#100th year anniversary
sparebutton · 10 months
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❄️Happy 10th anniversary of Frozen!❄️
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loudlyhappycupcake · 10 months
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Dipper and Mabel Pines in Modern Disney TVA Styles Meet Dipper and Mabel Pines, the lovable characters from the hit Disney Channel series Gravity Falls. Imagine them in the same style as the popular Disney TV animation shows like Big City Greens, Amphibia, and The Owl House. These modern cartoons have captured the hearts of viewers everywhere, and now Dipper and Mabel are ready to join in on the fun! @sonicasonic
@shironezuninja @soniathedangerhedgefox2015
@kbarts01 @andykasane @jademz1711
@nevaehjwilliamsvaeh @untitled14360
@kuskicanlove @angryscreenshot @aaronzilla2007
@aamericanotaku @collector-noceda-clawthorne
@cartoonfan21 @enchanted chocolatebars @bitter
-yet-civilized @homuncvlus @pinkdiamondstar
@snoopierdass @waltdiegi-theartist @d-blue02
@evander2511 @neokun25 @serentiydraw5678
@frluttershi @jimenacake16 @jikothemartian-z
@jeffreybrosseau @popssipop
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bobendsneyder64 · 3 months
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MotoGP in their stories (30-06-24)
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deadpresidents · 1 year
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Exactly 100 years ago, President Warren Gamaliel Harding escaped the sweltering summer weather and increasingly dark political climate of Washington, D.C. to embark upon a lengthy cross-country trip through parts of the American West still relatively unaccustomed to frequent visits by the nation’s Chief Executive. Billed as a “Voyage of Understanding”, Harding’s trip was seen as a prelude to his potential campaign for re-election the following year, and an opportunity to put some literal and figurative distance between the President and the rumors of rampant corruption swirling around some of Harding’s friends and closest aides from Ohio, as well as several Cabinet members — rumors eventually proven to be true, resulting in indictments, convictions, prison sentences, and even suicides. As President Harding prepared for his Western tour, he could feel the heat as the scandals plaguing his Administration began to reach a boiling point. Speaking privately to the famous journalist and editor William Allen White, Harding said of the Presidency, “My God, this is a hell of a job! I have no trouble with my enemies…But my damn friends, they’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights.”
Harding’s planned 15,000-mile Voyage of Understanding began on June 20, 1923. Traveling aboard the private Pullman railroad car Superb, the 57-year-old President left Washington, D.C. accompanied by First Lady Florence Harding, Speaker of the House of Representatives Frederick H. Gillett, new Interior Secretary Hubert Work, and a large retinue of aides, friends and their families, doctors, Secret Service agents, and members of the press. Work had become Secretary of the Interior a few months earlier when the previous Secretary, Albert B. Fall, became the “fall guy” for the Teapot Dome scandal. For his role in the scandal, Fall was later convicted of accepting bribes — the first former Cabinet member in American history to serve time in prison for crimes committed while in office. At later points along the journey, Harding’s party was also joined by Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace (father of future Vice President Henry A. Wallace) and Secretary of Commerce (and future President) Herbert Hoover.
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The last week of June 1923 was spent traveling through the Mountain West — Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Yellowstone National Park. The beginning of July saw the Presidential party in the Northwest and celebrating Independence Day in Portland, Oregon before boarding the USS Henderson in Tacoma, Washington on July 5, 1923 to sail to Alaska. One of the expected highlights of the Voyage of Understanding was the northernmost  leg of the trip, as Harding became the first incumbent President of the United States to visit Alaska and Canada. The Territory of Alaska had been purchased for the United States by Secretary of State William Seward in 1867 when Warren G. Harding was two years old, and at the time of Harding’s visit, Alaska was still 35 years from being admitted to the Union as the 49th state. But the President spent nearly the entire month of July traveling through the state, mixing public appearances with private recreation and sightseeing. On July 15, 1923, Harding hammered a golden spike in Nenana, Alaska to officially complete the Alaska Railroad. And ten days later, the President crossed into Canada, fishing on the Campbell River in British Columbia on July 25th and then making an official visit the following day in Vancouver, where he was greeted by one of the largest crowds of his voyage — estimated at over 40,000 people — and where he also squeezed in a round of golf at the exclusive Shaughnessy Golf Club.
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The President returned to American soil on July 27th, arriving in Seattle and making several speeches in a busy six-hour period — first to Camp Fire Girls at Volunteer Park, then to nearly 30,000 Boy Scouts at Woodland Park, and finishing the day addressing over 30,000 people at what is now Husky Stadium at the University of Washington where he predicted statehood for Alaska, where he had spent most of the month. After making a brief appearance that evening at the Seattle Press Club, Harding boarded his train that night to travel to Portland, Oregon.
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But something was not right. The President seemed to be exhausted, perhaps from the grueling trip through geography much wilder than Harding’s native Ohio or swampy Washington, D.C. Despite his exciting journey through Alaska and the energetic welcome provided by the Canadian people, Harding was clearly wiped out by the time he reached British Columbia. The President did head to the country club while in Vancouver, but he was so tired that after six holes of golf his foursome skipped directly to the eighteenth hole, seemingly completing the round without tipping off the press that Harding couldn’t play the entire course.
From the White House, nine days before embarking upon his Voyage of Understanding, Harding wrote a quick note to Solicitor General James M. Beck who had wished the President a safe journey on his upcoming trip. Thanking Beck, Harding wrote, “I shall try to remember not to overdo (it) in crossing the continent.” And, on June 14, 1923, six days before leaving, President Harding wrote a short letter to a young girl from Hartford, Connecticut named Vivian Little, who had recently sent the President a four-leaf clover as a good luck charm. “Thank you so much for the four-leaf clover which you were so good as to press and send to me,” the President wrote. “I hope it will bring me good luck and that it will bring you still more of the same.”
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However, any luck that President Warren G. Harding still had seemed to be running out. Ill and exhausted after leaving Vancouver, Harding tried to rest aboard the USS Henderson as it sailed to Seattle in the early morning hours of July 27. At some point around 3 AM, Harding and the other passengers aboard the Henderson were jolted awake as the ship crashed into the USS Zeilin, an American destroyer accompanying the Presidential party while they traveled through the foggy Puget Sound. This was not the first mishap of the Voyage of Understanding. While traveling through Colorado early in the trip, three people from the President’s party had been killed in a car accident. And now, after a few weeks in Alaska where Harding was able to at least temporarily forget about his Administration’s many troubles, the President was not only sick and tired but two of his Navy’s ships had just smashed into each other almost as soon as he had returned to the continental United States. While the USS Zeilin was badly damaged in the collision, the USS Henderson was not and there were apparently no major injuries on either vessel. But when the President’s valet, Major Arthur Brooks, came to Harding’s stateroom aboard the Henderson to inform him that the captain was calling for all hands on deck, he found the depressed President lying on his bed with his face buried in his hands. “I hope the boat sinks,” President Harding quietly muttered.
It was just hours later that Harding made his whirlwind tour through Seattle, putting on a brave face at his public appearances, but clearly not feeling well. While he was never considered a brilliant orator like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Harrison, or his immediate predecessor, Woodrow Wilson, Harding was a strong speaker and excellent communicator who had a unique ability to connect with audiences, but he was obviously — and unusually — halting and confused while speaking in Seattle on July 27th. As he boarded his train at Seattle’s King Street Station that night, Harding was examined by his doctor and by Interior Secretary Hubert Work, who had once been a physician, and they decided to cancel the next several days of planned activities. Instead of stopping in Portland and then visiting Yosemite National Park, the Presidential party was ordered to proceed directly to San Francisco where Harding could rest before giving a speech on the radio planned for July 31st which was expected to be heard by over 5 million people.
Despite the four-leaf clover that had been sent to him by Vivian Little before his Voyage of Understanding, Warren Gamaliel Harding’s luck seemed to be running out. And, as his train sped through Oregon en route to San Francisco’s Palace Hotel on July 28, 1923, President Harding was also running out of time.  
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seeksstaronmewni · 11 months
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Today's new episode of Teen Titans GO!, which took 3 weeks to actually air (finally), means a LOT to me, but Cartoon Network characters being part of the TTG WB 100th Anniversary Special made this special all the more...
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A worthy successor to the OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes episode "Crossover Nexus" in terms of @cartoonnetwork lore.
Oh, and as if Tom and Jerry and the work of Genndy Tartakovsky showing up wasn't already special enough; that and the work of @maxwellatoms showing up is to die for!
Say @chrisbattleart ; aren't you a bit jealous of not getting to work on the later TTG episodes?
I consider this part of Cartoon Network's 30th Birthday year since it was supposed to air in September 2023, but apparently some slight revisions had to be made (assuming that it isn't Warner Bros. Discovery's fault or David Zaslav's fault).
Tweet version here.
CHARACTER DESIGN: @rileyphillips
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disneydude94 · 9 months
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Celebrating 100 years of Disney, Warner Bros., Hollywood, and the Flying Scotsman! Good thing I photoshopped here before the end of the year. Please enjoy!
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joshuasumter · 10 months
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When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference of who you really are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
And if your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
Happy 122nd birthday, Walt Disney, and on the 100th anniversary of your magic and wonder because dreams became memories that last a lifetime through 100 years of stories, magic, and wonder. Disney is still inspiring us all, thanks to the many generations of us fans, followers, and storytellers that made Disney part of their lives and ours.
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sithvampiremaster27 · 9 months
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I am a HUGE Disney fan, and also a toy collector.
Since this year the House of Mouse celebrated their 100th Anniversary, I bought a LOT of Disney toys, and here you can see all of them.
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zahri-melitor · 12 days
Oh it's a good day! I was checking the second hand market for some of my missing EBDs and not only did I spot a copy of Heather Leaves School, meaning that I now have a complete set of La Rochelles, the same seller also had a Chalet School I don't own in a GGB edition, meaning that I am now down to 9 remaining missing titles out of 60, and I have alternate editions for 3 of them anyway.
My outstanding list:
The Chalet School and Jo (my white whale; I have an Armada and it's uncut but it's my last outstanding Tirol and I want them to match dammit)
The Mystery at the Chalet School (I have this in an Armada with Rosalie)
The Chalet School and Rosalie (I have this in an Armada with Mystery)
The Chalet School and Richenda (my other white whale. Ricki you're probably my last favourite book in the series before the Swiss books get overly so. Plus I've only read the heavily edited version)
Trials for the Chalet School (again it's a very major cuts paperback, but on the other hand some of the cuts are particularly EBDish opinions on atheism, soooooo)
Joey and Co in Tirol (my last outstanding holiday book)
Adrienne and the Chalet School (yes I know people like to hate on Adrienne but also it contains Robin! And Sœur Marie-Cécile is worth any number of ridiculous coincidences)
Summer Term at the Chalet School (look I've read Erica's book and getting this is pure completionism on my part but also it's so silly)
Prefects of the Chalet School (I have not read it. And while I am going to grit my teeth through parts of it, it is the end of an era)
(Do not ask me how much my GGB EBD collection is worth, I don't want to add it up, but also they bring me joy and if I ever feel the need to sell them they are going on consignment to a specialist second hand shop who will no doubt greet them fondly)
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artisofthandy · 11 months
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Yep! You read the title correctly! It is Disney’s 100th birthday, it’s 100th anniversary; 100 years AKA a full century! Happy special centenary Walt Disney Entertainment Company + Studios and Pictures too! Disney is a very impactful, influential and inspiring yet important company that has created many communities throughout generations as well as create many pieces of media from films and cinematography in both live-action and animation to pieces of shorts, games, media and much more! Many dreams have came true, many forms of inspiration and creativity have been achieved and worked to the fullest potential to give it the wonderful magic and beauty that many Disney movies tend to have in common with! As a company tho, Disney has done rather questionable and controversial both in past and present but not everything is perfect. I understand that. (Great job on that to the people who worked extremely hard on this!) And I’d like to say thank you to Walt Disney, Roy Disney, and much, much more for not only Mickey Mouse representing the Disney Company and Community but to how Disney came to be as one beautiful story full of dreams, lessons, enthusiasm, inspiration, joy, love, wonder and magic throughout the entire world to those young currently and young at heart filled with memories and nostalgia and honestly, you done well Disney and everyone else, you done amazing through the century.
Happy 100th Anniversary full of Wonder, Stories, Dream, Magic and Memories Disney entirely! Thank you for the many glamorous and sparkling times! We love you Disney despite your historical background and flaws!
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son-of-drogo · 3 months
So I was babysitting my four year old neighbor last night and saw Wish. It wasn't bad, just unfinished.
The animation was interesting and the backgrounds were frankly amazing. It just wasn't to the standards a "100 years in the making" movie should be.
I think they were way too concerned with having nods to other Disney classics than making the movie its own thing and it just felt like they rushed putting the movie out. Like there were a lot of good concepts there and I think it could have benefited from a year or two more in production because it felt more like a cash grab than the labor of love it should have been.
But you know, studios don't wanna pay for good movies they just wanna make movies that make them money. Then they complain that nobody wants to go to the movie theater anymore.
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neosmanlymancave · 4 months
rip franz kafka it’s been 100 years since you died, you would’ve loved ‘would you still love me if i was a worm’
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p1325 · 1 year
Song: Never Ending Story (Extended Mix) Artist: Limahl
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naggingatlas · 9 months
official schizotypy coin it has discord from mlp on one side and telltale joker on the other as the two main figures in the representation of this mental condition in history
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araminakilla · 11 months
Hello? Can someone give me a Mirabel card please, I really need her to complete this Tik Tok collection.
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Pretty please
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loudlyhappycupcake · 2 years
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Disney 100th years of wonder and Warner Bros entertainment 100th anniversary @shezow-wordgirl @jj-the-hamster @clairaquos
@shironezuninja @adriennbanai-09 @adriennsposts @bitter-yet-civilized @dumb-ass-biatch@rainbowquartz31@cartoonfan21
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