forma recortada ​con una luneta inclinada y ⁤pilotos afilados, con detalles que realzan su aspecto SUV.
El Interior del Renault​ Rafale
El habitáculo del Renault‌ Rafale es similar al ⁢de sus hermanos ‍de gama, ‌el‌ Austral y el Espace, con⁣ un diseño funcional ​y moderno. Destaca​ por la incorporación de ​pantallas digitales de‌ gran tamaño y ​un head-up display opcional. Sin‌ embargo, para destacar en el segmento D, Renault debería​ diferenciar más ⁣el interior del‌ Rafale de los ⁢otros modelos. Las variaciones se centran en los elementos decorativos y los ‍materiales utilizados, como el corcho​ y la ‍pizarra, así ​como ⁢en los⁣ asientos ​deportivos ‌envolventes de la versión Esprit Alpine.
El Renault ​Rafale es una propuesta atractiva‌ en el segmento de los crossover híbridos de gama alta, con un diseño distintivo y ‌una ‌mecánica eficiente. Con dos versiones⁣ disponibles y un ⁢precio competitivo, se perfila como una ⁢opción⁢ interesante‌ para aquellos que buscan un vehículo espacioso y⁤ sofisticado.El Renault⁣ Rafale presenta nuevas‌ características destacadas en su⁤ interior y‌ sistema‌ híbrido. Destaca por su techo panorámico de cristal ‍Solarbay y su tapicería de material reciclado. ​Además, cuenta con un eficiente sistema híbrido de 200 CV⁢ que combina un‌ motor​ de gasolina turboalimentado con dos motores eléctricos, ofreciendo una potencia adecuada para su segmento.
Interior⁣ innovador
El Renault ⁣Rafale sorprende ‌con ⁢su techo panorámico de cristal Solarbay, que permite oscurecer⁢ o aclarar diferentes segmentos del ​techo según se desee. Gracias⁤ a esto,⁢ se ⁣logra ⁣un ambiente luminoso y amplio en el habitáculo. Además, la tapicería de Alcantara incluye material reciclado y detalles como costuras en los colores de la bandera francesa. Por otro lado, el sistema R-Link ⁢incorpora servicios de Google y ​asistente virtual,​ ofreciendo una experiencia de ⁣conectividad y entretenimiento de⁣ última generación.
Espacio ⁤interior ‍y maletero
A pesar ⁣de su línea crossover, el Renault Rafale ofrece un generoso espacio interior, con suficiente altura y amplitud ⁢en las plazas traseras. Destaca el⁢ reposabrazos central con puertos‌ USB y soportes⁢ para dispositivos móviles, lo⁣ que añade comodidad para ​los ocupantes. En cuanto al maletero, ⁣cuenta ⁢con una ‍capacidad de⁤ 627 litros, ampliables⁤ al abatir el respaldo trasero en diferentes ⁢secciones. El portón con apertura eléctrica​ facilita el acceso al maletero y⁢ su ​manejo.
Sistema híbrido eficiente
El Renault Rafale incorpora un sistema híbrido de 200 CV⁤ que combina​ un motor de gasolina turboalimentado con dos motores eléctricos. Esta configuración proporciona una potencia adecuada para un ⁤coche ‍de su segmento, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo en diferentes ​situaciones de conducción. ⁤La batería ⁢de 2 kWh se recarga de forma eficaz, garantizando una disponibilidad constante de​ potencia. Además, el sistema ⁣ofrece diferentes‌ modos‌ de recuperación de⁢ energía, controlables mediante levas detrás del volante, lo que⁤ permite una conducción personalizada y eficiente en distintos entornos viales.El Renault Rafale ​es un crossover ⁤con un ‍comportamiento dinámico ‍superior‍ a sus homólogos.​ Su ⁤caja de cambios⁢ automática es suave en autopista y ‌ciudad, aunque lenta‍ en conducción⁢ deportiva. Destaca por su ​sistema de ruedas traseras direccionales 4Control y una suspensión ​mejorada. A pesar de ser más ágil ⁤que un Espace,⁣ no es un⁣ coche deportivo debido a⁤ su centro de‌ gravedad alto. Con un peso de 1.660 ​kilos, el Rafale ofrece un consumo homologado de 4,7 litros, con una autonomía ‌teórica ⁢de​ casi 1.200 kilómetros. ⁢En cuanto al equipamiento, este vehículo puede contar con hasta ‍32 ayudas ⁢a la conducción, incluyendo el aviso de superación de velocidad. Además, dispone de una completa consola ‍escondida en el apoyabrazos⁢ para ​mayor comodidad ‌de⁤ los ocupantes ⁤traseros. [Por Mateo Gómez]El Renault Rafale está equipado​ con faros activos matriciales, asistente de conducción con​ mantenimiento ⁤de⁣ carril,​ control de crucero activo, cámara ​de visión 360, frenada de emergencia marcha adelante y ⁢marcha⁤ atrás, ángulo ​muerto, detector de fatiga y aparcamiento manos⁢ libres. ⁤Se encuentra disponible en dos versiones: Techno⁣ desde 43.100 euros y⁣ Esprit Alpine desde ​47.600 euros.
Características Destacadas
Del Rafale se ⁣destaca su enfoque deportivo en comparación‍ con otros SUV, su‍ eficiencia‌ en ​consumo, comodidad de marcha, y la​ conservación de habitabilidad y capacidad de maletero a pesar de su diseño crossover. Sin embargo, la similitud con modelos como Austral o​ Espace resulta‌ sorprendente.
Similitud con Otros Modelos
A pesar de compartir plataforma, línea de producción y ser parte de la ⁢misma‌ familia, el ⁤Rafale difiere al‌ posicionarse como el buque insignia del segmento D, ​en contraste con el SUV⁣ de segmento⁢ C como el Austral. La diferenciación real vendrá ⁣con ‍la incorporación exclusiva de un híbrido enchufable de ⁢300 CV.
Futuro Híbrido Enchufable
El lanzamiento⁣ del híbrido⁣ enchufable⁢ de 300 CV ofrecerá una mecánica⁣ exclusiva para el​ Rafale, elevando su posición en el mercado y reflejándose en un precio más alto. Esta versión será clave para marcar ‍una verdadera distinción con sus modelos hermanos.
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teknolojihaber · 3 months
Xiaomi, SU7'yie yalnızca 27 dakikada 50 bin ön sipariş geldi
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Dün Xiaomi'nin ilk elektrikli otomobili SU7'nin Çin'de satışları başladı . Yeni ürünün fiyatları 215.900 yuan'dan (29.900 $) başlıyor ve bu, Çin'de 245.900 yuan'a (34.000 $) satılan Tesla Model 3'ün temel versiyonundan belirgin şekilde daha ucuz. Car News China'nın haberine göre Xiaomi, satışların başlamasından sonraki ilk 27 dakika içinde elektrikli otomobili için 50.000 sipariş aldığını bildirdi. Satışların başlamasından dört dakika sonra üretici 10 bin sipariş aldı. Yedi dakika sonra sipariş sayısı 20 bini, 27 dakika sonra ise 50 bini aştı. Xiaomi, Pekin'de SU7'nin farklı pil kapasitelerine sahip üç versiyonunu sunduğu bir tanıtım düzenledi. Şirketin genel müdürü Lei Jun, sahnede yaklaşık iki saat boyunca yeni otomobil ve özellikleri hakkında konuştu. Sunumun WeChat üzerinden canlı yayınını 2 milyondan fazla kişi izledi. Etkinliğe üç Çinli elektrikli araç üreticisi Nio, Xpeng ve Li Auto'nun CEO'ları ve kurucuları katıldı. Alıcılar, Xiaomi SU7 elektrikli otomobilini Standart, Pro veya Max donanım seviyelerinde satın alabilirlecekler. Pil kapasitesi, ve ADAS sürücü destek sisteminin kullanılabilirliği açısından farklılık gösterirler. İlk iki versiyon arkadan çekişlidir. Full versiyon, iki elektrik motorlu SU7 Max konfigürasyonunda mevcuttur. Xiaomi'nin ilk elektrikli otomobilinin üç versiyonunun da temel özellikleri aşağıdaki gibidir. Xiaomi SU7 Standart: Maksimum menzil - CLTC yöntemine göre 700 km; Akü kapasitesi - 73,6 kWh (LFP tipi, BYD tarafından üretilmiştir); Mimari - 400 V (486 V); 350 km'lik güç  15 dakikalık şarjla dolabiliyor; arkadan çekişli, güç - 220 kW (295 hp), tork - 400 N∙m, tek motor; Sürücü destek sistemi - Xiaomi Pilot Pro ADAS; Fiyat – 215.900 yuan (29.900 $). Xiaomi SU7Pro: Menzil - CLTC yöntemine göre 830 km; Akü kapasitesi - 94,3 kWh (CATL Shenxing, LFP tipi ); Mimari - 400 V (486 V); 350 km'lik güç 15 dakikalık şarjla dolabiliyor; Arkadan çekişli, güç - 220 kW (295 hp), tork - 400 N∙m, tek motor; Fiyat – 245.900 yuan (34.000 $). Xiaomi SU7 Maksimum: Menzil- CLTC yöntemine göre 800 km; Akü kapasitesi - 101 kWh (CATL Qilin, NMC tipi ); Mimari - 800 V (871 V); Dört tekerlekten çekiş, güç - 495 kW (663 hp), çift motorlu; 0'dan 100 km/saat hıza 2,78 saniyede ulaşıyor, azami hız - 265 km/saat; Fiyat – 299.900 yuan (41.500 $). Karşılaştırma için Tesla Model 3'ün temel versiyonu 245.900 yuan (34.000 $) fiyatla sunuluyor ve bu da 4.100 $ daha pahalı. 606 km menzile sahip olan araç, 60 kWh CATL akülerle, arkadan çekişli ve 194 kW (260 hp) gücünde bir elektrik motoruyla donatılmıştır. Xiaomi SU7'nin uzunluğu, genişliği ve yüksekliği 4997, 1963 ve 1445 mm, dingil mesafesi ise 3000 mm'dir. Tesla Model 3 sırasıyla 4720, 1848, 1442 ve 2875 mm'ye sahiptir. Çin'de Xiaomi SU7, Tesla Model 3'ün yanı sıra 200 ila 300 bin fiyat aralığında BYD Seal, BYD Han, Deepal SL03, Xpeng P7i, Nio ET5 ve bir düzine diğer elektrikli araç gibi modellerle rekabet etmek zorunda kalacak yuan. Read the full article
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evaskaenergy8 · 4 months
How to Calculate the Roof Top Area Required to Install Solar Panels
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With an abundance of sunny days, India has become a major participant in the worldwide solar energy market. India is in the top five countries in the world, right up there with well-established leaders like China, Germany, and the US, with a solar capacity of more than 10 GW.  Every Indian state is assiduously pursuing its solar goals as it embarks on its path to harvest solar electricity. And in the middle of this development, Evaska Energy has made a noble move. All of the pertinent information on solar policy has been collected and arranged into one convenient platform. Evaska Energy is dedicated to more than just disseminating knowledge, though. Their goal is to enable people and companies by providing an in-depth analysis of state-specific laws. Evaska Energy can help you understand net metering and other regulatory nuances. Our Rooftop Solar Gurgaon regulations section carefully classifies them according to the type of user, ensuring a customised approach to meet the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients.
We have exceeded regulatory requirements by going above and beyond. At Evaska Energy, we recognise the value of arming you with the knowledge you need to make well-informed choices about adopting solar power. Along with information on loans, custom duty exemptions, accelerated depreciation, and incentives, we have put together a comprehensive list of funding choices that are accessible in each state. Our aim is to make the switch to solar energy as easy and smooth as possible for you. We really think that giving people the information they need to make decisions that will benefit the environment and contribute to a sustainable future is important. Come learn about India's solar potential with us at Evaska Energy and acquire a comprehensive grasp of finance and policy choices.
What Is The Cost Of A Rooftop Solar Panel For An Ideal House?
Are you considering adding a sun electricity venture on your rooftop but are not sure how much area you may need? Don't worry in any respect! You've arrived at the appropriate place. This post will offer you a clean, easy-to-comply tutorial on figuring out how much rooftop area is required to put in solar panels for a residential sun venture that is ready to go. You should examine your preceding 12 months's strength bills to ascertain the vital amount of solar panels. Look for a column showing the monthly Electricity Units (kWh) utilised. Once you've got the preceding one year' really worth of records, in reality, follow these three steps:
Determine the Average Monthly Electricity Consumption:
By including all the gadgets fed on every month and dividing the result by twelve. This will offer you your property's average month-to-month power use (in units in keeping with month).
Calculate the Solar Project's Total Size:
Divide the monthly total power generated by a 1 kW sun system by way of the average month-to-month energy use (measured in devices). This will provide you with the solar task's overall size (in kW).
Determine How Many Solar Panels Are Needed in Total:
Divide the total size of one sun panel by using the entire length of the sun mission (measured in kW), which becomes acquired inside the preceding level. You will then realize how many solar panels in general are wished.
It is noteworthy that a single solar panel normally has a total size of 330 Watts or 0.33 kW. Remember that one kW is equivalent to one thousand Watts. Let's use an example to demonstrate this calculation:
Assume the monthly use shown below is what your home's electricity bills for the past 12 months indicate:
[in Units] 210, 300, 400, 500, 500, 600, 400, 300, 200, 200, 210
You may now calculate the necessary rooftop area for your Solar Power Project by following the previously outlined methods.
Consequently, 4320 units is the total amount of power used in a year, which is the total of all monthly units utilised. A 1 kW solar system in India produces 120 units in a 30-day month. The size of each solar panel is 330 watts or 0.33 kW.  We will utilise a three-step process to calculate the total quantity of solar panels required to power Your home. The average month-to-month energy usage, or 360 gadgets (4320 divided by 12), is first decided. Next, we calculate the sun venture's usual length, which comes out to three kW, or 3000 watts (360 divided by way of 120). In the give-up, we calculate the total number of sun panels wished, which comes out to be approximately nine panels (3000 / 330).
In conclusion, Your house would require a 3 kW sun plant along with 9 sun panels, each with a capacity of 330 watts. Now, allow's find out the overall rooftop location needed to deploy those solar panels. Each sun panel with a capability of 330 watts has a general surface place of approximately 20.86 sq. Feet. To calculate the total rooftop location, virtually multiply the floor vicinity of one panel via the wide variety of panels required for your own home. In Your's case, the whole rooftop vicinity wished is 187.74 sq. Feet. (20.86 sq. Toes. Increased via nine panels).
Please be aware that this calculation assumes the panels are installed returned to returned and aspect by aspect. However, in practical installation, there should be space left between rows and columns of solar panels for easy cleaning and maintenance access. As a rule of thumb, you can install 1 kW of solar panels in 100 sq. ft. of shadow-free area on an RCC roof. Therefore, for a 3 kW solar plant, the required area would be 300 sq. ft. Now that you understand the calculation for the estimated area required, you can proceed with your new rooftop solar project accordingly.
Evaska Energy: A Perfect Budget-Friendly Option
Evaska Energy is your reliable resource for information on solar panel technology in India. Being a well-known producer of solar equipment, we place a high value on renewable energy and client satisfaction. We provide the expertise and solutions to assist you in becoming energy-independent and lowering your carbon impact, whether you're a business or a homeowner. Discover the splendour of Gurgaon's inexpensive commercial solar panels from Evaska Energy, providing affordable brackets of roof solar panels cost. By using solar energy, you may fight urban pollution and promote a cleaner environment by removing damaging carbon dioxide emissions. Adopt this eco-friendly strategy to cut carbon emissions and open the door to a more sustainable future.
Evaska Energy is at the forefront of rooftop solar solutions in Delhi. Since we are aware of each resident's particular needs and preferences, we provide Gurgaon with premium installations at affordable costs. As a reputable rooftop solar company in the Delhi NCR area, we are experts at creating unique solar solutions that precisely suit each client's requirements. Give Evaska Energy a call to help you find your way to a more environmentally and energy-conscious future.
Source URL: https://www.evaskaenergy.com/blog/how-to-calculate-the-roof-top-area-required-to-install-solar-panels
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susannatipsandtricks · 4 months
What is the #1 Electric Car in 2024?
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What is the #1 Electric Car in 2024 ?
What is the Top-Ranked Electric Vehicle This Year?
The electric vehicle (EV) market has expanded rapidly in recent years. As more automakers roll out exciting new EVs with must-have features, range and performance, it can be challenging for consumers to identify the cream of the crop. Factors like driving range, acceleration, price, availability of tax credits, and expert review scores distinguish the very best electric cars. This article will examine the EV marketplace in 2024 to determine the #1 electric car across a variety of categories. We'll explore longest range, fastest acceleration, most affordable, and highest rated by critics to highlight those that rise above the fierce competition. Understanding what's available today and which new models are on the horizon can simplify the transition to an electric future.
Highest Rated Electric Cars Based on Range
Range anxiety persists as a top consideration for potential EV buyers in 2024. While charging infrastructure continues expanding nationwide, motorists still prefer electric vehicles capable of traveling farther between charging sessions. We'll spotlight the longest-range EVs available this year. Longest Range EV Models - Lucid Air Dream Edition Range - Official EPA range of 520 miles from a 118 kWh battery pack. High density battery technology and aerodynamic design optimization. DC fast charging adds up to 300 miles in 20 minutes (Lucid Motors) - Tesla Model S Long Range - 405 miles EPA range from new high capacity 100 kWh battery pack. Access to nationwide Tesla Supercharger DC fast charging network. Up to 200 miles in 15 minutes. (Tesla) - Mercedes EQS 450+ - 350 mile range with 107.8 kWh battery. Rapid charging adds 186 miles in 15 minutes. Luxury features. (Mercedes-Benz) - Ford F-150 Lightning (extended range) - Official EPA estimate 320 miles from 131 kWh "Mega Power Frunk" extended range battery. 150 kW charging adds 54 miles range per 10 minutes. (Ford Several more affordable EVs also boast impressive driving ranges, like the Kia EV6 with 310 miles or 274 mile Chevy Bolt EUV - proving range anxiety can be overcome without breaking the bank.
Electric Cars with Cutting-Edge Performance
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What is the #1 Electric Car in 2024? For driving enthusiasts focused on acceleration and power, electric vehicles unleash impressive performance. The instant torque from electric motors allows some EVs to outpace even the fastest gas-powered supercars. Quickest Accelerating EVs - Tesla Model S Plaid - With updated tri-motor powertrain, the Model S Plaid rockets from 0-60 mph in just 1.99 seconds as vehicle software lowers the time. Peak 1020 hp allows a top speed of 200 mph. (Tesla) - Lucid Air - In independent testing, the quad-motor Lucid Air Dream Edition Range model achieves 0-60 mph in a blistering 2.42 seconds. 1,111 horsepower. (Lucid) - Porsche Taycan Turbo S - Flagship EV sport sedan hits 60 mph in 2.6 seconds thanks to 750 hp and launch control. Top track speed 161 mph. (Porsche) - GMC Hummer EV Pickup - In "Watts to Freedom" launch mode, the Edition 1 pickup accelerates to 60 mph in 3 seconds flat. 1,000 horsepower from 3 motors. (GMC) The raw performance numbers of today's fastest EVs rival traditional sports cars thanks to instantaneous torque. Some models even utilize "cheat codes" through software controls to achieve even quicker times.
Most Affordable Electric Vehicles
While many automakers aim for the luxury EV market, more budget-friendly options exist too. We'll highlight the cheapest electric vehicles available in 2024. Lowest Cost EVs - Chevy Bolt EV - With a starting MSRP of $25,600, the Bolt EV is the least expensive electric car on the market. The EPA estimates 259 miles of range. DC fast charging is standard. (Chevrolet) - Nissan Leaf - Longtime EV nameplate offers the Leaf S model at $27,800 pre-incentives. Range of up to 149 miles per charge. (Nissan) - Mini Cooper SE Electric - Compact 2-door EV hatchback from iconic British brand. Starts at $29,900 plus destination fee. 110 mile range estimate. (Mini USA) - Mazda MX-30 - Stylish subcompact crossover EV with 100 mile battery range. $30,645 starting MSRP. (Mazda USA) - Hyundai Kona - Subcompact electric CUV offers 258 mile range. Available in the SE trim from $34,000. (Hyundai) Lower prices come down to smaller batteries and more limited range compared to premium models. But with available federal tax credits of up to $7,500 from the Inflation Reduction Act, the effective cost drops even more. Leasing can also reduce high upfront prices.
Highest Rated Electric Cars Overall
Now we'll examine expert opinions and critics' reviews to identify the best electric cars available in the 2024 model year. Top Ranked Electric Vehicles - Lucid Air - With up to 520 miles of range, this EV startup's debut model claims MotorTrend 2023 Car of the Year award. Reviewers laud its luxury appointments, game-changing range and hyper-efficiency. (MotorTrend, Car & Driver) - Ford F-150 Lightning - MotorTrend's 2023 Truck of the Year. Segment-busting 563 hp and 775 lb-ft instant torque in the Platinum model. Tow/haul ability of gas-powered F-150. Futuristic Mega Power Frunk. (MotorTrend) - Kia EV6 - Named the 2023 North American Car of the Year with a stunning modern design, fun-to-drive spirit and value. Up to 310 mile range estimate. 800V ultra-fast charging. (North American Car of the Year) - Hyundai Ioniq 5 - Wins 2023 Green Car of the Year for aerodynamic styling, vehicle-to-load power capability, 275+ mile range and 800V charging. Retro-futuristic aesthetic turns heads. (Green Car Journal) Critics praise range, charging speed, tech and value of new crop of EVs on the market in 2024. Reviews indicate Lucid and Ford establish early leadership out of the gates.
2024 Hyundai Ioniq 6:
- Newly introduced by Hyundai as a long-range EV with avant-garde styling, expected launch in early 2024 - Promises driving range of more than 380 miles from a 77.4 kWh battery pack, massively extending range over prior Hyundai EVs - Supports very fast 350 kW charging, with the ability to charge from 10% to 80% in just 15 minutes - Aerodynamic design and weight savings technologies contribute to efficiency. 800V electrical architecture enables speedy charging - Part of Hyundai's major push into EVs by 2025 across sedan, SUV models
2024 BMW i4:
- Sporty electric mid-size sedan offering long range of up to 483 miles based on latest specs - Powered by large lithium-ion 101.7 kWh battery allowing over 480 miles between charges - Can add 180+ miles of range in just 10 minutes using latest 200+ kW DC fast charging - Quickest acceleration (0-60 mph) in just 3.7 seconds in performance eDrive40 model - Cadillac Lyriq unveiled in 2024 offers competitve range (500 miles) using GM Ultium platform
2024 Polestar 2:
- Heavily updated flagship EV from Volvo spinoff Polestar - Max range boosted from 275 miles initially to 470+ miles for dual motor version - Supports faster charging up to 250 kW now, adding 186 miles in just 10 minutes - Google Android infotainment system provides advanced consumer tech integration - Polestar expanding production to meet rising demand for their high-tech EVs
2024 Tesla Model 3:
- Tesla's high-volume sedan receives major update in 2024 with enhanced versions - New battery architectures allow base Model 3 to achieve over 400 miles range - Top-tier performance variant boasts 540 mile range via higher density 4680 battery cells - V3 Supercharging enables new charging peak of over 275 kW, adding hundreds of miles in 15 minutes - Tesla facing more premium EV competition but holds edge in charging network reach
2025 Volkswagen ID.7:
- Flagship electric sedan ID.7 debuting in 2025 continues Volkswagen’s EV transformation - Promises class-leading range of over 385 miles from a 111 kWh battery pack - Supports fast charging at rates up to 350 kW from advanced 800V electrical system - Part of VW Group’s $100B investment in EVs through 2030, across entry-level and luxury models - Aims to competitively take on Mercedes EQE and Tesla Models S/3
2024 Nissan Leaf:
- Longstanding Leaf hatchback gets range extended to over 400 miles for 2024 model year - Still uses Chademo DC fast charging standard enabling speeds of 130 kW (slower than newest EVs) - Early pioneer of mainstream affordable EVs, faces pressure from longer-range competition - Unclear if Nissan can maintain share as faster-charging 400+ mile EVs gain share
Overall Trends:
- Mass adoption tipping point approaching as range and charging pain points get eliminated - 800V electrical architecture becoming mainstream, enabling 350 kW charging - Advances in battery density, materials science behind huge range leaps - Legacy automakers pivoting broader lineups to EVs, sizable investments behind trends - Lingering uncertainties around battery lifespans, replacement costs over time - Charging networks racing to add high-speed charging stations to meet demand
The Future of Electric Vehicles
While impressive electric cars already exist, newcomers and revamped models promise more exciting developments ahead. We'll gaze into the EV crystal ball at some highlights coming beyond 2024. Upcoming Electric Vehicles - Tesla Cyber truck - Tesla's futuristic pickup promises up to 500+ miles of range, adjustable air suspension, 3,500 pound payload capacity and ultra-strong exoskeleton. Production aims to start in 2023. (Tesla) - Fisker PEAR - Ultra-affordable urban EV targeting under $29,900 starting price. Projected 250+ mile range and level 3 autonomous driving features. Manufacturing partnership with Foxconn aims for late 2024 build. (Fisker Inc.) - Cadillac Celestiq - Hand-built flagship sedan hints at future of Cadillac EVs through cutting edge personalized luxury. Shows technical concepts in range, charging and comfort that will trickle down. Ultra-exclusive. (Cadillac) - Tesla $25,000 Car - Elon Musk confirms an affordable EV for $25,000 or less is planned using new cell technologies and manufacturing processes. Would broaden Tesla model range in late 2023 at soonest. (Electrek) Further ahead, analysts speculate 500-1000 mile ranges, vehicle-to-grid integration, augmented reality interfaces, and autonomous driving will go mainstream by the late 2020s or 2030 time period. But forecasting future EV tech requires imagining possibilities we can't yet conceptualize.
Conclusion: Tesla Model S is the #1 Electric Car in 2024
Evaluating the EV landscape, a clear leader emerges delivering elite performance, industry-leading innovation, and most critically - sheer driving pleasure. The newly updated Tesla Model S offers superlative range to crush anxiety, acceleration that defies physics, and a charging ecosystem years ahead of rivals. OTA software updates continuously add bleeding-edge features improving driver safety and enjoyment over time - no dealership required. Tesla's continual technical advancements in batteries, efficiency, powertrains and self-driving make the Model S a software-defined vehicle that gets better throughout ownership. No luxury automaker can yet match this, though upstarts like Lucid are chasing fast. While the Cybertruck and $25k Telsa promise a thrilling road ahead, the freshly revamped Model S offers the pinnacle of EV status today. Until Elon Musk inevitably one-ups himself again, the Model S remains king of the electric car mountain with no true challenger in sight for 2024 and beyond. Other EVs scored top honors for affordability, sustainability credentials and breakthrough mobility. But for pure automotive ambition the refreshed Model S still reigns supreme. Conquering range anxiety, accelerating ferociously, and innovating daily through remote software prove why Tesla retains the silicon valley crown. For those seeking the #1 overall EV in 2024 look no further than the category-defining luxury sedan that started it all - the iconic Tesla Model S. No competitor combines prestige, performance, range, charging sophistication and bombshell styling more holistically. Tesla refuses to relinquish the electric car pole position. Read the full article
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bbangel-com-tr-blog · 5 months
Demirdöküm, Türkiye'nin en köklü ve güvenilir kombi markalarından biridir. Vintomix P 24-28 yoğuşmalı kombi, Demirdöküm'ün en yeni nesil kombilerinden biridir. Bu kombi, yüksek verimliliği, düşük yakıt tüketimi ve uzun ömürlülüğü ile öne çıkmaktadır.
Ürün Özellikleri
Demirdöküm Vintomix P 24-28 yoğuşmalı kombi, 24 kW ve 28 kW olmak üzere iki farklı kapasite seçeneği ile sunulmaktadır. Bu sayede, farklı ihtiyaçlara uygun bir kombi seçmek mümkündür.
Kombi, yüksek verimliliği ile dikkat çekmektedir. %94,2'ye varan verim oranı ile düşük yakıt tüketimi sağlar. Bu da, kullanıcılara önemli bir tasarruf imkanı sunmaktadır.
Demirdöküm Vintomix P 24-28 yoğuşmalı kombi, uzun ömürlülüğü ile de öne çıkmaktadır. Kombi, paslanmaz çelik gövde ve yüksek kaliteli bileşenler ile üretilmiştir. Bu sayede, uzun yıllar sorunsuz bir şekilde kullanılabilir.
Teknik Özellikler
Kapasite: 24 kW ve 28 kW
Verimlilik: %94,2
Isıtma alanı: 24 kW için 200-250 m2, 28 kW için 250-300 m2
Yoğuşma: Var
Baca tipi: Hermetik
Gaz türü: Doğalgaz ve LPG
Enerji sınıfı: A
Ses seviyesi: 45 dB
Demirdöküm Vintomix P 24-28 yoğuşmalı kombi, yüksek verimliliği, düşük yakıt tüketimi ve uzun ömürlülüğü ile öne çıkan bir kombidir. Bu kombi, farklı ihtiyaçlara uygun bir kapasite seçeneği ve elden taksitle ödeme imkanı ile kullanıcılara önemli bir avantaj sunmaktadır.
Cihaz Tipi 
Yakıt Tipi 
Kapasite ve Kapasite Sınıfı  - ErP Uygunluk 
24 kW - 20000 kcal/h - 20000 kcal/h
Maksimum Ses Seviyesi 
53 dB
Mahal Isıtma Verimlilik Sınıfı -  Mahal Isıtma Verimliliği
A - 93 %
Su Isıtma Verimlilik Sınıfı - Su Isıtma Verimliliği 
A - 85 %
Yıllık Elektrik Tüketimi 
43 kWh
Genleşme Tankı Kapasitesi 
8 lt
Kullanım Suyu Debisi 
13.4 l/dk
NOx Sınıfı 
Elektriksel Koruma Sınıfı 
En Düşük ve En Yüksek Petek Isısı
30 °C - 75 °C 
En Düşük ve En Yüksek Su Isısı
35 °C -  55 °C
Yükseklik - Genişlik - Derinlik  
626 - 400 - 270 mm
Diğer elden taksitle kombiler çeşitlerini görmek için tıklayınız. 
Evshop Ürünleri: Mobilyadan Elektroniğe Aradığınız Her Şey
Evshop'ta eviniz için A'dan Z'ye aradığınız tüm ürünleri bulmanız mümkün. Eğer evlilik planları yapıyorsanız ve evinizi döşemek üzereyseniz, Evshop'ta yer alan mobilyalara ve koltuk takımlarına göz atabilir, en popüler beyaz eşya markalarının beyaz eşyalarını ve ankastre setlerini inceleyebilirsiniz. Çalışma masasından genç ve bebek odalarına, köşe koltuk takımlarından televizyon ünitelerine, yemek odalarından kitaplıklara bir evin tüm mobilya demirbaşlarını Evshop mağazalarında ve online alışveriş sitesinde bulmak mümkün. Evshop, geniş bir televizyon yelpazesi de sunarak farklı TV izleme alışkanlıklarına hitap edecek çeşitlilikte bir model ve marka seçeneği sunuyor. 24 inçten 70 inçe uzanan farklı ekran boyutları ve birbirinden güzel televizyon markaları Evshop alışveriş merkezi fırsatları ile ayağınıza geliyor. Evshop alışveriş merkezinde yer alan son model cep telefonu modellerini inceleyebilir, birbirinden sevimli ve kullanışlı züccaciye ürünleri arasından zevkinize uygun seçimler yaparak mutfağınızı ve banyonuzu süsleyebilirsiniz. Bilgisayar, fotoğraf makinesi, bisiklet, oyun konsolu ve ses sistemi gibi ürünler de yine Evshop mağazalarında bulabileceğiniz çeşitler arasında. Tüm bunlara ek olarak Evshop telefon üzerinden ve online web sitesi üzerinden elden taksitle alışveriş yapmanıza imkan sunmakta, peşinatsız ve kredi kartsız ödeme imkanları ile rahat ve bütçe dostu bir alışveriş deneyimi sunmaktadır. Tüm Evshop ürünlerini yakından incelemek ve ihtiyaçlarınızı hemen karşılamak için markanın resmi internet sitesini ziyaret edebilir ya da size en yakın Evshop mağazasını tespit ederek ufak bir gezintiye çıkabilirsiniz. Arayışınız,  senetle telefon, taksitli telefon, elden taksitle telefon veya elden taksit yapan mağazalar arıyorsanız www.evshop.com.tr sitesinde doğru yerdesiniz.
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photos-car · 6 months
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rodadecuia · 9 months
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COX says Tesla have forced competitors to slash EV prices by 20%
Yes, in the car markets of some countries, the prices of electric cars and ICE vehicles in some segments, especially premium and luxury cars, are almost the same, but this does not happen in the affordable car market segment in the Baltic region. "Cheap" EVs offer very mediocre technical parameters (tiny short range vehicles), but those with technical parameters suitable for mass market buyers are still way too expensive, for example ID.3 Pro Performance with 62 kWh battery (WLTP estimated range 392 – 428 km) costs in Latvia right now: - 41 200 EUR (standard price); 39 900 EUR (-1 300 EUR discount); -4 500 EUR (subsidy)= 35 400EUR (You are paying in cash for bare bones.). Compared to standard diesels or petrol engine vehicles of the corresponding compact class, EV is significantly more expensive...
Chinese electric car manufacturers such as MG(SAIC) do not work in our region...! So, the real EV price story is not so simple...
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e-carlease · 3 months
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VW ID.7 Tourer GTX Electric Car Lease
This AWD estate will have an 86 kWh usable battery which will offer 0 – 62 times of 6.0 seconds,112mph top speeds and 250kW (or 335hp). Expect a combined winter range of 250 miles with warmer weather allowing for 340 miles – a 300 mile combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 9 hour and 15 min 0 – 100% charging times with the 200 kW DC maximum allowing 26 minute 10 – 80% times. A cargo volume of 605L is available with this car. It has a vehicle fuel equivalent of 141mpg. You can tow with this EV. It also has no Bidirectional charging facilities. The Heat Pump is available.
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pacosemnoticias · 30 days
Aprovado alargamento do IVA da eletricidade a 6% para 3,4 milhões de famílias
O projeto do PS foi discutido esta manhã no parlamento e, com a sua aprovação, será aplicada em 2025 a taxa de 6% de IVA “aos primeiros 200 kWh de energia elétrica consumida em cada mês, duplicando os atuais 100 kWh”, e, “no caso das famílias numerosas, duplica dos atuais 150 kWh para os 300 KWh mensais”.
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O projeto do PS foi discutido esta manhã no parlamento e, com a sua aprovação, será aplicada em 2025 a taxa de 6% de IVA “aos primeiros 200 kWh de energia elétrica consumida em cada mês, duplicando os atuais 100 kWh”, e, “no caso das famílias numerosas, duplica dos atuais 150 kWh para os 300 KWh mensais”.
Segundo o PS, a abrangência do IVA da eletricidade a 6% passa de 300.000 para mais de três milhões de famílias e a medida terá um custo estimado de cerca de 90 milhões de euros.
Em discussão estiveram também projetos de lei da IL, PAN, BE, PCP, Chega e Livre para redução do IVA da energia, todos rejeitados, tendo sido apenas aprovadas duas resoluções do PAN e Livre, sem força de lei.
No arranque do debate, Alexandra Leitão, do PS, defendeu que o projeto “terá impacto direto no orçamento das pessoas” e que o combate à pobreza energética deve ser uma das prioridades das políticas públicas.
De acordo com a líder parlamentar do PS, esta é uma iniciativa “socialmente justa” e “equilibrada porque é financeiramente responsável”, referindo que as contas estavam no cenário macroeconómico do programa eleitoral do partido.
Alexandra Leitão sublinhou que esta é a última das cinco medidas com as quais o líder do PS se tinha comprometido no arranque da legislatura, referindo que ainda esta semana o alargamento do apoio do alojamento estudantil proposto pelos socialistas foi aprovado na generalidade.
Apesar de ter tido os votos contra dos partidos que suportam o Governo, no dia seguinte o Conselho de Ministros anunciou um apoio ao alojamento para os estudantes deslocados do ensino superior sem bolsa.
“O que fará o Governo quando deixar de ir buscar ideias ao programa do PS”, questionou.
Já do PSD, Hugo Patrício Oliveira acusou o PS de não ter dado resposta à pobreza energética quando estava no Governo e salientou que o PSD apresentou propostas sobre o tema no passado e foram chumbadas pelo PS.
O deputado social-democrata classificou como “simulacro de medidas" em período eleitoral.
“Não utilizemos a pobreza energética como pretexto para que o PS queira legislar a partir da assembleia aquilo que não quis legislar quando era Governo”, defendeu o PSD.
Na resposta, o socialista Carlos Brás apontou a ausência de propostas do PSD sobre esta matéria e questionou se o PSD não trouxe uma proposta por não ter "pensamento sobre a matéria" ou por estar "traumatizado" e com medo que esta não seja aprovada.
Pelo BE, Marisa Matias perguntou ao deputado do PSD se estava também a acusar Rui Rio e Luís Montenegro de terem proposto um “simulacro”, já que, no passado, defenderam esta ideia.
Do Chega, Pedro Pinto questionou sobre um orçamento retificativo que permitiria aplicar este ano as medidas que têm sido aprovadas.
Paula Santos, do PCP, realçou que PSD, PS e CDS-PP têm impedido a redução do IVA da eletricidade, considerando que “dizem uma coisa quando estão na oposição e quando estão no Governo nada dizem”.
Em resposta, o social-democrata Hugo Carneiro estimou que, entre o fim das portagens nas ex-scut, IRS, alojamento estudantil e IVA da eletricidade, os custos rondam os 2.000 milhões de euros, acusando o PS de estar a “condicionar o Orçamento do Estado para 2025”.
Do Livre, Jorge Pinto lembrou que Portugal é o 5.º país da Europa onde as pessoas têm menos condições económicas para manter as casas aquecidas e defendeu a redução transversal do IVA da eletricidade para 6%.
Já Paulo Núncio, do CDS-PP, referiu que a medida traduz-se numa poupança de cerca de um euro na fatura mensal das famílias, não valendo "mais do que um café", enquanto a deputada do PAN, Inês Sousa Real, assinalou que “combater a pobreza energética tem de ser um objetivo transversal a todas as forças políticas no parlamento”.
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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Novo Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé já na Soc. Com. C. Santos
A segunda geração do Mercedes-Benz GLC ganhou um novo membro com a chegada da variante Coupé. Esta nova versão já pode ser observada nas instalações da Sociedade Comercial C. Santos.
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Lançado poucos meses depois da variante SUV (X254), o Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé (C254) tem dimensões que realçam o seu visual dinâmico e musculado. Com um comprimento de 4,763 mm, é 31 mm mais comprido e 5 mm mais alto do que o seu antecessor. A largura do eixo dianteiro foi aumentada em 6 mm (agora com 1,627 mm), enquanto a do eixo traseiro foi aumentada em 23 mm (agora com 1,640 mm). O maior comprimento do veículo beneficia a distância entre eixos e as projeções da dianteira e da traseira. A largura do veículo foi mantida igual à do antecessor em 1,890 mm.
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Com um compartimento de bagageira com uma capacidade ainda superior à do antecessor, o GLC Coupé está preparado para grandes viagens: 545 litros (mais 45 litros do que o modelo antecessor) a 1,490 litros (mais 90 litros) nas versões híbridas parciais e 390 a 1,335 litros nas versões híbridas plug-in.
Apesar das maiores dimensões exteriores, o novo GLC está mais ágil, devido ao eixo traseiro direcional. Com esta tecnologia, que faz parte do equipamento de série, o ângulo de direção no eixo traseiro é de até 4,5 graus. Além disso, há uma relação de direção mais direta no eixo dianteiro.
O novo GLC Coupé está maior e mais musculado, mas também mais eficiente e isso começa logo pelo coeficiente aerodinâmico, que é agora de apenas 0,27 (contra 0,30 do antecessor). Além do ganho em termos de consumos, também o comportamento acústico sai a ganhar.
Mais tecnologia
Nas demais características, o GLC Coupé é igual ao SUV e também tem clara inspiração no novo Classe C no habitáculo, além do exterior. Destaque para o ecrã LCD de alta resolução de 12,3 polegadas em frente ao condutor e para o ecrã central de 11,9 polegadas, assim como o MBUX de última geração, um reconhecido sistema de infoentretenimento que conecta o mundo virtual com o mundo real. No caso concreto do GLC, pode existir o ecrã todo-o-terreno MBUX com “capô transparente”, em que – até velocidades de 8 km/h – há uma vista virtual debaixo do carro através do compartimento do motor.
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A propósito de condução fora de estrada, a tração integral 4MATIC, o Dynamic Select com modo Off-Road e o Assistente de Descida (DSR) permitem ao novo Mercedes-Benz GLC ter uma excelente performance em caminhos não pavimentados.
Motorizações eletrificadas
O novo Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé é proposto com motorizações diesel (eletrificadas com sistema de 48 V) e híbridas plug-in (diesel e gasolina). As variantes híbridas plug-in oferecem autonomias totalmente elétricas superiores a 100 km.
As motorizações diesel são a GLC Coupé 220 d 4MATIC (1993 cc e 197 + 23 cv) e a GLC Coupé 300 d 4MATIC (1993 cc e 269 + 23 cv). As versões plug-in são a GLC Coupé 300 e 4MATIC (motor 1999 cc a gasolina de 204 cv e motor elétrico de 136 cv), a GLC Coupé 300 de 4MATIC (motor 1993 cc a diesel de 197 cv e e motor elétrico de 136 cv) e a GLC 400 e 4MATIC (motor 1999 cc a gasolina de 252 cv e motor elétrico e motor elétrico de 136 cv). Estas variantes têm autonomias elétricas que podem chegar a 130 km e estão equipadas de série com um carregador de 11 kW para carregar a bateria de alta tensão a partir de uma tomada elétrica AC residencial ou através da wallbox trifásica. Além disso, está disponível como opção um carregador rápido DC de 60 kW. A bateria tem capacidade 31,2 kWh, o que significa que num carregador rápido DC de 60 kW carrega em 30 minutos.
Preços desde 81 549,99 euros
Quanto a preços, o novo Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé (C254) arranca nos 81 550 euros do GLC 220 d 4MATIC Coupé. O GLC 300 d 4MATIC Coupé tem preços a partir de 90 200 euros. Quanto as versões híbridas plug-in, o GLC 300 e 4MATIC Coupé é proposto por 87 650 euros, o GLC 300 de 4MATIC Coupé por 89 550 euros e o GLC 400 e 4MATIC Coupé por 91 750 euros.
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renaultportugal · 1 year
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Com a campanha de reconquista do segmento C - um dos principais objectivos do plano estratégico Renaulution - bem encaminhada, graças aos sucessos do Megane E-Tech 100% Eléctrico, do Arkana e do Austral, é tempo de a Renault dar o próximo passo no segmento D. O primeiro foi o relançamento do novo e familiar Espace; o segundo é um modelo completamente inovador e ousado: o novo Rafale.
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Agora que a Renault renovou o seu arsenal tecnológico em matéria de grupos motopropulsores híbridos, de chassis e de equipamentos eletrónicos, a marca tinha a obrigação de apresentar um novo porta-estandarte: o novíssimo Renault Rafale.
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Rafale é a palavra francesa que evoca o vento e é, também, uma referência aeronáutica. A aviação desempenhou um papel importante na história da Renault: o Caudron-Renault Rafale que, em 1934, voou a uns recordistas 445 km/h de velocidade, é apenas um exemplo.
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O novo Renault Rafale é o primeiro automóvel de produção inteiramente concebido de acordo com a nova linguagem visual que Gilles Vidal introduziu já como responsável pelo Design da Renault. O novo Renault Rafale inaugura uma nova era no design da Renault: é visionário, audacioso, em perfeita sintonia com o seu tempo e adaptado a uma época em que tudo avança cada vez mais depressa e em que só os modelos de vanguarda se mantêm atraentes ao longo do seu ciclo de vida.
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O novo Renault Rafale também dispõe de conectividade de última geração, de um grupo motopropulsor E-Tech híbrido de 200 cv, tão eficaz quanto económico, e utiliza materiais reciclados.
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Nasceu para elevar o prazer de condução a novos patamares de excelência e vai ser enriquecido com avanços tecnológicos que o vão colocar no topo do universo dos automóveis de alto desempenho, com um novo grupo motopropulsor E-Tech 4x4, com 300 cv de potência.
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A Renault construiu o seu ADN em torno da otimização do prazer de condução - mas não do tipo egocêntrico: é um prazer que o condutor desfruta ao lado dos passageiros, num "automóvel para a vida e para ser vivido". O prazer de condução é uma prioridade, mas nunca em detrimento dos passageiros, que também podem usufruir do espaço a bordo e das várias comodidades. O novo Renault Rafale é um SUV-coupé gratificante, com um aspeto tão vibrante como a sensação de o conduzir, e é uma oportunidade para partilhar uma experiência de condução intensa com os seus amigos ou filhos, por mais crescidos que sejam.
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O novo Renault Rafale E-Tech híbrido de 200 cv chega, aos diferentes mercados, na primavera de 2024.
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Ficha técnica
Dimensões e pesos
Comprimento: 4,71 m
Largura: 1,86 m
Altura: 1,61 m
Distância entre eixos:  2,74 m
Vão dianteiro:  942 mm
Vão traseiro: 1029 mm
Altura ao solo: 180 mm
Peso: a partir de 1653 kilos
Capacidade da mala: 530 VDA dm3
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E-Tech full hybrid 200 cv
Motor de combustão: 1.2 L 96 kW (130 cv) e 205 Nm
Motores elétricos: 50 kW e 205 Nm / 25 kW e 50 Nm
Bateria: 2 kWh / 400 V
Caixa de velocidade: automática multi-modo
E-Tech 4x4 300 cv
Disponível em data a anunciar.
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evaskaenergy8 · 4 months
How to Calculate the Roof Top Area Required to Install Solar Panels
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With an abundance of sunny days, India has become a major participant in the worldwide solar energy market. India is in the top five countries in the world, right up there with well-established leaders like China, Germany, and the US, with a solar capacity of more than 10 GW.  Every Indian state is assiduously pursuing its solar goals as it embarks on its path to harvest solar electricity. And in the middle of this development, Evaska Energy has made a noble move. All of the pertinent information on solar policy has been collected and arranged into one convenient platform. Evaska Energy is dedicated to more than just disseminating knowledge, though. Their goal is to enable people and companies by providing an in-depth analysis of state-specific laws. Evaska Energy can help you understand net metering and other regulatory nuances. Our Rooftop Solar Gurgaon regulations section carefully classifies them according to the type of user, ensuring a customised approach to meet the needs of residential, commercial, and industrial clients.
We have exceeded regulatory requirements by going above and beyond. At Evaska Energy, we recognise the value of arming you with the knowledge you need to make well-informed choices about adopting solar power. Along with information on loans, custom duty exemptions, accelerated depreciation, and incentives, we have put together a comprehensive list of funding choices that are accessible in each state. Our aim is to make the switch to solar energy as easy and smooth as possible for you. We really think that giving people the information they need to make decisions that will benefit the environment and contribute to a sustainable future is important. Come learn about India's solar potential with us at Evaska Energy and acquire a comprehensive grasp of finance and policy choices.
What Is The Cost Of A Rooftop Solar Panel For An Ideal House?
Are you considering adding a sun electricity venture on your rooftop but are not sure how much area you may need? Don't worry in any respect! You've arrived at the appropriate place. This post will offer you a clean, easy-to-comply tutorial on figuring out how much rooftop area is required to put in solar panels for a residential sun venture that is ready to go. You should examine your preceding 12 months's strength bills to ascertain the vital amount of solar panels. Look for a column showing the monthly Electricity Units (kWh) utilised. Once you've got the preceding one year' really worth of records, in reality, follow these three steps:
Determine the Average Monthly Electricity Consumption:
By including all the gadgets fed on every month and dividing the result by twelve. This will offer you your property's average month-to-month power use (in units in keeping with month).
Calculate the Solar Project's Total Size:
Divide the monthly total power generated by a 1 kW sun system by way of the average month-to-month energy use (measured in devices). This will provide you with the solar task's overall size (in kW).
Determine How Many Solar Panels Are Needed in Total:
Divide the total size of one sun panel by using the entire length of the sun mission (measured in kW), which becomes acquired inside the preceding level. You will then realize how many solar panels in general are wished.
It is noteworthy that a single solar panel normally has a total size of 330 Watts or 0.33 kW. Remember that one kW is equivalent to one thousand Watts. Let's use an example to demonstrate this calculation:
Assume the monthly use shown below is what your home's electricity bills for the past 12 months indicate:
[in Units] 210, 300, 400, 500, 500, 600, 400, 300, 200, 200, 210
You may now calculate the necessary rooftop area for your Solar Power Project by following the previously outlined methods.
Consequently, 4320 units is the total amount of power used in a year, which is the total of all monthly units utilised. A 1 kW solar system in India produces 120 units in a 30-day month. The size of each solar panel is 330 watts or 0.33 kW.  We will utilise a three-step process to calculate the total quantity of solar panels required to power Your home. The average month-to-month energy usage, or 360 gadgets (4320 divided by 12), is first decided. Next, we calculate the sun venture's usual length, which comes out to three kW, or 3000 watts (360 divided by way of 120). In the give-up, we calculate the total number of sun panels wished, which comes out to be approximately nine panels (3000 / 330).
In conclusion, Your house would require a 3 kW sun plant along with 9 sun panels, each with a capacity of 330 watts. Now, allow's find out the overall rooftop location needed to deploy those solar panels. Each sun panel with a capability of 330 watts has a general surface place of approximately 20.86 sq. Feet. To calculate the total rooftop location, virtually multiply the floor vicinity of one panel via the wide variety of panels required for your own home. In Your's case, the whole rooftop vicinity wished is 187.74 sq. Feet. (20.86 sq. Toes. Increased via nine panels).
Please be aware that this calculation assumes the panels are installed returned to returned and aspect by aspect. However, in practical installation, there should be space left between rows and columns of solar panels for easy cleaning and maintenance access. As a rule of thumb, you can install 1 kW of solar panels in 100 sq. ft. of shadow-free area on an RCC roof. Therefore, for a 3 kW solar plant, the required area would be 300 sq. ft. Now that you understand the calculation for the estimated area required, you can proceed with your new rooftop solar project accordingly.
Evaska Energy: A Perfect Budget-Friendly Option
Evaska Energy is your reliable resource for information on solar panel technology in India. Being a well-known producer of solar equipment, we place a high value on renewable energy and client satisfaction. We provide the expertise and solutions to assist you in becoming energy-independent and lowering your carbon impact, whether you're a business or a homeowner. Discover the splendour of Gurgaon's inexpensive commercial solar panels from Evaska Energy, providing affordable brackets of roof solar panels cost. By using solar energy, you may fight urban pollution and promote a cleaner environment by removing damaging carbon dioxide emissions. Adopt this eco-friendly strategy to cut carbon emissions and open the door to a more sustainable future.
Evaska Energy is at the forefront of rooftop solar solutions in Delhi. Since we are aware of each resident's particular needs and preferences, we provide Gurgaon with premium installations at affordable costs. As a reputable rooftop solar company in the Delhi NCR area, we are experts at creating unique solar solutions that precisely suit each client's requirements. Give Evaska Energy a call to help you find your way to a more environmentally and energy-conscious future.
Source URL: https://www.evaskaenergy.com/blog/how-to-calculate-the-roof-top-area-required-to-install-solar-panels
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