izicodes · 1 year
Pro-tip on the #100DaysOfCode Challenge 💻💗
You do not have to do the challenge for 100 days straight.
You just have to learn how to code for 100 days.
You can take break days that fit around your work, school or other lifestyle schedules.
Don't beat yourself up because after Day 10 you're a lot busier than usual and can't study for that day.
100 days does look daunting but you can do it with breaks.
30 mins of studying every day is better than cramming for 4 hours one weekend day.
Take your time learning. Bit by bit.
- Loa xoxo
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100 Days of Code: Day 1
I am starting this off with a lot on my plate, but I'm starting slow. I don't want to overwhelm myself.
My targets for Day 1: 21/09/2023
Solve 5 problems on Leetcode [DP, Greedy/Recursive, maybe] (~2 hours) 💻
Do GCCF Module 4 (and complete course 1) (~1 hour) ☁
Do Gen AI module 1 (~1 hour) 🤖
I'll write back here under this post!
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studentbyday · 11 months
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day 43 // 100dop
my brain still feels like sludge today but we're getting through things (albeit at a slower pace...)!
finished chem chapter
wrote the dreaded lab report introduction (it was not so dreadful to write it, it turns out...)
day 44 // 100dop && day 27 // 100doc
sent lab report
finished quiz (i got a B...it could've been worse but omg i was so tensed doing it, it felt terrible, and then after all that...i get that result, i expect better of myself!! 😮‍💨 🧘‍♀️ what's important is that i learn from my mistakes...)
finished data structures lecture
finished data structures practice problem
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vexacarnivorous · 1 year
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day 7/100 | saturday | 20/5/23
*lays on ground and regrets not keeping my day 30 place* woo i'm back up to at least a week at least! anyways, what i did today:
started a javascript project (a to-do list) which i found from @xiabablog's javascript project list.
tweaked the code from my linktree/personal website on my neocities a little so that the image doesn't slide waaaaay over to the right when you're on mobile (and learned a little more about css media queries).
did another quick program on replit's site of their 100doc course ('what generation are you?' quiz). man, i can't wait until i get back to doing more complex stuff for python, but at least it's over fast?
tried out the new free discord activities with my friends. omg it's so fun, we all should try it sometime (this is directed to any of my mutuals who'd like to).
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exoticstudies · 5 years
8/100 #DaysOfCode
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For a recap, I’ve been doing the section 1 practice + projects on freeCodeCamp. That’s the HTML and CSS section. I’ve completed all the practice items, but I’m currently on project number 2 of 5 to get the HTML certification. This post is really to affirmed that I haven’t gone back on my public commitment.
I’m gonna try and post everyday now. I’ve just been a little swamped between school,…
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i-hate-toast-blog · 6 years
750 Words: The challenge of challenges
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This will be interesting. I could not sleep and started stressing about getting up in time to ride to the train station for the 7a train, so I gave up the ghost at 4a and just got myself ready for the 4:54a bus. I am not sure how coding on the bus will go. It’s not as smooth a ride. Jiggly lap => jiggly laptop => rando typos. I have no problem coding every day. I do not need the 100-days-of-code…
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kaliforniaco · 5 years
@CynthiasParadox THIS! Wow, how I needed to see this - I've even been afraid to start into 100DOC because of this same issue. I drive 100 miles a night for work, listen to Harvard CS50, Web, Beyond and MOOCs audio so I can have an idea of what getting home looks like #100DaysOfCode
THIS! Wow, how I needed to see this - I've even been afraid to start into 100DOC because of this same issue. I drive 100 miles a night for work, listen to Harvard CS50, Web, Beyond and MOOCs audio so I can have an idea of what getting home looks like #100DaysOfCode
— Dave Epps (@dave_epps) August 23, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/dave_epps
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izicodes · 8 months
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Friday 22nd September 2023
I have been doing some coding the past few days but simply forgot to post about it... I have been working on doing the Computer Science path on codeacademy, learning about Python dictionaries and working with files like .csv and .txt!
Last night and today I have been working on the random project to test my skills with jQuery and SCSS!
Subjects I have been studying: ✧ Python (completed) ✧ SCSS (completed) ✧ jQuery (completed)
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izicodes · 8 months
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Tuesday 3rd October 2023
I literally slept most of the day but I managed to get some work done on SheCodes with my Pinki Weather Web App and oh my goodness I am stuck. Does anyone know how to use API with keys? I say 'with keys' because I know how to use them without keys and it's worked in the past but now it's not working for me?
The functionality I want is when you click the button, get the value of the button which would be the city's name, push it through the API's URL and get the object back so I can play around and get the specific data I want. You would think that's relevantly easy for me but I've been struggling! Just not working when I tried to make a function around the apiURL. Also I am using the Open Weather Map API!
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🍂How long have you been programming for?
From around 2017-2019 off and on with HTML and CSS and the around 2020 I took programming more seriously and started off with JavaScript and Python! So, around 5-6 years coding in general but I would say 3 years taking it seriously! 🥰👍🏾
{ @multidimensionalsock's Codetober challenge | previous post }
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izicodes · 8 months
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Tuesday 10th October 2023
Studying Python and I thought I knew how to work with files like .txt, .csv but I did some exercises and I knew nothing and kept having to look at my notes~! That's all okay but I thought I knew enough to not look back on notes but hey ho, back to revision~! (´;ω;`)
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🍂 Programming pet peeve?
I don't really know? Maybe sometimes when looking at other websites and their padding / margin is off or something along the lines of how they designed the website, I would be a bit put off, if it's really bad I would go in dev tools and change it. I know I would be the only one who would see those changes but makes me feel a bit better using the website~! (done it to Instagram's web version before...)
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⤷ ○ ♡ my shop ○ my twt ○ my youtube ○ pinned post ○ blog's navigation ♡ ○
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izicodes · 8 months
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Thursday 12th October 2023
Had a good morning and I hope everyone liked the New Year’s resolution tracker I made! I know it’s only October but I like doing things like this early since it’s makes me feel more productive and love planning the future!
Anyhoo, today I have a mate help me learn C++ randomly because I helped him code some pages in his website so in return he said he would teach me C++! This is so random I don’t really have a use for C++ right now however C++ is on my ‘programming to-try list’ so I’m like why not~? I’ve learnt about pointers, references, RAM and heaps(???)!
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🍂 What's something you've worked on that you're most proud of?
I think it would be the TumblrTextTint and working on the #3days1projects challenge! I spent so much time on the first project so I feel like it’s my baby! The set of projects I made during the challenge were super fun so yeah those are my most proud ones (I probably have other but can’t think from the top of my head properly)!
🍂 What do you do/ what would like to do with programming? Or is it just a hobby?
I learn it to build websites and work on projects I like! I primarily focus on designing and building websites but if I find a cool project that I want to be a part of but it's a programming language I am not used to, I will learn it to start working on that project. In the future I would like to see how I can use my programming skills in Robotics but that's for way into the future!
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izicodes · 8 months
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Saturday 7th October 2023
I didn't do much coding on any personal projects or study on any programming languages today but I did help a friend out on his business' website! It's a React.js based project but I mostly worked with HTML and SCSS in the project!
Also got the chance to work from a Figma wireframe of the website and he taught me lots of information! I was like SpongeBob, absorbing all the information! This really gave me a push to learn how to use Figma and maybe even work on bigger projects!
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🍂 What's your least favorite thing about programming?
It's not really programming but I keep forgetting concepts and having to go back over and over again. Literally how me and Python's relationship is right now!
{ @multidimensionalsock's Codetober challenge | previous post }
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izicodes · 8 months
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Monday 9th October 2023
Currently doing some late night Python study on learning about reading and writing files like .txt, .csv and now I am up to the .json files which I have done in the past for old projects but it's nice to have a refresher!
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🍂 What kind of stuff do you like to program?
Mostly websites, then the occasional WPF projects, browser extensions and console apps! With the websites, I like to aim for building pretty websites, something useful to either myself or to others or something I am passionate about!
{ @multidimensionalsock's Codetober challenge | previous post }
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izicodes · 8 months
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Friday 6th October 2023
Today I was a bit more productive than I have been the last couple of days! Super proud of myself!
Create a replica project { completed }
Study on jQuery { completed }
Completed jQuery section on FreeCodeCamp { completed }
Work on Floral shop project { working }
Python Study { not completed }
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🍂 What's your favorite thing about programming?
The ability to turn something from your imagination into reality. From games to websites to personal private programs that help you. You think of it, plan and created it. Helping others and yourself.
{ @multidimensionalsock's Codetober challenge | previous post }
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izicodes · 9 months
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Wednesday 13th September 2023
I've officially kicked off the #100DaysOfCode challenge, and I owe my inspiration to @hayaway post about the 110 days left in the year. Working on my skills and the list I made earlier of what I want to study before the year ends sounded too good to pass up. Day 1was me just on the FreeCodeCamp's C# course - I've set a daily goal to complete a section of the course~! Probably take 30 mins a day, which is fine!
Also check out my new Twitter since now I found out about the study community and everyone is so nice and inspiring~! : my account 🤍
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izicodes · 8 months
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Monday 16th October 2023
Again doing minimal coding as I was busy today again! I got to realising how to manage all the things I have to do for the next couple of weeks so I will put into action those tasks straightaway! Last night I learnt some C++. need to revise over the pointers, references and heaps so I don't forget it like I forgot React in a matter of hours-
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🍂 What do you think is your strongest skill in terms of programming?
That zeal to want to learn everything anything - not for a job but just to learn how to program all kinds of stuff!
🍂 How's the challenge going so far?
Been a bit inconsistent but I've been loving it!
🍂 What do you most need to work on?
My scheduling my time properly to make the most of my day!
{Codetober challenge | previous post }
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